Sunday Homecoming PM, October 3, 2021

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and this makes my fiftieth year a homecoming i remember the first homecoming that i had it was a man by the name of gibbs and i had never heard of gibbs i'm from arkansas and i didn't know much about him boy when he raised that leg up [Applause] i said lord i wish i could be there every night when i was working tonight and that's really something 50 years ago time goes so flat fast and now the sun is doing an excellent job of preaching god's word so we're so thankful uh to be a part of that so if our first election i'm going to sing 437 where could i go where could i go y'all help me here's not many of us here but yet we're going to sing anyway living below in this [Music] [Applause] [Music] tell me where oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] tell me now where could i go but to the [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] where could i go [Music] oh [Laughter] [Applause] tell me now where can i go and after that the preaching will come um [Applause] so okay first [Music] i am [Applause] hello [Music] on my head [Applause] [Applause] [Music] jesus [Music] [Applause] [Applause] is thank you most most holy righteous heavenly father we gather together at this time father praise our high and holy name we pray father together for knowing the reason but the rest of your spirit and in truth we are so thankful for the service that we rendered this morning we pray father that everything we did and said we please yourself in our sight we pray father the things we do this afternoon will be pleasing accepting our sight as well we also thank the father for the advanced service brother gibb and his wife who traveled from fort worth father to conduct their scouts from meeting we pray father you continue to watch over them during their stay and bless them with a slave return trip home be thy will we pray father for the congregation where he labeled that everything may be well with him that he might find everything in place when he returned and be not willing we thank you father for the brother who came over to support brother gail we pray you bless him and save you to our trip home as well we can pray and it's time for the eastside congregation here in garland pray your blessing and every effort put forth the good in our name we pray father for leadership pray pretend to cry not hear the wisdom and knowledge we might maybe continue to lead and serve our people in the way to slay himself in our sight we pray father for the ministers we have special prayer for the poor pet minister brother ben foster pray continue christ as he has the wisdom and knowledge and he might have made attendance and preachers thus saith the lord to undoubtedly encourage generations to be thy will you can pray and father each member here we pray that your blessed romantic strive father to bring some lost soul this week to hear that our word for never last too late with our will and we pray father brother healed as he preached his name and credit the thing that he that falls from his lips father back exhaust the savior strengthen the saints and evangelize the lost and be honest we just pray father we continue to bless us in a special way this thanksgiving blessing we ask in christ jesus name amen i'll speak really no introduction however for the sake of those by way of internet uh the youtube and etc is necessary for us to make known who we have on deck and we have an outstanding preacher who's no stranger to this church he was here several years ago did outstanding meeting his father has been here his brother has been over the other building of course and we've always recognized the talent in the gibbs family amen and that's not only here but throughout and around our brotherhood so we're very pleased to have brother joe daryl gibbs one of the top preachers in the brotherhood be here with us and his wife he is the senior minister of the great church in circle k avenue k in fort worth and doing a great job and i'll tell you today i haven't heard a lot of preaching and done a lot of preaching the sermon this morning was most unique and very outstanding let's just get my hand [Applause] i can recognize good preaching when i hear it and especially a good sound doctrine preacher amen and so we welcome him uh this evening i hope he can loosen his belt we had good food and i tell you these sisters starting with one of our leading sisters and sister perry and sister oberon sister butler and sister beverly webb i mean they just did a great job of serving and did i miss anyone i hope i did not okay all right everybody god bless everyone and i want you to know that one is no important than the other all of you are important amen let's give our sisters a hand not only did they feed us well they sent us away with extra food and we're just so thankful not to worry about stopping and trying to get something taken care of all day right and this is just wonderful i also want to thank uh well having a little relaxing minute here uh brother david woods has indicated he's brought the preacher in and took care of all the accommodations and once i talked with brother gibbs and asked was it satisfactory he said it was more than satisfied so let's give brother will's hand so we are looking forward to the message from this evening in the meantime i want to alert the members as minister of this church to let's get busy so that none of us will have to be embarrassed we want to bring everything