Super Smash Bros. Unused Content REDUX | LOST BITS [TetraBitGaming]

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[Music] hey guys and welcome back to another lost bits video right here on tetrabit gaming the series where we explore the unused altered and unseen content in gaming now it's been quite the hot minutes since the last Smash Bros lost bits video on this channel and before we move on to the next games in the series I first want to go back and revisit the game that started it all on the Nintendo 64 now it's been like 8 years since I made that video when there's lots more to go over that I didn't back then ah the good old days of making lost bits videos under 7 minutes long anyways grab your N64 controllers and super smash that like button below it's time to check out some more Super Smash Brothers lost bits all right so to kick things off this video let's take a look at several changes made from early pre-release versions of the game as well as Concepts and ideas that didn't make the cut so for starters you may already know this but for those that don't before Super Smash Bros was this it was this originally known as Dragon King the fighting game as you can see there was a big lack of any Nintendo here and in their stad the game originated with some pretty generic looking fighter fellas then other obvious differences here include the percentage meters being on top of the screen as well as two known stages from this game not being anything Nintendo again but rather featuring a backdrop of a town in Japan as well as a high altitude shot of what looks like a mountain range also presumably in Japan next there are also several gameplay ideas that were once thrown around for the game but were never implemented here and these include ice Elemental attacks a Time attack miname originally apparently link was planned to use his hen Shield when pressing the Z button instead of the regular Circle Shield that every character uses a split screen mode was once conceptualized but scrapped as it was deemed more important to have all the characters visible on the same screen which honestly yeah and finally we'll get more into this later in this video but originally the Final Smash moves that weren't seen in the series up until the release of Super Smash Brothers Brawl were apparently originally planned to appear in this first game and there's still even leftover audio data from these plans too then some other interesting differences seen in some pre-released screenshots of the game game includes some early icons obscuring the unlockable characters Yoshi's egg icon lacked Its Spots we can see an old counter up here indicating how many human and computer players are going to be in the game and this was replaced with the back button links icon was originally an upside down piece of the Triforce instead of the full Triforce likely since link is the bearer of the Triforce of courage and this could be a reference to the title screen of the first game some objects were missing the bumper see seemed to have looked different and more then lastly for the pre-release stuff there are also several Fighters that were at least somewhat planned to be included in the game but ultimately never made the cut at least for this game these unused characters include Mar Clefairy and Mewtwo Princess Peach Bowser as well as king DDD now unfortunately there aren't any unused remnants of these planned characters or anything left over in any version of the game so it's likely the idea to not include them in this game was made earlier on in development next up I want to go over some of the more interesting changes that were made to the game between Regional releases specifically some audio stuff there are of course more run-of-the-mill changes such as different designs for the title screen and such but I want to focus in on some of the stuff that was Lost in Translation so to speak so first up we have two lines for Fox that appear in the Japanese version of the game but didn't get an equivalent translated version in the other International releases the first of these lines is Fox exclaiming mission complete and normally this is heard in the Japanese version during Fox's winning animation in which he aims his Blaster around before looking towards the player and in the international releases this was just changed to him grunting and then secondly the original Japanese release also has Fox Proclaim claiming my turn in Japanese and it apparently isn't clear where this voice clip was meant to be used but it's also possible that this could have been a leftover from the plans to implement the Final Smash moves in this game which again is something we'll touch on later in this video now there are a whole bunch of other sound effects that were changed between releases including hit sounds the crowd cheering on a certain character H [Music] [Applause] up as well as the Pokemon voices RTO G but there are also a few that I think are more interesting than the rest the first set of these is for the game's narrator race to the Finish used to be hurry to the final stage race to the Finish hurry to the final stage fighting polygon team was known as the dummy Cor or fighting polygon team dummy core then in Japan free-for-all is known as Battle Royal freefor all battle royal and then finally for the regional audio changes here interestingly enough the beam sword sounded quite a bit different in the Japanese release here's a comparison of the two now as you heard the original Japanese sounds for the beam sword sounded much more similar to that of the lightsabers from Star Wars and it's believed that this similarity and wanting to avoid any sort of copyright issues may have been the reason that these sounds were changed I mean when I was like 5 years old when I first played this game I definitely called this a lightsaber myself now we'll go over some more unused audio stuff later but next there are actually a set of animations that go unused for Yoshi Kirby as well as Jigglypuff now all three