Sunday AM LIVE (9AM | 10/3/21)

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holy devoted to god and so today we'll pick up hebrews chapter 9 as we look by faith that what we cannot see this beautiful time when we will one day step out of these earthly tents this earthly tabernacle and actually dwell in our real heavenly dwelling place with the lord would you join me we'll pray we'll pick up here in verse 1 of hebrews 9. father thank you for the promise of heaven and lord we pray that it would be a reality in our beings today that we would think rightly about what lays ahead and so take your word and mold us with it fashion us in the way that we should go in jesus name amen and then indeed verse 1 of hebrews 9 even the first covenant had ordinances of divine service and the earthly sanctuary and so this is looking back and it applies to us in this sense we have things that god's called us to do and called us to be while we're here we are supposed to be holy as he is holy our lives are supposed to be like christ that's what our name actually means is we call ourselves christian that means to be little christ or imitators of him for the tabernacle or a tabernacle was prepared in the first part in which the lamp stand and the table and the showbread which is called the sanctuary and so this is giving us a picture into first the tabernacle in the wilderness and then also in the very same way because the temple was fashioned after the tabernacle so this is a picture of how god's people the jewish people understood they would see god in in the sanctuary that they were worshiping in and behind the second a veil part of the tabernacle which is called the holiest of all which had a golden sensor and the ark of the covenant overlaid on all sides with gold in which were the golden pot that had manna so we're told now what was actually in the ark of the covenant aaron's rod that budded and the tablets of the covenant so three things are inside of the ark of the covenant and above it were the cherubim of glory overshadowing the mercy seat and of these things we cannot now speak in detail now these things had thus been prepared and the priests always went in the first part of the tabernacle to perform services but into the second part the high priest alone went once a year and not without blood which he offered for himself and for the people's sins committed in ignorance and the holy spirit indicating this that the way into the holiest of all was not yet made manifest while the first tabernacle was standing do you understand what's being said there it was just a picture the actual way in was not yet manifest while the temple stood it was symbolic for the present time in which both the gifts and sacrifices are offered which cannot make him perform the service perfect in regard to conscience in other words all of that glory and all of that splendor all of that beauty and majesty all of the temple sacrifices and everything that went on even though it was designed by god to show them who god was and how holy he was and what was necessary to enter into his presence it actually didn't accomplish the final purpose of taking care of our sin debt it couldn't clear the conscience of the debt of sin and it concerned only food and drinks and various washings and fleshly ordinances imposed until the time of reformation and that doesn't mean the reformation which would come in the 1500s but reformation of the soul the actual transformation that occurs when you understand who christ is and you believe on his name you then are truly reformed you go from being dead to being alive and so this beautiful picture of what will one day be permanent our eternal home our heavenly home which we now look forward to you see moses and abraham kind of had a picture they understood that there was a heavenly home and that one day they were going to go there but sometimes people confuse this building that we're sitting in right now with the real tabernacle matter of fact i've gotten emails and letters concerned people that say we should just keep this building open 24 hours a day because it's the temple the tabernacle of god and while i appreciate the sentiment it's also completely false the tabernacle of god is actually in you your heart is actually the dwelling place of the holy spirit this building is just a building we use it for the purpose of gathering together the body of christ so that we can corporately study his word and pray and praise and that's all well and good it's important but this is no more holy than your house this is just a building it's made with hands it has no holiness component to it it is simply a place where the body of christ gathers together so that we can corporately worship the lord it's not holy in and of itself there is nothing you can do to make this place holy the holiness of god is in you as the body of christ amen very important distinction because you will start worshiping buildings which is exactly what happened especially during medieval times in europe when you travel to europe you're going to see some fantastic representations of what people thought heaven would look like and in fact when you go to the vatican if you look at the ceiling of the sistine chapel the intent was this is kind of a heavenly picture here's god's finger but the bottom line is it's just a building because god's presence isn't actually there his presence dwells in you if you want to look where the