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we want to talk about the rebuke of the law tell somebody the rebuke of the lord there's something about the rebuke of the lord that settles every controversy under the old testament they didn't have the name of jesus and the use of the blood and the holy ghost like we do under the old testament the holy spirit came upon them and departed for us it comes upon us is within us and is with us so we have a better advantage than they have however the rebuke of the lord is so necessary and important in dealing with the enemy in dealing with the adversary now satan is a true accuser and is also a force accuser devil and satan through accuser force accuser and which means that whether you do the right thing or the wrong thing he will always find ways to accuse you because he gains advantage whenever he accuses us it weakens our strength and it also brings us under guilt and when you are under guilt you don't function at maximum potential because guilt limits you so we want to deal with the rebuke of the lord and let the rebuke of the lord settle every contradiction resolve every unresolved issue let the rebuke of the lord settle every controversy and contention over your body over your destiny and over your future and by your seed and by your loved one let the rebuke of the lord receive you let the rebuke of the lord go before you put your hands together and shout the airs come with me to zechariah chapter 3 verse 1 to 5 zecharias the third chapter the first to the fifth verse the rebuke of the lord and he showed me joshua the high priest standing before the angel of the lord and satan standing at his right hand to resist him on the line the word satan standing on his right hand to resist him the devil takes delight in resisting the children of god if there's anything that gives him pleasure is to hinder you and i or resist us and that was what he did so let's go on and see how this situation was dealt with he resisted him means that he restricted him he limited him he prohibited him from carrying out his priesthood responsibilities and duty he wasn't functioning at maximum potential there was an embargo place on him satan resisted him hindered him prohibited him from making progress he loves that by the rebuke of the lord let every embargo place on you be lifted let every demonic injunction or restraining order that has been placed on you and your capacity to function and to operate at maximum potential let it be lifted by the rebuke of the lord go ahead watch something and the lord said unto satan the lord repeat thee o satan the lord would rebuke thee o satan he did not damn he didn't deal with the resistance the first thing he dealt with was the accuser satan he said deal with the accuser and then you take care of other things the rebuke of the lord has a way to silence the adversary number one the rebuke of the lord means to command to command the enemy to come into alignment or compliance with god's demands the rebuke of the lord also means to prohibit the enemy say prohibit it also means to deny the enemy deny the enemy of his argument he has he will put up an argument against you and i before the lord to rebuke the rebuke of the lord denies prohibits the enemy the rebuke of the lord also strips the enemy it strips him of his trusted weapons the rebuke of the lord also means to disinherit or to dispossess say to disinherit or to dispossess it also means it also means to block to prevent the enemy from advancing any further that means this is how far you go you are not crossing this line so you are not crossing this line the rebuke of the lord also means stand down relinquish your rights somebody says stand down relinquish your rights the repeat of the lord also means to take away the rights of the enemy to take away his rights so whatever gives him the right or the audacity to resist you and i let those rights be taken from him so he's without any rights he doesn't have any right against you the rebuke of the lord let me show you the meaning of it i need i need a man and a woman for gender balance as well if i need three people i need two ladies one man okay women always win you don't win when you fight a woman okay give me something give me a cell phone yeah you have a cell phone okay come come my lady come okay this lady has a cell phone this guy is a bully take her cell phone take it take it from her and that is wrong isn't it so rebuke him tell him that is wrong give her back the cell phone and refuse to give it okay now she rebukes him giving back the cell phone he refuses so i come on the scene as the papa as the activist and i say to him what do you think you are doing stop bullying my daughter give her her cell phone let it not happen again do you hear me say yes say superior authority the rebuke of the lord is when the lord himself rebukes the enemy rebukes a situation the bible calls him the lord of hosts the lord of hosts the bible calls him yahweh the god of the armies of israel the bible calls him adonai possessor of heavens and the earth all things was created by him and all things are subject to him and he's the head of all principalities and powers say i hear you so my rebuke is different from the lord's rebuke when the lord rebukes a situation it has to stand down are you hearing me somebody tell somebody it's time to release the rebuke of the lord it's time it's time to release the rebuke of the lord in the name of jesus shout yes receiver thank you the rebuke of the lord is the highest command in the whole