Sunday Worship, September 19, 2021

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morning so thankful to god that we're able to come this morning to worship in person and we'd like to thank all those who were worshipping our zone this morning and youtube and uh we just continue to uh pray for everybody let us pray this time hey father we come before you this morning thank you for this opportunity to worship your heavenly father in person from praying heavenly father thank you for all that you have done for us and well god we just thank you most importantly for your son our lord and savior jesus christ and for the holy spirit and we come from the father those who may not be here this morning because of various reasons uh health issues and we just thank you the father for blessing them that they can look at the surface on zone and youtube when we come praying fathers will get ready to go into the worship service that you meet with our minister brother ben foster as he gets ready to present the word him father did you give him the recall heavenly father the things that he studied and we thank you ever so much for him and for all the members here at east side and all those who are watching us uh through their different technologies we have to please be willing to send the class as we go further into this service this is our prayer jesus christ's name amen oh jesus hallelujah [Applause] oh sermon this morning it's gonna be how great the heart is how great god is i've seen the stars is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] the [Music] shall come [Music] [Applause] then my [Music] [Applause] the [Music] thee and i believe in first corinthians chapter 16 verses one and two now concern the collection for the saints as i have given order to the church of galatia even so do you up on the first day of the week everyone are you laying out in the story of god let us pray father thank you for all the blessings father god we thank you for the opportunity to make a living father we thank you for this opportunity to give back a person with you and maybe you forgot to live your kingdom jesus prayed and i become part of our service is the community and i'll be reading from first corinthians chapter 11 beginning at verse 23. that which also foreign delivered you that the lord to you the same life that you betrayed took prayer and when they had given thanks he bravely said take it this is my body which has broken you this is due and remembers me after the same amount also he took the cup when that's up saying this cup is the new testament in my blood this dude is awfully drinking and remembers me was offered to eat this bread and break this cup and do so the lord's death to the cubs wherefore whosoever shall eat this bread and bring this cup of the lord unworthily shall be guilty of the body and the blood of the lord but let a man examine himself and so let him eat that bread and drink of that cup but he that eat it and drink it unworthy eat it and drink of demolition to himself not to certainly lord by them but this call means weak and secular margaret and ministry pray father god we come i should bless this bread amen you may not take the lord okay jesus [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] he knows [Music] [Applause] [Applause] jesus is he knows [Music] [Applause] jesus we're singing let us go to our heavenly father in prayer deadly father we come in prayer lord we thank you for this blessed and wonderful day we thank you lord and acknowledge it we understand and with those thankful lord that you blessed us yet to see another day lord we thank you for blessing us to wake up this morning and to arrive to this destination safe and sound and lord we just pray lord if there's anyone that's in route we pray lord that you bless them also we're traveling grace that they may make it safe and sound with no hurt mom and dad we're so thankful lord for those that are tuning in with us be a virtual means lord that you have blessed them with uh the wherewithal to be able to uh be able to sink in together with our live worship lord and we as we all worship together lord and spirited in truth we're just so thankful for this opportunity lord the opportunity to approach your throne lord we understand lord that that is indeed a blessing lord we thank you lord that we have the opportunity to be able to communicate some thoughts our concerns and everything with you we're just so thankful lord that you have blessed us lord sending your son jesus to thou on the cross we might have a right to the tree of life and we come lord today just asking lord that you continue to be with all of those that are sick lord and shut in a lord that cannot make it out this morning lord that may be hospitalized or maybe going through different types of tests lord that you be with each and every one of them in their health law that you might touch them with the thing of your love or that they might return to their full health and strength be with all the doctors and nurses lord in which they may be other than care or that you may help them or to overcome those things that are ailing them but we asked lord today we know many are struggling with loss of loved ones families that are grieving and bereavement lord we just pray lord that you be with each and every one of those family members loved ones etcetera lord that you give them the strength that they stand and needing according to that type of bereavement we have many here at the eastside church of christ the johnson family lord the robinson family lord we just pray for all of those families uh the lucky family lord that you just continue to be with each and every one of them as they uh wherever they love one's lord and that you give them that strength that they stand in need of lord we also come asking prayer lord as we continue in our service that you be with our minister lord it's about to amount to pulpit lord that you bless him lord ready to recall of all the things in which he studied that he might be able to present a lesson to us our lord that we all may be able to grow spiritually lord and wisdom and knowledge lord and that not only we be able to grow lord that we are able to apply those things to our lives and go out and teach others in a way that's pleasingly acceptable unto you we ask a special prayer lord for the foss in his entire family you continue to bless them with strength and well with all the knowledge lord to be able to stay on your battlefield preaching and teaching your word and lord we ask a special prayers for us today lord we know that many of us may be carrying burdens this morning some of us may be feeling great lord but we just pray that we take all the things of the world in which we've been experiencing the lord and be able to have the uh the wherewithal to set those things aside we might be able to focus on your word lord and be able to receive your word and we pray lord that you continue to be with all of the leaders here at the east side church of christ lord pray that you be with all of the elders deacons the ministers lord and all the members lord that everything that we do is sincere lord and pleasing and acceptable unto you and we just pray lord that as we get ready to continue throughout this worship lord that everything that we do is pleasing to you lord and that our worship may be accepted we pray lord that you can just continue to be with us bless us guide us and protect us these are the things and blessings we ask in christ jesus name amen brother foster has chosen the context of his sermon today from acts chapter 18 verses 24-28 once again that's acts chapter 18 verses 24 through 28 which reads an uncertain jew named apollos born at alexandria an eloquent man and mighty in the scriptures came to ephesus this man was instructed in the way of the lord and being fervent in the spirit he