Sunday 19th September 2021 10am - Galatians Series

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[Music] [Music] good morning my name is paul tucker and i'm the new english campus pastor here at clayton church of christ been in the job a whole two weeks one day each week and spent most of that time in zoom meetings and i have enjoyed every moment of those meetings it was so good to see so many of you last week on zoom and we just want to welcome you here this morning to church online again uh now if you want to interact in the youtube chat we would love you to do that put your favorite emoji in there you know crack a joke a dad joke perhaps in my mind i'm thinking moses core for some reason he likes to crack a joke or two i'm going to pass the time over now good morning church so good to be here and just to have this time just to lead you into worship it's always such an honor and i'm i'm so thankful that you can join us this morning you know i just have this uh you know we're going to speak about galatians this morning and i just want us to remember that we are free because of him we are free because of what he did [Music] and those who are free yeah we're free indeed so let's uh sing this come to him [Music] god sent your son they called in jesus he came [Music] to healing for you he lived and died too by my partner [Music] because he lives i could face tomorrow because he lives [Music] [Music] [Music] the greatest this child can't face uncertain days because he lives because he lives i could face tomorrow because he lived because i know i know he holds the future and life is worth the living just because he lives [Music] and one day i'll cross the river [Music] victory because he lives could face tomorrow because life is worth the living just because he lives [Music] [Music] you surround me with a [Music] is [Music] [Music] i am [Music] from [Music] i've been born again into your family your my flows through my veins i know [Music] i'm no longer [Music] of god [Music] oh i am surrounded in the arms of the father i am surrounded oh you split the sea so i could walk around you rescued me so i would stand and right i am a child of god [Music] declared i am a child of god singing that you are the child of god i am a child of god i am the child of god i am the child of god i'm no longer [Music] for i am a child of god [Music] gone you know sometimes we come to god and um we come to him with praise we come to his adoration sometimes we come to him with requests and petitions and stuff i think this morning like i really just felt like we need to come to him for his presence just to sit in his presence to be in his presence so wherever you are you know as we lead you in this song just to be able to say god come let's just rest in his presence to sit in his presence [Music] spirit sound and rushing fire of god for within holy ghost [Music] the fragrance of heaven [Music] hearts that burn with holy thin purifying faith in need refine as fire strengthen what remains so we the church bear your life never flame city bright king and kingdoms come with what we pray [Music] pour your spirit out pour your spirit the power of your presence [Music] [Music] pour your spirit out your oh [Music] see [Music] upon our praise [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] the power of your presence pour your spirit out pour your spirit out before your spirit [Music] for your spirit [Music] wasn't that a great time of worship it's just so good to worship together even though we're a part in this time now if you've just joined with us in that time we want to welcome you and look if there's anyone new you can connect with us in the link in the youtube description there or get in touch with us at hello at dot ayu now this is a good time for the parents to send your kids away to jump into their kids church zoom while we've got a few announcements in fact we got quite a few announcements this morning now last week the empowerment they had an online workout and we played some online games and look i tell you what i was reminded about this event for at least three days after i could not walk but it was still a great event and the embraced ladies they also caught up on zoom for their girls night in to catch up and and connect last night now i'm i didn't go to that event because i can't but i'm sure they didn't it just didn't induce the pain like the men's event did now our men's and women's events are really good spaces created for you to connect and find community that's beyond our big sunday services now if you want to get in touch uh or hear about the events the best way to stay in touch is to join the empower or embrace facebook groups and that will keep you up to date with the latest news and future events i'm sure so many of you were encouraged by sharon's message last week on mental health i know i was personally thankful for her vulnerability and how she spoke the word into that space now following on from that if you are interested in being equipped to support young people specifically teenagers to young adults there is a mental health first aid course on offer now this is presented by jimmy yar and he is a licensed counsellor and a master instructor of this course it starts on tuesday 28th of september for six tuesdays and it costs two hundred dollars you can register by the link in the description or on our weekly church news email now the young adults in emerge campus are holding a trivia night on zoom this friday night the 24th of september from 7 30 to 9 p.m there's going to be amazing prices to be won on the night so feel free to invite your friends and if you're a bit of a a trivia nerd or even if you're not please register in the link in the description or on our weekly church news email also this friday the 24th there is an evangelistic event for youth and young adults it's called the rice rally 2021 and it's an interchurch evangelistic youth movement each year they run a rally for high school youth to come along together display the creative gifts and hear the good news of jesus and have an opportunity to