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just clap those hands onto the lord right now in the name of jesus i just want to come for the morning time of worshiping [Music] just want to give him all that he deserves this morning it's not about what he has done for us but for the fact that he is god you just want to lift your voice few seconds church just as with our voices bless the lord the psalmist said that bless the lord all my soul and all that is within me bless his holy bless the lord all my soul and forget not all these benefits saying so many other things in that scripture just want to lift your voice this morning [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] yes [Music] me [Music] let's sing it again [Music] [Music] not yeah [Music] oh [Music] me [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] oh [Music] yes [Music] me [Music] [Music] [Music] me is [Music] [Music] [Music] yes [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] hello [Music] is [Music] glorious [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] today [Music] me [Music] [Laughter] is [Music] [Music] god [Music] who can take your place [Music] [Music] say [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] me [Music] is [Music] [Music] you are [Applause] long [Music] get along [Music] get along [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] yes [Music] [Music] [Music] yes [Music] [Music] [Music] hallelujah yes remain standing for a minute hallelujah we live in days where evil is everywhere when you go out you don't know whether you will come back and people of god you cannot be careful enough not to contract of it except god you cannot be careful enough for armed robbers not to enter into your house except god keep watch over us you cannot be careful enough not to be involved in an accident except the lord keeps you and so david said in psalm 121 reading from verse 1 to 8 he says i will lift up my head onto the hills from whence commit my help my help cometh from the lord who made heaven and head he says he will not suffer thy foot to be moved the lord that keeper dee will not slumber because the lord that keeper israel will not slumber no sleep he says the lord is thy keeper the lord is thy shade upon thy right hand and said the sun shall not mighty by day nor the moon by night the lord will preserve you from all evil the lord will preserve your soul the lord will preserve your going out and you're coming in from this day forward hallelujah if the lord does not keep watch over us whatever we do will be in vain and so this morning if you have survived the week and you are in church i want you to celebrate i want you to be ready to behave in a way that will show god that you are precious [Music] come on celebrate the goodness of god celebrate the faithfulness of god celebrate the message of god he will not be the lord be the would have lord us a lot but turns beyond to god thanks be unto god who gives us the victory he gives up the victory if you are alive you have been given the victory [Music] [Applause] it means the elements of the environment will not affect you all i declare in the name of jesus in these times of evil god will keep you i said god will keep you up not you alone but you and your family somebody said i believe it i receive it and i behave it in jesus name shall we take our seats in heavenly places amen this morning we want to thank god for life amen and this is the charismatic evangelistic ministry our second english service and so we welcome all of us on behalf of reverend steve mensah the general vasia and the father of this great house let us put our hands together and celebrate him even as he is doing apostolic ministry in the uk oh is that all you can do celebrate the set man of god we want to also thank god for the life of pastor stanley the deputy general sia amen this morning we want to bring forward birthday celebrants those who are celebrating their birthdays or traveling you have an occasion in your life this week you are meeting somebody and you are believing god for favor rise up and come before the altar even as we seek the blessings of god for your life amen put your hands together as they come before the altar of god this morning in the name of jesus oh they are still coming continue clapping celebrate what god is doing in their lives and will continue to do in their lives please lift up your hands so we're serving us a point of contact to receive father in the mighty name of jesus this morning we are grateful this morning behold your people standing before your altar of grace the bible says let us come boldly before the altar the throne of grace that we might obtain mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need this morning as they stand here we obtain mercy for them we find grace for them in the name of jesus this morning i pray for you if you are celebrating your baby and i ask that the blessings of the lord that makes you rich and ask no sorrow will come over you may the blessings of god overtake you in jesus name from this time forward may you be blessed in the city may you be blessed in the field may you be blessed at home may you be blessed in your office i declare in the name of jesus today from today as you come back next year to celebrate your birthday may the lord give you grace may the lord favor you may the lord prosper the work of your hands may the lord give you good health may the lord strengthen you and may the lord make you victorious i declare in the name of jesus that you are blessed and highly favored this morning anyone traveling i activate your very your screen your word in exodus chapter 20 verse 23 be all i send an angel to go ahead of you to keep you in the way and to bring you to the place prepared may the lord take you safely out and may the lord take you safely in this morning i declare that as you stand before god god has seen you and god will bless you accordingly now i commend you unto god and unto the word of his grace that is able to build you up and to give you a heritage among the saints now the lord bless you and keep you the lord make his face stand upon you and be gracious unto you lord lift up the light of his countenance upon you and give you peace peace in your mind peace in your heart peace in your soul peace in your home peace in your office peace in your business peace in your relationships peace in your going out peace in your coming in and i declare shalom and many blessings unto you go in the name of the lord and in the power of his might knowing that he is always with you and i back this prayer in the power that is in the name jesus and in the faith that we have in the power of god to do great and mighty things go with the blessings of god amen the lord bless you put your hands together amen it is time for us to worship god with our money to worship god with our substance so prepare yourself and we pray over it that your offering will be acceptable unto god amen it does not matter the amount but if it is coming from your heart god accepts