Hour Long Paw Patrol, Peppa Pig, and Bluey Videos for Kids!

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the PAW Patrol are cooking for Everest let's take a look at the recipe book Marshall's gonna cook the pizza first he'll need flour for the crust but rice when he puts it in the oven and one egg then you'll need to roll the crust into a circle next you'll need tomato sauce some shredded cheese and tomato slices for the first topping and pepperoni for the second then he'll put it in the oven for 20 minutes now let's see how Marshall does that's easy [Music] hey oh excuse us [Music] I'll take that please [Music] just your friendly neighborhood spider pup [Music] now where was I alright making a pizza [Music] great job Marshall let's see how rocky handles his recipe which is a hamburger he'll need hamburger buns put some ground beef in the middle add some mustard swirl on some ketchup add a slice of cheese and finally some tomato slices this should be no problem [Music] easy enough a little more hmm just a tiny bit more [Music] it could use all of these almost almost [Music] I'm running backwards foreign [Music] perfect let's check out the next recipe in our recipe book so Skye can make some cupcakes first you'll need some flour a little bit of butter cup of sugar some vanilla sugar an egg and some orange zest for flavor mix it all up then put our cupcakes in the oven for 15 minutes alright give it a try Skye this Pep's gotta cook [Music] too thin this will thicken it up a little more oh it's stuck [Music] oh God [Applause] [Applause] thank you [Music] after that puppy okay [Applause] isn't that just the icing on the cake time to make a smoothie chop chop chop to the Cucumber [Music] now let's see oh [Music] [Music] laughs [Music] [Music] baby shark yeah huh oh yeah dolphin wow [Music] foreign [Music] perfect well that's one way to make a smoothie but let's check out an easier way in our recipe book and we'll add our ingredients to the splendor first we need strawberries a banana peeled and sliced some plain yogurt to thicken it up and finally add some apple juice [Music] mix them all together for a healthy fruit smoothie now doesn't that sound delicious let's check our recipe book to see what Chase is gonna cook how about spaghetti he'll need some pasta add some salt on top and a little pepper some butter grated cheese some vegetables [Music] it's pasta time [Music] hey well uh-huh [Music] okay harder it is yeah yeah [Music] no problem now to get more ingredients [Music] what in the world [Music] Hey where's the spaghetti [Music] oh man what am I gonna do here try this [Music] one plate of spaghetti done and done now it's rubble's turn he's gonna make ice cream for Everest he'll need to pour milk in a bowl [Music] add some egg yolk [Music] some sugar to make it sweet some potatoes starts to give it consistency and vanilla sugar to give it a special flavor then mix it all together and put it in the freezer then Rubble will have delicious ice cream I'll do my own recipe are you sure that's smart Rubble don't worry I know what I'm doing I need more [Music] thank you I hope that's enough oh man how am I gonna freeze all this hmm [Music] [Music] [Music] boy I'm a genius 30 minutes that's gonna take forever this isn't so bad one minute later so bored [Music] finally huh um Everest will be here any minute did everyone finish cooking their food yep and I had no problems at all yeah right Marshall Hey where's Rubble wasn't he supposed to make ice cream [Music] um Rubble what happened oh um you minor difficulties guys get ready Everest is coming guys how's it going hi Everest we heard you were coming so we cooked you some food oh that's really sweet of you guys but brighter and I stopped to get food on the way I'm full full oh what are we gonna do with all this food well I don't know about you guys but I love leftovers more importantly what are we gonna do about me I'm still frozen in this ice block don't worry Rubble I got you covered [Music] hmm you're tasty come on Rubble we want to go trick-or-treating already in a minute I'm putting my costume on meow I'm puzzled so what do you guys think Rubble you're supposed to be dressed as a superhero yeah we all agreed that we dress up as superheroes this year aren't you Rubble did you use real cat for in that costume yeah I just wanted it to be authentic I'm allergic to cats just put on a superhero costume so we could go trick-or-treating all right fine [Music] I told you guys we should have left while he was in the bathroom I heard that now Make Way for super Rubble no wait Boulder so what do you think there now that's a better costume Rubble Rubble who's Rubble I'm Boulder faster than a speeding Mountain the greatest superhero that ever superheroed uh whatever you say Rubble let's just go trick-or-treating before all the good candies handed out have fun trick-or-treating guys we'll stay here handing out candy for all the trick-or-treaters be careful when you cross the street don't worry we'll always look both ways and look out for Monsters monsters nobody said anything about monsters some Brave superhero you are monsters aren't even