Sukuna vs Jujutsu Kaisen | The Honest Truth

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K sukuna solo all of jutu kaisen you're probably shocked and all at such a question but you know what sit down and enjoy the ride trust me in jiujitsu kaen a 20 finger suuna has a 30 plus chapter run against all jiujitsu high including Gojo and it really had me thinking about a pretty fun scenario that I know we'll never see this being what if sukuna had full power and everything he has now went up against everyone in jusu kaisen all at once including Gojo of course I'll be primarily talking about the stronger characters of jju kaon for the other side as really anybody not relative to The Heavy Hitters will be a nonf factor the weaker characters will still be there but I'll explain why they don't really make any difference with that said to let you know how this video is going to go first I'll quickly go over sukuna and he'll be composite in terms of his story so basically all abilities he has access to his stats and everything that's relevant to this massive battle then I'll address the other side they'll also be composite this includes Gojo and really anybody else in the Series this is mostly for Yuji as he has the Awakening but he's not at his full strength right now so I want to accommodate and give Yuji like full health full power I'll also include all other factors into this battle and lastly how I think it's going to play out now I value both the time of you and I so let's get into it Roman sukuna the demon that lies beyond the devil a sorcerer that was stated to be Calamity incarnate himself within the peak of Jutsu sorcery first and foremost sukuna hosts an insane amount of of cursed energy and has equally insane control of it as UTA states that sakuna has more than double his own cursed energy reserves whereas kosimo states that sakuna can match the six size in terms of efficiency when it comes to utilizing curse energy sakuna also boasts a massive curs of energy output on top of all this as he's not only able to match s Gojo hand to hand but able to cut rigori like butter with cleave while not even being at his full power this same Rio isori that UT could not damage without Earls th Icebreaker a technique that will shatter space itself on top of its opponent even then Ry was able to eat a good amount of these attacks directly a testament to his output overall on top of all this after 30 plus chapters of sukuna fighting chapter 258 would begin with a monologue that speaks about a massively nerfed sakuna having his cursed energy output greatly reduced By Yuji being able to regenerate his other two hands and still completely decimate the Sorcerers of jiujitsu high or at least he would have been able to unless Yugi didn't directly strike seven black flashes at the boundary between his and megami's soul basically telling us that the only reason why sakuna wasn't able to regenerate and end the battle there was because of Yuji Landing seven black flashes on him and keeping him weak the way I see this is even as sakuna output and control over megami's body at 20 fingers has been ridiculously weakened he still has so much base strength that if his physical body and brain were able to be healed back to normal he would destroy our heroes handily including the newly awakened Yuji Yuji also admits something similar to this himself in chapter 250 as he says we're up against the strongest sorcerer right now I don't want to think what would happen if we can't stop him here this reinforcing that sakuna being as weakened as he is at the moment of their fight is an opportunity that they need to capitalize on because if he regains his strength at any point it's over more threatening than sakuna strength in my opinion is his speed sakuna has ridiculous levels of speed being able to easily outspeed Phantom Beast Amber kosimo Blitz Joo multiple times in their battle and Blitz choso piercing Blood by simultaneously dodging and piercing him before you could even see it the first time we see sukuna actually be hit a consecutive amount of times by anyone that is not named Gojo is after he would be placed in UT's domain where he would have his movement restricted due to being contained in a barrier UTA stat being increased due to having his domain open unable to use all four of his arm since he needed two to maintain his hollow wicker basket uji striking him to loosen his control over megami's body on top of all this UTA himself even states that if it weren't for the after effects of his battle with Gojo he wouldn't even have a second to spare to use our reverse curse techniques he would have annihilated Us in an instant last and most importantly is sua's Battle IQ as a fighter sakuna holds the highest tactical intellect as a fighter in the series in my opinion as he has at least more than twice been able to single-handedly fight armies of sorcer in a series such as jutu kaisen where deceiving your opponents in battle and making plays seem to have a bigger role than just having a lot of power and strength being able to fight multiple characters with their own respective traits strategies and curse techniques at once is