Midweek Bible Study | End Times Question & Answer with Pastor Gary Hamrick & Dr. Ed Hindson

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all right good evening everybody good to see you out tonight in the house of the lord and uh if you are new tonight or haven't heard our format is a little bit different this evening as you can see uh we finished the book of revelation two weeks ago and then we've devoted last wednesday night and tonight to your questions and answers not just about revelation this evening but also about end time events in general and i'm excited to have with us tonight for the first time visiting here at cornerstone who a new friend of mine now dr ed heinsohn with everybody welcome dr ed heinsohn now let me let me tell you a little bit about dr heinsohn uh we actually first met because i had written an article for intercessors for america um about covid and the end times and um basically said aside from the fact that pestilence is part of the end times it's covet is not you know the indicator of the end times and dr heinsohn read the article and then just picked up the phone and called called me and so we got to chat but what he didn't know at the time was that all three of our kids including this one here in the middle were students of dr hindson's at liberty university so it was a pleasure to meet him over the phone for the first time seeing as how all three of our kids had had him as a as a professor so just to give you a quick background here dr heinzen holds the master of art a master of arts degree from trinity evangelical divinity school the master of theology from grace theological seminary he also holds the doctor of theology from trinity graduate school the doctor of ministry from westminster theological seminary and the doctor of philosophy a phd from the university of south africa uh you have more degrees than a thermometer i do and my my dad dropped out of school in the eighth grade wow he really did nobody in my family ever went to high school so i over educated so you made up for it compensated for that yeah and uh he was named the uh distinguished professor of religion and biblical studies in 2005 at liberty university so it's so good to have him here with us i'm gonna promote his book so he doesn't have to do that um there are three he's actually written over 40 books on the end times um but rather than hauling 40 books here uh he did uh bring three of them and so one of these books can we still believe in the rapture uh another of his books exploring bible prophecy from genesis to revelation you you co-wrote this with tim lahaye and we've since gone on to be with the lord and then the harvest handbook of bible prophecy so these are available out in the atrium area if you want to peruse these um it's three for forty dollars two for thirty and i'd encourage you any of his books are great and it's good to have at least three out of the 40 plus uh that he's brought here tonight so i'm going to lead us in a word of prayer and then what i have are about 80 questions that were texted in in advance and then austin is also going to be fielding questions live that you might be texting in now which also allows our online audience to participate tonight too so i might answer some of these questions but i'm going to since you guys hear from me most of the time i want to be able to defer a lot of them to dr hindson since he's a fresh voice among us here tonight but let me begin with the word of prayer father thank you for this time that we can share together thank you lord for your word thank you for the promise that you're coming again and as much as our hearts can easily be weighed down by the things of this world you remind us not to let that happen because lord you are coming again and you promise um all of all of these precious promises through your word that we hold on to to know that we're only passing through and that this world will get spiritually darker and darker but not only did you come into this world to save us from our sins to rescue us from from this world but that you're coming again lord and so we look forward to your imminent return and we thank you for this time together guide us in our conversation this evening and for your glory we pray in jesus name and everybody said amen all right um dr heinz and i'm going to start out with a couple because this is probably the only area and it isn't even really disagreement between us but it's just a difference of interpretation um babylon in the book of revelation we read about babylon in fact there are um and i only wrote this down in advance i don't know this off the top of my head there's 404 verses in the book of revelation 42 of those verses have to do with babylon just in the book of revelation it's about 1 out of 10 verses throughout the book of revelation has to do with babylon next to jerusalem by the way babylon is the most mentioned city in the bible more than 300 references to babylon in in the bible so my interpretation so there's a lot of talk about babylon obviously through revelation my interpretation is that babylon is more of a literal ancient city that will be revived and in the end times it'll be the center and the seat of a commercial uh babylon and then the center of one world religion the religious babylon the woman who rides the beast jesus comes again you don't quite take a literal view so why don't you explain to everybody why i'm right and you're wrong there you go okay yeah i said you say tell us ahead of time like like there's only one area we disagree on so we'll start there okay great thanks um a lot of good people differ on certain elements of interpretation but still see the big picture the bible tells us in very clear terms that there is a crown awaiting for all those that love his appearing so we want to remind ourselves that bible prophecy is not just about what is going to come in the future but who is coming in the future it's really all about jesus you ought to point our attention ultimately to him so one of the guidelines that i suggest to people in studying prophecy is the facts are very very clear jesus said if i go back to heaven i will come again now the book of revelation refers to babylon several times those are facts second level are the interpretations of those facts when and how will he come what does one interpret babylon to mean and then beyond that the third level is just pure speculation so my dear friend tim lahaye who also held the same view that literal babylon would be rebuilt one day become the headquarters of the antichrist etc tim also believed that when the rapture occurred and you went up to heaven all your clothes would fall off right and be