Grandma Pizza - How To Make New York's Best Pizza

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[Music] today we're gonna make a grandma pie it originated obviously from your grandma it got popularized uh commercially in long island in king umberto's in new hyde park i used to live right around there i'm out further east in long island now but it doesn't even matter if you go there it's great in so many different pizzerias and it's not just in long island pizzerias typically use all trump's flower that's the flower that you're going to see in probably 75 of the pizzerias since we're not going to use all trump's flour we're going to use king arthur flour if you buy it at whole foods a five pound bag of this will be about eight dollars and uh that's very expensive you might be able to find it in this in your local supermarket a lot cheaper might be towards the four or five dollar range or if you could be like me and you could buy a 50-pound bag of it i got it from webb restaurant store and they served the restaurant industry i got 50 pounds for 20 now they charge a decent amount for shipping but if you're buying other stuff like pans and everything it's way more economical and if you buy 50 pounds of bread flour you'll have enough for for the whole entire year you can find this yeast online anywhere amazon or you can find it in most stores so this is red saf red instant yeast basically we're trying to make this we want this to taste like how it tastes in a new york pizzeria salt i'm just using plain old table salt you can use kosher salt if you want i guess sea salt i'll tell you i'm getting great results just with regular salt sugar and that's just plain old regular sugar so since this is the first episode in the pizza series this is gonna have the most information and picked it up a couple days ago and then this one i've had for a long time from amazon they're very very important when you're making not just pizza dough but making breads you don't really want to be measuring in a unit measurement like a cup you really want to be using a weight measurement like grams you'll get a more consistent taste every time you won't be able to mess it up because it'll be the exact same amount if you don't want to do this i'm going to give you the cup measurements too so i have flour here i just took a bunch from my big container i want you to weigh out exactly 406 grams you don't want to do the grams if you don't have a scale do three and a quarter cups most of your scales will say either zero or it'll say t-a-r-e tear and now it's zeroed out so we need 406 grams of flour and i'm at 406 grams we're going to combine all the dry ingredients together in a bowl so here's my yeast this is a half a teaspoon roughly 1.5 grams put that right in there this is 8 grams of table salt so it's roughly 1.5 teaspoons of salt and this is one teaspoon of sugar which is 4.5 grams of sugar okay so that's the four dry ingredients [Music] we're going to mix this into the water and then we'll have our last ingredient which will be olive oil but i always wait to the end for olive oil i'm going to show you why and take our dry ingredients and i'm going to put it in there you don't put it all right away [Music] maybe about half just mix it around it doesn't matter if you put the yeast in the water to start or if you do it this way either way it's hitting the water and i've done it both ways many times now and you can test that out too now to the best of your ability mix this up you're gonna form a very very rough like dry mass of dough baker percentage all that will be in the description it's uh 60 65 hydration 64 to 65 hydration for my research most new york pizzerias are about anywhere from like 59 to about 65 but um there's a wealth of information on and there's a lot of pizzeria owners who want some of the best pizzerias there's actually a guy who owns probably the best place in queens right now it's in astoria he is putting so much information on there okay so you see this see how there's like some dough left in there it's very it's like it's very dry so now you need one tablespoon of olive oil kind of get it around the sides you'll be able to get everything out so we get our full weight some recipes will put a ton of olive oil in there some will put less a grandma pie has the most olive oil in the actual pizza than any type of pie but most of that we're going to put on after we make the dough i like to do this as a universal dough again because this dough now i can use for any type of pizza this is all going to make sense to you after you you make all the pizzas that we're going to do after you do this is selling and you have to do the rounds and it's going to be it's going to be like almost an epiphany how you can do everything with one go and i just think that's so much better than having to have like four different recipes [Music] one tablespoon of olive oil i'm just gonna put it kind of around the sides there maybe a little bit on the dough we're gonna mix it all together [Music] okay just try to get all that doll out all that remaining flour out of there [Music] and we have our we have our rough dough on a work surface [Music] take your where you had your dry ingredients and just clean this out just with a paper towel just get all the stuff out of there okay that's clean now you're gonna need this this is why i'm saying this we need to knead it for five minutes this is gonna be too wet to need right away you're gonna see [Music] right now it's okay it's not sticking to my hands too much once it starts sticking to your hands too much you have to stop okay yeah i can't i can't work with it anymore take your bowl pop it on the top and wait about 20 or 30 minutes and then you're going to be able to come back to it and then you're going to be able to continue to knead it you need a few minutes needing it while we're waiting for that i just want to show you the pans really quick this pan was 40 on amazon it's a 16 by 12. it's a little bit smaller than your standard grandma pie for 24 ounces of dough for a 680 gram dough ball this is a really good size it's a hard anodized pan it works a little bit better to get a crispier bottom than just than this pan that all being said this pan works pretty well too with it and this pan is a nordic ware pan and this is about a 17 by 12. i prefer the lloyds pan it's something that i invested in i like shinto i use them a lot for a lot of things cento does not sponsor me in any way these are san marzano plum tomatoes right now costco is selling a three pack of these for nine dollars so it's a good deal typically in the store these will be four or five so they can be on the pricier side this brand which is it almost it's almost identical to the gento uh as far as packaging and everything it's called la la squasita i realize if you in other parts of the country that these san marzanos could be five six seven dollars i lived in minnesota for three years so i know exactly the the struggle to find some of these products this brand of tomato will be available to you if you live in the northeast and this is a connecticut company i thought it was new jersey but they're a connecticut company this company is called sclafani these are not an italian product they're made with jersey tomatoes and these are crushed and i can get these for a dollar forty nine to two dollars so if you live in the northeast you're probably going to have the same price