Supernatural Cast Crazy Travel Stories

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hi i'm erin i am a born and raised chicago girl me too so so what is each of your favorite part parts of chicago i thought that was going somewhere else for a second what's your favorite part part of of me of going to chicago um uh i have a i have a a favorite i used to have a favorite part of chicago i came here when i was a um a sophomore in high school and this is actually the first place i ever professionally worked when i was a senior in high school i did a pilot and it filmed in chicago and it never went but um this is the first place i kind of dipped my toe into professional acting but i came here and competed when i was a sophomore in high school and y'all still had the rock and roll mcdonald's downtown and this is mind you this is a this is a 15 year old kid out of san antonio texas you know grew up in suburbia and i wanted to go i forget what the story was we were like we were here with drama and i was eating we were eating at maybe the rainforest cafe or something yeah and i wanted to walk to the isn't it right right next to the okay so i wanted to walk to the rock and roll mcdonald's and take pictures because my mom had heard about it and wanted to see pictures of it and so i told my teacher i was like hey while we wait for the food can i walk the two blocks and my teacher's like well it's you know like you don't really walk around chicago by yourself and he sent me with one of the seniors whose name is sean hall um and so sean was you know 18 years old he was a senior i was 15 i was a sophomore and sean was a little more savvy than i was i think he grew up you know in a bigger city and so we're walking to the rock and roll mcdonald's and i don't think i'd ever really run across somebody who on the street who asks you for money you know like hey spare some change kind of thing and um not a word of a lie we go to the rock and roll mcdonald's take some pictures you remember you have kind of like skinny up in all the little hallways and take pictures of all the cool memorabilia and then on the way back to the rainforest cafe sure enough this guy approaches us and asks asks me if he can have five dollars and my instinct i was kind of taken aback and so i responded with i'm sorry i only have big bills to which sean hall just went we're going and grabbing i was like that's really the wrong thing to say and i feel like the guy he gave me a very enigmatic look i think he sort of was like i probably should rob this kid but he's just too dumb like i'm just gonna he's gonna need those big bills big bills to you yeah to buy a train ticket home um nice try squirrel moose is doing these trials no signs no no he's not signing anything until i read the fine print i can read it so i think that area holds a special i end up going back there a couple years later with my parents uh when i shot the pilot when i was a senior in high school so that kind of area wherever that is uh kind of pops up my head um i really like the wicker park area um there's a there's a place over there uh that that has kind of changed a little bit but uh it's still one of my favorite places it's called big star and it's uh it's tacos and bourbon and i i just never thought to really put those two together or marry those two together as as much as they have and they they found something beautiful um they have like a bourbon list that looks that looks like a wine list and and you go up and you order your tacos and it's really casual and i just remember the first time that i um i ate there it was like kind of dumbfounded because i've been eating tacos all my life living growing up in texas and um and i just never thought to put bourbon with taco but it was amazing and then i'll never forget i went there i took uh i took my wife there um it was me and daniel and misha the three of us went and ate there a few years back and my wife likes real spicy food from new orleans you know grew up like cajun spices and and all things spicy and i do too so a lot of spice in our house and and we also have a lot of spices um and she ordered these peppers that they served there and you know like you order like uh like char grilled serrano peppers or something like that you just eat them so these this bowl of peppers comes out and she she ate one and like things started changing immediately and like just she started crying and she was like oh my gosh oh my gosh oh two more layers to go guys um yeah she kind of looked like this well i was just like sweating and and then she's like oh my gosh this these are the hottest things i've ever put in my mouth and and i was like what which is like food food and so and then immediately because misha didn't wait to see how it turned out he grabs one and he throws anyway long story short cut to they're pouring water on their faces and just like every their whole face is just leaking on the and i'm sitting there going like i ain't trying that and to this day i've never seen her react and misha can attest he was like that was it was like torture whatever whatever they served them was not what they had said that it was um oh yeah yeah just pouring milk like i mean it was it was hilarious for my where i was sitting and so to this day it's still one of my favorite places thank you thank you all for bringing us out here uh we were hoping to get here earlier in seattle's