Sunday Worship Experience | Pastor Brandon Clack

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the definition of glory is high renown or honor one by notable achievement but when we say we give glory to god we're glorifying him remembering his achievements and the things that he has done for us but most of all we are acknowledging him for the greatest achievement of all which was giving his son as a sacrifice so that we could stand and honor and reverence his name so as i begin to pray i invite you to participate in glorifying him with your lips glorifying him with your heart glory find him with your mind glorifying him just for being good just for being kind and as we gloried by him he will begin to pour his glory as we ascend he will begin to meet us so we lift your holy name father we glorify you this morning with every ounce of our being father we look upon you and we see the one that is the ancient of days we look upon you and we see the one that is the king of glory we look upon you and see the great i am we see the i am that i am we look upon your splendor and your majesty and we say that you are good you are kind you are merciful you are faithful and true we look upon you this morning and we glorify you with our hearts for being a heart mender from being a heart regulator for being a mentor for being the one that covers us that keeps us that guards us we miss you even now we glory for you as the old sufficient one we glorify you as the one that is your power and almighty we glorify you a king of glory after one true living savior jesus we glorify you for your sacrifice you the lion and the lamb we glorify you our redeemer we glorify you our restorer we glorify you we lift our eyes to you the one that is the sacrifice but the one is also is the high priest the one that constantly makes intercession for us we lift and glorify you in this placehold today with the knowledge of what glory is we fix our lips to give you the fruit of what you deserve we say hallelujah king of glory we say hallelujah great i am we say hallelujah el shaddai we say hallelujah to jehovah and kanesh we say hallelujah to the one that makes us righteous to the one that makes us holy to the one that makes us stand we say hallelujah to the one that is our shield to the one that is our protector to the one that is our covering we say hallelujah we ask even now that you show up in this place holy spirit begin to pour your spirit out begin to pour your spirit out pour your spirit out along the room pour your spirit out within our hearts we have to know what the consuming fire may you radiate and shine in this place the all-consuming one we ask you to come in even now we roll out the carpet for you the all consuming fire the all-consuming fire the all-consuming fire we ask even now that you pour into this place and as you come breakthrough comes as you come provision comes as you come position comes as you come solution comes as you come we will see your sign we will see your wonder as you come shackles must break loose as you come redeemer as you can redeem us liberty must break out in this place no thing can continue to rival against you we stand before you and we say hallelujah because it's the highest praise we say hallelujah because you're deserving because you're deserving our hearts that you are deserving our hearts that you are deserving are mine today that you are deserving our very beginning you are deserving our soul safe you are deserving of all the glory of all the others of all the glory and all the other of all the glory and all the honor so make room in this way may your glory fall on the mixture may your glory follow the praise team may your glory fall on every leader that will touch this microphone may your glory fall in the world may your glory fall on our apocalypse as he preaches as he teaches as he prophesized as he plows in the spirit departed unless your glory king of glory unleash your glory king of glory unleash your glory king of glory we posture ourselves we position ourselves for your mood how you want to breathe how you want to shift how you want to move god do what it is that you desire in this place and we open our hearts to you we say hallelujah kingdom glory we lift you in glory for you we will best in your glory we will pass in the splendor of your majesty we will bless you being the old sufficient we will back in you god because you are good and your kindness is faithful and true we honor you king of glory we say have your way in this place our expectations will meet you when you roll in this place god we say have your way and do what you want to do it's in the name of jesus that we declare decree it can be so when it will not be in the way in the name of jesus me shout to god are you triumphant today are you victorious today come on i need you to shout for yourself shout out to god god come on let the glory of the lord rise among us come on may at the end a congruent frequency in between us that the glory of the lord begins to rise in between us hallelujah come on let's come celebrate the lord let's celebrate the king today he's hallelujah worthy that the glory of the lord rise among us that the glory of the lord rise among us that the praises of our king rise among us that he rises let the songs of the lord rise among us that the songs of the lord rise among us let the joy of our king rise among us let it rise let it rise rise is let it rise let it rise it's a celebration we come to celebrate the kings rise among us let the glory of the lord rise among us let the praises of our king rise among us let it rise that the songs of the lord rise among us that the songs of the lord rise among us that the joy of our let it kings come on come on come on come on come on come on can we say there's a songs it rise say we let it cry come on celebrate jesus this morning come on celebrate the glory of our lord this morning celebrate the light of jesus that shines above us come on can we let it rise this morning let it rise let our eyes let it rise let it rise let it rise from you let it rise from you let it rise from you you don't have to be a worship leader to let it rise from you you don't have to be a minstrel of any sort for it to rise from you you don't even have to sing a good tune to let it rise from you and we're not even at offering yet but i feel like we're supposed to offer up something right here and it's a praise off of your lip it's a worship off of your lip it's the fruit off of your lip oh god you're so kind and you're so worthy oh god you're so lovely and we worship you in the beauty of your holiness oh god you're so beautiful and your peace rests on us and we want it to rise in the room today come on let it rise from you let it rise from you today come on off of your lips off of your lips speak wellness and adoration of him let it rise let it rise as i praise this fill the sky let it rise let it rise hallelujah hallelujah as our praises feel the sky let it rise let it rise glory rise glory rise as i worship come on seals the skies glory rise glory hallelujah hallelujah glory rise glory rise our worship as it permeates the atmosphere hallelujah hallelujah come on let's make this a practice let's make this something that we do on the hourly of the daily that we meditate on who he is then it becomes second breath to us come on worship him worship him safe for he is good his mercy endureth forever can we sing that together say for him is his mercy is from generation to generations is is for his mercy endureth forever for he is good his mercy endureth forever for he is good his mercy endureth forever forever and ever forever and ever hey forever and ever hey forever through eternity forever and ever forever forever and ever your love never fails and never gives a heart it never runs out on me your love never fails it never gives up forever and ever your love never fails it never gives up it never runs out on me your love never fails it never gives it never runs out on me or your love never fails it never gives up it never runs out on me it never runs out on me your love never fails it never gives up it never gives up it never gives up your love never fails it never gives up it never runs out on me why for he is good