Heat Loving Perennials/Garden Tour/Garden Style nw

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[Music] hi everybody and welcome to garden style so I'm back I've been on vacation for about a week and a half and I'm finally back ready to go into episode two to cover perennials for the Sun so the perennials that I have chosen today some are very common you've probably heard of them before but I find them to be amazing in the garden especially in a really hot sunny garden all the plants I'm going to talk about today are drought tolerant so let's get started the very first one I want to talk about is echinacea or cone flowers now these have come a long way especially in the last five to ten years you can find all kinds of colors in these now the most popular being the pink or the Magnus version of cone flowers but now they come in like a single petal like this or you can also get them where they have like a pom-pom on the top like this one and you know two beautiful colors that you see right there but you can also get them in yellows and whites shades of purples and pinks and I find these to be extremely drought tolerant once they are established and you just get bushier and bushier with time now echinacea or cone flowers have been around for so long I think because they are so drought tolerant and very Hardy in most areas I'm looking up the zone here for this particular variety I'm always sure to just double check them to make sure but this guy is Hardy down to zone 4 which is fabulous and if you live in a zone any colder than that or in zone 4 I do recommend that you mulch them during the fall so it protects them even further from any kind of winter damage that you may incur if your winters get really cold here our biggest concern here in the northwest is moisture so they definitely need really good drainage a nice rocky kind of gravelly type soil with just minimal amount of compost it's all they need to really get established and get going they're very similar to lavenders in that respect in fact all of these are most of your sun-loving perennials like this who can take the heat 100 degree heat and they they barely flinch as long as you're keeping them watered usually require really good drainage at the same time so echinacea coneflower I find to be excellent in a sunny garden so look them up they are definitely available in your garden centers as we speak and I've had a lot of people ask you know can I still plant perennials during the month of July absolutely you can it's a perfect time to be planting them the biggest ticket is just to keep them well watered especially in very hot hot heat I tell folks plant most of your perennials in the evening when it's a little cooler they can grow overnight during the cooler temps and just keep an eye on them as you would anything even if you're planting in the early spring but you can most definitely plant perennials in July and August for that matter a lot of your garden centers will have your Sun loving perennials available depending on the season of bloom so these actually start blooming in about early to mid summer and the cone flowers will keep on blooming all the way up until the first frost just keep them deadheaded as long as you keep the flowers trimmed off it'll just keep sending up more so echinacea was my first one and then the second one I want to introduce you to really cute this is called gara and this particular variety is called swirling butterflies which I thought was a really neat name but these add a really nice texture and softness to the perennial garden and they're kind of a pink white they're actually kind of a deeper pink but that comes out and then as they start to bloom they're kind of a real light pink and then gradually fade to white so gaara is amazing see here yeah and these are good down to zone 5 or minus 20 degrees they can take full Sun two parts eight so they're not real fussy if they're not getting you know exactly six hours of sunlight everyday extremely drought tolerant and very long blooming I've already planted a few of these in the garden but getting ready to plant some more as I'm trying to create a drift and being I'm limited on time sometimes for planting I'll get a few in and then I'll go back and I'll plant a few more and as you know garden is always an evolving thing anyway another fabulous perennial and they of course combine well with just about anybody they have great companions let's see they give me a list here of a companion plants no because they can pretty much go with anybody and these are also deer resistant the deer don't like to eat either one of these you know the echinacea or the gars so if you have an issue with deer this is a really good plant to go with as they have a tendency to just keep on walking rather than stopping and train you take chunks of your plants and of course the bees love them as well they love both and a little thing I forgot to mention about echinacea or cone flowers is with these guys I don't cut them back in the fall when they're all done with their bloom thing I actually like to leave the SIA heads on the plant and that's usually happens around the end of September beginning of October I'll just let the plants naturally die back and by keeping those cone heads you know they're producing seeds at that point the birds absolutely love them so I like to just leave them in the garden not only does it add winter interest but it helps to feed the wildlife as well so just wanted to throw that in there with echinacea then another fabulous plant which sometimes you see these growing on the side of the freeway this is the wild version and this is called Russian stage and of course it's in the stage family so that in and of itself tells you that it's basically an herb but this of course is used for its decorative elements and I absolutely love this stuff you can get these where they get 4 to 5 feet tall or you can get more virgin and that's what this guy is who you