Superbook Nigeria : 2021 Father's Day Special.

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oh [Music] the story that's forever true [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] you and i just imagine what can happen traveling through history on a journey within a mystery [Music] the story that's forever true [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hello kids my name is super marlee and i will be your super guide for the next one hour children's day i hope you watched our children's day special episode but if you did not don't worry after this program you can watch it again something new more fun more fun indeed i'm not alone in the studio you know i'm not alone yes i know jesus christ is with me but i have two super kids with me in the studio one i have super telmer and i also have super jesse it's really going to be a wonderful ride this time and what are in the studio to do with me we want to talk about father's day you know father's day we celebrated father's day last week you know so we are now going to celebrate father's day in the super book way and as is our custom we are going to watch an episode of super book and what is the episode we are going to watch this time i know most of you have watched many episodes of super book but this time we're watching about a father who welcomed his son permit me to say welcome home see you right after this [Music] what is it that they see in jesus he forgives everyone keeps company with sinners see the tax collectors and we know they need forgiveness notice the crowds that follow him keep growing excuse me are those your sheep yes i am tending these myself and this is just a part of my family's herd my father put me in charge me well if your father trusts you with all of them i'd say you might want to go after that runaway huh oh no rebel come are you jesus of nazareth i am they call you a teacher and a prophet yet you dine with sinners and tax collectors the leaders of the temple are asking how you would explain that teacher [Music] if any of you has 100 sheep and one of them gets lost what will you do won't you leave the 99 in the field and go look for the lost cheap until you find it [Music] and when you find it you will be so glad that you will put it on your shoulder and carry it home then you will call in your friends and neighbors and say let's celebrate i found my lost sheep in the same way there is more joy in heaven over one lost sinner who repents and returns to god than over 99 others who are righteous and haven't strayed away [Music] here we go over here i got it watch this guys around the world see the moon guys didn't see [Music] me whoa did you see that what's up with aaron yes he usually wears a hat [Music] what he does aaron open up is my father with you no why would your father be [Music] hey what am i scrap metal aaron why are you hiding from your father i need something really bad chris i'm gonna be in so so much trouble my dad will never forgive me i can never go home again what did you do chris how much to rent out your tree house hmm a lot of floor space starting say now erin you can't live in my tree house it's either that or i go find an apartment across town look i've got birthday money i'll pay ten dollars a week this is crazy yes the periscope and beanbag chair alone make it worth 20. i am trying to negotiate here all right all right fine my dad will probably figure out i'm living here anyway here's a list of things i'm going to need on the road i'm running away oh and the 10 peanut butter sandwiches can you trim off the crust the way my dad does i really like him like that okay uh erin do not leave the tree house understand me do not leave the tree house nice chair i'll go 15 a week not a penny more what are we gonna do he likes the chair i say we go in for the kill 19 bucks a month no what's no extras or we could try to convince him to go home and face up to this thing i don't know aaron's been my friend for a long time if he says he can't tell his dad then maybe what he did really is unforgivable i am taking you to meet a man who taught by his example that forgiveness is always possible [Music] no no you don't did you just uh fall through the tree uh yes weak branches sorry did we startle your sheep no no this sheep has a mind of his own calm down i'm joy this is chris and gizmo i am micah and i call this one rebel because he's always trying to run away were you up in the tree trying to get a better view of jesus jesus yes he is the reason there are so many people gathered here today jesus is a great teacher i especially like it when he tells parables what's a parable oh a parable is a short story which uses familiar events to illustrate a religious or ethical point you have heard jesus speak then no my internal data frame is equipped with high-capacity quantum memory what i was originally designed for something oh we'd love to hear jesus speak lead the way why not just tell everyone you're a robot quit it no you quit no you quit [Music] bread is really delicious you want some sure you know i've been thinking about what aaron said i mean if he's serious about running away from home joy whatever he did must be something he believes his father would never forgive him for the free superbook bible app has fun stuff everyone will love it's jam-packed with games and activities plus lots of exciting super book episodes that you can watch for free find answers to your questions watch videos discover biblical heroes and of course read the bible it's even great for practicing your english the new super book bible app all the fun of superbook in an app free downloads on itunes google play and amazon teacher john and i were discussing what you said earlier to the pharisees about the shepherd and the lost lamb and we wondered why do you speak in parables to those who listen to my teaching more understanding will be given and they will have an abundance of knowledge i tell you the truth many prophets and righteous people long to see what you see but they didn't see it and they longed to hear what you hear but they didn't hear it joy what do you think he means i don't know a man had two sons the younger son told his father father i want my share of your