Supernaturalist Podcast Show #100 - Darren Stott and Bobby Conner

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Bobby hello awesome it made that a good thing good to see how you been I'm doing really well it's been a long time it has been a long time yeah we're together again I'm glad just praising the Lord can't you imagine God wants to spend eternity with this I can get tired of people in two or three days it's like fish right yeah yeah it's great at first after 2 to 3 days can you imagine he wants to hang out with this for all eternity is mind-boggling it it is amazing eternity it's endless in it you know people talk about you can't spend eternity you know it's just endless so I'm thankful for that yeah yeah yeah so you've had lots of encounters where you've gone or you've gone into heaven yes yeah so when you're there in heaven like is it like Narnia like you know in Narnia yeah when they go through the door and like and it feels like they're there for years and then they come back and they've just been gone you know period is it like that oh yeah like that it's like you've it's timeless in that or maybe because you can't measure eternity because it's endless and pretty amazing there's a verse in the Bible that says in Jeremiah 23 18 he says who has stood in my courts to hear my counsel and I read that verse one time and I said to the Lord Lord I want to say with all my heart I have and sure enough if you desire to get in the Lord's presence he'll get you there and we've got to understand you don't have to die to get in the presence of God well you have you die to yourself and sin and all that kind of Sacre's but you really can't get into the presence of God yes you think that God actually wants for all of us to be having more encounters that we're going to heaven absolutely it does nobody on earth would build a house without going and looking at it you know I'm going to my father's house to prepare many mansions and we need to see what's awaiting us tell me that story I think it was one of your grandkids had this at this experience when they're a little bit just usual about that the pinker okay yeah if you study the Bible it says we're we're knitted together in the secret place and it means just pinged Wehling and so I had my little grants to my second little grandson in the car seat beside me and I had him all buckled in there and so I said to him I said Brandon where were you at before you came to live in mommy's tummy and he looked at me real friend he says you know I was in that pink house in that amazing pink house in the pink house in that ammos description reference over there Psalms 139 horse says we're knit together in the secret place and it means a soft pink dwelling hello oh this is good muchas gracias yeah yeah keep it coming keep it coming look at all this I hope you're thirsty Bonnie you'll have a movie yeah yeah come on I'll just give that back to you look good this is gonna be good yeah oh man yeah all right so now for people that are like Bobby I I've never had a heavenly encounter I want that so baby well I was here oh yeah yeah like well like what would you encourage us to do like like supo seguir earthbound yeah you know yeah seek the lord while he may be found call upon the lord cross he's near and we got to seek Him these are days if he'll invite us up revelations 4:1 says and after this I heard a voice which said come up here and I looked and there was a door standing open in heaven and I heard a voice was said come up here and so God invites us to come Zechariah 37 says if we obey God serve him do what he asked us to do he will give us open access to his presence Paul was caught up anything you find in the Bible that happened to an individual it could happen to you and so Paul was caught it and that the third happened so that should tell us something about heavens there's three of them in that something yeah they need to know more about heaven we need to know about the third heaven that's where God dwells the second have been sore the devil dwells and the third heaven the first heaven is just the atmosphere for the birds line of planes move yeah I'm ever hearing you differently a Bob Jones story where he was like going up to the third heaven but in order to get there he had to go through the second have inscribed all this stuff that he saw taking place in the people that he actually saw inhabiting the second the second the second heaven yeah you only hear a story about that yeah do y'all know Bob Jones is he's in heaven watching this yeah right now he's got a better seat than it is but yeah honest to god this is a way that's way back there this is a about honey I don't know 98 something like this rice happened we're off at a meeting and Bob Jones would usually I had breakfast he'd come down and tilled the vegetation he had that not and so paul keith knew that paul Keith Davis and Paul Keith wouldn't a preacher then he was just a a businessman but he was uh he would come to the meetings and so he knew Bob would usually have a meet have a encounter during the night so I'm up in the hotel room in bed getting ready to get up for the service and Bob and uh Paul Keith go to have breakfast early and Paul he's a little bit nervous you know because he's and he said to Bob Bob did you have any visitation last night by a ghost yeah yeah I did said I was going up into heaven like this and an angel was coming down like that and I stopped the angel and I said to him where are you going he said I'm going to see Bobby Connor he said why are you going to see Bobby Connor he said I'm going to give him this okay now I'm up I'm up there in the room sleep right so I wake up take a shower get ready and come down to a breakfast with Paul Keith and Bob and so I'm sitting there and I noticed Paul Keith was really aging you know and and finally he said Bobby did anything happen last night I go yeah bid I said uh about three o'clock I had to go to the men's room and I get up and go to the men's room and I'm standing there at the men's room got three o'clock in the morning soon an angel appearance said here take this see Bob Bob made him in the heavens coming down now inquiring minds want to know what did he hand you yeah you want to know yeah yeah he handed me the spear Phineas oh the holy jealousy for God study about the spear finish men weren't a plague was upon the people of God already twenty eight thousand have been killed and they bring this Israeli man with a evil woman into the tent of meetings and Phineas grabbed a spear and jet and jabbed it through both of them and broke the plague and so I carry with me the holy jealousy for God it's amazing it's pretty well yeah I've been in services before you've done an impartation yeah for that for that jealousy for that for the Word of God that's such a powerful encounter pretty wild the seat Bob's going up and you're coming down Wow if you've read the Bible about angels they're mentioned too under said me three times of the Bible most people would be dead or my verne angel they're ministering spirits them sent down to aid us who the heirs of salvation i dare you look at this samson 91 verse 11 he said he will give his angels he charged look it up in the Bible II charge and I said Lord what he said and he said it's like a general would bring his troops together and he would give them a direct command and God has got his angels air and he gives them a direct command to take care of his people each heart say each arch each other Psalms 91 11 he gives his angels each are interesting yeah you can look it up the Bible yeah yeah yeah so different Bobby talk to us about the different kinds of angels that you saw a man written yeah there's all kind of degrees of angels all of them are stronger than us they're smarter than us but we're over them in that a strange thing don't you know about yes what does that mean well we say there were over with judge angels yeah in that something yeah angels cannot understand the grace of God offered us when one of us get saved they peer into it they look into it with wonder and all because God never single time offered them grace angels that kept not there had first habitation he cast out but here we are we sin and God continues to daily offer us grace and the angels can't understand that but we're above them but don't don't listen they're stronger than us they're holier than us but they're servants to us and uh angels are really real and one of the things that people go well I want to see some angels do you I'll pray a prayer over your eyes yes yeah let's do that Kings chapter 6 verse 16 and 17 what was that second Kings chapter 6 verse 16 17 remember the little the young prophet servant gets up the young servant of the prophet gets up and he sees all the heavens for he sees to all the earth full of armies against a member that and he woke the prophet up oh they're everywhere and the Prophet goes oh oh don't worry this more that be with us and be with them yeah I'm sure the kid was good at math one too and then we could see maybe thirty thousand armies and twenty thousand armies over here and the Prophet prayed second Kings chapter six verse sixteen seventeen oh Lord open his eyes that he may see Oh Lord open his eyes that he may see shunk instantly the young man could see the whole heavens filled with armies the most repetitive name in the Bible for God is Lord of Hosts that or Achilles is a struggle it's write the word host means armies yeah and in that so yeah that is so what are some of the most like unusual angels where you you wouldn't even recognize it as an angel and you discerned it later okay I was sitting on my porch typing on a book I was writing Moravia Falls North Carolina and it can get really mystic there the the clouds can come down House level and you're just in you're just surrounded by clouds and it was a wonderful time I'm just working away on the computer writing this book and I hear a jet what I thought was a jet plane I mean just like a jet on the runway and I thought who would fly a plane that low in this kind of this kind of weather and he got louder and louder than I thought oh my so set my computer down and I walked to the west end of my porch and I'm looking I'm expecting any moment for this plane to burst through and an angel burst through it was an angel and making all that sound and he unfurled he was maybe 50 feet tall up in the air with wings wider than my house and he looked at me and I'm looking at him and he made a declaration prepared the Kings chariot Wow and I said what and he said prepare the chariot of the king and took off so every time you open your church every time you preach the gospel you're preparing a vehicle for the Lord a chariot of the king isn't that something that says a people are the chariot of the King the one that brings in the vessels of the Lord in that why that is that angels are really real every one of us have seen angels that sometimes you don't even recognize them and have you ever been in your house and all of a sudden you thought you saw a foot go by the door yeah oh you thought you saw a hand by the asset that most of time that's a watcher angel and get them to materialize ask ask to see them yeah I was at my house one time two o'clock in the morning by myself up in the mountains and I'm typing away on a book again dad it and say I'm the only human being in the house not typing away and right there right where my hand is an angel appeared scared the crud out of me I screamed in wow what are you doing he goes I want TOB why you need it just like that yeah screaming to him he's screaming yeah that's true what the first time I spent the night in the house that they'd built for us a cabin I hear a noise on the porch step out there there's 14 to 18 angels and they had not had a commission since the 1700s when since those guys out there Wow the first question out of their mouth was what took you so long see they didn't have anybody to give them a commission till because of you know nobody been there it's not an is that is Wow wait comes the commissioning angels and engaging in what what kind of instruction do you have on that it there's many things I mean can you do that by faith like if you're not really a seer can you be like angels of God like yeah is that legit is that okay Psalms 104 verse 4 said they're ministering spirits yeah their winds of fire they're here to help us okay they're they're sent down to aid us who the heirs of salvation and the word aid means to assist us yeah like I said angels are stronger than us but they're under us and God really wants us to move to the place that we're really operating as sons and daughters of the Most High God where we can we can really uh we can begin to direct heavens help for us because listen we're not in any battle by ourself yeah man you study angels in the Bible Wow and when they come and fight along this beside God's people it's a pretty amazing Wow that's awesome Abigail you a question for Bobby about angels in you yeah when you come on up guys good welcome my daughter Abigail Peter you had one too yeah come on up Sophia did you have one all right come on up guys Abigail sorry angels today is that right sweetie go ahead and hop up here and you did too you see it talk to Bobby and ask him some questions you guys got good air you know you saw angels today good you know what jesus said jesus said except we become like you we can't see or enter the kingdom of heaven that's right so we had to be childlike enough to see angels that's right isn't it see but religion grows us up where dr. so-and-so and were very smug in our theological no accep was it come as a little child so tell me about what you saw yeah Bob Jones used to call those and it sounds childlike he called him Tinkerbell angels Oh have you ever seen sparkles just like that and that's what he calls them he used to call them Tinkerbell angels Wow and but they really really are real while angels are real they can materialize we've got a lot of stories about angels I wrote a book about them Lord said write a book about the faithful in the fall and the faithful or the angels the fallen or the demons yeah and believe you me we're in the end of the age and the fruit of good and evil both are coming to fruition yeah so we're gonna need to know we need to know more about demons to know more about angels it's awesome so if you have a question for mr. Bobby hold it right up there like a duck no let's go it was like other ducks other fellow we are all a family we are all the family the duck spoke to you and said that interesting in that amazing can you interpret that Bobby and I can tell you creation knows more about the timing than you and I do that's awesome see before the fall there was no predator sport spirit yeah I'll tell you a little story I leave the Moravian Falls north I'm coming down off my porch and I get to the last step on the porch and started to step and a little bunny rabbit just a little bitty soft bunny rabbit about that tall starts running that away because he thought I was a I was a predator and he's running just as fast as they can that away and it broke my heart and I said I said I'm 75 76 years old I go stop I'm talking to a running bunny stop and the little bunny stops just like that maybe 30 or 40 feet away and he stops and I said come here I won't hurt you any hop all the way around and hop all the way to my foot he's this part of my foot and he's looking at me like this and my heart's go-to I'm not afraid of a bunny but see this is supernatural I said Lord what is this he said oh that little rabbit knows more about my timing than you do Wow see when God restores the kingdom back to this earth a lion can lay down with the lamb and a baby can pick up a viper didn't that something so all of creation is trying to tell us to become who we supposed to be the sons and daughters of the Most High God that's awesome that's awesome gave you a purple diamond purple in the Bible is the color of royalty awesome isn't that something that is Ana Medina talks about jewel something precious and we're called the jewels of God in the Bible when I come to take up my jewels and you look at in Hebrew man it means my specially acquired treasure and can you imagine how much we're valuable to heaven because God paid the blood of Jesus Christ we're not redeemed with corruptible things that you're silver and gold but with the precious blood of Christ I dare you look up the Greek word precious we don't even have an English word for it it means incalculable it means it's so valuable you can't put a value on it and so that's what we're precious to God yeah the purple is very important if you look at the Shepherd's rod for last year I write the color this year is purple hmm yeah yeah that's awesome well you guys and you oh you have one more okay just just one more because just because you're my kid doesn't mean you know angels yes you can talk to angels and they can talk to you that's a good thing you can they can talk to you and a remember they would come and talk to Daniel and they can come and talk to you and ask him if you it asked him to communicate to you okay and now we can hear if you can hear God you can hear God's servants the Angels and you can hear God John 10 3 said what my sheep hear my voice and they follow me yeah well what do you guys tell mr. Bobby you're welcome yes okay yeah yeah yes yeah there you go he said listen aren't children wonderful I love them yeah they're gifts from God they are yeah they are on loan to us yeah yeah and they're so well connected to the Lord I just love the things I'm thinking that they share that the way that the Lord speaks them I love I love old people and children yeah they're not political yeah that's right they don't give a rip everything in between is kind of like you know but but children old people they are in the chart of all true story that's right the little kids will just tell you I have my grandson there one time and back then he talked with a lid and uh so I had him there and I'm talking to him and he go Peppa breathe you smell like you eat something yellow [Laughter] I love your neck into table trees yeah that's all other grandpa they named him papaw Momo cuz he rode him around on the lawn mower you know and I got the best pop up dome oh yeah that's awesome so I'm Peppa breeze yeah great great great almost almost almost hey I was gonna ask you she was talking about