real hmm sounds like something a monster would say don't worry Bravo we'll keep you safe now come on guys let's go Paw Patrol on a stroll that catchphrase needs work Marshall Oh I thought it was cool I liked it thanks Rubble I mean Boulder George trick-or-treaters are coming trick or treat smell my feet give me something good to eat away twinkle twinkle here you go happy Halloween no no George royalty gives candy like this [Music] there that's better whoa thanks guys yeah now that's what I call a Halloween handout you're welcome nice costumes you guys thanks you too see you around what was that thing you said oh the trick-or-treat thing that's just something you say at Halloween can I say it after it at this house it's your trick or treat rub my feet give me something in my sleep hmm what are you going on about I think what he's trying to say is can we have some candy please oh what day you say so here you are Deary thanks say what are you guys supposed to be what so I have to speak up dearie I said what are you supposed to be no need to shout we are grannies wow cool costumes happy Halloween Rita I don't understand kids today you said it Janet uh Boulder I think your trick-or-treating needs work well can I keep practicing until I get it right sure go ahead trick or treat stinky feet candy melts in the heat no you're gonna have to try again give me something really neat nope give me something ringa ding wow guys who knew that trick-or-treating was so hard still though our baskets full I think we should go home and share our candy yeah that's a great idea Zuma ah can we do one more house I think I can get it this time sure why not there's still one more house left on the street there it is guys the old Lugosi place people say it's haunted um on second thought it is getting kind of late maybe we should head back relax Rubble there's no such thing as ghosts and besides we came this far let's just get the extra candy yeah Boulder go ring the doorbell you're not scared are you of course I'm not scared I'm just allergic to spookiness but I can do this watch [Music] trick or treat smell my feet give me something good to eat hey guys did you hear that I got it right um Rubble I hate to break this to you but there's no one there oh great the one time I get it right and there's no one at the door whoa uh Zuma did you say something he's gone pups we have to go in there and save him um I'm starting to get a little spookied out can we call the PAW Patrol instead Rubble we are the PAW Patrol oh yeah I forgot don't be scared I'm sure there's a perfectly logical explanation for all of this come on boy I hope you're right Rocky any sign of Zuma guys nope but this flashlight and magnifying glass might help and his hat Rubble has a hat supposed to help us being cute never hurt anyone whatever you say Rubble hey Skye Shine the Light over here I think I see something you got it Chase hmm they look like Footprints but recent ones let's follow them it looks like the footprints lead here under this rug tacky tacky come on Skye let's move it out of the way I was hoping Zuma would be under there but it had it's nothing Rubble you broke the floor if anyone asks it was like that when we got here no I think it's a secret compartment open it up oh I knew that no no Zuma Zuma's not in there but a note is what's it say it says if it's a pup you seek with a cat you must speak oh what a bus that doesn't help us at all no that's totally a clue we just have to figure out what it's talking about which means we need to find a cat yeah but I don't see one down here so we should probably take the search upstairs come on pops good thinking Chase come on Rubble what are you waiting for hold on I found a light switch her mind it doesn't do anything it definitely did more than you think um Rocky your foot's in my ear sorry Chase guys what are you all doing taking a nap we have to go rescue Zuma we weren't taking a nap now put the stairs back so we can go up there fine fine thanks Rubble man this house is so scary come on Rubble help us look just a minute I'm trying to find a light switch this place is really spooky oh what's this Bravo you turned out the lights um guys it goes Rubble there's no such thing as ghosts it's just glowing curtains just turn the lights back on Rubble okay I'll try [Music] here it's gone thanks Rubble now stop goofing around and come help us just a minute I have to calm my nerves [Applause] why is everything getting lower [Music] um it's not getting lower you're getting higher this is definitely not calming my nerves wow what a workout still think all this has a logical explanation Rocky uh I'm starting to have my doubts ew this place is crawling with Vermin get out of here you nasty things hey what are you doing ow ing my absolute best not right now good thinking Rubble because those spiders are highly venomous I'll be fine they only bit me a few times you know there's something strange about this picture but I can't quite put my paw on it well it is crooked whoa whoops my bad are you all right Marshall I think so hey there's a ladder out here a ladder bring it up here Marshall it might help us