this so prepare your offering even as we welcome the anointed cm card to lead us to bring our offerings with a club offering let's welcome them put your hands together and welcome the choir hallelujah [Music] oh [Music] foreign [Music] oh [Music] oh oh [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] me [Music] [Music] me [Music] [Music] [Music] me [Music] glory [Music] [Music] my gosh [Music] me [Music] [Music] come on let's do it better for the crowd let's put our hands together for them oh are we clapping unto the lord for the choir hallelujah god is always good unto us and it's my prayer that god shall forever be good unto you somebody say amen hallelujah well on behalf of a father in general vasiya reverend steve manson want to welcome all of us to our second service i believe that this morning god has a message a word for somebody we just finished with the first service a very powerful word that came hallelujah and i don't know which line the lord is going to lead the servant of the lord to go but i trust that whatever message god has given to him for the second service shall be a blessing unto your life somebody shouted be given unto the lord hallelujah well reverend steve mensa last week sunday ministered at kicc he was invited by pastor matthew and when he finished and he was just ready to come then pastor while he said you can't come to london preach such a powerful message for kicc at their mission night and not come to my church and preach the same message so before you come to ghana i want you to be in my church this sunday so as i'm talking to you right now reverend steve mensah is in pastor wiley's church to also minister day hallelujah and so we want to thank god for his life want to thank god for what he's doing in the life of our general vasiya reverend steve mensah let's put our hands together for god for his grace in the life of our dear father hallelujah and then reverend stanley manson also is still in the uk in the u.s with a wife and yesterday they ministered uh in our bronx church uh in new york and then today also they will be preaching there so let's pray for these two great men of god that god will continue to use them and bless to use them so they can be a blessing unto the people of god hallelujah praise the name of the lord but this morning we have a great man of god in our midst hallelujah he's not he's not he's not he's not a stranger to see him as a matter of fact he's one of us amen he's one of us he's a member and associate pastor of obsidian hallelujah am i talking to somebody here we've known him for so many years a very good friend to reverend steve mensa and to cem as well any time he comes to ghana he's given the opportunity to come and preach unto us and this morning he was awesome in this place preach a very powerful message and by the end of the first service strongholds were pulled down in the lives of people and i don't know what message god is giving to him for the second service but i trust and believe that you shall be blessed can i hear somebody shout a big man unto the lord he's here with his wife and his team they were here yesterday and they taught at our bible school the whole of the day from morning up to evening hallelujah and then this morning in the in the in the account service the french service and then the youth service three of his leaders were assigned to go and minister there one minister in the account service another in the youth service and then another also in the french service hallelujah and so he is ministering here the man of god is going to be ministered here in the first service he will do this serving the second service and then minister again in the restoration service hallelujah are you clapping for them hallelujah and so this sunday is for them they are taking over the entire services and it's our prayer that god will use them to be of a blessing unto us before he comes we have a great man of god also in our midst another friend to cem reverend atuaqua let's put our hands together for him reverend atuaqua he was here last week and today also he's here to fellowship with us reverend aqua god bless you for coming hallelujah please let's rise to our feet and with a club offering unto the lord let's put our hands together as we welcome bishop clifton clark to bring us god's word put your hands together for him even as he comes oh clap for him clap for him let's do it better put your hands together for jesus somebody you may be seated in the presence of the lord let me first of all extend my warm greetings to the general overseer of this house reverend steve mensah and we thank god that the apostolic anointing with a global reach is expanding in this ministry amen there was a time when many of the churches in europe and america would move across the world baptist methodists presbyterian assemblies of god and these other churches from the west to the rest but what we are seeing now through ministries like the reverend steve mensah and the cm is that churches that began in ghana are now moving to key capitals of the world and establishing powerful ministries in london in new york and in all kinds of places in the world and it began right here somebody need to give the lord a round of applause that cem apostolic ministry has a global reach put your hands together one more time hallelujah amen let me also extend greetings to mama jane mensah and stanley mensah and also my good friend pastor mike amen i always pray lord give me a voice like pastor mike pastor mike has a powerful voice even when he's whispering is like thunder thunder forgive lord i want a voice like that praise god it is wonderful to be in ghana last year the devil robbed me and all airlines were down and they said no nobody is leaving gone america and we thought by this year all of these things would have gone but one year came around and we are still in quarantine and pastor mike we said no way covey 19 20 or 21 won't stop us from coming if we have to walk or take a ship we are coming to ghana and here we are today you put your hands together and clap for us and i was saying to the first service that today is particularly special because it's our 33rd wedding anniversary and i want you to clap for my wife for putting up with me for 33 years and yeah agroclass it wasn't small at all amen so at this time put your hands together as i invite my wife reverend dr marcia clark to come to greet you come on do better than that today your hand clapping is weak amen how great is our god sing with me how great is and oh we'll see just how grace how [Music] for brave years [Music] [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] [Applause] it's such a great honor to be with you all my family my sisters and my brothers for 10 years you groomed me you poured into me i just want to greet pastor steve and pastor stanley mama jane in their absence i am who i am auntie essie [Music] pastor mike you don't know the days that we came here and spent time on our faces in prayer you groomed us groomed us for the nations and so god