Challenger Approaching - Pokémon: Let's Go, Eevee! Beat Red

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hello everyone and welcome to the games done quick hotfix my name is adef and i'll be your host this evening this is challenger approaching the show that features challenge runs and the runners that perform them tonight we will have etiquette performing pokemon let's go eevee beat red and we'll hear what that's all about in just a second but some announcements first agdq 2022 online game and volunteer submissions are closed but stay tuned for more volunteering opportunities coming up at as we get closer to the event also if you miss out on any gdq hotfix shows like this one check out our archive of past runs and shows at gamesdonequick and now i i have something to read uh etiquette shen if that's okay with the both of you go for it okay this is just just uh this was uh i wrote this it just feels important on february 12th 2021 on this very show challenger approaching a humble shenanigans underscore put on display the pokemon emerald speedlock challenge joining him on comms were host adef and fellow pokemon speed legends keys around and etiquette the run a success the commentary questionable but that day a tradition was born it was foretold by the challenge run scholars that these three runners these three titans these three heroes would trade off appearances on this very show cycling through runner and calms ensuring that the commentary booth would never be what a traditional marathon runner might call very good but the prophecy was prophesied nonetheless so exactly one month later keizeron got his turn running the pokemon emerald evolution chaos challenge on this very same show on march 12th 2021 he put on a spectacular albeit comically unlucky performance aided on comms again by aidef shannon etiquette the prophecy continued to herald truth but then the history books fell silent the bards sung no more tales of pokemon challenge runs and their place in the annals of history for when they cried to themselves late at night win in their most lonesome moments when was etiquette's turn adef pride and pride at etiquette steeled heart in his discord dms the people need it they need you the prophecy need to be fulfilled he screamed in text and etiquette's response to such a dire call uh life is kind of busy right now i'm actually just kind of like doing a lot of stuff and i'm i'm not really sure i like have a run to do so but with enough time and enough fervor true destiny always wins the day fate always succumbs to the bitter desire of the twitch chat room so here we all are back again nearly eight months to the day after that first show to watch etiquette perform pokemon let's go eevee beat red challenge boys take it away i don't even know if i want to follow that up that was amazing i'm just picturing etiquette waking up every morning his phone's like 105 degrees dms just flying through hey when are you coming on the show hey when are you coming on the show you want to come on the show every day every day uh regrettably keysron cannot join us this evening uh but uh shen and i are gonna do our best to pick up the slack um so etiquette whenever you're ready you know give us a countdown all right i gotta get into the game so i had to set the clock first real quick um we'll explain why in a little bit and might be able to show off a new discovery uh later on if the plan fails but anyways um my name is etiquette we're doing pokemon let's go eevee beat red challenge we'll explain what all of those words mean in a little bit i mean pokemon should be self-explanatory the rest [Music] and we are ready to go in three two one go good luck have fun thanks all right so this is pokemon let's go uh let's go eevee beat red um so the objective of this game or this this challenge run um also speedrun is going to be to beat pokemon trainer red at the end of the game um not many people know or not everyone knows that uh red is actually a fightable npc in this game in order to unlock red you have to beat the game and then beat six of the master trainers master trainers are trainers that are unlocked at the end of the game and they are basically basically trainers that specialize in a single pokemon so there's actually 153 of them i think because there's the original 151 and then the two gen 7 mythicals melton ml metal um and the the trick with those fights is that you because they specialize in one pokemon you have to specialize in one pokemon as well um in order to beat them you will become the pidgey master or the eevee master um and so those fights are very difficult they are high level um the lowest is going to be level 65 the highest is level 75. and they're uh you can only use the one pokemon in battle and you can't use any items in battle so for anyone who has seen a pokemon speedrun you may know we like to abuse things like x um that is not something we can do we can't even heal in battle if we don't have a healing move so um we have some interesting strategies to take out six of those master trainers once we do those six master trainers we will have red unlocked and we can go battle red red is a team full of level 80 plus pokemon um you know boosted stats all around and it's a it's in a similar boat you can use more than one pokemon but you still can't use items so it's a pretty difficult fight um but yeah aside from that the the start of this is more or less the normal let's go speed run so you can explain a little bit about that but um [Music] i guess yeah etiquette tell us a little bit about like you know obviously let's go is quite different from your traditional mainline pokemon speedrun right like the catching mechanics are very different even battle mechanics seem somewhat different right so like give us the sort of elevator pitch on let's go speed runs yeah so let's go is um we're actually gonna see it right now uh in order to catch a pokemon you have to do this and it is motion controls um a lot of people don't like the motion controls they're actually not too bad if you if you sit down and practice them um and get consistent at them every now and then we'll do a throw and it will end up like on the other side of the world but most of the time uh they can be pretty consistent and that is one of the biggest changes from the original games um this was sort of a spin-off it's a main series game but it's kind of a spin-off um that's aimed more toward the pokemon go fan base um as well as you know younger kids in general um so it has the same sort of circle you don't battle the wild pokemon you sort of throw the ball with the motion controls all that kind of stuff um and the the main reason why that is so prevalent in this run as opposed to like another pokemon speedrun where you you know like oh we just catch like maybe our new main pokemon maybe we get a few pokemon to use hms um this game has gym requirements and basically every gym that we go into is going to have a requirement to enter it the first gym we need to have a water or grass type pokemon um the gym in fuchsia city koga's gym has a requirement where we have to catch 50 pokemon so this being a generation 1 remake there's only 151 pokemon really for us to choose from so um we are forced to catch a third of the available pokemon and so that really gives us some unique uh unique runs like no run is going to be the same we have a pool of about 60 to 65 maybe 70 on the top end pokemon that we could catch from run to run uh we have 50 planned pokemon but really the the catch rod is going to differ from run to run so heavily um so it really is a unique experience every time you do a run it has a lot of elite four round two vibes if you're familiar with like firehead speedrunning just another really cool category where you have to catch you know 50 or 60 pokemon to advance the game i think that's really cool how you have to adapt based off what you catch yeah and another thing with this game specifically is um they kind of tweaked like the experience formula yeah um and so trainers give you almost no experience at least compared to like wild catches um the the first trainer we're gonna fight aside from our rival is going to be um the the youngster up here and um he actually gives you like nine experience it's like a level three rattata why is it nine experience that's so little but yeah um the game really emphasizes catching like i just mentioned that's nine experience for a level three rattata uh this is probably a level three pidgey and it's going to be how much experience for a catch 40. cool that's like over four times as much experience just for catching something as opposed to defeating it that's some math let's go yeah a lot of it comes down to the multipliers so there's like a base experience you get for uh let's say catching a pokemon that pidgey may have been a 10 base experience um etiquette did an excellent throw that might be like a 2x multiplier i'm not sure exactly the numbers but there's all kinds of bonuses you can get you get the first ball throw so if you catch something on the first ball you get a multiplier um something you'll be seeing later on is if you throw two balls at the same time with the partner trainer that'll be another bonus and the bonuses multiply like crazy amounts you can get this like up to maybe 10 times xp based off of some of the pokemon you're catching yeah there's there's a lot of things that go into it i don't know the exact numbers um a lot of those sounded correct um you also get a catch if something is a new pokemon yeah so like i've never caught a pidgey before so i just got extra experience for that um there's also we don't we're not gonna see it in this run but there is also a catch chain mechanic so if i'm catching the same pokemon over and over um it'll boost my multiplier so the common way to grind levels was to like catch chain chansey you'd gain a billion experience um one mechanic with that chaining thing as well as you find a rarer pokemon so in some of the other categories like uh there's a category called all obtainable pokemon where you catch you know all the obtainable pokemon in one game uh it might be worth it to chain you know 10 ratatas in order to find a rarer pokemon later on that could be a strategy that you use that's great oh that was actually pretty good yeah i didn't see if you checked the stats on the eevee um this evie has perfect ivs uh which is just a multiplier not multiplier it's a bonus to each of your stats so it can be zero to 31 cv is all 31 so you'll have much better stats than an average ev and it also has a nature which i don't think we saw but uh that will boost and hinder a stat by 10 so hopefully we got a good one yeah so i i checked it right when i first got the eevee um i forgot to save before yeah i that i was gonna say something but resetting for your starter actually is really unfortunate so i probably would have just taken a bad nature unless it was like awful um but yeah this uh is a docile eevee so it actually isn't boosted or hindered in any stats it's a completely neutral nature which is good yeah there's five natures that boost and hinder the same stat so it's effectively no change yeah and for uh for eevee you don't want minus attack or minus special attack um obviously you want to be dealing as much damage as possible you can deal with minus speed but it's not ideal um evie is like on the cusp of outspeeding a lot of things as opposed to pikachu which is sort of the other um the sister game you know the pikachu is faster than everything and the things that's not faster than it uses a move that has priority um so it gets to go first anyways so uh speed matters a lot less in pikachu but yeah i probably mentioned this is not a regular eevee it has buffed base stats compared to a normal eevee same with the pikachu if you're to play on the pikachu version but it makes it actually a really good pokemon for at least the the first half of the game eventually the cv isn't going to cut it anymore and we'll switch to something else but for now it's solid like really good for the early game yeah the one of the problems with this game and it kind of it kind of irks me when people say like this game is so easy because i mean it is on the easier side um especially for speedrunning uh one thing you're gonna notice is that not a lot of fights are dangerous um as opposed to like other pokemon games like a lot of pokemon games they'll have a run killer at like 20 minutes in and then you have another one like maybe a few minutes later and there's probably a dozen things that can just kill your run um this game doesn't really have that which is really nice for beginners um you do have to deal with the weird catch mechanics and like the idea behind catch routing but fights in general aren't going to be too difficult um the one thing is this game has a very severe level bump um once you get about halfway through the game you fight a boss that has uh you know level 35 pokemon and the next mandatory battle that you have to face has level 45 pokemon um so it is like a significant level bump now granted we do sort of skip a few things so it's kind of on us but um because of that level bump we just can't realistically keep using the eevee without being severely under level like the the ev has the boosted bass stats to make it a little bit better the ev can't evolve um so we're never going to become a jolteon so we don't get that boost in stats so they gave you the boost stats um by having it be a special eevee but even with those boosted stats it's just not comparable to something that's just a higher level oh boy sand there we go this is this fight right here makes me want to run pikachu sometimes because pikachu just won shots yeah just one hits unturned one all right so coming up here is going to be the first big section of catching um we have to catch 50 pokemon as we go through the game like i mentioned um i am keeping track of it on my end uh we have tracker programs that we can just click on the pokemon's faces when we catch them um it'll count it for us this is they're gonna be them yeah there's gonna be a few areas where we do that um and this item is really going to help us with that yeah so uh most pokemon games you'll use repels when you're going through areas or to not get encounters in this game it's actually preferable these lures a lot of the time which make more encounters appear but that's more than just that um first off here's the double ball throw an excellent throw on the first ball so hopefully this wheel gets in they'll be worth a lot of experience but back to the lures they will give a level boost to the pokemon as well i think it's always one level it's about going to appear one level higher uh you also get a lower bonus when you catch a pokemon by the way look at that pidgey getting like three levels you get so much experience for these catches um but yeah the the lure bonus is really good you want to be using one pretty much any time you're catching so uh we'll be using lures throughout the run uh it is kind of a double-edged sword in a way because it makes it so you have to dodge a lot of pokemon while you're walking through areas which is kind of annoying but um pretty manageable and that it gets pretty good at dodging i feel like by now pikachu's oh that's a rare pokemon then really good yeah and the other thing so this pikachu you're gonna see it's tiny um in the overworld the pokemon has like a swirl around it um if it's a blue swirl it means it's tiny if it's a red swirl it means it's big um doesn't matter at all like the pokemon is the same regardless the only difference is the amount of experience we get is going to change so the last catch i did had a 6.6 times multiplier this has a 9.8 times multiplier um so it's a ton of experience level 10 is actually what we need when we exit um kick is double kick is so good for brock as well like yeah clearly clearly a balancing choice they made they're like oh yeah how should they get through with the main yeah actually both of them learn double kick evie learns it at level 10 pikachu learns that at level 9. yeah they do require you i find this really funny by the way they require you to have a grass or a water type pokemon you enter the gym because you need something that's super effective against a rock type pokemon and there's only uh two types that you can get in the early game or ground type you need something super effective against i think but uh your only options are water and grass and you can't catch any water type pokemon in the early game and you can only catch two grass type pokemon one of them is super rare in the forest it's bulbasaur and the other one is oddish or bellsprout depending on which game you're playing uh so there's the bell sprout so see if it goes for it but that is required to go in the brock you actually cannot skip bell sprout because there's no other water or grass state pokemon to capture so have to catch those yeah it's also interesting like you'll go ahead etiquette sorry no you go apart i think it's interesting that since you have like mobile pc basically in this run etiquette will actually be depositing things he catches really often because it's slower for it to be in the party and gain levels when he doesn't need it to so like he removed pidgey from his party and you might be like well you need pidgeotto later it's like yeah but it'll probably be faster in the long run and just catch a pidgeot later yeah one of the one of the big like this route we're doing right now is it's changed a lot but it was kind of set in stone um the first week the game came out um one of the big big first changes to the route that we had was um basically the idea of catching things when they're one level away from evolving or at least as close to evolving as possible so for example i could have gone to the left of viridian city and got in uh knitter and male knitter and female and spiro all of which are really good um knitter and male and knitter and female are both three-stage evolution so we can get a lot of pokemon just for one uh the problem is they come in at level like three and they evolve at level 16 or level 20 for spiro so you end up sitting there leveling up these pokemon in like throughout all these catches and fights ends up being super slow if you just wait till later you both get more experience for them because you're catching a level you know 20 pokemon instead of a level 3 pokemon uh but also it's just gonna be faster to evolve them so uh the one thing i don't have yet is a caterpie so we're gonna sit here real quick um and just respawn this area every time you enter and exit a room uh like this you basically just despawn all the pokemon uh we might be doing this later using repels as well it's a neat little trick so we want to get caterpie and weedle because they are three stage evolutions that only have to go to level 10. uh this category has to go to a level 11 because it can't evolve twice in one level but i do think it's like one thing that's really attractive about this run is you know very rarely it does happen but very rarely will you be like comboed into a random wild encounter you don't want to be in like unintentional wild encounters which are so common and so routed around in most pokemon speedruns uh are not as big a deal in this game yeah you it's kind of you that controls the encounters because you know you have to just dodge the little pokemon sprite that's in the overworld whereas red blue you're walking through mount moon that's like all no i'm getting destroyed by encounters again i can't can't deal with this and the only worry here right is that like you get trapped in between a rock and a hard place and the only way through is like okay go touch the geo dude yeah exactly yeah i uh in general i i much much much prefer both casually and for speed running the overworld encounter system oh that movement tech in those bushes i was sick [Laughter] yeah you say the movement tech as i was like walking into the wall next to the door hey you still saved time ever how i would have gone to that gym oh yeah uh so here's the gym requirement we have to show him a bell sprout um it's not just good enough that we have it in our party we do have to actually select it and so definitely have been times where i'll be just matching a and show him my eevee and he's like sorry that's not a grass or water pokemon it kicks you out of the gym and you have to go back in it could okay that's that's dumb this was always like overworld encounter you know interacting with the pokemon as it is now and in sword and shield was always i feel like a dream for a lot of us as kids right like when i was a kid all i wanted oh in that encounter in diamond and pearl in the first lake when the starly's actually come up to you i thought in that moment i was like oh my god is this game gonna have it and then it didn't and i was very upset yep um all right so this is the first gym leader uh this is brock um not very difficult fight uh if you're minus speed here then you can actually either be one speed slower than the onyx or um or speed tie it and it can be annoying he has um rock throw which is just deals damage and then headbutt as well so headbutt can flinch uh so luckily we don't have minus speed so we can just sort of get through that and then brock gives us probably the best move in the game um at least for the speed run for a tm which is headbutt headbutt is a normal type move it is 70 power yeah it's 70 with 30 flinch chance yes 30 flinch chance which doesn't come up that often but yeah fair there are some fights where uh we kind of do some mean stuff and for some something to be slower than us and then spam headbutt so it flinches yeah and something else to mention is uh there's a mechanic in pokemon called same type attack bonus uh we call it stab uh eevee's a normal type pokemon headbutt's a normal type move which means they match and you get a 1.5 multiplier so this head buttons having 70 power is 105 which is really strong uh a 100 power move and we've done like what four trainer battles is like kind of silly all right now we have some story stuff and then we're going to do our first shop of the run [Music] so this is a remake of generation one uh specifically pokemon yellow um and so what they've done is they've basically given us um a different rival so canonically we are not red we are not the main character from uh generation one we are i think his name is chase i don't know the lore i can't help i know that i know the girl trainer's name is elaine that's all i remember um yeah i think our name is chase and we have a rival whose name is trace great naming um and the the characters from generation one so like that was just blue that was your rival in gen one um he's now you know a big shot trainer who is gonna help us guide us throughout the game still kind of a jerk but not as jerky to us as was in gen 1 that's something i feel like has been lacking from pokemon for a while is a rival that like you hate like gen one kind of nailed it with the arrogant you know arrogant uh gary slash blue but then gold silver and crystal knocked it out of the park with silver yeah who is just an ass [Music] and it gets better over time at least i i like the character developments on silver by the way like there is character development this is by the way the like one of the funniest parts of the whole run uh yeah don't jump that ledge they taught you to jump the ledge to dodge a trainer at the start of the route and then at the second part of the route they put you in the same situation if you jump the ledge you fight the trainer it's so funny to me i absolutely love that it's just such a stupid route but yeah i i fully get you on the uh the rival you hate kind of deal all the rivals are too nice nowadays i guess especially this is a good example somebody's pretty free magikarp well 500 magikarp but free in the sense that that takes one second to get yeah that is i i feel like sun and moon and x and y are the perfect example of like worthless rivals yeah and you get like eight of them too yeah um yeah so the magikarp there is faster than a catch so it's worth getting um catches are roughly 30 seconds a piece um that includes evolution so like if you evolve into something it takes about 30 seconds as well um sometimes a little bit more sometimes a little less depends on the circumstances around it but uh it makes running this game actually really difficult in terms of like having splits because sometimes you have seven pokemon when you beat brock sometimes you have four and so like yes i'm a minute ahead of my pb right now but i'm not actually a minute ahead of my pb and you have to explain it to chat every time and it yeah i love gold splits when people like talk about summer best and stuff like that on these kind of runs that have like random catching it's like oh yeah my some of the best for evie let's go is uh 236 and you know world records three hours and it's like oh well why don't you just get sub three it's easy that's actually not far off from my past i think i'm in like the 240s but still yeah so much faster than