Sunday Service at SBC - September 19, 2021

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[Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] ready [Music] [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] continually [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] let is that has [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] hallelujah [Music] everybody [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] good morning sbc and good morning to our online viewers did you know god is a great and marvelous god and do you know that god knows each and every one of your names do you know the neighbor to your right do you know the neighbor to your left do you know the neighbor behind you but guess what god knows your name so come with us as we praise and magnify the lord jesus christ [Music] you called me [Music] is [Music] lives inside my heart [Music] satan is [Music] [Music] is [Music] you're a great and marvelous [Music] nobody nobody [Music] we adore you your grace [Music] [Applause] [Music] are you [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] marvelous yes he is truly great and marvelous and worthy to be praised amen church it is prayer time romans 12 and 12 tells us to be joyful in hope patient and affliction and faithful in prayer so i encourage you to be hopeful in spite of what's taking place in the world be patient and hang on just a little while longer because trouble don't last always and then every chance you get have a talk with our father in heaven amen let's pray our father and our god it's in the name of jesus lord god we come right now just saying thank you for the power that you have thank you for being so worthy so awesome so glorious and so mighty we give you all the glory honor and praise because you are worthy oh god and we just thank you for allowing us just to stand one more day oh god god will you forgive us for the times of hopelessness forgive us of the times when we we lack patience of god god we trust you we believe in you oh god you said when the righteous cry out oh god that you hear them and that you deliver them from their troubles of god god will you deliver us from the things that will hold us back deliver us from the harm that may come our way oh god will you deliver us from from the times when people put us in the wrong direction of god god will you lead us on the right path oh god god we trust you and we believe your god i pray o god for those that are in the sanctuary and those that are watching online oh god that you know their hearts and their minds of god and that you would give them the desires of their heart god we love you we thank you o god we we bless your name o god from the rising of the sun to the going down of the same god you are worthy to be praised oh god so god we say thank you for another chance to get it right oh god so we thank you oh god you said that if we called on you that you would answer and show us things that we don't even know about oh god so we call on you oh god just to to put us in right standing we thank you oh god i ask that you would just bless the the pastor as he come and gives a word today oh god that some will come crying what must i do to be saved oh god so we thank you and this is our prayer in jesus name amen [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] he knows my name [Music] he knows my name [Music] he knows my name [Music] he knows my [Music] he oh with me [Music] and oh how he tells me that i am his own [Music] you yet my name is [Music] know my name is [Music] [Music] it still amazes me [Music] that i am free [Music] give you my heart [Music] your presence [Music] [Music] you can have it lost [Music] your presence [Music] [Music] if you know my name he abides in the presence of his people praising you know my [Music] change with me [Music] me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] that's within me no giant can defeat me [Music] [Music] [Music] but your power is [Music] no so never let hey go [Music] sing it before the lord sing it before the lord [Music] oh [Music] me [Music] i am [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah simple praise song simple praise song pastor hallelujah my soul sings to you hallelujah my soul sings to you sing it with me hallelujah [Music] my soul sings to you hallelujah [Music] hallelujah simple praise hallelujah hallelujah my soul sings to you hallelujah my soul sings to you hallelujah my soul sings to you hallelujah holland is he your healer he's my healer you're my healer my soul sings to you you're my healer my soul sings to you you're my healer my soul sings to you hallelujah [Music] how about my deliverer has he delivered you my delivery my soul slings my soul sings to you hallelujah [Music] one more time hallelujah [Music] my soul seems hallelujah [Music] to you hallelujah [Music] hallelujah hallelujah [Music] one more time lifted boys hallelujah [Music] [Applause] amen amen amen hallelujah church is giving time amen it's giving time romans 12 and 10 it says be devoted to one another in love and to honor one another above yourselves when you can love like christ you have no problem giving back for what he has blessed you with because it will be given back to you good measure press down shaken together and running over remember we're not raising money we're replicating christ amen let's pray god we thank you for this offering we thank you for the gifts that we're about to receive we ask that you would bless it and that you would multiply it and use it according to your good and perfect will for it's in the name of jesus christ that we pray thank god and amen first you can go to our website at and simply press the give button keep in mind if you use your bank account in place of a debit card you and sbc will not incur processing fees secondly you can text a gift text the amount you would like for directions when prompted you can always give by mailing a check to 4300 westminster avenue santa ana california 927-03 and if you are joining us in person you may deposit your gift in the offering boxes as you exit to the foyer because of your kindness and generosity sbc can continue its mission in sharing christ building believers and caring for all [Music] good morning sbc we showed enough done had some worship this morning come on somebody hey hey man show show enough thank you nancy and the nancy etz we um we have been blessed by the ministry that god has given to your hands i am grateful and thankful again to be here i'm glad to see deacon garrett is here he went all the way down to atlanta to funeralize loved one and got back safely so we are grateful for that we also amen we're all so grateful just grateful i told you that there's always something to give god thanks for so i always want to start off things just acknowledging what i'm grateful for you know i used to laugh as a kid when the deacons would say he woke me up this morning in my bed with my cooling board i'm like that's so silly activity of my limbs i just laugh that's so silly and then age catches you and then life experiences come your way and you realize that there are people who who did not wake up this morning and their bed was their cooling board and you realize that there are some folks my age and younger that don't have activity of the limbs and you begin to be appreciative for what you've always had you still didn't get it one of my good friends told me this i'm already in the message i'm going somewhere y'all my good friend says that we we hold our children to a standard that they can't comprehend because they were born in the blessings that we didn't have [Applause] and they don't see what they have as a blessing because they've always had it it's not until they realize that others don't have what they have that they begin to realize that they're blessed y'all with me on that in other words keep on living the things you take for granted you'll appreciate them when you realize how blessed you are that's kind of a backdrop for where we are today today we start um the first chapter of the book of ephesians last week we did an overview highlight 50 000 foot level of the book of ephesians i asked you all to do a homework assignment to read the entire book all six chapters it took me about a little bit under 17 minutes to read it from cover to cover or from beginning to end and then i asked you all to kind of just think about what it means to you how many of you all did your homework oh okay how many are lying and so it is a very powerful book and there are some themes i told you that there are three parts to this book of ephesians there's the first part which covers the first three chapters which is talks about our citizenship and i'm talking about a calling i'm sorry it talks about our calling and and and it goes on to the next part um which goes all the way to sixth chapter to verse 10. and then it talks about you know how we live out that college our our calling our um our behavior our conduct if you will and then the last few verses in chapter six so we have this calling we have this conduct and then we have this conflict the conflict the conflict of spiritual warfare today i want to look at one aspect of our calling as we look at ephesians chapter one i'm going to highlight verses 13 through 23. i'll read just a couple verses to get us started in on this journey i also want to mention to you all that we have immediately following the service those who have not been vaccinated you have an opportunity to be vaccinated today we have the johnson johnson which is the one-shot wonder and we also have the pfizer so those who are 12 or older if you are willing or able um you can have the vaccine today there are no boosters today i don't believe but those who are unvaccinated you can leave here um vaccinated amen those who are unvaccinated and desire to stand vaccinated that's fine we still love you i told you that we're just gonna love you from a distance y'all with me on that all right let's go um ephesians chapter one i'm going to read verses 13 through [Music] verses 13 through 16 from the niv version of the bible in him we were also i'm sorry that's verse 11. let me go to verse 13. and you were and you were and you also were included in christ when you heard the word of truth the gospel of your salvation having believed you were marked in him with the seal the promised holy spirit who is a deposit guaranteeing our inheritance until redemption of those who are god's possession to the praise of his glory verse 15. for this reason that's important underline that for this reason ever since i heard about your faith in the lord jesus and your love for god's people i have not stopped giving thanks for you remembering you in my prayers for this reason ever since i heard about your faith in the lord jesus christ and your love for all god's people i have not stopped giving thanks for you remember you always in my prayers today for a few moments i want to focus on paul's pastoral prayer for his people paul's pastoral prayer for his people turn to your neighbor and say neighbor somebody's praying for you those of you who are watching us online send me a text message send me a tweet an instagram message send me something to say somebody is praying for you let's pray god thank you so much for your word will you open uh open the eyes of our heart that we may see god i thank you for the promise of citizenship in your kingdom thank you for the calling thank you for the conduct and thank you for taking us through the conflict we ask for god that you would save someone today we ask for god that you would encourage someone today but most of all of god we pray that you will be glorified through the proclamation of your wonderful unstoppable gospel we pray this in the name that is above every name