Sunday AM LIVE (10:45 AM | 10/3/21)

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is [Applause] [Music] [Music] so make me official make me an offering make me whatever you want me to be god i came here with nothing but all you have given me jesus bring me out of me [Music] all my devotions [Music] nothing to cling to by your sweetheart [Music] keeping me safe at night only your presence is [Music] i've had after everything i've lost lord i know this much [Music] just like a precious [Music] my tears [Music] is [Music] cause after everything [Music] is [Music] everything's been said after everything love costs lord [Music] let's prepare our eyes to worship the lord so thank you for all he's done for us with us [Music] whose love is [Music] [Music] who leaves us [Music] [Music] this is amazing grace [Music] oh [Music] for jesus [Music] where truth is [Music] [Music] this is [Music] jesus [Music] is worthy is [Music] [Music] this is [Music] [Music] oh [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] oh my [Music] [Music] [Music] hold on foreign [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you for the cross floor [Music] there's a place [Music] there's a place where streams of grace [Music] [Applause] [Music] comes [Music] [Music] there's a place [Music] god and forgiveness [Music] [Music] oh all of [Music] your work [Music] [Music] i'm [Music] oh [Music] i [Music] oh [Music] jesus by jesus sing his name together lord jesus lord jesus [Music] [Applause] our lives to you lord help us to truly mean these words that we're singing lord help us to be in awe and wonder of of what you would do for us lord help us to remember lord you're the high king of heaven the creator of the universe and you stepped into our dirty story lord on this dusty planet and where you walked those roads lord you washed our feet lord and then you picked up that heavy cross and you carried it up the hill to be nailed to it or not [Music] not because you had to but because you wanted to and so help us to live in awe of that type of love lord and then help us to become those type of people lord who are willing to lay our lives down for others lord who are willing to serve and sacrifice and not be so prideful lord so we pray that you would change us pray that you'd make us uh thank you that you have made us new we pray you continue to renew us and renew a right spirit within us we ask this for your glory in jesus name amen amen well before you sit down why do you turn to someone and say hello hello in the name of the lord if you're watching online type it in the chat where you're watching from and who you're watching with and then you guys can grab a seat and turn your eyes to the screens we have some video announcements for you [Music] [Music] hey are you 18 or 30 years old well come join us for the bridge retreat it's gonna be october 22nd to 24th at the pally mountain retreat center register now at the bridge hope to see you there [Music] so [Music] awesome and we do really want to encourage all of us to go out to the baptism whether you're getting baptized or not we would love for those of you who have already been baptized to come out and support your brothers and sisters who are getting baptized this is an important step of faith for them and it's it's good for us to support each other in the faith so come on out this saturday it's going to be a great time we're going to give now to god's work in the world you can do so you can see these different ways online to give or if you came prepared to give in person you can give out the back after service but we're going to sing one more song together it's an old hymn and last week pastor jeff was teaching and he said something about when when satan comes before god and says look at alex's sin jesus says get out of here it's already been paid for and i was like wow what an advocate we have and it reminded me of this old hymn it's called before the throne of god above and it's about our great high priest so i'll let these words encourage you today [Music] before the throne of god above i have a strong perfectly a great high priest whose name is love whoever lives for me my name is [Music] is [Music] against [Music] my sinful soul [Applause] [Music] and so we praise the name of christ for your love and sacrifice [Music] [Music] righteousness [Music] my is my god with christ my savior [Music] sacrifices lord again we thank you for your sacrifice and we pray lord that we would live our lives to sing your praise to live your praise to live out lives that glorify you on this planet lord that others may look at our lives and see that we've been changed by you that we're different or we thank you that even when we fail in in many ways lord that you are faithful to continue your work in us and so we pray that you would continue now as we listen to your word taught we pray that it would change us we thank you that it does and we look forward to all you'll continue to do in our lives through this service we pray in jesus name amen amen amen good morning church i pray that you are blessed filled with the spirit ready for what the lord has for us i welcome if you're visiting with us here in the sanctuary or if you're watching online maybe you've never joined us before we're delighted that you've chosen to take the lord's day and spend it here at calvary chapel south bay we study god's word chapter and verse book by book line upon line precept on precepts so if you turn to hebrews chapter 9 hebrews chapter 9 as we continue our journey through the book of hebrews and a study that have entitled the heavenly sanctuary now i don't know how many of you have ever you know if you're prone to do things like this maybe you watch on television