SUPER MARIO MAKER 2 (Complete Series) - Oney Plays

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with friends what can the software be played can it it can Oh gobbly and two per the super that Mario might be super but I'm super duper with a big tooth there's no one's gonna hate it like me as Mario has a big sheet but I got any plus on that test because it's a big mess didn't they actually retcon it so Mario's no longer a plumber I could have sworn they said something like Mario's not a plumber no more we decided that that was silly and we didn't use it enough now it's just a hairy man yeah no he's just a strange creature who left this [ __ ] button line out here sir a dog in the Mario world whoa I hate it is it a cone or is it a lion I thought it was a lion whines don't do that tomar hey look how this is convinced it's a lion this is [ __ ] lamp shading where it's like oh my god did it die oh dude he got his foot stuck in a bear trap oh that sucks they depress the self-destruct button [Applause] was nothing they gotta find what that creatures country isn't drone it Oh for [ __ ] didn't pay for the Nintendo [ __ ] console system pay for Hugh just load up the game and he's just got it I would love to see Mario get progressively scarier the more money he gets make your avatar okay I could buy and to sell you lalala looks just like you yeah this is this is looking more and more like me by the moment [ __ ] yes all right welcome to course from the horse world [ __ ] here you can do anything now your ass is grass yes Nolan a downloading I'll dull enable you stop all that downloading so this just came out 15 minutes ago right I mean it's officially how does he already of 7600 loves let's love this guy - we had to love him they may be notified every time this [ __ ] is scary yeah this person would have turned off notifications persons getting a text message on their phone right now with an image of your face it was made by a little girl you see that is that legal them that we're playing it definitely okay was this like a puzzle like a Super Mario puzzle game sure is god hope not I mean they can design the level however they want was my first death of all time the first of many there was this halo 3 Xbox the bug definitely made by a small child no I think that's coming from a player I just want to play fun levels well what the [ __ ] well turn into a terror world okay I'm scared give me that okay all right I just follow the down arrow down what the [ __ ] is going on here check this is yeah it's telling you to go down oh yeah I got a little uh my TM I don't like what that made you well I guess it gave you an arrow but it it kind of made you make a leap of faith there just like an assassin's creed remember that yeah why can't I wall jump what's going on you can never wall jumping Mariana look at the wall jump what are you talking about you absolutely can't wall jump from you sorry sorry about you big goob you can't wall jump in Super Mario World but you can in 64 yeah I I don't know if you can in the the new Super Mario Brothers or whatever I say Tomer you hate this game I mean I don't I'm not putting words in your mouth you know I've got an irrational hatred of Mario I'm not gonna lie just [ __ ] pisses me off better your maker is triple H rich my friend I actually bought the original Mario maker just so I could incinerate it do you ever snap at this kid again Oh what I almost did it again [ __ ] oh now what what am i doing what the [ __ ] is happening oh oh I see you see that thing up there and I got to do it again I'm gonna just keep switching between there we go that's a good idea so hard nice idea I can't even process what I just [ __ ] visualize there yeah that wasn't particularly challenging it was just interesting it was just fine okay [ __ ] boo yeah oh damn I'm gonna comment you gave it a boo if I post a comment it will be really cool okay oh you can't draw your comment I guess I could try that wouldn't work all your best too bad you're not holding the switch then you could actually draw look he's got a little hair using an analog to do this is awesome look he's giving a Tomer what's he giving this game is officially worth $60 don't you remember that new grants thing we did I'm not gonna name names but we me and a few convince Jeff to frontpage this kids drawing and everybody gave it one star and said really nice things but that was like literally tender like 12 years ago this is the second part of a trilogy it's you boy first part was in the old Mario maker this is gonna be like involving that shitty show or that dude tattooed the prison on him you're freaking oh my god I got bored watching that yeah that show just called prison bring it was can you actually do that like if if you have a tattoo of the schematics of a prison that they lock you up and like a guy sees that I guess so I think why would they throw you in that same prison book Tomar this is our Empire Tamar the [ __ ] am i doin man did you [ __ ] with some coins that was what am I supposed to do here yeah also look for a hidden blocks can you pick that up in the okay that that's good give me another one okay well now do the same thing there there you go pattern recognition Wow I've got the humans away what was the [ __ ] P for for [ __ ] nice oh [ __ ] this is gonna be Trixie come on shoot that yeah I think you could have used the P to get all those coins on the left you frickin see that that was awesome that was sick nasty Yoshi prison Wow oh she [ __ ] died Wow I hope yo she makes me a princess oh wow leave this this is a crazy puzzle I don't know what to do I'm really stuck do I hold right or nothin that is 5000 story skies baby jail is kind of fun after all my favorite part jail is the gold coin gun hope I don't the [ __ ] what is this this is a musical note can you kick that into the [ __ ] song note will that do anything I've never killed me think so damn song I am love that thing lost its life well I knew you were [ __ ] smart but I didn't perceive this kind of stuff I think it's gonna follow the arrow exactly your order let's say you're with a correction bug this is like weird and esoteric and come on guard I'm not gonna lie go back down no let's try to find another strategy this one is [ __ ] way no I think I got it this is a really weird one come on yeah yes okay [ __ ] [ __ ] were we supposed to know that that was what that did you get one of those keys no the one that's open on the right oh you probably has to get both I wouldn't imagine there's do you think so yeah all right you got 30 seconds you got 30 seconds to get your boy I know what do I do I need to get yeah yeah yeah you got the key oh [ __ ] man we got seconds well you got the save point so even if you die yeah how that works oh [ __ ] you only got 10 seconds to kill a man Oh fist did you hear old man look at all the people who died in there I got dude they just give you [ __ ] - [ __ ] him yeah just to help them with balls yeah kid a [ __ ] died idiot I forget could you hit these guys with fireballs in the original game or do any good okay okay the biggest guy's dead Prison will be okay from now on yeah you're running this joint now it sucks that they're all just dying in there oh he was the