Sunday, September 26, 2021

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[Music] praise the lord everybody praise the lord praise the lord come on in the room we are live and direct in the sanctuary at the ramp church international my name is brother rob tamale and today yes we have a special guest here today miss jaylen davis who actually just recently uh completed her new members class yeah um about two weeks ago right about two weeks ago yeah she actually has a certificate here today wanna show them and um we are live in the sanctuary preparing our hearts and minds uh we just uh completed our 9 30 prayer that we have every service which really undergirds our services and has been making a huge difference in our service don't you agree yes absolutely absolutely i love the morning prayer it just kind of gets our minds and our hearts prepared for the move of god in the service so absolutely amazing and absolutely so a segue into what is happening today today is the first day of our annual consecration listen it is 57-82 we are preparing our hearts and minds for what god is about to do in our lives this is a week that we can be have as a reference point right um for for what god is about to do to uh impact our lives this weekend are you excited i'm so excited i am so excited with being a fairly new member to the church this is my first time doing consecration corporately with the church so i'm super excited for the move about it yeah absolutely do you have any expectations absolutely um i just want to be strengthened mentally i've been in the gym trying to work on my physicals okay i feel like the mental and the spiritual go hand in hand as well so i'm super excited to see what god is going to do not just in my life but the people around me family friends um i'm ready to see bodies healed burning lifted all of this miracles signs wonders miracle signs and wonders i'm so excited so uh actually for our consecration we're gonna be deleting our apps yes um and deleting our social media uh to drown out the noise to hear from god but to today right now in this moment are you able to pull up i am um if anybody is on here listen we the reason why we do this is so that we can avail ourselves to hear the more of god and um we turn off the tv turn off the netflix just so that we can hear god the more who do we have here today we have ruby walden praise the lord and theodell she's joining us all the way from south africa faithful online member wow praise the lord will know god i don't even want to butcher the last name vanessa jeebly jubilee listen what we what we need for you to do today guys is to share this live there's someone that needs to hear the word of god today and they're going to hear this word if you share on your social media i know that there are those that are not on social media right now but for those that are watching that are catching this live i encourage you to share and i encourage you to participate in the service today so really quickly for our consecration we have uh prophet jeremiah johnson uh pastor t renee glenn prophetess barbara callaway she she uh had a she impacted us in a tremendous way last year and i'm excited for what god is about to do prophet mark vereen pastor nate green and our very own elder claude gardner i'm excited for what god is about to do listen if you're excited today i want you to type in i'm excited and put in also your expectations about what you expect i'm expecting god to do an amazing thing for my for myself and my family and also for our church we're starting a new uh church plant in brazil the ramp church of brazil we know that this is appropriation prior to the church being our first service in brazil and also the ramp church toronto god is doing amazing things through the ramp church international we are reaching as many possible recharging atmospheres and manifesting purpose so yes um yeah the testimonies of consecration have have been amazing they've been using this time in the period as a reference point and i encourage you for those that are watching online um just to prepare your hearts this week prepare your minds this week to drown out the noise so that you can avail yourself to hear the more of god and want you to prepare your hearts and minds for the service today um listen participate in the service yes get up out of your bed and get up on your tv put them on the big screen tv and um when we when we have a praise break shout out to the praise break when you praise and worship get up out your seat and participate in praise and worship i'm excited i am too and if you're excited i want you to put on the screen i'm excited and let's get back into the service you ready i'm ready [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] praise the lord everybody can we just stand all over this place this morning and can we just lift our hands and can we just speak words of adoration to our father god you are beautiful god you are wonderful we love you god and we worship you we adore you this morning god you are beautiful you are wonderful hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah yes lord yes lord yes lord angels bow before you heaven and earth adore you what a mighty god we serve this morning mighty you are old you are righteous you are god we love you god we love you beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful wonderful wonderful wonderful wonderful god we worship you we come into this place god an expectation of what you're gonna do god we've seen you do it before god so we know you'll do it again god we worship you this morning we are excited to be in your presence we honor you god we will never take it for granted being able to come into your presence and being able to worship you being able to bow before you god you are wonderful god you are a healer god you are restorer god you are a deliverer so this morning god we welcome you in this place and we say have your way do whatever you want to do this is your house this is your home come and dwell come and rest and abide in this place this morning have your way god have your way god fill this place with your power fill this place with your anointing come and wreck us this morning god come and wreck us this morning god do whatever you want to do god we're ready god we're open god we're available and we say god do what you want to do have your way have you wake up we're ready we're so ready for you god we're so ready for you god we're so ready every need god that is on the backs of your people god i pray that you meet every need come in this place god have your way god we are excited god we are open god we are open god to whatever you want to do god whether you want to heal whether you want to deliver god or just this morning god set us free this morning god as we come into conservation as we come into consecration do whatever you want to do god we lay ourselves on the altar today we start today we open ourselves up today we surrender today we give you a fresh yesterday we give you a brush yesterday we say it we say it we say yes we say yes this morning we say yes we're ready for you jesus we're so ready for you god hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah yes god you're worthy of it whatever we need to lay down this week god you're worthy of it whatever we need to surrender this we god you're worthy of it change us change us change us start in this service and as we go through the rest of this week today will be the reference point whatever it is that you're gonna do god today hallelujah today consecrate us god consecrate us save the fires hallelujah hallelujah yes lord yes lord yes lord yes lord god we are excited is anybody excited about consecration is anybody excited about being holy i'm excited i will be coming from psalm 16 verse 5 to 8. lord you are my portion and my cup of blessing you hold my future the boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places indeed i have a beautiful inheritance i will bless the lord who counsels me and even that night when my thoughts trouble me i'll always let the lord guide me because he is at my right hand and i will not be shaken amen read the lord one more time all over this sanctuary come on can you celebrate jesus all over this sanctuary hallelujah anybody excited to be in the house of worship anybody brought your praise with you