" Turn Your Face To The Lord " - September 5, 2021

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[Music] how do you do [Music] jesus [Music] i know [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] how do you do [Music] how do you do [Music] [Music] when i was i know [Music] me [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] glory to god i know i know and this is a personal experience we have to know for ourselves that he is a deliverer and so even when we are going through it be of us not to complain because we are getting proof that he can deliver because he has done it before and he can do it again praise the lord hallelujah praise god in the arms of sweet deliverance [Music] i don't know [Music] oh [Music] [Music] my lord is [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] i [Music] [Music] beyond [Music] [Music] in the arms [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] is [Music] [Music] we give you praise lord we give you praise we give you praise you are our deliverer hallelujah you are our deliverer we give you praise we give you praise we give you praise glory to god and we thank you for being our deliverer right on time glory to god we give you thanks this morning for coming through for us time and time again we can count on him to deliver us glory to god we may not know when or how but we know he who he is and he is our deliverer put your hands together for the lord this morning hallelujah praise god thank you jesus just wave your answer the presence of the lord [Music] glory to god we give you thanks this morning lord we give you praise this morning jesus we appreciate we honor you we recognize that everything might not be going the way we want them to but in the midst of it all we have a lot to praise you for and we don't want to overlook your mercies this morning we don't want to overlook your blessings your goodness your grace oh glory to god the songwriter says if it had not been for the lord on our side where would we be praise god praise god are you happy this morning that the lord has been on your side are you thankful that he has been on your side even when the enemy wants us to speak on the wine god is on our side and we just want to thank you lord thank you we thank you lord we give you praise we give you praise we feel like praising and honoring and glorifying you this morning for when we roll back the curtains of memory hallelujah and see we are your brothers from a mighty long way glory to god and we just want to thank you jesus anybody feel like thanking him this morning anybody wrote about the curtains anybody's reminded of where god is bringing you from what could have happened if it hadn't been for him looking out for you this morning i'm grateful lord i'm forever grateful lord we are thankful lord we are appreciative of your goodness of your never failing love great love has no man than this no one could have tolerated us the way you do and you look beyond our many many falls this morning we thank you hallelujah praise god [Music] oh [Music] where i could [Music] remind me [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] remember [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] from remember [Music] [Music] me hello little god thank you jesus praise god anybody remember this morning i do i do i do and i just want to thank you lord i thank you lord i thank you lord i give you praise this morning i appreciate you when i think of your goodness when i rule by the curtains of memory [Music] worship you this morning my soul will worship you lord ah thank you for reminding me this morning you see i'm guilty i'm [Music] [Music] lord i thank you i thank you i thank you [Music] we just bless you this morning glory somebody praise god in the household somebody thank jesus with me this morning somebody let us give him glory and honor worship [Music] to god he is worthy hallelujah praise god at this time without any further ado i invite you to make welcome the moderator for today none other than [Music] worker rhema booty put your hands together and make her welcome praise the to praise lord lord we continue to give god his glory we continue to give god his praise this morning he alone is worthy this morning hallelujah praise god praise god roll back the curtains of memory now and then god show me where you brought me from and where i could have been ah jesus the songwriter says your grace and your mercy oh brought me through i am living this moment only because of you and we want to thank you this morning we want to praise you god hallelujah we want to glorify your name hallelujah hallelujah as we go right into our praise god almighty congregational aim on number one eight zero from the redemption song praise god praise god hallelujah will your uncle oh ha ha ha aha will your anchor hold praise god pray hallelujah will your anchor hold in the storms of life when the clouds unfold their wings of strife when the strong tide lifts and the cable stream will your anchor shift or firm remain will your anchor holes in the storms [Music] with your oh [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] when the water is [Music] is [Music] me [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] uh [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] that keeps our soul steadfast and secure while the pillows dash and roll while the problems perplexed hallelujah while the pain hurts while the butt and the knees hurts we have an anchor hallelujah grounded and firm hallelujah in the love of jesus let us give god some some praise let's just give jesus some thanks this morning let us give him some hallelujah this morning let us give him some shabbat this morning he alone is worthy this morning he alone is iron lifted up this morning as we make ourselves an altar this morning we are going to talk to our daddy this morning we are going to talk to our hallelujah father this morning we are going to talk to the one that can help us this morning we are going to talk to the one that our soul is anchored in him this morning so make your altar this morning if you want to come to the altar you can wherever you are just make sure that you are connected to jesus this morning hallelujah glory be to god hallelujah thank you jesus as we look to you this morning from whence coming to our help god all of our help coming from you this morning you are the great deliverer this morning you are the mighty god this morning you are the only one of israel this morning you are the god of possibilities this morning it is your eyes that go through and through the earth this morning god you see everyone that gather in this sanctuary those in the extended sanctuary those who are watching by way of social media god almighty will come to you this morning and we asked this morning for your help we asked this morning god for access to your throne room we asked this morning god that will connect us to you jesus we ask this morning god as we come together we pray for the spirit of one accord god because we need an upper room experience this morning so we ask for unity this morning in the name of jesus as we look to your god we ask that you search us this morning deliver us from ourselves this morning move us out of your way this morning so that you can go to work in the service this morning god we are looking unto you this morning we come this morning and we acknowledge that we have sinned against your god and our sin is great this morning we come to your god and you said in your word if we confess to our sins you're faithful and just to forgive us and to cleanse us we know we need cleansing this morning so we come to you without jesus what can wash away our sins nothing but your blood what can make us all again nothing but your blood so pour your blood in us this morning kill everything in us that is not like your god root out everything in us that is not like you this morning god deliver us this morning from that which contaminated soul spirit and body because of our sins this morning god you said we must present to our bodies to you as a living sacrifice only and acceptable this morning but god only you alone know this morning so we'll come and we brought your feet this morning and we said search us oh god i know our hearts try your sincere days in a wicked ways in us god lead us in the way of everlasting this morning deliver us this morning from bitterness deliver us this morning from unforgiveness deliver us this morning from resentment whatever the enemy has planted in our hearts deliver us from it god that you may get true worship today that we may worship you in spirit and the truth wash yourself this morning god oh inside out work on us this morning check our attitude for us this morning check our desires this morning check our emotions this morning god give us a spiritual checkup this morning we come to your doctor jesus this morning some of us have been beating up all week long some of us have been tired thomas are weary this morning god we feel like we can't go any further so we'll come to you this morning for that cool ghost injection we come to you this morning for the one it was anointing we come to you this morning for the holy ghost strength this morning god as we look to you this morning wash us and we shall be whiter than snow in the name of jesus christ of nazareth we looked here this morning god for the musicians anointed them this morning we look to you this morning for the praise and worship team continue to anoint them god will