boss good at Mario you guys want to play one I play one okay can I just please leave this guy comment yes please ask him is Yoshi still in jail we're drop in diesel your analog stick drawings yeah you're he's got like a little little ear a little one or a big one he's a little bit easily err yeah okay put it maybe like a little text bubble that says I am Vin Diesel just too so the people that encounter this in the wild no this is shoulder I want to make sure that wait Arvind disel [Laughter] required course no let's give it to him are you turn okay now let's look for one of the less beloved ones we searched by lowest rate do you know what that's just gonna be like nothing really my first level my first level by Marcus from Britain adventure in the mountains there's a normal and a secret exit good luck and I'm determined to find that Oh mine's not a Mario World the mario that's cool oh yes free lanes start dude blue screen at the blue and put in Fillmore looking silly inflate his face there you go okay doo doo doo doo doo Oh goddamn Tamar you've got the [ __ ] reflexes of I don't know I am saying sandwich you know what I gotta say for this guy's first level you really you really knocked it out of the park on the first try although it stumped the one and only Tomar hold on dog this is way more challenging than those last two lows alright somewhere it's okay to admit that your stomach chronic stomach boo boo doo toma or needs to get better or I will kill him while right at cool Mario Party its [ __ ] a cool Mario parody yeah like a good one ma r e yo he hates his dad he listens to Linkin Park in he's cool ma 3 yo has a katana and if you mess with him he'll strike you down because he is very evil he has a demon inside mario has red eyes when he gets mad at Mario okay even I could beat this I'm stupid look see you're gonna wish you at that that mushroom let me tell you I don't need it it's easy [ __ ] tomar you're right this is impossible it's impossible sorry right this is [ __ ] this sucks can I can I have a go at you can this caliber have a gander don't can you please comment on and say this stinks same Marco it's challenging no it's not fair because I'm bad at it okay alright I want to see some cool new Mario maker things like I want to see new feature tomorrow I want to see Mario's new feet Oh God well do you think if you zoom in on those little feet you'll see something [Music] Thanks all right this is about where everyone else got yeah you got you gotta actually bounce off one of those guys but they all have a little spike ball do you know I I think that the only way to kind of do this is probably just to have that mushroom and take the hit they're pretty sure that that is the design I'm pretty sure that maybe there's a way to do it but agree that this is not an easy level I think that you're stumping just kind of rubbed off on us honestly this is a very easy level I just wasn't trying that hard yeah all my energy to be grown up work today I'm wearing weighted clothing not stupid yeah okay well I got to the checkpoint I'm gonna I'm gonna keep going and then I'm gonna give up I never realized so bad at Mario it was okay all right here we go I use that [Laughter] don't really give me much to process what's about to happen [Music] Wow I knew you were sweet after I got a review for this drop in bezel I'm gonna say listen Marcos I don't know what you're going through right now but this isn't fair to the rest of us I'm just gonna say good job say GG good game yeah good job okay that's actually pretty nice that's a nice one that's what I was that's sweet GJ and that guy says nice with a picture of Mario running yeah so he tried to create green hill zone is that what this wait is this a plate why did what reach the goal without what is overweight now okay all right go into that toilet this is greenhouse yes can't you see oh you great you're [ __ ] [ __ ] now can you Kim the cat just I don't know what it can do Voyles I've actually never played any of the game wait for a minute series not listen much really okay well I thought they were kind of stinky so what I just don't get to beat it now because I got hit once oh you can beat it we don't know quit being so quit acting like a little [ __ ] there oh this is weird oh god okay no no well fake gray one right I liked it it keeps letting me alright oh you have all this [ __ ] level anyway so yeah you you don't get this [ __ ] back you just have to live the rest of your life without it you took his shirt [ __ ] punk ass now as to where a wife-beater for the rest of his life now he has to beat his wife for the rest is life this is this is what we're both stuck here you might as well be [ __ ] miserable like me too fine look [ __ ] this level level one rotated by 90 degrees do that I want to see level 1 but rotated 90 degrees I find the sacred you see that to Omar you spelt it wrong like an idiot well this is scary oh ok I see what I see what's going on here I saw I use these these things to knit to go vertically I guess it [ __ ] delivered what it promised true that's awesome honestly that is kind of cool [ __ ] psycho thought of it that's really clever but simple idea this isn't what should be in regular marriage swing yourself up on top of the thing you're swinging yeah there we go yeah all right this is amazing I believe in you Lyle I'm I'm gonna be real with you guys the first time I fall all the way down this I'm not gonna [ __ ] try this again but lie looking good you're doing oh okay you're almost [ __ ] yeah I didn't know that this thing let you do vertical levels maybe that's a Mario to married me Mario maker to new thing could be well I mean there's probably just a flag at the top of that Oh No okay okay just quit acting like a [ __ ] and just get off that's guy [Music] that's guys Wow let's make this interesting if you lose I get the controller all right [Music] regular Mario must to pay you $400 wait what if Tomer loses he has to leave the room and kill himself nice okay you're getting there that's gonna be a [ __ ] death pit in it maybe because it's a sideways that fits probable yes bastard all right [ __ ] that dude that's too monotonous well my turn you know what Lyle yeah if I do this in one turn you got to give me 48 dollars that was my first turn that was pretty good for a [ __ ] first turn that was pretty good dude that would scare a child I'm pretty sure staticy thing well it doesn't have like a jump-scare noise it's gonna lose its impact once we see it another 50 times it would scare a child trust me it scared me Wow dude this is a great game this is wicked fun this is the funniest [ __ ] okay this is what someone left a note in like in the abyss what do you mean so tough so tough by the location of it that he fell all the way down the [ __ ] thing he's feeling his [ __ ] Hobbit feet while saying so tough I'm gonna do this though you should be able to just stay on it and you'll be safe you're so right okay look I'm not I'm a [ __ ] Mario expert Omar okay no need to get so snappy with me Tomer you're always yelling yeah actually [ __ ] christ dude this is really hard llol i don't know how you got so far I mean you're pretty much where I got that [ __ ] sticker keeps blinding me go