Sunday Homecoming AM, October 3, 2021

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oh good morning hey guys let's try it again good morning inside and welcome welcome welcome to all those visit us at the eastside church christ those that in the building those that are visiting us on youtube welcome you to hear another word of god once he will also welcome you to this gospel meeting campaigning we'll be having all this week started today uh homecoming here at eastside we welcome those uh all they can join in with us throughout the remainder of this week or whether being zoomer in the building may god bless the host speaker who will be coming forward shortly another brother joe daryl gibbs and yes that once again we as members of the bible starting with our family start bringing those they're gonna be able to be their clients into the bible [Music] may we all i'll be god forward our most high holy and heavenly father may come to you lord but i hate to bow towards the dust mother earth just lifting our voices up before you're right on god to everlasting you of of god spirit will be high this time where i will continue all of us we continue to to live for you god and we ask god that you may give us strength instead we will serve you as our our master and our savior father we ask that you may be with the ones who will be coming behind me follow those uh and all the acts of worship where we'll be communing the swedish names as ever spoken of mortal tongue as jesus christ is the star of god and we pray for you may give us the high praise of singing or songs of zion that will lift the spirit of us all as well as we praise you as our god we ask god to may bless us as [Music] a portion of what you have so graciously blessed us with the father death your work will go on we ask god that you may bless us the word will be preached and you may touch the one who will be standing in the gateway preaching our word and all the remembrance of your word will come back to him for the things that he has done in your book divine may represent a lesson for all that here will understand norway father we ask you maybe with all the works of worship that we may worship you father in the spirit and the truth we ask you to guide god and protect us as we come journey this way throughout the remainder of this week for about the reign of our lives as we continue to pray to highly father we ask once again for that you may bless us as we go through this pandemic for a man uh it's people are yet dying we know the numbers are going down is yet a violent violent virus that is is that taking control of the world but your god you're bigger than it all we know father you're a new time you will bring this thing to us to us to stop and you will allow your children of god to continue this on this earth we ask that you may be with those who are yet uh being violent for those of us for no reason having hated one for another we actually may bless our country bless the world hatred be our thang of the past we ask god to be continued bless us and keep us in our death do your will in jesus name amen hey amen how many of us want to see him oh i in our hearts to the lord is that all right acts on the first day of the week [Music] [Applause] [Music] we'll see the inner [Applause] forever you is [Music] look through him ah his face [Music] the to [Applause] is oh [Music] forever now you [Applause] to see him look up on his face and we will be there to see forever amen the saints of the lord sounds beautiful this morning isn't that one salvation has been brought down number two you would follow with us on the screen [Music] california [Music] is praise the lord reach the word of god [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Music] praise the lord is holy salvation has been brought down from heaven [Applause] foreign [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Applause] over to the brothers through youtube i mean through a give a flight and we want to thank you because everybody's really did a tremendous job the bible says in second princess chapter nine versus seven through eight six through eight but this i say he was with so experiments shall reap also spirit and heath and so it rapidly sharing also about every man according to purposes in his heart so let him give not grossly or of necessity but god loves true forgive me and god is able to let our praise abound toward you that ye always have an awesome efficiency and all things may abound to every good world all right let us pray every father we come for you thanking you for another great opportunity to give back a portion of what you have blessed us with and we just pray heavenly father that often be used to uplift your kingdom and to bring souls to christ this is our prayer jesus christ land amen at this time i'll be spoken to the scripture for the communion the bible says in first corinthians chapter 11 verses 23-30 for i have received of the lord that which also i delivered unto you the lord jesus the same night in which he was betrayed to breathe and when he had given things he breaking said take heed this is my body which is broken for you this due to memories of me after the same matter also he took the cup he ends up saying this cup is new testament in my blood this through you as often as you directly remember some me or as often as you eat this brand new drink this cup you do show the lord's death wherefore whosoever should eat this bread and drink this cup of the lord of the world shall be guilty of the body and the blood of the lord but let a man examine himself and so let him eat of that bread and drink that cup for he didn't even drink the unworthy eating and drinking damnation to himself not the son-in-law's body but this caused many a weak and sickly among you and many sleep let us pray heavenly father again we thank you for this great opportunity a great privilege of the father to be able to take the communion and we pray father as we take it that we keep in remembrance in our mind the great sacrifice he was made