Jensen Ackles & Jared Padalecki Funny Bloopers VS Real Life

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[Music] come and mark all around everybody's having a great time smacking dude I'm not using this ID why not because it's his bikini inspector on it dr. Jerry O'Connell that's right what's my name Kaplan c9 take three you told her shut up yeah I mean you've been to a bar called Roy bit about em indeed [Applause] suicide nurse not just coming in my nose you should be kissing my ass dude yeah I had to pee in a yearling urinal in that song that I had to pee in a urinal in that cell in front of people you told Papazian about the homicidal phantom clown apocalyptical what is it a big clown or evil clown apocalypse thank you hey that's that's great idea Sherlock acting it's like working with children you wake me up once my turn [Music] save it [Music] [Laughter] [Music] hey I'm Sam I'm sorry about your dad kind of priest in you yeah that's a good question wanna make snowman yeah you're that bomb [Music] no baseball Kelly Clarkson Oh croatian croatian [Laughter] I'm just turning around there have been others before that whatever this thing goes people thought oh then you better show me I'm coming with you what no no sir dick crazy but if you're right about this ready do something I'm not saying I'm not scared cuz I am [Laughter] from that's going living the dream what can I get for it two beers please - Pinot Grigios please dude you're not Sam alright we wish you the happiest of holidays it was really nice from our family here at supernatural all of yours there e we we go wishing you the good ol Happy Holidays the supernaturals all your families out there we are holidays where's the eggnog save yourself ladies all right it's time to turn it up to 11 ladies did you miss me oh listen I talked to my producer I've had it up to here with you Yeah right back at you every time you mess up I have to stand up and sit back down oh I'm so sorry my legs are tired I'm so sorry you want to play with the guns and have thousand props to do while you say your lines for breakfast let's get some shots on shell we it's gonna be a good night I mean none of me holy poop you know what we'll do it we'll do it silence broken let's try opening your beer bottle I don't until after I say no heads George so ever like a cat I always end up on all fours stove one bullet left we just have to start over yeah I mean we already found the demon once we can find [Applause] [Music] estate Kim I love you I love you okay sometimes you got to take one for the team all right he's he's he's too busy relieving himself I'll take three okay you light a match I'm gonna throw up [Music] with the scissors what [Music] my mark first you get it first you Argos got sting just gonna get that out of here hi I'm gene this is ace we're new Chippendales dancers we just moved in next door we can be a u.s. wildlife service he'd like to scratch you that's okay you did a real good drug [Music] a dead pig three of them vampires Thanks oh my god you people so sorry I don't believe you dad you can't harm me here let me help you ready that was most fun I've ever had in my whole play today's your lucky day kid [Laughter] do you like to go on a date I didn't ask you that [Laughter] Coleman's got to be worried sick about you let's just get out [Laughter] [Applause] [Laughter] although you seem to have a hard time getting out the word driver picks music Chuck gunshots is cakehole hey man I think that [ __ ] stripper gave me her penis oh yeah hi I'm Jensen Ackles you may know me from the award-winning series Dawson's Creek I don't really care what you think okay that was a big ol gothis bit he's he's he's too busy relieving himself no no my people believe in Santa Claus how come I'm not good hmm have the symbol thinking about Mordecai no what's the line so okay I'll Drive so people are on the hellhound website I mean I don't know but maybe it's enough to bring it Jesus Christ to bring Jesus Christ back but your friend Juan robbed that Bank good I said Juan Rose I got nothing soit's I think you've had enough [Laughter] [Music] hey Mark they Lumbee you're taller in person I got that one you know what I'm trying to decide whether Silas will fix that little condition of yours what to hafidh in it what how do you know that she slaughtered your precious little virgin plus a hundred well that can't be good she slaughtered your precious little virgin right there [Music] [Laughter] [Music] you know what I say manaphy likes where fudge throat Lilith off your tail I'm sorry I thought I just heard you say you were stupid enough to let the quote get slipped out of your dammit dammit I know spell it'll vaporize every demon [Music] what you invited to Grampy you would not invite it dr. cops yeah I like [Music] come here often amazingly bad acting okay so what's the plan open the doors let them all in and we fight like men in tights I love you I love you Dean come back I love you I love you too great what I miss your Musk okay oh sweet Peter on popsicle stick [Music] [Music] I'm not going anywhere the hell we're not it's a spell and you you're gassy you we have a burrito when you get toxic them rotten eggs [Music] [Music] [Music] so much gas being let out of this man next to me sulfur I hate some sulfur for luncheon oh my god that's him oh [ __ ] crap whoa whoa that was it I got I got a line you [ __ ] all your hunters those amulets and I just go straight I'm out one and a half million and on the very bad side I've ever known I'm starting it all over again not even stopping duh-huh that's just nutty it over now's not the time to go dark now's not this stellar looks or not a blessing ah yeah alright well that's gonna make the movie but it's