we looked you on behalf of the camera crew anointed them this morning we look to you on the and behalf of the av department anoint them god we look to you and death of the ushers this morning we pray for your anointing god will look to you this morning and be off of the moderator god without you we are nothing without you we can do nothing so let your anointing flow in this place let your blood cover this please god from pumping to pew this morning blood up everywhere this morning she assaulted the enemy god in the name of jesus this morning hey we are looking at you god faith is the help of man we cannot help ourselves this morning we dare not trust our home this morning god so we are calling upon you the god of every of our eyes that country we are calling upon you daniel god you will deliver some people they deliver in this morning some coming in discouraged this morning god they may deliver some coming in sick this morning god they need deliver some coming in depressed this morning god they may deliver some coming in bondage this morning to sin they need deliverance this morning this morning jesus this morning god help the heart hell this morning jesus help us this morning that when all is said and done today man will not get the glory god you will get the glory god will come in the service again into your hand recommend everything that's going to be said and good for the rest of the evening god and we pray that the holy spirit of god are you keep us in your way so we will stay out of your way take full control and service we lift up our leaders before your god and we pray that you will be done and knowing them according to this morning oh god let your will be done in this congregation this morning we want to see a difference this morning god we want to feel a difference this morning god we want to do lord this morning after which you know that we need as we look to you this morning we are depending on you to see us [Music] because without you we are naughty god almighty this morning that person somebody is troubled and they need a piece this morning [Music] somebody is troubled this morning peace of god cover this congregation this morning and let your will be done [Music] we give you the glory we give it a praise and we give you the honor this morning and we tell you thank you god what if i failed to ask of you this morning may you grant it this morning god in the name of jesus hallelujah hallelujah god thank you for answering god thank you for answering god thank you god that you're gonna do for us more than we're can ask or think or imagine thank you god thank you for your presence with us god we don't deserve it but because you love him because you're a compassionate god we thank you for your presence with us this morning in the name of jesus as we turn to our scripture reading this morning hallelujah god hallelujah jesus isaiah 38 1 verses 1 through 8. hallelujah glory hallelujah it is a good thing to give praises unto the lord it is a good thing when the praises goes up the blessings come down hey hey hi jesus we thank you this morning and we praise you this morning oh glory be to god when you find it please stand so we can begin reading this morning god has been put on us hallelujah what almighty god we serve angels go before him heaven and earth and when you find it please stand if you are able to stand at all please stand for the reading of god's whole word praise god praise god say amen hallelujah i read and you follow praise god thank you jesus here begin at the reading of the word of god in those days ezekiel was sick and near that and isaiah the prophet the son of amos went to him and said to him thus saith the lord set your house in order for you shall die and not live then isa ezekiel turned his face towards the wall and prayed to the lord and said remember now oh lord i pray oh i have walked before you in truth and with a loyal heart and have done what is good in your sight and hezekiah went to bitterly hey and the word of the lord came to isaiah saying go and tell hezekiah thus saith the lord the god of david your father i have heard your prayer i have seen your tears surely i will add to your days 15 years i will deliver you and this city from the hands of the king of assyria that i will defend this city and this is the sign to you from the lord that the lord will do this thing which he has spoken 18 and we read i mean verse 8 and we read together behold i will bring the shadow of the sundial which has gone down with the sun and the sundial of the as 10 degrees backward so the sun returned 10 degrees and the dial by which it had gone lord praise god praise the lord praise the lord praise the lord hallelujah glory be to god verse 5 says go go and tell hezekiah thus saith the lord the god of david your father i have heard your prayers somebody god is saying to somebody this morning i have heard your prayer you that are crying and tears are falling and sometimes you don't know why god says i have seen your tears surely i will act your days hallelujah bless the lord bless the lord the word of the lord has spoken let the church say amen praise god praise god praise god to god be the glory for great and wonderful things he has done oh my god you look so wonderful and beautiful down there this morning god has been good to you hallelujah bless the lord god has been good praise god praise god hallelujah jesus glory be to god you can be seated in his presence this morning hallelujah surely the presence of the lord is in this place hey glory be to god hallelujah it is my task this morning to do the acknowledgement and welcome i welcome all of you this morning to the house of god hallelujah i greet god the father god the son and god the holy spirit this morning who is the head of my life praise god i acknowledge our presiding bishop bishop dr delphi davis and his wife minister dr petrova davis re-died residing there in jamaica praise god on this side of the shore i greet overseer and senior pastor of this assembly bishop michael hutchinson praise god give it up for him this morning praise god i greet his wife reverend patricia hutchins this morning and their children i greet reverend jocelyn rose in her absence her husband is there i agree minister rose praise the lord i greet all the ministers in their respective places this morning i greet all the officers in their respective places this morning i agree with you congregation again in the name of jesus christ of nazareth this morning welcome another time i agree to you on youtube this morning it's good that you're watching this morning stay tuned there's a word in store for you this morning don't turn that dial this morning don't go anywhere this morning you might just miss the word this morning that god asked for you praise the lord stay tuned stay tuned praise god praise god at this time there's a presentation there's a video presentation that shall be coming um at this time praise god until wait for it hallelujah we're waiting for the visual presentation praise god in the will hide in the shadow i will abide [Music] when the storms of life are raging over me in the rock [Music] i will hide [Music] i will [Music] when the storms of life [Music] is [Music] the shadows [Music] i [Music] praise god [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] he was talking about philosophy yes and i pray for him i bring him into a moment of repentance i repeat after me and i say to you believe that you are safe and he says yes and i said if you die today you will have eternal life with the lord and two weeks after that and i'm encouraging my friends [Music] praise god praise god good morning church good morning good morning good morning praise the lord you might be wondering why we are playing this and we saw it last week it's just a reminder to us that the mission is possible what is the mission to go into all the world and make disciples of all nation we are driven by this mission to go into the world to reach all nations all ethnicity that's one word that's also another word or the original word means all ethnicity all race of people not just black people not white people but people of all races because they need jesus and so today immediately after service we'll be going down to the miami area to do some distribution and evangelism so i encourage you please if you can come on out come on out the mission is for every believer it's not for a select few it's not for the evangelist it's not for the pastor it is for every single blood wash born again believer to make disciples of all men we want to thank those who stayed over yesterday and prepared the package we thank those who have been given their finances and their time we have packed 120 i believe care package care packages and we'll be going out this afternoon so please make sure you can join us if you're not able to join us on this sunday every first sunday make mark your calendar put a notification many of you have iphone and all sort of phones put it on your calendar the first sunday of every month we go out put it on your budget go into the dollar store going to target going to walmart pick up some deodorant pick up some toothpaste pick up some juices pick up some stuff if you can't afford come and give your time to and your prayers as we pack the care packages god bless you and we look forward to seeing you come on out praise the lord only what we do for the lord will last praise god hallelujah thank you jesus i forgot to do one thing and that is to welcome our