Sunday Morning Worship Experience | Pastor Candy West

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morning good morning if you will worship him with me for he's good and his mercy endures forever let your hearts rise as you stood to your feet let your heart and your spirit rise with a new song psalm 96 says go ahead sing your new song to the lord let everyone in every language sing him a new song don't stop keep on singing make his name famous tell everyone every day how wonderful he is so join me in prayer father we love on you this morning for you are good merciful and kind your compassion goes from generation to generation for you are the god from everlasting to everlasting so father today we set our minds in our hearts and our spirits on the righteous one on the sovereign one on the just one for you are god that is just that does not waver you are the god who is relentless so father today we relentlessly run after you we relentlessly seek you we relentlessly set our minds and our hearts on the one who set his mind on us long before when we were yet sinners when we were yet in our best father you said i call them and i take responsibility so today god we set our minds and our hearts on the one who took responsibility so father we offer no resistance and today as we ascend the mountain of the lord we clean hands and pure heart father begin to ascend that the sin father we need your glory we need your hand we need your heart father i pray that there is an exchange today begin to make a transfer to us of your glory endow us with your glory endow us with your presence and tell us with your spirit endow us with your presence father i pray today god that we will be so engrossed with the presence of god that we will be forever changed right you're not my sawyer make us forever change make today mark the day of an encounter that changes our faith that changes our countenance father as we ascend the hill of mount sinai begin to transform begin to renew remake the redeemer is here the redeemer who saved who sanctified who changes our god and our wounds pray my psachia god the lord who changes the womb who calls children to be first who cause purposes to come alive i pray and i prophesy that every purpose come alive today that every destiny come alive today and today father we will get into alive grab my sakaya in every way that the enemy has tried to prevent and put an obstacle in a barrier in front of what you called us to do father we kick down every barrier in the name of jesus we kick down everything that will prevent and stop you from being able to move and breathe in our lives today god let your word that is god free that transforms and corrects that rebuke that trains us of god your word come alive and we protect this atmosphere now in the name of jesus we protect it and worship we secure it father we protect it we secure this atmosphere in the blood of jesus we secure and let your prophecy let your deliverance let it go forth we call prophecy and deliverance forth that changes that that secure father and we settle in heavenly places heavenly places so today god have thy no way have thy away this is your church messiah this is your pride this is your [Music] we ask that you will come for your ride today come for your bride oh bridegroom come for your bride the covenant keeper the covenant keeper calm for your bride and we in a seed and we stand in the gap for your bride and we said come [Music] come lord jesus come and our hearts will be able to recognize you we will recognize you we would recognize the one who set his heart on us we recognize you and we yield to your power today we yield to your spirit today for you are god you are lord and you reign supreme shai reba sokoya in jesus name hallelujah let's press let's continue to press right there let's press right there let's press right there lift up your worship right there right there father we welcome you into this place we welcome you into our hearts we welcome you into our homes father this is a place where you can rest here this is a place where you can rule here this is a place where you can abide here father come and sit in this place come and sit in this place father come and sit in this place come in and move in this place come and breathe in this place come and move on this place breathe in this place move in this place breathe in this place breathe your rock your breath of life come in and breathe on this place on this place [Music] may every dusty thing come back to life breathe on this place clean your breath breathe on this place breathe on this place breathe on our hearts breathe on our minds may we speak like you may we love like you may we look like you come in rest and rule and abide here for your ways are higher your thoughts are higher everything about you is so much better so we yield to your presence we yield to your [Music] [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] we [Music] [Music] [Music] receive our praise [Music] cause your name is [Applause] we make you bigger we shout your names [Music] once we receive our praise [Music] and as we shall receive our praise your name is [Music] [Music] lord we come to lift you up we gave you praise and lift you up and everything will lift you up your name is [Music] [Music] and everything so we cry out jesus we give you praise your name is than the heaven it's greater than the nation your name is higher higher it's greater than the nation your name is higher than the heavens [Music] and it is greater than the nation your name is higher than the head of that is the name of jesus [Music] jesus the name of jesus so lord we come to lift you up we give you praise and lift you up and everything will lift you up [Music] your name is higher than the heavens it's greater than the nations jesus so lord we come to lift you up we give you praise and lift you up lord we come to lift you up we give you praise and lift you up say lord we come to lift you [Music] but you are the [Music] [Music] [Music] yes it is to you'll always get the glory you'll always get the glory you'll always get the glory you'll always get the glory yeah you'll always get the glory you'll always get the glory you'll always get the glory you'll always keep the glory you'll always keep the glory [Music] you will forever get the glory you'll forever get the glory you'll forever get the glory [Music] you'll always get the glory [Music] forever get the glory forever get the glory forever get the glory so father we ask for you to dwell dwell here in our hearts dwell here in our minds dwell here in our midst father interrupt our lives for your presence halt us right where we are and endow us with your presence halt us in the midst of ourselves and endow us with your presence may your glory be revealed in all of our lives father so we can see your name in the earth be exalted for your name is higher it is greater it is bigger you are the reason that we see you are the reason that we live you are the reason that we are here that's why we declare that you'll forever get the glory where there is no you there is no us that's why we have no choice but to give you the glory so father we give you permission to dwell we give you permission to dwell we give you access to dwell we give you a yes to dwell for qantas you can dwell here you can dwell here you can dwell [Music] you can dwell here you can dwell here dwell here dwell here [Music] well here's well here come on in 12 year 12 here 12 here 12 here [Music] so [Music] you are our hearts one desire thirsty for you we're thirsty for you you are one desire only you can satisfy [Music] and we're thirsty for you [Music] and only you can satisfy [Music] dwell here whatever's in your weight whatever took your place dwell here dwell here [Music] whatever took your place thank you [Music] [Music] [Applause] 12 here whatever [Music] so you can dwell here [Music] whatever [Music] we wait on you would you come in the room [Music] [Music] would [Applause] is [Music] we wait on you we wait on you would you come [Music] we give you access access once you move was your rule in the room [Music] put your rest in the [Music] our hearts are raised to you we wait on you would you come in the room would you come would you come in the room would you come in the room would you come in the room would you come in the room would you come in the room would you come in the room would you come in the room would you come in the room would you come in the room would you come in the room would you come in the room would you come in the room [Music] would you come [Music] would he's in the room he's in the room people of god he's in the room he's in the room people of god but have you made room because he's here he's here but have you made room for what he's trying to do in your life today because he's in the room he's in the room whatever you need you can lay it at this altar right now because he's in the room he's in this place he's swept through this place he's moved in and he's ready for you to accept him in so we bind any distractions that are that are keeping you from being able to receive what you need from our father today [Music] he's in the room he's in the room he's in the room [Music] he's in the room everything you need is right here we don't have to go too far people of god is right here it's here he's here [Music] y'all we don't have to do too much he's here open your heart to accept what he's trying to do right now he's here [Music] thank you lord we thank you for being in the room right now father we thank you for shifting our hearts and our minds this morning father we thank you for doing what you want to do today in this place god we thank you we thank you for coming in even when we didn't want you here when we're hiding things from you father we thank you for even coming in there god we thank you we thank you we thank you we thank you for being here god we thank you lord we thank you for being here god we thank you god we thank you lord we thank you for being here father [Music] hallelujah revive us [Music] hallelujah climb the glory hallelujah amen hallelujah [Music] my time hallelujah [Music] come and revive us that was good that was good well good morning all nations [Music] good morning all nations oh god jesus thank you lord good morning good morning good morning if you are online you and us good morning good morning good morning we thank you each and every one of y'all for taking the time to come and spend with us at all nations worship assembly