Billy Kelly - Saving The Best For Last

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John John's Gospel John's Gospel chapter to begin reading in verse one and the third day there was a marriage in Cana of Galilee and the mother Jesus was there and both Jesus was called in his disciples of the marriage and when they wanted wine the mother Jesus said unto him they have no wine jesus saith unto her woman what have I to do with thee mine Alber is not yet come his mother said unto servants what's every Seth do it and they were sent there six waterpots of stone after the manner of the purifying of the Jews containing two or three firkins apiece and jesus said unto them fill the waterpots with water and they fill them up to the brim and he said unto them draw out now imperative to go to the feasts in the bag on the rule of the feast had tasted the water that was made wine and you not once it was but the servants were through the water knew you the governor of the feast called the bridegroom and sat unto him every man at the beginning to set forth good wine and when many well drunk and that which his works but thou has kept the good wine until now this beginning of miracles did Jesus in Cana of Galilee and manifested forth his glory and his disciples believed on him after this he went down to Capernaum he and his mother and his can breath Hren and his disciples and they continued there not many days look at verse 10 again let me draw your attention to verse 10 once more and set unto Him every man at the beginning to set forth good wine and when many will drunk and that which is worse but thou has kept the good wine until now there in a marriage fees the Lord Jesus Christ is attending the marriage feast and by the way that you see this marriage is honorable in the sight of God I don't think God's pleas to this junk that's taking place this day in time I saw all those talk shows one morning Donahue believed it was dead five women on their old father been married five times and now then there's living with somebody and the spokesman of the group made a statement and said the reason is living with somebody to find out if they were compatible my soul honey if you hadn't found one by the time you get to the fifth one I believe I just throw the towel in and quit amen yes sir but here the Lord Jesus is attending the marriage supper and a lot of a sudden they come running in and they say they're out of wine and now then Jesus performs the first miracle that he performed after he began his public ministry that is he turned water in the wine when he did so I tell you my friends they bite into the governor of the feast he tasted of it and he turned to the young bridegroom and he said hey you've done differently he said every man that the first puts forth his best why he's a worse slime it heats the best until worse until life gives his best first worst until last but said you've done definitely wait a minute end of the fact in fact he didn't have enough to go around a second time is that right and now Jesus performs that miracle I love to read to the miracles of the miracle-working son of God hearts thrilling my friends when you read about those things I like to see how the new knives of the blind how that he raised the dead fed the mullet ears you know why and how you do it he is all man and he's all God amen boy down there when he got those few loaves of bread the few fish and fed a multitude he was hungry he ate like everybody else he performed the miracle he turned my friends at him done the food to feed everybody in that baskets leftover yes sir and the reason he can do it because he's hungry and he was God he performed the miracle I seem in that old ship in the Lightning's of flesh and the waters are raging in and the disciples go to screaming master carest thou not that we perish and the Lord Jesus performs a miracle he was man enough to go to sleep but he was got enough to say to the winds I go home boy the winds took their tails and went to the house the Lightning didn't flash anymore the waters lead down at his feet listen to me this is the miracle-working the son of God I like to read about the miracles that he performed I take your friends I like to read how that God can take nothing make something out of it how that God can perform all of this and so we find as he's attended that marriage supper he turns the water in the wine they govern the feast a stood up and said been here their best first to keep the worse to life but you've done differently you've kept the best until last and that's what I want to preach on the offer a little bit about dester it's the come at last amen the best God's keeping the best until last now don't try to give us a worst right now yes he doesn't ever he is his worst always he look on the Billboard that's a picture of a beautiful co-ed she's got enough paint on her face just to kiss her you get the painters colic I think she looks like a clown out of Barnum Bailey Circus and she'll have a little dice of Budweiser in her hand I Got News for You bud hey you'll be a lot life if you don't fool with it amen is that right I said your friends the devil use his best first he said live it up everybody's indulging in alcoholic beverages everybody's drinking everybody's consuming booze but the