spake and taught diligently the things of the lord knowing only the baptism of john and he began to speak boldly in the synagogue whom when aquila and priscilla occurred they took him unto them and expounded unto him the way of god more perfectly and when he was disposed to pass into a cave the brethren wrote exhorting the disciples to receive him who when he was come helped them much when he had leave through grace for he mightily convinced the jews and that publicly chewing by the scriptures that jesus was christ may the lord add blessings to the hearers readers and doers of his word is is is come on [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] toes [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] come on everybody [Applause] oh is [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Applause] is [Applause] can't make say [Music] it's a wonderful experience been in the house of god david said a long time ago i was glad when they said unto me come let us go into the house of the lord and so we have made it today and so many of them all around us as was so happily prayed for today by brother antoine hopps and but yet god has left us here and we can't go in on somebody else's record those in various families but we have to work out our own soul savage with fear and trembling so let's keep that in mind as we go into the message today we've had a wonderful service amending uh brother marcus foster for wonderful songs and uh brother hardy leading us in uh scripture reading and i'm very impressed with him he's here faithfully bringing his kids with him he just got our eyes on him he's got something specially amen and also we are recognizing the fact of brother hawthorne did a wonderful job once again on the table and brother are o'berry and then up and so we are just pleased that god has been so good to us we have so many people uh passing in our midst and we want to just humbly bow at this time on in that regard especially once again our god and our father we recognize that you are in charge and you have said in your word that the lord giveth and the lord takes away and we ought to be able to say blessed be the name of the lord and oh god we want to live in such a way when our time comes and we know you have an appointed time for each one of us you have said in your word it is once appointed unto men to die but after this cometh of judgment so let us prepare oh god we know this this is the preparation ground in which we are to work out our soul salvation you are observing us and you've given some of us uh much time to get right and we're asking that you would help us to take serious the moments because every moment we have is the moment of salvation it is our time oh god we're going to have to meet you one day now unto him who's able to keep us from falling and to present us faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy and to god our savior who along his dominion and power both now and forever amen well we are looking today in acts 18 as was read so happily by brother hardy and we'll look at verse 24 and a few of the following verses 18 24 and a few of the following verses we'll look at that and the bible reads thusly now a certain jew you won't underscore that this person is a jew named apollos born in an eloquent man and mighty in the scriptures came to ephesus this man had been instructed in the way of the lord and being fervent in spirit spoke and talked accurately the things of the lord though he knew only the baptism of john so he began to speak boldly in the synagogue with aquila and priscilla heard him when they heard him they took him aside and explained to him the way of god more accurately and when he desired to cross to ikea the brethren wrote exhorting the disciples to receive him and when he arrived he greatly helped those who had been believed through grace for he vigorously refuted the jews publicly shown from the scriptures that jesus is the christ what a great uh narrative we have today as we scope uh the material pertaining to this man aquila and he's often mentioned with his wife priscilla they were an outstanding husband and wife team doing personal work and teaching and in this occasion they had the opportunity to teach a preacher by the name of apollos who didn't have it all together and so usually when you find it now in the scriptures uh in most cases priscilla's name is mentioned first i don't know if there's any significance to that but we do know that uh in acts 18 for instance we find at verse 18 so the bible mentioned so paul still remained a good while and then he took leave of the brethren and sail for syria and priscilla see that's the wife's name first yeah i want you to notice that and aquila that's the husband where with him he had his hair cut off and sangria for he had taken a vial now when we follow it over to romans at the last chapter 16th chapter we find that paul is going to enumerate about 27 names and greeting individuals across the globe in which he traveled and after he mentioned and commended uh phoebe then he mentioned in verse three greek priscilla you notice her name is first and aquila my fellow workers in christ jesus and so on and on to go to be goes so the record is uh you would find a priscilla and aquila more than you would find aquila and priscilla just a word there but be that as it may as god still wants the man to be the man and stand up you know yesterday i was washing my car and i tried to keep it clean i was out there and just about finished it somebody came up on my right side in a little car uh two african americans a woman driving and a man sitting inside and said to me said uh sarah we don't mind i mean to bother you but we need a little help we we don't have anywhere to stay have you had people to come to you like that you have to make a decision on the time right on the time and and so say we don't have anywhere to stay and we wonder if you could help us out a bit we need to get us a place and i said well i i have two or three dollars with and she the man never looked up you know he was kind of low life he wouldn't look up you know the man and uh she kept talking i said two three she said oh sir that would be just fine that that would take care of me but my common sense would tell you that two or three dollars they will help get you in no more [Music] in the place but the point of it is is that sometimes you make decisions so i handed that three dollars and she said oh thank you so much i said you had to promise me you don't put this on dope oh no sir don't no no thank you so much so i have to live with my countries on that sometimes you'll hit some and you'll miss some say amen but you have to do what god needs you to do and so here it is priscilla and aquila and uh we find that this man apollos great preacher and became a great preacher and he was from alexandria this is a city and he had come out of egypt egypt in the heart of africa and he may have been a jew could have been a jew of color we're not going to major on that too long but we do know that uh from verse 24 of our text that he was an eloquent man an outstanding speaker mighty new scriptures and i believe in this case this would be the old testament scriptures because the new testament scriptures had not been written at that time and we came to ephesus this man had been instructed in the way of the lord and so he had been told and being fervent in spirit that meant he was enthusiastic and uh we we think about that favor in spirit and think about that related to our uh sister betty johnson she was like that you call on the phone she's going to be talking more about god than anything else say amen favorite in the spirit and he spake and taught accurately the things of the lord though he knew only the baptism of john that would be john the baptizer and i like to put baptizer on that because some things that