respond to him personally now everyone is invited but we're especially praying for youth to come and encounter jesus on the night see the link in the description for more details since i've been back at the church uh about three weeks now the most warm place to be on a sunday morning is definitely in the zoom prayer meeting at 9 00 am it's just such a great place to meet together with other people to bring a request before the lord and just sit in his presence i would really encourage you to be there just if you want to know anything more just click on the zoom link in the church news email and join with us on a sunday morning if there's any way as a church that we can be praying for you we would encourage you to send your request to hello you and we will be praying for you and the intercessory prayer team will be praying for you also we're now coming to a time of tithe ties and offerings and uh my son and i noah we've been watching mr beast on youtube uh most nights in the last couple of weeks and i don't know if you've seen mr mr beast but he does all these crazy kind of challenges on his youtube channel and uh for example he bought an island with eight hundred thousand dollars then he got a bunch of people onto that island and they competed for days uh to win the island then somebody walks away with an island at the end of the day well what do you do with an island but it was exciting uh recently uh a whole bunch of people uh put their hand on another video they had to keep their hand on a million dollars and the last person to take their hand off the million dollars uh won the million dollars now that's insane it's a lot of money but boy oh boy it's hard to do it's hard to keep your hand on something without taking it off for a long period of time and then i don't know if it was days or or hours that these people kept their hand on these million dollars millions of people seem to watch this channel because it's just so out there and there's so much at stake now is it just excessive perhaps it's downright stupid or maybe you'd call it extravagant now recently i was reading john 12 and it's about mary and mary was washing jesus feet with with perfume expensive perfume and and her hair now she was accused of being extravagant but jesus encouraged it it says that the fragrance filled the house now mary's extravagance elevates the person of jesus it was such a personal gift and by the very fragrance of it it brought the presence of jesus to the front of mind for those who were gathering now i wonder what fragrance does your gift bring what fragrance does does my gift bring do you realize that your gift your giving smells good and points people to jesus now if you're wanting to give today our banking details will be on the screen and you can give through the titley app and there's also a link to our giving page in the youtube description to find out more about things like love loud and our sower seed initiatives you can jump onto our website at now i'm just going to pass the time over to pastor kyle who's going to begin our new galatians series welcome everyone so glad that you can join us as we start our galatians series my name is kyle and i am the groups and generations pastor for the english campus this is the first in a seven week series and we are diving into galatians for seven weeks and if you are not familiar with the letter that paul has written to the church in galatia i'd like to give you a little bit of background a little bit of info to help set the scene before we start the series um so as i mentioned the letter was written by the apostle paul previously known as saul before his miraculous conversion and he had written to a church that was in chaos so the chaos that was threatening uh the church that was threatening to pull upon the church was that the church was forced to use these little pre-packaged communion cups and no one knew how to take the lids off properly i'm kidding back in the day there was no online services that paul could watch to keep track of how things were going but he was still able to stay informed about some of the things that were going on down in the church and paul paid special interest to this church specifically because it was one of the many churches that he himself had actually planted paul was a prolific church planter back in the day he might have been working on some sort of commission system but when you read galatians you'll see his intensity one of the commentaries that i read said that galatians actually shows paul at his angriest there are some really harsh words in this letter and it would appear that paul as he wrote the letter is more interested in what is best for the church than he is interested in making sure that his reputation as like a good bloke stays intact he is more worried about the health of the church than he is worried about how the church feels about him so when paul starts hearing these uh i guess worrying reports about some things that are happening in the church well he jumps straight into action and sends a letter to them to set them straight right away and so this is actually if you think about it one of the first big divisions in the early church because the early church is still just being born and it is a bit of a standoff this division is a bit of a standoff between uh what you could term as the christian jews and the christian gentiles or jewish people who had converted to christianity and then people outside of the jewish faith known as gentiles who had converted to christianity so that's the two parties that were at play with this big division and paul arrives back in antioch from this long missionary journey and he receives word that a church that he helped plant that he helped start is falling into conflict uh it's without guidance and it's likely that there's this false understanding of the gospel that is going to bring the church to ruin and you have to remember that these are young people in faith like regardless of whether they've been in the jewish tradition for years and years and years or if they've only just heard about