up to the standard of visa amen and we can do it we don't want to preach of this caliber to come in and preaching the hanging lights and and empty people say man but we wanted to have some souls to preach to can you all say amen amen so that means all of us will have to work and and be engaged and participants in this mission this year this week so let's look forward to it it's not going to be any better than we make it amen and so after another song we will have uh brother joe daryl gibbs once again as he comes and we are very much looking forward to hearing him wrap up that unique sermon on about the pandemic and we know how he's taking that over to the spiritual side amen [Music] been good to me to you've been good to me you've been good you have been good so good to me jesus you've been good to me oh jesus you've yes so good to me jesus you've been good so good to me oh jesus jesus foreign he's been so good just like he said he would oh is jesus [Music] i was oppressed and sin he opened up his heart [Applause] [Music] oh he lifted me from wrong send me on a new way oh i feel so good [Music] [Applause] oh have jesus good [Music] [Applause] [Music] amen bless the lord o my soul and all that is within me bless this holy name let the words of my mouth on the meditation of my heart be acceptable in thy sight oh lord my strength and my redeemer is it a thing that once again god has blessed us to worship him in spirit and in truth john chapter 4 verse 24 jesus said god is a spirit and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth we have endeavored to do that today and i want to express my appreciation to brother dr foster for the invitation for it being ratified by the leadership of this church the elders and those who complete the circle of this leadership and i can say amen to the delectable meal we had this afternoon amen it takes a lot of planning to get that together and then the execution uh that's not a word that's uh quite you know soft execution the carrying out of those plans maybe that's better uh because yeah carrying out those plans uh worked out and we just appreciate the brothers and sisters amen amen amen hi i was outside preaching i was outside the church at avenue k and there were two people taking refuge under the shade on the west side of our building and i asked him if they wanted some water they said yes i said that after they what i'm going to do is i'm going to demonstrate for the purposes of hydration after they did that it said i said now let me tell you about the man who can give you water that when you drink you'll never thirst baptize both of them that day man somebody oh lord the wildlife when you drink of this water you'll never thirst again to see your brother naras over there he was mentioned by brother foster amen church let's get busy uh romans chapter 3 verse 23 i just want to uh just just pick it a little bit more and i i never finished a sermon i just never finished a sermon i just stopped uh does the time begin now or did it begin when i first got up okay all right i'll take it that's all right i'll take it that uh it started when i first got up that's what they're gonna do anyway romans 3 23 for we for all i have sinned and fallen short of the glory of god come short of the glory of god now before i get that let me mention that there are two members from avenue k here today amen part of the backbone of our church sister uh charity russell uh jackson brother and sister crystal russell brother have a new brother brother avenue her brother a dog for smith's daughters two of his dogs they are faithful to the church and they are here came all the way from fort worth all right amen and i'm just glad to have each side here amen but i tell you you can have a better day the cowboys are winning and that's what other folk are watching the cowboys but i'll tell you what i'm judgment david not one catholic be able to help you there's nothing better than the word of god am i right about it oh lord have mercy we had a wonderful time this afternoon for all have said fallen short come short of the glory of god and from that we are develop the subject elisa tried the pandemic nobody is talking about and we talked about how the pandemic has invaded our society and has changed many of the things that we took for granted and the pandemic affects us and the pandemic is dangerous the pandemic has killed relatives it has killed friends it has killed preachers it's taken the lives of neighbors this pandemic is serious more serious than the panicking we're going through physically here and so the subject uh that i took this morning that i'll deal with a little bit for about about uh 15 minutes or so is the pandemic nobody's talking about the pandemic nobody's talking about we have people talking about the pandemic you can hear in conversation about the pandemic anywhere anytime anyplace down here but there is a pandemic that nobody is talking about and it's the pandemic of sin the bible says for all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of god and this morning we laid out our homolytical buoys how uh the symptoms there score and the solution we dealt with some of the symptoms this morning and uh we said that there's a pandemic uh going on in this debt everywhere and that it's important that we address this because sin has a consequence romans 6 and verse 23 the bible says for the wages of sin is dead against god is eternal life through jesus christ our lord the patent nobody is talking about amen as we