Feast of Trumpets by Chad Holland

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look at this you know we're getting a little braver just want to commend everybody and you take it at your own pace but uh just want to say this to everybody who's in the house tonight i told you there's no comparison if you've been watching online and you're joining us tonight for the first time in a while i i tried to tell you through the camera that it doesn't really compare there's nothing like being in the house so we're so happy with us tonight um some new faces we got some friends back in town of course some have been traveling welcome home just want to mention rachel's back with us today as well bless you good to see you rach in that direction everybody looked that way but she's actually that way praise the lord got mike and melissa back from their trip and uh just so happy to have everybody back in the house please stand with us for david he's been battling i don't know if you know the story that when he got coveted he went to one hospital then his wife got kovichi got sent to a different hospital so they had covid at the same time but in two different hospitals she's home now he was on the mend about to be released and got sick went backwards in his health to a very serious condition which is where he's at today life-threatening uh just stand in prayer with us about that okay we want to be united as a body of believers let me welcome everybody watching online tonight as well kings community live and facebook live youtube and all the other platforms we're so happy you're with us tonight it's going to be an exciting night in the word of god if you want to grab your bibles ephesians chapter 3 while you're uh turning there let me just mention a few things one of them is if you follow king of king's worship that's some of the originally written worship right here from king of kings family you can find that youtube channel and see some of the new music we've put out that's original music if you don't know how to find that just email the office we'll get you there but in addition to that another family of ministry group in king of kings called yuval yuval the it's the center for worship in the arts and they've come out with a brand new uh worship song and video as well you can go to their page find that new song and video it's a blessing uh we checked it out this week we sent it to the whole team another way to get that kind of information you say how do i stay up to date with you guys and all that's going on locally or throughout the nation and the world well make sure you are signed up for our newsletters that's the easiest way we send that stuff to you you don't have to hunt that down go to kkcj.org you can sign up for those newsletters either the local newsletter or the whole king of kings family around the world so i hope you know what season we are in you know we're only 24 hours away from the feast of trumpets right that's exciting right a couple of people excited about that well it seems like the rest of you don't know about the feast of trumpets so you're in luck tonight i'm going to teach you about the feast of trumpets because if you knew about it when i mentioned it you might have jumped out of your chair with the hallelujah so i'm going to assume by your lackluster response that you don't know about it so i'm not going to hold that against you i'm going to teach you about the feast of trumpets tonight is that fair go that was a better response that time good praise god listen historically in in biblical history we we blow the shofar we blow the trumpets as derrick started the service we're gonna blow it again at the end of service with the traditional blast and blessings but from the history of the bible the trumpet blast stood for many different things first it was a call to assemble the people of god would hear a certain call they knew to come there was a meeting taking place it was also used as a call to worship that's how they started their worship services it was used as a call to war a certain sound meant get your weapons it's time to go to war so it's very appropriate when we blow the trumpet at the beginning of service because we're assembling we're going to worship and we're going to war but to carry that further in biblical history we use the trumpet to announce the return of the bridegroom remember in ancient jewish history there would be a betrothal there would be an engagement there would be ceremony number one did you know in jewish history there's two ceremonies ceremony number one this is this means she's off the market that's what that ceremony means and then the bridegroom would leave town and go and prepare a place that they were going to live in the future and whenever he was done with that he would return back to the town where she was and the best man his best friend would come to the gate of the city and blow the trumpet that he had returned and then they would have the wedding right then right there people often ask me in in the jewish wedding why is the chuppah on poles and why is it portable and carried around well historically that would be one of the answers the chubba would be portable because it had to be ready for whenever the bridegroom returned with the trumpet blast they would get ready they would have the wedding you ever heard the parable of yeshua about the 10 virgins that needed to be ready all the time their oil had to be ready why because they didn't know when the groom was going to return this is how our people live they lived in the state of readiness after they were engaged to be married the trumpet blast reminds us of the return of the bridegroom it also reminds us of the times and the seasons everybody didn't get a a buzz on their phone when the holidays arrived it would be announced with the trumpet blast they would know if it was a holiday if it was a sabbath if it was a new moon and a new month all through the trumpet blast and finally the trumpets reminded us of the return of the king you see when the king would leave the capitol on his journeys as diplomatic journeys when he would come home when he would return they would blow the trumpet and alert everyone pay attention the king is home now certainly you can see all of the prophetic symbolism through those six things that i just mentioned in the history of the feast of trumpets you can see the prophetic symbolism