of these used animations are for the Free Falling state of these characters so as you might know most characters in Smash Bros will have a recovery move as their up special attack with the main purpose of helping the player get back to the main stage after being hit off and after using this move they will enter a Free Falling state where they can't really do anything until they touch ground again well Jigglypuff Yoshi and Kirby are special cases as each of their UPS special moves isn't as helpful for recovery as they either sing throw an egg or do this uppercut move respectively and as such they don't ever normally enter this Free Falling state but yeah these animations for them still exist suggesting that at one point or another they might have once been planned to enter this freef falling State just like the rest of the characters and interestingly enough although never used in this game and probably the biggest mod for this game out there smash remix there's an option to add air dodging into the game and by doing this with any of these characters in that mod these unused animations were reimplemented and can be seen there sure it's not official or anything but it's still pretty sweet to see these animations in action in the game then next we have two more unused animations the first of which are for the clouds on the sides of the Yoshi's Island stage yeah the intention was for these clouds to actually puff up and down instead of just being all static like which I think would have made them look much better then secondly although the animation is still technically in the game there is an alternate version of Jigglypuff singing where the animation actually like pulses in sync with the sound effects unlike the static version that's normally seen here's a comparison of the two side by side to show what I mean yeah it's unclear why both of these animations weren't properly implemented especially since they both seem like they'd be a no-brainer extra especially since they are still left over in the game then next up kind of a weird thing is that there are actually a pair of unused camera angles and thankfully both of them are still left over in the game and can also still be re-enabled with some memory editing and pausing during a fight the first of these two camera angles will basically slightly zoom out a bit and then also be a bit higher to give us a slightly more top down view of the battle nothing too crazy with this one only that it will also seemingly zoom out even more if needed in order to try and keep all the players on screen at the same time and then the second of these unused camera angles will actually place the camera at the center of the stage it doesn't normally seem to move at all unless the ground is shaken so it's not really all that useful at least if you're trying to actually well play the game that said though there is one more use for this second camera angle in that both of the bonus stages instead of locking to the center of the stage it will instead zoom out completely to have the entire stage visible at once basically what you see when you pause in one of these stages and honestly I found it pretty nice to be able to see the entirety of the bonus maps like this then kind of adjacent to unused camera angles the original Super Smash Brothers here also has a pair of transition animations meant for transitioning from the end of a game to the result screen and than hopefully these can still be reimplemented in the game as well the first of these animations would have had the screen like flipping vertically and then the second and I think more interesting one would have had the screen falling apart in smaller shape chunks although certainly not as cool as the screen folding into an airplane these are still pretty decent now back to more audio stuff there are a whole bunch of audio bits left over in the game that go unused first off I think it's a pretty well-known factoid about the series at this point but initially before finally being introduced to the Smash Bros Series in Super Smash Brothers Brawl the Final Smash moves were actually originally planned to have been included in this first game unfortunately there's not much left over from this plan in this original game but like I mentioned earlier there are audio clips in the release versions of the game that appear to have been meant for the Final Smash moves of Pikachu NES Fox Captain Falcon as well as Kirby some of these clips actually ended up being repurposed for their corresponding Final Smash moves in Brawl albeit with some filters applied to them anyways let's give these original Final Smash audio bits a listen first we got Pikachu's Pikachu then there's ness's PK starstorm PK starstorm Fox would yell EK which translates from Japanese to come on Captain Falcon also had his iconic come online here too come on as well as him calling the Blue Falcon which strangely is only left over in the Japanese release of the game Blue Falcon both of these Captain Falcon bits ended up actually being re-recorded for Super Smash Bros melee where they also went unused until finally they ended up being implemented in the captain's Final Smash move in Brawl and then lastly we also have some unused audio clips for Kirby's Final Smash 2 yeah although I think seeing the Final Smash Moves In This original game would have been pretty cool despite getting cut it's interesting that we still got these lines for them left over then in addition to these there are also various other character sounds that go normally unused some of them you can actually still listen to in the game sound test but other than that they don't get used in their once intended way highlights of these include Yoshi proclaiming his name as is heard in future entries in the smash series wo Mario's lets a go taken right out of Super Mario 64 is here let's a go as well as a pitched up version for Luigi let go and then similarly there's also a pitched up here we go for Luigi that goes unused too here we go then other