I give up on My Hero Academia..

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what did we expect did we expect that hushi was going to keep the idea of consequences in his manga for more than one chapter like absolute fools maybe was I reading chapter 419 with an absolutely giddy grin across my smile thinking oh my God hoshi's finally figured it out finally real life consequences theu treating his body like a rental but it's okay because his powers revolve around his legs he'll just use shoot style for at least the rest of the story and maybe in a couple of months or years when Aries power is strong enough that you can rewind him back to a time when he could give good hugs then and only then would deu get his arms back but nope less than 20 Pages I'm getting ahead of myself here a lot of you are probably wondering if you accidentally cut 10 to 15 minutes into this video no you didn't it's just chapter 420 was the first thing I consumed this morning and I'm filled with rage because while chapter 420 was a Monumental step towards the end of mha with events like Cor Yi possibly bouncing back from the abyss and helping out the good guys in the battle against all for one which made isawa and present Mike realize that his role models in UA it's up to them to bring back their friend from the abyss who was only 16 years old when he was abducted and turned into koriri on top of this we got isawa bringing together the worst version of The Avengers any piece of fictional media has ever seen a crossover event from hoshi's other manga isawa stealing a kid's shirt Ary possibly losing her Quirk and deu getting his arms back so yeah A lot happened and I'm not a huge fan of a fair amount of it and it's chapters like these that make being a fan of the mha manga really difficult sometimes as it appears as though we are directly back on path for friendship overcomes everything as once again a feeling that I haven't had since chapter 417 is slowly creeping up inside of me that's telling me you know exactly how this story is going to end but why is that feeling coming back and what is the ending I anticipate well we're going to talk about all that but more importantly we got to talk about what exactly went down in chapter 420 of mha God I hope hor Koshi was celebrating for this incredibly important Milestone that would explain a lot so today we're talking chapter 420 of mha explained but before we get to explaining anything guys please for me like this video subscribe to the page and hit that noty Bell and if you love the idea of me talking about mha and a bunch of other Manga and Anime you're going to love my anime podcast itaku Anonymous where me and Dany to break down everything that happened in anime and manga this week it's available on YouTube Spotify and apple podcasts or if you just want to look like somebody who keeps up with all things anime and manga go ahead and Meander on over into my merch store which I'm having a hard time showing off a tacos anonymous. net where you can pick up some of the greatest anime t-shirts sweatshirts and sticker packs known to man listen I don't want my Dow demeanor to take away from the fact that there was some moments in this chapter that were incredible the exploration of isawa pres Mike's and cor gir's relationship was incredibly heartfelt and touching the ending of the chapter being the assembly of the worst Avengers team you've ever seen was also pretty cool but hoshi's been doing this thing where he's been trying to make mha darker and he succeeded in that at least a little bit see ironically the idea of making mha a darker more Twisted story hasn't been great for its reads and purchases in Japan however American audiences absolutely adore the Thematic switch cuz we're broken and angry individuals but hor Koshi decisions to make shigaraki this monster who disintegrates entire cities with a singular touch and all for one and to this neop Punk Mech baby that shoots bone spikes out of its mouth have done a pretty good job of making mha a lot darker and more Twisted than it used to be and with this thematic switch we've seen the bad guys start to get the better of the good guys characters like Miss midnight and crust have been killed Miro has lost arms and legs isawa lost a leg in an eye and thus it appeared as though Hoshi wasn't going to pull back away from cutting down some of the good guys and that sentiment reached its peak last week in chapter 419 where deu after getting into a double arm wrestling match with shigaraki and shigaraki psyche lost both of his arms because of shigaraki's disintegrate and this gave us one of the grittiest and realest panels we've ever gotten from mha I went so far as to say that chapter 419 was possibly the greatest chapter mha had ever released and while I do believe the chapter 420 is supposed to represent a thematic switch between the darkness winning to the Light Side winning I think while it was done correctly in some capacities it was fumbled in others but in order to substantiate my point let's break down everything that happened in chapter 420 see if you remember chapter 419 ended with aawa SOS Sato and ojiro emerging from a Kiri portal and the four of them working together to help deu who could use a hand or two in this battle against all for one however chapter 420 starts with a flashback a setup to tell us how isawa got to the battlefield in the first place and thus it opens with the immediate repercussions of what happened after the last time we saw Kiri in chapter 368 when Kiri opened a portal to stop isawa and present Mike from falling to their depths off the Giant floating UA Battlefield and thus aawa Mike and Kiri are all on a tiny Island and president Mike has Cori by the shirt and he's shaking him screaming at him to wake up already which is actually therapist approved treatment for the mentally ill go and use it on somebody you know president Mike then follows up with another Super therapist approved method of treatment and screams at Cori that shira's corpse shouldn't have been violated like