Sunday Worship Service 9/26/2021

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house [Music] [Music] here we are we're here for you have your way we welcome you to [Music] set free and reveal your glory we need you in this [Applause] [Music] [Music] we welcome you we welcome you to [Music] we need you in this hour [Music] [Music] we want you to [Music] we need you in this hour [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] god [Music] is say [Music] [Applause] [Music] everybody [Music] now open your mouth and welcome your king tonight [Music] good morning first baptist this is the day that the lord has made we shall rejoice and be glad in it is anybody happy to be in the house of the lord just one more time this morning if you're glad to be here come on let's give god a praise this morning can we open up our mouth and thank him today that the lord has been merciful he has been kind if you're glad to be here this morning somebody lift your hand and say lord i'm glad to be here i'm glad to be presence in the presence of the lord the fullness of joy we thank the lord this morning if you're happy to be in the house of the lord come on everybody put your hands together like this come on you know it everybody say i was glad when they said unto me i was [Music] even [Music] oh i came [Music] into the house of the lord's [Music] [Music] come on everybody clap your hands this morning if you're glad to be in the house come on come on [Music] [Music] worship the lord [Music] [Music] [Music] go into the house [Music] let's go into the house [Music] is [Music] oh hallelujah if you're glad to be in the house this morning somebody give them a hallelujah praise can we go to the lord in prayer father we thank you this morning for your goodness for your mercy for your loving kindness we come in the name that is above every name that is the name of jesus we thank you that we can call on your name in times of trouble for the word says that the name of the lord is a strong tower the righteous run into it and they are safe we are thankful this morning god that we're dwelling in the secret place of the most high thank you that in the time of trouble you will hide us in your secret place in the secret place of your tabernacle lord shall you hide us today we ask god that you would meet somebody's need today somebody watching somebody assembled in the sanctuary uplift somebody's spirit today god comfort somebody's grieving heart god bring joy where there is sadness god bring healing where there is sickness we believe that in the presence of the lord there is the fullness of joy we thank you god that somebody is going to receive the word of god today and we thank you for all that you're going to do what you've done and the things that you're getting ready to do we ask these things in the name of jesus we pray and all of god's people say amen amen and amen coming to you out of the gospel of john for our scripture reading today john the fourth chapter the 23rd and the 24th verses reads like this but the hour cometh and now is when the true worshipers shall worship the father in spirit and in truth for the father seeketh such to worship him god is a spirit and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth and the word of god is blessed how many came to worship him on this morning if you came to worship him as the deer panteth for the water david said lord my soul entered and longed for you today come on let's sing this song of worship and praise to god everybody as the deer today says [Music] to worship [Music] lord to you alone today does my spirit yield [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] yes you are jesus come on help us say it [Music] [Music] come on stay right there one more [Music] that's my spirit [Music] yes [Music] one more time [Music] [Music] love to yeah you shut [Music] me up [Music] and you know that he is god somebody give him praise this morning lord we've come to worship and to praise him and to lift you up come on somebody take a few seconds right now and worship him you've gone through something all this week hallelujah good morning first church today we have the pleasure of honoring our very own first lady talana d watson i want to i would like to say a few words not going to be long but say a few words about our very own first lady the first lady is godly and serves with grace she greets and encourages others with a smile on her face she's discreet in her actions and comfortable in her place she is the first lady she studies god's word and apt to teach sometimes she's even called by god to preach she is knowledgeable and impeccable in her speech she is the first lady holiness is her banner and she wears it with pride her dress is appropriate and serves as a guide and christian women far and wide she is the first lady she listens intently and prays for you sometimes she agonizes believing for a breakthrough she trusts god and knows his promises are true she is the first lady her creativity and intelligence benefits the congregation she wisely handles her business and personal relations her dedicated services deserves a standing ovation the first lady please join me and stand with me as we honor the first lady of first baptist church lady to deaconess talana de was [Music] good morning i stand this morning on behalf of the pastor relation ministry we are honoring our first lady sister watson sister watson we have the love for you today you know what i was in the florist and they had some beautiful pink roses but i know that's a joke sister watson on behalf of the pastor relations ministry and we know that you're the first lady for the whole church so we love you we appreciate you and we just want to show our love for you thank you and we'll all the pastor relation ministry please stand thank you all right let's give the first lady another hand [Music] come on saints let's say [Music] to