those travel shows or perhaps the national geographic channel that you probably have in your mind if you're like me at all some place that you really think you'd someday like to live anybody experience that you know like you've got that favorite beach or you know some country or just something that's in your mind that you think man if i could just live there here's the good news one day no matter what that place is no matter where it is one day you're going to dwell in the place that is infinitely better than anything you can ever think of amen it's called the heavenly sanctuary it's actually in heaven in the presence of god and so we as human beings because we only have the five senses the basic ones that we've been given to perceive things with we think and act and feel according to those things which we can experience and see in other words we have a tendency to believe most of us that seeing is believing if you see it you believe it it's real to you you see photos of places go oh that's a real place but the truth of the matter is for those of us who have been saved by grace through faith were god's children actually believing is really seeing what we believe is truly the final reality for us and so when we think about that the bible doesn't say a whole lot about heaven but it talks about the heavenly sanctuary here in chapter 9 and so we're going to take the entire chapter today so get prepared it is a fairly lengthy chapter but it contains really one subject matter and so in order to keep it in context we'll journey through the whole chapter um today as we think on this the jewish people had two places that they could physically see throughout their history they had the tabernacle in the wilderness and they had the temple on the temple mount and actually had two of those they had the original temple which was destroyed by the babylonians and then it's rebuilt and herod expands that it becomes this beautiful edifice we'll actually look at it next time for us those are just shadows of things to come the jewish people had a way to meet with god in those places but the fact of the matter is no building is ever sufficient to contain the glory of god not this one or any other giant cathedral in europe but we do have a building one day not made with hands that's in the heavens and it is infinitely more glorious than we can possibly imagine so would you join me we'll pray and we'll take hebrews chapter 9 together today father we thank you that we look forward to spending eternity with you in your heaven lord we really can't imagine what that's going to be like but you've given us some secrets to it some ways that we can understand and think ahead and we pray that as we study your word that you would by your spirit speak into our hearts and our minds those truths that you want for us to understand today we ask this in jesus name amen verse 1 hebrews 9 and then indeed even the first covenant had ordinances of divine service and earthly sanctuary so there's this building that was on the temple mount at the time but there was also previous to that this tent of meeting it was called the tabernacle and you're going to see that the word tabernacle is used here that simply means a dwelling place in this case the dwelling place of god it was where men went to meet with god and in that sense we're going to look at the comparison between what we have now because of christ's sacrifice for us and what they had then what they had done was designed by god for a tabernacle was prepared the first part in which the lamp stand the table the showbread which is called the sanctuary behind the veil stood so there's one part that's called the holy place and then there's the most holy place the holy of holies there's two in essence compartments and there's a veil separating the two of them so we're actually getting a picture of the sanctuary as it was both in the tabernacle and in the temple itself on the temple mount and behind the second the veil and part of the tabernacle which is called the holiest of all or the holy of holies which had the golden center the ark of the covenant overlaid on all sides with gold in which there was a golden pot that had manna in it so we're now told exactly what's inside the ark of the covenant aaron's rod that butted and the tablets of the covenant and so what's inside the ark of the covenant people always ask that question what was in it well we're actually told aaron's rod that butted so the one that when they went to pharaoh and pharaoh conjures up a snake aaron takes his rod that butted and said oh we can do that that's in there but it signified new life the pot of manna god's provision and protection and the actual tablets of the ten command the very stones that moses brought down from mount sinai with the original 10 commands on them that's what was inside of it but we're gonna see that this thing wasn't exactly huge so sometimes we get those pictures you know like in the movie the ten commandments the tablets are about like this big and moses is carrying them it's very unlikely that they were very large at all because they're going to fit inside of a box that's not too terribly big and we're going to actually get to see how big that is in in a little bit and so here's these things that are inside of it and above it there were cherubim of glory so angelic beings the cherubim the burning ones overshadowing the mercy seat and of these things we cannot now speak in detail and now these things had been thus prepared the priest always went into the first part of the tabernacle performing services okay so get this there was exactly one priestly tribe that was the tribe of levi there was exactly one race of people on the whole earth that actually