Sunday 9:30 Service 8-8-2021

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[Music] hey there everyone my name is elijah thank you for joining tomoka christian church today whether you're watching in person or online we're so glad you're here we've got some great opportunities coming up for everyone so let's check them out august is here which means it's almost time for midweek services to resume join us at 6 30 p.m wednesday august 25th for worship in an uplifting message children's and students activities are also available so be sure to bring the whole family along for more information visit midweek promotion weekend is happening next week this is the time for children to advance to the next level in our children's and student ministries we look forward to making this transition as smooth as possible if you have any questions feel free to stop by the beach or the forge after the service we're happy to answer any questions you may have the lifeline food packing event is coming up on september 10th and we'd love to have you join us this event is a wonderful opportunity to bless families who struggle with hunger and malnutrition if you would like to help us feed families in need sign up at events well that's it for now thank you so much for joining us let's get started with the service if you guys would let's stand worship be in awe before his majesty be in awe before such power and might come worship wonderful yahweh await in all his splendor bowing in worship as he appears in the beauty of holiness give him the honor do his name [Music] [Music] so [Music] the atmosphere [Music] is here is [Music] [Music] is here the evidence is all around [Music] you're the reason we came to encounter your love for [Music] the atmosphere is changing now is [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] you're the reason we came to encounter um us [Music] us [Music] [Applause] so [Music] us we need your [Music] here as in [Applause] [Music] here as in [Music] we need here [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] lift your voices [Music] not the spirit of love [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] let it rise [Music] we'll watch [Music] is [Music] let faith [Music] praise you forever [Music] [Music] like is is what heaven sounds like we praise you we praise you this is [Music] praise you we praise you [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] please [Music] [Applause] [Music] you [Music] reach [Music] you came from heaven to show [Music] [Music] give us [Music] is [Music] the church will take her place [Music] is [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] oh [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] street [Music] my [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] now [Music] you can have a seat good morning my name is scott hale my me and my family worship and serve here at tomoka i was asked to come out and talk about communion this weekend and one of the first things i thought about was i have a tendency to think about maybe how much i've messed up this week maybe things i should have said differently or done differently and i know i'm the only imperfect person in the room probably um but i think even though that's valid what we should focus on when we come to communion is the fact that we already have the perfect sacrifice in jesus even though we are imperfect we have that perfect salvation that jesus has offered us through the cross so if you open the top of the communion cup take that wafer you know that last night when jesus was with his disciples he didn't say every time you do this think about how you fell short the past week now he said every time you do this think about me remember what i've done for you because i loved you so much and so if you take that and do the same thing with the wine he said every time you take this remember the sacrifice i gave because i loved you so much as you pray with me father father we thank you so much for that perfect sacrifice you gave us in jesus lord i know if i had to stand on my own merit that i would fail every time father i just pray for for strength of this week father through all the struggles that we go through all the hurts we deal with father i just ask for your perfect strength father just to have hope the faith in you father we thank you for what you've given us in jesus name amen [Music] there's a river flowing from the mountain that shows our god is true and there's a song rising from the valley it's our response to you cause you are god god of all creations the earth grows where we are our hearts are raised breathe [Music] [Music] blood what better way to give you all the honor than [Music] [Applause] [Music] where we are we where we are [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] the same voice that moved [Music] you whisper calling deep and deeper still the same the voice says oh [Music] where you are yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] um [Music] um [Music] good morning everybody welcome everybody in palm bay deland everybody watching at home we're so glad you're there welcome to everybody here last night people were coming in canoes kayaks it was uh a very different deal here last night so some of you no doubt delayed you say you know what they have a church service on sunday i think i'll wait for sunday but we're just we're very glad that you're here and today we're gonna ask i'm gonna ask you three really big questions and they're questions that i hope you can answer i would imagine they're questions that you've not thought