devil never shows you the terrible end of it he never shows a man died on the highway and a terrible car wreck he never shows you families been killed he never shows you little boys and girls that's priest in orphan homes because they didn't have milk butter legs the feet on and clothes to cover their body and shoes to go on their feet the devil it's rude he never shows you that he just gives his best first and the worst thumbs last I tell you the devil's rude this world sex crazy I think CEL home feeding the more without putting the picture of a naked woman throw the hog feed bag is that right yes if you pick up the newspaper suggestive pictures suggestive language of every time it's found in the newspapers in the periodic to come to your home and on the televisions I they just outright cuss hey that devil gives his guests first but the worst comes last I'm not gonna deal with that this morning I want to talk my friends about somebody that gives the best first bless God and keeps the best for the middle and keeps the best for the lice he gotten us the good things a man in creation in creation God kept the best until last but I see my Heavenly Father I am the book of Genesis saying let us make who was he talking to he's talking to the Holy Ghost and talking to the Lord Jesus Christ let us make I wanna tell you they walked out on the edge of nothing and flung into space everything you see and the things you can't see hung out the big dip from the Little Dipper and put the Milky Way opt out and dip out of yes sir I said you make the fowls of the air the beast of the fields the fishes of the sea but the crowning act of God was when he made a man and breathing its nostrils the breath of life and he becomes a living soul did you read the other day where they tried to take our gizzard or some another out of a monkey and put in a man and it all they're so disturbed they said it wouldn't work I've never been to sinus school I don't know what to think about medicine I don't want to think about operations all I got some butcher knife and you would want me working on you in that thing no sir I tell you I got sense enough to know my friends are four kinds of flesh on the face of this earth there's the flesh and the fowls of the air that's the flesh and the fish in the sea there's the face of the beasts of the field and there's man flesh you cannot take the monkeys flesh and mix it with the man's flesh you take my friends though I flesh of a bird and mix it up with a vision don't work that way and God declares that in his blessed word I tell you the crown an act of godless when he made a man I never read where God gave His only begotten Son where a horse can get born again I never read where God gave his son to die that a rooster can be saved praise God I did read where God so loved the man that He gave His only begotten Son that time that a poor old centre could be saved by the grace of God Almighty I tell you like what the burnses of the singular the night justice call but mercy answered Lord I got one day when I sing it in the spire he stepped on the scene so in creation God keeps the mist until after in Revelation God keeps the best until last now the Old Testament characters they didn't understand what you now know about the church in fact Paul the Apostle says that it was a mystery tour they didn't understand now I tell you my friends the church is shown forth in the Old Testament the Lord Jesus is found in the Old Testament all the way through listen to his great high priestly prayer he said in now father glorify thou me without himself without glory which I had with thee before the world was boy I like what God said I said where was you where was you Joba but I'm afraid this whole thing when I put the oceans out there when I need the mountains huh amen to God where's you Joe bye hey Jesus is there in the book of Proverbs he said I was dealing his delight rejoice and always before him I like that don't you I find cause he's the only begotten Son of God but God chose Christ in the Old Testament let me give you a couple illustrations Abraham is the type of God the Father Isaac is the type of the Sun and he leaves her the older servant and he calls him the elder servant is a I Holy Ghost of God bond Abraham said their leader the elder servant I want you to go and get a bride for my son Isaac God and so the Bible said he packed up the Campbells these are the kind you ride not the kind you carry these are the kind that had a hump on them and not the kind of puts a hump on heel amen he started out to find a bride for Isaac uh now if you read that story I used to think in my childish thinking he must have went down the road ten or fifteen miles uh but did you know he took a 500-mile journey and he put the fleece out the girl that draws water for me and for my camels uh that I mean the girl that I'll invite to go would marry my master's son boy he gets over that a certain place here comes a beautiful little girl up in the name of Rachel and I mean Rebecca and she said to old Ellie's her let me draw water few your camels huh he had ten camels with him and I looked up other day did you know one camel I'll hold about 50 gallons of water I tell you what you do go daddy we got him lemonade barrels they will fit you buy a gallon