the good news they're this is still a young faith tradition because jesus has only just recently been on the scene christianity is still brand new and because of this there's a lot of slippage as people start to i guess default back to their old understandings of the faith their old understandings of life in marriage counseling we often look back at the family of origin because what we grew up with is often what we default to when times get stressful we go back to what we know and based on some of what we're able to read in the book of galatians from this letter to the church it appears that people are trying to turn the church's understanding of faith back to what they knew back to what they're familiar with and in this case that is back to the mosaic laws people back then would have had a basic understanding of what the mosaic law is and at the time they would have understood that that is this laws that were given to them uh through moses and you can read about that in the book of exodus and so you can think of the ten commandments but then also there's these additional basic tenants of the jewish faith that would uh that they would keep and it would allow them to be holy or or set apart and so the mosaic law i guess could be looked at in three parts so there's the the ten commandments which we're quite familiar with then there's the ordinances which we're probably less familiar with and then there's also the system and style of worship as well and so these three parts if you want to look at it that way were given to the nation of israel to help understand and reveal god's character they were given to help set the nation of israel apart as a holy nation they provided a way to interact and connect with a holy god and they also provided direction and guidance for the nation and another part that i guess it played is that it also helped people understand how far we fall short of perfection and the need that we have for a perfect and holy god so the mosaic law the tenants the all the things that they observed were really good in that they served a purpose and they were given by god but then jesus came now the reason paul was getting so aggressive in his response to the church in galatia was i guess well this argument about the mosaic law and the following of the jewish ordinances and all these customs the main thing that was being pushed to the side during this discussion was actually the very thing that had changed his life jesus was being pushed to the side being united around the good news of jesus was being superseded and being united around following laws handed down by moses and back in moses day was now the central thing that they're gathering around and so paul isn't playing games uh galatians chapter 1 verse 6 says paul says this i am astonished that you are so quickly deserting the one who called you to live in grace of christ and are turning to a different gospel he is calling them out for deserting jesus and turning to a different gospel galatians is a letter from an angry and concerned leader who sees that there is a fight for the souls of the members of the church and paul is determined that every reader of the letter know that it is only and always jesus and jesus alone that we follow in christ alone our hope is found and it is through no other gospel that we are saved that is what paul is hammering home in this letter tough love to the church it is our hope uh like it is our hope here at clayton that through this series we can continue to draw closer to jesus we can continue to understand the power of the gospel the power of the gospel to redeem and transform lives and that we can live lives in grace and freedom that is only found in jesus and so as we dive into the passage today i'm going to start from verse 10 in chapter one because the first few verses in the first chapter are pretty much paul saying hello and then literally jumping straight into the issue that he has with some of the leaders at the church so join with me we'll be reading from verse 10. it says this obviously i'm not trying to win the approval of people but god if pleasing people were my goal i would not be christ's servant my dear brothers and sisters i want you to understand that the gospel message i preach is not based on mere human reasoning i received my message from no human source and no one taught me instead i received it by direct revelation from jesus christ you know what i was like when i followed the jewish religion how violently i persecuted god's church i did my best to destroy it i was far ahead of my fellow jews in my zeal for the traditions of my ancestors but even before i was born god chose me and called me by his marvelous grace then it pleased him to reveal his son to me so that i would proclaim the good news about jesus to the gentiles when this happened i did not rush out to consult any human being nor did i go up to jerusalem to consult with those who were apostles before i was in sten instead i went away to arabia and later i returned to the city of damascus and three years later i went to jerusalem to get to know peter and i stayed with him for 15 days the only other apostle i met at the time was james the lord's brother i declare before god that what i'm writing to you is not a lie after that visit i went north into the province of syria and sicilia cilicia and still the churches of christ that are in judea did not know me personally all they knew was what people were saying the one who used to persecute us is now preaching the very faith he tried to destroy and they praised god because of me let me pray heavenly father we thank you for your goodness and your goodness to us lord we thank you for your grace and your mercy we thank you for this letter to the church in galatia and all that we can learn from him father we pray that you would speak to us through your word you'll speak to us through your service here through the speakers and just through the community lord i pray that yeah your spirit would move in us and we will be responsive so bless this message give it the power to change lives name