beautiful part of the world this is the first time in my life i've been in north carolina this guy i i think i think you've been here once or twice you like flew through right that's all you've been in north carolina yeah the wilmington is over there this is my friend dawson creek and then i used to go back there quite a bit after that show was over because there was another show that was filming there that a lovely lady was a part of that i had to travel all the way across the country just to hang out yeah you get back to work and be like i'm gonna open your eyes exhausted oh man uh visiting the nail i traveled you've fought for 35 hours uh it's worth it so thanks for bringing me thanks for bringing this all right i locked it down real quick yeah they always say if you like it then you better put a ring on it i don't think they all say that i think just beyonce says that but we'll go with that all right before we just talk about beyonce everybody relax i'm here oh i'm so close to almost on time well come on i mean once i start showing up on time you'll expect it every day he works here well he's employed here hi how are you doing very well thank you so i have a very serious question all right let's start off with a bang okay uh you travel a lot and you fly a lot and i'm a person who is very much afraid of flying and i had always a terrible experience with this so maybe you can tell how you prepare yourself for every flight in the airplane or maybe you can give me some advice so i can mentally prepare myself every time what is it about flying that scares you uh getting up and landing it's like freaked me out okay um are you okay no not really what what's wrong well i kind of have this problem with uh flying it's never really been an issue until now you're joking right do i look like i'm joking why do you think i drive everywhere sam all right uh i'll go what i'll do this one on my own what are you nuts what about the turbulence all right let me attack all three of those real quick turbulence as this was explained to me by a professional pilot air is much like water so uh imagine imagine instead of an airplane you're on a boat and another boat goes by you what does that do that creates waves your boat then goes over those waves it's the same thing in the air it's all it is just waves in the air it's not oh my gosh we're gonna crash because the plane can't handle it no you're just going over some air bumps that's all it is um the landing and the taking off the landing just try to relax just like shut up those are tricky and those are when you want really really good pilots problem is you don't know if they're really good pilots or not and yeah you generally find out in the end if they're good pilots or not um i've been on a lot of scary flights you're humming metallica calms me down uh i fly i fly on an average uh two times a week i'm in an airplane and i've had very scary landings i've had landings where we're actually turned sideways as we come in and then at the last second um i've had maybe a dozen bales on landings like we're coming in and turning and turning and turning and the pilot's like nope i've even had uh a landing that was so bad that they bailed out of it and changed airports and we were a few hundred feet off the ground when the pilot called it and i thanked him profusely um i will say that that uh aircraft pilots i know in uh in america and i don't i assume that um because faa regulations and are they worldwide i don't know if they're worldwide that's a federal so federal aviation uh i know that there are there are regulations uh worldwide for every airline the the pilots not only the pilots but the aircrafts have to meet strenuous tests and strenuous they constantly have to continue to learn and get updated so you're safer being on an airplane than you are banging your car if that makes you feel better you know who does that crazy people all right um would you rather go 500 years in the future or 500 years in the past and why are you future we know what happened 500 years ago uh although they weren't taking selfies so that's no more there will be some threats i just saw a little video of a i think it was mercedes driving down the highway oh yeah and the images from the back seat and it pans left and there's no one's sitting in the driver's seat and it's going down the highway and i'm sleeping at 50-60 miles an hour hands to the right there's no one in the passenger seat then the guy puts his feet up on the console it's an auto autopilot on a new mercedes yeah it was just like yeah and it was a movie you could see it turning and i was like ah um um i so jen my wife loves uh like loves the idea of living in a similar time with hidden chocolates from home to her family and friends and we've had this discussion along and i i'm a pretty progressive dude and my ultimate argument is that you're really going to think about it we know it's not possible if you're really going to think about it then 500 years ago people's stance on women lgbtq minorities was backwards so i feel like we're a place now where people are starting to be looked after their quality of character as opposed to who they love what they look like how skinny or fat they are how tall is where they are um whether they're man or woman that's a is movie where everybody's like addressed the exact same and nobody has really any experience equilibrium equilibrium no