Sunday 10.17.2021

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thanks buddy hey great job setting up feels are you great well sometimes you'll be singing and then all of a sudden you'll stop and i'm like oh no nope he's lost in his little church oh this is let's get one hey guys it's past 45 let's go all right everyone good morning why don't we stand and engage our hearts in worship lord we love you and we thank you for your love for us i'm in love with god and god's in love with me and therefore i am successful this is where we find our rest this is where we find our peace holy spirit we ask you to come right now we invite you in the fullness of your presence we say do all that you want to do everything that's in your heart we are a people who say now and we'll say forever have your way have your way have your way your will be done we love you jesus thank you bless your name as the spirit was moving nowhere the water spirit could move over us rest on us rest on us as the spirit was moving [Music] as the spirit was moving [Music] [Music] [Music] when you feel [Music] me [Music] i know you will fill me up [Applause] come and fill this up [Music] come [Music] i'm here [Music] i know [Music] me [Music] rest on us you're all we want you're all we want holy spirit come rest on us you're all we want you're all seeing that again the holy spirit [Music] holy spirit congrats [Music] the holy spirit [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] you're you're here and i me [Music] [Music] holy spirit [Music] you [Music] [Music] you're [Music] you're the only one [Music] holy [Music] holy spirit come rest on us you're all we want you [Music] thank you jesus [Music] good morning you guys can have a seat for a minute yeah we're just gonna share a few things um and then we're gonna get back into worship here and uh my my heart's just really stirred this morning i i feel like uh there's some things the lord's gonna do i don't know exactly where he's going we're just praying into it he does things in the suddenlies steve gilbertson who was back there with us he's like you know just reminding us that you know he is he is light and how fast does light move that's right so get ready because when he moves he can do it just like that just in the suddenly so all we do is we open our hearts we prepare our hearts for what the lord wants to do and then he moves in the suddenlies he does what he wants to do but he does he does ask for that that hunger and that thirst which actually is that that draws heaven to earth it draws his spirit into this place he is here he hovers he's around he's in our he's in us but when there's an outpouring of his spirit it requires that hunger in that thirst it requires that that pure the pure hearts the clean hands those that like will call out to him cry out to him so we need to be in that place of just humility tender hearts wholehearted devotion to him at all times he actually demands it he requires it and and there's such blessing that comes from it okay a few quick things just a reminder on tuesdays every tuesday we have prayer uh and and this is so such an important part of what the lord's doing that we come together uh we just we're praying into the things uh that the lord has for us in this season and so it's at seven uh seven a.m at 12 p.m and it's 6 30 p.m uh the first two last for an hour and then the one at 6 30 goes till 8 30. uh you don't have to be there for the whole time but man if if you uh i'd encourage you come in try it out be a part of it we meet over in the chapel which is just on the north side right when you walk in the doors there's a room over there and we just gather together seek the lord's face pray also we have a conference coming up it's the women's conference the arise conference i don't see is uh where is anna oh she's in the foyer okay well why don't we play the video then uh just check out this video this is coming up here very shortly where uh it's the at the end of this month so here it is [Music] i love to preach but i was afraid i would feed people or i would say the wrong thing or i was like oh can i just stay small but you see this isn't about becoming a preacher this is about releasing the love of the voice of god through a little life and who am i to resist him if god wants to fill this clear jar with his glory so the world can see his glory who am i to say no and i want to tell you you might feel small like i felt small you might feel unqualified like i felt unqualified but i want to tell you what qualifies you is not your ability but it's not about what you do it's about who you belong to [Music] for surely goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life and i will dwell in the house of the lord forever it is not how i started but how i finished that count and i'm telling you right now there is an overruling of every attack and every assignment of the enemy what you are ashamed of god is going to put to shame what was against you god is gonna turn it around and use it for your good and for his glory i'm gonna work for you in this house this morning no matter where you started where you came from how many times [Music] so that's our close friend david wagner he's a friend of the house and you get so excited and ladies if you haven't gotten to sign up i encourage you to sign up it is so fun guys i don't know maybe you'll sneak peek in on the nursing mother's room or something i don't know how you're going to get a part of that but you have to sneak in so we're really excited for that it's going to be amazing it's a great time to get to know one another too so i encourage you to be part of that um another thing we'd like to share with you is that we have the winter shelter network which is coming up this is for women and children that are displaced out of their homes and we are in partnership with other churches in the area to house them in our in our building how many of you have ever been a part of or you know what we're talking about raise your hand real quick so we know at least some of you know what we're talking about okay if you're new to this we'd love for you to be a partner with us in this effort we need volunteers that's what we need in all different capacities you can do an hour you can do an overnight and host and help protect the the building and stuff we host them in our student center our gymnasium that's right here so um let's see we are going to start that november 6th yeah it starts november 1st but but we start we will do we do it every saturday so it's different nights of the week the different churches have we have saturday night which is awesome because we normally they they make sure everyone's out by 7am and we're like no we don't want them out by 7am let them stay here and then come right into the service afterwards and just get ministered to blessed on so um so that's what that's what we we get to do it saturday night so there's different different groups you can either you can you can do the uh or different shifts i should say and they're like two to four hour shifts so you can do different shifts you don't have to do it all you don't have to be there from evening till morning but if you can help out in any way the other thing i wanted to say is um if you do want to maybe you can't work it but if you want to help just fund it we actually we we pay uh 2500 uh into this all the churches do normally it's more but we've actually have an excess of funds right now so we're all putting 2500 in all the partner churches and what this does is this gives us an administrator that's able to actually oversee and coordinate all the homeless women and children making sure that they get from place to place and then working with all the churches and and so maybe maybe you can't help physically with your time but um you can also when we do just the ties and offerings if you want to just sew into that just write winner shelter network or wsn at the bottom of your check and that'll just go to help fund the uh what this program is able to do so thank you awesome all right uh the next thing we want to share with you is on the 24th next sunday we have a discover the rock if you are new or you're kind of wanting to know a little bit more about who we are how we operate our heart for the lord and we would like to get to know you this is part of so many of our staff members are there most of our pastors are able to make it it's right after the sunday service and we do provide food so come on that's good right that's motivation to come uh because we provide food we do ask for an rsvp so that there's enough we do believe god multiplies food we like to also be prepared so that you're not waiting for that food to multiply you know like from our food bank or something um so anyway if you could sign up at family at the is you can just send an email or is there another way that you want to do it nope that's good okay and let us know how many and that yes we're coming oh there's actually if you go to the website if you go to the on the main page yeah on the main page you can click on the uh uh the discover the rock it's a banner there it is right there or just click on that yeah but but it's right on the home page so click on that and then just put your information in there which need to know how many people if you have children so we do we'll have a place for your kids they'll get to eat as well they won't starve they'll be they'll be well fed yeah and uh and we'll get you out but the idea is that you really get a better understanding to get to know our staff where what our heart is and where we're going as a church so um yeah we'd love to have you there next week right after the service you have the next one you like the bread and the bagels oh so also uh pastor lindy who's over our food bank we have what we've done is we've set up we've got bagels out there and bread uh and when you leave from here get some get go ahead and get some for yourself if you want it but i would also encourage you get some for maybe your neighbors or someone else that you know of maybe a co-worker or something uh they're from uh different different places around here like meters and panera and and so um but just give them some bread it's a great opportunity uh we'll just do it sometimes grab some for our neighbors go around just hand them bagels and bread and just pray over them and uh and then i think also there is some we have some of the stinking good green chile that's also out there so you can pick up some of that i think that's in limited supply but grab some of that you can try it out it's really good it's the stuff you can buy at a costco and at king supers but but we have it no cost grab it and then again give that away as well what these are these are just tools opportunities just to to meet the people around you to pray with them and to share jesus with them we we are the light of the world so we get to share this good news this gospel and sometimes food is a is a good way to kind of open that door and get access in so that's out there after the service rabbit take what you need take what you want um yeah we are going to pray i want to i just want to share a few quick testimonies of just what the lord is doing uh one we had a we had a service on on wednesday night and uh i know a lot of people actually were live streaming it and and then we had people here but what we did normally we meet in here is the adults the youth meets over there and just felt like that we were to go in and be a part of what was happening with the youth ministry dan yakely who's actually going to be speaking here today with me was speaking wednesday night and uh and the holy spirit just kind of showed up in a really powerful cool way and normally so we just said for the group in here we were praying over them before we went in and then we said look we're not spectators we're going in to actually pray over youth this is raising up the next generation but as we went in there normally service ends about 8 30. i guess i was corrected i thought it was 10 but it was 10 10 25 people were still in that room over there kids laid out crying out to the lord on their faces um it was a powerful night people people didn't leave and and parents sometimes come in to pick up their kids at 8 30 and you could you feel that normally we try to get the kids out because parents want kids and so some of the parents were coming in to get their kids and i'm sure frustrated like okay what's my kid doing goofing around coming in and seeing their child like laid out on the on the floor crying out to the lord with people praying over them and uh it was a it was an amazing time and uh something we have not experienced in the youth not to that not to that level and i mean and i i'll say like just hearts so tender before the lord ki these youth crying out just burn me like let me burn just others just getting ministered to but hearts were just lit on fire i believe it's going to shift the generation i think we're going to see so much come out of that so it's just i hope this stirs your heart because the lord is actually he's doing some things there's a there's another group camille where's camille camille camille oh she's out there still okay she was in the back we were praying this morning and she has a group on thursdays um she does this ministry up in denver and uh this past thursday it's called the bus stop ministries and it's in it's in kind of a poor part of denver and she brings in a lot of people that are just homeless and just off the streets and just struggling and brought them in and it was cold on thursday so which is great because more people came in but as she began to just preach the gospel they had they had over 20 people that gave their life to the lord that day and and she was she goes it wasn't like just just uh like yes jesus i accept you it was it was uh it was yes jesus with snot bubbles coming out so um it was just it was it's beautiful this is again when the holy spirit begins to move like there's a revival there's a harvest all he says for us is lift up your eyes look about you the harvest is ripe let's get ready let's move into the things that the lord has for us um i want to tell you another quick testimony holly if you want you want to bring nixon up this is a precious little child here baby that was born when was nixon born born on the 9th of october and and uh this is a what they would call uh a meth baby um the the mother was addicted to meth and uh and so they weren't even sure if they were gonna get to the the day of delivery uh and then the doctors were saying well when when this little boy is born it's gonna take about four weeks for him to come off of of the meth and so he's gonna need to stay in the hospital and uh and this is how great the lord is as we just begin to pray i'm gonna cry oh yeah why don't you tell the story then i don't have to talk tell the story and we're kind of lucky