Sunday August 15, 2021 pm

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] in the dark [Music] above me and there's no hiding place of the thunder precious lord hear my cry and keep me safe until the storm passes by [Music] from [Music] [Applause] many times oh satan whispers there is no need to try for there's no [Music] where [Music] till the storm [Music] forever [Applause] [Music] those storms they come no more then let me stand in thy presence on that bright and peaceful shore in that land where the tempest never comes [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] hey [Music] it was [Music] the sun was shining [Music] my eyes [Music] [Applause] [Music] my [Music] these [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes [Music] there's never been another man [Music] by simply saying peace [Music] and that's why i worry [Music] me [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] he is [Applause] [Music] racism [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes [Applause] [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes [Music] [Music] yes [Music] amen i'm thankful for that tonight i love that song turn in your hymnal now to 101 page 101 god leads his dear children alone let's stand together tonight and sing the first second and last 101. [Music] and so sweeter [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] i [Music] in the night season [Music] sometimes on the mount where the sun shines so brightly sometimes [Music] some [Music] the night season and all the day long like the last verse [Music] god [Music] [Applause] but all through the blood [Music] is [Music] great old hymn of the church love that song please remain standing now brother mark alexander would you lead us in prayer tonight please thank you for another opportunity to be in the house of god thank you for your presence for your power thank you for the peace it passes the whole understanding of god that leads us along the god that cares and god that understands well i pray for the service tonight the blood of her and pray for mother save me i bring your touch healed eternally too late thank you for saving us thank you for all your minute blessings upon us now precious holy jesus we do pray amen smile and wave at somebody before you're seated tonight good looking crowd for this sunday night we want to welcome you into the church today and to or this evening and we if you're visiting with us would you raise your hand for the first time if you're visiting with us raise your hand there in the back good to have you with us today fill out that card and drop it in the offering bag when it passes by but it's an honor to have you tonight we had 10 first-time visitors this morning many didn't raise their hand but i talked to them after church 13 visitors but they had been they would come back and talk with one uh dear lady and her children and they she said we're looking for a church she said i've been sitting in a church for over a year wishing i could see somebody go to the altar again she said i visited this morning and she said all of a sudden one went then two and then at the second song people and she said i looked at my daughter i said this is where we need to be she said that's what i've been wanting is to worship it's a truth missionary god's not done with us yet and there were 10 i mean 10 first-time visitors and we have dear visitors here tonight and i'm here to tell you jesus is the sweetest thing in the world can't brag on him enough hallelujah pray for our pastor he'll be heading back tomorrow talk with him today they had a wonderful service i posted the video to our church facebook page and uh it was very emotional very uh touching and dad preached and uh jeremy is now the full-time pastor of emmanuel baptist and so we're proud of him brother steve wakefield and darlene his wife we're so thankful for their ministry through the years and so you pray for jeremy and jennifer and dad and them as they come home tomorrow and then brother steve and darlene as they uh and their transition pray for them as well i want to remember margaret godfrey rita cantrell danny black carol clark and then the faust and uh taylor family as they are bereaved and then jubilee will be october the 17th through the 22nd and with cody zorn starting on that sunday night monday and tuesday and then joe arthur wednesday thursday and friday so you put those um dates down on your calendar and invite someone and you come on out we always have a great time of jubilee ushers you come we'll receive the tithes and the offerings and you give tonight as the lord leads good to be back in church amen brother danny burke would you lead us in prayer dear heavenly father lord we thank you lord for letting us be able to be back in your house again tonight lord we thank you lord for this place thank you lord for all the blessings you give us here lord we thank you for this church what it stands for be with the choir as they sing tonight be with sammy juniors he breaks the bread of life just give us what we stand in need of lord we got people on the way back home tonight lord just be with them bring them back to us safe lord bless this offer and we'll be careful to praise you for us in jesus name asked amen [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] he had to go [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] jesus christ [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] amen i appreciate the good singing tonight appreciate gina i put it on her real surprisingly said you're the pianist today no we we had worked on we knew all of our pianists and everybody else were gone uh today and so we planned ahead of time uh and she's done a wonderful job i'm glad thankful for people that are faithful and fill in for us and miss gina we were raised in this church and i'm honored to serve with you my friend and uh i'm thankful wes and others that i was raised in church with and uh we were talking about at the the gym the other night at youth i'm thankful for my friends and i used to ride around on a moped you wouldn't dare do it in today's society two men riding around on a moped uh i don't know if that looked exactly right but me and wes used to get on his moped and ride all over city view and uh had a great time but i'm thankful for friends and i'm thankful to see around these kids like dad talked about he i would have never been allowed to run in church by the way i would have gotten tore i mean he would have ripped my i mean my backside up and don't let him tell you any differently he would you do but now he's changed since he's got grandkids and great grand it's amazing how parents change with them grandkids come along and uh so dad yeah and dad dad said boy i love watching his little kids run and i'm thinking to myself if i'd have done that you'd have killed me but nevertheless i'm thankful for those kids that are building relationships you realize the church your children are building relationships that will last a lifetime and then as they grow and as they hang out some of them will date and marry in the church that's how you build a church by the way and but they'll be friends forever and so i don't know why i chased that rabbit but i am thankful for my friends at church that have stuck by the stuff i am a blessed man to ever have had a part in truth missionary baptist church all my life has been nothing but truth missionary baptist church and i wept today as i watched jeremy that grew up in this church take the pastorate on the coast of north carolina now way up his dad bragged on the lord this morning and watched steve wakefield who pastored i believe for over 44 years that was ordained out of this church and pastored all of those years we have a great heritage tonight and it's something to be thankful for and so don't ever give up hope and don't ever stop believing don't ever start trying i'm going to kind of deal with that tonight about serving the lord if you'll take your bibles turn to luke chapter 22 luke chapter 22. let me just say this is a story about what i believe is the closest thing to the modern day christian i know he is a mirror image of myself and that's peter i would love to be like the apostle paul i would love to be like stephen i would love to be like john and have the desire to hear the heartbeat of god but most of the time if we're to be honest with ourselves we all act like peter and but i believe he's there for a purpose you have to realize before we read our scripture peter was a christian he was born again when god jesus passed by his way and saw him then simon and called him and said simon come and follow me and peter answered the call of faith and followed christ and became a fisher of men and i do identify with peter that way as well i like a fisherman hey amen and peter was rough and he was rough around the edges but i'm glad jesus doesn't look on the outward appearance god looks on the heart and he called peter and peter we know was a christian peter was also a disciple a student of the word of god he was a servant and more than anything peter was a follower of christ so as we read in our scripture tonight luke chapter 22 verse 45 the bible says and when he rose up from prayer this being jesus and was come to his disciples he found them sleeping for sorrow and saith unto them why sleep ye rise and pray lest ye enter into temptation and while he yet spake behold a multitude and he that was called judas one of the twelve went before them and drew near unto jesus to kiss him but jesus said unto him judas betrayest thou the son of man with a kiss when they which were about him saw what would follow they said unto him lord shall we smite with the sword and one of them smote the servant of the high priest and cut off his right ear and jesus answered and said suffer ye thus far and he touched his ear and healed him then jesus said unto the chief priests and the captains of the temple and the elders which were come to him be ye come out as against a thief with swords and stabs when i daily with you in the temple ye stretch forth no hands against me but this is your hour and the power of darkness and let me just stop right there there's a message just there in chapter 33 53 this is your hour in the power of darkness they had their hour and they thought they had won but you have to remind yourself sunday's coming and an hour is just a time frame or a a particular time a piece of time and it's 60 minutes which means there's 60 minutes but once that's over the hour is done jesus makes a very profound statement there this is your hour enjoy it while you can this is your hour but hours come to an end and sunday's coming and while they put him on the cross that wasn't their hour and they thought they had won but