that was his name baptist that was not his name his name was john say amen so we see a man here a preacher who needed some help in understanding the subject of baptism and i'm here to tell you we got to cry loud on that brother now because that's the dividing line those in the denominational world believe that baptism is unnecessary because of the faith only doctrine that they're trying to push and that you're saved and you have baptism to prove that you're saved but not in order to be safe i'm here to tell you we got to cry loud on this so verse 26 so he began to speak boldly in the synagogue with aquila and priscilla and they heard him they took him aside and explained to him the way of god more accurately and when he desired to cross to ikea that's uh over in greece and their brethren wrote exhorting the disciples to receive him and when he arrived he greatly helped those who had believed through grace for he vigorously refuted the jews publicly showing from the scripture and old testament scripture that jesus is the christ and so we find to the credit of aquila and priscilla that they took him aside perhaps uh sponsored him with a chicken dinner say amen but they blessed him and now this is somewhat private uh teaching uh perhaps in their home they took them aside and told him and there are those now that take the position that the woman cannot teach a man but in this case a personal way she was with her husband and it's all right as long as she does not you serve authority over the man and we've got to get that straight and the bible teaches you notice in first seventy two eleven through fifteen let a woman learn in silence that word is from huchacai it means in quietness it doesn't mean that she has to be muted what she can't say anything because if that's the case you couldn't sing say amen in the worship and that's the method of teaching and admonishing one another in some hymns and spiritual songs and so as long as she respects the male spiritual leadership that runs throughout the old testament and the new uh in god's program that is in the home and in the church sisters are needed your ministries are needed whoever told you that uh just be silent and they never tell you what you can do just telling you what you can't do it's time for us to break that up this does not preclude women from having ministries in the church you see a perfect example in our congregation is that of sister mary vaughn she's on the move just about every day helping in food services and helping individual sister mary vaughn that's a ministry sisters can have ministries many of you even in our church have teaching ministries and just because you have a ministry see something only exclusively of the pulpit ministry but there are multiple ministries in the church and every sister should identify yourself with a ministry that you got to give account to god in one day and so the bible says learn in quietness uh that is and he said i suffered i did not allow a woman to teach but he didn't stop there watch the whole grammatical construct uh you serve authority over the man and not saying she can't teach the greatest area of teaching is in the home we need to save these families and save these homes we need sisters to stand up now and accept your responsibility can you say amen and so the bible is right and paul said and i do not permit the woman to teach or to have authority over the man but being silent and then he went on to say as he brought up the created order he said for adam was formed first then in other words that was not my happenstance god made the man first say amen and adam was not deceived but the woman being deceived fell into transgression she was the first in transgression where was adam he was stopped leaving he should have been leaving and told her to not bother that fruit say amen and somebody says it was a pear tree well i don't know it was pears or apples or whatever but i know it was forbidden and if it were a prayer tree the problem was not with the past at the top but the path on the ground say amen i hope you get the emphasis there and so adam was not deceived but the woman being received fell into transgression nevertheless she would be saved in child bearing that is a responsibility that god put upon the woman now no matter how sweet the man may seem to be he can't bring forth the baby say amen you're all the same as you can and that's the role that god gave the woman that she continued faith loving holiness with self-control years ago i was fortunate enough to do a meeting up here at fort worth and after one of the night sessions a female pentecostal preacher addressed me and said i heard you crying aloud tonight against women preachers tonight she said but i am one and said you mean to tell me that a woman can carry a preacher in her womb for nine months and can't be a preacher i said to uh i said you hit the point that's right you see the point is you can carry them that's one thing but god never gave you the authority to do the preaching say amen and yeah that's your job to carry them because the man can't do it and so when she said i heard you crying loud i could could now use i could now use because an illustration was not out before kevin hart's illustration concerning the chase freedom unlimited card and he yelled across his yard don't act as if you hadn't heard that to let his neighbors know that chase freedom unlimited now offers special cash back on all dining and travel and drug store purchases and the third neighbor address was called neal and he said hey leo did you know you can get three percent off he said wait a minute he said why are you talking so loud i said i'm right here and then kevin i said well that's what i do well i'm here to tell you if you hear me crying loud about this false doctrine and saying well that's what i do say amen and somebody said you're exalting the preachers and church leaders and all the members to cry out against these things where do you get your authority isaiah said way back in the old testament in isaiah 58 1 i want you to stay with me now he said cry aloud spare not lift up your voice like a trumpet tell my people their transgressions and the house of jacob their sins so what do we need to do cry out here in our text priscilla and aquila there they are being uh teachers and taught a preacher but he only knew the baptism of john so that lets us know by way of subject if we want to tag this matter we are tagged and uh our subject would be entitled a preacher who didn't know enough a preacher who didn't know enough there are a number of preachers around here all them down the highways and around in this neighborhood and community who don't know quite enough say amen and let us set now our homological construct and as we do there will be three parameters that we want to look at today and number one he didn't know enough about the baptism of judge baptize wow john's baptism was fall that word ace which means eis it means in order to receive the same as the baptism given under the great commission but it was in prospect it was looking forward to the cross that is john's baptism and uh also we need to remember that it was temporary now notice now mark 1 4 where the bible is going to use that term of john's baptism was for the remission of sins and the bible says john came baptizing in the wilderness and preaching a baptism of repentance that is he was getting the timber ready getting the people ready he was the forerunner coming before the christ getting everything prepared for christ and he said for the remission of sins and and then also in luke 3 3 i want you to stay with me now and he went into all the region round the jordan preaching the baptism of repentance for the remission of sins in order that they would get however they couldn't get it because of the fact that it was pointing towards the cross and