that is the name of jesus christ who is lord and savior amen amen i just keep hearing oh how he walks with me and tells me i am his own if you look at verse 15 it opens up by saying for this reason one version says therefore for this reason in other words he lays out in the first few verses some incredible blessings and inheritances that we have that we have received and he summarizes it uh this way he blessed us immensely he chose us unconditionally he adopted us adorningly he redeemed us graciously he forgave us completely he showed us his grace lavishly he revealed his mystery wisely he granted us and inherits eternally and he sealed us permanently he tells us the first 14 verses can be summarized in what he gave us and he says for this reason i'm going to pray in verse 15 is really the beginning of paul's pastoral prayer for his people he says you guys have this incredible inheritance you you you all have this amazing citizenship you all have been invited in called in when you were far off you're different people now he says and i'm gonna pray that you know who you are and the last thing that he says is that you were sealed permanently i want to start there for a moment because this is some good good stuff and then i'm gonna take my time and just try to teach something this can you all do me a favor can you just go oh because i'm telling you this is gonna be some good stuff you might as well just don't wait till to get it just you can shout now just he said he was sealed he was sealed he was sealed he was sealed have you ever received a package in the mail in a box and when you opened it it was damaged and it got damaged on the journey and it's damaged so bad you can't even fake it you you you got to get another one because something happened on the journey watch this from where it was sent from to where it was going so much so it couldn't be used when god says you've been sealed it is literally a picture the greek word gives us a picture of something that has been guaranteed to be delivered and still be able to be used something that will be delivered and still has its value something that would go through a journey of a thousand years if you will and yet is guaranteed to be valuable god says when he said you were sealed permanently god says that when i called you in out of darkness into the marvelous light when when when you were far off and i brought you close he says when i made you a citizen i gave you a seal and when you have that seal the mark of the holy spirit it promises two things that are guaranteed with this seal this seal is given by they take hot wax when they want to mail something or deliver hot wax and and they let the hot wax drip onto the document or onto the box or into the package and before that hot wax dries the the the owner usually only can be sealed by someone who was rich and powerful because they could guarantee it they would take their seal and press it in to the wax and when the wax dried it had its seal on it and as that package was going from one place to another place people recognized the seal and it had protection because of that seal people treated it differently because it had a seal you still didn't get it people recognize that that whatever is traveling in that package is valuable and it is backed by the power of the person who sent it you still didn't get it let me give it to you this way you may have a long journey and you may have some wars to fight and some battles to endure but god has promised with his spirit that you've been sealed and you're going to make it unscathed unbroken unhurt god got your back you've been sealed [Applause] let me say one more thing because this is important i think this is very very important that those who are in christ you will see in the book of ephesians that they mention the words in christ in him more than 35 times and in the first two chapters the majority of those in the first two chapters because he wants us to know up front that we're in christ and that when we are in christ hear me then i'll go to the text when we're in christ hear me we don't have to stress strain our struggle that the victory is already ours [Applause] and i get so upset when god's people walk around like they're worthless when god has already made a seal stamping your value you've been stamped act like it uh i ain't getting no that much help today and so here it is he says for this reason i'm going to give you three things that he talks about he talks about first the purpose of his prayer then he talks about the petition of his prayer and then he talks about the power and the proof of his prayer one more time the purpose the petition the powerful proof of the prayer paul now is in prison paul is chained to a guard as we talked about last week and some people say it was two guards two guards on each side one guard on each side and and he begins to write this letter he begins to pin this powerful letter while in prison and he begins to pen this powerful prayer while he was in prison and one of the things that is so powerful about prayer in the concept of the new testament church is that the word prayer it literally means to push forward or to propel when you pray for someone watch this you leave where you are spiritually and your your spirit goes to where they are and sits with them gives you the ability to have empathy and compassion when you pray for someone that's why you're for the pray for your enemies and that's why it's so hard for us to pray for our enemies or pray for people who are in such tough state because if we pray earnestly it literally takes our spirit and puts it with them watch this not to stay where they are but it gives them the ability to feel your presence through god and it gives us the power to help alleviate the suffering in which they're going through y'all with me on that so let's walk through this text real quick i'm not getting much help