this and as he's about to punch Cori we can see that his eyes have begun to get teary and isawa points this out to which president Mike responds by saying I don't cry I'm a man that's three for three therapist approved ways to go about your problems get this man some Tweed jackets and some sofas he's going to set up his own practice however isawa points out that he's not talking about pres Mike in fact he's talking about Kiri who also has tears in his eyes but pres Mike says that's impossible because Kiri is just a nomu and therefore incapable of feeling it's at this point that he takes a page out of another incredibly well gested man's book Colonel Mustangs and says that Cori's tears just must be raindrops Mike tells isawa that they shouldn't expect another miracle like what happened at Tartarus now I actually have no idea what this is in reference to because Tartarus was chapter 297 and therefore like 4 years ago and I haven't reread the mha manga in a long time but I think what president Mike is referring to here is the fact that when Tartarus was attacked that cor giri wasn't freed because I don't think that he was but genuinely if you know what president Mike is referring to here please tell me in the comments president Mike goes on to say that him and isawa are 31 years old no longer second years's UA which is how old they were when shirokuma died but Isa reminds president Mike that shirokuma was a second year at UA when he died and thus he can't necessarily expect the same level of decorum and maturity from Kiri shirokuma on top of this isawa reminds presid Mike that Kiri literally just saved their life and while for a long time we weren't sure as to whether or not Corgi was actually trying to save presid Mike and isawa or if he was just trying to get them off the battlefield in the battle against shigaraki last chapter in this chapter of all but confirmed that Kiri was in fact trying to save them and thus aawa In This Moment tells present Mike that they've managed to generate a white spark in a field of Darkness that is kakiri which I guess is kind of spoton for a man whose entire body is darkness and thus isawa says well Kiri will never once again be 100% light he will also never once again be 100% dark that is to say that isawa and presentent Mike re-injecting themselves into kiri's life has brought back a little bit of shirakumo and that now as UA teachers 31-year olds it's their job to guide this UA student as shirakumo is still 16 until he graduates from UA which would be another year presumably because he was already a second year and they only do three years of high school in Japan and isawa is pretty much instantly gratified because after he says this the M around Cori increases and Kiri says the word Yamada as in president Mike's given name ha yam which gets the man in yam for some reason crying even though he's a man talk about a beta and saying that memories never die and thus it appears as though enough of shirakumo has awoken within kagiri to bring him to the side of the light we then cut to suoi aka the cop that's always around in mha in the control room and isawa is asking him overc coms if manoma can still fight to which he responds that he can't because manoma hit his head in the battle against shigaraki and is still unconscious which is not good if you're unconscious for more than like 5 minutes you have permanent brain damage isawa then ask sui how many people can still battle on every single Battlefield that is to say that isawa is looking for drags across all the battlefields going on in Japan right now and is trying to find the people who can still stand and fight to bring somewhere I wonder where we then cutu isawa appearing in an underground shelter which by the looks of it has at least five heroes in it three of which who look sick as hell there's a guy with a shield on his back and like a full set of armor on a guy who looks like he's related to edshot but with a mechanical tail a girl in a fo suit with some kind of headband on with super long hair and ectoplasm and the first thing that isawa does when he gets to this underground shelter is tell ectoplasm that they can now use kiri's portals but kind of like a 20-year-old Nissan Ultima he doesn't know how long Kiri is going to work for and thus he needs to gather as many Heroes as possible as quickly as possible to get to a certain Battlefield and it's at this point that none of the three to four in rly sick looking Heroes volunteer all mind you do not look injured but instead rather death arms if you'll remember as one of the heroes who retired after the excessive amount of public criticism that came after the Paranormal Liberation War if you remember that him and yoy Musha who was one of the top 10 ranked Heroes were the biggest names to retire after this Arc now we don't necessarily know what death arms Quirk is we just know that his Quirk makes his arm so strong that he's able to lift things that usually only heavy machinery would be able to lift so he's got some form of an un named super strength Quirk and he's returning to the fold to help in the battle now as to whether or not we can get yoy Musha one of the former top 10 heroes in all of Japan to come back who knows but probably not because we don't even know what his Quirk is but death arms isn't the only hero to volunteer from the underground shelter no there's another hero that decides to heed aizawa's call and it is none other than Astro now for those of you who don't know who Astro is can't say I blame you before Hoshi was 420 chapters into mha he wrote another manga called barrage which is a 16 chapter MiFi retelling of the story of The Prince and the popper which is a story written by Mark Twain in 1881 about a child by the name of ton cany who one day meets a prince and after meeting the prince the prince and the poor boy both realize they look a lot like each other and that they were born on the same day so they decide to switch clothes and live each other's lives for a little bit not such a great deal for the prince however