Using Evolution to Create the Best Glider! - Trailmakers Multiplayer

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welcome ladies and gentlemen back to multiplayer trail makers and today we are continuing with the evolution series of races this time we're doing evolution gliders very nice yes yes so excited uh glad it's gonna be terrible it's gonna be horrible it's so bad class has always been pretty popular so evolution gliders is bound to be more popular i guess i don't know that's right that's how it works the logic that's how views work so obviously we're using this jump here because this is why we're here it'd be really weird if we were just like completely doing it so we're completely different than when we started uh but the way that we're gonna uh determine what is the most evolved glider is going to be whoever makes it farthest wherever you hit the ground farthest after driving off of this jump so your glider will have wheels and engines but no jet engines allowed we will be doing the same increasing the power cores by three every single round so you should be able to get a little bit more takeoff speed each time but it's really going to come down to your gliding ability that's probably going to determine how far you go back at this jump twitching out is anything oh yeah oh texture's like [Music] yeah that's what it sounds like it's like jello it's like like jello and it just jiggles that's the this whole jump well anyway for those unfamiliar with evolution so far where you've been this is a great series uh but the way it works is we're all going to try to compete and whoever's creation does the best that creation then gets used for everybody and modified and so on until we eventually have the best creations yes but this time the first round is going to be a two-minute build instead of one yes uh because apparently those guys were complaining putting wings on stuff is hard whatever yeah well we have to put wheels for the takeoff you can start wherever you want wherever you want to start driving from is up to you but if you screw up before you hit the jump that's your own fault that's your distance you you only count from high speed to a negative distance high stakes if you want more run-up speed you know you think more run-up speeds better that's great but then you know you're taking a risk trying to to hit that jump all right go find some place i really don't think we're gonna have time to test is the problem but like i don't think you're allowed to test i think that's the point yeah we're always supposed to just yeah you're just going to build it hope that your center of lift lift and center of mass are good and if not you'll find out in the moment that's what that's what the evolution is all about got to find out where your weak spots are all right are you guys ready for your two-minute initial build all right here we go in three two one start oh no i just dragged the box instead of dragging the part out all right uh i don't know what i'm doing i'm just trying to build a thing that does things yeah things that do things okay probably needs remember you don't have a good spot to do slick wheels yeah you're gonna need grip on this one we're on the off road here any room for wings i don't have any room for wings right now where they're just going [Music] how about an engine that'll help how much time we got left uh one minute uh one minute six seconds left yes no right uh let's see here this is going to be tough to modify too well at least mine is if i win [Music] mine is also going to be tough to modify if i win i'm not going to win okay well cosmo with the confidence right off the bat that's because 40 seconds left anybody have wings yet uh i've slapped some wings down how many seconds left uh 30 seconds left i have no control for my wings i don't i don't either i feel like 20 seconds left uh okay i got my free power cores um i guess no i have 10 seconds like now i don't have enough time to add wings i don't know what to do other than what i've done and hope that it flies i really all right all right three two one that's it that's it we're done that's all right let's see them guys let's see your gliders oh cosmos oh cosmos does look really good i didn't have a lot of like i've damaged some stuff oh you have the smaller ones okay interesting i guess i should spot mine this is mine oh boy oh wow oh no it already what why it pulls up when i try and just move what you look like you're in low gravity why do i low gravity do you have low gravity you're like what that doesn't make any sense i think you just have a ton of lift like i just think that's it yeah all right yeah well you're ready yeah i'm ready to do john's gonna go for are you going is this is it this is my attempt like this is all i i just gotta get here oh my god if you win oh there we go all right you made it you hit the ground there we go wherever you hit the ground this is about as far as yours made it i can't believe too many wings was a problem i didn't realize too many wings would be an issue that's wild that is hilarious well that's that just made this challenge so much harder oh my goodness all right well cosmo you go ahead go next i guess yes here we go he's going he's going yeah oh wow he just knows he's dying better than me yeah just past the grass there oh i'm literally on the edge yeah all right all right all right i have no idea what my trajectory is gonna be like but we'll see here i come winning