our baptisms point back to the cross but you have to have the cross before you can have any remission the bible says in hebrews 9 22 and almost all things watching now almost all things were perished uh uh by the law of paris with blood and without shedding of blood is no remission let's go to the new king james there almost all things i used to wonder about that something ceremonially was uh not what was by water and some by far back under the old testament but he said almost all things but when you come down to the bottom line without shedding of blood there is no remission in other words you've got to connect with the cross in order to have remission however john's baptism john the baptizer was of god before the cross notice how god looked at it in luke 7 29 and 30. we are looking now luke 7 29 and 30. the bible says and when all the people heard him even the tax collectors and the other virgin it was a republicans which were tax collectors justified god and indicating that it was uh true uh it was the right thing to do and having been baptized with the baptism of john watching now and but the pharisees and lawyers these would be the scribes rejected the will of god for themselves not having been baptized by him so john's baptism during that intermediary uh a period appearance i was uh far the remission of sins looking toward the cross now remember apollos only knew about the baptism of john but i believe he needed more clarity on that now somebody said what are you talking about brother foster well then you see john's baptism was temporary and another thing we can point out is that his baptism was only to the jews we'll look at that more directly in a few moments but it was only to the jews and he was under the limited commission even jesus taught under the limited commission and uh it was called limited because it was not a universal where it was the scope of it was not to all nations just one nation of the jews and the bible makes it plain in matthew 10 5-7 where the bible says over there in matthew 10 5-7 these twelve jesus sent out and commanded them saying do not go into the way of the gentiles and do not enter a city of the samaritans those were the half priests those were the individuals that were some jewish identity but not all together but he said go round her to the lawshield of the house of israel that would be to the jews and that ministry was limited we're not going to get all nations in until we get to the great commission hold that only i'll be there after a while and so we recognize that uh the bible is going to teach specifically that there is one baptism and john's baptism is going to be eliminated and not to mention the baptism of the children of israel under moses but we're not talking about them but god came down and that would be in 62 a.d where there would be only one and we'll notice that linking verb is and the bible says in ephesians 4 a familiar passage of scripture notice i therefore the prisoner of the lord beseech you that you walk with a vocation wherewith you are called with all loneliness and meekness with long suffering for bearing one another in love endeavoring to keep the unity of the spirit in the bond of peace for there is how many bodies one body that's the church and one spirit even as you call it one hope of your calling one lord one faith and how many baptisms one baptism one god the father who's above all through all and in you all so the bible declared that there is one baptism we've got to come down on that there is only one baptism that god respects today john's ministry dealt with the jews i told you about that let's look at it in luke 1 13-17 luke 1 13-17 where the bible is replete there in luke 1 13 through 17 but the angel said that would be gabriel said to him do not be afraid zachariah for your prayer is heard and your wife elizabeth will bear you a son and you shall call his name john and you will have joy and gladness and many will rejoice at his birth and for he will be great in the sight of the lord and shall drink neither wine nor strong drink he also be filled with the holy spirit even from his mother's womb and that the feeling of the holy spirit was linked with prophecy john was a prophet and so we will find that in many connections and he will watch it and he will turn many of the children of israel to the lord their god who is he working with the children of israel who were the children of israel the jews say amen and but then once the great commission comes in watch it now we'll find in matthew 28 18 through 20. and he came and spoke unto them saying all power uh that is exclusive all power is given unto me in heaven and go you therefore and teach how many nations all nations baptizing them in the name that means by the authority of the father the son and of the holy spirit and teaching them to observe all things whatsoever i've commanded you and lo i am with you how long always even until the end of the age and so this is the only baptism that was commanded and i'm not dealing today with the so-called baptism of the holy spirit but it was never commanded it was a promise amen but this is the one commanded today and so we recognize that and over here number three the baptism of the great commission looks back to the cross the baptism of john look to the cross while apollos baptized at what we raised the question was apollos baptized again now he knew the baptism of junk but was he baptized again under the great commission's baptism all right there is no record of him many who were baptized by john before the cross was not baptized again some of them died say amen but those baptized out of the cross when the baptism of the great commission superseded the baptism of john those people were baptized again do you have an example yes i'm glad you asked that question back to the bible i go now in acts chapter 19 come into it verse number one the bible says that it came to pass while apollos was in corinth paul having passed through the upper coast came to ephesus finding certain disciples he said unto them did you receive the holy ghost when you believed so they said to him we have not so much as heard whether there be any holy ghost now you got to be careful with that now whether there be any holy ghost now you may have been talking about with the miraculous gifts uh we'll look at that in a few moments but he said unto them have you received the holy ghost since you believe they said we have heard of and you see if you if your salvation is such thing if it's in place then you know something about the holy spirit because the bible says in acts 5 32 peter said we are witnesses of these things and so is also the holy spirit whom god has given unto all them that obey him so when you obey him you get the holy spirit say amen and so the bible continued now back in acts 19 and verse 2 and 3 he said and they said until then what were you baptized they said john's baptism who was administrator of john's baptism john where was john then he was dead so there was nobody to administer say amen and then in verse 4 watching then paul said verily about john baptized with the baptism of repentance that is getting the people prepared for the blood saying unto the people that they should believe on him which should come after him that is on christ jesus when they heard this they were baptized in the name of the lord jesus they had to be baptized again because theirs happened before the cross and then the great commission baptism went far and they didn't have the baptism you see that killed john's baptism when the new baptism went into effect and is into effect to the end of the world now coming down the line somebody says well what about this baptism and we find that god is going to use two words let's look at it in acts 2 38 acts 2 38 everybody get paged there and see what the bible says acts 2 38 then peter said unto them repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of jesus christ that's that word ace in the greek which means in order to receive for the remission of sins now i'm going to slow down a bit because you've got some of these preachers are saying that it's because of in other words you already got the remission now that doesn't make much sense that's that you already repent because you're already saved and wait a minute that's strange why don't we just accept the bible as it is repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of by the authority of jesus christ follow the remission of sins and then you can receive the gift of the holy ghost one sign that you have and that you have been born again is that gift of the holy ghost now that gives that word is from dorian in degree dorian and it is only used when you receive god himself uh that could be the father son of the holy spirit but when he's talking about gifts miraculous gifts uh he doesn't use the ring he used charisma now i want you to see it let's look at those nine gifts back to the bible i go first corinthians 12 7 through 11 help me out a little bit brother apollos if you please first corinthians 12 7 start with verse 7 and we're going through 11 and we paul is going to enumerate nine spiritual gifts nine spiritual gifts that were available during the first century era when the apostles lived because the only way a person could get one of these miraculous gifts was through the laying on of an apostle hey but then once all the apostles died then that was a cessation of this gift you can't get them now because you don't have anybody to confer them to you doesn't that make sense well the bible says in 1st corinthians 12 beginning with verse 7 what does the book say but the manifestation of the spirit so the manifestation of the spirit is given to each one it's given to each one the prophet with hope for the one is given the word all right so one is given to what word of wisdom the word of wisdom that's number one that we will have nine of these that were used in the first century world the word of wisdom to another the word of knowledge by the same holy spirit continue to another faith to another faith that is in a supernatural manner where you can move mountains and so on by the same spirit to another the gifts of healing and by the same holy spirit watch him now and to another the working of miracles to another prophecy to another discerning of spirits to another diverse kinds of tongues to another the interpretation of tongues all right in verse 11 but all these wicked that one and the self saying holy spirit all them coming from the holy spirit divide into every man cerebrally as he will god would distribute them as he will that was during the first century you'd have to have an apostle on hand uh in order to confer it we found that out with simon the sorcerer you know he desired and offered peter and john money to buy the gift but uh he said your money is gonna perish with you because your heart is not right in the sight of god and but they came down from jerusalem to lay hands on the people that already been baptized but here they wanted miraculous gifts and they couldn't get them unless an apostle was on hand the same way i want you to wake up and listen now concerning the so-called uh speaking in tongues you got individuals talking about your old are you on the church that doesn't speak in tongues yeah i speak in the tongue and the tongue i speak in is english say amen but it's amen i'm speaking english and i know some greek and different stuff but the time where language is friends it was not all this gibberish-ness and all this stuff you hear today on the by the televangelists and talking about king about understanding but god well now wait a minute back to the bible i go i was talking years ago to a man that told me when i told him i said god put in his word that tongues was temporary and that if at a point in time they would cease he said the bible didn't say they were sieged but now wait a minute back to the bible i don't know where you're going i'm going over here to first corinthians chapter 13 give it to me now in the original king james and the bible says as paul would go through uh exalting the agape love that we should have has been the most important virtue and he said over there i speak with the tongues of men and angels and have not charity i have to come as a sounding brass articling symbol in other words i'm just making noise going off if i don't have the love in my christian life and though i have the gift of prophecy and understand all mysteries and all knowledge and though i have how much faith all faith so that i can remove mountains and have not charity i am nothing watch him now and he says do i have and though i must all my goods defeat the poor and give my body to be burned and have not charity i am nothing charity is suffering long and it's kind charity ended not charity vaunted not itself is not puffed up does not behave itself unseenly seek it not its own i is is not easily provoked thinking no evil watch them in verse six rejoices not in iniquity but rejoices in the truth it beareth all things believe it for all things hopeth all things endureth all things charity never failing but whether that be prophecies watching they shall fail whether there be tongues they shall cease whether there be knowledge it shall finish away for now we know in part and we prophesy part but when that which is perfect is come then that which is in part shall be done away when i was a child i spake as a child i understood as a child i thought as a child but when i became a man i put away childish things for now we see through a glass darkly but then face to face now i know in part but then shall i know even as also i am known and now a body charity these three but the greatest of these is charity in that in your bible so somebody said well what's the point he said when that which is perfect is skill then that which is in part shall be done away now we've got to do justice with that in order to get the teaching he said it's going to cease that system of the miraculous things when that which is perfect is covered now those who are trying to hold on said that the perfect there was jesus at his second coming i don't buy that because he didn't say when he who is perfect but when that which is perfect that's a demonstrative pronoun what is he talking about when that which is perfectly discovered and that is he used that in contrast to that uh in part so the perfect there from totally in degree it mentioned that which is complete in other words at that time they didn't have the completed revelation they didn't have the entire word of god don't you see and so he's saying when that which is perfect when the church reaches a certain point in his spiritual maturation that's going to vanish away one part about it was that since it took an apostle to lay hands on the individual to receive it when all of the apostles are gone then you can't have it anymore because you don't have anybody to confess don't you see what he's talking about when that which is perfectly not when he who is coming that is perfect he said but when that which is perfect then that which is in part shall be done away we don't have it now we don't have it and you remember uh that uh we've got several examples in the scripture where that power began to dwindle and uh we find that uh uh trothamus was left at malita's sick and paul was down there but he didn't heal him why because at a certain point that power began to dwindle say amen and uh and even timothy had uh you know infirmity of stumble and paul instead of healing him just told him to drink no longer uh water water they had problems with it but drink a little while i got to talk to these wine drinkers around say amen but drink a little wine for you often stomach