come on let me hear it all over this room somebody just zipped up a sound of glory to the rock of our salvation if you know that he's worthy and there's none beside him if you know that he's worthy and there's none before him if you know that he's worthy all by himself then before we sing this song just lift up your sound come on i will bless the lord at all times yes lord his praises shall continually be in my mouth somebody licks your voice and giving glory yes lord yes lord i want to make this declaration over you this morning that whatever the lord decides to do with us somebody say i'm gonna be satisfied come on whatever he decides to do with us this week as we have set ourselves apart for consecration just declare it over your own self i'm going to be satisfied the scripture says he satisfies us with good things and whatever it looks like however it turns out somebody shout is going to be good and i'm going to be satisfied come on put those hands together to worship i will trust in the lord all my days i will trust in the lord all my days all my days and i will be satisfied [Music] yes lord i will be satisfied with [Applause] all my days i will trust all my days on my say i will i will [Music] whatever you tell me [Applause] [Applause] [Music] yes i will i will trust your words yes you have complete control this is what we say i will be satisfied with you stay where you live [Music] singing again [Music] lift your i this is declaration i will trust your words lord we give you good i will is all the satisfied believers give them a glory [Applause] somebody lift up your brains in this room hey yes [Music] hey listen [Music] put your hand on your ear say whatever you think you wherever [Music] yes lord whatever you speak to my heart [Music] is is is give me my peace how are you doing yes satisfies we know it's gonna be good [Music] whatever he does it's gonna be good it's gonna be good it's gonna be good it's gonna be good it's gonna be good it's gonna be good it's gonna be good we trust you whatever it is [Music] [Music] [Music] i will trust [Music] if you know that he's satisfied come on release your praise if you trust him [Music] this is how i trust you praise come on this is a you are dependable praise this is a praise because he's already proven himself time and time again because he's a promise maker and he's a promise keeper i said because he's a promise maker and because he's a promise keeper down through the years come on praise him you keep revealing yourself down through the ears you keep opening it up down through the ears you keep surprising us you keep satisfying us yes [Music] lord god thank you father thank you father for satisfying our souls thank you for satisfying our desires thank you for satisfying our appetites god thank you for the promise lord that you said with long life you will satisfy thank you for the promise over our heads that with long life god you will satisfy thank you for the promise over our lives god that you said with long life you will satisfy thank you lord that your promise keeper and your promise maker thank you lord god can you slip your hands all over the sanctuary this morning as elder claude was just ministering this praise this morning is about i trust you to satisfy me [Music] so we're gonna stay right in that vein of trust this morning come on come on lift your hands [Music] [Music] you will satisfy me you will satisfy you will satisfy me you will satisfy [Music] me you will you will satisfy [Music] you will satisfy [Music] [Applause] [Music] everything i've wanted everything i dreamed god it all seemed worthless now that you're here with me right here in your presence i have been set free [Music] i know [Music] is [Music] [Music] what more could i say all earthly desires seems to fade away [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] water [Music] you will never [Music] you will trust [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] is [Applause] [Music] is [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you will never [Music] from [Applause] [Music] he said [Music] why [Applause] [Music] water [Music] take a drink from the well [Music] take a drink [Music] [Music] take a drink yes [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] that says i trust [Music] ah [Music] oh [Music] [Music] so the word satisfy means to meet expectations to meet needs and desires and to carry out so in matthew 5 and 6 it says blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness righteousness for they shall be satisfied so if you are hungry and if you are thirsty this morning he will satisfy you psalms 107 and 9 says for he satisfies the longing soul and the hungry soul and he feels with good things so if your soul is hungry this morning if your soul is longing for something this morning he will satisfy you psalms 145 and 16 says you open your hand and you satisfy the desire of every living thing his hand is open our hands are open he is releasing whatever we need this morning he will satisfy everything that we need god i don't understand what's going on in my life i will satisfy that god my finances are lining up i will satisfy that god my life doesn't make any sense right now my family is in disarray i will satisfy you so i'm thankful that we serve a god that will satisfy every need every desire but not only that it's that he will carry out he will carry out his own word every promise that he has spoken he will satisfy that so thank you thank you god we serve a mighty and faithful god this morning thank you jesus for satisfying us everything that we didn't even know that we needed god to satisfy him every desire every need everyone you satisfy that god we've searched all over looking for things we've searched all over looking for things but it's in you that we are satisfied it's in you that we are complete it's in you that we are whole so god we come before you today and we say lord god satisfy everything that is in us let us everything satisfy everything that is within us we are open and we are available god you are the satisfier to satisfy this morning you will carry it out you will complete everything that you said you would so god we thank you god we thank you and we worship you this morning satisfying god that you are beautiful god that you are god we thank you everything that we are coming in need of this morning everything that we are coming in need of this week we all know the things that we are carrying we all know the things that we need to lay down we all are aware of those things so he will satisfy it [Music] he will satisfy it hold up he will satisfy it this morning this week and for the rest of our lives god we thank you but i believe that in order for him to satisfy there needs to be faith within us we need to believe that he's going to do it so i encourage you this week this morning whatever it is that you need [Music] make your petitions before him and he watch him do it watch him satisfy you hallelujah thank you jesus well i am here to welcome you to the ram church international i want to welcome all of our online members all of our first-time visitors we are under the leadership of bishop s y younger our executive pastor pastor marvin st mccary our associate pastor pastor william westgate so it is time to give this morning are you guys excited about giving yeah so if you are tithing this morning can you please stand with me thank you jesus [Music] and we have a declaration that we say if you can put your tithing in your right hand and say it with me today we place our tithing in our right hand as a sign that we are giving god what's right and not what's left my tithe is a symbol of my trust in god knowing that he can do more with the tenth than i can do with the ninety tithe is given not to keep me away from a curse but my tithe is given so i can please god and if you are giving an offering this morning can you also stand with me [Music] you can say with me i have because i give and i give because i have therefore i shall never be broke another day in my life and if you have a tangible offering you can take it to the exercise [Music] come on if you could stand up with us all over the building we're just going to sing a song to our great god we're just going to highlight some of his mighty attributes and give him praise and honor and glory if you don't