don't forget sunday's coming and on sunday on the third day jesus got up and arose from the tomb so the world right now thinks that they're winning and they think that the church is trodden down and yes world this is your hour but hours come to an end and jay but just remember sunday's coming and jesus will return for his children that's a rabbit i i maybe ought to preach that but uh i like that story but i want to give you this thought then took they him and led him and brought him into the high priest house and this is the phrase i want to focus on and peter followed afar off peter followed afar off we've already decided and shown you that peter was a christian a disciple a servant and a follower of christ but he followed afar off and so i want to give you some things tonight because i believe many christians tonight we're born again we're washed in the blood we love jesus with all our heart we have the greatest intention in our life to serve god but yet we're following but we're following afar off we're following but we're following afar off see peter was waiting though he loved christ though he had a desire though he followed though he was born again and yet he saw what would happen to christ and he followed afar off there are three reasons tonight why he followed afar off number one it was his high ideas of his own state romans 12 3 tells us this for i say through the grace given to me to every man that is among you not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think well what good verses i'm i'm about to start a series i finished sunday school today my next series are some verses that are still in the bible but we've forgotten about that's one of them that we shouldn't think man or woman boy or girl we shouldn't think more highly of ourselves than we ought to because let every man or woman take heed lest he or she fall and peter number one the reason he followed but followed afar off was his high ideas of his own self it's seen here you say can you prove that well yes i can seen in verse 24 look back at 24 in this chapter the bible says and there was also a strife among them which of them should be accounted the greatest boy isn't that pride they were following christ had the redeemer had the messiah had the holy god of heaven and yet they're worried about when we enter into heaven lord who will be the greatest have i done enough or have i done more than john has philip or as that's thomas or which one of us has done the best lord which one of them or which one of us do you love the most that's what they were thinking which one is going to be greatest when we get into heaven but do you realize we live in a woke generation i don't know if you've heard that term it's a woke generation it's a serve me first generation it is a generation that is crept into even older generations are picking up the theme that if you don't treat me right or if you say the truth it offends me i don't care if it offends you the truth doesn't change nothing can change and yet people in this day in society get offended we live in a multimedia social media world where you can post anything you want and man sometimes i post and then i delete sometimes i should delete a lot i don't but nevertheless we put our thoughts out we put our feelings out where everyone can see and it causes discord among the brethren crickets cricket this morning is all about grace mercy and the cross well we can shout over that but you know what this is convicting not only to you but to the preacher himself that we all think more highly of ourself than we ought to the bible says here that they were strife among them the bible says how can two walk together except they be agreed well the bible tells us right here in proverbs 10 12 and i love proverbs if you don't want to get convicted of your life and how you're living don't go read the book of proverbs all right but proverbs will help you proverbs 10 12 says hatred stirth up strifes but love covereth all sins proverbs 16 28 a fraud man you all know what fraud means the bible speaks of a flawed spirit the fraud spirit means that somebody that has a spirit of negativity all the time do you have a froward spirit do i have a proper spirit when you come in we used to have a dear lady and she'd come in and say that clock's not working why aren't y'all gonna fix the clock all right we fixed the clock she came in didn't say a word dad said hey you notice anything different she said no he said to fix the clock she's about time afraid y'all y'all think i'm joking that's really truth that happens in church y'all don't realize what a pastor has to go through before he stands in the pulpit and preaches or even after when he preaches the hell that the devil unloads on him is things that do not matter that clock doesn't matter to a hill of beans but yet people have a fraud they didn't come to worship they didn't come to serve god they didn't come to get help they come to just look and be negative all the time you could put them in a pie factory eating apple pie all day long and they say huh i don't like that i wish they put some cherry out here can i get a witness in here a froward spirit don't be negative that stirs up strife the bible says a fraud man or woman soweth strife and a whisperer separated cheap chief friends you know what you what a whisper is don't you it's gossip did you hear did you see did you that's