his mercy endureth foreign for he is good his mercy endureth do you know that i need you to say it like you have the knowledge that he is his mercy endureth forever i need you to sing it like you've seen his mercy work in your life for he is good his mercy endureth for when for he is foreign his mercy forever is his love never fails it never gives up i can't let that go it never runs out on me your love never fails it never gives up forever and ever forever and ever your love never fails yeah it never gives up it never runs out on me your love never fails i know it for myself it never runs out on me your love never fails i know it for myself it never runs out on me your love never fails never gives up never runs out on me across the room can we say before he is good one more time say for he is do you know it for yourself for he is good and his mercy i'm sorry one more time and his mercy but we sing with the angels for he is good one more time lifted all over this house four years ago in his mercy his mercy never runs out for risk in his mercy can you sing it like you know it as a testimony for he is so good to me in this mercy the bible says in psalms 118 the first through the fourth verse it says o give thanks unto the lord for he is oh y'all talk back to me this morning because his mercy endureth for let israel now say that his mercy endureth for let the house of aaron now say that his mercy endureth for let them now that fear the lord say that his mercy in wherefore let the house of all nations say that his mercy and do it for i need you to say it for yourself that his mercy endureth but i love it right here in limitations it says it is of the lord's mercy hey hey hey i need some people that did not get consumed by the things that should have disqualified you from mercy it is a beloved's mercy that you are not consumed it's the lord's mercy that you are not concerned it's the lord's mercy that you're not consoled it's the lord's mercy that you and it's the lord that you are not you are we're standing here today because of his mercy because of his mercy because of his mercy because of his condition because of his kindness because of his love not consumed by the enemy not consumed by migraines not consumed by headaches not consumed by heartbreaks not consumed by heartaches you are not consumed because of his mercy because of his mercy you are not consumed can you take a few moments and just begin to praise him for mercy he doesn't just sit on a mercy seat but he's a god that dispenses mercy out of his hand i need somebody i need you to get mercy out of the hands of the father come on come on it's because of his mercies that you are not consumed i need you just to think about the things that tried to consume you come on think about that suicidal thought that tried to consume you think about that financial suppression that tried to consume you i need you to think about that relational depression that tried to consume you but the bible is very clear you're standing here because it is of the lord's mercies that you will not consume by your troubles it is of the lord's mercies that you are not even consumed by your mistakes prophetess rashad it is of the lord's mercies that you were not consumed by your bad decisions it is of the lord's mercy so now father we thank you for mercy god we thank you for mercy god we thank you for mercy god we thank you for mercy god we thank you for mercy god we thank you for the lord glory lord we thank you for mercy lord we thank you for mercy lord we thank you for mercy lord we thank you for mercy mercy that kept me mercy that held me up mercy they pulled me out mercy they pulled me thank you lord we thank you lord we thank you lord we thank you lord i thank you lord i thank you lord we thank you for mercy god we thank you for mercy open up your mouth one more time the father has showed up to dismiss mercy in the room yes for every lie of the enemy that tries to disqualify you for mercy it is of the lord's mercies that you are not consumed but let me tell you about the power of god that is being released in this room it is of his mercies that you are not consumed but i'm so sad for the enemy as a matter of fact i'm not sovereign to that devil he shall be consumed every lie will be consumed every pain will be consumed every depression will be consumed every suicidal thought shall be consumed because god is a god who will rain down consuming fire as a matter of fact he is a consuming fire so as you begin to thank him for mercy he begins to release fire in this room by your devil consume your enemies fire that will consume your sickness fire never consume your disease buy and ever consume your iniquities fire that will consume your infirmities fire that will consume your inconsistencies god is here to not only release mercy but the father of fire has showed up in this room to begin to release a consuming fire yeah lord we thank you for mercy god we thank you for mercy god we thank you for mercy god we thank you for mercy sir lift it up we thank you for mercy that is grateful for the mercies of god that you are not consumed even when you felt like you were in fire because of his mercies he wouldn't allow the fire to burn you to ashes because of his mercy he allowed you to be put in the fire and instead of the fire consuming you instead of the fire smoking you out instead of the fire making you disintegrated dust the father says i'm gonna use this fire to purify purifier thank you for fire thank you lord we oh you for mercy lord we thank you for mercy thank you for your mercy lord we thank you for your mercy lord we thank you for your mercy thank you thank you thank you for mercy the kind of mercy that covered me even when i knew better and i didn't do better mercy hey hey hey hey hey even when i knew the decisions that i was intentionally making withdraw me and disqualify me still mercy hey hey hey hey even in my disobedience how we get there sometimes i need some people to testify when the lord said go right but you chose to go left because the left was comfortable for you and you knew right would require responsibility and accountability mercy it is of the lord's mercy on nations that we as a house are still standing huh it is of the lord's mercies that 6300 string field was not consumed it is of the lord's mercy that everything connected to this place was not consumed even when the fire got hot we were not consumed even when the demons tried to do a demolition project on this place we were and my prayer for you this morning as you receive mercy mercy mercy mercy what i love about it what i love about it there's a hymn that says it but the scripture also says it a little bit further in limitations his mercies are new every morning that means that the father is so intentional about the dispensation of mercy that when you open up your eyes in the morning he's already calculated your mistakes your habits your hang ups your hurts even the things that you don't know that you should do that you don't do because of ignorance he says i'ma sprinkle some mercy on this day for that it is of the lord's mercy that we are not consumed and i just want to hear the sound of some recipients of mercy this morning to lift up a praise of gratitude that because of his mercies come on because of his mercy because of his mercy because of his mercy with his blood he spit mercy with his blood he smelled mercy no no no no i really don't know what you're waiting on this morning yeah we got some titanium offerings to give up to him but i really believe that the lord wants you to put some wood on the altar this morning put a little sacrifice on the altar this morning god wants you to press in just a little bit more i need you to just approach the mercy seat this morning the bible says come boldly before the throne of grace that you may obtain my sick for your time of need i don't know what you stand in need of i don't know what the times are significant for you but i believe that this is a season and a time that we need to come boldly before the proud of his grace and obtain mercy mercy for our time of need mercy for our struggles of the future god we believe you for blessings but we know that there will be mercy that will need to be