estate now before you die so his father agreed to divide his wealth between his sons [Music] a few days later this younger son packed all his belongings and moved to a distant land and there he wasted all his money in wild living [Music] go ahead throw them again put that down [Music] about the time his money ran out a great famine swept over the land and he began to starve he persuaded a local farmer to hire him and the man sent him into his fields to feed the pigs the young man became so hungry that even the pods he was feeding the pigs looked good to him but no one gave him anything when he finally came to his senses he said to himself at home even the hired servants have food enough to spare and here i am dying of hunger he wasted everything his father gave him oh no he did it again micah there he goes rubble rubble come back come on guys we gotta help but the story yes we must find out what happens to the prodigal son chris if you lost gizmo wouldn't you want me to drop everything and help you find him that is an impossibility joy i'm equipped with a navigation module and would never work with me giz it's an as if and as if and as if like a parable i'm making up a story about you getting lost to make my point to chris that he should uh why do i bother all right all right we'll help yes we will come along as if we are helping he's run into someone else's heard oh no how are we ever gonna find your sheep in a block this big look closely rebel has a brown spot behind his ear where are you [Music] okay this could take a while unless doggie bots to the rescue rubble where are you rebel rebel [Music] we are going to need to cover more of this herd faster doggy bots to doggy butt wings [Music] [Music] rebel where are you joy hell micah oh no hold on [Music] yes [Music] [Music] you can run but you cannot hide rubble [Music] do not drop the net until i am at least 10 feet in front of rebel convert you understand get back [Music] i cannot thank you enough my friends don't you think i am the one you should be thanking i can't believe we have all right he'll never let me find him hey you are one clever sheep aren't you not to mention quick he doesn't look at me the free super book bible app has fun stuff everyone will love it's jam packed with games and activities plus lots of exciting super book episodes that you can watch for free find answers to your questions watch videos discover biblical heroes and of course read the bible it's even great for practicing your english the new super book bible app all the fun of superbook in an app free downloads on itunes google play and amazon in that story jesus was telling the son took everything his father had given him and he lost it all i wonder what happened after that come on if we hurry maybe we can still hear the end of the story [Music] guys i think we're too late wow that was a short story yes a parable is a short story which uses familiar events to illustrate a religious or ethically no gizmo [Music] please sit with us we were listening to the story you were telling the crowd but my sheep ran away again yes but chris joy and gizmo helped me find him so when we chased off after rebel the son had wasted all his money and was working feeding the pigs yes what happened after that let me finish the story for you while he had the job of feeding the pigs the young man became so hungry that even the pods he was feeding the pigs looked good to him but no one gave him anything finally he came to his senses and said my father's workers have plenty to eat and here i am starving to death i will go to my father and say to him father i have sinned against god in heaven and against you i am no longer good enough to be called your son treat me like one of your workers [Music] but when he was still a long way off his father sought him and felt sorry for him he ran to his son [Music] and he hugged and kissed him [Music] hurry and bring the best clothes and put them on him give him a ring for his finger and sandals for his feet get the best calf and prepare it so we can eat and celebrate the son of mine was dead but has now come back to life he was lost and has now been found and they began to celebrate the older son had been out in the field but when he came near the house he heard the music and dancing [Music] [Applause] what's going on here your brother has come home safe and sound and your father ordered us to kill the best cat [Applause] the older brother got so angry that he would not even go into the house his father came out and begged him to go in for years i have worked for you like a slave and have always obeyed you but you have never even given me a little goat so that i could give a dinner for my friends this other son of yours wasted your money and now that he has come home you ordered the best calf to be killed for a feast my son you are always with me and everything i have is yours but we should be glad and celebrate your brother was dead but he is now alive he was lost and has now been found [Music] wow i never expected the father to take his son back like that especially after he wasted everything his father gave him yes he was welcomed home with open arms and his father just gave him more that is love [Music] a father whose love is unfailing always forgives like that take care of that sheep micah that was an amazing story [Music] looks like we're going home i don't know what aaron did that makes him so afraid to go home well whatever it is can't be as bad as the prodigal son come on hey guys i wonder what the jungles of borneo are like at this time of year nobody'd ever find me in a rainforest erin you can't run away from home no matter what you did you don't know my dad what did you do anyway i skipped school yes and took the atv out of the garage okay and drove the back way to the beach that's bad where i accidentally smacked it up against the bottom of the lifeguard station okay that's really bad and my father will never ever forgive me for any of it aaron you know what i know that's bad stuff huh it sure is no but you know what else i bet your father's love for you is way bigger than that stuff fathers forgive my runaway plans are pretty lame aren't they [Music] yeah i better go home and face the