not what the christian's supposed to be but if we have a froward spirit if we have a negative spirit if we have a gossiping spirit guess what we're following christ but we're following afar off just like they did they had strife james 3 says it best i love these verses but if ye have bitterness envying strife in your heart glory not don't glory and don't be happy because you have bitterness and envying and strife this wisdom descendeth not from above but is earthly sensual devilish and where envyin and strife is there is confusion in every evil work can i just say i do not believe truth missionary is an evil work i believe it's god's work i believe the local church is god's work but if we have envion where you want you want the highlight you want the glory you want the vision and you want that you can't be envian you can't have stride i i've heard it before and it's tough why do you sing the same people in the choir okay i try to do my very best to pray hey y'all i pray but when the holy spirit moves on somebody and does it again and again then i'm going to use them why maybe they're living the life that ought to be pleasing to god that god blesses through their singing i'm trying to help you you want to be used of god don't envy get right with god and get your attitude correct and god will use every single person in this church i'm still of the opinion that everybody can sing people argue with me oh no i can't i tell i told ken here with elizabeth i said i want you in the choir i said you can oh i can't say it i said everybody can sing he said you're wrong but i still do believe everybody can sing they can make a joyful noise i'm i'm not one to put out tryouts i don't do that if you want to sing and worship i had people up here that really can't sing but they worship i'd rather have somebody that had the right heart and worshiped than the best singer in the world because the spirit is right and so we look here he was following but he's following afar off it's seen in the strife of verse 24 it's seen also that he's his high ideas of his own self he is seen in his answer to christ look at verse 33 verse 33 he says and he said unto him this being peter lord i'm ready to go with thee both into prison and to death sounds good but jesus tells him the next verse he says peter before the chicken crows three times you're going to deny me see god knows the heart and you can say all day long i want to serve the lord i want to do this if we can't even be faithful to church how are you going to serve god it's tough but it's the spirit it's the faithfulness the bible only gives one requirement of a steward that he be found faithful and that's still in the book the things that are still in the bible that we ought to be teaching this same lesson is taught about this high ideas of self with the pharisee and the publican going to the temple and praying and i believe god was doing that specifically because the next chapter you find zacchaeus he's a publican the publicans were hated because they were tax collectors can i get a witness but they were crooked jews that would take that tax money and take more for themselves and then work for rome so everybody hated the publican in the bible and then you have the pharisee but they go to the temple one day jesus is telling this story why it's because nicodemus is listening nicodemus is listening because he's lost and he's wanting to know about what jesus said jesus tells this i know it's on purpose just for nicodemus that the pharisee and the uh the uh republican went into the temple to pray and that pharisee said lord i thank you that i am not like this man and lord i thank you that i'm not like him and then oh no i make amends i tithe i do this i do that hey that's all great god commanded it but if you're bragging about what you give or you're bragging about how you serve or what you teach or what you do that's a sounding brass and a tinkling symbol but that old publican said god be merciful to me a sinner and smote on his breast and he said that man went down to his house justified just as if he never sinned and then zacchaeus hears that message from christ and it hit his heart so much that it made him go climb the sycamore tree just so he could get a glimpse of jesus but when jesus got to the tree looked up he knew exactly where zacchaeus was and then he called him by name and said zacchaeus come down he didn't not only know where he was but he knew who he was and he went down and he went to his house today and he his house and everybody else in his house got saved that's what happens when the right spirit is happening but the bible says for whosoever exalteth himself shall be abased and he that humbleth himself shall be exalted god resisteth the proud but giveth grace to the humble so the reason peter followed but afar off was his high ideas of his own state but number two it was his high ideas of his own strength seen in verse 50 here if you look at verse 50 and one of them smote the servant of the high priest and cut off his right ear now let me just say in the beginning i told you i was i felt like i was like peter and sometimes i have that mentality of peter i'd like to cut some people's and yeah hey let me just say this peter wasn't aiming for his ear peter meant they said did we you want us to smite him and peter was trying to cut his head off but he got his ear he had the right