applied for the struggle ahead of ourselves father we thank you for the flavor but god we thank you for the mercy that will be released even in the midst of the struggles ahead of us god we thank you for goodness but we thank you for the mercy that will be released even when sickness comes knocking on our door god we thank you for mercy we thank you for goodness we even thank you for your kindness but god we bless you this morning for the kind of mercy that will be released in the midst of our mistakes of our future thank you for mercy that will be released even when the enemy sets up traps and mine fields that we make the wrong movie he wants us to be blown the smithereens god we thank you for your mercy i need somebody to press into mercy this morning come on come on and get it if i never saw you come on and get it come on and get it come on and get it rope or not get up about come on and get this mercy come on and get this mercy come on and get this mercy come on and get this mercy all over this room what's watching you online those of you watching online this morning i don't know what angle i should be looking at but the sound of my voice will permeate wherever it needs to go i speak to every person watching this morning i pray that there are no skits and no flaws in this stream that you hear the word of the lord with power and with clarity i pray that there is no interruption in the mercy that is being released to you right now i don't know what the enemy is trying to disqualify you from i don't know what the enemy is trying to tell you that you have been discredited because of your mistakes but i pray that you receive the mercy that's being smeared on your life i pray that you receive the mercy that's being smeared on your purpose i pray that you receive mercy that's being smeared on your bloodline i pray that you receive the mercy that's being smeared on your ministry i pray that you receive mercy that's being smeared on your purpose i pray that you receive the mercy that's being spared on your children being smeared on their school system i pray that you receive the mercy that's being smeared on your family name even for the enemy that tried to use a mudslinging campaign against your name i pray that the mercy of god without smear of the disqualifications of the enemy then as god smears mercy on your name that your name will be cleared from old mistakes things that god says there is therefore now no condemnation for them that are in christ jesus why because of god's mercy i need you to receive the mercy of god receive the lord's sake of god thank you for your mercy thank you for your mercy thank you for your mercy thank you for your mercy thank you for your my secret thank you for your mercy come on come on come on come on this is what you showed up for thank you for your mercy hey hey thank you for your mercy thank you for mercy that's been released all over this room thank you for mercy that's being received to those who have an ear to hear what the lord is saying to his church there is mercy that was dispensed on your behalf this morning because you decided to show up and give god another chance there was mercy released on your behalf this morning because you decided to wake up and press your way into the house of the lord even if you didn't know what you were gonna get when you got here the lord had mercy in mind for you this morning so can you just begin to continue to worship him and thank you for mercy mercy that you didn't even know you needed you know that mercy that you take for granted come on can you just thank you for mercy thank you thank you mercy mercy mercy mercy mercy mercy mercy thank you for mercy hey hey hey hey i'll just read the definition of mercy really quickly pastor we'll pay our tithes and do that in the moment but mercy mercy mercy is described as leniency described as compassion it's described as grace and whatever word i say this morning i need you to pick out of that which you feel like it applies to your life mercy mercy is described as pity charity forgiveness forbearance yes yes it's it's described as soft-heartedness that means that god was soft-hearted towards you even when you hardened your heart towards him that was mercy mercy mercy it says tenderheartedness yes yes yes it says kindness sympathy liberality oh this word right here tolerance oh my god mercy mercy that god would tolerate you you know we have this saying that i want to stay where i'm tolerated so you're telling me you don't want to stay in the will of god and he's tolerating you every time you're disobedient to him mercy he tolerates your attitude he tolerates your inconsistency he tolerates your gossip he tolerates your disloyalty to his word and his promises mercy generosity yes mercy it is of the lord's generosity that we are not consumed can you just open your mouth in this room the power of god is here somebody just say mercy hey say mercy i believe that every time you say mercy in the spirit realm it translates to jesus yeah mercy mercy mercy it's because of the lord's mercy that we are not concerned and i don't know about you there are some things in my life some decisions pastor some mistakes some ignorance even some avoidance that i willingly submitted myself to that should have killed me yes lady canary should have taken me out but i'm not standing here because i'm talented i'm not standing here because i have 25 plus years of tenure in the music and ministry i'm not standing here because i've been submitted to this house through the ups and downs the good the bad the ending but i'm not standing here because i'm likable because there have been times god tolerated me i am standing here you are here tevin we are here in this room watching online not because of any any goodness of our own but it is because of mercy that god will look past all that other stuff and still see something in you come on yes elder lt she received it he will look past all that other mess and still say mercy be your portion he will look past all that gossip and say mercy be unto you he will look at your inconsistency and say mercy be unto you because there's still something in you i want to use mercy ron and as y'all should say i thank god for jesus because if it were not for jesus there would be no mercy so one more time in this room can we take a moment to honor god his presence is here you feel it do you feel it in the room kendra do you feel it coco do you feel it in the room you feel it come on don't pity pat like you had the golf course i said thank him for mercy mercy mercy mercy mercy mercy mercy mercy i want that to resonate in your spirit i don't know what else is about to happen in the service but i came with no makeup intentionally because i came to receive something today y'all know me i will come with a beef face but i watched the first service in memphis i said oh no i'm coming intentionally tonight i have to take lashes off they just they just not gonna be on today they're not gonna be on pastor kiandra i'm because i came to receive but before we receive can we put something on mercy can we can we this is appropriate can we just put a seed to mercy whatever that looks like for you and i'm going to encourage you yeah yeah put a seed to mercy let me tell you something when the lord told me last week that my seed rebuked the famine i got a testimony loading right now that i can't wait to share with y'all god keeps reminding me every day every time that you sow every time that you give even when you're giving out of your frustration and your uncertainty you're rebuking something that you cannot see in the future can we can we sow a mercy seed i might even encourage you to go a little above your tithe this morning just go a little above that whatever that looks like for you five dollars two dollars twenty dollars two hundred dollars put a seat put a mercy seat to your times this morning because i really believe because of the worship that is happening in this room the fire that is in this room the lord is doing something that is going to remind you the benefits of mercy the benefits of your mercy seat that came from the mercy seat i need somebody to put some faith to that this morning put some faith to it y'all ready to sow yes