know the words they're really easy to catch on to the words will be on the screen amen come on if you have the activity of your limbs if you can move your legs can you join us and stand up all over the building we serve such an awesome god and even though we talk about some of his attributes right now there's so much more of him and he's so much worthy of the praise hallelujah hallelujah come on put your hands together we'll be one big choir [Music] you are the joy of my heart [Music] [Applause] [Music] your majesty [Music] [Applause] for faith [Music] are always there [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] so mindy oh [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] praise the lord give it up for our musicians this morning aren't they wonderful so good to be with you this morning bishop was over there showing me a picture of the folks at our church in beautiful sao paulo brazil where they have gathered i'm not sure what time it is there but it's early yeah they've gathered to be with us at this very start of consecration very start of the week you know it's good to start it's going to be there at the beginning amen and it's important that we start well so we'll start with prayer and we'll start with worship and we'll start with raising his name in the place amen hallelujah we've got some first-time guests with us this morning we got quite a few of them hallelujah so good to have them with us i'm going to go through the names rather quickly but um we just want to acknowledge that you're here we want you to be welcome here not but more than be welcome here we want you to experience god here because hallelujah hallelujah we can experience god anywhere and my family's famous for saying you could go in the woods and find god will which they never do you ever hear anybody say that i could find god anywhere i go to the woods and talk to him and i'm like okay have you been going to the woods no no i am there's something purposeful about gathering in the house we placed it in our hearts last night barring some catastrophe i knew i was going to be here this morning along with a lot of you and there's something to that my mind's made up i said my mind's made up see oftentimes when you when you're not your mind isn't made up about church attendance can i just go there for a second when your mind isn't made up about being at the house of the lord suddenly a lot of other spiritual things and priorities in your life can kind of go by the wayside too all right i didn't come to do all that it just came out hallelujah you need to be in the house of the lord we don't need no skip days around here just because you didn't feel like it hallelujah so i'm going to call your name thank you for being with us at the ramp hallelujah i'm going to call your name and when i do wave or shout or take a lap but i'm going to do it quick because i get a lot daniel hembree from franklin tennessee there you go daniel travon freeman from lynchburg virginia somewhere in here devin howard from lynchburg jonathan bennett lynchburg l.u student janella plummer from lakeland florida where you at lakeland i got a pause at lakeland because lakeland was one of my first ever rock concerts i saw van halen in lakeland florida when i was 16 years old that's how they talk when they introduce anyways lakeland florida uh messings am i saying it right or me essence madison jenkins bless you in the house somewhere trevin vasquez from lynchburg sterling anderson from ridgeway virginia ariel white from lynchburg virginia carlton hebron hebron hebron all the way from beautiful forest uh evangelist beverly vaughn from rusberg virginia thank you for being with us evangelist god bless you originally from connecticut a fellow new englander hallelujah jake fisher lu student god bless you jake wherever you're at oh there he is i see him um sophia miler from ocean city new jersey for some reason i seem to have seen save the last few names the most difficult uh sometimes i want to try them just to see if i can do it uh chance yuma tony did i say it right somewhere chances this one i don't even know you know who you are don't you if you think you know stand up where are you at it's me and you we're together in this i don't know bishop you got to get involved look at it look at it all right we want to give it up oh okay we gotta you gotta go back there and find that person because names are important and i want to say yeah showa go back please take that take the microphone come because your name is important to us i see her i saw him a long time ago she already knew they stood up because he was like we know it it's number four is it on hallelujah [Music] you did yeah yes hallelujah you did it god did who did it oh my god my god [Music] so what i want what i want you to do i want you to keep don't uh don't give western culture you may be from the states don't give us another derivative of your name give us your name challenge us to say your name if we can say all them other names we can say them names challenge us say that so praise the lord welcome we'll be back here tonight at six o'clock look at somebody tell them six o'clock we'll be here all week please well i was gonna say go to facebook and look at the post but we're not on facebook this week we're handing stuff out we got flyers don't we we have flyers with the whole itinerary of the week for all the prayer times and all that get here when you can get here amen and come to this altar put on it if you've never heard if you come in here and you say what's with all the oil we pray over the oil then you take it with you at the end of the thing and go and touch somebody with it amen hallelujah hallelujah and you know what it's about it's about it's about the prayers that we prayed over it and and what it represents because look at somebody say you need the oil hallelujah hallelujah come on let's stand and pray together and this week when we when we start praying we're gonna all pray together let's do it now god in jesus name lord we thank you for this moment in time you've given us so lord right now this morning we declare that we are alert we are sober we're intentional about coming into this place worshiping you and we're intentional about our ears and our hearts being open to what you will say to us and father we are yielded to whatever you want to do in us and through us be glorified lord be glorified we want to see you in a new way we want to come at you with fresh seal and fresh passion spirit of the living god stir us on the inside change our minds cause us to look at calvary as a reference and look towards your coming as a drive in us lord god father this morning i'm asking you to give somebody a miracle today lord give somebody an authenticated miracle lord we thank you for supernatural happenings in this place what was a hard thing make it easy what was a challenge god give us grace for so lord we ask you now in the name of jesus as we start this holy consecration we ask you to come down in the midst of it come down in the midst of our prayers come down in the midst of our worship come down in the midst of our praise we give you glory now come on we give you glory now come on we give you glory now come on we give you glory we give you glory we give you glory we give you glory oh hallelujah hallelujah we give you glory thank you lord jesus thank you lord jesus we give you glory we give you a whole hallelujah we gave you glory i need a sound of prayer from this side of the room come on we give you glory thank you lord we give you glory there's a sound that comes with prayer there's a sound that comes to prayer meditation is silent but there's a sound that comes with prayer we give you praise we give you praise all over this place where you clap your hands as fast as you can and give god a thunderous praise with the fruit of your lips lord we praise you lord hallelujah you can be seated in the presence of the lord let's also thank god for our children almost 100 of them on their way to children's church right now thank the lord for you oh it's a blessing to be in the house of the lord one more time we thank the lord how he's kept us and he's graced us with traveling mercy he's protected us he's kept us covered to be able to come and to worship the lord together we thank god for the leadership of this church all over this place