Supernatural Mentoring Monday 15th January 2018 UK

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problem since my computer is not charging and so that out I'll come back ok alright ok well let's let's kick off under gnashing you wanna bring practicing Lee Utley to use my imagination more so for example simple things like it's it's working my boy was playing up no hot water I just sat there and imagine that he's producing what water and sweaty enough it's sorted this effort car was not starting the battery is one for that so I just imagined the batteries already charged ok so it's amazing how our intent can influence just by and I've read all the carnage ebooks about positive thinking our imagination doesn't align itself with word doesn't work yeah I mean I would say that when you when you look at that what you're doing really is choosing a reality and manifesting that reality and I think we do have authority within our own lives within our governmental spheres within the areas that God has given us that we can manifest that reality by choosing to receive that and express it and I think imagination is really the point where can we see that which is that reality rather than the reality of which we've been used to if we keep choosing things from what we've always got out of what we've always thought then we're going to continue with the same so we've got to start thinking differently and aligning our thinking with the truth I will see the truth as expressed in the Bible but also the truth as expressed in the truth Jesus himself but will unveil the way and the truth and a life and he described the life that he wants us to live as abundant abundant and therefore overflowing blessed empowered to prosper and to succeed I mean that's our sonship mandate so if we're empowered to prosper and succeed to be fruitful and to be multiplying and to be increasing or all those things then we can choose a reality to the grease with that and if we're operating in something which is less than that then we've got to change our thinking and not accept less than yeah as the son of God do I want to live as a slave or in poverty mentality or do I want to operate as the son of the king of the creator and I think if we start seeing ourselves the way God sees us then we will begin to choose that which is aligned with God's blessing the empowerment to us rather than the lack and the poverty and the we don't have enough but we do have to choose it and anything which is tied to that old mindset and old belief system does need to be changed transformed our minds renewed so that we can choose sonship and we can choose to manifest sonship by choosing the reality that our aligns with our sonship rather than aligns with the world that's in bondage and the world which is in a sense groaning because it's in that bondage so yeah I think it's not that we're imagining something which is not in alignment with God's will we're just agreeing with God effectively and then choosing to see that as a reality which is what whole quantum physics things about isn't it you sort of popping a quiff is there's billions of possible choices for every choice that we make which one are we going to choose are we going to choose a choice which is in alignment with who we are as God's sons and children or are we gonna choose and align a choice which is not in alignment with that and we get to choose yeah every choice that we make is one that we get to choose and I think you know my experience in some of that and so my test them is is where things are not going the way they should be and that's not just wishful thinking or hopeful thinking it's actually seeing reality from the perspective of how how God sees it and then choosing it so you know when I've done that I've not accepted a reality which is less than you know when I when things have happened which have caused me to not be able to fulfill my destiny and Network it that I've chosen not to accept that and to excuse to accept the reality which does which has meant you know I've been able to you know change the time change the manifestation of time and space Bend time if you like you know Bend space I mean you know I've done that with airplanes you know so I've traveled faster than is possible naturally speaking because I've chosen to be able to get to a place on time you know that's that's happened a number of times where I didn't accept oh I'm gonna be late because if I was late I wouldn't have been able to to do what God wanted me to do so out of mandate circumstances were contradicting that mandate so I didn't accept that as being circumstances that I was going to come into agreement with and therefore be under the circumstances I chose to be over the circumstances and changed them by choosing a reality which was in alignment with what I believed SunChips off so I've probably done that about five times I think with aeroplanes and various things of being late or you know really really late in a couple of occasions and the you know I'm one I'll I've done it in different ways you know some was just okay you know I remember being on the the runway in Bristol Airport and getting ready to take off and the captain coming over the intercom and saying you know I'm sorry we were going to be late taking off because air traffic controllers informed us that there there is a problem with a lat with a take off slot and a landing slot at the other end so we're going to take off I think it was 40 minutes late well I only had an hour to get my connection in Amsterdam which was where I was flying to South Africa so it was like okay 40 minutes am I gonna be able to you know be able to get off the plane and get to my next destination in time no and and then then the before I even had a chance to think about it he then said oh now we've just heard that actually our landings floor the other area is also going to be delayed so probably we're going to be over an hour late so immediately I just said no I'm not accepting that that is the reality I am going to see the reality that we taking off on time and we're going to land on time and within 30 seconds he came back saying air-traffic control have now told us we can take off immediately and we can land okay now people would say well that's just a coincidence I don't see it as a coincidence because I chose to accept that and to manifest that reality by choosing that choice of all the possible choices there were so my choice affected everybody else positively which is what it's supposed to do it is that positive outworking of something by not accepting circumstances by but being able to to change those circumstances so I would encourage everybody to start looking at things with a different mindset and a different attitude you know and you know I remember being in New Zealand and being faced with a situation which everyone was affected by we were locked in and I just don't meet saying we came out of the meeting was absolute if in demo reign and we were locked in that janitor had gone and locked the gate to the carpark and we were all locked in and no one could get out and everyone was queued up to the gate and couldn't get out and it was just I mean I didn't know what was going on and so I went to ask the first car why are you waiting there and these two ladies who weren't actually believers yet they'd come to the me in and I've been talking about supernatural manifestations and angels and various things and they with a twinkle in their eyes sort of smiled and said oh do you think you could send an angel to open the gate for us you know and they were joking because they didn't really believe that that was gonna happen so immediately in an instant I chose to see the gate opening and I actually just found myself saying and I didn't even thought about what