Jensen Ackles + Guests, Supernatural Vancouver 2022 Main panel #SPNVAN2022

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foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] it's easier to get my hamstring off the ground uh really it's nice to you know cut out the middle man just you and I jump together it's truly truly yeah it's good yeah just cut the fat out cut it right out ladies and Gentlemen let's make it official Vancouver please give it up for Jensen apples sorry it was proud welcome he's got a HomeTown crowd right there that's what that is what's it been like are you back yeah when's the last time you were here uh well um have you been back since we came back recently uh it was in August came up for like a few days to shoot a couple days on a film that was filming here but it was quick I came in got out it wasn't it wasn't this experience right this this feels like a homecoming yeah and we got to see a whole bunch of familiar faces last night uh a bunch of the crew there's probably a few uh peppered into the crowd here um but uh we had a little uh it was kind of an unofficial wrap party something that we didn't get to have when we when we wrapped 15 years on a show which was really sad because we we wrapped in the middle of 2020 which we all know what was going on then and uh so to to see all those faces not behind masks we get to hug them and get to tell them I watch they they you know mean and continue to mean to to us and to us and the fact that this is still living and still going and still breathing and they're like this is crazy stop what you're doing put it up it's over oh it's just uh it's yeah it's it's fantastic and I just got heartbroken to Jerry's not here and I know he's really bummed out and he sends his love and he's like well it just means we're gonna have to do it again when we come back um well I think you might have some some guest stars on the panel we'll see trying to get enough people backstage we're getting lines we can stack them on top of each other to make them as tall as chairing them I'm working on a thing that's in the meantime please enjoy it in the meantime you're stuck with me let's do this foreign [Applause] you know what I'm gonna do just an honor and my boy actually I got a better idea oh there we go um all right well this is usually the part where Jared and I talk uh nonsensical about uh whatever we're thinking about at that time but since he's not here I'm just gonna get what the questions about that is Marianne hi Marianne um what an advice would you sorry what advice would you give to newcomers on uh set whether it's cast or crew members have fun uh I was asked recently by the uh one of The Producers on big Skies how did you manage to go 15 years on One show and I said I'll tell you there's a probably a lot to that a lot of ingredients that went into that but I can tell you one that was that I remember uh the most and that was the amount of laughter we had on that on that set I mean I don't remember laughing uh harder during those 15 years than I did when I was at work and that says a lot that says a lot about the environment that we were working in um I often say that I I get to do this I don't have to do this and it was something that I I look forward to everything I'm sure some days were tough some days were hard some days I didn't want to get out of bed but uh no matter what we I don't think there was a day that went by where we didn't chuckle or laugh or make Brad cry so yeah that's that's what I would say and that's what I continue to say to people I say to the to the guys on the on the Winchester's um John Showalter who um definitely part of the ESPN family is down uh supervising in New Orleans and watching over uh the show and I impressed upon him uh very heavily and I continue to like make sure that that's set is having a good time and make sure that the egos are checked and make sure that there's nobody yelling and there's no there's no drama the drama save the drama for when the cameras are rolling there's no room for that when they're not and it seems to be going going like that so far so if I could bring that kind of stuff to work or I can encourage people to do that when they go to work but I think we're all going to have a better time thank you so much hey there Hi um I'm really big fan I've been watching Supernatural since I was 12. so it was over half of my life um [Laughter] um I was just wondering I know we hope that you guys think has the ending you wanted so how would you have wanted Supernatural to end well I can tell you what what was originally planned which I think some of you may know um and it's so it's no secret but um the original script before uh before Kobe did was everything up to the point where Sam arrives in heaven was all the same okay but what was different in what ended up being and what was originally written was instead of us meeting on the bridge there and having that little moment that wasn't there it was him arriving in a Dusty parking lot with a lone car in front of a a road like an old Roadhouse Tavern and he walks he sees the Apollo and he walks up and then I come out the front door and we have that moment of parking lot