Sunday 9:30 Service 9-12-2021

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[Music] well hey there everyone my name is andrew thank you for joining tomoka christian church today whether you're watching in person or online we're so glad you're here with us we've got some great opportunities coming up for everyone so let's check them out made new sunday was a huge success last month we had 15 baptisms and can't wait to celebrate more another baptism opportunity is happening next weekend across all three campuses anyone who's ready to publicly declare their faith is encouraged to be part of this event visit i've decided to learn more about what it means to make this important decision as well as register to be baptized fall is finally here and we can't wait to kick off lots of fun events for you and your family to enjoy one of our biggest events of the year treat street is happening next month and it takes a lot of volunteers to make it a success learn about all the different ways you can serve during the event by visiting street street would you like to join tomoka team we currently have multiple job opportunities available within the church apply today at employment well that's it for now thank you so much for joining us let's get started with the service hi my name is bill robinson and i'm a team leader for the alaska mission group here at tomoko christian church i've done several missions here and i came from a church background where we had different missionaries come in from all over the world they would come from africa south america some would even be from places in the united states showing slides movies and giving us accounts of their missionary experiences listening to these people i really wanted to go and serve in that capacity of a missionary but at that time i felt like that to be a missionary you had to have special training speak multiple languages and you know i just didn't fit into that category my wife and i uh moved to tomoko christian church about four years ago and in our orientation with greg holmgren we learned that tomoko christian church is a very mission oriented church greg had a big board up in his office that showed all the different missions that were available to go on so my wife and i decided we would try a local mission first see how it went instead of going overseas and that turned out to be a trip to arizona which was just fantastic that first mission trip changed my life i was hooked my wife was hooked and we just have a desire and a passion to go and serve in the capacity of a missionary and to think about what a missionary does like i started out you don't have to have all these special language skills or whatever what you do need to have is a heart for god a heart for jesus and be willing to go to work for him go into alaska through tomoko christian church we go up to anchorage we work in one of 13 different community parks we bring vacation bible school to the children [Music] mostly what we do is we share a lot of love with them a lot of them are extremely impoverished they come from broken homes and what we take to them is love i think that uh some of you may be concerned about well i i don't have the time i don't have the money but i had people on my last trip said they used vacation time and it was the best vacation they ever spent as far as the money tamoka christian church has works with a program called manage missions and through managed missions you can save and do fundraising and have your mission completely paid for by time you leave what i find is it's extremely rewarding uh when you have a little kid come up to you and say mr bill please don't go home and hanging on to your leg and the tears are pouring out of their eyes but that's what mission is about you know you have reached these children and i just learned yesterday that a young child we ministered to three weeks ago has since made a commitment to follow jesus and you know that's what we do and i encourage any of you give it a try it'll change your life good morning to moca let's stand in worship [Music] darkness was rolling in [Music] the king of heaven is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] lifting [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] rescued me all glory to you all glory to you the sunrise [Music] he rose [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] your cross your blood washed away my guilt and shame your grace [Music] [Applause] [Music] your grace [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] oh [Music] uh [Music] [Applause] so whose love is [Music] [Music] [Music] this is amazing [Music] [Music] [Music] all that you've done for me [Music] who brings our kids back is [Music] is [Music] this is [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] conquer the grave worthy is [Music] this is [Music] you [Music] [Music] give a shout out [Applause] [Music] i was [Music] it's every day i know [Music] heaven came to rescue [Music] [Applause] me running through this world but it's not easy we gotta look to you because you call me i'm living with a purpose [Music] thank you me [Music] me [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] well good morning everyone as we come to this time of communion i'd ask that you get your cups out if you didn't get one when you came in please raise your hand hopefully we can get one to you for those of you watching at home and online whatever you have will be fine it's the heart of the matter well today i want to talk to you about r and r no not rest and relaxation i'm talking about routine and relationships so much of our life these days is routine and routine can be a good thing we have a morning routine lunchtime routine taco tuesday anyone we have a nighttime routine we have back to school routine and if you have kids you know about the saturday morning baseball soccer field routine but we need to be careful not to let routine ruin our relationships no one wants to be treated routinely not you not me and especially not god and when we treat people routinely those relationships will suffer think about john 3 16. it says god so loved the world that he gave his only son so that whosoever will believe in him shall not perish but have eternal life look my friends that is an eternal relationship with god our god the creator of heaven and earth was so in need of a relationship with us that he was willing to sacrifice his son to repair that relationship god does not want our routine he wants a personal