get up to the attic you got it chase the attic is the only place we haven't looked it might hold a clue yeah all right yeah got the ladder case great set it up there so I can get a look there one ladder going up thanks Marshall now I'll take a look do you see anything up there Chase nope not much just this metal great hmm it looks loose something happened downstairs let's go check it out bones and gold and gold we just said that well I just got here am I the only one that doesn't remember this casket no there's something weird about this gold [Music] it's chocolate I'm the bones are chocolate too um Rubble why did you taste the skull I'm a dog I like bones hmm everything's chocolate except for these fish bones I think they're real hey it's a cat didn't that clue say we're supposed to speak with a cat yeah but we don't speak cat how are we supposed to understand her we don't understand her but puzzle does you brought your cat costume yeah just in case everyone changed their mind about being cats uh two cats in one place my nose is gonna be stopped up for days [Music] what did she say oh she was Thanking us for the fish bones no about Zuma how do we rescue him don't you worry she told me what to do first we gotta pull this down there we go and flip it over oh sorry Rocky now there's a light switch over here somewhere there it is now we just shined the special light like this Zuma you're okay but why were you hiding in there I wasn't hiding a ghost trapped me in there but ghosts aren't real ah then you might not want to turn around ah the ghost [Music] everybody look out it's not a real ghost and I'll prove it watch see it's just a vampire a vampire that's slightly scarier than a ghost Paw Patrol let's get out of here Hey where's our candy forget it Rubble we gotta get out of here not until I find my candy mm-hmm what is this just what I thought our candy Rubble forget it run away now you can steal my friends but I draw the line at stealing my candy Bad vampire bad whoa It's I'm a candy vampire stealing candy is naughty hey if it's candy you want you could just go trick-or-treating on Halloween you already have a great costume trick or treating hmm I'll have to give that a try come on guys it's getting late let's go home Hey guys you're back did you have a fun time trick-or-treating uh it's a long story hey Rubble where did you get the cute hat can't talk eating I don't know man save some for the rest of us Rubble trick or treat wow what a realistic costume you got there pal why thank you and happy Halloween Europe who would have thought a baby crib would be so heavy Mommy why are we redecorating your office because we have very special guests today Baby Alexander is coming for a visit my baby cousin baby Alexander is coming yeah yay oh I think they're at the door now hello oh come on in greetings everyone Baby Alexander wimpy well hello there children that's right children Baby Alexander is going to spend the day with you while Daddy Pig and I go shopping don't worry Mummy Pig George and I will watch Baby Alexander while you're away oh no children only grown-ups can watch a baby I'll stay here to look after him mommy George is a child I'm five years old I'm a grown-up I'll look after Baby Alexander oh Peppa you're still a child watching a baby is a lot of work that's why Grandpa Pig has to stay here and watch him do I really have to go shopping well you could stay here and help Grandpa Pig stay and watch Baby Alexander [Music] uh I'll get the keys see you later kids have fun with Baby Alexander and be good for Grandpa Pig bye Mommy and Daddy alright let's roll [Music] [Applause] Grandpa Pig can we help you take care of Baby Alexander oh my yes Peppa thank you for asking come inside and we can look after him together now we just put him in the stroller piece of cake if that's all you have to do taking care of a baby is easy [Music] oh no baby Alexander is broken fix him Grandpa Pig Alexander isn't broken he's probably just tired and wants to hear a lullaby go to sleep little baby and don't let the bedbugs bite it was Grandpa Pig you fixed him Baby Alexander is asleep Grandpa Grandpa Grandpa Grandpa hush Georgia wake the baby oh look what you did you woke up Baby Alexander uh-oh don't worry George Grandpa Pig is very old and needs his sleep we'll take care of Baby Alexander ourselves I'll just sing a song and Baby Alexander will go right back to sleep a MacDonald had a farm e-i-e-i-o oh it's not working boo food George is so obvious I was about to say that baby Alexander is just hungry let's take him to the kitchen ah he's quite heavy Norman told me a baby would be so heavy come on George [Music] now let's see what he'll eat [Music] how about a nice delicious apple [Music] rude I guess babies don't eat apples oh I knew delicious pizza [Music] um George don't be silly babies don't eat pizza but I know what everyone loves here you go Alexander a cookie but everyone loves cookies what do babies eat milk that's it you're a genius babies drink milk here you go foreign happy we're good babysitters after all oh dear Baby Alexander has to go to the bathroom potty potty George are you sure