that we had on the bridge but instead of an ending there I say come on inside there's there's a few people that want to say hi and we go in and what we were going to do is we were going to have everybody that was available that could come back to Vancouver all the cast and all the crew members were all going to be in the tavern and then we walked through and on top of that the band Kansas was going to be the house fan they were getting on a plane when they were told not to get on a plane because of covet like they literally were about to be here the next day when we shut down um so that's the major difference and I would have loved for that to have happened but unfortunately we we had to Pivot we had to do what we did and I think it was fine it was still it was still heartfelt moment we just didn't get that extra that extra sauce that would have been nice yeah thanks yeah [Applause] hi um I'm shaking too so that's fine learn this together um so my name is Luciana uh my question for you so I have family up in Austin and I technically been down I got you I got you we're gonna get through this together and um I visited every year since I was little and my mom is a surprise took me to your Brewery the original one I think there's a new one now well my question for you it's like wow she really likes beer the step dad's like I mean listen a good filter could go a long way the holy crap okay sorry [Music] my question for you is what was like the idea because like three especially because since it's usually um for like non-minors and stuff they don't have very much like things like we have agreement with my family we have like separate miners to do but you named it uh family business Brewery um which obviously came from the show but like what was your idea to like mix that idea of like a brewery that's usually for older people and then the idea of also like a family thing where there's like music and there's events and there's like um places for kids to play and food vendors what was like your idea to match that together it was kind of all just a natural progression honestly there was no Grand Design when we started out it started out with me and my brother-in-law Gino making our own horrible beer in the backyard kind of just being obsessed with that it was you know this was probably over 708 when like the craft beer industry was really like taking off and we just kind of got the got the itch we're like let's let's maybe like open a little type of GrooVe and open like a little nano brewery you know it was like a three barrel system or something and that obviously kind of progressed and then um we got this property and we're like well everything that we had been told from we'd met with a dozen different uh owners of breweries and Brewmasters over the course of like doing our kind of homework on what this would look like and every single one of them was like we outgrew our space in three months or we are at capacity in you know of just a few months they're like if you can have room for growth make room for growth well we built like this ten thousands facility so we definitely we we built for growth but then that just kind of like we were like oh but we should have we should have a place for like kids to play because we have because I have kids so we put a playscape up and then we're like oh we should do a bocce court we should have cornhole and we should have horseshoes and we should just make this like a you know a place where people can come and hang out in the afternoon and have fun with with a whole family and all the while we hadn't really picked a name for the brewery we just kept calling it the family business because it was just do you know what I and also I thought it was kind of talking cheap because it also had a relation to the show and then we went online it was like that name was available because a lot of times there's like you know copyright issues and stuff it was available I was like should we just name it that uh yeah so that's that's how that happened so literally there was no Grand Design it just kind of all happened naturally and it it I think it fell into a really good place and it's a it's a good spot if you're ever in Austin you should try it try it out thank you thank you hi there hi Julie this is my first Pond welcome um have you and Jared ever gone driving a baby around Austin because you just playing family so much [Laughter] the police said yes um uh yes foreign [Applause] because we're children and we wanted to go fast in the car that we spent so much time in and we thought it'd be great to do that um right now I will say that both both the Impalas the uh the the hero who's number one the one that I have and the number three which was the back up to number one number two was the stunt one that got beat to crap uh but number three was the that was a backup to whatever whatever number one wouldn't start because you got to remember these are just picture guards these weren't like you know car show type cars I mean there was a reason that door squeaked the way it did is they weren't uh you know they weren't like high functioning automobiles um that being said now that Jared and I own both those um both of those