a lot about and so we're gonna we're gonna chase those down and at the end we're gonna give you a chance for an application but i i wanna i wanna uh tell you what you did last week uh we had a small ass last week we were putting a roof on a church building church that we planted in um nor southeastern africa tanzania years ago they needed a roof 850 dollars i said this one's going to be easy you guys gave 3 850 dollars so i thank you for that and what we did we sent an email to the uh the missionary that's doing the work and we said here's what we want to do we'll pay for the roof and he's going to get two other churches to match the 3000 and you're starting us a christian school in zanzibar which may be the most dangerous place for a christian to be in the whole world and with our money by the end of the year we're going to have a school started on the island of zanzibar so thank you guys for your for your faithfulness uh this one's uh this one's a little heavier i'll just tell you a brief story i'm on i go to orlando one day i'm flying home to st louis to see my mom and dad who are not doing well and and my hebrew professor from college is on the same flight and um he was supposed to be here today but his mother had a stroke and and he couldn't come she's doing okay but anyway we sat down on the plane i said i said uh dr pobarkus what are you doing now he said i'm planning churches in russia i said well tell me about it this is the only time i've ever planted a church at 36 000 feet and i said well how much does talk this is going to cost he's kind of hum well like he's afraid to tell us you know and anyway he goes well joe it's going to cost it's going to cost 12 000 and i said twelve thousand dollars to plant a church he said yeah we already got the land we got the pastor he said i got a church in st louis that'll split it with you i said done it's done and uh i'll show you some pictures i will not try to this is the name of the town feel free to pronounce that as you would like uh 99 000 people live in this town and there is no church of any kind uh there will be in two weeks uh here's some the lead people you may have your thoughts about what a russian might look like looks a lot like us um except that it's really cold it's uh this is in northern russia and you can see pictures of the the core group that's going to be starting the church so out in the lobby out at the guest services there's a box out there and we'd like to raise six thousand dollars maybe you've got some russian heritage maybe that goes in your bones but just the fact that we have an open door to plan a church in russia is a big deal would you agree with that all right so you do what god wants you to do that's um that's out there i also want to tell you that it's made new weekend so if you need to be baptized if you've accepted jesus haven't been baptized um you you haven't done either uh we'll lead you through the process at the end of the service or if you're watching online bombay the land talk to your pastors uh but ours here in ormond is going to be at 6 30 at andy romano park clear skies for the whole day okay so it every last night we'd have just taken you out back we didn't have to we really wouldn't had to do much uh but it's beautiful day so if you want to get if you need to get baptized get down to andy romano tonight at 6 30. okay you know probably growing up everybody had a bunch of board games in their home and when i was a kid you know there's six months winners in missouri we got we spent a lot of time playing board games but as time goes on the games start losing the pieces have you noticed that the flu the flu boards only got like two of the people and you've got you've got a deck of cards that has 38 cards in it but you never throw the deck away because you might find those missing 14 cards and so every time you go to play so my wife says to me the other day we ought to play some board games and we looked around and realized we'd gotten rid of all of them we were literally clueless [Applause] i'm really sorry it was really taken a risk to go there wait a minute i think i have one more oh yeah i got myself in big trouble sorry [Laughter] big questions walt disney said the way to get started is to stop talking and start doing a.w tozier said the key to prayer is praying no class the key to prayer is praying start talking to god read your bible listen to god pray some more listen to god talk to god but the sermon title is when all has been said and done and i've been doing this for a long time and i'm not speaking really about this congregation but if the shoe fits you put it on but i can tell you hanging out with pastors when all is said and done most of the time far more is said than has ever done you get a whole lot of this in meetings oh we're behind you we're with you we're with you we're with you we need to feed people we need to help people i say great we're going to have this event we're going to feed people and nobody comes we're going to do this we're going to we're going to plant a church in russia it's only six thousand dollars are you with me oh yeah we're with you well then we find out but not here i i mean this sincerely not to mocha but maybe some of you but in most churches when all is said and done far more gets said than done and that's why the american church is in the mess it's in because we talk talk talk talk talk and then we don't do we don't go and apply what we've learned you know the scripture is really clear james says real religion take care of widows and orphans okay are we doing that