this will work yeah [Music] okay Bobby George Baby Alexander can't use the potty like a big boy he's a baby he has a diaper diaper yes and since I'm the oldest I'll show you how to do it this is how you change your diaper there done now that Baby Alexander is fed and changed he's ready to play come on George Let's show them our toys here it is our bedroom [Music] go ahead George show me your favorite toy dinosaur Baby Alexander likes the dinosaur foreign but he doesn't like the loud noise it makes babies don't like scary noises they like happy noises I know [Music] yay Baby Alexander Likes music but this song is for babies let's listen to something I like oh he doesn't like it well if Baby Alexander doesn't like good music maybe we should just go outside to play [Music] here you are Baby Alexander this is called the outside we have a slide a ball pit and a swing which do you want to play on [Music] wonderful choice and I'll take the slide [Music] wee everyone is having such fun oh dear Baby Alexandra thinks the balls are candy oh no baby Alexander you can't eat those foreign it's George's favorite outside toy oh oh my the rocket ship has stuck to the roof uh-oh [Music] George I'm afraid the outside has too many sad things for a baby let's take Baby Alexander inside and show him how to paint Don't Worry Baby Alexander you'll love painting George can you fetch the canvas okay thank you George now we're all ready now use gentle Strokes to the canvas [Music] would you like to try Baby Alexander Baby Alexander Baby Alexander is missing George where did it go look at this Footprints let's follow them and maybe we can find Baby Alexander look George the footprints lead to mummy and Daddy's room Baby Alexander Baby Alexander has made a mess George we have to give Baby Alexander a bath right away in the back you go Baby Alexander loves bouts now for your bubbles Baby Alexander loves bubbles oh dear there are too many bubbles Baby Alexander is all clean Baby Alexander wasn't ready to get out of the bath here you go rubber ducky Baby Alexander loves the rubber ducky A what that's quite annoying how about you put the rubber ducky Down Baby Alexander [Music] where you can ride on a rocking horse [Music] Upsy Daisy [Music] George I think he's asleep maybe we should take him to his crib sleep tight Baby Alexander [Music] maybe he just needs a little soothing music yay it worked baby Alexander's asleep hello there we're home oh hello grandpa pig I hope you didn't have any trouble watching Baby Alexander oh no it was quite easy no problems at all good good um where is he oh well um he's upstairs taking a nap mummy watching a baby is very hard oh yes Peppa that's why we had Grandpa Pig here to do all the work really it was no trouble at all mummy George and I are afraid that Baby Alexander doesn't like us he cries all the time Peppa when babies cry it doesn't mean they don't like you babies cry for lots of reasons oh there he goes now let's go check on him and I'll show you okay mommy baby Alexander are you done with your nap he cries all the time baby Alexander's first words yay he likes us after all taking care of a baby is easy Peppa George finish your breakfast the school bus will be here any minute can we be Huntsville forever a Spanish homeschooling U2 was I had to get back to work and besides this will be George's first day of real school dinosaur Johnny Pig did you tell George that there'd be dinosaurs at school I just wanted George to be excited that's all oh the school bus is here the school bus is here daddy pig it seems like you're the one who's excited you know homeschooling was hotter on me than it was for you right oh right of course of course now go on kids you don't want to miss the school bus go on go on but mommy what if I can't make any new friends oh Peppa making friends is easy you'll be fine if you say so mummy Freedom oh not so loud dear oh sorry are you quite sure we can't be homeschooled forever yes Bluey you two need to go back to regular school now oh look here comes the bus now yeah all right hit him you don't want to miss the bus come on Bingo wait what if there's a bully if there's a bully you'll do the right thing just like we taught you Bluey okay I'll try see you later mom and dad my girls are all grown up they'll be off the college before we knew it you could play without toys while we're gone just put them back when you're done uh we will blurry all right we're here watch your stuff on the way out look George our school is much bigger than mummy's office wow look she rode a bicycle to school ooh I want to ride a bike to school well you have to learn how to ride a bike first how [Applause] all right everyone that's the Bell head in for class hi Miss Calypso ah Bluey Bingo it's good to see you if you guys brought stuff from home you can put them here in these Cubbies I'll put my backpack here on the red cubby on the first row and I'll take the blue one on the bottom row wow I wonder what we're going to learn about in class bingo I guess we'll see here you are George you can sit next to me since I'm such an expert at school okay all right now we can begin class and