Superpower Candy 🍬 | Kids Cartoon | Safety Education for Kids | Sheriff Labrador | BabyBus

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Baby Bus super power candy I am [Music] Superman zoom zoom [Applause] zoom if only we were like Superman we could zoom and jump without falling down just e my superpower candy and you can run as fast as Lightning you'll never fall anymore as fast as Lightning no way let me show [Music] you hey she disappear I'm here so it's true I want that super power candy I can give you some but it will cost a lot of money I got it is this enough no then I'll give you my toy too is that enough sure three candies for you [Music] thanks Daddy we must have superpowers by now right sure we can go faster than the dragonfly hey let's [Music] go what's going [Music] on Mr Yak why were you running after the dragonfly we just ate some superp power candy and tried to see if we could catch up with the dragonfly there's no such thing as superpower candy but that lady did run super fast after eating the candy yeah she was as fast as Lighty zooming over there and then zooming back here can you show me the candy huh H this is just ordinary candy it can't be if it's fake I lost a lot of money where did you buy the candy over [Music] there Mr Yak you should go to the hospital we'll go have a [Music] look let's pretend to be ordinary people and see what tricks she's [Music] playing look at me do I look handsome ouch it hurts what's going on just eat my superp power candy and you can run as fast as Lightning you'll never fall anymore H can it really do that oh of course eat this candy and you can be as fast as lightning here here and here did I see things right it's impossible to have superpowers you're wrong let me show you again she must be tricking us go to the places where she just appeared here here [Music] H now do you believe me the police you're lying again antel you are not as fast as Lightning it's just your lookalike sisters hiding in different places and showing up one after another so you found out do you think there are only three three of us huh you'll never catch Dr an let's go see you later bye stop right there stop 3 2 1 ouch you're coming with us Sheriff la for door safety [Music] talk kids if someone is selling something and saying that it's magical they might be trying to trick you and take your money please be careful and don't fall for it can you remember [Music] that dentists are not scary Daddy I don't want to go to the dental clinic no no dentist no shots and no medicine but if you don't see a dentist your toothache will get worse another kid who's afraid of seeing the dentist meet professional dentist an no shots no medicine healthy teeth happy life really no shots no medicine sounds great Daddy [Music] let's find Dr in to take a look at my teeth are you looking for me wow Dr [Music] red little elephant you have some serious cavities they need to be treated right now or the cavity germs will eat up your whole [Applause] teeth that's so scary Dr an please treat my son's teeth follow me you won't hurt at [Music] all only patience can come in oh okay lie down please don't be nervous it won't take [Music] long oh wow your teeth look fine now but it still hurts oh my I missed an important step open your mouth it doesn't hurt anymore thank you Dr an and here's the bill what it's so so expensive it doesn't hurt anymore [Music] what's wrong sweetie my [Music] te it's little elepant sweetie are you okay my teeth hurt again that's strange we just got them treated by Dr an why do they hurt again Dr an [Applause] huh H this is paint take him to the hospital [Music] now I feel much better going to the dentist is not scary at all that's right so if you have a toothache come see me right away Mr elephant Dr an you met earlier was a fake dentist you should be careful from now on let's go find this fake dentist got it meet professional dentist and no shots no medicine healthy is that true I'll go first I'll go first don't push everyone what a time please I can't believe it she fooled so many people Doby don't be so hurried [Music] oh please check my tooth it's been hurting for so long mine too M too I'll go first oh it hurts so much please let me go [Music] first a rich guy oh no I think this gentleman needs to be treated right now this way please please open your mouth [Music] oh dear you have a bad cavity your whole tooth is black no that's a piece of lettuce stuck in his teeth from eating a sandwich it really is sorry my glasses are dirty now I can see clearly oh dear you have other cavities they all need to be extracted all of them then how do I eat oh you can use Dr