what's possible the epitome of incompatible splits yeah exactly all right also something really cool uh that etiquette did was he allowed the bellsprout to get experience in brock's gym because it wouldn't learn any moves so it wasn't like slower to keep it in the party um and then deposit it here so there's gonna be a lot of that kind of routing throughout this run where it's like okay i can keep this book on the party for a little bit longer because i don't need the menu yet but i need the menu like later uh and i want to do my deposits then uh so waited until getting the mount moon after getting the magikarp because you want to get rid of the magikarp and all that also there's the moonstone and the clefairy really helpful the ferry can be kind of a troll in this part of the run but luckily to get it there yeah clefairy is actually a requirement for this run mm-hmm and it jumps right now normally it's a it's a nice rare bonus like it's something you plan for but it's kind of rare so if you miss it it's whatever um but for reasons we'll get to later this is actually a required catch for me giving a uh casual excellent throw in the pokemon jumping around on the left side very difficult i'm always always shocked by how talented the throwing can be in this game it's like actually kind of hard and i was just about to say that like i feel like when i watch you or etchy play this game i'm like i feel like people do not understand that this is a legitimate thing that you don't really practice but you definitely get good at over time it's like oh yeah you you take for granted even an excellent throw on your average pokemon well and the the funny thing is though the the main way i don't know how the camera's cropped or anything the main way that i throw the ball is i have it like up i have the so i have the the joy cons in the little dog ear grip um just because it makes it so i can throw two walls at the same time so the the the double catching there that we do um only gives us the bonus if um it's a synchronized throw so both balls have to hit the pokemon at the same time otherwise you don't get the bonus and so um i just do that to make sure both balls get there at the same time um and the so the way that i throw is i basically have it directly in front of my face and then i just bring it down um the horizontal and i sort of like i don't like smack it but i like hit my leg with it right and there's actually another really consistent method that is the exact opposite motion you start with it out and then you just bring it back like to your face and you just don't really yourself and it's funny how both of those work in basically the exact same way and waiting for a runner to find it like three percent more consistent if they do whack themselves in the face with it so they start doing that for every throw because it's more consistent all right i want a geodude it's quite a few zubats yeah zubat we don't want to get right now three clefairies no geodude that is interesting i'll respawn the room yeah um a bit slow but worth respawning here to get all the encounters back but there it is and it's glowing that's good yeah this is gonna give me like three times more experience or not three one and a half times more experience because it's blowing um there's also a small chance it's like we don't know the exact percentage we think it's around 10 percent that any glowing pokemon you get is like extra big or extra small and instead of a 1.5 times multiplier it's a four times multiplier on top of all of the other multipliers you get so there are sometimes you'll catch that geodude and the geode i just got there was uh 356 experience sometimes you get it it's like 890 and you're like oh okay this is this kind of run today it's really silly um yeah we got all the we got all the those uh standard catches here um one thing that i did that i didn't mean or i mentioned i didn't explain was at the very start of the run um i set my clock that was to make it so that way it was one day when i started the run and it would be the next day by the time i left this room and the reason is the moonstone in the room can respawn at midnight um and if it does respawn then i can get two moonstones for the price of one which is really cool so let's see if it did it did not all right i'm going to show off ooh we got new new stream new tech new tech all right don't mind me just cheating is they can go into the uh the trade the local trade uh whatever you call it like link thing and that like forces yeah nice that forces the time to be updated so you can go and change your date and time because normally if you just change your date and time while you're there the moonstone wouldn't respawn but that just like forces it to which is quite helpful um i'm going to deposit these uh so we do need to keep two pokemon in my party i am done with my catching uh here in mount moon but i um there is a double battle at the end that we have to do so i need to have two pokemon with me i think you keep g8 for that normally right well so a lot of times you'll keep uh butter free actually the problem is the butterfree gains too many levels and if butterfree hits level 13 it literally learns three moves oh gets all the same letters it learns all the powders so ditching that at level 12 really good yeah that's another kind of like pain to that 10 geodude that gives you 8 000 experience we definitely hit level 13 oh a meow that's probably rare you should catch that i wish meowth was the one thing i was missing yesterday was the one thing i couldn't get there's always one it's nice to have a proper backup i imagine now for that moonstone manipulation yeah because it was always something what you would do is you would set your date and go in and if it was there cool if not whatever we never planned for it to be there but it was like it doesn't cost us any time to just set our clock before the run like yeah we lose a couple minutes per reset but um yeah now there's an actual way to do that and it's probably less important you'll probably see it'll be a good backup for like beginners um you probably won't see i'm not catching that that's a good one yeah uh you probably won't see like top runners doing it in any percent but there are catch mall categories where this game has uh three moonstone pickups and there are four pokemon that uh evolve via moonstone so you literally either have to get a double moonstone at some point or catch one of them in the wild um and all of them are one percent encounters i say that of course after i just saw the label but i promise it was one percent yeah you get a couple chances but uh is it is it it's two percent for nido kingdom wings they're on the same route right yeah they're on the same route yeah so it's like okay but you don't want to grind the two percent no and wigglytuff is just straight up not available in the wild yeah it was really tough just nowhere available ruining unite games oh these poor trainers don't understand this eevee they're like running calcs and they're like why is this thing hitting me for more than it's possible shen i love the idea that you think that trainers that are posted up in mount moon like an early game area are running calcs you're telling me you haven't ran calcs in the mount moon segment i'm not saying you or i pokemon masters we're talking about this guy we're talking about he's literally a super nerd that's actually a trainer he's a super nerd about like rocks he's not in his head like oh crit percent also stab okay i bet there's i think i think i only die here to crit and then double kick you know you see that journal that this person is holding i bet there's some amazing information in there [Laughter] [Music] oh god blocks the dome fossil because that's the one on the right in this game they have switched them i don't know why they switched them i don't either it's very weird to me all right so here's our double battle yay jesse and james um this fight here is uh yay justine james tell us how you really feel well okay so this fight here not too bad it's like it's usually a two-turn fight sometimes a three-turn fight if you had bad experience um the experience threshold we tried to hit here in mount moon was we wanted to get evie to level 15 uh before exiting we are almost level 16. so we are fine um however if you're like level 14 or something here it can easily be a longer fight but uh this isn't too bad and then as long as geodude hits its rock throw that's its only attacking move right now exactly it used to be 65 accurate i think it's 95 now oh the geodude was slower than the so i got poison gas darn it oh wait likely did yeah you dodged on the eevee that's helpful heck yeah that is him um but yeah this jesse and james fight not too bad the last jesse and james fight oh not bad at all the two in the middle are awful so i don't like them yeah they uh they become wheezing in arbuck a little bit quickly so the the middle fades get a little bit complicated yeah the the mid game in this speed run is actually pretty brutal yeah because you skip so much like stuff to kind of rush but not you kind of try to rush endgame in this because you can get better pokemon in the end game so because you're kind of rushing the middle game it gets pretty complicated because you're doing fights pretty under leveled um but something that does help that was used in that fight was an axe attack um x items are really good in pokemon speedrunning um especially good in gen seven and higher because they give you two stat boosts instead of one uh normally x items are more expensive uh i think they cost like a thousand each uh in this game they cost the normal price and give you the double boost though they are when i when i found that out i was like no way like it's the gen 1 x item prices but the gen 7 x item effect it's ridiculous it's silly the funny thing is i always find this funny and i don't have any explanation as to why this was done so in gen 1 x attacks were 500 and x defends our 550 and in this game they're reversed so it's not even like they just use the old prices they like they flip back down manually or something i don't know the number down wrong they might have just been relying super hard on the info that we all kind of know to be commonplace which is that nobody except for us yeah use it like if you're not a speed runner or a challenge runner you like don't use x items yeah but they are very useful um one because there are two stages in this game instead of the one stage uh using a single x uh x attack will double my attack it's literally you're you're using sword stance yeah any on any pokemon for the low low price of 550 you too can use swords dance as your fifth move hey etiquette can you tell us about what what the heck was that move tutor bouncy bubble uh what's that i blinked we have perfect coverage what happened yeah so um in addition to giving your partner pokemon um boosted stats they also decided to give the partner pokemon uh some partner specific boosted what am i looking for potions okay um partner pokemon specific moves and pikachu gets three of them uh pikachu gets a pretty good move here called zippy zap which is um electric type move plus two priority and always critical hits really good plus two priority yeah so there's different priority tiers so things like quick attack or n plus one dippy zaps in plus two so it's even faster than quick attack um eevee gets three of them in this town and eight of them total um they definitely gave eevee the the better deal here um so evie's moves are all 90 base power so we were talking earlier headbutt is 70 base power with stab it becomes 105. all these moves are just base 90 uh for their power and they all have a secondary effect that is going to be very useful fuzzy buzz always paralyzes now this starmie even though we didn't one shot it is paralyzed so it becomes slower and we can outspeed it and kill it the next turn the fire move always burns the water move always or it gives you um it's like absorb so half of the damage you dealt will give be given back to you uh in healing which is gonna be really nice we're not gonna have to heal at all from now until i don't know like a half hour from now um and later on we're gonna get more moves uh there's basically one move for every type of eeveelution so the first ones here are water uh water fire and electric the ones in celadon city are going to be psychic and dark for espeon and umbreon and then the ones later on are grass ice and ferry we will be using the psychic one which is 90 base power and also puts up a light screen which gives us more special bulk which is really nice that's dumb yeah imagine light screen being a 90 power move it's so silly no competitive espeon would use anything else yeah yeah crazy good it's insane and it's it's really funny because all of these are like 100 accurate 90 base power they're great moves the pikachu ones so the the zippy zap even though it always crits it's only 50 base power um there's like floaty fall which is essentially fly but it can flinch um and it has wise accuracy as well like it's 95 accurate and then uh i think the last one is something surf related and i think it paralyzes as well but it's like they really gave evie way better moves we also didn't touch on the names of the moves which i think is important that the people know about baddie bad it's just by far the worst the worst thing in pokemon some of them aren't bad i don't hate bouncy bubble for a name yeah bouncy bubbles are right not an awful name baddie bad kinda bad i think baddie bad is perfect i think that might be the only good pokemon move name ever i'm not sure any other move has ever been good now that i've heard that one the naming scheme yeah something else kind of to point out here um what's interesting between the eevee and pikachu runs because again you could play either game and they're actually really similar uh as far as like speed is concerned uh it's it's a little bit interesting that pikachu because it gets the electric move here the moveset usually uses like headbutt double kick um thundershock and like the the electric move uh the crit priority one and it it just doesn't really have a good way of dealing with like the geodudes of the ron and like the defensive rock types so a lot of the time you're lying like your other pokemon for that but evie because it gets the bouncy bubble move is able to deal with it like this sandshrew coming up it's kind of a pain for pikachu um but evie it's just like oh let me click this move get half my health back and instantly win the fight this this poor sand shrew is just like it's a free potion for the eevee but for for pikachu is a big pain which is really silly yeah every artist you see or gloom and then sandshrew and rhyhorn those are the big ones that pikachu just has creative ways of dealing with them and we can we can definitely talk about that when we get there because the eevee way is just sort of blitzed through with evie but my move is good yeah but uh pikachu does have to be a little bit more creative with it yeah pikachu actually has better stats um like we mentioned earlier the speed is better um its attack is higher so like there are things that eevee isn't going to be able to one shot that pikachu actually would be able to with like we we got rid of double kick um but if we kept double kick there's a pokemon later on that pikachu uses double kick on and does just fine we wouldn't be one shotting it um and so we're really evie is really carried by its special moves the downside though is that's three extra moves we have to learn as opposed to the or we learn four move trigger moves as the eevee pikachu only learns one so that's like 45 seconds worth of sitting there talking to a guy that we waste over the pikachu route um but surprisingly the two games are very close together time-wise currently pikachu is the faster record but that is a fairly recent development i think it's like less than a minute too it's really close uh no the leaderboards are separated this was actually i think the first game where we decided to separate the leaderboards i think that's correct yeah the routes are different enough they they felt like they played like different games especially early on that it felt like it was worth separating them and i think it's so good to have them in separate games because they are different i think it makes sense it's it's fun too because each game has its own like core group of people who are like no pikachu is better no even better there's always the the stands of their own game and it's like there's there's really no way to actually put together like no this one's actually the best which i won't get stuck three first yeah you guys are busy quarreling about let's go eevee let's go pikachu nobody really understands the power of my favorite one which is a let's go slow bro it's just the better game i don't know what to tell you oh man yeah you start the game with tackle and then uh you get side beam at like level 40 so it's pretty good all right hey a little side luck waving that was cute i know i'm not gonna catch that here um thy duck is something that we want to be catching but there's potential for us to catch it later at a higher level and evolve it so i'm gonna try for that um the other thing that i mentioned catch chaining but i didn't explain really what it did um so when you catch a pokemon two things will happen the the first thing that will happen is it will increase your catch chain for that pokemon so if i've caught a peak uh psyduck i catch another psyduck and now i have a catch chain of two um as the catch chain grows those rare pokemon we were talking about earlier have a higher chance of spawning so bulbasaur in viridian forest chansey pretty much everywhere [Music] just has a higher chance of spawning the other thing it does is it makes that particular pokemon more likely to to be seen in the wild so um you'll notice a lot of times after i catch something that same thing shows up again and again and again as i'm looking for other stuff um it happened with the weedle back in viridian forest so uh if i caught a psyduck here the next rod i'm going to also has psyduck but it has a lot of other stuff that i really want to catch so i'd be sort of like you know hurting myself by catching the side up now and potentially only seeing psyducks when i enter route 6 later on yeah it's one of those things where it's like if you catch a psyduck here you'd want to catch something after the psyduck so that you don't get screwed and you get throughout six which is like a really weird concept something else kind of not mentioned was how sick that route movement was including going right between two trainers lines of sight yes i completely forgot that's like a trainer skip because it's fine just do it again on round six or something maybe we'll explain it there maybe i'll try to skip a trainer on route 6 too yeah yeah so you can do that there's actually quite a few trainer skips in this game um some of them are really really difficult um i saw aspect do one recently on the trainer and victory road which i've never seen before is that the rapidash yeah with rapidash yeah that was so cool i'm gonna yeah yeah i'm gonna try that one i've never actually gotten that one until today i finally have a save file i had to we'll talk about when we get there i finally have a save file there and i'm able to practice but i just it's so hard how much time does that save i know we're way early on that but uh it could save about a minute wow it's like a four turn fight the one bad thing is the experience is really useful with the way like we do our rare candies right now uh the experience is useful to hit a certain level threshold for uh for lance and so if you skip that trainer you don't hit 53 for lance and you'd have to probably wear candy another time which is fine like one extra rare candy is faster than a whole fight but then you sort of have to like commit to doing the skip and with the skip being as uh inconsistent as it is yeah it's one of those things where i always wonder if we'll find consistent setups for because i mean you know someone might look into with a bunch find the consistent setup and then it becomes just kind of the norm and b is a different experience you're out but for now it's something that you go for and adapt if it happens but it doesn't happen very frequently yeah um all right so now that we are done with stuff in cerulean city uh the game forces you to do both the bill quest as well as beating misty before you can leave um that is the last time we're fighting a gym leader for like over an hour um this game kanto is a really cool region in that it very much doesn't lock anything behind the doesn't lock anything behind gym leader progression or like story progression behind gym leaders um the only exceptions are like you can't leave pewter city without fighting brock unless you cheat in gen 1 um and you can't progress past cerulean city without using cut um and in gen 1 and gen 3 the hms were locked behind gym leaders so you couldn't use cut out of battle until you beat misty you can't use fly out of battle until you beat surge this game has those hms but they're not hms they're secret techniques and there's no badge requirements so um the game forces us to beat brock forces us to beat misty in order to get out of their towns but aside from that there's no other gym leader requirement um to like fight a gym leader until the final gym leader whose requirement is to beat all the other ones so uh we're gonna be line it through all of the story progression and then uh do all the gym leaders sort of at the end of the run as like a boss rush almost yeah it's it's one of those things where it's like we could fight surge now with our level what like 20 v or we could wait until we're you know a better pokemon that we've captured in the wild in a later area oh never that's a good one have to sneak up on those from behind yeah abra has an interesting quirk in that if you approach it from the front it will disappear on you so you have to come at it from behind um and i just use the berry i think was that the first berry i used yeah i think it is i think thank you yeah you had changed to great ball earlier but that's the only different catch mechanic you've shown oh broke out that's unfortunate that is clear yeah so unfortunately that's going to cause the berry but yeah so there there are three different kinds of berries there are two berries you'll see me use in the run one of them what it does is it gives you basically better um catch rewards so it's like kind of useless for us the other two berries there are nana berries which is what i used here um those prevent the pokemon from moving so uh because average just sort of moves side to side we can stop him and then um you know have an easier throw at him instead of having to worry about [Music] throwing at a moving target the other kind is a raspberry uh which is going to be the one that you see me use more often and raspberries just make the pokemon more likely to be caught the ball picks as well that's a great find um some pokemon are a lot better to catch than others vulpix being one example uh the method of evolving vulpix is you use the firestone on it which is very quick um if you compare that to i don't know let's just say like uh pg for example you'd have to get that to level 18 and that's gonna take you know five or six levels so that would be kind of slower um given that the fire stands quick to obtain so um i think there's only like one good available firestone in this game so if you were to need or they're expensive i think is why you can't really afford too many um but yeah you don't want to uh go for things that are like too slow to evolve there's a lot of pokemon down there there's a side though this one now now i no longer have that catch chain worry of skipping out on side up so that way i don't ruin my catches on the next route yep i'll grab it um and with the way so one of the things i'm also managing so i i mentioned that i have a program that i like click on pokemon's faces as i catch them and i've got all my planned catches laid out and stuff um if i'm ever in a situation where i have like an odd number of pokemon that i'm planning on catching so like just now i had 53 pokemon i was planning on catching because i had a bonus um i had a couple of bonuses and it just gave me an odd number i'm able to remove golduck as one of my planned catches and keep me at 52 so now i still have more than i need but i could do something like i'm just not going to catch cubone and evolve it to marowak just skip something yeah you can skip like a pair of pokemon a lot of the time rather than a single pokemon skipping a single pokemon can be a little awkward yeah also make you very very nervous here you ready okay so coming up here is the trainer skip uh he's going to walk between the line of sights of two trainers uh these two individuals that are looking left and right here both have enough vision to hit you but if you're on the halfway point of the tile you can dodge both trainers