amen so that's a bit of a background info into i guess the reason why the letter was written there's a lot more that we're going to dive into as a series goes on but that's just to give you a bit of a foothold or a bit of a handle on what's going on in the church and the reason that paul is writing this letter and so when paul starts off this incredible letter he starts off by setting some boundaries and some groundwork about how we should be thinking about jesus and the good news message that jesus preached one of the first things that he wants us to know uh is this he is not trying to get into your good books paul i guess is happy to be the bad guy he sort of sounds like a bad personal trainer he's like you know firstly i'm not trying to be your friend if you want a trainer who's your buddy find somebody else secondly i'm here to get you in shape if nothing else if you don't want to be like that then you can leave that's sort of paul's mentality right now and so paul when he starts off like that you know that you're in for a good time and then paul jumps straight into the issue at hand people are moving away from the true gospel of jesus christ and are moving backwards towards a message of legalism and towards a fulfilled mosaic law and at the core of this they are reverting back to our human reasoning and logic reverting back to a gospel message that is more about what they can do to earn salvation and less about what jesus has done to bring salvation and so paul foresees a problem straight off the bat and addresses it head-on the problem paul sees is that his pushback on this new and untrue gospel is not going to win him friends he understands it's going to make people unhappy which is a really weird concept if you want to dig into it because the gospel that paul is preaching is a gospel talking about freedom and grace and relationships and the gospel that paul is actually preaching against is the gospel of legalism and guilt and intermediaries and it seems strange initially that people would actually push against this true gospel that paul is preaching and that is until we realize the reason that people push back against the gospel of jesus is because the gospel of jesus takes away a lot of the things that we like to hold on to the gospel of jesus takes away hierarchy the gospel of jesus takes away achievements the gospel of jesus takes away status that people might have otherwise been able to attain if they were to preach their false gospel paul is aligning their faith back towards jesus where it was initially and he's taking away the pride that comes with self-made salvation and in bringing everyone down to the same level all sinners all in need of a savior all sinners who can do nothing to earn their own salvation that is where paul is bringing us um john piper actually talks about the gospel that paul preaches and says this i won't do a piper impression but john piper says this in romans 1 1 paul identifies himself and his gospel like this paul a servant of jesus christ called to be an apostle set apart for the gospel of god and paul's gospel is from god and not from man this is still piper but when verse 11 and that's verse 11 from galatians says paul's gospel is not according to man it also means that the gospel doesn't square up with human desires the gospel doesn't line up with our natural human desires the implications is that the judaizers have adjusted the gospel so that it fits better with their own proud inclinations so what john piper is saying is that the gospel that paul was preaching the gospel that people are pushing back against doesn't square with our natural human desires it doesn't line up with our own proud inclinations the gospel of jesus christ in other words robs us of pride the gospel of jesus christ robs us of our pride in our own achievements and actually humbles us before the cross all equal all in need and with the true gospel that paul preaches comes an incredible freedom uh in a book called a church called tov a church called toph the authors write this in the bible freedom is both a freedom from sin and all its hideous expressions and a freedom for becoming the children and siblings that god designed and desires a fear-based culture stifles freedom through legalism authoritarianism and status approval based relationships that is not freedom that is not love perfect love drives out fear when peer when fear prevails in a church there is not real love and so paul has actually been released from the questions that legalism asks of you the control that authoritarianism has over you the burden that status places on you he is freed from all of that and in turn paul is now free to let his life revolve around a singular theme does my life glorify god does my life bring glory to god um i remember one time when rachey my wife and i were still living in aubry and i was with some friends and we were driving down dean street which is the main street of aubry where all the hooligans go it's the main drag on the aubrey strip and for some reason we were talking about david beckham so you can tell that this was a while ago because for some reason beckham was still in the cultural zeitgeist at the time but anyway we were talking about david beckham and in our conversation about david beckham um it was mentioned that he was sponsored by calvin klein the clothing deodorant cologne company and that he did lots of modeling for them and so he wore lots of their clothes and there was this rumor going around at the time that he only wore his underwear once before throwing them away and calvin klein the brand would keep his underwear drawer stocked filled and so every single day he would have a fresh prayer fresh pair of underwear and we were young guys and we marveled at what this life was like fresh underwear every day imagine incredible could there be anything better this is obviously the highest aspirations we could ever dream of some people think of getting degrees i don't know starting families a car collection ending poverty traveling the world not us we dreamt of an endless supply of underwear