it's camera right or left wood wood chips you're awesome I'm calling dad harder harder the spirit had a message for you run like hell sorry good now I was just warming up one of my pushing you can just go there and like you said genius students already pressed do that's why going that's where I'm going hello and you know how you press it what it's already lit you do it all the time I've seen you do it I got why don't you go to the basement to get your car Thanks how'd you do that you're miles away Thanks [Music] [Laughter] I'm a euro [Music] give us something to smell coming yes yes actually the Easter Bunny is a pagan fertility symbol it's just so weird I'm kind of scared she does come on yeah that works we will take that chance are we gonna are we take that chance so let's say let's say bobby was was working a job he's looking into the docs death million i'm just explaining the yellow snake to come round I'm gonna get the last one this is all right so let's see the darker all right so let's say Bob you are looking at the good doctor myself love some mouthwash you take enough of it with enough practice you become a regular Freddie Prinze jr. seriously I got one line this Sandara oh sorry really the light holy blonde cheerleader Batman mr. gravy boat this dream route a serious mojo if you take enough of it with enough practice you even become a regular pretty tender feels like a bad impression of somebody doing a bad impression [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] did you start at the man joke all you want smartass but I know the truth now I'm just gonna blow my brains out there's a love based on knowledge now is that blessing the Wiseman that's we fortunately and Wow Wow we'll follow you all ever so if I could ask Jensen any question in any interview he's never been straight with me so I'd ask him why why do you cry so much and why do you say my name when you're sleeping freaks me out yeah when I have to wake him up in the mornings go like hey we got to get to work and he's like Jarrod dreaming and like doing crying and stop is bad son of a [ __ ] Jarrod I just want to know why do you sweat so much I just I really would like to know what activities you do that make you sweat so much that you have to put paper towels down in the neck of your shirt to stop up your sweat [Applause] so better be chasing you let's give you no no it's not good for you to look at you you you're a mess and you stink well you were out being Lance Armstrong that would be biking I was working you've heard of a town called prosperity Indiana anybody well I sweat so much knowing that he's always his eyes are always on me desperately wanting you've heard that better than Ezra Ezra song desperately wanting he that crush I mean it makes me kind of awkward he's always crying and so I always feel like I should help him out and I get nervous you know cuz I'm like I want to do something form but I don't get the wrong idea and just that sort of crazy thought process in my head makes me sweat it's embarrassing and that's saying that is exactly why our life suck come on well you hunt monsters well we normal people they see a monster and they run but not us no no we we search out things that want to kill us yeah huh or eat us you know who does that crazy people we are insane you know then there's the I think there's some out there actually somebody told me one time that there was a drinking game like what was it like every time Dean said [ __ ] or something it was like he had to drink a beer I don't know what it or whatever it is but if I had to do it I would say every time jared says Dean he's constantly saying Dean seriously Dean come on Dean we got it's constantly saying Dean I guess I really haven't busted him about that but I should know whenever you're ready Dean good quit screwing around Dean Dean I am summoning Ruby you're just gonna have to go with me on this all right Dean you just have to just so what is it then Dean what the hell is happening to us Dean of course if you did that you might not even enjoy it might not get through the episode but uh okay if I can invent my own supernatural drinking game I would base it on the character of Dean and every time Jensen makes model face you'd have to take a drink and so everybody be drunk every episode lot of fun [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Jensen's got a big crush on me and so I just sort of try and play off it and you know I've told him many times that's gonna happen you know I'm not like that but he's really into me so I can just kind of play off it the most helpful thing I've learned about Jarrad hide the beans from him during lunch it makes it a little bit more tolerable to work with him there's a laundry list I'll just give you my top one that's my top the bad diner food and and then the skeevy motel rooms and then the truckstop waitress with the bazaar rest I mean who wants this life Sam huh seriously we do actually like being stuck in a car with me eight hours a day every single day I don't think so I mean I Drive too fast and I listen to the same five albums over and over and over again and I sing along I'm annoying I know that and you you're gassy you have a burrito when you get toxic I mean you know what you can forget it oh really oh is that what you're saying I took a long time getting ready that's because in the morning I wake up and I worked out and I lift weights in my gym and then I run I'll run my dog over on my treadmill or something and he basically rolls his little pretty ass out of bed and gets into the shower and primps and he's ready to go he's in his mirror about 40 minutes before pickup time making sure he looks good while I'm pounding the pavement trying to work out take a