nice and easy into vermilion city without doing a trainer battle in excellent let's go let's go dude so that that is a fairly difficult skip and the only way i'm consistent at it is by doing it in the sketchiest looking way possible um can i get a diglett please this is zubat cave not diglett cave apparently wait this is actually weird where are they i don't have my lure up anymore because it ran out but it should be pretty common so this is something you normally wouldn't do in any percent i will spoil it um diglett is one of the master trainers we're gonna beat so in order to do that i need to get a diglett you can't fight the diglett master trainer with a different pokemon nope it's annoying not having to lure up uh for this because the learn makes a lot more pokemon appear there we go all right don't go too far up don't go too far up all right so there's there's like an invisible line where you'll trigger their cutscene and get forced backwards so i was like please don't go too far yeah did they go just walked in the cutscene all right yeah so there you go it's a good thing to grab here um it's just good to have it earlier rather than later because now you'll have to come back to vermilion for it yeah i actually this is something i timed literally today um and it is one second faster to get it later but the difference between getting it later and now or movement wise it is one second faster to get it later right but you'd have to deposit it immediately because then you're fighting level 40 pokemon and i don't want my level 15 diglett to level on levels a lot yeah so with that extra time it's i think worth it to do it early yeah because right now i think it already has six pokemon in the party so everything he catches just goes to the pc um actually i'm going to be depositing stuff so okay so it just has a deposit menu coming up yeah yeah again planning deposit menus ends up making it faster than i guess yeah the the one thing i didn't catch there on route 6 that i want is a jiggly puff um dilly puff is nice because so we we got the two moonstones which is really cool um and i can evolve clefairy enticle fable so that's one moonstone um i'm planning on getting both knitterans later and evolving them as well so that could be you know another moonstone but um the moonstone pokemon three of them learn a move on the evolution so for example true fairy when you evolve it learns metronome um nidoran male or nidorino when you evolve it into nidoking learns thrash so i want to try to avoid that wigglytuff doesn't learn anything when it evolves so it's um you know it's just the better choice but i don't get a wigglytuff then i can't uh do that yeah learning moves is kind of a weird part of this run like stuff learning moves on level up and evolution because it takes a lot of time um it's it might not be something you think about it often but if you're learning an extra you know 20 or 30 moves throughout the run that's at least a minute maybe even like up to two minutes but um definitely something you have to consider when you're planning your like evolutions and whatnot all right so we should explain this um yeah i am cheating right now in this battle so this game the way that we've been doing the two controller catches is this game gives us uh the ability to use a support trainer so the idea is you can play with a partner um like a physical second person which shout out to true co-op cool category um you can play with a physical second person and you can run around together and all that kind of stuff um you can also do fights together and when that happens the game doesn't give the opponent a double battle but gives you a double battle so uh we're gonna use this a lot for both speed and for safety to essentially have one pokemon that we're going to be using as our main pokemon and the other pokemon is going to be feeding x items into it yeah i like how you said for speed and for safety oh you didn't use next speed but i think what the other routes used to here but you used to literally give yourself an x speed on this bait i think yeah that's part of the the brilliant things right is like uh double battles are so good in pokemon speedruns because it allows you free setup because you can you know input your attack move and since items have higher priority than a move will ever have right because it doesn't have priority it just goes first uh you can x item with your second pokemon always and just put that on the eevee so even in like you know tate and liza in sapphire or emerald or ruby or whatever not actually the case you can't exit them yourself in gen 3. is that true that's that's part of the reason why that fight's so hard um is because you can't spam x items on yourself is that a speed choice change no that's not even in speed choice you just can't use x items on your other pokemon i swear i do that but i guess not you're probably using them using them on the pokemon itself your your level two zubat is getting those x attacks that you're just let's go leash life is about to be powerful absolutely gotta be so good that's good um yeah and so one one other thing that is worth mentioning um in gen eight this was changed and it's such a good change but prior to generation eight speed does not update dynamically yet so you do not get a speed update uh essentially immediately so if you use an xspeed from slot like so if my vulpix used the next speed on evie it wouldn't have applied that turn it applies the next turn um so that actually comes into play with some fights where it's like it'd be nice to outspeed this but if i didn't get the x speed up before then it's just not gonna happen um in generation eight that changed and uh you can actually x speed right away but or you can it applies the same turn but yeah in this game it does not so um i'm gonna do a bit of shopping here so i'm just gonna focus on the notes real quick lots of nuggets to sell just picking up gold as he walks through the game no big deal and quite a few items to grab here needs some great balls uh something we maybe didn't know this but we could have was uh throughout the run when etiquette was throwing the two-player pokeballs and whatnot he would use a pokeball in the great ball that's just because um it's only the highest year of ball that matters so that way you're not wasting like two great balls for example you just use one of them so you'll see kind of like mismatched ball throws a lot of the time and then x items are as broken as we've mentioned throughout the run and lures are very good to have for catching yeah lures are good for catching repels are i'm usually never using a repel to force pokemon not to spawn um it's mostly used to despawn pokemon and then i use a lure immediately after in order to basically reset an area um every area in the game has a set number of encounters that can show up and everything also has like a set amount of time that they will show up for most encounters will show up on a given area for like two minutes almost um so waiting for them to despawn naturally just isn't really an option yeah um but like the next area we're going to it's a small thing of grass we want to catch four sometimes five pokemon there and only four things can show up at a time so if you just start getting duplicate encounters you're just sitting there waiting for nothing um so having the repels to just clear out the area re-lure um is worthwhile so i didn't get a jigglypuff i just saw the jigglypuff there it's not worth running all the way back there yeah by the way excellent job on uh trainer skip on skip good job not hitting them on the way back up yes um yeah this is the grass that has the knitter ends in it and they're both really important to get uh again because they're effectively three pokemon uh in a similar way that caterpie and legal are both good to get because they're just very easy evolution although this poor eevee does not know uh higher level allow speed yeah this eevee is the eevee that i was talking about where pikachu can actually one shot this with an x attack and double kick and we can't we don't have x attack anymore so it's uh i mean we don't have double kick anymore but yeah like we don't even one shot it with our stab head butt it's just wait you you done okay with double kick um we all right i should be clear uh because we're level 20 we wouldn't normally you're here like 19 and a half or so gotcha yeah you're higher level i was gonna say there's no way that doesn't kill something weird this is a cool pokemon fact you get a damage boost on levels that end in zero three five and eight so at level 20 not only do you get the extra damage for being higher level than 19 but you also get a little bit of a multiplier bonus um but that actually comes into play in a lot of fights where uh you can try and aim to be one of those levels potentially for the fights i'm sorry what so if you're level say that slower so my tiny brain can understand yeah so this is in all pokemon games from gen 1 to gen 8 this is still in the game if your level ends in 0 3 5 or 8 you get a small damage boost compared to any other levels it just has to do with how the rounding works yeah this is just any any attacking move what do you mean it has to do with this is dumb so this is okay i'm mad about this a different way of stating it is if you have 50 attack like your attack stat is 50. yeah and you're level 20 and level 21 and level 22 all with the same attack stat you will do the same damage as soon as you hit 23 with 50 attack you will now do more you do more yeah yeah it just has to do with you you don't do damage just based off of like your attack stat your level also comes into play a little bit and it's every zero three five and eight that you get that little bit of like level boost why is that why has that not been changed to just every level it goes up it's it's a rounding thing i think yeah it has to do with how it rounds i'm pretty sure i love how crabby walks sideways it's so cute oh my god i found out yesterday uh i don't know if you were there yet shen but um if so i was doing a randomizer and so you have pokemon that are like walking on water um or like swimming on land and stuff oh is this the psyduck thing yeah if psyduck spawns in the water it actually is like it's not swimming but it's like half under the water everything else walks on top of the water but seidok what's in the water it's really cool yeah maybe it has something to do with like they originally planned on having it in the water and then changed it maybe they have like a different spray for it are there any psyduck water encounters naturally in pokemon i'm not sure uh pokemon yellow has uh on or out sticks die duck and golduck in the water well there you go maybe they did intend since this is kind of more a yellow remake than anything yeah true they may have planned it originally for route 6 and then changed what the water encounters there are all right so i really would like both knittirans and a sphero that is very greedy i have to get spearow i like cannot not get sphero yeah nidoran you can get later right i can't get nidoran later but hiro might be one of the master trainers i do oh that's right i forgot about that you need a sphero [Music] there's one that iran all right that's helpful and our and female is always good yeah one nittaran is fine if i don't get both that's okay um yeah pikachu actually would be very hard-pressed to leave without knitting mail um you can leave with nitto and female but um pikachu actually does a like a half main switch to knitter or nidoking yeah they use it for a couple of fights some of the harder ones mostly because rock round type's [Music] all scary um hey there's the spawn this is actually a really good route so far uh every single spawn i've gotten i've needed uh this area has four things that can spawn at a time so nice animation there that's another thing that uh is kind of awkward about this game and like catching is the pokemon do that little animation that causes you to not be able to catch them uh there's a lot of knowledge that goes into catching these pokemon knowing like when they're going to do an animation and like how to adapt and it's really cool seeing how they can't be able to play around that because it's actually a little bit difficult yeah one of the things i think that would really push this game this game has already been pushed to a very high level um the current record is like 301 52 in pikachu um but i think one thing that would really push the game potentially down to sub three i just realized i never lured which is why oh yeah yeah that's interesting okay uh that's actually bad i shouldn't yeah level maybe okay um but no i think one of the things that would really push the game down potentially to sub three is like really predicting pokemon um and like understanding their the odds like oh if this thing started to move left it's like 30 to attack or something i don't know but like really nailing down these pokemon behaviors in battle and potentially you know yoloing a lot of throws that you normally wouldn't do um today in time but you'd be making like an educated guess later on like melee when you get to the point where you're you're you're making educated predictions about whether somebody's gonna tech left or tech right or something or like texas all right uh definitely not evolving the krabby so normally you're supposed to lure here and everything spawns at level 24 and you can um get the crabby to evolve at level 28 yeah however yeah not so i was 18 and i was confused and then i was like oh i don't know if he's alert or something i thought that made him brought it around yeah would you be willing to take the first break when you enter rock tunnel that is a perfect time for a break okay excellent well then we'll we'll do that when you get there all right yeah we just have one quick fight and i'm gonna pick up some great balls because i kind of wasted a few there and then we'll be good if anyone has the copy pasta contain to contain yourselves yeah this is one of the the few changes like story-wise changes to the game that they made um they sort of have team rocket ambush you i think one of the things i think i did notice when i was thinking about the story again recently is team rocket is like there at the start in mount moon and then is kind of present in cerulean because like they burglarized that house and then they're just not there until you're in celadon which is like forever away it's weird they're here like th this cutscene is kind of weird to me how they just kind of threw team rocket here yeah um also this is we paralyze the raticate because it's faster than us and then we spam ahead but oh wow that steam rockets and uh they're in um uh lavender yeah just weird they're here because normally you go from like cerulean and it's like some peace and then team rock is terrorizing the next two towns [Music] how's the experience gonna be from uh not having lure up for those catches is it gonna be a bit off or something that should be fine okay um i had i had pretty good experience before that and i'm already level 23 which is which is fine i want to be like 25 almost at 26 by the time i uh exit rock tunnel so okay on my way i'm gonna wait right here yeah it makes sense to wait outside because that's where things don't start spawning yeah all right cool let's pause the timer and gamers we're gonna take a quick break here go stretch your legs get some water we'll be right back with more etiquette and more pokemon let's go eevee in just a second stick around don't go hello everyone and welcome back to the games done quick hotfix i'm adef and this is challenger approaching just a few quick announcements before we get back into things tune in tomorrow at 4 p.m eastern for games done classic uh a podcast about classic gdq moments featuring super mario odyssey and at 7 00 pm eastern after that is that's never happened before a show about glitches and showcasing them which will feature spyro 1 with dio man uh etiquette whenever you're ready do a little countdown and uh yeah all right let me back out of this yeah why would we why would we pet evie i know all right three two one go so just as a reminder to everybody this is pokemon let's go eevee uh the challenge today is beat red which is a post game content uh after uh the game is beaten so that's what etiquette is showing off for us today we have to we have to beat the game first so we are on our way this guy this is uh let's go he's a let's go slow bro fan fellow let's go slow bro enjoyer yeah he's actually the rival in that game but they put him in rock tunnels like the first trainer uh if you if you aren't playing the slowpoke version right yeah exactly oh yeah i've been saying let's go slow bro i meant let's go slowpoke but yeah yeah you get the idea all right okay i i have a little a little bit of a deal for you in the chat room if you're if you're interested oh boy uh chat room could you please if you want to see etiquette actually pet eevee like if that's something you are interested in post an emote ideally that is related to eevee if you have one already i've got i've got one swift to lose got oh gosh what 40. um etiquette i'm sure has one let's just see some eevee emoticons in the chat room if you want to see it be pet i'll do my i'll do my civic duty that's a good emote thank you it's it's e it's like oowoo and oh oh but it's better it's iwee that is actually where the emote comes from chris knife might be the best on twitch which one chris knife yeah chris knape's really good okay so i'm seeing a lot of eevee emotes so clearly there's a lot of excitement around playing a couple of years yeah like that that is clear to me that lots of people are excited about paying so i have a deal for you okay currently etiquette is at 14.2 k followers if that number reads 15k in the next two hours etiquette will pet me that's the live deal that's the live deal so many it's only 800 followers there are 2 500 people in the chat right now if one in three like roughly that aren't following you followed then boom i suppose i'm gonna post the link in chat that follows yeah just spam all etiquette links [Music] all right it's a lot of pokemon evolving here uh something kind of important in this segment is getting a right horn uh which might seem silly but uh there's certain pokemon that you can ride on uh get it is right on but you can you can travel like on top of the pokemon and blacklist can we blacklist shen from being on gdq ever again is that acceptable i i'm surprised i'm not blacklisted by now let's be real do i have that power are we all still allowed here this is a great question how am i employed that's the real question how are you still here you brought us on i mean i'm not afraid for any of us because keys are on is still in power here so yeah yeah there you go that's a good point once once keys are on goes i'd be a little bit worried about myself but i think we're good for now hotfix might be a pun positive space challenge yeah it's a challenger approaching is upon negative space not negative it does have the lower active this time good strategy yes and goes for graveler this is a cool catch um these give a ton of xp if you catch it oh why are pineapples there yeah um this is almost the entire reason why we get it like we could delay geodude until rock tunnel and catch it and evolve it but graveler gives a ton of experience and geodude gives us a lot of experience early on so yeah it's really worthwhile this is like 1200 experience i want to say yeah it's kind of like the experience rather there's a lot of parts of the game where you might do something sub-optimal because it gets you like levels at certain times there's a great question in chat but what if i already follow etiquette well the answer is to tell your friends to also do it you have your parents that have access to computers did you know that if your parents actively pay about a hundred dollars a year to jeff bezos you can subscribe to for free to one channel it's true well your parents can you can unless you also i'm there on their behalf right you're picking to to subscribe yeah mom i mean you need to log on to twitch real quick but it's uh it's it's that website that has the people playing the video games yeah the website you keep telling me to not go on yeah that one no i'm not gonna watch shen i know you don't want me to do that i mean that's good parenting let's be real yeah let's be real that's just solid parenting in general do you want to be bullied by your favorite streamer i recommend going to shenanigans underscore it's not bleed it's rob it's a bit it's a very big it's actual crimes that you because i'm i'm literally stealing money from the viewers like a big laundry oh my goodness this slowpoke fan is a kango that's blasphemy this is blasphemous the rhino has evolved i think i did a lot i wasn't gonna say like defense but i mean that's not the case you burn this thing just because uh ouch yeah you burn it so it deals less damage it also um your headbutts are really useful through this section we don't get another uh we coincidentally or not coincidentally conveniently was the word i was looking for um get a free heal when lorelei comes and saves the day back before we entered rock tunnel um but we don't get another one for a while so um we only have 15 headbutts to work with through this whole section yeah something else kind of cool about burns is uh if you drop someone like an opposing pokemon stats and they critical uh the critical will ignore the the debuff so it would crit as if they had not been reduced on their stats uh that's not the case for burn burn just halves their attack though is that actually every generation yeah that's every job as far as i'm aware at least cuban great fine that's another just free pokemon and could be evolved um so as i was mentioning earlier uh there's probably like 55 or something pokemon that you planned for and after missing jigglypuff getting cuban might be a good thing because not minus a pokemon anymore what is your catch count at right now out of curiosity uh so i'm currently at 33 pokes i have a ton of bonuses so like i'm not yeah i'm not going to be in a situation where i have to like sit and wait for something um which is really nice i am sort of in like an awkward position regarding the rhyhorn because if i don't get rhyhorn right horn is a single pokemon yeah right horn evolves into ride on at level 42 and it's also in slow experience curve so it's just not happening i should have healed um i can just yeah this is a second trainer kind of situation it's fine yeah that's another really nice thing about this game it's like a shoot i made a mistake let me just bring in my friend and mistake is gone yeah that's a cool strat going special attack that's actually a really cool strat thing yeah it's um the way this fight normally goes is you sizzly slide to burn it fizzly slide to kill it and then you bouncy bubble this um and you get most of that health back but i wasn't confident that i would have lived i think i would have but just to be safe um and i want full health for the next fight the next fight is the most dangerous fight in the first part of the run um it is a fight with a vulpix lead which vulpix isn't too scary it can um burn you but that's really the extent of what it can do uh the problem is the second pokemon is a cadabra that outspeeds you and so um you have to tank a psy beam and then don't get confused basically yeah if you go into this fate low health it's really risky and i don't know why i explained all that before the fight happened just to jinx myself yeah yeah the thing that's scary about setting up like an x attack and then dealing with confusing moves is uh when you're confused and you hit yourself in confusion um it's not like set damage you're actually just attacking yourself with a move good not to get confused there um so if you use an x attack um hitting yourself in confusion is going to do a lot more damage than if you hadn't set up at all so it can be actually kind of scary if you're confused than boosting that's why swagger is actually a good move else oh there's a right horn okay okay good good there's a reinhardt the kangaskhan is i think one percent here right this gun's a one percent uh this is the only place kangaskhan's available and this is in the like catch em all kind of category this is the first like run killer run killer kind of thing you can be here for literally 20 minutes waiting for a kangaskhan to spawn your second one encounter this run yeah actually oh true yeah yeah because we got the headlights earlier y'all the aap people in chatter uming right now all right um i need to get this into my party um i was not very good about party management during this section yeah it was a little bit awkward just because of you know how much stuff you already have you don't have to be like too efficient on the boxing but it's pretty important to get the right horn in the party for the movement speed um and not just putting the party but also going to um you go yeah you're going here like hit star on it and now you