ducks and talking ducks and you've had some interesting encounters with animals oh thanks going that's perfect Wow yeah would you wanna dive into some of those just fill your mouth full of food let's remove that and then just talk with you now looks like they bring this for me so that you're talking okay here it is Romans 8:19 it said the whole creation is groaning and travailing wanting us to step into our true identity as a manifested sons of God in that amazing and animals can't communicate to you they really can I could taste stories they're pretty wild you don't hear a wild story yes Father if you've read remember there's some little books about William Brannon little blue books and I was reading one of those little blue books about Brandon and it says that one day he spoke a squirrel into existence didn't know that if that strange that is okay and that was so you could shoot it right yeah no no that was it I don't know about that and he spoke a squirrel into existence so I'm down I'm down in the East Texas woods trees are 100 feet tall and I'm down there and I'm hunting I'm deer hunting I'm sitting on the ground with my back up against a tree about the size of a telephone pole like this and I'm sitting there in the the farthest thing from my mind was Brandon's a little blue book Wow right and the Lord said to me Bobby what do you think about William Brennan speaking that squirrel into existence and I said just like this oh I know it's true and then he says to me you know I'm no respecter of persons see that's how I got most of my gifts from God I'd find it in the Bible and then I say to God you're no respecter of person if he spoke to chief spoke to Moses to face as a friend communicates you can do too Bobby and that's how I get most of my experiences I'd hold that against God you're no respecter 4 and he said to me when I said oh yes I believe it's real he said you know I'm no respecter of persons well I got a sick feeling hmm yeah I said uh-huh yeah and then I'm tried to change the subject you know yeah and then he says no and you really and I said yes I believe he did and he said to me again you know I'm no respecter of persons oh man I it was such a tense moment my heart was beating so hard it pushing me away from the tree like this Wow and then he said over there there was a little sapling of a tree with a about a limb about six feet high off the ground like this and he said I want you to do the same thing I had no faith for it at all Wow and I'm trying to beg him out of it yeah I don't feel equipped to do this right he said nope no I'm no respecter of persons and I had to speak a squirrel into existence a 1x1 appeared and then it appeared I watched it for a moment and it disappeared and the Lord said to me - Wow ever don't you ever tell me you believe something when you don't Wow see I believe it random but I didn't Bobby Wow Wow see that's one we have not we believe it's okay for the great Hebrew Hall of Fame that's right but they are written and their stories are written to encourage us and whom the ends of the world have come and so we've got to we've got a man up and start understanding that these things in the Bible are for us to do yeah yeah because Hebrews 13:8 says Jesus Christ is the same yesterday today and forever whatever he did then he does now but he's looking for people he can do it through yeah yeah so that messed up my hunting they speak a big elk and in essence right yeah he'll come forth to you yeah I read in the Bible he gave us dominion and strike sometimes they won't listen that's right Dominion let me ask you uh so Bob at one point how did this work when you the firt the first Shepherd's raw that you wrote on D God speak to you about that first and then Bob kind of know it's really other way around okay other way around Bob Jones and recorded the Shepherd's raw decades before I did yeah he'd done him at that time I think he's only individual I know on earth that was doing the Shepherd rod on the day of atonement and so I knew that he did him and Bob comes to me I walked up to me and he goes I am God wants you to do the Shepherd rod and I said no Bob I'm not gonna do it just like that but I was going to explain to him why I didn't want to do it and I was I was gonna explain to him no I'm not gonna do it because I don't want to Polly parrot or copy sure of what somebody else is doing sure him saw said no Bob I'm not gonna do it and before I could give him the explanation on why he rubbed his hands like that he goes where he won't you too and turned around walked off just walked off with it right I'm standing there and I'm beating myself up thinking oh Lord I didn't get to handle that ride I didn't get to explain to him why I didn't want to do the Shepherd drug Jesus Christ if he's right about what before you are he said I want you to record the Shepherd's I said no Lord because I don't get revelation like that that's what I said Wow Oh Lord because I don't get revelations like that when I said I don't get revelation like this he takes me like that and cares me up into the universe into the heavens into a dome a big round sphere and in that sphere there's there's screens like big film screens thousands all around me beside me beneath the under and every one of the screens are playing something different that's equal but when I'd focus on the scene I'd know everything the most minut detail I don't everything about it I'm thrown back down to earth Jesus standing there and he almost laughed at me said see no problem for me to give you revelation and so that's I started doing the Shepard drive-in and this coming Day of Atonement big my 25th well that's incredible now when you had that encounter was that just before the day of like was that on the day of a disorder that's just before the Day of Atonement yeah and uh use the information that you saw on those screens is that part of no no that's just showing me that there was an example issued and then here's what Bob Jones and I did and for those 24 years we made a covenant we never discussed the shepherds rod together until they were both in print but to cover ourselves so nobody could say Bobby copies Robert Bob copied Bobby and it's stunning it is breathtaking to take those Shepherds and put them side by side it's the same thing just said in different ways and so that's what the Bible said in the mouth of two or three witnesses let everything be established Bobby like you're so blessed you're you're a part of this rich of like vibrant community of prophets and you weren't it wasn't this organizational thing it was this relational thing and and you guys are just running together and you you thoroughly enjoyed each other my goodness you know and and and I guess my question to you is what kind of encouragement would you give to maybe some of these young prophets that are kind of up and coming and and they don't have that they don't have those that that and they're looking for them you know and a mentor find somebody that that they're laughing is something that's exempt Latorre and begin to really pattern your life after them that's what Paul did with Timothy and we got to learn how to reproduce ourself in people and you're so right we had that listen I look back at the man and this is this is the absolute truth Bob was in the hospital and the day he died I raised up in bed see I didn't know he died and I screamed my father my father just like in the Bible and that's something yeah well did his funeral form it's amazing I'll tell you what we underestimate who Bob Jones was Issa elijah and he like shadowed over him I'm telling you I'm telling you right now Elijah and Elijah dote over him because he was an end time prophet they got to live in what they had prophesied take us back how did you meet Bob how did how did that happen yes this is a wonderful thing because this is 1994 1994 I saw a great big rock coming through the space I mean a gigantic rock coming through the space and he said that's a sign my kingdom is coming to earth call Bob Jones and he'll tell you I never met Bob Jones I'd seen him twice in a vision and once on a video so let's let's just stop right there at that moment the two visions that I'd seen him in I didn't know Bob Jones from anybody and I go into a vision and I'm walking down a trail in the woods you know with trees on each side and there's a pathway like a road a dirt road and I see an eagle a wounded eagle try going in front of me hopping like this and you can tell his wings broke and you can tell he's damaged and he hops like this and my heart just got sad man and it hopped back and turned his face like that and looked at me and it had a man's face and I said Lord who is that and he said that's my prophet Bob Jones and I thought oh my and then it went away a few days later I'm a same thing again I found myself in the woods in a in a vision and I saw that same pathway and I saw the Eagle a little bit better than he was the first time I saw him and I saw him trying to get enough momentum to get up and fly and he if he fell in roll like this and the dust and was all over him and he broke my heart I mean that here's what I said to the Lord I said Lord don't ever show me that again if you're not going to do something about it that's what I said don't you ever show me that again and he said that's why I'm showing you he said Bob's gonna be restored and you you'll end up best two friends Wow and so anyway then 1994's all the big rock coming through the space he said call Bob Jones he'll tell you the only time I've ever seen Bob Jones was twice - in a vision as a wounded eagle and so it Ricky Skaggs a country-western singer he gave me Bob's number Bob lived in Chile Florida at that time and I lived in Texas and so I called the number it rang rang and I was just about to hang it up and Bob though like oh this is Bobby Congress oh yeah I know who you are you seen it didn't you I said yes I did but you tell me what I saw he said you saw the big rock coming through space I said I did he said you know what it means I said I do but you tell me and he said it meant the Dominion of God was coming well that was the same thing so he came and preached in our church that's the first time he'd preached since they'd been in Kansas City and it was a wildest thing and God joined us together at the hip and we did you know hundreds of meetings together all over the place man but a very very anointed very unique it's just really really unique and so he's in the cloud of witnesses now talking yeah but man we taught you talk about something so we've had some wonderful times he tells the key tells the story of when when he died yes I tell you I've seen Bob dead so one time he was gonna have knee surgery yeah he needs to be a woodcutter and he cut trees and he used to have climb up trees with a chainsaw unlock his knees to cut the trees and so he wore his knees that when he was a young man and so he's gonna have a knee surgery and he was gonna go to the Veterans Hospital by himself and the Lord spoke to my wife Carolyn has said no Bob shouldn't go by himself Bobby needs to go with him so I said Carol my wife just insisted I said Lord but what do you mean - he said I want you to go and bring Paul Keith Davis with you so I called Paul Keith that said we're going to go to the hospital with Bob and so we told Bob and Bob goes totally wasting your time now oh boy I'll be all right totally wasting your time that's what he said yes and I said no God told me we're coming and so this is on a journey we're not in Chicago Illinois was colder than you could imagine they supposed to have a surgery at 10 o'clock that morning so Paul Keith and I go to the hospital around 5:30 in the morning sleet and snow just going straight in the air like this we get there get to Bob's rooms about it's already empty they've already come to get bought coming got Bob and I said lord I don't know where Bobby is he said I do follow me he said go back and get to the elevator punch the elevator go all the way down the basement get out there turn left go all the way down the end of the hall turn right go all the way the end the hall they'll be able metal box on the door push it we go down the end the van hoe down but there's a metal box I push it we walked right into the operating room there's a doctors with their masks though they are with their bloody gloves and there's Bob laying on the gurney dead Bob Jones laying on the gurney dead there's a black cloud like that spinning like that and there's Bob Jones hanging from the ceiling like a hot-air balloon and I said God what's this he said that black cloud is death if separated Bob from his body can't get back into his body rebuked the cloud and I said I rebuked the cloud they go to him and went spinning like that out the door Wham Bob fell back out of the ceiling into his body when he came to your to hurt him he goes well I'm glad I didn't look you didn't listen to me boy and so he said yeah yeah isn't that crazy I love that easy absolutely love that story hey let's take a quick break here y'all tell me you remember a story when I was throwing Altoids did I tell you all that story it's a great story not television gets camera running here's out Toy Story I'm I was up there preaching my wife sitting on the front row in the church that we pastored was about twice as deep as this one and wider and my wife had a box of Altoids there a little breath mint says they're from England is where they originated from it says curiously strong breath mints that's that's a little logo on them so anyway I stepped in off the platform and I said my dad wanted she she handed me the the box as I got the box and I took one and she said I said you don't want she said yeah so I pissed you like then she called it they lady behind her said I'd like one and I pissed you at her and she called it and then I realized this was supernatural we had a guy in our church named John Taylor and he's all the way the back maybe not quite twice as deep does this place here and I said hey John stand up open your mouth I'm gonna throw this in your mouth and I wield it like that in food it went all across the heads of the people feel right in John Taylor's mouth you couldn't throw that in Sean Taylor's mouth in 10,000 times but see it was a setup from the Lord then out of my mouth came the Bible verse open wide your mouth and I'll fill it declares the Lord as he wants to fill it with curiously strong bread spirit you understand that okay they're working on technology I'm working on this the what oh yeah Chester drugged me down Highway 31 with the chopped up Lincoln and a tricycle with a rope attached to the neck of it Oh oh man Chester's won got it's not his face cut off for the knife fight oh man he's still living and good lord now he's kind of a gray beard we used to ride motorcycles his beard was blood-red and he tightened they're not behind his head while we rode motorcycles Oh Lord we've we've had some times with folks when I first started preaching the first few rows would be policemen that's the honest-to-god truth to see if it was me honestly and I'll tell you what the media is a way to reach people nowadays so honestly the Lord asked me one time he said do you know how spread the Holy Spirit across the body of Christ and instantly I knew I didn't and he said cassette tapes see there was some preachers that wouldn't come to a charismatic meeting but they get the tapes and hide in their office and listen to the things about the gifts of the Spirit and so God does that that's how it got put on television I was driving down the road one time and he said there's a verse in the Bible says what you hear in the ear shot from housetop and so we're driving down the road and the Lord said up what do you see and I'm the whole bunch of houses I said houses he said watch on top of them and I said a roof and he said what's on the roof and back then everybody had an antenna and I said antenna and he said that's right what you hear in the air shot from how to stop and that's how we got on television was that was quite a deal 30 seconds could cost $700,000 at that time and I was buying 30 minutes a week for $170 lookee here we're good man oh is that curry it was delicious is that good yes did you leave any for me well I said to Christopher so don't eat it all we got to say pasture son was it spicy that might have been the other way around yeah it's all gone man no there's a little bit it's just a little villa was it spicy or it was wonderful was it go ahead I was I was about I was with Bob Jones out in his garden he was working on some strawberry play plants he had and all of a sudden he gets up gets up off leaves on office nice he goes we go in the house I said what you go in the house for it he said a millionaire is gonna call me I said who he said I don't know I said I'm going in the house with you so we get to the door when he takes his sandals or his shoes off because they've got some dirt on him and he has Kansas City baseball cap on takes it off hangs it on a nail walks by the phone the phone rings he picks it up throws it out yeah this Bob Jones yeah that's right well I'll take him you're a man ahead of your time they wouldn't buy what you built but you've turned your heart to the Lord and he's gonna get you out of all of this yeah I'm sure okay bye I said who was at least I don't know some guy mean John DeLorean it was John DeLorean Oh welcome back to the Future car Wow say they wouldn't back what he built Yeah right then he got he was in deep trouble with the IRS and with some things and God got him out all of that because it gave his hoard to Jesus that's incredibly gracious incredible I was in heaven I've been I've been in Bob Jones his house when NASA called him and said tell us what you see we know you can see further than us well something that is that's incredible pretty wild image yeah hey can you tell us the story uh that when when you embody both the separate counters were flying together yeah oh man this is wild it's like went like this yeah we were we were in a morning start we were in a lodge up there at Moravian falls and we used to have these uh roundtable meetings there for the prophets and so bob was there and Machado and bonny and Rick and all in of all of them and Bob was sitting in the chair and so he he said to me come here Bobby I want you to pray for me so I walked over and I touched him on the shoulder and the