Super C vs Class A - Which Kind Of RV Is Best For You?

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[Music] hello everyone and welcome to the rv inspection and care channel i'm duane and i'm a certified rv inspector and today we're going to be talking about comparing super c rvs with class a diesel pusher rvs now super c's are becoming a lot more common now we're seeing them more and more on the road there's more manufacturers making them and so on but the thing to understand is that superseas are really in a a class or a category all by themselves a little while back i made a video on comparing class c rvs to class a rvs and i got a little bit of feedback on that that hey you didn't include super seas well that's because super seas really don't belong in the general class c category they're a whole different animal altogether they're really more like classes because of their size and because of the power that they have in fact uh many of the super seas these days are being built on commercial type truck chassis you know like freightliner and volvo and that kind of thing so they have a lot of strength and power and the class a that we're going to compare them with today is not really the gasser class a because it doesn't really fit to compare gasoline engines and what they can do to diesel engines but you can make a very fair comparison between diesel pusher class a's and super c so that's what we're going to do and the first thing to recognize is that both of them have some things in common and the thing that they have in common is essentially they're at the very high end of the rv market both super seas and diesel pushers they offer a lot of options and luxuries that you just can't offer in other rvs because of the weight that they can sustain and carry around so in that respect they're very similar but let's get into the comparison and so we'll start off with the pros of the super c when compared to diesel pushers and the number one pro and this is really important with super seas is their towing capacity my goodness they can tow some serious weight most class a diesel pushers are probably going to max out around 10 000 pounds for towing well when you're talking about these super seas they can go 20 to 30 000 pounds sometimes even much more so if you've got a big heavy trailer that you're pulling with your rv well then a super c is a really good choice it's ready for towing now the second pro is that you have driver and passenger doors on the super c and a lot of people like that you know they don't have to get up and go through the living area to get out of the coach or they don't have to just have one side access point either person has their own door to get in and out and a lot of people feel it's a little easier getting in and out with those driver doors now the third pro is there's more safety features generally speaking in the super c than you're going to find in the class a diesel pushers for instance uh in the super seas there's a lot of airbags most of the time so you have the advantage of having that in a crash these days class a still aren't catching up very well in that particular area for safety but then there's also that big front engine that goes out in front of the rv too in the super c so if you have a head-on collision well there's a a lot to go through to finally get to the driver and passenger in the front but in a class a that's one of the issues for safety is the driver and passenger are right there where that front end collision takes place so for a lot of people they just simply consider the super c to be more safe and especially in a front end collision all right now the next pro is the access to the engine and uh the fact that there's a lot more room to work on engine related issues in super seas rather than in class a diesel pushers and again that's because that big old engine is right out front you know like most commercial truck engines are and so the mechanic can get right to any part of the engine pretty easily there's a lot of room to move around that is not the case with many class a diesel pushers in fact you very often find that you have to go in the back bedroom lift up the floor and to access the engine get in there to work and mechanics are you know laying on their stomach trying to work on that engine and it's really tight in there there's a lot of diesel mechanics that just will not work on class a diesel pusher engines but you know when you're talking about that normal diesel engine right out the front there they're happy to work on that so that's that's a pro now the next pro is something very closely related to that and that is that there's simply more places uh to work on super seas because of the engine being out front and that's a big plus there's there's a lot of shops and so on that will not even accept diesel pushers at all they just consider it to be not worth their time and effort but you know if you find a a diesel repair shop that works on commercial trucks well then the chances are they'll work on the super c so it is a real advantage now the last uh pro that we're going to mention is that for families there is extra sleeping arrangements in the super sea remember it's a sea so it's got that iconic front that comes right out over the cab and that's a great area for a bed for kids so if you have a family well then and you're comparing diesel pusher or super c and you need more room for sleeping area the super c has the advantage in that area well those are the pros now let's talk about the cons of super c's when we compare them to class a diesel pushers because there's never anything that has it all figured out so the first con and this is one that's very often mentioned is ride comfort in super seas now to be fair they're getting better and better about it but remember they are built on commercial type truck chassis so they tend to more ride like a a commercial truck and class a diesel pushers that's one of the things that everybody loves about it is generally speaking they usually have higher quality uh suspension systems so with air suspension and so on so when you're you know going down the highway you're just sort of floating as you go and a lot of people like that so for ride comfort we'll give the advantage to the class a diesel pusher now the second con for super seas is that there's less living area per length of the rv and again that's because of that big old front engine out there you know the diesel pusher the engine is right in the very back uh like we said before it's usually right up under the bedroom so there's not a lot of living space lost but that front area from the windshield forward on a class c or a super c is just lost space so as far as living area is concerned so if you want more living area for the size of your rv well then you've got to go with the class a diesel pusher now the next con is that there's not nearly as many super seas being made manufactured as there are class a's again we mentioned this is getting better there's more and more manufacturers going along but the simple truth is there's nowhere near as many uh manufacturers for superseas as there are for class a diesel pushers not even close and that means therefore that there's not as much competition among dealers you know selling the same model and so on so uh you also will not find as many different floor plans with super seas as compared to what you can find with class a diesel pushers so it's all a consideration now the next con about super seas is again that engine's right up there with you there's a lot of things that's both good and bad about that and the engine being up there means you are going to experience some engine noise uh as you're going down the road again not you know so it's really obnoxious but it is there in a diesel pusher the engine is 35 or more feet behind you and there's a whole coach essentially between you and it so that's again one of the great features of class a diesel pushers is the quiet and the nice ride you as you're going down the highway a lot of people really enjoy that but in the super c you're going to miss a little bit of that quiet as you're going down the road now the fifth con for super seas is that there's generally not as much storage for super seas as you get in class a diesel pushers and again has to do with the engine because if you put the engine up front there has to be a drive shaft that comes through the rv back to the rear wheels and when you do that that drive shaft takes up vital area that in a diesel pusher you don't have because the engine's in the back pushing well then there's no drive shaft going in between the two uh axles so you have complete pass-through storage in many class a uh diesel pushers and so for the subject of storage space we've got to say that super c is definitely improve over classes in storage but they're still not usually quite up to what many diesel pushers are able to offer all right now that's the pros and the cons of super seas as compared to diesel pushers well now let's talk about who could benefit from buying either the super c or the class a diesel pusher and you know honestly there could be any number of reasons why people choose either one of them but a couple of ideas came to mind for me in the super c area those that have a lot of weight that they're towing you know maybe you've got a trailer with some really heavy stuff in it well then a super c has the advantage at that point because they can tow heavy things the other person that could benefit from buying a super c is those that have children and they need more sleeping space than say a class a usually offers there are some classes that have that sleeper bed that comes down over the front cockpit but there's not very many of them but the super c has that sleeping area that comes out over the cab and that can be big for folks that have families now who would probably buy a diesel pusher again could be any number of reasons but a couple who really wants to enjoy quiet nice soft rides as they're traveling on the highway well then the diesel pusher will certainly do that also those who want as much living space as they possibly can get for the size rb that they had they just really like elbow room well then the class a diesel pusher will work for that but let me emphasize that both kinds of rvs the super c and the class a diesel pusher they're both great and they both will give you a great service and provide tons of luxuries and features because they can handle all that weight remember they're both at the very top end of the rv world and most likely you'll be happy with either one it doesn't matter what choice you go with they're both very good rvs they will get you where you want to go in your rv travels and they will do it in style well that's it for now have safe and happy travels my friends until next time [Music]
Channel: RV Inspection And Care
Views: 23,144
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: super c, class a, class c, motorhomes
Id: nPvuBalGj6A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 19sec (859 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 22 2021
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