suffering pain that jesus christ went through that mankind could be saved this is our prayer in jesus christ's name amen may now take so your grace and i want to thank thank you and praise you too does your grace and words [Applause] [Music] i'm [Music] it was yours grace [Music] oh gracious and rest for the father fought by the lord and savior jesus christ once again father we come with thanksgiving our heart father thanking you for your son jesus who died on the cross that we may have a right to the tree of life father god we thank you for watching on our land down last night father and i raised it up this morning in the right frame of mind father god we thank you for allowing me to put one foot in front of the other father and be able to come to your house this day the lord's day to be able to wish you in spirit truth unto you father that it may throughout all last week father you kept us here on this side of time life would love to love god to give us this opportunity to be able to breathe and just be able to go through the things that are going on in this world right now father you kill us and you love us father father god you're allowed for your servants to come together this day to be able to worship you and father once again we just want to say thank you father you've just been so good to us father you've been better to us than we've been to ourselves yes lord and we want to thank you father god you sent your son to die in a place of of a sin sick world by a price that we could not pay you sent your son to pay it for us and father he had no complaints about it he just said in the end it is finished and he gave up the ghost and father we just want to say thank you for sending your daughter's soul to love us and sacrifice for us father because we know we couldn't do it for ourselves all right father god we just father god we thank you for the east side congregation problem father god we thank you for the elders and their wives and their children we thank you for these men [Music] children and those [Music] the word of god [Music] father god we want to come this morning also for your man servant will come to preach to us the word of god we don't want to thank you for brother gibbs for his believing in the lord we know he loves serving you father we thank you for helping his wife and we thank for the congregation for our life to come and be with us this day and all this week we know that the things that he would preach for to be able to save our soul and be able to restore those who are always fathers we have to continue to bless him father going back to the church in the east side church of christ we pray for those who are sick we pray that you touch and heal the empire bless their father and raise them up from their bedroom affliction father father god we come praying for those who have lost loved ones we pray that you make confidence strengthening and let them know father that you are a loss of god and that you make no mistake we have to bless them we actually be with those who are traveling up and down the hallways father we ask that you give them trust of grace bless them to keep them safer father god we come also praying now as we're dealing with this panther we actually continue to bless those people who are taking care of our children bless them and keep them safe father god we pray for those hospitals and nursing home fathers who are watching out for people and doing the best they can for those who are doing all they can the cleaning crews father we cannot name it i'll let you know what they doing the best they can [Music] uh young ministers who live with our senior medicine father these young men we thank you for their families but we thank for their ability to teach the word of god we have to continue to bless them with their family father god we just [Music] amen good morning i'm for you this time to read the scripture that will serve as the basis of the lesson for the gibbs this morning it comes from romans chapter 3 and the verses 23. once again that's romans chapter 3 and the verse is 23 and it reads as follows for all i've seen and come short of the glory of god once again i've read romans 3 verse 23 an honor to hear him this is a day we've been looking forward to for some time and it has arrived and we give god the glory we want to thank the elders and the deacons assistant ministers and all the leaders for their input and their part in helping this to become a reality we thank for today for the good start good singing brother marcus foster and brother brown and uh one of the friends of school bear were working on the tables usually did an excellent job and uh journey on the reading of the scripture texts and of course such a wonderful prayer say and we're just pleased to have this opportunity to uh present our gospel preacher he needs no introduction to this audience he's been in before several years ago now i've been here 13 years so he came before so it's been a little while back but in the meantime he's known that elders have informed me of the great meeting that he did over at 501 helen street and just out of curiosity you were here at that time when you first came through raise your hands oh good number of you and thank god so that means that i don't have to introduce him just present amen and you know it's a real honor to present brother gibbs and joe daryl gibbs gibbs family and foster family we are close we run meetings for each other and so on and i tell you i had one of the highest honors when his mother passed and went to be with jesus they could call the brotherhood together whomever they wanted to do the eulogy but somehow they picked me and i just was one of my single mothers to be able to serve in that regard so we are happy to have him in here today and you know he is the minister to the avenue k uh congregation there in fort worth texas he's thriving congregation he's a senior minister and uh you know some people have a problem with that i'll say senior minister but all it means is that he's a little older than us amen and so