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engage in strategic prayer listen the seasons of attack in a believer's life or a season of pruning and making their seasons of deep spiritual emphasis there are seasons of prayer and intercession [Music] that's not the time to pray morning and evening that's the time to pray anyhow and anytime because you are in the season your anchor will be your prayer [Music] hallelujah day and night you are praying lord i don't know what is happening to my life but i'm praying you have your prayer time in the morning you have your prayer time in the evening but every time is prayer time every time is prayer time an evil report your wife just lost that child jakarta ska brandeis sega de bayer what are you doing i am praying why i'm in a season is any man afflicted james chapter 5 and verse 13 let him pray let him pray not let him discuss not let him grumble around not let him call god names and say i will backslide let him pray psalm 34 please from verse four to seven and then the last part and we will pray [Music] psalm 34 shabbat prahlada i sought the lord and he heard me and delivered me from what all my fears next verse while reading to four to seven they looked unto him and were lightened and their faces were not ashamed six the poor man cried and the lord heard him and saved him out of how many all his troubles last verse the angel of the lord encompassed around them that fear him and delivered them prayer is a powerful weapon in all seasons but especially this season lord what is happening around my life my wife just got attacked my son just got attacked my job just got attacked i am not understanding what is happening i set myself like daniel onto prayer [Music] god grants you grace you can add with fasting ad with fasting this spiritual laziness of eating anyhow any time many believers now fast as a ceremony three days fasting you carry it on your head as if you i see this is 12 years fasting [Music] if you love food more than your destiny life will cheat you again and again food is okay but please let me tell you mighty ones you must learn to show food that your spirit man has grown above it [Music] there are many of you here you cannot remember i may be wrong i'm not saying you should do it please i'm not saying you should do it but as far as i'm concerned there are spiritual levels that if you get to [Music] a week should never pass that you did not fast you are joking you are joking not with what you are doing to hell you are joking seven days i know [Music] [Music] my he listen let me tell you this i will continue to teach you this secret real victory real victory in prayer is gotten while men sleep real victory is not gotten shouting around just making noise real men of power contact power when men sleep may god give you the grace to rise above sleep i am praying from the may god give you the grace to not allow sleep cheat you that god can wake you up in the night no light off the light you are praying don't allow distractions you are praying the next thing you see one of your trousers and it's enough to destroy off the light you can use your phone light you are in the night alone and watch what happens nobody see what you are doing but there is a register every day you are signing it is the day you get to the stage to preach that's when god will not disappoint you you don't come on stage and talk nonsense lion of the tribe of judah rose of sharon lily of the valley rose of this and that and that god is not a scammer he's not a magician no track record in the secret place you will flatter yourself to nothing in it in the open please learn to pray in the night learn to pray in the night learn to pray in the night receive grace to dedicate night times and pray god didn't give you a house just to keep things turn everywhere to a prayer altar turn your toilet to a prayer altar turn your living room to a prayer altar when everyone has gone off the television don't pray watching a film even if it's a christian movie you are not praying shut it down lord this is me and you here i don't know what is happening to my life jacques [Music] a time will come your tongues begin to change what you are saying it will never be what you started with you are you have entered a level in the spirit [Music] tongues are languages and there are levels of power contact clonings that cannot be uttered you get to a point in the spirit where you begin to pray sacrifice there are times that only one word one phrase will come out of your mouth for minutes praise you are receiving power [Music] prayer is not something you do in a group so that people will see you and think to a prayer warrior don't joke with your destiny like that don't joke with your destiny like that the bible says to enter and shut the door behind you shut the door behind you and pray to your father who is in secret you don't need to have a prayer point you don't need to have a prayer point just stay there and begin to pray and while you are praying your flesh is weak but your spirit is willing [Music] listen can i tell you this there is a level of fire you bring on any attack in your life it must give way it must give way fire is an emblem of the spirit is one of the emblems of revival is one of the emblems that show that the spirit is in a place fire does not only refine fire is for judgment there are times you need to stay like a priest upon the watch my brother and my sister if you pray from your heart some things will shift you will wake up in the morning i know i shifted this through prayer there are attacks that only prayer can challenge [Music] pray for me pray for me is wonderful but you must become the priest of your destiny can someone just blast in tongues for just one or two minutes salam akata shanakandas kama unto him that answers prayer shall all flesh come lord i'm in a season of my life i cannot afford to be lazy i'm in a season of my life i cannot allow my prayer life go down is too risky not for this season not for this season this is the wrongest time to be prayerless this