relationship with you with me and with everyone so as we come to this time of communion don't let the routine rob you of that relationship so we take the bread and we take the cup heavenly father we are just so grateful for that relationship that we can have with you lord we know that upon accepting of christ we do have that relationship with you for eternity lord we would ask that you would bless us we ask that you would guide us lord i would ask that you be with pastor joe as he brings the word to us today i pray that it reaches and touches each and every one of us we ask that all through jesus christ amen [Music] [Music] [Music] one look at [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] love for me [Music] living [Music] is [Music] [Music] i run [Music] before [Music] hey [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] when it first happened the minutes felt like hours the hours felt like days and the horror of what happened one detail after another could hardly be processed much less understood then days turned into weeks and weeks turned into years memorials were built wars were fought victims names were red survivors tried to pick up the pieces over and over again but no matter how much time has passed we vow to hold these memories we will never forget those who were taken from us the world changes and shifts this way in that but one thing stays constant one thing is steady god god weeps with us god mourns with us god bottles up our tears and records them in his book he is closer to you than your own breath and remains the cornerstone of life god is the solid ground holding us up as the world moves beneath us as true today as it was on that day our god reigns he reigns over principalities and powers his dominion stretches beyond what our eyes can see and when the thief comes to steal kill and destroy our god reigns we will always remember we're going to just ask you to take a moment of silence to pray for the victims families of that day and still a lot of pain in that story and then i will audibly pray for america when you're finished father we lift up those who lost loved ones those who are in the towers those who ran into the towers father we're grateful for men and women who have stood for this country fought for this country died for this country we are a blessed people to have the freedom perhaps the last freedom on earth to stand and preach and stand and worship and we don't take that for granted we know it comes at a very high price we ask that you would wrap your arms around those families and keep us diligent as followers of christ in jesus name god's people said amen amen thank you we certainly wanted to to honor those but we want to do something special now so i'm going to ask you you're going to want to stand and cheer but i'm going to ask you not to do that because i want to see the people who are standing but i'm gonna call out different people and i'm gonna ask you to stand and please remain standing okay so first of all let's start here if you were a first responder in new york city 20 years ago would you stand [Applause] all right paul you stay up let's add to that if you have served you whether you're retired or currently serving as a police officer unless you're undercover would you stand all please all right one more let's do the emts and the firefighters all right you guys remain standing and uh there's someone coming to visit you to hand you a card and we want to say thank you on behalf of the church and there's a there's it was hard to get it in there but there's a steak dinner inside each one of those cards so uh we just want to say thank you [Applause] [Music] all right you can be seen now how do i transition out of that i'm not exactly sure i could read the gettysburg address i mean there's a number of moves i could make here so let's just switch gears completely god had heard that things were not going well down here on earth and that doesn't surprise us so god sent down some angels to check things out the angels came back and they reported to god they said things are worse than we thought he said about 90 of the people on earth are evil and there's only about 10 that are good and god thought it can't be that bad so he sent a second group down and they came back and they said oh sir it's worse than that he said we've got numbers it's high as 95 percent evil and only 5 good and god said well i'm going to send an email to the 5 just to encourage them you know what it said in that email you didn't get one either huh [Applause] in the early 1940s a baseball player came through st louis his name was stan musial he was a star for 24 years he got a nickname one day in pittsburgh they they said the pittsburgh fans said every time they looked over that man was waiting to bat again and that phrase stuck with him for the rest of his life and he's died now but they call him stan the man mutual six decades later somebody even better came through st louis his name was albert pujols and everyone started calling albert the man and albert said absolutely not because he knew of the history in saint louis and he respected stan mutual he said absolutely not so they nicknamed him el hombre anybody know what that means the man in spanish that is correct but he said it i will not take the title the man. now here's the here's where i'm going with this the passage that we're going to look about look at in isaiah 50 and honestly next week in 51 and a couple of weeks in 52 and 53 it is all the story of jesus now remember this was written 750 years later all right what i want to show you is very clearly that muhammad's not the man buddha is not the man moses was not the man and maybe more importantly you are not the man you know we go around hey you demand no you demand no there's only one first timothy 2 verse 5 says there is one mediator between god and man and that is the man christ jesus our lord there is only one who qualifies to be the man and we live in a culture that is so crazy that that's considered hate speech simply to say that there's only one way to get to heaven but there's only one that stood between all of our sins and god the father and that was the the man who came died on the cross shed his blood to pay our price but now here's the deal throughout the bible starting in genesis 3 15 you roll through and you're going to get hundreds of prophecies about jesus about the messiah it's not called by name but about the messiah and when jesus comes onto the scene jesus has to fulfill