left behind as a testimony the fact you've been raptured and thus his movies right yeah yeah that's his movies and so then he said and then you'll get a robe of righteousness i said hopefully pretty soon i said tim what about your glasses what about false teeth fillings artificial parts some of us would have more left behind than gone there's grandma she left a pile none of that was real there's some things we won't know until it happened that's true so in light of that the three basic views on babylon are babylon literally refers to babylon or babylon is used as a code word by john in the book of revelation for the city of rome because he says it's a city that sits on seven hills it's a city that rules over the whole world uh which is how people in the first century would have viewed that and then others say well it's a revived roman empire of the last days coming out of the statue vision in the book of daniel etc so it could be any one of those things is it possible that it's literal babylon in my opinion yes that's possible is it possible it could be a symbol of something else that's possible for me it comes down to probability is it probable that they will rebuild babylon anytime soon into a major metropolis that becomes the headquarters of the antichrist and when it is destroyed the whole world mourns well it's in destruction right now it's not being rebuilt it's a ruin that's an archaeological excavation so then the other side for me becomes does that affect our sense of imminence if the rapture could imminently occur at any moment then babylon has to be rebuilt into a major city how practical is that now at the same time there was a time when people said israel will never go back to the promised land israel doesn't exist they'd been scattered for 1900 years and bible prophecy teachers kept saying no the bible says israel has to be there in the last days they will return they said that for two and three hundred years and it happened so anything can happen so i'm on a waiting basis i mean saddam hussein did try to start to rebuild babylon before the iraq war and then it kind of came to a halt uh yeah he came to a halt yeah he came to a hall too yeah yeah thank you george bush that's right um talk to me a little bit about the antichrist um we were talking earlier that i think it's possible the antichrist could be jewish daniel 11 37 which talks about how he shall regard neither the god of his fathers nor the desire of women those can be euphemisms for the messiah for the god of his father being jewish and the desire of women to give birth to a messiah nor regard any god as the rest of that verse so you and i were talking about it's possibly could be jewish but probably more of a secular jew what are your thoughts on the antichrist and i also got a couple questions about the antichrist when does the antichrist come come after the rapture and then is the antichrist alive now and if so what country will it come from there you go those are good questions um so let's back up for a moment the ethnicity of the antichrist is not clearly stated so you do have the statement in daniel 9 that he will come from among the people that will destroy the city and the temple well when daniel gives that prophecy the second temple had not yet been built and the people who destroyed the second temple were the romans so there are a lot of people who believe the antichrist has to have some kind of roman or european connection so tim lahaye took that approach in his books in the left behind books so he had the antichrist coming from romania now this was a novel and romania was a roman colony hence the name of romania so carpathia became his character trying to follow the biblical model that the antichrist will come from somewhere in the western world others have long felt that the antichrist is a false messiah so in that sense would he have to be jewish i think the bottom line is he's not religious so it wouldn't matter whether he claimed to be christian muslim or jewish he doesn't regard any god other than himself he thinks he's god and wants to go to the temple and claim that the world should worship him right so technically that's not a good orthodox jew that's not a good christian that's not even a good muslim so i think he's a secularist what gets my attention is as the world becomes more and more secularized at hyper speed right now that tells me the clock is ticking time is moving on uh in that direction i think the other question was not only what what is his background is he alive today he might be yeah but we can't say for sure that we know that he is now i've been in the ministry for 50 years so i'm old i'm a lot older than pastor mark i'm old i've heard it all every crazy speculation you can imagine john f kennedy's the antichrist he got assassinated people said they froze him he's not really dead they're going to thaw him out one day he'd be over a hundred i don't think so then somebody said ronald reagan's the antichrist he has six letters in each of his three names ronald wilson reagan 666 uh and uh then gorbachev has a birthmark on his forehead ah the mark of the beast you're reading the newspaper into the bible yeah right what you need to do is read the bible into the newspaper you read the bible first then you look at the news to say what does this have to do with what the bible says about the future not the other way around so because the world trade centers get destroyed doesn't mean that that's fulfilling a specific bible prophecy there are plenty of prophecies about the end times and there will be a real antichrist figure one day now i'm very convinced he will not come to power until after the rapture because the restrainer has to be removed first second thessalonians chapter 2. once the restrainer is removed and the restrainer is defined in neutral terminology as a what but also masculine as a he and the only person powerful enough to restrain satan is god himself right so i think it clearly refers to the holy spirit that's right now it doesn't mean the holy spirit disappears because god doesn't disappear god is omnipresent at all times god is in heaven god is omnipresent in the world god's presence rested on the ark of the covenant so what happens at the rapture is the spirit baptized spirit empowered church of true believers is raptured out of the world yeah now when unbelief gets control of nations government society you can see on your television every night what that ultimately leads to where that goes well imagine if there were no christians after the rapture to object to any of these things to speak up for truth and that will only happen once the rapture occurs the restrainer is removed then