Ed's golden [Music] teeth let me try first why do they taste sweet oh they're not golden it's chocolate inside she's not a doctor you're a big dentist huh F we almost fell for it who are you the police we' got you you're coming with us you'll never catch Dr antel B stop [Music] OU you'll never catch me ouch oh my [Music] tee Sheriff labrador's safety talk kids don't be afraid to see the dentist when your teeth hurt only dentists can help your teeth get better or they will [Music] worsen please remember that be careful of AI face [Music] swapping hi hey little Rhino Little Robin let's go play in the park okay I'll be right there Mommy little Rhino and I will be playing in the park don't be too [Music] late I'm here huh little Rhino where are you I'm here hi little rabbit huh you're not little Rhino I am little Rhino who are you really I can be whoever I want I can even become you you're a bad person come with me H little Rhino hi Miss Rabbit is little rabbit home didn't you ask her on the video call to go outside and play huh I didn't even call her [Music] what Sheriff Lor someone on a video call disguised as little r know trick my daughter into going to the park a bad person must have taken her H looks like another case of AI face swapping fraud little rabbit's in Danger let's go to the park let's split up here okay excuse me have you seen little rabbit around M thank you oh no the police is here I want to go home don't say [Music] anything little little [Music] rabbit little rabbit where are you you can't see me you can't see me a raber [Applause] stop hey little rabbit Sheriff [Music] labador mommy mommy was so worried I almost succeeded stop right there huh you'll never catch Dr atel hey H [Music] uh-huh it's a smoke [Music] Bob where did she go enter the supermarket let's [Music] go how do we find her Doby go the door papon use your equipment to find her Gotti it's time to use my new invention super Flying Eyes oh [Music] wow all in position good now wait for anel to show [Music] up oh no a flying eye I got to hide [Music] another one OU oh that hurts so much found you stop right [Music] there huh why are there two Dobies zoom in the [Music] [Applause] screen no this Doby is fake it's anel disguised as Doby with AI face swapping let's [Music] go stop where did she go watch [Music] me I can't see anything ouch you can't run away huh disguises me you're coming with us oh Mission failed the police are smarter than I [Applause] [Applause] [Music] thought now it's your turn yes Sheriff labrador's safety [Music] talk can kid on video calls bad people can use AI to trick you by making faces of your friends and family members it's good to have a secret code with our family and friends so that we can recognize each other please be careful of your [Music] calls beware of strangers Oh Oh Daddy I need to go to the bathroom oh there it is stay right here until we come back okay uh-huh [Laughter] [Music] okay hey Kake do you want some candy W but come on it's for you okay so yummy you can have much more in my candy shop shop come with me but I have to wait for my daddy and little brother it's not far from here it won't take long okay then I'll buy them some candy pH where did she go my [Music] daughter hi I'm Sheriff Labrador Sheriff Labrador my daughter is missing please help don't worry we'll be right [Music] there while I was taking my son to the bathroom my daughter disappeared let's split up and search oh this is a candy wrapper huh these are sister donkey's Footprints she went that way looks like some someone lured her with candy let's go take a [Music] look wow wow these candies look so yummy there are more yummier candies inside really awesome it's so dark in here I'm scared oh yeah well you can't run away you're a bad [Applause] person welcome the police be quiet wow look at those candies welcome what kind of candy would you like we have fruit candy milk candy chol chocolate lollipops gummies and candy that changes the color of your tongue sorry we're here to find sister donkey oh I haven't seen her around you haven't H that's right huh that's sister donkey's hairpin the owner's lying everyone look around [Music] carefully oh no did they find [Music] something huh huh this is our most popular cotton caddy it's really yummy there must be something behind it we know what to do wow I love C [Music] what's that sound uh no there's nothing behind the door huh found [Music] it there's a secret door here Sheriff laor sister donkey you found her stop right there [Music] you'll never catch Dr [Music] antel it's you again antel oh no try this [Music] [Music] yeah watch out Sheriff La you'll never catch