vehicle [Music] oh oh oh oh nice oh wow easy easy wow it's gliding i did not expect this look at that center i'm not even pressing anything right now wow and right there all right i pressed f right where i landed i quit i got better stuff to do i'm leaving yeah so now we got one minute to make your modifications so you can add three more power cores as well but uh adding control surfaces if you if we're gonna get to that point is gonna be really hard i feel like i don't know like yours went so good without control services so i don't know yeah now i'm just worried about ruining it like if you change the mass and stuff yeah like the faster you go on launch is gonna be better so i feel like we're much more likely to make worse creations in this particular evolution theme yeah i think you're right in three two one evolve so like oh i'm already screwed up so much [Music] 37 seconds oh my god sometimes the trail maker's camera just screws you over yeah like they copied something to the wrong spot and now i'm just sitting here like [Music] oh boy this is kind of tough if i add more i don't i'm worried i'm gonna i'm worried my center of lift is gonna mess up if i add wings somewhere you know yeah it sounds right all right i hope that's enough and we're done stop that's it yep that's it that was a minute whatever you got you stick with what did you do what'd you do scrap man did you just add an engine is that all you did no i added i added oh okay the tail uh i added i made it a little bit longer and added some tail fins in the center which i hope isn't going to ruin my center of lift [Laughter] in the center but you kept the initial wings i did keep the initial wings i was going to change them but i was worried it was going to mess up my center of you know lifts all right you guys ready yep yep all right here it goes oh it's pitching up oh no i'm pressing down oh there we go there we go there there we go i am doing better than last time i think yep nice i'm definitely doing better am i going to hold the hole oh yeah oh yeah look at this oh my goodness look at him dude guys we're gonna run out right here i know right scrap man was all right that's not gonna be really surprised at how well these have done so far i'll just stay where i landed and uh uh try to observe from here i guess i feel like i'm gonna take off before i actually take off but i guess we'll see all right let's go yeah true oh no no no no no no no no no he's taking he's taking it whatever whatever let's go send it what did you do send it oh you're going somewhere he took off his vehicle had too much lift it took off before he hit the oh wow oh it's good too it's really good it's so smooth oh no fire man if i had made the jump part of the initial control is also a factor in your evolution yeah yeah here we go i'm gonna just line up and full speed there you go oh that's a good launch looks like a good launch it's just i don't know if oh yeah i don't know if you haven't yet you don't have enough lift oh is he going to be able to pull up though nope he might be able to land safely nice nice i need more weight as soon as you said time up i had literally just finished the control surface i don't have to do it again [Laughter] are we ready we got another minute to make modifications oh boy let's do it i know what i'm gonna do yeah i have no clue all right in three two one evolve what am i doing i forgot as soon as i said go [Music] um [Music] yep i think i think that's but then this has to i may have made a mistake here with adding lifts in places i shouldn't have added with uh 24 seconds uh remember you had nine power cores total 14 seconds good on that i'm worried about the logistics of this but i'm not i don't think i'm gonna try and make any one zero okay i see some issues with mine dang it but you know what we'll see what happens all right what do you got what do you guys got anyway this is i put wings but like nice i also put them and then i went i put my tail fins again guys controlled yeah i still haven't had control at least you're better with that now i feel like that's going to help i really am worried that i ruined my center of lifts so i just want to see you i know i think for this one i think if anything i'm going to what's the opposite of dive bomb when you i'm going to stall that's what i'm going to do yeah i think i'm going to stall out on this one if anything bad happens all right all right see you let's see him all right here we go there he goes oh no oh no no no pull up i'm pulling up as much as i can right now oh no he's just dying i added too much on the back yes oh no we have a chance we have a chance let's see at cosmo you're getting a much bigger run-up than it did it wants to lift up again why before the jump you lift it up oh no can you go forward oh oh maybe oh no he's got something i don't know oh this is close this is close this is really close come on come on come on i think yeah you made it past me just barely dude i'm like a yeah oh boy there we go oh oh he might actually do it oh i don't know oh oh oh oh he's recovering i have control i'm so aggressive look at that constantly look at that oh it's still going let's go he made it past the old record he made it past the old record there he goes you realize we got to deal with this piece of crap yeah it's terrible it's terrible it wants to pitch up oh man jump straight it's just brutal i'm glad you made it farther than the last round because it wouldn't