we thank you so much for how you serve every week amen we thank you all of the leadership all of you thank you so much we're so thankful for you because this church is not ran by one this church is carried by all as we carry the presence of the lord on our shoulders we thank the lord also as pastor westgate mentioned as i was sitting here in the pulpit i got a picture from our church in sao paulo brazil they gathered this morning they don't have church on sunday mornings but they gathered this morning just to watch consecrations first service on television and so we say praise the lord apostle senor del sol rem sabala brazil el chayama plus simply we love you in jesus name we're also thankful to look over to the side and see some people from the ramp dmv came down this morning god bless you and we see that some some more of them have said they will be here tonight here at the opening of our consecration and it's such a blessing that when people decide and they make a decision out of all the churches in lynchburg a city of churches they decided to come to the ramp this morning so one more time i want to thank the lord for all of you who decided to come this morning in the presence of the lord glory be to god will you testify to somebody and tell them my warfare has been strong but tell them but my god is stronger glory be to god testify to somebody else tell them i can't go into details tell them it took a lot for me just to get here hallelujah it took a lot for me to get to september of 2021 my warfare has been strong but my goal my god is stronger yeah i want you to push somebody to tell them it's worth fighting for your degree is worth fighting for your marriage is worth fighting for your children are worth fighting for the purpose of god in your life so tell somebody fight through it fight through it whatever you got to do fight through it fight through the emotions start fight through your mind fight through it [Applause] [Music] he knows what's about to happen i said he knows what's about to happen say the nose what's about to happen [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you know [Music] he knows what time of the year it is he knows that the season is changing he knows what's about to happen and i preached last week about spiritual warfare some of y'all don't believe in demons some of y'all don't believe in the operation of the demonic and i don't go around blaming the devil for everything everything is not the devil's fault but you got to know when the turbulence in the atmosphere is connected to the changes in the atmosphere oh my god hallelujah hey hallelujah tell your neighbor i may not be the strongest warrior but tell them i'ma fight through it you know why listen second chronicles chapter 20. he told them you won't have to fight in this battle but he said tomorrow go down so tell your neighbor your biggest fight is showing up [Music] some days your biggest fight is just getting out of the bed some days your biggest fight is just going to class some days your biggest fight is going to work some days your biggest fight it says if i can just make it to the church if i can just fall down on my knees scream at somebody tell them fight through it fight [Applause] how you gonna fight i'm gonna show up i'm gonna keep showing up every time the enemy thought he was gonna push you back in the corner and put you back in a cave scream at somebody tell them sure god don't perform the miracle but you gotta show up to see it he's gonna open up the door but you gotta show up to see him he's gonna make the way but you got to show up somebody just step out and shall shoot [Applause] i'm about to show [Applause] up you think i got it together i'll just fight through it hey you think i got all the answers i'm just fighting through it you think everything in my house is perfect um when you see me dancing i'll bite through it when you see me praying [Applause] that's how you do it i'm fighting through it if now if you're new if you're new to our church and you're wondering what just happened just to help give you some understanding this is the way we fight our battles [Music] this is how some people some some people drink through it some people smoke through it oh but this is the way i fight hey this is hot this is how i fight this is how i hallelujah this is how i fight this is hoe this is how i fight i don't know i don't know why the holy ghost arrested the service for me to just tell somebody whatever you do fight through it see i didn't even tell y'all to tell the person beside you that but somebody feel like somebody near you needed to hear it the reason why i got to tell you to fight through this it's not because of this but because of this there's something there's something when i go to dc to preach on sundays when i leave here i sometimes pull up the uh waze app and uh because the driver has slowed down almost to a stop so i pull up the waze i have to see what's going on and uh and i'll see uh some red in the line that means there's some traffic jam but the ways will tell you seven minutes because it's on the other there's something on the other side of this and so when i was growing up they used to sing this it says i know it won't be this way i know it won't be this way i know it won't be this way always oh i know it won't be this way i pray both night and day i know it won't be this way always i know it won't be this way i know it won't be this way i know it won't be this way [Applause] i [Music] [Music] come on [Music] go ahead and fight that battle so [Applause] [Music] come on [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] foreign [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you better jump in this there's something in this you ain't got to get in here you need to get it here [Music] [Music] so [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] my [Music] okay i'm gonna give you one more chance you gotta do something [Music] everybody praise him i feel a turnaround [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] you call my name i ran out of that out of the darkness into your gloriousness [Music] out of the darkness [Music] you call my name [Music] out of the darkness [Music] to your gloriousness [Music] [Music] i'm living in a life [Music] i'm living in the light now [Music] [Music] out of depression i'm living in the light [Music] right now i'm living in the light now condemnation [Music] [Music] beyond my past [Music] no more [Music] [Music] [Music] you called my name [Music] is [Music] your glorious [Music] [Music] yes [Music] [Music] so [Music] when i let go [Music] let god have his way that's when things start happening [Music] when i stopped [Music] i let go and i let god let god have his wife [Music] that's when when i stopped [Music] say let go let god let go that's what we're doing this week let god let go let god let go let god say let go let god don't tell somebody else tell yourself let go and let god you can't handle it on your own let god [Music] is [Music] i said that's when [Applause] [Music] when i got out of my head and got in faith that's when i stopped let god [Music] [Applause] [Music] worrying how the story [Music] [Music] this is all on you my life is in your hands father my past my present my future it's all in your hands my family it's all in your hands it's all in your hands if you know the lord has already spoke to you and he's done something to you already in this service you just clap your hands and just thank god for it hallelujah [Music] um i'm gonna do this swiftly because we're gonna be uh in church all week um we're gonna be in consecration all week and um and so this at the end of the service i take the time to anoint uh those we're doing things different because of a pandemic i think they got me a squeeze bottle or something to to be able to put oil on everyone's head that want to be a part of this consecration if you're if you're with us today and you don't know what's going on uh this is something we've been doing for 16 years uh when we started just as a group of college students from uh liberty and north carolina ant state university were young but we committed a space and a time every year to fast and pray and we've seen god's hands supernatural happiness people have been baptized and the holy ghost people prepare for marriage right after