my heart [Music] is [Music] on is is is say it one more time is oh put your hands together oh put your sanctified hands together if you know it was nothing but the blood hallelujah nothing but the blood glory to his name you may be seated in the presence of the lord down to my heart was the blood of light glory to his name good morning to all of you my father's children we greet you with jesus's joy this is the day the lord hath made i said and we shall rejoice and be glad in him come on let's put our hands together we're going to rejoice and be glad in it we certainly want to honor the presence of the lord today and all of you those of you are here in person those of you who are watching virtually we greet you as well and welcome you to first baptist church of salisbury maryland i just feel the lord is going to move greatly in here today we're going to have a wonderful time i want to praise the lord for our praise team they look so beautiful today amen i'm looking forward to our dancers they look beautiful as well give them a hand a man want to celebrate once more time our first lady as we show appreciation let's celebrate sister watson amen one more time god bless you thank you for all the love that you have expressed towards her my good friend is here along with his wife all the way from greensboro north carolina amen reverend dr jerome lee praise the name of god thank god for him today and we certainly are looking forward to the lord giving us a great word through him i want to celebrate today everyone who celebrates a birthday in the month of september if you're here just stand where you are and if you're watching virtually your names come up on the screen just stand if you are celebrating a birthday in the month of september anybody all right we celebrate you today amen may god bless you and may god keep you also anybody celebrating a marriage anniversary today anybody celeb of this month rather this month a marriage anniversary this month all right hallelujah amen i'ma start in the back i see sister bailey waving her hand 39 years amen hallelujah that's a wonderful milestone all right the giles 28 years come on let's celebrate them today amen do we have anybody else all right thank god for you and we pray that you will have a wonderful and successful days ahead amen i want to encourage all of you to um make sure this year we want to make sure that we are blessing to families during thanksgiving last year you know we were in kovitz season things were thrown off kelter and you know we had to readjust and some things we had to you know just get accustomed to so we don't want to miss this year and so starting today those of you watching virtually as well as in person we want to start contributing to our first baptist care fund so that we will be able to have funding to support what we want to do for thanksgiving for these families as well as christmas time uh we want to do that i know this is a new norm and a new way of doing things uh nonetheless we keep on pushing we don't let anything stop us we do that what we can do and then when we can't do any more we turn it over into the hands of the lord so let's do all that we can do uh for thanksgiving and christmas for these families so many persons on our sick and shut in list please hear me when i tell you if you're not on there you're blessed amen i said if you're not on the sick and shut in list you are tremendously blessed so we want to pray for all of those persons we want to do it at the end of the service all of those persons are on that sick and shut in list some are dealing with cancer and diabetes and other uh infirmities in their body that they're challenged with and they struggle with it every day but we want all of our first baptist members to know that we are in support and we are praying i tell you i still believe in the power of prayer amen i still believe in the power of prayer this week i ask for your prayers as well i'll be going in surgery on this week on thursday supposed to be thursday so i can take care of this problem and uh the devil will not win in that either amen we're coming through this amen so let's keep all of us lifted in prayer and um i want to also encourage you to be on the prayer call on wednesday morning as well as in bible studies kenny has been doing a wonderful job teaching on the family amen and so amen teaching on the family all right we're gonna hear uh our praise team is coming and then after they will have come i want to offer the right hand of fellowship to a few of our members who are now full-fledged members of the first baptist church salisbury give the praise to him a hand again so you are and worthy one can worship you for me for all the things you've done for me and no one can worship you for me all of my worship received you are you worshiping for me receive it all here easy oh is saying i will is is is is father he is my sacrifice you lord come on does he receive all your worship today if he does why don't you stand to your feet all over the sanctuary let's take a few moments just to worship him come on let's get in his presence come on let's tell him how much we love him come on tell him how much we adore him lift up your hands give god the praise honor him with the fruit of your lips tell him you adore him we worship him we did not come for form nor fashion but we come for the express purpose of honoring the lord our god for this is the day the lord has made we shall rejoice and regret in him all magnify the lord with me let us exalt his name together for the lord is good enter into his gates with thanksgiving into his course with praise be thankful unto him and bless his holy name the lord is good the lord is good the lord is good and he's worthy of our praise thank you jesus glory to the name of god thank you jesus thank you jesus come on don't pity pat him he brought you out come on don't pity pat him don't play