more impressive than an initially seems as again the more people you have the higher chance you have to catch the big opponent off guard and the more that the opponent will have to be on guard jusu kaen fights aren't to me just a battle of who's stronger but also a battle of strategy this is why in jutu kaisen playing as a team tends to increase the battle potency of both Fighters and allows them to hang with people they really shouldn't on their own sukuna being able to match and overcome massive teams of very powerful Sorcerers and their strategies is an insane Testament to his ability to properly manage difficult situations and multiple Fighters there's just also his ability to utilize binding vals to his benefit no matter the situation sukuna understands that self-imposed binding bows at worst will only take away what they have given you in sakuna abuses this system to bring his sorcery to a level where it will defy Concepts such as space itself and BCT it one last thing is Angel statement from chapter 228 Angel states that Gojo made a mistake of showing that he can heal a burnt out technique to sukuna and begins to explain that sakuna upon first glance was able to split his spear into 20 objects this shows that sakuna can learn anything he doesn't know and doesn't require a condition for just by seeing it one time I never see sua's battle intelligence mentioned but I believe it also matters now as if sukuna strength and speed weren't already too much for anybody not named Gojo we'll very briefly cover his techniques to reinforce that really most Sorcerers aren't touching him at his full strength squin can launch slashes with the technique of dismantle and extend this technique's target area to the world itself allowing them to become slashes that can cut the world and by proxy slashes that can cut anything within this world or in other words anything that he wants however he can currently only perform this technique under the condition that he uses two of his hands to create the hand sign of his domain expansion he uses a third hand to point the direction he wants it to go it he must always do this in order to activate the technique sukuna also has access to cleave a direct physical contact that will adjust itself according to its targets durability and curs energy cutting them instantly sakuna can also use this on any structures or buildings surroundings things like that and it will always negate durability furnace this technique can only be used after both cleeland dismantle have been used on its Target as the slashing technique serve as the preparation of his meal and the furnace serves to cook them alive it's a small fire arrow with massive Firepower but despite this it lacks speed and has a very short range sakuna also has access to the malevolent Shrine when compared to all domain expansions within the series The malevolent Shrine remains Supreme sukuna has the ability to cast this domain into the real world at a maximum radius of 200 meters he will then begin to relentlessly slash everything within it including his opponent with either dismantle or cleave after slicing his opponent everything else that has been destroyed within the domain will be imbued with an explosive cursed energy that set to trigger upon contact with his furnace and upon igniting the domain with his Flames everything imbued with the explosive cursed energy will explode creating a massive chain explosion Vortex as squin contains all of this Carnage within the domain's range due to placing a condition that only living beings can escape it due to the domain having no barrier its short hit effect can strike the outside of another person's barrier causing it to be destroyed from the outside in the event that he enters a domain tug of war giving him an easy win sakuna also has access to domain amplification and enough finesse with it to swap in between that and his curse techniques when fighting reverse curse technique pull enough to regenerate an entire arm instantly at full strength the technique ritual enhancements through having four arms and two mouths kamut discharging instant lightning bolts and lastly the 10 Shadows is an issue but I'm going to give him that technique since he's composite in this scenario and his restored domain expansion does seem to resemble it massively displaying that it's not completely gone from him zakuna has an overwhelming chart of stats and abilities and there's none that can step to him currently oneone except maybe satu Gojo the child of Fate stands head and heels above the rest of his generation giving not only them but the entire world their only true chance of defeating sukuna in any situation of the series Gojo would be able to fight a 20 finger meami possessed suuna for about 13 chapters straight in a massive battle that would conclude with the rules of the world itself being bisected by the one who seeks to destroy it no matter how we speak about sukuna versus everyone in jutu kaisen the battle still solely depends on Gojo and how he decides to battle him and let's be honest I'm sure that Gojo is going to no matter what always choose to take on sakuno alone before letting anybody