satan will be free to empower somebody to be the antichrist so i'm not looking for the antichrist yeah i'm looking for jesus christ yeah that's right yeah let me cut i like to tell people mark you don't want to know who the antichrist is you figure out who the antichrist is that means you've been left behind yeah it's true that's for the people that have been left behind to figure out all right before we go to some um live there's always a president you did not vote for uh i get that all right yeah you get that a lot is that biden nobody thinks biden's the antichrist nobody doesn't have enough energy right because the antichrist will be more visible and not hiding i got you all right um i'm just saying um all right let me piggyback on that before we go to austin with some live questions because um i appreciate that you are strongly pre-trib and your in your understanding of the greater proponents of scripture there are legitimate believers who believe mid-trib and post-trib but you and i are strongly pre-trib people and so basically what that means is we believe that jesus takes the church out of the earth before the tribulation period begins and um i got one of the questions that was submitted saying to me your pre-trib theory is deceiving people we will be here through seal number five there will be a lot of ticked off christians who will lose hope because they will experience tribulation when you said they won't so i i just want to quickly mention this much and then i'm going to turn it over to you dr hindson because um the person is saying we will be here through seal number five well seal number one is the revelation of the antichrist seal number two is war seal number three is famine and economic collapse seal number four is the death of some some unbelievers and seal number five is the death of some believers so it seems to me like tribulations already unfolding starting in chapter six with the first of the seals that are opened but basically if you could just give like a this could be a sermon all on its own but a three-minute best defense for a pre-trib view well again start with the fact there has to be a rapture it doesn't matter what your view on the timing is unfortunately there are a lot of people who are not pre-trib right who will say oh the bible doesn't teach a rapture it's not in the bible the word rapture is not even in the bible yeah the word bible's not in the bible either the word trinity is not in the bible yeah the word sunday is not in bible the word second coming are not in the bible the concepts are in the bible and we believe those things because the concept is there the biblical term for the rapture in the original greek is harpazzo which basically means snatched away caught away modern english zap you're out of here the english translations usually say caught up you're caught up the dead are raised and the living are caught up so there has to be a time when there is a rapture whether you put it before the tribulation during the tribulation after the tribulation argue that the whole church age is tribulation there is no tribulation then you have to put it before the millennium after the millennium there is no millennium the whole church ages the millennium then you have to put it at the end of time but you have to put it somewhere yeah so don't fall for people who say there there's never going to be a rapture now there has to be one the question is simply when there must be a time the debt are raised and the living are caught up alive now that gets eventually into another question why do i need to get my dead body back and we'll do that one financially as well but uh the point here is the fact is clear the interpretations have to do with the timing questions and that particular question is based generally on the idea that well the idea of wrath is not mentioned until you get to the end of the sixth chapter where the unbelievers are saying to the rocks and the mountains fall on us hide us from the wrath of the lamb so they know it's the wrath of god in fact they know it's the wrath of christ so your pastor has done a wonderful job of taking you through the book of revelation for several weeks so you should have a really good handle on it what's happening in chapter six who appears to solve the problem of the seven sealed scroll jesus the lamb appears he's the only one worthy of our worship who has divine authority to open the seals pronounce the judgments and bring the kingdom of heaven to earth so when chapter 6 opens it starts with i saw when the lamb opened one of the seals so jesus is opening the seals he's releasing the judgments and all of those are the wrath of the lamb by the end of the chapter the world is saying enough enough we can't take the wrath of the lamb we'd rather die and one of the saddest passages in revelation is the repetition of the statement and they did not repent yeah and they did not repent a lot of people think if i'm left behind and i see the judgment of god falling all around and a bunch of people disappear i'll get saved and my response is no you won't if you won't get saved now in a time of relative peace and prosperity do you think you're going to want to get saved at a time when the whole world's blowing up and you're going to die for your faith if you're not willing to live for christ you're not willing to die for christ so you better not gamble on your eternity on that basis to me it's as you read revelation what do you get in the book overviews followed by details this happens constantly throughout the book so what you get as chapter six opens are the four horsemen of the apocalypse what's coming in the future conquest war bloodshed death etc and martyrdom i and then ultimately the trumpet judgments come out of the seventh seal judgment and it's all the wrath of the lamp later the bold judgments are the wrath of god now most people that are pre-tribulational or mid in the sense of pre-wrath would agree the bible makes it clear believers are not appointed unto wrath first thessalonians 5 9 but to obtain salvation so if the judgments we read about in the book of revelation are the wrath of christ the lamb and the wrath of god the father then obviously the church is not the object of the wrath and i have had people over the years say well i think the church has gotten so corrupt that you need to pour judgment on her and discipline the bride of christ well that sounds like protestant purgatory to me beat up the bride of christ and then take her to the marriage yeah i don't think that works symbolically at all in the passage so i think it's very clear we're not the object of the wrath of christ all of chapter 6 is wrath you don't just