with him he woke you up this morning don't pity pat him come on he brought you out of darkness into the marvelous light he put your feet on solid ground he kept the corona virus from coming into your house you could be laid up on a ventilator but you're in the house of the lord you can have oxygen attached to your nose but look at what god has done for you nobody but god nobody but god nobody but god hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah thank you jesus hallelujah praise his holy name god bless you i feel so much better amen i said i feel a whole lot better anybody feel like me you feel like praising his name hallelujah hallelujah thank you jesus listen when you wake up and you're above ground you got something to say thank you for hallelujah all right hallelujah we're we're gonna we're gonna ask myrtle mirias and also helia jenkins and brother jeffrey jenkins that they would come forward at this time we want to welcome them into our fellowship they're now full-fledged members the first baptist church of saul's their maryland come on let's celebrate them for having all rights and privileges as any other member of the first baptist church we want them to know that we're grateful that they are here they are now part of our family amen hallelujah praise the name of god sister jenkins has been under surgery and she's been out for almost a month and a half but the lord has brought her back to us one more time uh amen our officers will come give you the bump and we welcome you to our church from peace please me please if you're leaning on the everlasting arm of the lord and you know that there's nobody like the lord as we worship him as we give him the praise how many want god to enlarge their territory today how many were god to keep his hand upon them if that is your desire can you just lift your hands in the presence of god and just say lord keep me keep me watch over me come on everybody everybody bless me my territory foreign me me now me yes uh keep me from my legs yes god oh we bless the name of the lord hallelujah somebody bless the lord right now if you believe that he's doing it hallelujah real quick everybody lift those holy hands as we bless the lord with everything that is within us this morning come on everybody let's give him praise let's give him worship because he is the only god he's in control of everything that's why we can bless the name of the lord the lame and the of the lord come on let's tell him what it is come on let's take it up and say oh bless the name of jesus bless the name of the lord come on you know bless the name of the lord come on one more time everybody bless the name of jesus bless the name of the lord the prince of peace just one more time everybody lift your voice bless the name of the lord every single one of our diseases and you remove all of our liberties just one more time lift your voice of the lord come on bless the lord and hear everybody bless him and give him praise bless the name of the the name lord the lord come on if you know he's worthy of the praise let's do like david and say oh my soul bless the lord all my soul and everything that is within me bless the name of the lord say o my soul bless the name of the lord somebody give him the highest praise bless the name if you know he's worthy somebody worship him right now oh my soul bless the name of the lord so amen can we bless the lord on this day come on we could do a little better we could do a little better than that come on this is the day the lord has made and we shall rejoice uh and be glad in it amen we're just so excited to celebrate number one god on this day and a year ago at this time around the world churches were struggling and challenged whether to go in church not go in church but that was a year ago and what a difference are they make come on let's just bless god for being in church one more time and to those who are watching virtually they are in church too and i i pray as if i am at saint james one of the things i always say though those who are watching virtually i pray that they have consecrated not just their time but their space as well so if you're at home you're watching virtually everything else outside of worship right now we can come back to it amen and so we just want to worship the lord and praise him for another opportunity to celebrate him in so many ways and kind but i don't know about you virtual is fine i just love being in the house of god amen but at home i love being in the presence of god and that makes a difference and so we just praise god on this day for all that the lord has done to continue to do secondly we celebrate the life and the love and the work and the diligence of your first lady amen sister talana amen we celebrate her on on today of god blessing her and using her in ways others just don't even know amen we praise god for her my brother my friend pastor louis nathaniel watson amen a friend and a friend and a friend indeed uh been opened up 20 something 22 22 years am i right 22 years amen um and so i just praise god for first baptist family you are my family and i'm just glad to have a family away from home amen and i praise god for you all every one of you to my first lady amen sister cynthia joanne atkinsley amen she's been a lead ever since she asked me to marry her and i said yeah amen and so we praise god for her as we celebrate life love amen next month two months will be 20 29 29 years amen so we praise god for uh for her as well being my first lady and we praise god for for you all to the leadership of this great church god bless you for your work and diligence as you serve god to meet the needs of god's people sometimes i know leaders are behind the scene and and it doesn't look like sometimes it look like the past if i could just say this it looked like the pastor is doing it all that's because the pastor has leaders amen who work along with