today but it's okay i'll help myself he says for this reason ever since i heard about your faith in the lord jesus christ and your love for all the saints i have not stopped giving thanks for you remembering you always in my prayer the purpose of this prayer is because he had heard that they had put their trust in god and their love for people he says he says the proof of your faith is not simply your public proclamation of god it is a connection with god but it's also how we treat people please hear me i don't care how much scripture you know i don't care how many prayers you pray i don't care how many bible studies you come to how many small groups you're in if you can't treat god's people like they're god's people like they've been sealed like they have been blessed like they are citizens of god then you are not transformed god does not want to just save us he wants us to be transformed he wants us to be new creatures new creations he says many times in chapter 2 in chapter 4 chapter 5 and chapter 6. he says you once were there and now you're here you once were in darkness and now you're like you once was lying and now you stop most of the time you once were promiscuous and now you're not because you are a new creature and he says he says because you are new you act new and so the next time someone says oh you're trying to act all brand new you say you dagger all right i'm trying to act all brand new because i am brand new i'm a new creature in god he says when i hear not only that you are lined up with god but your life is living out your godliness and how you treat others write this down this is important i pinned this the other day because i know what y'all getting ready to say i don't know i think i was with i think i was ramona and and and and khalida we were talking and and watch this write this down this is important because i know what y'all gonna say y'all gonna say well reverend some people just get on my nerves i love god but i don't like god's people come on somebody you don't know what i've been through i act this way because i've been hurt i act this way because you know someone has attacked me i act this way and i want you to write this down your pain does not give you permission to pause the faith that you're supposed to practice i'll say it again dick dick said say it again i'm gonna be obedient your pain does not give you permission to pause the powerful faith that we practice as a matter of fact what makes your faith more powerful is that you practice it in the midst of your pain paul says i know you're going through some stuff but i hear you're still calling on god and you're still loving god's people i said this is why i'm praying the purpose of this prayer is that we would never lose sight of depending on god and loving people john goes on to tell us later on that they'll know that we are christians by our songs by our praise and our worship that know we are christian by the by the number of bible verses we can quote then know that we are christian by the number of ministries we serve the mark the birthmark of a new birth is our love they know that we are christians by our love if you want to know what your birthmark looks like ask a child how you behave when times are tough they'll tell you the truth can you pass the test when you're angry when you're frustrated when you're hurt when you bruise at your core how you treat other folks paul said i'm praying for you in my chains i'm praying for you not knowing the outcome of my life i'm evangelizing these guys who are attached to me and i'm encouraging you while i'm in pain i don't pause the practice of my faith yeah i got about three three and a half claps going up through here come here let me see come here come here come here how many y'all say that sounds good how many i say but that's hard and how many y'all are still on the fence on whether you're gonna accept it some of y'all gonna write it down and tweet it but will you practice it you're gonna tell a friend about it but will you live it please hear me i know i'm spending a lot of time on this point i'll go to the next ones pretty quickly but if we don't grow we're wasting our time don't come to church no more you can still send your offering did that did i say that that that was a slip oh my gosh it just kind of came out of nowhere don't come to church no more if your intent is not to be open to grow he says you got salvation he said i'm praying that you got salvation that looks back then he moves on to the next petition watch this so he says he says i hear uh i'm hearing i've heard and i'm hearing that you that you are still in the midst of ephesus the the the the the epicenter of polytheism the epicenter of of idolatry the epicenter of all kind of moral debauchery and corruption in the midst of that you are still calling on god and you are still loving people he says my prayer for you i petition in verse 17. i keep asking god of the lord jesus christ the glorious father watch this that he may give you a spirit of wisdom and revelation so that you may know him better i pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you the riches of his glorious inheritance of the saints watch this he says my petition is the purpose of my prayers cause i'm hearing you hanging in there i know what you're going through i'm going through it too he said but i petition not just salvation but i petition sanctification that you continue to grow in your faith that you would know him better listen to this he says i pray that you would know him better just like he prayed in philippians chapter three where he says that i may know you listen paul had been saved for 30 years paul had penned most of his letters and he still says that i might know you that this journey to know god is a never-ending journey and just when you think you have got it all figured out you realize that you ain't got nothing figured out