bless you all we make a miracle work promise keep light in the darkness my god that is [Music] my god that is [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] you never stop [Music] even when i don't feel that you'll that is [Music] we are facing warfare the church globally is under attack when we are singing songs like these you have to get in a warfare position it's not time to look down on spectacular like we are at the football match it's time to stand to our feet and declare that our god is able in spite of the attack so stand to your feet and sing like your meaning even you never stop you never stop is [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] you never stopped [Music] is [Music] praise god give me some more volume on these monitors somebody say waymaker church we must understand this is not the time to be passive this is the time to engage ourselves that when we are singing the anthems of our god that we sing it with might and power we declare to the atmosphere that although they want to make us timid we refuse to be timid we refuse to bow we will defy everything the devil is trying to do and declare that our god is jehovah and he never stops working somebody put your hand and give god a mighty shout in this place we are here on assignment today hallelujah turn your bibles with me to second corinthians chapter 10. second corinthians chapter 10 these times we are living in are critical times these are warfare times and let the people of god stand and boldly defy what the enemy is trying to do in our lives when everybody is timid and freckle and fickle and weak we must stand up like generals in god's army and decree and declare to the atmosphere to every demon to every powers every principalities that there is one above all whom we serve and our god is able to do all things second corinthians 10 verse 3 to 5 it reads for though we walk in the flesh we do not war according to the flesh for somebody say weapons for the weapons of our warfare are not carnal or physical or literal but mighty dunamis powerful in god for pulling down strong holes listen to these conjunctions pulling down the weapons of our warfare not carnal but conjunction mighty dunamis in god for a purpose for pulling down strongholds number one our weapons are mighty in god for casting down arguments casting down every high thing that exhausts itself against the knowledge of god three number four for bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of christ and being ready hallelujah to be punished all disobedience when your obedience is fulfilled father we thank you for your word today we pray god that you would help us to be a voice crying in the wilderness decreed and declaring that we are here by the power of god amen i want to preach to you this morning or this afternoon we're still in the morning using the topic demolishing strongholds demolishing strongholds now this is a letter written by paul the apostle to a church in the greek cities of asia minor the greeks were many of them were worshiping idols such as zeus diana apollos and they were familiar they were familiar with principalities and powers do you remember when daniel prayed and it is written not only the greeks but the jews were familiar with territorial powers the bible says that daniel from the moment you prayed you were we heard but the prince of the power of persia withstood us you can see that the language of powers and principalities are biblical for a long time many bible expositors wanted us to believe that the powers in the realms the powers of principalities did not conform to the secular humanistic understanding of the world but i choose to side with the bible that paul wanted them to know that even though now you are called and you are released and you have been called to be the people of god there are powers and principalities coming up against you you are the new people of god but even though we are building buildings we are having services and we are coming together physically to not be forsaken the fact that that there are principalities and powers at work against you and we must understand if we are to succeed in our mission succeed in our calling of god that we don't live on one dimension we don't worship on one dimension worship is not just a concert where we sing and be happy but worship is an element when we worship it moves into the atmosphere it changes things it changes the atmosphere it breaks change it removes sickness it brings down powers it brings down principalities we are moving on different dimensions we must understand that god has called us and raised us up to live in to move in heavenly places too many people understand that they only move on one dimension but god is saying that he has called us to bring down principalities when the church does not understand that we are under attack spiritual attack dismantling worship it's not just the political and the economical and the social there's a dimension of the principalities and powers now strongholds are fortifications and people don't understand the image of a stronghold is not like somebody has tied you around with a belt or tied your hands a strong hold is a fort just like we have the forts in jamestown the fort in el mina when you look at a fort what are the the the significant characteristics of thoughts are they have big walls around them they are designed that nobody on the outside can attack in and normally a fort is erected in a place that is does not belong to them when the british and the spanish and the portuguese came here they built a fort if you're in your own house you don't need a fort but when you have occupied somebody else's land and you fortify yourself in and you build walls so although you are in their land they cannot evict you a fort when the bible uses the word stronghold that's the image it's giving the image of a fortification has been built in your mind a fortification has been built in your marriage built in your finances no matter what you do you sing you praise you dance you you pray you fast but still there's a fortification in your life when you're dealing with fortifications you cannot employ the normal weapons when you're dealing with fortifications you cannot have the usual methods of warfare when you're facing the faults when the enemy has hemmed himself into your life i don't mean the enemy is just tickling you or just troubling you from outside or using people to to frustrate you i'm talking about the enemy has taken residence in your mind in your marriage in your finances he is lit and sitting down in your forehead your mind and he has hemmed himself in into your mind and he won't leave and you pray and he won't leave you fast and he won't live and some of you know what i'm talking about that there are some things in your life you tried to prayed out your marriage has been on the rocks you tried to pray it out your finances your sickness in your body fortification the enemy is occupying but i'm here to decree and to declare that he is an illegal occupant and it's time