consecration and so this is this is something that some people told us that once we became a larger church we would stop doing it but i think the more we've grown the more we've intensified our time of consecration and so uh this week you don't have to be a member of our church to join with us even if you're watching online and you feel something leaping in your heart about fasting and praying this week feel free to join us there are handouts at each door there are prayers that we're praying every day today is our prayers lord prepare me it's preparation and there are scriptures to read and today there are no dietary restrictions but i think tomorrow is fruits and vegetables and so every day it's something different to make it so that no matter where you are in your walk with god that you can participate in it now we have prayer times every day one at is it six or seven six a.m twelve o'clock and then eleven o'clock at night there will be prayer times to come but the door will be open 24 7 this week so you don't have to wait for a corporate time of prayer if you just want to run in on your lunch break the door will be open for you to join us in prayer i was at an ecumenical gathering of pastors this this week at 7 a.m and at another church and when i went to go up to get some coffee one of the young ladies that were serving there said to me bishop younger i just thank god for the culture of prayer at the ram church she says this is my church but she said there was a time in my life i was just going through some things and i needed some answers and she says i went to the ramp every friday night for prayer and she said that time of prayer really helped me through that season and so don't take uh for granted that you're in a house of prayer don't take for granted and so we invite you to come and be a part of this time of prayer as you see some of us may be dressed a little different because during this week we take off some of the extra stuff that we feel like we need so you don't even have to worry about looking taking two hours to get dressed to come to church this week we have service every night at seven o'clock just be clean amen and just come and be in the presence of the lord well i want to share this with you as quickly as i can in that second chronicles chapter seven we're going to be addressing some stuff this week how many know that there's a purging that's taking place for you this week that's a cleansing we're addressing perversion we're addressing immorality this week we're addressing inconsistencies in inconsistency and procrastination generational curses and we're going to be praying for the nations this week we're going to be praying for revival this week hallelujah somebody just lift up your hands and say lord sinner revival come and say and let it begin in me all right ii chronicles chapter 7 verse 11 through verse 16. when you have it say i have the bread if you don't have a bible there's the words on the screen asked you to join with us when solomon had finished the temple of the lord in the royal palace and had succeeded in carrying out all he had in mind to do in the temple of the lord and in his own palace the lord appeared to him at night and said i have heard your prayer and have chosen this place for myself as a temple for sacrifices he says if i shut up heaven that there be no rain or if i command the locust to devour the land or if i sent a a a pandemic a pestilence among the people if my people hallelujah which are called by my name shall humble themselves and pray seek my face turn from their wicked ways then will i hear from heaven and i'll forgive their sin and i will heal their land now mine eyes shall be opened and my ears will attend unto the prayers that is made in somebody say this place for now have i chosen and sanctified this house that my name may be there forever and my eyes and my heart shall be there perpetually shall be there forever and all of god's people said amen you're gonna be seated in the presence of the lord uh just just for about 10 minutes i want to speak to you from the topic why consecration why well before we answer the question why we must answer the question what what is consecration because in answering that i think we'll discover the why if we find out what it is what does it mean to consecrate and i'll try to take my time and speak this word because of the translators it means to devote something or to make it sacred is to separate something for a particular use so then what is holy consecration holy consecration is a time that we intentionally set apart that we make sacred for the sole purpose of communing with god apart from distractions why because it's possible it's very possible even as a believer to work for god without even communicating with god yeah you know it's possible because it's possible to live in the house with someone and not even get to see them because of conflicting schedules and there's no one that god uses greatly no one that god uses in a great way without first dealing with them apart from the crowd away from the noise away from the usual or the busyness of mundane schedules city lights are often an obstruction from the view of the galaxies above i know when we were at smith mount lake this year for the men's retreat and the men said this is the last time we're camping outside now we're going to camp inside we're getting older okay but something happened something very special you know there were no televisions out on the island of course no electricity but at night several of us got on the boat at night and we drifted out into the water and we looked up night time forces you to look up and some of us are in some nighttime seasons right now and everything else that we leaned on in times past it don't work and it forces us to see up city lights don't don't allow you to see the stars at night moses would have never seen the burning bush if he had stayed in egypt abraham would have never experienced the promise if he would have stayed among his kindred david would have never been prepared for the palace if he hadn't been postured in the pasture esther would have never made it to the very public court of a hacerus if he hadn't been if she had been conditioned privately with mordecai the question is how many things are we missing out on look at the person beside you tell them i need consecration a recent 2021 study on americans showed that the average american spends seven hours and 50 minutes a day looking at some sort of digital screen let that sink in the study said more than hours of sleep some people see their phone more hours than they actually sleep some project that each one of us by the end of our lives would have spent almost 44 years of our life looking at a digital screen what are we losing in this many of us have been pulled in by the idol of consumerism that's what's going to be hard for some of you this week because you don't realize how much you shop because in consecration we don't stroll in the mall we don't stroll online just looking up stuff we buy what's necessary man all right look oh the whole church didn't shut down on me i felt the tension now let me let me cast that consumer demon out there cause i feel the tension in the room the need for one more thing and we end up with 10 blouses that look almost identical getting something else that requires more monthly payments what are we losing sometimes you have to step back to see your proximity to your vision sometimes you have to step away to make sure you're still going in the right direction sometimes you have to step back to reset and re-evaluate your priorities we have to consecrate pull away from the noise so we can hear my lord many of us have desired to hear god's will for our lives i mean what's god's will for my life we've been waiting for some answers to our questions but the truth is god could have already been speaking we just haven't been postured to hear him and like saul we hide among all of the stuff we hide among our to-do list we get consumed in our image keeping up with our enemies feeling every waking minute was something or somebody instead of god and here he's saying this week come away with me come away with me is the lord's call to us this week come away with me and i'll show you mysteries come away with me and i heal your heart come away with me and i'll speak your name