miscellaneous unused sound effects include a pitched down version of The Shield breaking sound some sort of laugh sound a low pitched sound similar to what's heard when a player grabs a poison mushroom in Super Smash Bros melee there's a sound effect that sounds similar to when Yoshi lays an egg but in a lower pitch and with more effects applied to it and then also that same sound effect but reversed and lastly there's a sound effect that appears to be like a shorter and more quiet version of the audio heard on the continue screen in the one player mode that repeats twice then the game's announcer also has a handful of unused audio files too with one for bonus stage which goes unused I guess since there ended up being two bonus stage types in the game each with a specific name bonus stage him announcing the final stage final stage asking if the player is ready probably meant for the bonus stages where it would have been used before it was changed to the announcer just saying go are you ready there's an unused audio clip for the announcer proclaiming draw game Draw game likely either an early version of the announcer saying no contest or sudden death as though stem from the Game ending in a draw and then lastly found only in the Japanese release is an unused alternate clip of the announcer just announcing Jigglypuff's name Jigglypuff Jigglypuff is known as ptin in Japan so this basically reveals that there was work done on localizing the game to North America earlier in development and then lastly to round out the unused audio stuff here there's also an unused Victory Fanfare that's left over in the game it's quite short but it's still pretty [Music] [Applause] epic now Switching gears away from audio stuff next we also got several unused Graphics left over in the game here first up we got a pair of of unused stock icons of both A Game's playable Pokémon rocking some yellow headgear a yellow party hat for Pikachu as well as what looks like a yellow bow for Jigglypuff in the final game both Pokémon are only ever seen rocking either green red or blue accessories so the existence of these appears to show that there was once a yellow costume planned for them as well and speaking of unused costumes there are also remnants of some unused alternate versions of the green costumes for Pikachu and jiggly puffing again although the green hats and ribbons are seen in the game these unused variants appear to have changed the entire color of the respective Pokémon to and although Pikachu's color is slightly changed depending on the party hat color in the final game it's certainly not to this extent then for Jigglypuff one of the costumes would have had it looking more blue and then one more yellow perhaps a remnant of the yellow bow we just went over earlier and this is only reinforced by the fact that loading in these unused costumes also causes the yellow costume icons to appear and yeah as you can see these unused costumes aren't exactly fully reimplement here either as some parts of the default colors still end up being used and much like the unused animations earlier although not official or anything these unused costumes also ended up getting reimplemented in Smash remix as well which is pretty cool and after this we got a whole truckload of unused UI Graphics in the the game these include this cool looking logo made up of a bunch of triangles which has its intended purpose currently unknown there are graphics for a flashing option that was meant to be seen on the options menu between sound and Screen adjust and based on these also accompanying unused Graphics warning the player to toggle this option off if they are sensitive to light it's very likely that this would have disabled certain effects that could affect photosensitive players then also related to the menus we have graphics for a subject mode that was planned for the backup clear menu currently unknown what exactly this would have been for the one player mode there are unused Graphics of an X text for a seemingly scrapped fourth bonus stage for the mode that translates to challenging match and then in addition to an unused text graphic that translates to clear bonus there are also unused graphics for a number of additional clear bonuses that also got scrapped these include meteor smash one chance giant attack Double Impact triple impact aerial as well as great counter next although most of the alphabet can be seen in this font throughout the game the letters q and Z aren't ever seen in any of the text in any region and as such go unused the text for picking up the star item in training mode isn't ever used since well it's the only item that you can't actually pick up then we also got a few early graphics for the character select screen including text graphics for the human players and computer players then we got this early question mark graphic and this looks to be the same graphic that was used in those pre-release screenshots that we went over earlier and we got this crossed out box graphic also apparently meant for this screen then also while we're talking about the menus there's this unused background graphic the large text reads fight for and then the smaller text in the background seems to read fight for Battle Royale or some variant of it so it's likely that this was meant for the versus mode and then lastly and arguably the most interesting of the unused text Graphics are a pair of Japanese text Graphics that actually refer to two different items that have been seemingly scrapped from the game one translating to Parasol and then the other to chewing bomb the chewing bomb is apparently the gooy bomb that was added to the series starting in Brawl and then the parasol of course first started appearing in melee so it looks like there were once plans to First Implement these items here in the first game before they got the Snips but thankfully at the end of the day they did end up getting added to the series eventually and now last up for this video although I covered the one debug menu