huntsville we thank you we don't take it lightly that you wanted to worship with us that you came into this building that you tuned in on youtube facebook wherever we don't take that lightly so thank you thank you and welcome amen all right y'all so um if you ever want to go ahead and get your phones out real quick we're going to do this service selfie i like seeing y'all um y'all service selfies on sundays so y'all make sure that y'all hashtag nyhsb when y'all post your service selfie me to make a friend in here y'all say hi to somebody while y'all are taking your selfies i've got a couple more announcements so can we say fall family outing that was kind of dull y'all come on fall family outing all right y'all we will have our fall family outing on saturday october the 15th at tate farms in meridianville is from 12 to 3. general admission is 15 per person for ages 2 and up there will be a pumpkin patch hayrides food games and pumpkin carvings so bring your whole entire family and wear your our nation's huntsville gear amen all right um shout out to the tribes we've got some amazing tribes in the house we've got some amazing tribes in the house and if you weren't connected get connected but our men's tribe will be hosting okay menstrual all right miss tribe our men's tribe will be hosting a car wash at the raceway on north memorial parkway on saturday october the 8th all y'all need to go get y'alls cause wash because the men's tribe needed okay we need your help okay we are looking for a volunteer facilities manager so if you like to clean like to fix some things we need you ideally this person has a love for our campus and can be trusted with unrestricted access this is an uncompensated volunteer role that requires about 10 hours a week and will include opening and closing the church for services making sure the building is heating and heated and cooled and ensuring that everything is working properly so if you are interested in serving our church in that capacity let us know because my announcement doesn't say who to email [Laughter] um okay email eddie ewalton at amen if you are interested in serving on our amazing media team y'all give up for the media team they made this thing happen the media team makes this thing happen thank you dre and seven and i don't know who else is back there but thank y'all so if you're interested in serving on the media team or the ushers because we need them too shut up y'all make this thing happen too please email assimilation at and if you anything like me you don't know how to spell assimilation so um it's a-s-s-i-m-i-l-a-t-i-o-n assimilation y'all got that okay assimilation at we would love to have you a part of our ministry teams also if you are interested in joining the baptism team come on we're going to baptize some folks in this place if you are interested in joining our baptism team please email serena rice at c rice at y'all should know how to spell c rice okay and um be sure to tune in to our midweek experience both on facebook and youtube this wednesday at seven o'clock p.m amen y'all ready for me week i mean y'all ready for today all right well y'all it is my favorite time of service it is time for times and offerings it's time for us to give to our father for what he has given to us and when i was driving down this morning i was just thinking like we done shouted a good dance when we would sing press down shaken together and run up over but then the lord took me to matthew 25 and 23 and it says well good well done my good and faithful servant you have been faithful in holding this small amount so now i will give you more responsibilities and let's celebrate together y'all we like to dance for the press down shaking together but there are some of us in this room that don't feel as though we have enough to give we don't feel as though our we might only have 500 and our bills are 506 but the lord says that if you're faithful over this little that he'll make you ruler over the many [Music] so if i can encourage anybody today regardless of what your bank account looks like this moment regardless what bills you have to pay regardless of what it seems to be if you can be faithful and serve him with this little when the when the five thousand dollars in the bank account you're gonna be able to say well that's cause i had gave when i only had 500. [Music] jesus when your business begins to flourish because you're tough right now when you didn't have a dime in that business bank account it's going to be because you're tithed in this moment so if we can steward our finances well regardless of what it looks like allow the lord to to work a miracle on your behalf allow him the access to do a miracle for you and be faithful over this little because the larger is coming and when the larger comes it's going be pressed down shaking together and overflowing right in your lap it's just gonna fall right here [Music] jesus so if you have not already tithed if this is not your week if it's your weekly size go on to the app you can type via texting nyhsb to 77977 or the app if you're online you can do the qr code but we just want you to give to our father in heaven amen so let us pray most gracious heavenly father god we just thank you for this time of giving god i thank you god that all of our hearts are in a the right posture to give father god i pray god that as we are going to steward the little whale that when you give us the much that we are able to even steward that even better god we thank you o lord for the press down shaken together and runneth over we thank you god for what you're going to do and how you're going to do it so lord we just honor you we thank you that you are accepting these gifts father and that it will be used for your kingdom and glory we access in jesus name amen and praise god amen hallelujah the word tells us that in all things god will make everything work together for our good so we can go ahead and praise him in advance and thank him in advance for everything that he has already done everything that he is doing and everything that he is going to do for he causes everything every little thing to work together for our good hallelujah hallelujah now y'all been wanting to praise all day this your chance to praise right here hallelujah and i know that all things work together for my good and i know that all things work together for my good life and i hope that all things work together [Music] [Music] together [Music] everybody clap everybody clap your hands everybody clap your hands back foreign how do you know how do you know jesus said it i i put my faith in his baby and i know that all things work together for my good and i know that all things work together [Music] when he's working things out and says [Music] [Music] dance [Music] i it won't always be like this it won't always be like this it won't always be like this away is he turned it yo [Music] hey is he turned it around all right around quickly quickly quickly quickly quickly quickly quickly quickly quickly quickly quickly so [Music] so [Music] say quickly quickly quickly [Music] quickly quickly [Music] quickly quickly quickly quickly quincy quickly quickly quickly fast fast faster he's gonna do it he's gonna do it he's gonna do it he's gonna do it he's gonna do it [Music] every person in this room they need god to do something fast i need you to lift your hand every person in this room and online i don't care if you're cooking greens drop that spoon and lift your hands [Music] every person that needs god to do something quickly shot quickly every person under the sound of my voice and you need god to do something suddenly i need you to open up your mouth and shout suddenly for every person that needs god to do something fast i need you to open up your mouth and declare fast the bible says in job 22 verse number 28 for you shall decree a thing and it shall be established somebody say quickly [Music] it didn't say pastor candy shall decree [Music] it says you shall decree encourage yourself say i shall decree yeah i shall decree that's right i shall decree a thing and it will be established and the favor of god's light will shine upon your ways so you're gonna open up your mouth one more time and we're gonna move on if the holy spirit sees pits somebody shall quickly quickly suddenly [Music] do it [Music] do it quickly [Music] swiftly the thing about god's delivery system god's delivery system is lightning speed i know for my amazon prime lovers you love the fact that you can order something right now and it'll be at your house by tomorrow morning but i believe that with god's delivery system you can decree a thing right now and it'll happen right now i believe that we can decree a thing right now and even though you may see how it may not see how it's working in this room so where to go forth right now and work out what you need right now and do what you need right now and shift what you need right now and change what you need right now and do what you need right now bring in what you need right now right now go for what you need right now shift what you need right now change what you need right right now but i believe i believe i believe he can speak i believe i believe he can do it very moment right now right now oh now [Music] right now i need you to do it right now at this present moment i need you to do it for me i need you to do it for me i need you to do it for me not tomorrow but today not next week for me you can do it for my family right now i believe you can do it for my marriage right now i believe you can do it for my children right now i believe you can do it for my business right now i believe you can do it for my purpose i believe you can do it i believe you can do it i believe you can do it i believe i believe i believe if right [Music] [Music] i now i believe you can't i believe i believe i believe you can't i believe i believe i believe i believe i believe in my mind [Music] for somebody i believe i believe i believe [Music] anybody still police [Music] [Music] i believe you can't change i believe i believe i believe [Music] oh [Music] [Music] hebrews 11 chapter 11 verse number one in the new kings james version it says now faith somebody shout now faith now faith not tomorrow's faith not faith for next week it says now faith which means present faith faith that is alive at this very moment somebody shout down now faith now now now faith now baby is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen now faith so when you decree today that you believe god will do it quickly suddenly swiftly and fast can we add a fifth pillar to that and say now [Music] [Applause] we like quickly we love suddenly we appreciate swiftly we thank god for fast but we give him glory for now [Music] somebody shout now one more time now now now now now now now now and i'm a the holy spirit on this i need everybody that can get a 10 offering in your hand i don't usually do this y'all know i don't be pumping and priming and begging and asking for money but the lord is impressing upon me to give this 10 this 10 10 10 10 10. 