wait to insert it at one point and plus jesus even said that the son of man will be like the days of noah and the days of lot and the two similarities with those events was that god rescued the righteous before he brought judgment exactly all right ass go ahead and ask all right a lot of great questions coming in live so let's just dive right in dr hindson let's talk a little bit about the mark of the beast so there's a lot of questions about the mark of the beast can you explain a little bit about what is the mark of the beast or what will the mark of the beast be there's a lot of worry about the mark of the beast am i going to get it unknowingly and will people know for sure what the mark is when it arrives on the scene is there any relation to the vaccine that's kind of part of the question as well no that's a real simple answer now whether you like the vaccine or don't like the vaccine i've already had covet so i have lots of opinions but yeah it's no fun how many of you already had covet oh no yeah so a lot of people no don't people are moving on this yeah yeah i know yeah no once you've got once you're over it now you're immune yeah you can't even be a carrier but uh whatever but but here's the deal the mark of the beast is a determined marking for unbelievers during the time of tribulation after the rapture so can a believer accidentally take the mark of the beast no in fact the book of revelation says god will send an angel flying over the planet warning people this is the gospel believe it don't take the mark of the beast etc and babylon the kingdom of antichrist is going to be destroyed so the mercy of god leaps out from the pages of the book of revelation so people say well the book of revelation that's all bad news no it's only bad news for who the unsaved for the believer it's really good news the simplest way to outline the book of revelation is two points for the saved it's all good news for the unsaved it's all bad news next book uh whatever but i mean that's the whole point of the thing it's not bad news if you know the lord it's not bad news no matter what you face now what we do need to remind ourselves is this just because pastor and i believe that one day the trumpet will sound the archangel will shout and we'll be caught away to meet the lord in the air does not mean we get a pass on problems difficulties or trouble john starts the book of revelation in chapter 1 verse 7 saying i am your companion in tribulation he did not mean in the tribulation period in the time of wrath he just met i'm in trouble with the roman government i've been arrested and banished to the island of patmos i've had the privilege of actually visiting the very spot where the greek orthodox church is convinced that's where he received the book of revelation in that cave and i preached through the whole book in an hour right on that site which is a lot of fun uh now at the same time i think we have to remember that when the scripture gives us warnings about the future it's not so that we can escape because you guys are a bunch of escapists you just got to abandon the planet no we actually believe we're coming back for a thousand years to serve the lord in the millennial kingdom we're not abandoning the planet we're coming back to the planet it was a what am i going to do for a thousand years you could start by straightening out the traffic in this area that'd be a real good one there'd be a lot of good things you could do for a thousand that'll take a thousand years to straighten out the traffic in this area what else do you have austin all right well there's a lot of questions coming in about um the judgment um and the new testament references different passages talking about this judgment scene matthew chapter 25 we talked about it on sunday the separation of the sheep and the goats second corinthians chapter five paul talks about the judgment seat of christ or the bema seat then revelation chapter 20 you get to the great white throne judgment now i've i've seen and read some people talk about that as being one final judgment seat and others say no that that's three different completely different judgment scenes what are your thoughts on on those judgments yeah i think they're they're different judgments uh in that sense uh one of the hard things is if you read through the prophetic passages real quick and don't focus on the details people mix up the rapture and the return as though it all happens at the same time etc there has to be a time you go up in the rapture because you have to go to the judgment seat of christ which obviously takes place in heaven and the marriage takes place in heaven now the marriage is symbolic obviously of our union with christ but it's described very clearly in revelation 19 the bride of christ is married to him in heaven and then she returns with him to earth so you have to go up first at least to those things before you come back down in the return the bema seat judgment is for the rewards uh we're told both in the romans passage and the corinthians passage that deal with that that that's the time that we will receive the rewards for what has been done in the body now that means that your act of service to the lord doesn't cause your salvation but it ought to be the result of your salvation that as a believer you ought to be doing things to serve the lord with your life and god keeps the record book so i i didn't grow up in a christian home i was born and raised in detroit my father was a honest guy truck driver dropped out of school in the eighth grade my mother started the ninth grade and quit so i grew up in a very uneducated home no jesus no god no bible no no christians in our entire extended family i got saved in vacation bible school a church a lot like this sent a flyer out advertising vacation bible school my mother got the flyer and thought boy goes for five days i can get this kid out of the house gave me the flyer and sent me she didn't even take me this was back in the 50s kids were tough parents were even tougher uh etc and uh she said get out in the street when you get to the corner make sure the light's green don't get hit by a car you'll be fine get out of here i walked in there and i heard that jesus loved me that he died for my sins that he rose from the dead that he was coming again and that i could have a home in heaven forever and it was free i recognized a good deal i raised my hand i'm like yes i'm for that i'll agree to that i'll believe in that etc fortunately the lady who led me to the lord mrs johnson was very thorough she literally sat me down and let me know okay kid believing in jesus is not like believing in santa claus here you're old enough