Super Metroid Reverse Boss Order in 1:01:11 (PB)

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[Music] you're um you're basically charging like you're charging up your uh moonfall sort of like you're increasing your downward velocity with your moon fall it's kind of strange that you can keep it as you run to another location but it works because it's really it's really crazy that it works that way that you can do it that way because just having those blocks in the right positions and the way they're set up makes it doable and then if you jump like you can't jump after you get it all set up it's the fact you can just run over the left and do it it's very fortunate [Music] what's up lad [Music] [Applause] d4 is noon um [Music] i did not actually we do monday wednesday friday [Music] how about you [Music] i've been having a problem with squats hurting my knees i've been trying to focus more on my like my butt and hips and stuff as i lift and it helped last time i'm trying to keep the weight off my knees sort of and on my like sort of back side more if that makes any sense that seemed to help this time though horse dance don't know what that is i've never heard that yeah i'm not like lifting up my heels but i don't i think i was leaning i was kind of like balanced forward a little bit too much or something [Music] hmm [Music] [Music] [Music] oh oops it's been slightly harder for me to do cardio lately as much because well last time my legs were like absolutely destroyed and i was trying to do bike trying to ride the bike [Music] belly my my weightlifting sessions are getting longer it feels like i just try to i just usually try to get at least 10 minutes and get some high intensity in get my heart rate up to like 160 or higher for 10 or 20 minutes and of cardio usually good with that [Music] [Music] nothing wrong with that hmm now [Applause] [Music] so [Music] that's pretty good [Music] thanks i think it could be better but it's pretty good hmm that makes sense to use the music [Music] um [Music] that was like your goal was it coming around the end of the song [Music] oops i'm gonna die with him big hopper oh my god [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] friends [Music] [Music] i'd say it's still a he's amusing to me i think it is [Music] [Music] ah are you suggesting my my old world record that save the animals was not because serious am i am offended the answer is yes though correct [Music] thank you and frank this category's always been insane you know for the time like if you go back in time there's a time where we did an x-ray climb into the back of tyrion into the back of lower norfair we skipped gt we didn't get screw attack it's going through a bunch of crazy iterations no you're good i'm just kidding a key to keyed but i would say it's hard i would say it's harder than ever but my skill level has gotten better and better over the years too so it allows us to get power bombs early clipping through that floor gave us power bombs earlier which is the biggest thing i absolutely love that the x-ray climbs back in uh for rainbow now but there's a extension category that uses that x-ray climb and delorean are fair the back of the lower fare i love that so much however the extra climatearian is still pretty terrible so there's that [Music] oh you mean how it works i didn't sorry [Music] but yeah it basically streamlines the route but how it works is a little harder to explain i don't know like exactly why it works like it does but uh it certainly is that's saved like more than a minute it saved like somewhere between it's probably about 70 70 or 80 seconds time saved there so yeah it would be really nice to do that would be a big time save uh dog hmm [Music] i think it's only three frame perfect inputs so which is the same as uh taco tank [Music] hmm um [Music] there you go [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] nah there's no spike suit really doesn't do much for you and if you do spikes you can't do that sparks so [Music] plus it like running into the spikes does a lot of damage that you will need to refill so actually you don't need a refill here actually you just need the supers oh actually you do want um you don't want to refill your reserves so you do want to refill [Music] thank you mitch hmm what up domingo you so much for the reserve domingo [Music] not too far right there oh i was afraid i didn't jump high enough there [Music] ah uh [Music] oh my god [Music] hope i have enough energy for this i'm just gonna do that probably enough energy get that other super it's okay though [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] the supers didn't connect streamer why don't you use gt code to make things a lot easier um damn it ugh [Music] uh it's for screw attack as well and also you get it's like after the first crystal flash before the elevator you're also like depleted of some of your regular missiles and stuff it also helps to fill up some of your ammo bag [Music] it's funny you mentioned the bounce balls any because [Music] i think i read that after [Music] um i was playing with that today at least i think it's the same thing that you were talking about i'm guessing [Music] playing the safe yeah it is oops she's not taking that hit but it's not a huge deal [Music] [Music] true [Music] maybe i saw it in the vault i was going through the vod looking for a couple [Music] things [Music] team [Music] [Music] dude [Music] [Music] uh so something that was a good farm [Applause] [Music] go [Music] please [Music] [Music] yeah that that last turnaround was kind of weird it felt like [Music] my oh these drops are a little weird i think this is going to be kind of tight [Music] look [Music] [Music] [Music] right hmm oh heck hmm can't be can't pee about too much that's right