10 is significant it's a number of completion it's two fives added together that's double grace get a 10 offer and if you want to get more than 10 you're welcome to give in increments of 10 but at the minimum if you possibly can give 10 give 10 10 10 10 10. and if you want to add a 1 to that and give 11 for the sake of hebrews 11 you can do that but give 10 at minimum i believe the lord that is about to bring things in full completion in your life things that have been on delay things that have been on hold up things that you've been asking god to lift your hands somebody give me some oil i hear the lord saying to you this morning daughter i have not forgotten you the lord wants you to know this morning that this season and this transition was really about to see how well you trusted him that if you were willing to pack the boxes even in the midst of discomfort and the lord says this season is going to last only but a moment it will be so fast you'll wonder why god couldn't why you couldn't just transition me from here to there he says i had to see your level of trust in me and if you would trust me in seasons of discomfort as much as you do in seasons of comfort because there is a season of discomfort that you're currently in but the lord says this season is going to happen so fast you won't even remember the frustration the embarrassment the shame the hurt the questions the confusion and the lord says i'm moving on you i'm moving on your behalf i'm moving in your favor now because [Music] the lord says i'm doing it now the lord says don't be surprised when they overturn the decision in this process the lord says i want to give you more than what you asked for [Music] and it's because because you did anything extra you just obeyed him in the process but the lord says i'm about to give you double-double double grace double for your trouble this season is but for a moment and the lord says it won't last long steward it will keep planning keep preparing you're about to get the keys you're about to get the keys yeah it's gonna happen quicker than what you planned for he says fast he says fast and i decree and declare in the name of jesus that every demonic delay on this process cease and desist in the mighty name of jesus [Music] in the name of jesus and i pray for our expeditious movement on this process in jesus name and i pray that the lord will begin to expose even loopholes in the [Music] contract that even the gatekeepers oh man this is for everybody in this room that wants to own a home [Music] call his name there is a demonic there is a demonic gatekeeper [Music] that wants to keep the people of god from ownership because ownership is your dominion and this demonic gatekeeper that's why we need kingdom citizens in real estate that's why we need kingdom citizens at the city council we need kingdom citizens to own lending companies because there are demonic gatekeepers that are trying to keep the people of god from ownership and for those of you that have conquered it give god praise but there are those of us that are trying to break into that and the demonic gatekeepers have been trying to keep us in this place of renting and leasing because he's trying to keep us in this mindset it will always be like this but just as the prophet has already declared that it won't be like this always the declaration is all already gone forth so we just seal it in the name of jesus but father i pray now that those that are with us are greater than those that are against and i come against this demonic gatekeeper this demonic agent that has been trying to hold the saints back from ownership and ascertaining properties and not just residential but i'm talking about commercial properties investment properties that the lord says you're gonna have dominion in these areas and these realms of real estate and the demonic gatekeeper and agent that has been working and has been releasing things into the ears and hearts of man that have to say so the lord says i'm about to release a voice in the earth that is going to overturn every decision that would tell you no and the lord says this discrimination this racial and systemic discrimination the lord says i'm about to raise the voices that are not afraid i need the saints to pray he says i'm about to release voices i'm about to release agents that are not afraid to speak the truth to power and say you cannot redline this area you can't redline this area for the sake of keeping the wealth out because the wealth belongs in this place so i speak now to the land to cough up ownership in the mighty name of jesus we declare and decree and declare in the name of jesus christ in the name of the mighty lamb in the name of the one that conquered all once and for all for all we pray in the name of jesus christ that you will begin to release strategy that you will begin to increase those that are working in real estate those that are working with the city to to to redline territories and and into delight territories that you will begin to advocate for the people of god that you will begin to advocate for the citizens of the earth that you will begin to advocate for those that are looking to own things to break generational persons but you're not just doing it for the sake of a bloodline but you're doing it for the sake of the kingdom of god and long live the king and long live the kingdom we pray in the name of jesus lord that you begin to release answers that you will begin to increase credit scores in the name of jesus we thank you for divine favor even with the lenders we thank you for divine favor with the banking system we thank you for divine favor with creditors i even call in the name of jesus as i see things that have been sitting on your credit scores things that have been settled you have zero balances that are still causing a negative effect on your credit because the creditor won't remove it because they benefit from your lack the lord says i'm about to eradicate i'm about to uproot i'm about to erase i'm about to diminish i'm about to destroy i'm about to evaporate in the mighty name of jesus you're going to start to see spikes in your credit score [Music] [Applause] i need you to praise like your credit score just jump 30 points i need you to praise like your credit score just jump 50 points i need you to praise like your credit score just jumped 100 points as a matter of fact i love that tara i need you to leave like your credit score just [Music] i know we are crazy church i know i know i know i know i know i know but my blessing about to be real crazy too i know it may look crazy for me to be leaving so my credit score can leave but guess what the favor of my life is about to be crazy too [Music] [Applause] [Music] i know it looks crazy but my open door is about to be crazy too i know it looks crazy but the opportunities are about to be crazy too i know i know i know it looks crazy there's some of y'all some of y'all that's just logged in online why are they living like that because my bible says that he will give you the strip to leap over troops you will leap and break through every barricade every hindrance every blockage that has been keeping you from ascending financially keeping you from ascending in your mentality keeping you from ascending in your health status the lord says i'm about to break it because he's the lord of the breakthrough we already decreeded somebody a sharp breakthrough [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so [Music] there is something getting ready to happen in the realm of real estate real estate and the lord says do not fret because the process that you were going after i'm one of them didn't happen the way you wanted it to the lord says for some of you i was safeguarding you from having to pay more for a mortgage than really what the house is worth i went and saw a house my daughter starling she's not my real daughter but she's still mine she mine but my daughter's stalling y'all know who me starlin lives with me she moved here from dallas in 2020 to come and be here with me and um we went to go look at a house this summer was it the summer star we looked at the house and they it was some months ago now the house when we first saw it i loved it and i was just kind of looking i hadn't even really gone through the process of pre-approval and everything i was just trying to see if it was in the market we went back to see the house maybe a month or two later the house same house nobody living in it they spiked the price two hundred thousand dollars i drove by the neighborhood and that same house was still empty two hundred thousand dollars a spike in two months hit that and the lord says don't worry he's about to fix it and i just y'all know i'm crazy i'm wild i believe god for crazy things right i believe that the lord is going to call for those that you wouldn't saw homes and they denied you they're going to call you back and ask you if you're still interested [Music] uh they're gonna call you i'm telling you ah if i be a prophet from the lord god be god they're going to be calling some of y'all saying are you still interested name your price hear me when i tell you saints i hear the lord so big on that that's why i was over there like oh really okay he says they're gonna start calling you all name your prize what kind of mortgage do you want to pay we'll base the house of the price off of the mortgage that y'all better hear me in the spirit and some of you that are brand new home owners the lord says there's about to be something happening you're going to get money back i don't know how eddie i i don't know i it don't make sense to me i'm not that savvy as it relates to real estate but i know i hear the lord he said some of y'all gonna get money back some of you overpaid for something and there will be a holy a holy repentance to release money back to you because god is going to start putting the pressure on their businesses