temple is on earth it actually is you as a believer it's us when we gather together it's not buildings it isn't edifices and so in that sense we can call this a house of god it it is where god's people gather so it's kind of like god's home because we're here but if you take us out of it it's no longer god's home it's just a concrete tilt-up building you got to get that right because if you don't then you start worshiping something that is just a picture just like the jewish people did they worshipped the temple itself one of the saddest things that will happen to you and i i don't want to discourage anybody i want to encourage you to travel with us to go to israel which we have finally again rebooked our trip for fall of next year we think that one's safe but when you travel there we go to the hakutal we go to the wailing wall we go to the western wall that is the world's largest and most holy spot in all of judaism but what is it actually it is the remnant of the retaining wall of the former temple and it is there that the jewish people pour out their hearts and wail and cry and read scripture and tuck their prayer requests into the cracks of those 13 rows of herodian stones that were nothing more than the same thing that's in your backyard that keeps your neighbor's dirt from coming into your yard it's a retaining wall that is what it is actually but they're confused they believe that actually has the presence of the lord just like they believed the temple that used to be on the temple mount was the dwelling place of the lord and temporarily it was but when jesus said to tell us die it's finished when he ascended unto heaven he went back to from whence he came and he has been there ever since and so the heavenly sanctuary now is actually in the heavens and so that table tab tabernacle or the temple either one it doesn't matter which one you use but in this case they're talking about the original tabernacle which was the tent of the meeting which god designed the people got confused they believed that the only place you could meet with god was there god wants to meet with you every day and everywhere amen he doesn't want you putting him away until you can come meet with him someplace he wants to be with you and in you and around you at all times he doesn't want to have this long distance relationship to where if you were a jewish person you look forward to that maybe that one trip in a lifetime where you actually go to jerusalem and you stand before this wall and it is there that you feel as close as you've ever been to god that's not where god is christ is in you he's your hope of glory and so to that end there was an inferiority of the old covenant sanctuary and there are five parts of this and as you think on it it was inferior because it was here on earth what does that mean what was made by men it was maintained by men it was cleaned by men or not cleaned by men if it's men and it was clean probably wasn't cleaned think about this for a minute wrap your head around this now i'm not saying that some of us aren't a little more fastidious than others but if you go to a college men's dorm shield your eyes it's not a good thing that's why i believe the bible says and it's not good that a man should live alone because we're not actually good at taking care of things now imagine that god has actually given specifically and only to men and i'm talking men men as in males the task of not just building but maintaining the temple and that part of that is the slaughter of hundreds of animals every single day and blood was put on virtually every part of the temple compound it was sanctified by blood and then cleansed with water imagine a bunch of guys doing that it was on earth one of the reasons it was inferior is that god gave men the capacity to actually represent him here on earth it's one of the things i fear as a pastor god's given me the the challenge in my life to represent him in some degree before you all that that's going to leave me deficient in representing the true and the living god with perfection i'm going to use a wrong word here or there i'm going to mispronounce something i may say something inadvertent i am not perfect and so in that sense because it's here on earth it will always be imperfect a second thing you don't look to something that's a type when you have visible in your heart the thing that is greater that the jewish people looked at these implements these things that were inside of the tabernacle they're listed for you here the table of showbread the incense altar that stood before the veil the menorah which was actually an oil lamp it's not a candle stick those things couldn't save you they were incapable but people began to go what are we going to do there's no table of showbread who's going to represent us before the lord the altar of incense you see the altar of incense served two purposes it was the bridge between the outer sanctuary the holy place and the inner sanctuary the most holy place because it was there that they took the coals from the altar to cleanse themselves before they went in representing exactly the same thing as when you pray to receive christ you're actually inviting christ to dwell in you they had to get that squared away before they went in so it was inferior and now you have the superior relationship because god is actually inside of you then it was a building people literally had to go to jerusalem because it was there