else do so so I'll speak about that then I'll speak about what would happen if everybody was just dropped in front of sakuna and they all fa him at the same time and why I believe that just only makes things go in sua's favor much more Gojo first and foremost does not know the capabilities of a forearmed sukuna he would enter that battle alone all the same and tell students to stick behind until the battle was either over or until sakuna was on their level of strength which through and after that entire battle he still wasn't and even as of chapter 260 he isn't all strategies they also seem to employ within this battle do not include Gojo either Gojo served as the beginning solo act to The Gauntlet that sukuna would have to run in the Shinjuku Showdown and I think it would just stay that way regardless in the event that Gojo fights a 20 finger four arm sakuna alone to give the rest of the characters a better chance once he's gone I believe that their contest of domain expansions will ultimately go the same maybe sakuna can pull off some Shenanigans with his multiple arms and when they're doing hand inand combat inside of the domains but I personally do not think that there's anything to suggest that auna with everything he has at full power does any better than before as it was stated in chapter 259 Gojo had forced sakuna to change his condition so many times that he couldn't even activate his furnace after using his domain expansion Gojo put up a very difficult battle against sakuna no matter how people want to spin it and to me that only reinforces this however 231 and onward where they've lost access to their domains to me is a different story as suuna has access to the world cutting slash he isn't really going to need to on the shikigami like he did before Gojo and sakuna are super intelligent Fighters it's not easy to figure out how they interact there but I'd wager that sukuna would have a much easier time Landing that world cutting slash and would not need to take the purple to catch gooa guard I don't even think the unlimited Hollow purple dup out in 235 would happen as that required sakuna to have his shikigami men infested and Gojo taking advantage of that to trick him sukuna would primarily be using his slashing techniques and domain amplification as he only had mahara out with the purpose of gaining a blueprint to learn the world cutting slash in the first place from there on he decimates the rest of the sorcerers as they wouldn't be able to deal with the sukuna that didn't eat an unlimited Hollow purple to the face but wouldn't having a bunch of sorcerers to help Gojo against sakuna make things better for him let's talk about that scenario okay well here's what things only get worse for Gojo even with all the help that he'd get why because the Gojo again is a solo act there have been a couple of statements that reinforce this and even in imply that Gojo receiving any help would do nothing but make his capacity for battle go down chapter 235 when Gojo finally prepares the unlimited Hollow purple sakuna believed that it would be fatal for him in the event that he hit it implying that it played a massive role in weakening him uten this chapter states that if a burden like him were out there Gojo wouldn't have been able to do this this is obvious because it would hit UT as well preventing Gojo from pulling off this not only ridiculously powerful technique but this technique that requires a lot of very intelligent setup in order to dup sakuna three times consecutively people will say UT to lowballing himself here nobody that proclaims outright they'll be the one to kill Kaku is lowballing themselves nobody that claims to be able to take on mahara directly is underestimating themselves that narrative is complete nonsense to me toi when fighting against Gojo in their first round was able to outplay Gojo entirely because of the hostage situation toi not only used to his advantage in wearing goo down due to fatigue but toi was also able to stab goo with the inverted Spear of Heaven due to Gojo believing that he had left the fight to go get to Amon things like this are why Gojo is typically set on missions alone and why he prefers it that way if this battle were to play out with everyone alongside Gojo fighting a full power sakuna sakuna is going to individually crush them with ease before most of them can realize what's even going on and goo will be put in a very difficult spot where he's going to have to focus on saving his teammates and protecting them from sukuna as he's fighting sukuna and this by proxy only gives sakuna ample opportunity to find an opening to launch a world cutting dismantle on Gojo I can imagine Gojo trying to save an awaken Yuji from sua's dismantles just for him to run over to higuma and Cleaveland before he realizes it all this Carnage would also prevent Gojo from locking in and truly enjoying the fight as he wouldn't be able to focus on sakuna solely the side effect of this no black flashes and no Awakening it just be a disaster all around for everybody to fight alongside Gojo and in my opinion things can only go better if he's fighting a 20 finger sakuna alone I also