SUNDAY GRAVY/SAUCE | Are You Using The Right Tomatoes?

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so i'm gonna start with the gold standard of tomatoes first okay this is dop this is nina brand it doesn't really matter the brand once it has that label on it basically those tomatoes are all coming from san marzano area you know the volcanic ash all that they're getting this stamp from the government they're expensive in other parts of america this dop label might run you six or seven dollars i know a lot of my audience are from this area too but i know a lot of you aren't people who live around the new york metro are fortunate to have a lot of italian supermarkets you know i have a supermarket that's near me that's an italian just just italian food it's it's odd there's no place in the country like that all right we're gonna start with these this is crushed tomatoes the story goes you never buy crushed tomatoes because you don't know what happened at the processing plant who lost a finger or what not in there and uh who knows how much truth there is to that they're not gonna be just as good quality as a whole plum tomato do they have their use they absolutely do what i recommend doing is if you have some really good tomatoes really good like san marzano plum tomatoes mix and match add a couple of them together masada is tomatoes that are basically completely smooth and i'm going to read you right here it has sea salt a little bit of basil in there basil extract this is the muti brand m-u-t-t-i and then this is la bella san marzano okay no basil extract just tomato salt and an acid regulator almost all these tomatoes you're going to see an acid regulator in there if you make your own tomatoes you're going to do the same thing and you're actually going to put in a lot more lemon juice or citric acid than you think so that's pasada people like it on pizza it's great in soups i don't typically use it very often it's not really in my kitchen this is right these are plum tomatoes here okay this is from from a family member her father up until recently would can these tomatoes and canning tomatoes is like just a process that a lot of italian americans like a pastime they engage in you can still see videos of people doing it and normally they'll buy the tomatoes in boxes or they'll grow them themselves and he used to grow them it was very labor intensive but it's kind of like a ritual these are 32 ounce ball jars normally for a 32 ounce bowl jar i think it's two tablespoons of lemon juice you put in there that helps like it's a natural preservative for it so these are the same exact plum tomatoes that are these these are seed san marzano that are grown in long island new york but they don't taste like the real san marzano from italy that's the thing they just taste better these are finely chopped tomatoes in here this is another type that i don't normally use i'm sure they're good let me know how they are maybe you maybe one of you uses this a lot this is a brand you're gonna see everywhere in the country this this is like just like that national label now trader joe's always has these these are diced so they come diced they'll come in all different types they'll come in puree they'll come in tomato sauce whole this is something that's going to be accessible to uh to no matter where you live sclafani these are good tomatoes i like this brand they're they're in the new york metro they're inexpensive and they're always good pastine this is a good brand this is tomato puree so a lot of people like to use this too which is very similar to you know soda now we're going to get down to what i use often because it's such a good deal i don't know if this is going to be available in your costco they have a lot of italian ingredients here in long island because a huge portion of the people who live here are you know are italian italian italian-american they know that that's what the people want and you know maybe in other states not as much i lived in minnesota and i've told you guys in the past they did have some of the tomatoes and they did have the cheese you might be able to find them where you are this is 549 i believe now i don't know it could be higher now when i bought these last i bought like 15 of them so this can is 100 ounces a standard can of tomatoes is 28 ounces you're getting three and a half basically of this if you can get this for 549 it's a it's a huge deal now it's not d.o.p this is nina d.o.p i have taste tested both of these next to each other so many times i can't tell if i did a blind taste test to you i'm almost positive you wouldn't be able to tell either if you can find these great deal you might be able to find these maybe like a restaurant supply store near you would have them too like if costco doesn't now if i forgot a type of tomato that you use please let me know the other one that i use you know besides my plum tomatoes is paste and i use a ton of paste it's very popular with southern italians you know i'm just one of those people that swears by it i just think it's so important to cooking so many sauces it helps you so much it boosts the flavor of the tomatoes and it allows you to get like a thicker sauce in a much much quicker time so this is like it's like a secret weapon i don't really recommend buying tubes one tube is half the size of one can and these cans costco has they sell a 12-pack at costco for i think it's six dollars or seven dollars so way less than a dollar a can i'm well stocked always a lot of these i bought for this to make this episode here but i always have the big neenahs and i always have like dichento san marzano and i always have the sclafani that i