universe and the lord said unto satan the lord rebuked thee o satan even the lord that had chosen jerusalem rebuked thee rebuked me it's not there's a brand plugged out of the fire it's a brown plant out of fire yet it has become lukewarm it's a matter of time you come to church only easter sundays christmas service 31st night weddings and funerals that is where you are leading to and it doesn't happen overnight that's why you see when the devil is working you you can't tell because the devil is a long-term planner and the devil he's very wise the bible calls him the old serpent he's older than you he was in the garden of eden you were in there he's been around for a long time he knows how to wake us the bible said and solomon the heart of solomon departed from the lord but it he talked about it four times the first time the bible said and the heart of solomon began to depart from the lord then the second time in the heart of solomon began to depart on the lord then the third time the bible said the heart of solomon began to depart from the lord because of the strange women the daughters of pharaoh then the fourth time the bible says in the heart of solomon departed from the lord four times and some of you your heart is departing but you don't even know it and you think sunday service is enough it's not it's a deception it's a deception little by little he's loying you and pulling you out of fellowship with the brethren you say but i watch online watching online is not being present watching online is shadows when you travel you can have your wife picture with you and you can watch the picture that is internet love long distance love shadows but when you come and you see here you put the picture down and you go for the real thing there's a difference between watching on the internet streaming and being part of the service it's two different things scientific services online and you think you have that you haven't done anything you are working in disobedience you are in violation of the law of the fellowship of the brethren you are losing what we call corporate anointing and corporate power two is better than one god never intended that we should be separated from the brothers and the bible said if we walk in the light as he is in the light we have fellowship one with another and the blood of jesus christ his son cleansing us from all sin that means if you are walking in the light as he is in the light you will always have fellowship you don't attend the home sales because you are too big for the whole cell you are in violation you know 10 weekday services only sunday you appear even if jesus comes on wednesday you won't come to church little by little you are becoming lukewarm you are dying spiritually but you don't know you are dying go ahead now joshua was clothed with filthy garments and he stood before the angel you see that was the reason for satan resisting him and i'll show you some things you see i was telling somebody i said the problem with sin is this it's not that god won't forgive us when we sin there is provision for sin but the problem is more with satan than god because satan will never forgive us and he will always hold it against us even to our grave and our dead bread and i will show you how satan held against moses and unconfessed scene and when moses died satan came and requested for moses his body and an angel had to come from heaven in defense of the body of moses to protect it because satan wanted it he had a basis a right technicality even to the death of moses when you die who will be by your bed is it angels that will protect your body or demons we'll come there go ahead and he answered and speak unto those that stood before him saying take away the filthy garments from him you see filthy garments go ahead and unto him he said behold i have caused the iniquity to pass from i have caused your iniquity to pass so there was an iniquity there was something that gave satan the right to resist to hinder so it wasn't a matter of god's mercy of forgiveness god will forgive but satan does not forgive and satan needs a ground he needs a foothold and a basis to hinder us to resist us to accuse us to put us on the guilt so the fight here is always think about this that you need confidence when you stand before god and you need to always have a free conscience when you stand before god and the boldness the audacity and the courage so as much as sin has pleasure the consequence of sin is not worth the pleasure [Applause] if anybody tells you that sin has no pleasure is a lie oh yeah yeah there is some pleasure in sin you know what i'm saying now you don't look at me like you're an angel come on ain't no angel here tell somebody there's no angel here we don't have any angel here including myself i ain't an angel and when i'm talking about sin everybody just think about specific things like sexual immorality no no there are many many things the bible says every unrighteousness is a sin lying is the same jealousy is a sin anger is the same envy is a sin arrogance pride haughtiness unforgiveness bitterness being offended being hate all the ways of the flesh you know the works of the flesh you know so some people are in check but they are very very arrogant people they don't talk to anybody they don't greet anybody they don't relate to anybody they despise everybody they look down on anybody they have this superiority conference don't you know who i am who are you you want to know who you are go to any cemetery you know who you are that is the end of all flesh so please