him and side by side and encourage uplift and support him amen so we praise god for every leader in here we give you glory for every leader we do not we do not sleep on that we praise god uh for you um and praise god for you for your fellowship as well not going to be too long i just want to encourage my sister on today if we return to the story the book of exodus chapter 1. exodus chapter chapter one exodus chapter one and beginning at verse number 15. if you have it say amen and if you can't find it isn't it's in the old testament i would give you a page number but i don't know how many pages you have exodus one beginning verse 15. i'm going to read the niv translation the king of egypt said to the hebrew midwives whose names were shifra and the pure when you are helping the hebrew women during childbirth on the delivery stool if you see that the baby is a boy kill him but if it's a girl let her live the midwives however feared god and did not do what the king of egypt had told them to do they let the boys live then the king of egypt summoned the midwives and asked them why have you done this why have you let the boys live the midwives answered pharaoh hebrew women are not like egyptian women they are vigorous and give birth before the midwives arrive god was kind to the midwives and the people increased and became even more numerous and because the midwives feared god he gave them families of their own amen you may be seated i want to look at verse number 17 for a text the other reading that will serve as a as a context but for a text verse 17 the midwives however feared god and did not do what the king of egypt had told them to do they let the boys live the midwives however feared god and did not do what the king of egypt had told them to do i want to preach this morning from the subject i want to talk about desperate midwives desperate midwives my brothers and sisters as we celebrate on today the life of our first lady in love sister tulan i want to hopefully encourage her but i definitely as we celebrate the month we celebrate this day rather we are told many of great sisters women particularly african-american women better known as we call them the sisterhood we know about people who whose names catapulted them into light the works that they had done and how the recognition they got some of them did not get as much recognition but somehow their their names were put in lights we know them we love them we respect them we know about those such as maya angelou who was a great poet we read her writings her inspired writings and her poetry how she was a gift to the people and who read her poems you know about marian anderson famous singer we know about josephine baker who was a great entertainer before some of us were even born yet we celebrate the latest and newest sister we celebrate vice president kamala harris who serves as the vice president of these united states in some troubling times amen somebody but those are secular those of whom we probably have met known and read rough shoulders with but church let's kind of talk about those in the bible what about sisters in the bible we know about miriam who was a sister we know about miriam who broke out with her tambourine and a praise dance right after crossing the liquid impediment called the red sea we know her as miriam the prophetess we know about hannah the mother of samuel israel's last judge before their desire to have a king saul we know about vashta who was the wife of king aheris modest and refused to display herself before his friends we know about naomi and ruth their own kind they were survivors in their own right in a time of famine we know about those biblical biblical she-rose the church we cannot forget we have she-rose among us we cannot forget we have those among us who we are considered to be heroes we don't really have to look too far to find somebody who we can emulate somebody whom we can stamp our approval on somebody whom we can rub shoulders so we don't have to look too far our families are surrounded by shebo's but today we celebrate a shiro a sister a woman a wife a mother a friend somebody whom we know and can identify with who wear their own hat in their own style we celebrate somebody whom we can we can count on somebody we shall never forget somebody we can point at and said there is a woman of god right there if god were to rewrite another bible for another generation of people to read i believe i believe your first lady would fit right in there somewhere come on talk to me somebody now i know that this is a celebration of sisterhood and celebrate uh first lady but let me tell you i truly believe but today we want to talk about two women in the bible who who never who never did leave god they pledged their life to god they were women of god or they were or and they were god-fearing women whom god used and celebrated and continue to bless them we know them in our story we know them in this first chapter in the beginning of exodus it is a reminder of us that there were two women who were challenged by the pharaoh their their job or their attempt was or their words given to them for them were to stop the women the egyptian women from had or the hebrew women from having babies particularly boys they were challenged by pharaoh he called them two of them by the name of shipra and the pure they in this text they became what i call desperate midwives not to the point where their desperation was a desperate thing but for their desperation to please god they jeopardize their life they jeopardize themselves they jeopardize them family but they did it in the name of the lord and my brothers and sisters that's what we need in this day's society and i know we watched the show have seen the desperate housewives but but these sisters were not desperate housewives they were desperate midwives desperate to please god and to do right by him regardless