I was gonna say I just said to them we don't need an angel I'll go and open the gate and so I walked over to the gate which was padlocked and I helped to go the padlock opened it without a key cuz that was the reality I chose to accept now I don't do that all the time about everything about every day because some of those so everyday circumstances I have no problem with you know but I frame my day every day to enable me to fulfill God's purpose and so I'm expecting favor and blessing in my day I'm expecting the sonship mandate to be fruitful to multiply to be able to subdue anything and to rule to be manifesting during my day so that means that I can effectively believe that I will have all the time I need I will have everything I need to enable me to fulfill God's purpose and it's when something contradicts that is then I get a choice what am I going to believe in the favour and blessing of God or the obstacles of the enemy and if it's the obstacles of the enemy then I'm going to do something about it by choosing a reality which frames life that those obstacles are not going to be in my way and I think Jesus indicated that you know we could speak to mountains and tell them to move you know and I think we have to start looking at life from a different perspective so that we can actually choose to see God's kingdom I worked through us around us because we're actually not under anything we're over it and we're ruling and we're manifesting the kingdom in that way and it does take a choice to choose a reality which is in alignment and not out of alignment and I've seen people just accept things because they didn't think they had any choice in any way of changing it well Jesus changed things all the time he changed people people's situations and circumstances he ministered miracles and healing and did all sorts of amazing things all the time and we just obviously get a few of them recorded but they were obviously lots and lots and lots during the three and a half year of ministry that he was publicly seen that weren't recorded you know and I think you know that's the way he lived with an expectation that he would be able to fulfill what the Father's will was and if something contradicted it he changed it whether it be rebuking the wind whether it be manifesting food you know multiplying it whatever it was he did it yeah whether it be walking on water you know he was able to be able to see himself doing what the father had called do and therefore manifesting those things I think this it's up to us to begin to begin to think as a son and not a slave so it's great when you get testing resolve hey you know I chose to accept the reality that the battery was gonna start and it did or I chose you know just as you said it's like you know this wasn't working I chose the reality where it was I didn't need to record the call the repairman it just began to work you know and I think that type of way of thinking is is really key and you have illustrations of God's desire to bless us in you know the provision for the children of Israel in that they had their things that didn't wear out you know their clothes didn't wear out as they were walking through the wilderness yeah and you know is that possible yeah I think it is if we choose to see God's provision in that way but sometimes God may want to bless us with something new and that's also okay you know I think it's knowing when we get a choice waterlines best with the will of God and our sonship and making that choice okay all right okay Lori you've got your hand raised there very patiently yes I was do you think that when we choose the good option when we have a mandate and I've seen since changing because we are the mandate to do something I've seen it and I believe you know it can happen and is it something we can apply also in our private life when we don't have a mandate from God but just you know private life that something happened and is wrong and we want to change it to make it right and we choose no I'm not going to be bothered by this it won't happen is there a line between oh do you have to train with the mandate and they become automatic in your life and you can apply it for everything well I don't think you really need to separate life out into this is private and this is public or Kingdom if we're Suns we're Suns all the time and do we believe that God wants to bless us empower us to prosper which is means to excel at the highest level I believe yes is the answer and therefore I don't see any death difference between what I'm doing in one thing and another do I believe I'm called to be blessed yes therefore I want to live in that blessing and I want them to be my choices and the way I think to be determined by my sonship and not anything else so I don't see there's any issue with that but I do feel we need to be flowing and being led by the spirit our spirit and in relationship with the Holy Spirit to be able to which one of which things am I going to choose you know because sometimes God uses obstacles that he just something so we can overcome so I don't frame my day with a I don't want any obstacles i frame my day from the perspective that if there are obstacles I'll be able to deal with them and because sometimes I learn more in dealing with the obstacles than I do if no there were none you know because I have an opportunity of practice engaging so I and that's evidenced by I have so many problems with planes you know I could be framing my life I have no problems but I don't because I want to frame my life to enable me to manifest the kingdom and sometimes that is to overcome problems and to deal with them and so that's how I perceive it now you can have a problem and you can see it all what's the devil trying to do this this in this and it's not always you know and if it is Jesus rebuked things when he saw them as the opposite of the enemy so there was a difference in how Jesus dealt with things from the perspective of what he saw from the eyes of God in it I think and sometimes we need to be more clear in what we're seeing so we can choose the right option when it comes to making the decision but does God want us to be blessed yeah and therefore I think we can choose to receive that blessing just to refine the the answer am i right in thinking that because God wants us to have a blessed life and a life in abundance anything negative in our lives he's coming from the enemy I I'm not talking about what we you know if I stand in the middle of the road and a car runs me over yes I've done something for that but am i right in thinking that anything negative missing going against what we would like we wish for is in fact the enemy trying to just piss the earth and disturb us or depress us or whatever this no I wouldn't I don't look at things quite that black and white I don't I don't want to think about the enemy at all so I don't really give the enemy any thoughts within my daily life it's like I don't want to be thinking about him looking to what what he's doing whatever I want to be focusing on what I'm called to do and what God is doing therefore sometimes the enemy will try and oppose what God's doing and yes then we can rebuke that and deal with it I we do live in a war world which is not perfect so that isn't just because there's an enemy operating it that's because it's less than God's original and intention so we live in a fallen world we live in a world that's grown in creation is grown in in bondage so we don't always get the response of creation as we should create we'll respond to sonship and produce its bounty for us when we live in sonship and I think sometimes it isn't the enemy per se it's just things go wrong you know things happen we live in a world where other people are involved so if other people are choosing