emotions the exact same equilibrium that's jerry's vision of the future right there uh christian bale christian bale and sean bean there's one the island oh um so no angels the angels i think but that was great it's not a problem with the stunt it's a problem with the signal should we be killing anybody i don't think so how much did we get running where i'll go first i've told you i made lots of friends in different areas because of the show so right now instead of sleeping in their own seats i have four friends back there one i have from concerts one from us conventions one from european conventions and one who have known since college four of them are sitting back there yes jen went jen got off she doubled right she doubled back there were like three stops for the those who know the train story jen had to get off because richard and i had to get to frankfurt for manheim that night and so jen had to double back that was a hole i mean the story went on like we got off on different uh stations it was it was awful did you know richard has pictures from there he emailed he text me a picture of me standing next to the broken thing i mean i might get a beanie naturally it's because it's july or whatever it was and i'm sort of doing this number yeah so we have pictures we have photographic evidence uh yeah welcome posting or something please call me ass and a train and a train system that you shut down yeah but here's the thing on that tragic day in may whenever it was here's the 2012 the train story has been told by me to great jocularity and it's told by me as a real snooze fest the jared version but what we've never had either one of us jared is the only true eyewitness we've never had the woman who witnessed the carnage who saw it all go down who may have a different and maybe more accurate perspective on the whole thing i don't know i'm actually excited to hear the actual story for the first time i've told you the story yeah she hasn't mentioned the story i've heard your face one and two tell the story wow you're really about the faces it's insulting to the faces ass face jerkface really you guys are training together you two were planning a trip and you said let's ask poor old rich to come with us like a romantic vacation we were trying to before okay now wait a minute already the story is way wrong for starters how many of you have heard the train story how many of you want to hear the train story so wow lights are on when when a million years ago we were doing a convention and i was by myself in birmingham were traveling and they were gracious enough as a couple having a lovely time they're gracious enough to see sad sack dick spade traveling by himself translation translation time out we're going to do this a lot translation we talked unfortunately openly about going to amsterdam and somebody went can i come that is not true just because i'm drinking a beer made in amsterdam i might have invited dick's fate okay oh no hey i'm gonna interpret that yes because conversation was i'm gonna invite richard and he goes she was like he's like no and she's like he's gonna say no he's gonna get it yes yes yes yes yes yes yes okay wait a minute you don't need a color commentary for those people because you weren't home we won him zero so far are you using a timeout no i'm using another timeout you can't use all your timeouts richard he goes no and she says he's going to say no you're making this up you weren't there i was absolutely there we're actually i was he was i mean hold on i want to ask jennifer jen did you ask hoping slash thinking i would say no because this is gonna be awkward no no no i was being polite and polite in other words she thought he was gonna say no and he said why yes i do want to come romantic trapped amsterdam where do i sign all right so maybe uh so we took we got on this boat which was like i think we didn't realize that it was going to be this overnight sort of excursion no because that also doesn't exactly require a pot for you guys they had to they were taking an overnight romantic boat to amsterdam with a state room wait a boat and me yes a boat where did the train come in just you and your girlfriend hey robbie listen to the story well we went to okay wait wait wait we turned a stateroom into a state room boom oh i'm so sorry guys this is really difficult i don't remember we took the boat to rodriguez and then trained to amsterdam does that make sense yeah enjoyed the science yes you asked the wrong benedict spain to go with you so we get on the train and i'm sitting on the train and these gentlemen asked to am i do we need to skip back no we'll do one quick skip back so spate i don't know if he's told you but he was in band of brothers he's just saying that to be a jerk because wow jared they already know he must have mentioned it's not even a sequitur it's not even a nun you're just an [ __ ] so spain spain goes like this guys nashville i was in band of brothers why don't you go onto the board and go get a table for us uh myself and your boyfriend have the bags okay she's like all right well we really have two babies so it's his fault at the back wait a minute let me start with something yes this is important a a lady should never carry your own luggage i stand behind that i'm a gentleman so suck it number two number two i don't know this is something you may not know about the p the paddle lengthies but the