he is the son you know it's uh i'm not introducing all of them but i'm introducing him but uh he is in a great family of preachers uh the late legendary preacher s t w gibbs in junior he's the one who used to raise his lead you all remember him too he came through but now this is his son here joe dara who uh is a lot like him and his preacher and he's an outstanding preacher he has two brothers and preachers dwight gibbs uh he preaches in houston texas and s.t.w gives the theory and besides all that brother and sister gives his wife taryn over here and i'm sure he will allude to her uh you know i'm honored the fact that they were students of mine we're back in the day amen at southwestern christian college in terrell texas and speaking of taren from a wonderful christian family as well a newer parents family eaten at their home and no brother frank and all of them and from tulsa oklahoma and so uh brother and sister gibbs i appreciate them they've taught our brotherhood in particular by example how to forgive and how to restore marital relations and i just appreciate it let's just give a hand on that that's a lesson that all of us need so once again after the next uh song it is my signal honor to present to you our unique speaker for this year and the person of brother joe daryl gibbs how many of you love to praise him how many of you love [Applause] i love to pray is [Applause] is [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] is [Applause] is [Applause] he's [Applause] is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] crazy bless the lord all my soul and all that is within me bless his holy name let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in thy sight o lord my strength and my renegade is a good thing that god has once again blessed us to worship him in spirit in truth john chapter 4 verse 24 jesus said god is a spirit and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth i am so grateful to have been extended the privilege to conduct this meeting to be here today i want to thank my uh one who serves on my committee on mentors uh brother dr uh foster and his wife right there they look so good together amen amen brother foster is one uh for whom i have a great deal of respect and i'm not just talking i i i i i really love him he's one preacher that you could preach his sermon word for word and be silent some of our preachers i'm not i'm not knocking him but i'm just telling it like it is i wouldn't preach a sermon word for word for anything amen and he's one of my greatest preachers greatest preacher my teacher and it's somewhat intimidating to preach for someone who knows so much but my foster has been a great inspiration to me and the elders of this church uh all of you all right brother terry mars is here today amen outstanding preacher good to have him here today he's he's uh uh been with us at avenue k and if you if you need a good preacher there he is right there i'm not speaking to this congregation i'm talking about out there amongst the media world he's a good man and that's what i want a good man he's a good man and a good preacher now my wife is here now i want her to stand if she doesn't mind because i don't want any single man to get it twisted [Applause] i looked at your door coming in and i had to go back to the car i'm not joking about that woman right there and the lord has brought us too a little rough or whatever but i'm just a teddy bear until you do something you know and but uh i'm just i'm just delighted to be here and god has that god has been so good and um i i'm not gonna hold you alone so i'll just say in my conclusion now i'm not in my conclusion that's just to make you feel better amen sister foster over there this is such a wonderful example of a preacher's wife amen she's been right there with her husband and i could talk a lot about the relationship between my wife and myself but i'll let you see it talk is cheap i'll let you see it and she looking beautiful you know who bought that dress my that doesn't sound right we welcome those of you who are looking via media we uh want you to know that gospel meetings are taken seriously especially here at east side all the elders the minister these uh meetings the gospel is taken see my nephew is here uh adrian mullins and and uh and his wife and my little niece she's looking right at her uncle right now waving the towel you know i must be doing a great job praise the mighty name of jesus now uh this is one of our uh bulldog churches in the brotherhood if you want to uh hear sound preaching then come here if you want to sound church come here it's not the only one but it is one of the ones that is sound because these days and times there are a lot there's a lot going on and i'm telling i'm here to tell you i i i i'm planning to tell it just like it is so if you have your feeling on your shirt sleeve you just might want to get some thicker sleeves because i'm going to tell it just like it is amen i'm god's preacher amen and and whenever i start whenever i start uh testifying about how god brought my wife and me back together don't tell me i don't have to say that over and over again that's my testimony somebody talk to me that's my testimony that's our testimony don't tell me that i can't testify about how god back has if god will bring evil and judah back together god can bring my wife and me back to heaven don't try to steal my testimony [Applause] god can do it and if you listen to me i can help you keep your home together treat your wife as the queen not like the queen as the queen oh romans 323 hello avenue k they should be in service by now romans 3 23 paul invited to [Music] the roman church the romans who had been converted according to romans chapter 6 they've been buried with christ in baptism rights for all have said and fallen short of the glory of god the pandemic nobody is talking about the pandemic nobody is talking about now when i say nobody i don't mean it in the absolute sense we talk about it several people talk about it but i'm talking