cars are currently in the same shop in Texas right now getting getting done to where we can put them in a car show oh I'll say though I will say leaving the squeak in the door though and not touching the paint job so let me scratch every Dent every Nick every paint chip that was on the car when it was on screen will remain the same [Applause] we're just we're just getting everything underneath it nice and reliable and because we both live in Texas we're also putting in air conditioning and a sound system because what they did when Jared and I were there is they stripped the car of anything that we could annoy the crew with they used to have police lights on the gun because usually those were high beams pointed directly into the camera lens and Brad was oh uh they took the horn out because that was always fun when somebody was right over the hood like adjusting a light and just be like they removed the Horn uh They removed the stereo system because we kept playing music so they had to take a lot of stuff out of the Apollo just so they could get through the day with us because again we're children so I'm having to put all that stuff back in now so it'll be street legal um but yes I'm excited to get them back and then Jared and I can race them down South Congress Avenue and get arrested hey I'm Shane from Seattle um thank you so much for the Winchester see you in the whole team but I I just and I'm sure you've heard this before but the use of explicit intentional and non-tokenized queerness and color is just so well [Applause] and I appreciate what you just said like not tokenized not you know it is intentional because I think it's a reflection of what we're really like as a society not now but even then it was just never it was never talked about but it was never um shown and so I think it makes absolute sense to be true and that's where that came from and I don't I've never seen anything wrong with that or why would that would be shied away from so yeah why not celebrate it foreign [Music] but when it comes to emotional urgency probably a different story um so if in 1518 if the empty had not come so quickly to take pass and you had indeed had a year [Laughter] let's do this what somebody who knows more than me more than I do yes that is a Renaissance nailed it see I can learn things um okay so season 15 episode 18. that would be the last no second third fourth second [Music] said what do you think is responsible thing [Music] um you mean what would he have responded to in that moment had you had the time yes um that's interesting because I I have I have an answer for that and I had an answer for that in the the next setup camera setup after uh cast steel was taken and Deans on the floor and puts his I put my head in my hands um and in that moment I I did that not because I just lost well because I I because I lost cast but also because I didn't I didn't say anything I didn't give him anything and what I had in my head was I should have said I love you too and hugged him [Applause] I know that some you know people out there that might try to sexualize that in a way and it and it and it doesn't it doesn't have to be that um it it was there was you know two two sentient beings essentially I don't know if you would consider the agent but what he was in front of me was a family member and someone that I was a brother in arms and someone that Dean truly loved much like Sam um and so losing I mean essentially he was he lost his brother in that moment and that uh um and that's how I think that's how I played it from Dean's perspective um so yeah there you go thank you [Music] hi what is your favorite story to tell your kids my favorite story to tell my kids her name's Amara um I'm really glad that you asked that tomorrow um so I I do this thing at night where I just continue I just make up stories until my kids tell me that I need to leave foreign filled with lots of voices um and what I do is I will stay at the door and I will I will be dad and I'll be like is there anybody else going to say good night too and they'll come up with some name and then I'll walk away and I'll create a character and come back in and play that character and I'll tell them stories or I'll tell them jokes so there's not necessarily a book that I read I literally just put on a performance for them every night until they get tired of me and kick me off stage wait what say that again could I give you some gummy bears please [Applause] are they are they half chewed oh my God look at this little bag of Gummy Bears what's up thank you more I'm gonna keep these for later very sweet top that yeah I don't know give me a three pound bag of Gummy Bears it's all good oh wait wait I've talked about it several times [Laughter] I was wondering do you usually at night watch Alicia Collins were in Canada I did that dialect oh that wasn't Ruth this is amazing uh you mind if we should joins me for a little bit guys uh we we talked I was talking earlier uh I believe it was in the uh yesterday one of the meet greets and I would say what what I'm talking about all right stop look you just got here no ruiness and they were like you know how many more people on your pants it must