shaking you're often infirmities in other words he quantified and by saying now don't drink a whole lot of wine because you're not drinking it to get high but you're drinking a little to get well say it man so don't try to use that but this is my tonic you know i got the hair this hair and you got that old crow you put that stuff away say man because you see a little can lead to much just like the woman one time jumped up said you know i'm drinking to be sociable and sometimes people drink a little be sociable and another little be social another little be social and pretty soon they're drunk just to be social but i'm here to tell you my friends you need to leave all that room and if you got it in your house flush it down your commode just take it and flush that stuff down the commode saving now there is a case where you can do it medicinally if that's the purpose but make sure you separate it from getting high and getting away say well let me move on i got to close this now and so we find that uh priscilla and priscilla were on the case and we recognize that the bible teaches with the miraculous you have to have an apostle on hand let me prove that in romans 1 11 romans 1 11 if you got your copy of the word of god the bible says and this is paul who wrote the epistle to the romans he said for i long to see you that i may impart unto you some spiritual gift to the end you may be established in other words i'm an apostle out of new season and so i can impart a gift through transferal of my lid on my hands he said i haven't been over there but when i get there i'm planning to impart unto you some spiritual gifts to the end you may be established why it took an apostle to do it don't you see and somebody says well where uh aquila and priscilla's work successful in dealing with apollos i'm closing now but i just want to tell you that he was accepted and somebody says well if he were not baptized again how could he be accepted by john's baptism well god according to acts 2 and verse 41. i'm going to show you something acts 2 41. now the bible says over plainly he says then that gladly received his word were baptized and the same day that were added under them about 3 000 sold god set some in the church he added something in the church say amen because that blood was retroactive it went back and it went forward it goes forward to the end of the world somebody said why don't you emphasize the blood because without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sin and we've been accused now and people say well you say it's nothing in the wall but it's for the remission of sins it's nothing in the water that it's just simply h2o and uh it's nothing in here well what's the purpose of it if there's nothing in here well it's a matter of obedience you see it was nothing in the water that god told naaman to go down and he told him to go dip in jordan seven times but he said oh no aren't the rivers of damascus better than the rivers of john of israel uh what about uh over there in damascus ubana and fossil can i go and wash in them and be clean well god showed that it was not a matter of the water as such but it was a matter of obedience in that case he had to go down to the jaw say amen and he said well wait a minute that water is muddy water it's beneath my dignity because i'm a captain and and people look up to me neighbor and hot what would it look like if i go down to the muddy john so he got in his chariot going back to syria and uh his own servant stopped him it could have been and he stopped him and said to him said the master if the lord had bitten you to do some great thing the prophet said wouldn't you have done it in other words if you had to write a check or something couldn't you do that quickly and you'd have been healed of your uh your leprosy he said but all he asks you to do is a little thing and that is to go to the river and dip in the river seven times then so he humbled himself turned the cherries around and went back down to jar when he went to the jordan can't you see him he stepped into jordan but he got to go in there seven times and it can't be a sprinkling it can't be a pouring he's got to go down and last under the jaw and seven times and he dipped in jordan two times at three times came up still had the sores all over him dipped in short and four times five times six times seven times came up the seventh time like a newborn baby look at him and his hands look new and they looked at his feet and they looked new everything because the power was in god and in his obedience somebody said to me and what in one of my discussions you say is nothing in the water what you got to go down in there for back to the bible i go you go down in there because you can't get to the blood unless you go through the water somebody said you got idle for that bible says in romans chapter 6 what shall we say then shall we continue and sin that grace may abound god forbid how shall we that are there to sin living and long the very end knowing not that so many of us as were baptized into jesus christ were baptized into his what his death what does it mean you get into his death then you get access to what happened in the death the blood was shed in the death that's he said in verse 4 therefore we are buried with him for baptism in other words you've got to be buried in order to get into the death say amen what happened in the death in john 19 34 the roman soldier pierced his side and i came from the side blood and water why was it blood and water because you can't get to the blood unless you go through the world say amen if you can thank god for the blood why do we need the blood it's for cleansing of our sins first john 1 6 and 7 if you say you have fellowship with him and walk in darkness you lie and do not the truth but if you walk in the night as he's in the light you have fellowship one with another and the blood of his son jesus cleanses us from all of our sins you can't get the cleansing of your sins unless you contact the blood say amen and so when you go down in this water yes it's a sewell it's good water and it's warm waiting for you to say amen but i'm here to tell you my friend that once you go down in obedience the forgiveness takes place in the mind of god don't you see it's not a man-made thing you are obeying god's plan of salvation and once you obey the plan god will do his part somebody says well do you think apollos made it was he saved and then and was he saved well he was already baptized for the remission of sins and if he did it before the cross he was all right and so since he was not baptized it is by influence it infers that he did it before the cross saving because if you did it after the cross he would be subject to the one baptism of the great commission don't you see and i know he was in good shape because when paul wrote over that to the church of corinth he said in first corinthians 3 6 he said i planted but the powers was but god gave the increase and then down there some of them start worshiping man paul heard the report from the household of chloe and he said some was saying down here he said that i am the paul notice the name that was right next to paul before peter and then some say that i am of apollos and some say that i am of cephalus and then some say that i am christ he says over there in first corinthians 1 10 he said but i beseech you brethren by the name of our lord jesus christ that you all speak the same thing and that there'll be no divisions among you but that you'd be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment and then he went on to tell him he said that he said i i thank god that i baptized none of you but christmas engaged lester should say that he was baptized in my name thank you paul why because you got to be baptized in the name of the lord say amen and he said let there be no division among you