he's gonna start putting the pressure on their systems and they will feel a level of guilt a repentance a conviction to overturn things to work in your favor because god said it has to and i believe that we're going to get testimonies and testimony after testimony of how god did it before the year is even out i believe before we cross over into december 31 31st going into 2023 i believe some of you will have testimonies that i wasn't even planning for god to do it so soon but it worked in my favor because i trusted him to do so and we give god praise for it though we elder and we praise him in advance and if you believe that this is your word i need you to shout that's my word that's my word and it is so and it shall not be otherwise in jesus name hi lailuya give me can y'all give me about 30 quick minutes i promise you i'm about to time myself we're going to the the word can you just take a few seconds to pray so i can reset myself god is something else he's something else he really is i love him so much it's gonna all make sense in a moment if you don't mind turn with me to genesis 28 let's stand really quickly i'm gonna just for the sake of your notes um chapter 28 verses 10-22 i'm gonna read just a little bit and then we'll go through some of it line by line precept by precept all right i'm gonna read this from the new living translation [Music] if you got it say i got it all right genesis chapter 28 actually i want to do this through the english standard version yeah okay if you got to say i got it all right it says jacob left beersheba and went toward haran and he came to a certain place and stayed there that night because the sun had set taking one of the stones of the place he put it under his head and laid down in that place to sleep and he dreamed somebody say he dreamed and behold there was a ladder set up on the earth and the top of it reached the heaven and behold the angels of god were ascending and descending on it and behold the lord stood above it and said i am the lord the god of abraham your father and the god of isaac the land on which you lie i will give to you and to your offspring i love the lord y'all your offspring shall be like the dust of the earth and you shall spread abroad to the west and to the east and to the north and to the south and in you and your offspring shall all the families of the earth be blessed behold i am with you and will keep you wherever you go and i will bring you back to this land for i will not leave you until i have done what i have promised you then jacob awoke from his sleep and said surely the lord is in this place and i did not know it and he was afraid and said how awesome is this place this is none other than the house of god and this is the gate of heaven i'ma stop right there i need you to look at your neighbor to the left and right and say neighbor i'm going into my dream house [Music] only the lord can set this up like this i need you to encourage yourself to say i'm going into my dream house [Music] i'm going into my dream house so father we thank you that your lord is already speaking we thank you that your word is already preaching we thank you that your word is already prophesying we thank you that your word aligns with how we've been worshiping and praising you in this room we glorify you for language but not only what we're leaving but we thank you for language of where we're going and we give you glory now i ask that your word that is the sharpest and sharper than the sharpest two-edged sword will begin to divide between soul and spirit joint and marrow in the mighty name of jesus that it would pierce the hearts of man that it will come alive and awaken in us and that it would really god uproot everything that has been hindering us from seeing you and receiving what you have for us and we glorify you that the seed of your word is about to spring forth a harvest a harvest beyond our wildest dreams and we glorify you now in the mighty name of jesus we pray somebody shouted his soul you may be seated [Music] i'm going to my dream house only the lord could set that up y'all only the lord could set that up i love this particular text because we usually like to focus on jacob's ladder and how the angels are descending they're ascending which means they're coming from earth going to heaven coming back down and i'll talk about the significance of that in just a moment but we love to put the focus on jacob's ladder but today we're going to put the focus on jacob's dream we're going to put the focus on jacob's stream but before we do that i have to talk about the stream house things how many of you have a have a dream of a dream house you gotta dream of a dream house you imagine what this house is gonna look like right you want your pool to be warm you want uh warming towels in your bathroom you wanna california clothes and then a california king bed you want all the things right you want a a chef-style kitchen with a butler's pantry and a formal living room and a formaldehyde come on can i talk about your dream house so i'll talk about my dream house yeah you want a movie room with that has the the the high premium recliner chairs and yeah you want you want a master bedroom with an ensuite with a fireplace and all of the things right yeah you want a closet that that you can sit a chair in it has this huge island can i talk about dream house just for a moment just for a moment you want all of this space you want you want a a in-law suite so when your parents come or your mother comes or your family comes they have somewhere and they don't have to bother you you know y'all don't have to bump into each other if you don't really want to you your dream house it's a big house it might sit on two three acres of land for some of y'all it might sit on 20 or 30. i don't know how big you dreaming but i got big dreams i want somebody to have to drive up a long pathway to get to my house and then have to park in a circular driveway with a fountain in the front that's my dream house you know what i'm saying i want my backyard to look like paradise i told the lord i said i want my house to feel like a resort so if i don't have to get on a plane to go to cabo i don't have to go to cabo i could go to my backyard and have cabo right in my backyard i want the kind of grill i want the kind of grill we can sit sit the chairs around the island and somebody my chef can be outside grilling come on y'all it ain't just a dream house it's a dream life let me get out of there it's not just a jew i just don't have a dream house i have a dream life yeah yeah yeah yeah me and stalin were walking i'm gonna move on back into the text but we were walking uh earlier this week i think it was earlier then where'd she go she gone yeah okay but uh uh we were walking earlier this week and as we're walking we like to talk dreams and what i desire and what i see in the future and what not and you know she knows that i want to have a ranch called the restoration ranch and this is a place where people in uh ministry and families can come and get therapy and counseling it just be a beautiful place where families can come and ministry leaders and people high value leaders and top tier leaders can come and get therapy and and have an experience with the lord and so i was talking to her about this ranch and i was saying how you know it's gonna be a compound you have your own house on the compound you can manage you can manage the compound staff you know the butlers and and the gatekeepers and the landscapers and all of these things but we dream and talk about these things as if they already exist it don't we're not talking about it like if it is a maybe we talk about it as if it is and is our dream dream house and there's nothing wrong with this but i kind of want to put a flip on this a little bit this morning in our text here we find jacob jacob jacob this dream house this dream house is really odd that we would name entitled this message dream house is going to make sense in a moment but here in our text we find jacob jacob is in this particular place and he's traveling from his home going to a place that his father instructed him to do but one of the things that i learned as i was studying this jacob is in a personal crisis he's in a personal crisis before he has this dream and has his vision and god speaks to him about the blessings of the lord and the blessings of of the generations that will come after him jacob is in the midst of a personal crisis jacob is in contention with his brother esau his twin brother esau because jacob stole esau's blessing jacob stole esau's blessing it's not the first time he tricked his brother out of something he tricked his brother out the birthright because his brother was hungry and he gave him a bowl of soup in exchange for his birthright i don't have time to teach that this morning maybe we'll come back to that in another time but jacob is now in he's in a personal contention with his brother because his brother is out to kill him he tricks his father he tricks his father isaac and uh he puts on they say that esau was hairy hairy hairy like an animal and jacob puts on his mother says you're gonna get the blessing you're gonna get the blessing so go in there and trick your father and go take your brother's blessing and once the brother finds out he's like you know what once because at that point isaac was was ill he was growing blind and he was soon to to die and transition from the earth and so esau said once my father dies and i'm able to mourn his loss i'm killing my brother and rachel heard him she heard him say this she rebecca his mother heard him say this and rebecca tells jacob jacob you got to get out of here you got to get out of here you got to leave this place jacob gets the blessing from isaac isaac tells jacob listen you can't marry any of these canaanite women you've got to go to your uncle laban's house you got to go to his house and find a wife there so jacob is in a personal crisis his brother is out to kill him he gotta find a wife he can't find us any kind of wife he gotta find the wife that his father said he needed to find he doesn't know exactly what she looks like or what that will be he's running for his life he's running from something while running to something he's being intensely encouraged to marry but forbidden to marry any kind of woman he's pushed to move from his home in his place of comfort to flee his brother's pursuit and pursue the blessing of god is there anybody in this room that