ride it when you're in the overworld and look how fast it is for like four steps and play the trainer and then you'll see how fast it is yeah ryhorn is a um it's the only like viable ride pokemon before like the hour 45 to two hour mark in the run um there are things you can ride like you can ride onyx you can ride kangaskhan but they're just not faster than walking uh right horn actually kind of moves pretty quickly so um but there are a number of runs that people have had where they have like very good pace through here and then they just don't get a rye horn it doesn't waste that much time not getting rhyhorn uh it's like i mean it's not like runs over uh it's usually like a 40 second time loss yeah which is significant if you're going for a top time but it's uh it is something you can overcome yeah it's it's nice that there's a very consistent um faster pokemon to get later that you can use like the end game though missing right horn isn't the end of the world but it is obviously time lost how fast it is uh i will i will reiterate for the gamers that might just be tuning in first of all this is pokemon let's go eevee on challenger approaching but the real important thing that's happening right now that you know shannon and i are just so passionate about making it happen right chen i don't know what you're about to say i i really don't know what you're about to say i'm working i can't believe you wouldn't cosign blindly what i'm about to say yes i'm so thrilled for exactly what you're about to say and you're going to say it right now etiquette at 15k follows currently at 14.3 we're already a hundo up at 15k follows etiquette will be petting an eevee live on stream and you know what he's gonna do it for a full 30 seconds he's just gonna pet the eevee for 30 seconds and that's a lot of depends go ahead well that's it i saw him reaching on the webcam i wonder what was picked up in that oh is it that's the same screen i'll be periodically posting his link in the chat also just like the bottom line is if you are enjoying the run uh it's the least you can do it's free to follow and etiquette streams lots of pokemon speedruns on his channel it's a good time all right um this fight's actually fairly interesting um so it's one of the few fights where we use both pokemon in the battle um normally when we do a two controller battle we just use one to feed x items to the other one um in this one if the raichu raichu has a chance of coming out either second or third and if it comes out second you have to use drill run from the right horn so it's um kind of a neat little optimization there the the pokemon that the any trainer sends out is based on who they think does the best against your pokemon and because we have both evie and rhyhorn out um he thinks that raichu does best against evie but gloom does best against right horn so it's just a 50 50 shot which one he picks all right um another side note in gen 1 and the thyroid leaf green the remakes you don't have to come here right now you actually would go straight to celadon city do hideout or skip hideout in gen 1 and then come back here but the game actually requires you to see this little cut scene before um the rest of the story progresses so it's kind of like they're it's a little hand-holdy but at the same time it's not that big of a deal here's a question in chat does this game require all these captures for the challenge to just beat red um indirectly so yeah in order to beat red you have to beat the game in order to beat the game you have to have 50 catches uh there is every gym has a requirement to enter it um brock's gym is you have to have a water or grass type pokemon misty's gym we didn't talk about it is to have a level 15 pokemon koga's gym is to catch 50 pokemon so you do have to have 50 pokemon to beat the game um and then by extension once you beat the game you have the chance to unlock red and then beat red so all right let's be honest there is a gym that doesn't have a requirement sort of yeah cause every pokemon is cute every pokemon is in fact i love this fight everyone please be excited for this fight no way this is completely unavoidable there's a chance of metronome and it's so exciting come on we do we do this headbutt and hopefully get a flinch no no no no no we got the fling come on shen was so desperate for the metronome fissure it's so much more exciting when you get metronome i yeah i've had some bad ones where it's like lovely kiss into roar [Laughter] sometimes it's just bad yeah i don't know if i've ever been hit by an uh a one-hit ko move on that i've seen other people get hit by it oh it's just used against the poco moves are in the pool in this game yeah okay yeah yeah i think i've been i've been horn drilled but it missed my my favorite of all time was i lost the pokemon gold speedrun on whitney i got turn one metronome sunny day then double slapped then turn three metronym solar beam critical the combo it just does isn't it isn't it true like one over how many moves there are to get any one move another one encounter wait is that cadabra that's it's another one and i didn't get a jigglypuff it's so silly yeah it's it's completely the same rate for every single thing that's really incredible that you got sunny day and then solar beam yeah the metronome in speed runs is chad's favorite thing it's so it really is it can be literally anything we had a runner there's there's a similar fight in sword and shield where there's a clefairy clefable um who just spam metronome and we had a runner who got hit by like oh what's the move it's like uh zekrom's special move but it was like after the update that introduced those moves to the game like it wasn't a move that was there originally uh and it was like one of the updates that introduced all the legendaries added the move and he got hit by it and was like what is this what is that electric type move called what is that um asian bolt fusion bolt that's what it is yeah yeah what's the pressure flash flash flame or something it's fusion flare infusion bolt i think never mind i'm not positive though because i think there's three moves but i might be thinking wrong by the way big level boost here this thing is level 29 um again we're kind of rushing the plot here and because the plot's getting rushed the fights are actually going to get pretty difficult in this segment this is definitely one of those fights predicates a big threat um and another thing that we well two things actually that we did in that pokemon center uh the first was taught the psychic type late screen that we were talking about earlier so that's just a really good move for boosting special bulk and the second thing was like the fortune teller not really sure what the npc's called madame celadon is her name yeah so she lets you effectively pick the nature of all of the wild pokemon that you'll be catching for the rest of the run so etiquette went ahead and set that nature to is it still modest that you choose yeah still modest yeah so it's modest nature for every other catch so uh that will be very useful for some of the pokemon getting captured later in the run because you know the nature so there's not that extra random element so you can route around the natures and having special attack boosts in general is a good thing yeah it's it's kind of funny that like the eevee you know your starter always has the same ivs hence the nature is what you're resetting over um but then later on we catch something and it's like we always have the same nature but it's the ivs that are different so it adds a little bit of a quirk to you know routing and stuff of that nature uh pun intended yeah another psy beam fight yeah another side being wow using x attacks all right got hit by that there's this no flinch either is kind of going wasted your flinch on that clefairy no kidding all right no confused so that should be gg for this fight always scary though um and yeah somebody in chat just mentioned this as well so um another reason why setting our clock at the beginning of the run is really nice is because um madam celedon's effect having the set nature only applies until the end of that day uh and so it uses the the switch's date time to figure out when the end of the day is and so by setting our clock such that the day ticks over like at the start of the run uh we don't have to worry about it ticking over in between now and when we catch the stuff that we need to yeah if you forget to set your time at the start of the run there there have been people who've lost runs because they get to the starmie later and they're like why can't ioko anything and then they look at their nature and it's random because their day rolled over in the middle of the run i've seen that happen to a couple people hey yeah you're getting bullied sorry about these redstones well it's it's unfortunate because the they all have super fang which just it doesn't matter it doesn't help so yeah it's always scary with like super fang in play because like you don't want to heal but you also can't be too low so it's an annoying situation nice to get screech there by voltorb that could have probably been annoying all right so a nice level threshold to hit is 28 before not this fight but the fight after it so i i don't know if grimer is going to give me enough experience here i think it will but looks close it looks really close um next fight is there's three fights back to back that are all in their own way kind of brutal so we'll just see how that goes but this is gonna be the first case of us using glitzy glow 90 base power sets up light screen i got hardened so it doesn't matter um we use that light screen effect on a couple of fights so it is a very very useful and i did not hit 28. you should have stolen his pokemon if he captured it would have gotten the level yeah okay i would have gained like three i feel like 30 already all right this is uh probably one of the more fun cutscenes of this game um this is just pokemon you know not understanding their audience of you know children but um what object should we use to get up to this event i'm gonna guess the desk the boxes i'm gonna grab a box yeah it's too heavy i can't lift it unfortunate that one's too heavy too what about that oh we can use this rolling chair oh the rolly chair the wheels on the bottom oh yeah easy to push over on this concrete floor very smart wait you guys stand on that if i can use the swivel chair to get up here maybe i can do that in the kitchen to get the food items my parents don't want me to get there should be like a three percent chance that your character like falls down you have to start over do you want that shin you want that i think it would provide a real life example to the children that it is dangerous to use rolly chairs to yeah put your that level of that level of physical realism that pokemon is so famous for yes exactly the first time i played this i was legitimately stuck there for like two minutes i'm like i don't know what i'm supposed to say because i just didn't try the chair because why would i just seem it seems like just the wrong answer i thought that you needed like a ladder item or something i i think i left here and like went around celadon looking for a ladder well yeah it's also like you know in every pokemon game before this physical obstacles are always solved via hm or special moves yeah yeah yeah never have you ever had to use the physical environment without a move or like a lift key man these are pretty slow in this game still in gen one they are one quarter walking speed it's so painful but this is the gen three's the spice here gen 3 is so fast yeah true they you spin so fast so believe it or not these are actually almost the same as walking speed i think they're slightly slower but they're almost the same as this like same running speed here because i actually tested there's two ways to get through that puzzle one of them takes more spinner tiles than the other one um and i've tested basically both of them and they're about the same amount of time so it's kind of funny that's interesting um but then clearing the slot would use jigglypuff but don't have it yeah so uh this is a situation where it's helpful to have a fairy type pokemon because of using like trainer ai manipulation um so for this fight it's a worst double battle with two strong poison type pokemon we've got wheezing arbok and because of clefairy's fairy type they're going to target it with their poison moves instead of attacking the eevee so you can get that free tarnish setup here is very important yeah and there is a very particular reason why you like to use jigglypuff instead of clefairy um and we might see it we did not okay okay so the the reason is because uh there is a hidden mechanic in these games uh called friendship and friendship is going to be coming into play for us actually pretty soon on the eevee um but it allows you to do certain things like you um whoops uh you can like shake off status effects or you can live on one hp and that can be really nice like if you got critical hit when you weren't expecting it you could like live on one and still continue the fight that has absolutely saved world records before um same thing with things like uh you know shaking off a status condition like oh no i got paralyzed here oh wait no just kidding i'm now fine um clefairy starts with more friendship than the average pokemon uh normally pokemons start with 70 friendship um clefairy starts with 140. once you get over 128 friendship you can start living on one and shaking off status effects so um clefairy actually has a chance to live that hit and waste time because it starts gaining experience because you start defeating pokemon with it in battle it's also kind of interesting um in most games friendship and uh affection because affection is not only the stat that allows you to like do the the bs like surviving on one hp and getting boosted experience and whatnot they're usually different stats and they're gained different ways but there's no uh pokemon in me in let's go so they just kind of combine them as one stat which is interesting yeah and a really nice thing about friendship is yeah it boosts your stats though um like a little bit it's like one percent every so many friendship levels but it's really nice um so this fight is historically one of the worst fights in the run um this is a fight that was added in this game um that wasn't in the originals and yeah it's actually fine that right horn got hit i didn't need to heal that that was dumb um but so we didn't always allow two controllers uh when the game first came out we heard about two controller and the community was like this seems way overpowered it doesn't seem fun for speedruns we didn't understand it basically yeah we put two controller in one category and one controller was the main category and this fight here was horrific for both eevee and for pikachu um the the wheezing is super tanky the goal bat is fast and you know hits hard and it didn't matter this fight was just horrible it was you used to have to pick up like pick up a a random item that is a hyper potion on the ground cause you don't have access to hyper potions yet in the shop and it just wasn't fun we allowed two controllers and it's basically a free fight yeah um there's a fight later on that's the same way though there's a couple fates there like that uh but yeah that one i think it was a lot worse for pikachu too if i remember correctly because each you get destroyed by the wheezing something to mention i don't know if we said this yet there's no abilities in this game right there are no abilities yeah so you could hit wheezing with uh the ground type moves as well that's something to kind of keep in mind you don't have to worry about like static and that kind of stuff um there's no abilities in this game so there's probably been some people like wow he hasn't been static yet or not this is my favorite fight strategy yeah just get rid of the persian this is the persian removal operation goodbye nice uh that actually can be a range depending on your graveler but usually worth it yeah it it has like compounding effects because it means like you don't have to worry about buying x speeds early because you don't out speed that persian um there's actually even a chance if you have minus speed that you don't out speed it with your speed doubled from a next speed like that's how fast that thing is yeah it's higher level and it's just a fast pokemon in general yeah so uh the graveler strat is is absolutely awesome yeah um because you have to worry about your health because you use bouncy bubble there and heal up to full you have to worry about your stats to take out the persian it's also nice because it's always going to fake out anyway in turn one so you can just set up for free with the graveler so you get the free plus two self-destruct does a ton of damage because with ev you get fake out for like a third of your health it just hurts all right um this is a bit overkill but i'm going to grab the extra ultra balls here we have 34 pokemon at this point in the run oh wait i skipped something that i wasn't not skip something i it was kingler i think you swapped kingler which you would normally do yeah i uh i swapped kingler and i was going to do marowak and then i ended up not evolving marowak so i just need to put the yeah so because you didn't learn the graveler came at level 18 and it evolves at 28 uh normally you would evolve the krabby and not evolve the cuban in that situation but he learned for the cuban which meant it came at level i think 24 um yeah they just gets an extra six levels compared to the krabby so it's worth switching over the marowak so it's one of those like little quick routing decisions you have to make but yeah all the way over here for a singular rare candy yeah yeah uh we're grabbing a bunch of rare candies that you normally don't grab in like a normal any percent run but we would like to because um some of the post game stuff uh what am i doing what am i doing i want to repel i don't actually want to guess i'm actually not going to be catching anything else that is optional yep everything else that i'm catching has a purpose in the room which is kind of fun that that never happens at this point a lot of times in normal any percent you're sitting here like i even need to get coughing and tentacle and maybe i have to get magmar and in because of the way that this category works regarding like all of the required catches things i have to get in order to do the post game stuff um you just don't even have to worry about your catch count most of the time oh yeah we just got skydash which is essentially fly um in gen 1 you wouldn't be able to use fly until you beat surge but this game doesn't care yeah you can just use it in the hm uh surf is the same we'll be surfing without doing any gems that would actually be really bad if you couldn't surf before doing koga because cog is normally how you get surf that'd be really hard awful [Music] and now we have the uh silk scope and all the ghosts will appear except they won't because we are using our poles all right there's a 50 50 chance that this movement looks really cool it does not look cool [Music] if she spins to the left so um we've skipped a couple trainers uh one of them we skipped or two of the trainers we skipped because they're facing each other and we walked in between their vision um another two of them they're like facing like this but they were off but they're offset um and this game is like tile based but not we have we have free-flowing movement but everything is is tile based right and so um we what's the best way to describe it so the trainer's vision is extremely narrow you basically in order to be seen by the trainer you have to cross like the midpoint of their vision i'll try to show it on the next um mandatory trainer are you gonna try and tell me the tile can be a half yeah it's like much like an a press right yeah wait how can an a press not be just an a plus oh no we're not doing this how can a tile be a hat but like like look at how close i was able to get to her before she saw me um and so we can skip a bunch of trainers i say a bunch just like four um just by abusing that little bit of space between the center of the tile where they see you and where you're allowed to walk um so that spinner on that floor if they decide to turn left uh still can't see us as long as we're hugging the bottom wall because there's enough space for us to run uh [Music] sort of oh my god are you gonna try this no i'm not that one here with three parts i know the three parts are on the tile uh yeah there so there's the part that's the first third and then there's the part that's the middle third and then there's the part that's the last third now wait wait wait so but couldn't couldn't you also have like that you're talking vertical thirds right are there horizontal thirds oh see i was thinking horizontal thirds oh but are there vertical thirds then so maybe there are nine parts to a tile oh that's interesting are there diagonal thirds oh my god wow i hate this conversation well if there are horizontal thirds and vertical thirds there must by definition be diagonal thirds implicitly but still nine oh yeah that's true there would be diagonal thirds but they're the same anyway etiquette how's your speed run it's going great we've got this fight now yeah so we went we fought jesse and james at like the 30 minute mark we waited an hour before we fought them again and now we've waited approximately 10 minutes and we're going to find it again this fight is identical to the last time um quickly look over my notes have i forgotten to do anything other than the marowak look how much stronger their team's gotten same level it really looks like i think it's two levels higher oh are they i thought they're like actually the same oh yeah i think they're like 31 or something the other spot all right you may you might notice a very similar team composition here nice oracle fairy did not survive on one hp yeah the one difference here um it well there's two differences the wheezing has upgraded to sludge bomb instead of sludge meaning it does more damage um and it also has dark pulse so you have to be worried about what comes out next to you if you caught normally we try to catch like a graveler a ghastly in pokemon tower and if gastly is what we send out next to us it just dies to dark pulse so we just want to avoid that send out the right horn because it resists the poison yeah you know what doesn't have nine parts or even three parts what it only has one part following etiquette on twitch only has one part the following part that's it you're saying there's not half followers oh my god no you're either a full-fledged fan or you're a fake fan actually no there are two parts but if you're a subscriber you're a double follower whatever makes this bit happen for you sean does anyone have good etiquette emails spam etiquette emails in chat this is so weird you can follow from ebits now right i think you can just click on the email yeah just spam everyone's spam etiquette emails and then just like if you aren't followed just click on your favorite etiquette emote and then click the heart that just that's actually that's a really good feature that just tells you that you like the email so everyone's spammed some other emails and if you like the email click on it and hit the heart button leave a like on his emails that's also good like people can subscribe to you right from there i think they can yeah they can if anyone wants to subscribe if anyone really likes the emote you can directly subscribe oh do you really have nan uh at the keck is a spin yeah all right i'll do the same yeah i'll add mine all right route deviation for many percent we're going in here all right so we're going to be in here for two things uh one of them is completely optional but i figure it's a good enough time and i have the money for it so that is rare to take an elevator on a speed run yeah it's we're trying to get to the roof um we need to oh yeah ice beam and rock slide no um a little bit worse dms in this game yeah it's um the tms here are actually very unuseful for speedrunning normally but for this category in particular they're very nice um we get either protect which is what we're getting here reflector light screen i don't need reflecting light screen but protect is going to be nice um then we're gonna head back down a couple floors and this is just a small little thing that is worth doing [Music] uh we're gonna buy a firestone oh they're so expensive in this game yeah thunderstone give me a second and a water stone now we don't have to pick up the one for something later we even have money for another stone if we wanted to but we don't need it you guys be careful you don't get like too many stone pokemon that's pretty rare that happens oops going out the left side there was slower that was a mistake whatever doesn't matter all right so now now that we have the poka flute the entire game has opened up to us um there is a challenge uh in this game challenge