i told someone one time i told someone one time in the church setting and they looked at me last night i said i don't i said this thing right here i ain't figured it out yet you probably a pastor i ain't figured it all out yet there's some things that i do know that i'm to love god and to love others one thing i do know that if i believe upon the name of jesus that i shall be saved and one day everything else because i'm growing every day paul says my prayer for you is that you would know him that you will gain wisdom and revelation wisdom and revelation wisdom means something you can't get on your own that's something that's given by god and when you receive this rip this this wisdom you begin to have a revelation watch this and the revelation means that that which was re that what that which was already there is now being revealed it's a picture of you going to a t uh to a stage show and you can hear the music in the background and but the curtains are closed and that when everyone is in their place that which is behind the curtain is revealed and you'll see they are they were already there there are some things that we have in our citizenship with god that are already in place and god wants to remove the scales remove the curtains remove the veil from our eyes so that we can see what's there listen and he's not talking about materialistically he's talking about spiritually listen he says that some of the curtains that are over our eyes the lack of forgiveness there's some things that god has for us that he wants to open the curtain that we can access but we got too much unforgiveness in our hearts open eyes your heart we got too much anger in our heart open eyes your heart we have too much bitterness in our heart we have too much materialism in our heart open eyes your heart so that you can see what god has been trying to show you and it's a part of your inheritance it's already there for you y'all with me on that let me let me close so this so so so so there is remember i told you the blessing that's already there for you that he has blessed us immensely that he has chosen us unconditionally he adopted us adorning he he redeemed us graciously he forgave us completely he showed us his grace lavishly he reveals his mystery wisely he grants us and inheritance eternally and he seals us permanently it's already there for us his prayer is that we operate his petitions that we operate in a desire to know god better let me tell you how we know god better we know god better in several ways one through his word reading of his word to interacting with his people he's talking more than just knowing in your mind but knowing him through experience you'll never get more patient unless you're around people who try your patience you'll never become more loving until you're around folks who are what my mom used to say un-get alongable that we i think paul's heart would be broken if he if he saw us today in america he will be writing us a letter saying we have we have lost our first love you know you know the church in ephesus the church in ephesus in revelation god says to him god says to us in the book of revelation that the church in ephesus failed did you know that there are no churches in ephesus today did you know that ephesus is modern-day turkey do you know the ephesus was the epicenter of paul's ministry in that whole region and it was spreading all over and did you know now there are not a single gathering community in ephesus now because he says they've lost their first love my petition is that we never lose our first love amen let me close with this so he says his prayer has a purpose his prayer he petitioned that the eyes of our hearts would be open and here's the proof verse 19 and his incomparably great power for us who believe the power is like the working of his mighty strength which he extended in christ when he raised him from the dead and seated him at the right hand of god the father in heaven far above all far above far above all rules and authority power and dominion and in every title he has and every title that can be given i don't know why i can't read today not only in the present age but also in the age to clo come and he has placed all things under his feet listen listen listen he says you want to have proof of the power of god that you have access to his inheritance he says look at my son jesus he says he says the mighty power to resurrect him from the dead he said he i raised him from the dead and i gave him a glorified body he said he has been exalted above all people in all positions and of all power he is the head of the whole thing and everything else is at his feet nothing has power over christ and you are christ's children or you are crisis in his family therefore you have that same power that you will get a glorified body and that no matter what you go through and who you go through it with you will come out victorious because even jesus was raised over the victory of death he was beaten and he won he was lied on and he won he was dead and buried and he won and he got up with power that he would never ever ever be defeated and he says that same power is available to us and some of you are saying that sounds really good pastor i hear about this power and i know i'm sealed and all this other stuff but right now i'm weak i'm weary how many of you all are just tired you're tired mentally just mind is racing and running and what to do next let me see how many of you are tired emotionally just strain i've been having the same argument over and over again i'm tired of the same argument i don't want to i don't want to see you no more i don't want to deal with it no more how many guys are tired spiritually and you're just weak well congratulations the bible says where you are weak i am strong [Applause] and if you're willing to surrender your life and your weakness to the power of god his prayer is that you