idea he had the right thought but that was not what christ wanted in his life anger and the bible says be angry y'all realize it's okay to be angry but be angry and sin not be angry and sin not that's one of the toughest verses in the bible i mention it often in my teaching and my preaching how do you be angry and sin not and drive on woodruff road it's impossible impossible and guess what easily is getting worse 123 hallelujah i mean how can you keep your sanity but yet the bible commands us be angry and sin not peter was depending on his own strength the god of all the jesus christ whom he's walking with and he's not learned a single thing and he knows jesus could call ten thousand angels at any moment jesus could handle it himself i've always heard that saying he could have called ten thousand angels let me tell you if jesus would have wanted to get off the cross he didn't need a single angel he had all that power that's our savior jesus could have handled jesus could have spoken the word because we know the bible said when he spoke the word men fail like dead men just by speaking he could have done it here but this was part of the plan for our redemption but peter was looking at his own strength christ tried to warn him of this danger in verse 35 look at verse 35 and he said unto them when i sent you without purse and script and shoes lacked ye anything and they said nothing they were acting as if what are we going to do but god said when i sent you out to do the business of the kingdom and to do my business did i not provide you everything you've needed that's why i don't understand why we have such bad attitudes and bad spirits and fraud spirits and negative god has equipped every one of us to do the job jesus wants us to do in this modern day and era we are not lacking anything and this world may think we our music dear our preacher this old king james bible is antiquated i got news for you god gave us exactly what we need to battle this world and the bible says i have hid his word in my heart that i might not sin against thee they may come and one day take our bibles away but they cannot take it out of our heart and i don't care if we go to prison or we're on the stake the burning stake or whatever the case may be i have enough word of god in my heart right now that i could stand on a burning stake and i could say for he will never leave me nor forsake me i know whom i have believed and am persuaded that he is able to keep that which i have committed unto him against that day and i could go verse after verse i could quote psalms 23 and so can you the lord can you imagine being strapped to the stake about to be burned alive and we all would have the victory i'm telling you we would have the victory to say the lord is my shepherd i shall not want we could do that my son asked recently we began to talk on vacation about the fox's book of martyrs he said you have that book and i said i do gave it to him he's reading it sam wanted to read that and we began to talk all the disciples were martyred every christian ought to read that book to realize what they did to christians you ought to go read baptist history and see what rome did to the baptist like our faith you ought to go read those things but i'm here to tell you matter of fact in my bible i have this little thing taped right there in the fly leaf i'm going to read this to you this is a rabbit it's all right this is about polycarp polycarp the great preacher was martyred in a.d 155 he was hunted down and brought to the city of smyrna where they persecuted him he was instructed to confess caesar is lord but he would not he was brought before a roman officer in the arena and the officer said to him swear that caesar is lord and i will set thee at liberty reproach christ with the crowd watching on polycarp said 80 and six years have i served christ and he never did me any injury how then can i speak evil of my king and my savior and they killed him i'm not trying to put fear on you but i am telling you there is a martyr's crown for a reason and we're not done with this this voyage on earth yet and i hope the lord comes before any of us face that but if it faces it you'll never you'll never claim christ if you're following but following afar off we've got to follow up close i give you this other example and i'm almost done my dad tells the story and i've always remembered it and i wrote it in my bible that when his dad would walk through the woods they would squirrel hunt that his dad was he never paid attention he just knew that the boy was following but he'd pull a limb back and he'd walk through and dad said that lamb would come back and smack him right in the face and knock him down his dad would keep on walking he said he finally learned that the closer he got to daddy that as he brushed the limb back it'd go by and he was safe why because he was close to his father you cannot follow afar off or every limb every sin in this world will hit you right in the face every temptation but if you'll get close to the father and you walk behind him he said if you'll draw nigh unto me i will draw nigh unto you let the father knock the temptations back let the father knock the sins back and you follow him and you'll come out all right so we see that peter followed afar off because of his own high ideas of his own state his own strength and lastly his own security you