away good stuff yeah Girt good stuff sticker man okay here we go okay I'm gonna do what law couldn't do what Nintendo draw a creature most foul he's got like the spongebob fish mouth that's how I feel about that level [ __ ] [ __ ] it's good the beautiful forest the beautiful sounds beautiful this is the beautiful forest that's you Jonas nightmare making fun of Jonas on Jonas from Germany join us on I know your little [ __ ] I tried really hard on it to make it beautiful you're not gonna [ __ ] compliment my forest people weird fatty worm in my beautiful forest so that you know can you do can you do sabji honest advice but this is German axon this doesn't stop working from no one knows who Jonas is on here what it's going he's a he's a guy and we know yeah he's our best is this bad this is German Jonas is this bad I bet I could do this and one try no you're probably right Homer I've seen you do lots of things in one try like [ __ ] pub G it's the first time I showed Tomar pub G he got he got chicken dinner that that is a fact and I'm yeah you're an [ __ ] and I have had chicken dinner since then though I'll probably only one or two I think I've only ever had one on my own yeah literally only had one in my entire pop G existence it's a good feeling though I always like it I'm one of those guys where if you put me on stage I'll just [ __ ] freak out yeah yeah it's all about those little short hops look at this this is crazy you're doing great you're doing great this tattoo Oh stops here the way he falls back it what what [ __ ] [ __ ] white rice why did the [ __ ] Nintendo GameCube logo pop that's a really bizarre thing to have to him it's really scary it's like a virus what was just a little cold GameCube virus there's still a beautiful forest are we on something else now I think this is all the beautiful forest right yeah leave that it's beautiful that's a forest get over it this music is why also that's water could you have technically swum out of it or is it a hazard it seems like it was pills probably does they're really generous with those 1ups what if mist so you can just comment halfway through the level huh make that into Homer Simpson kind of hard Mario maker oh [ __ ] you can see right in who would have thought Lisa episode funny Mario maker very cool now everyone's gonna see that [ __ ] yes everyone who gets that far into the beautiful forest this forest is so beautiful they gave you ample warning this music is kind of cool Oh little shootie shootin there bono well why do you do that it was kind of mess literally all he's ever done oh look at that it was already ready for me whoo y'all do it I did it duh buh duh buh duh great you're the king of [ __ ] nothing Mario I am the king of acid looking okay you know what tomar what I do that's us we're Nintendo you could be the first to beat any of these battle of the bullies I want to see if I wanna battle some bullies yeah a little Asian fellow made this one how does he know what a bully is that's sad the only interaction he's ever had with round eyes being bullied oh my god is that big barley oh it's just like in Mario 64 member that guy oh yeah I've heard of it that guy this is like a shove them push him diet yeah there we go oh and then he drops in we go that musics really cool yeah now are you gonna have to fight oh I guess it's it's just you fighting more and more or maybe these guys are actually called bullies everything burns goodbye [ __ ] die [ __ ] can we the second I fall into lava cut to some footage of a guy burning in lava okay it has to exist right yeah there's that [ __ ] movie volcano literally the whole premise of the movie is what if there was a volcano under New York and interrupted but really yeah it's a bad movie it's not good [ __ ] come on just get it off I watched it in school but I don't remember why I think the teacher just wanted to see it that's kind of cool that your teachers so didn't mess those didn't give any kind of a [ __ ] my teacher let us watch who framed roger rabbit when we were like eight years old they say a lot of bad words in that movie he's gonna say that was a time where pretty much it was just like that's a car - it must be kid friend there's no one really gave it a second thought he's still alive there's no lava down there kind of look down oh my god look can you wall jump oh yeah there you go you can never wall jump in Mario wall jumping is the funnest videogame mechanic I've ever seen you've never been able to wall jump in Mario made look I told you I didn't play this series I I now conveniently just know nothing about this now that I've listened I don't even know what the [ __ ] was happening yeah oh god this is bad get off just [ __ ] die oh how was I need to predict that now tomorrow does it make you go all the way back to the [ __ ] okay now we're good we're good yeah well I want to do this to you you can try are you [ __ ] and he lived that was cool okay all right kind of put yourself in a baby come to Daddy okay you were [ __ ] wrong you were wrong as [ __ ] Tomer every turn why was I wrong I love immersing myself in this [ __ ] world immersing yourself in the [ __ ] lava yeah yeah I'm fan all right there okay well he's dead the key and that's all that matters get it oh that was a spooky situation yes look at this yeah yeah all this [ __ ] you can't use get the kitty bail you are magical and neato Oh look at that it's pretty amazing can you but slam on this level or now see I guess I don't really need that stuff no you don't need a [ __ ] you just run to the top of the flag as a kitty cat I suppose what a cheater Mario look at that [ __ ] fruit the worst iteration of Mario cat Mario and cat Mario I kind of do hate it why draw a cat Mario why did you give him cat Mario bedroom eyes look he's got tail okay that's awesome I love [ __ ] drawing these okay let's get out of here a little stank it all a little stank look it's 1 1 again what's what's the big the hub of the boat wait what are these called I don't know I just think of them as cowboy pumpkins because I've never seen them before I've never seen him either is that a skin for a Goomba or is it uh it seems like a Goomba but its shape round instead of triangular I don't remember this being in 1:1 maybe this is one one for this guy's original Mario game this guy's a [ __ ] liar yeah there's no bridge this guy's a [ __ ] liar bad I don't want a ten that level [ __ ] stunk [Music] yeah who are those characters they can accept it's wrong and people cheer at the end I'm not gonna even you just got a world record that fricking stunk good or evil Mario this is what I want to see banana boy try not to be evil is this like the Milgram experiment but with Mario I don't know man what what country flag is that I don't know man I don't know any of them except for my own cuz what's the point of learning that doesn't stack of [ __ ] moles what's the actual character's name again is it like Marvin the mole probably it sounds about right Islam the mall holy moley oh man I don't know I did that okay you they're [ __ ] good you could probably throw that shell in there and blend them all up you know I think that's that may even be the design you really think so tomar yeah like a little blender that's