to help us we have a telescope in the corner of the classroom a telescope can help us see very far away oh I love space this is going to be fun yes learning is fun Susie how about you take the first look in the telescope and tell us what you see wow wow I see Mars Mars yes Mars is the food planet from our sun our sun it's smaller than the earth but it has the Solar System's largest mountain Olympus mines all right Bluey how about you give it a go oh I see Venus yes it's the second planet from the sun and it's about the same size as Earth but it's much much hotter because of all the carbon dioxide in its atmosphere that's very neat my turn to look wow I see Saturn Saturn is an amazing planet with rings made of rocks comets dust and ice and it has dozens of moons some of which you can see there all right honey it's your turn okay oh wow you're looking at Neptune the furthest planet from our sun and that dark blue spot is a giant storm bigger than the earth alright George it's your turn to tell us what you see okie dokie hmm it looks like the Moon it does but it's actually Mercury the smallest and closest planet to our sun it's covered in craters just like our moon telescopes don't just tell us what's in our solar system they can see things outside of our solar system in deep space deep space there are many stars and planets that are so far away we don't know much about them go ahead Bingo tell us what you see in the telescope now I see something big and round it's a planet that kind of looks like Mr Lion's bum hmm that's very strange take another look um I still see the bum Planet oh sorry let me move out of the way oh now I can see that's the Eagle Nebula those pillars of dust are actually Stars being formed and it's so far away that it would take a rocket ship 240 million years to get there wow it's awesome yes it is now everyone take out your laptops I have one more thing to show you here we have video of the largest planet in our Solar System Jupiter but even though it's big it's mostly gas like my daddy not that kind of gas now one of the important things in space travel is hey what's all that laughing Bingo your face is turning red Bingo was it you that threw this I just wanted to make a spaceship so I could be an astronaut it's okay Bingo your spaceship actually flew very well but it takes more than a spaceship to go to space like what a dinosaur no no math all astronauts are very good at math observe now you all know how to do a problem like this five plus two equals seven but that's easy yes you're right but what about questions like these three plus what equals five 6 minus y equals two those are trick questions they're not tricks they're just different kinds of math problems the first answer is two and the second answer is four Bingo stop saying nonsense actually she's correct Bingo can you tell the class how you answered these I pretending the numbers are on the line they go from three to five you'd have to add two spaces to go from six down to two you'd have to go back four spaces Bingo you're brilliant you may very well be an astronaut one day really wow oh there's the Bell head on to your next class children and your math and space class you got to see things that are very big but in biology we're gonna take a look at something that's very small using this microscope let's take a look at this butterfly oh well it almost looks like it has feathers you're right Peppa a butterfly's wings are very similar to a bird's now let's take a closer look I never knew something so small could be so pretty so cool indeed George I hope you guys can now see the beauty of all things including the very small now who wants to feed our class spider ew a spider I don't care how pretty it is no thank you I'll feed the spider here you go Mr spider see nothing to be scared of George that was quite Brave yes that was great work George not everyone can feed a spider where is it George you forgot to close the cage Ipsy noodles everyone help me try to find it I don't see it I don't either oh no there's the Bell there's no more time you guys go to your next class I'm sure the spider will turn up somewhere I'm sorry we couldn't find it it's all right Bingo I'll keep looking for it it's around here somewhere George we've been at school all day and I still haven't made any new friends making friends is easy watch my name is George what's yours hi George I'm Bingo do you want to be my friend sure see easy George is easy for you because you're a little kid big kids can't make friends like that hi my name is Bluey what's your name hi Bluey I'm Peppa do you want to be my friend well okay see it's on you all right kids it's time for PE we're gonna run jump and sweat to getting cheat like me your belly is rounder than my daddy's well then I guess your daddy is very strong like me I thought you were a planet earlier I'm retaining water forget it everyone thinking activity I want to climb the rope ladder All Right Bingo but you have to be very brave to get to the top you can do it Bingo okay here I go almost there yes I did it well what do you think good job Bingo thanks George that's what plans are for now