am i doing that that's pretty simple jesus said in matthew 25 feed the hungry clothe the naked visit those in prison take care of the sick we've had a lot of opportunities to do that give a glass of cold water to somebody who needs it we did that a few weeks ago with water filters and then jesus said go into the whole world and tell everybody about me the the measuring spots are really easy and either we'll sit around and talk about those spots or we'll get up and do something about it again disney said the best way to get something done is to quit talking and to get up and actually go do it here's the problem with the people of israel during isaiah's day they'd already written god off they made gods all right this fascinates me it's in isaiah and jeremiah you can read the same stories he said you take a stick and you cut it in half you burn half of it and cook dinner you take the second half and you make yourself a god now i don't think a lot of that goes on here although i know idol worship does take place in american culture but most of us we've made our idols out of other things we've made our idols out of our homes the neighborhood we live in the cars we drive uh the position we have in society your idols can come in all kinds of forms but as soon as an idol takes up residency in your heart god is immediately moved off the throne something else has now replaced the living god so we're going to read just a few verses if you'll stand with me and then we're going to ask three big questions okay so isaiah 45 we're going to look at 15 and 16 and then we're going to go to the end of the chapter if you're following along truly you are a god who hides himself o god and savior of israel so isaiah is admitting i don't always understand what you're up to because your people are kind of crazy all the makers of idols will be put to shame and disgraced they will go off into disgrace together turn to me and be saved all ye ends of the earth for i am god and there is no other either that's true or god's a liar by myself i have sworn my mouth has uttered in all integrity a word that will not be revoked before me every knee will bow and every tongue will swear we'll just stop right there you can be seated so the three questions were right there here's the first question i don't even like the word will you be ashamed when you stand before god now i look the word up three times this week because i didn't i didn't like it the word means guilt it means to be humiliated it means to be brought down it means to be destroyed now i'm guessing that somewhere in your life somebody said i'm ashamed of you now there's two ways that comes you're in a fight and somebody says they scream it at you y'all i'm ashamed of you or you ought to be ashamed of yourself and you respond in kind no you ought to be ashamed of yourself right that's not what i'm talking about because that's a war i'm talking about when you know when you know when your wife your husband your mom your dad they look at you and say you should be ashamed of yourself i will tell you there's still a hole in my heart because when i say that to you i remember moments from my childhood mostly from my teen years i blocked out everything earlier but mostly and and if you don't know what i'm talking about maybe maybe you didn't have good parents and i remember one night i'm not going to tell you any details because you don't need to know um but my mom had me dead to rights and i knew she had me dead to rights and you know what she did she just ask questions i wish she'd punch me in the face i could have handled it better she just would say well joe what were you doing last night joe who were you with last night joe what time did you get home last night she never directly confronted me but with those three questions i was about two two inches tall you might know what i'm talking about now i want you to imagine standing before god in that state standing before god and jesus says i am ashamed of you that's not the place you want to be right please joe tell me how i can know that god won't be ashamed of me okay luke 9 26 jesus said if you're ashamed of me before men i'll be ashamed of you before the father so he's telling us we got to get it outside of here we got to get it outside of the church if you're ashamed of who god is and who jesus is and what he's done for you then he said i will be ashamed of you in eternity romans chapter 1 verses 16 and 17 paul said i am not ashamed of the gospel because it is the power of god for salvation now you know what paul was getting when he said that he was getting pummeled on every side by a roman culture that was as perverted or more perverted than the culture you and i live in today abortion was rampant homosexuality was rampant sexuality was rampant you name it they were drinking it drugging it and doing it and paul writes the first 15 verses of romans to excoriate the roman culture and then he says just for the record i'm not ashamed of the gospel it means when you follow jesus you're going to stand out you can't help but stand out and you can expect the world to hate you if the world's not hating you you're probably not doing this right because if you stand for jesus some place some way that you stand is going to upset people my question today are you going to be ashamed when you stand in front of jesus if the answer right now is yes then do something about it if you've not accepted jesus the day is the day you need to make him the lord of your life accept jesus repent of your sins be baptized then you get that done today so that