some energy i don't want to die about you and again that much me still doubt about doing that yeah i i was thinking that as i waited for that last key hundred drop before a car flees i was really lucky that was a big energy because then i would have been health bomb range and uh fireflies would have dropped me health instead of it would have been slower it would have been okay but [Music] um [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] heck the snake indeed lay it [Music] soulless feels easy without having to deal with that spike suit [Music] i like that it's a mistake okay [Music] worst pattern again uh hey we've got it got through at least [Music] dragon can get you killed for sure so we could pass dragon we're good to finish the run probably i haven't really messed with mother brain and stand up so wouldn't be surprised to see myself get killed by mother brain either to be honest [Music] it's still cool getting further in the run at the very least it's like 30 seconds or 40 seconds something it's pretty big [Music] oh yeah that's absolutely worth it it's like 20 maybe like 20 seconds i don't know it saves almost 20 seconds even if you just use it oh [ __ ] i'm dumb this is bad [Music] [Applause] [Music] uh let's try gonna do 150. [Music] yeah okay that was really bad but okay we're good [Music] totally forgot to damage myself down [Music] though [Music] there's a lot of time to my pb though it's really a slow segment multiple reasons terrible botulin pattern [Music] too much males hey malice thanks for the resell i wonder if a mock ball here is faster [Music] it's a two round isn't it [Music] it's just like slow slow or something the 10337 was a different route it's the routes converge already but it's like a different route up to ridley uh there's a slow pattern too though i believe oh [ __ ] i need to work on my late game more i've been focusing a lot on like lauren warfare just so i could you know finish a run and start finishing runs eric thank you for the resub eric [Music] yeah yeah nice door [Music] hmm dang infest thanks for the eight months too [Music] what do i do now i haven't seen this part of the game and all day now i'm supposed to play good here what [Music] oh my god i love how you can freeze like crabs sideways it's so beautiful dlc condoms i did spend some time practicing these rooms though i just need to do more damn alice and jimmy thanks for the bits thanks for tigre for the prime stuff too thanks this is the first one i've completed in four years well other than like the multi category but that was more of a race route so yeah a lot of the bugs in the game they'll like they actually start like above the platform just sideways it's really cool you freeze them like right when they go on screen sort of be frozen like off their platforms thanks thanks for the gift subs i didn't start the phantom game [Music] mid slow it wasn't so slow almost forgot about the last two missiles or the last missile i need seven [Music] i'm saving almost 30 seconds in that split that's really stupid [Music] oh my god it's more or less automatic yeah uh i mean if you want to you don't have to or anything [Music] it was a three round wow even then it shouldn't have been that much time laws oh my god ah why did i do that i'm not sure if i'll save him i might see any harm in it really um i wouldn't say it's that much more rng independence super volatile though you don't pick up mario nice that's pro it's a little slow made out of off-screen kill oh [ __ ] split haley danielle thank you thank you so much for the gift hmm continual hype train i don't know what that movement was it's okay [Music] [Music] hmm very is the only one that reduces mother brains rainbow beam damage [Music] ugh [Laughter] dang it thank you fellaini oh yeah easily pb phase it'd be hard not to pb unless i died [Music] [Applause] uh i'm bad so i'm sure that was the right move or not but that's the move i made dude thank you thank you dude thanks much for the subscribe [Music] [Music] do i don't have to take any damage here [Music] dude okay thank you [Music] [Music] thank you text [Music] [Music] um [Music] [Music] [Music] right now what am i doing i don't know what's going on so this could be a one this could be a sub 101 but i'm just going to save them still i'm gonna save them until i can get a sub one okay don't ever pb by too much y'all it's because like you spark if you spark while you're still like not all the way crouched that happens i think that's the reason 1011. [Applause] thanks oh is for gg [Music] it was three seconds faster than old pv escape with that bonk so what i bet you my like stand up was better this time it's probably a lot because the stand up even though the stand up could have been a lot better it could have been it could have been better moon fall yeah there's moon falls saves two seconds too so yeah my pb my previous pb was before right before moon falls so there was no moon following that run what happened oh zany thanks for the thousand bits [Music] wow [Music] oh there they are [Music] i like how texas got out of sync somehow oh maybe you use the two different ones yeah you use the two different ones and they got out of sync that's awesome we should make ours like we should split ours and like the starting frame of one of ours should be in the midpoint of the other one zinny so that we're like that'd be good [Music] zany e major is faster that was a that's a that's a low that's that's a subterranean dig man you made yours faster [Music] that was fun all right um
Channel: zoasty
Views: 12,122
Rating: 4.968421 out of 5
Id: 8GzeWlyZhWs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 26sec (3926 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 15 2021
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