Summer garden tour Part 1 | Patio garden | The Impatient Gardener

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so i thought it was high time for a tour and i waited until um evening to do the tour of this part of the garden because this is when it just sort of glows so um we are on the front part of the house here and we're just gonna do what i consider to be sort of the patio gardens and then we'll do another video with the rest of the garden in it some other time and we're also gonna do a video that really focuses on dahlias so i won't talk specifically about a lot of them yet because they're just starting to come into bloom but we will definitely get to a more in-depth sort of dahlia tour but i wanted to touch base on some of the things you guys have seen this year so first up are the the containers that we did uh what i call the driveway containers how creative and these are the containers that used to have roses in them and i planted pagoda dogwood in these and then i put some lobelia and some licorice plant helichrysum in the bottom i just want to show you the trees are doing fabulous they look great uh still sort of in love with the change that was that was a great change to make and then i've got a few other pots sort of clustered around the base here i've got some spanish lavender some eucomis and some mangave so we're just going to quick switch over to this side of the house now the light's going to be pretty bright here because west light it's evening it's coming right in here but i want to show you how much things have grown here so you can see that all of the big dahlias along the back are getting quite large you can see there's a fair amount of blooming on some other varieties and the front border that we planted up with all annuals is doing generally pretty good a lot of those things are still sort of coming into bloom but there are some moments that are really pretty like the um super bena royale peachy keen with the cheer blue delphinium which i think we've already talked about in one other video and then just a quick update on the window box which is uh you can see that the hyacinth bean vine has just gone nuts which is a look i actually quite like i mean it's super tall up there it helps fill up the house but i also think that it's just i kind of like it just being all wild like this i did do a little bit of pruning on the helichrysum in this container and i'll probably do a little more it's actually gotten a little bit aggressive so we've had to sort of keep that under control but i do i do love the the wild i mean even though it wants to jump out and grab you sometimes i do love that look so now we're going to switch across the patio and this is really the part of the border that i think is just this is sort of it's just really coming into its peak here this is a very full garden and it's really full of a lot of annuals actually which generally speaking i try to avoid doing too many annual areas it's a lot of work but i just love the way this always turns out so let's let's talk about one of the best plants in this garden which is this is wild magic basil this is two plants so i've got six plants total in here each clump is two plants next to each other this is a sterile variety of basil so um what you get is um first of all i don't eat this i've got plenty of other basil that i like to eat so i i don't eat this although it's perfectly edible and quite delicious um but i like to let these flowers grow but just the this this almost this really dark purple with a little bit of green foliage on it is such a good foil for things like the nicotiana this one is antique lime green it's the first time i've grown that variety it's a little bit shorter and it has these sort of reddish purplish backs on the flowers which is kind of nice another plant to just sort of point out here is this is more of the jewels of opar you might remember this from the circle garden so i just kind of filled that in around around where i have a few mangaves in there and then of course here we've got i plant this particular dahlia in this location almost every year because it's one of my favorites this is crichton honey dahlia and it's a ball form that ranges in color from this this deep salmony peach to a light yellow to everything sort of in between and that too blends really well with this with the wild magic basil behind that is the tiny tough stuff hydrangeas those flowers are pretty well spent but they're still pretty even though they're a bit they have a bit of age on them i think i do have a hole in the garden sort of front and center here we've had a terrible problem with rabbits this year and they eat all the quaking oak grass that i had here um which is unfortunate because it's really beautiful so i have this little hole here which if i had any plants left over i would stick something else in there but honestly everything else will probably fill in here eventually i think it's worth just taking a moment to take a look at the urn now we planted that up in a video the canna which is tropicana canna is just starting to push up that its first flower and what's funny about this is that i think if you might recall that during that video i mentioned that originally i was thinking about only planting the canna and the purple heart and then i put in the carrots grass on the bottom and then there's orange campfire orange bidens in there as well well i guess i got what i was originally thinking because basically the purple heart which i put six plants in there was way too many and we've just sort of got this hula skirt of purple heart and you can barely see the carrots and you can definitely not really see the bidens anymore which is okay i don't mind how it looks it's just sort of funny how that ended up happening and then we work you know there's a lot of repetition in the border here so of course we work our way down to another clump of wild magic basil with more nicotiana the one thing i would say about this garden is that there is a foliage accent here with amsonia hubrecti eye which has this sort of light and airy feel to it and i think that that is a is really helps because there's so much going on in this garden that without a little bit of a break we could really be sort of struggling here um and there is uh wrapped around the base of the urn there's a princess diana clemens growing up