because jack's not here because this would be a three-hour like sermon i'm kidding i'm teasing we're gonna be good so he was actually um it was actually not just meth it was meth heroin fentanyl and two different other drugs and so that's why they were like you know what this is going to be a long time if this baby makes it if and um and so we had the privilege of the last month taking care of birth mom and praying over her and it was a really interesting world to be in because we as christians are kind of in this bubble because that's just kind of typically how it is at least for me um and we were paying for her to stay in a hotel in lone tree because we thought okay this will be great next to this good nicu skyridge i thought this is awesome so um jack and i literally watched her shoot up and smoke this stuff as i'm sitting back from a distance and i would just put my worship music on as she would sorry ah as she would um be shooting up we would just put worship music on and we would just pray that this these drugs would not not enter his system at all and um and then we kept hearing like god of miracles we wanted to keep playing that song over and over again and it was my confession like even if he dies when he's born god you are still the god of miracles um and so i kind of had to like put my foot on that path of okay how am i gonna look at this when he comes into this world because i could see myself going down this dark road of like how do you let a baby die so we just kept praying this into him and over him jack and i decided you know what this has been so much stress on us let's go up to breckenridge and we decided we're gonna let all this go we're gonna focus on us we go up to breckenridge and we get the call like three hours into our trip she her water broke we go down um it was ironic we were like that's fine god if that's what you need to do to get this baby here we're on it so we we get to the hospital she actually had the baby on the way to the hospital into her pants ems had to come cut her pants off get the baby out and i'd actually just found this out that um he wasn't crying right away and so um which is never really a great sign so that whole hour and a half drive back they i called the hospital they couldn't tell me if he was alive and so we just kept praying into it praying into it and i'm like okay god of miracles the whole i think an hour and a half we listen to that song i repeat and so we get to the hospital we walk into the room and had our backs to this side of the wall and we're focusing on mama just praying over her because she's obviously a wreck and i assume the baby was in the nicu and i turned around and the baby's in the room with her and i'm like what in the world and the doctor is like he hasn't had any withdrawals at all but just wait it's coming because this doesn't happen i've been a doctor for 25 years don't get your hopes up kind of thing to say to me um don't get your hopes up i have a song for everything get your hopes up like everything so um two hours went by nothing two hours turned into 24 hours 24 hours turned into 48 hours 48 hours turned into 72 hours and they had no they literally were like well day 5 could be could be it day five could be the day that this baby just he's just gonna lose it and he's just because he's so addicted it could have been taken this long to get him all of this out and i just kept telling every doctor every nurse everyone that came into that row let me tell you about my jesus and let me tell you about him i have one nurse crying because she's like i'm not a religious person but if this baby comes out of this hospital like this i might rethink it so he's already like just like winning people over for the lord so uh he actually went home on day five [Music] so they said four weeks four days he went home in four days yeah yeah yeah that's pretty much it [Music] yes he's amazing so we're already in love and um everybody i meet he's like this little tool of oh let me tell you about what god did this is not medicine this is a hundred percent jesus so we've had so many people and let me just throw this in there aspen her biological sis or his i keep saying her his biological sister was on methadone um for 21 days in the nicu for 21 days and was exposed to less drugs than he was so that was god is good wow so let's do this his name is is nixon and i think god has an amazing plan for this baby's life so would you guys just reach out your hands yeah come up this is the father here so let's just we're going to just pray over this baby and and give thanks for what the lord's already done but i don't think we've seen anything yet what the lord's going to use this baby for so father we just thank you lord we thank you for for families like like this that will would take a little baby in that that the doctors are saying no this is this baby may not even make it and if it does we're going to have to go through all of this but we say but you don't know our god [Music] you don't know what jesus can do and the blood of jesus which which covers everything in this little baby and that his that blood would be so pure and so clean that there would be no problems and lord we thank you for just the miracle of little nixon lord we thank you for uh just that you had your eyes on him you had your hands on him and lord we just pray that this would be a time though that this baby would be raised in the ways of the lord lord that this baby would have it not already who has an amazing testimony would have an even a more amazing testimony of the goodness of god in the land of the living and so father we just thank you we thank you for uh for the the burel family lord for all of them for all 55 of them only 10 sorry only 10. we thank you for this amazing family and uh lord we just bless them let me thank you even as uh as they just adopted riley and reagan uh just in the past i think week or so louie thank you that uh they're just for this this beautiful thing that you're doing with this family as you're just as you're drawing these children in as you're bringing them in let me just pray your blessing and your peace and your protection lord over them and over this little child nixon father we thank you for your goodness we thank you that we get to just see the goodness of god in this little child and this little baby so we bless your name in jesus name and everyone said amen give the lord a hand so good that's how good our god is he is amazing tell you what i think we're gonna we'll pray for the other things next week um just kind of flow today it's it's always a flow but it's going to be a flow today are you guys ready to just kind of like get out of your normal routine if you came here to have normal church think again get ready so yeah stay oh yes you can can you guys stand up um the lord was just putting a burden on my heart and i as soon as i came up i feel like the lord said you need to speak this there's a hunger in this house there's an inhale of this house that's expecting the voice the word the presence of the lord to fall and there's a burden on my heart for those that aren't catching it that aren't part of it and i'm sure many of you we have a light show going on many of you have that sense of like i only wish this one was here one of these kids or one of these the spouse or this person or this family member could be a part of what the lord's doing here and i felt this from the lord as we were in the bathroom praying i felt like the lord said there is my wave you are my wave you are stirring my wave is welling up and what happens when there's a large wave is there's this undercurrent there's an undertow that pulls everything else into it and i felt like the lord said be the way that i'm asking to be be that presence of the lord that i'm asking you to be and you are going to pull in all those that are lost all those that you've been praying for that you've been believing for that you're asking the lord for their hearts to come to know him you are going to be the thing that pulls them into this wave of the lord they are not going to miss out they are not going to not see the move of the lord in your life and be drawn into that so we just declare this morning lord we inhale and we expect you to fall in this house we expect your presence to come in power and we declare that those that we're believing for are going to be drawn into this wave of the lord they will not miss out on the thing the lord is doing they will not miss out on the revival that the lord has in this house in this place this is the season that those that we're believing for that we're asking the lord for they are coming into his house they are coming into his family so lord we say yes to what you want to do this morning we say yes for the encounter of the lord in the bedrooms in the bathroom in the garages in the places of disappointment the ones that we're believing for are going to experience the move of the lord in their house today we say those that are that are still sleeping that are walking through depression rise up encounter the move of the lord right now right now we say you're moving on their house you're moving in their hearts you're moving on their spirits god we thank you and we declare we will be your move we will be your people we will be the place that holds the presence of the lord and draw many to your kingdom in jesus name so just put your hands up what this is this is a sign of surrender this is the universal sign for surrender so we're going to worship the lord but from a place of surrender from a place of hungering and thirsting from for him from a place of of that of humbling ourselves that we say we cannot do this on our own we're never meant to do it on our own we're meant to walk with your spirit that we become alive as your spirit comes within us and moves within us so lord right now as we just lift up our hands to heaven as we look to heaven lord we say come lord jesus do what you want to do we hunger and thirst for righteousness this morning lord i thank you for that hunger and that thirst in every heart and lord you say that you will fill us that we will be filled as we hunger and we thirst for you so lord i thank you we don't just sing songs today we're not just here to hear a message we're here to be encountered by the presence of the living god so father come do what you want to do jesus we look to you holy spirit move in this place stir hearts fill hearts but i thank you for that hunger in that thirst that draws heaven to earth as we worship you in jesus name let's worship the king [Music] [Music] your beauty [Music] i'm ready [Music] to see you to see [Music] just [Music] [Music] is [Music] oh beautiful [Music] you have my heart [Music] [Applause] [Music] just as you are just as you want to see you you know you're glory just [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] so beautiful [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey [Applause] [Music] come at me is [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] here [Music] your beautiful [Music] oh [Music] beautiful [Music] uh [Music] [Music] [Music] bye is [Music] my [Music] [Music] [Music] ah [Music] yes [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] is [Music] is [Music] yes [Music] yes [Music] [Applause] yes [Music] yes [Music] is [Music] is [Music] is [Music] is [Music] uh [Music] [Music] uh [Music] [Music] [Music] hey [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] [Music] me [Music] and all your hopes [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] to rest upon [Music] [Applause] [Music] in all your holiness is [Music] is [Music] is [Music] uh [Applause] [Music] ah [Music] yes [Music] yes [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] yes [Music] yes [Music] yes [Music] is [Music] his power in your name is [Music] is [Music] keep lifting up his names [Applause] [Music] yes [Music] as we were singing that i just saw the lord walking amongst the lamb stands like it says in revelation chapter 2 and 3 i'm the one who walks among the lamb stands john saw one standing in the midst of the lampstands lord we invite your presence just ask the lord to begin to come and move say holy spirit come on say holy spirit visions dreams power holy spirit come in all of your glory and all of your spirit reveal the man christ jesus [Music] shiny light in the sun [Music] come and touch us jesus [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh is [Music] [Applause] [Music] let it go [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] um [Music] is [Music] now [Applause] [Music] is [Music] ah [Music] yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh you splendor all your glory all yours rest upon us rest upon us jesus our righteousness jesus our salvation walk among us [Music] [Music] just feel like we need to do this right now if you feel the lord resting on you in an unusual way just raise your hand all other hands down and if you feel like the lord resting on you in an unusual way raise your hand okay so now the rest of us we're the ministry team we're just gonna lay hands on them go quickly find someone with a hand raised and lay hands on them and we're gonna ask for the lord to increase his presence the lord's marking some right now the lord's touching some it's okay if you're not being touched like these that's the way you know you're the ministry team and you're the one who just gets to agree for the more in their life so i see a lot of people sitting down go ahead and stand up and go find someone with their hand erased and let's add our agreement to what the lord is doing i just feel like we need to honor his presence lord increase [Music] lord do more in our midst we honor your presence we honor the movement of the holy spirit we say do more lord [Music] fire [Music] glory [Music] grace foreign [Music] right [Music] [Music] right now trauma taken away in the name of jesus right now we break our agreement with darkness in the name of to do jesus those that are being prayed for just turn around and lay your hands on the ones that are praying for you the lord's deposited something he's doing something in you now just impart it to the people that are praying for you impart it in faith say lord whatever you're doing in me just let this begin to happen in them in their hearts and their minds [Music] increase your presence [Music] [Music] shine the light of [Music] pour out the steadfast [Music] there's healing in this place [Music] [Music] yes [Music] [Music] is [Music] yes [Music] yes is [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] is [Music] something new so i swear [Music] surrender [Music] something new [Applause] [Music] my desire [Music] i [Applause] [Music] by [Music] i am is [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] i am [Music] [Music] i open up my heart [Music] jesus had [Music] i open up [Music] jesus [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] me [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is and i really feel like there's a prophetic anointing on this next song and i love what we've been doing we've been in the presence of the lord praying for one another ministering to one another but now we're going to turn our attention and our prayer to the lost and to the prodigals and we god is increasing a spirit of prophecy in our midst and we are going to step into that spirit of prophecy and we are going to prophesy prodigals coming home we're going to prophesy the lost coming home we're going to prophesy an open door for repent for repentance and an open door for revival mike dan do you guys want to speak into this before i go into it or it's what's going on for now or do you want to oh dan's ready to roll dan's right there's there's just a presence hit well his presence is so strong right now i just this song i don't know what you said but did you decide he was talking he was talking so go ahead it's called ring and rope the name of the song and this is there is a prophetic word to this song and uh and even in this this ring and rope understanding what this is it's talking about the prodigals coming back but if you know the story um it's so the prodigal he's this this son has left the family he's gone his own way and he's coming back but not not to come back as a son he's coming back just to be a slave just to be a servant he's like well if i come back i can at least eat as the servants do i can have the life of a servant and as he's as he's coming back in the distance this is and this isn't just a story what jesus was showing is the very heart of the father and he says this is this is my father's heart for all of those that that are that are maybe far away right now from the lord that are that are have walked away or maybe never even never even had an opportunity to know his goodness to know who he is but it's that and there has to be a turn it says that those that turn to the lord then he comes to them when you turn to the lord there's a veil that's removed and he brings his truth he brings his love and it just pours in over you this is and he's looking for those that will turn to him that will draw near to him those that draw near to him he'll draw near to he'll come near too but he gives us the choice we just have to make that choice and i talk to people all the time i'm like how's how are your ways working out and i get the same response every time not so well like what if you made a change what if you actually turn and you go his way what if you try that and there's this opportunity we have i feel like the lord is saying that and there may be some of you in here today that you've never actually made that turn to say i'm coming i'm going to come to you jesus he says come to me all of you who are weary and burdened if you don't know him if you're living your life in this world and you're walking in your own ways i promise you you are weary and you are burdened you are and if you say not i'm not you're a lion because there's only one way that we actually get that peace that joy that love that he has for us that he actually created for us that and there's that void in our life until we say yes to his ways and we begin to walk in his ways but this is the cool part about this story is jesus saying look the father was looking for him he says when he saw him in the distance which means he had his eyes looking out for him and the moment that he turned from a distance away the sun didn't come running the father went running to the sun the father ran to the sun and the sun is the sun's like just bring me back as a servant bring me back as a slave and the father did not even listen to his son not for a moment and he says bring the ring bring the robe put on the sandals kill the fatted calf we're going to have a party because my son has returned he didn't even give him a chance all he was waiting for is for his son to begin to come towards him from a distance and in that at that time a father would never run it was like a place of of dishonor like the fathers don't run they're they're the ones that they stay there and everyone comes to them he picked up what is that called his his robe or yeah hiked up the dress there whatever he's wearing and he ran to his son and threw his arms around him and he kissed him he gave him the kiss and and this ring and rope that robe that comes on it's it's actually a sign of the father's love and as a and of his acceptance when he throws that robe on it's his love and it's his acceptance for us and this is what he puts on every one of us he puts that robe on that says i accept you as my son my daughter i love you as a son as a daughter and the ring the ring is like the signet ring it's this it's amazing you don't you don't get to wear the ring unless your family because the ring signifies a place of authority in the family that you actually have the authority as a son and jesus is saying look my father is putting a ring on those that are coming to him to say yes you're going to have authority you're going to walk in a place of of his authority we have the authority and then it doesn't say it in the song i don't know but it's called ring and robe but he also puts the sandals on and it's that position position of sonship that the slaves the the servants they wouldn't wear sandals but when he when those that were the sandals were family and so he puts those sandals on so as we sing this song there is a there is i just pray the lord just stirs our hearts because there's there's a calling on our lives right now to go out and and what what jesus was doing he was saying this is my father's heart don't be like the older son that grumbled and complained and said well why is my why is my younger brother get to come back like he's he's he squandered everything that you gave him and now you're going to kill the fatted calf for him what about me and the father goes you've been with me you can have the fatted calf any day all that i have is yours so but here's the thing but if if there would have been another son i believe that would have been the son that would have gone oh i know the father's heart i'm going to go get that younger brother and i'm going to bring him back into the family and that's what we're going to be we're going to be those that are going to call out and say no we're no you are a son of the most high come into the family come to jesus all you who are weary and are burdened and i will give you rest so i know you just got comfortable get uncomfortable would you guys stand up come on we're gonna sing this song like you've never sung before here we go let's sing it [Music] this may be a song that the captives can't yet sing but if we sing long enough they might join in with us and this may be a dance that's just too heavy for those chains but if we dance long enough [Music] [Music] freedom's coming [Music] up [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh is [Music] [Music] [Music] there's no room for you to stay [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh running home [Music] now we're gonna sing this next chorus we're gonna sing welcome home and i want you to put those in your mind that you are calling home to the lord put the prodigal in your mind put the brother in your mind put the man on the street that you met yesterday in your mind and with the spirit of prophecy we are going to declare welcome home to the lost we're going to declare welcome home to the broken we're going to declare welcome home to the weary welcome home to those who need jesus [Music] the eyes of the heart [Music] to the father's house [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] home [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] god [Music] [Applause] oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] forever [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] home [Music] oh they're gonna have a dream [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] uh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] cheers [Applause] [Music] [Music] hmm thank you lord [Music] i am not willing to perish [Music] [Music] yes thank you [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] where i am [Music] [Music] [Music] today you feel like you're the one you are the one you [Music] am are i am here i am [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] don't let the fire pass your mind [Music] [Music] [Music] do not stand silent [Music] lord thank you just for the stirring of hearts this morning we thank you for what you're doing as you're as you're awakening your body you're awakening your army or to accomplish the things that you desire to accomplish i want to read a scripture to you and george if you want to come up and just release that that word just hear this word this is in titus i was just reading this and i love just spending time reading the word and i feel like there's just it awakens my spirit as i read the word of god and and it like the more i read it the more i hunger to read it and it's like i just want to spend time listening to the lord and in his word and it just comes alive but this this is what it says in titus 2 11 it says for the grace of god that brings salvation it has appeared to all all men and women it says this it teaches us this is the real grace it teaches us to say no to ungodliness and worldly passions and to live a life self-controlled and really that word is controlled by the spirit of the spirit upright godly lives in this present age while we wait for the blessed hope the glorious appearing of our great god and savior jesus christ who gave himself for us to redeem us here's the part he gave himself for us to redeem us because we cannot be redeemed on our own there's nothing we can do of our own volition of our own ability to redeem ourselves from that place of sin but jesus but his grace but his blood says who gave himself to redeem us from all wickedness and then here's what he does and to purify for himself a people that are his very own [Music] just in that place of that prodigal coming back when the father threw that robe around the sun the son didn't even get at that point didn't even get a choice of what robe he wanted to wear how what he wanted to do the father threw the robe around him and he claimed him as his own he said you're mine you're part of my family now and i just i feel that like some of you you need that rope you just let him put that robe on you and to claim you as his own and that his love when that robe goes around you you feel his love you fear his tenderness you feel his arms come around you and he says you're mine from this day forward he says this to purify for himself a people that are his own and then it's eager to do the good works eager to do what is good this is what happens is when we when we step into that place when we allow his love to surround us and overwhelm us then it we we engage in this place of oh what do you want me to do i'm yours you're in me let's move and accomplish the very things that we were created for the good works are so much different than works good works come from a place of rest works come up from a place of toil works come out of a place of where where we were we went into sin separated from the father and now we're toiling on the things in the things of this earth and it's like you're on the hamster wheel anyone feel like you've been on a hamster wheel you're running running running and you look and you're like i haven't moved i haven't made any progress i'm still in the same place i was but god when we step into his rest it's the actual good works it's everything that we were created for [Music] i i got to just take you here because george you're still good just wanted george to stand here for a minute sorry george you got to hear this these words because this is our god this is how much he loves us and david understood it they as as the king he he's writing and he says this [Music] he says lord you created my inmost being you created my spirit that's his in the inmost being you created my spirit he says you knit me together in my mother's womb and then he says this i praise you because i am fearfully and wonderfully made each one of us you are fearfully and wonderfully made why is that because you're made in the image of god you're made in his image and then he says this your works are wonderful so david talking to the father he's saying your works are wonderful i know that full well my frame was not hidden from you when i was made in the secret place each one of us the lord actually intricately made each one of us in the secret place and i think i he put i know he put a lot of thought into every one of us individually and he said oh for this for you i have this for you it's unique you're you're a masterpiece i've created you in my image but but i've put this in you to do to accomplish in this very time there's none like you and you're gonna do that unique thing on the earth right now there's no one else that can do what i've called you to do and when we come into this place this this understanding that that we've been woven together in the secret place in the says in the depths of the earth your eyes saw my own form body all the days were ordained for me that means he took day one planned it out day two this is what i have day three here's where we're going now we still have the choice we can walk in those ways or we can go nah i got my own way of doing this and that's what i was saying like how well is it working out for you because you're not actually created for that i've used this analogy before i've said like that the creator of this watch did not intend this to be a hammer to hammer in nails and if i use it to hammer in nails one is probably going to smash the watch and but it's not going to do its intended job because that's not what the creator intended this watch to do but this watch is meant to be on someone's arm and it's meant to tell time it's it's very purpose and and now it's being used as as for for the very purpose that it's used for but when we when we start to operate in our own ways we take what's been created as as us and we try to become a hammer instead of a watch and we're like ah this is not working out he goes but if you learn my ways if you learn the very things that i've created you for i put my spirit in you now you're going to walk in my ways you're going to walk in the very thing you were created to do so it says this so it says all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be how precious to me are your thoughts o god how vast is the sum of them and then david says this if i could count them if i could count the thoughts you have of me it says they would outnumber the grains of sand if you look at the number of grains of sand on the earth we couldn't even we can't even fathom how many grains of sand there are on earth but