had the tabernacle in the temple that was the jewish people so i want you to see exactly how exclusive this particular way of meeting with god was but into the second part the high priest alone went once a year so you have a very exclusive arrangement whereby anyone could meet with god you have only one race of people the jewish people you have only one place the tabernacle in the wilderness or the temple on the temple mount you have only one group one tribe out of 12 that actually qualified to be in either the holy place or the most holy place that was the levites and you only had one person out of all of the jewish people on the face of the earth in any one given year that could go into the most holy place the holy of holies and that was the high priest pretty exclusive amen guess who that excluded every last one of you if you had been alive at the time you wouldn't have gone in you wouldn't have been inside the sanctuary you wouldn't have certainly wouldn't have been in the holy of holies you would have relied on other people to do that for you in other words you didn't have a personal relationship with god it was a long-distance relationship with god and so we're going to see the contrast between what we now have in christ and what they had then which was this very organized but highly exclusive religious understanding and even then not without blood which he offered for himself and for the people's sins committed in ignorance but the holy spirit indicating this that the way into the holiest of all was not yet made manifest while the first tabernacle was still standing in other words there wasn't a way inside of that sanctuary even for the high priest it was temporary it was once a year in other words god was basically saying you don't have a permanent way to come talk to me you have a temporary way that allows for one man once a year to come in and meet with me it was symbolic for the present time in which both gifts and sacrifice are offered which cannot make him who perform the service perfect in regard to the conscience there's the issue even the high priest did not have his sins actually forgiven they were also atoned for so his conscience was actually never clear it wasn't completely erased his sin nature yours and mine as well and everyone during that time had the same problem they would go through these elaborate rituals which required the slaughter of thousands of animals annually blood everywhere a gruesome temple was a gruesome place make no mistake about it we think of you know a temple or we think of the tabernacle we think of the sanctuary of god we have a tendency to sanitize it but it was a messy business getting right with god it required the death of innocent animals by the thousands it required things that you and i we really in polite company probably wouldn't even speak of it that's how horrific it was concerned only with food and drinks in various washington fleshly ordinances imposed until the time of reformation not the reformation but reformation because something had to happen because this wasn't going to actually get the job done that needed to be done you see the problem was mankind was dead in their trespasses and sins and this did not make them alive this temporarily put away god's wrath so that god wasn't going to in that moment destroy them but they were not permanently cleansed from their sin and so over and over and over and over again these same sacrifices had to be repeated so abraham moses these godly men who worship during that time abraham at his altar in shackem moses in the actual original tabernacle his brother aaron the first high priest these were all good things there weren't bad things but for that time there was only one place in the entire earth one that man could meet with god matter of fact jewish people to this day at passover they will leave passover generally with the saying next year jerusalem interesting that word because most of you know that we call jerusalem the city of peace because of the half of it meaning shalom or god's peace but what it actually means is you will see god and so for the jewish people jerusalem comes from two words put together you shall see god that's because in jerusalem that's where you could go meet with god it's what the city was to them that's where they were actually able to meet with the lord that's where they would at least temporarily be squared up in their accounts with god until the following day and so there was a built-in inferiority to the old covenant and to the sanctuary and we can look at it in many many ways and what's tragic even to this day as you travel with us we finally got our israel trip rebooked so it's going to be in september of 2022 so if you have a desire to go one of the places that we travel to is the hawk hotel or the wailing wall or the western wall the reason the jewish people meet there it's the world's largest outdoor synagogue the reason that they worship there is it's all that's left of the temple that was rebuilt by herod and actually all that's left is 13 rows of stones that we would call a retaining wall so when they go there they're still stuck worshiping a spot on earth that is the most holy place on earth as far as judaism is concerned there's no place to tolerate as close as you could get to the holy of holies that used to be on the temple mount that is now occupied by muslim mosques why do i say that because when you go they're still wailing they're still placing their prayer requests in the cracks between the stones they're still crying out as if that place is the only place that you can meet with god when in fact when jesus died and provide us provided us with that final sacrifice the last one that was necessary the fact of