i love it when the man of god i when our leader says yes with such excitement we all all get excited y'all ready to sew come on stand to lift your seat in the air i want to get out of the way because i really feel i'm i'm like i want to take off running so if you see me running smooth across this front mind your business mind your business because i'm mind of mine hallelujah i see you i see you putting that info in there information is on the screen such a powerful presence of worship and praise and gratitude and mercy in this house lift your seeds all over this room great is your mercy towards me your loving kindness is what means your tender mercies i see day after day this how we gonna bless our seas this morning forever faithful towards me always providing for me great is your merch one more time great is your mercy great lift your seat high i don't live on the streets they're not preparing my home going this morning hey day after day forever fable always providing yes great is your mercy i see great is your grace let's lift it up just a little bit bigger this time but we're about to move on great is your mercy your loving kindness yes yes great is your grace yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah forever always providing thank you god great is your mercies i see great is your grace father we thank you for these mercy seats father we praise you sit on the mercy seat this morning that you will bless every time and every tither father we thank you because of your mercies even our finances are not consumed our homes are not consumed father we thank you as we lift this mercy seat up to you this tithing is offering we thank you for your faithfulness that is applied to our lives every day we give you glory report we give you honor point and we give you praise for it and we say it's no goodness of our own but because you're always providing for us because great is your grace and we thank you we honor you with this seed this day in jesus name we pray amen and amen so so so so come on lift your hands i got to teach you how not to let go of the anointing i tried to let her go and she said i'm not gonna let you go come on lift your hands it's a prophetic sign i want to be careful but i know what you are to me and i just declare over your life pastor candy west that there will be no devil that can resist the glory of god in your belly i declare over your life that there will be no lack in anything connected to your yes i'm asking that every ounce of favor that runs through my veins let it run through you twice as much let you be known as the woman of god that poured oil that poured water on the man of god's hands i declare now sugar diabetes and all manner and malfunction power it's neat and any and everything that would resist this woman all the days of your life may it run into the god of william ellis may it run into the god of michael sides the god of rod parsley the god of john eckhart the god of matthew stevenson and brandon clack let there be years of impartation that ran through lester summer all and smith wigglesworth let it run through your face and may you be more than capable to be i said bill filled with the hammer filled with the sword filled with the fire build build and build some more i wish the church would lift our hands and worship god i need a few intercessors that can pray in the spirit come on give me about 20 seconds here heaven is doing something in this woman's heart come on i want to see revival come on can i hear the voice of the saints worshiping the king of kings come on don't hide behind the music pastor brandon i don't know what to say tell him he's worthy tell him we want what you want whatever you want in this season whatever you want in this atmosphere come on give me about 20 minutes and i'm done i just declare now as intercessor in this place standing in the gap that there will be nothing missing nothing broken nothing missing nothing broken nothing missing nothing broken i declare that there is about to be the overflow of revelation knowledge that it would explode in the hearts of your people even now king jesus pull your sword the sword of the spirit we are asking now that your sword that it would be dipped in the blood of the lamb and it would begin to sever cut and destroy anything that has attached itself all ungodly umbilical cords that is feeding anything outside of your presence thank you that you have called it to cease every prodigal that is in this city that belongs in this house angels with hooks dipped in the blood drag them and pull them out in the name of the most high god we declare in bars and brothels street corners that everything that belongs in the house of evangelism i declare that this house be full and that it be equipped and stocked with every necessary gift that is under the son of god and we give you glory if you believe that a revival is about to break out throw your head back and scream hurry up come on i heard quite a bit y'all just gonna have to get comfortable because i got a feeling she gonna stay at this altar i heard quite a bit in the spirit i wasn't sure because i don't have my glasses but i believe that's elder cliff right there can this man of god uh right here can you go put your hand on eldercliff's shoulder yes sir come on real quick right here yes sir put your hand on eldercliff's shoulder right there i don't know what's going on in your physical man but there is about to be divine healing i know nothing about anything concerning you but i know what i heard god said god said tell the man with the braids that's how i knew it was elder cliff i had to ask jessica if that's elder cliff the lord said tell elder cliff i am about to dramatically bring a health revival to his bones the lord told me there will be no blood disease the lord told me that these conditions about your body and how you're going to be able to stand under pressure i'm looking at a man that holds down his entire family and i'm looking at an intercessor that says lord keep me alive until we can stable out but i heard god say tell him not only will i keep him alive but i am about to restore to him the strength that caleb said caleb said i'm just as strong today than i was when i first got started get ready there was about to be a renewal of your health watch and see over the next three days that if you don't wake up and say i feel better than i felt in a long time may the wind of anointing flow and i wish i had 12 intercessors that would give god a radical praise cause elder cliff's body is about to have a turnaround oh yes it is i can't hear your huntsville i say oh yes it is and it will be like a sign and a wonder that what god did for him he's about to do for the person sitting next to you point down your row and say be healed be deliberate and be set free we ain't done it in a while come on be healed be delivered and be set free and the people of the lord said amen i know what i heard whoa i heard the lord say the intercessors are coming out of retirement i don't know what that means and i don't know who ain't been praying but the lord said this day intercessors come out of retirement your voice brings validity to what god is doing cry out and spare none elder lt lay your hands on the lady's shoulder right behind you this woman oh god right here the lord told me to encourage your heart about some disappointments around an entrepreneurial venture i was standing over there and i was looking at a millionaire but she had lost the faith to believe in it because of some broken promises on some business ventures it just didn't pan out and you thought you'd be further along i'm even looking at a torn up blueprint of a business plan that just got in the recycle bin it just was not it was discarded or maybe it looks like it was thrown away on a laptop trash can i don't know where you threw that thing away but heaven said dust it off i'm not done the lord says over the next four months for the rest of this year there are supernatural sponsors coming to you and you thought wow and what you thought was a silly idea is about to fund the whole project i'm looking at a woman that pays churches off has an assignment y'all playing with me i'm about to go home i said i'm looking at a woman that