of the consequences that was going to come they were reminded what i need you to do pharaohs i want you to kill every boy every boy i want you to remove him from the earth just get rid of him some way somehow you figure out your own cognitive ingenuity how you want to do it i just want it done you know how when the boss man give you a job they don't tell you how to do it cognitively you can figure it out and do it your own way he didn't tell them how he just told him what he wanted them to do but the sister somewhere along the line in conversation we don't read about because it is not real or bold but sometimes church you got to read in between the lines everything is not written in black and white some stuff amen you have to have revelation and figure it out yourself and i'm sure these sisters started talking and remembering and thinking about their charge can you believe what the pharaoh want us to do that's not our job that's not what we do we are hebrew women we love god we we know about we know about jesus holy we know about elohim the creator of this world we know about jehovah we know he is active in what he has created and plus we are fearful people of god we know what god can do we know what he has done and we are not them kind of people that is not the ethic that we practice as hebrew women and so therefore we're going to work something out because we cannot kill the boys and so therefore they did not kill the boys word gets back to pharaoh pharaoh finds out and calls them immediately in his office i want to know what in the world are you doing why aren't you doing what i asked you to do and look at what their reply was their reply was pharaoh as soon as we can get to the house they've already done had the babies you know these hebrew women they are not like egyptian women in other words he's letting them know these sisters are not like the typical sisters pharaoh that we've been dealing with these sisters are of a descent that they are strong and they got strong backs these are sisters who are of a descent they are not like they are eurocentric sisters come on talk to me but these sisters of afrocentric they are not like the others they are strong they are vibrant they they they are vigorous uh and so therefore pharaoh when we get there they've already done had the child now whether they were lying or whether they were telling the truth we don't know but one thing we do know that they were defiant to the point where they refused to take orders from the pharaoh and do something like this they so therefore pharaoh didn't say anything else and let them go but god moves in and god was pleased to lana with what these two sisters did the bible says that god told bless them and and rewarded them the bible says and the bible says that because they increased the children increased and became even more numerous the word says that god gave them families of their own that's what he did he he gave them families of their own they were they were desperate housewives desperate midwives brother and god gave them families of their own i questioned a question not why did god do that we know why he's uh he's in the blessing business we know why but but i questioned i questioned their faith in god and they did not put their faith in a man a couple of things one of y'all the first thing i couldn't help but notice is that remember that you have to have the charge rather you have to have you have the charge of taking sisterhood to a new level that's what the deal is uh uh uh god has given the uh the sister an opportunity to take sisterhood to a new level in other words real sisterhood talana begins with a fear of god yes that's where it begins first of all it begins with a fear of god the midwives however feared god and did not do what the king of egypt had told them to do the text says in verse 17 they let the boys live these sisters had a fear of god and real sisterhood and real real sisterhood begins right there and we live in a world in society and i challenge with the fear of god even is in the heart of a lot of folk now in days we have to live in the day and get back to the days of when people feared god many of you remember particularly old school mothers amen back in the day you know how they made they had a fear of god you don't believe me let it start thundering and lightning you'll find out how much fear they had in god they would tell you to come on in the house they would tell you shut those blinds and lay on the floor and my grandmother her carolina accent would tell you to hush your mouth and don't say that was a fear of god there were certain things they were not going to let you do certain things you could not participate in certain places you could not go and certain folk you could not be seen with because there was a fear of god sunday morning was church that's all it was it was just bottom line you were going to go to church you didn't you didn't have to ask amen they gave you the mothers back then that gave you your role for sunday school amen easter plays and christmas plays they didn't actually if you wanted to be in the play they slipped you a note and tell you take this to your mama next thing you know your mama taking you to my neighborhood taking you to war words we didn't have walmart and kmart and all of that took us to woodward from buying cloth what's that for mama you playing joseph what nobody asked nobody taught that's what they did that was a fear of god that's what we need today we need some sisters who have a fear of god we need some sisters who can help some of these young girls grow up and fear god to let them know no baby no no no no no no uh uh no no no no we have to let them understand but there is something about respect for yourself cuteness has its place amen but smartness will get you a little bit further we have to have some sisters who have a fear of god these sisters they feared god they