in the return of the lord he's calling his people to assemble he's calling us to worship he's calling us to war the bridegroom has returned it's a new season of life and the king has returned you say well i've heard a lot of people say shanatova happy rosh hashanah happy new year where does this come from well if you find the biblical records the feast of trumpets is laid out as the fifth feast of the year number five out of seven it's actually on the first day of the seventh month it is dead in the middle of the year our people could not have gotten it more wrong than that that's the most wrong you can get it right on a calendar to say happy new year when it's the exact opposite the the furthest days away from the new year is feast of trumpets and yet we say happy new year so some people ask me why do we do that well there are some traditions that trace the feast of trumpets back to the creation itself and they're connecting the idea with the newness of creation and that's one stream of thought and another stream of thought is this is the time of year when we start the planting cycles over agriculturally and so it becomes the head of the year for planting but in terms of god's biblical calendar tomorrow evening we start the first day of the seventh month we're in the dead middle of the year the biblical feast is actually not called rosh hashanah it's called yom teruah the day of the the blast the day of the trumpets to be blown and so if i refer to it tonight by multiple names i just wanted you to know what we were talking about the feast of trumpets i gave you at least six historical reference points for that i'm in ephesians chapter 3 our opening section tonight ephesians 3 verse 20. now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think according to the power at work within us to him be glory in the congregation and in messiah yeshua throughout all generations forever and ever amen tonight's message and for the rest of the series this month we are entitling this series more than you think because i want you to understand from the scriptures that when god sets his prophetic time table or when god gives us any kind of a gift or when god gives us any kind of a commandment he's doing far more with that than you might think and we're going to pull out some wonderful nuggets of truth from the scriptures tonight as we as we journey together we often think of the gift of god as salvation from sin and that is true that is one of the most important gifts that god has given us we might think of the gift of god we might say what is he doing well he's offering forgiveness he's extending mercy he's giving grace he's showing us love and he's giving us acceptance all of these wonderful gifts that yeshua gives us he gives us the holy spirit he gives us the holy scriptures he gives us gifts and talents to be used he's a giving god but tonight i want you to understand that he is preparing much more than just that he's preparing more than you think he's doing he's a very active god i tend to be a very active person and i relate with that side of god i relate with the activity of god i relate with the god who gets his hands dirty and just jumps in and says i'll help you take care of that i love that part of god he's not a god distant from us who has ever seen a god draw so close to his people to not just work with them but work for them and work in them he does more than we think he doesn't just give us a good life does he no that wouldn't be enough he doesn't give us good life he gives us abundant life john chapter 10 verse 9 and 10 i'm the gate he says whoever enters through me will be saved they will come in and go out and find pasture the thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy but i have come that they may have life and have it abundantly into the fullest measure you see good life isn't enough for yeshua he wants you to have abundant life and then he doesn't just give you long life does he he gives you eternal life you see long wasn't good enough for him he wants eternal john chapter 3 verse 14 just as moses lifted up the snake in the wilderness so the son of man must be lifted up that everyone who believes may have eternal life in him for god so loved the world that he gave his only son that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life not just long life he's doing more than you think we mentioned the king's return one of those prophetic symbolic moments of the scriptures that god is so famous for and we connect his return with the feast of trumpets you might say why do we do that first corinthians chapter 15. verse 51-52 it says listen i tell you a mystery we will not all sleep but we will all be changed in a flash in the twinkling of an eye at the last trumpet for the trumpet will sound the dead will be raised imperishable and we will all be changed you might say to me how come the emphasis on last it's a very important point i want you to lock into this this is going to help you for the rest of your life why the emphasis on last why wasn't it just at the trumpet blast he comes why did it have to be last because god's feasts and his festivals are an eternal prophetic timeline of his plan for eternity you see when yeshua came to earth he died as the passover lamb did he not remember the blood of the lamb on the doorpost saves us from the death angel remember john seeing yeshua said behold the lamb of god who takes away the sin of the world he identified that yeshua was the passover lamb our messiah died on one of his commanded festival days of passover using the blood to save us then being put in the tomb for three days during the feast of unleavened bread yeshua had already told us beware of the yeast of the pharisees because leaven was likened unto sin so what is he doing during the commanded festival that he commanded of unleavened bread he's in the tomb taking away leaven taking away sin from his people dying as the passover lamb taking away sin in the tomb and that couldn't hold him three days later he rises on the next god-appointed festival of first fruits paul identified it paul got it paul said he's the first fruits from the dead and he did it on his appointed time and then we count 50 days from that moment we count 50 days to the next commanded festival we get to shavuot the feast of weeks and all of a sudden another historical moment happens the holy spirit is given to all the