first and second time visitors if you're visiting with us for the first or second time please stand so i can acknowledge you praise god praise god keep standing please keep standing on behalf of our bishop presiding bishop residing in jamaica and our bishop here at this miramar assembly we welcome you this morning to this service you could have gone elsewhere but god would have it that you would be in the service this morning there's something here for you so don't live without it this morning if you are saved continue to walk the path of faith continue to feast at the master's table if you're not saved i asked this morning that you don't live here without jesus this afternoon bless you thank you for coming praise god hallelujah thank you jesus hallelujah at this time the the choir is preparing themselves to come voices of inspiration praise god and after the choir the next voice you will hear is that of our pastor as you approach the podium please stand and make him welcome i just want to leave a quote with you someone says god has given his hardest battles to his the toughest battles to his most strongest servant god bless you it was my pleasure serving you this morning have a blessed day in the lord praise god please make choir voices of inspiration welcome let us call him by his name come on let us shout the highest praise glory be to god we hope as we sing the song today your hearts will be blessed [Music] though the clouds may young over there will be a brighter day [Music] god [Music] there will be [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] oh [Music] hallelujah [Music] is [Music] [Music] peace [Music] [Music] oh [Music] hallelujah [Music] well [Music] [Music] hallelujah when [Music] jesus [Music] when we [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] shall oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] when we are [Music] [Music] understand that this is what we call the dress rehearsal because our praise will be amplified when we reach the other shore while we are on this side of the shore we anticipate the next side of the shore [Music] and our perspective is on the other side of the shore so we begin the process of worshiping the lord anticipating the next side of the shore now if you are anticipating the next side of the show my brothers and sisters lift those voices lift those hands shout the high praise worship the lord hallelujah hallelujah thank you jesus thank you lord glory to god amen just extend a blessing to someone please and then you may be seated bless somebody in the house this morning [Music] amen then you may be seated i too want to lend my voice to the moderator this morning to acknowledge god the father jesus christ the son and the holy spirit and also to acknowledge our presiding bishop apostle dr delphi davis and his wife minister dr petrova davis assistant general overseer bishop howard grandison and his wife minister edith grandison and on this side of the show my wife reverend patricia hutchinson and our children assistant pastor reverend joycelyn rose and her husband and we would be praying for pastor rose momentarily because we know the challenge with that pressure that we know that god is able to heal her body amen praise the lord [Music] acknowledgement to the ministers of this church doing such an awesome job the executive board of directors of this church the ministers as i said earlier the officers saints of god visiting friends good to see you praise the lord our praise and worship this morning our choir minister this morning our musicians this morning our av team this morning our cameramen this morning our ushers this morning our prior mothers this morning and to all of you come on somebody just bless the lord [Applause] we have a few things that will be done today and we're working with our time because we also have to go into the community to minister to people by giving the care packages amen and to bring forth the gospel of jesus christ so at this time we're going to do the baby dedication and i want to acknowledge sister martial bestly from the brooklyn assembly with us please stand and just wave your hand to everybody please praise the lord good to have you good to see you bless the lord certainly we will try to let you bring a greeting maybe at the end all right so prepare yourself for that i want to acknowledge the kings that are here this morning that's exotic and king and sister king and the children bless the lord for them just stand please bless you bless you all the way from port saint lucie amen i acknowledge also the edwards all the way from orlando stand sister edwards and brother edwards will declare that on you amen today we'll be having a baby dedication and then we'll have the service and then we'll be having a water baptism so for those persons who are ready for baptism we're going to do a quick baptism for you in the name of jesus all right we had planned for the third sunday but something came up and there came a stir and it had us to fool the baptism pool to get the water ready the ethiopian eunuch said here is water what does into me from being baptized amen and so we do that today so please pray for me that we work assiduously to ensure that these are completed today amen so for the family of k sun mckay henry and samora dayla tenant tenant please come at this time that's brother anil henry and sister henry and their baby will be dedicated to the lord praise the lord and zamora tennant you can come with your parents can come with a baby we will maintain the physical distance so we'll do one at one side and the next one that makes sense so the family one family here and the next family cup stand right at this side then we have the enemies one side yes very nice we keep them at the sides yes and the next one at this side okay come right for the ear for this side you can go over that side you see the family over here bless you wonderful and then the henry's no we'll be right here so we maintain so we are one family and here we are next family i'm here amen praise the lord beautiful just turn yes see right here beautiful and then you come come right here very nice very nice i want to also acknowledge brother sutherland and his wife beautiful wonderful i heard so much about you and i'm so happy to see you today amen god bless you wonderful oh let's get into the word of god now said mark's gospel chapter 10 from the verse 13 through to 16 and it reads and they brought young children to him that he should touch them and his disciples rebuked those that brought them but when jesus saw it it was much displeased and said unto them suffer the little children to come unto me and forbid them not for of such is the kingdom of god verily i say unto you whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of god as a little child he shall not enter therein and he took them up in his arms place his hands upon them and bless them praise the lord now i want to first thank you very much for allowing us the privilege to be able to dedicate your children unto the lord it is a pleasure of ours and it is a call for the church to lift the children before the lord and i want to thank you very much for that now psalm 127 from the verse 1 through to 5 gives us a powerful expression of how we ought to deal with our address our children listen to what it says children are an heritage of the lord and the fruit of the womb is his reward it means then that children are valuable and should be highly treated or highly valuable because they are valuable to the lord amen another scripture that brings us an understanding of the children proverbs chapter 22 and the verse six and it declares to us train up a child in the way they are to go so that when they become old they will not depart from it the powerful expression of the scriptures where the children are concerned now the the parents and the god parents your responsibility is to assist in the process of the children's development amen so it's not just for you to be here so that you can stand today but it is a commitment for you that for the rest of your lives you're going to play your part in assisting in the development of these children amen and so you have a great task and assignment to you allow me at this time to pray for the children now amen somebody say amen praise the lord all right so i will do i will first pray for and i pronounce the name correct caisson mckay henry makai makai henry my wife was saying that you know you heard her sound you know bless the lord yeah we have to just be a straight right all right let me just place my hand on him father in the name of jesus christ of nazareth i place your son before you right now you knew him from before he was conceived in his mother's womb you called him forth o god to this life i speak purpose as peak promise i speak potentiality i pray god that you will keep him healthy keep him strong keep his mind on you i declare that he will be an asset to society not a liability at the clear that he will not be in the drug houses he will not be involved with crime he will not be abused in the name of jesus i pray that you will place a mark on his life oh god that no weapon form against him shall prosper that every tongue that rise up against him in judgment shall be condemned in the name of jesus lord i pray that you will keep him healthy keep him strong in the name of jesus right now i lift him before you o god and i pray that you will bless him lord bless his endeavors lord god i pray that you put people in his life