and give you your identity come away with me and i'll clean you up and purify you come now let us reason together saith the lord though your sins be a scarlet they shall be white as snow though they be red like crimson they shall be as wool come away come away with me and i'll reprogram your mind see that's why we don't like the update on our phones i was facetiming somebody the other day and i said oh wow your camera is really nice they said no it's an update i said oh you got the same phone same phone but they got an update now iphone has this thing that when you facetime they can blur out the background but in order for me to get that i've got to update my phone and in order for my up my update to happen on my phone that mean i must be willing to let my phone shut down i must i must be willing to miss some calls and some delayed text messages i must be willing to sit it down and to the point the update won't even happen if the battery is low you've got to plug it up oh my god so somebody trying to figure out what are y'all doing this week i'm shutting down so i can get the update i'm shutting down so i can find out what i've been missing out on i'm shutting down so i can hear god come away with me and i'll take you on a transformational journey this is i'm not trying to preach a conference this morning i'm preaching consecration all right come away with me you see we are already called out people a chosen generation elder rogers we are a royal priesthood we are sanctified from our mother's womb but consecration is when you come in agreement with that i need to come in agreement with what i already am look at your neighbor and tell your neighbor one of my biggest mistakes have been trying to go my own way instead of coming in agreement with god all right now don't look at your neighbor right here but look look up toward heaven and say lord i come in agreement with you this week and see in order to come in agreement with god that means there's some disagreements that must take place in your spirit with some other people with some other things you must disagree with that that's what the enemy has put on me that's the cloak that's been put on me that's the lot that's been given to me but i disagree with that that's not who i am i'm coming agreement with who god says i am how i've been living how i've been operating the clutch of the enemy that i've been trapped in that's not me i'm coming agreement with god but consecration it doesn't work for you it won't even work for you until you come in agreement with it you hear me i mean if you got to be forced to do this it won't work for you if you just do it just to keep up with the rest of the church people it won't work for you well what if somebody what if somebody cheats on consecration you can't cheat consecration you cheat yourself so i want to say this to everybody in here i don't want this to become religious for us i want this to be holy for us and i want you to be a part and i'm talking to our church members right now i want you to be a part of consecration i really do but if you choose not to be i promise you i will not be running behind you i won't be looking around the corner no no no because this week my posture is on my face toward god for myself if if you don't want this hallelujah god ain't gonna beg you and bless you hallelujah tell your neighbor i gotta do this for me i'm determined that i want to know what life looks like on the other side of my surrender i want to know what life looks like and if i go through the whole week and i don't see no miracles if i go through the whole week and nobody's blind eyes come open if i go through the whole week and i see no open vision it's not wasted time spending time in god's presence is a reward all by itself [Music] i want to do this i said i want to do this i'll say something and throw this out here and some of y'all understand the language of it and some of you won't and it's okay because i miss god i miss him i miss him i miss him the song of solomon says have you seen my beloved see some of you see some of you don't know what it is to seek yet when we when you lose something something if you ain't never had it but when you've had closeness with god and you don't feel that closeness anymore hallelujah when you felt the heat of his glory and you don't feel the heat no more when you felt the conviction in your spirit and you start feeling numb you say hold up hold up hold up hold up it ain't about what the church people know it's not about what the church people see i'm not trying to keep up an image i want the glory i miss him what do you mean you've been going yes i've been going to church but i miss him yes i've been serving him but i miss him yes he's present he's forever present but i want to feel him afresh [Music] it's what an addict does and attic always trying to get that first high and god says i'm bigger than a drug i'm not trying to give you your first high i'm trying to give it back to you better than what you had hallelujah and he that thirst and hungered after righteousness shall be filled you can hunger after stuff and it'll never be enough you can hunger after money and it'll never be enough you can hunger after sex and lust will never be satisfied but he that hunger and thirst after righteousness shall be filled tell somebody i miss him i miss him i miss him i miss him i miss him when was the last time you sat in his presence without your phone in your hand i miss him when was the last time you read until you fell asleep with your bible in your bed what is the first thing you're doing when you wake up in the morning who's the first person you're talking to when you open your eyes what what happened to those days you were singing until you didn't even know you were singing you were humming and people says what is this song you've been humming all day i need to make sure that we have an usher on the balcony because there's a lot of movement on the balcony and it's in shadows and it's teenagers and i need to make sure that not only are we in consecration but this house is in consecration come on clap your hands and give god praise amen come on clap your hand oh i'm a seer i don't miss nothing i know every time you go in your pocketbook and get a peppermint and you take somebody across the church amen amen so as i was saying i miss him because you can be in the house and miss him there's a parable about the coins about lost coins and the coins were lost in the house nothing is worse when you lose something you say i know it's here somewhere you must be looking at me i know it's here it's frustrating when you're lost in the house serving and lost singing and lost preaching and lost playing and lost working but lost but when i thought i lost me he knew where to find me look at your neighbor tell your neighbor i'm finding myself again in consecration hallelujah i've lost who i am but i'm finding myself in consecration i'm fine that's where i'm gonna find me in consecration our text today is the dedication of solomon's temple and i'm almost finished for real david wanted to build god a house but god said your hands are not cleaned now listen as you read the text god loved david called david a man after my own heart and still yet kept him for building a house for him look at your neighbor and tell your neighbor your actions do matter well god will love me anyway yeah he'll love you but don't mean he'll always use you he'll love you and sit you out and that's why don't you ever get prideful and think because you're anointed or because you're gifted that you're going to always be used no no no no to every moses god god of joshua to every elijah god god elisha don't y'all ever sit over here and get prideful don't y'all ever sit over here and get prideful don't you ever think that if i don't show up the glory won't come as a matter of fact when you get in that mindset god will remove you so the glory will come i'm david you know what i'm gonna do god i'm gonna build your house god said no you're not because i don't know i don't know what god's ratio was but evidently he killed one man too many that's why when god has given us grace to repent you got to take advantage of the grace my god you know why the bible says cry loud and spare not david this is what david says and when y'all read psalm 51 this week i think it's on tuesday