metal and then it'll kill that guy do you just let him walk into it come here buddy I'm right here you [ __ ] liar look how big that guy is Oh watch out for his spikes man you got a jump on it I think you could just easily get past that [ __ ] deal with them don't work yeah okay well we know dude I bet that's like a secret yeah exit and it's just gonna ruin our level I sure hope it is let's see okay this is a cool secret your power and Homer do you like the secret this guy just blatantly made that so he didn't have to [ __ ] beat it what a punk ass yeah you just sound like a little bitter [ __ ] they're here while you play another you were saying that you didn't play it oh oh yeah I didn't play much but I know slang Homer you're my little banana boy little goobers I never knew they were supposed to be chestnuts this really yeah we thought they were mushroom [ __ ] [ __ ] that was stupid these guys supposed to be goombas are they different thing goombas their vote they've always meant to be chestnuts apparently really yeah it's interesting I know wait no wait you can't go down there baby so those are dead goombahs right the ghost of the goombas that guy you know for a game that gave us the [ __ ] Loren mythos I sure AM lost is the regards of those creatures Lally no my favorite thing in metal Eclipse is with that when they point at the troll and they say look at that [Laughter] they keep referring to it as that guy it's [ __ ] weird the dustbowl just throw him at that guy it's really [ __ ] bizarre to me the same guy made home movies yeah yeah you ever see that yeah I did but I don't I don't think it's bizarre that it's like the same dude I was just weird cuz I watched home movies as a kid and the character's name is Brendon small so the first time I watched my lock look it was like created by Brendon small it's like there's no [ __ ] way that's the same guy we will rock you do that what was the name of the yes the carrot the the coach McGuirk no the the guy who had the met the like metal like high-school metal band Oh Dwayne yeah Dwayne now I think that was like his outlet at the time I think he's always really wanted to do a show about metal and he made he wrote stuff like like the the ballot of the wizard and and this is our marbles at your nose go down there that was [ __ ] dude mercury you drive yeah [ __ ] yes dude I'm really good at drawing pretty much that was really disappointing I think you got his tone correct looks pretty mercury ready it's pretty good this [ __ ] comments gonna make this guy's day and then he's singing a musical note that's pretty good comic darling also boo how do you think he did the notes do you think there's an option to make your own music is probably the first Mario maker not real people made [ __ ] insane and never play I didn't actually burn it but Oh flood escape it's the last one on the list that's pretty good okay all right 11:41 does that mean that's that's how long it took him to finish it I hope not oh it's flooding dude quick or Mario will drown a real will drown Jo oh god dudes [ __ ] run you probably could have jumped on it there and stopped it stopped it from its path you can kill her yet well alright yeah you can kill that guy you know you could have just killed that you told me Oh Homer Simpson kill what the [ __ ] matter he is it's like a slightly bigger than human sized Bowser I think it's a cool sprite honestly that guy was alive in real life he would be like 6 foot 1 6 foot 1 Bowser I escaped the flood I guess that was really riveting that was lame whew you're kingboo 36 seconds well definitely wasn't 11 minutes all right Tomer go to a detailed search those puzzle solving detailed search ok let's see search music but this one locks you in completely someone at Nintendo probably made this broccoli I can't imagine a world where this guy ran home with the game in his hand and immediately started on this yeah and made it in 15 minutes because he was so excited to make this specifically I want them to do the Simpsons theme tomorrow don't care about splatoon play a song I recognize they do that dude screw Katamari oh you liked it okay no it did get out of there I like the end he's getting stabbed in the feet okay wait down down down down Zelda do that I want to hear Zelda here it comes got goosebumps did you did you are you skipping it the socks dude when I do this it moves faster for some reason you're writing the song I guess it just kind of plays as you pat what the [ __ ] you listen to the entirety of the Zelda song and then got bullied if you get you [ __ ] dork what you see someone was able to complete it in 18 minutes in 18 seconds I want to try to do that faster I want to you want to win that mushroom you idiot now I know this makes it go faster runs back Mario I lost some major frames there at the end I'm sorry Tomar alright this is gonna be that level the people speedrun like 1.1 undone doom yeah I still I'm like five seconds short of the leader was really bad how do you make up he must have figured out some trick some cool trick that doctors hate him about Kayla strolling link he come to town he gumbo save no Princess Zelda was that actually by System of a Down I remember everyone said it was by System of a Down I'm pretty sure it was it doesn't sound anything like them yeah no it's like people like the Duke Nukem theme is by Megadeth or something wait really yeah I don't believe that yeah well here's something that sounds remotely like something they're familiar with and they just like I could think of a million example you know this is like LimeWire arrow wherever he was [ __ ] like labeled wrong and [ __ ] so that was always labeled as by System of a Down Oh Duke Nukem theme was always labeled as by Megadeth and I honestly still don't know who wrote 96 quite bitter being or whatever because it's been labeled as like all these different [ __ ] bands that look like link to you looks just like the [ __ ] that's linked I'll grab my stuff Thanks look he's got a little cheek I didn't mean to do that okay he's got two giant teeth good enough he is saying no Chris you can't say the gamer word nice oh okay okay that's good nice I'll grab my stuff thinking Atlantis or is that okay let's sink Atlantis it's literally letters that say Atlantis guys name is lantus only 13% clear their name is LAN what's this guy's [ __ ] deal sorry this is important sorry okay Tomer this one's for you buddy oh you shouldn't have now that will always be there you usually have to step away from it because it tries not to block your view so this is supposedly Atlantis huh look at him what big swim yeah those things are [ __ ] pieces of [ __ ] they don't die when you step up [ __ ] they're like little mango goombahs mango did they just live forever and you have to deal with them is that what I'm going to [ __ ] glean from this die I just have to do with [ __ ] Atlantis this is a lake in the woods this is Atlantis I liked it this puzzle is being solved with this hapless thing with sentience appleís I don't think these are that sucks have fun starting that again [ __ ] this I was making progress now the progress that's always Mario's excuse do you think mark alright but this look tomar is it a hand this look