challenge it is a challenge it's a little bit too long for this uh for the show called the professor oaks challenge and the idea behind the challenge is that before every gym you have to catch every pokemon that is available to get before that gym um and that includes things like evolving so uh for example bellsprout is available before brock so i'd have to get bellsprout and evolve it's weeping belt it's a huge grind fest it's a very long thing i've done it before it's like seven hours seven or eight hours this is the most reasonable game to do it in by far though oh i'm fairly like any other pokemon run um and the reason i mention it is because the actually we're gonna we're gonna pause that explanation real quick this is another trainer skip we just walk under his vision and that's it uh it's just it's not wide enough or yeah yes what's really cool about that one is i think it went behind that pokeball to force the character off the rhyhorn because you can't do the trainer skip if you're on the right horn they get behind the pokeball which dismounts you and then you can do the trainer skip and then it puts you right back on the right horn when you can did you get those good to get um yeah everything here is level 39 so this is going to evolve in one level yep so this guy's pga and pidgeot so if you're wondering why we didn't involve pidgey earlier no you know um but yeah so press rope challenge um before the first badge you can get 24 pokemon good amount of the pokedex you know before the second badge you can get 52. that's like a third of the decks right before the third badge before you get three badges you can have a 127 pokemon there are eight pokemon that you can't get before the third badge because there's only 135 available in each game so you're basically done after surge in the grand scheme of things yeah and the pokemon left are like pretty quick too i don't think any of them take more than like a minute to get yeah the the only areas in the game that we can't get to are um victory road route 23 like the cave yeah the the cerulean cave and that's it it's like literally three areas are the only places we can't get to so um we really have access to the entire game at this point um and it's because once we get poke flute uh i didn't need to switch balls once we get the poka flute we gain access to fuchsia city once we're in fuchsia city we gain access to sea skim which is surf um and that just we can get the sin of our island we get the sea foam islands we can get to the power plant if we want to we're not going to like any of those places yeah it really unlocks the whole game when you get surf [Music] all right and i need to get the dodo into my party my shop evolving here is perfect yeah it's actually perfect timing q bones gonna lag a little bit behind in terms of evolving it'll evolve in time it's just uh i did not because i forgot about the uh the thing wait oh i can't math it was 48 plus three not 48 plus two okay you just get pidgey on i guess uh i need pidgeot i'm just gonna skip the marowak oh right yeah you do need a picture i'm gonna get to koga and i'm gonna have 49 and i'm just gonna be so mad yeah like i'm still gonna have missed something yeah 49 that kog is a good meme yeah you need dodo in the party though and goodbye evie yeah evie is no longer with us oh my god they're tragic and we need one more pope yeah there's one specific fire horse we're looking for evie's still riding on the hat yeah evie stays in the party not like used in battle but it does still get to travel alongside you wow this happens sometimes but usually i'm on world record base not on this kind of not on yeah not in the marathon all right that's the wrong one you know if you get marowak and you catch that you're fine right all right here's this i was actually about to go grab it it would be a kind of hype the pidgeotto there we go something else that uh isn't but it it doesn't matter so with the lure uh it doesn't matter that he got the encounter after the lure ended it just matters that the pokemon appeared while the lord was active so when the penny tossed spawned in the overworld it was level 39 um you need to make sure the penny says level 39 because you're going to evolve into rapidash which evolves at 40. um so even though the lure ended it was still fine because um got the spawn while it was at the correct level and doesn't need to learn anymore so i didn't want to waste one all right and then i'm gonna use one rare candy on it let's go here ponyta on the party it is actually worth using one of the rare candies on this because um like we mentioned earlier with the ride pokemon they have different speeds rapidash is is the fastest in the game right yeah there's like a there's there's different tiers and it's part of the fastest tier there are like five or six pokemon in the tier yeah it's like aerodactyl arcanine rapidash there's a bunch of pokemon that are in the fastest here so you you want to get one of those as soon as you can it's effectively the bike of this game um yeah right horns like the running shoes and then the wrap dash is like the bike you get just the progressively faster movement and of course it learns to move because everything does and look at the blistering speed on that horse it really is quite an improvement yeah also those trainers like can't see yeah i thought that you were getting one of them they they can see you they will walk one step uh if you're more than one step away they won't see you this is like the longest loading scene or loading screen in the game it's like five seconds yeah probably because that's all of fuchsia oh let's go to this cutscene let's go everybody's favorite cutscene slowpoke time baby i love this cut scene and let's go slowpoke it's just so much cuter with the two slow pokes yeah it's also uh twice as long mm-hmm yes i have to walk toward each other it takes forever just imagine this with a slow poke walking everywhere yeah there's a 10 chance he falls asleep in the cutscene and you have to sit there until he wakes up tauros is such a bully look at him yeah cutscene if we could skip all the cutscenes it would say like five minutes and evie and let's go but it would save like an hour 45 and let's go slowpoke yeah exactly that's why nobody runs it except for me i'm just so proud of it i do like the movie here um it's cool they fit like a feature lane film inside of a single cut scene yeah it's really cool and there's no text or voice lines or anything it's just a silent film just watching just watching it walk along it's good all right yeah no safari zone in this game instead there's like go park but they give you the surf technique here um and now we are off to get our new main we really have to make sure we are lured for this section um not so much for the like it's not like we're evolving something in a single level it's more like we just need our main pokemon to be a high level so you learn something from ivs as well they do right what was that again do lures improve the ivs on pokemon no or at least i don't think so oh that was quick oh there's a wiggly wig too plus they're on all right um so we're gonna have a slight indication uh 1062 is not bad so i'm looking at the number at the top right of the screen it says cp stands for i think combat points i think it's potential but yeah combat potential yeah it's some weird thing it's from it's a really weird formula that uses its actual stats and stuff like that it bizarre um but staryu can have anywhere or level 43 star you can have anywhere from 960 to 1160 so having 1060 is average you know that's not bad it's like exactly average it just tells you your stats so like the higher the combat potential the more likely it is to get like perfect special attack and perfect speed so you don't want to take a bad one because then you know that you're getting bad stats if you find one that's at 1160 it's like going to be a perfect star you yeah uh other thing i did i skipped over the oh no i forgot to do something hold on um i didn't grab the water stone on that route because i bought one earlier um i also want to get the old amber oh right because you need both fossils not something you normally do so i just uh it actually only costs that one little fly menu because i would have to fly here and get the old amber first anyway yeah uh normally we don't get the fossils you can actually sell the fossils so the one that we pick up in mount moon we would um sell for 3 500 and not pick up one of the nuggets i did but um for this it's good to pick up the fossils it's just a little bit too slow it's honestly it's kind of worth it to get two fossils if the old amber was like something you just picked up you didn't have to go somewhere special for it it would probably be worth it to get two of the fossils but it kind of comes back to like it's one of those things with every catch is about 30 seconds and this takes more than 30 seconds if you're just doing it for the one pokemon if you're doing it for two it brings the average down to maybe like 25 seconds and then it becomes faster but getting though the amber takes time um so it's like this big math equation of like what's optimal and sometimes it's worth getting the old amber because you're like so far behind on pokemon yeah second fun fact uh kabuto used to be actually used in the speedrun over the uh stormy uh back in the early days of let's go kabutops was actually the uh the quote-unquote mean pokemon that we use yeah it can it can still put up a good time um i think the the current kabuto best time is like it's under three hours and 10 minutes yeah it's pretty close within maybe like five or six minutes um and it hasn't had nearly the same optimization that the starmie route has so yeah there's a potential it could be it wouldn't be faster but it doesn't have to be that many minutes all right and into the mansion yeah so this is usually where we're doing our the last of our catches um i'm done with my catches which is really nice uh we got lucky with some of our um bonds and everything so uh last ditch effort here would be for things like coughing wheezing um magmar is like a super last ditch effort because that sounds not fun to catch um ditto you just wouldn't plan on catching yeah some pokemon are way harder to catch than others eradicate sometimes actually is something you can't try to eradicate here it took you this long to get them yeah it's one of those things like it's available on so many earlier routes but you would never wait for it on the early routes you would probably just you know get it here yes our rare run might not get ready until this late all right a bit of party management here um so i'm gonna deposit this i'm gonna play it safe and no [Music] do that i should have done this uh so we're gonna rare candy staryu a couple times um staryu comes in wow those are actually decent stats okay um staru comes in at two levels away from 45 where it learns hydro pump which normally we would learn i am not going to learn because of some of the beat red specific strats um hydro pump is 80 accurate and it's a bit more powerful than the other water move we're going to be using skulled um but i'm just going to opt to use a couple of extra x items in the places where i would be using hydro pump i think i think starmie's entrance animation and idle animations are so pleasing yeah the spinning like the spinning and the slight sway i think is really cool yeah yeah so my special attack is not perfect but it's on the high side and then uh my speed is actually very high though this is a there's a really good starmie i better give you the strat where you walk the other uh player in front of the npc it's like half a second slower oh i thought it was faster it's actually i thought it was too i must have mistimed it originally that's really funny i think it lied to me um but yeah this before we allowed two controller this was the hardest fight in the game um scientist ted just destroys you he does not one shot to starmie um but does a lot and outspeeds us so it's pretty bad and then so we we put something that is weak to electric in slot two in hopes to bait the thunderbolt into that instead because if you get paralyzed it's just awful um [Music] i think the old strat was like x special defend um x special attack hope you live on like low hp hyper potion the full um x special attack again kill the electrode uh and if you ever got critical you lost you got paralyzed you were in danger of losing there were like so many situations that made this fight uh completely wrong ending but now it's just x special attack twice and fights over yeah though popping up out of nowhere or rather time something we actually it it was basically the same speed as the fight you just outlined what was kind of more swag was we would lead with evie and use glitzy glow no to give it light screen or light screen yeah yeah right put up the light screen and then use double edge so that way we killed ourselves with recoil to get the starmie in for free really silly yeah nowadays we actually you know some runners will actually just not even put dodrio or doduo or um pidgeotto in slot 2 they'll just put rapidash in slot 2. because technically it is faster to not have something die next to you um but you do risk the crit or paralysis so it's it can be risky the process isn't that big of a deal but the the crit is a pretty huge title yeah a nice ditto there's something funny to me about like you know in most pokemon games where everything's on like the four four-way grid spinners instantly turn right like a spinner instantly turns to the right and then instantly turns up etc etc but in this game the spinners have physical movement between left and right but they can't see you if you're standing right next to them on the diagonal they look right past yeah yeah no he wasn't directly in front of me as i turned i blinked while i was turning yeah and in this game spinners are even better because they not only like can't see you on the diagonal there but they're also very consistent in the amount of time that they'll be looking in one direction yeah um like you don't have in gen 2 you could be sitting in front of somebody who's spinning wildly and then stops spinning for like eight seconds yeah um in this game there are like essentially spinner cycles sometimes you get through a room and it takes you the same amount of time as last time and the spinner's in the exact same spot it was last time that's actually going to be useful in sabrina's gym when we get there if i do the teleporters correctly so yeah gentoo it's uh sometimes four frames in a 60fps game and then they spin they can spin like 15 times a second or not spin for like 10 just really silly [Music] that's a good job on the questions that's always a big struggle so what's uh what's your catch count out now my friend my catch count is at 43 um we have one two three four five evolutions uh two of them are level up evolutions and then three of them are stones to do we are in very good shape confused race always awkward yeah you can get no confused right here it's rare it's like 30 pewter crunchies yeah so there are some region specific moves are items that will [Music] uh act as full heals yeah there's actually a lot of them there's maybe like five or six brock gives you those when you talk to him in peter or nah hold done and we learned in the the little conversation we had before we started streaming today that you can actually learn about the pewter crunchies if you talk to a random bookcase in one of the pokemon centers yep that text was actually about computer crunches yep yeah it's pretty funny um that rapidash and this nine tails are basically the two things that can outspeed you if you have bad speed um and they're not terribly dangerous on their own but the combination of the two plus you could potentially get burned by the magmar and all that kind of stuff um could just waste a lot of time on this fight aside from that though your speed more or less doesn't matter we're x speeding to outspeed everything that we need to so i do need to remember i did not teach hydro pump it was on purpose yeah but it's just it's so different than the normal route i love this by the way how many badges do you have seven me too seven me too three yeah you just do things severely out of order in this game like oh we just beat up the seventh gym leader back to the third here we go now we're gonna go take on surge um sergeant erica you can do in either order um do surge first honestly because it's just faster um on like the fly screen yeah i think it actually doesn't matter it's it's fast on the fly screen to go to or from cinebar to vermilion but later on we're actually going to fly from celadon to celadon so that's why it's faster oh is there like less loading or oh could use mache yeah make sense yeah yeah all right um so from the beginning of the run you guys actually didn't know this i've been doing rng manipulation for tans nice so these are always going to be the same cans there's one this is frame perfect though for the second day press yeah he's actually been holding the nip for the last two hours and 10 minutes yeah you guys didn't see it because i was uh because we when we took the break i had to actually go into the the pet screen in order to like pause the minute that's why i was in there right right right yeah well it doesn't pause the nip it just uh makes it advance at all rate that we know because normally it advances randomly when there's wild pokemon being generated uh but when you're inside the pause screen you can't you can't give this many fake details when you're inside the pause screen there's no rng being called so that the rmd doesn't advance faster this is too realistic of a fake detail yeah no uh they're always the same two cans like literally always even if you fail the puzzle it will still be the same two cans oh that's pretty silly um i don't know why i mean i'm assuming cause i mean realistically when you think about it if you're playing through the game once that is random to you you don't know which cans they are so it effectively serves the same purpose it just for some reason they decided to make him always the same two cans it like only helps speedrunners i feel like and nobody else well until you notice the pattern of oh it's always the scan for the first one yeah and the the two i think part of the reason why they did it is the the trainers that i avoided will actually give you hints as to where the cans are yeah after you beat them they'll tell you like i think actually i heard there isn't a switch in any trash cans next to the red trash can yeah so like there's the red one so it's not next to that one so like that's probably why they're fixed but it's just funny i like to think in generation 13 when we get another gen 1 remake they're gonna make surge have like trash cans on conveyor belts and it's going to just be like to be awful there's like a hundred cans being cycled through if like wait for like specific cans i don't know why but when you said trash cans on conveyor belts the only thing that came to mind was the lick a tongue mini game in pokemon stadium oh yeah like it would be like that with a trash can puzzle pretty sick you have to get like a high score or something yeah all right so this gym has the hardest gym requirement we have to show her a cute pokemon every pokemon is cute that's just a fact honestly that's very wholesome it is we we were like conspiracy theorists when the game first came i was like maybe she doesn't like fire pokemon what if you try to give her like muck or something that's an ugly pokemon but no she likes anything hey sean what's your favorite pokemon my favorite pokemon is gengar so even if you show her gengar they're like that's fine are you just being mean gengar is adorable dude where are you on the bell i just don't i just i want i want you to be hurt yeah i see okay yeah no i'm already here first chat you're just here also barely dodging all these trainers because of half titles once again you can have half an a press and half a tile it will dodge all of these trains you you can even have a ninth of a tile as we've done we have learned you can be on the ninth of the tile oh my god shen did you speaking of a presses did you see what gif x did for psr community day i didn't wait what happened giffex did pokemon blue glitched catch em all no start select or be that's sick i have to go and watch that that's it you get to watch the whole run i just remembered it wait no start select or b yep i i think it was a lot of broke through walls stuff yeah that sounds like it'll take a while that's phenomenal you could do death flies you get lucky oh you can never save savings banned dang it you can't you can't save okay yeah i'll have to go back and watch that it sounds really funny all right so there's though duo hitting level 40. um we actually used dodrio on the next fight so that's a good level for us to hit uh he's talking about the game now is there anything else you want to talk about that isn't let's go uh yeah shannon how's your day dude oh it's going pretty good i get to watch a really cool speed run from a really cool speed on her uh it kind of sucks though because there's this like third wheel in the chat that's kind of just you know being an input here and there i don't really care for it but i'll get through you know we've only got like an hour or two left right wasn't here i thought i was gonna get out of this without being made fun of i thought he was making fun of me was he making oh no no no there was there was definitely you're definitely taking this the wrong way i think i'm 100 make fun of a dove yeah okay good good good i mean no not ada you like adef oh no whatever all right i can take it hours and hours how was your day how was uh how was your day today uh well it was pretty good until i started talking to shin but before until then it was really good now i can believe it it must it must suck like being in a chat for this long with someone you've never won against in a race like that's literally not even true that's literally i won against you in battleships and i've won needle in a haystack against you and i've one guess who's against you this is this is blasphemy i think i've won three times it's actually pretty that's more than most human beings so you you're definitely in the above average as far as like humanity is concerned then i'd like to challenge you to a foot race a foot race name any distance um 20 miles tool assisted does that mean you can use a car oh i make it faster than the car you're not ready for my strats what are your stretches uh they'll show some rockets next in-person gdq is gonna be wild we're gonna wait gdq staff are cowards if they don't let shen and i do a foot race on stream i'll get it all mapped out we'll plan this a little bit smarter you you show up you're like athletic wear with like you know you're running shoes i show up on the motorcycle ready to go got my license and everything for this let's go all right hey etiquette you want to talk about the video game uh sure um we're going into silfco nice yeah actually this is this is one of the fights sort of like rival four uh the one in lavender tower that showcases the two controllers strat really nicely um we are going to utilize both starmie and dodrio in this fight uh turn one the blue has an exeggutor um exeggutor is literally the only pokemon that starmie's moveset is walled against um every other type combination that exists in the game we can hit at least for neutral damage but exeggutor we can't so um we have to use dodrio we're gonna x attack from starmie into dodrio and drill peck and then turn two is charizard um and we're going to x special from the dodrio and use skald so it's a really cool showcase like i said of the two controller straps yeah this way would be a pain i think you just switch uh if you if you were doing this without two controller strats yeah that's what we used to do is we would leave dogerio and then switch after we got rid of exeggutor yeah so you started the next attack okay the executor and then right here act special and uh he's called take care of the charizard yeah i was gonna talk about how this place is being taken over by an evil corporation and this guy's out here like oh we need the battle oh that survived thing i um i purposely didn't use the next item oh because you were short keys one earlier or something um in a way because i'm doing it's friendship based basically i don't want my friendship to go up that's really cool yeah so friendship's another mechanic where once you hit a certain friendship threshold your pokemon's gonna like turn around a bunch and you know they'll post more messages like oh your pokemon is anxiously awaiting your command and stuff like that uh which is slow so trying to disable that friendship threshold right now yeah the normally we hit that threshold on agatha where we start turning like the big thing is we turn around whenever we use a super effective move um and think about agatha all poison types we're gonna be spamming psychic every single one of those