that over the mercy seat the presence of the living god met with one person once a year so in that sense it's very inferior it was inferior because it was inaccessible to the average person think about this one there was one person that was alive at all times during the time when judaism reigned on this earth as the world's preeminent monotheistic religion there was exactly one person one who could go in and meet with god out of all of humanity and that person was a person a human being and furthermore that person was only a jewish man so all you ladies sorry you couldn't meet with god you needed to have somebody else meet with you and for you you would go talk to the in the court of the women those prayer requests would then be taken to a man and then the man would go in and offer up a sacrifice at the altar and then another man would take that offering and would go into the court of men and then from there it would finally end up your request would make it inside of the holy place and then one day a year one guy you talk about inferior because you can go straight to jesus yourself right now amen you don't need me or anybody else to do it so it was inaccessible to everybody not just the common people which was also true but furthermore it wasn't available to anyone who wasn't a hebrew so it was actually racist in that sense it was one race of people that could meet with god now god by his grace allowed that to spread out to all of us amen every tribe and tongue and nation that wasn't what he wanted originally but because of man's sin that's what he allowed another thing it was temporary go to jerusalem today you're not going to find a temple and yet the jewish people have never been relieved from the responsibility to go and offer at the temple so now it's just spiritualized well we we want to do it well you know what if you read the old testament it doesn't say anything in there about you wanting to make a sacrifice in the temple it says you must and it gives specific animals that need to be offered for specific things it doesn't say well if you think about it hard it'll be okay very inferior is temporary and it was external not internal now the holy spirit is with you wherever you go so it's no longer you need to go to a place it's a life that you now live so it was truly an infinitely better place sometimes when you read these passages that you know look at the old testament way of worshiping god you almost went well it kind of sounds pretty holy and it is for the jewish people it was wonderful but it was supposed to point them to the coming messiah the whole point was that these things would ultimately be insufficient they couldn't do what they needed to do that that light in that menorah was not the light of the world that light in that menorah was a representation of the light that god wanted to shine on the world and he would one day send his son and his son would declare himself i am the light of the world by the way standing on the steps of the temple he's going you you can always picture jesus going you see that menorah over there that's not the light of the world the light of the world's right here i'm standing in front of you you see all of these things were infinitely inferior compared to the reality of who we now are in christ when you entered into the holy of holies the second place here in these first nine verses when you entered in there was nothing inside of there except for the ark of the covenant this little tiny now think about it because we we kind of have in our minds what this looked like the ark of the covenant was three feet nine inches long it was about two feet three inches wide and two feet three inches high and on top of that were two chair of them two this whole thing would only be about this tall and it was there that the priest would come and sprinkle the blood of the sacrifice it's kind of anticlimactic isn't it think about it for a second you mean the whole of our relationship our freedom from the sin god putting away the sin boils down to a gold-covered chest that you could stick in the trunk of your car it's not really all that majestic is it but to the jewish people because this is what god told them to do and inside of that was aaron's rod that butted the pot of men and the actual ten commandments that moses brought down from the mountain it represented god to them we don't have the representation anymore we have the real thing we have christ in us now amen it's not this little gold box as beautiful as that was as symbolic as that was as glorious as it would have been there in the holy of holies these things were all just a picture and thereby absolutely inferior verse 11 as we continue on but christ came as high priest said the good things to come the good things to come the things that would come through him with a greater and more perfect tabernacle here it is not made with hands that is not of this creation you see these deficiencies that you had under the old covenant are actually shown to be so much more superior in the new covenant it is almost staggering how much better it is you see it's better because it's heavenly and not earthly it's real those sacrifices that were offered that in that temple were temporary they only put away sin for a time but the reality of it is we now have experienced that forgiveness that tabernacle think about it that moses built directed to be built in the wilderness was actually a tent one of the