have been really bad traffic yesterday [Laughter] [Music] it really doesn't matter um whatever uh you've interrupted her questions with a really silly question what would you like to answer first horrible um yeah yeah Daniel and I did do a watch party of Lazarus Rising um we even videoed it and invited someone to join the zoom and invited Misha into the zoo into the zoo not the room Zoom and had a like a three-way video conference foreign [Music] [Applause] I was trying to illustrate how is there anybody else back there that could come out um whatever never mind what's let's change the subject please I might bring it down a little bit okay um one thing's been bothering me because we all know in order to get to heaven you gotta die first so how did we apologize and Paula is now in heaven because I don't drive anything nearly that special and if she showed up in heaven when I was there I'm coming back in at home now well I don't think the Impala ever dies there's just uh there's just a heaven version of it yes that's all there is to that which means in the Supernatural world of things somewhere baby is just sitting resting collecting dust when we do the reboot that'd be a good when you come back from Heaven finding a car I mean Sam's garage maybe Sam's son is driving us what's his son's name [Applause] [Music] um yeah is that a fair enough question it is okay long live the Apollo [Applause] can you pull both sides online you know I will all right hi Jackson I'm Misha hi excuse me my voice is gone um I uh I've really been enjoying your character Jensen on Big Sky and um a little Easter eggs that are in there like the the salt or vegetarians so much did you hear that yeah no I did [Applause] did a couple of different variations on that one but that was the one I wrote with yes I'm just wondering if you could share with us how that's coming about in your as you're filming are you putting those in as you go or you suggesting them to the writers and uh also I'm wondering if we're ever gonna meet Arlen's brother who we've heard a little bit about uh that I have no idea uh the brothers I got it but I don't know um don't forget you're not filming Supernatural does that happen no I'm temptation just being a different version of Dean if it ain't broken I'm not that talented just do the same trick I'm a one-trick Pony um I uh I I do uh they have given me some Liberty to explore uh the dialogue um I I would say more than apparently has been given on the show in the past the other actors are like yeah they're going like how would I change this dialogue um and uh and now the writers are picking up on that and they are putting in some some things and then they're also uh teeing me up to come up with with other ideas and I I I often the script is just Jensen blank no kidding I forget what script it was but uh and it wasn't one time but I remember uh one of Robbie's scripts in Supernatural he wrote in there he was like and then just whatever Jensen wants to say in the stage directions like I don't even write the dialogue just however he wants to respond to this situation he can respond and not even Dean like Jensen yeah foreign yeah so I I am getting a little a little bit of fun freedom on uh on on Big Sky which is uh you know it makes it fun I enjoy it yeah thank you are you getting that kind of advice a little bit yeah um and I I have uh a very open dialogue with the writers about where things are going what we're doing with it and it's kind of it's kind of fun to be like shaking things like that which I did less of I think on Supernatural it was this is also largely character you know it was codified at that point yeah I mean whatever that means right right [Music] [Laughter] um videos foreign I'll take that tiny little one right there I you know I picked one after a few tries and and the one I was like all right this is good and um and then and then like I was talking to Jeff uh Jeopardy and he was like hey how's the how's the uh Soulja Boy out there coming along I heard the things are amazing and uh I was like yeah I just went in for like my fourth inning but he's like what's up so I sent her pictures and I'm like well it's between one two and three I realized I'm having a conversation with my dad about the sizing [Applause] [Music] coming up finally on Tuesday and um let me ask you something yeah but shirtless yeah [Applause] why is it that at this stage in our careers we are taking our clothes off the most crazy they're also like they're like my show was all these like young yes attractive what's happening a reproductive age and we do this to me I'm so sorry so many comments right now you know how it is right like yeah naked scene coming up you you stop eating you've got breast implants yeah and I've been I've been running lately and I run with a pair of shorts that come down to about here and high overheat so I run with no shirt on I don't know let's see where this is our tan from you know from here up and from here down um foreign [Applause] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] show you the mixture is not right sheets of skin peeling off during the day [Laughter] what is this it's Tuesday like in two days yeah I think we