about mainstream media they're not talking about they're talking about covet 19 but but i'm talking about the pandemic nobody's talking about are we gonna get along this time did you bring your amen with you amen praise the lord the pandemic nobody's talking about ever since covert 19 read it's dreary deadly in dreadful lives there has been misery and death everywhere [Music] so many lions have been snuffed out as a result of this relentless violence we've lost friends neighbors and relatives and unfortunately we have lost doctors nurses first responders police officers soldiers school teachers and preachers parents have lost children and children have lost parents health care workers are just worn out physically mentally and psychologically as a result of seeing death on such a massive and unusual scale we've seen the desperation the fear the confusion and the necessary precautions that have been recommended by the cdc the center for disease control embraced by song and rejected by others my wife and i my son got our vaccine and i'm doing we are due to get our booster shot october 6 and just as soon as i can find a place to get that booster shot i'm going to get the booster shot amen i'm gonna get it and i thank god for it this virus has changed our lifestyle in so many ways we wear masks now gloves and sanitizing like never before right we we have to practice social distancing even around our loved ones and friends uh just try to keep from spreading this disease we wear masks when we're around one another but i i i can't understand the fact that there are some who act like this virus is a hoax and won't take the vaccines that we live in a democracy you have that right but you also have the right to die my wife and i went to the graveyard during the service and it was an eerie feeling we had there were so many people tense and fresh freeze it looked like giant end beds all over the place and someone told me the other day you can play dumb if you want to but this virus is real did you hear what i said amen amen uh the pandemic nobody is talking about right now corporate 19 is real 19 is devastating covert 19 uh has thrown our lives off track i'm just getting warmed up i gotta make sure it's there when i call them [Music] my god there's another pandemic you don't hear about on msnbc fox and your local news they don't talk about it president biden hadn't talked about it congress is not talking about it the supreme court is not talking about it i'm talking about the symptoms the scope and the solutions can you help me with that i want to talk about the symptoms the scope and the solution now somebody might say gives you say there's a paradigm that nobody is talking about what path [Music] is [Music] but i'm not sitting [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] a man a man needs to listen to his wife hello somebody that was there we got to the hotel and i looked in the room and they had two minutes [Applause] those beds together you see certain parts of your manhattan going away but same parts of your marriage will will dwindle but when you learn to submit yourselves to god's will [Music] you can wear [Applause] [Music] [Music] romans 6 23 is a scripture we need to underline because the bible says for all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of god that there are consequences of sin there are consequences for sin when we sin we must be forgiven for those sins or we will perish luke 13 3 and [Music] [Music] i want you to know that i am preaching to try to help you make that decision you can't tell me that you listen to brother foster and all these other preachers and you don't know what's wrong i found out as i preach over the years that many people know the truth they just have to be nervous to obey the truth if you hear what i'm saying they're on their edge but they just won't show so my job in this meeting is to help you jump into jesus am i right about it i said my job is to help you jump into jesus i want you to go down into the water and grave [Music] some of these things are one of the reasons some people are not baptized you don't get back man not having a privacy you have privacy nobody's going to be looking at you you have privacy back there and you're not going to drown i haven't heard of anybody being [Music] when i talk about baptism people drowning i think about that story uh about the man the preacher was baptized one of uh those in in the area that had been known uh to not live a good life and he went down to the river to baptize it and uh he baptized him down in that river and brought him up he said did you did you see jesus he said not to see jesus you didn't and he took him back down into the water and held him a little bit lonely raised puppies he said have you seen jesus he said no i haven't seen jesus he said you haven't so this time he stuck him down into the water him a long time bubbles coming up to the top and everything and he follow me have you seen jesus yet he said if jesus is now baptism is more serious than that but you need to go down down down down down into the water [Applause] since we've all sinned we need to realize that the wages of sin what are the wages of sin romans 23 for the wages of sin there is death and focus is on spiritual death yes we're gonna die we've had some preachers to die mars brother gilbert passed away this coming saturday um but death is everywhere that's physical death but what i'm talking about is spiritual death there are some people who are alive just uh they are dead spiritually they want this position bad position but we can't put them [Music] what does god think the wages of sin is death the pandemic nobody's talking about the pandemic number one as we talk about the symptoms talking about the pandemic not just on the outside but on the inside of the church religious confusion and rebellion jeremiah 6 16 speaks to this back during that time the children of israel were always into something and the book reads in jeremiah 6 16 thus say the lord stand here stand in the ways