is the wrongest time to be prayerless oh take away slumber from my eyes take away slumber oh god there are scores to settle in the realm of the spirit there are things to shift in the realm of the spirit there are things who are lying in the realm of the spirit i need to legislate spiritual realities while men slept while men slept the enemy came and saw tears pray rain outside prey is [Music] who sinks on foreign foreign woe to them what is in zion woe to them who are easy in zion upon the wife [Music] hallelujah hallelujah we're praying psalm 125 prayer gives you stamina to pass through seasons jesus prayed otherwise you would have given up he said peter satan desire to sift you like wheat but i have prayed for you that your faith failed not and when you are converted use the same strategy to strengthen strengthen prayer i say strengthener there that trust in the lord shall be as mount zion which cannot be moved but abided forever next verse [Music] as the mountains are around jerusalem so the lord is round about his people from henceforth even forever next verse for the road of the wicked shall not rest upon the lord of the righteous lest the righteous put his hands in iniquity next verse do good o lord unto those that be good and to them that are upright in your heart while reading till the last verse as for such as turn aside in their crooked ways the lord shall lead them forth with the workers of iniquity but peace upon joshua salman prayer gives you stability in the next two three minutes you are going to pray and say lord let this prayer stabilize me i shouldn't be shaking over everything i should be able to laugh at certain storms and say jesus is lord lift your voice and pray stability power stamina [Music] the lord is my light and my salvation the lord is the strength of my life for the sake of my children oh god arise all color eyes oh god of judgment that rise upon the wings of the week arise be serious down tonight i use prayer as a system of authorization this course must stop this bad luck upon my life must come hallelujah hallelujah serve them in the name of jesus [Music] shout it say in the name of jesus tonight i stand on behalf of myself and my family and i declare that every altar that is speaking against my destiny i tear it down tonight lift your voice and pray separately is i change them i chain down i chain down i carry it down i came down in the name of jesus hallelujah hallelujah please pay yourselves two to find find a partner and hold the hand be serious please if the person by your side is not serious leave me alone while doing serious business tonight find a partner and hold their hands in the name of jesus say it again in the name of jesus every legal access i have given for these altars to speak against me knowingly and unknowingly tonight i invoke the blood let the blood speak lift your voice and begin to pray every legal access every legal access every legal access shall be delivered even the lawful shall be delivered hallelujah hallelujah hold the hands of someone else look for another partner hold the hands of someone else self time in the name of jesus say it again in the name of jesus altars of poverty altars of delay altars of failure i speak to you secretary in the name of jesus i tear you down release my destiny release my destiny altars of poverty although understandable i speak against you i speak against you i caught you by the god of heaven by the god of heaven hallelujah [Applause] hallelujah we're really praying tonight i'm seeing blood dripping on people god is bringing so many miracles in people we're still praying please was he praying we're still praying scatter barriers i see altars on fire we're still praying we are making real contact with the realm of the spirit shadow basketball hallelujah hallelujah [Applause] say in the name of jesus [Applause] altars that are territorial in nature fighting my destiny because of where i'm coming from i prophesy tonight your hold is broken over my life lift your voice and pray authors associated territories associated with territories i come against you by the god of heaven i come against you pray pray i come against you my foreign hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah please help those under the anointing hallelujah listen there are some of you your prayers were answered since many years but it looked like it has not manifested because every time is reaching you an altar lifts up we're going to call it back are you ready to pray serve time in the name of jesus [Applause] every delayed blessing that should have happened in my life and was delayed because of these altars tonight by prophecy i call you back to my life lift your voice and pray lift your voice and pray and watch the blood of oneness authorize the god of heaven and watch restoration happen in your testing respond relationships ministries foreign foreign hallelujah hallelujah you are going to call the name of your family members listen i don't care how many call it listen you are going to call them one by one and say i stand as an altar and i bring you out of this dungeon lift your voice and pray call them call them call them mention them by name i bring you out of this wasteful living room foreign i declare that the is hallelujah hallelujah [Applause] hallelujah say in the name of jesus be serious say it again in the name of jesus i speak to the east i speak to the west i speak to the north i speak to the south everywhere my favor is in the name of jesus i command it to my life now lift your voice and pray you don't have to travel call it everywhere it is i call it hallelujah hallelujah listen hallelujah i want you to pray listen i want you to pray and talk to god tell him lord i'm part of this apostolic family the altar you have erected here must speak for me i want my life to show it from today lift your voice and pray pray with understanding and watch what happens to you pray with understanding pray with understanding pray with understanding understanding i declare it hallelujah hallelujah many of you may not