said god if i had it i paid the whole thing off be delivered be healed and be set free and the people of god give the lord praise the lord said don't apologize for your taste and clothing and your appearance you decided not to dress like what you were going through and heaven says well done for this day as your appearance has been a prophecy to a season not yet here i am oh i am about to reward you for dressing for your destination i wish you would put on praise like a garment and give god the kind of praise that looks like where you're going hurry up clap wave spin say man i don't care what you do we put on praise like a garment the spirit of heaviness for the garment of prayer that's what i'm talking about welcome back all nations huntsville he who was dead is alive what the devil thought wouldn't work i said welcome back you just took a nap baby like lazarus you wasn't dead you was just asleep welcome back i know what i heard where's taylor i know you here lift your hands honey you ain't got to come because i know the social distancing the lord told me to remind you of your place there is a place for you here and hell had been trying to mentor you in finding placement elsewhere even down to the last two to three weeks over the last few weeks you have been trying to decide where i belong and has my season expired and i heard the lord say how can you expire and you ain't seen the promises i made you i'm looking at an intercessor that went mute because prom wow because promises did not come to pass as you assume that they would but heaven says thinking not strange that before the year comes out that there is about to be a manifestation in this place of prayers you prayed a year and a half ago why do i see a woman walking the floors after mit i don't even know if you in that but i'm looking at an intercessor that was in mit and she came in here after a training alone and you walk these aisles and declare some things and heaven said it's not over yet i pulled the poison out of you that made you whoa whoa we yank the poison out honey that you would see god in the land of the living if you're ready to see god do what she said give god praise that the intercessors are out of retirement well imma walk over here taylor resentment is a lie i'm looking at a woman saying i wish i wouldn't have done that and this resentment has been like torment almost six months and i'm looking at a woman saying why didn't the world did i let them do that and i'm looking at a woman that hates that she don't say no when she knows she should and i'm looking at a woman of god saying you'll try me again and i'll never do it the lord says thank you for the vow but don't let your heart get hard i'm looking at someone that if you're not careful it'll turn to a stoney heart and heaven says although your regret is in the right place don't let your heart get hard because there are women of god that you will walk through restoration that assume that their mistakes disqualify them and i heard heaven say as this woman of god begins to shield you with this incredible shield and as she prophesies over you in the dance so it is that the angels stand guard over your vulnerability baby that you might bring victory in through things that you thought was off limits get ready god is about to invade your space that your testimony turns to triumph if you're thankful that you didn't quit come on and worship god come on prophecy is the testimony of jesus don't fall in love with me something is coming alive in here alive alive alive alive lay your hands on your disciple yeah you're about to go through an additional training other than teach me other than university school you are about to encounter the god called restraint restraint i'm looking at someone with the strength of an ox and i'm looking at a protector that is peter like you got a sword in your hand i sensed it when i met you and you're willing to do whatever it takes to protect your mentor your pastor the person whose hand is upon your heart because i'm looking at a man whose heart is broken thinking not strange that he knew where to place his hand i'm looking at a man that is getting over some resentment from some family members i got to be careful why do i smell a father wound in here but i just declare over you man of god that your abrasiveness is no longer needed god is a wow god is about to take you through peace school you will be known as a man of peace i heard the lord say drop your weapons and unclench your fists there is no longer a need to angrily protect the father that's standing in because of the one that walked away i declare now man of god over the next six months you will be learning restraint and peace at a level that you've never learned bringing down some i prophesy to you that you will be skilled in negotiations with the tongue the lord shows me a bag that you missed out on you should have a couple hundred thousand by now but because of an untrained tongue some deals were already moved away and you said well i might have lost the deal but at least i didn't lose my dignity and i heard heaven say get ready you are about to learn how to be at peace when you are disrespected so that you don't lose kingdom funds for stuff that you need the lord says you're sick of a nine to five but you don't have another way to get out get ready over the next six months as your tongue is discipled you will walk into the most lucrative partnerships so that you never have to put pressure on the church in orlando and the people of god i heard you say i wish i had enough money i'd work for free get ready god's about to give you a blueprint and it shall be unto you and everybody that would work for the kingdom of god if they could for free lift your hands and say send wealth i think that's it be seated it is the spirit of impartation at some point you won't be able to run from the prophetic you hear me at some point it will be a non-negotiable opportunity that there's coming an end to will you prophesy today and there's going to be a beginning of what i will say for what i heard in prayer there is an authority coming on you and there is a confidence it'll almost be like you'll be able to recite books of the bible you'll be able to explain the prophetic through the written text of the bible lift your hands i prophesy to you honey that there is nothing that has happened in your past that disqualifies the prophetic i see the lord like a surgeon stitching up an open wound and i wow i declare to you now that you will have articulation listen to me jeremiah you were called it from your mother's womb and if you keep being quiet it'll be like fire shut up in your bones everybody throw your head back and scream prophesy it is the word of the lord because truth be told he spoke to you today that's how you know i'm talking to you during breakfast right at the tail end you sense something and you say well that's good wrote it down in a little journal i see and you decided to keep it because you enjoy you and god time the lord said i'm taking you public and i no longer want to be the boo that you only see at night time just you and i i want to be the one that you speak of when we get out in public lord jesus huntsville i prophesied to you that the gods you worship in private is about to be the god that stands up for you in public amen amen lift your hands worship him come on pastor what do i say lord you're so good thank you for your visitation thank you for your presence we will not fall in love with a man he's a vessel thank you that you came hallelujah come on worship him put the attention on him i love the silent memory prayers and worship but come on lift your voice come on huntsville we're getting our voice back come on lord your word come on participate right behind your mask lord you're worthy yes lord we need you yes lord we want you yes lord we adore you yes lord come home with us yes this is your church yes we are with what you're with yes come on and worship him come on your neighbor needs to hear it for confidence lift your volume come on that's it this is a holy thing i said this is a holy thing hey taylor back to work lay your hands on that girl's shoulder right there i don't know if she's anything to you but i feel like you've