me no matter how hard you try papion Doby switch places okay oh what oh no oh Mission failed I'll never go with strangers [Music] again Sheriff labrador's safety talk [Music] kids some strangers can be bad people so don't trust what they tell you don't eat any food they give you and don't go with them either please remember [Music] that who's following me stop right there [Music] oh no black mamba got away again we need to catch him before he harms other [Music] kids pH finally got away from the Poli bye H the kid is alone it's my chance to take her so yummy what's that sound who is it Mr Beaver there's something strange in that pile of robes let me take a look kid this is just a normal rope look thank you sir you're welcome where did the Rope [Music] go H I'm going to catch you the strange sound again who's following me Daddy can you teach me to jump rope of course again Daddy awesome [Music] oops the Rope is too slippery son let's just go play soccer I'm going to catch you this [Music] time Sheriff labador the police someone's following me what don't be afraid little rabbit we will keep you safe let's go check it out there's no one [Music] here this is the Trail of a [Music] snake [Music] what's this this is Black Mamba scale it's black mamba who's following little rabbit it's him again this time he won't get [Music] away that's it little rabbit we looked around no one's following you don't worry just go home ha the police couldn't find me I'm going to catch you kid this is a faster way home a perfect place to catch the [Music] kid don't run little rabbit huh you can't get away I wasn't planning on getting away H the police we've already seen through your tricks this is called luring the snake you got neon spray paint on you you can't run away chase him there you are the paint stopped here why is there a light here no that's black mamba they found me nobody can run away from [Music] me Sheriff labrador's safety talk [Music] kids going out alone can be dangerous if you notice someone following you don't panic stay calm and quickly run to a crowded place and ask for help please remember these tips W phone call from a stranger sweetie I'm going to the market don't open the door to anyone and don't answer the phone if you don't know the number uhhuh bye who's calling I don't know this number I shouldn't answer it what if it's an emergency hello this is little sheep huh it's a kid hello little sheep are your parents home they went out they are not at home that's great who is this I'm Uncle Bear a friend of your mom and dad don't you remember me oh Uncle Bear that's right I bought a cake for you wow cake can you wait outside I'll be there soon okay I'm coming Uncle Bear there you are come with me oh sweetie where are you sweetie wo hi I'm Sheriff Labrador Sheriff Labrador my child little sheep is missing please help me what we'll be right there Sheriff's Labrador my daughter was playing with Clay right here but she disappeared when I got back don't worry leave it to us the windows are locked from the inside and the room looks all right too huh there's Clay on the phone looks like little sheep answered the phone papion check this number got it hey oh no it's it's a fraud call maybe little sheep was tricked by the phone call where's the location of this number right here rainbow apartment let's [Music] go where is the bad person hiding ouch hello your pizza is arriving soon pizza delivery I have a good idea so hungry what is it congratulations you've won a free Pizza coupon a free pizza H this is your last chance if you don't want it this delicious pizza will go to the next lucky person I'll take it room 602 at Rainbow apartment hurry please papion are you ready I'm ready the super sticky Pizza he'll be stuck right away [Music] wow right here pizza delivery it's here wow my pizza I'm coming huh it's my pizza oh it's mine hands off it's mine give it to [Music] me oh hey police I got to run stop hey ow stop what's that stop stop right there hey move Doby stop you can't catch me hey you can't jump huh bye then stop right there Doby papion use super capture hi super capture move one hey flying goby go [Music] hey you haven't eaten your pizza [Music] yet nobody can run away from me little sheep you're safe now we got the bad guy I'll never answer calls from strangers again [Music] Sheriff labrador's safety talk kids if you get a phone call from a stranger don't answer it just tell your parents if you happen to answer a call from a stranger never tell them you're alone and don't say anything about you or bad people might trick you please remember that the ghost at midnight me oh what's wrong I saw a ghost