i know you've been to oxford and i know you've been to cambridge and uh yale however princeton the best of the school you've been to the best of school and you have all you speak the queen's english but you are nothing but dust and listen look at me and you stink mister i got it together you stink so take it easy i know i know some of you don't want me to say that but sometimes you need it to be painted you need that graphic you need to be reminded that you stink this nice pepper preaching where we are becoming politically correct in the church is allowing people to fool around and misbehave in the church and it's making people act as if they have arrived and they are angels but there are no angels among us including me there's no angel here we all stink so if god has given you a little grace then has favored you and showed you mercy humble yourself and treat human beings as human beings and stop leaving your shoulders come on put your hands together shout and give god glory and pray some of you can't even clap your hands you can't clap your hands in charge you can't clap your hands you can't you have arrived [Applause] you are too dignified [Applause] go ahead behold i have caused an iniquity to pass from thee your iniquity the first thing he had to do before his iniquity passed and before dealing with his filthy gammon and dealing with the resistance was the rebuke of the lord the rebuke of the lord has a way to silence the adversary shutting down tell him stay out of his satan he's between me and my son and my daughter we need the rebuke of the lord in our lives today because when nothing obeys when everything rebels they cannot rebel against the rebuke of the lord jesus was on the sea from one side to the other side and there arose a strong wind and the sea was bostrous and the bible said he arose from the sleep and he rebuked the wind and immediately the wind was slain and the sea was calm the rebuke of the lord ladies and gentlemen like never before we need the rebuke of the law put your hands together thank god for the rebuke of the lord [Applause] go ahead and i will and i will close thee with change of ramen and i said let them set a fair mitre upon his head so they set a fair miter upon his head and clothed him with garments and the angel of the lord stood by you see after the rebuke of the lord whatever was wrong was corrected after the rebuke of the lord god fixed whatever was wrong but the first thing the angel needed was to deal with the accusation the angel said you know before i touch anything and deal with anything what matters the most is to silence the enemy and i need a repeat of the law to shut him down whenever the enemy raises a rebuke and resistance to hinder to oppose is because something is wrong somewhere let's go i want to show you something come with me to jude chapter one verse nine look at jude chapter one verse nine yet michael the archangel when contending with the devil he disputed about the body of moses that's not bringing against him a railing and myself could not bring a rebuke himself because he realized that this was above him it was above him sometimes we need the rebuke of the lord to settle some issues go ahead but he said the lord rebuked thee he said the lord rebuked thee and satan stood down now this was about moses's body there are three school of thought from bible scholars number one school of thought it was believed that there was a non-confessed sin in the life of moses you remember he killed the egyptian now the blood of jesus had not been shared yet but the devil and he doesn't respect the name of jesus or the blood of jesus he said rebel so for him all he wants is to make sure you do something wrong you miss the mark so he can hold it against you bring it up all the time to attack you he's good at that that's what the bible says in ephesians 4 27 neither give place to the devil don't give him a foothold because if you give him he will use it he's looking for a place to use against you neither give place to the devil neither give place to the devil he wants something he can use against you so here was moses dead one school of top believed that satan held against him the unconfessing or the sin of the murder of the egyptian satan held it against him for 80 years and when he died satan showed up and said i must have this body i have the right to take this body an angel of the lord an archangel by the name of michael responsible for heaven's defense and israel's protection to heaven and israel daniel 10 talk about that later had to come down in defense of moses's body and he couldn't deal with satan even though he was more anointed than satan he had to refer the matter to a superior authority and said the lord rebuke you and satan immediately relinquish his powers now watch this another school of thought belief that the fact that moses disobeyed god and god was displeased with him when god said speak to the rock and he smote the rock family familiarity with god the fact that god was displeased with him because he disobeyed god gave satan the audacity to come for his body that anytime we displease god or we are in violation of god's covenant or law or where he gives satan the audacity he takes advantage of that to coming to mess up god's children watch the fact that he held against him a sin of 80 years and on his when he died he came on that basis for his body another school of thought believes that because he stood against adultery satan wanted to and the bible says in deuteronomy that god buried moses himself god buried