there the limelight hydrangea is just starting to really put out its blooms here you can see they're very limey still so these flowers will get much bigger and obviously much whiter as we go along across the way here this is the garden that i planted up in a video last year so pretty amazing how much this has filled in now some of these things in the front is a this is a dahlia this year this is um gallery art nouveau and the salvia argentia that you see here that's an annual that went in this year but everything else in here is a perennial that we planted up last year and of course it's filled in really well this is cecilaria grass which is kind of moving through here that we planted there last year as we come down this way now this is strawberry blonde marigold which i grew from seed i sort of wish i hadn't put that there i don't love how it looks i didn't realize it was going to be quite as bright of a yellow as it is but live and learn it's a good spot for some annuals right there along here what you see is this is salvia argentia again grown from seed now i planted this in this place last year as well and although it is perennial i believe in zones five and up um it did not come back because one of the things to know in general about especially gray foliage plants and especially those with very fuzzy leaves is that they want a lot of sun they want really sharp drainage and they don't want to sit around wet and this is an area where uh you know in winter we shovel the walkway and the snow piles up here so it's not really conducive for these plants to survive because of the drainage situation over here but easy to start from seed and well worth doing because um all this i think this is the one plant that came back everything else was left from um or was new this year so you can see how big things get in one year so well worth well worth planting uh just a quick note here this is a stand this clemens that you see here this is stand by me i've got several of them planted through here but the seed heads are so pretty so of course i love them after they're spent and i think this is purple emperor sedum really good sedum actually i should probably make it a point to propagate some of this because the dark dark foliage is so good there on this side of the path we've got some more annuals and things obviously this is um this is hs date but over here i planted some zinnias and behind there we've got some vermillionaire kufia a lot of that was taken out by the nasty little bunnies this interesting plant is new for me this year this is verbena bampton uh it's it's not exactly what i thought it was going to look like but i really like how it looks and i grew that from seed as well and i think that'll be a repeat for me because i do quite like that then we move down on this side of the path we've got you know sort of there's a little bit of a mish-mush in here some dahlias in here some sweet peas that again got eaten by by rabbits back here i've got a stag horn this is tiger eyes steghorn sumac growing in a pot and i grow that just for that great foliage contrast back there i just like that chartreuse green in that spot down here one of the interesting plants there's a lot of agiratum by the way this is all ageratum which gets great beautiful blue flowers great for bouquets one of the neatest plants in the garden this year is a plant that i was sent to trial from darwin perennials this is called arctic rose fox it's a perennial fox glove so it will continue to bloom it has already bloomed once this year and i cut it back and this is the second bloom on it and it has just been performing so well right here i would love to add more of those next year because really a wonderfully performing plant and i really look forward to seeing how it does over winter as we come down the path some more um i've got my you know some poppy seeds waiting to be saved here if i want to save those but i love the seed pods i think those are beautiful this is a blue globe spruce people ask me all the time there's another one behind me over here people ask me all the time what this shrub is blue globe spruce been here for a long time actually takes fairly well to pruning because it got a little bit too big and i had to prune it and they are sort of as big as i want them to get here so i will have to stay on that a little bit this little section of garden is one that i planted up in a video either last year or the year before and we planted this uh japanese maple this is a moon rise yeah moon rise uh japanese maple and it's growing really well it's much bigger than when i than when it was planted and i've recently come back here and i had a couple of hostas in this bed that were huge so i moved them out of here they were way oversized for this bed and i've gone in and i put in a lot of sweet tea cucarella and iced peach heuchera which is a new plant and then there's a few smaller hostas in here all of which have sustained a fair amount of slug damage this year so i'm hoping uh and then i've got some ajuga in here as well so i'm hoping between the ajuga and the hukarella things sort of fill in here fairly well on this side of the path uh this is a i always say this wrong this is a blue magoo and it's a spruce so i will have to tell you um i'll put it on the screen what spruce it is because i always get it wrong um but growing through that is uh this clemens this is um alba luxurians and i love how it's just sort of dripping out of the tree it climbs all up uh this is one things i love to do is grow grow clemonus up trees and this is just sort of a really charming effect i think i've just cut back the veronica white wands down here and we've got some celosia trying real hard to grow there but fighting fighting a losing battle with the rabbits then we can make our way and before we go through the little piece of grass that we have over here i'm going to show you the container by the garage so you guys i'm sure you remember when we planted up this container this year this has turned into a bit of a of a cousin it type container and i am i'm all here for it i think it's fabulous this is uh um this begonia that just drips this is the peach version and then there's another white one over there we've got the uh longwood silver plectranthus here and then in the inside of this uh i was trying to grow rex begonia vine and sissy's discolor