have time to get in shape foreign [Applause] which would uh which would imply that he needs that I was going to say you're good yeah no I wasn't gonna say I was going to say body double [Applause] for that I'll have you over your nights no you know you're out of practice myself it'll be fun I'm here from Australia uh it's been amazing okay um so gents in your performance in the boys with outstanding [Applause] okay so make sure this doesn't concern [Laughter] Ed my question is how does Soulja Boy compare to Dean Winchester oh I mean I don't know I think it's quite quite a big difference there yeah he Soldier Boys from a different time you know he's he he would be there's a possibility that he could be Dean's grandfather which D would be like hey Gramps listen I got your roughness and maybe some of your toughness but can't say that um you're gonna get us all canceled I think I think he's probably a little bit more um authentic in his heroism and I think Soulja Boy is uh basically I think and he's a a big problem and he's trying to cover that with his uh with his grandchild at these you know superpowers about what how weak he is inside and how uh how much of a complex he has Oh indeed has that I think he's pretty secure with who he is and he and he believes in himself and has the confidence that he's doing the right thing soldier boy is kind of a mess yeah uh Soulja Boy wishes he was staying oh 100 part of the time yeah but would never admit that also I think soldier boy is in it for himself yes and Dean is he's on a mission like he's he's fighting for everyone else great or good everyone else before self yeah I think you could see that out of the world but people that behave that way and and Soulja Boy is is like the pitfall and they're they're very close together like you've been very easily here from one to the other but I think though yeah that's it's about being like an outcome yourself as opposed to how for the way to doing this yeah ego really um you know there's that moment in the boys where you think that homelanders bringing his father in and that's going to be this reunion and this you know um joining forces as a soldier boy just you know he says basically you you disgust me he turns into his father sorry certainly the retirement home is two blocks yeah sorry do you need me to call somebody for you thank you [Laughter] my son or his daughter was it something I said part shepherd ladies and gentlemen if you don't mind we're all just gonna hang out and chat front door are we expecting somebody else this is an actual panel well it is this is what McDonald's should have been [Applause] I missed you guys I didn't really miss you guys it's been a while how's it going big guy it's going good I'm working for Jared Now That's What I Hear yeah but let's be honest oh we always been working together it's a long way up there the air is thin yeah I'm working for the Moose how you doing I'm good you've done some crazy stuff on TV right now I'm really really amazing have you seen a lot of boys [Applause] uh the difference between Dean and Soldier Boy when are you gonna get a job I have one ready what are you doing I'm a skin model I'm a skin model nothing ever changes if you've got like one of those cheap ass costumes like you did in the last show very cheap God all these people gonna be dressed like you again I'm gonna hold you a bunch of people to insult s you get to wear something besides a suit in this new girl a suit or nothing is okay but she struggles but cheese if you're in England they call it Speedo or an Australia they call them budgies a budgerigana is a small bird it's a budgie so you're smuggling about you Smugglers so you're smuggling budgies right am I right I wear a pheasant you know the person plucker you're a present Pakistan you're only [ __ ] business so the Pheasant blocker comes you say that when you're drunk not a pheasant plucker you're a pheasant plucker's son the only plucking presence until the pheasant plucker comes try that drunk I can't do that sober so what's the show you're on uh I've got them next are you Batman who are you I am two days yeah foreign [Applause] [Applause] foreign [Applause] [Music] how about you in Chicago Colorado [Laughter] still here we should take a question or we could just talk I don't know yeah it just talks well you say that but the poor woman at the front of the line with a spotlight on her why are you pretending it's like my question isn't a Jared um thank you uh hi hello um you got four of us to pick from [Music] right now my question is just in first and then the rest of you oh thanks sucky seconds thirds and fourths you have been interviewed so many times I have so many questions in cons and panels what is one question that you wish you have been asked and known as best and with handsome foreign this is the write your own fan fiction moment she's really making you do all the work hey can you cook a steak I want you to answer I'm going to ask the question but I'm also going to need you to answer it hey make the steak um isn't it a joke um [Applause] [Music] [Applause] yes the question was uh would I like to do a panel with um uh uh interviewing yourself interviewing my