like a hand actually but no looks like a little sock puppet it's a little little guy going ah Tomer look it's Atlantis [ __ ] it isn't lantee and yeah it's an Atlantian he's got a fin he's just a shark and he's got gills he's just a shark with not sharp teeth there you go that's frickin sweet reach the goal as Super Ball Mario his Super Ball mark I guess that's in Mario Land yeah he has super balls it was the manual yeah we gotta be super bowl' Mario at the end where you lose this is the best Mario theme of all time I think I'm on the moon yeah Mario needs a new girlfriend I mean like nobody in this universe really has particularly a lot to say so yeah but at least Mario does something well I guess is grab her face is a cool idea she also has magical emotion powers really oh yeah forgot about speed they made a platformer game where she cries or something but really yeah there there's a whole the entire like core gameplay is based around like emotional states what the [ __ ] is he gonna blow yeah Wow so does she have something where she like flips into like a lik Spartan rage but on her period like Devil Trigger I love that oh there we go get the high castle what a level like Mario Land he just walks in completely discolored and freaks everyone out you'll become babe Oh someone beat this in 19 seconds can you beat them absolutely no problemo okay 19 seconds we go Mario 3 there you go that was pretty easy I was pretty good how long it take me to-- definitely more than 19 seconds but God still go 30 Princess Peach Princess Peach Aliotti it's like that in the waves it bows out and symmetrically oh god she's got smoke her cheeks she gets in a car accident looks like this there's a crowd that's pretty good she's blowing a kiss this is what you've been saving to the castle oh if you got banned for this drawing the design got a set get sued by nintendo if you're gonna drop each draw her right oh let's see what else people this guy says bad guys love it bangs dangling day that's me little stink it's pretty cool what about this guy fun yeah great contribution there buddy sea or sky easy I wouldn't do that was easy you want to do it okay let's see what he's talking about and we're swimming through the sky what he's talking about you never know alright let's see wow great okay this is already a fun level that's cool it's definitely not the sky go low go low what the [ __ ] Oh dark on you alright so I guess this guy labeled this easy to just to [ __ ] with me because it's easy go up go uh why would anyone [ __ ] there must be a [ __ ] in their armor someone Jesus dude watch what the [ __ ] we can't be saying stuff like that no more wait I'm confused why is it doing that no you definitely got it oh you can go below okay can we just cheat this whole [ __ ] thing like do it this guy deserves it at this point Oh God Wow look I'm [ __ ] skipping your hometown no you got pretty good oh did I like okay Wow yeah alright take that oh oh this is the sky part that's just man he's trying to be an [ __ ] from the beginning he's an [ __ ] yeah this guy can [ __ ] run out the door and run and crouch trying to stop and [ __ ] chortle my [ __ ] I'm so tired of his soul wow dude blue screen up the side the sky put in an [ __ ] yeah a gaping shrieking okay well maybe blurry what the [ __ ] I was trying to jump on that thing see if maybe I could like get a little bit lift off of it but I think I just have to kind of like hope I don't land on that my turn you saw yeah if I do you see that my turn okay we go oh god I forgot mark mario has momentum and such things harder than I thought you ready love a real man forget how like slippery original Mario is until you pick it up Mario is kind of consistently slippery he's really slippery in Mario 64 - is he I think so mmm I mean I'm sure that like Mario speed runners would take issue with me saying that but he does have like inertia and stuff like it does kind of slip and slide and nerdy yeah I guess yeah enter TIA oh you [ __ ] destroyed that parasailing fish skills [ __ ] cow is gravich also this is not easy you [ __ ] [ __ ] biscuit here it was kind of easy when I cheated yesterday I'm gonna try and cheat it somehow see you know this is pretty hard we might want to replace this footage with someone who's better than us we might be like the first gaggle of folk that played this cuz I'm not seeing all those Mario X's you know what I mean oh yeah there's not a lot of things getting posted this is a brand [ __ ] new level dude yeah absolutely spankin it's guy's a [ __ ] oh [ __ ] almost this speedrunning thing I do like that they make you actually beat your own level yeah that's pretty nice yeah but I'm sure he [ __ ] is an [ __ ] and cheated it you think yeah he's an [ __ ] look at it look what he did okay you stay away from that yeah you got a bump that with your [ __ ] knife you go to the right there you go oh no what does that do it turns all the coins into blocks and the blocks into coins I don't think I think you're better off without it what is the point of this [ __ ] oh I'm gonna have to chase a [ __ ] shell back there or something no this would have been if you had if the p-block and all those that disappeared no oh Jesus [ __ ] Jeff trap look speedrun you ready speed running speed running speed running yeah no [ __ ] I propose that you go to the left on top of that thing and just jump around to see if he put like a hidden block so his stupid ass could beat this level without I bet a lot of people do do that you really stick little cheats in yeah for themselves like okay I guess this guy I guess he's something or other yeah he thinks he's so cool all the Mario speed runners are totally laughing at us right now like they've played this [ __ ] level nobody's played this [ __ ] level we're the first the key is literally yet make sure you don't set off the P block and then you don't have to hit any of these really [ __ ] Columbus spreading diseases unto this level first before any other okay so this part is kind of hard let's try to just keep your momentum okay go on a door and it better not be the wrong one I swear to Christ they're laughing at me why do they let weight which will be right and I pick the right this guy's a [ __ ] I [ __ ] hate him yeah you put a bunch of laughing lips and therefore you better beat his level now after all the [ __ ] we talked yeah he's a bad person and in and out [ __ ] in and out in and out burgers have you noticed that this is also like a weird like syncopated like or I don't know how to describe it it's Mario but it's just like off like he's dropping this guy made the music tomar I don't think it's made by the guy it could be okay yeah you're really clever [ __ ] you oh [ __ ] oh great now here's this again [Music] yes yes yes you weren't you could have been lower you really couldn't lower like bin Laden's brother is really low to the floor below sama bin load been lower been loading Oh was [ __ ] it's just it's just riddled with these things I don't know if there's really any advantage to going low this is hell dude let me out okay well I'm just gonna just take it from you it's gonna be boss fight yeah leave that do not look bad this is bad is bad oh [ __ ] oh they're just gonna keep giving