is super effective so um because i'm not because i didn't teach hydro pump i have to use more x specials and every x item we use increases our friendship a little bit i think it's like one point every time um so i was just trying to save an x item so that way when i use an extra one it like cancels each other out i just don't want to end up with turnarounds on bruno cause that each turnaround takes about two seconds so a full fight is like 10 seconds or more of wasted time also this is a fight here we go this is a this is a fight the true double battle you can't control the cuban and that electorate is a big threat well everything is faith's a big threat and that's really bad yeah this fight is notorious for wasting time it is not impossible i don't want to say it's impossible but it is hard to die to the fight it's very easy to lose whatever pace you were on though yeah because now because the storm took so much damage forced the heel here really want this electrode to either explode or get critical of bad bone club this yeah exactly if we can hurt the radicate uh cubone used focus energy so kritzer let's go all right so now the fight it's still not the fastest version of the fight but this is completely free now i just have to spam psychic really really fast as soon as the electrodes off the field uh you kind of just breathe a sigh of relief because that thing just is so annoying yeah the the big problem is if like the actually one of the worst ways the fight can go um is you get self-destruct turn one and also get protect from the muck so the electrode is gone but the muck sticks around and um you end up leaving when the muck goes down raticate comes out and you end up leaving raticate around because it doesn't pose that much of a threat or at least not as much of a threat as the other things in the battle but the raticate is sitting there spamming sucker punch and sucker punch is super effective against you it deals quite a bit of damage so you typically would have to heal in that case so the fight i just got like i said not the fastest fight but honestly that's fine yeah one of the worst fights in the game too error would you be able to do the second break after this area um yeah actually that'd be a perfect time to do it sweet so let me know all right so is that just like casually a picture of the tower from gold and silver yeah yeah actually the artwork's really good in this game uh i had a really good time when i played it casually just walking around looking at all the artwork but there's some really cool posters you can see do they give the free lapras in this game yes they do yeah and they're free pouring on yeah there's there's a free lapras and a free porygon um and they both are after you beat silco yeah so um two more fights here in silfco um this area has a ton of battles like filth has 12 floors i think it is and there's 11 floors and there's trainers on all the floors there's one mandatory battle to get the card key one battle once you get into this room uh and then you fight giovanni and that's it like we get to skip this entire section which is really nice i did um i did a playthrough of the game where i followed the trainer guide like the strategy guide oh no and this area literally took over an hour this one like just going floor to floor in self code just took over an hour it was ridiculous yeah because they probably had to grab all the items and stuff yep a bit silly all right so wheezing decided to target starmie not a big deal i just have to heal here did wheezing just use thunderbolt yeah because we think it's a lot of rules it's that by tm i assume yeah thunderbolt flamethrower it gets a lot of the good moves pleasing's like a pretty mixed special attacker [Music] i think that wheezing in particular sludge bomb too is pretty scary but i mean you can see the improvement on like when we were using eevee where he had stuff like 2x items and still two-hit stuff uh with stormy it's just psychic psychic fathoms all right so now we're going to fight giovanni and then yeah after we beat giovanni we can we can break excellent man gfi is just like really well dressed can we talk about this i do love the turtleneck plus suit jacket combo yeah it's a nice combo the insignia is looking clean [Music] my man is fit bro yeah no kidding dude i see why people work for team rocket now see that's the thing you always see villainous leaders in fictional media and it's like what what do these people see in the joker yeah here in giovanni we've got a calm cool collected ceo with business savvy that's also better at pokemon battles than anyone who works for him clearly there's a reason to be on this guy's team now the you know eco-terrorism isn't great but yeah it's about you know honestly the health benefits i hear are quite excellent so yeah i wonder what kind of good health benefits you get from uh living in the pokemon world you know what i mean is pokemon get free healthcare but what about what about the people you know yeah where are the people centers yeah we have people's centers all right does a character ever go to the hospital in the anime canonically i mean if they fell off the rolling chair in the rocket basement they probably wouldn't have got that one on earth all right would be a good time to break yeah all right gamers we'll be right back uh after a quick break just take the opportunity to get up stretch your legs get some water i'll be right back in just a moment don't go anywhere hello everyone and welcome back to the games on quick hot fix this is challenger approaching with pokemon let's go eevee presented by etiquette sounds like he's the company sponsoring the game but that's not the case uh just a few quick announcements uh we will be shifting times for some of our games on quick hot fix shows check out hotfix for more info calendar approaching is one of those shows uh so challenger approaching will be at 7pm eastern instead of 10 p.m eastern now so badger 360 prison to come back on the show um and uh also i'd like to announce if you missed it that a new show has been added that i'll be hosting so i'm joining the two show club uh which is just me and sky bills right now but pb precipice will be on sundays at 1 pm eastern showcasing runners on the verge of a personal best doing attempts with that etiquette take it away all right um get started in three two one go all right so uh we are back here with pokemon let's go eevee um beat red category we are almost done with the main game not quite um but this is a category where we have to beat the game and then once we get into the post game um it unlocks the master trainers so every pokemon in the game uh has a master trainer and the idea is that those are the best trainers you are like somebody is the eevee master and so if you beat the ev master you become the eevee master and the way that you beat the eevee master is by using your eevee to pound them to the ground um the master trainers are all very high level uh lowest level is 65 and the highest level is 75 so they are very high level considering the fact that we typically end the game at like level 54. so it's going to be interesting to do it in a speed run fashion um there are a couple of in a couple of unique strategies uh that we can use to make the fights doable at lower levels uh we're cleaning up our catches um so fernan doesn't know in order to beat the game um we have to catch 50 pokemon koga's gym has a requirement where you have to have 50 pokemon registered in the pokedex so uh that was pokemon number 46. we're gonna get 47 in just a second and then three more really quick right after we beat sabrina and then we're making our way to koga yeah i think sabrina her requirement is level 45 right yeah yeah so you need a level 45 poke on the face sabrina which luckily our stormy's already passed level 45. um and then after that it's just koga and pretty much into the end game at that point yeah uh sabrina's gym requirement is honestly one of the reasons why soloing either the eevee or the pikachu just isn't really viable so when when we did the hideout um where we did you know the first jesse and james fight that we complained about and all that kind of stuff um we were fighting level 35 pokemon we then did pokemon tower and then after pokemon tower we did a lot of catching and then ended up in mansion um we went from level 35 on giovanni to level 43 on ted in mansion like it is a ridiculous amount of a level discrepancy so uh trying to main the eevee until the end is just not really viable so we're doing our last shop of the run here just buying the rest of the x items i need kind of messed up the menu but it worked out fine [Music] 40 special attacks by 40 because we need like 25 and it's just faster to hit left left then i end with exactly zero money that was not planned that's pretty sick that's really sick and into the oh this is the third last ship and not second glass i love this just almost lied yeah i've never lied before not once i've noticed once no that is the correct statement i've not lied once correct this is i just redesigned this redesign is so sick i love this shirt i like all of the gyms are really good in this game um like they kind of went the gen eight route which i mean this game came out before sword and shield but they kind of went that route of having it be like oh there's like a crowd and stuff like in some camera shots you'll be able to see there's actually like stands where people are sitting uh and it's really cool yeah they have a really noticeable one yeah this gym has a noticeable one and then koga's gym has another really noticeable one yeah the as long as you take this path the same every time the spinners should be there like the spinner should be the same spot in their cycles every time um these teleporters it's actually a little bit of intricacy to like step on them in the correct way uh when you go to step on them you'll notice a lot of times two different turns the first turn will be i'm gonna turn to square myself up to get onto the pad and then the second one is i'm going to turn to get myself squared up to be facing down when i get poofed away um so by walking directly onto the pads or walking directly onto them from the top specifically we can save a little bit of that time and if you don't do that then the spinners aren't always in the same spot so just a small little thing um this fight's kind of annoying because the mrim leads with late screen and you kind of just have to stall it out there's not really a better way of playing it so you just set up a ton here it's actually rough if if she doesn't lead with light screen because usually that means she'll use it turn two and then you'll have to waste another turn yeah nice burn on the mr mine hi moss sometimes it matters if you have bad special attack you actually could not one shot here yeah fair all right two shot though the burn could be nice but i didn't need it yeah not with that special attack and light tree ends here which is perfect timing you know as opposed to the gym challenges and sword and shield where like you know it's a whole event and like you challenge and then you know you could in game say that that load screen means there's a set of time where they're like hey guys a gym challenger is coming so buy your tickets here you just walked up and then there are like 20 people that sit here presumably all day i mean it might also just mean that there's enough challengers you know i mean there's a lot of people going for the gym badges that's fair but i don't see anybody else and when you check the thing it only ever says you were your rival i don't think it does in this i don't know what it does in this one that could be just for today's challengers it's never even how long that is either that's fair or they have some sort of like broadcast system where they can be like hey everyone there's a challenger approaching speaking of challenger approaching every every other friday and uh you're literally here right now also etiquette and i had the same response which was just to make noises let's go let's go let's go let's go now if you set if you set your timer on your phones right now for every week recurring fifty percent of the time you'll be in like ready for the show this month it's uh uh never again true because you're taking a vacation oh yeah there's no more challenger approaching this this month but i did two back to back i did one last week and this week to sort of true make up for that so we've got the stone evolutions here yep grabbing all the stone evolutions uh we're gonna grab two things up here um this girl has a moonstone that's now ours and then uh she's leaning down on your knees to be like hey guess what hey duke your boots didn't i took your face stole your prized possession and she also gives a substitute which we're gonna use later even worse in gen one in the uh catch em all glitchless category uh we go in and we steal literally a gold nugget off her desk that's fun we just stroll up take her gold nugget leave all right go candy starmie a couple times get it to 49. and then lots of stone evolutions here so this is going to be this should be i should say there's a chance i miscalculated but it should be pokemon 48 49 and then 50. what's the backup if you messed up the count if i mess up the count break switch in half yeah um i could run over yeah i could run over to that route and get either a tauros pincer and there's like weeping bell and benefit and stuff yeah there's reasonable stuff [Music] yeah it's always a meme with uh these kind of categories where like a majority of the time like we're we're fine with the tracking but you have that like 100 run where you just mess something up and it's like um yeah well like this one i did have the mistake where i thought i needed marowak and then didn't yeah already kind of like maybe i did actually need it and didn't get it right yeah it's definitely something to think about i did let me just i'm gonna go through in my head real quick the pokemon i need for the post game because in order to do so in order to fight red you have to beat six of the master trainers so i just need to make sure i have those six real quick i'm not gonna spoil them all so having the pokemon just allows you to challenge them but then you use your own lead no so you have to use that one pokemon and you can only use that one pokemon like you cannot switch in my starmie for example see you're going to be maining diglett yeah yes and you can only use one right you can't use like six digletts correct or actually at least as far as i know i didn't try fair enough i i don't know either i'm just saying all right so now we have this should be 50. i'm gonna go ahead and do a quick little bit of menu moving heal up elixir [Music] it's also nice now not needing to catch anymore because you can set up your party to be stormy rapidash and those are the only things getting xp now so don't have to deal with any level of moves or anything for the rest of the run yeah and having um one of the really nice things about rapidash uh is so i i mentioned earlier when we were fighting the rival in lavender tower that when you have the the ai for the pokemon or for the trainers when they decide to send out the next pokemon they try to pick the pokemon that has the best move against you um and so that's why you'll see if you did a run with squirtle for example and you you wrote down what is the order of every trainer in the game it would be the same as if you did golduck or if you did um seal and didn't evolve into dugong because dewgong's ice type uh so or shelter i guess so by having two pokemon out in battle the ai can now choose either this pokemon or that pokemon to to do its uh evaluation and rapidash is a very consistent with starmie believe it or not um to always give us like something that's at least good um if we were to use aerodactyl as our ride pokemon for example there's a chance that i don't know why i thunderbolted there and i actually hit i hate everything um if we used aerodactyl there's the chance that somebody would send out like the ride shoes second and maybe raichu's second is bad for us so always having the same ride pokemon is really important uh there is a misconception in the chat room gold duck is not psychic type believe it or not it is not this one typings make no sense to me goldberg is pure water i made the same comment about like starmie and slowbro would have the same party compositions from the ai because they are both water psychic [Music] yeah true imagine gen 1 though if like gyarados was water dragon like it should be yeah i'll trade regular water type on golduck for that what would we do in the in the speed run for red because right now we use the x special so we can kill with uh thunderbolt you would click horn drill and hoop yeah you're talking about blue obviously and not let's go yeah yeah sorry yeah lance is just a brutal fight in gen 1. yeah you use the next specials that you survive hydra pump and so that you have the special attack to kill it back thunderball yeah golduck is like a huge mandela effect like ev everyone collectively remembers golduck being psychic type but golduck has always been just watertight yeah it's definitely one of those pokemon one of my favorite things like that and this comes up every day i well not every day but a lot of these days and i do um the any percent with dlc category in sword and shield somebody will be like hey you have a level 60 pokemon how is it obeying you if you caught the pokemon it will always obey you the disobedience is for traded pokemon specifically now wait for real yes since gen 1 it is the gym why does the text box why does the text box only say it doesn't say anything about traded i don't know it just says pokemon level 60 or above or below will now obey you outside of that it actually matters and let's go too because you only have misty's badge you have over 45 star main yeah [Music] that is a that's a big common misconception and every time somebody is like exactly what adef just did like what what are you talking about now there is one exception to that in the catch em all speed run our pokemon stop obeying us because we change our trainer id in our item underflow bag which causes our pokemon that we captured ourselves to stop obeying because we've edited our trainer id but that's that's a whole other yeah which is really funny that that's the thing that can happen that's that's how we would uh we in the yellow catch em all round yeah we change our trainer id so we could use a thunderstone on the pikachu yeah because you can't thunderstorm pikachu the starter pikachu in pokemon yellow but you can still evolve pikachu and yellow if it's a traded pikachu they would change your trainer id so the game thinks that your starter pikachu is a traded pikachu and then you can evolve it because the ids don't match it's funny because like i swear somewhere in my childhood playing pokemon i swear i'm playing crystal once that i had this it must have been kenya i guess yeah it could have been kenya it could have been anything else that you did in in-game trade maybe the onyx from the bellsprout trade wow today i learned all right uh so this is the last of the secret techniques that we're getting there is one for flash i think it's called like light up or something but we're not getting that one yeah it would only help literally rock tunnel only right there's no other dark caves at all in this game um i do need to heal that as minuscule as that looks that is uh worth healing and then head to viridian so we have seven badges now we went from having two badges for an hour and a half to gaining five more badges in a matter of like 30 minutes yeah it's funny to be just like it's just one of those things where because you have to catch 50 pokemon you may as well catch the 50 pokemon while you're not doing trainer battles just because you get to farm all of the experience and get better pokemon works out that way [Music] also i like how presumably you go straight from blaine to here and you just have to sit through like two of these cutscenes with the guy back to that the rifle oh here's another here's another like pokemon i feel like thing that people forget about um a fact i guess uh if under the the truck so there's this truck right and under the truck go on what oh that's it you feeling the rest oh okay there's a mew that's the whole that's the whole bit it's true actually i saw a video on youtube once i saw a video on the gdq channel once it was on gdq that's right let's go chen i'm just happy to beat the uh feet the myth you know i mean yeah it's important that children on playgrounds still talk about pokemon red and blue that i agree that's important to us it would be pretty inexpensive to show up on the playground with one of those like a gameboy and pokemon blue aren't that expensive yeah and like would you rather your kid be talking you know spreading slander about legendary beasts or whatever these things are called these days you know what what are the things in sun and moon called ultra beasts oh yeah who needs it what's funny is legendary beasts are from gen 2 and you're like when you really want your kids to talk about legendary beasts like i was that was me they're legendary dogs i won't hear it any other way that is true they are legendary those 100 are even literally name one of them that's not a dog they're literally all cats hot dogs in chat okay i never agreed with it not being legendary dogs until etiquette just said that now i kind of agree they are there i still call them legendary dogs i still think they're luxurious i think entei enteis a dog well i know his reiko is a saber-toothed tiger yeah raiku raiku now that you say raiku is like definitely yeah well they're they're the legendary beasts because they're not all one species there's the sabertooth tiger the the big hot dog and then the uh what is suicune even if it's dog-like too i feel like it's the water you know that's the best emo the hydration hound what is it did you guys know that the moist hydration you guys know that the the legendary birds aren't actually birds actually it's a cat that wouldn't surprise me because it does have some cat like features mostly not liking large rocks falling on it that is true moltres is definitely a chicken [Music] still a bird i don't think anyone's in disagreement the chickens or birds i think any pokemon that learns fly is a bird uh i'm trying to think of a pokemon that is not flying type that learns why i think there's some there are a few mu definitely yeah let's see why is pikachu in yellow no it gets surf though if you do the event pikavolt learns fly weird feeling i mean i don't think so i don't think so there's even flying type when they don't learn it i know goliath's a weird one that learns fly that's just funny we well back in the xy speedrun i think that's what we used as our flyer back in the early days is gyarados scared to fly or no we only got to go it we never got goaller but i respect them charizard does not get fly in red blue it doesn't yellow well then charizard by your definition is a bird it is it's flying type there you go dragon ball also yeah giovanni's reveal is like all you need to know to know he's a badass oh yeah we're um fighting the last gen winner yeah he's got this one this fight can be a little dangerous um we are all right cool we have to use the next defense and if we get crit it ignores our x defense so we uh would die but i i know venomoth isn't flying type but it has wings and flies that's why i was asking well it doesn't have the levitate ability which makes me think it's on the ground i think you're being deceived by how fast its wings are moving it's not actually in the air because it doesn't right so sorry shin let's play a guess who and that will be the thing that we ask is your pokemon touching the ground we should play guess who but you can only guess specific pokemon that's pretty good is it gyarados no thanks six hours later guess who but you can only guess one pokemon at a time is literally just like needle in a haystack but you don't know what the pokemon is beforehand guess who but you only get to guess when you catch a shiny oh my god you might as well just catch them all and you have a decent chance of getting it by like halfway finishing yeah all right we are done with our gyms which is awesome um we came out of giovanni at really good health actually so the next fight we're doing is the uh the the fighting selco is probably the best showcase of two controller this next vote this next fight is probably the fight that like just benefits the most from two controller in terms of speed so um every pokemon needs at least one x item to defeat and the order in which they come out is good for us to basically set up as we go so we're gonna get rid of the pidgeot turn one because we can get rid of it with one x item but then we don't out speed the raichu so we have to use an x speed before raichu comes out the raichu doesn't come out until at least third and so like we can just sort of set up as we go so instead of it being a seven turn