I want to throw the basketball give it a throw Georgie boy yeah wow George what a great shot thanks Bingo I'm gonna juggle [Laughter] wow so amazing Peppa there's a missing spider in a school be on the lookout oh no the spider's still loose don't worry kids I'll protect you goiter I thought you weren't scared but that was a big spider Peppa look over here there's a wall climb oh let's give it a try okay here I go hey this is fun all right I did it your turn Peppa okay I'll try my best this is kind of hard hey I made it to the top too hey I want to try that be careful Chloe it's really tricky okay here I go Chloe fell down that's not funny you big bully get out of here fine uh oh that's the Bell to the next class Chloe do you think you can walk oh I'm not so sure don't worry I can help you here hop on I'll push you around thanks Bluey see you in class Peppa we're gonna take the lift okay see you in class let me just close the doors and going up come on George let's grab our books for our next class ah never mind I'll use yours we're almost there thanks for helping me Bluey anytime Chloe I'd love to help the principal's office immediately oh no I've never been called to the principal's office before you better go Bluey I'll take it from here yes Madam gazelle you called for me yes I heard about what happened in PE class oh no I'm so sorry I won't do it again what are you talking about Bluey I heard you protected Chloe from a bully after she got her oh right I did I don't like bullies no one does but what you did today was very brave and I'd like to give you this as a token of my appreciation ooh a puppy it's so pretty yes it's a Dogecoin very rare and supposedly very valuable now take it to your cubby and head back to class yes Madam gazelle I'm here I hope I didn't miss anything you're just in time Bluey I'd like each student to stand up and say something about history oh oh me first All Right Bingo go right ahead I'm Julie Caesar leader of Rome very good Bingo Julia Caesar ruled Rome over 2 000 years ago and I'm Brutus oh my Jenny let's see if you can pick something more pleasant oh I'm an astronaut and I walked on the moon that's right astronauts first walked on the moon around 50 years ago and I'm a dinosaur George there are no dinosaurs in history Dinosaurs Aren't part of human history but they are part of Earth's history they walked on the earth millions of years ago called you [Music] George how gross all right Peppa your turn I'm King Henry VIII my wives please yes King Henry VII of England has Six Wives my dad says one wives too many oh um thanks for sharing Danny oops that's the Bell Chloe you can give your presentation tomorrow okay Miss calypso we are home well did you have fun yes we did and George and I made new friends that's wonderful kids hi girls anything fun happen at school I got an award for protecting my friend I learned I want to be an astronaut that's great girls let's head inside for snacks uh Spider there I've almost got it hey Rocky what are you doing I'm putting the final touches on my BattleBots pretty soon I'll have the best battlebot in the game and I'll have the new high score whoa awesome can I watch meanwhile the rest of the pups were playing outside here I go good one Rubble I want to try that one Puck going up check it out Skye I can fly whoa yeah right Zuma you wish someone's calling on my mission paw what's up Marshall guys come to the lookout Rocky's finding the champion robot and he might win did you hear that Rocky needs our support Paw Patrol to the lookout Roger that Ryder come on get him Rocky yeah you got it nice it yes I did it Rocky you won check it out I got a new high score great job Rocky your bot's the new Champion haha I did it my bot's Unstoppable yeah a great work Rocky hey wait a minute Captain turbitz calling what's going on Captain turbot I just wanted to let you pups know that if you tilt your telescope Towards the Sky you might be able to see a magnificent meteor making its way through space take a look thanks for the heads up Captain turbot I'll check it out hmm let me see aha I see it wow it's beautiful hey what's it doing oh dilly dally and daffodils that's no ordinary meteor there's no telling where that might land Captain turbitz right we have no way of knowing where that meteor is gonna land geez I need you to use your police cruiser to warn Adventure Bay chase is on the case okay Skye I need you to use your cargo copter to help Chase Evacuate the town this pup's gotta fly foreign we need to evacuate there's a meteor coming a meteor headed for Adventure Bay that's right and we don't know where it's gonna land so we need everyone to clear out [Applause] everyone get in my helicopter hey guys that meteor is gonna land any second hurry Chase there's not much time but what about my police cruiser there's no time jump in alright hit it Skye go away oh my police cruiser well at least it wasn't you there's something fishy about that meteor Rubble Rocky you guys bring it to the lookout so we can analyze it let's dig it green means go see you there Rocky don't lose it reuse it Rubble wait up too bad about chases art yeah and