lord that will help him lord god to be propelled to greatness i declare the spirit of excellence upon him in the name of jesus christ of nazareth and that the purpose for which he was born shall be accomplished and shall be fulfilled father lift him up before you right now as he is now blessed dedicated and given back to you in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit is blessed now in jesus name amen and amen glory to god thank you jesus thank you jesus samora tenant did i pronounce it correctly now oh bless you okay bless you father in the name of jesus christ of nazareth i play some more a tenant before you this morning lord god as she is so named lord god she may not understand what is being done to her right now but right now god will lift her before you o god a young lady lord god came into this world great god i pray you watch over her watch over her current position watch over her future in the name of jesus lord god i pray that you will bless her inner endeavors lord i pray the spirit of excellence will rest upon her in the name of the lord keep her healthy this morning keep us strong oh god lord i pray that our eyes will remain upon you lord and that you will fulfill the purpose for which she was born in the name of jesus god almighty lord that she will not be involved with drugs not crime not prostitution in the name of jesus god you will watch over her and send people out god to bless her in the name of jesus god i thank you that she's blessed and given back to you in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit she's blessed right now in jesus name amen and amen come on somebody bless the lord bless the lord and this is just another challenge for the parents and the good parents the church is here and the church wants to play our part in assisting in the development of the children we want to assist so as often as possible you can take them to church take them to church let them be a part of the church the church has a lot of benefits to it benefits praise the lord and so with the nurturing of yourselves to the children and the grandparents and the god parents and those who are around your destiny your children are destined for greatness because of the influence because of the word because of the power of prayer on their lives amen so i just want to say that to you now please bow your heads well i pray for all of you with this time and i acknowledge evangelist rule that's the mother of brother henry and i acknowledge brother sutherland and sister sutherland that's the mother and the father and mother of sister henry bless the lord and their family amen praise the lord i pray for you all now father in jesus name as i place the parents before you the godparents the grandparents god the nieces and the nephews of family in general god i pray that whatever they lack in nurturing the children you will supply it god lord i pray god that you will give them the wisdom the knowledge and the understanding god now the children don't know how to clothe themselves they don't know how to feed themselves god lord i pray that they will understand the tears when they cry i pray god that they will know what the tears represents god i pray god that you call the parents to have a keen eye to watch over the children in the name of jesus so god i pray that you will deposit lord whatever they need lord for a successful oh god ministering to the children in the name of jesus god i pray even now lord that you will provide in the home lord god the atmosphere of love the atmosphere of peace let the children grow up in an atmosphere of love and an atmosphere of peace and an atmosphere of generosity and goodwill in the name of jesus christ and so god we thank you for blessing these children and we thank you for blessing the parents and the god parents and the family at large in the name of jesus christ amen and amen somebody just clap your hands for the lord and i want to just take some time out to acknowledge you greatly this young man has been at our fasting services over and again he's a young man that is not afraid for prior to ask for prior not afraid for us to lay hands upon him and i know that purpose is on your life and i prayed for you that day remember that day praise god and i know that purpose is on your life and it's just a matter of time and as you sit down in this service and you listen to the word and if there is a we have a baptism and if you want to say i'm gonna you know this is my time i i have my family now this is my time god touch your heart you say you know i'm gonna i'm gonna make god my choice you know us for nearly 10 years from this church has been here you have been here so you know us and we have not changed glory to god thank you lord faithful oh my lord from that that we didn't know now praise the lord oh my god what a stir today somebody clap your hands for the lord please so i will hand you the certificate god bless you god bless you thank you very much god bless you i know we have this the shake hands and so forth but please forgive me on that one right with the physical distance and all of those stuff god bless you god bless you you can return to your seats now please god bless you god bless you you can return to your seat now please thank you grab your bibles everybody and turn it to the scripture that was read we are working with the time now isaiah chapter 38 from the verses 1 through to 8. it was read already i won't read it again for you i won't even read a verse for the sake of time praise god just grab it and keep it right there you know where to find isaiah right isaac is found in the old testament amen one of the major prophets praise the lord i want them to use for a theme turn your face to the lord allow me to move past the preamble or the introduction and get into the meat of the text the concept or idea of turning your face to the lord has to do with the source of our help the source of our help is the one who will hear us when we call the one who will answer us when we call the one who will show us great and mighty things the source of our help is the great high priest he is the king of kings and the lord of lords he is the everlasting father the prince of peace the mighty god the source of our help is el shaddai god almighty the source of our help is el gibor the mighty god the source of our help is el elyon the most high god the source of our help is jehovah jaire the lord will provide the source of our help is jehovah rohi the lord is my shepherd the source of our help is jehovah nisi the lord is my refuge the source of our help is jehovah sharma the lord is here glory to god understand then that that hezekiah his name means god gives what we find in the text of scripture according to the second kingdom that that as ezekiel there was an issue with the armies coming up against the children of israel and hezekiah turned his face to god for help in addressing the the nations that were rising up against the nation of israel and we find in the particular text that god brought deliverance to hezekiah because hezekiah turned his face to god up he sought god and asked him for help and god came through for him and god is saying to somebody that if you want help you can get help if you want god to intervene he will intervene if you want god to show up he will show up if you want god to do a work he will do a work but he's calling upon you to turn your face to him to turn your eyes on him you see around us everything seem to fail you nothing seemed to be working glory to god they told you that if you take this vaccine it's going to help you they told you if you take this injection it's going to help you but you take the injection and you take what the recommendations are and you find yourself still getting what they say you won't get but i tell you this today that if you turn your eyes on jesus he will help you somebody just shout a praise unto the lord thank you lord hezekiah's name as i said before it means god gives strength so while i was meditating upon this text the lord said one of the things that we can do is to add the word of god to our name glory to god what does this mean then it means that as we add all god's word to our name we will say i am such and such god is my healer god is my rock god is my fortress now what i want for you to do right now is i'm going to say this but you're going to call your name you're going to say your name publicly but you're going to say your name and you're gonna say what i'm gonna repeat to you example i'm michael hutchinson god is my healer i'm michael hutchinson god is my rock god my michael utchinson god is my fortress we have to then take on the word of god to our name to ourselves as we begin to walk in the way god wants us to walk now at the count of three i'm gonna say as i said before god is my healer my rock my fortress my hope you're gonna just put your name amen one two three say your name god is my healer say your name god is my rock say your name god is my fortress say your name god is my hope say your name god is my waymaker say your name god is my preserver say your name god is my present help in the time of trouble say your name i'm blessed say your name i'm highly favored say your name i'm more than a conqueror say your name i'm going through but i'm coming out say your name no somebody just lift your hands before the lord and just begin to praise him just praise him just praise him for what you have attached to your name just praise him [Music] thank you lord hezekiah