you'll stand there for at least ten to fifteen minutes with the holes filling up one of those barrels now there's ten of those camels huh and she watered all the camels watered all the servants that was with ol Ellie's her watered him and then she he said to her would you go marry my master's son she said I certainly will uh-huh hey they want a match somebody you'd never see now you might be hurting buddy but I would have got that bet off I'll tell you that right now I never had but one blind date in my life and I wish I was blind when I got there one woman comes struck the building so I'll tell you right now you're not mr. America well I said I may not be but that didn't cheat me Waldemar Miss America you got to look across the table at somebody for 50 years best God you wish you to look them over hi now there's one thing so on this whole story she's hankering to get married it was leap year her God was in it ha amen boy when you fall in love you go crazy now don't you huh I think I believe when I fell in love I was walking down the street somebody speak to me and I'd walk another half a block won't even dawn on me and anybody spoke to me I was going to carson-newman College I look back I looked out across the campus John come a girl walk across the campus and I send an old ball playing football I said you know that girl John he said that stop Frost I said I believe I need frostbitten a man I said yonder comes my wife listen to this down I said gonna comes my wife and I said introduce me that girl she come over that board the closer she got I tell you felt like my toenails rolled up my hair got curly goose pimples jumped out all over me cold chills I got all over me and come to find out my Dixie cup was leaking but it out hey somebody I want to tell you I was in love I fell in love I never get that first furlough I got home from Fort Bragg North Carolina I got the Sevierville Tennessee I done lost about 15 or 20 pounds trying to keep my trousers up and it's all wrinkled up right in that old car I tried to straighten that arm II kept up a little bit and about that time had a big old rock house out on Main Street in Sevierville that door flew open the screen went back against of all a young girl about 20 years old coming flying out jump full steps hit the sidewalk I do not a I'm never doing a hundred T&A hey buddy eyes in love how many of you remember that occasion I I'll have to read some of your bachelors and old maids bless God hey do you ever fall in love something will happen to you as sure as you live it all right he brings this girl back and the Bible tells us my friends how then a wedding takes place now you've watched Jesus in the Old Testament Jacob had a lot of sons of a lot of sons God's got a lot of sons that's right then I was hidden God made this world the sons of God shouted for joy the Bible tells they came his own his own received him not but as many as received him to them gave he power to become the sons of God that I've said be like that now are we the sons of God but God never had but one only begotten son and that's the Lord Jesus Christ all right watch it now we find that Jacob had a beloved son his name was Joseph Joseph gained his own they didn't like him what they do they cast him into the pit and there what happened he went away to a far country down to Egypt what happened there he took a Gentile bride and became the breadwinner for his brethren back home are you getting that picture I want to tell you God sent His only begotten Son they came to his own what they didn't like him they cast him in the pit of death like they did Joseph he went away to far country where to heaven what's he doing right now taking a Gentile pride a mat and then one of these morning listen he's the breadwinner for his brethren back here he said I'm the bread of life you eat of this bread that I am you'll never hunger again you drink of this water that I am you'll never thirst again he's coming back for his old now God shows us in Revelation the Lord Jesus Christ and so one day he came now notice when he came in the life of Jesus God keeps the best until last when Jesus came his despised he is hated from the moment that he got here then they will try to keep y'all listening to me the devil try to keep him from getting here that's right you won't understand they tried to kill all the babies all the babies under two years old old Pharaoh put out a decree kill everyone up trying to get rid of the Lord Jesus Christ but what happened God moved on old Joseph's heart in the dream one night and said you take Marion Jesus and you go down to the land Egypt down with the devil stomping grounds and while he's up here reminding somebody else's business God said I'll take care of you down there so he goes down years passes by and one day watch this I can see the devil walking strolling down the banks of the Jordan River and all of a sudden he looks and they meant that God youngers old John the bet not John the Methodist not John the Catholic not John the charismatic not John the Pentecostal but cha the bad DC men say what would you be if you won the better to be ashamed myself all right here's old John the Baptist in his arms is the son of God Baal Nathanael John baptized Scott's darling baby boy and when Jesus come up out