or wednesday this is what david says lord give me another chance when he was confronted with his sin he said so i will show transgressors their way that i'll tell people see sometimes we think our parents warning us is our parents trying to control us no our parents are saying i've been there before i've already made some mistakes i don't want you to make the same mistakes we think preachers preach holiness because we think we're better than everybody else no i'm preaching holiness is because i know the consequences of sin i ain't got no help here the reason why i'm warning you because i know what kind of situation you will end in if you don't repent look at your neighbor tell your neighbor take advantage of the space of repentance take advantage of the chance to turn around i love you but you can't build it but he says but this is what i'ma do i'm going to allow your son to build me a house and solomon did it oh my goodness solomon's temple and all its splendor that people talked about for generations to the point when another temple was built some people were excited but the people who had saw solomon's temple they cried because they said this looks nothing like solomon's temple i don't know what y'all clapping about solomon's temple i mean to the point we could not reproduce it today with all of its gold with all of its jewel once the temple was finished the fire came and consumed the sacrifice and the priests went into work and to do what they do right but the bible says they couldn't even go in there they couldn't go in there because of the splendor of the fire but because of the cloud of smoke they couldn't even see how to operate and this is where we get this and the minis and the ministers couldn't stand the minister the priests could even minister because of the cloud god was showing his approval hallelujah he came down and filled the house and let me tell you the house that god wants to feel this week it's not 701 thomas rowe is this house somebody lift up both the hands and said lord fill this house whoo well well if you want him to fill the house you got to put something on the altar you got to put something on the altar i mean so we got some stick it notes on both sides that people this week they have put names and different things and different people on the altar this week but maybe there's some other things you need to write on there this week or maybe something you don't you feel like you're not comfortable to write but you need to speak it and say lord because if you want the glory you got to put out a sacrifice to the point that when the smoke began to lift the bible says everybody fell on their faces the cloud came and it initiated worship they bowed their faces the question you should be asking this week is not how high can i go in god but how low am i willing to go in god yeah we're gonna say lord take us higher but if you go high without having a foundation to support your height and your high i don't want us to come i don't want us to come out of consecration just like whoa the glory cloud i'm gonna tell you the glory cloud some days you need to come out of church like whoo that hurt oh that cut i mean that's the worst that's gonna come this week and you're going to say oh that don't feel good up flesh don't want to hear that oh i'm going i'm going to alter that message that really wasn't for me it was for them you don't you don't grow you don't grow because of the people who stand around and brag about how wonderful you are you grow by real people who really love you they tell you where you need to come up how how willing are you to get on your face this week instead of saying how high you ought to say and what can i get you should say what can i give this week what can i surrender if you're writing this write this down true worship always involves a sacrifice so god met with solomon in a dream and when god met with saul y'all answered the phone record when god somebody said i told you to put it on silent that man hears everything when god when solomon went to sleep god met with him in a dream when god met him in a dream god expressed his approval i'm going to be honest with you all i think i've had this conversation with you all before i like being anointed and called by god i really do i like the relationship and it happens with it i like the people that connect me with but can i be honest with you i wish there was a way i could be anointed and anonymous i'm serious now i know there's some people want people to stand when they walk in the room and people mention their names and all of that but there are there are times i really wish i could be used by god and know i know my name because there's a lot that comes with notoriety there's a lot that comes when people know your name and they know your face and then some people get intoxicated by it they do they know me people know me there will be many in that day they would say lord lord i prophesied in your name didn't say i tried to prophesy i prophesied in your name many will say i cast out demons and did say they tried to cast out demons they cast it out demons and the lord says depart from me all of them know you i don't know you seven sons of a preacher seven sons of a preacher walk up on a demon-possessed man and said come out of him demons in the name of jesus the one that paul be talking about and the bible says the demon says paul we know jesus we know but who are you i'mma said in context who in hell are you see a lot of people in church know you but does hell know you and what we end up doing we end up feeding into the applause of people making decisions based upon the likes but just because people like your posts don't mean your post was right there will always be a crowd of fools that will applaud foolishness there's always a crowd of messy people that will celebrate messiness [Applause] you got to be careful and being pulled in by the affirmation of people [Music] because the same people that will lift you up it's the same people that will drop you they will cry hosanna in the day and crucify by night god spoke to solomon in his stream that says i approve and that's what this consecration is i want to it it ain't important that i go around and be like oh what's going on oh yes i'm not eating today because i'm consecrating before god yes my church yes we are high in god and we are consecrating i'm not doing it for people i'm not doing it for people i need to check in and make sure i'm still doing it right i want to check in to make sure i don't have things in my life that's unrepented i that's unrepentant because it's possible to move on and forget to repent listen i need to make sure there are no open doors i need to make sure there's no breach i need to make sure that he still approves there's a story about this man that uh this wonderful artist and he was he sold out a concert hall and after he played everybody was just clapping and clapping and making noise and making noise and he left off the stage and the stage manager just said great job great job he said no i didn't do good he said yes you yes you did don't you hear the people out there they are they saying encore encore he's like i didn't trust me i didn't do good he says how can you say that don't you see all of those people out there clapping and making noise he said no there's a man on the front row he's seated with his arms folded he said how are you gonna let one person don't you worry about that one person as long as the crowd is with you don't you how are you gonna he just jealous how you gonna let that one person cause you to feel like you didn't do good he says because that one person is my instructor and it don't matter what it sounds like to everybody else if he seated that means he doesn't approve and this is why when stephen was being stoned after preaching the gospel when stephen was being stoned after standing for jesus the bible said stephen looked up and when he looked up he saw jesus and in all the other places we see jesus seated on the throne but when stephen saw jesus he was standing i want to be right to the point that i see jesus stand it's not important for me if the people clap for me at the end of the day i don't want to hear him say well done that good and faithful bishop i want to hear him say well done thy good and faithful servant i serve your purpose i served your