moment I put my hand on his shoulder to pray for him instantly soar up into the heavens like big Eagles you know and I'm soaring up their involvement we're like Eagles and I said to Bob let's go higher and he said here's what here's what he said no we don't need to go any higher and I said in this trance shut up to can go higher than one and you know I would have never talked to him like that and our wings touch together and we went higher I mean we went so high you could see the earth back like this and then the wind blew us like this and then you could see down mountain slopes calamity tragedy all kind of chaos and Bob said see I told you we shouldn't with this high and I said again shut up you don't have to just see the bad and the wind blew us back like this and then you said you could see the blessings of God and so I never told anybody that I told Bob to shut up and about I guess a month or maybe three weeks Bob was up there preaching he starts laughing Bobby told me trance yeah yeah that's amazing he would I never have to I would never talk to him like that but and he said it's so funny Bobby told me shut up well we were we went to Longview Washington once and me and Bob Johnson we're gonna do a conference there and they they had us in a van and uh I was sitting behind Bob in the van and the rest of the van was full of preachers and we're up on some heel overlooking Longview Washington and Bob Leanback knows hey boy talking to me hey boy Kelley's preachers what generation this is I said Bob they know what generation this is he said no I'll tell them I said well it's a Joshua generation God's joining the generations and when I said that highline's paralyzed 15 feet apart jumped up together wound themselves together and blew every light out and Longview watched it I sit there and watch the blue transformers explode and it blew every light out in one long question and then the next day the paper says for some unknown reason at a certain intersection too our lines 1560 parts but see God was verifying the message of the joining of the generations it doubles the power and we're not equipped for it right yet yeah yeah that is that's incredible that's where the fire department came to the meeting we're up there I'm up there preaching and Bob sitting there and I hear fire trouble yeah and he got louder now than I thought boy that sounds close and all of a sudden the doors burst open he runs in the fire department they got him masks in tanks and hats and they run in there and we're having church and they got jerked his mask off it I won't say exactly what he said but like shucks our sensors showed a full ceiling blaze in this building Wow see the Holy Ghost was moving in such a way it set the fire alarms off at the fire station and so they ran in and it I was excited in Bob and say he's sitting back like oh yeah he's captain all the time that's what he did you know Lord is awesome Bob Jones I'll tell you what google him if you want to and watch his videos that they've got on the on the YouTube it's priceless and I'll tell he was a real thing way back there before before we were joined together he was very controversial so I asked the Lord Jesus about him I said Bob tell me about Bob Jones and Jesus Christ looked me straight in the face and said he's my friend and he was a friend of the Lord he'd go to heaven like you and I go to Walmart he would I'm telling you God gave him access to heaven and a one time he stood before God in death and the Lord said Bob I want you to go back and Bob said no Lord I don't want to go back and he said look and he looked back like this to earth and he saw a the lineup of a billion young people standing at the gate to come into the kingdom of God and Bob said I'll go back for that yeah so you were gonna see a great harvest right Young's right that's right that's right amen amen hey let me ask you so you met him in 94 and then he passed away in 2014 is that right yeah what kind of transformation did you see from like 94 Bob to 2014 but yeah I tell you what uh he always the moment I met him he was electrifying you know Wow but boy I'll tell you what I watched him done the number one thing about Bob Jones he loved people well when he stood before God in debt the only question God asked him was did you learn to love say by this shall all men know you are my disciples if you have love one for another we have got to start we've got to really cultivate love that's right and Jesus demonstrated love and so that's what we need we need to be people that really love people yeah that was number one I think it's attributed he genuinely loved people and while we've been in situations you can t imagine yeah like what Bobby tell us I was down in Florida yeah I don't maybe him could have been Miami well in a ministry with a black church and Aaron Evans was a pastor and did just I was doing the preaching to be honest with you it wasn't all that good to me yes here's the same kind of flat water yeah I'm in the hole I get back home from the meeting and old Aaron calls me yeah brother oh you're coming back I said no where and I don't think he said yeah are you coming back I said no Aaron I don't think I'm coming back so yeah the Lord told me you're coming back and I said what the Lord tell you he said the Lord told me to get the Hard Rock Cafe and bring you back I said to him okay Aaron you get the Hard Rock Cafe this is in Orlando yeah yeah he said you get the Hard Rock Cafe I'll come and bring some of my friends and I forgot about it Yeah right weeks went by maybe even months and I get a call from Aaron hey brother I gots I got it I said you got one he said I got the Hard Rock Cafe I got Bob Jones Paul Keith Davis John Paul Jackson Rick Joyner Don Potter yeah almost anybody could spell Jesus yes and we go down there they're a Hard Rock Cafe girl I mean just they had this is awful they had to sweep up women's underwear off the platform because it had a rock show there the night before and it's open to the public the this this meeting is open to the public because the Lord it broke out I'm telling you that thing was packed out like people fell on the head and started spinning around oh my god well this gives me the heebie-jeebies you know and you never sinned and Bob Jones gets and Don Potter and the there's there's lots shows going on like this and Bob Jones gets up and starts rapping and it's good Eileen - Rick and I said your your your answer video of this oh yeah Wow and Don's playing musics again oh and Bob's up there rapping and it's good I told Rick I said listen you're her this is any of your problem right here here's Bob Jones rapping at the Hard Rock Cafe they transfer revival that's a tried to hit me to sign a contract and come back and do another Wow it was a wildest thing that's a good kraid well these they had one of these big old guards that he was guarding the Hard Rock Cafe and he had go to hell and how to get their act together and and I had bold I said God's going to change your whole life he looked at me like I'll slap you into tomorrow and the Holy Ghost fell on him and he's weeping like a little boy sat in my lap just you know didn't that crazy that is that was a hard rock cat revival at the Hard Rock - yeah but you already seen it it was the craziest thing I could pick up on what people would say and tell him what they're gonna say before they say it but that was me and Bob Jones at the Hard Rock Cafe wow that's awesome we went to a meeting had started at 2:00 a.m. in Nashville Tennessee 2:00 a.m. in the morning Bob Jones and I though he said well Boyd said we're gonna go over there and do something unique I said what's unique he said we're gonna have a meeting at 2:00 a.m. I said why he said that's when all these pop stars are loose they don't have nothing to do so we went to the foundry in Nashville Tennessee yeah I did have a lot in there they had probably I don't know maybe maybe 30,000 candles lit and there's people in there that couldn't even spell Jesus Wow 2:00 a.m. in the morning and me and Bob Jones is there Henry Blackaby was there not not as a speaker but just that it's a wildest crowd you've ever seen Wow and so boy howdy and we had a time and you were scheduled to speak there or lay him in the morning yes we did then the rock guys and the guys that see they'd quit their gigs and they came and they came because they were invited to come and a boy I was wild I looked out there and there was there said a warlock in a long trench coat and a Abraham Lincoln hat and the Lord said you see him he had two two sets of witches on each side of him I said yes I do Lord you know what he you know what he is don't you yes and yes he's a Satanist he said oh no that's not what he is he's an evangelist but the church rejected him so Satan took him this is all true and I said what do you mean dude he said I want you to go back there and call him back to his calling and that's something said God gave me his name and so I've stepped down there to him there's a big old boy named Abraham Lincoln hat and these witches I set up I see that when he was a young man God called you to preach the church rejected you but the devil took you in and this Satanism mess you're in it's only her for Saad I said come here and he didn't come I said God he didn't come he said command him I said come here and he flips up over all the people in the interval and he right in front of me the witches are hey I said it's a way too late for that this this kid just delivered right there that's awesome that's awesome make those people couldn't you spell Jesus the hard rock guys they did they go you know see they was using verbiage you hadn't heard in church you know but in that yeah that is the natural tendency that's all sound read that's sort of we got into some places man we went to the place where the high suicide rate in America was at out there Plano Texas that's where the football players families are and the richest people around and that had the highest suicide rate among teenagers and at least the top of the Galleria Mall and had me and Bob Jones in there now you talk about something they flew those kids in in helicopters and everything else and a bob you know bob was a mazing these kids had all the money in the world and Bob gets a third he starts to be his rapping to him and it goes that selfie to me you know like that and it first those kids just look like good Lord we're in a distant world and then all of a sudden Holy Ghost failed those kids fall on their face they're weeping crying it was it was amazing and Bob say yeah look what a mess you got me into he'd to instigate these things here's another Bob Jones story he was up here somewhere in the northwest I was over in the East Coast ministering and the Lord said get a ticket and go out to where Bobby as I said okay I'm not invited he said yes get you a ticket and go out there so I'll leave the East Coast and come to the west coast and they picked me up at the airport and I said hello to the driver driver never said a word get to the church I said hello to the usher I sure never said a word and I said something no not a single word was said they cut me down there and set me down by Bob Jones Bob Jones I've been there three days preaching and Bob said how you doing I said I'm doing fine I said this is not a very friendly place is that they've not said a word he said they'd better not said I told him not to say a single word to you now you get up here and you stand right there and you tell him everything I've said for three days and I got up and stood there and told him everything Bob had said for the first three days talking about the flags and people went crazy was he in the mouth of two or three witnesses let everything be established isn't that crazy yeah it and Rick Joyner grabbed ahold of that and years ago used to do these conferences where he would separate you guys separate me and Larry and we tell us a little bit about how will they put a section of the people here and then in a down the tunnel they put another section of people and Larry would be ministering to one group and I'd be ministering the other and then we'd finished the ministry and then we would swap groups and I would call out this the very same person Larry did and give him the very same prophecy and he'd call out the people I did and give him the very same prophecy and it was teaching the people in the mouth of truth three witnesses everything to be a sad established it was the craziest thing of Larry had called out a guy that looked like Tom Jones dancing yeah and it said something I bet you can sing this song and so I get in there and I say hey you look just like Tom Jones and and the people start roaring see because they know there was no collaboration at all it's so creative I mean that's amazing I say I learned a thing about the sharpening the prophetic anointing I was ministering in a church and a young college-age girl comes in front of me and she's just her eyes are just glued to me like this and I said you want a word from God don't you she does like that I said you're not going to talk to me or you look like that and I thought what in the world and when I said that her face turned into Barbara Walters you know the tea woman yeah and I said Lord what in the world is this he said what is Barbara Walters I said she's a journalist and he said this young girl wants to be a Christian journalist I said oh I know what you want to be you want to be a Christian journalist she goes bananas she's jumping up there falling on the floor gentlemen she reached in her back pocket jerked out an envelop tore up the envelop and helped up the thing her said my heart's desires to be a Christian journalist so that then I got our prophetic teams together and I'd make people write down their heart's desire put it in a sealed envelope and come standing in front of our prophetic team till they could pick up what their horses are was in that wow that's a great activation yeah yeah that's a great activation in that crazy that is yeah hey so 24 years of the shepherds rod and in many of your Shepherds Ross you're the Lord shows you the future various aspects other future I wanted to ask you about the area of of disease you and Bob have seen different diseases coming you've also seen different cures yes and and one of the one of the big killers has been cancer yeah and and it's interesting that that they're still using the same ammunition to kill is it they were using you know twenty thirty years ago that really hasn't been a whole lot of break through it and that in that area I guess my question more specifically is what are you seeing the area of disease and disease breakthrough and all that kind of other what we have to do with cancer is cursing our architect out of Texas brought his son his son was in college and he got a cancer up in his back of his nasal and it was growing like a like a it was rapidly growing and pushing into his brain and the doctors had said if we don't operate he's going to die if we do operate here lose all of his motor skills so he brings his his his son to me and here's this handsome college kid and got a bright future in front of him and with this cancer and I said Lord what will you do with this cancer he said Bobby I'm gonna do exactly what this cancer what I did with the fig tree well he cursed the fig tree and it has swiveled and so I said God's gonna do exactly with this cancer what he did with the fig tree he's gonna curse it and it's gonna swivel when they cared the kid back the doctors looked in there and said oh my god and they took it out with a pair of tweezers Wow and while this architects all would be all over the world since then it's amazing and that's what I think we got to do I think we got to take authority over cancer I believe it's a demon I believe cancers a demon yeah and I and we have authority over that and a I have a dialogue from a doctor once poor this is where I think cancer has a life of its own because he was operating on a person that had cancer in one leg and it moved and got in the other one Wow while he's doing the surgery running like a rat in a hole in that something that is so I think we're gonna have to take authority over disease he says no evil disease will not put upon you that's right and so we've got to instead of just taking I I think sometimes we're away to a casual with our words you go to the doctor now and that one of the first questions a doctor will ask you does this run in your family don't be an idiot now you're in a whole new family that's good don't open yourself up to that say no the Colossians 1:13 says you're out of the family of Darkness you're in another family yeah oh don't okay it and one thing if you'll notice we're not watch almost every pharmaceutical advertisement on TV on TV they'll call their disease my arthritis mine it's not yours it's an invasion don't own it you see what we're saying so don't don't take it as yours it's an invader and so you'll hear him say well they own it you know no don't do that you know Bob Jones one time said a person's foolish if he doesn't use every mechanism God has given him to get delivered you know so I'm not against medicine but I'm against where people think there's no there there's nothing impossible with God that's right it's when people give up on it that's when God could step in that's right that a man brought a woman to me and oh my goodness I never seen anything like you to be honest with you and this guy they brought the woman was a doctor himself and it's his wife and she had lost her mind and couldn't keep her tongue in her mouth and her body was just just like a limp knitting look they had no life to it at all and he told me in a meeting he said Lord to him if I bring my wife here that he would use you to cure and that's a l'eau Lord what because she was just incoherent couldn't keep her tongue in her mouth you'd hung out like a hot dog and so I said Lord what will you do with this woman he said I want you to pick her up and dance with her like a child around a miracle I thought oh Lord and so I picked her up and she was just like a rag doll i drugged her I just picked her up off the throne and i drugged her around like this and we make four or five circles and it seemed like we were spinning so fast like on a carousel but I'm just dragging her and all who said we I don't have me around so we made like this the next thing I know