however our dreams were swiftly shattered when one of the members in our car asked this question i wonder if his life makes god happy does his life make god happy and it's a big question isn't it like imagine paul starting off his letter to the boys in the car in albury i'm not looking to please these people i'm not looking to have a lifetime supply of calvin klein clothes and underwear i'm not looking to have you aspire to be like me i'm simply looking to live a life that makes god happy i don't care if my gospel offends you i just want you to live a life that glorifies god and this is the question that i want to talk around today we have we have a great series in front of us and we get to really deep dive into galatians and some of the gems that paul has written for us and even though galatians has some really strong language in it it is an encouraging and uplifting book and i would even encourage you to make sure that you read through galatians a few times during this series it's not a long book so you'll definitely be able to do that if you wanted to there are themes of grace and freedom that flow through this whole book there are themes of a spirit-led life there is this continued message of the centrality of the life and death and resurrection of jesus christ as the cornerstone of our faith this is the gospel that paul was preaching and due to this gospel that paul believed he was also able to set aside the crippling burden burden of needing to impress the people around him the burden of needing to align with the faith leaders that were taking control of the church and even just this natural inclination that we have to meet in the middle in order to keep the peace he didn't care about that paul was given freedom by the gospel of jesus christ to only have to worry about the things that actually mattered and i know freedom is a bit of a funny word and that it gets used in connection with basically anything that we just want to do um freedom of speech freedom to choose freedom to congregate freedom to practice religion freedom to marry freedom to refuse service freedom to have a gun freedom to do this freedom to do that for him to do whatever and then obviously the word is getting thrown around even more so with all the restriction rules and the vaccination discussions but quite often the word freedom simply means for us what do we want to do freedom means i just want to do what i want to do that's freedom and when freedom gets applied to religious beliefs and faith traditions there is this propensity for freedom to mean freedom to do what we want as in i can believe this and still do that i have the freedom to accept this part and dismiss this bit and not believe in that and still do this and freedom is this weird slippery slope argument fodder but this is not what freedom is according to paul this is not the freedom according to what paul has written this is not freedom at all in fact paul would probably describe that idea of freedom as slavery paul would say that we are slaves to our desires we are slaves to our old natures we are slaves to the old life that should have been put to death or in christ grants us new life and so what we often think of as freedom is really slavery freedom is not the ability to do whatever we want because freedom is not the absolving of personal responsibility freedom according to paul is not the absolving of personal responsibility or freedom according to paul is not the ignoring of personal responsibility but rather it is the proper allocation of responsibility freedom is the proper allocation of responsibilities give to god what is his and give to us what is ours for paul the old law is not freedom since christ has come because the old law takes on the responsibility of salvation that is not ours to take on anymore we are now freed from the responsibility of earning salvation and now we are tasked with the responsibility of living a life that is pleasing to god our responsibility is to be a servant of christ a responsibility is to live a life that would make god happy as my friend would say but this is obviously easier said than done now paul even mentions what his life was like before freedom in jesus uh in verse 13 and 14 he says um you know what i was like when i followed the jewish religion how i violently persecuted god's church i did my best to destroy it i was far ahead of my fellow jews in my zeal for the traditions of my ancestors paul compares himself to his fellow jews and how much zeal he had for following the traditions of his ancestors the checklist of the law that had become the focus of faith was what paul measured himself by back in the day and people are drawn to that people are drawn to legalism because it offers a method of measurement it offers a feeling of superiority it gives us the opportunity to have pride in ourselves that is why we are drawn to it but with the message of the gospel of jesus we don't get to indulge in that self-satisfying measuring contest because the gospel of jesus actually strips away all of our self-made opportunities for pride and superiority it humbles us all at the cross all the ground is even at the foot of the cross all the ground is even at the foot of the cross the gospel of jesus makes us realize that we cannot save ourselves but it is only through trust in jesus that we can be saved there is no room for ego in that statement the act of grace through jesus strips away all chance for pride in our own achievements and we can no longer list the ways in which we have earned our place in the spot in heaven but we turn our attention to the one thing that we can control and one thing that we can put effort into and that is living a life that glorifies and pleases god and this is not a small thing a life that glorifies god is not this part-time assignment it in his passage paul refers to himself as a servant and in romans 1 paul says that he is a slave and in clayton church of christ we use the language whole of life discipleship the entirety of our life given to god not just one part not just the ministry part not just