the matter is the spirit of the living god is inside of every believer and wherever you are that's where church is church is not a building and it's certainly not a retaining wall this place is no more holy than any other building on planet earth the only reason it has a purpose as a church is because you guys are sitting in it that's why it's the church it's because of the people it's not a church because it's a building this happens to be an old teledine ryan missile plant any place where god's people are is actually the sanctuary of the living god in fact so much so that wherever you are is the sanctuary of the living god so this old sanctuary was very inferior in a lot of ways there's five of them up here for you it was on earth the original tabernacle was pitched by men it was a tent so when the people put it up now let's just be honest us guys are not as fastidious as you ladies generally are i know that's a generality so don't take it too terribly far but there's a reason that the bible says it is not good that a man should live alone why is that because in a general sense men are kind of not attendant to that type of detail so who pitched the tent men do you think they swept all the spiders out of it no do you think they went through and dusted every nook and cranny and got the dust bunnies no they probably did not it was in the wilderness they didn't have bug spray there could have been scorpions inside it's in the middle of the wilderness it was an earthly tent it was a place that temporarily god was identifying you say look if you want to meet with me come here but it was far from perfect the covering was made out of animal skins i don't know if you've ever smelled animal skins in the middle of the hot desert it's not good furthermore it was a place of death and so is there slaughtering those animals you think that smelled good no it did not as this thing was constructed it was taken down and put back up it was very limited it was on earth it was in one spot it was built by man and maintained by man it had deficiencies a second thing it was intended to point us towards something that would be far greater and so inside of this in the holy place that outside portion of the sanctuary we're actually told in this particular chapter that this was a pattern of things in the heavens and so everything that was inside of both the tabernacle in the wilderness and the temple in jerusalem had a meaning to the jewish people and so when they went in there's the table of showbread there's the lampstand if you were to look at that lampstand and it's here's this beautiful menorah it's an oil lamp but where was it located in one building in one place so the light of god shone on a handful of people at a time there was no windows that's the reason that jesus when he stood on the steps of the temple cried out he said i am the light of the world effectively he's saying look that menorah is great it was for a time it was for a purpose but that's only in there it's for a handful of people it's temporary it was pointing towards something to be infinitely greater you see the light that flowed from that menorah couldn't shine on more than a handful of people at any given time that meant everyone else was in the dark if you weren't underneath that menorah you were in the dark if you weren't one of the 12 tribes of the children of israel represented on that table of showbread you didn't have access to god furthermore if you were a woman you never got into that place you couldn't go you were segregated by gender you were segregated by race you were segregated by the place that it stood in other words it was pointing towards something infinitely greater because this couldn't possibly be god's plan for all of mankind it was very very very limited all those pieces of furniture the altar of incense is beautiful it pictured prayer even in the most holy place the holy of holies here's this ark of the covenant now imagine this thing that's in there there's this tiny little wooden chest three feet nine inches long two feet three inches high and two feet three inches wide now think of that one that's it that's all that's in this massive space two angels one on either side probably about that tall it's a little lacking when you think of the glory of the living god isn't it no matter how beautiful the ark of the covenant was the fact of the matter is it was a box about this big and inside it there's a pot of mana two tablets and a stick now think about it it's only this long this was not some massive beautiful staff like you see in the movie the ten commandments that moses carried right because that would have been like six feet tall this thing had to be probably less than three feet long if you put it diagonally through the corners of the box it's a little stick kind of doesn't really sound like the glory of the lord does it and yet that was the place that god said look this signifies what i want to do with you this is where the blood gets sprinkled this is where i'll meet with you this is where you'll receive mercy right here but it was temporary you see even the ark of the covenant which the jewish people effectively worshipped the ark of the covenant it was so special to them that you were of a special order of priests to even be able to bear up one of the staves that went through the side to touch it meant death no doubt that furniture spoke some serious truth but let's be honest it was all symbolic the glory of god could not be contained in a chest that's this big so what was god doing he was setting them up so that they would understand how inferior it was that they wouldn't just be looking to a building no more than you should be looking to a building today it's wonderful that