every last one of those or he's not qualified to be our savior does that make sense to you so satan tries to block him at every single attempt the little ones the big ones if jesus doesn't get to the cross if he dies in the streets of jerusalem we're still in our sins because he didn't fulfill that final that final prophecy that he will die on a tree so jesus while he's laying on the street bruised and bloodied and dying the romans tell a man named brutus pick up the cross and he takes his cross and carries it to the top of the hill and jesus fulfills the final prophecy that he would die for man's sin and that he would then rise from the dead death proving he was man the risen the raising from the dead proving that he was god let's look at isaiah 50. here we go please stand that's a given it's a given in jewish in jewish tradition you stand the whole time and the pastor sits all right i'm just letting you know that it's a bonus all right the sovereign lord this is speaking about the messiah the sovereign lord has opened my ears and i have not been rebellious when the messiah comes he will do everything that god says i have not drawn back i offered my back to those who beat me my cheeks to those who pulled out my beard i did not hide my face from mocking and spitting because the sovereign lord helps me i will not be disgraced therefore have i set my face like flint and i know i will not be put to shame he who vindicates me is near who then will bring charges against me let us face each other who is my accuser let him confront me it is the sovereign lord who helps me who is he that will condemn me they will all wear out like a garment the most will eat them up now here's here's how it works jesus is the light we're going to get to that in the minute john 8 12 says jesus is the light of the world he says who among you fears the lord and obeys the word of his servants you'll stay under his light let him who walks in the dark who has no light trust in the name of the lord and rely on his god but now all of you who light fires and provide yourselves with flaming torches go walk in the light of your fires and of the torches you have set ablaze this is what you shall receive from my hand you will lie down in torment you can be seated that's a beautiful place to end in it you will lie down in torment who lies down in torment first of all i feel like in our culture today by the way welcome palm bay deland and everybody watching online but i feel like today we've tried to make hell less hot we've tried to make hell think oh i'm going to hang out with my buddies in hell no that's not how it works you will be cut off and you will suffer and it will be torment and it will be horrendous matthew 25 goes into great detail and it's not it's like god's god's sitting around going man i can't wait to smoke that guy no god god sent his grace he sent his son jesus to deliver us if you go to hell god's just saying okay i'm giving you what you wanted all along that's what hell is but he says the people that are there pay attention to this they light their own fires did you see that jesus is the light of the world he said but if you don't want my light and you light your own fire then you can be prepared for eternal damnation because there's only one light one path one way and that is through the mediator the man christ jesus but if you're here today and you're thinking no wait a minute i'm the man no they're the man ladies just work with my analogy don't send me an email all right um but that's the battle that we face but here's we're going to talk about why jesus was qualified to be called the man first of all he was tortured now there's all kinds of of of scriptures that are fulfilled just in these three opening three verses it said that he did not turn away his back when they went to beat him remember jesus was beaten and flogged there's no imagery to help you understand this if you saw the passion of the christ you got an idea but jesus was stripped naked he was he was tied to a pole and they beat him with a cat of nine tails it's got it's a leather straps and it's got rock and it's got glass in it and it would hit and it would wrap around your body and it would just rip your body to pieces and the blood's flowing and the and the the muscles and the sinews are being torn apart they they jammed a crown of thorns on his head more blood more gore they put a scarlet robe on him and they made fun of him they mocked him as being king and then they ripped it off and all of that all of the skin would have ripped off when they pulled that off but it said jesus did not turn away from the beating that he was going to take that was your beating guys that was my beating we're the ones that deserved it jesus is the one that took it it said they mocked him and they spit on him they made fun of him here he is the creator of the universe here he is the savior of the world and you're spitting in his face we have a lot of people that still do that today they still mock jesus they still go about spitting in his face and and making making mockery of of who he is it says they also pulled out his beard now today that may not have much meaning to you let me help you with this in ancient judaism and today if you've ever seen a hasidic jew the major portion of them live in jerusalem some of them live in new york they dress in all black black hats black clothes and they've got the big beards they never cut their beards and they have the curls on the side you with me that's a hasidic jew they never cut their beards out of respect for god they let their beards continue to grow and the the imagery of cutting off or pulling out a man's beard is taking away his manhood and taking away his relationship with god the father and it says that jesus had his beard pulled out he was tortured he was he was humiliated in front of the world he didn't deserve to be there what do we know about jesus jesus was sinless jesus took our price he took our beating our mocking our spit he took all of that because of his love not just for us this is the hard part but for people who right now hate him there are people right now that hate jesus they hate the church and they hate us and yet jesus died for them as much as he died for us that's that's the message acts 5 30 says the god of the god of our fathers raised jesus from the dead who you had killed by hanging him on a tree by the way that was the harshest way to go was to die on a tree oh the romans were brutal again they're making