she she's just like that she quoted all of her children's birthday quarter there her driver's license law only saying just wow come on and wanna see one you think that is awesome that's right that's right see and I don't know what all about what we've got to do now now here's something that Marg on my mind they brought a man to me that had brain cancer yeah that's what they said yeah they showed me the x-rays they had the doctors reports and they brought him there to the ministry we were doing and so they want me to pray for him said okay so I stand up there and I lift my hand up just like this to touch him I'm about this far from him and the Lord said to me what are you doing I said I'm praying for this man that has cancer and the Lord said to me who's told you has cancer I said his family and this doctor's report well here's what the Lord said he said he does not have cancer but if you pray for him he'll get it Wow Bobby now listen to me now we better watch out that's right he said he does not have cancer but if you pray for him he'll get it I said okay what does he help and here's what the Lord said he says he has a mineral deficiency in his body and there's an infection in the back of his brainstem said tell him to go home and start eating massive amounts of a certain kind of cereal and it'll replenish the mineral there and everything will be alright Wow so that's what I told his family got that man I mean absolutely spittin mad because I wouldn't pray for him but this guy believe me while I was home starts eating massive amounts and was totally healed wow wow wow that's awesome that is sauce we better get our direction from God that's right I warned the turkey led us there yeah one other thing witches have learned see the devil can't cast the devil out of the devil and so witches will come to a church a spirit-filled good church and use good believing believers to cast the demons out of them and turn around in about seven back so they're using the church to get a seven point upgrade see Satan can't cast out Satan remember the story when the house was cleaned and garnished and that wasn't filled with the spirit the demons go out pick out seven and come back so what we've got to do in church when people kind wanting to be delivered we got a discern is this genuine or is this the demons trying to get an upgrade Wow and that's something that is we got watches look at all right well go ahead take a break I didn't want to do guising it look at these Oh Shi these are nice would you get which one I don't know it's got something on top everything's it's some puppy or get that a big crumbs off the master's table yeah yeah even the little children get heat from the crop yeah that's right what how would you like to bend that one how would you like to bend that woman she came to Jesus because her baby was sick and he said it's not right to give the children's bread to dogs this modern day culture she didn't take this that's right that's right that's right right yeah that's the most crude answer I've ever seen it's not right to give them children's bread the dog's right and she said yes master but even a little puppies get to eat from crumbs and Jesus said I've not found greater faith than this isn't that crazy that is that is I like this I hope we've got enough sense to do something like that that's right thanks don't seem like it's going our way yeah that's right that's right really good I could share one of these with the people but yeah which one do you think I should have been a brain surgeon did you brother got in a knife at you see it to share these this is like Oh does it Oprah do this kind of stuff like like feet feet and then she's running WWE yeah that's passing out candy and running this you see it thing right there that almost died sits car yeah and her brother got in a knife fight he's trying to stab in the chest with a knife and it cut that artery there Oh Bobby yeah and we set there and bloods going all the way up to my mama's roof and nobody had enough sense to put her what he turned a good yeah so I got really paola fill out passed out from blood loss yeah I grew up rough I got two of these now since I fingered on them you know yeah that's a horrible story oh man just like yeah I hit my brother and hit the hammer is stuck hammer in his head hanging out was hidden that's right a great reality show yeah shot my brother hitting my head the hammer it's pretty well my goodness blew him up you blew your brother I did him and my cousin both how'd you blow up oh they well you want to know yeah I do which don't with God a truck like an ice cream truck rolled it over in a big ditch would be the God in ice cream so I think yes we - commandeered an ice-cream rolled it over in a big ditch covered it up with a backhoe and we put a lava lamp in it and a smokestack and you're underground it was an underground Love Shack just to be quite aa underground Love Shack beanbags lava lamp underground underground so anyway we had this smokestack where wouldn't suffocate on you and it's insulated and so anyway it's like your fort yeah my cousin yeah there's the fort okay my cousin my brother was down there so I go a knock on the door and they got no I knocked on though no back then they had md-80s they all out long they blow your arm off yeah it was a big old firecracker I had two of them so I crawled up on top of the bunker and I like both of them dropped him in the bunker it it moved the earth they through the door when they're running bloods coming out of every holy God eyes ears and the doctor said it's a miracle you didn't kill him but you know more the next time I've rattle the door they do I don't know man what like what did you did you think that was funny when they were running out really pretty crazy yeah brother could whip me with his PhD anytime you wanted to you know Wow so which building my mother a porch and I'm out of lift off you know a little or something he swung me around he was gonna wipe me with the left hand and I had a hammer and I go well yeah I would Wham and this is what the doctor said he said it's a miracle I hit him right here that's where the sinuses are and the hammer head went into the sinus hole here and the handles hanging out this away yeah yeah and he's unconscious and he said if you'd hit him here you'd kill him if you hate him here you'd kill him he said you hit him the only place that wouldn't kill him the rest of his life he had a half moon where the hammer he had went in oh wow there he is laying there my mother runs to the door when she goes well she screamed you kill me I said shut up I know that you no good knew it didn't kill me so I don't know right yeah what was your mom like I mean all blesser or you were talking to me a little bit about her I can't imagine being the mom of Bobby Connor she used to jump or mom oh yeah me and my brother really big and I had no dad to discipline us so one time my uncle my mother was going to achieve got my drunk uncle to come down to whip me and I'm not gonna take away my drunk uncle so I knocked him out knocked his false teeth out of his mouth knocked him unconscious and his false teeth run under the couch yeah so my mother's trying to do this get his teeth out from other cats with a mop handle but anyway did that backfire yeah me and my brother grew up rough mom would try to whip us so we'd pick her up turn her upside down and pitch her back forth yeah she just screaming hollering get red and we turned sweet set her down and turn around let her whippers she's sort of blood pressure go down oh wow oh yeah she was really something rats with your mom yeah God raised her from the dead twice Wow that's not bad is it yeah yeah what was that like all wonderful it was yeah it really happened we were in I was in a Coliseum preaching me and Carolyn and a big bunch of people and I had a guy that helped me like Christopher his name was Joe Davila and I looked over there for the cars drive out of the Civic Center and Joe was there and he was he was motioning I said come to Joe I'm preaching to a whole bunch of people and Joe comes out and hands me a note it says your mother's been kurd to a hospital she was critically ill doctor says you'll be dead if you don't come now so I said Lord what do you me do he said I want you to finish this meeting so we finished the meeting Carole and I get in the car my wife and I get in the car drive to cities over to where the hospital is and we get there and we parked the car me going into the intensive care unit and a doctor comes out of the out of the door with my sister and so help me this is the first thing the doctor said to me well you're too late your mother's dead didn't say Bobby we did everything we could well you're too late your mother's dead so I take my sister I'm trying to comfort her we step inside the room and over there about I guess thirty feet away is my mother on a gurney while I and the doctor said I've been there less than a minute the doctor said she has respiratory but that's not her breathing that's the Machine because she's dead then he said she has a pulmonary but that's not her heart beating that's the Machine because she's dead three times he told me she's dead he said what you're going to do is leave her will machine a couple hours that he'd be time to contact the morgue to deal with the body well I only said I said to him that's what you say let's see what Jesus will say well huh and I said I pray the perfect will of God be done with my mother when I said that she started vibrating like this off up and down off the gurney scared the spit out of the doctor putting me and my sister outside wouldn't let us go back in the room till the next morning I think it was we we could go in at eight o'clock or 10 o'clock whichever it was and we'd go in my mother setting up on the gurney she took herself off took herself off the life support pulled the tubes out of her mouth jerk the wires and the doctor came in said go home just like that awesome that is awesome that is awesome I love that you should have heard my mother talk about life after death really yeah she had never read any of those books it was a she punched me on the arm she says Bobby I was not one bit afraid one moment I was here the next moment I was with Christ said we went up a tunnel of light said we got in a room that was not a room but it's a room full of life said they was windows with curtains but not curtains like we know she said everything was alive and moving he said she said the Lord said you want to see out and she said yes Lord he said she said he ran his arm through the curtain and pulled back the curtains like that she said Bobby I could see forever and said everything there was moving and alive and sounding praises to God and he said the Lord looked understood the next time you come you get to stay lamb and she was back Wow and that crazy that is is that is this beautiful it means I was in Vienna Austria got to the flat where I was staying at 2 a.m. in the morning after this and I'm sitting down on side of the bed to pull my cowboy boots off and the Lord appeared to me said I don't want you to go to sleep I said Lord I'm tired he said I don't want you to go to sleep right now because I'm carrying your mother home to be it to me and that's that's when she died did stay did Morden visited what he said it's my will to keep her the second time but your prayers overrode my wheel really that's exactly right Wow Wow well it's my will to keep her the second time but your prayers overrode my wheel that's what Jesus told me yeah so in that crazy yeah but like your story is just so like extraordinary from from your birth all the way up I mean just your life and has Lord ever shown you anything as far as like a great grandpa or some sort of legacy or some sort of that's what I asked my sister see I never knew my dad yeah dad out in a mental institution from a venereal disease Wow so I asked my sister I said do you know because my brother preached right my sister married a preacher and see we grew up rough man I grew up in trouble boy and so I asked my sister I said do you know anything that could have any gate that could have opened to it and she said my our daddy had a sister that was a Pentecostal woman and my sister was she was old enough to remember this she said one time we was all out in the yard and said this woman gets out of the car and says why Julia that's my mother's name while Julia these children have a gift on them and started praying in tongues that's what my sister says you know and I was too little to know anything about it well that could have been the moment that God was so in OCD absolutely but pretty wild yeah setting things up yeah yeah that's incredible but I'll tell you what the there's a verse in the Bible I told you I've been preaching 50 years and so I was waiting before God just thanking him for all that we've seen and he said to me you ain't seen nothing yet and there's a verse in the Bible that says all that we have seen up until now is but the mere fringes of his force all that we've heard up until now is but the faintest whisper of his voice that's in the Bible wow we ain't seen nothing yet that's right Bobby that's right he said all that we've seen up until now is but the outskirts of his doings when one says the fringes of his force then it says all that we've heard Azusa Street all of that all that we've heard is what the faintest whisper of his voice well the next verse says who can contemplate when he roars yeah I'd say we better get ready we say nothing yet that's right that's right now Bobby 76 yeah there's 76 years would you say that the other days no I have my 77 this year nowhere you'll be 7777 like that that's like you've got your you got just this abundant life I use that superhuman energy good lord I'll say I guess it's a it's me and what's your doctor saying about you doctor says I have the end there were inward workings of a fine home athlete I have you signed and documented as in Russia and Germany Germany and I said you can control your your heart rate and everything with your your mind and they said I said y'all don't believe me they go nine I said we'll pick out you were telling them this you can control your heart yeah and I said you pick out five of the preachers that you trust and care me the hospital I prove it to you so they pick out five preachers we're in a preachers meeting in Germany they carry me to the hospital with a guy named bud mater we went to the hospital to do this like to do this experiment so they put me to own a machine I said watch this I think my heartbeat 72 beats a minute which is about normal yeah and so the little machine goes to did and spit out a thing said save me two beats a minute that but that didn't impress them because that's about normal so I said oh I'll tell you what I'll do now I'll drop my heart rate down to 42 beats a minute that's a little bit above a coma so they plug the machine back in it goes they do that it spit out the tape I didn't look at it just pulled it up health it up and they go oh so 42 beats a minute that's incredible see I'm telling you that's a great understand that there's a spirit man named here that's bigger than your body see where try out of me you know we're a body and a soul in a spirit yes and what we do we let our are we let our soul and and our body dictate our spirit instead of the other way around so what do we do what do we do like because you talk about healing which is awesome but what do we do to prevent sickness and disease what do we do just to do what you're doing okay I'll give you a secret and and I hope you'll share it with these people there's a pattern you can follow to lengthen your life and it's daily communion daily commuter what the Bible says if you take communion incorrectly you get sick weak and die that's what the Bible says yes if you take communion not correctly you get sick weak and dies right any negative has a positive that's right so if you take commit and communion correctly you have longevity rejuvenation and long life see so daily communion now we know this you can eat all the bread and Seattle drink all the wine in Seattle and fall over dead yeah because it's not in the bread it's not in the wine it's in the presence while lobbyists go in his presence is fullness of joy a merry heart does good like a medicine and we've got to start having daily communion and you can have communion with a cracker and with some water as long as you're focusing on the Lord yeah and that's what happened look at Moses Moses got in the presence of God and God had to snuff him it says Moses when he died his natural face this was not abated now there were neither was his eyes dim see he got in the presence the presence got into him and there's longevity so david communion will help you yeah that is so good just coming into his presidency daylian and acknowledging his body and that's exactly right a shed yeah so any negative has a positive and that positive is longevity of rejuvenation yeah well whatever you're doing that's what I want to that's what I want to do I'm telling you what it's amazing honestly yeah the Lord's had started announcing that you have the inward workings of a final athlete now go oh boy that that's something anyway so I'd start healing people they look at me like oh man so the Lord said I want you to run a doctor and get him to prove what you're saying is correct so I go into a place in Texas and this is a famous doctor that I go into I'd never made him he's sitting there and I go in bossy and I said to me and I order in ordering him really I said I want you to take out your letterhead and I want you to write down what I tell you and he's with Catholics letterhead and I said I want you to write down Bobby Connor has inner workings of a fine home athlete and I want you to dated and signed it and I heard what he thought here's what he thought sure fat boy psychiatric wards on the second floor that's what he thought so I told him what he thought scared the crud out of him you know yeah I mean it's yeah right right but he did it yeah he wrote Bobby Connor standard workers were fine hone athlete and so I I said now what I want you to do is check me in your hospital and prove what you wrote is true oh man now it's mad yes checks me in the hospital good gracious taped it in my mouth shut put tubes in me weighed me in water took out blood did all the work ups took