a lot of negative things then that can cause things to be negative it may be inspired by the negativity that the enemy got us to choose and originally but I don't think it's always the enemy it's not like a demon under every bush and everything needs deliverance or everything needs to be dealt with in that way I think it's just when we get a situation we need to learn to discern Hebrews 5 says that we train our senses through practice to discern what is good and evil now the word evil we tend to associate with the devil but we're Satan but the root of the word evil actually the Greek pond or us actually means hardships and frustrations that come from following the DIY path you know that was the knowledge of the tree of good and evil evil is us doing things in our own strength not what we think of evil is at least terrible evil things it isn't that's not really the root of the word so when it's the tree of good and evil it's a tree of the seeing the good but even the good done in our own strength even good yeah so we can see good things and try and do them in our own strength and that isn't will God once or we can do things in a sense in our own strength fully whether they're good or bad and they'll end up wearing us out because they will attach to them is what is hardships and the sweat of our brow and the result of that what is described as the curse if you like so I don't think everything is just the enemy you know or yeah frustrating me or whatever I think sometimes there are just frustrations because we live in a world that's full of them and we're also connected with other people who are living that way so when I'm when I engage with people I tend to be quite sensitive to their language and their attitude and what they're giving off and sometimes that's very negative you know and if you're engaged with a negative person then you have to be careful you don't come into agreement with them or come under what they are providing around them our atmosphere should it be able to overcome anyone elses atmosphere when they're close enough to us so that we should influence then for good rather than be influenced by them for that so I think there's a mixture when it comes to the source of obstacles opposition frustrations annoyances hardships all those things some of them are designed to show us if we're operating in our own strength or not because God allows us to suffer the hardship to show us that wasn't the best way of doing that and that's not the enemy doing that that's God just showing us the consequences of our choices and we do live in the consequence of lots of people's choices and we have to be careful that we do not become influenced by those choices but we're able to be able to operate in a different level and not be affected by that but it's a lot a big learning curve when it comes to sonship because we didn't really we really get taught any of this stuff you know I mean if in my 40 years now of being a Christian 42 or something in those 42 years no no it's not for you to leave unless more than that 48 years as a Christian basically I was never too anything to do with sonship yeah I wasn't really talked about what the nature of the father was I mean it just wasn't part of their traditions I was brought up in so I didn't really have any understanding any of these things so now you know seeing things from a different perspective you realize you know how subject you were and because God is so gracious he just does a lot of protecting and our angels work overtime keeping us safe and not being subject to all the things that are potentially harmful or dangerous that we live in this world which is around us you know but I think you're right you don't presume on things so you walk up the middle of the road just to prove you know that cars will hit you I think there's presumption which we shouldn't be you know looking to to prove or test god but live as inspired by that spirit so when we look at a situation get that discernment where what is the source of this and very quickly even if it is the enemy sometimes God can use the enemy for good he always wants to turn everything around for good so I don't immediately always just think oh that's the enemy I want to discern what the best situation is or what what I can get out of this situation whether it's learning to overcome or whatever it might be so yeah don't I don't make any assumptions anymore even the most obvious ones because I realized that my assumptions and my understanding are not the best thing to to lean on when it comes to making decisions or look at things and I don't want to lean on my own understanding I want to be trusting in my relationship with God in relationship with him I will be able to discern what I need to buy only any one's perfect at it and so you know I'm not perfect and sometimes I will make the wrong choices or I won't see the options for a choice you know and then later on I'll sort of catch myself why did I even go down that route and not choose a different one because I wasn't discerning enough at that point so I want to learn how by practice you know I got to practice more and more and more to become better at discerning the like life around me and then more governmental in shaping that life before it ever happens okay all right okay well Scott anything I wanna talk about hi Mike I've been thinking about the different realms of heaven and in particular the realms of perfection I wondered if you'd had any experience with the realms of perfection I'm trying to get my head round you all trying to explore these things and how they are down to the earth of different realms of heaven because that my understanding is that they do arc down so the realms of perfection would act down to the kingdom of God which is I guess the place of the ecclesia the legislation and that kind of things but what what I don't really know very much about what the realm of the realms of perfection ah what he really just started to explore them and wondered I think it relates to some of the things we're talking about because some of the imperfections on the earth and around us that frustrate us can be rectified through the renewal of all things and I wondered whether the realms of perfection the spirit of might arcing down to this working with a spirit of counsel through the kingdom of God and I guess the ecclesia and so on is there an influence is something in the realms of heaven that we can bring down to you to your understanding what are the realms of now gently relate to where we are well I my personal experience of it is that there are the different realms of having all different dimensions that have earned whichever we want to put it have different ways of operating so I've seen that they have different speeds of light so that means time is different in each of them and it appears to me that the closer you approach to eternity which is still effectively a period of time because it's still in this created realm you're more and more approaching the perception of things a heavenly perspective from now so you you're connecting more to what the gods intention is for it so perfection would be an expression of God's intention found in face-to-face intimacy with him as a person so I've found that when I engaged God within the dark cloud that was in the realm of perfection I got any evidence for that biblically other than that's where I encountered him and that's where I sensed the atmosphere because each of those realms whether it be kingdom of God or Kingdom heaven or heaven itself and then on into having a heavens and perfection appear to have a different atmosphere or a different fragrance or a just something you can detect something that feels different and senses are connected differently to it and I found that the kingdom