that shame is washed away see i don't know if you i'm sure most people have seen some kind of movie about jesus life and and you know the the best one was with the one that mel gibson did and they did their best to portray it but you can only go so far with a film before everybody loses it and just for the record jesus was naked hanging on the cross because the roman's purpose was to kill you to kill you slowly and to make as much pain as possible and to absolutely humiliate you because they crucified you along the main highway and they left your body up there until it rotted off the cross so that everybody that walked by could smell it see it and it would be humiliation for you and your family and everybody would think 10 times before they messed with rome ever again jesus took our shame folks do you understand that he didn't just take your sin when you and i accepted jesus he didn't just take away our sin he took away our shame the things that we would stand before god and god say joe did you do this and did you do this or maybe i'm having to watch a video of it and how that would feel before god jesus died to take away your shame surely somebody can get excited about that jesus died to take away your shame anybody here been through that that's good news i don't want to stand before god with my head held down i do want to be there with my face to the ground but can you imagine here i am 58 years old and i still remember a sentence my mother said to me when i was 15 years old what would it feel like to have the creator of the universe speak that way the archbishop of san francisco finally finally somebody speaking out the archbishop of san francisco said you cannot be a catholic and believe in abortion well there's some guts would you agree with that how can you say you're a believer and then be okay with destroying children by the way we've got a petition out in the lobby you can sign we're trying to get a uh an amendment on the ballot here in florida uh so the amer floridians can vote on on the issue of abortion rather than things being done by divine fiat so if you want to help with that you can sign up but let me show you listen and i'm not minimizing the colvin situation it's been it's been tough i mean i don't think anybody here hasn't been hit your family's gotten sick i know people that have died i've got friends on ventilators right now it's a disaster i'm not minimizing that all right the flu or car wrecks or suicides or anything else but i just want to show you this map this is coveted deaths this is abortion deaths in the last year this one's a national tragedy this one your tax dollars pay for all right paul said i'm not ashamed of the gospel are we going to stand up are we going to just blend in listen it's okay i don't have to be popular you don't have to like me but god's going to hold me accountable for what i teach you so i don't want to be ashamed before jesus i don't want you to be ashamed before jesus so we need to read our bible this is why i tell you don't listen to preachers listen to your word i got sent a message this morning i listened to a guy's sermon it was the craziest thing i've ever heard in my life basically he took a verse and said this is what it doesn't say and i for the life of me how you benefit by not preaching the gospel as a preacher is beyond my understanding listen the bible is very clear about jesus about life about sexuality but if you don't read it if you only listen to men men will tell you what you want to hear god will tell you what you need to hear there is a big difference in that in that statement now where else do we want to go all right let's let's move on so will i be ashamed we'll come back to that question at the end second questions will i be saved he said i will shame all of those who worship idols and i will save all of those who believe in me so will i be saved well you're like joe that that's a simple question it is it really is but i'll end up sitting at the death beds of a bunch of you and i always you know ask the questions anything you need to do you know i know you've accepted jesus anything you want to get out get cleared up get you know just whatever right and people like man i hope i'm there i hope i've done enough no you haven't never was about doing that it's about what jesus did on the cross we give and we serve and we live for jesus because he paid the price and yet we've got a world that's going to hell saying oh everybody goes to heaven and i got a church full of christians that are not sure if they're going to heaven are you saved well have you accepted jesus as your savior now let me explain let me explain that this is where you get lost okay you accept jesus as lord jesus i believe you are who you said you are you are the son of god you're the savior of the world you rose from the dead and i want that i want to be saved you accept jesus i repent of my sins i'm going to turn and walk the other way that's a process but i'm making a statement i'm going to be baptized there's a point in time when you come up out of that water where you are now in connection with jesus blood right in fact in if you were if you go to a jewish synagogue the process is the same when you get quote baptized they don't use that word but when you go under the water they literally believe your blood changes and you become jewish well that is what the bible says about christianity when you go under the water your blood changes and you become like jesus yeah joe but you should have heard how i treated my wife last week you should have heard what came out