a statement the romans are taking over the world and the the one place that they struggled with the most was judea it was those it was those jews because they kept fighting back they would not blend in to the roman society and so it was a constant war there is a huge garrison of romans that is stationed there in jerusalem all through this time and that's that's why the presence is there the the the pilot and all the other roman leaders they've got a place there in jerusalem to try to calm down the crazies that are there and so the romans would crucify you in the most horrible way possible because the goal was to get you never to mess with rome but here's what you've got to understand about isaiah isaiah wrote those words that i just read to you 750 years before jesus was born 500 years before the roman empire existed in 500 years before crucifixion was invented and yet when we get into 52 and 53 you're going to see a blow-by-blow description of the crucifixion now people said well maybe isaiah was written later man these brilliant scholars that are not so brilliant isaiah must have been written later they're just they're just ad living here um when they found the dead sea scrolls in 1947 they uh there's a lot of little fragments some of them are they're just now figuring out how to read them they got new technology some of them are bigger pieces but the one scroll that they found completely intact anybody know it's isaiah isaiah's scroll would go from one end to this stage to the other it reads word for word what you have in your bible it is exact and we know that it was written before the time of jesus so at the very least that was written in the the first century but it wasn't it was written it was written in the 8th century bc and here isaiah is seeing all of these things in place and jesus is fulfilling every one of them so that they would know he was the messiah the russell family served in china this is back in the 1950s they served in china for 50 years to share the gospel and this is one of jay russell's great quotes he said when there's no battle there's no victory the greater battle the greater the victory the greatest battle ever fought was what jesus did for our soul whether you know it or not satan is in a battle with jesus for every soul on the planet and you want to know how loved you are you're worried about you're just a bunch of atoms no there's a battle going on for your soul my soul for your marriages your families for this country if you look at what's going on our country today and you look at it only in a physical term you've missed what's going on because satan is working in higher areas and the church has to work in higher areas if we're going to win this battle so he was tortured he was also humiliated they stripped him naked and hung him up now everybody's there again this is how they did it so when people would walk by they would mock you more they would spit on you who's there at the cross jesus mother one of his disciples john and jesus is hanging there naked humiliated bleeding suffering why the humiliation can i take you back let's just let's just run a clock back everybody ready let's run the clock back to you let's just say 18 years old is there anything there at 18 that you'd rather not the public know about anything you said did participated in my wife uses this against me all the time it really bothers me when i'll say something i get frustrated with somebody of the younger generation and she'll say joe tell me what you were doing when you were 18. i was in a prayer service sweetie that's what i was doing none of us want that brought out do we we deserve to be humiliated we deserve to be stripped naked and stand in judgment in front of an all-holy god but jesus took it for us second corinthians 5 21 says that god made him who knew no sin to become sin on our behalf that's why the father had to turn away when jesus is on the cross because he couldn't look at sin and it wasn't jesus sin it was the whole world sin you see adam started this deal adam and eve took from the fruit of the tree they ate it and they broke the covenant with god but in romans 5 it says that whatever adam broke jesus fixed when he died on the cross so he fixed it for all of us so the shame the humiliation the abuse everything he took it all for us and then you read in in hebrews where it says for the joy set before him hebrews 12 1 for the joy set before him jesus endured the cross what's the joy he's been tortured he's been humiliated he was looking at all of us he was looking at the world and saying those people are now going to be able to come back into my father's kingdom but then the last part of it he says his face was set like flint this is such an important statement you're going to get another round of this next week when he talks about the rock that we were cut out of but jesus set his face firmly and you see this all throughout the gospels where it says jesus says i have to go here i have to go there i have to do this they came to arrest him in the garden peter takes out this takes out a sword and tries to cut a guy in half remember that story jesus heals the guy's ear why they didn't repent right there i don't know but jesus said don't you know i have to do this that my hour has come because he knew that if he didn't fulfill the prophecies he would not be qualified to be the man that's the statement that we look at but here's the quote if you go home with one thing today get this one and i asked people last night you want to post something on facebook here it is i don't know who i stole it from so it's okay the gospel is meant to change the sinner not for the sinner to change the gospel to suit their sin we live just leave that up there please we live in a culture in the church where we've totally mishandled the scripture and this is really how we live when it comes to our ethics when it comes to sexuality when it comes to truth and lying you name it whatever it is we shove it under the rug because hell can't surely be that hot or god just loves us all and it doesn't matter anyway no pay attention here the gospel is meant to change the sinner not for the sinner to change the gospel to suit their sin did you get a picture of that all right that's powerful that's powerful but that's where we live today where a lot of people are not giving credence to what the truth is so let me just reiterate muhammad's not the man buddha is not the man but that's probably not most of our problems the government's