wasn't just defiant it didn't that they said to themselves and put their hands on their hips and dug their heels in the sand and said we ain't going and work there next we ain't going to do with pharaoh so that's not the deal they had a fear which was the common denominator between the sisters that's what they had in common they had a fear of god pharaoh gave the orders but we processed the orders in our head but the answer came out of our hearts our heart says we cannot do this because what would god say if we did this how much further church would the world be if we asked ourselves what would god say if we did this whether they lived or it was uh a biological fact that they did have them that fast we are commending them for their reverence for god and for life secondly they were desperate housewives uh desperate midwives they were desperate secondly uh secondly the world helps us to understand that uh you have to turn your desperation into something constructive and sometimes something constructive goes against the grain oh oh we're gonna get in trouble their desperation desperation was turned into something constructive not something destructive the midwives however feared god and they did not do what the king of egypt had told them to do they let the boys live now here here is the thing what they did is they built up the ancestry of hebrews instead of bodily removing and destroying they decided we're going to do something constructive here because god has a plan we don't know what the plan is but we do know that whenever there is birth there is a new generation coming up in other words they weren't thinking about today they were thinking about tomorrow they were thinking about building up because a generation is coming behind us and if we destroy the generation now then we all have no future to help take care of us on tomorrow women were considered to be a liability to their families particularly if they were not married they were considered to be a liability they were somewhat second class but it was it was the culture it was it was the culture amen women's rights had not yet been voted on but it was the culture it was the way of the day it was of its time that's how it was and so therefore they were looking out for their tomorrow and they knew they knew that if they removed the boys they would remove their chances of a blessed tomorrow they understood that in certain if you look around in the world in society today the same thing is still going on same thing is still going on our young boys particularly young african-american boys are dying amen before they can hit their 19th year before they can turn 20 or 21 it is a trick of the enemy to wipe them out get them on drugs amen get them strung out and get them out there do whatever witnesses it's a trick of the enemy to annihilate them and remove them from their future for tomorrow and mess their world up and mess their mind up and allow somebody to kill them at young ages and get in gangs all of it is nothing but a trick from the enemy and we need some mothers we need some mothers who are desperate enough to go on their knees and pray for their boys do we have a witness in here we need some desperate midwives some desperate wives some desperate mothers some desperate daughters and some desperate sisters up we need some desperate women who don't mind going on their knees and say no no you're not going to kill my child amen no my child ain't going in nobody's gang my child is not smoking nobody's drugs no you will not do this you will not kill my boys my grandsons my nephews my great nephews my great-grandsons my brother my daddy they were desperate that's what we need church oh we need some desperate women who will go to god in prayer we need a prayer warrior like my mama who prayed that god will save her knuckle-headed black boy somebody who isn't scared to go to the lord in prayer somebody who will go against the grain and systems of this world and pray for their children yes that is i believe the role of every first lady you had that not only in your first lady but most first ladies that i know that's what they do they pray the book i read some years ago it was written for a school teacher was it was titled other people's children and that's what basically what they do they pray with and they pray for not just their own they pray for other people's children they pray and they always have a spirit of encouragement they are nurturers by nature that is who eve was that's what eve means she was a nurse that's what first ladies do they do more than just what we see they pray for our child our children sometimes confide in them and they look they're looking for role models they're looking for motherhood they're looking at sometimes and sometimes it comes with a rebuke because we can't agree with everything our children do sometimes there has to be a rebuke these sisters were desperate are we i know pharaoh has commanded us i know what the rules and the bylaws and section 8 part b i know what it says i hate to be defiant but it ain't about being defiant but it is about pleasing god i'm sure they touched and agreed i'm sure i'm sure they were on a prayer call together i'm sure they stopped by each other's house they went on a fast and they prayed that they talked about it they therefore concluded we've got to step up our game and we know what will happen the bless let's be able to tell pharaoh something let me tell you when you do stuff for god god will give you what to say out your mouth and whenever they told pharaoh we don't read where pharaoh punished them we really see really where he believed him now pharaoh gave the call and pharaoh gave the charge but the sisters were so different they said no we take another another route and what god did lastly what god did was he created an atmosphere just so god can enter into it let me help uh um so what god will do is this