you fire oh yes you can as long as you keep picking off you live forever needed okay [ __ ] you just [ __ ] him up Oh God he can he like ground pounded you that's me Parkinson's you see that yeah [ __ ] dude there you go he's dead he's gone that's the key you don't even need the other one just get the [ __ ] out of this universe Chris look at this it's all easy now yeah see that you get the hell out of there stupid yeah get out of this stupid [ __ ] love how much longer is this okay alright and I can't even go to the castle he is such a loser I [ __ ] hate that guy you should you should let him know in the form of a drawing I like how much actual spite is going into this draw right now make sure you label it so he knows who it is write it in a color just make it clear just how deliver it this alway yeah good [ __ ] you guy you [ __ ] fedora [ __ ] did you say to sign it [ __ ] [ __ ] okay yes [ __ ] you no one's gonna play your level again god oh god you switch boss switch oh my god that's like a Nintendo switch I don't want to see that don't you want to see the Nintendo switch as know by Mario 12% clear rate oh my god must be hard if I don't see Mario on screen in the next minute and a half here my penis clean off the television comment well photo what an accomplishment yeah Triforce okay I like reading other people's [ __ ] we imagine if someone came up to your eulogy and was like also here to ten thousand comments on Mario maker level oh god that stops them that's amazing I got the Hat mommy I did too you got the Hat okay now what now you are immortal now nothing can hurt your head you can do that look at you Wow nice well I should luckily you had the Hat and everything yeah you were on top of the world doesn't intend don't know how to like make Mario put it underneath him or something listen yeah I want Mario - just in case himself in multiple shells for some reason I thought of Mario doing like a tuck job this time I'm not gonna die so easily did you mark my word we just gotta be moving forward okay now I'm kind of [ __ ] on top no your side yeah it's just lungs links you in watch are you [ __ ] stupid he's pressing the buttons now that's kind of cool yeah it's really fun to wait goddamnit you [ __ ] pasty there you go thank you good come on come on you get get close enough to piss him off there yeah [ __ ] that's scary now you gotta get the [ __ ] out of there that kind of frightened me there this flag represents em this is apparently a cool idea so you like it stands for it stands for know which stands for mother rugs and go forward and it'll work yeah those will disappear oh my goodness gracious me great balls of fire yes damn that's [ __ ] scary sure is I don't want that coin oh my god cool idea says peach if she holds back was the cool idea that you jump into the lava [ __ ] kill yourself guess what clip I'm gonna play there hey it's saved from the last time oh yeah yeah so it should be fine this time alright except no it's not you just go in and hit it is it a random every time I don't know well what are you done I'm killing my little Mario I can't believe you've done this can't believe you [ __ ] done this to me that is it's a donkey saying F and then like a guy with a little Charlie Chaplin mustache that looks suspiciously like a certain looking mustache alright someone found something there [ __ ] what did you find you ups in this game I don't think so no I'm sure that there's probably a thing that keeps track of who gets the highest score that's this kind of clever honestly oh are you just like [ __ ] them up yeah you just helping these shells get through one idea oh no it's raining men hallelujah oh no I lost my fighter wasn't doing nothing for you yeah he burned to death I will say some of these levels are pretty good remember in [ __ ] New Super Mario Bros when bowser falls into the fire and straight-up turns into a skeleton does he yeah that's kind of quietly burns to death and then like pops back out for a second as a skeleton is that - 64 or no that's that's like new super mario brothers yes once right yeah actually do remember that now so Mario actually murders his nemesis yeah liking his wife I think you fight him as a skeleton again and then like the turtle puts him in a [ __ ] pot and he turns back in a Bowser that's kind of cool Super Mario Sunshine Sandberg everyone's favorite part of sunshine yeah everyone really look why would you recreate that an 8 the 8 ancient cave coins that sounds like a lot of collecting that I don't want to do cloud top climb let's do that one all right clear a 24 percent you know I don't like percentages well why is at the top of the giant sprout don't get careless this is made by Karate Joe I don't [ __ ] trust that he's any good at karate at all is it karate Joe the name of that movie with like the giant monkey and then he like falls off of Ferris wheel at the end that's not a joke doesn't die Karate Joe was like a Kirby character oh really yeah you're thinking of knuckle Joe that is wrong okay the only difference is I was wrong on purpose you're thinking of Knuckles the Echidna yeah damn it now I was wrong by AK I really thought I'd get by there it really pisses me off [Music] how is Mario music so [ __ ] good to omaree because it was written by Japanese guys in the 80s on heroin I don't think they were on heroin that's kind of a bold claim to make there's so no they have to write music that compels them to feel again this is a scary level I don't know what I'm gonna [ __ ] do you give me bad it's pretty crazy than Mario's enemies with no way oh that's what that guy wrote like a diatribe in a boy really eat my side but before I eat yours yeah I know Lucena means all I don't [ __ ] one of this shitty goddamn smash joke well I got here okay and then there's a thing you got the key coins I got all two of them now you can do your laundry he's not afraid of a [ __ ] powerful enemy the timing on this one's a loss got it you just have to wait for oops love this [ __ ] again tomorrow I thought what the [ __ ] booth is [ __ ] good person to do okay judo booty that second part that goes it's like the same music used at peaches funeral oh yeah when she dies canonically yeah except it's done with a an organ I gotta say all those little morning mushroom and kind of got to me I didn't think they would more mushroom in yeah they all put on their Sunday best somewhere in the princess this guy's a [ __ ] brutal monster Tamar have you ever legitimately cried at a video game I think I was just saying the other day that I don't think I have I cried when I first played Final Fantasy as a young boy oh yeah yeah when when thingö died when Pincus you know when Pincus gets here this gets his finger stuck in the stinking stink it's about made it to the top of the top 15 saddest video game moments on lists calm praise the Sun that's a darkened Souls Reverend you actually say whatever you want I think Wow okay those guys are gonna get stopped I can say the f-word yeah probably I mean I don't know there's probably a language filter for that we could probably draw the F word yes people do that I would have to report it and someone will I like that honestly I think they probably have AI that can just read what