of God of realm is before this realm in a sense of authority but also in time so what I'm doing in that realm is preparing for that to manifest in this realm even though it may only be a fraction or whatever ahead is always ahead so if I'm ruling from that realm it is being preparing this realm to have come into agreement the Kingdom of Heaven against seems to be a little bit more expansive in the when you go there you have mmm more times difficult to express it but if the speed of light is faster then time will pass slower so if I'm there for an hour it could be a week so you get to do things there in a more fuller perspective I think that increases the further you go so you know when I went into the fete engaged the very person of God within the dark cloud I was there for a fraction of a second it felt like from my perspective because I couldn't cope with just the amazing awesome presence of God or person of gods it wasn't his presence it was his person but that changed me more than anything else if in a sense you know so I do believe that they are those realms are increasing in speed of light therefore time and also in dimension of Revelation of the very nature of God so that the further they're away from this realm the less they're the less we are influenced by this realm when we're in there if you see what I mean and it gives you a greater perspective of how God sees things or how heaven of heavens is where the three higher level courts are and they operate in a greater authority than the courts that are below them they're the courts below them are subject to them effectively just like you would have in a country you'd have you know the different authority structures of a court system ultimately in our so you go to the Supreme Court and to the Hazar Lords ultimately which is the highest court I think in terms of those so things but you get different core or authority levels if you like and I found that being in those realms I don't have to be there very much for it to have a huge influence that then gets out work in each of the other realms so if I engage there I am motivated so when I engage with let's say the court of judges and their judgments are just so amazing compared to what I could make a judgment you know and so when I engage there they give me confidence and a perspective on things which is not I couldn't do my own or certainly couldn't do you know operating in one of the lower level courts I've never got that type of revelation is probably the wrong word but insight into things by operating in the court accusation or operating even the Chancellor's call because they are functions of something which is a higher level which is then I'd worked in and through our involvement so perfection is is connecting with I think being able to perceive through the heart of God his very heart into a situation which is not influenced by my own mind you know being there you can't I couldn't be there and have all these thoughts and jumbled I just it didn't work you know whenever I went there to try and figure something out it couldn't work so I just had to be there and I think that's the more you approached God himself as light outside a time and space the more it actually influences your perspective so you begin to think and operate totally differently and you know how do you get there again I guess by desire by being taken there you know it I I have not got the pathways of what goes on there mapped out because I have not spent enough time there or when I have spent time there it has been a transform a Tory process of my thinking rather than I'm figuring out how all this works here the further it gets away from our realm the less it actually operates like our realm that's it you know I'm not being very helpful I guess because it's quite it's quite hard to describe but I mean I understand how things work in the kingdom of God I understand how things work in the kingdom of heaven I understand how things work in heaven as soon as it starts to get up into the heaven of heavens then I am now beginning to not understand everything like I could because it's less like it is down here it doesn't operate in the same way as what it does down here things are you know that it's just that seems to be how it is but I think as we as we mature in what we're doing in the other realms I think it begins to give us access there to be influenced more by that yeah I mean there's a lot which I have no understanding of although I have some experience of you know the experience I've been changed by it rather than I understand it that's another way of putting him smoke you know I I have no problem mapping out all the pathways and things that I have walked in in the realms up to heaven I don't have a pathway of memory or where I could say yeah I can just walk into you know the dark cloud or I could walk into here or I could walk into that or I could engage perfection and I would know how perfection operated but I have been influenced and blessed and transformed by being in the realm of perfection because it's perfecting me I guess yes I find myself yesterday calling things down you know working from that flow the spirit see they don't I'm a thrown by far myself calling things out of the realm of perfection to the realm of the kingdom because my understanding they do arc down to the realms so that eternity arcs down to the kingdom of the earth and the glory of the Lord shall the earth shall be filled with the glory of the Lord so you can see where it's going and the next level down with the levels of perfection arcing down to the kingdom of God which I guess is the place where the ecclesia are praised on the earth so it was in preparation the fellowship and one or two other things I was I was kind of doing but I found myself calling things down from the realms of perfection and to say my family mountain and my kids mountains and so on well it was kind of blunderbuss dish it was like everything I just it was a first and I was calling it down generally into different areas of my life different mountains but afterwards I felt the Lord say what you should be doing is when you see that with me on my throne father say we can can discuss aspects of perfection in four specific areas and we can call it down more precisely but my understanding as well spending time with his heaven spirits is that the the spirit one spirit in particular operates in a particular level more than others I mean do work together but the realm of perfection is where the spirit of mate or power operates and the kingdom of God where they are down together is where the spirit of counsel upwards so I think there's a connection between what we learn as maturing sums in in the authority that we carry and how the different levels of heaven actually affect where we are upon the earth because a mentor in restoration I think things have been to be put back in harmony with these higher levels so the higher frequencies are meant to influence the lower frequencies and raise those frequencies and this is to do with the restoration of all things it's this aspect of things so that's why I promise of calling things death more precisely what is there to call down when it comes to looking you know that makes sense yeah yeah I yeah I understand what you're saying I I would encourage you to go there yeah because I think going there will be it will then bring that more specific precision to what perfection should look like you know I I find those realms are transform a torii and therefore they begin to change how we then operate when we are on our throne and they influence us to be able to call out of stuff we couldn't see before or we couldn't know before or were beyond what we had the power to imagine or think before and I think that's what it these realms