him three days to do that and I said it's gonna take seven days to get back to reports I thought okay so I'm waiting on I get a call and I go back up there any setting at his desk he's white as a sheet and blue around the mouth and he's shaking he said you're not gonna believe it your reports came back and he said I did all the triathlon athletes that were preparing for the Olympics I did all of their work ups and your supersedes anything anything they've got so I haven't gotten committed that's that's incredible I had a guy looking me and he said he said I've never seen this before I said what is he said your insides is the insides of a 17 year old you know that my wife made him one of those tasks you suppose take when you're past 50 back out now I got in once and she said I've made you an appointment I said hair no dental no it was one of them yeah one of them yeah yeah yeah I've gotten there yet I don't talk about it a lot but it's all true don't watch sometimes earnest sweat yellow lime church yeah here's what happened that's my watch they know you're gonna go take this test yeah so I grew up there as a young guy and he's young the doctor looked young yeah and I said to me hey your mama know you're here that's what I said hey your mama know you're young and he said we're going to put a IV in ioan we're gonna put you to sleep and then we're going to insert and we're going to examine I said I said no we're not gonna do that I said I don't take medication I don't allow me I don't I don't go to sleep yeah he said no said oh this is painful we have to do it I said we can't do it then because I don't do anesthesia no I said I'm not gonna do it yeah and he said you can't do it I said well you can't do it yeah because I'm not gonna do he said he said you're serious I said don't I look serious he said he said okay and he said could at least put a stent in here in case it's so painful I can do it quick like you didn't put the stamp but note nothing in it yeah so he put stand-in and we go in now the reason I wanted to do this I want to stay awake was I was studying Psalms 139 where it says we're knit together in the secret place and I was see about how we were knit together yeah and so there there was a lot of thing this you wanted to go on the journey to this is all true I'm wide-awake and so the guy comes in with a mask Wow he comes with his mask in his rubber gloves and he goes are you okay are you okay it's crazy so I go knock yourself out you know and anyway technicolor you can see you can see me inside out man through the you gotta floor it's crazy I'm well I'm watching this every second he's gonna be okay I said I am fine he said you're not hurting and you don't have to take pain you can set your mind up and not take pain while I'm telling you there really is a place you can get where you're painless Wow this is true yeah anyway that there is work and he's he realized then I wasn't really hurting he said man he said he said I'll give you the whole truss and let's do it any personal tour yeah he goes up to you all out laughs yeah yeah that's true now yeah and see we're wonderfully and fearfully made all of your intestines there there there quit with certain types of muscles some separate this some separates that some lets the openings come for certain chemicals to come in and out yeah it's the most unique thing we were joined together meticulously above of Psalms anyway he said you're not her I said no he said we'll take the full journey here's what I said he said I'm gonna go on up he said like we don't usually go this far that's what he said we're gonna boldly go yeah I'm here's what he said he said now I'm gonna go on it and there's a fanny flap I said don't use that word fatty flap he said there's a fanny flap there said I'm gonna manipulate it and I'll be in your stomach and you can see it oh wow you can see the camera I mean there's a Sony in there going oh you know and it gets a turn it looks soo my stomach it's pretty wild it's a while because that's when it was worth it oh yeah yeah I could see I could see and that's what I was studying about us being wonderfully and fearfully made but incredible so finally pulls all this stuff out and here's here's the same thing he said I've done thousands of these he said I've never seen anything like it in my life he said the insides of you looks like a teenager anything rather the doctor said that's incredible pretty wild that is yeah see all these are true she's considering all the stuff that you use yeah I'll cut myself well I don't know the saw one all my guts fell out on the floor yeah remember that yeah well you were saying - you said drink like shoe polish she polished glues sniff glue gasoline for shooting cream yeah no part I you put a piece oak well you take a piece a lot put a piece lines brand down and pour shoe polish soon it'll catch the dye and let the alcohol fall in oh yeah but anyway we do it rough like that Wow but in that crazy that is that is wonderfully and fearfully made you just either preserved you or just completely restored you yeah it's it's pretty amazing and don't buy into that you get old you got to loose your mind you don't know if you're bowling there bingo in man it says God did not give us a spirit of fear but a love pound a sound mind I don't know why we think we've got to get a certain age and we do and listen God wants to give you a sound mind the word sound mind meets a mind that can Catalan retain facts Wow well I have rattled a lot so we don't get asked most questions around me you lose your breath you lose your turn yeah that's right that's right I get paid to talk so it's fun yeah now hey we're in Seattle and Seattle is really starting in a bit innovate and it's pioneering some amazing places in technology and and you ABAB like you guys were pioneers in places of technology me even the story you were just telling recently about how Bob saw told Mike Bickle yeah about everybody he said he said one of your greatest outlets is it's gonna be Asian people walking around the field watching you on a handheld television see that was before cellphones and one of the largest audiences Mike Bickle has is in China watching him on the incredible yeah you saw that whole thing playing out it's really amazing you can what others so what's something you've seen as far as technology goes and as far as like what stuff is inspiring you but what stuff are you seeing also yeah where you're thinking that's that's not good at all yeah I saw fiber optics before I knew what it was Wow and I saw Morris is traveling down a little in strands as small as a and I said look there I see voice he's travelling down it's pretty crazy and uh I got in trouble with the US government not long ago I saw that there there's a weapon being made with sounds and vibrations and sonic sounds and vibrations and you can shoot the tail in off a plane you can melt somebody's brain and I said it in a meeting and so I met with some guys in blue suits and they go where'd you get this information I said I got even trance from God they said no where'd you get this Wow and it was a one of the secret weapons had been made in a China it's ahead of us Oni honestly Wow you know China's been waging a economic war illness for years and winning right Trump is turning some of that around yeah yeah yeah come on come on so pretty well if you get the Shepherd job to look in years past you can find what I said in the Shepherd Jordan if you listen to the news they'll say the same thing yeah for this one 2019 the one that's out there on the table I said they're gonna discover things in deep space did that happen right yes just a few weeks ago they found what a black hole they call it yeah and so if you listen because anything God's going to do he'll kill the prophets right in it Jeremiah 23 18 is this who has stood in my counsel to hear my word and that's what we got to do we've got to get in the counsel of God and hear what he's saying and then repeat that to the people yeah how about I've never reading your Shepherds are this a few years back and there was a warning in there about artificial intelligence yeah did you have some sort of it was that based off of like an encounter or a yes the remember when they went me remember when they let artificial intelligence play the leading Czech chess player in the world yeah and the artificial intelligent one and the Lord said to me how long are you gonna let artificial intelligence go unchallenged I said I didn't I didn't know it was a threat he said if we continue with it like it is artificial intelligence will choose who lives and dies and so they crunch all the numbers and they would say well this guy's old he there's no sense spending any more money on him no more Medicaid you know in that something so a computer is very wise but has no soul as there was no concept of good and evil so we have to do that one time I'm uh I'm in Texas and the Lord said I don't you go to go to Japan I said he said I want you to confront cloning that was really that's where the head cloning was yeah yeah and he said it's an antichrist spirit people trying to recreate themselves Wow so I go to Kyoto and I'm walking down a side of a river with the guy that the head cloned guy cologne er and there's a Asian fella and I said I'm here to tell you to back away from this it's an antichrist spirit he said you know how many billions of dollars this is I said I came to happen I'm here to warn you and he backed up and I said to prove it's true hold your hands out and they'll turn purple I've got pictures of him his hands turned his purple is anything you've ever saw Wow Wow so then he backed away from but it's people trying to recreate themselves that's what the cloning is you know trying to and some of the stuff seems very just anti-human actually it's the anti creation yeah but it's being created by by him yeah is so do you think that there's some sort of like demonic assignment to release technology look at look at most of the movies now it says all these created creatures fighting against us trying to annihilate this right right stuff and uh I think there's a lot of messages going out that it what it does it least sensitize these people to the reality you know and nearly everything that our whole culture is fascinated with the supernatural just not the supernatural at church that's right look at the movies you Australian and then they'll have an elders to have a meeting of the Holy Ghost movie you know that's right and then you look at the movies a crazy in it well what we got to do we got to let him see the real supernatural and the largest red book in America among children is Harry Potter Harry Potter yeah it's a shame if we would operate under the gifts of the Holy Ghost in church that would outshine anything that can do in Disney World or wherever that said yeah that crazy yeah it really is I read the Bible he said I don't even suffer a witch to live alone put him in the fortune 500 club yeah Wow yes yeah they wrote the Harry Potter books yeah that's right that's right hey hey there you go you try you try that I hadn't yet I'm letting this once satiate ya you dip it in here on Jesus there lookee there so Molly yeah I don't probably people to start having fun yeah see we operate as a prophet around the body of Christ yeah and see I'm breaking this I'm breaking the stereotype of a prophet that's right most people think a profits go to reading such mentally it's got to have a finger about eight inches long and doogle bushy eyebrows and just look for some sinner nah we need to just chill out and listen yeah I'm telling you it's pretty wild I got to looking at the Old Testament prophets good lord you are to study about some of their lives nobody want to go camping with Ezekiel and him being cooked remember he was told he was told to cook with his own poop that's in the Bible in that so yeah yeah but see I'll give it a look yeah this is maple bars I thought it heard angels that's right you know there's manna how much of this just let's just I'll just take a little bit Christopher Oh have the risk here at he rides bicycles all over I mean a long ways you know I'm not going down the driveway hardly and he's going miles good lord you know oh that's wonderful I feel you know Chris for you awesome what do you say what did some of them fancies words when they start to eat I don't know what something fancy that you say when you I don't know Vanya Dean that's what they say to eat and we were in a real fancy place and there's a lady there standing with a scarf on her hand and anytime I'd move a silver work she'd come move your back I told her I'll chill out you know and we I never seen so much civil room as your regular breaking protocol oh yeah right yeah see I didn't know there's a fish spoon and listen we just wear out whatever they bring us you know and you know me and reg please just having a time Lord they come out there and sit the deserts on fire you know I like that yeah this banana yeah there's bananas deal I don't know what they are I can't read the different menus since I was in Germany once and I've tried to read the menus it's all German so I thought I'll outsmart him and the waitress came back with a big old platter of meat now go I'm hoping bad he goes Walsall yeah and it was Pig knuckle wasn't any mediums just a pig now go no I ain't having that but see yeah I thought it'd be a big hunk of meat but it was you need it you sent it back he's a pig it's a Bigfoot where do you start see if you're real for Freddie cute no yeah that's right I kind of like this where we talk about a snack of love yeah it's good you try it I hadn't yet this is this isn't from our our special place Bobby this is from a different speciality bacon there wasn't a guy on the street come here you're the size of this the size hold it to the camera look at that looky there part of its missing this is how this is how to have a conversation this is good yeah yeah yeah I don't know you know a well-fed profit is a happy profit right right that's right yeah they say the way to a man's heart is something yeah that's right crisper you don't some of this yeah yeah you should take a bath it's pretty nice get this boot that crumbly bacon on it yeah take that down and share that with every way we do feel kind of odd eating in front of it yeah yeah I didn't think about that originally that's did you multiply the yellows here we're good yeah hold up the bar oh what a time to be alive yeah it is I quoted a verse on the way in here to a gentleman psalm 118 verse 23 says this is the day the Lord has made I am going to rejoice and be glad in it we've got to understand that verse this is the day the Lord has made I am going to rejoice and be glad in it I put emphasis on it because all the money in the whole world stacked together cannot buy one second of yesterday it's gone and the Bible says boast not yourself of tomorrow you have no comprehension what one day will bring this is the day we have got to learn how to live in the present that's right and so we've got to learn how to maximize the moments yeah yeah yeah that's why each day is a new opportunity to display the pattern of garden so this year's doing pretty interesting uh Biden just announced that he's gonna be running and and you can see Donald Trump he's pretty excited about it I mean it looks like he's freaks who haven't seen Donald this happy in a long time like when he was you know I was like look it's tot worrier we're about to go into election season yeah the best thing in the world to help him help him is just let Nancy Pelosi keep talking if Donald doesn't talk and Pelosi talk see that's a win we asked I just get shot both feet I'm kidding me gasps I'm deeply concerned about America's polls you know yeah yeah well I want to ask about because aisle one in it's incredible to see how far right almost the country I mean the conversations that we're having right now I never thought we would be having these conversations as a country in a positive way and it's and I'm concerned after a certain point we could see it swing really far to the left as far as that swinging pendulum kind of kind of thing and at the same time it almost seems like the church because of our desire to love people and to reach people that that we don't know how to have these conversations regarding politics we want to be honoring of all people but in the political scene it's so dishonouring it's so cutthroat yeah that often times as a pastor I don't want to engage in this because I know how polarizing you can be into a congregation we've got to run into it and not from it if we don't stand it for truth and righteousness and justice nobody and it's up to us to do it and God is a God of justice that's what he says and there's a great verse in the Book of Daniel it says the evil forces ruled and raged until the Ancient of Days stood dropped his gavel and rendered a verdict in behalf of the saints of God and so that's what we need we need to have God drop his gavel and render verdict and you and I need to be calling that in and we've got to call the things that are not like they should be and line them back up where I don't think our country's ever been is separated as it is now but uh you were supposed to be able to stand in the midst of chaos and bring peace and a that'll be pretty good but didn't mean that we just keep her mouth shut we got a herald out what God is saying and be strong and bold about it and Paul in the Bible in the book of Acts is says he would stand in the synagogue's and reason with the people in the word reason as a courtroom term he used biblical argument to turn their minds towards the things of God and so I think we need to do the same thing but when we need to have a we need to have some argument with the people you surely have things and because people need to be enlightened then we're supposed to be the ones that having the answer released for the people a great promise if they wanted yeah I see a 50 verse scored I see a 50 verse for God's Word says I will give you the tongue of a taut one and you will know how to reply and respond to the people that ask you how do we navigate these days the tongue of a talk that's really good we need Christians that can stand up intellectually with the tongue of a talk word and and set out their argument in a winsome way I say a fifty verse for yeah yeah so we getting the message that you brought