so there we find apollos was in great status among the church leaders and the preachers because they knew that he had obeyed god oh i believe i preached enough in that day and so the bible is right ladies and gentlemen if you want to be saved you can obey that same pattern and that same uh judgment now there is a verse in first corinthians 4 16 and i'm closing within it says for this reason i've said uh 16 of first corinthians he said i've sent timothy to you and uh he says 4 6 rather he said now these things brethren i have figuratively transferred to myself and apollos for your sake that you may learn in us not to think beyond what's written that none of you may be puffed up on behalf of one against the other in other words he said if you want to stick with me in the palace you won't go beyond what's written say amen that's what we want to do and that's why we started off saying we're crying a lot about it and we want to let the world know what the truth is concerning the subject of baptism also getting us ready for our gospel meeting i don't want any preacher to come in here and find this a cold pulpit we've got some hot preachers that preachers all around me and we're gonna keep it hot when he comes in this one comes in we've got a good one coming in and whoever comes in here they're going to find a good hot pool pit say if you can ladies and gentlemen if you know you need to be moving now concerning the plan of salvation and if you need to be moving and i don't know a better time to come in right now we've had five films pending uh in the last 10 days in our congregation five my wife and i went over to allen for funerals and concerning brother sister heart uh family we love them dearly then we left them went to farmersville and uh we left there and of course uh sister lucky's son anthony was here in over here at the heavenly gate funeral home and then now sister jay's relative died and we're going over there monday if the lord permits and then sister betty johnson would make number five and so don't you see within 10 days we've had five figures so now ladies and gentlemen if that tells us anything it ought to tell us to get our houses in on it say amen get our houses in oil because the lord is moving he's moving and it could be them today and us the same day so keep that in mind because the bible is right we're going to stand now and sing the song of invitation and whosoever will let him come have you been to jesus is oh just one moment my good friend here under my to the ship and so on back there beautiful couple and they're gonna be visiting with me after church for a few moments and if you're here and you want to come and you want to have a special session with me just let me know and you can get that as well but right now what i'm emphasizing is the fact that uh you know no one in the church is indispensable god can take it and what about that i mean i don't ever well can't nobody take my place well now with all respect to you just die and see what the church keep rolling on yes and keep rolling on you know you can die and everything you got is going to go to somebody else yeah you worked hard and gotten your education married you uh you see god can call you away from here and death and somebody else will be loving you look around and you driving a nice car and it's the speed you you look at here you're at the top of your game you got a good fast car here and you did and your spouse is gone and somebody else is loving your spouse and that car you were so fond of somebody else is driving to work every day and the world will keep on tearing you look around here and you've been to the boutique and you've been on to the stores and everything and you got the finest of the quality clothing and everything hanging in your wardrobe and your shoes to me you got to pick them out you know i don't see which pair i'm not going to match this and that and you look around somebody's loving your spouse and driving your car and wearing your clothes and the world will keep on tearing and look around here and you got your refrigerator and your deep freeze too and you got stuff stored up you know for later on in the seasons but then you look around you dead somebody's loving your spouse and driving their car and wearing their clothes and got their feet under your table that the world will keep on turning don't you see everything you got everything you got you got money in the bank and you're looking for savings and you got everything going you think and you've worked hard to save what you have and god can call you away from here somebody's loving your spouse and wearing your clothes and driving your car and eating your food and here spending your money and the world will keep on turning you can't do a thing about it say amen because the bottom line is all you have is your soul that's the reason jesus made it plain in matthew 26 and 16 26 and 27 he said what prophet then hath a man if he gained the whole world and lose his own soul or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul so you all this stuff is peripheral and you can lose all of this but you can't you just you've got to protect the soul and he says don't fear them that can kill the body but rather you fear him who's able to destroy both body and soul and hell so then the soul is the most important if we talk about man being a trichotomous being having three parts mind body and soul or if he's a dichotomous being he's got soul and body but either way you look at it god can deal with it all he could destroy both body and soul in hell so all you've got is your soul don't sit around and lose your soul but work out your own soul salvation with fear and trembling i've laid it out to you today and it's left to you now to accept and what else does it take all of the deaths that we have around us somebody said on cnn yes the other day 92 of the people who are dying as a result of the delta varying are dying from the fact that they're unvaccinated and what do we have to say to the individuals that it's a common sense thing if i want to protect myself and to be safe the best thing i got to do is get my shots and sister over who keeps us up to date on all of this is saying now that uh the booster shots are coming out they're going to be approved then if i've had the modern my wife and i've had my gun and so we're waiting on that to open up and as soon as the door is open what are we going to do there we go i got to go down and get it whatever i've got to do to help protect this body but the soul is more important than the body because that's the entity that will live forever thank god for the soul we're asking you to come now don't take this invitation lightly because now is acceptable time and the master said in the revelation when you hear my voice pardon about your heart this is the day we're asking you to come right now while the blood runs warm in your face come down these hours if you are here you need to rededicate yourselves we don't want you to do that today write it up give it to this gentleman right here and we will make it known and take it to god in prayer we're asking you to come and come quickly while we sing some more unless oh [Applause] let the church say amen what truly wonderful job of the foster did here today in preaching the word to pray for him and his ministry we want to give way to those who have dealt response cards and asking for prayers when i call you the name you may raise your hand so that we can recognize who is asking for prayer first we have sister jade hobbs who comes asking prayers for strength job health and overall and she's asking for continued prayers for the robertson family overall for the loss of her aunt and also prayers for the hobbs family overall she's also asking prayers for antoine for job and strength and prayers for the stevens and fontenot families and she's also