know samson had the same problem peter was selfish and that proved that at the mount of transfiguration here you go sam sam likes this story the mount of transfiguration where moses and elijah the patriarchs the prophets and the patriarch show up at the mount of transfiguration with jesus and peter was there peter james and john had the i mean the honor to see moses and elijah and jesus but peter always sticking his foot in his mouth can we all get a witness we all do the same he said it is good for us to be here i say amen to that but he said let us build three see this is where judaism judaism creeps back in because the law and the prophets and now you have jesus the new covenant the new way by the blood of christ you're saved not judaism not the prophet but peter goes back though he's been born again and he reverts back to old ordinances and all of a sudden they disappear and jesus rebukes him you've got to just worship jesus and him only he's teaching us that but peter made a mistake a lack of self-discipline seen in his failure to pray in verse 45 that's his own strength but he couldn't even stay up long enough to pray while jesus was in the garden but let me give you this conclusion i got pretty rough on you tonight about your spirit about your attitude your faithfulness boy that hurt because that's what we see in peter but that's not how peter's story ends and this is not how your story has to end but there happened to be a day after christ arose he told them to go tell peter and his disciples pointed him out why because jesus forgives jesus forgets jesus still wants to use and so peter ran to the tomb and you know the story but then the day of pentecost comes and the holy ghost comes in the house and feels peter you know why peter could not thought he followed but followed afar off because he didn't have the holy ghost but now on the day of pentecost the holy ghost comes into peter's life and he starts getting up and he preaches and 5 000 people get saved what a difference the holy ghost makes but see we can learn something from there he didn't have accessibility because calvary had not happened yet so he failed but now when he gets the spirit it changes peter's life completely but now you and i that live in the new covenant and we have been saved we've got the holy spirit we have an edge on what peter had so we ought to learn from his mistakes and realize we don't have to follow afar off we can follow up close to the lord because we have the holy spirit living inside of us peter because of the holy spirit you realize that he met the lame man earlier in peter's life he said they crieth after us please tell that blind man to be quiet for they crieth he cried after us he wasn't crying after them he's crying after jesus but peter's pride spoke up but now he meets the lame man and the lama said can you help me and peter said this this is the difference the holy ghost makes silver and gold have i none but such as i have give i thee in the name of jesus of nazareth rise up and walk and he gave him what he exactly needed the name of jesus that's what the holy spirit does he no longer appended on it depended on his own strength in acts 3 12 and when peter saw it he answered unto the people why marvel ye of this as though by our own power we did this he went from looking at his own power to telling those people it's not by our power it's by the power of the holy ghost acts 4 90 no longer was a failure inside they told him they said peter and john don't y'all go out and preach don't you go out and preach again or we'll kill you and peter told them right here in 4 19 he said and they called them and commanded them not to speak at all nor teach in the name of jesus but peter and john answered and said whether it be right in the sight of god to hearken unto you more than unto god judgey and the bible goes on and says and when they had prayed the place was shaken and they were all filled with the holy ghost and they spake the word of god with boldness the very one that denied christ three times even cursed and said i do not know him when the holy spirit came in now peter says yeah i know him and i'm not shutting up about him and y'all can beat me and y'all can kill me but i'm not going to you can judge it whether you want whether i'm supposed to bay you but i'm going to obey god that's the difference the holy ghost makes so if we're going to follow tonight don't follow afar off you're filled with the holy ghost it's our honor and our duty and a privilege to follow christ closely let's all stand heads about eyes closed lord we thank you for the night of opening up your word we thank you for our church dear lord i pray tonight that if there's a soul here lost that they would come to know you before it's eternally too late but lord this was a message to the christian that we can follow you closely you said draw nigh unto me and i'll draw nine to you lord draw us nearer nearer to you dear lord so we can serve you
Channel: Truth-Missionary Baptist Church
Views: 8
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Truth-Missionary Baptist Church, truthmissionary, preaching, singing, ministry, TruthMissionaryChoir, Message of Truth
Id: 86NYWrVzyeM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 55sec (3235 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 07 2021
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