last night was very convicting on our responsibility to be praying for our leaders for our King we have got to and to do it daily yeah we've got to do that and you were if you read the Shepherd drawed 20-19 out there I put that them these not late-night comics they've crossed a line is it's it's not satire any longest sacrilege it's really against God to speak the way they're speaking against a God ordained leader it's really wrong and but I don't know why we the only way that they listen is to quit buying anything that sponsors them that's the only thing that talks is money you know and so we you know if they're going to talk like that we need to just find somewhere else to shop wow wow wow that's really good but it's so we have a responsibility to to pray we have a responsibility to vote we have a responsibility to be wise and to know how to communicate what we believe but is there anything else Bobby that you would like to really see the church and leaders and the church and begin to do in this time as we begin to approach this very it's going to be a heated elections and a get crazy how would you exhort the church in this season I think we need to come up with a biblical template you know and and show platforms for the far-left what they say and then show what the Bible says that we're supposed to take care of the most innocent and there's nothing more helpless than a fetus you know and so we've got to show biblical template so and show it's not right to murder innocent life you know and and let alone light up New York and celebrate it in that something yeah there's doctors now that took a HIPAA the Hippocratic oath and now that they say if a baby was gonna be aborted was born to live it's okay to let it die that's murder that's right that's right yeah it's pretty strange hidden but what what is what is so him hypocritical is this these people then say Oh save the whales will murder babies now something's crazy they're in it and they're yeah I mean they'll ride out in the streets to save an owl or a desert rat or something like that and then they're vote for abortion something is crazy they're in it yeah really but we've set by silent and just one thing about the far left is they're militant and they won't be quiet and we going on all the hell you know we don't us we don't cause any trouble this trouble we've got to contend for the faith that's right and as I said we've got to earnestly contend for the faith you can look it in every Greek you want to it means fight to the last drop of blood that's what it says yeah yeah it's a way so there's a war on it yeah it really is they talk about a civil war happening mm-hmm listen it's pretty wild myself I can't even comprehend how some of them are not in the penitentiary Wow Benghazi right that should put Hillary Clinton in the country right fast and furious should have put President Obama in the penitentiary cape summers are most lethal weapons to the drug cartel they use them to kill our own people right now the fast and furious do I remember that Oh Alice that was it they came up this whiff of an idea let's give them these really technical guns and would be able to track them they never arrested a single one but they've used those guns to kill or order people yeah now that's a that's a faulty plan don't you think they think it could be a little bit deceptive when they want to check Donald Trump's our arrest records when they sent a whole pallet full of cash and paid the people we're fighting that's Obama Yeah right seating us something's a lot something's wrong don't you think and I'll tell you what I was really really really stunned to see how gullible we can be and we're supposed to be one of the most enlightened generation yeah but we got a whole nest of people that are in darkness yeah and we got it we got a shine yeah what did you think about the whole the whole Mueller report and all that and when that came out I prophesied two days before it and I used the word I said the collusion is an illusion and then that made the news but I'm telling you guys all of that is a sidetrack it really is just a sidetrack and a diversion you know people fall into it and you know they're hung up on the word impeachment right right crazy but everything's going to be okay yeah yeah yeah you we're going to find out you can't fight against god that's right you know and there the Bible talks about it's it's God that sits of kings he said the hearts of the kings are in my hand like the river the waters in a river they can turn them whichever way once yeah and so I tell people I thank God that Donald Trump is president yeah yeah I really in who thank the Lord yeah and I'm believing he'll win a second election my wife had a dream about it before the first election Donald Trump and her dream came to our house and sewed the button on that on her blouse right here on the cuff and she said his big ol hands meticulously sewed the button so did and so did and so did and checked it and so did and turned and walked away and then came back and looked at it and checked it again I told her then I said he's buttoned down this election and the next one coming too long as he came back to check it yeah yeah yeah I believe that yeah yeah there's a lance wall now prophesied about the chaos candidate before I know yeah that's amazing I like they got it held the prophets you know look at Kim Clemente before he died he prophesied that Donald Trump would be pressed and Donald Trump prophesied he'd be President have y'all seen the video way anyway back when he was a young man they were gettin well he's not programs and he says well who knows I may be President one day yeah a just a young man just a kid looking yeah yeah and that's something yeah I think if you want to see the core of Donald Trump look at his children these are the riches of the rich but they've got character they're not drug addicts they're they're not participating in a lot of things that are wrecking other people yeah now they're they that that's that speaks a lot to man test wait the church that church that yeah the church yeah when I say the true I mean just like the kind of the body of Christ and yeah there's just the people right and then there's then there's kind of the whole organization sided in everything but but but God's doing Allah and like what have you seen as far as like the trajectory are you are you excited about what you're seeing I've never been more excited here's what's happening for the past 10 years the Lord has lifted at the panel and he's Fanning the flame of discontentment within the hearts of the Saints so we won't settle for less than what he wants to give us and I'm more excited I get to preach all of the world and well here's here's a corporate cry all over world they're hungry for God they're hungry and and I'm telling you that's what that's what they're crying out there Psalms 42 as the little desert deer pants after the water Brooks so pants me they're hungry for God Psalm 63 verse 1 I thirst for the O God and one of the number 1 pulse you feel in the church right now is hunger that's right and the sick and tired of business as usual that's right and they know something's new in the air but they don't know how to articulate it they don't know how to step into it and that's where you and I come in yeah we've got to we've got to realize there's there's always this uncertainty about change but anytime God changes we go from one dimension of glory to the next so he's not gonna pull us down he's gonna pick us up and that's that's everything about the kingdom in the Bible expands does not does not deplete right right right it expands it says it's like a mustard seed starts out little gets as big as a tree and so expanding verses that flowed yeah right yeah and so we're seeing a lot of things happen but you said something though they're not that it's so true most of what we see now in their calling church growth is not it's just transfer yeah you're sick of one place and move for another right right and that's that's not what that's that's not what we want to do see let me tell you something yeah III don't like these church hoppers now listen to me if you plant a fruit tree and you say well I think I'll plant me a fruit tree over here in this side of the garden and then two days later go you know I don't think it's there and you pull it up any plant it there and then a couple of weeks later you go well I think it'll look better over there you keep moving it you're gonna end up with a stick a dead stick and that's what these church hoppers are then you need to stay in a place long enough to get your roots down in it to build some relationship so I see these church hoppers they don't want relationships and and that we need churches they can build roots yeah and build Communion and communication and that's that's what I'm looking for it reminds you see these people at Costco that that returned their dead plants back to God they get their money back are you seeing that they're like I got this tree and it died and I'm bringing it back like you got a water it you got a you know that's what I take care like did you read about you get their money back Jeremih on the tree it says you you plant it you dig it and you dung it and if it doesn't live you destroyed Wow in that sum I said about names talking about Christian life you know you got a plan it feed it and expect growth I don't know why the church seems like the only group I know of that accepts abnormal not growth as normal yeah yeah if you have a little baby and he's what's an average average weight of a little baby of a fresh baby yeah fresh baby I don't eight pounds same sizes the maple bar you say six pounds okay you get a little baby boy when he's six pounds you bring him back home he put him in the bassinet and you go back there we'll save when he's 12 years old and he's still six pounds something's wrong with that boy yeah I see in the church people walking I'll give the heart to Jesus and six months later they hadn't grown a bed that's right they have not matured they hadn't gone in with any roots and the church thinks that's okay we've got to start demanding some growth well what if it's the pastor's fault like what if it's like what if like I'm not being fed that what we got to do is we got to feed them that's our response right we got to feed the Sheep did you remember that story in the Bible where it says she wolves in sheep's clothing yeah I like to never figure it out how to ferret out the wolves from the Sheep yeah it says many are pretenders they're wolves in sheep's clothing you've heard the verse yeah I found out how to do it wolves can't live on sheep food so if you want to ferret out the wolves the preacher I'll just feed them sheep food Wow they'll growl well I mean yeah yeah it's good instead of trying to jerk on and see if they're genuine yeah good that is this very just vinum cheap food and pretty soon the wolves are ground you'll find out who's who yeah yeah yeah don't you like simplicity I like the body you know the lord came to me said Bobby the most the the most profound thing you can do is maintain simplicity yeah that cool yeah this is pretty yeah what kind of drink is this come choose don't panic it's organic quanto coral what cor oh oh that's up - oh I went to London England had to have interpreter that's the honest-to-god truth I speak texicans if you ever hear God talks he talks just like yeah yeah yeah I'll tell you I got talks you wanna know listen to this God talks exactly like you listen that's how he talks yeah he talks exactly like you listen yeah that's for Nate yeah if God talked to me the way you talk to you you'd make me cry I think you know but you can handle it ya know it makes me cry to some dips Oh Lord Bobby like you have one of those incredible relationships with with Jesus and the amount I think sometimes when you say you know Jesus came to me and he said this or Jesus came a lot of us we just said just like okay Bobby thinks like metaphorically or that or you know he felt oh let's let's get that really straighten because I talked about it in the end and then people don't they when I say I have a visitation Jesus comes he's more real than you are right there when I say I have a visitation he's there and when I say he came he's there it's not in the imagination of my mind and that's what we got to realize and uh it's pretty wild and I've been in two places at once it's crazy yeah yeah once I got caught up into heaven and Jesus is sitting on a throne and there's a big scroll in front of him and I'm standing right over there and he don't even acknowledge me he's looking at the scroll just looking and I'm watching him from the side and he's looking at the scroll intensely just gazing at the scroll he takes his finger like this touches his lip just like that and turns the page just just very distinctly then shot his eyes over there and said go tell the church they're on a whole new page he's turned the page Wow did that's something yeah yeah yeah I'm telling and I've had some experiences that nearly killed me I'll tell you one is listen and Pyrrha if my wife was sitting here she can validate all these things because she's in the middle of the fray I get into this I get caught up into the third heaven and I'm in heaven and there's God the Father and he's talking to me and I tell you it's the most wonderful thing it's just pulsating with energy and with life and I'm totally totally just at it's it's absolutely wonderful and the Lord's talking to me and he says watch this and he does something like this and pushes back heaven and shows me the second heaven and I've out of all these 50 years I've seen Satan twiced Wow I've seen Satan twice he doesn't have horns he looks like a chiseled Spanish Prince Wow he's handsome as he could be he goes like this and I see Satan and Satan calls a principality and all of evil all of the demons all of the Fallen Angels are excited they're gleeful because here comes a principality with a box and it's a box like a treasure box yeah but black smoke swirling around it like this and I'm watching this from heaven and I'm watching the things happening in the second heaven and the devil causes principality all hell is just gleeful and they bring this box and Satan ohm's this box like that and in the box was an implement about I don't know seven or eight inches long about the big round it's a banana and it was some kind of an implement some kind of an evil evil key and Satan reaches in and takes the key and hands it to a principality and says go unlock the hoards that's what he says and I'm watching this up in heaven and this all of the evil is excited and this principality takes off flying out of the second heaven swirling like that and the Lord looked at me and said go stop him so I took off and I'm flying and I'm following this demon and he's moving like this and we get to someplace that looked like the Badlands yeah no no grass mountains with no trees and caves and hollers and this thing flew in like that and I flew in with you and I'm standing and I've had these kind of experiences before but they couldn't detect me all right I was I was there but they couldn't find me yeah and I thought this would be that away so here and you could it's darker than dark in there and you can just spill all the demons they're hanging off the cliffs like like bats in a cave and they're so excited they're about to be released for this in time confrontation and so this principalities handing this key off to a gatekeeper to unlock all of these and the Lord said I said stop him so I go and so he's handing the second so I I hit him with my hand right here Wham and the implement goes up out of his hand falls like that and rolls into a crack and into the in the rocks and what I wasn't I wasn't invisible oh these demons world and they would take the head claws and they just rip into me like this and the only way I could get him off of me I say Jesus and they'd have to turn me loose and then I would pray in tongues and a little ball alive would appear in this dark cave and when I prayed in tongues they would fall there and go like that and I could step in the light that's the only way I got out of there it took me weeks to get over it it almost killed me it was and the Lord said I felt like a failure and he said no you bought the church sometime well I'll knock this thing out of the things hand and it fell into a crevasse there Wow and a my wife was in the bed with me not when I'm going through this thing and she you know she I'm groaning and screaming because they're just they're ripping at me and the only way I got out of there was talking in tongues and the smaller lab would hit and yeah I would say step in the light and that's the only way I got out Wow well I like her you sing about tongues that would you'd speak in tongues it would create this ball of light yeah it might have drop of look like moisture living light and it would fall and hit the floor and make a little spot they couldn't step in that spot yeah I could that was where I found my safety they jumped on me again yeah Wow but so I said Lord why was it not like the other times he said new levels new Devils and we got to realize the victors we fought in the past we're gonna have to engineer new ways now Wow you can't just be depending on yesterday's battles Wow well his second chronicles 20 God does a new thing remember send out the singers not the soldiers yeah if I'd have been there I'd go second opinion yeah when you have to say that's that great verse where it says trust the Lord you've established believes profits in your prosper yeah yeah okay you got any questions or anything like this yeah yeah I did some questions oh whatever you want to do I'm just here to the plane I don't know is anyone here like it shouldn't ask a Bobby a question we have Christopher yeah yeah which is yeah what you got to do is you've got to discern by the Spirit of God whether they want to be free you can set them free to be free you know and then but find out if they really want to be free for the right reason and one of the ways to do that is get them to confess Jesus Christ say they can't do it they can't confess Jesus Christ if it's a charade you know what I mean yeah yeah and yeah says no man can call Jesus Lord but by the Holy Ghost you know and so but boy what I watched it happen I watched him uh coming to have good good churches