of the water if you don't think the Trinity wasn't pleased with it you read it the Bible said the Holy Ghost in the form of a dove fluttered over the scene and then the count rolled back and the eternal voice of God I mean the one that spoke in existence all the flower garden is uh all the silver strings the one that put out all the trees laid the foundation of this earth the eternal voice I got said this is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased Lord of God God's keeping the best until last in the life of car they tried stone him to death they try to get rid him he kept saying Myers not comin times not comes not in your time but then one day said it's now time for the Son of Man be offered up they'd roll the nails in his hands in his feet they beat him with the cat-o'-nine-tails they took my friends other hands and smote him jerked the beard from his face crown him of the crown of thorns and said in the devil hey listen I see the devil come strutting by and that lowdown Buzzard said he saved others why don't you save yourself I going to Jesus I didn't come to save myself I came to be lifted up and they're going to be glad to stand in the 20th century at the old camp meeting in Greer South Carolina and see on a hill far away stood the old rugged cross praise God here with God's darling son they suppose the spirit Eastside the water and the blood gushes out Jesus came up the ghost went in the heart of the earth preached under those is in captivity paradise was delivered boy I want to tell you when his blood was shed he bowed his head and went home listen to me bless God I'll be boldly bruh ham rolled over on the cold death couch let's go surd said get up honey it's homegoing time I believe old David got up said I told you he would leave my soul and she old ivory won't let him that stole Eve and said honey it's resurrection morning thank God and the Bible said many of those Old Testament Saints were seen on the streets of Jerusalem walking around in a shaking hands I would be a bit surprised if exact years wouldn't there I got the lamp ever God kept the best in the life for the Lord Jesus a way me when he comes the next time he's not coming like he did the first time first time he came alone the next time he'll come at ten thousand of his Saints the first time he came he went to her cross the next time he comes you go to the throne of David amen to God the first time they rejected him this time to go to hell in t teens and Lord of lords he is a poor man that's right he my friends was born in a barred manger he was crucified on a barred cross cross the waters and a barred boot crucified on a barred cross and buried in a barred - I Got News for the next time he comes bless God he's not going to be poured Amen - god they're gonna hate him Chifa team king of cheese lord of glory he's not gonna borrow a little mule out of here somewhere thank God he's been horse-trading ha ha ha got him a nice stay in the ride-on didn't ya head and say you're crazy you come here me I didn't come here you buddy there's gonna take you one thing right now listen listen he died in the hot blistering Sun roll the next time I tell you you won't have servants Mountain waving and fanning like you did old Damon when he's a dime ah sir I'll tell you be no more dying no graveyards on the hilltops of glory then let me give you this I tell you thank God the best is yet to come in my friends the believers experience I did well I I don't like to talk about like I used to I don't know why I reckon as a young preacher you thought it's time to build up the work of the Lord the older I get the more shamed I am I'm a past I'm ashamed of sins that I committed I'm ashamed of things that I've done in life I really AM folks and Paul said when I do good evil is ever present and I listen I really have desire I'm honest before God I really have a desire down inside to live right but boss sometimes the devil gives me under fit that you wouldn't imagine you couldn't even think how the devil will give somebody a fit and I'll tell you what I'll never forget that night or that day we played Oak Ridge Tennessee for championship ball I the first string pictured our school I pitched a no-hitter up to the seventh inning we had them two to nothing and we got two outs ball Center went wild couldn't even hit the catcher backstop hardly I walked three men two hours old gotta do get one man out and then the inning will be over not that time they announced that dangerous Dan McGann was coming up to bat boy he is known to limb over centerfield fence about that time the coach come out to now the game put another fella in the first ball he threw danger stand laid it over centerfield fence and they beat us four to two I almost went berserk I walked in from the grandstand I cussed everybody to the guy in the business stance I cussed my fellow ballplayers I customer coach god I just went crazy I went to town Knoxville Tennessee had been dry since Prohibition days there's more liquor there and there was it wherever the make it I mean buddy that you told you buy liquor anywhere I went got me a fifth of liquor I went to Joe MacDonald's pool hall I went back to the restroom drunk all over I got drank it knocked me out as little restroom floor laid there from about two