his thoughts about each one of us are more than the grains of sand when i awake i'm still with you and that i love i'm going to just skip down he says this at the end of psalm 139 and this is this place that we need to continually come to he says search me oh god know my heart get look at my heart because you're the creator search my heart says this test me know my anxious thoughts and see if there is any offensive way in me and then lead me in the way everlasting we're in a time i feel like the lord is is teaching us and showing us how to walk in his ways we can say yes to him we've done that many people have gone yeah lord you're my lord and savior and then we go but here i go i'm walking in my own ways and he goes no now you now learn from me that's what it says when jesus says come to me all you will weary and heavy burdened then he goes he says yoke with me put the yoke on and he goes learn from me how do we learn from him he gives us his spirit he gives us the holy spirit this is the amazing part this is what it all boils down to as as we look to christ as we say yes to him he puts his spirit in us to actually lead us it says that his spirit understands and knows the deep thoughts of the father and so as those things are revealed to us because he reveals all truth to us we cannot get truth from this world you will not get truth from this world but you will get truth from him by his spirit he reveals all things all we have to do is listen he puts his spirit in us and then it says he moves us to walk in his ways oh i could just go on and on i like uh yeah let me just so come up here uh yeah this he moves us to walk in his ways let me just say here oh here's the mic ezekiel 36 says this here's what he does we come to him and it says he purifies us from all unrighteousness again we cannot clean ourselves from from the unrighteous things that we have but he can't it's his blood that purifies us from all unrighteousness so when we come to him there is that's that first step all he requires is he's like turn to me turn away from those things when we come into that place of repentance it's the most beautiful thing people think of repentance as this horrible thing oh it's i want to repent every moment of the day i want to i want my heart to be so tender and pure that i'm like lord if there's anything in me lord remove it that i could be so pure it says those that are pure in heart are going to see god i want to see god i want to see his goodness i want to see his glory i want to walk in his ways there's there's no better way and we get so caught up in the ways of this world and we we try to figure out things and we're like i love the lord i'll see you on sunday but it's monday so now i'm going to go this way tuesday wednesday thursday friday by the time you get back to sunday you're like oh come to me all you who are weary a heavy burden i'll give you rest because you're not walking in his ways every moment of the day but if you can if we can learn to walk in his ways day in and day out will be at rest at all times there'll be a peace that you'll live in you'll never come into that place of anxiety you won't have anxiety you won't have fear because you're abiding in his spirit you're walking in his ways so when we come to him he does this he goes i will cleanse you this is in ezekiel 36 i will cleanse you from all your impurities and then he'll say he says and your idols i love that the lord actually helps to helps us to remove the things that we've actually positioned and placed ahead of god that we're actually looking at instead of god that actually are the things that were that were that are become kind of that that thing that we hold on to lord i love you but man if i lose this i'm in trouble and he says no i'm actually going to help you remove those things we've been in a season of that if you don't know and you think oh my gosh lord what's happening he's actually removing idols he's tearing down things that we've been holding onto so that we can actually walk in a purity and walk in the fullness of his plan he's like if i can get those things out of the way if you can learn my ways and we can pull those things down cleanse you from all the impurity remove the idols from your life then man we can do some things i've got things for you to do i've got things for you to accomplish in this season so he says he removes the idols he says and i will give you a new heart and i will put my spirit in you this is the most beautiful part who gets to have the spirit of god within them like that it just almost blows our mind like to actually think i can have god's spirit living within me the almighty god who created the heavens and the earth that knows all things actually living within me [Music] says i will do this and then i'm going to remove that heart of stone that that heart that we have that we've had in there that that is hardened to the things of the lord he's like i'm going to pull that out i'm going to put my spirit in you he says i will put my spirit in you and there is here's where he says that i will move you which this is that place he doesn't force us but what he does is in that place of yoking he actually moves us we are listening to him at all times and as we're walking through life he's like oh take a left here like wow i just missed that craziness and he's like okay now take a right i just missed that and he begins to guide us he begins to lead us and guide us because his plans they're the very best for us and i want to be careful with that statement because the best for us doesn't always mean the most comfortable thing for us sometimes he actually leads us right into persecution right into the battle right into things and and that's when we go lord what happened i thought you were with me he goes i am with you i you though i walk through the valley of shadow of death i will fear no evil because your rod and your staff they guide me sometimes he actually leads us into the valley of the shadow of death don't think that he leads you to just to the still waters just to the calm waters he actually leads you through the battles and it's in those times of testing in those times of persecution that we actually walk into a greater maturity that we strengthen ourselves in the lord that we become more like him that's when we go from glory to glory that's when because our eyes have to go on him because we're like lord i can't even figure this out i don't know what to do my eyes are on you he says then in that place when you behold me says i will transform you into my likeness with increasing glory from glory to glory from the lord who is the spirit so it's the spirit that actually moves us to follow his ways to follow his decrees to be very careful to walk in step with him with his commands with the very things that he's called us to do and it says and then you will live in the land that i gave to your forefathers you will be my people and i will be your god in this place you will be my people and i will be your god and i will save you from your uncleanliness he will save us we can't do it alone but he will save us [Music] sometimes we forget how good he is it says he is faithful he is good his love it endures forever goes beyond our life to our next to the next generation of generation after that the generation after that his love is never ending what we get to do is actually grab hold of it he puts his love his spirit in us to move us in his ways that we can walk in the fullness of life george has a word that he just wants to release here go for it hallelujah [Music] um my family and i kind of knew and um what a beautiful body of god um all this week um i've just it's just been churning in my spirit and um god began to show me that there's a new season upon us and just like a like a dam that's filling up and i and just gradually filling up to the point where the water will no longer be held in the dam and about to break out and break the diamond just literally flood all the communities downstream and basically change the atmosphere of everything of everything downstream that's where we're at that's where we're at as a church and um the word in isaiah 9 just kept coming back to me where the lord said for unto us a child is born unto us the sign is given and the government shall be upon his shoulder and his name shall be called wonderful counselor the mighty god the everlasting father the prince of peace of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end upon the throne of david and upon his kingdom to order it and to establish it with judgment and with justice from henceforth even forever the zeal of the lord of hosts will perform this but now god was showing that we're right there we're right there and when i came like four weeks ago i mean four yeah four weeks ago i was literally like on life support but god through this body has helped me find my true north has recalibrated the entire compass of my family and i just sense that he wants us to know without like like possible has been preaching about cairo's and chronos we're literally aligning ourselves and as we align ourselves by faith we now take on his full identity and i i had i had the father's heart i called him daddy i had daddy saying let them know let them know that they're lions let them look at each other and say to themselves that they're lions so look at each other and say that you're lions because what does what does the line of judah beget the lion gives birth and gives forth two lions so this mighty army this last days army that he's raising up is an army with boldness is an army that will not be held back it's not is an army that will actually push through the cultures and push push through the cultural force and and all the craziness that's going on in the world right now and this army will stand in the face of everything that the enemy tries to throw against it because we're not standing by ourselves just like elijah said just like elijah prayed that that that the lord may open up the eyes of his sovereign lord let him see let him see how many are with us so we are with the majority and god wants us to rise up as lions and i felt like god will show me we on wednesday as we were with the youth the youth you know things will start to break out the youth will start to get divine interruptions as they go to football practice some of them will be will be interrupted and god will say hey lay that down for now i'm calling you here some of them will be going to bands some of them will be going to school and it's and like likewise with us they'll be diving in our options at gas stations and in different places and we don't have to go bible schools are awesome we don't have to go to bible school yet we can go because we have the spirit of the most high god within us thank you lord and two thousands of two gods of god is go so we have the holy spirit within us let's start to step out in faith as we align ourselves and amazing things are about to happen amen [Applause] that's a prophetic word right there that's a word from the lord and i just want to say on thursday i got to speak at a group it's called fec they come here once a month and i get to share and it's funny i just we're in the spirit of prophecy right now the lord is actually pouring out a spirit of prophecy if you can't if you don't notice like things that are being spoken it's not teachings right now it's actually the the prophetic words of the lord that are just being spoken and uh and it's just we're in that time and so it's it's like when the lord says i will pour out my spirit on all people and young men and women you will pro your sons and daughters you will prophesy like you will prophesy because the word of the lord just comes upon you there are things that that are stirring up in our heart right now and and i just spoke this on thursday night i believe it's a word for the church right now it's a word for what he's doing that we're going from a moses generation to a joshua generation and there's a big difference and in a big piece of it is the boldness it's the courage that they had in that season that they didn't have in the previous season when moses sent out the the spies there were only two of the twelve it was the minority it was only uh caleb and joshua that actually were bold and courageous the other ten said ah no way we look like grasshoppers and then it says in our eyes whose eyes were they looking through they weren't looking through the father's eyes and his plan for them and what he had for them he had already told them who they were and where they were supposed to go and they got out of their place of of identity in him and got into the old their own place of identity in themselves which stepped them out of a place of boldness into a place of that grumbling complaining that fear and the lord says the very thing that you have said will come upon you and they were destroyed as a people none of them made it into the promised land except for two out of over a million people not very good odds we're moving in to a joshua generation from a moses generation to a joshua generation the lord is going to do mighty things but here's the thing when joshua stepped in again he didn't step in we always a lot of times we think of the promised land as the land of milk and honey that's that's just this beautiful land that they got to walk into and and it was all there and they got to to lounge around and sit and relax and drink wine and have a little honey and and and that was not what happened they actually stepped into enemy territory where there were giants there were those that were massive armies they had chariots the the israel army had nothing except for the lord which gave them everything and every battle they fought they didn't fight based on their own mindset and based on their own ability and their own strength every battle that they fought was fought from a strategy from heaven understanding the position they had being strong and courageous being bold not because of who they were but because of the god that they served i believe we're stepping into a time right now where god is saying you're going to move out and you're going to take down things on this earth right now you're going to take down kingdoms that have been established to step into a promised land but it's going to require some effort it's going to require some work it's going to require great faith trusting in the lord not in our own ways and not walking in our own ways if we continue to walk in our ways we will fail if we walk in his ways trusting in him we will see god do things that that we cannot fathom that go beyond our own imagination we're not meant to live in the natural we're meant to live in the supernatural and that's the difference between that moses generation and the joshua generation the reason why they didn't get the crossover into the promised land is because the lord knew if that generation had stepped