will get up to maybe 3 feet high so he's great for the middle part of the garden if you have taller plants are sitting in the front and this is also very Hardy system yeah down to zone 5 or minus 20 degrees but this particular variety which they call it just a dwarf Russian sage or a little spire the botanical name is Perrault skia extremely Hardy plant and when your lavenders are starting to die off some of your more purpley type plants these guys start to take over and just keep going until the very first frost and right now you can see it's just now starting to send up its spikes and then the blue flowers start to open and if you plant these in an in a drift you'll just see like this beautiful misty blue that starts to appear in the garden and during hot temperatures that's kind of nice to see you can easily combine them with other plants like the echinacea and I just love oranges and purples together anyway but they kind of I have a softer look to the garden or add a softness to the garden and a cool kind of effect so in the hot summer when you're in the 90s it's kind of nice to see a nice cool purple or cool blues out in the garden as well as white it just helps to give it a kind of a cooling effect or a cool look to your garden it helps calm down some of the warmer hotter colors that can be in the garden like your oranges your Reds your yellows mixing in purples and blues is fabulous for just cooling off the garden so to speak as to how it looks so Russian sage another fabulous hardy perennial for full Sun and extremely drought tolerant I have Russian sage I've completely forgotten about in the garden I don't water it and it doesn't seem to care it just keeps going in fact it likes it that way doesn't like having too much water on it okay so there's two or three sudden living perennials for you as you go towards the end of this video I'm gonna give you a tour my own garden and show you all the fabulous blooms that are going on at this time of the year this is actually about the peak time for my particular garden it's more of a June July garden it calms down a little bit at August and then we'll pick right back up again as we get into fall as I'm trying more and more to plant more fall type colors to help extend the season for the garden so I hope you enjoy this little tour that's coming up I hope you all are having a fabulous summer I feel much better after getting a little rest and being able to take some time off but now I'm ready to get back to it you wouldn't think there would be a whole lot to do in July but I find for me I'm still filling holes with perennials and of course there's always weeds that seems like a never-ending project for all of us and we've been pretty lucky here in the northwest we've actually had some pretty cool weather up until this coming week I see we're starting to creep back into the 80s but we've actually had some cool rainy weather or the last couple of weeks my lawn has loved it and I've loved it as you're more encouraged to get out in the garden and get things done but now I can see it's starting to warm up here for us and we'll start seeing 80s and 90s as we get further into July in August so let the watering commence and whatever you do give all your plants one last feeding just start getting into July and August you want to back off the fertilizing a little bit as most of them are just trying to survive on a daily basis except for things like your hanging baskets potted plants it's always a good idea to be feeding those at least once a week and keep those blooms coming for as long as you can I back off completely when it comes to fertilizing my lawn and other things during July in August it's just hot enough to where most of the time you're watering or just weeding just maintaining the garden basically during July and August and get more of a chance to just kick back and actually enjoy it and working forever in it okay I'll quit lab in here and I hope you enjoyed this tour of what I have accomplished so far this year and send me some pics I would love to see what you guys are doing out there and of course in my next video I'm gonna leave that as surprised as to what I'll be covering next meanwhile glad to be back and hope y'all are having a fabulous summer so far meanwhile enjoy the tour and we'll talk soon bye for now okay well I'll start here which is what was pictured right behind me turns video but this is flocks and this is actually a coral color that I have installed here in the garden as well as some volunteer johnny jump ups same here and you'll see I've got some bricks lined up right here I am getting ready to install those as a new edge here in the garden so they're not installed yet but you can see where I had trim in here just so we knew the difference between the bark and the gravel but that's what I'm working on over the next two to three weeks that's usually what I get to during the summertime and then be edging this whole area in here as hardscaping starting to finally get to that point when you have a brand new garden you're just mostly worried about getting plants in but right now I'm finally at a point where we can start adding finishing touches and I just went with bricks along here they're very cheap and inexpensive and just something to delineate the lines and keep the gravel from going in the grass as well as in my beds and over here you'll see I have candy tuft which is blooming and this is a different variety than some of the white candy tuft I talked about these earlier in an earlier video this is called pink ice and I know they look white but they're very light white pink I don't know if you'll be able to see it or not a super light pink there in the blooms and they actually bloom after the original candy tuft or white candy Tufts bloom so that's one of the reasons I put them in here just because they bloom later they combine really well with roses you can see here got the double knockout rose bloom in its heart out