yeah and see some of our preachers don't want the old path they want to show their muscles and show how good they look that's not what it's all about they don't want their old ways they always saved my grandma and because of that i talk about it later in the meeting because of the conversion of my grandfather we have five generations of preachers in these four generations of preachers in the church of christ that jesus said on this rock i will build god hogan jesus jesus then you will find the best for your souls but watch this last part but they say we will not walk there and we have some people that are very bold they will sit up and tell you i don't care what the bible says i don't care what you say i'm not going to do that everybody's agreed about it it's biblical in all of this but they say we will not we have some rebellious people in the church oh yes we do right we have some rebellious people in the trash [Music] and some people don't know it's remaining but it is when you go against the leadership of the church it is rebellion stand with your leadership the bible says for they watch for your soul amen [Applause] amen one thing i like about this place the word of god we have the same thing today religious confusion is going forth by debating against god's will and all of us need to be vaccinated by sound doctrine did you hear me all of us need to be vaccinated [Music] did you hear me all of us need to be vaccinated with sound doctrine so we won't come down with the virus of apostasy and some of your coughing i'll tell my spiritually spiritually doctrinally [Music] don't want the show did you hear me virus is alive virus is deadly the virus is taking our loved [Music] [Music] don't want the fascination of salvation which is in christ jesus somebody said give you slowing down you're exactly right [Applause] that was over 10 years ago brother foster when i was with you over the seat of matthew yeah when barack obama won their presidency and how long it's been that's how long it's been and i've slowed down and everybody else has to so i'm not up here trying to impress you how can i that's not the job of the preaching no no no you have you have you have one of the scholarly preachers in the world and he makes it plain that's why he my preaching amen if you want to get if you want to get in trouble with me bother you shouldn't be talking like that don't bother brother foster you know his wife don't bother the east side but they'll take care of that talk to me somebody this is a strong church and we are willing jesus apostasy is out there some people want to say the holy spirit is not a person there is that the spirit is inanimate this pulpit is inanimate this [Music] [Music] hello somebody you go down to the dollar tree and buy something that talk but i'm talking about i'm talking about the real thing here the bible said now the spirit speaking expressing the king james verse express who's [Music] the spirit speaker expressing that in the latter times so say something i don't know what to do [Music] party second thessalonians three verse six seven that's long three now we command you brethren in the name of the lord jesus christ that you withdraw yourself and then what we're doing you sitting over here you said we over there in other words distance yourself now we command you brother that the name of our lord jesus christ that you withdraw yourselves yeah withdraw yourself and it's hard to withdraw from somebody who's doing the same thing you doing if you're doing the same thing they're doing why are you going to withdraw from them you need to be withdrawn that you will draw yourselves from every brother that walk in this artery and not after the tradition which he received of us the apostles if you didn't receive any of us you're not walking in those traditions [Music] you need to be withdrawn from socialism it has nothing to do with six [Music] you still but what upsets me is the fact that a letter withdrawal doesn't mean anything [Applause] i watched on youtube where a brother was withdrawn from and the elders got up behind this preacher and don't tell me what i'm talking about cause you don't know who i'm talking about because i haven't called his name but i will i will uh the illness now you spoke with me overseeing the flock [Music] [Music] insinuating things that are unsad or it's insinuating that's better teaching they read we want you to know what our response is they stood up before the church and just told a little bit just a crying just tore it up yeah and people just clapping if you gonna clap know what to clap about [Applause] i thought that was bad on the elbows so that shows me well i get that let me move on it's been 30 minutes uh now i'm gonna give you a little listen i finished this this afternoon i fixed it the pandemic nobody's talking about let me make one more and then i i finished this this afternoon they said we will not walk away and we have some who are infected by the virus of apostasy and our church leaders right [Music] the bible says if anyone does not obey our word in this epistle note that person instead of noting them we elevate them we encourage them but i don't encourage [Applause] [Music] conclusion god has come to yeah if anyone does not obey our word in this epistle not that person and do not keep [Music] we're not doing this anymore you wonder why the church is not going we have too many folks who have been bitten by the virus of apostasy and rebellion in the church people don't want to give them a shot because they don't want to shop so you're going to have a weak church but when you have a strong church you get that person and you withdraw from that person now i don't mean immediately that's not what i'm saying the bible says you know and false preaching that uh we should preach it with all long suffering and doctrine see because we will drew from everybody to sin none of us will be here today but see we're gonna make mistakes but the thing about it is if you're marching you're marching in the band you're marching in