to evict him even if you have to break down the wall and sometimes hallelujah i had a house in england and when i was renting it out pastor mike because i was living in ghana the the guy said i've been living here for 10 years and he said now i've been here for 10 years he said i believe i have the right to take the house i say hey my friend what are you saying he said he called it imminent domain and he wouldn't leave the house and the thing about it wouldn't pay rent and when you come to the house if i send he has hemmed himself in when you go through the door he will open the door small and look who you are he will look out to the window and if you kick down the door and fight him and kick him out you in trouble he had fortified himself and i have some people from my old days and they said also for clark if you want us you can turn your head away we will go there remove him but you know what i to take it to court and get legal notice hallelujah and the court had to put the backing of the police the backing of the judiciary and when i sent just a letter he had to move i'm here to announce that the devil has hemmed himself in and he has said i've been here long times i won't leave but i'm here to announce you are it's time to serve an eviction notice joe served by the court of heaven and say devil it's time for you to leave and i see the devil who has occupied your marriage occupied your finances occupy the key areas of life i see it moving out of your place out of your life and you are breaking down the fortification somebody give the lord a praise in this house a stronghold usually begins as a foothold the enemy first it never comes in straight it puts his foot in the door just a crack just a flirtation just a look on the internet of something you shouldn't look at it start there and then before you know it it moves to another level longer he sensitizes you to it before you know it he is no longer just put a foothold but he is now in the room let me tell you something about the devil he is never satisfied until he wins your total demise that's why the bible said don't be ignorant of the methods of the devil don't be ignorant of the way he works the words used with methodology we must know how it works stronghold there are many christians today who come to church they look good they love jesus and they've been saved for years but inside them somewhere the the devil has fortified himself it could be in your mind it could be in your situat your marriage your finances you could suffer from depression or you could be have a secret habit of drinking or smoking or having drugs you do it at night there's things that you've been doing for a long time that is now a part of your life and you will never listen to the point the devil is not just saying that he will destroy you but he's just saying give you can have all the rest but you will never fulfill your full destiny and the devil knows this and your full your full calling until you deal with the stronghold in your life this is a message because too many people are walking on glass because you know that there is something in your mind that you are embarrassed about and when you have a stronghold it stops you from operating in the full authority because you're always doubting whether god approves of you or not but i'm here today to declare war i'm here today to call out and i'm here to name and to drag into the light every stronghold that has been keeping you back why because your destiny depends upon you confronting your stronghold don't think that you are getting away with it because nobody knows because there are things that you will never see things that you would never come into really reality and destiny that you will never see unless you confront the strongholds in your life and we're here today to say devil this is the last day you occupied a place in my mind this is the last i need somebody to help me in here this is the last day you occupy that place in my marriage this is the last day you occupy the stronghold of my finances this is the last day you occupy the stronghold of the lost in my life the womanizing stronghold has been broken over my life i'm here to announce to you that this is your day of jubilation this is your day of eviction this is your day of removing the devil this is the day of bringing down the stronghold bringing down the high places bringing down principalities bringing down powers bringing down demons on rulers of darkness ancestral curses they are falling today because god has called you to occupy the heavenly places somebody said i am seated in heavenly places coronavirus has made us timid we have become gentile gentile but god has called us i want to give you seven seven keys to demolishing strongholds and after this i'm going to pray a prophetic prayer and those of you who sincerely what i'm saying a resonance with you resonates with you if you come i decree and declare the stronghold that will occupy a part of your life as jesus says a lift a little laban will level the whole lump if you do i believe god the first point i want to give to you write this down is that to confront strongholds strongholds of poverty sickness trouble whatever you want to confront the first thing is recognize that you are in a spiritual fight somebody say spiritual fight come on you speak this is the thing when you speak into army people you say you see them speak loud somebody say spiritual fight all right talk to me now so i feel that you are moving in the spirit the bible says in second corinthians 10 verse 3 4 we walk in the flesh but our warfare we live we the word in greek walk is peripatetic it means we have our mode of life in the flesh in the world in the literal in the physical but when it comes to the warfare we do not war on the level because what god has given to you is not power to tear down your sister it's not power to use words to tear down your friends and your children it is not effective for that purpose the devil gives weapons for that purpose but the weapons that god gives you the arm the word weapons in greek is the word um like military might the word that we use for weapons and the word that we use for armory the words that is that is used for people in battle the weapons that we are given to fight with is effective for bringing down spiritual power no other organization organism or or entity in this world is effective to fight against principalities and powers only you and god has called us people are blind to spiritualities but we can see the devil working in different areas so the number one you must recognize that the devil works on multiple levels is organized the bible says they are principalities the greek word is archaic it means that they are rulers and jurisdictional authorities the devil is not omnipotent it cannot be everywhere at one time like jesus like god but he as administrators and and and entities and principal he has placed demonic forces over entities over coronavirus over sickness over poverty he has assigned them to bring about these kind of manifestations