realize what is happening to you please i don't want you to idolize this teaching no it's not about religiosity it's about proper understanding and application so it's not just coming to lie down here no no no no no the altar is a revelation we're going to pray right now and activate back our prayer lives listen because many of us said the only time you pray is when you are together with people satan started attacking you he gave himself a five-year plan to attack your prayer life he will never attack it at once he can give himself a five-year plan and be destroying you say in the name of jesus i decree and declare that the spirit of prayer and supplication the grace to pray i receive it right now lift your voice and begin to pray fire fresh fire on my altar fresh grace to pray praise to fast fresh grace to intercede fresh grace for warfare i command every death around my life come back to life come back to life hallelujah hallelujah one last prayer point and i will pray for you [Music] there are many of us the spirit of god started revealing things to you because you were meeting with him every day but something happened no more visitation of the secret place and that potter closed over your life no access to illumination you used to be you used to have projects that you and god are on you can literally say we are on a faith project but now there's nothing like that your life has become still empowering some of you is when you started ministry this this so-called thing called ministry that's what destroyed you you are going to pray prayer of restoration and the fire will fall upon you i'd like you to present the name of jesus say it again in the name of jesus say holy spirit i ask that you manifest yourself once again in my life holy spirit i cry for intimacy i'm fresh with you lift your voice and begin to pray intimacy spirit of the living god do not be far from me again pray pray let it not be that you are just a stranger we were closer than this and something happened pray restore that intimacy restaurant sweet fellowship that i once had with you fellowship that nothing in this world [Applause] hallelujah please lift your hands shall i cause your cutter i tell you there will be there will be testimonies upon testimonies [Music] i pray for you now i'm praying for you in the name that is above all names everyone hearing me and standing here whether inside or outside you have prayed if there is any alter as i speak now that is speaking against your life at the count of three i command those sculptors to catch fire right now please get ready the power of god will come on people one two three i command those now ethosia i command those altars be broken be broken listen lift your hands i'm challenging all tests of failure listen just i'm praying for you don't pray just listen to me because i'm seeing people here failure it has nothing to do with academics it makes you fail in everything i stretch my hands may that fire anyone cheer who is a victim that altar is speaking i stand by the road of a higher priesthood and i judge those altars now i judge those altars now i judge those altars now [Music] there are others that cause men to see things and never handle it you seek a job they tell you it's yours quarter to reception everything changes i don't know who belongs to that category but in the name of jesus christ anyone who has been a victim of total failure and disappointment right now in the name of jesus that fire comes upon you in the name of jesus that fire comes upon you in the name of jesus i command total deliverance help them help them please total deliverance in the name of jesus christ [Music] put down your hands ladies keep your hands lifted i will tell you why i'm praying for you there are many ladies let me tell you many people don't know why things don't work especially for ladies it's not because you are ladies and it's not because you are bad it's because many ladies are spiritually ignorant of what they represent in the realm of the spirit a lady is not just another human being who is not a man no it's more than that a lady is the chiefest point of entrance even among men that's why she has a womb the only lady a lady is a gate in the realm of the spirit it's not just a human being keep your hands lifted [Music] that's why demons look for them that's why spirits look for them that's why authors speak against them it may not be caused by you but i'm praying for you keep your hands lifted you may not understand what is happening lord jesus i'm praying now than any one of our sisters here whose family and destiny is under siege sagas anyone who made a covenant with the earth for your destiny anyone who passed through fire to make a covenant with your destiny in the name that is above all names i declare and declare upon every lady now be free in the name of jesus be free in the name of jesus from those yolks those yolks that cause my blood those yolks that cause fibroids those yolks that cause loads around your body god loves those bloodiness i got hit by the god of heaven i am trusted by the god of heaven [Music] hallelujah i'm seeing 11 ladies the lord is opening my eyes listen now i'm seeing rings on all your ten fingers and this is a very serious demonic case and the lord wants to set them free now you will not know it is not something you know one of you used to see it physically you see rings on your hands in the name of jesus 11 people ladies especially i'm praying now some are inside somewhere outside doesn't matter where you are the lord is asking me to stretch my hands lord i pray whoever came into this meeting whether online offline and belongs to that category in the name of jesus as i'm praying now i command and pray now the fire will fall on certain people 11 in all i see lord let it be right now i break that marriage i break that spiritual marriage i break that spiritual marriage my god my god my god my god i break that spiritual marriage suppose when i talk to superior there's one of them you should have married but this is what stops everybody that comes