the band and you think you're doing something but when you're on this step somebody else will be on this thing all right and you're the only one out of step right you don't know [Music] well my time is up i told y'all one thing i promised myself i'm not gonna preach as long and as hard as i used to i can't that's the way i like the way your brother set this all up for me where i can just kind of end that thing but i'm not getting up here singing two or three and full song and the whole invitation all day i told you from the beginning my desire is that you'd be baptized and the reason i emphasize baptism so much is because baptism being baptized being baptized in this verb being baptized is the last thing you do before your state and your relationship is changed you hear the gospel believe it repent of yourselves confess jesus christ to be the son of god and then you're buried in the water so that's the last thing you have to do in order to become a christian and be have your passions remember they don't think you're through because you have to add to your faith friendship knowledge difference patience god in this building [Music] if i tell you what i won't preach i will preach like i've never preached before and if you have any questions he'll clear it all start right now if you're sitting next to your son and you know and you know you've been bigger than the bible school you've been teaching them and they've just been saying i'm not reading them already but they ready [Music] smoked reef you just just just make eye contact hand contact with somebody you know who is not a christian right now and ask them do you believe with all of your heart that jesus christ is the son of god and if they say yes you tell them you need to be baptized because tomorrow is not promised so i'm looking for a harvest today if you and walk away from god you need to come to jesus if you have not been baptized today is your day repeat be baptized every one of you in the name of jesus christ father admission of your sins and you have received the guilt of the holy ghost the gift of the holy ghost is waiting over here for you the remission of sins waiting over here for you you need to come to jesus right now as we stand together and sing the song [Music] today jesus died for your sins is today today is the name don't be ashamed tomorrow is [Music] a [Music] come on to jesus confess jesus before i cry somebody's here on this side somebody's here in the middle somebody's here over there come on come on let's be patient let's be patient let's be patient very a good fisherman has to be patient i don't know if it should matter to walk down to the front or stay where you [Music] right there [Music] oh me [Applause] is [Applause] [Applause] this week this is the time john for those who have a request uh stuff on their heart just let us know we have brother eric jackson he had his strength health he signed church from as a whole he asked him for prayers of every jackson okay also we have sister denise wilson she's requesting prizes for strength her relative she's saying brothers and sisters i'm saying i repent of them and i imagine the prayers for myself the war family and the country asking god forgive me in church asking for the family to pray for me i'm going to the doctor on tuesday and asking for all your prayers keep me safe and that everything is okay pray for me sister linda davis she's a requesting press for strength health overall and a relative she's asking prayers for pam johnson the jackson davis roquemore and parker families and she says i am asking prayers for sister pamela johnson she is not feeling well this morning and she is asking prayers of the church also i'm asking prayers from the church i've had surgery and my body is very weak and i'm asking prayers for strength and for the eastside family as a whole brother james perry's senior now james perry is i'm sorry asking for prayers for brother don jackson and family stephanie bridget and donald in prayer brother ricky robinson asking prayers for sister felicia robinson he's asking traveling grace for my wife and her cousin bridget also brother antoine hof disaster prayers for sister jade hobbs she's not feeling well and strength for the hearts family as a whole again is there anyone else let's go to our heavenly father's prayer most gracious god again father we're here not our world with your will father you've been better at us than we've been to ourselves and this we say thank you father thank you for allowing those who have the strength the courage to get what was on their heart all father release some of the the doubt the words the fears also the pain that they're going through father for those who are listening to us via zoom via just the nation as a whole father reach out and touch them and let them know that the true church the church of christ is still strong and you're still on the throne all right heavenly father thank you for allowing our preacher that's coming up and going to be here this week brother jill daryl gibbs continue to pray for him father continue to strengthen him for them continue to let them know that whether he do it in the crowd of 100 or whether he do it in front of one the word is still going to be preached and he will touch someone heavenly father continue to thank those who showed fit to come out this morning father for those who weren't able to make it whatever reason grant them sufficient amount of courage and time and let them rejoin once again in the household of the lord if it be your will and i cause this just continue to watch out for us father strengthen us we love you and we know that you're always our father we signed jesus name amen okay i have a couple of uh visitor cards and remember uh starting today registration for your visitors ages 10 and up gifts will be given first place will be 60 second place forty dollars so again if you're a humble person and you wanna just just donate it my name is james thompson you can donate the first and second prize to me again registration for your