for me have done they've expanded my consciousness and my ability to connect to a reality that I have not seen so that there's an expansion of of my consciousness that then out of that begins to say things do things cool things that I couldn't have seen well I didn't know or I did never a earthly counterpart to that I could say well can we make this a bit better it's just it's not in it's not in anyway in the same level it's just way beyond you know it's beyond what I could imagine or think but being there expand something so that possibilities that I didn't even know exist did are now things that I could call for and I think that's how it's worked with me I'd like to go somewhere and if let that experience begin to change and expand me in sonship and what I believe is possible or you know it's difficult when you don't know something to even think of it is being possible because you didn't even know it existed and there are things I think I didn't know existed until I went there and then I think the restoration of all things you know as I have engaged deeper and deeper we got into Thurmond he thinks that has been the the key area which is almost like I'm passionate about you know I used to think about it and they all that would be nice now I'm passionate about seeing that manifested and the high depth breadth length of what that is as now gone beyond what I could have ever possibly imagined because I would have you know been going on something restored to what I could see the Bible set or and it it's not like that it's way way beyond that so my experience of being there has expanded my perception my conscious reality so that now when someone says restoration of all things that has gone way beyond anything I would have originally thought and I think my experiences of engaging with God in some of these realms and ultimately outside of time and space in his in his heart and so this heart-to-heart knowing in a sense of constant course corrections with everybody to bring things into a goodness you know this is a restoration is not an event it's a continual process that's going on all the time God is looking to see everything restored in every person will through every choice good out of every bad stir to enable things to align with him and he's doing that all the time although ridden anytime it's just his constant nurse is an expression of his desire for good love to be outworked you know and that needs to be outworked and we come into agreement with it so you get us you know I used to think you know what was before there was and engaging there would help me in what is in this realm and then I would be able to bring what would be so that they were coming to agreement but actually I see that what is is not in this realm what will be is in this room what is is in the realm of heaven so I can stand in the four phases of God and that is what is when I'm connected to what God's intent and desire and purposes so then I begin to frame things from the lion Hawks eagle man because I am a priest I am connected to here's the heart of God and in my priestly function for creation how does this manifest in this and I work to be something which then is in agreement and alignment and in harmony and you know and resonance all those sort of words which sort of talking about things coming into agreement and alignment and resonating with one another and we get more and more of a part to play in that the more maturing more mature we become and all I can say is you know go back a couple of years and my whole mindset of what restoration would have been has been completely changed and I attributed it to engaging with God in in sort of that level of intimacy not necessarily always in a cognitive all I understand everything because most of it is beyond my comprehension but my consciousness expands and then I know things believe things see things that I didn't see before that's that's my experience of it and then what I do as a result of that then determines what I then called for and agreement with you know where we are to be that which connects heaven to us you know we are the connection so if I am a royal priest in the realms of heaven and I'm engaging in these things then I become an administrator of those things into the earth as a gateway because I carry that it that word the sort of prophetic sense of the Oracles of God that I'm now is in me and then it begins to be outworked in a legislative governmental way on the earth as it has been established in heaven but it's way beyond a lot of what I can sort of explain in a cognitive way but it is an extremely deep relational being within the circle of the relationship of Father Son and spirit we get to reconnect with who we always work that that's that's been my experience of it it was like I had a role to play yeah being created as a spirit being and I was doing things before ever I was here and I've begun to reconnect to the memories of what that consciousness is so my spiritual consciousness is way way way beyond what my physical consciousness has been and when my spiritual consciousness began to overshadow my physical country it began to remap my mind so I began to connect to things which I'd never had a memory of in my physical consciousness but were stored within my spiritual conscience if you like and then they began to reintegrate so that my desire for creation to be restored was turbocharged because I had a connection to what it was like and what God's intention was before ever ended up like this you know so how it's fallen from you know the position and you could say you know the different estates that we have fallen to need to be restored and I think there are other places that you can engage that to get a deeper connection to it the fire stones would be one of them in my experience on the fire stones has been so different each time I've engaged it and taken me to another level which i think is an expression of those levels that you're talking about you know when I first engaged the fire stones it was at a level of the fruit of the Spirit and it was amazing to experience love and joy and peace at a level that I no concept of the existing at but when I went back it was ah Alex I was expecting the same thing you know because I'm like I want more of this and I go back and it's a totally different level well actually I think it was a different level and the revelation of that level was being expressed act through me engaging the fire stones and when I went back it was another level now I think I've been back five times and I think I've experienced five levels and the last time I went was way beyond anything before and I've never ever been able to describe it but it was it was really transform a tree in in a creative sense because I believe the closer we get to perfection into the eternal sort of this is who God is the more creative we become yes so the level of creativity that I could operate in this realm was so different from what I then could see in creating things which were not just earthly things you know and as sons whatever the ages to come her at the house it is about returning to the creative image of God and beginning to do things which are creative that's all you can say you know but not just creative in a creative alignment artistic or but creative and you're actually creating things and I the last time I was on the fire stones one of the things that I was walking there with the father have not done that before and I walked with the father on each of those stones and I got to a point where the father was basically saying over to you what are you gonna do you know and I'm like I didn't try and figure it out I just instinctively did something you know and it was like afterwards it was just like how did I do that you know and the implications