over they would have been wiped out they would have been cleaned out because they didn't have a trust in the lord so we're moving from a moses generation to a joshua generation and i believe let me say this too as i point over here a lot of the youth is over here i believe it's going to be the youth that's going to actually lead this movement that doesn't discount us as old people i'm getting up there i'm 47 and i hey and i feel it every day wake up like yep that still hurts yep that hurts but i believe that there is a generation that's being raised up that we get to come alongside as mothers and fathers that it's going to require it's going to require both but that we don't we don't discount what they have because what they have is powerful it was it was david king david i was just talking to somebody about this the other day king david was the one that actually came in when all the israelites were being threatened by the by the philistines and you had goliath like going up and speaking against their god against the god of israel it was a young man 13 years old who came in and said no let me take care of the giant for you it wasn't the it wasn't the older generation it wasn't the adults who were all sitting there had their armor on they were ready to go but they weren't ready to go it was the young man with boldness that said no i've i've actually i've i fought the lion i fought the bear this guy's not going to be a problem the lord will deliver him into my hands and he does but it was the next generation now what happened he kills goliath takes him out cuts off his head then the older generation goes yeah let's go get them and they kill all the philistines so there is a part that we all play but i do believe i just for this generation it's you guys are going to be the ones to rise up in this generation and to say no to the things that are happening in the world today and that you're going to walk in this in a place of boldness you're going to declare who the lord is and you're going to see heads cut off maybe not physically but in the spiritual realm we don't fight against flesh and blood but we do fight against the principalities and the powers and we need those to rise up to say no not in this generation and it takes a level of boldness it takes that that trusting in the lord in this time david you want to come up or maybe uh yeah come up and let me get the table there's a word that that dan has to speak into this and uh the uh we're just going to kind of let the lord do what he wants to do which is what we always do we're going to go down or up let me just say this part here there's a the lord is actually calling us up in this season and and what this is is he's calling us up in the spirit uh the the as marcus was preaching last sunday i just felt like i kind of a download from the lord and i know dan's going to speak into this as well but there is this this man joshua and he has these filthy clothes on and the lord does this he says it says take off your filthy clothes and this is that purification i feel like the lord is is purifying us he's tenderizing us he's purifying our hearts and then what happens is he says see i've taken away your sin this is zechariah 3. and this is actually a word for the church right now i will put he says this i will put rich garments on you just as the as the father through the robe around the sun there is a there's something that the lord is doing in the season for his church he's saying i'm putting these rich robes on you take off your filthy clothes the church has been wearing filthy clothes and just walking in it and he's like no and i don't say that in a bad way i just that there's a there is a purification that the lord is doing in the season to purify the church and he's like no you're going to put on these rich garments you're going to put on holiness and righteousness you're going to walk in my ways in this season so that i can move through you in a powerful way he says this says the angel of the lord gave this charge to joshua this is what the lord almighty says and this is for us if you will walk in my ways and if you will keep my commands my requirements then you will do this then you will govern my house and i will give you charge over my heavenly courts this is that place of the priestly anointing that the lord has he says i will put a clean turban on your head um what does it say let me just it says backing up so i will it says you will govern my house and i will give you charge of my heavenly courts and and i will give you a place among these standing there and then he says listen oh high priest joshua and your associates seated before you who are men symbolic of things to come i am going to bring my servant the branch see the stone i have set in front of joshua there are seven eyes i'm not going to get into that that are on one stone and i will and i will engrave an inscription on it says the lord almighty and i will remove the sin of this land in a single day this is that suddenly that the lord's about to do he's about to shift things in a moment's time he's going to do it his way but he requires for us to walk in his ways this is that come up here it's the revelation 4 where it says there's an open door right now to heaven and it says he says come up here and john goes and then i was taken up in the spirit and this is what he's doing is he's calling us up in this time he's calling us up in the spirit that we would live and move and have our way by the spirit he's calling his people into the spirit but it requires an obedience to his ways it requires us to learn to walk in his ways it's interesting in in acts 5 it says this and uh and then dan i'm going to hand it over to you close to the end of acts 5 it says we were witnesses of these things and so in this and so is the holy spirit i'm sorry we were witnesses of these things uh and so is the holy spirit and it says whom god has given to those who obey him there's an obedience that he's requiring that he says you don't just say yes god i'm yours but now you're actually walking in his ways and he goes now i give you my spirit i remove that heart of stone i put in a heart of flesh i'm going to breathe in you and you're going to walk in my ways it's kind of that chicken or the egg because he puts the spirit in us to walk in his ways and then he says be obedient i'll put my spirit in you regardless walk in his ways his spirit is in you be led by his spirit and this is that time of coming up it's coming up to that to the mountain it's the very thing that joshua or that moses does when he goes he goes up to the mountain in exodus and it's in that place that the lord actually gives him divine understanding in every area of how to build the temple of how to build the ark of how to live their lives of what to do he gives them this whole understanding and he's up there for 40 days in this place and it says the israelites they look up on this mountain and it says it looks like it's an all-consuming fire that is burning at the top of this mountain and moses is in the middle of it he's calling us up to that place he's calling us up to that all-consuming fire that burns off everything that is not of him that we would walk in the fullness of his plants gonna let dan speak and then we'll just see where we go let's just stay up here with you amen god bless you you can bless me back amen i like being blessed who fills the presence of the lord this morning raise your hand if you feel his presence amen i feel like my assignment this morning is to make a pronouncement of what god wants to do amen i feel like the the crazy scientist running around telling everybody there's about to be an earthquake because you can sense it things are showing signs are happening that's what it feels like to me that something so significant is about to happen in the 64 counties of colorado and in this house that's why you guys see me here several times a month because i feel something's about to happen here that's why you see me staring around the room because i feel like something's about to break loose that is going to radically change this church the city i feel like our region 64 counties of colorado are about to be taken up into the glory of god i can feel it i'm seeing things happening that i've never seen before there's events that are taking place a good brother of mine up in estes park a few weeks ago nine years he could not get traction in the city the 15 pastors of the city rejected him fifteen hundred people gathered in the park in esther's park with sean floyd led by my friend who hasn't had a voice and the glory of god has been released to a prophetic word that was released in 1908 1997 and 2007 that there was going to come a fire that was going to get lit in estes park and five cities in the north the dam was going to break open boulder estes park loveland fort collins and greeley and the river of god was going to be released down the entire front range cleared down into wallsenberg and the entire work of the enemy was going to get dismantled by the river of god that is happening my pastor friend has been weeping for weeks at the goodness of god so much traction and i want to tell you this morning when i was here with you on 7 26 5 years ago god gave me a significant word for the rock he showed me the glory of god coming to this church without measure i literally saw an aerial view of what god was going to do it was mind-boggling you cannot put those things into words but it was so significant it was so beyond the ability of man that god literally had come down upon this place and he says you hold on to this word and you pray he said because the church the rock is not ready for this revelation but it will be and at the right time i will call you forward to release this word pastor mike grabbed me at the beginning i believe of july end of june julyish he said i believe you have a word for this house and i said i do i've had it for five years then i went to florida to go preach to uh a bunch of teenagers in florida some kids from the ramps some kids came up from miami were there in um in gainesville florida and the power of god hit these teenagers and i wasn't even going to go do the meeting because i feel my assignment is in colorado but i saw a massive awakening of teenagers in florida thousands upon thousands upon thousands of young people being shaken under the glory of god i saw god invading schools like i said i can't even explain what i saw but it was so heaven and i told the pastor i said you need to get ready god is about to blow the doors of citrus county open and something so supernatural something so heaven is coming it's so beyond our worship services it's so beyond our ability to preach good it's when heaven comes down and changes everything it's another sovereign move of god the third great awakening that people have been crying out for for 15-20 years and released this word at half the group that was there 50 of these kids they were boys wearing dresses drug addicts kids coming right i mean it was the most broken group half of them were on fire released this word and i saw the lord come down and so touch these youth on the very last service and kids were getting taken up into the presence of god up into heaven getting radically healed and i told the youth pastor in the pastor i said god is about to completely turn citrus county upside down and so when i came with you on the 26th i remember hearing a tumult over on the right side with the youth and i remember walking over there and the lord said i'm going to do the same thing in this house and i'm gonna shake douglas county for my glory with the teenagers [Music] and so i held on to that word and i got a phone call from the pa from the youth pastor he sent me pictures he said dan 400 teenagers are under the glory of god in our meeting they're under chairs they're all over the place hundreds of kids he said everything is erupted our senior pastor was slain in the spirit pastor artist a dear friend of mine and god says i want you to build a facility i'm sending revival that this building you have cannot contain i'm turning everything upside down he said it is upon us i've never seen so many kids getting saved so powerfully so radically from the darkest of things so i wanted to test it and i told pastor mike i believe i have a word for the youth would you let me share it and so on wednesday night i was faithful we landed that ship at 8 30. and i told him i said i i stopped at 8 30 he goes no you hit the ignition button the holy spirit took over that meeting and i literally i wanted to get a feel and i i sent it out to some intercepts it was one of the top five youth meetings i've ever been in where god began to take kids into a place and my daughter rachel she began to i've never heard her do this she began to groan and groan and groan and tracy said it's like she's giving birth and this morning i heard this that rachel is groaning out of her barrenness and is about to produce seed revivals coming out of the womb and i was looking around the room this morning and it i'm telling you i feel like the crazy scientist everything is about to break open and the role of the prophetic is to prophesy for you to have faith to believe that everything is about to change last week when pastor mark has said this i've heard it a thousand times but it so struck me he said out of joel 2 and all the spirit of god will come upon all flesh it so sent me back in my seat by god we do not have a grid of what it looks like when the spirit of god is coming on all flesh we've had good meetings but we've not seen what we're about to see where the glory of god is going to come turn everything upside down and i heard the lord last week begin to speak he said i want you to prophesy over the church prophesy over the people that i'm taking them in and here's the reason for the prophetic word is that many of us have been in the season 5 10 15 20 years where we've got into a place of heart sickness of hope deferred and god's like i need the prophetic word and it comes out of the spirit of second king seven pastor are you okay with this you're right with this out of second king seven i have to release this or i'm if i go home i'm gonna be sick to my stomach i'm serious it's like when john was told to eat the scroll that's what it feels like i feel like the lord said i want you to give yourself i want you to pour out and cry out and pray and prophesy because i'm about to come to this city i'm about to come to this state and she's never seen what she's about to see and it's so important for us to believe amen second king seven the city was in terrible turmoil and the prophet elisha was called by the king because the king wanted to take off his head they were so desperate samaria had been besieged by the syrians and they were so desperate here's the power of the prophetic they were so desperate they were actually eating