and the churches were doing the best they could to they weren't trying to set people free I was in Mannheim Germany in a Russian Turkey in Mannheim Germany and it was filled with people and there was like an explosion out there over the heads of the people have you seen like fourth of July when he makes oh hmm and it's a big rule like that and out of that thing walked an angel and I'm up here preaching and he walked across the heads of the people and he gets this close to him he's got a sword in a sheath and he's fierce looking he's from here to this bottling jerks a sword out right face he takes his finger and moves his finger just like that on the sword was written Isaiah 61 verse 1 if that verse says the Spirit of the Lord God is upon me nor need me to set the captives free and the angel said I'm here to tell you to announce God is springing a spirit of delivers to the church I said it I bet you 400 Russians came forward and got delivered just like this Wow just on approx God was releasing a spirit of deliverance so we God will help us with it he'll give us wisdom on whether there is a pretender or a real desperate person warning to be free yeah let me tell you one other thing about freedom I was in a Coliseum preaching and the little bitty girl was in front of me maybe 14 15 years old just it looked like an all-american little girl pigtails blue eyes and she was so stuck he's so sweet like that there's a camera over my shoulder one over hers and I'm talking to her I don't I don't sense it something's wrong and she's just seemed like a sweet little girl a preteen girl and so there she is and she had a little chain around her neck just a little bitty chain like a necklace and the Lord said ask her about this necklace so I said okay and I took my finger in my thumb and I reached over here like this and I said honey what's this and when my finger and my thumb touch touch this necklace her whole face contorts turns inside out and a voice came out of her and said leave the along she's mine oh just like that she'd been born and birthed and given to the devil as long as infinite well out of my mouth came this were these words the earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof and they that dwell therein so I use that one verse to break every covenant from our family made with the devil on earth is the Lord's and and God set this little girl free she she shot a stream of puke this big around as far as a fire firehose could shoot it was crazy but that's what had happened that day at birth during gave her to the devil she ended up a missionary yeah yeah yeah that's true yeah that's a powerful that's a powerful story you know it's interesting about like like there's kind of like that like witchcraft it's very kind of like wicked and very obvious you can say with grams and there's almost kind of a more subversive sneaky kind of Christian Jezebel it kind of in and what you know we were in a season as a church where where it was almost like it was just getting worse and worse we're just trying to love people and it but still maintain order and it was just getting word that have never even met each other before would would form into these gangs almost into the birds of a feather walked together yeah it finally like I had to make a pretty tough almost uh I did to make a public statement and it was but we didn't even realize that we've been tolerating the spirit Jezebel and once we once we made a public statement it was like the Lions start again it was like we didn't even realized that we had been tolerating this thing and and so it is interesting as far as this justified division yeah that where the enemy will well use people I don't know if they're if they know it or not or most of them know it witches are doing more to stop the move of God than churches are to promote the move of God every every every state in America every state in America has been drawn in lines of nines they've got a hierarchy to stop revival more than we have to start it while although it's pretty pretty pretty interesting but uh I'm telling you out graters he would send us that's right in the world that's right and no weapon formed against this will prosper why I'll tell you what I want one walk up to me in a meet in a meeting out in the foyer and said I'm the woman that can put a death curse on the pastor's and they're dead that week I said if you open your mouth again you won't be alive to get out of this Fourier well so you can turn back their curses you could have them eat out of the fruit of their own lip isaiah 54:17 says no weapon formed against you were prospered and every tongue that rises up against you you can condemn it that means send back the curse yeah this is the heritage of the children of God and so you can start saying let the witches eat of the fruit of their own lips of what they're putting on you while come on then Wow Wow Bob Jones and I we was in a meeting together and we come out of the green room set on the front and behind us was three strong witches I'm talking about not a little Wicca wannabes yeah real strong witches and the Lord said you feel them I said yes he said he said what are you gonna do about I said party you want me to do about it now watch this this is a church in America he said I want you to get up when you start to preach set down your Bible look at them and call them out tell the people who they are and tell them I'll give you the sunrise you had today - other sunrises if you don't repent God will kill you we're in a public meeting I said - okay you'd have never picked him out in a hundred years dressed immaculate looked like bankers or CEOs of companies and I said you you three or witches they they acknowledged it I said God will give you the sunrise you had today - the Sun rises to repent if you don't repent he'll kill you one repented and two were dead that week Wow Wow tell you we've got to realize the weapons or or fire are not carnal but they're mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds and if you read the Shepherd rod that's out there we take say this year is the time we can bind at the enemy the strongman and plunder his house we can bind him and plunder is his house that's in the Bible binding and loosing yeah how you doing you hold that like reach probably land this thing pretty quick but I just like I love these stories yeah and I love being able to capture them yeah but like but so just just before we land you know I tell you what I was thinking of that story that he told last night about binding and loosing yeah and and and going in the SWAT team now whole thing the Lord for pretty wild it's a it's really really well but I preached nine months every every time I preached I preached on the power bonding and Lucy and the Lord said you're gonna live or die on what you've been preaching and I mean that sounded like a little rhyme to me and I said okay phone rings and one of the ladies was screamin a very precious lady screaming oh pastor something horrible is happening out at Roberts and I said I'll go and see and so I'm driving out there and at my pastoral vehicle at that time was a big old Bronco Ford Bronco with a 351 Windsor and two big four-barrel carburetors and I had it jacked up and had headers running out the side it was a monster man wall and I'm driving out there just bother yeah yeah anyway I'm driving out there and I said Lord what is what's going on and the host windscreen goes into a like a movie theater and I see myself turning the blinker on I see a Ford pickup wrecked I see a Lincoln wrecked I see a Ford pickup with bullet holes all in in an ak-47 stuck through the windshield and then I see a man come around the side of the house pull out a pistol and shoot me and then I see the police shoot him in the head and take his life so then it comes back to me driving down the road and so I turned the blinker on I'm her attorney and there's a Lincoln wrecked there's a Ford pickup whether ak-47 stuck through the window and the Lord said you better you better bind him or he's gonna shoot you he came around the house and I said I rebuke him shooting me he couldn't get a pistol out of his paint out of the back of his pants and he runs by me like a wild man kicks a hole in uh kicks a dori in there so I'm standing out into the yard standing out in the yard thing a little lord I thank God he didn't shoot me yeah and here comes a police say they've been shots fired all across there and so they're screaming get out on the ground and I go no I'm the preacher and one of God says yes yes I see him on television oh so they came over there and they're going what's going on I said I don't know I just got here he ran through this house kicked the door in and II saw him so he shoots then the guy shoots and all the Polish it was a bad deal a hundred and fifty SWAT team police two helicopters and hours and I could dine whatever they they would say with my words and it would change the whole course of the thing and this this happened all night long and just as the Sun was getting ready to come up the Lord said have you learned what I've taught you I said I hope so and he said uh declare what you want I said I want Robert to come up out of the swamp with his hands on they say had not one shot being fired and just as soon as I said it he came up by the swamp with this head and the still the police want to shoot him but the arrest did not a shot fired Wow but that's a grinding and loosen Matthew 18:18 is where we can bind and loose that's the crow he said it was like playing video games yeah it was there it was crazy they had me in a Winnebago with these uh SWAT team guys yeah man and they would make a they would they'd make a decision what it is in the Lord say what you're gonna do about that and I've just said under than my breath I sigh rebuked the universe and they got would get them to my crotch cancel a lot or no it is the craziest thing Wow Wow I mean but God will test you you believe he'll test you there in Tyler Texas there's a place where all the end guys go you know the bankers the doctors the cosmetology plastic surgeon guys the money and it guys yeah it's a kind of a real swanky cafeteria yeah so the Lord said I want you to go there I said Lord he said no I want you to go there I said ok and so I go there to this fancy place and it's right there and all of the business people come then anyway so I'm pushing my trade down the little thing you can get your food as you're going and the Lord said to me most of the people in here don't really believe that I'm real Wow I thought I thought I guess that's probably right you know so I'm losing my appetite because I think I'm getting you know so I got me a chicken leg or whatever and I'm going to my table and I sat down my table and it's it is full of rich people you know and the Lord said up I want you to get up tap for your glass and announce I'm here to tell you about the love of God and preach the gospel Wow I said god this is not really the place he said this is the place I got I got so weak feeling I thought oh Lord I got up and I must have been really excited it sound like he was ringing a bell wait lamb-lamb and I said I'm here to tell you about the love of God and I just gave a short message about very dented sacrificial death of Jesus Christ and I tell you it was stunning I sit down in these doctors lawyers bankers stood in line to get ministry wow wow that's what we got to do come on yeah we've got to be willing to share the gospel even in those places where we think it's not going to be welcomed and uh but it's a challenge just to be honest I didn't want to and the Lord said nope that's what that's what you do Wow Wow Wow I was in Paris France and we're on a big 747 pulling out of de Gaulle Airport and we're going like this I'd been over there and some Crusades and having the time man we're pulling out like this and the thing gets a good way set there and makes a hard ride a big old 747 double-decker plane and turns back off off this ain't right yeah the pilot comes on says well I guess you noticed we had a little difficulty with all we've lost an engine and so they come back around and land and I think I'll order what's all of this about and the plane was filled with world-famous plastic surgeons yeah they've been there for some big deal yeah and Here I am a redneck preacher they land the plane and instead of putting let's run everywhere like rats they put us in a like a feed or building inside the de Gaulle Airport and there's bleachers like this and so there we are and I'm thinking oh Lord I don't know what all this is about he said oh it's all about you getting up and preaching the gospel I said God this don't seem like the place to preach the gospel I don't think I feel like it and he said well you felt like preaching it in the in the Coliseum wow wow wow we got to stand up in front of all of those guys and gals and preach the gospel God will turn around and fly incredible to get you to preach the gospel in that something that's good and we just preach the simple gospel and I still get communication from some of us Peter was on that plane that's all now that's that's good gracious yeah yeah I don't hear Slater I love it I love it Bob Bobby yeah yeah we've got to pay acts to that right we've got to be a little more loose one time I buy the cheapest ticket and beg God to bump me up that's what I do I buy the cheapest - well there's not hardly and cheaper but I buy the most economic ticket and then beg God to bump me up and next time you bump me up so I bought a cheap ticket and I said Lord I want you about me everybody said I am and I said okay and so I go up there and I said I'd like to be bumped up and she said sure and no problem and so I got pumped up and I'm going back to the seat and I think that's all the Lord I'm so glad you bumped me up he said now you know why I said no he said there's going to be somebody on the plane and they're gonna talk to you and all you're supposed to say to them is yes your grandmother was right okay that's doesn't seem like a hard message yes your grandmother is right so I get on the plane and I'm in first class and there's the first seat in first class and there's the next seat on the same aisle in first class and there's a guy sitting there in this seat and he's got on beautiful looking clothes made out of leather but he's got long hair and he's just really washed out really got a wrinkled wrist really in bad shape and so I thought goodness gracious a rough-looking but had great looking clothes on anyway I'm sitting there and I'm buckled in remember my only thing is I'm supposed to tell him yes your grandmother's right so the plane starts taking off like this and this guy wheels around at me says you're the guy that's supposed to talk to me oh wow I said yes and he said well you better tell my ass everything you're supposed to that's what it says yeah got me by the air yeah what had happened this guy was a singer when these rock stars yeah and the plane had crashed and killed everybody on it this is the first time he's ever been on a plane since then oh wow so he was said and what had happened he said he was out in Arizona yeah I said a voice spoke to him said get on the plane I'm gonna talk to you about eternity he said I'll have a man to talk to you about her and so he's grabbed me up and he said you better tell my yeah and I said well all I'm supposed to tell you is yes your grandmother's right and Wow trembled and shook well I said all my life I've sang my songs against God all my life and he's a famous guy yeah and he said I said well tell me what your grandmother said he said when I was a little boy my grandmother had a house and right next to ours and said every morning I before the school bus had run which sit on the front porch swing and and my grandmother would tell me about Jesus I said well I'm here to tell you your grandmother is right and we lead him to Jesus Christ Wow here that's the asylum dude here's music all over well that's crazy and that's something that is yeah but see that's the kind of hungry person grabbed me up said you better in that crazy that is that is it it's speaking of famous few you met the Queen I met ya heard that story one time I thought what Bobby look the Queen of England yeah but but I had a prophetic experience I saw the Queen of England in a trance get on the back of a horse then and I'm supposed to be like a sidesaddle and the horse took off before she was ready and it's running down a green slope and it takes a hard turn left and she falls off but and so I thought oh my so I ran up there in the trance I ran up there and I thought that could have hurt her real bad and but she had fallen in some water that was in the bar ditch and I said Lord what is this about he said the politics in Britain are gonna take a hard left but the monarch the Queen had there's been enough word talk she won't hit the ground hard you know so that's tough yeah that's how we've got to share about that kind of stuff yeah yeah I'll tell you what God puts you it's this crazy time span so it doesn't matter he told me when I got saved he said I'm gonna send you to Kings and stuff like that yeah it's just I got my first missionary journey I ever went on this was a good gracious years ago 30 40 years ago the first missionary trip I ever went on I went to Korea and the Lord had told me said I'm gonna set you before kings and priests and and potentates so I go to I get a conference with the president of Korea Kim Park so they bring cameras in there that are big as ice box yeah gonna film this singing it's a real big deal and all I did I gave you the simple story out of John 3:16 and I talked to him flash bubs that's when that flash bubs and all this and I gave him the gospel and he looked at me like this and he said yes Reverend Connor you have convinced me to receive your Jesus as one of my gods Wow and I said no sir I you can't do that it's Jesus plus nothing - nothing and I watched him I watched I watched him play it over in his mind and then a cloud came across him he said no I will not I cannot turn my back on the gods of my ancestors Wow this was the Korean president well at that time so they dismissed the meeting and you can watch it on Google you can go pull it up if you want to about three weeks after I came back home he's getting off of an airplane and a man runs up puts a pistol at the side of his head and shoots his head