reasons i believe paul uses that that illustration of our mortality these earthly tents created for a time they don't last forever amen you know i i've started i don't know how many of you have age spots but i i can make if i play connect the dots it's it's pretty awesome it's like i used to have this you know nice tan wear sunscreen you know we think about these it's like we're going to live forever if i hadn't known how long i was going to live i wouldn't have covered my body in cocoa butter when i was 15 years old it's like you're boiling your skin in oil these are earthly tents they're not meant to last forever they're in a constant state of entropy they're decaying right before our very eyes one day you're going to wake up i never believed this until i actually got to this age it's like people would say oh well wait till you get to 60. wait till then i then i was told it's not 60 it's 65. wait till you get to 65. then all of a sudden it's like ow it's like what was that that was not there yesterday these are earthly tents and all the sudden they start to break down they weren't made to last forever and neither was the temple on the temple mount or the tent of the meeting they were temporary places where god met with mankind and right now your body is in the same way the earthly tent where god meets with you here but you have a heavenly home coming amen we look forward to that how is it better because the new one's gonna be heavenly not earthly it's almost the exact opposite a second thing verse 12 not with the blood of goats and calves but with his own blood he entered into the holy place you see the blood of the sacrifice that the high priest sprinkled was the blood of an innocent animal but jesus said well let's take care of this once and for all let's sprinkle my blood let me pay the price for those sins once and for all having obtained eternal redemption in other words the purchase price that's what it cost you want to know what it costs for you to be saved it was christ's life in your place that's the cost of redemption for the blood of bulls and goats and the ashes of a heifer sprinkled in the unclean sanctified for the purifying of the flesh how much more shall the blood of christ through who eternal the eternal spirit offered himself without spot to god to actually cleanse your conscience here it is from dead works to serve the living god and for this reason he is the mediator of the new covenant by means of death for the redemption of the transgressions under the first covenant those that are called they received the promise of an eternal inheritance in other words christ's ministry was effective to actually deal with the problem that we had my problem was i was dead in my trespasses and sins i was very much physically alive but before god i was a dead man walking i was going to perish eternally without christ i still would perish eternally but because of christ instead of the blood of bulls and goats which could put away your sin temporarily christ's blood has cleansed me forever i don't have any sin in my account anymore does it mean that i'm not a sinner by the way it means the sin is taken care of by the blood of the righteous one jesus that is infinitely better than what they experienced in the old testament times in the tabernacle in the wilderness or the temple on the temple mount you see all of these things when you think about them point towards something that was completely without ability of anyone ever gaining it you see it was better it was effective because animal sacrifices don't compare to christ's sacrifice amen think about that one for a second how many how many goats how many goats would it take to equate the value of the king of kings and lord of lords the answer is there aren't enough goats on earth that ceremonial cleansing instead of an actual cleanse conscience before god think about that so i've shared with you recently one of the ways that you know a jewish settlement archaeologically in israel today is the presence of mikvahot mikveh ritual baths when they find a ritual that that's a jewish settlement that's how they basically defined them why because it was daily every single day a jewish man be walking by and something would be unclean there'd be you know a dead animal or they'd walk through a part of a settlement and there were gentiles there they were constantly becoming unclean so they had to constantly be cleansed praise god i'm no longer cleansed by the blood of bulls and goats i'm cleansed by the living son of god in me amen it's a constant cleansing i'm washed in his blood my life is now seen by god as righteous because of christ i'm not one or a man i hope i make it to a mcveigh today i need to cleanse myself or how about the temporary blessings of the old covenant compared to the eternal blessings of the new one the temporary blessings of the old covenant were actually wonderful it would be rain would come and blessings would be poured out bumper crops protection from your enemies sickness would flee all of those things are wonderful but you know beautifully blessed people still die your tent is still going to perish you can't take it with you so unless your sin problem is dealt with you're still a walking dead person and praise god that under the new covenant i am completely cleansed in my conscience so god will allow me then to be in his presence because in christ he sees me as perfect a third thing it's better because