had a condition and the condition was affecting his body remember now hezekiah saw the delivering hand of god upon his life and hezekiah understood that when god steps into any situation god is going to cause you to receive the victory all we need is god's presence to show up all we need is god's manifest presence to show up so any environment the presence of god shows up in god is going to do something to change the environment to change the condition to change the situation to change the issue and that's why we say god show up for me come on somebody lift your hand and say lord show up for me show up from a situation show up for my conditioner show up for my issue show up god show up come on open your mouth and say lord show up show up show up god [Music] hezekiah's condition was sick that was that he was sick unto death he was about to die and not just that but but isaiah came to him with a word from god and isaiah said to him god said to tell you not the doctors not based on the doctor's diagnose diagnosis he came with a word from god and he says god said to tell you to put your host in order because you're going to die it is enough when somebody a human can tell you that you're going to die and you say let me find my hope in god and some of you may have some situation and somebody said go get a second opinion because a second opinion is worth trying because you don't know if the doctor picks up everything but when god send a word to you that's a final word there is no second opinion you can go to to say let me see if the word is true so what hezekiah did when isaiah told him that you're going to die hezekiah turned his face onto the one who cannot change his situation [Music] hallelujah there is something about putting our things in order but there is something about hearing a bad news but have enough strength and courage to say i'm going to turn my eyes to god because if there is anybody that can help me god can somebody say god can help me god can help me [Music] hezekiah must have felt hopeless because god said that he was going to die the final authority on whether we live or die sent the verdict to hezekiah you're going to die hezekiah had no second opinion to go to he can't go to the food stairs because god is more powerful than the soothsayers he could not go to the orbier man because god's word is more powerful than the object man he could not turn to the doctor because god's power is more powerful than the doctors and when god made a final statement or praise god that is what god says and that is what god means hezekiah he did while he received the verdict why he received what isaiah said to him i believe hezekiah said there is something about this god to whom i put my trust in there is something about this god if i could just appeal to this god if i could just turn to this god if i could just make my eyes or be focused on this god if i could just ask god for help if i could just ask god for mercies if i could just ask god to help me if i could just ask god to turn his eyes to me i believe that god can do something hezekiah appealed the ruling hezekiah went to god he turned his face to god in fact the word said he turned his face to the wall and what i picked up from that my brothers and sisters i'm suggesting that hezekiah clawed or he blocked everybody else from him he turned his mind away from people of what god is saying take your mind off our people take your mind off of people take your eyes off of people take your eyes off of people and place your eyes upon god to take your focus from people hezekiah recognized that people couldn't help him the situation that he was experiencing people couldn't help him but there was one who could help him there was one who can turn his situation around there was one who will who can intervene and if god step in to the situation something can occur that will bring a change in ezekiel's life [Music] he turned his face to the wall and they looked up to god and they say kaya said god do you remember me god god remember oh lord at the verse 3 of isaiah chapter 38 remember lord i beseech thee oh i have walked before thee i walk before you in truth i walk before you with a perfect heart i have done that which is good in thy sight and hezekiah webster i want to say this that we hear all around the world that the church is praying the church is praying the church is praying but i'm telling you this my brothers and sisters i do not see the church weeping sore we still feel with pride we still don't want to get our clothes dirty we don't want to lay on the floor and say god oh god i don't care my white clothes is dirty i'm seeking your face and i'm crying out to you we don't have people crying out no more to the lord but god is saying there is a way that we can get god's attention if we call upon him and if we cry out to him then he will hear us somebody say hear me lord hear me lord when i cry thank you lord hezekiah reminded god not not as if god didn't know because god knew everything about us but hezekiah in his communicating with god in his prayer before god oh god facing the condition of death in his own life when he sought god and god delivered our old nation from those who were designed to destroy them isaiah applied the same method to his old life because he proved that god is a prayer hearing god and a prayer answering god he proved that god is a deliverer and a waymaker he proved that god is our present help and he recognized that if you could do the same by calling upon god god will hear and come through ezekiel said heal me god help me god but you know you know the funny thing about this particular text you know you know hezekiah didn't necessarily ask him to heal you know hezekiah turn his face towards god we can pull from that that he asked god to heal him but hezekiah i believe he said if there is anything god ah god is there any if there is anything that you see in me god or where my heart is concerned to you that will cause you to extend my life i'm asking you god to search me no wonder the writer says search me oh god know my thoughts know my faults see if there be some wicked ways in me and he and my body in the name of jesus come on somebody just say lord heal my body [Music] but watch this now while hezekiah wept soon that means he he prayed and he cried out to god with intensity there was this statement that i heard some times ago and it says it says this gentleman he was passing a yard and he saw in the yard a dog and the dog was moaning and he he went to the owner for the dog and he said to the owner i i hear your dog moaning what is happening to the dog and he says the dog is sitting on a nail so he's moaning because he's sitting on a nail and the gentleman said to the owner why doesn't he get up the owner says maybe it's not hurting him enough some of your condition is of such that it only cause you to complain about it but nothing else i want you to reach a place in your life up where the condition will move you to do something about it hallelujah not to complain that being wrecking my body but take it another step further i'm gonna cast the pain before god i'm gonna cause the issue before god i'm gonna cast the problem before god because god can help me understand what happened that god saw i believe hezekiah's heart and as hezekiah webster the bible said that by the time isaiah reached to a certain place to leave from hezekiah's compound god sent back a word to isaiah and said to isaiah go back to ezekiel the same person who i sent you to with a word of death but go back this time not with a word of data not with a word of destruction not with a word of gloom and doom but go back to ezekiel with a word of hope and i want to say to somebody today that god is sending to you a word of hope you shall recover you shall come forth you're going to make it i don't know who i'm talking to right now but if you could just grab that word just grab it as it passes you're gonna make it you're going through you're coming out you're a gold in the making you're a ghost in the making you're pearl in the making you are oh my somebody saw so many shops you are gold and they are making them grab it grab it grab it grab it grab it grab it [Music] hallelujah god sent back a word and said you're going to be healed and i'm going to add to your life for 15 more years glory to god almighty and clear upon your life because god spoke that word in my spirit and it says you are going to make it whatever you're going through you're going through whatever you make whatever you're experiencing you're going to see it behind you because god is god now god said to ask us to stand right now and turn to a wall sha baba turn to a wall you have four walls turn to a wildest turn to a war mama mama [Music] oh son easy turn his attention away from people and he turned into the war and hezekiah began to talk with the lord at the count of three everybody i'm gonna ask for you right now to just open your mouth and begin to talk to the lord about whatever is affecting your life in the name of jesus one god hears two god answers and three gods and life pray everybody pray right now if you are not personally going through something and a family member is oh god i turned the face god for my brother brian brian i turned my face to the wall for my sister's highest sin i turned my face to the wall oh god to pauline my sister pauline i turned my face to the wall for brother weir i turned my face to the wall through the penis i turned my face to the wall oh god