look at this pandemic nobody's talking about and when i mentioned that nobody's talking about it as i said this morning i don't mean that in the literal sense uh in the absolute sense i know we talk about it our neighbors talk about it and people who've had it talk about it but the cdc is not talking about it president biden is not talking about it and the local news is not talking about it msnbc and fox and the uh channel 4 channel 5 channel 11 channel 8 not talking about it we're talking about it but nobody out there is talking about the pandemic of sin so sin is everywhere and everybody is affected than that we have we have to take our vaccination of cell industry hello somebody we have to take our vaccine of sound doctrine uh that we might not come down yes with the pandemic of apostasy we have some that are leaving the church but paul told us a long time ago that this would happen and as i move along i just want to uh close out by saying that we have religious confusion uh running forth problem i have remained running for throne against god's will and uh we all need to be vaccinated by sound doctrine uh and there are many that don't want to take that shot they want to do what they want to do there was a time when israel did everything the things that were right in their own lives am i right about it now the bible says there's a way that seemeth right unto men [Music] but the him thereof are the ways of death so we can't do it highway we've got to do it god's way matthew 7 and verse 21 jesus said not everyone that said unto me lord lord shall not be the king of heaven but he that do the will we might we're going to get through with this thing but he's to do with the will of my father which is in heaven said but it will come to me in that day saying lord lord heaven i prophesied in the name of thy name have you not cast out devils and in the name have not done many wonderful works but jesus said i'll say to them in that they depart from me i'll never knew you am i right about it so i want to make sure that i'm building my house upon the rock jesus said whosoever hear it he saved the mind and do with them i would like him unto a wise man that built his house upon a rock when the rain descended when the flesh came in the wind blew it and beat upon that house it fell not because it was founded upon a rock [Music] that built this house upon the sand when the rain descended when the floods came and when the wind blew it beat up on that house it fell and gray was the fall of it i don't know about you this afternoon i want to build my house up on a solid foundation because there's a pandemic that nobody's talking about the pandemic of sin and is everywhere and i want to be vaccinated with sound doctrine and uh oh lord and i i just want to give you a one or two of the symptoms uh we talked about some things this morning but i want to give you one of the symptoms of this pandemic uh it's crowleyism there are some people who think that [Music] that makes it right but a crowd doesn't make something right am i right they're a crowd outside their old car but they were lost they were proud of now but those problems going to hell am i right but do you want to be in that crowd let's move to matthew chapter 7 and verse number 13 matthew chapter 7 and verse number 13 that's a big crowd but you don't want to be in that crowd the bible says enter the straight gate for wise again and proud of the way that leaders to destruction the minister that go in there and amen because strength is the gate now is the way which leads to the life few that we that find it well the broad way is the way that many have chosen but i'm choosing that narrow way because i want to go to heaven i want to go to that place where there's no more sorrow no more as i move along i'll talk about the symptoms uh we have uh not only do we have uh the symptom of crowdism just because the crowd doesn't make it right what makes it right is the word of god if it falls in line with the word of god am i right well now we have the uh pandemic of uh intellectual inebriation an intellectual inequation and in other words there's some who drunk with intellectualism am i right oh lord i'm not knocking education i'm not knocking education because education is very important it's a key that unlocks the tour uh and uh but but there's some among us even among our those ones i'm talking about and i'm not knocking you because you have an advanced degree a terminal degree i'm not jealous of you you don't have anything i wish i wanted i'm telling you i'm brother that brother keeper said i've been to the college i'll be into the college trying to prove that this is not wrong that's not wrong and were you to decide that mechanical instruments of music is not as shared when you don't read a thing about it in the new testament words ain't not education messes up sometimes oh out of the country and when i say that i don't mean to be demeaning out of the country and uh you can tell i've spent a lot of time around my day i haven't traveled with him red for him and everything he's on my mind today but i thought about him said that the boy was on the farm grew up on the farm and uh uh grew up on the farm and uh thought one day you know he got to the point where he went to college and uh he came home after two semesters and uh he went out and say i'm just kind of do what i used to do and uh he came back into the house kind of established daddy that old mute won't move you won't move he said well what are you saying to him