sometimes god will uh create a atmosphere we know the story of jonah it created that scenario sometimes god will create a hill and put you in it just so you can see there is no way out of it just so you can now call on him to be your only way out of it he created this scenario god knew this was going to happen this ain't nothing new god he knew what was going to happen he knew what was going to what the deal was going to be he knew but he created a scenario that requires some time choices we normally would not have we normally would not make scared to me can't make don't know how to make until we seek first the kingdom of god then god will give you the cognitive ingenuity to put it together in other words what god will simply do is god will help you plan your work and work your plan and make sure that it does happen that's basically all i'm saying that's all all i'm saying god got with these sisters because these sisters first got with him and again he created an atmosphere just so he can step into it in other words khan says look i know y'all don't know what to do but i'm i'm going to help you out i know you don't know what to do but i'm going to make sure that you understand that i'm going to give you some discernment so that you will know what's going on that i created it to go on just so i can step into your world that's what god does he creates scenarios just so he can step into our world and bless us and show us a glimpse of some of his glory he created this scenario for these sisters and these sisters put it all together and knew that god was in control they knew god was going to make a way out of nowhere they knew he was going to do what the god kind of god do they understood and the atmosphere was perfect for god to show up that's what i love about god in closing is that he always shows up and he's not only show up but he shows up and he shows out he shows up when we don't think he will show up he shows up when sometimes it doesn't look or appear he's going to show up but he showed up in this situation how do we know look at the rest of the text the babies kept on coming the babies kept on coming rayquans were born every day hello somebody chunkuedas laquishas were born every day after this babies kept on coming and babies kept on coming they kept on coming the scales they weighed them they gave birth them they kept on and they kept on coming to pharaoh realize that he has more than what he can handle the bible says in closing that god did not forget about these sisters he did not forget about them and what did god do for them and because the midwives feared god he gave them families of their own that's what god will do for you that's what god will do nothing for god does not go unrecognized everything and anything you do for god it will become recognized nobody else might not see it but god sees it nobody else may not believe your story but god believes it you may not have what other people have but god gave you what you have you got to work with what you got god did not forget about these sisters he did not forget about them and he gave them families of their own he didn't just give them a little boys and give them little girls and gave them husbands if you look at what he means when he says he gave them families of their own really what god was telling them is i'm gonna look out for your tomorrow that's what i'm gonna do what you doing for me i'm gonna look out for you for your tomorrow i'm i'm stacking the deck just for you he gave them exceededly and abundantly more than they can ask all of what they could think he didn't just give them sons he didn't just give them daughters he didn't just give them husbands but he gave them what he ordained in the beginning of time in other words god took them to the beginning of why he put him here in the first place you do know the word says that god had ordained families and god gave them what he ordained and god gave them favor in their life that's what we need from god as i conclude we need the favor of god praise god for families praise god that god gave you favor anybody can shout off for that or anybody in here glad that the lord gave you a favor and he gave you a family not just a family but god thought about your tomorrow he gave you sons that will look out for you and take care of you he gave you a husband that will provide all that you need he gave you some daughters that could procreate and keep the family line going he gave you favor and that's what i love about god for the favor in my life he didn't have to do it but because i've been desperate to do better because i've been desperate to have more because i've been desperate to want to please him the lord has added to our life do i have a witness tell somebody he's added to my life he's done more than what i can think he could do he walks with me he talks with me somebody says he tells me that i am his own he opened doors that no man could ever open the he opened doors no man could ever shut he is anointed afresh he woke me up this morning and started me on my way up do i have a witness in here tell somebody i'm desperate i'm desperate i said i'm desperate to please god i'm gonna bless him every chance i get her i'm gonna wave my hand i'm gonna shout on my feet he's worthy i said he's worthy say yes say yes everybody standing come on let's praise the lord for that wonderful word come on let's give god a thunderous applause desperate desperate midwives praise god from whom all blessings flow what an awesome word i enjoy jerome lee's preaching amen come on let's give him another hand all over the sanctuary thank you so kindly the door of the church is open as the word of god has been preached you've heard it it's now pricked your heart come on he told you about the importance of fearing god we've we've left that day in time when we no longer fear god we have to come back the bible says the beginning of knowledge