we gather together in this place and we worship the lord and we study his word and we pray together we fellowship it's good it's even necessary but this is not the only place on earth verse 11 but christ came as high priest of the good things to come so the old high priest was ministering in that holy place and then in the most holy place in the sanctuary of the one building in the one place in the one country to the one people of one gender the christ has come with a greater and more perfect tabernacle not made with hands that is not of this creation in other words there was a deficiency that's so great that christ came and provided in essence the exact opposite you couldn't build a sanctuary that's sufficient for god as much as men have tried our time when we lived in europe connie and i have been around and seen an awful lot of really beautiful sanctuaries walk into the salzburger cathedral and look up at the ceiling you're like wow you can almost envision god actually being there it's beautiful but the fact of the matter is it's dead it's in essence a tourist attraction there's no spirit of the living god that is in that building any more than it's in any other building because the bible plainly says that christ in you is your hope of glory it's the fact that you're now indwelled by the holy spirit the same one that created the universe by the way dwells in you as a child of god the five superiorities the first of which is that our relationship is now based in the heavens it's not based on earth you know covenant tabernacle was made with the hands of men you know we see these sanitized pictures we see examples of man's you know genius in construction but the fact of the matter is if you were to have gone to the temple during that time you would have probably been largely put off by the condition of it because there would have been blood stains everywhere there would have been bleeding dying animals the sounds you would have heard would have been atrocious the smell would have been awful it would have been disastrous that's why it could never save anybody the new covenant the new sanctuary is so much better because of what it actually does you see the old testament covenant and the old testament sanctuary was only sufficient to take care of things temporarily notice verse 12 not with the blood of goats and calves but with his own blood he entered the most holy place once and for all having obtained eternal there it is the word redemption that's the problem the word redemption simply means to pay the price it implies that there is a debt that's owed and it must be paid and the redemptive price of your sin was the blood of jesus and so he didn't go with the blood of bulls and goats he didn't walk into a building and take and sprinkle it on a mercy seat he shed his own blood he offered his own mercy to actually cleanse your sin so rather in a temporal way for us to be okay with god in the moment jesus did for us what those animal sacrifices could never do the blood of animals the truth is could never erase human sin but jesus's blood can what christ did on the cross actually pays the redemption price you know sometimes we forget that that debt was ever even owed for if the blood of bulls and goats and the ashes of a heifer and the sprinkling of the unclean and the sanctifying for the purifying of the flesh how much more shall the blood of christ who through eternal spirit offered himself up without spot to god to cleanse your conscience from dead works to serve the living god and for this reason he's the mediator of the new covenant by means of death for the redemption of the transgressions under which the first covenant that those who are called may receive the promise of the eternal inheritance you see what you had going on back during those days and times was just a covering it was like you you woke up in the morning it was like well i got to take care of today and that was good you needed to take care of today the problem was tomorrow and the problem could have been the week before matter of fact it actually could have been that day if you went after you made the sacrifice and you sinned again which highly likely people did your conscience was never clear and so it took something greater and so during that time ceremonial cleansing would happen as i shared with you when you travel to israel the single most efficient way for you to determine whether an ancient settlement if you're excavating archaeologically if they want to determine if this was a jewish settlement during the times of the middle or late bronze age is the presence of mikvahot that's the mikveh that's the ritual bath if they find a ritual bath it is jewish why because every jewish man every day needed to be ritually cleansed because he got dirty every day walk past a gentile need to go do a bath walk past somebody that had swine in their front yard need to go richly cleanse myself something was said their temper got the best of them got to go cleanse myself it was an ongoing thing you see it was on you you needed to be clenched but that didn't cleanse your conscience you're just purifying your flesh you're making it better for the moment and the contrast is also the temporary blessings that they had then with the eternal blessings that you have now he whom the son has set free is free indeed for how long for eternity you're not going to get to heaven and go man jeff you missed that last wave offering i'm really sorry but you got to go back now christ has set us free i have eternal blessing i have confidence in the fact that god has actually cleansed me from my sin as beautiful and as picturesque as those sacrifices were in the temple they never actually got the job done you see because