he said he said he said no no i'm in school i can't talk like that he said well what have you been saying i've been saying proceed rebecca [Applause] absolute [Music] [Applause] [Music] guess what i couldn't put it back together so some of these pseudo scholars that's not a pseudo scholar brother foster he is the real fan he's not a false scholar he can tag down and put it back together and we have others that can do it i'm talking about these young young people young brothers who go out and get education and everything in church is wrong now everything is right now oh no no no no no no no never leave never leave the tradition of the older preachers do you mean to tell me they preached in vain well yeah we understand see i'm not jealous of you because when you get a degree i get a degree if it's something i don't know i don't mind calling brother [Music] you foster that's what a degree is for you don't get it for yourself because when you go to the great somebody say the greatest tragedy is not dying it's dying and not leaving yourself behind so write what you what we wouldn't when brother foster's you know uh that's good i saw the tapes up there that's good because uh you know when his time comes we hope it won't be soon but when his time comes to leave his life we'll be able to watch his chance and still learn i still watch my father's tastes and then so forth and so on how i've made the point so far have i made it going so far all right now i'm closing in conclusion don't you feel better i'm just saying some of our preachers are learning their way out of the church i'm concerned somebody said are you scared no [Music] are you scared you know we never want to project fright in front of our child he said no i'm not scared but i'm very concerned [Applause] i'm not scared of these preachers but i'm very concerned you know why because i have decided to preach it and tell it just like it is whether you like me or not whether you want me or not i'm going to tell it just like it is i don't want to tap the stuff here but i really believe in what i'm saying the school is everywhere first john 1 8 and we say we have no sin we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us the solution the need to be vaccinated by the blood of jesus way back there brother foster is known for that i'm going way way back nobody can do it like him right but i'm going way way back to show you that in order for us to make it we have to be vaccinated have to have been vaccinated and i'm closing by the blood of jesus way back there in zechariah 13 1 the bible says in that day there should be a fountain open to the house of david and to the inhabitants of jerusalem for sin and for unclearness in matthew chapter 26 verse 26-28 the bible says as they were here talking about the blood of jesus as they were eating jesus took bread and blessed it and breaking and gave it to his disciples and said take eat uh this is my body which is broken for you drinking all of it this is my blood of the new testament not of the old testament but this is my blood of the new testament which is fed for a minute the remission of sins if you want to talk about that vaccination of the blood you want me to finish this talk about that alone out now talking about that blood of jesus christ that vaccinates us that uh that we might not uh die of the spiritual death from this pandemic of sin the bible says in ephesians chapter one and verse one paul an apostle of jesus christ by the will of god to the saints which are episodes and the faithful in christ jesus grace be unto you and peace and god the father i hide from the lord jesus christ blessed be the god and father our lord jesus christ who has blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly place whereas it blessed us in christ it's in christ with all uh spiritual blessings and in heavenly places in christ and according to has chosen us in him chosen us watching now watching that trolling us in him chosen us in him who has blessed us with our spiritual blessing in high places heavenly places according to as his children is in him before the foundation of the world that he should be holding black plain before him in love as you move along the bible says having predestinated us don't get into capitalism because you got to be here in order to be ashamed that salvation is to those who are in christ so when you're baptized you are in christ where god designated salvation or redemption amen amen haven't predestinated us after the adoption of children by jesus christ himself according to the good plea of his will to the praise of god of his grace where did it made us accepted in the beloved i'm not accepted because of what i do i'm not accepted because uh a way of uh because of my man-made things but i'm accepted because jesus has made me i accepted am i right first john talked about the blood first john 178 the bible says if we walk in the light as he is in the light we have fellowship one with another and the blood of jesus christ his son clearly that you've been vaccinated by the blood of jesus christ i'm looking forward to that day [Music] [Music] [Music] bye the blood of jesus yeah revelation 7 and verse number one after these things i saw four angels standing on the [Music] of the earth and the wind should have not blown the sea on the earth nor the sea nor any tree in that rider i saw another angel coming from the east to have the seal of the living god cried with a loud voice to the four angels to whom it was given to hurt the seer