is fearing god and we've left that time and i want to know is there anyone here today we don't hold you long that you've been moved you feel that nudge you feel that pull you feel that tug and you want to say lord i want to belong to you i want to come and be a part of the sanctuary of god i want to join the team i want to be in the community of faith i want to be a changed man a changed woman if that's you today i want you to step out in an hour you're here in person someone will walk with you i'll come and meet you those of you who are watching bye for social media all you need to do is go to the new members sign on the website login someone will be in touch with you they will get in touch with you and lead you to christ you can come by letter you come by baptism you can come on christian experience but know the bible says whosoever will let him or her come whosoever will listen don't you try to fix yourself up don't try to say i'm going to get ready you'll never be able to do that only god can fix you only god can make things right one more appeal if you're in person and you've been coming and you've heard this step out right now and give your life to the lord jesus christ you may already be saved but you just want to belong to the church you want to belong to a bible believing a god-fearing church you want to belong to a church where a pastor loves his people that is you today i encourage you to step out and come don't say i'm gonna wait until next time don't say i'm gonna wait till tomorrow or next sunday that may not come to you the gift is the present you only have today to make things right i had to come to jesus myself i had to walk down that aisle i had to come the bible says if you're ashamed to own me before men i'll be ashamed to own you before my father who is in heaven many of us in here have had to walk down and said lord i yield my life i give my life to you thank you jesus in our closing prayer lead us in our close prayer pray for our sake i shut him for souls to be saved pray for pastor pastor lee that god will restore him and give him that energy that he's poured out we praise you god for yet another word desperate midwives god we just thank you all this morning god because you have proven yourself to be mighty to us god and for the many mothers your god and the fathers your god who have laid dear god at the foot of their bed crying for their sons and their daughters their god that you would resurrect them dear god and lead them in the way dear god in which they were taught satan we want to serve notice on you right now you are a liar you are defeated then and you are defeated now god we give you praise and we give you glory because we're believing dear god and we're claiming declaring and decreeing their god for everyone that is sick dear god in this ministry dear god and in the ministries god that you will touch their bodies fear god that you would get them up off in their bed of affliction god we thank you this morning dear god for giving us the scripture god to be able to come into your house dear god not for form or fashion but to lift up your holy name too thank you for being good for thank you for watching over us dear god for thanking you for giving us a roof over our heads dear god we have food dear god we thank you for that we don't take it for granted and now god is it just goes down in my spirit right now god we know god it's already god we're just waiting for the manifestation to take his place god we know without a shadow of a doubt god we thank you for the healing of pastor watson this surgery dear god hallelujah god he's already been through the surgery dear god you already knew it was going to come to say god and you're going to do what needs to be done dear god that he may return god he never stopped in the beginning dear god but we're going to give you glory for that god we thank you god for our first lady there god we thank you god we don't take her for granted god we thank you god that we have a woman that stood by her husband through thick and thin god we thank you god for the many things that she has to go through that we would never know god we thank you but thank god we thank you for the church as a whole god we're believing we're claiming victory to god this day and we thank you for reverend lee and his wife god give them safe traveling mercy dear god as they travel back a word that i will never forget a desperate midwife god we give your name praise we give you glory and we give you honor on this day in jesus name amen god bless you thank you so much everybody let's remember as we exit the building we will leave our offering there's a basket if you want to be a blessing to pastor lee as you go out there's our offering basket for him in the back as you exit the building thank you again pastor lee may the lord's face shine upon you and be gracious to you and may the lord lift up the light of his countenance and grant you his peace now henceforth and forevermore may the people of god say amen all right god bless you the worship experience is not complete until you take that same spirit and share it with another i've got some help bishop ross garrison ah everybody come home i'm glad you brushed your way i'm glad you made it through the storm because you need to know that we are connected we are family it doesn't matter what it looks like you're a family and we are connected we are connected through god y'all when i'm strong and when i'm our family at here we are yes we are glory to god hallelujah because we are connected to god oh here it is now may the lord bless you baby
Channel: First Baptist Church Salisbury, MD
Views: 139
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: gfndJEZGSYk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 94min 41sec (5681 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 26 2021
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