asking for prayers for the pierce family as they still need strength for the loss of her father next we have sister batista butler and she comes asking prayers for darrell jones who heard this back and also prayers for tamora jones who is having medical testing and she's asking prayers for traveling grace for calvin butler and brandon butler next we have sister deborah obera and she's asking prayers for health and she says please pray for sister catherine davis she is not feeling good on today and next we have sister faye henderson and she's asking prayers for her granddaughter latasha who is in the icu at ut southwestern in dallas and next we have monica and terrell carr asking prayers for strength job health and overall and it states prayers for my sister lois williams who was in the hospital battling cobit 19 in the icu and also prayers for my mother emma taylor for strength and comfort as she processes this news and next we have brother sharp and he comes at this time confessing sins asking prayers for strength job health and overall and he says he's asking prayers for him and he wants to thank the lord and his son for watching over me on wednesday i won't let them down anymore and also we would like to ask for prayers on behalf of sister bennett who is asking prayers for a job situation did we overlook anyone at this time if not let us pray i'm dear lord giving you the honor of the praise and the glory for allow us to be here on today we thank you so much for the wonderful message we were able to hear by brother ben foster dear lord that was truly true to your word we come at this time dear lord just praying for all of those who are in need at this time dear lord we have many who are dealing with many things we want to pray for those who have loved ones who are sick battling health problems family members who are in the icu in the hospital receiving care we pray that the care can be successful dear lord that you can touch them with your healing power that they can get well we pray for those who are concerned about them and caring for them dear lord we pray that you can give them any bit of peace of mind their lord as they deal with this and process this their lord and we pray that they continue to have faith in you dear lord because we know that you can do all things dear lord we want to come at this time praying for those who ask prayers for strength and are feeling weak we pray that you please build them up where they may be torn down we pray for those dear lord who are having issues on the job dear lord whatever those situations may be you know the specifics dear lord we pray that you can please help them with their job situation we want to pray for those who are still dealing with the grief and loss of loved ones dear lord we pray that you can please comfort them at this time strengthen them give them peace of mind as well their lord as they go through this trying time dear lord we want to pray for those who are going to be traveling dear lord we pray that you please bless them that they can make it safely to and from their destination without earth armored danger we want to pray for those who are going to be going in for testing dear lord we pray that those results will be favorable dear lord and we just pray that you bless all of those doctors and nurses and health care staff dear lord that they can continue to do their jobs effectively we want to pray for those who have come and confess sins dear lord we pray that you please strengthen them dear lord help them to overcome whatever temptations they may be facing that they can continue to stay on the right path and make the right decisions dear lord moving forward and for all of those who ask prayers on behalf of their families as a whole dear lord we pray that you please touch every family dear lord strengthen them give them the things that they stand in need of when we pray that they can always continue to keep you first in their households and your lord we just ask that you just continue to be with us all bless us guide us and protect us it's in jesus name we do pray amen at this time we now want to welcome our visitors and give a few announcements i did receive a few business cards here so when i call your name if you don't mind raising your hand so that we can warmly welcome you first we have joseph and kim mack of the greenville avenue church of christ visiting here with us they're right thank you so much thank you for being here with us and next we have trey and ken matthewson of the mount hebron church in garland yes thank you for being here us and we also have guests of the dance uh crystal taylor thank you so much for being here with us today are there any other videos once again and we ask that you please be with us in the very near future just a few announcements for your hearing the funeral services for our beloved sister betty johnson they will be taking place here at the east side church of christ on saturday at 11 a.m now leadership did let me know that this service will mostly be for the family and also there will be a few leaders here and those who are going to be working with the service this will be the first funeral service that we have here at the building in close to two years and so we're being cautious as it relates to coven but there are options to view this service as well it will be broadcast also saturday at 11 a.m so we're just asking for just continued prayers for the johnson family as a whole also for our upcoming annual gospel meeting and homecoming services there are some door slips that are located in the foyer we're asking all members if you could um to grab at least five of these to pass out and to give out to those you know in your neighborhood and leadership is setting a goal for everyone to try to bring at least two visitors to this great event these slips are available in english and spanish on the other side so we're just asking everyone to do their due diligence and let everyone know to attend this great event it kicks off on sunday october 3rd and they will be running through the week monday through thursday and we have a wonderful speaker lined up so we just ask everyone to avail themselves accordingly also for birthdays and anniversaries on this upcoming week on today the 19th is the birthday of lola jackson and also robert dent so happy birthday to you all today [Applause] on tuesday the 21st we have gary rivers on wednesday the 22nd lillian rapper and on thursday the 23rd matthew perry we wish you all a wonderful and happy birthday and many many more thank you and these are all of my announcements uh that's great the father god we come thank you for this day you've blessed us all to ascend to him to hear your word this day as you continue to bless this church and keep us all safe and we continue to hold on to your hand we pray for our men says he's still only preaching your word this morning and contestant bless him your family life be by side bless him as he continues to preach and teach your word will be pleasing acceptable in your sight paul we actually continue to bless the church and we all continue to stay thankful continue to hold on to your unchanging hands be with us and keep us all safe that we continue to assemble in the building that to practice safety and and continue to hold on and do your will and will be pleasing and acceptable in your sight well be with the leadership of the church. they continue to be with us heavy go a different way protect us get us home safely until the next point in time in jesus name we pray amen you
Channel: Eastside Church of Christ Garland, TX
Views: 263
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: -uv6tGsH7pc
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Length: 103min 31sec (6211 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 19 2021
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