almighty told the followers i turned my face to the wall oh god almighty for sister land i turn my face to the wall lord god i ask of you right now to touch lord god the christians great god almighty i pray that you will touch right now god will cry out to thee god no other help we know lord god this pandemic is raging but we know that there is coverage under the blood we know that healing is still in the blood lord we apply the blood over our house right now to oppose the lintels oh god over our mind of our bodies over our immune system we apply the blood right now in the name of jesus the efficacious blood lord god the blood that never lose its power great god i pray that today somebody will receive their healing somebody will stretch somebody will break somebody lord god condition will dry up right now as we turn our fears to the wall in the name of jesus we apply the principles of hezekiah this morning great god almighty and we employ great god your word to our lives we shall not die but live in the name of jesus so whatever issue i say oh god i pray right now for those watching my way of youtube great god that you touch them lord touch though that is the fairy god son mighty god of daniella trust your god mother brian great god almighty i pray your touch evangelist campbell touch past the rules right now create god in the name of jesus let your healing power flow let the fire of the holy spirit move let somebody experience a torture and a transformation in the name of jesus christ of nazareth change the condition change the situation change the report let the report be that by your stripes we are healed oh god almighty heal those who are in need of healing this morning in the name of jesus christ we apply your word we reapply your answer your answer was send back to hezekiah ah god and say to hezekiah i shall heal your condition and you shall live i declare upon every person that we are praying for every person in the sanctuary glory to god almighty that you shall be healed and you shall live in the name of jesus christ of nazareth somebody right now just turn your face right now and just lift those hands before the lord and just begin to praise him for life praise him for health praise him for strength praise him for your peace praise him in the name of jesus shoulder praise shape the place shake the place with the praise shhh [Music] thank you lord say this prayer after me right now and for those persons who will be baptized please prepare yourself ella hartley know himself to be one of the baptizer or a modern day john the baptist he confessed to a walker the man will be pulling back there the curtain for us to engage for those who the lord has touched you you say i didn't come for the baptism today but today i'm going to make my calling on my election sure just lift your hand up please i didn't plan for it but we have clothed clothing if you don't have clothing i have clothing we have clothing here to get you prepared for this baptism just lift those hands up glory to god bow your heads with me now and just say this right after me father in the name of jesus i come before your presence i receive your word on my life then i'm healed i'm healed physically i'm ill emotionally i'm healed mentally and i'm healed spiritually today i claim my rightful position as a child of god as a son of the promise i decree over my life today that i will not walk in sickness but i will walk in health i decree now that i'm healthy that i'm strong that i shall live and i shall not die i be clear over my life the blood the blood of protection the blood of life in my life i declare it and today i outwardly make in making my voice be heard that i am a success story i am not defeated i am a success story in the name of jesus i am a success story i want the world to know that i am a success story i have my testimony that by his tribes i receive my healing and i'm walking in my healing in jesus name amen testify to somebody right now turn to somebody and testify to them right now that i'm healed i'm healed come on i'm a healey i'm a testimony of healing you may be seated please praise the lord i know we have brother hartley come please and your nep your nephew too right i know you wanted to be baptized you want to make it right with the lord praise god this wasn't planned but there's a stir from last night and the water is troubled the water is troubled the writer says the the the ethiopian eunuch when he met with philip he said to philip here is water what hinder me from being baptized and philip asked him a question if you believe you shall do you believe on this jesus do you accept him as your personal savior and lord are you willing today to say i'm not gonna just accept him and believe him i'm gonna follow him in water baptism are you willing to do that today glory to god stretch your hands over them congregation please is there anybody else in the sanctuary today the water is troubled the water is available salvation is here is there anybody here that says i want to make it right with god i want to make god my choice is there anybody here anybody else anybody else i pray for you both right now father in the name of jesus i lift these two young men before you your word said man i call upon you young men i call upon you because you are strong god i pray for your strength spiritual emotional mental physical in the name of jesus every doubt we step on it right now god i call them forth to a new life in you in the name of jesus and i be clear that as of today they will walk god in the way that bring honor and glory to your name and everything that needs to be fixed in their home fix it god put the puzzles together in jesus name amen amen i'm going to ask you to go change um minister miles get him to get them the clothes for me please praise the lord praise the lord um let me ask for you now to we're going to collect the day's offering and then we prepare for that the water baptism you're doing so well we're doing so well together amen praise the lord boy has please everybody and we love for you to give unto the lord right now father we just want to thank you for your people the obedience to come to worship in your house god lord god i thank you for the offering and the tithe that they will give to you for your work here on earth you know the projects the undertaking of the projects god god you know these people or god that you are brought to here lord god to to be a part of the building of this work i pray you bless them individually and collectively bless their homes and their families and god as they give into the various protests that we have here at the church god almighty they will sow in the fertile soil and their their their seed will never dry up i decree a return to them push down shaken together are pressed down shaking together and running over i declare that blessing on them as they give in jesus name amen just take that offering out of the tithe and let me tell you quickly the off the ushers are at the back we have a couple of things that we're going to do at the church the people are getting ready and soon as soon as they come we do this and then do the baptism and we are out of here by a certain time amen quickly though as you prepare to give we are doing the i did say to this church that we're going to tile put the tiles on the lobby area right around to the kitchen amen and so we have acquired the tithes very good um they can bless you we have acquired some tiles so that that's what we're going to put on from the lobby go right around praise the lord and we have brother brother broomfield is going to be the one that's going to put it down on the ground god bless things to you brother broomfield will be putting it down on the ground he will begin the process next week well tuesday coming so please pray for that and please sow into that also amen but that's the minor of the of of what i'm asking for you to sow into amen praise the lord so please give please give we have i mentioned to you that the church is embarking on purchasing lands all right so we identify some areas in the lehigh county our lee county that the church is embarking on to purchase some lands all right so i have with me the documents here for the two acres of land that we are purchasing in that area amen and this is all for the church in the church's name and everything so i am asking for you to sow into it how much it cost bishop you're saying well let me answer it let me ask the question for you and let me answer it for you it costs about eighty thousand dollars to buy the two acres of land and pay for the closing cost so i'm asking for your help one thousand five hundred one hundred fifty twenty ten would love for you to assist in this and this is my guarantee to all of you that when we purchase the land if you notice i say when we do so i'm hearing too much noise yes when we purchase the land and we clear the land and fenced it we're going to have such an awesome time on that lot of land praise god before the year end in jesus name somebody said before the year end we are going to have a worship session on the land that the church will purchase in jesus name come on clap your hands for the lord everybody we are still mindful of those worry we are still mindful of those who are challenged financially challenged in other areas and we are putting things in place to assist in that endeavor all right but mark you the church has to establish herself amen and so it takes money so while we take care of the poor and those