oh don't be afraid sweetie mommy's here oh oh where's your sister oh a ghost must have taken her a [Music] ghost woof hi I'm my daughter is missing please help me find her a ghost a ghost don't worry you'll be right there oh sheriff Labrador my daughter was sleeping in this room and suddenly she disappeared the ghost must have taken her Hey kid there's no such thing as a ghost but I saw it it was white and its eyes were bright and green it was so scary oh oh sheriff Labrador please save my daughter don't worry no there's no case that I can't solve [Music] let's search sister monkey's room [Music] [Music] first this is a photo of sister monkey there are only child's footprints on the window sill oh and there's no sign that the window was forced open I don't think she was taken by anyone so there's no [Music] ghost H H it's coffee coffee ghost [Music] run the ghost is [Music] [Music] coming who's [Music] there huh they are fireflies [Music] there it [Music] is stop right there I'm going to get you R it's a ghost ghost it's a ghost it's a ghost it's a ghost ghost it's a ghost [Music] [Music] ghost Sheriff Labrador the ghost has just dropped [Music] this a ribbon and a flashing headband I know what it is no one can run away from [Music] me why are you helping the ghost it's not a [Music] ghost it's sister [Music] monkey show Mr Monkey sweetie our children should be sleeping at home at night why are you out and scaring people like that I'm sorry I couldn't fall asleep so I came outside to play sister monkey did you drink this yes I was thirsty so I took it from the fridge and drank it coffee is for grownups children can't sleep if they drink it oh I see I'll be careful of what I drink from now on Sheriff labrador's safety talk kids coffee is a drink that's only for grown-ups because if children drink coffee they can't fall asleep at night and it's not good for their health also tea and drinks that contain alcohol are not for children either and you shouldn't drink them please keep that in mind woof falling [Music] disasters [Music] hey Out woof hi I'm Sheriff Labrador labador someone's throwing things down from above what throwing things don't worry we'll be right [Music] there trash is everywhere where is she please help me Miss Hedgehog Sheriff Labrador someone's been throwing things down from above lately oh please find out who did it don't worry there's no case that I can't solve [Music] [Music] let's go stop so you were watering the plants Mr elephant it's very dangerous to put flower pots on the balcony rail they might fall down oh I'm sorry I'll take them down right now over there let's go stop stop what you're doing ow I'm so sorry ah you were just playing with a yoyo where is the suspect you better run away if I catch [Music] you it's disgusting this is so much [Music] fun over there let's [Music] go huh nobody's here look at these These are [Music] footprints this is strange the footprint stopped right here H where's the suspect hiding uh-uh police officer you'll never catch [Music] me huh there you are oh no they found [Music] me stop right there so you're the one who did it I'll help too we've got you it's not that easy to catch me that's it for today guys he's so sneaky don't worry he can't run [Music] away why is it so [Music] slippery nobody can run away from me I'm so sorry I'll never throw things down [Music] again Sheriff labrador's safety talk kids throwing things down from above is very dangerous that's because even a little rock can seriously hurt someone when it falls from a high place remember never throw things down from a high place don't open the door to Strang ERS stop right there wolf oh [Music] no wow thanks where did he go that was close I need to find a place to hide mommy will be back soon okay and remember never open the door to strangers don't worry I won't bye-bye mommy bye great little rabbit is home all alone this is my [Music] chance huh who who is it hello little kid I'm a delivery man I have a package for you a package please open the door and sign here leave it at the door please come on look at this there are lots of yummy snacks chocolates lollipops jellies and chips they look so yummy oh yeah your mommy has bought all of these for you no please open the door remember never open the door to strangers right I shouldn't open the door I need to wait until mommy's back she's not fooled H let me think ha that's [Music] it [Music] who is it it's Mommy open the door mommy oh but your voice sounds a little strange mommy oh that's because I've got a cold now please open the door oh oh no come on in mommy I'll get some water for you here you [Music] are you're not