it's based on the most costly sacrifice ever made verse 16. for where there is a testament there also must be of necessity the death of the testator now here's the way this works if you have a last will a testament or trust those things are not enforceable until you croak okay so if you're still alive you may have a last will and testament it takes the death of the testator for them to be a reality that's why your kids are trying to get you to take up parachute jumping when you're 70. it's like while you're still alive it's no good you know what i'm saying they're like aren't you feeling a little sick dad just kidding but you know what i'm getting at the testator whoever made the will has to exit this planet in order for it to be enforced for the testament is in force after men are dead since it has no power at all while the testator lives what happened to jesus he said this is my blood shed for the remission of sin he made a testament he gave testimony and then he died he made good on it he said what i said is now in force because i'm giving my life to make sure it's so and therefore not even the first covenant was dedicated without blood for when moses had spoken every precept to all the people according to the law he took the blood of calves and goats and water and scarlet wool and hyssop and sprinkled both the book itself the book of the law the torah actually and the people saying this is the blood of the covenant which god has commanded you and then he likewise sprinkled the blood on both the tabernacle and all the vessels and according to law almost all things were purified by blood why because leviticus 17 actually declares without the shedding of blood there's no remission of sin and so imagine this how next week if you come to church and you see somebody in here with some hyssop and a bowl of blood and they're sprinkling all the pews what are you going to do you're probably going to run right just joined a cult but that was necessary it was a bloody business it was awful that's what had to be it took the blood of innocent animals being sprinkled on everything the walls the stairs the steps the table of shell bread they would put it on the legs everything either got that or washed with water or burned in fire i mean it was it was gnarly you go to church and there it is is bleeding dying sheep all day every day that's what it took that's how awful your sin is it pictured exactly how vile our sin is to god just keep killing stuff all day every day because people keep sinning all day every day aren't you glad jesus died in your place amen according to the law almost all things purified with blood for without the shedding of blood there's no remission and therefore it was necessary that the copies of the things in the heavens should be purified with these but the heavenly things themselves with better sacrifices than these it was necessary before but it's not necessary because of the cost that jesus paid willingly for our sin jesus's words were very specific from the cross father forgive them he didn't say father i'm atoning he said father forgive them he said to telesty it is finished it's done what needs to be no more bulls and goats no more sacrifices of innocent animals father i'm taking care of the whole thing right now it's better because it was a complete fulfillment it wasn't partial it wasn't temporary you see sometimes we we think that we still need to crucify ourselves can i just tell you please stop there's no crucifying of you that is going to add to what jesus did christ came so that you didn't have to die he died in your place amen verse 24 for christ has not entered the holy places with hands which are copies of the true but into heaven itself to now appear in the presence of god for you in other words you don't need some man who first prays for himself and his family in the nation and goes in once a year and offers up some kind of sacrifice for you you literally have jesus in the presence of god on your behalf all day every day amen he's there right now talking to god about you specifically that's the reality of the new covenant there's complete fulfillment of that which was pictured in the old testament jesus made complete in the new there's nothing that needs to be added to it that's why you can't be saved by works that's why the apostle paul said by the works of the flesh no one is justified it's an impossibility you can't add to the work that jesus did on the cross it's either complete or it's not done either jesus did it all or there's still something to do and if it is then it lies on you because that's exactly the way the old testament portrays man's responsibility it was up to you you had to go in and make the right sacrifices and jesus said that's not working real well because mankind doesn't always do what mankind should do amen anybody got that problem don't raise your hand let's just assume that we all said yes to that one we know to do good that's why romans 8 is so perfect for us i know to do good but that good that i know to do i don't do and the evil that i know not to do that's what i do who will deliver me from that body of death praise god jesus did amen that's why it's so superior it's complete it's total there's nothing left for you to do people sometimes come to you well i just want to you know i i just want to make it real will you make it real by really giving you to the lord amen that's how it happens it isn't is it like if