moses himself satan wanted to reveal where moses was buried so that the children of israel would worship moses to take away the worship of god and turn it to moses and displease god so god had to hide his body three schools of thought believe whatever you want to believe but the fact of the matter is that i was amazed at after moses had saved god for 80 years stood before god face to face what in the shakina glory and for everything that god did with moses that satan could come down to demand his body when he died that is warring he came and said i want the body of moses but you see the devil understand technicalities and legalities so he didn't just come by fooling or playing he had a basis he had a legal right something was off and it could be the egyptian he killed he could also be the fact that he disobeyed god and displeased god that god was displeased with him if you remember the bible said that when israel sinned against god god handed them over to the midianites for seven years to afflict them but if you look at the scriptures carefully the bible said that god handed them over to the midianites for seven years but something strange happened if you look at the scriptures carefully the bible said that the children of the north or the amalekites took advantage and also came any time they sowed their seed and it was harvest time they also came and they plundered the children of israel but this was the very what the vedic the vedic was specific that they were handed over to the media nice for seven years and another group of people who were not part of the equation whom god hadn't handed them over to took advantage of the fact that god had handed them over to the midianites and they also joined the medianis to come in and oppress the children of israel so whenever we miss it it gives demons and the devil an undue advantage to fool around and do whatever they please even though they don't have the legal right and the only thing that stops them is the rebuke of the lord somebody say the rebuke of the lord put your hands together and thank god for the rebuke of the lord the shout of the king is in the house somebody said the rebuke of the lord you know a true story of a young man who lived with a missionary now they were playing and for whatever reason by mistake he killed the missionaries poppy by mistake and buried it quietly didn't tell the missionary the cook saw him through the window the kitchen window that he had buried the puppet the puppet whatever and he didn't tell anybody he kept it quiet from that day the cook will always come to him and say hey come and help me clean the kitchen and he said no way that's not my job and he said how about the puppy you killed and he said you saw it he said yes i saw it so he will give in and help the cook clean do everything now he was doing everything for the cook after a while he got tired so he went to the master and said master forgive me of every sin i've committed against you then the master said be specific if you say everything what's saying i don't know he said everything every mistake every transgression every iniquity and the master said that is not enough so watch this so anyway one day he went to the master and he specifically told him that by accident i killed the puppy and the master said thanks for telling me it's good you told me you should have come to me long time ago to tell me so this happened this was what happened when he told the master they must have forgave him the cook didn't know there is an anointing for babies here hey seriously if you want babies and just pass here sometimes i'm telling you even when there is no service if you want babies just come and sit here and pray in tongues you'll be pregnant hey if you want babies just come and pass here it will hit you he's like a wave of the sea i can feel the thing [Music] the cook came and said hey hey go out there bring all the things help me clean up and he said no no no i can't do that and he said how about the puppy i'll tell the master he said go tell him i've already told him and he said you told him he said yes what did he say nothing that was the end of it the rebuke of the lord brings to an end satan's harassment torture and buffeting see the rebuke of the lord there is something about the rebuke of the lord that you and i need to engage and deploy from today let the rebuke of the lord settle every death and every controversy see i hear you i want to show you something that scared me a little bit and it has to scare you you know if you are if you're a believer and you are never scared and afraid of the lord then then i don't think you are going to heaven no seriously let me show you a scripture i need to scare you come with me to the book of exodus chapter 4 19-27 i i want you to be scared i want you to be scared of god because it looks like there is no fear of god in the church anymore look at something very strange and the loss of unto moses in media go returning to egypt for all the men are dead which sought thy life may all those who seek your life and your head die in the name of jesus say yes the louder you say yes the quicker they will go go ahead and moses took his wife and his sons and set them upon an ass and he returned to the land of egypt and moses took the rod of god in his hand and the lord said unto moses when thou goes to return into egypt see that thou do all those wonders before pharaoh these are instructions and moses obeyed he wasn't in disobedience you obey everything right watch it which i have put in thy hand but i will harden