you've had to reckless abandon some things from your past to pursue the will of god you've had some things chasing you down you've had some some words over your life chasing you down you've had people's ideas and expectations expectations of you chasing chasing you down and here you are you're saying i will leave and abandon everything for the sake of going after what god said is mine because guess what a blessing is a blessing and i know we don't have time to really talk about how jacob got it but he got it and now it's his it's his and it can't be undone it can't be undone so jacob is in a personal crisis so he's here in this place he finds himself he makes a pallet if you will he's having a camping trip and he makes a place on his journey and here he is he lays on the ground puts a stone under his head these are not comfortable conditions and we like temps i don't know about y'all i was telling the stallion i said i think i want to go glamping i want to do the traditional stuff i got to have a blow up bed and you know some lights and some candles or something i don't know it's got to be pretty and it's got to be cute i don't i ain't trying to do the real nature stuff you know but i'm willing to get in touch with nature but it's got to be on my terms but here jacoby is jacob y'all jacob he lays on the ground puts a stone behind his head and he goes to sleep god gives jacob a dream he gives checkup a dream in verse number 12 we see that god gives jacob a dream and behold there was a ladder there was a ladder that was set up on the earth and at the top of it it reached all the way to heaven and the angels were ascending and descending a lot of theologians and scholars say say a lot of different things of what the angels were doing they were saying that maybe the angels were taking the prayers of the people to god maybe the angels were taking some of the requests of the people to god maybe the angels were taking the reports of what was happening on earth and their encounters on earth to god that's why you got to be careful of how you entertain people because you might be entertaining angels unaware you don't know how you're treating somebody nice god may go back up that angel may go back and stand in the courts of heaven and say no enemy no no no no no no god is doing something there and they go up and get the report so they say that maybe the angels were reporting the accounts of heaven but here it says behold the lord stood above it and said i am the lord i am the lord the god of abraham your father and the god of isaac god gives jacob a dream but the thing about this y'all that i absolutely love is that jacob had never had an encounter with god before this very moment if you go back and read the introduction to jacob and esau you never hear of jacob's encounter with god until god gives him a dream can i talk to somebody in this room and you feel like i haven't had an encounter with god and god is saying i've been trying to talk to you in your dreams and you you you too you're not focused enough in church to hear me you're too focused on your problems and your issues and the things that you're going through and i'm trying to give you a touch in the sanctuary so now i gotta invade your sleep realm i gotta invade your rest i gotta embrace your dreams but can you hear me talking to you can you hear me giving you this instruction and jacob now has an encounter with the god of abraham and isaac this is his first encounter with god and what i love about this god didn't only talk to jacob but god now gives jacob a promise he gives him a promise we'll find this in verses 13 through 15. god gives jacob a promise he says uh i am the lord your god the god of your grandfather abraham and the god of your father isaac the ground you are lying on belongs to you we're talking about ownership now here jacob is fleeing for his life he's fleeing for his life he doesn't know what life is he was headed to go find a wife and god says i'm about to give you land ah i'm about to get you you're going to go do one thing but i'm about to do something else for you right where you are that's why you got to learn to just trust the moment to trust the process because you might be missing god in the process trying to get to the end of the thing and the bible says better is the ending of the thing that is the beginning and the lord is saying but there is something in the middle that i'm doing for you that you might miss if you don't hear me if you don't see me if you don't recognize me and god says to him your descendants your descendants will be as numerous as the dust is the same thing that god told his grandfather abraham and now the lord is telling isaac he's telling jacob i'm going to do the same thing for you that i promised your granddaddy and your granddaddy may not see it but you'll be a little bit closer to seeing it than he ever was because he's dead and gone and now you have an opportunity to make things right with me and you have an opportunity to see me move on your behalf the way your grandfather saw me move the way your father saw me move jacob is now being pressed by god not to live off of his grandfather's experience he's now being encouraged by god not to live off of his father's experience because jacob jacob jacob got the blessing from his father but jacob didn't really know who the blesser was maybe he thought that this blessing was going to come through his father he didn't realize and recognize that the blessing was going to come through and from god so god gives jacob a promise he gives him a promise he gives him a promise and he begins to tell him he begins to give him an imagination if you will a dream a dream a dream about not just his physical house not just his physical house his physical dwelling but the house that he is about to build because beyond this jacob is about to give birth to the 12 tribes of israel that will establish the house of god that will establish the kingdom of god that will establish the nations that are connected to god so god gives jacob this dream and then he says in verse number 15 he says what's he and not only that y'all he says in all the families of the earth not just your kids and your kids but all the families of the earth will be blessed through you and your descendants what's more i am with you and will protect you wherever you go which means it doesn't matter what your brother esau think he gonna do against you the the weapons may form but they will not prosper they will not prevail so you might think you're running from him you're not running from him you're running to purpose you're running to purpose you're running to purpose you got to change your mindset in the midst of what you're going through you're not running from anything you're not leaving anything behind you're going to a thing you're about to go and ascertain the things of god you're about to go and obtain the things and about to go and grab the things that the lord says belongs to you not only that jacob after that after he receives this word through the dream that god gives him jacob awakens with awareness somebody say he awakens with awareness it's one thing to have a dream and forget that dream it's a whole nother thing for the dreamers in the room to wake up and remember what that dream was about and have an awareness of that dream to be intentional and be alert about that dream jacob wakes up with an awareness in genesis chapter 28 verses 16 through 17 it says then jacob awoke from his sleep and said surely the lord is in this place and i wasn't even aware of it i was here i was making a bed in this place i made a home for a night right here in this particular place and i didn't even know that the lord was in this place some of you are making a dwelling in a place and you feel like god is not there and he says lo i am with you always even until the end of the earth you can make your bed in hell and i'll be there the psalmist david said it in psalm 139 he says where can i go from your presence if i ascend to the heights you're there if i go to the depths you're there and the lord says i am with you at all times and jacob realizes that this is the place where the lord is and i didn't even know it i wasn't even aware that god was here the whole time he was here the whole time and it says uh but he was also afraid and said what an awesome place this is it is none other than the house of god the very gateway of heaven whoo what the sickness signifies to me is that wherever you begin to make a home god said to jacob wherever you go i will be he later says to joshua wherever your feet may try i'll give you anywhere you place your feet not only that even even if you begin to decree i'll go to where you send the decree that's why we got to learn the power of our words the power of our words our words are very very powerful if you feel like you'll always be in this place and guess what you're going to be in that place for a long time you're going to over extend your welcome in that place as long as you have a misconception about where you are it says that jacob made a temporary place there but god showed him his future i don't know who i'm talking to this morning but the lord is saying you've been trying to make a perm a temporary replace a permanent dwelling and the lord saying i'm trying to show you your future but you're so comfortable with that job you're so comfortable with making that little money you're so comfortable in that relationship you're so comfortable in that mindset that you can't even see that i'm trying to show you a better future you can't even see that i'm trying to show you something that's going to actually break the generational curse of systemic poverty off of your family but you won't even wake up with awareness long enough to see that i am moving and i am in the very place where you are he gives him a dream he gives him a dream next thing he does he responds with action verse number 18 through 19 the next morning jacob got up very early he took the stone he arrested his head against and he set it upright as a memorial pillar then he poured olive oil on it he named it that means he blessed that he anointed it he named that place bethel which means the house of god the house of god although it was previously called loves jacob responded with action he woke up with awareness he realized that god is doing something god just showed me something and i got to be aware of what god is doing the next thing he does he responds with action not only did he have