girl or just do a panel with um you know three Duds and a queen um Soulja Boy talking sorry um the the question or the comment was what's the question that you wish you have been asked that haven't and what's the answer uh I I don't I don't know I I usually am the one Fielding the questions so I don't really have them locked and loaded um I would say that if I was going to ask me a question I would ask aren't you tired foreign just as a statement tonight there will be an autograph session and if anyone feels like saying that maybe don't know you're really upset by this no I look tired and that's why we've got the rules yeah of events I'm tired twice I know I know what the question is I know what the question is why and the answer is because thank you that was a good one you got a better one yeah that's good you know what I want to go next following on from what Misha said though um it's more about what comments people I would like people to see people say things like today a lady said the soul level she said you're even prettier in real life than you are on screen which is different to you're actually pretty in real life just against that all the time I do I do get oh you're taller than I thought you would be yeah all the time hey now that's on Jared oh and that's well yeah yeah we look like midgets on screen you look like [ __ ] you boss this every time you took a full person photograph of me you're on tiptoes you're five foot six in photographs I'm like I'm not sure I'm only short on this show then I came along and just made you all look like Giants sorry they said that foreign are you married to the short one or the one from Seventh Heaven this is Barry Watson and she goes oh neither [Laughter] thank you that was terrible that's so good I already Watson wow is also seventh heaven yes yeah yeah okay I got it seven pattern right now next um hi my name is Regina I'm from Bremerton Washington I just FYI I'm a late bloomer when it came to Supernatural I don't know how many panels I saw at San Diego Comic-Con was Supernatural I had no idea who you guys were were you in in Hall h watching our panel and not knowing who we were much and were you just doing that because you wanted to be there for whoever was coming on next time I was there for some other reason so you're trying to tell me right now not everyone in that Hall was there I wasn't even there do you know who I am [Music] FJ s guys the biggest problem is she's actually in she's actually in line for a question at the next Star Trek convention [Applause] thank you how many people were like her yeah Paul age and San Diego Comic-Con it's like six thousand seven thousand seven thousand you gave some pizza it's it's so it's a fact of people the people in the back you can't even see they're little imprints and we always thought they were there to see us I thought that when we left the stage they cleared the whole place out and brought in a whole new crowd you trying to tell me that you suffered through our fans and nothing we said made you want to watch the start there was nothing that was like oh my watch this we haven't done stomachized in like three years I was wondering what the girls were screaming about so I figured I'm going to put the show on and from the first episode out of it oh that's a big part of it but you start to win let's be straight here we know for a fact that when that crowd let those candles for Jared all right right that was to the back wall so no she was the only one who didn't know where she was no no she was like what oh is it is that what we're doing okay obviously this guy needs some help let me ask you this what were you there to see Vampire Diaries oh who knows this question is for Patrick Stewart obviously I was once again or this candle thing they gave me did you did you sleep overnight in the line [Music] did you take some of Misha's Pizza under false princesses and donuts from Misha yes yes had I known and then I was watching the show and it was because of the show that I stayed overnight [Laughter] for the shelter what are these people doing in my room but I did have a question you know like good for you guys that we have time for that's all that's all we have moving on I do have a question it's working in summerholder um and I talked really quick about my Civic and how fast we were going and you said you'd go really fast in New Mexico so this would be for everybody the fastest I've ever took in my Honda Civic is 127 miles an hour what in here did you have NOS are you a fast and furious I was like what Honda Civic it was 130 are you sure it wasn't kilometers she's probably out of the back of a cargo plane is it downstairs and I'm doing it it's hard to find 2017 Honda Civic SI with turbo okay okay all right I didn't realize we had a Honda sales rep here to planes that go slower than that I bet you can get that for sticker price I think I'm good as long as it's better than Jared so I don't care uh I have uh Jerry used to have Corvette uh years ago and you let me borrow it one time one Reverend drove it again I think I was in the 130s really yeah it's not that fast as a Honda Civic foreign than go fast where were you going 130. who else did you put on