of my heart two different words all right write this down then you can take a nap the word justification is a point in time i accepted jesus i repented of my sins i'm committed to following him done saved i had a bad wednesday i did something really stupid am i saved that's sanctification sanctification is a process sanctification will be going on until the day you die when you die your sanctification process will be over because then you will be like jesus are you with me but justification happens when you accept jesus so am i saved only you can answer that question ephesians 2 8 9 says we're saved by grace through faith how am i saved grace jesus on the cross my faith what is my faith step to believe to repent to be baptized those are the faith i'm doing what the bible tells me to do i am saved by his grace through my faith so that i can't boast about it i can't go around saying look at what i've done what other verse there's another verse there in there we've got oh yes romans 6 23 for the wages of sin is what wages of sin is a bad day wages of sins purgatory no wages of sin is spiritual death but the gift of god the grace of god is eternal life through jesus christ the word the word that is used there to be saved it's not the word that is normally used there the word means to be extricated it means that you have been let out of a prison cell so i don't know what's got you locked up today your mouth your addiction your sexual problems you cheat don't tell the truth i don't know what's got you locked up but what jesus said is my saved people he said i will come and i will open the door i will liberate you while one group is being shamed the other group will be liberated what's that word mean to be set free to be set free because if you're walking around going well i'm trying to be good i i just hope i make it well that's crazy no i am saved i've already made it and now that i know i'm going to heaven man what joy i can have changes my singing changes my attitude toward worship changes my attitude toward giving because it's not like i'm hoping to make it i'm already in i'm in with a bad wednesday included because you can't help that except we try to make those wednesdays further and further apart right that's what christianity is you're not perfect and you never will be perfect the sanctification process is forever the justification process when you and jesus connect it is a done deal so you only have to answer the question have i accepted jesus then i skipped down to the last part and that is will you kneel before god now usually this verse is quoted from philippians chapter 2 when paul said every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that jesus christ is lord but isaiah wrote it first this is god's word from isaiah that when messiah comes again john's looking or isaiah is looking 700 years in the future but it says when messiah comes every knee will bow and you know what what you kneel to is what your god is daniel chapter three you well let's go let's go to north korea first all right there's a giant statue there of whatever his name can kim sing young whatever his name is i don't know it doesn't matter build a giant statue it looks almost identical to the statue that nebuchadnezzar built of himself 3 000 years ago in babylon and every time a north korean citizen goes by that statue guess what he has to do he asks the bow because he believes himself to be god now listen to me anything you bow to that can be physically it can also be look at your checkbook you can find out who you bow to look at your schedule look at your calendar you can find out who you bow to it's not all that difficult but he says the day will come when every knee will bow to jesus and when that happens one of two things takes place that knee bowing will either be to your shame or to your salvation so i ask you have you bowed the need to jesus i know people that have accepted jesus but they've not balbany they've not made jesus the lord of their life it's just an add-on it's a game church christianity it's just like playing flew a risk you come in you put in your time and then when it's all over you put the pieces back in the box and then you go live how you want to live do you know the average american i'll just give you the statistic the average american that is sold out for jesus and sold out for church comes to church 1.9 times a month so tuesdays wednesdays saturday sunday special meetings whatever the average christian is getting less than two hours of any connection with god throughout their week and we wonder why our culture is where it is because nobody's reading the bible everybody's feeling everybody's thinking but nobody's reading the word of god for themselves do you know that the ama now think about this the ama the american medical association made a recommendation this week that we no longer put male or female on birth certificates because we don't know how the people are going to grow up now i'm going to help you because i grew up in the country i'll give you a dozen roosters and you see how many eggs you can get and these are the people that are saying to me trust science we don't know we can't tell when they're born what sex they're going to be that same problem in rome guys nothing's changed it's exactly the same i want to finish with a quote from hemingway hemingway said he you know he was a tremendous writer obviously lots of books lots of lots of other stories but he said he said critics are the people that watch the battle take place and when the battle is all over they come down and kill the