phrase traveling light is not one that's ever utilized when speaking of them on the road hey guys point space no no in all yeah he had three checked things we had two each oh you went dude one was a guitar you're gonna you're gonna penalize a man for a guitar i didn't i would it wasn't gonna bring nine like you bring socks we were he brings an odd number yes i was on purpose we were gone for like four weeks you were not gone for four weeks jared had his body chris but she can't leave with home without she said she says she says yes but you didn't have two there's four bags listen you pack whatever you want your national treasure you you have no business two giant bags all right so lots of bags in all fairness and all fairness one quick demonstration for me one of my shirts is like four of richard's shirts that is true that's bad fabric my shoe big in fairness i ended up sleeping in a shoe on the boat it was uh it came in very handy so that is scientifically been proven so between the two of us we should technically even out again okay so they're on the train so you can get on the tree wow oh gin pack legging we're now at the train we're loading up bags and like gentlemen we allow the super high lady to get on the train first i have to admit real quick i've heard the story ten thousand times and never that you were stoned while them it was like jared and they were traveling with janice joplin i mean she was out to lunch hanging by a thread i mean it was dark days it was like white rabbit was playing and swirling it didn't go by boom all right they're loading up the luggage and they sit down nice and i look up and i say um where's my luggage that's that guy you go where's the tumi or there's a silver bag right the gray bag and you literally look at one you can she's the only one hi be damned she's the only one who counts the bags you and i'm like we're like right mister accomplished we sit down and she's like one two three where's where's the bad guys so jared stands up and goes oh and he goes outside backstory backstory really quickly this is important like this is basically a dinner party to padalecki's house because this is important osama bin laden had just been killed like a week earlier really like like two weeks early or something and so like all of the news channels are like hyper like burning red alert are we sure that was i don't think it was i don't think he'd been killed i don't know i don't think it was it was captured before that before that listen the point is the world was on like uh burning red alert he was supposed to put your mcdonald's bag up some guys went over there yeah it was not a good time where you don't want to like pull any red flags you don't want an abandoned bag on a train moving train per se because they really cared in amsterdam so woodstock had just sat down she decided i don't i can't find a bag hey guys my bag's gone where's my bag they both stand up because they're both very chivalrous and the heroes of the story say we go we go over like you would we look out the window there it is in the platform we walk towards the doors to go get it and the doors go by the way by the way that's that's me knocking and this is richard keep knocking that's not true he's like don't make it dirty he's like good job you know what i don't remember getting groped on the train i remember that i know it's true so he's saying he's saying good job you're knocking on the door i'm no longer enjoying this mind this is so the doors close they do they close they're going they're still closed don't open them no but the tree starts to go oh the girl shows up the lady shows up so i'm knocking rich is behind me like yeah doing good knock lower that's not that's right we're just like yeah like nothing's opening up and so there are some buttons on the wall you all have all been on like euro trains yeah euro rails there's like a red button and we're in europe i think they've been on euro training you know you know what they call it euro trains here trains you know they love thai food but this is the important part of this part of the story they're buttons they're buttons and so i'm like well i'm just gonna push this green button which usually opens the doors i push the green button and it doesn't open like okay red button it doesn't have the train starting to move yet no no there's a lady who she walked by and she sees that the luggage is standing next to it on this side over here and she looks at jared and i'll do to the camera and she goes as in what the f you want me to do about it broheim and now and now the train starts to move oddly gym scene stay stationary because she was so high so i'm taking man the train's moving man oh my god so you turned to them and you said so i turned to them calmly i'm sitting in the chair and they're panicking i'm just sitting in the chair and i'm like it's just stuff man i think this is kind of funny so it's fine it's just stuff we're gonna stop and you know what i'll go back i'll get the bag she said that she suggested she would go back in the next time she brought she injected logic in a process where we felt logic didn't belong so we go backwards and that was when we go we vetoed her idea which was the strongest we go back to the door and we pushed all the buttons at this point we're in nervous mode and i got godzilla comes out well i go i say there's there's one more button we haven't hit but it's