there are powers the word used here is exusia it means that he has delegated authorities to demonic forces to that when they act they are acting on his behalf they are rulers of darkness rulers in dark places the the all kinds of wickedness and astrologies and ouija board and all kinds of witchcraft and juju and black magic and people operating in their cult there is a demonic force over those realm and i can go on spiritual wickedness but the bible says that we wrestle not against flesh and blood but again principalities and powers and we must recognize that the god has given us power over the might and dominion of the devil and whatever power is confronting you god has given you power to overcome it somebody say amen number two arm yourselves with spiritual weapons arm yourself with spiritual for verse 4 verse 34 though we walk after the flesh the weapons of our warfare the instruments listen to me now the tools of war because this is the warfare time we're living in is anybody listening to me the tools of war are not carnal but mighty through god for and the greek word here is cathedral the word for pulling down stronghold somebody say catherine now that catherine is translated pulling down stronghold but the word is actually more accurately described as demolishing hallelujah so the weapons of our warfare almighty forgot for the demolishing of stronghold what image do you get in mind when you think of demolishing do you think of somebody demolishing something with a screwdriver with a pen knife you are the devil has fortified himself against you and you are coming with a screwdriver you're a prayer screwdriver you're fasting two-minute screwdriver meanwhile he has aimed himself into your house and you come with a little armor and you're banging on the door look at somebody it's not going to and it's not going to work and yeah jummah what's the word it's not going to work because the weapons of our warfare god did not give us some weak knowing that the devil pastor mike has hemmed himself in locked himself he has put some big boats on the door boats down there and he has put boat across and then he has he has locked all the door and sealed the door and he is saying no matter what you do how you pray i am staying here alcoholism saying i won't move fast and pray call the bishop lay hands baptize what you want sprinkle oil and water i won't move alcoholism is still going to stay in you somebody said fortified you think going on the door and knocking on the door hello me pao cho please come out you think it's going to work but that's the kind of spirituality that we are bringing to bear to deal with strongholds the reason why strongholds have remained so long in you is because you have employed the wrong kind of weapon to deal with it you have to understand that god has given you weapons to bring down you must recognize the threat that the enemy has in you because he is not going to be happy with just taking one room in your life it's going to move to the next room and then the next room and before you know it you are cast out you have become something you never thought so right now before it spreads you must recognize that i am under attack come on somebody you must recognize that when it comes to my family my marriage my finances troubling my life the devil is trying to attack me he's trying to fortify himself against me but i'm coming in the name of jesus to bring down and to demolish stronghold somebody shall demolish stronghold hallelujah and i love the image i was telling the first service the image of cat ethereal is this you know what this is a sledgehammer this armor has one purpose let me tell you this is not a screwdriver this is not a pen knife if you want to put a screw in the door you don't call this if you want to to cut some cloth you don't call this this is your last resort but you have this when you are facing something serious hallelujah because this right here must only be deployed when what is coming against you has been fortified and refused to come down uh hallelujah and the word is the word catholic is the greek word for pulling down it means to demolish and i'm here to announce it's time to put away your screwdriver it's time to put away your scissors it's time to put away your pen knife it's time to put away your ruler it's time to put away your nails and it's time to pick up the hammer because we are moving into demolition mode we are not going to talk her we are not going to argue we are going to apply the hammer it's time to apply the armor of prayer come on somebody it's time to apply the armor of fasting it's time to apply the armor of prayer and fasting and reading of god's word because i'm come to demolish we must recognize that we are demolishing the stronghold and jesus said the son of man has been manifested not to have conversations not to have reasoning not to make alliance but the son of man has been manifested to destroy the work of the enemy come on somebody it's time to destroy your stronghold it's time to destroy everything the devil has planned against you somebody is tied to your feet and raise your face to heaven and say it's time to destroy [Music] hallelujah we don't unders be seated i'm applying this imagery because i want you to understand what the bible means by cut ethereal pulling down stronghold it's demolishing you see the thing that you're struggling against that is in you secret sins secret things binges alcohol pornography flirtation think that you are a good man not that you are bad or but you have a stronghold and everything that you tried look to prayer look at school driver fixing it here i'm going to buy a book and the book said how to overcome written by so-and-so you read the book five times you are still there some things are not meant to be fixed they are meant come on look at them look at somebody it's time to bring out the hammer hey it's time pastor mike the devil has come up against us he has fortified himself in kovitz 19 and he has hemmed himself in and when we thought it was going to be over it is still here you know why it's a stronghold next year it will still be here if we're not careful the year after when we thought it was gone it is still here until somebody recognized it's no time to depend on government it's no time to depend on the doctrine of the medicals it's time to do warfare because the weapons of our warfare are not carnal or not medical are not pretty political are not social but they are mighty to god for the destroying of every stronghold stronghold of the coronavirus stronghold of poverty stronghold of weakness stronghold of sexual sins and all kinds of the various things somebody need to give the lord a shout of praise in this place today hallelujah my friend come here hold this you see heavier it's heavy hallelujah the reason why it's heavy it's going to come up against heavy work steel bars the devil has put steel bars you know what bring out the armor there's a different types of prayer you have different types of hammers this is the ultimate hammer