been interceding for her so it kind of makes sense what i saw that is a woman who was on the verge of giving up not on this church just period i have had enough and i'm going to try this church thing one more time but i just declare that there is about to be an unusual unity between the two of you watch and see between now and december 25th if heaven does not respond to that question mark i don't know why i'm looking at living issues why am i staring at somebody that needs their own place and i just declare i don't know if where you are is too small and i don't know if where you are you sick of the roommate one of the two but i just declare over you woman of god that you will no longer be dependent on the kindness of people that are misusing you i just declare in your life there is a level of ownership everybody under the sound of my voice your days of homelessness is coming to an end scream i'll never be homeless again you sounded like you got everything together i wish everybody that's sick of renting and begging and borrowing throw your head back and say i'll never be homeless again i'll never be homeless again i'll never be homeless hey brandon i'll never be homeless again never never and we worship him and we worship and we worship him and we worship him and we worship him come on and we worship him and we honor him for his grace for his hand for his provision for his longevity for his consistency and we worship him and we honor him and we bless him you're watching online i don't know where you at i don't know if you're in nevada or nebraska lift your hands you are just as much a part of this moment as if you were in this building i know a large part of our church family is still worshiping online and i respect that but because i can't lay my hands on you right now through the vehicle of impartation i speak into this camera lens that heaven would rush into your life nothing missing nothing broken nothing shattered nothing destroyed in the name of jesus i i have a word for you but i don't know if i'll be able to get to it all so i'll just give you what i got and then we'll try again next week okay but i sense the holiness of god i sense the provision of god the kindness of god the joy of the lord is our strength do me a favor look at the person next to you and say the joy of the lord is your strength lay your hands on your heart and say the joy of the lord is my strength one more time say the joy of the lord is my strength one more time say the joy of the lord is my strength now repeat after me the blessing of the lord makes me rich and adds no sorrow come on the blessing of the lord makes me rich and adds no sorrow last time the blessing of the lord it makes me rich and it has no sorrow sorrow is a defeated enemy that is a byproduct of the blessing of the lord coming in your life when the blessing of the lord shows up sorrow is removed but sometimes the mind remembers the hardship that tries to open the door back to sorrow but that will not be your case because the lord is going to so show you his goodness his kindness that the torment of a bad season is not going to make you run out of your mind i'm looking at a shero one of the strongest women that i know i'm looking at right now before me you have endured silently things that would make others cut their wrists i'm looking at a survivor who possibly quite possibly should be in a straitjacket today but i declare over you that those silent tears were loud in heaven and the lord says tell her don't be afraid of a new season because of your familiarity with sorrow i'm looking at a one is about to walk in the freedom of heaven because of her faithfulness to believing god as things begin and if i be wrong i i tell you i'll apologize but i know this is correct i'm looking at a woman that feels like i could have walked away from god because of some things he didn't do and i heard the lord say tell her she was in a trust test that she would be able to testify that when all hell broke loose i did not lose my hallelujah hell came against your hallelujah and i and i feel like you ain't ran like that in a long time back and forth in front of the altar and i'm looking at a woman over the weekend saying i miss the freedom of worship that we used to have i know what i heard and when you began to run in here it was like a tomb opening up and lazarus shook off his grave clothes i prophesied to you girl god is about to protect your joy and your days of borderline depression are coming to an end i'm looking at a woman that nobody checks on because she's cute and she looks like she got it together but by the fire of god may you never again visit that pit that you almost didn't get out of and the people of god screamed hallelujah i'm looking at a pit that hell wanted to turn into a grave but rejoice because weeping only endures for the night good morning welcome to a brand new day those seats on your left and your right they're not vacant they're reserved for goodness and mercy they've been following you since the pandemic hit lift your hands i declare prophecy is the testimony of jesus hear me this has nothing to do with brandon clack this just reveals that the man who was once dead is alive and when the spirit of grace comes and visits at this pace it is to remind the people that they are on the mind of god taylor turn around honey and go lay your hands on that woman's shoulder who's nodding she got looks like yellow i don't have my glasses on i'm looking at an intercessor who prays and i'm looking at an auntie who covers and i just declare over you that you will not get weary in well doing i'm looking at a woman who is fatigued i know what i saw almost exhausted like a runner who has been running with weights on her back but there is coming relief and support praying to holy ghost taylor god's getting ready to do something for her god there is about to be a relief of burden come up off your shoulders watch and see over the next few days if surprises wow what is this need i see that you have before the lord that you say why am i looking at an intercessor saying god you got to move this one because i'm not strong enough and i can't take no more of it there is about to be relief i don't know if it's checking the mail i don't know if it's email or that job application that you really need to go through i know what i saw baby but there is about to be a yes and i prophesied to you that before you hear another no you'll hear a yes i need all the people wow it's time to go it's time to go if you got a yes pending that you need to work out give the lord a radical praise right now hurry up hurry up hurry up i need another yes i need another yes it's okay i need another yes y'all don't look desperate enough if you are waiting on another yes kick your chair over do something and says i need another yes real quick i'll preach it all next week matthew 16 23. jesus prophesies his death and resurrection that's the focus matthew 16 21 from then on jesus began to clearly reveal to his disciples that he was destined to go to jerusalem to suffer injustice i'm reading the passion translation from the elders leading priests religious scholars he also explained that he would be killed and three days later be raised to life again peter took him aside and corrected him privately he reprimanded jesus over the same he said god forbid master spare yourself you must never let this happen to you jesus turned to peter and said get out of my way satan you are an offense to me because your thoughts are only filled with man's viewpoints and not the ways of god if i was going to preach to you and i'm not i was going to preach get out of my way look at your neighbor and say get out of my way get out of my way a brief overview of what the word of god is suggesting to us through the life of jesus is that there was an altercation a small one but one nonetheless between jesus and peter peter hears a prophetic moment from jesus where jesus talks about in three days i'm going to die but i'm coming back peter looks at him clearly filled with the devil and tries to talk jesus out of transition and says far be it from you you cannot leave us you have got to stay with us in this condition jesus looks back at peter and talks to the devil