his heart that he shall not let the people go and thou shalt say unto pharaoh thus saith the lord israel is my son even my firstborn and i will say unto thee let my son go that he may save me and if thou refuse to let him go behold i will slay thy son even thy firstborn you see one of the basis of true deliverance is the promise to save god if you vow to save him he is compelled and committed to go to any extent to deliver you i will look at that some other day go ahead and it came to pass by the way in the inn that the lord met him and sought to kill him we'll go ahead but this this scripture here bothers me i want to tie it into satan coming for the body of moses after he died you see less so said god there that in the day that you die demons can come for your body that only angels will surrender your body will surround your body and demons that there will be no situation that will give demons a place to come around your body but let's go ahead here was moses go ahead and finish then zipper took a shaft stone and cut off the foreskin of it this is important who you marry is very important especially if you are in ministry who you marry is very important this was a daughter of a priest and she understood the ordinances and the ways of god and she saved the day and saved moses from dying prematurely go ahead look at something she cut off the foreskin of her son and cast it at his feet and said surely a bloody husband a doubt to me so he let him go then she said a bloody husband thou art because of the circumcision and the lord said to aaron go into the wilderness to meet moses and he went and met him in mount of god and kissed a vision this act year 27 would have been prevented if the woman didn't save the day may god give us godly women may god give us women who have understanding of the ways and the dealings of god now now this is what is caring to all of us including myself very very scary in here moses have been to the presence of god they spoke face to face god gave him instruction and he said number one all the people who seek to kill you are dead take your wife take your children go to egypt do this do that do that he said yes sir moses left the presence of god in a good spirit i just came down from the old man we just talked you know me and the old man everything is fine but everything was not fine and the old man didn't tell him that he was in violation of the law familiarity with god this is where nobody should think they have it together let him that thing kept his stand take his lesson for is very dangerous mercy that just come from god's presence he had given him instructions others and he was following everything through after he left his presence the bible said the lord went after him and sought to kill him if god wants to kill you if the devil wants to kill you you can call on the rebuke of the lord but if god decides to kill you who can deliver you only the blood of jesus are you hearing me and and this is what troubled me the fact that moses came before god and god knew that moses was in violation of the covenant that he hadn't circumcised one of his sons i expected that god would just tell moses that lisa moses you can't be my servant and being in violation of the covenant you have to be right i don't want you to come here next time till you get this thing right go down there circumcise your son and do the right thing simple he didn't tell him and there's a possibility that when he left the presence of god satan came and said listen you god you are passion you sentence me to destruction this that that that this your servant is in violation of the covenant you didn't say anything to him and god cannot be accused i'm just speculating so there was a possibility that the accusation came and god said this moses guy is allowing satan to talk to me anyway anyhow i'm going after him so the bible says and god went after moses to what talk to me to what talk to me to what tend to somebody and say is god after you no tell them tell somebody is it possible that god is seeking for an occasion to kill you somebody say mercy mercy [Applause] you see that for me it's caring very very scary that you think you are so much in touch with god flowing in the anointing presence of god casting out devils everything is working when you lift up your hands things are happening people are manifesting falling demons are coming out meanwhile god is angry with you why because you're in violation hey and yet you can be enjoying the anointing yet you can be blessed but god gives you a long group and moses left the present with direct instructions of the specific goddess took the one took the children going to egypt with the rod of the lord feeling good and everything and then god said you you you think i'm with you i will show you and god went after him to kill him and when the wife saw the anger of the lord coming after the husband she said this one the only reason why god will seek to kill this man is violation of the covenant and she knew it herself so she took a sharp stone and quickly circumcised the sun and the bible said and god left him alone there are a lot of us sitting here we are in violations of the covenant of god we've made promises vows that we know we know we will never keep and never honor and yet sitting in the presence of god we need the lord's rebuke to settle some things there are stubborn demons and spirits but at the rebuke of the lord they will stand down come with me to first john 2 1. i want you first john 2 1. my little children these things right eye unto you