music chris joy have you seen aaron he skipped school today and i just don't know aaron where have you been the atv is gone and your mother and i have been worried sick i got something to tell you you come down here son dad [Music] i'm just glad you're okay the lord is compassionate and merciful slow to get angry and filled with unfailing love [Music] welcome back my super kids i told you it's gonna be fun and with me in the studio today is hey hey i'm super tama super telma she's not alone we have another person i is yo listen up i'm super jesse you listen up i'm super jesse we have super jesse super therma good let's just say hi hi hi hi all right good so we're gonna have a swell time and the holy spirit is really going to help us to discuss with super kids at home and everybody that is watching us yeah good now hmm in the episode we watched we heard crease visual and joy and joy yeah they were happy they were having fun and something spoiled their phone please super jesse what spoiled their phone aaron fell into the bush heroin fell into the bush so why why what happened he was trying to hide from his father he was trying to hide from his father and when people tried to hide from daddy what mommy people what make people hide them when they're ashamed and guilty guilty of what what what they did that's bad yeah what they did that is bad what superterma can you tell me some things that people do that is bad that can make one feel ashamed and guilty like like you drove your dad's bus and fell and fell into the river like maybe you carry something that belongs to your dad and it got spoiled [Music] you are saying you are speaking like someone that really watched this episode okay so let me ask some few questions you said that eron came in and he was he was hiding and you told me that there was something he did that was wrong but he had some thoughts he was trying to what was his plan what was his plan i'd had to go and hide in the rainforest or to go and hide in the tree house as you're talking about hiding there was somebody in the guiding of them that he who was that the serpent the serpent but before the serpent the serpent did something and somebody hid from god was that adam and eve oh lord adam and eve and that is the origin of hiding but our prayer today super jesse and super telma is that no kid we hide again because we have a loving father now in the story we watch we noticed that jesus spoke in parables please super jesse tell me what's a parable a parable is a short story that shows biblical and ethical events hmm a short story and one example of a parable is the parable of the lordship of the lost sheep of the lost coin and this one is a parable so in this parable of the lost son can you tell me some characters in the in the parable the father the father the younger brother the younger brother the eldest brother eldest brother thank you and these are super kids indeed so we have the lost son and we have the father and when we're talking about the father in the parable who does the father represent god god then who does the song represent the song represents sinners oh man these are super kids so the father represents god the son represents sinners now remember that if can somebody tell a story to himself yes yes but most of the time do people and i like you i like your genuineness but most of the time do people tell stories to themselves no no only when we're bored i like that i like that i like that when you're bored but this time jesus was telling a story to the pharisees and the pharisees were complaining you know why they were complaining they were complaining that why will he be talking with sinners why will he be eating with sinners so he now told them this parable and from what you told me now you said the father represents god you said the the son represents sinners now but what about the first son who doesn't represent pharisees correct it represents the pharisees because the pharisees thought that they were righteous just like the son thought he was righteous i i wish and i trust that i'll remember to ask you one question tell me later but let's go quickly straight to the story the lost song the first thing we noticed in the story was that what did you do [Music] what did the younger son do the younger son asked for for the month for his right rights before his father died wow very correct he said give me my portion and when he got the portion what did he do wasted he wasted it he wasted it can't remember how he was dancing in that how was he dancing [Laughter] he was wasting everything but something made him to stop dancing that was something somebody did to him what did someone do slap him now when you are in sin anything happens but you know what let's say together with all our super kids at home say father father help me help me not to live in sin not to lose the sin in jesus name all right but something happened a time came he came to his senses and he said hmm what did he say he said that that he felt sorry and he needed to go to repent to his father wow so that means in our journey of reconciliation in our journey of being right with god there should be times when we are sorry for what we have done lord i am sorry can we say together lord i am sorry lord i am sorry lord i am sorry now the father in anticipation of the return of his son he did some things number one what did he do he ran up to him before he ran up to him he did something he saw him he saw him then after seeing him he heard he ran after him before he ran up to him he felt sorry he felt sorry so one he saw him two he felt sorry three he ran up to him what what so after running running and he reached his son he hugged him he hugged him and he kissed him and after kissing him he started making some declarations to restore him back to his sonship and what were some of the things he he told us that he told them to put the finest drop on him define the finest defines the talking about robe what kind of rope do you think he was wearing when he came when he was coming do you think it was clean and the bible says our scenes are like filthy rags so when when when the father said you changed his rule it was like a robe of what right righteousness of sonship correct