believers this is god's prophetic timetable he introduced the idea of passover way back with moses so that we would identify that when yeshua died at passover it was all pointing to him he started this idea back in the desert so that when we came to unleavened bread in the tomb we would recognize it was him and he gave moses the commandments about first fruits so that we would know on the day of resurrection he was talking about him in the feast of weeks that it was talking about his spirit coming into his people that's four out of seven festivals that have prophetically already happened on this earth i told you feast of trumpets was number five if you can follow me then you understand that the feast of trumpets is the next prophetic festival day that the lord is going to do something major on this earth that's why it says right here in corinthians at the last trumpet he returns because it's talking about that fifth prophetic element of the festival days it's highlighting it's underscoring it's putting it in bold letters you ever write a letter where you really want somebody to get it and you take a regular font and you you put it in bold and then you're like yeah that's not enough you underline it anybody ever done a bold and an underline and then you're like that's almost there i'm going to italicize that and now it's bold underlined and it's leaning and you're like you know what i could even go back and give that a yellow background i could highlight that sucker that's the verse right there it's telling us highlighting this is the whole point of the feast of trumpets so that you would recognize when it happened that it was about me so the next time someone asks you are you excited about the feast of trumpets it should it should trigger something inside of you that says that's the day the king comes back and i'm excited about that day now some of us may say why is he taking so long you know sometimes you get these big cosmic questions you'll get a question like how come god just doesn't fix everything if he can and the answers are more simple than most people think because god is a gentleman he doesn't force you into a relationship with him he will wait patiently until you decide to embrace his truth and salvation so that your life can be transformed but until you decide to do that all of the bad stuff that we have invoked on ourselves through sin and disobedience has to play out so another cosmic question is why doesn't he just come back now and get this thing over with and there's an actual answer and it's simpler than you think he doesn't just want to come back to prove his messiahship he doesn't just want to come back to shove it in the face of everybody who didn't believe him he certainly is capable of doing that if he wanted given us a whole bunch of i told yous why didn't you listen to me why is he waiting so long because if he comes back in a time of peace and prosperity fewer people will give their heart to him if he waits let sin do what sin does let sin grow in its darkness and it's a decay and it's spiraling out of control on the earth if he lets it have a little bit more time and it grows darker more people will realize their need for the messiah and they will turn their heart to him because of his patience that's why he doesn't just snap his fingers and do away with all hardships that's why he doesn't come back at our timetable he comes back at his timetable do you understand that his patience is welcoming millions more into his family though you and i would love for this thing to be over why does he do these things because god has a purpose and he understands the timing of things god is very purposeful he's not like my children love my children i have four children for those of you that are new welcome tonight you'll get to hear a lot of stories about my children to the older children we homeschool our children to the older children we were teaching them about telling time and you forget how young a generation can be and how attached to these devices that they are and i said to my son do you know how to tell time it was in his lesson he reaches for the the closest device yeah dad it's real easy it's right there 602. no no do you know how to tell time like on a clock and so we have one on the wall and i pointed to it look at that do you know how to tell time he said oh i thought that was a picture or my youngest one my three-year-old dad can i have a nishnoosh in hebrew that's a snack in particular her when she says can i have a niche what she means is not just a snack in general she means those little bitty ice cream squares specifically that's what she wants can i have one dad and i said you've already had one today you can have one tomorrow okay a few minutes later hey dad is it tomorrow not yet not yet tomorrow when you wake up it'll be tomorrow and so if you don't watch your words carefully she takes a nap in the middle of the day she wakes up and she says you said when i woke up i could have anish noosh is it is it tomorrow i say that's my fault i didn't clarify enough not when you wake up from the little sleep you got to wake up from the big sleep then we can have another one that would be tomorrow it's like when we're young in the faith we don't know how to tell time we don't know how the times and the seasons all connect but what i'm trying to get us to do i'm trying to elevate our maturity in the lord in our prophetic sense tonight i want you to understand the timeline of god i want you to understand his clock the feast of trumpets tells us where we're at in human history the final trumpet blast god has a purpose he never does anything without a purpose and why does he wait ii peter chapter 3 verse 9 the lord is not slow in keeping his promise as some of us understand slowness instead he is patient with you not wanting anyone to perish but everyone to come to repentance it's a simple answer he's working on hearts right now he's working on our character he's preparing us to rule and reign with him through faith and obedience he's exposing sin for what it is really doing to the earth he's allowing more and more people to feel the negative impact of sin so that more of them may turn to him and he may offer them eternal life as well he said where did you come up with this theory that if he came back in pleasant peaceful prosperous times that fewer people would believe in him fewer people would