here's what paul said as he writes the church at ephesus we were once dead in our trespasses and sins the problem was not making us less dead the problem was making us alive so if we were dead in our trespasses and sins we have to be made alive that means you've got to have a new nature because you still have a dead nature in your flesh and so jesus provided the way for us to have a new nature in him our sins could actually be forgiven i can now walk in the newness of life i am constantly being transformed by the renewing of my mind the transgressions that are covered by christ's blood are actually forgiven they were simply put away previously and so in every way there is a superiority to this new life that we now live notice how much better and how much more costly the sacrifice was you see it would cost you a ton it would be very expensive to go to temple you would be bringing probably the most valuable things that you actually possessed if you brought sheep to be sacrificed that would have been at least some of the most if not the most valuable things that people had so when they came and they offered up they used the temple tax and paid for a sacrifice then it would have cost them money verse 16 for where there's a testament there also must be of necessity the death of the testator you see jesus in the new covenant made a last will and testament now for those of you that have a will or you have a family trust you have some instrument that takes care of the dispensation of your possessions when you pass what's the secret you actually have to croak right you've got to die it is not in force until you're dead that's why your kids are trying to get you to take up paragliding and things like that when you get older it's like you know dad could you you want to go skydiving just kidding but the fact of the matter is when you make a will it takes everything that you have and it gives it to other people but you have to die the same is true for the new covenant you have been given everything in christ but the one who testified of that the testator jesus had to die for it to become good for it to be in force that's exactly what jesus did for the testament is in force after men are dead since it has no power at all while the testator lives while jesus was alive the new covenant was visible you could see what was going to happen the temple sacrifices were very clearly pointing towards what would happen eventually but until jesus actually died all of it was still waiting for the triggering event that triggering event was the death of the only son of god he gave his life a ransom for many and therefore not even the first covenant was dedicated without blood and it was dedicated with blood over and over and over and over at infinitum at nauseam all the way until the time the temple was pushed off the temple mount in 80 70 by titus goat after goat sheep after sheep heifer after heifer dove after dove for the better part of 1500 years that's a lot of blood for when moses had spoken every precept to all the people according to the law he took the blood of calves and goats and water and scarlet wool and hyssop and sprinkled it both on the book itself and of all the people imagine coming to church service you walk through the door and somebody's got a basin of blood and they sprinkle it on you god bless you probably none of you are coming to church right but they were so serious about the value of blood leviticus 17 without the shedding of blood there's no remission of sin they took that quite literally that's how serious sin actually is they had that part right without the shedding of blood there isn't any remission of sin that's why jesus had to shed his blood saying this is the blood of the covenant which god has commanded of you and then likewise he sprinkled blood on the tabernacle and all the vessels of ministry and according to the law most things were purified with blood without the shedding of blood there is no remission repeating the original command imagine this you see we we sanitize this picture we make it this beautiful marble building and just sparkling in the sun but the fact of the matter is the entirety of the whole thing everything got treated that way every instrument every cup every table every stair and then they would bring in water and wash it down and this would flow out into the streets if you go to jerusalem today through the tyropian valley there's actually a conduit where this blood and water would flow and end up down in the hinnom stream it was awful it's because your sin is awful god was telling them look this is a messy business getting rid of your sin but jesus and therefore it was necessary the copies of the things in the heavens should be purified with these but the heavenly things themselves are better sacrifices than these what was the picture became a reality the sacrifice of jesus was more than all of the bulls and goats and sheep and doves everything that had lost its life to square away man's sin debt temporarily jesus in one moment shed his blood and said it is finished it's done this incredibly ghastly sight ended it's not necessary anymore and so in that sense what jesus did put an end it completed that fulfillment verse 24 for christ has not entered the holy places made with hands which are copies of the true but into heaven itself and now to appear in the presence of god for us it's now a reality it's finalized it's complete it's better in every imaginable way and frankly for that i'm very very very grateful personally because i can't imagine presiding over this type of a scene i don't actually think i could do it as i've gotten older i'm having a tough time smooshing bugs much less you know killing sheep and goats and cows and