think are just just a great value ingredient that's going to make this a little different as well there's two of them but this right here is pork neck bones this is a common ingredient a lot of you guys are going to know this one they impart a ton of flavor you can really just dunk them right in the sauce give the onion a little dice [Music] one onion and the eyes to show it just gonna put that off to the side far far away i cleaned it before but i'll do it again take paper towel whatever sponge and kind of wipe it down you might want to do this right when you buy them all and then just use some muscle to open up this really big can no matter what brand you're using it might say on the label they'll put a couple basil leaves in there i always take those basil leaves always toss them because they've been in there a long time right here so here's one leaf [Music] and just get rid of this [Music] clean hands you're going to take a shield hand and a hand to break it this works better in your sink because if you do make a mess especially if the deep sink it won't go too far but this shield hand right here it's to prevent when it splatters it'll keep it down [Music] this is just always how i've done it some people will throw them in the blender for like a second or two you can do that like just a quick pulse i like to crush the whole ones i like to have a little bit of texture of the tomato when i make the sauce you know you can do half and half maybe take the other half of the can pulse it if you want to put a pinch of sugar you can to take a little bit of the acidity out you can also use a carrot about a half a carrot you can just throw it in there that'll kind of do the same job normally if you have good quality tomatoes you really don't need to do that this tomato can container right here you can use that for to store your bad oil so when you pry cutlets or or anything like that you know find your meatballs put it in one or the other i kind of like this container you just cap it the cans work really well too those are big cans here's red wine this is uh pinot noir that's fine just use a dry red wine anything that you have here is a dutch oven [Music] about two three four tablespoons [Music] so the heat's really low you just want to sweat these onions you don't want to put any color on them just get them a little bit translucent in three minutes it doesn't matter the sauce is going to cook for hours after those onions get a little soft it's only been like two minutes i'm gonna put the paste in i'm gonna take one whole can of tomato paste standard can of tomato paste in america is six ounces these small cans are the most common way you'll find it or in a tube i'm just gonna mix this paste into the oil we're gonna kind of fry the paste for about five minutes the second the tomato hits the oil with the onions you just you're smelling that sunday sauce smell already it just permeates the whole house i probably made i don't know hundreds of these and you would always do a variation on it so one week it would be bra joel check out my bra joel video too you'll love those and then one week it'll be meatballs and then one week it would be sausages hot and sweet there's really an infinite amount of combinations and then when you get the sauce make a real lot of it then you can start making you know your baked ziti you can make mangot you can make stuffed shells all that stuff and that's why it's always good to have a lot of extra sauce [Music] that paste is pretty good like that that cooked for about seven minutes take the red wine we're gonna do a three quarter cup [Music] all right so i'm gonna cook this wine out for about five minutes [Music] after a few minutes you can add in the rest of all of your plum tomatoes now be careful doing this [Music] we're almost at the top it'll just fit those neck bones and it's going to reduce as we cook it right in the beginning like is when you really want to be taking your spoon and just really really getting everything off the bottom making sure nothing's sticking there i'm gonna add just a pinch of sugar just a touch and i'm not gonna put any salt and pepper in right now a lot of times with these tomatoes you don't need any more salt everything's gonna concentrate it's going to reduce so you can at the end really just get the seasoning perfect i have one and a half pounds of neck bones this is a good amount for the amount of sauce we're making so you like the bone right here okay there's like little fragment there and there so the thing you want to be careful with this if you are using these and you have like little kids you want to be mindful of that so you're going to cook your sauce for six hours these don't have to cook for the full six hours or you can put them in a cheesecloth tie the whole thing up and then you don't have to worry about anything [Music] let it come up to a simmer get your heat right to that point where it's just tiny bubbling just been down here the whole time just waiting for it to start this is all there's a lot in here i can feel it sticking a tiny bit so i'm taking my spoon again and i'm just knocking any anything off the bottom there every 15-20 minutes take the lid off and stir it just a bit you just got to feel the bottom and you get to see how your sauce is doing so right now i have a little bubble it's basically right where i want it it's cooking it's going to cook low and swell like this i'm going to take this lid and put it right here and see that little crack every 20 minutes take off that lid 15 20 give it just just give it a check on the bottom after a while you'll be good i've been taking it off every 15 minutes i'm just keeping my