awareness but he had the action enough to realize that god is moving in this place and this place will now serve them as a memorial for where i was and a launching pad for where i'm going can i speak to some people that are ready to launch out into your next then the lord says make a memorial right here this day to say that this day you declared that god would do it quickly this year on this day you declared that god would do it swiftly suddenly fast now and i'm about to do it on september 18th 2022 you can make a memorial and say that god responded to a prayer and a decree that i made back in september the lord is saying i'm about to respond to your action i'm about to respond to your action if you want your dream house you gotta wake up with awareness if you want your dream house and i'm not just talking about your physical house i'm talking about the house that you're gonna make for your children's children i'm talking about the things that you're gonna set up for your descendants i'm talking about trust funds i'm talking about property i'm talking about investments i'm talking about things that you'll be able to pass down from generations to generations not just a building not just a place but i'm talking about dominion and territory and the lord is saying you've got to not only wake up with awareness but you've got to respond to action look at your neighbor say you got to do something you want your dream house neighbor then you got to do something you got to do something you got to do something so we acknowledge this place next thing that he does he makes a vow to obey he wakes up with awareness he's now aware that god is speaking to me then he moves with action he does something about what god shows him and then he makes a vow to obey he makes a vow to obey in genesis chapter 28 verse 22 through 22 he says then jacob made this vow if god will indeed be with me and protect me on this journey and if he will provide me with food and clothing jacob is he majoring over the mind of things god was already had in mind to take care of all of that stuff and if i return safely to my father's home then the lord will certainly be my god and this memorial pillar i have set up will become a place for worshiping god and i will present a tenth of everything that he gives me there goes at 10 again that goes at 10th this is a principle of tithing at the moment that jacob received the word of the lord at the moment that he received god's stream for him at the moment that he realized that god was speaking and moving jacob not only moved in action but he moved and made a vow in obedience and he aligned his seed with the word and the blessing of the lord see there are some things that you want but the lord is saying the problem is you have a sewing problem it's not that i don't want to give you your dream house it's not that i don't want to give you your dream job but the problem is you have a sewing problem you you you weren't you're too worried about what they doing with the money you're too worried about why the pastor got addressed in this and why the pastor got to drive this well what you don't realize is that the paths have been sowing too and the pastor been putting seed in the ground way before he or she met you and the lord said stop majoring on the mighty things i want to give you the dream house i want to give you the dream life but you got to also align the seed with it because the blessing is attached to the seed and the seed is attached to the blessing and the blessing is attached to the tree do you see how that works seed blessing dream dream blessing seed it all works together none is it although they're separate and they all have their own principles they all work together and jacob realized at this very moment i've got to put seed to the ground because if i'm going to indeed see a blessing and those that will live beyond me will see the blessing then i've got to seed the blessing i've got to seed it if i want to see it i've got to seed it [Music] if i want to see it i've got to seed it i got deceded in deuteronomy chapter 23 verse 21 it says when you make a vow to the lord your god be prompt and fulfilling whatever you promised him i ain't coming down y'all wrong i'm just talking generally this is a blanket statement amen for the lord your god demands that you promptly fulfill all your vows or you will be guilty of sin we think sin is just sex and alcohol but baby sin is also making a promise and not keeping one all right let me move on it says however it is not a sin to refrain from making the vow in other words it's not a sin if you don't make one it's not a sin if you don't make me a promise but it is a sin if you make me a vow and you don't keep the vow it's a sin if you say god i'ma get up and do right if you get me out of this lord i promise you i'll serve you i'll go to church on sundays i'll join the usher team i'll go and push the broom i mop the floor i vacuum the sanctuary i pick up the trash if you'll just pick up the trash in my life and clean me up god i vow to you lord that i'll do better and the next thing you know you back in the same mess that he delivered you from and the lord said you don't put yourself back into sin and i've already delivered you from that and here you are you're guilty of making a vow and not keeping one but once you have voluntarily it says voluntarily you volunteered this vow jacob volunteered this vow it says once you voluntarily made a vow be careful to fulfill your promise to the lord your god god is a promise keeper he's a covenant keeping god and once he makes a promise he keeps a promise even if you don't align yourself to see it he'll make sure that your grandchildren will see it or somebody connected to it will say i've seen it happen y'all people that did not that disaligned themselves with the vow that they made to god and god said you know what then the blessing will pass you and it'll go to the person that's coming after you so he makes a vow and he makes a promise to keep this vow and jacob actually he does this thing he obeys the lord every step of the way in matthew chapter 5 verse number 37 it says just say a simple yes i will or a no i want anything beyond this is from the evil one jacob understood the principle of responding to the dream of god he understood the principle of responding to the promise of god jacob understood in this moment as he was having this dream as he god was giving him an imagination of a house that will far exceed his reach that will far exceed his years that he was getting ready to build and launch a thing that people would be able to live off of for thousands and thousands and thousands of years and even though he wouldn't live thousands and thousands of years to see it his obedience to respond to the dream of god allows us now to be partakers and beneficiaries of jacob's response [Music] we are now partakers jacob's response to the dream of god so can i encourage you really quickly before i close this thing can i encourage you to stop diminishing your dreams because maybe they seem big or you don't understand it or god is showing you things that you have vision and you're like i don't know how i'm going to do it he says you're not going to do it i'm going to do it through you i just need a willing vessel i just need somebody that'll give me a yes and mean that yes i just need somebody that'll give me a yes lord and show up to let me do a yes through them i just need somebody that'll make a vow and keep about i need somebody that'll make a commitment and keep a commitment because if you don't keep the commitment then you won't see the fulfillment [Music] had jacob succumbed to the crisis that he was in eldercliff if he had allowed his knees to buckle at the threats of his brother at the threats of what this new normal would look like for him then we all would miss god we all would have missed jesus we would have missed an opportunity to build this dream house the house of god the dwelling place of the lord bethel where he comes in and sweeps his glory in the room and healing and miracles and things begin to break out had jacob not obeyed god had he not been aware of what god was doing had he not been intentional to acknowledge the move of god had he not responded with action had he not not only responded with action but actually made a commitment to obey even though it seems way beyond his bandwidth and his capacity if he had not done that we would not be able to do this but if you're gonna build your dream house whoo then you have to understand that he's the god of your dreams you want the house of your dreams but the lord is saying i need you to understand the god of your dreams i need you to understand the god of the blessings that you're asking me for i need you to understand who i am i am that i am there is no shadow of turning with me once i make a promise to you it's got to be fulfilled once i speak it in your life it's got to come to pass and once you get in alignment with it and once you get in alignment with me then it's got to come to pass it's got to come to be in everything that is connected to your dream everything that is connected to my promise everything that's connected to my word everything that's connected to my covenant it's got to begin to align itself with your steps so as you obey the lord as you begin to commit to him as you begin to serve him as you begin to go after the things of god the lord says not only will that you go after the things of god but now the things of my word are going to begin to come after you can i encourage somebody in this room this afternoon the lord is saying you've been chasing after the dreams of god you've been chasing after this dream life and the stream purpose and this dream house and these dream goals but the lord is saying now that these string things are about to start chasing you you've been running after this you've been obeying me you've been serving me everybody ain't in disobedience some of y'all have really been working hard to serve the lord some of y'all have really been aligning your heart to the best way possible and the lord is saying i'm about to make the thing that you've been chasing turn around and start chasing you i need somebody that'll know how to celebrate the very dreams that you have the lord is about to make these things come to pass that's why you got to dream big dreams because the bigger that you dream you've got to understand that your god is bigger than your dreams your god is greater than your