pay attention friends not my words matthew chapter 24. these are yeshua's words as it was in the days of noah so it will be at the coming of the son of man for in the days before the flood people were eating and drinking marrying and given in marriage up till the day noah entered the ark and they knew nothing about what would happen until the flood came and took them all away that is how it will be at the coming of the son of man feast of trumpets the last trumpet the return of the messiah the return of the bridegroom the return of the king all connected here at the coming of the son of man it will be like the days of noah because it was peaceful and prosperous they were partying and doing all the things that they do they were not paying attention to what god wanted it'll be that way again but yeshua and his patients will wait till sin can be exposed more will turn to him because he has a purpose there are many other things that yeshua will be doing when he returns he'll be separating the sheeps from the goats that's matthew 25 the righteous from the unrighteous he will distribute rewards according to isaiah 62 he will redeem the earth revelation 20. he will put the enemy in prison i'm not even speaking yet of the age to come the new heaven and new earth no i'm still talking about this earth all the things i just listed that's right now that's this earth before it passes away the messiah will return and when he returns he will be ushering in a a time in history unprecedented this is going to be an amazing time friends listen you can read about this revelation chapter 20 the messiah will actually live on earth with us that's not all he will resurrect anybody who has been a martyr for the name of the lord if you were killed for the name of the lord you get to be part of the first resurrection you come back with him you help him rule and reign on this earth so yeshua's here and he's got all of these resurrected servants ruling the earth then he takes satan and he puts him away in prison so he can't influence us anymore what a glorious time to live the king is home resurrected saints are here ruling telling us how we need to be what should we do helping us ruling justly and satan is put away with no influence what a great time you want to be part of that time you say why why does he need to go through all those hoops why can't we not just get on with the show i got saved i went through water of immersion i'm filled with the holy spirit i'm a disciple of the lord come on let's just move along with this where's that new jerusalem i'd like to get to it there are steps along the way because he's a purposeful god you might say what is the whole purpose of that thousand years then when yeshua's here resurrected saints help him rule and satan is put away for a thousand years what's the purpose of all that it's a big question but i have a pretty simple answer for you notice i'll keep doing that i'll keep coming back to simple answers because i think the lord wants things to be fairly simple the reason in my opinion notice pulpit there i'm over here i said my opinion the reason in my opinion that the lord wants to come back into this unique timeline of this thousand years is because our god wins our god is victorious our god never loses do you think god is going to let satan ruin this earth and then just end the game that way that's not the god i serve our god never loses and that whole thousand years yeshua back on earth and redeeming this earth that time period is about redeeming the earth to the way it was supposed to be without satan's influence with his people obeying and prospering and being fruitful under the leadership of the lord it's about god revealing who he is and who he's always wanted us to be our god is a winner he's victorious he never loses and i think even though it may be only my opinion i think there's an important point in this thousand years where he is proving that to everyone this is what my creation was supposed to look like and we end on a high note we end on a victory note we end in celebration before we head to the new heaven the new earth my god's a winner i want to be like him anybody in the house tonight want to be a winner we had this saying when i was playing sports winning feels so much better than losing i know it sounds simple but literally we would say that after games we would win a game and we would say winning is so much better than losing my god's a winner i want to be a winner i want you guys to be a winner as a matter of fact the lord even says of all of us we're not just winners we're not just conquerors what are we more than conquerors you want to be in the kingdom of god you better learn to be a winner you better learn to be someone who never gives up on the truth let god conquer through you that's the kind of god we serve i mentioned many things tonight about god doing more than you think he's doing and if we accept that god loves us and that he came in the form of yeshua to die for us we might even ask ourselves one more question tonight when did he think about doing that how long has he been doing these things revelation 13 verse 5 gives us a little clue it says the beast was given a mouth to utter proud words and blasphemies and to exercise his authority for 42 months it opened its mouth to blaspheme god and to slander his name and his dwelling place and those who live in heaven it was given power to wage war against god's holy people and to conquer them and it was given authority over every tribe people language and nation all the inhabitants of the earth will worship the beast all whose names that have not been written in the lamb's book of life the lamb who was slain catch it from the creation of the world how long has he been doing this since the creation of the world when did he start thinking about salvation the creation of the world how long has he loved you since the creation of the world he's not just doing more than you think he's been doing it longer than you think salvation was activated the moment adam and eve made their decision to sin god knew he had to step in himself and the plan was put into effect he was slain from the foundation of the earth that's how long he's been doing this matthew 25 the king will say to those on his right come you who are blessed by my father take your inheritance the kingdom that has been prepared for you since the creation of the