it would have made it be a little bit awkward if we were actually doing worse this round than a previous round [Laughter] all right three two one evolve of alright i think after this i'm going to start doing power cores with just power pins [Music] or like not at all i think that the issue is that uh i'm trying to focus and also talk yeah stop talking you're distracted yeah i think i think the issue is that the uh the power core acceleration is not going to help anymore a certain point [Music] um um i think that's all i want to do six seconds oh no i'm not i'm not attempting that two oh man oh my goodness we all have like our own like strategies of evolution like cosmo just adds more wings to the initial like wingspan and i make mine like thicker in the middle i put a few more wings over top of the middle but like the big thing i moved the tail up because look when you pitch down that's what i was noticing trying to keep it down on the ground the tail scrapes and like that's just see yeah so i now have clean but if you need to change your tire if you need to change your rear tire then it's true it's like a free traffic all right kind you're up first this time oh god oh god oh no oh no oh no someone didn't build a very good takeoff vehicle it uh it like it got lift and then i had no traction you know what i mean i had no traction and it just went right so this is my distance okay hey you did better than your first round so all right you got second cosmos cosmo got second so cosmo goes next possibly hopefully run-ups man i don't yeah i don't trust big run-ups it worked though oh oh that speed all right you gotta you don't wanna yeah you don't wanna go on the wall oh no oh wow he's got him look at the distance wow i'm not gonna beat the max i don't think i'll be back oh you've been extracting oh no you are you are no i think you do yeah it's close i'm pretty sure i didn't it's close really really i don't think all right subscribe man you're up all right you guys ready third place is going to be hard to beat scrap added all right there we go [Applause] nice not nearly the same take off speed i'm looking at the mud i'm going in the mud guys yeah he's going he's trees i gotta worry about the trees he's still getting lift guys remember what i said we wouldn't reach the end of the map uh i know i think evolution has uh oh no oh no just got to go i'm still going wow i'm still going in i touched i touched right here holy cow guys this is way more progress than i ever thought we were gonna make all right that's three points for scrap man one point for me and no points for cosmo yet clearly scrap man builds the best gliders i feel like well yeah all right so let's start over and uh first three between yeah between you and cosmo we got winning creation right here all right well describe it you gotta do what you did though which is at every level you oh yeah creation you had oh yeah so the way this is gonna work is i'm gonna use uh the evolution stage that i have already done for these so you're gonna be competing against each other and then mine's just gonna we're just gonna see if you did better than what we already made and uh but you guys are mostly just completing competing for second place so khan's one point ahead already and we're starting from the beginning with an initial two-minute build period to start off with all right here we go and three two one begin two minute build time oh interesting to see their starting choices you bro you're both starting from completely different parts of the vehicle you know you need a seat right no there's no requirement that i was in the vehicle when it went off the cliff okay 30 seconds left thanks keeps going down guys it's not stopping it's it's still going down i don't know what to do progression is such a stupid thing like why'd we even invent it honestly you know i think this looks good scrap man don't you that looks amazing uh nine seconds eight seven six five four three two one and stop all right so uh you guys have some interesting gliders here and you are competing against why are you riding on top of this one i wanted to make a magic carpet and then the the logistics of still mount wheels to the magic carpet yeah he literally put all the wings down first and like just the shape of a carpet and then put a slap a seat on top like yeah and i was like oh i still need i still need all right here we go [Music] yeah yeah i could have made a car and jumped you really could have yeah your wings hurt you there i'm pretty sure all right all right here i come let's go cosmo really likes the long run off the job oh he made it he beat him oh well that's that's okay that's round one all right not bad all right and then uh here's the here's the initial the first winning build oh yeah like i feel like scrap man's was way better wasn't it i think so wasn't it yeah yeah see it pitches up a little bit get out of here yeah i'm like better i'm like a feather [Laughter] i honestly like that initial build i think was just pure luck like i just happened to get the center of mass and left to right all right this is an interesting initial build to start off with it did pretty well though it glided i feel like it did i want to say glowed it glowed it glowed it glittered eyelid yeah it's all tied up in three two one evolve one minute oh no wrong oh boy oh boy okay 10 seconds don't tell me what to do five four three two one stop okay how are those not attached anymore uh