and the earth and the same earth not the earth the night of the sea and all the trees are in the tree [Music] them that were numbered and that was sheila and humbled that i loved brother foster to preach this text out he preached it at my mother's funeral and i just loved it so much and that was sealed up and conquered it children of israel am i right about it verse number five of the tribe of judah there were twelve thousand of the tribal people [Music] of the tribe of levi that would shield 12 000 of the tribe of israel that was sealed twelve thousand heads of the tribal secular twelve thousand of the tribe of joseph that were twice in focus all the time twelve thousand well now the tribal people 12 000 and after this shine after this afternoon after this i beheld and lord a great multitude which no man could number all nations kendrick people and tongues stood before the throne and before the lamb clothed their white robes and palms in their hands and cried and cried and cried and cried out with a loud voicing salvation to our god which sitted behind the throne and unto the lamb and all the people stood around about the throne and above the hill had the full beast that fell before the throne of their faces and worshiped god verse number 12 saying amen blessed be glory blessed [Music] amen verse of a great tribulation and a warship that rose in the blood of the lamb made them whiter in the blood of the lamb i'm glad i've been vaccinated by the blood am i right about it i'm glad to be a child of god if you let me shame me by thank you stand on your feet while we come to jesus [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] this is just a little bit of taste again what's going to happen the rest of the week just getting started so like that song goes and keep your motor running you're going to keep his motor running keep his motor running we have one that uh asks for a prayer request is from sister katherine davis and she professionally sends and she also is asking press on her strength job health and overall and she states that please pray for me my son and my family we also have uh terrell and monica call they're asking for tanya carl and louis hutchison and it says continued prayer for lewis who is now recovering from kobet the sister of monaco mean prayer for tonya carl terrell's mother who has been tested positive for cove this week zamarkas called my son praying for guidance and wisdom and safety again this is from brother sister carl [Music] let's go to our heavenly father prayer dear god our father heavenly father once again we approached our throne the most humble man that we know bowed his humble heart looking down on mother earth from whence we shall return sooner or later heavenly father thank you again for our man servant brother junior gibbs singing thank you for his fortitude thank you for his zeal his energy and preaching your word continue to pray for him and his family and the work that he is doing over in forward and all over the country father continue to grant this young man and i do say young man for grant this young man some wisdom strength let him continue grow now we're in your work heavenly father has uh lifted up a brother and sister called their family continue to bless those who just came out of the covet and the one who just got tested coping father we know that you understand what's going on with this this thing we call cobia 19 and father there was no one that you hadn't visited you hadn't touched and they didn't recover so we're asking you father if it be your will touch this family and the things that they need and likewise touch everyone father who call upon your name your children father continue to play for sister katherine davis and her family continue to pray for the things that she's in need of in and out of her health condition father pray for us all because we're we're weak we're wounded and we're walking individuals who need your help your guidance your love and most of all your strength and prayer father that closed inside let's continue to pray on us and for this upcoming week continue to give us the zeal fortitude to come out and not only represent east side but back brother gibbs and show him his effort won't be in vain preaching to a empty crowd heavenly father in the name of your mighty son and jesus amen a couple announcements here we have uh like was mentioned in the gospel meeting going on starts today with the kickoff and it will run to thursday the 7th and it'll be 7 p.m nightly uh this morning i failed to do it and i apologize those are birthdays and anniversaries on the 4th we have aaron morgan on the fifth makila alliston and then on the sixth moaning parker davis again happy birthday hope look forward to and tomorrow lost we'll see you there thank you let us say amen again i tell you we've been having good preaching all day today brother gibbs and i know it's been no exception as we do every week and we're just blessed to have him and he's still in good shape and you know sometimes when you start aging he's hearing statements like oh great mayor is not what it used to be yes sir still here still preaching the word and uh what i like about listening to gospel preachers you know some sound good but uh you don't want to just sound off you want to be able to sound on something amen and i love gospel preachers who can preach and teach and that's what brother gibbs is able to do and we have it here and let us bring them in as brother thompson has said and let us also support we have