mommy of course I'm not you have nowhere to run what a sneaky wolf where is he hiding now huh it's Wolf's clothes he must be somewhere around here he always disguises himself as others to get children to open the door hi there this is Sheriff Labrador have you seen this person around here let's go to the rabbit's house and ask they're coming I need to get changed hello anybody there may I help you miss rabbit have you seen this person around here oh oh no I haven't I'm not feeling well today so I stayed home all day uh Miss Rabbit why is your leg gray it's it's the latest fashion and what about your face it's gray too I think I got some ashes on my face while cleaning the chimney excuse me I need to rest now wait you're not M [Music] rabbit you're see you later stop Sheriff [Applause] Labrador stop right there [Music] what ouch now watch this byebye you will never catch me huh you can't run [Music] [Music] away nobody can run away from [Music] me Sheriff labrador's safety talk kids when you're home alone never open the door to anyone except your parents bad guys might use sneak ways to fool you and trick you into opening the door please don't fall for them call your parents right away if there are strangers at your door remember what we've learned today left don't get in strangers cars wow wow wow a big cake hey kid I have have more in my car want to get in and try some wow yes please hey kid could you show me the way to the park please [Music] [Applause] sure Hey kid your mom has me to take you home but I don't know you according to the report someone has been kidnapping children and driving away lately huh oh no we need to find who it is I'll search around in my helicopter wait I have a good idea boohoohoo my bunny boohoohoo [Music] booh hoooo a suspicious car on your mark booh hoooo hey KY don't cry I'll give you a new toy wow oh do you like it yes I do could he be the kidnapper he fell for it let's follow [Music] him on on Sheriff Labrador I'm with the children great stay with them until we get there don't worry Don't Be Afraid kids I'll get you out of here ouch it's a good day today h it's the police stop the car stop the car now you won't catch [Applause] [Music] me oh ah [Music] huh he got away don't worry we have papon's GPS [Music] [Music] tracker ah found him right here right in front of us oh no what's going [Music] on stop the car right now I'm going to get you get out of the car there's nowhere to run huh you think you can catch me watch [Music] out byebye hey there's a boat let's follow him there stop get off me Doby speed up oh I am exhausted papon time for Plan B papon always has a way let me find something else aha it stinks I can't stand the smell stop oh no no you can run away from me Sher laor don't worry you're safe now we will never get in stranger cars [Music] again Sheriff labrador's safety talk kids you should never get in strangers cars even if they give you toys or snacks or they say that they are friends of your parents you should always say no also if a stranger forces you into a car call for help keep that in mind underground strange sound it's a big monster sweetie it's Daddy are you there [Music] sweetie playing around with the toilet again no I'm not let's go it's time for [Music] bed daddy daddy what's that sound who is it at this time of the [Music] night it's a [Music] ghost what's going on oh there there's a ghost in the building there's no ghost in the world [Music] Doby let's go have a [Music] look hm [Applause] [Music] the ghost who's pretending to be a ghost go [Applause] [Music] away they're buffalos it's not funny at all sorry we didn't mean it we heard a strange sound it was so [Music] scary back the sound Doby let's go here's the buffalo's house let's get [Music] inside [Music] over there it's coming from here and [Music] here huh is the sound moving H I found it what's that smell huh [Music] sounds like it's coming from the pipes this is papion papion we need your backup got it Pon always has a [Music] way Sheriff Labrador how can I help you there's something in the pipes I need you to search there got it here's my little Pastor little Pastor isn't afraid of dirty and hard work it will be a great [Music] help I there are so many things stuck in the pipes look something's moving follow it no [Music] problem come on come [Music] on got [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you it's catching on it went down into the ster let's go [Music] downstairs right now little popper [Music] [Music] it a fish oh it's my fish how did it get here I'm sorry I dropped it in the toilet while playing in the bathroom oh my goodness [Music] goodness