and then you'll see here in the background hydrangeas I love this time of the year when start blooming and this is a white one a mop head hydrangea that's just getting started and as I send you down the garden here the other ones have buds on them way at the end down there but aren't quite full bloom yet but you can see my hostas are blooming like crazy as well as the astilbe there in the background Japanese maple is literally getting engulfed with hosta this is actually my shade garden I really should be showing you my son garden and we'll just flip over to the other side and get into that alright so as I take you along on a little garden tour here keep in mind this garden is very young it's maybe three years old I took over the house and the yard hadn't been worked on for about eight years so there was a lot of trees getting cut down clearing and replanting but I'll show you what I've done so far so you can see the vegie beds are here and the probably gonna move the back was begin a new fence put in garden that you see here with some planters and I think you guys saw me planting these earlier in the year I thought give you a close-up isn't that a gorgeous plant that's a soon seo the succulent and he's got the wall flowers growing in behind them but he's gotten huge and I need a water these containers maybe every other day they do like it on the dry side but they have turned out to be outstanding you can see the other one way in the back there just ignore that ugly veggie bed to the right there are no veggie beds this year but uh and we've got golden oregano and of course there's some lavender rosemary sometime white sage their sacred sage that's used for smudge sticks so I'm doing an experiment there see if I can make some this year right behind that is a gorgeous Barbary that's rose glow well its new growth coming out kind of a pink and then there's sidewalk here as you can see is lined with cat mint and the cat mint is due for a trim needless to say and I've continued planting through here so these plants are a little bit younger but more lavender it is very hot and extremely dry back here now here's a beauty for you this is pet simin hummingbirds absolutely adore it and it does great in dry hot conditions our wallflowers butterfly weed and this tall stuff in the back here is actually goldenrod and I'm hoping you can see it for the glare of it it's got a lot of buds on it and that is drop-dead gorgeous in the fall turns gold and here you can see hopefully nice big swath of lavender in full-on bloom bees just a party in on it love it so much so now we've got the lavender blooming and tucked down inside there you're gonna see the Nadia blooming these are all the plants I've covered in past videos if you want to know more information and behind here is actually a fuchsia pink phlox you'll find I'm a phlox lover the first one I showed you actually only gets maybe twenty four inches high where these get about three four feet high by the end of the summer and down in front we have shasta daisies and this is the frilly version right here and I've been wanting to add more red and yellow so we've got gaillardia is what you're new in the front and more chaste is here and I love these because they come out yellow the kind of a pale yellow and then gradually fade to a white and you can see if the other ones are like white white and then we can just kind of have a yellow and then eventually these will be white as well so in love with chastised and then off in the background I have some very tall perennials which bloom a little later b-bomb as well as goldenrod and those will start to show their thing by my next video but here we go peak season is just getting started so I'm a purple lover and these are for cardi asters for Carty I if I can pronounce that right along with some Amphicar geraniums kind of just crawling in between them there there is nothing formal about my gardens they are very kind of wild more of a cottage garden and I've got coreopsis just getting started I'm kind to see where they're starting to open of course with day lilies in the back and then I'm gonna cruise you down here these are Johnson's blue geraniums which just never quit but are getting ready to be trimmed and check that out isn't that gorgeous day lilies it is the season Reds lemon yellows beautiful orange and yellow and look at that Burgundy yeah I've got Hot Lips salvia that I just installed this year sitting in front along with the scabiosa flowers they're so very new all of this is really new just still filling holes it's just endless endless Jack Frost Venera there because this is a s'more shadier area so you start to see hostas appear and here I've got the lilies more calla lilies and I've planted some more so I want them to thicken up and start to take over back here but as I pan across this whole garden in here is new I got it planted personally last year and still fill it in holes for the shady side and now that I kind of have the foundational type plants in by next spring I'm going to be planning in some more shade perennials for color so I can have some more color during the summer time but I love the leaf textures in here and this is by far one of my favorite plants right there this is a Jack Frost early spring bloomer for those guys okay moving on so if you guys have never planted creeping thyme before I highly recommend that you do it I only planted six plants in here two or three years ago and it has all grown in in here I've had a lot of you asking me what this is when I have pictures of it and there's a golden sedum in the background there Angelina sedum and a leftover tree stump so I have a tendency to utilize them and I just put a pot on top this happens to be my man pot it has lavender I poke some petunias in there with flecks in the top and a gorgeous weeping birch just behind there which offers lots of shade during the summer and if I swing you over to the side of the house here you'll see a line