each other's children there was no food there was no water it was the worst of the worst conditions and elisha stepped into the city the king said bring the prophet here because he wanted to take off of his head he was so offended and bitter at the prophet and the king walked in in the city and he prophesied this by this time tomorrow everything will shift and turn it was the prophetic word that i need you to grab this morning that pastor mike need you to get this morning that that pastor marcus needs you to get when he released that word last week that a spirit of prophecy is sitting over the church it's on us something is happening we're getting birth with something and the entire city of that prophetic word believed the word of the lord including the king that's why the word of the lord says that god will do nothing until he first reveals it to the prophets it's not the fact that the prophet is more spiritual it's the fact that the prophetic word has to build faith in you and i for us to stand and to believe that even in the face of pressure we say no god you're about to do something new and you're birthing something in my life and everything about my life is about to change and our whole city is about to be caught up in the glory say amen to that the only person that didn't believe was the king's right hand and the prophet says you will see it with your eyes but you will not partake and the very next day through four lepers the power of god broke out put a sound upon their feet and destroyed the entire syrian army that they fled and god changed everything amen here's the word of the lord over you exodus chapter 3. i'm going to read two passages of scripture real quickly and then i'm going to share with you what i saw last week about god defending you and about us getting healed up this morning of any hope deferred amen it's so important your pastor a couple of months ago i'm sure he's had more of these but this is one of them that he shared with me he started having these deep groans out of his belly you cannot pray good enough to get create those kind of groans i've had him before they come from holy spirit when he's trying to birth something and release something god had me hold on to a word as close to six years between five and six years then he tells me it's time because what i saw what i was seeing in the spirit over this house and what it's going to do in the region and and i'll tell you right now i'm so gripped for colorado i can't shake it i see what's about to happen amen and he got these groanings these deep groanings in his belly and it's like the lord is saying there's not much time tell the people to get their hearts before me tell them to get healed of their hope deferred tell them to begin to speak my word tell them to begin to declare everything is about to shift and change because i need agreement in the earth i need agreement amen and this is a high place exodus chapter 3 i've been pondering this all morning now moses was tending to the flock of jethro he was just being faithful his father-in-law the priest of idiot and he led the flock to the back of the desert and came to horeb the mountain of the lord and the angel of the lord that capital a means the lord appeared to him in a flame of fire from the midst of the bush there was fire that came down on wednesday night i saw fire in christie this morning there's nothing like a baptism of fire he's called a consuming fire for a reason lightnings thunderings daniel says that fire rivers of fire flow from under even his throne the angel of the lord appeared to him in a flame of fire in the midst of the bush and it says that moses looked and he beheld the bush it was burning with fire but the bush was not consumed and here's where we've been for a season we've been hearing that god wants to do something and we've even kind of been observing it but here's where it all shifted and then moses said i will now turn aside and i will see a generation that sees but they don't see a people that hear but don't understand they have ears but they're deaf they have eyes but they're blind and this morning god is asking you to step outside of your pursuit of a good life of your pursuit of raises and your pursuit of just to get married or your pursuit just a i want to live in a nice home and god says i want you to turn your pursuit into an affection for my kingdom like you never have before there are realms of glory in your prayer life that many of you are about to experience that you never have experienced where god comes to your home and changes everything and all of a sudden it said that moses turned he wanted to turn aside and to see this great sight here is in verse 4 so when the lord saw that he turned aside to look god called him rob church listen to me you feel something because i can feel it my job this morning is to announce it it's coming [Music] your pastor was saying two minutes to go get your houses in order ask heaven for alignment every place in your hearts this dislocated i'm telling you we're about to see the wildest things we've ever seen before did you hear me i had a just recently weeks ago an african bishop was planted over 2000 churches he called me he said dan you would not believe what's happening across the globe because i have a spiritual son that's been laboring for years after year after year many of his people have been killed by al-shabaab their tongues have been cut out of their throats they've been beheaded he could hardly get traction in the city he said dan the glory of god came without measure and they lost count at 1.5 million people within months he said the glory has come and shifted he goes the terrorists are getting saved drug addicts are getting saved everybody's getting saved this man went from a church of 200 they lost count at 1.5 million people he said dan the globe is reeling and shaking under the glory of god he said it's about to shake america it's coming to those who will stop and turn aside turn aside hallelujah that's what i heard last week when marcus was sharing in isaiah 66 6 for there's a sound of noise it's coming from the city voice from the temple it is the voice of the lord who fully repays his enemies here's the prophetic word over israel before she was in labor she gave birth before her pain came she delivered a male child who was heard of such a thing who have seen such a thing shall the earth be made to give birth in a day or shall a nation be born at once for as soon as zion was in labor she gave birth to her children then it shifts and i heard this so i shall bring to the time of birth here's this shall i bring to the time of birth and not cause delivery says the lord shall i who caused delivery shut up the womb and god says as i was standing with israel to see a nation birthed in a day so i will make sure that what's in your belly will be birthed and i saw this phenomenon out of revelation 12 a mystery as soon as the woman was about to give birth the great dragon showed up because we've been in this month september october the lord has set his affection in an extended season to bring his people into breakthrough to bring us people out of patterns out of being stuck out of weariness and hope deferred listen if you want to be delivered from a heart sickness this morning it's here for you do you hear me y'all just looking at me is it because it's really anointed or are you just pondering come on it's okay the lord says just prophesy and i'll break that thing open and i'm looking around the room and i can see the glory of god on many of you in fact i'm tempted to start calling you out because i see god moving over you god's moving on you sir there's an anointing on your life god is doing something in this room he's causing hearts to burn again because he's about to do something listen it's i told the youth on wednesday you will not burn hotter than me you can be used mindly by god but i will not let my heart lose its fire or a toil in this hour there's no way i'm going to be the burning hottest 50 year old man on the planet this brother turns 50 tomorrow so he's going to step into a grace before me it's the jubilee and i'm going to have my heart burn i told my wife i want to be a burning family i want my girls burning for jesus i want to see the glory of god come to a city and come to a generation like never before and i've been saying lord i want every heart sickness taken out of me i want every wound in me all unbelief i want it out of me i want to believe the glory of god is coming again pastor steve gray at the smith and outpouring had gotten so weary in ministry he was about to turn his back on pastoring a prophetic word came out of his pulpit it said this i'm about to send my glory to smith in missouri and so steve gray went to the brownsville revival in 1997 to go get a hold of god he was there i think from 10 to 14 days in fasting and praying and he was so frustrated he felt nothing he responded to every altar call he didn't eat anything usually the 10 to 14 days he was in his hotel room crying out to god and his board members were so grieved that their pastor had to leave to go find revival that they called a prayer meeting the entire time that he was gone and they sought heaven for all the extended time and it never happened he was at the browns revival nothing happened to his heart nothing took place and he came home and he went to the church and he was about to tell his wife kathy i'm done pastoring if i can't have the glory i'm tired of just having good meetings i've got to have his presence that's what i was made for for heaven to invade his city and he came in he didn't know they were praying and he stepped into their sanctuary and they were in the middle of a permitting true story his wife ran up to him steve what happened he goes nothing and his wife shot back into the chairs and all the board members were slayed in the spirit and then the rest is history as aerial views of the cars coming for miles to a building it's not even is not even half as big as this place they couldn't keep them away because the glory of god came to the entire city that's what's happening here god says i'm about to cause birth in you i saw this this morning in worship some of you have been standing and pastor christie referenced the wave this morning and you're standing in an ankle deep water and your heart's been grieved and you're looking at the shore you're like lord i remember when the water was up here i remember when i was in over my head and now it's at my ankles god the heavens seem to be closed and i can't hear your voice it seems like my prayers are going unanswered god i know that i've been made for more i need more and you're standing here in this ankle and you feel grieved but what you don't know is that it's picking up behind you and there's a wave coming up behind you and it's about to overtake you tracy it's about to overtake us the vision you saw of that valley of this year it was a dark place coming down and god showed tracy coming out of december i was just with the revivalist youth a pastor up in thornton word of life church he said dan i feel like we did a whole podcast thing he said dan i feel like november december he said something's coming at the beginning of the year that we've never seen before he goes i feel so gripped to call my church to pray to call my church to fast he goes we're having powerful permittings 160 of my people showed up to cry out to god and that's what god showed tracy was coming into the new year all of a sudden we're going to come out of this dark place and it was a time on that graph god showed him revival was about to be poured out it was about to be poured out amen and here's where we're at god says i want you to cry out and i want you to ask i want you to ask i got to share this story with you because god's coming suddenly into cities he's coming suddenly to this church listen to me when it happens you can come say you were right because it's coming here it it almost was about to break out this morning i almost came up and said if you'll respond if you'll respond because there was about 25 women up here that responded and i heard the lord said it's time for the men to respond if they will respond that's all he's looking for if they will just say yes to me and turn aside i will shake that 200-pound man clear to his feet i'll tear him up from the floor up god will unravel you sir and change your life and i'm telling you i want nothing more than his glory in my life i want to burn with fire it consumes me i've tasted of it i've had i've been in the glory three times where i was incapacitated and i wanted every day of my life and it's coming here's what's about to happen there's suddenly moments my pastor friend his mother-in-law saw her daughter get murdered 16 years ago it was a gruesome scene and she saw the crime scene and she lost her mind she literally lost her mind and he called me not long ago he said my mother-in-law has been out of her mind for 16 years in a mental institution he said dan the last time you went this preaching the lord said i want you to go on a 40-day daniel fast he said i'm going to restore your mother-in-law he said dan there are suddenly things happening he said we couldn't get her free we prayed and prayed and prayed over her she was out of her mind she would drool she would curse you she was vile and angry she used to be a woman of god and she was in a mental institute he said dan on the 40th day he called me to tell me this he said get ready dan suddenlys are coming she was in a minimal institute in this round circle and she was sitting there with her head cocked as drooling as normal and they were trying to counsel and she calls up this is wild he said my mother-in-law calls me artists and and and he's like mom honey you wouldn't believe what happened to me yesterday she says i was in the round group out of my mind i heard so many demonic voices i was so vile i was so hateful to you and the grandkids she said and all of a sudden there was a man sitting next to me and he leaned over and he had the bible open and was open to a passage in psalms and i wish i knew what it was he says and the pages were covered in gold and this man she says told me read this she says when i hit the last verse i came into my right mind and every demon left me and i'm fully restored fully restored and that's what we saw last week we were talking on the phone is that god is about to do suddenlies in this church and he's asking you set your affection back upon him amen god is removing from you a hope deferred he's removing from you hope deferred and is removing from you heart sickness that's been producing unbelief i believe the moment that moses turned because he had terrible heart sickness terrible hope deferred the moment that he turned towards the lord i believe he was delivered of these two iniquities the moment that he turned and god wanted to see him turn