long time you know with his eyes good yep I got you that time [Music] hey bruh Oh once you get the bigger piece [Music] she's not cool totally not cool you're gonna steal my I ain't gonna steal mine nope no doubt about it there's the Academy oh really pale skin bad breath yeah I probably never seen a vagina in his life he's been here where's the pen boy well I'm sure you remember when you started turning tricks on Santa Monica Boulevard we're all a bit alarmed I got a one direction your brother frequents the neighborhood [Music] I didn't like that somebody's gonna have to say this dialogue hits me in the ear no hits in the air no thanks okay where are my pants over here scared a gym [Music] watch that better but one thing we don't kill frickin anything right Chuck Norris [Music] anyways let's say you're right who would want virgins yeah me ladies with experience [Music] as a bottle of old shirt you in a cabinet Micra pasta [Music] come to Dino he's like a stupid thing on the first freakin try [Music] no one's even seen God the whole thing remains mysterious what are you doing to my foot [Music] why are you laughing they put out new pages no what yeah oh we skipped right past a whole bunch of but I was going with Jared Padalecki it's a monster hold on we're gonna pop them in the hole see there's a box and that's in the hole sorry [Music] Josh Sam come on man yeah this will be hilarious [Music] [Music] newsflash ask butBut stumped up the car like you wouldn't believe we're gonna have a good dive [Music] it's like gasoline [Music] the ice yep if we don't know I don't know if it's charity I skipped a lot in our backwards system we're told this is part of this this is the rewrites these are do I'll do I'm really confused - and do being guess and then before the fake we show good you read up coming right now [Music] so I jerk off jumping onto the ground and then I get my shot in the face oh oh right there [Music] they're very tender size [Music] our first okay [Music] run [Music] I walked up and down stairs all night for some reason I'm sore not a great woo last time you sat me someplace I didn't poop or a week made better Scotch to cover that fog this is fun so the character in the show Bobby singers kind of douchebag names a character after himself did you know about this about Sam's genius plan on how to jam the devil back in the box circus Olay [Music] why are you having my dreams dude I think you're having you walking with ages Paige and I don't make the gag reel you shoulder knee itching powder joy joy boy enjoy boys there's a foot just FYI you know maybe we should wait till she gets back she said she's on the road okay she's like two shakes out so gonna smell him stewing in his own juices there's a terrible take yeah for you I was doing good you didn't do anything great man my line was brilliant my acting yeah but you know what you were so bad it made me better [Music] [Music] okay you come in to you we go oh my god oh come on now that's too but that's a giveaway that's too I mean you really want to write a spell on Stuart his own pieces yeah I like a species well oh you're nuts Bob Bobby ah yeah we're trying to work here [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] you are so close please give me a focus [Music] I'm sorry I really sorry whoa what's a greener gallon aquarium I tween the tilma flies confetti it's a parade he lied to us he used us he cracked your gourd like his he lied to us he it's if you could see his face I can't look at you I can't look at him then you don't get the over [Music] [Music] [Music] Mary Katherine what look Scott look Scott so let me guess you touch something that he shouldn't touch another man's winner best hope of definitely the last hope let's hope for them no I can't understand yourself Dean I really need to hear what yes I'm gonna need to do that again I need that perfect does that work all right here we go yeah now they're all laughing here we go cash is never shouldered smoothly these shoulders can wait it okay it's fuzzy it's good okay all right here we go [Music] you bastards you try fake coins yes see wrong with the mark the mark I've moved over a little bit but the table didn't [Music] it kind of pretty not so much view hook monsters I could hear you guys alright this is torture so many people laughing and now I'm crying oh we're like an unfriendly rivalry a guy named Slim Jim Morgan like Wayne he was pretty well known in the competitive eating circuit was that a big deal around here oh yeah you betcha folks take it real seriously sorry oh yeah obviously stupid [Applause] [Laughter] there was two different people [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Applause] [Laughter] [Laughter] she sees that Dean shake is like four well that helped not to say it's pretty smooth and you you can it's okay don't touch it listen Dora no so does in order to figure things out person need space sometimes he just makes us up [Laughter] [Applause] [Laughter] [Laughter] there's an entire trailer yeah highly still a basis after seeing Jim trying he must be powerless without them evil do you think Sam feels any difference in regard to New Zealand after seeing jut riding you're not an athlete it [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] a must master master got ya mustard mustard means something different to others same jet try and master [Laughter] I've seen death trying to master his powers Sam feels any different in the zone well I feel like so personally I feel the way I think Sam feels like he has mustered his powers so doesn't feel like he's people so I think he's a big thing he's reassured by saying Jack also not turned evil that Sam maybe can't make a difference and we saw same in the first couple