of it I'm still exploring but it was just way beyond and I think probably each and those fire stones is a representation of more and more and more and more because there's nine of them so it goes beyond the six or seven layers of what we would say are they're created heavens into something beyond that but yeah I'm like this is sort of pushing the envelope in terms of most people's experience but I know that each of those engagements on the fire stones for me very were very very very transform a tree in that they expanded something and and I knew in the experience that I was different and changed and could never go back not like I've ever wanted to go back but it's almost like it was that changing nothing can be the same again when you've gone to this another level because you're not the same you are changed I think the more change we get as from that perspective the more we can then begin to align things so I do call for a lot of things to manifest but I see it rather than trying to call it out of heaven I see it as I need to be a channel for that to manifest into the earth because I'm responsible for you know therefore it needs to manifest into the spheres that I have responsibility for and as I extend my boundaries outwards to see those spheres have access to what is flowing out of heaven then that begins then to have an expanded Authority and at working in the in the mandates that we've individually got because your mandates are very different from mine therefore what you're doing is a reflection of who you are and who you've created been created to be and therefore it it will be different for for me and for everybody else I think there's a very unique nurse about how God has created us and therefore what we're created to connected to so as I began to reconnect to my eternal self if you like I found that it became more clear what I felt I resonated with unconnected to and that became liberating in that I didn't need to do any of these other things I might have been doing before because I knew that that actually I wasn't connected to that in the same way as what I'm connected to the things now I know you know and that is inspired me and I think caused me to focus more because I just know you know that that's the area that you know it stirs me inspires me in that way because you're the only person who seems to talk about these things just in dozen in Clayton there's a few just a few people who talk about them and they now and mentorship times here we don't really talk a lot about other experiences so it's kind of how many of us are actually engaged in these things I just seemed to have a growing awareness of the stuff I am engaging with and that heaven is looking to me now more and more for example a men in white linen are looking to me and some of the great cloud of witnesses because they want to continue you know to fulfill what they didn't fulfill that particularly you know the great kind of witnesses and I can I say to them well okay he's kind of like I'm a plate so one of the guys that will actually we've got a joint is a joint mandates a shared mandate so I'm not just fulfilling my Monday which wasn't completed but we're actually part of the same Monday and I'm here to help you work work out what you have to do you know in this part of the shared Monday but it's kind of a more is that the more I realized there's more coming and there's more responsibility and it's awesome stuff the more I'm aware of my own inadequacies and deficiencies particularly my age myself you know and that's why I think well something's got to change here if I'm going to rise to this occasion something in me it's gotta change so this we knew or maybe it has to start with me and I know the system was talking about some people we won't need to die to all of us because our bodies can be renewed so this all this area of stuff and that's where I will rent the realm of perfection must have something to say to release a reveal to us regarding these things because the whole package isn't it's not it's the journey and the growing in maturity and responsibility but we must be changed by these things it's not just about releasing stuff around this book change has to be manifest within us and around us if Heaven is impacting the earth you know that's kind of what where I am with these things yeah oh yeah totally it needs a physical manifestation of what is spiritually true otherwise it's just pie in the sky no it has to be you know something which is a reality of being live now which as I do think then goes into me being perfected in my physical body as well as in my soul and spirit together being in one and being able to access more than one dimension at the same time because I God's got a slight advantage over most people in the ease everywhere so and if we're in him then we should be able to be everywhere we need to be and I think there is a as as I as my consciousness was expanded the possibilities of non-linearity increased the more I spent time in the realms of perfection eternity and outside of it all the more that influenced that whole mindset so I was connected to when I had a greater capacity so what I was doing before was not limited by any anything because I wasn't I was I made in the you know is a spiritual being a like being with no limitations in that sense and therefore I began to reconnect to what is possible so then operating in multiple different dimensions at the same time even if this time that opera that you're right there is different is possible and therefore the capacity increased hugely you know if I have to be in one place at the same time or let's say there so I've learned to live in two places at the same time so I can be on ever in heaven on earth which is the sort of the jewel realm possibility and once we once we're living in that then multi round possibilities then become the next step so I can only even though I'm in that realm I was still only in one place in that realm at the same time until I wasn't and as soon as I wasn't and I was in multiple places at the same time although they weren't aren't actually at the same time they're just in multiple time streams within that realm not in this realm although obviously access time streams in this realm in that realm it was like being in multiple time streams and doing multiple things and them all flowing together into one flow into the earth I had worked from what I've been doing in ever now most of the time I'm not even aware of what I'm doing or even need to be aware of what I'm doing I just have to trust that the closer I am to the heart of God the more the desire of God's heart will their impact me and I will be doing what I need to do to see that our world and that might be in multiple different places and doing multiple different things but they all connect together to form a whole package of me being me fulfilling my destiny I was wondering whether this is where the art down is what we do in these heavenly realms that changes the way we function here and that is the Creator because it's flowing from that realm throwers into this realm yeah and understanding it more might just tell me cooperating well it's like if you're in those multiple realms it's like ice the way I anyway I could describe it as it's like and sort of multiplied multiplication of streams all coming together or if you put it as an arc it isn't just one arc it's multiplied arcs all coming together to then manifest on the earth but for me it felt I like used using saw rivers and things like that so it felt like there's a lot of streams flowing here whereas I had one stream that used to flow now I have multiple streams that are creating a river so there's an increase in both the flow and what's in the flow and the capacity of the volume that's flowing is