and it is just taking its own sweet time so i guess it takes a little bit longer to grow than i thought it would so i will over winter that inside and hopefully maybe next year we'll have a big enough plant to um to really have that make a show because i don't think it's going to get very far this year but despite that i think with the height of this plectranthus and this just skirt of begonias this is i think maybe my favorite version that of plantings that i've ever done in this container i think it looks great so now we're in what is really our side yard but i often call it our backyard but the the theory here is that the grass area here forms an oval so we've got a mostly shady planting over here and then we make our way around so just a couple of of things to point out first of all this is a little lime hydrangea right here there are there were three in here i think they're all going to come out i have not had this is another one down here looking really terrible i've not had great success with little lime so um i don't know why that is all other hairy drainages seem to do fine for me but for whatever reason little lime is a little sketchy so maybe it's time to change those out i think it's worth just taking a moment to take a look at the climbing hydrangea that is against the garage i couldn't be happier with how that plant has filled in relatively quickly for climbing hydrangea and i'm now starting to let it wrap around the corner so that eventually i think it'll head over to the pergola over the garage at least that's that's how the plan goes in my head up in front here this is blue kazoo spirea i love this plant i love the variation in foliage color the deer hit it pretty hard this year but it's still really pretty and it just keeps flushing out new growth which has this bright color and then you get some of this purple tinge on it such a nice shrub this is a viburnum right here the name of which i can't tell you it's a plicatum type so it gets it's a double file type but it's not mauricio and it has some great berries on it right now if you can see the red on there which is just another layer of interest for it growing along the back here are plants that let me step into the shade a little bit so i can talk to you about these so growing along the back are plants that so many people have asked me for updates on so that is the hornbeam hedge that i planted here um two years ago i think and so many people have asked me uh how those are doing and i thought you could see for yourself here um they have been now this is a extremely uh skinny variety that it's called lucas is the variety but it's a european hornbeam so they're taking a little bit to fill in but this year what i did was i did the a topping cut on them so they're almost as high as i want them to get but not quite and i actually got some advice on this from nick mccullough who you should definitely follow i'll put his instagram handle he's a landscape designer who i talked to in late february who uses a lot of horn beams and i asked him i said when do i make that topping cut because i've been doing a little bit of just light pruning to encourage them to flush to fill out and he said his in his experience with hard beams is once you make that topping cut they really thicken up and that's exactly what has happened here so i cut probably a foot off the top of all these at the same level and they have really just started putting on more growth to the side so things are going really well they look great in fact what we'd really like to do is continue to add more as we go down here because we have this enormous spruce tree that is sort of a feature in our yard but as we've been learning more and more trees don't last forever and it'd be nice to have this continuing if we could you know in case we ever lost that tree we would really want something there so we might in the future add on to that hornbeam hatch so there's your hornbeam hedge update i'm i'm really happy with how things are going they're a little skinny at the bases i wish they were a little more filled out down there but we'll work on that in successes successive years with some pruning so uh this is a another spruce which i will put the name up this is a hudson eye spruce we planted this uh in honor of our first newfoundland whose name was hudson it uh has gotten so tall but it's super skinny so we quite like it um just to tell you how how quickly this tree has grown we put christmas lights on this tree every year and we used to put lights on the tree no problem by hand with a light at the top and now i mean how big would you say that is 15 feet or so yeah like 15 feet probably already so and then moving down here um i think this quickfire hydrangea is looking fabulous obviously called quickfire for a reason pinking up really really nicely and i've got some i think this is called tilt-a-whirl hosta down here they look good but again they've really been taking a beat in a beating from slugs this year and then over here um i just have this is just autumn joy sedum here and these all came out of another garden and i divided them because i wanted to fill in this area and i think this is just a really good example of how you can just use plants that you have in your garden to fill in an area and although i don't think autumn joy sedum is really all that great of a plant on its own when it's planted in mass it looks pretty nice so now we're going to walk around to the other side of the circle so flanking this staircase off our patio are two incredible hydrangeas which are just really starting to come into their own now they are a little floppy because we've had a lot of rain but i mean i think you can get a feel for this is probably an average size bloom not a huge one but i think you can get a feel for the size of the flowers you can expect off of incredible and there's another one here and they are you know it's supposed to have extra stiff stems but it does flop a little i don't mind that here's a here's a really big flower right here that's the size of one of the flowers there um this is the johnson's blue geranium that i showed you in another video that was everywhere well i cut it all back and it's all reflushed with fresh foliage we might get another blue mound of it but either way the foliage looks nice now that it's all contained up here is this is millennium allium