along the wall this last winter I used to have a carport there and it collapsed during the snowstorm so goody-goody you guys get to see another project in action as I install yet another fence with the big arbor and you'll see what I do with this narrow pathway next spring as it's all going to get landscaped and I'll show you some primo plants to put into narrow spaces that can take full-on Sun because this face is due west but lots of my own personal project you guys get to follow along with me more but back to the time I have a big mound that sits here in the middle and it's in the heat all day so I needed something that can take hot dry conditions so I put in time Angelina sedum and there's this beautiful kind of blue-green seed them that you see there these all started from just one plant and they have spread immensely and we're still filling in a few holes if I take you around this mound you can see the time here hasn't started to bloom yet because it gets a little more shade but I am hoping it will just keep going and fill in this back side where I have Virginia or pig squeak yes they call it another native fern in the corner there and a beautiful Korean lilac who's a rebloom er he's not blooming now he just got done doing it stuff I got to give him a little trim actually looking kind of shaggy but he'll bloom again in August and I'll have some more blooms that I can bring inside but ya gotta love creeping time and as you can see it's creeping out onto the gravel here I have a gravel driveway and some old rocks and things we're still sitting here when I moved in so I just utilized them and built a bed around it you didn't even know it was here one point but creeping time and this particular variety is called pink chintz and right behind it as a spiraea all can take hot dry conditions really well okay so it was given a piece of driftwood from a friend of mine it literally came right off the beach and another friend of mine gave me an old fishing pole that they found and I think that's a buoy that's sitting there so I just kind of group them together it wasn't quite sure what to do with them but all of this is in the shade where I've got hostas of course and hellebores and lots of native ferns taking over here with a viburnum in the back still piecing together this is all in the front yard and I got this really cool tree it's got a really neat curve to it as you can see this thing is at least 40 feet tall so I'm constantly fighting dry shade and these little guys that you see growing underneath are actually native here these are actually like a little native dogwood ground cover and they get the cutest little pink blooms on them in the early spring and I just let them do their thing why not I put in a pathway which goes down the hill here to the front yard and you guys probably saw a video a while back where I had no grass here at all it's actually filled in pretty good so got got some rough spots here and there I'm gonna still recede but yeah it's green now boy it's definitely a lawn I have to mow it constantly but up here in the front I have another grove of trees before you see the road there I kind of live on a corner lot here down here we have high parrot comes which are blooming and these came with the property somebody planted them here and what an awesome ground cover for dry shady area yeah check out the blooms here Hypericum or st. John's wort and yes this is the medicinal st. John's wort and I literally had to weed block it in so it wouldn't take over the lawn you can see you know how far it is from the lawn not too far but I had to weed block it in so it behaved itself but man it is perfect underneath these trees and I never have to deal with it I give a little water now and then get sprinkled when I sprinkle the line and that's about it and some ygl is here these are reblooming my heel is just ignore the fact that you see a few weeds I think that's a constant and everybody's garden this would give you an idea for the red blooms that come up on these yji lows and these are a reblooming variety as well so when these get done they'll bloom again and the cool part is the deer don't seem to bother them not have them try to eat them I do have a deer problem here so I'm always coming up with plants that are deer resistant and I say resistant because I don't think there's any such thing as a deer proof plant they're hungry enough they'll eat anything and another new specimen that just went in I just happen to have a power box it sits right on the corner of my property here so I'm hoping this guy gets big and strong and I won't have to look at it anymore but a beautiful blue spruce it's like a dwarf variety I can get him in there yeah just noticed this pinecones so he's happy alright you guys so not a lot of blooms to show you at the moment but lots of foliage and texture as June's kind of quiet after the big rampage in May and by the time we get to the middle end of July I'll have lots lots more to show ya but for now that's kind of the end of my little tour here's my kitty this is Chloe she's very good she's been catching lots of moles out here you see what they've been doing to my yard where that now I've got a reseed but she's already caught three of them good kitty any of you have a really good cure for getting rid of moles by all means let me know I've been trying several different things to no avail but I think I might have my answer right here alright you guys hope you're having a fabulous summer I wish all of you a happy summer solstice and we'll talk soon bye for now [Music] you [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Garden Style nw
Views: 738,887
Rating: 4.9016509 out of 5
Keywords: Perennials, echinacea, gaura, russian sage, coneflower, heat, drought resistant
Id: WAEH12cQHsc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 33sec (1713 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 12 2019
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