to figure this out this is a lifetime commitment to christ are you really ready to trust him with your eternal destiny and i realize not every childhood profession is the real thing but for me it was i i was absolutely convinced that i'd been saved now mrs johnson had no idea that i'd become the dean of the world's largest theological school that i travel all over the world preaching to thousands of people have a television program etc etc etc etc but you know what at the judgment seat she will share in all those rewards because i wouldn't have been there without hurting amen and the same is true for all of you whether you sing on the praise team work as an usher run the sound equipment uh help at the parking lot uh whatever all you do to serve the lord with your life and living your testimony out before this generation is more important than ever before they not only want to know what you think and say they want to see what you do and they want to see that it changed your life and god can use you tremendously and you will be rewarded for all of that i think the great white throne judgment is clearly a judgment of unbelievers right at the very end of time that there are no excuses when unholiness stands in front of holiness unrighteousness stands in front of righteousness that's going to settle everything the bible says without holiness no one will see the lord but we can't make ourselves holy when we trust jesus as our savior he not only forgives our sin he gives us his holiness and his righteousness that's right we stand complete in him yeah think of it this way okay so you are actually a student of mine in three different classes and he was a good student but let's say he was struggling badly failing i could come to him and say look hamrick i forgive all your failures here we'll wipe out all your f's this is a true story actually it's the problem now is you have no grades yeah you're blank yeah if all jesus did was forgive us we'd be blank but if i turned around and said i'm going to give you an a you do not deserve and cannot earn that's grace mercy and a whole bunch of other things now because we're an accredited academic institution i'm not going to do that but but god does yeah god loves you so much jesus went to the cross to die for your sins to wipe that away and then give you the robe of righteousness which i think is the white robe the bride gets at the marriage and we come right from the marriage in the triumphal return yeah that's well said because christians need to be reassured of the fact that judgment was satisfied on the cross so the only judgment that christians will receive is a judgment not in the sense of punishment but in the sense of reward so that's that's the bema seat that's that's uh what you're talking about so that's important important important distinction um i want to just piggyback on what you said because you went to your your childhood there for a moment with your testimony and i got several questions about parents obviously or grandparents concerned for children what happens to children when the rapture occurs that's one of those areas the bible does not clearly speak to i think we can assume and i assume we'd agree on this that the atonement of christ not only covers believers but anybody who is underage incapacitated in any way deficient in any way in which they are not capable of making a decision he's not going to leave them behind right that they're going to go when the lord calls us home now whether he takes babies out of the womb it's i don't know that gets complicated it gets real complicated you didn't ask me yet i didn't ask you that my toughest question no i'm going to that was on my list is that does that have to do with that that fits right here okay so the toughest question i was what was the toughest question you ever asked for prophecy okay was from a teenager all right who's said if i'm a born-again believer and i know the lord is my savior and the rapture occurs and i'm going to go up in the rapture right he goes what if in the meantime i died and i donated my body to science and they transplanted my eyeballs into the head of an unsaved person uh and my body was resurrected at the rapture with my eyeballs go flying out of his unsafe you know that's a smart question that is a very small question especially if you were you know a major don't a donor of several of your organs they're like yeah they're going to be recalled i guess yeah and i guess i agree it's the best answer yeah yeah if the if the rapture can rapture you from the dust of time yeah the ashes of time martyrs burned at the stake people killed in a plane crash uh whatever if god can take the atoms that remain and put your body back together again then yeah i would tend to think yeah your eyeballs are on their way back to your body and on your way to heaven but we'll let the lord work that out when the time comes now that leads to the question people always ask me is what do i need my body for i already died and went to heaven yeah but you're a disembodied spirit so do you want to be a disembodied spirit for eternity you come back to get the body because paul makes it clear in first corinthians 15 because we believe that jesus died and literally rose from the dead so we believe we will literally rise from the dead and the church from the beginning of time of the church was convinced of the resurrection of the body paul made it clear to the thessalonians that those that have died their spirit has gone to heaven to be with the lord absent from the body present with the lord but the body's still in the grave at the rapture it says the lord brings with him those that have departed that's in first thessalonians 4. the spirit comes back the body's resurrected and you're reunited spiritually physically forever and then those that are alive and are believers at that moment in time their body is glorified and transformed instantly and then we're caught up together that's right to meet the lord in the air yeah and even though i'm not you know reading too many questions your answers are answering many of the questions that you all submitted um and along those lines what do you believe in like a universal age it's all it's all a guess but what are you hoping for um i know i've passed it so there is no specific age given in scripture the only passage that gives a demarcation age of responsibility and accountability is age 20. he said where's that when they came out of the exodus they were to send the army into the promised land and they turned back in unbelief and wouldn't do it and god said all right then everybody over the age of 20 will die in this wilderness and everybody under 20 will have