he was instantly delivered of having a harp that was hope deferred and here's what god said this morning in my heart he said tell the people i am not restoring them to a former glory i am restoring them to original intent original intent pastor mike can we pray for him right now or do you want to keep going or i just feel like um you you take the meeting however you want to do i just feel like i want to deliver some people this morning of heart sickness and unbelief yes yeah let me just let me speak to one thing just yet this is good just where the lord has us right now yes so i think i feel like in addition to that like there's going to be just some healing in just a moment physical and and mental spiritual like across the board that the lord just wants to do just and it can happen in just a moment's time i just feel like there's just there's one thing the lord woke me up when i woke up saturday morning i just felt the lord say be careful of the spirit of offense and there's a spirit of offense that can come in to the church and can actually shut down the very things that the lord wants to do it's not a given that he's going to do what he wants to do we can actually it's it's in the second or in thessalonians let me just read this uh this is important that that we we don't well i'll just read it here first in first thessalonians 5 19 it says do not put out the spirits fire there is a fire that is being released but but guess what if he's saying if there's a warning not to put it out be careful because we can put it out and he says do not treat prophecies with contempt and just to clarify the prophecies is just it's just capturing the lord's heart and then revealing it releasing it it can be the the very word of god you can speak the word of god and it's prophesying there can be things that are for right now that you're prophesying that aligned with the word of god prophecy always aligns with with with this word here but be very careful that we do not take on a spirit of offense the church has done this in the past and it will shut down and move the spirit so quickly and that can be just that that unbelief yeah this isn't happening or whatever it is but no we actually were spiritually minded we're not we're not our mindset is not of the things of this world there's another scripture i was just praying i was like lord i need a scripture just to to confirm what you're saying and he took me to first corinthians 2 where it talks about it says the spirit searches all things even the deep things of god and so and then he reveals these things to us he reveals the very the deep things of the father the very heart of the father gets revealed to us and then we begin to declare it we begin to speak it and it's truth and it's prophetic it's prophesying the very word of the lord but then right after that it says this it says the man without the spirit does not accept the things that come from the spirit of god so when we are walking in a worldly mindset i mean you can be a christian you can be a believer but not walking in the mind of the spirit spiritually minded and what happens is when you're in that place you actually when something comes in that the lord is doing that he's speaking that he's about to do you can shut it down because you're not spiritually minded it says they don't accept the things that come from the spirit of god for they are foolishness to them they can't understand them because they're spiritually discerned so tying this back into what i felt like the lord said last week for today come up here he's calling us to come up to this place where we are spiritually minded whether you've been a christian for 50 years or 50 minutes it it doesn't matter you can walk in the mind of the spirit he gives you his spirit and it's time for his church to become spiritually minded to come up here otherwise we will walk in a spirit of offense and we see it happen in the church and it it will blow up churches and and destroy people's lives i mean it is a horrible spirit that is not of the lord and so as we're in this place my heart for all of us is that we would truly be spiritually minded and this is in psalm 24 there's there's a few things here it says who will ascend the hill of the lord you want to be spiritually minded who will ascend the hill of the lord who who will stand in the holy place four things first he who has clean hands he who has a pure heart says that those that are pure in heart will see god it says those who do not lift up their soul to an idol and then those who who do not swear by what is false your spirit you speak things of this world and not that are spiritually minded you speak things of the world and we have to be so careful about what we speak you guys i don't have to go into this but in within the church look at everybody's look at people's facebook page look at their social media the things that are going on and the words that are being spoken and it's not of the lord it's not truth so we guard our heart and we guard our mouth we purify ourselves we clean our hands we're with a pure heart we don't lift up anything that would raise itself up above the lord nothing above the knowledge of god and then we do not speak things that are false guard your tongue that you speak his truth that you're spiritually minded in this season and watch what he does amen man let's go for it zapped i've never had god dig so deeply on me as he has in the last two and a half years he really does want pure gold amen his fire for the heart of believer is not for judgment it's purification amen just heard a story from a preacher just recently who was international it's actually benny hinn and you had a hard road for a bit there got caught up in some things and god has recaptured his heart and he just had a dream that he shared on daystar and the fear of the lord hit me when he was sharing it and he confessed to getting into some areas of sin he confessed romans is very clear about we live by the spirit we live in the spirit we don't live according to the flesh and benny had a dream he said the dream so shook him and when he was speaking you ever you ever listen to a person that has such a god encounter you can feel it in their words it strikes you deep it makes you feel that aw of god and he said many of you have not heard me ever preach on sin like this he said but in my dream i was standing in heaven and we were about to go through the gates and one after the other one after the other one after the other was going in they were getting commendation and then there was a guy that was several people in front of me that wasn't allowed in and he said the atmosphere was so terrible and he said all of a sudden he started getting fearful and he got up to the lord and the lord looked at him and said you've served me but you're about to mess it all up he said stop it in his dream he wept he said i have never understood the fear of the lord that my job is to finish this race the way i started jesus only because i got caught up in money my wife left me i got caught up in sin he goes and i thought that i could just ride on the coattails of what i've done for god all over the nations of the earth he goes and i was deceived he said to the to the audience he says don't mess up last two and a half years i came out of kidney failure god supernaturally gave me a kidney and one of the nights when i lost the use of my legs that's why i walk a little bit funny i lost completely the use of my legs and i was in rehab this is this is just last year and every night at three o'clock in the morning the lord would wake me up and this presence would feel my room and i'd roll out of bed and i'd get into the wheelchair and i'd look out over the mountain and one night he came to me and he said this dan i'm so jealous for you how do you explain the voice of god those few words shook me so deep and they begin to deliver me of distractions other affections because i felt his heart dan i am jealous for you you i want you i want all of your heart i don't care if you're a good this or a good that i want this because i'm jealous for my people and i understood what leonard ravenhill said a man without mixture can be used by god without measure i said lord tear the mixture out of my life this is what john bevere said he goes this is the persecution of americans we're not having our heads cut up he said yet he said our persecution's in the realm of the soul with the affliction of sin of being backslidden being lukewarm about drifting about losing momentum and going back down the stream again he said our persecution is in the realm of keeping a burning heart for god he said that's where it's at keeping before the flame of his presence every day of our life and being so self-aware lord i haven't cried in months i need the tenderness again like pastor mike said the ability to be convicted what a treasure to have the presence of god set upon your heart to convict you what a joy what a privilege it is it shows us he's good he says it is my goodness that brings you to conviction to repentance what we're about to see as holy spirit comes listen to me you cannot sit against the fire of his presence and stay the way that you are it's impossible there has to be repentance in this move of god there's never been revival without it men have said oh it's a revival of signs and wonders it's a revival of this it's always a revival of repentance always as we get up to the fire of his presence as that hot coal comes off the altar it transforms us and it illuminates the very depths of our hearts who could escape his fiery burning eyes of fire a passion longing for you saying i'm so jealous for you i don't want you to have any other lovers in your life me he's that jealous and he's that good to be so aware of you in a rehab hospital at three in the morning i felt nothing but his goodness as he corrected my heart dan i'm so good i love you so dearly to touch your heart again with fresh tears we must respond this morning we must shake off heart sickness with your pastor the shepherd what he just said to you about getting delivered of offense some of us have been offended at a season we've been offended at dryness we've been offended at us what seems to be a closed heaven we've been offended with god we've been offended little spouse we've been offended at our lack of production we've been offended at our inabilities god said i need you delivered of offense today because it's keeping you from hearing my voice i feel a need to weep before god this morning go deep in us more go deep in us burn in my heart don't just burn in the heart of my teenage you're burning my heart [Music] burning me god if you've been heart sick and i heard the lord say when that dragon came to snatch up that baby it was jesus to destroy the deliverer that's what little nixon is a deliverer of why the enemy tried to destroy him in the womb because the enemy is always after the deliverers that's why he's been pursuing your heart but then it says that michael and the angels rose up against that red dragon and defeated the lord saying i've got an answer for your demonic activity in your life i've got an answer for your oppression i've got an answer for your enemy it's my presence today the lord says i'm gonna war against your adversary all you have to do is turn towards him turn towards him and go towards the burning why did moses have to have a burning bush because it's what he needed to be convinced because he was so heart sick god could have done anything but he chose to consume a bush that could not be consumed because he knew that would be what would capture the heart of moses and god said i know how to capture your heart i know how to light things on your life on fire i know how to get your attention but all you have to do is say yes because god says his grace does not remove your free will you still have to say yes to him yes lord yes lord yes lord touch my heart set your fire upon my heart set your fire upon my past set your fire upon my motives set your fire upon my agendas set your fire upon my marriage set your fire upon my home it's a wreck god how people see me here is not how my family sees me at home [Music] i want my wife to see me as heaven sees me i want to be a burning one to my bride and to my girls i don't want to be on fire here and be a terror there and i want the atmosphere of my home to honor heaven i told holy spirit years ago i want nothing in my home that grieves you because you are holy i want you always comfortable with me bill johnson the holy spirit is like a dove he will set on your shoulder but they require a certain atmosphere to stay doves require peace doves require peace let him touch you this morning i'm asking you to respond the way you need to respond if you need to kneel i saw this morning there was an anointing on marriages i saw some husbands and wives getting healed this morning during worship because that's what the anointing does it comes and starts establishing and every place that's dislocated he starts to heal so let's just let holy spirit come over here let him move over you do you remember that song you did wednesday night that got you so deep i feel like that's the song let's just worship the lord and respond to him how you need to let him go deep in you this morning [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] so [Music] oh [Music] we want you to come [Music] oh watching [Music] oh [Music] hello [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] oh oh [Music] is [Music] hello [Music] just let him keep going dean just gonna stay on that song that's so annoyed just close your eyes just want to encourage you to turn aside to him block out anything else there's just there's other levels of glory that are going to come more levels of this presence it's almost like we're built in layers the more you surrender just this layer and then another layer you don't realize the layers that cover our hearts over seasons let him just peel off layer after layer i want to encourage you don't be afraid to cry you need to just get alone just quiet your heart cry as he pulls away layer after layer you just keep singing that song lord i want to hear her let him keep going deep there is an anointing this morning to heal marriages i just feel like the lord wants to reset some atmospheres of homes where the atmosphere of homes have been filled with yelling grief god wants to reset some homes god wants to release the atmosphere of this church into your house realigning realigning houses realigning marriages [Music] just humble yourself to each other humble yourself humble yourself under the mighty hand of god humble yourself learn the beauty of saying i'm sorry it's a beauty lord i repent lord the beauty of what true repentance means actually causing your heart to turn there's a grace this morning that's set upon you this is the beginnings this is this is the birth pains this is the