in my first video on this game all those years ago there are actually some more debug features left over in the game first off I don't believe I covered this in my first video at least not in depth but left over in the game is the ability to toggle on hitboxes for all of the characters as well as for some projectiles and enabling these will quite literally turn the character models into hit boxes giving the fighting polygon team a run for their money and honestly not only is this useful for of course seeing the hitboxes of all the different characters but it's also really interesting to just see them all like this and as you've been seeing the hitboxes change colors with each different one indicating a different step St of the corresponding hit box the default yellow box that's usually seen means that the hit box is vulnerable to an enemy attack red means it is attacking or grabbing blue means the hitbox can't get hit and finally the green hitbox means that the hitbox can still get hit but no damage will be dealt now I certainly don't play this game competitively or anything to make any serious use out of this but I just think it's neat oh also interestingly there are a few screenshots on the original Japanese website for this game where we can see the hitboxes enabled which is pretty cool to see as well next not super interesting in my opinion but if you manage to crash the game somehow by inputting these button combinations after you can actually bring up a crash debugging screen we've seen screens like this in several games throughout the years on this series and yeah it's basically the same here and now lastly in addition to the battle debug menu which I covered in my first video there are actually three other debug menus left over in the game the first of these is quite weird and its purpose isn't quite clear when loaded in we get two large yellow columns that you can move around very slowly and we can see Mario's name here that ends up corrupting more and more the further right we go interestingly these columns also look different in the different Regional releases of this game as well then pressing the Zed button actually pulls up a controller input test on screen where you can monitor button presses as well as control stick movement yeah this debug menu is pretty random and it doesn't really seem to serve any sort of purpose unfortunately the next debug menu isn't much more useful this next menu allows you to select a character name for four different character slots here grouped into finish dead and then finish again for the Dead and second finish of each grouping you can set a number anywhere from zero all the way to 65,536 and just based on the verbiage here it seems like this menu may have been a way to test the game's point system by setting the KO and self-destruct values for each player but in its current state here it seems like anything you do on this menu doesn't actually end up affecting anything else in the game and then lastly thankfully we have a menu that actually still has some practical function loading up this system debug menu will start with the Epic plane folding transition animation as we get brought to another menu on top of a randomly colored background with this angry looking blue cube in the background as well it's Blue Kirby Cube and although some functions on this menu don't work anymore this menu does let us check out a bunch of nifty stuff going top to bottom continue just hides the menu Rumble although not working would have presumably been used to test the rumble pack functionality in intensity levels from 0 to 10 and then the stop Rumble option here would have obviously stopped it frame doesn't seem to do anything anymore call lets you listen to the crowd cheering sound effects for every character in the [Applause] game FGM here functions as a sound test and lets the user listen to any of the hundreds and hundreds of used and unused sound Clips they [Music] want bgm is similar though for the background tracks used in the game stages as well as various themes heard throughout the [Music] game the effect option here either removes audio effects on the bgm tracks with zero or applies some with with the other values the next option lets you test a bunch of the different screen transition animations in the game and then lastly the cic boot and TV type options here all don't seem to have any functionality although certainly still not as interesting as the battle debug menu that I covered in my original video which lets you set up battles with special characters and stages this last menu is still pretty neat for some of these smaller things to test and listen to here and at the end of the day although two of these menus aren't all that amazing at least compared to some of the other ones that we've come across on this series as I always say having some debug menu is better than none at all and with that my friends will wrap things up for the original Super Smash BRS again and I hope you enjoyed this video if you did check out some of my other lost bits and be sure to subscribe and ring the notification Bell to find your way back to the channel in the future and as always thank you all so much for smashing by today and I will see you in a bit [Music]
Channel: TetraBitGaming
Views: 69,207
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Smash Bros, super smash bros, super smash bros lost bits, smash 64, super smash bros 64, smash remix, tetrabitgaming, tetrabit, tbg common, smash bros lost bits, ssb64, tetrabitgaming smash bros, tetrabit smash bros, tetrabitgaming smash lost bits, smash 64 lostbits, super smash brothers, super smash bros 64 lost bits, nintendo, gaming, video games, mario, smash bros unused content, super smash bros unused content, smash bros cut content, super smash bros cut content, cut content
Id: CrxySkP8JQo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 20sec (1520 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 06 2024
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