o'clock that evening those six at night some fella set the pool hall to go home when they went down a big flight of steps there's two guys on the street handing out tracts and invite people to an old-fashioned revival they said to those guys trying to get them off their back punch the pilot who loves little red Kelly's up there said he's dog drunk look I take him he needs to get saved so they come up they found me they took me out in the pool hall is it looks like a church pew it sent me down that thing got some towels putting the cold water fountain time to sober up put on my head then they took me downstairs to Crystal hamburger place boatmen tomato juice trying to sober me up and then they put in the car stuck my head out the window went around the block trying to sober me up Tommy I'm going to come around a little bit and they said to me red go to revival I said the cake do it then I will go no revival I give ever accuse I can think of and then boy the big and hit my head I said I got a date tonight my girlfriend won't let me they said you ghost you'd let you said yeah boy onion she's bet over I was I said y'all go they said let's go call her they got back up that pool hall put me on an extension line called up says okay if red goes for a Bible she said Lord our mercy if he's going to revival take him off go on something now I got that car I figured this one little church house somewhere and I informed them I said unless they start that invitation stuff I'm going to give up go out the yard smoke be a low-key camel feel that's what I'm going to do we got to the place where there's preaching and listen to this it was the University of Tennessee auditorium 5000 already gathered for the meeting they got me out one yellow inside one the other means the loop legged a good walk and when we got to the door the usher said you'd have to take him and he pointed me upstairs I reckon that's where the drunks on that throw up the steps we win I don't what they preached about song about not one bit of it I went to sleep is hot what's sleep but when the invitation started God's Holy Ghost won't be up that big five hundred votes choir begin to sing if you won't joy real joy wonderful joy let Jesus come to your heart thought I'd never had no real peace mom and daddy divorced us ten put me off in an institution to stay there for years and you know well just mounted goggles for reform school but they call it a military school and on time I never come home was it summertime stayed my grandpa then my I tell you I was down on all of that but to make a long story short I attended an old boy chipped up put his arm around my shoulders as a singing and said red words you go she is to die tonight I said I'd go to hell same place you're going I knew his old hypocrite he looked at me and crying he said reg you might go where you might go to hell they said you won't go where I'm going said I got saved not before lies well I said I've go to hell you said you don't have to said stick your foot out God will meet you halfway I've been preaching 46 years and I've never told anybody to stick foot out and drop me to my way never but it sure worked on me I looked around and everybody under head ducked and I didn't know this then I found this out later somebody stepped up to the Evangelist and said if you can get that red born the bow that he saved said ain't no tellin what happened it's meeting and yet everybody bow their head and he's all friends mean I didn't even know it not a threat in that old war send go red stick for that zombie chat well standing right next to the aisle and I fell totally hit him on my back I'm gonna stick my foot out love it like that but honey when I did those was the following it and out of there I came I got upstairs in the house a mile long walking wooden face tuned us next thing I'm in a trot that ain't fast enough the next thing I'm in a dead run and but I slitting it over like a ballplayer sliding the home I got born again hey you ever get saved the Tom get annoyed I tell you what I won't tell her that that night it seemed like the trees clap their hands and said we're glad you saved yeah man it felt to me like God the Father the Son the Holy Ghost all the blood wash cotton is already home leaned over the battlements of glory and said we're dead you say yeah I got to the house and with nobody home mom and the two sisters had gone to the loose club to dance that night and so I I said right away dome for a while after bit the old Madore mama said what was wrong with you I said all the things all right now I said everything's all right I said I got saved tonight my mother two sisters leading they said you're drunk well I said I have been but ain't now of course I got saved I didn't quit drinking and just change jugs I'm drinking on a new wife yes sir Martin such a said you're drunk that's that old liquor talking anyone's a footstep and I saw they just go to first so I went the back room crawl a little a little fella they didn't weigh about two hundred pounds I can't crawl a little 3/4 size bed but who could go to sleep when you just step from the bottom to the top when God has just become your father Jesus thought save your Holy Ghost your comforter the needs your roots from the city and heaven the country and God had