increased the speed of that is increased everything's increased cuz it isn't just a trickle that's trickling down there's a connection between all those places I am and they're all flowing and there's different functions to them all there's just that's how it seems I mean I guess by the time I need to sort of get to teaching it or something I will probably have a way of describing it that others might be able to connect to at the moment isn't you know I'm a fair way of sort of sharing it in a teaching capacity therefore I've not framed it in a way that connected and what I find is when I get to teach something God then gives me the analogy is all the illustrations all the connections that sort of make it tangible rather than ethereal a lot of this stuff sounds and feels very ethereal and isn't very tangible it is it's just you I haven't been able to find a way to connect people to it other than in sort of vague ways of sharing it basically but I think once I get to the point where this is something I need to communicate I find that I will have the way of communicating it then in a different slightly different way but the more people have experienced it the easier it is to communicate with people because you resonate with what people are saying people might be using different words but you're resonating with the concept behind the words and you just know that you're talking about the same thing but you might be using different words to describe it you talk about arcing you know I don't tend to use arcing as a description because that's just the way I perceive things you perceive things that way so you use the word but I've recognized the concept that I didn't claim talks about things that from heaven talking to the earth and the diagrams she provided on the side the different spirits of different levels yeah and the ark is how they relate to each other or how they flow to each other from heaven to the earth so that's basically what the language one well yeah and this is an agreement which creates manifestation I mean literally I mean that's literally what you're saying you know when two things come together into agreement something manifests in the middle of it which is a portal of or an opening for that to come into something else and so when two of the seven spirits of God connect or when two realms connect or when I connect with something in that realm then then you are coming into that sense of agreement that creates an opportunity of manifestation really it opens up something I mean obviously the original Ark Ark of the Covenant in terms of the wings of the cherubim and that creating a place where a portal opens up for God's presence to manifest that then you can connect to I guess was the original sort of biblical illustration of it but it forms you know Jesus described it as you know what you agree with when to agree you know it can be done you know and I think that's the sense where when I come into agreement with God in that level or I come into agreement one of Simsbury score or wisdom or whoever it might be one of the Chancellor's or the high Chancellor's or wherever it might be something happens when I come into an agreement when I resonate with that it creates a manifestation of reality which then can begin to form on earth as it's been manifested in heaven very helpful Mike okay anyone else got any simpler questions they might ask remember dancing that he went back into eternity back into what was all of fire fall that pulled him out back um pulled him around for months and maybe years and until he has defied whoa what's this young stop following me around and you see that's your that's you yeah okay yeah yeah to be able to describe that is really it's not easy to describe because in a sense we are who we are and we're spirit soul and body and but it's it's like the more connected you become to it it's it's the consciousness of it that becomes real that that's what I found it's not that I never thought you know and actually the way I saw myself when I'm in heaven has changed from the vestigial image that I used to see myself from this realm into light when I when I engaged in that realm I am I am B I am light whereas before I was a person engaging yeah because I that was what my soul was hooked to well this is who you are this is what you look like but actually I don't see myself in that way anymore because I'm actually am more connected to the light aspect of it than I was before and now I have a and that's just transposed into how I perceive myself to be when I'm in that realm which is quite interesting and therefore other people when I am engaging with others or the cloud of witnesses they are much more light orientated than the way I used to perceive them before which was as people with a physical form which I recognized because it was very much connected to how I see people here but I'm not seeing people in the same way as that you know all the seven spirits of God all wisdom in a sense there's something more of the frequency the vibration the resonance that I'm connecting to rather than the physical form because I think I'm not thinking physical form in the way I am we used to because my mind has been connected to a non-physical form and what that was and what that was doing and how that connected has has definitely connected me to creation and the desire for its restoration and its freedom has been stirred through this you know without a doubt you know it's like I'm so much more passionate about that in its widest possible sense you know which has opened up all these avenues for engaging in things which I never even thought or dreamed were possible to bring restoration into that area and you know that for me goes beyond what I perceived before which was here's God's original intention here's where we are or where we will be and this and this will come into agreement and will be the same you know that's that's that's how I used to see it it was like this was God's intention we messed all this up but in the end God's intention will be manifested and we will be restored to what his original intention was whereas now I see it as everything between God's original intention and now needs to be restored and ongoingly be restored until it is restored fully back to its original intended purpose for everything that's been created which goes way beyond what I would have even thought thought possible both within the time and how time itself needs to be redeemed and restored and you know I've got some Inklings into into our involvement in that but everything if because if all things are going to be restored that means all things which is like whoa how mind expanding is there and I think I'm sort of grasping a little bit of it so I'm realizing there must be a lot more in terms of mind expansion that I need to be able to cope with what all is my mind was so finite that it could only contain all within its finiteness now if my mind is more expanded then all becomes more not limited to what it was before you know and that includes dimensions and other things beyond what we are just seeing in this realm although I think some of those things have touched this realm in ways in the past which we are also having to see restored but you know restoration of all things is for me the very key purpose of God because it's a restoration of everything back into into love and into harmony and wholeness and to peace and fragmentation is is what needs to be restored you know because I think heaven and earth have been fragmented or separated or and therefore where the earth is within that realm has been separated or fragmented people are so fragmented and separated therefore not living in peace or wholeness and therefore can't choose to align themselves with what God wants because they can't