the option to live now if you read the old testament what was the big deal about age 20 for jewish young men that was the age of military service right so you had to be 20 to be in the army which is why david when he fights goliath is not in the army david's 17 or 18 years old when that occurs he's too young to be there his brothers are there so that army went awol so to speak on god and wouldn't go and god said all right 20 is the age then the guys over 20 aren't going in now that doesn't mean that if you're 19 you can live wild and hope you can straighten out later at all but it does give us some idea that god looks at intentionality of our heart and life and mind and he knows when you're saying no to him deliberately uh or passively as the case may be uh and when you're still seeking it i i just i land a little bit older um 30 just because when revelation talks about we will be kingdoms and priests to serve him forever the age of priesthood was 30 in the old testament but you know i'll take 30. those of you who are under 30 don't want that but i'll take it all right you're not even yet 30. so why are you even up here well it may not even make it that was got the youthful energy yeah that was your call i mean i needed to balance out the yeah yeah yeah i come in here to answer questions and you put him in between us i thought see the moderator or a referee uh whatever but uh this is great all right um this is a really good question um and i'm curious to get both of your thoughts on this in second peter chapter three peter in verse nine he says that the only reason christ is delaying his return is because he is patient with us not wanting any to perish but all to come to salvation and so before christ comes more and more people are coming to the into the kingdom getting saved but within that same span of time more and more people are also dying separated from the lord and so would would you say that you know hell is filling faster than heaven in effect and um and why you know if christ is delaying so that more and more people can come to faith at the same time probably it'd be safe to assume even more are perishing apart from him so what what that sounds like a pastoral question no i don't think so sounds like a professor question you know it's one of those things where it it is hard for us i think humanly to wrap our minds around when when god's delay is for the intention of you know he's he's you know patient not wanting any to perish but then you think well does his delay mean even more numerically or potentially perishing i mean it it means some people are perishing who otherwise would not have been born had christ come at a certain time i just have to always defer to god's perfect timing his timing is perfect in everything and he he delays until his appointed time and i'm just thankful that he has delayed long enough that i can be included in his eternal family and i don't stop to try to unpack that too much because then i'm trying to figure out the mind of god in relation to his delay and humanity and but that's about what do you think no i agree with you totally on that and i also think it helps us remember that's the danger of people running around trying to pick dates for the rapture they're never right don't fall for that again i've heard every date imaginable 1972 75 88 92 2000 whatever people are just grasping at straws and then they're trying to they start on a wrong foundation and build a logical argument but the but the premise is wrong to start with so the whole thing collapses over time and then people are really disappointed and frustrated jesus said that nobody knows the day or the hour of my coming my father only so the implication is the father sets the time to send the son to get the bride to bring her to the father's house etc then people will always say well it says nobody knows the day or the hour but it doesn't say the year let's guess the year the point is nobody knows the time so don't waste your time trying to guess the time to be ready all the time because jesus could come at any time well taught people yeah that's good all right um dr hudson i'm curious to get your thoughts um revelation chapter 11 talks about the two witnesses i've heard a lot of different names thrown out moses and elijah enoch and elijah i'm curious to get your thoughts on who you think you know would would who would make the most sense to be the two witnesses in revelation 11. you also have a funny personal story oh that one i want i'd like you to tell the two what makes the most sense is the two witnesses are the two witnesses uh but uh who are they some people had suggested and i heard this years ago enoch and elijah because neither of them died they were both raptured to heaven so there's two raptures in the old testament two guys that went to heaven alive in the old testament and then they would use the verse but it's appointed unto man wants to die and after this the judgment so they pull that verse out of context and say enoch and elijah have to come back and die well the problem with that logic is everybody who goes up alive in the rapture doesn't die true so i think if you're going to tag them with some identification they sure sound to me more like elijah and moses that's right they turn water into blood like moses did they bring plagues like moses did they called on fire like elijah did and let's ask ourselves who were the two witnesses that showed up with jesus on the mount of transfiguration moses and elijah moses representing the law elijah representing the prophets so it's either them resurrected or somebody that comes in the spirit and type and power of moses yeah i totally agree um that's the way i taught chapter 11 too i i didn't ask you this in advance but someone sent this question and i don't know too much about it i don't know if you do dr hindson is the world economic forum's great reset part of the structure to usher in the antichrist you know and let me let me rephrase it a little bit do you think that because of this this whole pandemic that covid has um opened up a door that the that that the world can capitalize on not in a good way but in a bad way to advance an agenda that might look similar to things we're reading about so i know that's a really broad question what's your opinion about some of that yeah again i i don't want to run ahead of god's timing right you know how many of you here tonight are 50 and older let me see your hands it went by real what fast yeah so time moves quickly when you're 20 years old it's like 50 years you got to be kidding me uh whatever i don't think we have 100 years i definitely don't think we have 200 years i don't know if we have five