hallelujah there are small hammers big hammers how much for attacks for nails how much for this and that this hammer must only come out for special occasions in fact you don't see this hammer many places but i'm here to say it's time to bring out the ammo anointing the other prayers somebody need to worship god the hammer prayers hammer fasting it's time to demolish it's time not to talk about it it's time not to do to have counseling it's not time now to have reasoning it's not time not to have conversation it's time to recognize devil you have been inside this house too long i'm going to apply this armor to knock down the door use the armor as if you're going to knock down the door come on it's time to apply the armor come on and to knock down the door and the devil i'm coming in come on somebody he has hemmed himself in for a long time he has occupied your marriage for a long time he has occupied your finances for a long time but tell the devil i'm not knocking i'm going to knock down the walls i'm going to knock down the doors come on knock down the doors for me brother knock down the doors and when the door is knocked down i'm coming in to occupy i'm coming to take over it's time to come on somebody start to your feet it's time to take over it's time to recognize god has given you power to overcome all the powers of the devil and to take control of all what the enemy has taken from you ethereal demolish put your hands together for the lord thank you [Music] have my prayers sister jane how my prayers is needed not five minutes little tapping prayers have my prayers i'm looking for the warriors here and i'm looking for the men in ties and looking that they don't belong on buildings i'm looking for the men with boots the men who are coming now their job is only one thing my job is not joiner my job is not window my job is to knock things down so that the building can start i'm looking for the men with the high-end boots the men who have come and they said i didn't know my job is only to tear down [Music] we have been trying to build upon foundation that the enemy has occupied you have to uproot the foundation number two i'm not number two so i have to come back next year number three in fact capture the lie a stronghold is also a thought it tells when you have a strong word in your life and the enemy is occupied it tells your worship and you are preaching and the stronghold is looking at you and even though you are preaching and singing he's there he said you are singing miracle worker but i'm here you are singing that strongholds are broken but i'm here and while he's here accusing you you can never perform at your fullest you'll be it will be accusing you so when you testify that god is my spiritual worker promise keeper light in the darkness my god that is who you is i'm here sometimes it will just look at you just like he look at you you are flattering people but you are stronghold later on it will say come here come here and you're gone you're gone like this it's a stronghold it's like a leash around your neck when he's ready to pull you he can pull you like a dog unless you think he's gonna just let you go it's going to take warfare hallelujah to god and so you have to recognize that god has given you power and i want to give you just two more quickly before i close so you have to capture the lie the devil will say that you are not good capture the lie number four attack the thought attack the lie with the truth of god's word attack the lie with the truth of god's word even though you may have stronghold in your life you have to stand and declare what god is saying you're standing in stronghold but you still have to make a confession so when you when your mind tells you that i am unlovable god says i am i forever love you when you say to yourself i am scared god says i you would be healed god god said that you'll be healed whatever the devil is testifying against you you have to testify and proclaim so what you must stand in your stronghold situation and make profession and speak those things because where you where the stronghold will occupy your words will bring you into your destiny so sometimes you don't feel like prophesying sometimes you don't feel like speaking you feel disempowered you feel weak but you still have to stand and say even though the devil is standing against me i am called i am blessed i am anointed and proclaimed and proclaimed until your profession becomes your reality so know who you are number five know your position in christ hallelujah know your position in christ know the authority that god has given to you god has given you the word here is the word exousia and listen to me now your position is key because the bible says that you have been raised together and made to sit together with christ in heavenly places and you must recognize that god has given you authority i was saying that i was watching a football match the other day and there was a big six foot five football player and the referee caught made a call he made a decision that the football player did not like and so when the referee was walking off the football player came up to him and knocked him as he walked and the referee looked at him and called him over and the referee looked upon him and blew his whistle and went the man was six foot five shouting at the man and the referee just the referee knew his authority glory to god he knew that he has authority and even though the man was cursing the man was was flexing the referee just stood up there with his red card and there's a time when the enemy comes in like a flood stop your arguing stop your shouting stop being afraid and raise the red flag of the blood of jesus and say devil the blood is against you come on somebody raise your red flag and a devil the blood is against you raise your red flag right where you are and say devil you see the flag the red card it has no power in itself but it symbolized something authority this red card means that the referee has been empowered by fifa the football federation that whatever he says or does is backed by the international football federation and even though the referee may be five foot two and the football player is six foot five he can stand and he won't say nothing but blow his whistle and it was an offer and the man who was six or five has to end up walking off why there's a difference between physical power and exclusive authority that god has given to you and it's time for you to stop arguing stop moaning stop complaining and to raise up the red banner of christ and decree and declare that the blood of jesus is against you somebody who have strongholds in your life decree and declare that the blood of jesus is against you how many of you have strongholds right now hallelujah i'm here for those of you who are facing strongholds that if you're honest i promise you the stronghold you're facing will rob you of your destiny will rub you and make you limp through life unless you demolish it and i want the worship team to get ready because i'm here today to declare