imagination he's greater than your plan he's greater than your business plan he's bigger than your business strategy and the lord is saying i'm about to release resources that your children's children will have access to i'm about to release strategy for you that will establish your name forevermore i'm about to release inheritance for you and blessings are coming upon your life they cannot be overturned not by your brother not by your mother not by your father not by your granddaddy not by your grandmother the things that i'm about to do for you will not be shaken will not be moved will not be overturned because once i speak it it's already happening it could it be that the angels were ascending and descending to put the things in the earth that jacob needed to build the house of god could it be that the angels were taking his faith taking his obedience taking his vow and taking it up to heaven and pulling down resources into the earth can i speak in ascending and descending in your life that the angels are being assigned to your dreams the angels are being assigned to your house the angels are being assigned to your business the angels are being assigned to your purpose and they're taking your prayer requests taking it up to heaven going into the storehouse pulling out your promise and bringing it back to the earth releasing it into your hands could it be that god is allowing angels he's commanding angels to go and pick up your disappointment bring it up to the star house of heaven and exchange it for destiny could it be that the lord is calling for the angels to come down to this earth and take your prayer requests and look at these seeds look at your tithe and say father they gave the bare minimum of what you asked now going through the most [Music] he says the 10 is the bare minimum but i'm still going to do the most [Music] it's the bare minimum but i'm a god that will still do the most could it be that god is giving angels charge charge charge charge charge charge charge charge when you sit down at the table working through your budget sitting down at the table working through your ideas sitting down at the table putting a stone under your head and saying god i'm a rest right here until you give me strategy i'm a rest right here until you give me instruction i'm a rest right here until you tell me what this is all about so i have something to work with and the lord says if you will give it to me i'm about to work it beyond your wildest dreams i'm not only gonna give you your dream house i'm not gonna only give you your dream job but i'm about to give you your dream marriage i'm about to give you your dream children i'm about to give you that dream peace i'm about to give you that dream some of y'all been just dreaming of strength some of y'all just been dreaming of strength i just need i just need strength i just i've got i'm dreaming of peace i'm dreaming of peace and not chaos cause every time i look around it looks like my life is in chaos and i'm dreaming of peace and the lord is saying i'm about to release that dream of peace that peace that you've been dreaming about peace that surpasses all understanding it's bigger than a house somebody shout is the kingdom [Music] everything that god wants to do in your life justice is bigger than a job it's the kingdom when god gave jacob the dream it wasn't just about a physical house it wasn't just about the temple that would be built in this place but it was about the kingdom of god it was about making a way for the savior to roll in and establish some things in the earth and the lord is saying i'm about to use you to establish some things in the earth that's why you've got to make a memorial right here you've got to make a memorial and a pillar right here because it will be a reminder of what i did through you at this season at this time and on this day god is about to release your dream and it's going to be bigger than anything you've ever imagined because it's bigger than what you want god says it's because of the kingdom of god that i do [Music] my dream house shack is not just so i can be on cribs look at what i got but my dream house is so that those that need a safe place a place of refuge can come and get fed spiritually and can sit at my table and eat [Music] my dream house it's not just so i can be on the real housewives of huntsville they like be full of drama and i know we don't have a real house of huntsville real housewives my husband yet but i might be on there if we did [Music] but it's not just so i can gloat in the things of god i understand that my dreams are bigger than me i understand that my dreams for this church are bigger than this building [Music] it's about the kingdom and the lord really wants to help us reshape our mindset as it relates to the things the material things on this earth the lord is saying how are you going to serve me through that car how do i get the glory out of that promotion how do i get the glory out of that business how do i get the glory out of this house how do i get the glory out of your calling because for some people in the church their calling is for them the calling is not to serve the kingdom and the lord is saying i'm about to do something bigger than anything you could ever imagine but i need you to have an awareness of who this is coming from it may be coming through and maybe came through your granddaddy because he had to be here for you to be here but it's coming from me what i'm about to do in your life it's coming from me and it's for the sake of the kingdom of god lift your hands in this room father i thank you i thank you god that you give us the insight the revelation and the understanding of this dream house not just the physical material homes that we dream of living in one day but father the dream for your house this place that you dwell because if you make a home with us here father everything that we need will be brought into our lives father you made a promise to jacob that as you dwell and make a home with him you said that you would not only provide but you said you would also protect and we thank you father that we make room father not just for your provision not just room for your providence but we thank you that a byproduct of your providence is also your protection that a byproduct of your providence is also your grace and your mercy a byproduct of your providence is understanding and strategy and instruction to know what to do where to sow where to sow where where to invest father thank you for awakening our understanding so that we no longer live on the old thing but we're going into the new and father we're not running from anything but we're running to purpose and i thank you father right now in the name of jesus that you've already decreed and declared which shall be so in the lives of your sons and daughters we not only want our dreams for us but god we want your dream for us i need somebody just to begin to pray that and decree that in this room god i want your dream for me [Music] because your dream my dream for me will look like me just building a tent right here but your dream for me is building a tabernacle through me building and birthing a nation through me my dream may just look like one kids or two kids or maybe adopting but your dream for me is that nations and families will be delivered through me god give me your dream [Music] give me your dream help me to understand your dream help us to see your dream for us is bigger than us it will outlive us and for this we'll open up our mouths and decree that i know that the lord lives here who i know that the lord dwells here and it's in your mighty name we pray in jesus name amen and amen [Music] here at all nations we do three calls i really feel the sense to do it a little bit differently today but whosoever will that wants to come you want to give your life to christ you may come you want to reconnect with him you may come you want to partner with this church you may come but if you want god's dream for you you may come whoever you may be wherever this hits you and you saying you're saying this morning god i really want you to open up my mind cause i want your dream for me i want what you have for me i want to begin to see like you see i want to begin to pursue the things not just that i want but i want to pursue the things that you want i want to align my faith with you if that's you come on down come on all nations y'all look too quiet god bless you god bless you god bless you will there be one more look at your neighbor to your left or your right and say neighbor i'll go down with you god wants to give you a real big dream he wants to give you big dreams he wants to do things that will outlive anything that anything has been spoken over your life come on look at your neighbor to your left or real right say neighbor do you want to go down even if you just want prayer neighbor come on i'll go with you you need god's strength for your life come on i'll go with you [Music] hallelujah [Music] and he can come down every week if he wants to and he gonna come back until he get completely free so you keep coming keep coming ron i need you to pray for him anybody else want to come [Music] hallelujah god is doing something through dreams y'all i really i feel it and i sense it heavy i really do i feel it and i sense it heavy that the lord is rewiring the way that we dream and he's making us more intentional about our dreams making us more intentional about not just writing our dreams but seeing where do our dreams align with the word of god [Music] where where where does this align with god's word the fastest way for me to detect a season that i'm in shaunie when i find myself in a season i'm trying to figure out the first thing that i do and let me help somebody with this one of the things that i do is ask god to show me in your word where am i am i joseph in this season am i esther in this season and am i jesus in this is am i being crucified or persecuted because there's something that you want to produce through me i ask god where am i help me to identify myself and when god does when i do that what the lord begins to do come on down when i do that y'all that has helped me to find my identity when i ask god to help me to identify myself in his word through a certain season or something that i'm going through it also helps me to find my identity in him like oh i'm supposed to break this or i'm supposed to overcome this or i'm supposed to understand this at another level and i want to