continue to reach the guidance his purpose is that we continue to reach to people as we reach to god his petition is that we desire to continue to grow and he says the proof of his power is in jesus and we have access to all that power and as we are feeling weak we yield to his strength and we begin to say oh how he walks with me and oh how he talks with me and oh how he tells me in my weakness that i am his own no mouthing can stop me come on somebody [Applause] no fire can burn me why because i am his i am i'm a citizen of the kingdom of god and i'm not praying no more material prayer god give me another this and give you another my prayer is like that prayer i'm going to open up uh our father who art in heaven come on somebody i'm going to pray that his will be done on earth as it is in heaven my desire is to follow the will of god he walks with me he talks with me and he tells me that i am his own lastly i'm sitting down i'm done listen i want you to leave here with just one thing the assurance of your position in god's family either you're in are you out if you're out you can leave today being in it's a simple confession of what you believe about jesus dying on the cross for your sins he died and was buried and on the third day while he was dead he went all the way down to the pit of hell conquered death rid us of the penalty of all of our sins and on the third day he got up and when he got up he left all that other stuff down there if you believe you will be saved but the last thing for those who are in the family so if you believe that you become in the family but those who are in the family you leave here today with the assurance that your position at the table is reserved you leave here knowing that you've been prayed for by paul and by christ and by the saints of years and that you will make it because you've been sealed [Applause] and you will arrive to your destination [Music] like pure gold valuable unbroken usable how many i think that's a great thing to have [Applause] that i am his own let's pray god i thank you so much for your word and i thank you for the promises thank you for the assurance that if we believe we will be saved thank you for the reassurance of those who are in the family of faith those who are citizens of the kingdom of heaven that we have all this immeasurable unending power that is available to us the same power that raised christ is the same power that can move us through our struggles through our stresses through our strains so that we can see the supremacy of who god is thank you for salvation thank you for sanctification but god thank you for the last thing that we see in this prayer glorification to see christ for who christ is face to face save someone today oh god is our prayer in jesus name we ask you amen come on let's give the lord a handclap of praise [Music] oh how he walks with me oh how he talks with me and he tells me [Music] i am his own i dare you to walk like you're a child of the king i dare you to talk like you're a child of the king i dare you to demand the inheritance that comes with that of being heirs to the throne of grace amen amen all right so in just a moment we'll have our benediction want to remind you a few things one is that we have the vaccines in the fellowship hall which is right across from us those are watching us online you can come down and um if you're out of state you can catch a quick flight get here by noon you can get your shots amen um but but the other thing is that our small groups start this week if you're not a part of a small group we have a small group every day of the week with the exception i think friday we got saturday we got sunday we got all during the week i am doing a hybrid bible uh small group with the book of ephesians that means some people if you desire to come here we'll be here and others can also join it online we got our new projection i call them george jetson um mr spock captain kirk monitors where you can uh interact with each other uh those who are here and those we had one family was so excited they came last wednesday whole week early and so 6 30 uh we it's 6 30 right or 6 o'clock six o'clock six o'clock six o'clock we meet here for those who want to come and those who want to join us online you can find all the information on our website and we will learn more about ephesians and we will grow in the power of his resurrection amen i think that's everything um last week i want to say thank you for those who invited people for our friends and family day it was a wonderful glorious day and um i'm so blessed to be a part of this congregation i don't know to do it myself so i'm going to ask you all um if you are interested in being a part of this church family you want to know more about what it means to be a citizen of god or a part of this community a believer is called sbc i'm going to ask you after the benediction you just stay where you are we have um some ministers larry and uh gary and tony and we got reverend uh anita conley who will come and make sure that you all are uh welcome um to this body of believers called sbc let us stand [Music] so nancy god knows my name he knows my name and he does walk with me and talk with me i just gotta listen right all right now may the lord bless you may the lord keep you may the lord make his faces shine upon you and give you peace the peace that surpasses all understanding and may that peace rest rule and abide now and forevermore in the name of the father the son and the holy spirit we pray that all god's people say amen amen and amen [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] oh okay
Channel: SBCFamilyOC
Views: 467
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: 6vVJu22o1AQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 33sec (4533 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 19 2021
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