days five years or 50 years nobody knows don't set the time but it is obvious to me the clock is ticking israel has to be back in the land in the last days they're there since 1948 as an independent nation yes i know a lot of them are there in unbelief etc but god is doing amazing things in the messianic community to open them up to the gospel my own tv show can be seen in israel etc uh there has to be a crisis in the middle east that leads to major wars in the middle east that are predicted in the bible while the middle east is in crisis there has to be a global economy for the antichrist to control the economy in order to control the world and the global economy already exists 50 years ago it did not but today it does there virtually then have to be weapons of mass destruction to fulfill the kind of destructions described in the book of revelation they've already been invented so if you're sitting there thinking well one of these days i'll come to the lord hey hello the lights are flashing that's right it's like trying to get through gainesville at the 2966 entertainment chair there's always lights flashing warning signs yeah the lights are flashing israel is back in the land the middle east is in crisis global economy has already been invented uh weapons of mass destruction have already been invented we're moving right along and i do think that while i'm not an anti-massacre at the same time if you can mandate a mask you can mandate a mark that's right i thought i do think it sets a mindset and when everything goes electronic and nothing's actually in your hand to start with it's a lot easier to control an electronic economy than it is to control hard cash or hard coin as the case may be or bitcoin if you want or whatever uh etc so i i agree i think all of this and then the idea that the whole world needs to do this this is the first time in history the whole world never all did the same thing at the same time no that's never happened before muslims buddhists people in china people in iraq people in iran people in israel people in germany france u.s south america everybody's trying to deal with the disease which is a good thing to do but it does set this kind of globalist agenda in the mind of people that again the timing of god is setting the stage for the curtain to go up on the final drama yeah um here's a good question dad unless you have something um how do you think that the jews will be able to build the temple on the temple mount when it's now under muslim control you're asking him or me either one of you what do you think there's going to be a peace treaty yeah right there you know that that's good there's your answer moving on yeah no let me answer it okay so that's why that's another one of these uh uh issues about possibility and probability uh to rebuild the temple in jerusalem the only thing in my opinion the jewish people are going to accept is the temple on the temple mount they're not going to accept the idea that it coexists side by side with the dome of the rock which is an islamic shrine and the muslims are not going to accept a jewish temple side by side with the dome of the rock you can tour the dome of the rock i've been in it several times but you can't go in there and start singing christian songs or jewish songs we're going to shut that down immediately so it's under the control technically of the jordanian ruling family and they have authority over it now will there be in the future some kind of a peace agreement that the antichrist brokers the treaty and part of that allows them to rebuild the temple i think that's a very real possibility how they work that out time will tell an earthquake takes down the dome of the rock an errant missile i don't know and we don't want to give money to rebuild the third temple because initially the antichrist is going to take it over and try to demand that he be worshipped in that place all we do is sit back and watch what moves on during this period of time but the desire is there some people there's one guy running around the country claiming the temple never was on the temple mount it was in the city of david and it's going to be built in the city of david well i've been in there in the ruins of the ancient old testament jerusalem there's not enough room for it in there no there is enough room presently on the temple mount exactly um and you know opposite the eastern gate right so it it it's the kind of thing where i often think that that desperate people desperate for peace will do desperately thanks exactly and and so it's it's likely that there could be some kind of a peace accord obviously there will be the antichrist leads a peace accord for seven years and then he breaks it in the middle but um people will end up compromising in ways i think you would never think they would just to try to secure peace now they're already making some compromises people didn't think they would make that's right and and i i agree with you so see i should be asking you the questions no i know i know i'm agreeing with you you get to hear him all the time you really got a good deal going here all right this person asks i was raised in a bible-believing church there was never really any discussion about the rapture or the millennial reign etc uh just that really christ would come back for his bride and we would ascend to heaven go to heaven when we die and the person's kind of asking is that enough or are some churches missing the importance of tonight's discussion i think they're missing the importance of the full picture of the discussion it's like you're studying it's like churches where the pastor will preach through the first three chapters of revelation on the seven churches and then quit and say okay i did revelation uh you never got to the seals the trumpets the bowls and the second coming etc that always tells me they don't have a view or they know their view is askew and they don't want to have to try to defend it in any way at all now i don't think you can build your ministry on prophecy all the time you preach the whole counsel of god which is what i love about churches like cornerstone where your commitment is preach through the bible chapter by chapter book by book teach people the whole counsel of god but in churches where they never deal with bible prophecy they're avoiding about 25 to 28 of the bible yeah wow you can't preach the whole council of god and never talk about revelation never talk about thessalonians never talk about the book of daniel or zechariah i in fact you may have heard on the news this week two new dead sea scrolls were found just this week in israel it's been all over the news one of those is part of a copy of