you do certain things it will be more real christ wants you that's who he wants he wants you he loves you it's complete one day you're going to stand before the lord of heaven and earth clothed in righteousness you're going to hear well done good and faithful servant enter into the joy of the lord not because you went on a missions trip not because you were faithful in church attendance not because you memorized 10 verses not because you constantly and always were mentioning the name of jesus wherever you went but because the blood of the lamb has cleansed you from all unrighteousness that's it now because of that you're going to want to go on mission strips and you're going to want to come to church you're going to want to pray you're going to want to memorize scripture the holy spirit in you is going to go let's do this thing but you're not saved by doing anything you're saved because christ died in your place we have to get that right church because so often we just turn church into another form of works which is what the jewish people already had it's better in its ministry because it is final and it is complete here's the last several verses verse 25 not that he should offer himself often as the high priest enters the most holy place every year with blood of another in other words jesus died once and for all he would then have to suffer often since the foundation of the world but now once at the end of the age the end of the age of grace he's appeared to put away sin by the sacrifice of himself and as it is appointed for men once to die but after this judgment so christ was offered once to bear the sins of many why does it say many because not all will believe many means all who will be saved anyone who will ask if you call in the name of the lord you'll be saved but you gotta ask it's not automatic because your aunt susie was a believer and you stayed in her house for three days it's not because you're an american let's square that one away too it's not because you were born in the usa that you're a christian it's not by church attendance you have invited personally jesus christ to be your savior and lord that's how you're saved that's how you become one of the many to those who eagerly wait for him man am i waiting for jesus right now it's just that's my hope i wake up every day it's like lord you come back today i still enjoy life i still have things that i think the lord wants me to do and us to do but i look forward more and more to heaven one day when this earthly travail is over and i see my savior face to face and there's no more death and no more dying and no more sin i can't wait for the lamb to lie down with the lion i can't wait to get to heaven even if i have to be vegan [Applause] i don't want to stay here if i have to be vegan just want to make that clear i had a guy actually say well i don't know if i want to go to heaven here so you just i'm pretty sure that jesus can make some vegetable taste like bacon okay it'll be fine it's going to be okay there's no death no dying there can't be any ham all right why do i say that because he will appear a second time apart from sin when jesus comes back he's dealing with sin permanently forever amen that's the world's problem for salvation to all who believe jesus completed the job it's that simple it's done that's all you need you need jesus if you notice the word appear here in these last four verses he has appeared it's used three times to put away sin by dying on the cross he's appearing now in heaven for us and one day he shall appear to take you home amen those three tenses of our salvation is all there are he put away your sin that includes your past by the way and your present and your future he is right now making intercession for you so he's appearing now right now before god the father at the throne of heaven on your behalf and he is going to see you again face to face that's why job said what he said so i know that i will stand on this earth one day and i will see my god face to face confidence in who we are jesus completed all that needs to be done he's already appeared to take care of the sin that he's appearing before god on your behalf right now and one day he's going to appear to you you're going to be able to see the scars in his hands you'll be able to look at the imprints on his feet you'll see his nail pierced side and you will say thank you jesus amen would you stand with me and we'll close in prayer if you've never invited christ into your life you don't get to heaven because you came to church that sacrifice is only sufficient if you ask for it to be sufficient you have to make a profession of faith and if you're here today and you haven't done that please don't leave this place without inviting christ into your life because that sacrifice required the death of the testator jesus had to die but what he said was he who lives and believes in me though he or she shall one day die yet they shall live that's the promise of eternal life but it's only good to those who believe and so i'm going to invite you right now to make sure that you know jesus for those of you that do just simply thank god for the salvation that you have but if you don't you can ask christ into your life right now and know that your eternity is secure so let's bow our heads if you're here today and you want to know jesus i'm going to just simply ask you to raise your hand right where you're at and we're going to pray