around you i command it broken right now i command it broken right now i command it broken right now i command it broken right now [Applause] hallelujah our time is gone the god is asking me to minister to someone here somebody comes to you in the night physically i'm not talking of vision physically you feel somebody lying down around your bed sometimes sleeping with you you are feeling it this is not guess what this is something you know is happening wherever that person is right now in jesus name i stretch my hands there is no escape [Music] in the name of jesus whether inside or outside you are in this category now i command judgment judgment on any strange spirit judgment on any stranger judgment on any stranger in the name of jesus christ hallelujah praise the lord i don't know but we're around you know please just just be patient with me i'm hearing in my spirit you robert people a robot people there is there is something a deliverance that god is bringing now to your robot people you know how god acts as i'm speaking now [Applause] everyone associated with that territory i place the word of god now in the name of jesus let that sort of deliverance i command that double-edged sword to locate everyone from the southwestern part now who is in need of territorial deliverance i command it now inside and outside in the name of jesus no escape no escape for any power of darkness [Applause] [Music] every mark of this favor that is on anyone's life here you watch what happens to your life from this meeting anyone carrying any mark of this favor where men should bless you something about you becomes an irritation [Music] i command that mark to be raised from your life now i command that mark to be raised from your life now i command that mark to be raised from your life now i command that match to be raised from your life now i command that mark to be raised from your life now i'm watching what is happening from the spirit realm not the physical realm when you see me keep praying is because god is doing something i command that mark to be raised from your life now i say it again i command that mysterious mark to be erased from your life right now [Music] anyone here who has any member of your family that has refused to give death they have tried and tried and the devil would just not let them have a child either she would not take in completely or she would take in and then mysteriously lose the child or the man will not be able to get her pregnant i don't care what situation but please even if you are not the one standing for them i'm praying distance is no barrier i stretch my hands now and i decree by the altar of prayer we authorize angelic assistance to those people right now we authorize angelic assistance right now [Applause] hear me it was an angel that came to assist mary to get pregnant he showed up and said i was sent your own is to just agree and she said beat unto me and she got pregnant i declare and declare that any manifestation and encounter that they need to go through to have their child i command it to happen now in the name of jesus [Applause] [Music] let me pray finally for your finances i believe in god's people empowered there is no triumph when everything around your life is not working i want to speak because some of you are titus some of you are sowers some of you bless or know god's house but simply because of certain systems that manifestation can happen as laziness that manifestation can happen as disfavor everywhere in the name of jesus i decree and declare nobody here is too young to prosper don't listen to that nonsense nobody here i'm not talking of business i'm not talking of a job i'm talking of a system in the spirit where god will lift you in a way that will make you afraid i decree and declare now as i'm praying for you i'm also praying for families because there are families that need help as a matter of emergency i pray that the demons sitting on the financial destiny of anyone here sitting on the financial destiny of any family i clear it out of the way right now i clear it out of the way right now i cry it out of the way right now i clean it out of the way right now in the name of jesus christ listen listen i've shared with you my encounter i've seen that spirit that they call mammal i've seen it i've shared it here some years ago when i was praying and all of a sudden my ceiling disappeared and all of a sudden i saw a giant creature like him as tall as a mango tree standing looking like um like like like a dinosaur sea creature with a tail and the tail was another living thing on its own it could detach from that creature and move and the eyes were as big as a human head two red shears eyes and he was looking at me and he said so you think you can bring god's people into blessings and that was the end of the encounter that was it was that day i knew that wealth is spiritual it's not about what you do it's about what is backing you you can do everything to a poor there must be a spirit assisting you i call for the ministry of the holy spirit over your finances and i command extraordinary results from today i command strange results from today i command strange favors from today i command strange results from today strange encounters with destiny help us in the name of jesus christ i want you to wave your hands to jesus
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Keywords: apostle joshua selman, apostle joshua selman messages, apostle joshua selman 2021, how to grow spiritually, apostle joshua selman sermon, apostle joshua selman new sermon, apostle selman sermon, koinonia miracle service 2020, latest koinonia message 2020, apostle joshua selman videos, koinonia miracle service, joshua selman 2020, an altar of prayer by apostle joshua selman, 6 reasons why you must be prayerful, play, this, midnight, battle, warfare, prayers, before, you, sleep
Id: 5cbQ5zJge14
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 39sec (3099 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 17 2021
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