of righteousness of sonship that we are children of god and we have the rope of righteousness what other thing did the father say we should put on him sandals for his feet sandals for his feet what again a ring for his hand he ring to his head oh because i have one ring here but this ring is because i am a doggy but that ring is a ring of sonship a ring of authority a ring to show that i am not a slave i am a son what writing did he do thank you thank you very much now what what were they what were they going to do with the calf to use it for a for a party a banquet a banquet now can i remember your last birthday what do you like most about the birthday okay while super tell my stinky can you remember your last painting what do you like most about the betty i got to take two places of raven chicken two plates of rice and also a big piece of cake a big piece of cake tell me can you remember when you were cutting your cake too and it was great celebration but what was really this celebration about in in this story what was the celebration about about the song was lost but now he was fast but now he was found that is key and that is what jesus was trying to tell them in the story that look yes in the episode of super bokeh also yeah jesus said that there's more joy over a love sinner who represents than a person that is already saved super jesse did you just say that please say it again say it again there's more joy over a lost sin and repents then there is joy over a believer wow that's already saved superterma how many sheep were left behind 99.99 someone went for the one sheep and jesus is telling them that look these sinners that i'm talking to they are valuable in the sight of god and the lord values you he values our super kids out there he values super jesse and he values me too and i know god will bless us in jesus name amen now the salvation prayer is going to come up up next is our salvation prayer and if you would like to give your life to christ please see the prayer with our super kids i've had a lot of fun with super kel telma and super jesse and please remember we're talking about father's day remember to hug your father's remember to hug your uncles and just say something love to them say something lovely to them say thank you thank you for all you've done for me thank you for all you have done for me so let's just say bye bye bye bye bye bye bye hi my name is gizmo and we're here to say a salvation prayer lord jesus thank you for coming to my life thank you for sending the holy spirit into my heart thank you for saving all the super kids in around the world amen if you want to talk to our auntie or uncle call the number written on your screen bye [Music] hi super kids welcome to today's craft session my name is super temi topper and with me is super and together we're going to be making a beautiful craft recently the world celebrated the father's day and we have decided to do a craft for every one of you to celebrate your fathers celebrate whoever is playing the role of a father in your life and give to them this as a special one from you to them today the finished product would be this this is something we're making and this is also an example this was made by super campsie actually and we're going to be showing you how this was made from start to finish remember you just watched a video on the prodigal son he went took his property and everything the father gave to him and decided to go and spend them lavishly but to be surprised when he came back home the father received him and that shows that the father is always happy and ready to embrace his children and that's why father's day is very important to us at superbroke to start this craft we have some items i'm going to be showing you and a set of cardboards we'll be using one of this cardboard so you can actually use any color we have the yellow we have green whatever you can find you can use and supercam sieve is going to be helping us do some cutting but before we start doing the cutting let me introduce the other items that will be used for this craft we have a pen to mark we have a ruler we have a scissors we have woo to make the hair we have the yellow and the black we have the googly eyes to make the eyes the big and the small and we have markers we'll be using the black marker for the purpose of this craft we also will be using some glue so this is the brush for the glue and the white glue to stick our cards together so let's get started the first thing we'll be doing is to cut our paper we're going to be trying to cut something like this and if you are watching this and you want to make this at home that's why you need your ruler so i'm i'm going to measure this so you need three inches by it by 12 inches three inches as the breath and the length 12 inches so i'm going to be marking that while super comfy will be doing the cutting remember your ruler has two sides the first size is the centimeter or meter mark and then the other side is the inch so we are using the inch so for the breast remember it said 3 inches and the length 12 inches so i'm just going to do that measure with my ruler 3 inches so we have a good and accurate measurement i'm going to use my pen to mark and then we also do 12 inches super comfy will help with the cutting and at the end of the day this is what you will be having so this is 12 inches and three inches the next thing is actually to divide them into three equal parts and there's a reason for that as you go along you will get to see that so what do i do remember this is 12. when i divide this into three it means each of these squares are three inches wide so i do the measurement so i have an accurate cutting as well and that's how i was able to make this so this is our first cutout from the cardboard again you can use any color whatever color you find or you prefer that's that the next thing to do is to make this how do you make this i'm sure someone is wondering all you need to do is to draw a circle under is to draw a circle and have a square under it that's all you need to do so you grab a pen whatever you can use to draw a circle and under the circle draw a square and then you cut it out nicely when you cut it up nicely you then put it on