head back so i don't get splashed here you can see how this this is like kind of like the simmer you want like very low i'm feeling the bottom if i get any kind of resistance by doing it every 15 minutes you're going to prevent it from burning and building up if it starts building up down there then it gets really difficult to remove it if that happens to you and this has happened to me and it's happened to everybody who's made sauce before if you feel a really thick layer of burnt sauce at the bottom don't try to knock it off with your spoon turn it off let it cool for a second and transfer the whole top of it into another pot then you'll have a chance to start again but if you try to force that bottom which will be like a black layer then you'll have a lot of burnt bits in your sauce basically the way to battle this is just to every 15 minutes just come in and you just and you just run the spoon around and i'm good right now all right that's perfect there's nothing on the bottom there everything's been removed we'll put my cover back on and we're going to continue it's been about 30 45 minutes two three hours is a good point for you to hit for if you can do longer that's great too [Music] so look he's a little guy and these bones right here you see them that's a little i'm gonna pull them out now we got a ton of flavor from these pork neck bones but we don't want anybody to choke on them and it's not just for the little guys it's for it's for guys like me and it's for guys and girls like you because they will fall apart so i'm gonna put them all in a dish [Music] he wants to come back down when it's time to try the pasta let's take a taste right now because we didn't put any salt and pepper in here at all let's see if it needs it [Music] that's so good already i'm gonna put a half a teaspoon of salt i'm gonna put maybe a half teaspoon of black pepper so i want you guys to do the same thing you do that little taste at the end remember not all tomato can brands are gonna have the exact sodium level in them that right there means that any recipe that tells you kind of like just to add this much salt it might not be correct because unless you're using the brand they recommend but they never do that you're going to get much better at this the more you cook i know you're going to you're going to become a great cook [Music] so this sauce is absolutely perfect here [Music] that's the exact consistency that i want whenever i boil pasta i always put about two tablespoons of kosher salt and there are exceptions you know maybe if you're making cacio pepe you're gonna have very little water in there you know maybe even carbonara too but for the most part two tablespoons of kosher salt per gallon water and if you do three tablespoons it'll be fine too it really will be 16 and 14. that is some serious pasta if you stir it in like the first 30 seconds to a minute you're gonna ensure that uh that doesn't stick we're following the bag instructions it's saying four more minutes let's check all right that's how it looks right now right about there [Music] i'm very al dente right now i think i'm at 14 minutes that's what the bag said for al dente so again to check oh it's right i'm going to drain this completely [Music] make sure you're working relatively quickly if that pasta sits too much longer it's all going to start to stick i don't want to put olive oil on it that's going to make the sauce not stick to it i don't want to do that we're going to take a couple ladles of our sundae sauce and that's just the perfect consistency right there still have a lot of chunks in the tomatoes which is what i wanted this is pikiri it's a very very big pasta just going to toss it in there we don't want to over sauce our pasta we don't ever want to do that even with sunday gravy if you add a little bit of butter here not not a lot just a little bit for a pound of pasta don't do more than like two tablespoons that's too much i'm just gonna cut it into a bunch of little pieces okay mix that in it's what it's gonna do is the butter and it's gonna coat with the tomato sauce it's gonna just it's just gonna make it better so if you wanna use the butter here use it if you don't don't but we're not done yet i'm going to show you how to make this even better i know you love forgotten and you can put the regatta mix it right with the pasta so look here we go right there right there sammy do you like it or not yeah some people love the cold regatta on there and you mix it in there just take like a little bit it's like kind of like you keep a container of regatta and you can do this every time all right there's his plate right there oh that looks good james you want to try a bite it's good yeah all right love you james love you sammy bye sammy what are you doing this is a really really easy sunday gravy you can make i know you can make it i know you can make it exactly how i get it and please don't be deterred and think oh there's no herbs or or spices in it the less less less less is more when it comes to the stuff just rely on the tomatoes rely on the meat the pork flavor give it time and it'll be really good thank you for watching and i will see you next time
Channel: Sip and Feast
Views: 62,345
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sunday sauce recipe, canned tomatoes, san marzano, san marzano tomatoes, sunday sauce with pork neck bones, sunday sauce with red wine, cento san marzano tomatoes, tomato paste, sip and feast, jim delmage
Id: HLaCr1RL8j0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 32sec (1052 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 20 2020
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