visitors start today ages 10 and up so we all have something that's already got theirs coming in and continue going uh we have this kaylee everhart the guest of uh she's back in the back yesterday against mr julian and uh desiree all right [Applause] okay we have miss daphne ramos against the sister deborah rivera [Applause] miss eddie edwards against the brother sister ben [Applause] she's the guest of sister brown and also [Applause] [Music] place um liked to play membership [Music] you realize that sometimes there are places you can you could go to you could attend but for whatever reason god urged you here so let's continue to pray for those who may be stopping off for the first time and kind of nudging which way to go hopefully he'll push you this way if not i'll hold on to you till you can't go these long state thank you all i appreciate god [Applause] yes um your friendships amen um [Applause] i tell you we on fire yeah you know in the old days and out in the country they said put some kindling kindling on the fire on the stove on the fire and fire things up but brother gibbs you did a job this was a very unique certainty a pandemic that nobody's talking about right we won't even forget that now we're not going to limit you you preach as long or as short as you please as you come and uh come on in here uh one preacher told me one time down in jackson mississippi the church where brother keith preached i was down there preaching then we had several baptisms and the brother told me said now listen this is the last night so you don't preach long tonight but i had a meeting going and i knew i had some baptisms lined up to close it out so i was over against what he said and what i believe god wanted me to do so i went on and preached but i had three baptisms but in the meantime he told me he said now he says i i'm not bragging on myself but uh he said i kind of determined who comes in he said now i'm telling you this evening and so uh he stood behind his word you know i haven't been back but at the same time when he sees me at national elections he comes up what the how are you doing you know but i won't ever forget that you know it's just a matter of reality it's just he said told me he said now you can go and preach as long as you want to but i'm just letting you know i kind of determine who comes here i tell you everything's going on in the church you know but i still thank god that he gave me the seal and [Music] uh uh before doing that all the help james [Applause] please [Applause] uh [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] i want to make mention while standing outstanding and where where the angels went and it's a very unique book i had a chance to prove it before and it is just very libertarian and some good conclusions and so we need to get him to him and find out you know how much it is to purchase it because it's very good material and uh welding [Applause] um [Applause] and we commend him and we're getting ready now i want to exalt the church we don't have a dead preacher and he can preach the word so what we need to do is our fault make sure we bring them out and we already have a great start and one placement and got several pieces of listening so let's start in our families i've got some fingerprints that promise to come and we want to all work together as a team as [Music] amen amen let's bring them in here because the gospel is better than the dallas cowboys and bring somebody with you now i want to put us on the spot just for a second how many of you believe just raise your hand that you can get somebody out here to hear the gospel come on now raise your hand can you get somebody out to hear the gospel all right that's a good portion of us let's see if we can put it into practice because the gospel is here [Music] quick announcement uh before prayer uh that will be to go uh lunches that have already been prepared and so as you depart out of fear if you would drive around they'll be to the building uh right here across the street to my right and your left if you go under that on and they will be handing you your to-go box lunches so that won't be doing it in the traditional manner we all get to sit around the same table keeping the pandemic in the cdc guidelines so once we uh pray and be dismissed uh if you would like you you can drive around under the honor that's where they will be giving out the avatar's lunches let us go to our heavenly father in prayer dear heavenly father we come and pray our lord we thank you for this blessed and wonderful day lord we thank you for uh this the opportunity to be able to worship you in spirit and the truth and we thank you for your man's servant brother gibbs lord and the message in which he preached we pray that we will internalize that lord reply to our lives that we might live a better life for you that we have in time past lord and be able to preach and to teach to others and we also pray lord that the worship service in which we read it unto you lord is pleasing and acceptable in your sight we also pray for the food that we're about to receive we thank for all of those that had a part in the hand and planning it lord we just pray that that food give us nutrition that we stand in need of and not hurt on that angel body in any way that you continue to be with us bless us and god until we meet again these are the things and blessings we ask in christ jesus name amen my responsibilities i want to mention that terry guards he's a great gospel preacher and he's between churches now but he's got the gospel in him and he's always been associated the narcissist and the gifts because his father was the sister to whether this never gives a junior for years and years stand up [Applause] you
Channel: Eastside Church of Christ Garland, TX
Views: 267
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: X-RZu0wwIQE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 126min 18sec (7578 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 03 2021
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