episodes really take jeff dick jack under his wing even though Jackson [Laughter] I think we're cool okay I think I think I think Sam feels like it's been so far successful by helping Jack not fall evil like Sam felt that he did especially during seasons four and five [Applause] [Laughter] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] just look out for your brother you idiot what I lost my shoe [Applause] you're pushing them you show yesterday but I shouldn't ask you guys when did you guys for less than the time that you loved your wives well I don't be semantic but we let our wines or love our fiance's or [Music] Sam yeah too much information hey I told you I was coming clean yeah but now I feel dirty okay well brain stabbing imagery aside it was we did this movie and Montenegro when is yeah awesome we were commute together to and from another the same area and Los Angeles and then we were filming in San Pedro which is about an hour and so she and I are building it and it was probably 70% we were at hard just a conversation I was like oh those dates he was he was kind of gross we were and it was kind of it fizzled out which is that was another thing too that I wonder if I promise I you know I dated a few people I was required to to janila and those you know there's always that moment I really like this person like I want to do this course as much as I can and but then that feeling eventually kind of fades away and unfortunately sometimes is not enough to sustain a relationship that hasn't happened everything else everybody relax [Music] I'm here and it's so close to almost on time oh come on man once I start showing up on time you'll expect it every day now but here's those those powerful those drives and those conversations was what I realized that this was this was this was not gonna be a problem for me yeah yeah so it's a loss of generality another settlement for Thursday probably the first asteroid launch state remember Concetta and the next day we went to dinner again or emotionally and she's like you can't tell anybody [Laughter] she was so it was comforted appreciate adhered to as identities about my TV show or much money out of my pocket I should look cool whatever look back there boy okay what'd you see well damn and so out there that's no earthquake I knew should be yeah so what happened though mmm what'd you drop too much Molly superglue your mask to your head you're paranoid just type of guy I've been there let me guess Raj you were framed what number 13 and each one of you tell me what your favorite episode was yes Oh [Applause] [Laughter] [Applause] yeah with his eyes [Applause] and that was your question but what is your issue we've everything Frank how much per se is similar to what we don't I wouldn't say Frank as much as like trying break and be tortured yes we want he's missing a few fingernails on his left foot you just enjoy it I think during the the Western we're the cowboy hotel and as he was being really in the scene he was in the background of the scene and so we were actually investing with Leisha but Alex al cow we call him either Cal Cal or or AC 8 legs we're trying to figure out what types of snack but I think all the scenes where he's in the background because he has to act like a Nephilim right through some 1 year old and we keep messing around he keeps breaking even though we should learn naturally I ignore us solutions are pulling it together while al Kalgoorlie its providers the problem is is there's so many things happening at such a rapid rate of screwing with this poor guy - - you know ago there was this one elaborate front wheel dual lever cranks it's just this constant stream of torture you really have to kind of be there to witness what it is this it could be as subtle as you know of a wink and as brutal as Jared just kicking him in the nuts yeah just looking for a place to rest your foot so it's a as I think Misha's has put several times there's there's nothing in drama school or any kind of speech ease that pertains to performance or acting that can prepare you for working with people like he and I yes thank you so much shouldn't have done it I shouldn't have taken him out that was what do you want man we knew he was gonna get worse regardless never it was too risky yeah but Dean your life all of it flying Legionnaire drinking the tap water and in Flint Michigan going to a party with Brett Kavanaugh unprotected sex in Botswana opening a text message from Jason aiding the cheese in Peru cutting the cheese on set Jesus this is gonna make you stronger okay well unemployable trusting a fart after 40 you know that right Mischa he has been 40 for four years Dean life is risky licking a battery to see if it's still Ruth is gonna stab you all of it it's too risky we're jacking that and you made him happy which is more than any of us did well except that one night as awesome but [Music] know what [Music] you're awesome a half thanks you too I guess [Music] you
Channel: Wayward Winchester
Views: 588,896
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jensen Ackles & Jared Padalecki Funny Bloopers, Jared Padalecki, jensen jared funny bloopers, jensen jared bloopers, Jensen Ackles, jared padalecki bloopers, jensen ackles bloopers, jensen jared funny moments, jensen ackles jared padalecki gag reel, jensen jared gag reel, Supernatural, supernatural season 13 gag reel, supernatural bloopers, Sam Winchester, gag reel, j2, Castiel, Dean Winchester, Misha Collins, supernatural gag reel, j2 being j2, j2 funny, supernatural season 15
Id: HMq1CfpLex4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 6sec (4206 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 30 2019
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