who are in need among us we have to also expand the ministry amen and we believe that the church can venture into other areas in the florida area to bring forth the gospel of jesus christ amen and so lee i acres come on somebody say lehigh acres is one such area that god will establish his name to the power of faith ministries amen clap your hands again for the lord [Music] so through zell zell pfm family miramar gmail.com write that check by faith use that card and swipe it by faith and say i'm sowing into it every person who know that everything that i've asked you to do i've always presented it to you to let you know that it is done amen and so for the the people are getting ready they're coming in a short while i want to take the time out to thank you all of you who assisted us in purchasing the new air conditioned unit praise the lord clap your hands for everybody who did so we had a unit into the ceiling and if you notice the section there the the water because of the old system or whatever it it was it it damages even the roof or the ceiling now god has blessed us with a brand new unit that it is now behind so we can see from here praise the lord the the new setting set up for it and this was done by the hard-working men of the church that's evangelist williams brother gordon exorta king brother onion henry brother pete dylan and all of you your priors and your financial support you made it happen come on somebody clap yourselves you made it happen and so as you made it happen for the church for the air-conditioned unit you're gonna make it happen for the lot of land amen praise the lord all right they're coming now minister miles everybody's ready because we got to we got the rule right now in jesus name all right can we just stand and sing two songs please can we just raise two songs please i promise it's gonna be quick in jesus name the water is troubled my friend the water is troubled my friend step right in god's [Music] [Applause] is [Music] every hour [Music] glory before we do the next song and they're coming in now before we do the next time just want to announce to you the baptism we have another baptism that will be coming on the third sunday praise god we're believing in soul winning for the kingdom amen praise the lord wonderful bless the lord yes you may be seated please all right the seat best succeeded praise god so we have another baptism coming up in the the last seven days in september we have a seven day fasting on prior seven days of fasting on prior watch this now we finish the the the services will begin september 24th and it goes straight to the 30th we finish the service at at midnight at midnight for the seven days we finish the service at midnight meaning we start at 7 pm in the night in the church and we finish at midnight and on the 1st of october we have the all night prayer meeting so seven days we stop at midnight and then the first the first of october which is a friday we go all night that mean through until 6 a.m in the morning so please bear that in mind by next week i will give you the exact point what i'm asking for you to pray about and the fast about amen so this church is a praying church this church is a teaching church and this church is a soul-winning church for the glory of the lord amen so please bear those in mind all right great who else we have two more where the other two young men the two young men are here yes quickly the two young men bless the lord yes we're waiting for those two young men so we have four souls that's supposed to have seven believe you me and suppose you have seven support your seven souls for the kingdom's sake glory to god in jesus name [Music] praise the lord [Music] please check on them for me we're moving against time please record them for me yes [Music] [Music] yes is there anybody else [Music] step right in let me ask for the four of you to stand right before me at this time glory to god you know this is an exciting moment for us and you know all of you know why right sister right [Applause] herself and her husband has been a work horse for the church they have done so much for the kingdom's sake and so when that specific call was made i said god no we have to it has to be done today for the glory of god amen and then remember now we have we we have some money in the kitty right for the water right so we still have money put down for water amen so that if that's a question god has answered it amen so i'm gonna ask you congregation to just stretch your hand over to them please and we're gonna let's pray for them and then we're gonna ask the question why is it that they wanna be baptized and then they're gonna say the baptism creed and then they will get them into the pool right away amen stretch your hand everybody to them father god today in heaven there are angels are there the word said there is rejoicing in heaven among the angels over one sinner that turned to you over one who confessed your name and here we have four souls god the excitement of heaven lord god almighty restoring of heaven god giving glory because of these souls god and so as heaven rejoices we are rejoicing over these souls today that god you have drew them here and god you save them here and that god you are helping them here god i pray that you will seal them god i pray that you will help them lord i pray that you will guide them lord i pray that you will cover them lord i pray that whatever the enemy will try god it will never work god because god you would have protected them from the arms of the enemy envelope them i pray in the name of jesus i pray that they will not sleep they will never sleep but they will continue the path in this new life give them this experience of new life in jesus name according to john chapter 3 in jesus name amen and amen clap your hands everybody for the lord i'm going to ask you to turn to the congregation i know everybody turn to the congregation and you're going to tell the congregation why you want to be baptized very good very good so we're starting with sister right go ahead and tell them your name fully yes known church i been you all know me some may know that i wasn't baptized and you know um you know a lot of you talk to me all the time and i'm like i'm braver and in between and all because of fear and i keep convincing myself that god is not of fear so i remember one afternoon sister widow she said you you're too stubborn nobody ever said that to me and pastor mentioned that he's gonna have a baptism for sunday and i make a note of it and i didn't haven't seen any preparation being made for the baptism so i went into him yesterday because i wasn't going to say anything i was just going to come and i went into him yesterday and i asked pastor you're going to have a baptism and he said no you know we planned for third sunday which is week after next week but i'm like i thought you were gonna have it and i'm like ready and he said okay so i'm just asking you all to just pray for me and keep my family keep my family in your prayers and you know i want wanna make heaven my home i don't wanna labor in vain ever in my [Music] help home to make it in cause no matter what it takes i really wanna make heaven my own [Music] [Applause] hallelujah church my name is beverly clark i am from montego bay jamaica when i was coming here on the 10th of june i was stopped by immigration and they said to me you're not going to send me here you're going to send me back home at that time i said okay i don't know they have a change of mind my bag was back to jamaica and i was still here so about three sundays ago i was taking a walk on the street where i meet brother and sister miles at bravo and they all invited me to church i came the same sunday had human fellowship a convention and i know it is a reason why i'm here it's not an accident it's a reason and i'm here to serve christ jesus and i'm here and i'm digging deeper and deeper and deeper and deeper in christ amen [Applause] [Music] good afternoon uh august oh i'm sorry my name is vincent alvin hartley jr i'm the nephew of a brother winston hartley august 22nd 2021 i gave my life i rededicated my life to god and um today uh september 5th i'm gonna seal the faith and i'm gonna go ahead and wash all my sins away in the name of jesus today and i will be buried with christ it's in romans i'm i'm not sure the verse but it's interesting chapter 6 romans chapter 6 verse 4 thank you pastor yeah so uh i will be buried with christ and um i think this is the best move for anybody in the world to do to give their life to god you know and um my son my son is here his name is vincent vincent his name mean the son of vincent so i asked him you know what he think about god he said daddy i want to follow god i want to follow christ and he's only 11 years old you know so he said he want to come with me to get to give his life to god so that's why he's here with me and i thank everybody in here and i bless god bless you all [Music] you nervous he's kind of nervous so bear with him please good afternoon my name is vincent jordan hartley and i come here today to do what my father wanted me to do and what i decided to do i decided to give my life to god and decide to decide to wash every everything that i've done bad in my my body and i also want to do what my father said be buried with the blood jesus yes are you going to turn to me now everybody just put it up for you return to me are you going to you're going to say this after me right i confess that i believe in