and it's almost fully open right now i would say you should find alliums like this serendipity is another one which is a sport of millennium and there's another one that i grow called summer beauty i think i like i'm growing serendipity for the first time this year so i'll let you know which one i like the best but between millennium and summer beauty i like millennium better but look at how great it looks just mass planted in there easy to divide super easy care the great for pollinators you can see there's bees all over it just an excellent plant that that i think people should think about adding to their gardens got some um dahlias in here verbena bonariensis uh really a lot of dahlias right here and i also worked in some distant memories colocasia here and when you're looking up here you can kind of see the back side of the of the patio garden just a quick note this is a we planted this willow tree last year this is um i'll have to put the name on the screen for you because i can't remember but i like how it's i do i do prune it to try to keep it from going too crazy but i do sort of like that loose that loose feel in there and then on the back side of of this little part of the garden i've got a few little heucarellas and things growing but i'm working on developing a little bit of a of a better perennial scheme for this area i'd like to stick with perennials at least for this bed this is a really interesting nicotiana right here that i just want to talk about as you guys know i love nicotiana's and last year i saved seed from nicotiana langstorfi but as you know i also grow nicotiana a lot of lime green well these are some of the seeds i saved and this is most definitely a cross between nicotiana a lot of lime green and nicotiana langsdorffia it's got the the bright green color of um of the langsdorfi it's got sort of a flower that's halfway between the size the two but the knotting shape frankly i think i like this better than either one but uh it's not going to be stable i will save seeds from it but it won't be stable so we don't know what we would get the next year uh but it was fun to play around with saving seeds from that and uh it's just a nice size and a good behaving plant now before we wrap up i'm going to walk you around the back side of the patio garden because i almost never show you that area just a just a pause here as we go by so this is our really big service berry this is i think a species we got this ages ago before service berries really were as popular as they are now the bad news is is that it has cedar apple rust and unfortunately it has it there's not much you can do about it so we're just going to try to keep this tree as healthy as we can but what we do have is again a clematis growing up it and you can see in this case it's uh grave thai beauty and you can see one of its uh there's there's some of it's just growing everywhere but there's some some of it blooming right now and it's this gorgeous oh deep sort of merlot color that is a great clemens by the way it this is growing underneath this tree in a fair amount of shade and it does well so once again this is a great way to get more color out of your trees and shrubs by using them to support a clemens and then you get another set of blooms even if they don't necessarily belong to that going along this little retaining wall here these are i think blue angel hostas i one of the well i planted them a long time ago so i don't quite remember but it fills in this area really well and i used to grow like begonias and things underneath them but i just kind of like the simplicity of just the big hostas here and then it's pretty simple on this side of the garden because really this is you only really see this when you're coming down the driveway hi uh you only really see this when you're coming down the driveway um so we've just got a row of ladies mantle here we've got some purple coneflower some rebecca here and then this is um little joe joe pie weed which is really just like a pollinator paradise and those are just starting to get going now this is another double file viburnum with some great berries on it the birds have been just all over these but the color is really pretty and you can see the the back of the urn right now where you actually still can see a little bit of the orange by orange biden sticking out and then here we've got a purple smoke bush that that's is suffering from something so i don't know i don't know what the future for this shrub is here if it's if it's destined to stay here or not this is this is the summer beauty allium that i had mentioned it's already sort of spent its flowers are ahead of millennium but they're much taller and floppier and a paler pink so i definitely prefer that we've got another sedum here this one i think is called neon this is a plant i just want to quickly point out now it's been cut back but this is the lich drum and even though i've cut it back this is the spent flowers here one i didn't get to cut back it's got great foliage that just lasts all year so now we're just right back where we started but i hope you enjoyed this tour and i think you can see why we like to just hang out and sit on our patio and enjoy the garden um which we do more this time of year so i hope you're enjoying your garden let me know if you have questions about anything you saw in the tour and stay tuned because there are more tours to come see ya [Music] there is a life i lead in this city hurrying to cut my teeth i can take what i need to get by it doesn't make it easy [Music] will you carry me like i am whole [Music] [Music] i had a feeling but the feeling is all [Music] gone [Music] if i could take you back to my you and show you what i wish i knew my will is strong with the place to lean in the moment the other ring on my wrist is
Channel: The Impatient Gardener
Views: 171,825
Rating: 4.9463806 out of 5
Keywords: garden tour, summer garden, limelight hydrangea, dahlias, pagoda dogwood, window box, windowbox, garden, gardening, annual gardening, nicotiana, drone, hornbeam, hornbeam hedge, allium, incredible hydrangea, hydrangea, newfoundlands, planting, plants, gradens, the impatient gardener
Id: IdSoo4lWFKo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 36sec (1776 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 10 2020
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