it's just like i'm like i don't even know what to say but when i think of that i think of my own sin it's like how many millions of animals died to simply put away sin for a little bit of time and then jesus says well we need to finish this no more innocent animals verse 25 as we wrap this up not that he should offer himself often jesus sacrifice was once and for all for all anyone who will believe as high priest he enters the most holy place every year with the blood of another in other words the earthly high priest had to just repeat this over and over and over again he then would have had to suffer often since the foundation of the world but now once at the end of the ages in other words if it was the old way jesus would have to be put to death over and over and over and over and over again exactly the same way as the old testament animals but not anymore but he has appeared to put away sin by the sacrifice of himself in other words he is sufficient he is final he is complete and so christ was offered once to bear the sins of many and please circle that word because it means exactly what you think it means it doesn't mean all it means many sufficient for all that's god's plan is all upon him he laid the iniquity of us all but it is only good for the many those who will believe those who receive that free gift of life in other words the picture there is he offered once up his own life to bear the sins of everyone who will believe oh he's a sin bearer and if you want to know him he wants to know you if you want to believe in his name to believe on his name is to be saved but if you don't believe on his name then your sins are still yours you're still carrying them around they belong to you you can either have jesus bear them for you and pay the price for them in your place you can have his righteousness or you can carry your own sins and if you do you're in exactly the same place as those who are under the law there's going to be shedding of blood continually while you wait for god to judge your sin and to those who eagerly wait for him he shall appear a second time apart from sin for salvation this beautiful picture of the difference between the old covenant and the new it's superior in absolutely every way and as you think on this as we wrap this up together today did you notice the word appear here it occurs three times towards the end of this passage i want you to notice the the context of it he appeared to put away sin by dying on the cross that is past tense jesus did that in the past it's effective in the present it took care of your past sin it'll take care of your present sin and your future sin jesus also appears now in heaven what's he doing he's interceding for you he's in the heavens on your behalf so christ has appeared for your past he's appearing right now for your presence and oh by the way he's coming back to get you one day you're gonna actually see him face to face you see there was no way under the old covenant for you to ever be guaranteed that ever you live from yom kippur to yom kippur from day of atonement to day of atonement and you only got to the day of atonement you never got to the next one until you actually got to it and that whole year guess what you were a sinner and even if these over here were atoned for you still had a problem with all of this stuff praise god that jesus took care of our past and jesus is taking care of our present and oh by the way he's also taking care of your future that's how much infinitely better the sacrifice of christ is to the sacrifices in the temple there's not even any comparison as you think on this i would just simply ask you have you settled your own eternity have you actually believed on his name because if you haven't that's the whole point of this is that you would believe you'd become one of the many who believed in the name of the lord jesus christ and thereby are saved that's what the bible says if you believe in him you shall be you will be he is the way truth in life there isn't another way to come to god the father except through christ the son so let's stand together if you would please jesus has completed everything that needs to be done the only question is have you received what he did have you invited him in have you said yes to jesus or are you still resting and trusting that someday you're going to just do enough religious stuff to be okay with god because there's a lot of people that think they can just do enough stuff they can make themselves a big enough sacrifice they can take care of their own sin let me just be the one that shakes you up a little bit you can't take care of your own sin all of your blood is not sufficient to erase your sin debt takes the blood of the lamb to do that and you have to ask him if you want that to happen and so we're going to bow our heads and our hearts and seek the lord and if you want to do that right now you can just simply invite christ into your life right now you can say jesus i'm a sinner and i know i need a savior and i know i can't save myself so come into my life forgive my sin help me to walk with you and for those of us who have already done that one day we're going to be in heaven with jesus he guaranteed that with his own blood father we thank you for that truth there's no work for us to do lord what we do now we do out of love not to earn your favor not to try and conjol you into accepting us we are accepted in the beloved because of what you jesus did on calvary's cross when you said it is finished it is finished and we believe that lord i pray we pray for anyone who's here today that doesn't yet know you that they would invite you into their life right now just simply say jesus come into my life forgive my sin and he'll