some good members in this church and supportive of the meeting and usually my brother talks about this but also this year we were asking once again for uh men to give 50 extra toward the meeting and sisters 25. okay and we want to remind everyone if you've not done that my wife and i complied today and let us all participate if god has blessed us one thing you can know that it's a principle that holds true and that is you can't be god-given no matter how hard you might try you just can't do it and so we want to encourage everybody let's give hole up the meeting hold up the preacher's arms hold up the preacher's wife's arms and let's keep them encouraged we want them to smile all the way through the meeting amen and we will be talking about love offering as we go through the meeting we want to go home smile right he's already lining up for me to come up and do some work for them in december and already got him fired up to really treat me right all right all right that's doesn't come up to december sometimes and uh he already got it going amen we love the gifts and that's been over the years over the years his brothers and especially brother joe daryl and loved his father as he said preach this mother's eulogy and so we've been just like family and uh let us keep it up this is a great church yeah and this is a good uh audience considering pandemic and considering the dallas cowboys i don't know somebody may have heard they may have won right now they want all i'm a dallas fan too amen and i figured if they get gotten by this one because this team hadn't lost them three in a row and this puts us on the map now we might have a chance to to to to win the whole thing so uh let us do it but let us always keep god first and keep god first and he'll keep on blessing us [Music] in case somebody wanna get a smile the bible says in first corinthians chapter 16 verses one and two now concerning the collection for the saints as i have given order to the church bless you even so do you upon the first day of the week they let my hearing storm because god has prospered that there will be no gatherings not god let us pray many father we come thank you for the opportunity to give and we just thank you and just we just asked to offer whatever we take up and use the kingdom to bring us to christ now it comes out to the communion party and uh first corinthians chapter 11 verses 23 24 says i received the lord then which also i delivered unto you but the lord jesus the same night in which he was betrayed to breathe and when he given thanks he break and said take heat this is my body which is broken for you this doing moves me after the same manner also he took the cup when he sucks saying this covers the new testament blood this three years after you drank it remember me let us pray for the father if i look before you thank you for this communion father the opportunity to uh eat bread and drink the cup we just pray him fatherly we do it with clean conscious and clearly clean hands this is our prayer jesus christ's name amen we have a technique you can take it this time [Music] next week we will begin resuming our bible classes sunday morning bible classes nine o'clock am in person sunday morning bible classes will resume next week next sunday this in person final classes starting next week so please bring your children your adults your teenagers your toddlers bring everybody out we have a bible class ready to go in person uh beginning next week from nine o'clock a.m to 9 50 and services will start at the time we've been starting at 10 o'clock so please be advised of that you'll get some details and some reminders throughout the week but the main idea is bible class will resume next week starting at 9 a.m in person sunday morning bible classes also i want to just thank everyone who supported by buying a book it is available on amazon as well the price is 20 but if you want to save on shipping and handling you can see me in person and i'll have some more copies next week this is the last copy i have on my person so i want to thank eastside once again for showing the love and support do we have any other announcements before we close out let us go to dining room our daily father becomes this time father just thanking you father for the gifts father we thank you father for his study for his work father for his ability father that you blessed them with father we thank you for your word uh father that was preached father to us in such a magnificent way all day today following us pray lord that we will take those things that we have heard take those things that we have learned from them and continue to spread uh your holy and divine word into a dying nation father we come i just thank you father for this congregation thank you for our leaders father and praying father for the success of this meeting uh that we will reach out to those who are in need of salvation father and get them in the building we pray father that we will make the most of this word as it goes out this week that you will guide us and that you will protect us forgive us of our wrongs father and strengthen us we've been weak and these things we ask you and all of a sudden jesus name let us all say amen you
Channel: Eastside Church of Christ Garland, TX
Views: 157
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: Qp71lxht7cw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 4sec (3964 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 04 2021
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