Sheriff labrador's safety talk kids the toilet is not a toy toilets are connected to sewer pipes and there are a lot of dirty things in the pipes so don't play with water in the toilet and don't throw things into it it it'll clog the toilet and cause a big problem baby swan got lost mommy mommy [Music] ouch hey little kid are you all right [Music] right I lost my [Music] mommy don't cry kid we'll help you find your mommy don't worry there's no case that I can't solve kid what's your name my name is gray and your mommy's name mommy um I mean what's your mommy's name M it's just [Music] mommy well do you know your mommy's phone number oh maybe 7773 and three hello hello are you Gray's mommy what gray gr what gray has my gray skirt arrived it's nothing sorry hey gray are you sure it's 77733 uh I don't remember then do you know your address um no I just know there's a big pond by my house a pond the wild goose family live by the P great let's go to their [Music] house how is it Sheriff Labrador can I help you Mr wild goose are all of your children home right now of course they're all at home with me everyone gather up 1 2 3 4 5 6 seven H I have only six children why are there seven Now where's gray which one is gray ah-huh everyone line [Music] upow [Applause] wait aha I got you gray we have found any clue mumo ice cream I love mumo ice cream gray do you and your mommy often come here to buy Mumu ice cream uhhuh then let's go and ask hi may I help you miss C do you know gray here gray what are you doing here your mommy was looking for you where did she go that way huh Mommy a swne so gray is a little swine mommy mommy mommy is missing she's over there where's my child coming through sorry excuse me we can't catch up with her what do we do I have an [Music] idea yeah Miss Swan Miss Swan Sheriff Labrador finally look over there [Music] Mommy Mommy sweee Mommy Mommy oh sweetie where did you go my child oh I've been so worried about you Sheriff labrador's safety talk kids when you go out with your parents you should always stay close to them and if you lose them stay where you are and wait for them or ask a police officer for help also make sure to memorize your parents' phone numbers and your home address it will help police officers find your parents please keep these in [Music] mind little Rhino was taken by an [Music] alien come on little Rhino let's buly a kite my guite is going to be so cool wait and see huh [Music] ouch alien help help me [Applause] little woof hi I'm Sheriff Labrador Sheriff Labrador little Rhino is taken by an alien please save him what an alien look over there it can't be an alien something's not right let's follow it no one can run away from me not even an alien balloons balloon a shoe alien it's an alien it's an alien alien [Applause] [Music] it's over there let's [Music] [Music] [Applause] go let go of little Rhino right now it's gone oh man it got away uh huh a kite spool could it be a kite not an alien that's why it was flying with the [Applause] wind oh my goodness that must be it we need to catch the kite and save little Rhino this is Pon hey Pon we need your support copy that it's Pon show time let's [Applause] [Music] go come on up guys fly in the direction of the wind let's go no problem leave it to me spin spin up into the [Music] sky there it is it really is a kite help me please hang in there little Rhino we're coming to get you help watch [Music] [Applause] [Music] out Sheriff Labrador we're all [Music] fine I'm so scared of big KES Sheriff labrador's safety talk kids Ks are very strong when they're flying which is why you should only fly them with your parents never do it alone also always be careful when you're flying kites and not to get tangled by the string or trip over it lastly the string of a kite is very thin so make sure to wear gloves to protect your hands please remember [Music] that
Channel: BabyBus - Kids Songs and Cartoons
Views: 1,086,944
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: babybus, cartoon, babybus cartoon, baby cartoons, baby panda, baby, panda cartoon, baby cartoon, for kids, stories for kids, cartoons, cartoon for kids, kids cartoon, stories, police cartoon, funny cartoon, safety tips for kids, kids stories, kid videos, Sheriff Labrador, police officer, sheriff labrador, safety cartoon, safety tips, kids safety tips, Stranger Copycat, doctor antel, Beware of Strangers, Dentists Are Not Scary, Good Habits for Kids, Superpower Candy
Id: 0nBkzpPTulM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 12sec (4692 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 06 2023
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