do it lord thank you that that's true this is a religious thing it's a relational thing so god we thank you for what you've done in our lives we pray that we would not be looking forward to a building but be looking forward to heaven and to meeting you jesus it's in your name we pray these things this amen amazing grace and this is unfailing love that you take my place [Music] that you would bear my cross and you laid down your eyes [Music] [Laughter] [Music] jesus says sing for amen amen [Music] you need prayer maybe you're here and you want to make sure that you know jesus i invite you to go to the prayer room maybe something's heavy on your heart you just want somebody to pray for you same thing just go and say can you pray for me but for the rest of us as we head our way we go home remember wherever you are that's where the sanctuary of the lord is so live in his presence abide that's what jesus was getting at abide in me and i in you and and you'll have abundant life in the meantime while we're waiting for him to come get us we can still have joy and happiness and wonder amen god bless you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] jesus [Music] will you sickness starts to vanish every hopeless situation ceases to exist and when you walk into the [Music] we [Music] [Applause] [Music] we [Music] jesus [Music] our hearts are yours we want you we want you come and consume god all we are we give you permission our hearts are yours we want you we want you [Music] to give you permission [Music] [Applause] [Music] we give you permission our hearts are yours we want you we want you we love you [Music] jesus [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] i searched the earth for something that could satisfy [Music] found everything i needed [Music] till i find [Music] forever [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you gave me [Music] [Applause] dreamed yeah about it [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] i never knew anything last forever [Music] i never dreamed anything could be better [Music] forever [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] till i found you [Music] i'm covered by the force of love covered in my saviors but i know [Music] he's not just reviving not simply restoring greater things have yet to come greater things have yet to come he is [Music] if his plans for me are good if he'll come through like he should [Music] to turn my morning into praise [Music] greater things have yet to come greater things [Music] i am [Music] shaped by [Music] who he [Music] all his says shaped by every word [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is [Music] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Music] what would it be like when my pain is gone and all the worries of this world just fade away what will it be like when you call my name in that moment when i see you face to face [Music] i'm waiting my whole life [Music] [Music] welcome to the place [Music] [Music] [Music] what will it be like when tears are washed away and every broken thing will finally be made whole [Music] what will it be like [Music] standing in the presence of a love so beautiful i'm waiting my whole life for that [Music] good and faithful one welcome to the place [Music] welcome to the place where you belong what will it be like when i hear that sound all the heaven's angels crying out singing [Music] holy are you singing [Music] [Applause] [Music] me [Music] waiting my whole life for that day [Music] until then i'll live to hear you say [Music] [Music] welcome to the place where you belong [Music] now you're home to the place [Applause] [Music] the only thing i want in life is to be known for loving christ to build his church to love his bride and make his name known far and wide [Music] for this [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] when agonizing questions right [Music] is [Applause] [Music] jesus my jesus for your glory for your name jesus my jesus i will only sing [Music] jesus my jesus [Music] jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] it is not fame that i desire no stature in my brother's eye i pray it said about my life that i lived more to build your name than mine [Music] in my mother's womb [Music] [Music] lord remind me [Music] is work together for my [Music] work future for your glory for your name [Music] there's a healing light just beyond the clouds [Music] and [Music] [Applause] for my future [Music] [Music] [Music] for my [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] work together [Applause] [Music] [Applause] for your glory [Applause] [Music] cuz [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay [Music] [Music] can't go back to the beginning [Music] can't control what tomorrow will bring [Music] but i know here in the middle is a place where you promise to be [Music] i'm not enough [Music] cause all i want is [Music] as i walk now through the valley [Music] let your love rise above every fear like the sun shaping the shadows [Music] [Applause] [Music] i'm not [Applause] [Music] will you enough me here [Applause] [Music] [Applause] will you again me here again [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] will is need me here again [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the lord is in this [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] uh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] me cause [Music]
Channel: Calvary Chapel South Bay
Views: 250
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: Am1Ola2CdWs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 108min 40sec (6520 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 03 2021
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