people write someone beat that in 38 seconds there's a hidden secret somewhere wait what the [ __ ] is this the same level Oh No please play my level oh okay alright since he said please that's a fair presented by gems aid I just see that it took him seven or eight minutes to beat his own level I think that might be how much time they spend making their own level oh I can't step on the night oh you can oh that that's what you're supposed to alright didn't know he could step on swamps did you see that yeah a lot you don't know Chris about this world I guess you could step on table since 64 okay yes so is it just gone now yeah I guess we'll start over or just let him know what we think bah bah be that baby hate your game I want him to just think that possibly a baby like start over though he's just haunted at night wakes about that baby [Music] dude I died I'm the first death on this [ __ ] level of all time this is me oh you got a little fire up your ass when you run that's cool that's a just stance you are oh no [ __ ] dude dude this level is hard oh my god I thought he was literally saying oh my god but that this guy was gonna be a nicer guy when he said please play my level but it turns out well at least you got at least one baby that hey oh my god that's [ __ ] scary okay oh okay it's got a big angry grin get that star man get the elbow go away bomb but a slam it but slam it needed the bomb to break the stars Oh try but slamming it just destroy the for you you got me dude we've been race sorry tomar sometimes I'm just not that good at video games there you go ah you had it damn can I give it a go yeah hands real sweaty I'm sorry that's a [ __ ] I got a start all the way back here yeah all right play a little bit okay that was an amazing technique yeah I meant to do that all right all right here's things how you make the [ __ ] salami got [ __ ] kill me ah you [ __ ] fine there we go oh yeah you just broke it open for you yeah goddamn it but did he do a good enough job I don't think so yeah you know they think beggars can't be choosers but [ __ ] come on really wait hold on I managed to pick that up and get that like bouncing on another one all right cool there okay cool neato and I got my mushroom back so they can crush down through that whole roadblock yeah or even better I can [ __ ] get angry at this because of how I guess I could do that oh my god are you really gonna make it it's difficult why it seems like Mario should be able to one fit in the tiny one Mario hole if he's small and put over I figured out a way to [ __ ] in there we go all you ever needed yeah you're welcome for playing your level [ __ ] I am in a scary ghost house that was my reward I get stuck here yeah baby didn't like it okay tomorrow I will give this to you I will figure out how to unravel the chords of time that only is a five percent clear a six out of 105 attempts Wow so we're part of the elite that's right I'm the 1% and say shady boom-booms castle you better pick a good one your boom-booms castle has ever beaten this or played it will you defeat boom-boom I believe in your ability to yellow [ __ ] jump okay I'd better not catch you in these parts again Oh God well why is this even happening you got to throw those those dudes Oh dog listen if you have one shot one opportunity could you throw that guy at the thing and make him do it you suck dude I don't want to go back all you have to do is go right and you were oh my god yeah that will give you a [ __ ] yeah that was actually probably better yeah yeah okay yeah now [ __ ] those guys up Wow Oh dude that's what I'm supposed to do you know I always thought that was a kind of a skill Wow I freaking think Mario's kind of stupid you know yeah I don't know how I do on like an IQ test or anything yeah well this is supposed to go no but it was a compelling thing to get you uh to you off your feet you know now do you go back yeah go back through the thing and just fly away oh yeah maybe that's it I just need to come back with the feather maybe yeah there you go well done you want to fly well you should have taken the flower you absolute Mook I tell you I tried to warn him this is my life now this guy has no arms or hands or opposable thumbs or genitals oh you did it go right just don't [ __ ] die yeah you you got this I told my I knew you were cool Oh [Music] you got proven yourself on this day I was the first to conquer boom boom you are gonna pee now say baby make boom-boom maybe make a boom-boom it looks like oh that's the guy though that's the guy himself and he beat it in 30 seconds so you probably put a little shortcut for himself a little backdoor action if you know what I mean yeah probably who wants to play you Pliny's [ __ ] his own [ __ ] yes okay I'm implying exactly that since we played five other people of beat MIT the castle of me that sounds pretty cool Wow all right let's let's go on this guy's a little ego trip what would you do if it was just a photorealistic full scale model of him and Mario just went up his [ __ ] might be like that's what the castle of me is I would play the hell yeah I want some new experiences in my life yeah I need some boar in my mario bors something Mario could do well if they really tried I think they already have I guess it wasn't the Mario & Luigi game all about being inside Bowser yeah it was actually they go up as your wreath rings oh [ __ ] drop that at the end Bowser [ __ ] speech and Mario Luigi you have to pump up his wiener to get it working destroy his sperm from the inside Mario is crying the whole time he's like do it that would be an awesome film dude holy [ __ ] that's a great idea where I goes into another guy's testicles and pull apart his sperm while I didn't pregnant a woman so that maybe comes out of whole departments [Laughter] I'm apt admit that's a good idea I I can admit nothing less mmm let's keep the passing action going that was fine what about PPP more just three Connor O'Brien from Ireland they'll give you orders go boy yeah he's this one's just called three threes a good name it's not an NG and nine G okay here we go and this one sucks already and I hate it and it sucks my dick dude no go back well now it comes to an looking cat Mario not swim is that like a feature of cat Mart no he can swim just fine sure am I gonna get stuck down I'm gonna go all this way and it's gonna maybe turn all the way back around and you don't know with that you're fine okay that's good level design buddy good job [ __ ] Bryce just when you thought a thing wouldn't come out and beat the crap out of you surprise oh wow wasn't even controlling myself come here come here did he just turn in vegetables how can he do such a thing you totally got all those deaths over next to him you're an [ __ ] tomorrow you're supposed to take my son okay I'm clipping out of the pipe there kind of raises a box with that was pretty cool there you go okay come here Cooper a little questionable on the physics of that where are we all right get ready you're gonna [ __ ] this guy smash his goddamn skull see he gains invincibility on his last round that Peas me off his last round of life I murdered the turtle of the forest what a majestic dead creature that block yes sir there you go this