and says get out of me get out of the way you are only filled with the viewpoints of man here is the only thing i want you to take home this is it the only thing i want you to take home is that when the spirit of impartation comes on your life to your life oftentimes god will tell you radical things that make other people nervous when that happens you must protect your assignment from assassins and they are not snipers from afar they are conversations from the trusted because it is possible that god will call you to do something stay somewhere be somebody that the person next to you may disagree with but participation and proximity are not the same thing you can be close and not go with me because some baggage is a burden what i'm telling you all nations huntsville is the spirit of impartation is in this place there will be the manifestations of the words that i have spoken to many of you and it will come in the coming days and then from some of you god will pace it out and it will come over the course of the rest of the year and then there are others who god did not give me the privilege into seeing your situation that you now have the right to grab it all and take it all home when you do so everybody walks out with a word today when you do that the first thing that will be waiting on you is a demonic conversation about what god should not do your job pastor jessica i felt that in the holy ghost your job over the next seven days is to say get out of my way get out of my way get out of the way of my provision get out of the way of my purpose get out of the way of my power get out of the way of my healing get out of the way of my power get out of the way of my authority get out of my way the viewpoints of man will stand against the mandate of god because there is a way that seems right unto a man and the end leads to death here is the good thing either you're going to get converted or you're going to get cut and if god has to replace you out of my personal space he will bring in my life what's necessary for me to get to my expected end so weep not over who is not standing this time next week but rejoice but rejoice that the kingdom of heaven came in great strength and power that your personal life will experience god's timetable for many of you are behind god's schedule maintaining the appointments of man i know what i know i came to prophesy to you today i'll preach next week god is about to catch you up though everybody scream accelerate one more time scream accelerate god is about to put his foot on the gas the pedal to the metal and he's a good driver so don't worry about getting in an accident you'll catch it when you get home but be not afraid of who cannot participate in the made promises of god for your life hear me this is not a hater's message this is a message to condition your soul that god's not done i said god's not done and because he's not finished we're going to believe again and as we believe again for the joy eldercliff that was set before me he endured the cross what am i telling you here comes you're gonna like this satan offered jesus through peter a way out of pain but jesus said if i opt out i'm gonna miss what everybody needs about me so i've got to now count my journey as joy i have not i feel the holy ghost i have not been sentenced to a prison sentence because he won't let me leave where he planted me this is a journey filled with joy do me a favor and lay your hands on the seat you're sitting on come on be obedient and say lord i will not leave this journey without my joy i need you to clench your seat and say lord wow i will not leave my journey without my joy and if you believe that clap those hands and give the lord a great praise everybody come on that's a circus of olay praise i wish you would praise him like you the kingdom of god i said that's a praise that belongs in public i wish you would throw your head back and give your gun a praise that reveals the man's hand everybody's standing it's time to go bring her to me bring her to me point your hands this way i'm going to be careful father with the investment of my right hand which is the hand of fellowship and the one that was assigned to me as the healing power of god december 31st 2009 rob parsley laid his hands on me and he said when your left hand burns it will be unto the healing power of god he said you'll have the right to cast out cancer and it will not return he said it is your inheritance for servanthood he laid his hands on me and i fell out in a thud a couple of hours later i got back up and he said god's sending you back to where you came from to be everything he has called you to be the right hand is the hand of fellowship that's what your bible says the left hand represents the benjamites it's a hand of accuracy the bible says that the benjamites from yards away could throw a rock and split a hair it speaks to the left hand of accuracy i take in this moment stand behind her because i don't know if her knees will be able to handle this i declare uh come here keandra come hold this microphone for me honey in jesus name i'd hold it right up to where i'm hollering and hallelujah i declare over you come with me both hands of god the hand of fellowship and the hand of accuracy i declare that you would be a community builder and you'll do so with accuracy and access i am asking that there would be another flow of the holy ghost that would hit you i sense that the lord says i'm about to take you back to a time where you would lay in my presence for hours there she might need a driver home i'm not being funny i'm being serious i prophesied come a little closer i prophesied to you honey that after i take my hands off of your head that you will be turned into another woman like one whose name was changed from saul to paul like one who was changed from jacob to israel well i declare over you that when i take my hands off of you this time that you will have a molecular change in your soul may there be the push of god that sends you into the next level of ministry i declare over your life girl that by the time you wake up wow shut up yo looking and i'm telling you she's transforming in front of us by the time you wake up may you never be the woman that we knew before visions dreams encounters as you move in between realms as you under the power of god may you see what's next on heaven's agenda i need people that are not jealous and about 20 intercessors go in radical praise hurry up that's not radical enough walk around this building obey me walk around worship him wave your hands where's the blackberries get your flags honey yeah yeah hey hey come on give me 30 seconds come on worship him something supernatural is happening i said wow come on 20 seconds come on the glory the glory the glory i need some men of god that are not intimidated by what god is doing in this woman the glory lift your hands and worship son the glory the glory of god this is a holy moment don't play with it come on men of god come on women of god if he's doing it in her he's doing it in you pray in the holy ghost and break this curse you heard it too coco break this curse every word curse every stifling spirit every plot why do i see a curse we break this curse we send you back to hell from which you came you spirit of perversion oh we break your curse we undo your covenants and we break your assignments by the blood by the blood by the blood by the blood by the blood ten seconds come on come on 10 seconds come on hey hey hey i feel something breaking in here and see by the time you get home every curse broken in your house generational curses soul ties lies hexes voodoo black magic white magic manipulation break break break break break break by the authority of the apostles right let it break break break whoa i release inheritance lift your hands i release inheritance as a father as an uncle as a pastor as an apostle i release inheritance inheritance inheritance spiritual inheritance blessing and honor i honor you as a church on behalf of great jehovah i honor you i honor the lord's church i honor this congregation i honor you lt i honor you elder cliff i honor you coco i honor you i honor i pour honor on you you are needed you are necessary you are strong you are and