think that a lot of people forget that a good amount of the progress he made in the sukuna raid is due to sukuna just playing and toying around with his food because he's just hitting black flashes after again fighting for 30 chapter straight in the statement from uro um at the end of chapter 252 only reinforces this he's also made it his priority to not only defeat uji but crush his spirit before anything else a completely locked in bloodlusted suuna would be a different story I'll go over a couple of counterarguments though I do believe dropping heat room in to confiscate suuna before he fights scja would be a valid plan but that would as we know only remove kamui from the situation and I don't think that do anything but just allow the other characters to not die faster there's also go to opening his domain expansion While others are around to directly hit sakuna and I mean I just can't see that playing out is everybody going to be holding on to Gojo so he doesn't hit them with a limited void either where they try to attack sakuna as he tries to clash with Gojo just for him to send this mantles their way with his other two arms I don't really see how Gojo gets off the domain expansion with everybody present and this is a bit head cannoning but knowing how suuna tends to break all the rules of jiu Jutsu and it's stated that his forearms are one of the greatest advantages that a sorcerer could have I would very much wager that sakuna can cast jiujitsu with two arms while using the other two to cast The Domain expansion Gojo has also displayed hesitation when it came to the disaster Spirits killing all civilians so he wouldn't use his domain expansion imagine sukuna putting him in the same predicament with his students basically what he's devoted his entire life purpose to 0.2 is an option but I don't really know he didn't use it against sakuna in the original fight for a reason when it really did seem like a viable option I do think it's a factor though maybe they could use 0.2 on sukuna and just launch a bunch of attacks at him at the same time but then again like it would also hit his teammates it's a sticky situation when it comes to the student sub jutu High people will bring up the one month of training now I don't think anything the Sorcerers of ji Jutsu High except for Gojo have done has increased their stats significantly let alone being close enough to make a difference against a 20 finger sukuna as again sukuna stated that none of them surpassed rishii in durability even after the training the same Ryu he was able to speed Blitz and one shot simultaneously in during the entire sukuna raid all sukuna speaks about is how their defenses in terms of jiujitsu has been improved obviously we now know that they did the swap training swapping their bodies in order to understand jiujitsu better but not increase their stats curse energy Etc despite this none could stop him at full power as again UT states that sukuna would have annihilated them all instantly if goo had never been there to weaken him in the first place sukuna again has been stated to a nly Army's contain painting monsters such as Angel within the haon period the Golden Age of sorcery with sakuna now being stronger than ever before I don't think he'd have much trouble doing the same to the entire cast especially if him regaining his arms in the state he's in on chapter 258 is enough to be a death sentence to the organization of Jutsu High all you'd have to do is find a way to eliminate Gojo which would be easier than before due to Gojo being held back by his teammates and sakuna using them as diversion as they get cut and carved and him not needing to take a bad beating to a adapt to the Limitless this time around from there he wipes the rest of the cast handily as he serve as nothing but obstacles for Gojo to navigate around in a massive battle in the instance we play it out like it happened in the manga sukuna will be in a much better State and destroy the entire cast right after Gojo Yuji UTA Maki hakari whoever cannot do anything to sakuna if Gojo does not critically damage him which he won't in this scenario with that said I hope you guys enjoyed the video let me know what your opinions are and what you think of the video and and feel free to leave your thoughts below I'm bound to get someone talking about glazing anyways with that said I'll catch you on the next one peace out
Channel: Hundred
Views: 53,404
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Kenjaku, anime, gojo vs kenjaku, gojo vs sukuna, hakari, itadori, jjk manga, jjk manga spoilers, jujutsu kaisen, jujutsu kaisen manga, jujutsu kaisen season 2, megumi sukuna, sukuna, sukuna vs gojo, sukunas binding vow, yuji, LEAKS, cursed technique, gojo returns, yuji vs sukuna, yuta, uraume, hakari vs uraume, yuta vs sukuna, thefakeweeb, fakeweeb, MIGUEL, 258, JJK 258, 258 LEAKS, 258 SPOILERS, 259, JJK 259, JUJUTSU KAISEN 259, JJK 261, JUJUTSU KAISEN 261, 261, CHAP 261, monsters
Id: RSMrPnH_8is
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 6sec (1086 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 04 2024
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