war and i have a prophetic mandate to call and to to bring down stronghold so as i go back to my pulpit i want you to those of you i'm talking to and you have strongholds in your marriage strongholds in your finances stronghold in your body stronghold in your family stronghold in your mind stronghold of addiction whatever stronghold you get you have come forward right now don't worry about who's looking at you it's time for you to stand up and to demolish your stronghold so somebody give the lord a shout i want to worship team to get ready sing the same song that we were singing this afternoon [Music] hallelujah those of you who are talking to leave your seats and come quickly come on run out to the altar come quickly [Music] [Music] oh [Music] i'm closing but look at me now the first step that's my seventh point in breaking strongholds is knowing your position in fact this is number five i didn't finish the rest knowing your position christ this is what the bible says if you don't understand this you will never be you will never overcome the bible says in ephesians 2 5 and 6 that god has raised us together say us and made us to sit in heavenly places corinthians 2 and 9 for in him all the fullness of the goddess is and you in him who is the head of all principalities and powers in colossians it says for in him dwells all the fullness of the godhead who is that is the head of all principalities and powers hallelujah and the other thing is that if you read in colossians it says this a powerful text colossians 3 215 having this harm to listen to me now he has disarmed having disarmed which means he has stripped them of the authority and rank principalities who have jurisdiction and powers who have rank he has made a public spectacle triumph over them what what is he saying is that all of the principalities and powers rules of darkness christ after the resurrection has not only conquered them by descending into the lower parts of the earth by by ascending to the heavenlies but he made a public spectacle that means he had he brought them out into the light and he made people to laugh and to display them the demonic powers that are trying to rule over you they have been demonic they have been destroyed and god has made a spectacle out of them meaning that he has showed you that they have no power over you when you recognize that the powers that they are speaking over you is only hollow power the death is only roaring like like a royal lion but you the language is you are seated above somebody's above principalities so what does that mean and that means they're under your feet [Music] you don't fight with subordinates you don't fight with people underneath your feet you command and cast you speak with authority and they have to go because the bible that's what the bible is trying to say to us that god has elevated you above them and unless you understand the authority that you have you will never speak in authority you will never cast out [Music] because you are seated together with christ in heavenly places say with me seated together with christ in heavenly places i am seated together with christ in heavenly places heavily above principalities powers rules of darkness and every stronghold that can be named now give god a praise in this house now before we go as we sing i want you to pray pray like a remember pray your hammer prayers put aside the screwdriver prayers on the little armor prayers and bring out the sledgehammer prayers because remember the devil does not respond to knocking he only responds to demolition prayers when doors are kicked down and walls are broken down and he has been evicted by the authority given to you in christ so i want you to pray as if you've been come on everybody come on pray let's pray for just two minutes [Music] [Music] oh oh [Music] oh oh [Music] jesus [Music] oh oh hallelujah [Music] hallelujah have you been blessed this afternoon or this morning hallelujah what do we say to the bishop what do we say to the bishop hallelujah i believe that this morning any form of stronghold in your life is broken financial stronghold family stronghood business stronghood whatever stronghold is exalted in your life today by the word of the lord we declare that it is broken in the name of jesus the stronghold of coronavirus affecting lives nations they are broken in the name of jesus somebody shouted be given unto the lord hallelujah bishop god richly bless you thank you so much for such a powerful message preach the same message in the first service and in the second service as well hallelujah and i know that after today somebody you are about to walk in the liberty of the holy spirit shout a big amen unto the lord come on let's put our hands together one more time unto the lord do we better do it better do we better praise the name of the lord hallelujah well we want to receive our second offering it's a project offering you are also bringing your tithe if you are here to bring your tight unto the lord you are bringing your tithe your thanksgiving christ to the rural world supporting our crusade and any other commitment or pledge that you have unto the lord some of you miss the first offering so put all of it together and then as the choir ministers you rise up from your seats and then you drop them in the baskets protocol ladies will stand some in front here the middle and then at the top and we are all bringing our second offering unto the lord hallelujah and so let's receive the administration of the choir and then you rise up from your seat and bring your second offering [Music] i wanna be close close to your size [Music] is [Music] as one singing hallelujah [Music] the great i am [Music] the great i am [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] hey [Music] the mountains shake before you shut the mountains [Music] is hey hey [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] hey [Music] me [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] know oh oh [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] stand still and seek the salvation of the lord is oh oh oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] me [Music] wonderful can we put our hands together and do it for them that was powerful amen powerful and well-sung let's do it better for them very refreshing amen well yesterday we had a beautiful wedding here and the couple are here with us i want you to help me welcome mr and mrs omani menu who had their wedding beautiful wedding yesterday put your hands together for them as they come we want to invite friends loved ones family if you're here because of the this marriage please come for it very quickly friends loved ones family on both sides mommy daddy uncles bro siblings give it up for them as they come thank you we hand over to you em hallelujah amen good afternoon or morning everybody and on behalf of everyone standing here we would definitely like to thank god we would love to thank the church and we would even like to thank all of you that came and made our day beautiful we say god bless you