world what wait a second wait a second i don't know if i ever caught that before not only did he prepare salvation since the foundations of the earth now you're telling me that this whole inheritance the kingdom of god itself that's being given to us as his followers has been prepared since the creation of the world that's what the scripture says you know what that means that means this whole plan has always been about giving it away i hope you're catching this the whole plan of god for salvation for victory for creation has been to give it away and it wasn't something that came into his head like some great idea later down the road you know he wasn't like walking with the disciples and being like guys you know what i just thought of something it might be really cool if we planned an inheritance no from the creation and foundation of the earth he was already building your inheritance it's how much he loves us he's doing more than that john 14 do not let your hearts be troubled you believe in god believe also in me my father's house has many rooms if thou were not so what i have told you and that i am going there to prepare a place for you and if i go and prepare a place for you i'll come back and take you to be with me that you may also be where i am he's preparing an inheritance preparing the kingdom preparing the keys to the kingdom preparing eternal life preparing a mansion for you it's going to be a glorious mansion it'll be everything you wanted it'll be a lot of things you didn't even know you wanted but you did want because he knows that and remember he's been preparing it a long time it's going to have all kind of details because he's put time into it he's doing so much more than we think and he's been doing it for much longer than we might think god is a very organized god he loves certain details he gave us details about the tabernacle about the temple about the tribal orders who should march who should put their tents in a certain place how their tabernacle would be built what color it was what gold to use how big it should be the high priest who had to wear a funny hat and funny clothes and a breastplate and what kind of rocks had to be on that breastplate and what kind of rock had to be on his right shoulder what kind of rock had to be on his left shoulder what kind of bells had to be on his waist you think god doesn't care about details he cares about when it was time to come when it was time to die when it was time to rise again when the holy spirit would be given he cares about when the last trumpet will be blasted he's a god of details he has a plan he has a purpose our final scripture tonight worship team can come out first corinthians 14 our god is not a god of disorder but a god of peace as in all the congregations of the lord's people we could go on and on i just had to convince all i mean guys we could do a seminar about all the things god is doing more than we think and that's what we're going to talk about this whole month next week we're going to focus on yom kippur the day of atonement you're going to love it i'm going to tell you how much more god is doing than you think he is about blood atonement matthew 16 he's getting the keys to the kingdom to give to us the way of salvation has been planned the timing is critical for his return the symbols of the holidays all pointed toward yeshua our inheritance our destiny eternal life the kingdom the mansions the keys it's all been planned and he's been doing it a long time our key phrase tonight as we close in preparation for his return yeshua is doing more than you think he's not just sitting there being lazy very active god i told you i love that part about him very act of god i want to take that moment it's a tender moment in the lord if you can stay with us a few more minutes i'm going to ask our ushers to prepare themselves to pass out the lord's supper to say without the elements will be coming around we didn't have a parashat reading we normally read from the annual reading cycle but on the first of the month we don't do that we take the lord's supper together so we're going to enter in back into a moment of worship the ushers are now preparing themselves they're bringing the elements around just be patient hold it would you please hold it let's do this together those online if you'll prepare yourself as well prepare your elements we'll give you a moment a few weeks ago there was an idea pressing on my heart deeply and i shared it with you and that was really how far out of his way god goes to touch people the bible is certainly full of all these stories from picking the disciples that he picked and the tax collectors and the zealots the the fishermen to people in the synagogue that were overlooked to the demon possessed to the prostitutes to the adulterers he went out of his way to grab them to share with them to love them and i just want us to never forget guys never forget when you were the one never forget that there was a time in our past that we were the one he was running after you know i said but i wasn't an adulterer i wasn't a prostitute i wasn't a tax collector i wasn't a murderer but you had sinned decaying your heart already [Music] and he was running after us we were the one remember the parable he leaves the 99 to find the one you were the one i was the one so as we begin [Music] this holiday season we turn our attention to repentance the 10 days of all will follow between yom teruah and yom kippur days we some fast and we repent and we sit before the lord so i want to give you a few moments while we have a worship song hold the elements just take a moment to repent before the lord be clean before him and then we'll take it together [Music] you
Channel: King of Kings Community Jerusalem
Views: 608
Rating: 4.7419353 out of 5
Keywords: Yeshua, Jesus, Messiah, Christ, Lion of Judah, Lord, God, Jerusalem, Israel, Gospel, Word, Truth, Faith, Salvation, Holy Spirit, Holy, Prophecy, Preaching, Ministry, Ministries, Grace, Mercy, Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness, Self-Control, Believer, Christian, Church, Messianic, Congregation, King of Kings, KKCJ, KOKA, Pavilion, Pastor, Wayne Hilsden, Sermon, Message, Preacher
Id: Mky1YDkFePU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 33sec (2373 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 06 2021
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