is Mario traveling through your urethra [ __ ] I didn't mean to do that reverse you can't do [ __ ] in these newfangled Mario's you can't even jump you can't even walk whoa look at that I don't think you want to touch his back I just want to rest Mario's little ass crack on that tickles my ball boobs oh [ __ ] this is scary I want to floss my slop with it what's he doing even making me angry [ __ ] out of them before whatever that is happens to you dude Connor O'Brien knows what's up he really does I was sick okay tomar or a while yeah I guess we're kind of neutral on now good but you're also a child so I forgive you Jesus I can land some truth bombs super-depressing Hill let's do this scowling man so do you have to get all the 50 coin block I'm not off to it you can get another kitty cat oh I guess there's like 50 coin and thing is exactly the big fat 54 yeah yeah yeah find him oh I bet there's one on that yellow mushroom I'm if there's one on this depressing animal oh my god is depressing yeah it's just like a massacre also there's no music what the [ __ ] this is really depressing yeah I think that's alright this is a [ __ ] depressing Hill I'm leaving you should have at least given him a boo yeah you should have said boo you're Hills not depressing enough if if anything I think it's plenty depressed why do people always make level-one okay what let's let's go back to like popular cuz these are all just [ __ ] nothing I'm just funny what about the sinking citadel returns yeah it's kind of short and sweet and it's made by a Canadian boss man clear rate 12% oh boy have fun Lyle oh boy lost man listen boss man I'm gonna level with you you don't like me you know with you cuz he made one for you that's pretty good 59 I bet he'd they're just gonna keep doing to this to you to disarm you and then they're gonna fire a huge brush right what the [ __ ] I think you just got to reset it by going back out and back in okay so maybe like something that goes on here get that right that no that's just a [ __ ] green Oh useless uh okay there we go do you member the sneaky snake song a sneaky snake song yeah that's like well damn sneaky snakes good song I don't know sneaky snake song is a classic angling and a Kissin a wiggling and a hissing and a wiggling accessory folks know it's American I believe we're all damn sneaky snakes I thought your whole thing was a guy that had snakes or something we talking about snake snake Patrick a snake Patrick well he's name is Fitzpatrick deleted all of the snakes and then he wiped his hard drive clean and he left he had all of the Nokia phones with snake on him smashed so tough well I don't want nothing to do with this no more dude say boo knock him down a few pegs and then get out of here I'm gonna pull rank here you punk there we go I ever see you at sort of Mario maker you better [ __ ] be ready you Canadian boss know where you died it's just gonna say you yuppie boy good way to land Anika I saw you baby that's right here you go sweet child of mine basically a level a fairly simplistic level for those looking for something straightforward or even chords this is what I pick this this is basically a level I would say 90% idk there's a lot of like indifference going on here I think I think will fit right in it's not easy but it's not hard you were saying this is definitely a level awesome I kicked it off I got it wrong okay that's a don't kick it off don't feel like that guy with me what do that guy say it's basically a level Wow basically just like a level forget our memories we're just [ __ ] here this is basically a level I guess there is something like special about just seeing all these weird comments on this level of this guy made called basically a level I'm taking this thing to the end with me what it's a nice traditional that song yeah are you in space is that what's happening there's nothing particularly interesting or challenging or clever I mean it's basically Oh God well you got it pretty much to the end dude he just gave you like $75 what the [ __ ] if that just throws you off he's already funny enough okay let's do metroid zero mission I'm kind of intrigued what is this that's a [ __ ] little statue from the video game I've played yeah the one in the same stupid fish hat look at you trying to be unique you idiot all that samus's ship bro wait dude Lulu that mean that is this mari venti what the [ __ ] you [ __ ] talking about give us mother three agreed no Ridley none of these mean comments are funny five five two three fourteen this is pretty well done actually what's well done about it look the morph ball see it the morph ball just you being big that's shut the [ __ ] up look it's the enemies from the game missiles missiles bro mmm thick I don't like when people objectify women by calling them thick fat ass [ __ ] I don't think they were doing that I think they're just saying that the [ __ ] stage is a thing yeah blow them up and hey nothing [ __ ] it's like that goes Oh gave you the missiles and now it's been destroyed that's how you center with that huh yeah it's far fetched a little far-fetched is it aw poor babies well no that's kind of mean I'm sorry let's go up here and have a fun old yeah I'm you can't get on top I guess no you cannot tomar he brought you Tintin he gave the illusion of choice by coming up here but it actually ended with anything so at that rate this waters raise up tell them we wouldn't into this now I'm gonna [ __ ] new place all right listen here gamers we're gonna need you to band together and call this guy a Mook wait looking around for tricks and tips this is met Roy this is how I remember it yeah it's just like Metroid with Bowser's Castle on the [ __ ] bleeping of fireballs and it's sleeping Yoshi yeah those things that fly up in the air and then float down on those things huh that's all they were to you mister I remember them yeah yeah well yes correct tomaron that is correct hey you can't throw [ __ ] at me is this ridley I was crate look just because you have a name that's not [ __ ] fair I dropped onto a thing yeah and then it was buu draw this man something withdrawal metric mattress yeah it's a Samus Aran okay that's shoulders [ __ ] that's her tits you know video games video games oh cool put a D in there make it met rod there we go met rod with a little exclamation like you could have easily just put it in is enough it's like a believable mistake [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause]
Channel: OneyPlays
Views: 433,320
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Super Mario Maker 2, Super Mario Maker 2 gameplay, Super Mario Maker 2 switch, mario maker, mario maker 2 gameplay, mario maker 2 review, mario maker sequel, mario maker oneyplays, mario maker 2 oneyplays, mario maker 2 funny, super mario, super mario maker, mario maker 2 oney plays, mario maker oney plays, oney plays nintendo, oney plays nintendo switch, mario maker funniest moments, super mario maker 2 switch review, super mario bros., super mario maker 2 funny, oneyplays
Id: dMlyw1SCHhs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 84min 28sec (5068 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 25 2020
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