jesus christ as the son of the living god i believe in his death his burial and his resurrection i believe also in his second coming to judge the world in majesty and power i therefore renounce the world the flesh sin and the devil and pledge to walk in the newness of life in christ jesus i know in the presence of god the angels and this assembly do take my solemn vow thy vows o lord are upon me until death thy vows o lord are upon me until death thy vows o lord are upon me until death a vow i dare not break in jesus name amen boy your heads one more time please stretch your hand over them please one more time father in the name of jesus as they have sealed their position in you god i thank you for your salvation that has been extended i thank you for this drawing this drawing to you god i pray that you will seal them with your blood that god you will justify them right now god lord i thank you that even now lord god the their lives has been transitioned they are transformed and they will now be working as new believers as believers in you god lord second corinthians 5 17 says any man in christ is a new creature old things are passed away and behold all things are become new i declare the newness of life upon them as they experience the new birth experience in jesus name amen praise the lord you may be seated now and then i'm going to ask no for brother hartley bless you you will go first so brother heart to the father heartly and son hartley will go praise god you go right around follow follow minister miles yes sir brother my and raise a few songs for me please [Music] jesus mind i found a new life [Music] if anybody [Music] [Music] yes [Music] [Music] is [Music] vincent hartley jr you surrendered your life to the lord you accepted jesus christ as your personal savior and lord and you made the decision to follow him in water baptism am i correct today i baptize you turn him around yes i baptize you in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy ghost in jesus name amen [Music] is [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] brother vincent hartley jr our his father junior praise the lord so you carry the name vincent right you know my father's name was vincent too oh yes bless you all right you accepted jesus christ as your personal savior and lord correct you made a decision to follow him in water baptism correct today you will be baptized turn him around i baptize you in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy ghost in jesus name amen [Music] yes [Music] oh [Music] right [Music] let me call all the children all our children come come children come close i give you this opportunity to come and take a look at your mummy and i'm still calling your father wherever he is see him right here still calling him [Music] oh yes come on come on [Music] we're gonna walk down [Music] you surrendered your heart to jesus christ and you accepted him as your personal savior and lord and you also made a decision to follow him in water baptism am i correct today you will be baptized our turn around bless the lord today i baptize you in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy ghost in jesus name amen [Music] [Music] up [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] right around [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] sister beverly clark you surrendered your heart to jesus christ you accepted him as your personal savior and lord and you made a decision today to follow him in water baptism am i correct today i baptize you you can take off the yes praise the lord today i baptize you in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy ghost in jesus name amen come on somebody [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] i am [Music] i am [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Applause] we will be closing the service momentarily and when they come they change off and so forth i love for you to fellowship with them before you go amen but i feel led in my spirit i felt led in my spirit to call both of you to the altar to pray for both of you feel held in my spirit so i want to anoint you with oil and in fact all three of you just i just ask you to to hug each other as close as possible and i pray for you my god my god [Music] jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus i need a prior warrior took us to a stripper there are some things that need to strip from them mama mama mama from them right now in the name of jesus just shoot some things from them right now with the name of the lord just ship them off strip off some things right now strip some things strip something strip something ship something today is going to be a new day for you a new start for you [Music] somebody somebody just shout something somebody shout something right now glory glory glory glory shy father god right now in the name of jesus i place this copy before you lord great god you brought them together in a marital union i pray now that you will destroy every works of the enemy right now every prevailing plan of the enemy i destroy a trample under foot right now in the name of jesus father god you call me to call them to the altar for a fresh start for a new beginning in the name of jesus i pray now that you will [Music] we break the stronghold we break the stronghold we break the stronghold we speak life in this marriage we speak life in this family we're buying the spirit at death right now we're buying everything that the enemy has thrown at them in the name of jesus we declare restoration restitution revival renewal in the name of jesus christ touch them today let today be the start of something new in the mighty name of jesus soften their hearts for each other i pray in the area where they need to compromise their will i pray in the area god where they need to work together they will father god i pray lord god that will that that i i we will go through the door and we and us and ours will be the hard mark right now in the name of jesus you be the three sprang cord that will bind and link this marriage together in the name of jesus and i declare purpose driven in this marriage in jesus name father pray for the son right now god i pray lord god for this home that he will be raised up in god will be a loving home will be a home of peace in the name of jesus touch right now father tell your thanks in jesus name amen and amen somebody just bless the lord thank you lord god said to do that and i do it now talk with you both in jesus name you may return to your state stand with me everybody please as we close the service right now lift those hands and give thanks i want to thank the praise and worship team thank you very much for i want to thank the choirs i want to thank allah i want to thank the musicians i want to thank the ushers i want to thank the prior mothers i want to thank the av i want to thank all of you for being here i just want to thank you i just want to love you uh up in the name of jesus thank you very much for what you are doing in this ministry for helping this ministry to grow glory to god father god right now keep those hands up father right now i just want to thank you that you have brought a word to this church a healing delivering word lord i thank you that your people are god that have attached lord god the various names to their name god that they will walk in that in the name of jesus god i pray a blessing on their lives blessing of strength blessing of love blessing of peace blessing of joy gotta seal somebody's deliverance a seal their healing right now that are sealed pastor rose healing god and the seal they heard that's right now under the blood in the name of jesus god every plan that this church has lord god you will cause it to flourish you will cause it to grow you will cause it god to be propelled to greatness in the name of jesus god i thank you for brother linville wright i'm calling him brother right now in the name of jesus god i thank you lord for having him lord god being i'm helping lord god with the the the the house next door to ensure lord god that it is in good order gonna thank you for deacon tupper and his wife yesterday who helped to move the the trash out to the front thank you lord for his gift to the church of 400 god bless him father thank you for all that the church has been doing god to enhance the kingdom bless us as we go cover us under the blood bless the av team those who are inside god you don't see them much but they're inside sister mcintyre sister spence god brothers are moved at times your god from inside to out god i want to thank you for them all god god bless them lord i pray in the name of jesus [Music] god as we say thanks in jesus name may the lord bless you and keep you may the lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious unto you may the lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you his peace in jesus name amen clap your hands everybody for the lord on behalf of bishop michael hutchinson that's myself yours truly my wife and family and the entire myrmar assembly just want to say to you we love you we appreciate you god bless you have an awesome sunday tune in at 7 pm for another powerful word peace be unto you bye bye now [Music]
Channel: PFM Family Miramar
Views: 1,221
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: bwDze6N6abw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 144min 26sec (8666 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 05 2021
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