encourage you to begin to do the same thing no matter where you may be in your life ask god to show you where you are where where am i your word where where am i help me to find my identity so we want to thank god for those that have come down i'ma come down and shake your hand [Music] he want to get closer with god she said she need a covering he want to understand his stream let me get some intercessors down here real quick we got a partner right here i need one more one more intercessor [Music] let me get one more thank you pastor tiffany can you come here really quickly she looking like what come here girl [Music] let me get my oil please and thank you she's like what is happening while they're praying i'm gonna pray for pastor tiffany um let me get a little bit more yeah um kendra wanted me to um anoint a tallit for you a prayer shawl and i was going to just do it at home and pray for it and anoint it but the lord told me to place it on you and pray for you because there's a new level of anointing that's about to hit your life and the lord said for me to lay my hands on you and to give you an impartation there's a level of ministry that you have aligned yourself to be responsible for and the lord has said to me give her an impartation that what's on your life gets on her life and she's leading ministry teams that the lord wants you to go deeper in your understanding he wants you to go deeper in your knowledge he wants you to go deeper in your seat deeper in your intercession deeper in revelation and i believe that this prayer today and we're going to all pray together while i'm praying for you but it's getting ready to unlock something in you the lord says i will open doors that no man can close and i will close doors that no man can open and this door that the lord is about to open for you as it relates to spiritual understanding and fortitude nothing and no one can shut this door the only one that could do that is you and i believe that what the lord is about to release upon your life you're not gonna want to come out of this this level of anointing that's about to hit you it's about to shift some things in your life it's about to shift some things so [Music] if you're gonna cover intercessors you've got to be one if you're going to cover prophets you've got to be one if you're going to cover deliverance ministers you've got to understand you've got to understand these things and so i believe that the lord is getting ready to unlock something in you that will be game changing for this church because he says i'm changing your name father i thank you for this woman of god i thank you father for her heart and her submission father i thank you that she's one of the original staff members that has been hanging in there and i thank you yes come on let's celebrate that father i thank you that no seed no seed no sacrifices she's sown into this place through seasons of transition will be wasted i thank you father that you're going into your history with pastor tiffany lavender and i thank you god that you're even bringing down even the mindset of not being worthy of this calling the devil is a liar i thank you father right now in the name of jesus that's the mantle of leader that the mantle a pastor is coming upon her even stronger that is not just a title but it's a mandate that is not just a title it's a mission that is not just a title it's a purpose that is not just a title it is a calling and the lord is saying to you pastor tiffany lavender make your calling and election sure let there be no confusion about your calling let there be no identity crisis about what you've been called to do let there be no identity crisis or how you're called to lead the lord is saying to you now because you've been able to do it in the back office in the back room with the children leading them the lord says if you can care about the least of these you can enter my kingdom and the lord is about to release upon you do not be afraid of the responsibility because he says i'm calling you deeper as i take you higher do not be afraid of the responsibility because i'm about to take you further than you thought you could ever go the lord is saying your language is about to change your language is about to shift your maturity is about to expedite in the name of jesus the lord is saying you will supersede those that you used to sit among them the lord says your anointing will supersede those that you used to ask for advice ask for counsel those that made you feel less standard those that made you feel like you were not worthy the lord says i make you worthy i make you i'm the one that called you and i make you worth it in the name of jesus and we glorify you now [Music] lord let the word come alive in this woman of god may it stir up in her belly may intercession and the fire of intercession may it grow strong in her yes may every flame that's been flickering i pray that it ablaze now i play that it will go ablaze i pray fresh fire over her now fresh fire fresh [Music] [Music] you will not buckle under the pressure of the weight of glory [Music] and it doesn't matter who didn't think you were worthy god says i call you worthy [Music] i call you worthy i'm the god that calls [Music] i'm the god that pre-ordains and predestines [Music] and i saw you on the other side of this before your mother laid eyes on you and may new gifts begin to awaken in you [Music] new gifts fresh gifts creativity and not only creativity but stamina stamina you will endure you will endure because you have endured perseverance is your portion so father we thank you now for this resilient woman of god we thank you lord for this gentle heart and the lord says your heart has been gentle as a lamb but you're about to roar like a lion we're about to hear pastor tiffany roar like never before [Music] we're about to hear you roar like never before [Music] father we give you glory for what you've done and what you're doing you may stand we're about to be dismissed i want her to just she needs to sit in this [Music] and i want to speak to every leader in this house the staff got together we've been praying um since thursday we've been passing for we're fasting for seven days and we've been praying at 6am we got up this morning at 6am we started praying for this church started praying for the leaders praying for the finances praying for everything praying even for the past and the word of the lord for every leader that is leading in this place he's saying i am cleaning the residue of winchester off of you because some of y'all are having a hard time no don't clap i don't mean any harm don't clap because some of you are still hanging on from disappointment from wischester you calling those the glory days god says the glory days are now and you can't even lead properly because you're leading from the lens of the past and you cannot see what god is doing and the lord began to convict us on a prayer call this morning to say i'm cleaning the residue of the what y'all call the glory days because he said in his word he said the glory of the latter house will be greater than the glory of the former [Music] and he says stop he says stop limiting me to a move from six years ago he says behold i do a new thing have you not perceived it have you not heard it i'm doing something new and he says i'll even do something new in an old place can i talk about canaan abraham was in canaan the children of israel got sent to egypt and god sent them back to the original place and said i'll do a new thing and where i brought you out of [Music] somebody just shout new [Music] new new no more we will not feel like we have to superimpose the past and honoring the past and i'm not taking away from any work that was done pre me but we're so stuck there that we having a hard time moving forward come up and out saints we going somewhere and if you don't want to get stuck look around the room at these new people they'll go and take it where you don't want to if you have a hard time letting it go god will bring in new people that'll take your place [Music] and if you don't want to allow god to replenish you he will replace you [Music] i'm sorry it's the word of the lord he says if you don't allow me to restore you i will replace you want to hold on to winchester and go down there then [Music] you want to hold on to this name to go go go over that end the lord says it's bigger than you his kingdom somebody shot his kingdom and he says repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand he says i'm doing a new thing right now [Music] so we found ourselves on a prayer called repenting for the past something i i wouldn't even i only been here four years repenting for stuff that came before me standing proxy for mistakes that were made and the lord says this is your last time praying about that it's your last time having to address this residue the last time we're moving forward we're moving on and we're moving up and we call this place bethel the place where the lord lives [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] i'm sorry y'all i would have released y'all by now but we gotta take a moment and establish this in this room we've got to take a moment and decree and declare that this is the house of the lord perversion has no place in this house manipulation has no place in this house mismanagement has no place in this house mishandling has no place in this house [Music] and as an apostolic woman of god i will no longer sit back and tolerate manipulation i will i won't let the leaders do it i won't let the partners do it i won't let somebody visiting manipulate this house [Music] i will address perversion [Music] if i smell it i'm calling it out if i see it i'm calling it out if i sense it i'm calling it out [Music] because perversion almost destroyed this house [Music] manipulation almost destroyed this place [Music] mismanagement almost tore this house down [Music] so [Music] almost throw these people down [Music] we have to do this and i'll dismiss you you can be released we can go offline if you need to go go in the name of the lord your life is blessed the word is blessed your weak is blessed you are released to go you can end the stream
Channel: All Nations Worship Assembly Huntsville
Views: 547
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: fJclzZfcxMc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 151min 20sec (9080 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 18 2022
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