behind plexiglass and an ankh over here you'll see you'll and there's a thing in the front and it steers the car it's called a steering wheel it's a euro wheel it's a euro steering wheel so there's a thing underneath at the point where this was happening how fast would we go is it just we're cruising yeah we're starting to move we're going so we're going we're going we're gone for a minute and so i see this oh we forgot the one thing where we both go before this happens jared goes you go that way and we went and he went to that into the train and we're gonna demonstrate our stride length that are slightly different he went that way i went this way jared went 10 cars down we came back i said there's no one at that end of the train there's no one without him in the train no one driving a train he's screaming over me i'm freaking him to his chest and james like we're on tracks dude i can see your screams man and i say um there's a button behind place of glass but it's behind placements so i guess we can't do anything with that and on the caveman goes bloodying your knuckles glass breaks my hand is bleeding yeah glass breaks and i sort of like scratch it out i'm like well [ __ ] i broke in the glass i might as well push the buttons by the way kids at home i do not want you to live by the motto i broke in the glass i might push your butt but i do want you to make a t-shirt out of it now if you don't ever ride a train there there are laptops that are just like oh yeah great meanwhile this is where i got tripp i don't know them i don't know or were you going wine glass meanwhile in c13c meanwhile i'm in germany oh needless to say we ruined all of your vacations we're leaving the stage right now so you can say goodbye to these people but that is your train story you're welcome okay you have a wonderful debate century hotel room 113. i'll be there immediately no no come on man i just drove over it's 16 hours straight okay i'm human and the stuff i gotta do what stuff eat for example in this case sleep i just need like four hours once in a while okay yes okay so you can pop in tomorrow morning yes i'll just wait here then um how many of you by a show of screams are from north carolina i spent uh i spent a lovely summer in lexington north carolina um did you know that did you know that about me did you know that we had this this point of congruity between us um my uh my girlfriend at the time wife now uh was writing her ba thesis on um she was doing she was an anthropology major and she was writing an ethnography of a trailer park really so we we moved into a trailer park in lexington north carolina and uh immediately took in a stray dog named aptly by us fancy fancy was covered in fleas and we couldn't get the fleas out and our trailer uh was very inexpensive um and so the bathtub had fallen through the floor and we didn't want uh the other residents of the trailer park to think that we were like these fancy college students so we i got a job at ppg fiberglass factory which was awesome it was as good as it sounds how many of you work at the ppg fiber glass plant good so we can speak honestly about it it was as bad as it sounds um and uh and yeah so i i but i was i was remembering that because this morning i went for a run and uh i nearly died because it's so hot and humid here and it was uh and i remember that distinctly it was like this sense this it gets worse i know i spent a summer here but i was just telling you i um but i love uh in in the green room right now we have a picture of sweet tea and a pitcher of unsweet tea and i love that choice every time it's like what do i want what's wrong with you are you drunk no yes what the hell happened to you i found a liquor store and and i drank it um sweet wow wow you are you're a divided state aren't you um how what what portion of you are sweet versus unsweet every everyone raised their hands i love that this is not how to conduct a survey folks i was remembering um i had gone on a run um i i oh we had this uh really shitty uh 1980 chevy citation hatchback and the chevy citation is an incredible car because it's a hatchback but it's a v8 so it burned an enormous amount of fuel and the engine was so big that when you turn the ignition off it kept running like this car would just be like for a minute after you turn it off and i went i drove to this park to go for a run and uh and parked and i went for the run and it was like sunset and it was beautiful and i was covered in sweat and and then i yeah and then and then i went to leave and the park had closed and they had put the gate up over the road and i couldn't get out but i gauged i was like i think there's enough space between that oak tree and the gate for me to squeeze the citation around the gate and uh there wasn't quite enough space and so i squeezed it through scraping both sides the whole way and it and it condensed the car by about two inches and took off both mirrors and broke the side windows but i was like it's okay it's fine everything's fine so those are some of my fond memories and then oh my god we have this i'm sorry i'm just ranting and i'll stop soon and i know that you guys have important things you want to talk about um but i was remembering being in in doing our ethnography and we were recording uh video and i can't remember how we explained it but we would go over to the neighbors trailer and record video and people would