will i served your desire now some of you this message is going right over your head and it's okay cause you're not you're just not ready you're not ready you're just not at that place yet where you're ready to make a sacrifice but if you ever want to worship for real if you really want to worship if you we always oh i love to hear worship yeah we like to hear worship but god this week he wants to see worship yes and then he says he says i approve i approve he said you built me a house and put a sacrifice before me i approve i approve and he says so much so that i'm going to do something i'm going to make your promise if a pandemic ever comes if locusts ever come if an attack ever come he said come to this house hallelujah and he says when you get here if my people who are called by my name if they would first humble themselves so when we go into these next two days of repentance as long as one of us are repenting all of us need to repent you hear me we're going to repent together as a church as a people don't be like well i'm not as bad as they are now you need to repent from pride y'all say y'all miss god i've been with god all right great for you so now you come in here and repent for the rest of us who felt the gap you be the intercessor and an intercessor is taking on the burden of the people around you we all going to repent humble your don't wait for god to humble you humble yourself then he said come in and this will you come seek my he just said seek my hand so we can't come into the street yes lord show me who i'm america lord lord bless me with a job a promotion of no no no you got to come in and seek in his face seeking what he will show seeking what he will say seek his face i want to see you god and then if you really gonna seek his face then he said you got to do something this week the only issue is to turn to god means you must turn your back on something else hallelujah listen all of us who are being used by god have had to pay a price of self-denial and still making payments why do we need consecration because oftentimes what god wants on the altar is not bullocks and realms it's us romans chapter 12 says this i beg you therefore brethren that by the mercies of god that you represent your bodies a what what kind of sacrifice what kind of sacrifice not a dead sacrifice the challenge with the living sacrifice is between last congratulation and disconsecration it started crawling off the altar so you got to grab all that you are and say uh come on right back and tie it down turn from your wicked ways and he says then i hear from heaven why consecration he said because i forgive your sins and heal your land why consecration because we have sins that need to be forgiven and we have a land that needs to be healed lord prepare me to be a sanctuary pure and holy trinity true and with thanksgiving i'll be sent you back lord for you i said lord prepare me lord hallelujah [Music] shining jews with thanksgiving [Music] i'll be [Music] so it's possible to be in church and do church things and not know what it means why do we anoint people with oil uh jesus says that when you when you fast he just says if you've asked he says when you fast anoint your head with oil oil is a symbol of ordination oil is a symbol for healing he says if there be sick among you call for the elders of the church and they will anoint you with oil and the prayer of faith will heal the sick or was also used not only for healing and ordination when someone a king would come into their place but also was used for dead bodies so you can be anointed for elevation and coronation you can be anointed for elevation but she also can be anointed for death this is why the woman with the alabaster box fell down at his feet and anointed him she was anointed him for the assignment of death i know all of us want to live our best life but jesus says you will not find your life until you first lose your life so that's why we anoint we're anoint prepare your hearts and minds lord for your [Music] prepare me for me if there's anybody in this section that's going to be in the consecration will you walk through here i want to anoint you [Music] god with thanksgiving [Music] [Music] lord we're coming to you doing this consecration to doing us what we could not do for ourselves lord i ask you lord by your spirit creating us a clean heart and renew the right spirit within us purge me with his son that i may be clean [Music] wash me and i shall be whiter than snow lord you said that your eyes and your ears will be here perpetually forever so lord tonight we come before you asking you to anoint us from the top of hallelujah of our head to the soles of our feet anoint us oh god for elevation anoint us for healing both body and spirit give me this section right here anoint us lord [Music] even for death anoint us [Music] with thanksgiving inside hallelujah is through the pressing of the olives that the oil flows it's through the crushing of the olives that the oil flows so lord i thank you this week for the pressing i thank you for the crushing be glorified be glorified lord lord we pray the prayer that jesus prayed in the garden of gethsemane the garden of the olive prayer when he says father not my will but let thy will be done hallelujah we're thanksgiving i'll be a living oh hallelujah [Music] let's take it up [Music] pure and [Music] and with thanksgiving sanctuary [Music] to be a sanctuary hallelujah [Music] [Music] i'll be a living hallelujah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] thank you with thanksgiving [Applause] [Music] hallelujah [Music] to be a sanctuary hallelujah [Music] oh [Music] [Music] yay [Applause] [Music] is should i be [Applause] [Music] lord prepare me [Applause] is say to [Music] [Music] [Applause] and with thanksgiving [Music] lord prepare me for prepare me to be [Applause] [Music] should i for you to be a sanctuary [Applause] [Music] [Music] and we're thanksgiving should i be [Music] to be yourself [Applause] and with thanksgiving i'll be living [Applause] sanctuary [Music] [Music] [Applause] lord prepare me [Applause] [Music] [Applause] changes [Applause] for you [Music] [Music] wow [Music] i'll be [Music] [Applause] come on let them anoint you let them [Applause] [Music] lord for you just fill this room with us with words toward our god this is a holy moment i can put oil on you but it's god that has to put the anointing on you and i want you to just receive right now just be open just be open right now just be open [Music] just be open if you have a prayer language release it some of you this may be the first week while you're in your prayer time you may start praying in the holy ghost praying in tongues just be open just be open oh god even you that are watching online we just speak right now god anoints you right now i give myself to you lord i give myself to you i lay myself on the altar [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Applause] [Music] 12 here [Music] 12 you can move whatever it takes [Music] whatever took your place [Music] whatever's in your way dwell here [Applause] [Music] [Music] whatever's in your way [Music] [Applause] [Music] whatever took your place [Music] [Applause] [Music] did you feel that i know it's not all about feeling but did you feel that he'll take it but you gotta surrender it surrender it surrender it surrender [Music] whatever [Music] i pray over you to all of our visitors when you leave out of the left or the right there's a gift for you thank you for coming at the end of the service if you want to give your life to the lord or you need to be baptized we got clothes it's not a special sunday we baptize we baptize every sunday if you're looking for a church home someone here will greet you but if not we'll see you tonight at six o'clock we're gonna start praying at 5 30 so when the service comes in we'll already be ready may the grace of our lord and the sweet communion of the holy spirit rest on you and rule over you and about with you henceforth now and forevermore in jesus name everybody say amen hey [Music] you can move god
Channel: Ramp Church Intl
Views: 3,441
Rating: 4.9512196 out of 5
Id: 6c9b0921cog
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 146min 27sec (8787 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 26 2021
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