the sunday part but all the parts that make up our lives are being offered up to god and so instead of asking the checklist types of questions of like how many ministries am i serving in how much am i tithing how many sundays did i make it to out of the year how many church whatsapp groups am i a part of too many feel free to remove me from them if you want instead of asking those questions we ask the real questions that show whether we are here to glorify god or whether we are here to make the religious folk happy the real questions of is my life glorifying god am i being a good dad am i being a good accountant um is this engineering job what god has called me to am i bringing god honor in how i understand being single is god seen and glorified in my relationships do my reactions to life align with god's design for my character does my bank statement show that i trust in god can i look at my weekly schedule and see god's imprint on it is my character holy these are real questions that matter like i like the questions of church attendance and ministry attendance because i can do those those are things that i can tick off and achieve in my own strength but when you start asking me whether my life lines up with the gospel then it gets real and it gets personal god has given us an incredible gift of freedom through jesus christ we are freed from the burden of sin we are afraid from the penalty of sin we are freed from the demands of the law we are freed from status we are freed from guilt we are free from shame we are free from comparison that comes with having to earn our way we are freed into the releasing work of grace freedom to invite the holy spirit into all parts of our lives where we stop worrying about whether we measure up to the the different gospel of religious laws and instead just we look at the simple question of does my life glorify god we have freedom in jesus we have freedom to be responsible for what we are meant to be responsible for and that is our life and our character our response to the holy spirit we have freedom to let god be god and let god be responsible for what only he can do that is the work of salvation the gift of the spirit the transforming of life the powerful irony of paul's conversion shows that all our efforts all are striving to earn our place in heaven is actually in vain and it is only through jesus that we are free only through jesus are we changed only through jesus can we start to ask the right questions that align our lives with god's desires um i want to close off this message by asking this does your life glorify god i'm not asking you whether you are good at church or good at the laws but does your life glorify god have you given in to the freedom that god offers through jesus and have you decided to let god be responsible for what only he can do and have you accepted what you are responsible for you are responsible for your attitude you are responsible for your character you are responsible for your relationships you are responsible for your finances and you are responsible for your life choices god has given us freedom from having to earn our way into heaven we are freed from status we are freed from rank we are freed from comparison the ground is all even at the foot of the cross and now we are free to ask the important question of does my life glorify god let me pray heavenly father i just pray that you'll minister to us i pray that your holy spirit will rest on us now as we wrestle with that question or does my life glorify god father i pray that you'll free us of the chains the burden of having to achieve having to earn having to strive having to measure up lord you have taken care of all of that he who knew no sin became sin for us so that we could be reconciled to god father pray that we would accept everything that jesus is everything that jesus has done lord i pray that we would be responsible for what is ours and allow you to be responsible for what is yours lord i pray that we would learn to ask the right questions of ourselves not questions that are tick boxes that add to our pride and ego and our achievements but questions that help transform us to become better servants of a holy god father i pray that we would feel freedom grace acceptance relationship as we continue through this series father pray that you'll speak to us so powerfully so clearly we thank you for your love your grace your freedom that only comes through jesus christ your name amen thanks to how great castle then laid between us how high the mountain i could not climb in desperate [Music] i turned to heaven spoken name into the night and through the darkness your loving kindness it's all through the shadows [Music] [Music] who could imagine so great a mercy [Music] grace the god of ages spent down from glory [Music] [Music] i am forgiven [Music] [Music] [Music] set me free salvation in your name jesus [Music] the roaring [Music] [Music] the roaring lion [Music] victory hallelujah jesus christ [Music] jesus christ [Music] jesus christ [Music] thank you so much pastor kyle for for that great message and i know i'll be asking myself this week and i would encourage you to as well because my life glorify god if you're new or you would love some prayer we'd love to connect with you via the link in the description or get in touch with us at hello god bless you have a great week and we'll see you next week [Music] upon our praise [Music] is [Music] the [Music] the power of your presence pour your spirit out pour your spirit out before your spirit [Music] you
Channel: Clayton Church of Christ Fellowship
Views: 1,537
Rating: 4.8666668 out of 5
Keywords: Clayton Church, Clayton, Church, Jesus, Christ, God, Sermon, Message, Sunday service, Sunday, Church of Christ, Sunday message, church service, Christian, Teaching, worship, Jesus Christ, Lord, Melbourne Church, Church in Melbourne, Melbourne Australia
Id: wYBwfYj83ec
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 0sec (3780 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 18 2021
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