fight um with one controller actually an eight turn fight with one controller because you would want a guard spec um you can just set up as you go and have it be a four turn double battle dead really neat fight yeah even if the fight it it's not like that much faster because you are using the two controllers for it but the consistency makes it like people worth doing this because you can just kind of despite the 31 you have to worry about healing which costs time yeah it does have quick the pidgeot does have quick attack so you do have to make sure you're above i think it's like 27. yeah outside of kill range that's something you always have to be focused on in pokemon wrong oh absolutely yeah so marowak comes out second we can ko this easily with the plus two scald and while we're doing that set up our plus yeah because again you need the speed to be applied before the raichu comes in not on the same turn yep and raichu can't come out second because though marowak is the choice against rapidash and vileplume is the best choice against um army so you don't have to worry about uh raichu coming out second if you had aerodactyl as your right pokemon come out first rysu would come out second or would have a chance to yeah that's because violin resists water i guess that's weird it looks at like water and doesn't see the psychic super effective i wonder how like that priority work so it's it's actually based on their offensive moves against you oh okay the vileplume has petal dance which is more powerful than raichu's thunder okay so it's based off how much damage they do to one of your pokemon yeah and it's not even like raw damage it's literally move power and type effectiveness oh yeah because raichu would probably do about the same with thunder so it's it's pretty wild it it's really weird how it does all that we we we assumed that for a while but we just figured that out within the last i don't know maybe six months um and there's even some weird things like a move like counter is treated to have 60 power just for the calculation uh yeah that's gotta be really weird with the set damage stuff yep i tried to go ahead i was just gonna say things like double kick are treated as 30 powered even though they're effective 60 because you hit it twice it's a it's a weird formula yeah definitely i tried to pace the message i had been sending about like get etiquette's 15 000 followers pet ev etc but what was copied to my clipboard was the video that i sent if you posted that in chat oh my god the eardrums that would have gotten deleted i did not oh that was risky i'm glad you didn't but this is a reminder to follow etiquette on twitch uh etiquette is a great streamer very wholesome very fun very cozy uh look at that smile um and uh he plays a lot of pokemon games uh lots of pokemon speedrunning so be sure to check them out um and uh you know what we're gonna lower the price because it seems gamers are in a quiet mood tonight 14.5 k all right 14.5 we're over 14.3 so at 14.5 k followers etiquette's going to pet the eevee it's true guys please post other pets in chat if you have them out and then you can just literally click on a pet to make him pet the eevee by clicking on it hitting the follow button you don't even have to stand up you can actually do the whole process while sitting down all right so this is one of the fights that i'm gonna going to have to do something different because i did not teach hydro pump um normally you go for an 80 hydro pump here and you can still die this fight is one of the worst in the game oh reach yeah uh he decides to outrage there instead not just surprised it has that new that's so weird yeah it also has crunch which uh does basically half to us yeah sometimes over half [Music] that went pretty well and the entourage gets destroyed yeah effectively the same number of turns as if i just missed the hydro pump yeah [Music] by the way are we gonna see a trainer skip uh so we should see one for sure there's technically two that are possible here and i say for sure before i get there which means i'm not gonna hit the trainer skip because that's just how my life is i love how evie just glows this whole time it's so funny yeah he's going super saiyan [Music] i'm pretty confident you could push those with other pokemon you probably could [Music] you know if there's a glowing eevee on someone's head i wouldn't fight them you know oh my god wrong etiquette's up to 14.4 let's go let's go what's going on there's drama now baby see the thing that we don't tell them etiquette is that potentially 14.4 just means actually 14.35 or higher we don't i i guess i just i just looked and i saw how much it was yeah don't don't say that don't tell them that they still have to do a hundred more or a little bit less no you could be the follower that puts us on the pet evie if you follow right now it's very likely that it's you we're so close and if it is you you'll know that and how exciting would that be you'll get the satisfaction [Music] just know that evie would have gotten pet because of you and if you don't follow that means evie didn't get pet because of you i follow you now [Music] final push either free hill if you thought yeah i was gonna say yeah yeah it's really nice seeing that free heal right before the end a very convenient feel it's also fast it's way faster than healing yourself true nice can't push them diagonally weird i thought there was like half diagonals or something uh i'm sorry are you talking about ninth tiles i've been writing a phd thesis this whole stream on the problem is you were in quadrant four but you need to be in uh five six or nine yeah tell them okay all right you're in the wrong quadrant so memes aside another trainer skip this is probably the most impressive looking one um see that girl right there we don't have to fight her nice yeah one two or three of that uh though you know the first third of the tile you never enter the loading line which is on the four five six line of the tile so you don't hit the trainer's line of state now we're not even you know shen and i are not exactly in the school of thought which uh you know we predicate on the information that you can only divide into ninths but of course there are these wacko scholars uh who assume that the title can be divided even further perhaps infinitely and we don't we don't want to get into subtiles and sub subtitles etc yeah you eventually there's some uh really weird theories going on out there about uh breaking up tiles into things so small that they are one singular pixel as well yeah about that yeah it just gets too hard to follow at that point i don't have a microscope on hand game resolution isn't pixels by pixels it's tiles by tiles everybody does that exactly pokemon let's go eevee is is 20 tiles by 10 tiles [Music] oh man yeah 1980 by uh 1080 or whatever 1920 1080 that's just how many tiles are in the overworld so there's 1900 tiles horizontally throughout all of let's go and then there's a thousand vertically yeah just be thankful i don't stream at 4k because uh you'd be seeing 4 000 a defs yeah 4 000 tiles at a time as well would be hard to count i stream at 1. [Music] all right you see you see the slowpoke fan up there i think he's going to skip this trainer yes he is he's going to skip this trainer yes you should try you should try he's 100 gonna try this is the hardest trick in the run right actually yeah this has been i think this has been done like a handful of times yeah like maybe 10 or less this has been hit well 11 after tonight we will try [Music] i can't wait till people reset over this trick i know it's so far into the game yeah so um one thing you'll notice is when i'm like next to a wall there's no ride pokemon and now there is so there's the potential no it didn't work i thought you were going to save i thought you were going to save and try it now you know just to get a full rate on your control stick in like one frame yeah because the so we have to use a joy-con and the d-pad is not a d-pad the d-pad is acting like the a button so we don't all of our menuing and all of our movement and stuff is using the joystick so we wanted to hold directly right so that way we didn't stutter at all but it didn't work there is the possibility to to bypass through this trainer you can basically like be off of your ride pokemon and then spawn into the ride pokemon and then the ride pokemon hits the ladder load zone so you can just go right past them um i've never actually been able to do it can you use like a bigger pokemon they have better odds um potentially rabbit ash seems to be the one that like somebody was trying it with uh persian and like couldn't get it ever but could get it on rapidash every now and then so onyx is going to be meta again someday it honestly could be yeah it's a really inconsistent trick that again has been hit maybe like five to ten times ever all ten of those times were may good one one one of those times was earlier like today in the ah speed runs marathon i think yeah the off speed on marathon uh how they have spectators aspect of that that's really sick um but yeah so we are at the elite four so we have five more fights um and then we are into the post game where we can start getting rid of some of these master trainers yeah if you want some analysis there's five more fights then six more fights then one more fight yeah that's great analysis and that's why we hire shen to keep coming back to the commentary i got you i've been keeping count have a notepad here nice wait five more fights and six more fights and one more fight shin i just can't how many is that total ah should i have a calculator open one sec okay thank you yeah maybe if you do maybe it'll help if you do one plus one plus one plus one and just press enter twelve times five six and one right yeah five and six then one that equals twelve okay but do we count do we count any of the half fights uh a fight is a fight it can't be just a half no that's not true that's not true that's well tj henry yoshi no there is there is a half fight so there's 12 and a half fights no because if you continue holding a fight throughout the duration of fights it's it's one fight all right tj henry yoshi all right i think you're the henry yoshi in this situation listen the half fight will make sense when we get there oh my god etiquette's not messing around [Music] i mean i am messing around but [Laughter] that is true there will be no adultery on challenger approaching and that's a promise in my head i was like this jinx has dry skin that is a weird situation that's a very very weird situation i don't know what this has for moves but the fact that it comes out fourth and what we know about the thing tells me it's nothing dangerous there's no chance it has rock blast sheer cold all right hydro pump all right we're fine yeah i mean it wouldn't even be able to hit oh wait no the same level it could have actually shareholded you but it doesn't have that thing i don't think circle's even in this game that was a weird situation yeah i didn't know what to do i was about to say the the lapras and the uh jinx are ranges and you just did you crit into burn no burn yeah it was a it was a low roll into burn so it died and he got put to sleep and i got put to sleep because normally what happens there there's get like ice punch like four damage and then don't have to heal on the cloister but the cloister came out well i think it was asleep that was the most intense sit down i've ever seen right all right i accidentally used a psychic on the cloister when i wasn't supposed to so i'm gonna sculpt this i'm gonna waste super effective tests but if i end up having turnarounds here which i shouldn't have but if i do i'm going to waste an extra two seconds all right good yeah no turn around yet you get that like 52 normally right yeah usually it's at 52 um and it's very noticeable but the nice thing is as far as i know it doesn't happen mid-fight so like on this level up i'm not gonna all of a sudden start turning around all right that here's another fun question for you you may actually hear this the hitmonchan is 110 beast special defense same with hitmonlee 110 special defense what do you think their special defense was in gen 1 they have 110 now okay well given the fact that there was no special defense stat in gen 1 just the special stat yeah i'm gonna say it was much lower because their special stat their special attack sat which is what special quote-unquote was supposed to be i'm going to say a big i'm going to say like 40. it was 35. 30. okay pretty close it's less than caterpie so bad i'd like to i'd like you to put some respect on that yeah that was a good that was a solid guess i'm not gonna lie honestly 40 was what came to my mind too let's go etiquette i i love how bad they are like especially defensive because i was like why do you care about special effective text on this fight you just thunderbolt these things i'm like right this isn't gen 1. you can use a loser gun on this yeah like thunderbolt from a dragonair that's not boosted can almost carry them and dragonair is like 70 days special it's horrible that's wild i love her uh gengar staff it's so cool yeah he also has a gengar like neckerchief almost oh yeah well in a was it pokemon not origins uh in one of the like anime episodes she has a pokeball in her staff and she like pounds the staff and gengar comes out so cool what's the there's there's the friendship power of love shake off the thing i got it on the wrong turn it's better to get it on turn two instead of turn one now i'm done with all my setup i think what ten percent right that's a quarter damage thank god yeah so it's it's very nice that she decides to use glare turn one typically and those are the turnarounds so every time i use a super effective move or i heal in battle i'm gonna get starmie to turn around and look at me and it's about two seconds every time i don't want the experience round it's gonna hit the point where it's like we need to save those 10 seconds on agatha and you have to on there you can save these 10 seconds if you want to go for some hydro pumps oh that yeah that's why you hydra pumped the nitto king and stuff that's right yeah i mean i don't think the game is going to get there before it gets to the point where like i think it's more likely that that trainer skip becomes meta before anything like that becomes better that trainer skip is looking hard if there's any any geniuses in chat you want to embark on so the thing about that trainer skip is you'll both skip or you'll actually i don't know if you'll be a level lower here but you'll use at least one less x item and you're only like i think three x items away from not having turnarounds at all on agatha either and then lance you don't get turnarounds on cause you don't use anything super effective yeah you only have that okay yeah so you uh by skipping the trainer you could also skip turnarounds here and save in addition to the time for skipping trainer you know 10 seconds you actually get both yeah you get both all right i'm going to do my first actual save of the game here um i'm surprised you didn't say brag agatha i didn't save because i had um rapidash with me and i could have just popped out two controller if i needed it oh right yeah uh this fight is one of those crit and you die kind of fights so just crits are 1 in 24 so they are rare but they do happen we actually do not need 600 followers for pet the eevee we have reduced the price it is a hundred or less now we've got a little bit of time on that get to etiquette and follow if you're not and etiquette will pet the eevee at 14.5 it's true i will i have agreed to this all right so lance is the dragon type trainer as you can see i'm going to go ahead and step in that special defend here to block the hyper beam that just kills if you're uh yeah critical so you just have to deal with that yeah hyper beam is both good and scary um it's good because he can't hit me the next turn uh but it's scary because obviously a crit will just straight up kill me the other moves it can use are um dragon pulse and hydro pump neither one does a lot of damage um and i did take a lot of damage from those first two hyper beams so i did have to heal there and then because he used hyper beam on the last part of my setup i know he can't hit me here but i can get a free heal in and then spam psychic it's faster to heal in battle than heal after anyway right so it's better to heal there than like do it after the battle because you need to be healed for champion yeah i need to be held for champion although now that i think about it i am gonna be doing something a little bit different on champion i'm gonna be using two controllers so i'm gonna have to go into my box anyways one of the scariest if not the scariest fight in the game is actually the champion fight which is really cool i like how the the champions are the hardest fights in the run yeah champion is like legit hard in red blue as well [Music] i don't mean from a speed run perspective i mean from a cat oh yeah yeah that's fair now he does he does the smart thing this is what all trainers should do um leave with your strongest pokemon like if you're going up against someone as one pokemon you should leave with your best uh yeah champion this game actually leads with this mega pidgeot is really interesting it's a very cool dynamic change because like every time there's been a mega or like in gen 8 dynamax pokemon they're always the last pokemon that comes out yeah and in this it's like just starts the battle with a mega evolution you're like uh what it's also interesting the pidgeot's the mega they didn't go with like venusaur or anything like that it actually makes the fight pretty interesting having to deal with a mega on turn one all right so um i'm gonna go ahead and pop this in my party has its purpose don't worry yeah pidgey will be very useful against the mega pigeon it's like a uh initiation ray the it's just a warm-up for a fate that pg might have to do later yeah a little giving pidgey a little bit of a taste of what's to come he needs to experience fighting level 50 mega pidgeot to be prepared to play the high level pidgey um but yeah normally this fight is pretty much the same as the last fight set up an ex special defend and set up while you're praying not to get crit um instead you can do it with two controllers and then turn one basically and kills pigeons yeah i think it always goes for a quick attack there because it chaos with a priority move yeah special attack here and you're all set yep see you do die to a crit but it's um actually you have a chance to live a crit but you would want to heal because then you'd be in quick attack range um and yeah that's pretty much it we're now just set up for the fight um the main reason we don't do this strat for more fights because this strat is actually really good um it's a very safe way to get through some of these fights with tough leads the main reason we don't do it is because even though the second pokemon is gone and we don't have to control it the lag from double battles is still here so you'll notice like the camera's panning around after i use my move when normally it wouldn't be doing that if it was a single battle and the other issue of course is you would have to always be putting a weak pokemon into your party and you know you you can't really stack up a bunch of weak pokemon to be able to like throw them out every other fight because uh well one they'd be getting sent out here and they began experience so is it being have a problem all right then one more poke i have to remember to use thunderbolt and not scald i've definitely done that before and not kou actually it might not i think it's right yeah it might but like not the worst misplay and that is the champion so um unfortunately we do have to sit through credits credits aren't very long all the way through credits they're about four minutes it's honestly not bad um shannon and i can play rock paper scissors and call out one of them yeah you ready you ready you ready you ready you're going down yeah and on shoot obviously unshoot okay okay rock paper scissors shoot paper i was doing actually scissors i'm not membing i'm holding up scissors okay a man of his word nice all right i trust you all right round two okay this time you say yours out loud and i'm gonna oh we can actually play with etiquette that's much better true etiquette's in on it too with a little cam rock right paper scissors shoot i did scissors again i also threw scissors i hate oh destroyed etiquette double lost you know what my secret is adaf i've said i've said this before i literally have only ever picked scissors and rock paper scissors that means i do remember for sure i don't think this is the first time we've played rock paper scissors now that i'm thinking about it and i got you the scissors trap again well what's funny to me is that the the implication that you in your whole life have never picked anything other than scissors is ridiculous i don't remember ever picking anything that wasn't scissors there's a there's a theory that rock papers like what you choose on your first choice in rock paper scissors is based on your personality and then what you what you choose after that is based on your emotional state but shen is perpetually just a psychopath so he's just picking scissors all the time well rock is optimal because it's frame zero paper is like frame one and scissors is like frame four right right right it's about the swag you know i mean you throw scissors you're like you're saying i can win even with four frames of lag you know what i mean hey you know it's funny so at first i thought you were just doing a bit but now that i've actually thought about it rock is the fastest one like no question yeah it's frame zero frame zero yeah wow insta absolute insta i'm not sure of the frame data on paper scissors but i know paper comes out a little bit faster it's it's like slightly faster i think it's like two ish frames versus like three or four now the real question is what's the hitbox like what are the collision metrics on uh rock paper and scissors well if you lose to me after me saying that uh that i only throw scissors the hitbox is huge because it really hits you in the feelings and you realize you know what i could literally pick anything i could pick rock because with safety because even now that you know that i know you'll always pick scissors i know you'll never change because then your quote that i've never picked anything other than scissors will be ruined on live broadcast television no i'm private i switch it up and people just can't say anything because i always have a contract i'm about to play rock paper scissors with people that if they lose uh they can't stay in any way in like any stipulation what i use to beat them so then it gets in their head even further they're like wait but if i lose to him picking not scissors i'm contractually obligated to never say that he lied though it's this big mind game etiquette can relate but he actually legally can't tell you that because he's under contract can neither confirm nor deny yeah he's like literally contract comment he can't go against it right now do you guys ever like as speedrunners this is like almost not a bit like genuinely do you ever like it's kind of i really have had this thought like i genuinely sometimes think about irl frame data like oh like sometimes i think about something and i'm like well that would take x mini frames i think like just because my life for so long has been metric to buy frames in my my old apartment i used to buffer the start button on the uh dryer like the washer and dryer i used to buffer the start on the dryer yes wait appliances are like the place to be thinking about frame data oh i i also do yeah frame data for sure i do uh if i if i want to microwave something for two minutes i'll hit plus 30 four times instead of 200 stars because it starts counting down immediately yep yeah that's smart yeah that's so much faster wait you guys want to know something that's mind-blowing if you type a hundred into a microwave it'll go for shorter than if you type 99. yeah true because one minute first 99 seconds is this one minute nine nine seconds yeah oh oh i thought we were i thought no for a second i was duped and i was like oh is this something to do with the internal clock not handling you know three significant figures properly like uh but no you're talking about uh one minute when there's something i used to do in the microwave i would microwave everything with the popcorn button but i would watch it so i didn't know what it's done why why why why i i did that for a bit it was pretty funny i did it was faster i thought chen was just going to be like i started microwaving popcorn that's funny yeah you just hit the popcorn about this all right oh where's tm's there we go i did start like uh especially after i started playing bingo religiously ocarina of time bingo in like 2013 2014 whenever i was driving places i would be like oh what's the fastest route like i feel like if i do this chore