just like let us record their evening dinner where they would get into fights with each other and throw things at each other and then be like misha get in the car you're gonna drive me to go get some beer because his license had been suspended for driving drunk um it was a great it was a really great summer i loved it very easy are you okay don't ask stupid questions um i'm i'm i'm i'm gonna be uh taking my kids back east to do like a little memory lane tour of all of the places that were important to me in my in my childhood so i'm going to take them to like huskers market and the bridge of flowers and berkshire east and maybe even up you know highway 8 and route 2 and all that i think it should be nice try to see if we can find shannon the horse i think shannon is probably we're being honest gonna be hard to find um yeah all right i don't have anything else to tell you sorry i'm pocket-sized sam i'm really short right so it's smooth i just want to give a quick shout out because it's mother's day my mom's name is ruby so yesterday i asked misha this question and people wanted me to follow it up today with you jared um i'd asked jensen but his legs are too boiled and the watermelon would just fall and lisha if you have any advice to get jared into shape oh all right so that what you have to do is crush the water have you seen this you crush the watermelon between your legs and i think do you have one do we have one no um i can do it that's what i said which is the wrong thing to say because now people are going to bring watermelons to conventions we're now going to need gore-tex to actually like getting to the point where you can do it is to do a lot of kegels sure only about ten percent of the audience got them i think you're being generous i heard like two chuckles um yeah do you have a watermelon oh no but there is a standard uh genome there's a stand in fucino for watermelon crushing between the knees just watermelon but i mean misha has the thighs but you have the arms so i was pretty sure misha was gonna win damn are you bigger thighs than i do that's embarrassing i think i don't know probably not but but you know you can press them that's true you let jimmy get away without the ginormo here i um i'm going to say something now that i know oh wow i realized we haven't talked about this so i uh i have a currently uh rip in my acl and my fcl which i didn't know existed and bone bruises on my name and i blame richard spade because and i only say this now literally because the season is done and i can't get sued so you turn your freaking phones no i was skiing uh the spates and the paddlickies went to whistler uh oh i gotta have the spate tell the thanks story um and so we were skiing and my i had rental skis and they made them too tight and i didn't ski i didn't grow up with any money to be able to afford to ski so i skied at like 25 years old or something i'm very new and my my ski edge caught and my my knees spun around and popped yeah true story uh during richard's episode and i i heard i was using headphones i heard the pop and i immediately went down so i'm going down like i'm just kind of like okay what's the next terrain like and it caught an edge and this this foot end up pointing back that way but the side didn't pop out and so i sort of turn around and just kind of just lay down in the snow and i'm right under the ski lift and i'm moaning which was like and i take my headphones out and i'm just sort of sitting like oh my god i cannot believe it i just blew my knee out but i'm not gonna i'm not gonna be able to work uh i'm sorry i'm sorry sorry for what so i end up kind of like just sitting there for a little bit and my foot my leg is no longer numb and i'm like okay i think i'm gonna be all right it hurts really bad um but i can't mention it because we're not allowed to ski um it's in our claws not a word of a lie not a word of a lie and i'm like okay like i just have to like run through it and so i get down the bottom of the mountain in space there and he's like buddy you all right i was like i'm good i'll i'll take a hot toddy please i guess this hurts and so we skied and i i went to uh texas the next weekend and my brother's a surgeon and i was like hey dude i think i need an mri my knee i'm limping and i have knee braces that i usually wear and stuff um and so he mri means he's like yeah you have bone bruises and your acl is torn and your seo storm so i finished the season for y'all with a torn up knee crush a watermelon if you would like so fumachino here we come thank you thank you awesome that's awesome right right come on you know what you're awesome thanks um you too i guess
Channel: Wayward Winchester
Views: 63,681
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Supernatural Cast Crazy Travel Stories, supernatural cast, crazy travel stories, train story jared padalecki, Supernatural, j2 travel stories, jensen jared stories, Jared Padalecki, travel stories, Embarrassing Injuries On Set, supernatural injuries, Dean, jensen, j2, Dean Winchester, sam winchester, Jensen Ackles, misha collins, castiel, supernatural season 15, train story, supernatural stories, j2 being j2, supernatural series finale, dean deatth, sam death, Sam dean heaven
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 3sec (3123 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 01 2020
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