Super Easy Wall Stud & Ceiling Joist Finding Trick

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hey Kevin here mr. D I'm a dork from Dan weed or calm today I want to show you the easiest method I've ever come up with to find a study or wall you can even find studs in your ceiling and that's really difficult to do so check this out I know you're gonna like it all right now if you see my other stud fighting video you see my method of taking an outlet or even a light switch pull the plate off here and we'll nail figure out which side the studs on because that little box in there is meant to stud in the wall once you find that single set you should be able to measure either side of it and it's you know certain dimension to be able to find the other studs now I was using 16 inches on center because most houses were built that way but I did get a lot of comments saying that not every wall is built that way and you know they're not all 16 inches on center so I figured there had to be an easier method now in this wall it's super obvious to figure out where the studs are because we have exposed screws that's because we were working on our house we just added new drywall because we shifted our front door to the very center of the house we had to add a new piece of drywall so for this be perfect to show this method so check this out this is really simple now a couple of weeks ago I got an email from a lady she said she loved the video and she wanted to know if the method worked on her ceiling she was trying to find one of the joists in her ceiling to be able to hang something but of course there's no outlet there's no starting point to even know where to go now when we did the ceilings in our house we put up board-and-batten ceilings we covered up old popcorn ceilings so we kind of use a similar method to how I showed the first one we took a nail and we just pop it in where we kind of thought one would be and we popped it about every half inch so we found the stud then we measured over ended up being every 16 inches so then we were able to mark that way but now everyone's going to sit there poke a bunch of holes in your ceiling right in wall trying to test where everything is so I knew there had been easier method so I went back and forth the Hertz we figure out something that worked great I wish I would have thought of this so much sooner because this is a really cool idea what we did is we used really strong magnets now what I have here is a three pack of what Hobby Lobby is calling quote-unquote power magnets but what they are rare earth magnets little tiny half-inch-diameter rare earth magnets I got a three pack here for five bucks I've seen them cheaper at Walmart and I'm sure you can get them on Amazon or Ebay for dirt cheap you just got to look for and anyway these are awesome they're like like I said half inch diameter maybe an eighth of an inch thick it's like a small watch battery but they're super strong they work perfect for this now I'll just show you how strong they are here's perinatal nose pliers if you ever held a pair you know they got a decent amount weight to it this is one single magnet it's inside the slick plastic but so hold strong try doing with a kitchen magnet doesn't work being said there shake this thing and it's not really going to come off you have to do a lot of horse purple flame off so these things are strong now if you fast forward to some of my other videos on my channel recently I made a cool little kind of decorative magnet set using those rare earth magnets I called a mini long magnets they were just a little you know I cut up sticks in the yard I put the magnet on the end and it kind of looks like a trees going on your fridge or your message board or whatever so I thought I could adapt it to this and be a perfect stud fighting idea so instead of using a stick you could use a dowel maybe a three quarter inch diameter or one inch you drove back in with these magnets I'll link to the video how I made this you can just substitute a dowel rod it'll work perfect so what we're going to do is use the magnet to find the screws or the nails that are in your drywall holding it up to the studs now in this since it's raw and I can actually see in the screws we know it works but you get an idea of how this how this works is once you find the stud it will stick to it there's nothing here or as I find that one little stick like I said super easy here but what about you know finished painted drywall how would you find it so what you do is just go real slow until you find one you'll fill it pull and then you'll be able to go and it's holding on okay so you can take a little piece of painters tape stick it right on that spot you know there's one there you can take a level off that line it should be one if you want to test again just go around so you think you're going to find one and there we go there's another one you take another piece of tape stick it right there now you know there is a stud right there so you take a level and this kind of guesstimate if you had to you know just know for sure you could cap in a nail but you know there's one there it's going to work perfect so super simple idea just using magnets and no math no brains no anything just these little tiny magnets on the dowel rod you don't even have to use that one if you want to I decide be kind of cool have something hold onto so I hope you like that this is a no-brainer a that that will definitely work to help you find a statue wall member
Channel: MrDiyDork
Views: 3,828,112
Rating: 4.6293406 out of 5
Keywords: diy dork, stud finder, how to find a stud, wall stud, stud finding trick, stud finding method, rare earth magnet, find a stud with a magnet, no stud finder, find a ceiling joist, how to figure out where a wall stud is, do it yourself, hobby lobby, how to hang something from a stud, joist finder, where to hang something from a ceiling, hang drywall, install drywall, walmart, amazon, ebay, super strong magnet, dowel rod, mini log magnet, needle nose pliers
Id: trc0zFQzBZ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 44sec (284 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 12 2015
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