together see that hand in the back anyone else it's not about you doing something jesus did the doing but you need to acknowledge what he did i need you to thank him for it anyone at all [Music] father we thank you lord we have to believe that those that are standing here before your throne of grace or just figuratively we we are in your presence right now and we pray for those that maybe they don't have the boldness to slip that hand up but they really want to know you god would you by your holy spirit convince them that jesus your son died on calvary's cross in their place shed his blood to sacrifice himself for the cost of their sins and lord would you cause them to cry out to you to forgive their sin would you dwell with them lord we thank you for those of us that know you for that peace that we now have that your sanctuary goes with us where we go that your love has been cast out upon us in such a great measure that one day we'll experience the fullness of that when we get to heaven in the meantime make us like you jesus lord thank you for forgiving our sin lord we invite you to change us mold us into your image we pray in jesus name amen alex [Applause] sorry this is amazing [Music] and this is unfailing love that you would take my place that you would bear my [Music] cross and you lay down your life [Music] jesus us sing for all you've done for me amen amen [Music] you need prayer something on your heart something on your mind maybe you didn't raise your hand but you wanted to straight to the prayer room we'd be happy to pray with you lord bless you give you an awesome afternoon we'll see out on thursday as we continue through the book of james god bless you [Music] i believe oh you are my portion you are my hiding place [Music] the [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] i [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] i [Music] [Applause] the truth [Music] i believe you are and it's a new [Music] all my fears and doubts they can all come to because they can't stay long when i'm here with you it's a new horizon and i'll sit on you [Music] [Applause] [Music] because they can't [Applause] the truth i believe you are [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] [Music] so [Music] you are here [Music] i worship you i worship you you are here working in this place i worship you i worship you you are here [Music] you [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] that is who you are [Music] is [Music] is [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] that is who you [Music] [Applause] that are who you are [Music] [Applause] is [Music] [Music] tonight [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] more than anything [Music] more than anything [Music] you our beautiful [Music] it's the way you love you lay down your life [Music] i'm beautiful [Music] your glory films are high [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Applause] [Music] with hallelujah [Music] [Music] more than anything [Music] more than anything [Music] you are beautiful [Music] [Music] you are beautiful your glory fills our with hallelujah [Music] [Laughter] [Applause] with hallelujah [Music] [Applause] [Music] with hallelujah [Music] [Laughter] [Music] you are glorious forever you [Music] let your beauty capture our affection more than anything [Music] [Applause] [Music] let your [Music] and glory fills our are with hallelujah [Music] [Laughter] with hallelujah [Music] [Laughter] hallelujah [Music] [Laughter] [Music] with [Music] our hallelujah [Applause] [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] your glory [Music] your glory feels [Music] [Music] so [Music] father of kindness [Music] your mind faithful you are [Music] faithful forever [Music] [Music] all your promises [Music] [Music] you have [Music] lord i can't help but see faith [Music] faith faithful you are [Music] all your promises are yesterday all your promises are yes [Music] foreign [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] i will rest i will rest in your promises my confidence is your faithfulness and [Applause] my confidence [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] forever you will be [Music] [Applause] is [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] thank you lord we say thank you lord [Music] what a faithful god you are we say thank you we say thank you oh i'm not losing hope cause i know that my god is faithful do you know that your god is faithful oh i'm not losing hope i'm not giving up oh [Music] cause my father is faithful oh my father is faithful we say yesterday there oh my father is faithful yesterday now oh my father is faithful but yesterday amen we proclaim oh my father is faithful yesterday oh my father is faithful yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] and the crushing [Music] and depressing [Music] you're making [Music] you are breaking [Music] when i trust you i don't need to understand make me an offering make whatever you want me to be i came here with nothing that all you have given me jesus bring me in the crashing in the pressing [Music] surrender [Music] so make [Music] make me whatever
Channel: Calvary Chapel South Bay
Views: 227
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: PM-564Y1vhY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 74min 50sec (4490 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 03 2021
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