not the man president's not the man the king's not the man the princes are not the man first timothy 2 15 says there's only one mediator between god and man the man christ jesus now here's where we get right down to it i don't think most of us are thinking multiple options here i don't think you're sitting around going well maybe maybe it's maybe it is joseph smith maybe it's fred down the street maybe he's the messiah i don't think you're thinking that but i do think we all battle with thinking i'm the man. i think we all battle with that and and the reason the reason i know that is because isaiah wrote about it god told isaiah to write it down he said there's going to be a lot of people that are committed to lighting their own lights so you can either light your own light and try to stand before an all-holy god or you can go in with the light of the world jesus himself i don't know where you're at i'm i'm pleading with you to get right with jesus because i'm telling you hell's hot and heaven's great and neither one have an exit door if you need to accept jesus you come over here people will be there to pray with you online there's a button i've decided if you just need somebody to pray for you you need to be encouraged today you've got something heavy on your heart come on over here the prayer team will be over there but i won't take you back to your middle school years grade school we survived but middle school was ugly right and they would pick two people to be captains and you're hoping that your friendship will get you picked you just don't want to you're trying not to get picked last right but it depends what the game is some games different people have better gifts i'll tell you for me remember that rope that they hang they would hang from the ceiling in the gym and you had to climb the rope remember that part of of ken president kennedy's fitness thing look at this body and tell you tell me if you think this body goes up a rope it does not it does not it never did go up a row so when it was time to pick for that one yeah no nobody was interested in me we all know what it feels like to be down the line when it comes to getting picked but here's how this story works every one of you you're the captain and you get to pick somebody's going to go with you when you stand before god the father are you going to go in with your own homemade light are you going to go in with the light of the world but the one thing i know what scripture says there's only one man and that man is jesus so father i pray that today you would move in people's hearts some people need to accept you some people need to turn back to you some need to get serious about this the world's a scary place always has been a scary place death is real heaven's real hell is real and i pray that you would move today that your spirit would be speaking to people and you would make them get out of their seats and bring them forward that they would find salvation in the god-man the man who came to rescue all of us in jesus name amen [Applause] [Music] the savior of the world was [Music] the weight of every curse upon here [Music] darkness [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] me [Music] [Music] [Music] oh you were [Music] we sing hallelujah we sing hallelujah [Music] we is [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] um [Music] [Music] would you be seated just for a minute thank you so much for uh making jesus priority in your life if you're a guest today we are so glad that you're here uh hopefully you got a good glimpse of what we're all about in our commitment to jesus christ and we know it can be very difficult to walk into a building you're not quite sure what's going to happen and and so we have a present for you if you'll stop out of guest services and just let them know that you're a first time guest they've got things to give you and just to say thanks for giving us a try we've got operation christmas child starting here's the deal i've only got a few boxes so i'm just i just want to get it warming up in your mind and i know it's not christmas time but we have to get the boxes done in the next couple of months uh the shipment was supposed to be here the big shipment of boxes will be here next week but get a box at least put it on your counter somewhere so you can start praying operation christmas child is without doubt the most incredible thing we do and here's why for every two boxes that we send out we know statistically one kid accepts jesus christ so i don't know anywhere you get a better bang for your buck than 50 investment we know there's a child going to come into the presence of god that is that's just a cool story the offering buckets are in the back thank you for your faithfulness to this church but the teenagers are here today look at them they're all hiding back there on their own they uh they put together a lot of adults helped as well but they organized it put it together helped raise the money and they packed 72 000 meals to go to haiti where the earthquake took place [Applause] [Music] all right stacy come on up stacy shawiak is a member of this church but she's gone a lot and she travels around the world working with wycliffe bible translators and she works specifically with deaf communities and they've come up with a language that works in all cultures and they teach them to communicate by teaching them the gospel and lots of well the translators become christians and then they help the other people so she goes into a country trains the trainers and then they go out and share the gospel with all the deaf people in the in the countries that she goes to this trip is to uganda in east africa so we want to be praying for stacy so let's do that just now father as we finish this service i'm so grateful for the teens behind me for their faithfulness i'm so grateful for a church who loves your word and is so generous and i pray for stacy that you give her strength and courage as she goes that she will be blessed protected and that you will bring about much fruit that many many many people will be saved as a result of this trip that she makes god bless her efforts we pray it and god's people said amen thank you guys [Applause]
Channel: Tomoka Christian
Views: 265
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: tvur7jMi-OY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 25sec (3865 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 12 2021
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