a Control Pro with professionals yeah yeah it's in his driveway it was a school zone I was even doing 140. no it was uh it was see this guy everyone's cheering but I don't know what that is uh it's the road up to Whistler oh yeah that was fun uh and then you know that how windy that was yeah it's very white it's not a straight it's not a stroke it's not a good cornering car back then yeah nobody told me that uh yeah I won't be doing that yeah yeah unnecessary hey slow down I got my ticket the other day so yeah okay fastest for me was 200 mate okay show up and what my uh uh db11 AMR Aston Martin um [Applause] I drove back from New Mexico to uh to LA in 10 hours 1800 RPM at 105 miles an hour the other week getting 20 miles to the gallon because it would just turn six cylinders off when it was bored anyway I've got motorbikes that go faster than that that was so hot it is hard see it's hot no you're not hot that's it I'm buying a Honda Civic apparently apparently we all need to go and get us some Hondas and we need to see you at all age if we ever get back there she's like I want to be there but I want me to see you guys it's the pizza or Donuts Emerald City Rose City Comic-Con Rhode Island I was just in New York for New York Comic-Con listen I can't be at all of them but we could be here and I'm glad you're here thank you foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] everything ready [Music] this year is Kira and she's from Texas [Applause] uh it is the last question of the panel this complete uh debacle of the panel sorry yeah no I definitely blaming you but uh um where did Jake go what Jay he left he knows literally he does he knows what is your question it's like a rope that came down my question is scary what excuse me questions he was taking his meds are you sure you want to do that last question I mean it could have also sort of applied to curious so if you want to answer sure it's just you can try to answer it what happened question this last question is for you okay I love the answer what's going on uh my question for Jensen is um so we know that you work with Daniel on 10 inch hero when you were just like what is kind of the biggest difference or in what way was it different acting with her again when she was on the show well which gamble Supernatural um it was much like it is in the kitchen on a normal basis she uh calls out the fact that I'm not on my mind I'm like are you really going to say it like that yeah yeah yeah my Dean late and she's like oh why what are we doing yeah she's like what are we doing and I'm like this is this is uh this is 15 years she's like I know but really are we is anybody believing the voice at this point I'm like you're kind of embarrassing in front of my throat right now and she's like you've been embarrassing yourself for 15 seasons [Applause] because it's true and that's why I love her because she keeps me honest um no it was uh it was very much like working with anybody that you get along with in real life it it makes the work not work at all it makes it fun when you get to when you get to do that kind of stuff and you get to play and you get to find the Nuance I think that's something that this show carried for 15 seasons in a way that I haven't seen I haven't experienced anything like it every player got to really play and so Daniel was like oh this is what you guys do all day long she's like and I thought you were working that's what it was like it was great having her up on the show it really was do you remember the first her very first scene was the three of us you me Jared to walk up and it's like outside that motel or something and she's like he's up there yep Lucifer and Jared comes in like comes in hot and he's like where is he and no joke she did it to him she goes oh look at him on his ass he got he was a little he gave it a little hot in that moment um listen we don't all we don't always hit home runs every day um and and didn't you the deal is a little bit of uh she's kind of a brutal honest kind of person and uh she has a filter but just decides never to use it and in that moment I just I was so thieving with like pride and looking at him or like that see what it feels like don't hit me yeah yeah I'm sorry um yeah so that's uh that's what it's like did he Panic did he Panic there was a little shutter sorry yeah never mind the rest of that whole scene he was like trying to figure out how to do what you need to do I'm like oh she's playing dirty the sniper that one much like this one this one here [Applause] [Music] Indonesia one time though but we didn't know each other very well he only just heard me you were doing a bit where you were possessed or something on the ground I don't know what you were doing and I think that was just dude headache he was on lunch I said oh is that the way you're going to do that um thank you for the last question [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Amy Cui
Views: 57,896
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: s8rI40AomHc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 58sec (4018 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 29 2022
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