for these these are just three brands there's dozens of other brands that are great too for the sauce we want to have like a chunky sauce like the grandma so i'll show you in a sec how uh how we're gonna do that [Music] still a little too sticky but i want to get this part done so we can move on to the next part if you use metal you're going to need a little bit more oil on the bottom here so it doesn't stick if you use plastic which honestly is better you don't need as much oil i keep my olive oil especially for pizza making and grandma pizza making specifically it's good to have it in a squeeze bottle [Music] i put about a teaspoon down there [Music] and then you can just kind of like pull it together now it's a little too sticky right now compared to what i would prefer to work with but we'll try to get it done now i'm gonna get it in here and then i like to put plastic wrap on top of it before i put the lid on just so it doesn't skim over or anything like that get this in the fridge ideally 24 hours is good but 48 hours is better and right here i have a 24 hour double i made this one yesterday i'm going to set up our pan so there's videos of umberto's making the grandma there's videos of other pizza places doing it and a lot of them will have an oil can they use a ton of oil and you know they show on the video too how much oil they use and literally this pizza is almost frying in the pan that's what gives you that unique grandma taste i'm not measuring but i'm putting a lot of oil down here just take a paper towel and also just grab a little bit of oil and just hit hit up all the sides i'm just going to try to stretch it a little bit right now with gravity any really big spots just try to stretch okay we're going to put it down in here and with our fingers we're going to just kind of press it [Music] just kind of press it out try to get it into the sides you're not going to be able to get it all in what's going to happen is it's going to just want to come back when it's cold as it warms up it's going to be easier to stretch [Music] okay that's it for now it's not even close to phil it didn't even come close to filling up the pan let's get plastic wrap on top of this and we're going to wait 30 minutes before we try to stretch it again i'm gonna put this off to the side and let's get our other ingredients ready and prepped you can use a bunch of different brands typically the places they'll use palio and grande a lot of them will use a mixture of that i have sliced here which is makes it a lot easier you want slices on a grandma you want it on the bottom before the sauce goes on that's the unique attribute that a grandma pie has you can take slices like this you can buy [Music] and then and then your other option is to take one of these blocks and polio is normally a little bit wetter than galvani is and then here's calabro you take any of these blocks you put them in the freezer for about 30 to 45 minutes they'll harden up a lot and you'll be able to get pretty good slices out of them so you have a few options here i've used all these cheeses they they all work really well okay and then the cheese that goes on top the last couple minutes is pecorino romano that is cheese that they use typically in a lot of these places for the grandma some places will use parmesan cheese i like pecorino better definitely has more of a bite so the grandma gets some raw garlic put on it [Music] this is our garlic oil that we're going to put on top [Music] all right these tomatoes it doesn't really matter how you do this we just want to get the liquid out of them [Music] i prefer to do this for the grandma to have the really chunky pieces of tomato you start with crushed already it'll be a little different consistency it's still fine though all right you can see right away how much liquid is now in the bowl i'm just going to drain it one more time [Music] and then we're left with this just add about a half a teaspoon of kosher salt stretch it out if you have any big bubbles you can just pull up the dough and let that air out so see how much more i can stretch it now it's not giving me the fight that it was before okay it's almost there we're gonna put the plastic back on maybe 20 more minutes and then we'll be able to stretch it and we'll get our sauce and cheese on at this point you can heat up your oven at 450 degrees to preheat this dough is it's ready to go so you might have to just stretch it a little bit into those corners right before you add the cheese but that's fine and just try to get it into the corners as much as you can like take your fingers and just right there you know a lot of oil here looks like it's swimming in oil but you want that and what i like to do so i can maintain the corners is start in the corner take your piece of cheese move your dough press it all the way into the corner give yourself a little bit more slack right there like that kind of press it and that'll kind of like force it to stay so you want to lay the cheese in a shingle pattern so you want to overlap i like to leave about maybe a quarter to a half an inch around the edges and if you have to cut a few pieces because you don't want to overlap too much go ahead and do that okay i'm going to press this all the way down into the corner just so i know i have enough have enough dough slack over there [Music] and then here's our sauce so it has some some liquid in there already came right back in but try to [Music] you can do a cross hatch line or you can just put it wherever you want and that's more than enough sauce right there and then here's the garlic oil and you don't have to use all of this but definitely put a decent amount on [Music] this is pretty much how you want it to look it looks like maybe it doesn't have enough tomato to you i'm not sure you don't need that much we're gonna do 450 degrees fahrenheit which we already preheated our oven for eight minutes to start and then we're going to turn it 180 degrees and then cook it for 10 more minutes but let's get it in the oven right now let's put on the pecorino and the [Music] oregano i like a lot of oregano on it okay and then back in the oven for two more minutes [Music] maybe got a little too brown on the bottom i think i went to 21 minutes my smoke alarm went off for a minute and that might happen to you too what you really want is that really nice crunch let's see if we got a good crunch [Music] okay and it's got the crunch it might be a little too brown for my liking it probably needs to be about one minute less [Music] watch the next video that's coming up and that's probably going to be another pizza video because this is number one in the grandma series i think the next one will be vodka sauce uh little spicy vodka sauce grandma pizza until next time see ya
Channel: Sip and Feast
Views: 483,202
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: grandma pizza recipe, grandma pizza, king umberto pizza, sheet pan pizza recipe, how to make grandma pizza, long island grandma pizza recipe, long island grandma pie, sip and feast, pizza dough recipe, lloyds pizza pan, king arthur bread flour pizza dough, new york pizza recipe, not another cooking show pizza, homemade pizza, how to make pizza at, how to make pizza at home
Id: t_uC2G-xCG8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 39sec (999 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 19 2021
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