i honor you i honor the worship team i honor the elders i get down on my knees and i honor you i honor this church you came to church you came to worship i honor you i poured on you you are not a pastor you are not a pastor you are not a hater you are not against god you are trying to hurt anybody i honor you i honor you as the leader as the shepherd as the pastor i honor you thank you for serving thank you for doing the cameras thank you for overseeing finances with integrity thank you for prophesy thank you for playing i honor you i honor the minstrels i honor the musicians i honor the elders thank you thank you for being elders i honor you i bow in humility i say thank you thank you for serving i honor kenyatta i honor evan i honor kelsey i honor apostle a.d i honor you thank you you're watching online thank you thank you elder gemina thank you danielle thank you kiwana thank you thank you president i honor you i poor honor i honor you thank you go get the oil hey i honor you i'm starting to feel drunk now prophetess roshada i honor you for your labor of love adriana i honor you for your labor of love we restore honor in this place every man of god i honor you in here every single man stand as protector stand as big brother some stand as uncle some stand as father i honor you from my heart to your heart thank you thank you for loving the people of god one day we will stand before god in heaven to give an account for our deeds it's real and because that's real i want to honor you here on earth and say thank you i want to thank you for the yes you're about to give god now i want to thank you that god's about to put more on you you never thought you could handle i want to thank you that you're about to cast the devil out of hundreds and that you are about to maintain peace and order thank you i don't know what to do now unto him who is able to keep us from falling to the only wise god the glory and blessing and power forever and ever ever i release peace to you i am the man of peace i release peace to you peace in your soul peace in your mind may today be the day that solidifies no more questions no more vaseline in and out god assigns you here and you will have to answer in heaven for your commitments to the house of god no man no woman can pluck you out of where god planted you i commission you today stay committed to your yes and watch the house of god grow may the glory of the latter house be greater than the former and it will happen god look what is happening church the power of god is here bring this evangelist to me go get him brandon right here i on him in the name of jesus i need to be done hallelujah you're watching online god bless you thank you for being a part i lay my hands on you as a friend whoa i just fell into contact with your history with god for this kind of encounter is no surprise to you for i'm looking at a man that has been waiting on the presence of the lord to ignite him like it was when you got filled with the holy ghost yes sir i heard a man in a bad closet saying fill me again how come i don't feel you again i heard the lord say get ready for greater measure preach the gospel win the loss because there are a couple of people who should have died last year but because you prayed they didn't get ready somebody is coming to the kingdom because of your yes yes yes yes i need all the women praying the holy ghost all the men lift your hands the crying man is coming back to this house the men of god are on their way back thinking not strong that male intercessors male worshipers male evangelists the man of god i heard you praying coco where are the men the man of god well the man of god lord jesus christ the man of the house the man of the house the man of the house the man of the house the man of the house is coming home call every man you know and say come back home the man of the house get in god's presence it come on women of god that's it the men of god are filling up i charge this evangelistic church as in the days of old bring somebody to church with you next week i got oil for them this is a house of oil whoa i know the hour is late lift your hands and worship him i release you into blessing and power and favor i call your days blessed in jesus name if you did not get a chance to sow you better hear me it is unwise not to sow in this atmosphere i'm telling you with the fear of the lord i'm sowing again because there's some things i'm believing god for over the next 90 days that i want to see and i'm doing it i want you to get your tithe together get your offering out pastor ben and i already gave i understand but i just i wanted it i would not be worth my salt if i didn't tell you you need to sow while the glory is here do something i don't care listen don't be religious don't let your friends talk you out of blessing they want to say no silence that just get whatever you got that's all i'm saying it's unwise for the presence of the lord the king to come and we not give him something again i'm just telling you what i know what i know theologically i'm telling you get something in your hand you're watching online get something in your hand we got cash out we got all kind of stuff text to give a-n-w-a-h-s-v text to give everybody get i just declare over you not another broke day in your life get your phones up i'm being as serious as a heart attack i have no parlor games i am not a las vegas showman i got the power of god lift your hands with that phone in it and get something to sew i prophesied to you not another broke day in your life i declare wherever there is insufficiency may there be the flood of overflow contacts credit cards paid off student loans demolished we release your favor and your power in computer systems i'm asking for divine apologies from the irs i'm asking that you receive recompense i'm asking that your businesses explode i speak the covenant rights and blessings over your life everybody be obedient get your keys get your keys i'm telling you get your keys with the last bit of strength in my body lift those keys in that phone look at those keys and say god bless you you've been good but it's time to separate i command you to upgrade tell the i'm telling you now tell those keys upgrade upgrade oh that's it prophet jonathan upgrade that's it son upgrade upgrade up up up i said upgrade i know you'd lift them if you had it your hands are busy for every person in the band upgrade up up up up up up i got the power to command the blessing upgrade you watch it online don't be foolish upgrade up up listen to me listen to me bring me a chair we're going home i don't want everybody to do it that's yeah bring them both you're prophetic i'm gonna show you put them right here we're going home i don't want everyone to do it just somebody if you got on heels i'm probably not talking to you i want you to carefully stand on your chair hurry up we're going to another level i'm sick of this level be careful be careful in jesus name be careful lift your phone pastor brandon this don't make no sense these are called prophetic acts do you remember when the prophet thrown out his arrows it was a prophetic act for deliverance do you hear what i'm saying the bible is full of prophetic acts i'm not telling you that you're gonna stand on your chair when you get to work what this is is an announcement in the spirit that i'm done with that old level lift that phone and those keys father take this church to another level release to them the power that's it son right there i'm built for this release to them the power of a brand new level i declare that the air is different up here release provision responsibility and we give the lord praise if you're ready for an upgrade scream upgrade me i say scream upgrade me one more time huntsville scream upgrade me i love you you are dismissed get down carefully i'll see y'all on sunday give them some up upgrade happy music in jesus name i love y'all foreign you
Channel: All Nations Worship Assembly Huntsville
Views: 1,444
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 0NL_iMptJXQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 120min 45sec (7245 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 15 2021
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