This May be the Best Stud Finder...

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] this I found out about through insider carpentry if you haven't checked out insider carpentry on YouTube or Instagram his name Spencer amazing finished carpenter he was using this in one of his videos I'll put a link to his channel at the top of the description but I asked him what it was and he told me it's a Franklin censors Pro stud finder so I was really interested I went ahead and ordered one on Amazon and I just put it under the tree to make myself feel like an early Christmas so I'm going to open it right now and talk about it and we'll see how this compares to my zircon that I've been using for years so let's check this thing out alright so we're gonna kind of compare these two stud finders this is my Old Faithful right here this is my zircon edge finding and I really like the edge finding and I'll tell you why in a minute but this is my son and daughter's room and we're gonna try it in here because we're going to be putting some really neat wainscot in here and anytime we're gonna lay out for Wainscott we're always finding the studs because we want to shoot our units of Wainscott panels that we pocket hold together we want to shoot them into the stud so what I'll do I know there's gonna be a stud around here around this outlet and I know there's gonna be one on this corner so what I like to do to kind of visualize it is I'll just put my stud finder on the wall and then slide it over and with the edge finding it's going to detect the edge of the stud so it should be coming up soon right there and then I'll mark that right there and then I like to come from the other side and then mark the other side as well so now I know I've got a stud right there in that box right there is nailed into it so that's a go is a good indication of where they're gonna be and that's an inch and a half so we know we've got one there and the reason I like the edge finding is because I can visually see it just works with my brain better I can see it rather than using a sinner finding one they tend to at least for me the zircon that I had I tend to have like a lot of missed detects like I would go to like screw something in and there'd be like nothing just drywall punching through so that's that's why I like this I could visually see it it's kind of a double check because if you got one and you got the other one you know there's one there so that's that one I have no complaints about it it's it's always pretty good for me it gets the job done now with the new one that I just purchased I just found out about we're gonna open this up and see how it compares to this one because I think it'd be pretty interesting and I'm really curious to see how this thing works because it has 13 sensors this thing seems pretty serious high-accuracy finds wood and metal deep scan always on it can scan and detect up to a little over an inch and a half of a guest drywall that's pretty amazing so if you had layers of drywall on top of each other like in a remodel or an old home it says it'll detect up to over an inch and a half thirteen sensors seven inch wide LED display so let's freakin open this thing up I'm excited to see how it's gonna work I think it's pretty self-explanatory we're just gonna pop some batteries in it and see how it works out so here's the unit popped it open and first impression of it it's pretty lightweight it has a ruler up here from one to seven inches so that's pretty convenient you can see if you find a stud and you can know like how wide it is like I just told you guys this was an inch and a half wide you'll be able to see that accurately and just know boom there's a stud right there so I got two batteries will pop this thing open and see how it operates two double-a batteries there's the 13 sensors right here so we'll go ahead and give this thing a shot and we'll test it up against ours aircon right here to get started and just slide it over and it should light up as it detects so it's detecting a stud right there they're picked up on the zircon it was a little late actually in the beginning let's see what we got on this try okay so what it's doing is you need to have this whole unit over the stud so you can see it accurately and you can see those LEDs just follow the stud wherever you move it and then we've got an inch so we got about an inch to there and then that would be a half so yeah this is showing with these lights and the markings right there on the ruler it's showing an inch and a half of stud right there so that's pretty interesting look how that those lights kind of just hover over that stud even as I'm moving this thing back and forth so let's go on down the wall here and see where our next stud is all right showing one right there and this this is kind of a that's probably about 16 inches away that's probably about right then we'll keep going on down here there it picked one up so there's there's a wider piece of lumber here so I'm gonna mark this because this is interesting just about where those lights land and I'm gonna see if my zircon picks up that space right there too nice so zircon is saying right there and it's saying right there so both of these things as you can see they detect very well this is just regular drywall with texture on it and paint so the sensors are great on this and I'm not complaining about this but from the looks of this thing this thing looks awesome it's just you can see it more like and it's quick you just hover it over and you can see the whole picture so you'd keep going this way and you see the whole picture here so this thing is awesome and what I'm curious to see with this thing because with a lot of other stud finders if you engage the detect button before you put it on the wall it'll just act all sorts of crazy give you some weird readings so what you're supposed to do is put the device on the wall engage the button and then slide it which you can see that's how this one works too it's picking up that stud again so what I'm gonna try right now is just pushing the button before I put it on the wall and seeing what it does so let's tell them you go this way no it seems to have no problem with that those 13 sensors that it has are super accurate so I'll try it right here again it's picking that one up already seems to be pretty precise it has kind of like this almost feels like a nice strip of plastic right there just to not scuff the wall and it slides across the wall better rather than that felt that felt tends to have some resistance to it it's on these styles right here I like that felt fabric or whatever it is but again it's not a big issue and let me tell you show you what I was talking about so if I push this right here before I place it on the wall it's already confused and a lot of people you know are that don't know you need to put this on the wall first and then push the button so once you do that it's perfect you can see it's lined up right there good but it's just one less thing to think about so you could just hold the button down and just slide this thing across boom you know shoot that boom shoot that just keep going on down the line versus this thing just remembering like alright put it on the wall push the button come over take it off the wall let go of the button push the button come back over it's just it's just just hold the button down and just fly so that's a big one up this thing has on this one so I bet you guys know which one I'm pretty much gonna be using from now on I like having multiple tools just always verify things but this is the new new stud finder we're gonna be using for sure I'm really happy I found this thing and saw insider carpentry using it and it's just an amazing stud finder I'll put the links for these things at the in the description if you want to check out this one this one is really good steel but I'm gonna probably start using this one on the jobsite especially if you're trying to find like ceiling joists or something if you're laying out beams you just slide this thing over you can see everything and just mark both sides in center like I mentioned earlier Center finding is just not my thing I just may have got a bad unit on my Center finding stud finder cuz I hated that thing it had so many missed detects and I would be shooting like a wainscot panel into the wall and there's nothing there it's just my panel is just going back and forth and drywall so check these things out like I said if you're interested I'll put a link in the description and let me know which one you'd rather have or what stud finders you guys like this isn't a sponsored video I have never spoken to these companies these this is just me being a tool a tool addict and trying to figure this stuff out and see which one I like better so I think we're gonna end it there next video we are going this weekend to get our casing for these doors probably gonna start running some base get the handrail stuff done so let me know if you have any questions or comments in the comment section below and I'll on the next video take care [Music]
Channel: Finish Carpentry TV
Views: 318,722
Rating: 4.9376516 out of 5
Id: X2S_PlLSeXw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 21sec (621 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 06 2019
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