well i have a bit of a logistics problem which spawn it in see what happens oh we're gonna exit anyways is what's gonna oh no i tried to make the tail pitch and then i didn't realize that the uh the fins were only attached to the one spot and it looks like uh it looks like khan gotcha like with the genetic defect in this evolution here diabetes guys i'm not evolving good today i didn't even have time to change the controls [Laughter] i think you did better than uh our the the initial second round yeah you definitely did oh wow wow it made it to the mud i'm here oh we didn't make it to the mud to the last round last time that's impressive all right uh here i'm gonna i'm gonna teleport back to khan because uh i don't think i'm gonna as well yeah i don't think he's gonna make it to the mud sorry sorry for the low voter confidence khan yeah yeah i'm really sorry bro my car does 128 though so like yeah okay so maybe you can just do it are you even you're not even gonna make it to the jump i don't all right here we go all right good luck it's okay bro you're gonna get a really good glider after this back speed max speed here we go because you don't have tails let's look at that trick boys look at that just get the back flip look at those trick points that was amazing that was amazing i don't know i'm dead that did way better than i expected i thought you were just going to like pitch up and fall down but you actually was excellent maintain your composure better if i had tail may have that may be true all right this is my six power chord build i don't think i'm gonna get to where cosmo got oh it wants to pitch up initially yeah it pitches up so much yeah and now it levels up i was pressing forward the whole time to pitch down no you're not making it no maybe actually i'm getting further than i think i did before but no yeah i'm not i'm not getting any more lifts wow yeah cosmo just totally outdid us on the uh on that round there two points for cosmo one point for con cosmo just needs to win one more time three two one evolve oh that was the worst i'm waiting for scrabby to say what is caught i i am just trying to figure out what both we do oh that what is con doing see told you it's coming why why oh oh wait what oh whoops that wasn't the part i wanted yeah no oh what's going on how's it going how's it going uh 26 seconds 25 seconds you guys better do something oh well cosmo's doing stuff um khan what are you doing what are you doing i don't know i have no idea what your plan is with that 10 seconds uh okay five four three two no one zero oh stop stop where you are i'm going to take the jump this way so i don't lift then do that goodness wait wait wait what goodness oh wow is that gonna work i don't know goodness all right cosmo you're up first all right let's see if you made it worse i um i have a bit of a genetic defect on this one oh what happened oh yeah your tail is like off off in the back isn't it i didn't have time offset yeah i didn't have time to offset the other wing yeah that might not actually be that bad yeah i don't think it's gonna matter that much that's like a really subtle difference here i come all right cosmo he's taking off like almost right before the job okay oh i don't know i don't know about this one oh definitely made it worse but i might still make it oh oh dude oh wow oh yeah you recovered real nice perseverance man adaptation that's the no wait you're you might go better i'm going further you are it is it's not worse bit better it is actually a little bit better wow wow that was impressive all right now we got uh khan over here the flappy bird if you don't make it to the jump i want you to see oh my you're actually really fast holy cow wait what happened what happened down it hit the jump at the bottom you went too fast look he's flapping he's actually flapping let's go oh my god it's kind of working too let's go no flap you bird i gotta say that was pretty awesome regardless you're in last place you want to see what happens if it doesn't bother me me too like hit the jump and stopped all at speed i have to see this like be a good take off all right there you go oh oh too much no no no no no there's no okay and there he goes there he goes you just got it's like you just got pushed out of the nest and had to learn how to fly on your way down i don't think the flapping bird was a good idea i don't know i think it's a really cool idea it was a bold it was a bold effort for evolution there it was a bold strat yeah it was just all right congratulations cosmo in second place all right well let us know in the comments what kind of evolution vehicles we should try in the next one and uh we'll see you guys in the next video bye [Music] you
Channel: ScrapMan
Views: 1,204,552
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: scrapman, trailmakers, trailmakers game, trailmakers gameplay, trail makers, trailmakers funny moments, trailmakers best creations, trailmakers sandbox, trailmakers fails, trailmakers update, trailmakers funny, trailmakers destruction, trailmakers 1.0, trailmakers multiplayer, trailmakers drag race, trailmakers dragster, trailmakers evolution, evolution, evolution race, trailmakers glider, trailmakers glider challenge, glider evolution, evolving gliders
Id: nAC5BPs-p50
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 5sec (1685 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 25 2021
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