as you've honored us may he honor you as well amen thank you for thanking us they brought a thanksgiving offering unto the lord we call for blessings on this marriage may you come and celebrate five years 10 25 30 and counting amen we wish you all the best families on both sides let's be supportive and prayerful for them amen god bless you and thanks for coming thank you well we have some new marriages also coming up i want you to help me welcome mr samuel labisyang tiado kojo makini of assemblies of god church fiasci and miss madeleine hannah di zenao our quote for today's marriage session is the atmosphere of security in marriage must be consciously created amen the atmosphere of security and marriage must be consciously created which means that you must make a conscious effort to create the atmosphere of security in your home it doesn't just happen you have to make a conscious effort we have spouses who complain don't you trust me it is not you to ask don't you trust me it is you who should prove yourself trustworthy amen if you prove yourself trustworthy there will be no need for that question to be asked because you have created that atmosphere so it has to be a very deliberate intent to make sure that your spouse feels secure amen there are a lot of things we can do and we always say actions speak louder than words out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks but trustworthiness is in your actions in your in your behavior and in your words the way you conduct yourself amen that is why you must realize that we must try to avoid inappropriate behavior if you are married we have in our some behaviors are inappropriate and we must try to avoid it inappropriate behavior the way you relate to people the way you carry yourself inappropriate communication who you talk to the things you say some of the communications can be bad when you put your phone down we look at it now what are the communications like anyone you speak to more than you speak to your spouse is a potential threat amen so communicating for some people they communicate with specific people it's in the night and in the morning you are the first to say good morning that person is the first to say good night i'm here to tell you this afternoon it is inappropriate if you are married and you are caught in that web take yourself out of it it's inappropriate you can't say good night to your you you can't sleep without telling you're saying good night to your boss he's not your spouse amen he too has a wife who should say good night to him take yourself out of that you can't wake up in the morning without communicating with somebody first thing you are being caught in a web amen it's inappropriate we also have inappropriate dressing married people you come out of and you look like somebody standing on the streets let me say this to everyone who is married when you leave your father's house you have left parental control when you enter into this how the home of your spouse or your husband or your wife you are now under spousal control so it means that it behooves the man to make sure that his wife behaves appropriately at all time at all time it also behooves the wife to make sure that the husband is behaving appropriately at all time you are to watch over one another if if your spouse is behaving inappropriately you can go to a function and she will get up and go and sit on the lap of another man and you don't have you can't do anything about it i want to tell you this afternoon i will say i had a jay won you have lost control it should never happen never in the same way some inappropriate behavior by a married man should never happen and you can't do anything about it samson see i already take your position it's inappropriate and it shouldn't be tolerated god bless you praise the lord kindly take note of the following announcements restoration service comes on this evening with reverend john k2 at the jubilee hall from 6 pm to 8 pm world of life service comes up this wednesday with reverend charles affiliate at the jubilee hall at 6 p.m prophetic encounter service comes up this thursday with prophet daniel pottsville at 9 a.m at the rehab temple marriage prayer service comes from this and every thursday from 6 p.m to 7 p.m at the jubilee hall marriage counselling session comes on this and every thursday at 7 00 pm at the grace chapel friday morning travelling hour comes on this and every friday from 10 a.m to 12 noon at the jubilee hall the friday evening prayer and prophetic service is from 6 30 p.m to 8 30 p.m and the venue is the rehoboth temple midnight call comes on this friday from 12 midnight to 4 am registration for the 2021-2022 second batch of the school of ministry is opened all church members who haven't been to the school should register at information that's be after close of service please note that the school of ministry is a basic yet compulsory requirement for all members cem youth ministry invites all church members between the ages of 15 to 27 years to join their youth ministry service every sunday at 7 30 am for the first service and 9 45 am for the second service the youth ministry meets at the jubilee hall cem youth ministry one love one family thank you for your attention and do have a blessed week hallelujah let's put our hands together for our sister and our mommy or that powerful marriage goat hallelujah all right so we are closing for today i believe you have been blessed and i want you to know that this week all activities are resuming wednesday we have the word of life our bible teaching service from seven pm with reverend chastafili let's all come and study the word of the lord and then marriage counseling on thursday the prayer from 6 to 7 and then the counselling will follow and then on friday we have our prayer and breakthrough service let's all come and pray and lift up prayer unto the lord hallelujah and then restoration service tonight with bishop clifton clark let's come and receive god's word hallelujah let's be on our feet as we close let's continue to pray for reverend steve manson reverend sally mensah let's trust god that he would show himself so strong in their lives the grace of the lord will be sufficient for them and then bring them back home safely this week and next week hallelujah your hands are lifted unto the lord and now the lord bless and keep you the lord make his face shine upon you the lord be gracious unto you the lord lift up his light of countenance upon you and the lord forever give you peace peace in your mind peace in your going out peace in your coming in peace in your homes peace all around you till we meet again on wednesday thursday friday next sunday may the lord be with us all in jesus name amen god bless you see you this evening at the restoration service
Views: 340
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: svEYrht4lZs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 123min 23sec (7403 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 19 2021
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