that you sin not but if any man's sin we have an advocate with the father jesus christ the righteous you see so god has made provision because he knows him he knows we'll sing he understands that so provision has been made that in the event that we sing immediately there's an advocate that we can go to to receive forgiveness the forgiveness there means release and exemption from judgment there's an advocate because if you don't satan will use it because satan never forgives he never forgets he's looking for a place ephesians 4 27 neither give place to the devil whenever he has a place he will use it to make sure that you don't stand a chance that when you stand before him you can't lift up a voice you don't have the confidence romans 8 1 and 2. there is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in christ jesus who walk not after the flesh but after the spirit you see so this is the problem this is the problem here he didn't say there is no now no condemnation to those who are in christ he said those who are in christ and walk not after the flesh but after the spirit so you can be in christ and still walk after the flesh that's what a problem with christian so somebody will hear that the christians have missed it a child of god have missed it a pastor's son or a man of god daughter has missed and they say how can they say they are born again and do that my friend you yourself you yourself that is talking you yourself if the lord shall count iniquity you so sometimes when i hear people condemning others and condemning our children i'm not holding brief for our children nobody's nobody is an angel everybody can miss it but sometimes when i know people's business and i don't talk about it and all it takes when they see your loved one or your children in violation the way they talk about it and they make noise as if jesus the world is coming to an end and i asked myself but when you violated the word of god and you were wrong and everything i didn't kill you i stood with you and i believe that one day you'll get the light and you come out so why do you hold things against other people's children the way you do and meanwhile you're not an angel you're a human being like us all turn to somebody and say why are you critical about others you know the other day the bible said that a woman was caught in adultery then the man came to jesus and said stonehenge let her die according to the law of moses but the the thing that troubled me was that it was a man who slept with her she didn't sleep with herself so where was the man why did they bring the woman alone he didn't bring the man then jesus said he that is with us let him cast the first stone and all those who came with stone to stone the woman they all threw down their stone and walked away and this is what disturbed me why were they willing to stone her when they themselves were in violation you know the other it's hypocrisy i don't get it i'm not saying that we should encourage people to fool around but if you know things i know i know to inspire bishop but i will tell you i know things and i don't talk about it you know why because you have to listen i'll tell you something why i don't talk about a lot of things let me tell you why it's the holy spirit who convicts people of sin judgment and of righteousness and i've come to learn this even with my own children i've learned this over the years that if you don't trust the holy spirit to convict them of sin of judgment and of righteousness they will be sinning quietly secretly and hiding from you your talking to them will change them unless the holy spirit convicts them of judgment and of righteousness no preacher no father no mother convicts his children of sin or judgment of righteousness is the holy spirit who does it i'm telling you and you have to trust the holy spirit to convict them of sin of judgment and of righteousness sometimes it's not about money it's grace it is prayer someone who thinks there's nine he rebuked the red sea also and it was dried up so he let them through the depths us through the wilderness he rebuilt the red sea and he dried out and release the rebuke of the lord over your life to dry up any waters any river any troubled waters that is troubling you and your family this nation this land and your finances and your business let the rebuke of the lord try it up in the name of jesus put your hands together and shout yes [Music] [Applause] please stand on your feet stand on your feet i want you to pray in the holy ghost for one minute just lift up your hands open your mouth pray in the holy ghost for one minute show that cut a house pray strong some of you can't even pray it's like we break the dark order we break the guard order we destroy the gag order madola melem [Music] day
Channel: Archbishop Nicholas Duncan-Williams
Views: 4,583
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Keywords: Archbishop Duncan-Williams, Action Chapel International, Christian Channels, nicholas duncan-williams, nicholas duncan williams, archbishop nicholas duncan williams, archbishop nicholas duncan-williams, prayer life, archbishop nicholas duncan williams prayer, archbishop duncan-williams, archbishop nicholas duncan williams sermons, archbishop nicholas duncan williams 2020, archbishop nicholas duncan williams prayer key new destiny, archbishop nicholas duncan williams messages
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 20sec (2660 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 18 2021
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