then destroyer than this drawer like i feel like that's actually the fastest route it's pretty sick i'm gonna be teaching moves here for a while so just we can keep this talking going yeah pretty much every single pokemon on this team is going to be learning protect substitute and toxic um etiquette is a fun person to play against when you're doing like competitive battles for example and uh yeah to be fair etiquette is literally putting up a level six like or level 17 diglett up against what i presume is gonna be much higher level than that like level 65 yeah not everything is getting sick yeah go ahead as i say there is one pokemon that is not doing toxic stall strats yeah that is true one of these fights will be one uh legitimately would be the term you might use uh fairly would be another charm uh non-cheese that's probably the current nancy's yeah for those of you that are not really privy to like you know pokemon strategy strategies uh you know i don't know i don't know chen why do i do anything why do i be the way that i am why do i be the way that i am you can put that on my tombstone why do you invite me on this program there's my my one f for the night um oh that's true he's on the list now let's go he tricked it um uh so and substitute obviously are just like stall out your opponents but toxic uh is badly poisons your opponent so badly poisoned is not just flavor text it literally is different um it initially i believe boyz 116 to start yeah uh so it's 1 16 to start and then it doubles but it never goes over half um so it's 1 16 then 1 8 then one fourth then one half and then it stays there uh so the most number of turns it can ever take assuming they don't ever heal or have leftovers or whatever is five five stars yeah it's four four to six five would be the average i think it actually depends if they have even or odd health and i also think it matters if it's divisible by four it might be yeah because because no i think that's right because 16 8 and 4 all divisible by four so yeah i remember i used to back when i did like competitive stuff i would always make sure that my pokemon had like specific hit points so they didn't die in like specific toxic terms because that matters right so etiquette why did you teach over psychic on starmie excellent question uh starmie is one of the master trainers we're going to be doing and i just don't need to psych um i do need scald for something else that we're going to be doing but so is oh is starmie not going to be your main for red i'm realizing ooh he doesn't know this is fancy it is nice i have a feeling that i know what it'll be now we've been only really using this thing we may still be clicking the move psychic later in the run yeah at this moment we do not have the move because it'll be slowpoke using it yes of course and and we can just pick up the psychic tm it's fine is slowpoke even available in this game it's in cfam right yeah it's in seafoam all right so first master trainer all these master trainers are very high level uh this one is bird keeper louie her keeper louis has a pidgey weird pidgey is level it doesn't show me here it's 65. um this pidgey its only attacking move is fly so what we do is we set up a substitute that way we can tank a hit and when it hits us with fly we use toxic it's badly poisoned we're gonna set up another substitute because it also has toxic and if it decides to use toxic then it'll actually will die at the same time and the game gives us the loss for that uh and now we have protect so because fly only hits every other move we can never actually get damaged by this thing and it's smart to not use protect two times in a row even on the non-fly turn yeah yeah it doesn't matter at this point though like once it has less hp then you you can't lose well actually no you can't says roost i forgot about that does that mean it does have roos so this just delays the inevitable it will die yeah as soon as it doesn't ease race it goes down um and then somebody in chat just asked what are these fights for so we have to beat six of the master trainers in order to um unlock red and once we have red unlocked we can beat red which is the point of the challenge how many how many master trainers are there in the game there is one for every pokemon species oh wow um yeah and the legendaries have different requirements um so they're the the cp value we were talking about with the starmie stats um they basically require you to have like 9000 cp or something like that um so it is not um necessarily the easiest thing to do uh which is why i didn't do those like there's no fight involved it's literally just have your stats be this high um this is a this is high this is a cool post game mechanic i like this yeah there's there's a lot you can do this game in this game with all the master trainers yeah and to be quite honest we're abusing like the some certain pokemon mechanics and like move set quirks and stuff most of these move sets are not like this it was actually a struggle to find six that you can do this with so just before anyone thinks you can just talk to sell all of them you can toxic stall a lot of them yeah usually you can't do it with a level 17 diglett yeah you will actually have to train up your pokemon if you want to get all of them so anyway here's a uh you you might be able to guess what move diglett has if we were able to abuse fly previously [Music] wow no way the one kind of tricky thing about this one in particular is this diglett does have sucker punch so you do have to be careful to never select a damaging move yeah um otherwise you'll be uh obliterated if it decides to go for sucker punch but this one doesn't have a way to heal itself so this one will be over in five turns you just always have to make sure you're protecting or behind the substitute on the right turns i didn't meet the substitute that's waste of time yeah sometimes slower than the agility all right and we are done with that one so um this is the way that like i said five of the six master trainers are gonna go in a very similar way um the one that is not going in the similar way is actually the next one we're about to do this one is my favorite because like i said it is not cheese at all this is just purely using the move sets against the pokemon oh wait i don't need to fly anywhere so is it also routed around ones that are close to each other so you don't have to fly or is that really even a consideration i didn't really consider it um but it worked out nicely that like a bunch of these were on the left side of the map and then the rest of them are going to be on the right side of the map so it's um pretty cool this one is probably this is the easiest one in my opinion well okay one of them you literally can't lose if you just follow the strategy um [Music] but this one is very straightforward um the other thing that's really nice about the master trainers is they allow you to essentially retry the battles immediately like you don't black out when you lose it's just like haha i beat you you want to try again and then you can just sit there and try again um and it's really nice you can also run away if you're like in a bad position you can just run away and try again and when you start the battle your pokemon gets to full health so it's like automatically healed so it's it's really quick to just retry these there's one of them in particular i may have to retry a lot this one's really cool because it's a level 70 kabuto against my level 44 and i too shot it with mega drain yo 4x type effectiveness so good it also has leech lights but we out heal it that is a six strat yeah yeah it could be the one that no special defense so it just drops the grass moves [Music] that's kabuto um and then i'm just gonna snag this rare candy real quick i wonder who that's for i wonder um okay so uh oh wait i don't actually want to do anything there yet these like post game menus i'm not super familiar with so i'm just getting through them one of the two escape ropes yep i'm small little optimization thing i move away from the door so that way aerodactyl is flying because the fly animation when you have a flying pokemon just goes whoop closer it's like the screen yeah it's super minimal but uh it's kind of fun um so we're taking a detour here no master trainers in here just um going sightseeing don't worry about what we're doing here why are you i don't understand i love the look of this place in this game it looks so nice oh that looks really good and then like i kind of don't like how they i like the way this room looks but this room they basically removed the puzzle from it yeah yeah it's just this big open area which is really nice for like grinding pokemon but it's the maze is iconic yeah oh come on there's a recording right here yeah i hate hitting a button when you're like on top of the pokemon to pick up and they was like no you weren't there [Music] all right we're gonna take a quick little thing through here um yeah for anyone that doesn't know we're we're doing this to get mewtwo um mewtwo is just going to be what we use to beat red red is a team that's full of level like 85 pokemon so we have we're gonna have 13 rare candies for the mewtwo it comes in at level 70 um and we're still going to struggle through the battle to be quite honest yes it's actually still very hard is it the same team present in uh in uh silver and gold um it is very similar um actually no it's closer to the team from the manga actually um because what they did was um red blue and green all have like full team battles uh because green is a character that we're actually not gonna see but we're about to unlock her um and so that never happens did you save i did save i've honestly never seen that yeah i don't usually that's got to be a range yeah like i'm surprised that kills you must have horrible bulk i didn't have good special defense i know that did you just leave split up them i guess yeah i'll lead us to death um i'll i'll do two different things so basically what you're trying to do uh with this fight okay so the legendaries um you do have to fight in order to uh in order to catch them you can't just go into battle and catch up that's why i call this a half battle by the way wow wow so yeah i'm gonna usually what you do for this is you just give something weak for the mewtwo to like destroy turn one and then you just start spamming x specials and stuff yeah like that that's what it's supposed to do yeah burn would be helpful [Music] yeah and then the the main problem aside from this is the um it has recover so he starts to out heal you and yeah what not but you can get through it there is a time limit on the fight um we only have five minutes we're down to 426 it's at the top of the screen it shouldn't be an issue that crit is really nice that was really helpful that just guarantees the fight i think because now you just get the kf you use aquajet it's not going to do anything but i could it's kind of high you use awkward jumping again like crit like all right cool yeah and what's funny is that five minutes by the way it's always five minutes regardless of tech speed regardless of animations being on or off it's just really silly but if you're ever having trouble catching a legendary in this game turn animations off and put your tech speed on fast yeah that was i love how he backs it away it's so funny he's just like no wait actually darn it's such a nice touch to the game that there's a special animation specific to mewtwo yeah that's really cool because they know what you're gonna master ball let's be real yeah i mean like it's the most likely thing all right now that we have the mewtwo um one really nice thing remember way way back when we set our nature to modest for the star me yeah this mewtwo is now modest meaning it has plus special attack which is very nice um and now we're going to fill out our party with the rest of our master or yeah the pokemon that we need for the master trainers uh where is pidgeot there it is um let me do that not you ah all right there we go so yeah the the mewtwo master trainer is like have 10 000 cp or something like that and we're at like 7 000 so we would have to give it a ridiculous amount of candies and rare candies and snack candies and all this other stuff and it's just not worth it um but we do want the mewtwo specifically for red um the main reason is red leads like in gold silver crystal and part gold soul silver uh red leads the pikachu so having starmie would be rough there's no held items in this race it doesn't have light ball which is a really champion i think they gave it the uh the candies right yeah okay these master trainers are basically the only trainers in the game that have candies um for anything other than hp yeah does all the like ace trainer trainer class have a couple of hp candies all right so we picked this one this doesn't have like a common theme with all the other ones is they have two turn moves minimize is bad um this one doesn't have two turn moves but the move it does have that damages us is psi wave if you know anything about psi wave sidewave is a move that um deals damage in a very strange way it is not a move with like 60 power or anything like that it does damage equal to a half to one and a half times the level of the pokemon or something i don't know if it's a half it's like some number below their level up to 1.5 x the level yeah so it like at most can deal like 100 damage to me um and so because i have over 100 health i can just sort of sit there and spam recover while it's dying to toxic yeah it's a pretty quick fight um next up is another game crash from gen one is if you have a level zero using psi wave your game will crash i actually did not know that one yeah it doesn't know how to multiply zero divide some kind of divide or multiply by zero error yeah there's a divided by zero in there it's really funny oh i wasn't supposed to use whatever it's fine the game doesn't let you through this gate while you're on aerodactyl so that's annoying all right so this is the most inconsistent of the master trainers uh this is pidgeot the reason why this one's inconsistent um it has sky attack which is the two turn move that we're gonna be abusing it also has hyper beam that it uses sometimes so the goal here is going to be to get it toxic get it poisoned and get it you know depleting health and then try to get a substitute up so that way if i do get a rogue um [Music] hyper beam i can live it yeah we're gonna try to get a sub up there's a chance it goes for hyper beam here if it does i'll just retry the fight got reflect cool so i should be fine you have speed after an agility i actually don't know all right but i am officially can't die i am officially can't die very good ah nice i am officially can't die nice to meet you [Music] of course it's going to stall with ruse as actually oh no i thought i had like wing attack darn it it might not even help that much i mean level 41. i actually could do some damage oh yeah actually that's pretty high level the the toxic will overtake the roost at some point yeah i think it gives like five eighths then six eighths then seven eight or like sixteenths it just like slowly goes up yeah i think next one kills it looks like [Music] yeah this one should do it oh i just missed oh if you have wing attack what actually mattered all right there we go cool that is pidgeot down it's good not having to redo any of these fights um i may not be so lucky with red yeah but um so that is pidgey got down uh next up is firo firo is the one that i think is impossible to lose as long as you follow the strategy um so the firo master trainer has two damaging moves it has a sky attack which again as we saw in that fight deals damage every other turn so you can just sit there and use a different move use protect use a different move use protect um and its other damaging move is a drill run which is a ground type move and the reason it has a drill run yes the reason it has drill run is because the move roost when it's used will remove your flying typing for that turn so it's trying to catch you roosting assuming you're faster assuming you're faster but what a specific situation to try to predict absolutely it's like the the gyarados master trainer has earthquake uh because it's expecting you to mega evolve but like it's so oh yeah i say you can't lose this one and then i lose it cool yes i missed click on protect there it sucks that you got to protect too if you have failed that you have been fine exactly but yeah this one it's just so funny it has drill run i'm sitting there i'm like why is it have drill run what purpose does this have then it's like oh yeah that makes sense with roost but like i also wouldn't trust the ai to actually know when i'm gonna roost like how is it gonna call my roost you know maybe they hard-coded it just for this fight yeah which should be really something yeah it's funny you don't even have to teach substitute to the fiero yeah just goes all right as long as i use protect this turn i win yay all right that is all six master trainers done um we are going to take one more small detour before we go fight red um but we have officially unlocked him so that's pretty cool um so i'm gonna put mewtwo out front i'm gonna ride aerodactyl i'm gonna fly to cinemar [Music] one small thing one more oh wait there is another fight i forgot about this one um so the strategy for red is going to basically be set myself up to plus six special attack or actually plus five works plus five special attack and um and then sweep in order for me to be able to sweep at plus five special attack i need to be really high level so there is this coach trainer here who will give me five rare candies if i beat him he has a team full of the three eeveelutions so uh with my mewtwo i can just sort of stomp him and call it a day oh there's another one i didn't see what it was then you want to give it a go let's coach something i know his name was that wasn't paying attention i'll put it i'll put it in the chat as etiquette continues um but yeah so there is another one of these coach trainers in there's another one of these coach trainers in the power plant but this one here coach yas his uh hoshi ass is faster to get to so i cannot believe that survives this vaporeon is so bulky holy crap i didn't know that lived that just you too candied out of its mind yeah the ace trainers uh or the coach trainers they use uh they can't we wouldn't talk about candies a lot there's a mechanic in let's go where you can give your pokemon like health candies and like special attack candies they have all these like different names um you get them from like chaining pokemon and you can use the candies to [Music] massively boost your stats um it's very silly each each candy increases your stat by one so you can have a like a level three metapod that has more attack than like a level 50 charizard uh so you can like stomp people with like level threes that's unbelievable so it's not just like protein where it increases the ev yeah it's straight up just boosts your plus one as i'm giving these candies look at the plus one so see how there's a yellow plus one on special attack that's literally just adding one value to that stat is that because of his nature no so you just get a random one every level up and then you can also influence that with candies as well so like there's quick candies and smart candies and stuff um so yeah like how high can you go with candies because it's pretty high right 200 per second yeah so you can be sitting there at level five with your 12 attack and boost it up to 212 attack yes this mewtwo is 295 attack you could have a level 1 metapod with 201 attack good which is really interesting uh they can do like i'm sure someone will as a meme do like a level one play through where they just get a bunch of candies yeah the green is uh green lightning in chat is correct it does get harder as you go you can't just use one candy to boost one stat after you've done like a hundred of them uh they start costing more but it's fair enough yeah yeah it's still ridiculous all right so we are now fighting red so i assume based on the fact that you didn't save this works the same way as the master trainers yeah i think you can run from this too which makes it faster to reset and you can't use items right and not use items that avoid this is very much a fate of do not get critical then do not get paralyzed i'm sorry because one of those will happen because i mentioned it but um that is effectively how this fight goes you're just kind of hoping to avoid um anything dumb from the pikachu yeah we really really want to get up to like i think it's plus three special defense with calm mind because then it will start preferring iron tail which iron tail can lower your defense so it's still not a great option um but it's just like paralysis is worse yeah paralysis is kind of just gg if it happens but um defense drop you can always barrier again if you need i think am i at plus four you're at yeah four right now um i missed a rare candy somewhere i don't know where so i'm only level 82. i am going to go ahead and just go to plus six to be safe yeah um and then i'm going to [Music] there's one thing that can outspeed me um i didn't check my speed i think i'm fairly sure i'm high enough um but the one thing that can outfeed me is a lapras with megahorn so that's gonna billy then take a last minute recovery um but as soon as i get rid of the lapras this should be gg i believe the speed doesn't come into play cool um so yeah this this should be the end of the fight um that is a brutal start like i said i'm actually very surprised that i got through that um yeah no pair of no crit was produced no paranoid at all um it's not too bad to just restart the fight but like one of those things that's 15 turns of setup and if you get crit on turn 14 it sucks so you're about to come in under estimate my friend what is my time looking like uh around it'll be around like 350. not bad oh i think that's better than my pp i mean it doesn't count because we took breaks yeah that's unfortunate that's pretty funny does it i did yet someday i did one run offline as like a proof of concept that i didn't time but my in-game time was really good it was like a 344 um and then i did one run on stream and i got like a 356. but this is uh this is pretty good that is how you beat red that is like how the game wanted me to beat red and that is that time time is now yeah okay i'm sorry it's like is it on facebook it's technically your book whatever yeah battle master before we do the whole outro i'm gonna give you a last couple of moments to follow etiquette uh so that we can get the pet live on screen it's very close i think um i think we're we're quite close to the 14.5 k followers so be sure to follow etiquette uh these are your last opportunities here so give him a follow uh and uh he will pet evie if it happens so be sure to follow the runner and thank etiquette for such a wonderful performance uh so first of all shen thank you for joining on comms as always you're very welcome glad to be here and uh etiquette thank you for performing the run thanks for having me yeah any thoughts any thoughts i i know i struggled to come up with a a challenge run but i hope this one did well um i think we had a good time i think this is i love showing this game off so um i'm happy to do it and and yeah i mean like the time is pretty good so nice i hope everyone enjoyed it heck yeah and uh gamers just a few quick announcements here as well and then we will uh go to a final break and then we'll raid someone so be sure to stick around for that but gdq sum of best segments is now launched on youtube it's a highlight channel with regular videos like our main channel but with small highlight reels for all of our main events and hotfix and tune in tomorrow at 4 pm eastern for games done classic a podcast about classic gdp moments featuring super mario odyssey and at 7 pm eastern after that is that's never happened before a show about glitches and showcasing them which will feature spyro one dio mail don't know if i'm pronouncing that name correctly but i sure hope so and uh gamers that's gonna do it for us here etiquette you know i'll leave it up to your discretion if you give a pet or not this is up to you my man um but uh oh no is he gonna i'll do this at this evening oh okay like i think we're gonna like break it or something throw it yeah it just trucks across the room all right gamers thank you so much for watching if you're on youtube you can find etiquette's twitch link in the description um and uh we'll see you next time thanks for watching you
Channel: Games Done Quick
Views: 167,232
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: AGDQ, GDQ, SGDQ, Awesome Games Done Quick, Summer Games Done Quick, Games Done Quick, SDA, SRL, Speed Demos Archive, SpeedRunsLive, Twitch, Video Games, Speedrun
Id: mju8ai8-nVY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 238min 2sec (14282 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 09 2021
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