things that begin to release the birthing begin to release the shift in the name of jesus if we just speak the oil of heaven over marriages in jesus name the oil of healing of restoration the oil we call husbands back home in jesus name we declare even over areas that there's been divorce where there can still be reconciliation and feeling all that needs is one touch from god one touch on the hardest heart that heart cannot stay the same when he touches it one dream one encounter one touch you cannot resist the desire of the nations jesus is irresistible when he comes he sets everything in order the rich can't resist him the poor can't resist him the blind and the death can't resist him no ethnic group can resist him no politician can resist jesus is the desire of ignatius believe god in faith the transformation [Music] every marriage restored we speak restoration god restores [Music] in the name of jesus we declare singing and dancing in the house again i'm going to prophesy singing and dancing in the houses again in jesus name i speak over the youth their hearts have been sickened over the breakthrough over the breaking worthiness of their parents i declare life in the name of jesus lord you restore you heal in jesus name in the name of jesus we speak to that covenant that was established at that altar when god has joined together let no man tear apart in jesus name we speak life over the covenants in the name of jesus life over the covenant in the name of jesus restoration i'm praying that over somebody i feel that's strong there's a marriage here that needs contending over in jesus name clearly [Music] just hold out your hands and ask them to come more come on to say lord more i want more [Music] oh [Music] uh [Music] i wanna play [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] so [Music] is [Music] down [Music] oh [Music] is yeah [Music] is [Music] just put your hands on your heart [Music] i feel like there's just some too that there's still that like but i'm not i'm not i don't know what's going on but it's almost like there's there's still that wall or that barrier and i just feel like the lord actually wants to break through those barriers right now break through anything that that is that is holding back what the lord has for each one of us there's a fullness that he has for everyone so i just felt like the lord just said in in in joel 2 it says this it says even now declares the lord return to me with all your heart with fasting and with weeping and with mourning rend your heart not your garments it's not about the garments return to the lord your god for he is gracious and compassionate slow to anger he abounds in love and he relents from sending calamity lord right now i just as hands are on hearts lord i just say but i thank you that you are tenderizing hearts right now lord you're bringing us into this place of complete dependence upon you sometimes that hardness of heart is actually where we're trying to do things for the lord but we're actually we're working in our own ways and the more we do it it's just we actually have a harder and harder time hearing what the lord is doing there's not that tenderness but i believe he wants to re-tenderize our hearts a lot of us i think like it's almost like we've been we think we've been walking in the ways of the lord but we're not seeing the power of god move we're not seeing the fruit and i believe the lord's gonna shift these things in this season all we do is we turn our hearts to him we rend our heart before the lord we we seek him with all our heart and we find him we stop trying to to make things happen but we actually just set our hearts before the lord and let him do what he wants to do in and through us and then when he speaks we move out of radical obedience when it doesn't make sense we say yes lord i'll do it because we don't walk by sight we walk by that faith trusting in him trusting in his ways when it doesn't make sense and he sets us on the path he puts us on his path the other thing i felt i'm just gonna read to this is hebrews 12. i just felt like to declare this there's a mountain that was of the old testament that says that we have not come to a mountain that can be that can be touched and that is burning with fire into darkness to gloom and the storm to the trumpet blast or to such a voice speaking words that those who heard it begged no further word be spoken to them this was this was the mountain that that moses went up it says if even an animal touched the mountain it would be stoned the sight was so terrifying that moses said i am trembling with fear but here's what we have [Music] you have come to mount zion to a heavenly jerusalem to the city of the living god you have come to thousands upon thousands of angels in joyful assembly this is the mountain that we get to come to to the house of the firstborn whose name is written in heaven you have come to god the judge of all men into the spirit of righteous men made perfect to jesus the mediator of a new covenant into the sprinkled blood that speaks a better word than the blood of abel and then he says the see to it that you do not refuse him who speaks this is the holy spirit that speaks he takes the very thoughts of the father takes jesus's words and he actually reveals them to us he takes everything that jesus has and reveals it to us so see to it that we do not refuse him who speaks if they did not escape when they refused him who warned them on earth how much less will we if we turn away from him who warns us from heaven at that time it says his voice shook the earth but now he has promised this once more i will shake not only the earth but i will actually shake the heavens the word once more indicating the removing of things that can be shaken that is the created things the things of this world so that what cannot be shaken will remain in this last part therefore since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken this is the kingdom that we take hold of let us be thankful lord let us be thankful in this time [Music] and so worship god acceptably with reverence and all that's that fear of the lord that we would worship him with that reverence with that fear to say god you are an all-consuming fire it says for our god is an all-consuming fire so lord we say burn off everything that is not of you fill us with your love fill us with all of you fill us with your spirit that there is nothing else that intervenes that that gets in the way of what you desire to do in and through us in this time may we be used of you for you are the all-consuming fire may we worship you with an acceptable worship lord i thank you for what you're doing right now that you are the one we can't tenderize our own heart you do it as we come to you you're the one that tenderizes our heart you're the one that calls us to you so lord i thank you for the tender hearts right now i thank you that you're burning off all those things that are not of you right now but that we are becoming like you we're beholding your glory the glory of the lord but i thank you that our faces that they would shine as you shown with that transform that transfiguration that happens here's the thing when we encounter the living god we will be changed forever [Music] i just felt like i just want to share this with you i was hearing this from a from an evangelist that spoke years ago he said this he goes he said can you imagine if there was this he was he was using this story and he said there was a pastor and and and he was coming to preach at this church and and and he shows up late significantly late he goes well here's the deal he goes i was you'll never believe it but i was on the side of the road and and had a flat tire and i'm changing my tire and a semi came by and it hit me and so so here i am but but i'm late and the man looked at him and he goes how is that possible if a semi hit you you would be changed forever and i believe this this is what this is what he was saying when the holy spirit encounters you when the living god encounters you you cannot be the same if a semi hits you you will never be the same that's a semi this is the almighty god when the almighty god encounters your heart changes your heart you will be changed forever nothing will ever be the same you can't come back and and walk in the same way that you walked before so let i just say right now would you encounter every person change their or change our hearts [Music] from the inside out be that all-consuming fire that just as that semi would come and literally blast us would you just blast us that we would that we would be changed forever more as we encounter your presence as we encounter your goodness as we encounter your love that we walk out of here different than when we came in changed forever not being able to walk the way we walked before [Music] today is a new day but i thank you for a new hunger and a new thirst i thank you that you are changing the atmospheres you're changing things around us i thank you that it's a new day thank you lord i just felt like the lord was saying this there's no spectator sport in the in the kingdom there's no there's like no non-participation we each have to take our own part and the lord gave me this verse from hebrews it says when you hear his voice do not harden your hearts as you did in the desert and he's talking about the israelites when he spoke to them and they hardened their hearts and when there's a hardening of our hearts when we hear the voice of the lord there's a callousness that builds up where we start to become immune to the voice of the lord so there's a there's a choice we either respond or we harden there's no in between there's no riding defense with the lord where he said that you've heard my voice now there's a choice that you get to make it's like when you hear the truth you can't say now that i know that's a baby in the womb i'm going to decide i don't know that anymore no now you have a choice to decide am i going to fight for am i not going to say anything but now there's a place where the voice of the lord is going out this morning and we have a response that we're choosing to choose not to respond is a hardening of our hearts and the lord cautions us against that he says don't harden your hearts as you did in the desert like the israelite lights did because that is where they died that is the place their heart in the hearts led them to a place of death in the desert so we don't want to be those people we want the ones that say okay lord i want to respond if you're not hearing his voice say lord i don't hear it but i i am choosing to respond and i say yes to whatever you want to do in my life right now so god we say yes to what you're doing in this house and i just want to declare that you guys these youth on wednesday they were going after it the house looked different than it looks right now and i just want to encourage you that like dan said don't let them out burn us like we have fire inside let us stoke the fire of our hearts that let it match those of our youth so cry out to the lord in this time don't just just don't be idle because there is a there is an uh an outstretched hand there is an invitation but as there was a prophetic word that place doesn't stand open forever so i encourage you don't miss this place that the lord says there's an invitation to respond to my voice right now so let us be those that respond thank you jesus that you've invited us to this place of intimacy where you go deep you search the deep places of our hearts and you say oh let me let me speak to that let me breathe on that dark place that place that's been dormant let me breathe on that seed that was planted the promise that you feel is unfulfilled let me speak to that place in your heart so lord right now we open our hearts we peel back any place that's hardened we said where you soften it you do that work you breathe your breath you speak the word that brings life and he will bring life to those seeds in your heart jesus let us be those that respond [Music] jesus we don't want to die in the desert we need your voice it is the very source of [Music] life let's sing one more time just don't want to burn for you god want to burn for you [Music] let's just make this just our make it just our our prayer right now that we want to burn for him i feel like it's the song that we just need to sing this over and over and over lord i want to use let this be your prayer want [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] um [Music] hello [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] us the passions [Music] foreign [Music] he will breathe [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] i just want to honor just whatever the lord's doing just in people's lives and if you just want to stay wherever you are just let the lord minister but i just just pray right now your blessing over over every person but i thank you for the work that you're doing in our hearts and now lord me as we walk out of this place as we leave from this place as we burn for you but give us our that heart that you have for the lost give us that heart for the prodigals whether that we would cry out for them that we would speak life to them that we would take the very thing that you're burning in our hearts and hold out the word of life to others that as the spirit of the sovereign lord comes upon us that we would share the good news of jesus with those around us that we would carry your heart and reveal your heart and release your heart to a lost in a dying world where there's hopelessness may we bring hope where there's death may we bring life [Music] jesus use us may we prophesy the word of life lord as we get that word in our hearts as you speak to us in the night as you speak to us in the day may we prophesy the word of life just as ezekiel 37 that we would prophesy to the dry bones we would prophesy life to those bones we prophesy breath that this would be a time where the army of god would be raised up many would come into the kingdom but you're doing it that we would lift up our eyes it says lift up your heads o gates that the king of glory may come in lift up your eyes and look about you to see the harvest is right jesus give us eyes to sea and ears to hear may we walk in your ways all the days of our life use us for your glory in jesus name amen god bless you have an amazing week walk in his glory don't leave this place of his glory nowhere no matter where you go that that dove is with you right on your right here right on your on your shoulder listen to his voice and have an awesome week god bless you now you
Channel: The Rock Church - Castle Rock
Views: 136
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: 8twyTN1PkkY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 220min 7sec (13207 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 18 2021
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