say yes you know the reason most people say no to God is because they've got so many voices in them not in agreement you know people aren't just double mind in and unstable there multiple minded and unstable yeah and I I have a some encounters with that in realizing why when we preach the good news or we're sharing the gospel with people people don't just say yes because they need a reintegration encounter with God to bring them to be able to say yes and that is never going to be done by a theological logical argument in reality and if it is yeah God will do whatever he can to reach us of course but if people have come in that by that route it requires a lot of transformation to bring them into a reintegrated state whereas I believe if we introduce people to God and wholeness I think people can have a lot of the fragmentation dealt with at the point where they meet God and are reintegrated and if we share a limited gospel then a lot of that has to take place after you know and that's a little hard work you know and I think the more powerful our encounters are with God at the point of relationship the more can be done at that point which is why we need to have an experiential encounter with God in our evangelism if put it that way then just prayer prayer or yeah we end up or come to the front or come to an altar call we want people to actually encounter the Living God and never be the same again and a lot of fragmentation to be dealt with because they're reintegrated in Christ at that point and I'm believing that that's going to take place and I believe that can take life beyond as well you know God is wanting to deal with that I mean I I mean I'm you know have such a passion for preaching wholeness and integration having encountered it you know recently and it was just like whoa why did I never see that as the thing that we can actually share with people but this is what God wants to do because I just never saw it then I encountered it and then it was just like then I administrated it and then I'm like whoa this is what it's about peace homeless total rest [Music] greenstick will censor over and exponentially Mike you know we you're engaging these things we've been drawn into these things which will ultimately bring you know increase to the process of restoration so exponentially the more people is this an ecclesia the new ecclesia thing the more people in the church will the church actually not just as individuals but the click turkeys you're working in what benches and you know this type of thing bring in more a more of restoration yes I think so because I think we have a limit when we're on our own which is why agreement and relationship is key that's why with in God Father Son and spirit there is this amazing relational connection which we're invited to be part of and then also at work in our relationships with one another and our governmental relationships with one another so yeah I think there is an exponential sent you know one can put a thousand to ten thousand so there is this sort of sort of increase which I don't think we've yet to see the fullness of because I don't think we've engaged in the relational unity that's required and I think that's why setting up bench and all this stuff is so hard because it challenges the real key relational aspects of that and the motivational there and our willingness to be submitted to one another in love and lay down our agendas you know and have a an agreed agenda together in relationship and in love with one another just like the Father Son and spirit do you know Father Son and spirit are the pattern for benches well you know I've yet to see one operating at that level of relationship you know a certainly desire to participate in that and be willing to do that but I think there's a degree of maturity that comes when you get together which challenges growth you know you have to grow if you're gonna if you're gonna come together thinking a bench is gonna be easy and how yet great we're all gonna be setting up benches it's like the challenge to mature in relationship in there is immense and I think that's why so people so many of them struggle because they're in name only without actually the relationship that goes with it which you have to develop you can have instant relationship it has to be developed and it has to be work through and we carry our load of baggage that has to be and work through it so that we can come to that place where there is an exponential sense of increase because we're together yeah it has to be possible but this fair bit of work needs to be done I think to enable that to take place and it will challenge what I would see as name only benches using the language without actually knowing what it's really all about and a lot of people can set up what we're sending up a pinch of three for this and that and you know and really not other concept of what it really is what it really means to be in that level of relationship because most of us aren't in that level relationship with God let alone anyone else you know this is just like yeah but that's why he's drawing us into deeper and deeper intimacy and that's when then when we experience relationship in him we've got a grid of reference for the relationship we need to have with each other but we're moving towards it you know this is a journey and this will keep going will become more and more attuned and connected to it and networking it but yeah this is why I don't see all this happening overnight and you know I see we've got two generations to do it and for me why we're gonna be in this for the long haul why we mustn't die because it's like you know there are gonna be those that we need to walk with in this you know you know I would love to see benches of 3 functioning in 3 generations like Abraham Isaac and Jacob that that I believe is the ultimate that God wants us to do because that will show that we are together you know I am I'm not gonna pass the baton to the next generation I'm gonna walk with them with the bat you know holding it together and hopefully then with the next generation so we can offer these sort of generational expressions of walking together in unity and out working it which is why we've never seen it because there's never been three generations that's work together since you know yes you know it should have been Moses Joshua and the next generation and it never got to be so and I think that's why there is always such conflict about that whole relational way of being with others and you know and fighting for our rights in it and maintaining of control and all the stuff that happens that stopped people actually working together with others and there being no sense of superiority from Abraham you know Taizo to Jacob they were just here's the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob he didn't say the God of Abraham first and then will the other two key just he's just well I'm the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob yeah and it was because he was defining that these and these are together in relationship you know from his perspective whereas of ours we always put a hierarchy to it so well the elder and then the lesser and then the lesser and but that isn't how it's ever going to work and that's why there are mindsets have to change when it comes to relating to others and the mutual submission that we have to have to really reflect and represent the full relationship of God Father Son and spirit all right
Channel: Mike Parsons
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Rating: 4.6842103 out of 5
Id: MU1DnfmbyOQ
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Length: 83min 6sec (4986 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 11 2018
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