oh wow and he topples dead on the tarmac wow he got this close to heaven Wow well I was over there a few years ago and they carried me through a wax museum and I turned the corner and they have a wax president Park and I'm this close and I relive that the whole thing is crazy Wow Bobby but I've got to do is when we were around people who's given this sure gospel yeah one one of my you got time - yeah Chris has got to get up early but I'm sleeping in you wide awake to me yeah here's one yeah I bought one of my cheap tickets you know I'm back there in 37 they're up against the urinal hey God welcome yeah not me and he said now here's what I want you to do he said don't do it till I tell you he said but when I tell you you do this you look at the person in front of you and say hey do you read the Bible if they say yes I do tell them you're gonna be like Daniel Daniel oh well God's gonna give you leadership with presidential people and help them navigate through dangerous days Wow hey do you read the Bible yes I do you're only like Daniel Daniel Gold I was gonna give you authority with the political leaders and so I had it memorized so they they bumped me up and there I am I'm right here in first class again there's so I get on rehearsed my thing hey do you read about so I looked there no cuz they're not this one look they're Anna there's a black lady there she's dressed in a beautiful headgear and some wonderful looking a little dress and then he said no not there no no no and I thought I'm flying for free you know what I mean so we get up there and we flock where we were going plan lanes Lance and I get it and I'm trying to get my luggage out of the overhead and somebody bumps into me kind of hard and I turned around and here's a guy he's closer to my hand tall looking black man I said hey God said yep that's him I'll go pay you read the Bible I said yes I do I said you're gonna be like Daniel Daniel Oh God's gonna give you power and authority with political leaders and help them navigate dangerous days and he said Oh sir I must apologize he said the reason I was so aggressive pulling the luggage up that's my president the woman that are sitting there was the first president of Liberia Africa she won the Nobel Prize winner for stopping a 14-year Civil War and this was her associate Wow and say just exactly what I was prophesying you can read about her she won the Nobel Prize in that stuff that is that is when we landed there like a 24 movie you know as far they had all the CIA agents because she was a some famous person but hitting it cool that is that is lets you get bumped up you get something other than precious you know yeah that is that's awesome that's quiet that's quite a lot to memorize yeah beforehand yeah obviously like you're gonna be like Daniel Briggs maintaining the Bible way that sometimes men good gracious but God won't just to have an adventure now I'll tell you what's boring his dead church Christianity is vibrant it's alive and I like I like where I used to do live television four million people watching live Wow with calling in father oh man do you talk about that was some of the most stimulating times that we do live television here's a phone and he lives a craziest thing well and I'm they had a studio about the size of this fool full of people but the main audience was those four million people out there Wow so they the cameras five four three two one and I see a guy with a 38 with a 357 up against this temple I said no you don't have to shoot yourself and what happened there's a guy fixing himself sitting there and picked up the TV controlled and he's going to turn the thing up so it'll muffle the shot and watch the TV controlled it hits the floor and changes to channel 22 and I go no and he calls in and we leave him Jesus lies comes to this comes to the station that's incredible there's a Mexican gang member he brought his whole gang craziest thing so he gets saved you brought the whole gang okay dude it had them cars that could jump up down wave that you had laughter that is wild what happened the cameras opened up and I saw him sitting with his tattoo and his gang marks his colors and all that and I and I took the Lord says say what you see I said I see you sitting there down it up and here's what he so he got up there and he said he said I wasn't my grandmother's house she's back there fixing some breakfast and said I turned the TV on here's this fat guy he's fingered he said it scared the hell out it was pretty wild one of his guys had been arrested so much they made the stern wheel out of handcuffs and they had them chromed and yeah yeah chrome handcuffs but it's adventurous in it don't go to church enough have fun that's right yeah yeah that's right the Lord said I want you to go to the Philippines for a crusade I thought he meant crusade like a soccer stadium he meant crusade like Indiana Jones they flew me out in the helicopter landed the helicopter I'm gonna be there 14 days and 40 nights helicopter flies off I'm looking around I see something over there it's three missionaries they've hacked and dismembered I look over there and there's a guy they finished throat he's welded like a dead cow in the barn itch and the helicopter is gone won't be back for 14 days and I go God you tricked me said you wouldn't come any other way I stayed there 14 days in the middle of a civil war yeah yeah see the gods who he says he is Rizal a big joke I stated that's just a movie in and of itself I stayed in a hut with a guy who had a patient ear and a piece of finger in a sack of all around his neck he was crazy to bed bug an insane killer and he's living down there with pigs and the Lord said to me don't worry about him I crawl up in there and go to sleep and slept like a baby only lied in there was a coffee can with some all in in the rag and so I said to myself well I don't have to stay awake or this guy how am I you're in a finger you know how you live the necklace this week anyway and the Lord came to me said you go they wake 14 days and 14 knots and almost laughed at me I said Noah don't get the wheel I went and blew the light out and demons were so much whirling it sounded like an attic fan and I slept like a baby Wow see he's either who he says he is or this whole thing's a joke that's right that's right Ceaser Psalms 27 verse 11 says the Lord is my light and my salvation whom shall I fear the Lord is the strength of my life of whom shall I be afraid when the wicked even my enemies come up d-didn't my flesh they stumble and fall see if you know who he is you'll know who you are and none of the circumstances can contort that away that's so good baby that's so good I wouldn't want to go back but yeah he's crazy man they threw down they jumped down I went into a cave so this is all true don't line Church I wouldn't that God stopped us to ramble ak47 my back was sort of like that I said I said the interpreter said was he one he said he wants us to follow him I could go way following him and we went in a hole in the wall in a cave and there was a they had ground-to-air missiles lucky shoot down planes it's crazy and there's a full of old me and squatted like this and this guy's talking there it's very very very mad and I said what is it he wants he said he wants you to give the message in here that you're giving out there that causes people's face delighted Wow I go whoo I can do that Wow so that's how I got out of the deal there Wow better drink this damned and see just right yeah Indiana Bobby oh it was crazy it was crazy oh man that's the absolute truth God raised the dead I got they died I've got slides we might could give that to let you put that on media so yeah yeah it's them slides they used to take with them you know of where had a carriage sale you got trying to yell out of them yeah the hope we got this guy that God raised his baby a dead baby and I come back down a volcano trail and each he's he's being assisted setting the chest jumping up and down like a monkey and a because I pray for his baby them still dead and that Lord raised him up and I'm coming back down the volcano trail and he comes back there's a little baby and so he downs up the volcano trail and I baptized him because God raises baby from the day and that's incredible that's over there it was have you ever done the math to actually figure out like how many how many people you've seen raised from the dead not really we you know I thought a 1:1 group I didn't see race from the dead that God would have raised from the dead but he said if you do it it'll be the worst thing that ever happened really to Bulgaria really yeah I went to Bulgaria right it took Thomas walls fell down and I went into a trance before I went and I saw five sheets laid on the side of the road with blood you know and they were covered up and he said but he said if you raised him from the dead that people have oh so immature they can't separate you from me Wow and he said it'll be the worst thing ever happened for Bulgaria and I thought to myself oh yeah but we're going through some winding roads and a bus had rolled down the thing and I saw exactly in the real what I saw in the in the trance I look there's five seats laid on the side of the road and the Lord said it you can race them but the people are so immature they won't be able to separate you from me you know why and I we had to drive on Wow boy we saw miracles happen like I'd imagined the Lord said I'm going to show you the full fruit of humanism and we go to an insane asylum oh goodness I've never seen anything like it in my life they parked the van we had 18 of our people with us and you could hear them screaming like animals and we go there and they got them in cages and they're there most of them are naked and they jump they eat their own droppings it's crazy we walk up there and they start masturbating it this is this is human beings that have been treated like animals Wow well the Lord said I want you to have a service here I said Lord we can have a service here they're insane I mean absolutely insane they're in cages yeah he said this is a full flower of humanism this is healing Wow and it's full blue and he said I don't you have a service here no man George Hanban off was with us yeah and George Ann had a violin and the Lord say get George in to play the violin and they started playing it and God gave him their mind they got his Quietus any Church you've ever been in Wow we we preach the gospel to people ever one one girl was he'd tear flesh off like this a young girl and in mobians in silver cutter she's River flesh off and spit out pieces of her arm and I said why don't you do that she said that's the only way I get Elle I'm still alive while one lady was absolutely insane just the most horrible little lady and one of our men one of our men he knelt down by her and she was just it's insane it's any kind of animal and this man just started rubbing her on the head I mean just couldn't communicate to her and just rub your own head and you watched her just transform from just a insane to a living person and just over love well I couldn't communicate but he just stroked her on the head she was old you know it's it's one of the most transforming things you can imagine wow that was Bulgaria when the walls first fell down Wow Wow anyway I hear stories like not nothing's formulaic I mean but like everything always comes back to obedience yeah like I just see such a value in your heart that just to obey the Lord and that's the key I think I think one of the keys that has helped me maintain what's happening is I will do what he asked me to do yeah Hey honestly I'm loving it with him I see God if you'll tell me I'll do the very best I can to do what you want to do Wow I was you know he deserves that didn't he he does that's what Jesus did not not well but that's right that's right that's right yeah and Bobby like generations from now and when people look back at your life and your legacy in your ministry what do you want for people to say about about Bobby Connor I want them to say there goes a man that loved Jesus you know yeah that's what I thought told our family I said I want to live my life in such a way that when I'm gone and my name is Mitch and my my family don't have to hang their head in shame Wow I want to live in such a wake when I stand before God I'll hear him say well done good and faithful servant and uh I'm telling you that that's the goal is for that Wow wow what an opportunity to serve the Lord that's right we don't deserve a single thing I would deserve hell to be honest and look what he does for us yeah he and he wants people to realize he's real he's not some character in a leather back book just to be honest with you he's more real than your next breath I'll tell you I'll tell you how close he is to you he's as close as your skin a minute when it says Christ in you the assurance of glory he's not eons out there so he's here in that something Christ in you the assurance of glory yeah yeah just spending the last couple days with you and then today we took our picture I posted it on my a my Instagram and and what I the caption I wrote is is I've never seen someone that just that not only preaches the fear of the Lord but they actually live it and that's one of the things that we've hung out before but just I've seen you modeling something not just on the stage where off the stage like you know you're modeling living in the fear of the Lord and I know that that that's that's coming from just your love for Jesus I I want to be that I do I want to be costume I don't want to have a stage appearance and then when you get off you take the mask off yeah we've got to be real that's right and that's that's that's what I want to be real I told my wife a long time ago I said you know I saw the games they play and and all the things you can do to nip you late and I told my wife I said I'm going to be true to the Lord because I have to look at myself in the mirror every morning and I don't want to look at myself and say you're a game player that's right that's wrong did you know and bought so if he'll give you grace to obey and that's all we got to do just obey Him we used to sing about it trust and obey for there's no other way to be happy in Jesus but what trust and obey the most miserable people on the planet are those that are there second-guessing God they're double minded and boy we just got to put our whole trust in him he'll honor it won't he yeah sure well he I'll tell you I am awed about Jesus then the more I know about him the more I realized I barely knew it I mean that I mean it the more I know about him the more I realized oh I scarcely know him but uh he wants us to dig deeper he wants us to go higher I've never met a human being in the right mind that said I've got all of God I want Wow the more we get the more we realize how little we have yeah well your love for Jesus is inspiring generations to fall in love with Jesus to the to the degree that you've been modeling and thank you so much for your integrity for your grace I'm thankful for your perseverance and just keep going on into God's faithful he goes well here's here's my deal I get before people and people go if God will use Bobby I got a shot so that's what happened yeah and so I'm stuck just to be quite honest with you I'm awed every day that he would be loves us like he does he loves people and he wants to lead us he he wants to be with us he doesn't want to chide us anything he does is to help us not hurt us to make us better not bitter event and so we got to have confidence in them ain't man he really loves us and I I want to love him I wanted that's what that shepherd rods about is I want to give him the love Jewess name the biggest word I see over the body of Christ right now is recalibration we got to get back to the original point of accuracy the Bible and a revelation stew for it talks about that we've left abandoned our first love and it says remember from the heights you've fallen and repent and come back to first love I want the church to embrace first love again amen I love a verse out of the song of solomon says i will alert her out to the wilderness and there i'll win her back with words of love yeah her being us well I've enjoyed it had good time we love this place and yeah I really mean that and I love the energy and the the zeal that you have in the family I loved hearing the stories from these little children seeing angels I believe every word of it yeah and if you want to see them become like these children do you wanna see angels I'll pray a prayer over you if you do second Kings 16 and 17 second King 16 and 17 the Prophet prayed for a young man that couldn't see him and said Oh Lord open his eyes that he may see and he immediately his eyes were open and he saw the heavens full of angels I prayed that prayer with these people right here in this room and those that will be watching by media Lord open our eyes that we might behold into the spirit realm thank you Father that you will illuminate the eyes of her heart and we we see able to see into the realm of the spirit so open their eyes that they may see we want to see the hosts of heaven we want to see you at work and I pray Psalms 94 16 and 17 Oh Lord let your works appear we want to see what you do so we'll know what we can do so bless your people thank you for an opportunity just to share stories about the redemptive love of God you said if we talk about you a lot you'll Rider that's a book it's the Lord we want to be busy talking about you telling your stories and we want your whole stories to permeate this whole earth event Jesus name Amen amen thank you Bob let's give it a cue to father tell us what key heart is good
Channel: Darren Stott and Supernaturalist Ministries
Views: 22,909
Rating: 4.887043 out of 5
Keywords: #Supernaturalist, #SupernaturalistPodcast, #Supernatural, #Spiritual, #SpiritualAwakening, #DarrenStott, Bobby Conner, Bob Jones, Bobby Conner and Bob Jones, Bobby Conner and angel, Bobby Conner and Paul Keith Davis, Paul Keith Davis, Rick Joyner, DAYSTAR BOBBY CONNER, GOD TV BOBBY CONNER, SID ROTH BOBBY CONNER, BOBBY CONNER AND PATRICIA KING, Bobby Conner goes to Heaven, Bobby Conner and Bob Jones fly like eagles
Id: Bsv4qg0of6M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 148min 36sec (8916 seconds)
Published: Wed May 29 2019
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