written all over you Jerusalem bound no lil was allowed plane I ride a man boy listen I begin to think of things I heard preachers say walls of Jasper streets ago gates of pearl one old Bible critic said hey where is their oyster big enough to make a pearl big enough to make a gate well I said that's not hard he lives next door to that fish at smaller job let's go hey God's got it fixed up he knows what's going on don't he do it yes he does I tell you my friends that not God kept the best until s now let me give you this them through God keeps the best until last in the Christian spirit of in the life that we live for God yes sir yeah I mean he keeps the best is that we talk about well what's wrong with God's good for you right now now you and fooling me I was born during depression times we never find closed wire done good gets up deeds we always had some people done good hallo people did he was bankers standing on the street corner with a tie a suit on I had selling apples trying to get a little money to buy some coffee to go to the house hey hey we either agree we don't on about hard times so Tommy said brother was used to watching YouTube on television there wasn't any television I mean we go to town to wagon horses pull that's why I'm not exaggerating and people together ginseng try to make living back the mountains you have one people now a mountaineer leave lived off corn patch we eat through steers put up corn fed the stock fed to hogs cows fed to dogs and then thing left made a few squeezings got a little change stopper a doll that's way we live and listen here you are dressed up got good cars to drive homes to live in I got to take a little dialogue laughter woman's face shut up it's hard said I watch three loads of clothes today she didn't walk you're here than banishment over there put them in a launch machine throw some powders in there flip the switch that makes its culture to culture to touch at the top and she wash three loads of clothes she only left my grandma we cared water it halfway the woods will be on the spring that's above the hill washed on a washboard didn't have lights we'd sit on the porch that almost dark and pump out say but bedtime get up before daylight go to school walk two miles catch school bus hey what's wrong what God's doing for us now all the Lord's been so good to me I come himself to lie low trailer little lark car that thing burned up I never thanked nowhere to live old bro it brother corn Satterfield come to me said I was praying brother Billy God told me to give you a piece of land to build your house on and ever since that day God's prospered me him come to my house you don't like what I got don't blame me for it God's people give it to me ever feel everything I got God's people give to me put shoes on my feet clothes on my body yeah man how good he's been to me and I praise Him food on the table God put it there yeah oh lord has ever been good to me I go to people's homes they so good to the preacher well these women just out do this half the preachers around chicken roast steaks ball game like deer meat your old fat bag I've had them to just feed me and feed me and then here's what I've heard him say brother Billy will tell some more oh it's him full up to money well she said that some strawberry shortcake I said that's what I say Monique for now brother Billy won't you eat soup no no but I will take some of that dessert that dessert boy that just tops the meal off it gives you that she'd say brother Billy here let me get you plate you start picking my plate up I've heard this a thousand times of years keep you fork born that woman said keep your fork on you something betters on the way banana pudding nervous put jell-o strawberry shortcake lemon pies chocolate pies what's that custard egg custard yeah devil's food angel food any kind of food dragged around here watermelons you like watermelons hey what's wrong with what God is it done for you now not a thing but you listen to this time through he's keeping the best until haste you say what do you mean there's no dying in him 23 years ago I feared a little boy said it's day that ever come my way I thought I'd never enjoy hearing the birds sing I'd never enjoy springtime the more but the years has passed you know when God's done in my heart oh wait I haven't forgotten that little feller no I ain't forgot him but one bad morning thank God probably but young man will come walking out take them to the hand and hug me and say that dad have been awaiting on you yeah you know what we're going to do we're going to stroll all overhead monkeys morning thank God thank God's keeping the best until last they've been heartaches and sorrow I feel fooled and said you intend to you that I haven't had troubles in my life but you know what is all for my good it's for my good god was quitting me up and god knows how to which you up my friend yes he does you seldom have enough time hang in there better days are head the best is yet to come
Channel: JMonroeL
Views: 65,488
Rating: 4.7494407 out of 5
Keywords: Billy, Kelly, Saving the best for last, Preaching
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 48sec (2328 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 26 2013
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