he just got it painted too here let me bring the meteor over to you Rubble it sure is weird looking I know we'll have to check it out back to the lookout there's definitely something strange about this meteor you got that right Marshall let's analyze it with our computer system analyzing media [Music] whoa what's going on it came to life and it turned on my video game but follow that meteor aha got you hey come back you know can't go this way or this way either [Music] yes we've got it trapped what's going on Rocky it's your battlebot BattleBots Stand Down ah it's attacking us look out Ryder uh are you pups okay we're okay but how are we gonna stop that thing yeah it's got my Rocky Bots Powers it's practically Unstoppable yeah Andy's got Mighty meteor Powers what can we do guys I might be able to help you harness the power of this meteor and stop that robot you can we can Infuse the lookout with the power of this meteor and it just might make you guys Mighty enough to fight that robot I'll set the meteor in the core of the lookout let's go yes it worked all right pups it's time to get Mighty yes yes I can't wait to get our Mighty Powers our first pup to get Mighty Powers is gonna be Chase let's see what superpower he gets Mighty Chase with super speed since Chase is blue we'll put him on the blue light our next pup is Marshall Mighty Marshall repeat power [Music] so let's put them on the red light ready Rubble you bet Mighty Rubble with super stream Rebels are yellow pup so let's put him over here next up is Skye's turn Mighty sky with super wind guys are ping pup so let's put her on the pink circle let's see what power Rocky gets Mighty Rocky with super tools Rocky is our green pup so let's put him on the green circle and our last pup is gonna be Zuma Mighty Zuma with water power Zulu is an orange pup so he can go here now let's send Ryder up so he can get his mighty outfit good all right pups you're gonna need to use your new Mighty powers to stop Rocky's battlebot Chase you're up first Mighty chase is on the case alright let's send chase down the zip line [Applause] now we can put him on the trap door here and send him down to his new Mighty vehicle which is this awesome new police cruiser with light up flames on the side this one looks even faster than his old one next up is Skye let's take to the sky see at the bottom Skye [Music] Sky's new vehicle is this supersonic jet with extendable wings you just pull them out like this and she can gain incredible altitude Marshall let's hit it I'm ready for a ruff ruff rescue [Applause] Marshall you're so clumsy well at least now I know what not to do well I wasn't ready [Music] Marshall you're hopeless but your new vehicle is this awesome fire truck with cool yellow flame markings on the side and it kind of looks like a hot rod I love things that are hot go for it Zuma Ready Set get wet [Music] Zuma's new vehicle is this futuristic hovercraft with twin turbines for Speedy land and water rescues foreign Rubble [Music] ow oops sorry about that Rubble at least you have this cool new construction truck with a wrecking ball in the back yeah I like it off you go to join the others what about me Ryder what am I supposed to do Rocky I need you to use your Mighty tools to build something that might stop that robot you got it Ryder if I built that battlebot maybe I can build something to take it out thank you not so fast robot Marshall I'll use my super speed to distract him and you use your Mighty Flames to heat things up got it Chase hey robot look over here if you can catch me let's Heat this up a bit oh no that barely hurt him destroyed hey that's the second vehicle I've lost this Mission we've got to get that sword away from them it's causing too much damage leave it to me in my mighty strength yeah there I got it watch out Rubble nice one Skye now let's see if he likes lightning thunderpower now while he's weakened hit him with water power Zuma you got it dude yes I think you got it Zuma or not uh get back [Music] boy we could really use Rocky right about now boy I hope this supersonic Jedi mate gets there in time coming in for a landing wow nice one Rocky whoa cool thank you all right Rocky time to hit that robot in its weak spot it's got a weak spot yeah it's got a battery pack in the back geez get it to turn around and I'll do the rest you got it Rocky here I am no wait over here just kidding over here now there's the battery pack Get It Rocky vehicle detached shots Rocky yes it's powered down Rocky good job great work pops thanks to our new Mighty powers and Rocky's quick thinking we put it into that battlebot powered by that meteorite meteorite more light media wrong haha great one Rocky
Channel: Genevieve's Playhouse - Learning Videos for Kids
Views: 34,750,820
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: paw patrol, peppa pig, bluey, toy videos, for kids, videos for kids, funny, family friendly, hour long, learning, educational, todders, best
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 52sec (3652 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 04 2022
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