survivors and i feel like sometimes that's what we do when all is said and done we said i didn't think that'd work anyway that's why i didn't help i didn't think we'd be able to do that instead of saying no i want to be a part of this i want to be a part of something that's great so when you came in you were given a little wood post wooden postcard would you take that out right now now this is this is gonna be a little different our creative team came up with this and we discussed what we would do with it at one point we were going to have trash cans up front um but i don't think the process can happen that fast so you can write on this anything you want but here's what i'm going to ask maybe you're sitting with the husband your wife boyfriend girlfriend maybe you're sitting with a friend nobody sees this nobody sees this you and jesus okay this is you and jesus maybe it's a prayer you write but we it's made out of wood to represent the wooden idols now your idol may not be made out of wood yours might be greenbacks yours might be metal yours might be but i want you to write your idols down write a prayer down god how am i going to how am i going to deal with this how do i put you back on the throne instead of all this other stuff that i've got in my life i don't know what you need to write on there but we're going to give you a few minutes you can go ahead and start writing and then what i'm going to ask you to do stick it in your pocket take a look at it sometime this week next two weeks pray about it some addiction that you need to break and when you have gotten where you need to get then you get rid of this throw it away i think a shredder good shredder will handle this but i'm a tremendous fan of fire all right maybe that's just a guy thing but i like fire take it out in a fire pit not in the house preferably go out to a fire pit go out to a fire pit and have one last read one last prayer again by yourself put that thing in there and watch it burn and turn those things over to the lord let's pray father we've asked some big questions today and we pray that as the body of christ we would take them head on that we would listen to your word we would take time right now just to write to process the emotions what am i ashamed of what needs to go what am i bowing to those of you watching at home listen you're not exempt get something out rip off a corner of a cardboard box get a piece of paper it doesn't matter and lord this week we're going to give this to you and the next time we talk about when all is said and done we're going to be more focused on getting it done in jesus name [Applause] [Music] i am [Music] jesus is calling have you come to the end of yourself jesus oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] there's no reason [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] hallelujah christ is [Music] hallelujah [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] all right thank you so much would you be seated i uh i i just went in say thank you for coming out today making jesus a priority in your life and that you guys don't do the 1.9 times a month thank you for that thank your faithfulness and giving online texting buckets are up in the back the russian churches back there uh if you're a first time guest thank you so much i know it's it can be intimidating scary what's he going to do up there they're going to pass snakes around hopefully hopefully you had a good experience um if you go to our guest services desk we have a present for you we'd love to get to know you so thank you for being here um but i i want to tell you about one of my favorite events that we do here every year at tomoka last year we didn't get to do it because of covet but we have a night at the ballpark where we take all the children of single parents and we take them out for a night at the ballpark and it includes everything and so if you are a single parent there's a table out there in the lobby it was thing was over here last night and there's a card on it it says parents night out now let me say this some of you want to go with your kids that's perfectly fine you're welcome to come as well no questions asked but if you need a night off that's fine too and here's the deal we've tried to cut out all the problems so we charter a bus so you don't have to worry is my child going to be in a you know safe driver or is anything crazy going to happen in the car they'll they'll be on a charter bus they'll be we'll be in a group the whole time we pay for the ball game we pay for their dinner we pay for everything now having said that i need money to pay for this ball game all right so there's a box out there too it's cost about three thousand dollars for us to pull this event off but on the back there is a code you take a picture of that you can give through that you can sign your children up normally we get somewhere between 50 and 60 children and we just get to have a blast at the ballpark together and just love on those kids and give mom and dad a break does that sound like a good idea so that's how that's out there in the lobby all right i want to finish with this verse this is romans 15 verse 13. may the god of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the holy spirit [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Tomoka Christian
Views: 355
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: UD6buKo3So0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 44sec (3944 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 08 2021
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