the cardboard to get this out so this is the second cutout from our cardboard so we have this and we have that the next thing would be to cut the two fingers the two hands actually the right the right and then the left thank you very much super kamchi for helping with that the next thing would be to trace out super camsy's fingers using his left hand that's why we have a pen and he's just done that beautifully so again on any cardboard of your choice i'm going to be tracing this out to achieve something like this so i start by tracing so this is really looking beautiful this is what you have and the next thing is to use that scissors to cut this out so super comfy would also help as well he made this so i'm very much comfortable with his with his cutting so while he's doing that i'm going to go ahead to move on to other things so because it's father's day fathers mean a lot to us my father means a lot to me and i'm sure your father means a lot to you as well so we have decided to do something very simple and that's using each letter of the word father you know you spell father f a t h e r so for us we have decided to give each letter a name it's called an acronym so the first letter for f what i have here is funny my father is funny so we have f the next letter is a and here i have available that is always available to help mommy to help anyone around the house the third one the tea is a teacher the father is also a teacher teaches shows even when you go wrong that is never quick to blame you he's always willing to teach you until you know how to do what you need to do and then the h stands for helpful i'm sure our fathers are very helpful my father is helpful campus father is helpful and i believe your father is helpful as well that's why we've chosen that word the next word is e encourager when i'm down or when you are feeling discouraged that is always there to encourage you to part to the bible to say you know what everything is going to be fine and we have the r responsible responsible so that's what we have so the next thing i'm going to be doing is to put this together with the help of the glue and while i'm doing that i'm going to work with this first before i stick this together so we have something like this once you have properly cut it out and then it's time for us to put some inscription on what we have cut out and then we make our hair remember i did say this is going to be for hair making so we have decided to use the yellow these have this has been caught already and i'm just going to be taking just a little bit so camsy is going to help me with this taking just a little bit and we are going to be applying this on the top part of our circle which signifies the head so i'm going to go ahead to do that just a little so come see you're going to help me with this applying the hair yes so you help me with this i stick in the the wall the yellow wall which signifies the the hair around that so do it gently gently the next thing we're going to be doing is to apply use a googly eye for the eyes so i've decided to use the smaller pack the smaller ones of course you can decide to use this whatever you find as long as you find one of these and i'm going to be dabbing the glue just a little so you can stick on the cardboard make sure while you are doing this the eye the googly eye should be at the center of the circle so that way you have a very good picture so i'm going to do this and then the second one just a little dab with the white glue the next thing is to draw something that looks pretty much like the nose and the mouse and cams is going to help me with that remember what you are seeing there is what we are trying to reproduce so camps is going to help with that and while he's doing that remember we have this so campus is going to help with that as well so with the glue apply some glue here and then stick this at the back while he's doing that remember when the prodigal son came back home the father was waiting and he wasn't sure what would happen if the father was going to accept him or not but the minute the father saw him the father ran out and was waiting to embrace him so this is what we are depicting here that's that's the father and the hands is signifying you know what no matter what you have done i am your father i can always forgive you so the next thing to do to complete this craft is to stick the the hands together and then we have something that you can gift your parents your father a name just to appreciate them for what they've done so what we're going to do towards the end of the finger i'm going to apply some some glue as well so as you can see camsy is taking the the cut out and that's the one for the left and then for the right we do the same thing apply apply some glue to the base of the of the cut out palm you might need to just give it some minutes maybe one or two minutes for the glue to stick together so it doesn't fall off and there we go is this looking nice so you can actually do this at home we also have another acronym or an another way of expressing words using the word father come see if you if you look at this this is slightly different from this and that's because we decided to do something different so whichever one works for you this is the one i read out earlier and this is also saying my father is funny my daddy is patient my dad is strong my daddy is a hero my daddy is reliable and my daddy is a provider so this is the craft and we hope you have fun while making one for yourself at home from me and kamsey bye everyone [Music] jesus you died upon a cross and rose again to save the lost forgive me now of all my sin come be my savior [Music] change my life [Music] jesus you died upon a cross and rose again to save the lost forgive me now of all my sin come be my save your lord and friend [Music] change my life and make it new [Music] change my life and make it new help me lord to live for you change my life and make it new and help me [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: 700 Club Nigeria
Views: 148,216
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 37sec (3397 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 27 2021
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