the book of zechariah which has a lot to do with the coming of the messiah they're found at a place called nahal khader they were part of the barcokpa revolt many of us are familiar with the jewish revolt at masada in 70 a.d led to the destruction of the second temple etc but there was another revolt in 130 a.d and hadrian the roman emperor the guy who built hadrian's wall between england and scotland same guy his army goes in and stops the barcoke revolution and he's so angry he changes the name of the country to palestine that's right which is latin for philistine i wrote my first book on philistine archaeology 40 years ago that's the worst name you could ever give israel the philistine land but in latin it becomes palestinia palestine and it catches on through the middle ages and he changed the name of jerusalem to elia capitalina after the capitoline family of the roman emperors etc so if you know a little bit of history then you get the pieces together so the stuff they just found was from that second revolt in 130 in what's called the cave of horrors where they had to rappel down on ropes and found 26 skeletons of dead people in there and found the jars and found the scrolls etc one of our professors dr price was an archaeologist has also been over there digging in a number of caves found several scroll jars but the scrolls were already gone and the jars were broken but they were definitely scroll jars from that period of time so a lot of people believe there's still a lot of stuff out there yet to be found and again how that affects arab-israeli relations time time will tell but i have enough confidence in the bible that if it says something's going to happen it's going to happen we may not know the timing but we can trust the mind and heart of god we've already run out of time but let's do one more question sure one more question um let's go with this question on eternity eternity is a long time dr huntsman what are we going to be doing for all of eternity are we just going to be singing all day i hope not because i'm not a singer my wife's a musician no i think it's very clear in the bible we're going to be serving the lord for eternity it's a vast universe out there and if we are in glorified bodies in the new jerusalem going back and forth from the new heaven to the new earth etc we have an entire universe in which to serve the lord and there is so much good that can be done for all eternity so you do get a lot of emphasis on worship in fact in the book of revelation i wrote an entire chapter on worship in revelation for a brand new book called a biblical theology of revelation that was put out by kregel publishers and different scholars with different areas of expertise looked at worship in genesis worshiping judges worshiping for samuel whatever mind was worship in revelation there's there are 42 different responses of worship in the book of revelation people are shouting amen people are seven the number seven is big in revelation in revelation somebody falls on their face seven times i don't think that's coincidental in the book and they're shouting they're praying they're singing but they're also serving uh etc i i they're people playing trumpets uh as well as harps so there's all kinds of stuff going on for eternity and people say it's a long time you and i were created for eternity to live with god forever that's right that's why it says in ecclesiastes chapter 3 god has set eternity in our hearts we're not really satisfied with anything less than that which is eternal something in us drives us to say give me more time and let me if i have health and strength and a glorified body why would i not want to live forever and the way you live forever is by trusting the eternal savior who died for your sins who will give you the gift of eternal life so all that believe in him will receive the gift of eternal life and have an eternity not only to live with him but to serve him and all of god's people said amen amen amen well said dr einstein it's been a pleasure having you here we have to have you back at some point i encourage you again stop by take a look at his books out on the atrium but what a joint is in the books probably yeah or at least in this book yeah right in the bible yeah yeah thank you so much everybody let's give him uh thank you oh you pray let me stick in another word here about your pastor i'm fairly familiar with this area a friend of mine came up here 30 years ago tried to plant a church over in gainesville this is a tough area you know that it's a great area but spiritually it's a tough area to come up here 30 years later and see this great church that's been the burden of his heart and life is just incredible to me uh what i love about the calvaries is that the calvary chapel guys don't know they can't do it so they just go teach the bible preach the gospel people get saved well isn't that a surprise etc yeah because you're doing what god told you to do and uh if this is your home church pray for them and their family uh help them continue to lift up the lord jesus christ in this place this is a wonderful thing to see and this is not heaven we haven't had the rapture yet we're not back for the millennium i'm going to recommend that he become the pastor of the national cathedral during the millennium thank you all right let's pray leave us here lord thank you so much for this opportunity that we've had tonight um and lord we we do just take great courage and and we're very encouraged lord even though we don't have all the answers now now we know in part but then when we go to be with you we shall know fully even as we're fully known and so we love you lord and in the meantime i pray that you would strengthen our hearts as we read your word as we dive into the word may you speak to us by your holy spirit lord and may we live lives that honor you and glorify you in all that we say and do lord we pray your blessing upon dr heinsohn bless him bless his ministry bless his family continue to be with him and give him strength lord we love you and we are so grateful for this opportunity tonight just to talk about your word lord encourage us now as we go about our week we love you in jesus name we pray and all god's people together said amen
Channel: Cornerstone Chapel - Leesburg, VA
Views: 93,506
Rating: 4.8336635 out of 5
Keywords: Cornerstone Chapel, Calvary Chapel, Gary Hamrick, Biblical sermons, leesburg va, cornerstone chapel leesburg virginia, great sermons by great preachers
Id: xjI3N0wLfaE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 38sec (3698 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 18 2021
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