because the poor boy came from an incredibly poor and alcoholic father who beat the idea of poverty into his little head then the king of the country dies and the prince who's now dressed up as a boy being abused by his drunk and poor alcoholic father is officially King and thus the prince has to get back to the Royal Palace in time for the coronation so that he can actually become the king and thus the prince becomes the king but he makes the popper his King's Ward for the rest of his life so he can live comfortably now Astro being added into the story means that barrage took place in the mha universe which is interesting but it's also interesting for the rest of mha because Astro is very powerful see Astro wields a weapon known as the org which is a sacred Treasure of industria royal family which he's seen having in this chapter and the org at least in barrage starts the weapon that allows him to create a spear of energy that can be charged up thrown at incredible speeds that can punch through any different types of enemies and that can be called back to Astro's hand essentially it's like mol except later on in barrage the org is also found out to be able to change in shape and Astro upon finding this out turns it into a blade that can change its length on top of this in a one shot tied into the barrage Universe Astro can also make black holes that just suck in everything around him and though if he gets too Reckless with these black holes he can even suck himself into them so they're kind of a double-edged sword but yeah Astro being injected into the story could either just be horror Koshi being like ah go read my previous manga or could be the introduction of one of the more powerful heroes in the universe who knows it's so quirky after this possible massive reveal we get a cut to the citizen who didn't want to let deu back into UA taking off his all might shirtt which is a weirdly accurate synopsis of those who claim to be you know but the citizen has made a realization that a lot of the you know don't as he takes off his all might shirt and gives it to isawa and tells him to use it to treat a hero's wound which point a bunch of citizens come over and all take their clothes off and give it to aawa and they're like use this listen I I get the symbology but I think I think we have fabric we got a girl who can make cannons just by eating a slightly big lunch we got an old lady who can heal disintegrated bones with a smooch but it's it's cool moment it's a full circle moment for everybody sugoi then tells aawa who's just got a handful of clothes that the takaba battle still isn't over and for those of you who don't remember what was happening over at the takaba Battle I can't blame you we haven't exactly been getting updates from it see the takaba battle is between wash Sero Sato and ryoku all battling out against gashy who we know nothing about though we do who know that gashly is based off gashly crumbs tinies which is a book that teaches you the alphabet through the medium of child death like e is for Ernest who choked on a peach G is for George smothered under a rug every single letter taught to you through the medium of a child dying and the main character of these books is a tall man dressed in a black coat with a white face a top hat and a black umbrella and Hoshi adds all this and goes so far as to give gley a book now it's not so easy to make out what gash's ability appears to be he appears to be able to control some convulsing mass of baby things listen it appears to be an absolute incomplete nightmare it is not the place I would have wanted to be fighting but since the Battle of takaba is still ongoing and there's Heroes there who can keep fighting isawa sends toag kamuri and ectoplasm to that Battlefield to once and for all defeat gashy after which isawa says phase three of the divide and conquer strategy start finally after this we cut back to the present where isawa is asking Deku how long it's been since he lost his arms andu says he doesn't really know because it all happened in shigaraki's mental world deu then doubles down to say that at UA he could feel shigaraki rallying against all for one but he no longer feels his presence oh no shigaraki's gone he's going to be gone forever we're going to have to kill all for one he literally said he heard an echo the second he took over shiki's body we then get another flashback specifically to the underground shelter where isawa was where Ary also was and this flashback Ary is handing her horn to aawa now for those of you who don't remember how AR's Quirk Works essentially AR's power is stored in her horn and therefore the bigger her horn is the more rewinding she can do because right before the war kicked off Ary rewinded Maro to give him his Quirk back her horen is about as small as it's ever been and thus a couple of chapters ago when Arie was trying to get to the battlefield where deu was she was reminded by ectoplasm that one she wouldn't be able to get there and two even if she could she probably couldn't rewind him because her power was so dwindled however Ary understands that isawa is going to the battlefield and thus even though she can't go to the battlefield she wants her horn to isawa naturally concerned by the fact that Ary just sliced off a part of her face asks how she did that I don't know how ectoplasm was able to help her cut her horn off cuz his entire Quirk revolves around him just being able to make Shadow clones maybe he gave her a wallet to bite down on while he sliced it off with a butter knife I don't I genuinely don't know isawa probably pretty concerned by the fact that ectoplasm allowed a child to mutilate herself apologizes and then blames it on isawa because Ary apparently learned from him which I guess is fair because he cut off his own leg saying that she's rational like isawa but also does crazy things from time to time I don't know if I would call isawa cutting off his own leg when if he didn't cut off his own leg he would have lost his Quirk to one of AR's Quirk Decay bullets crazy necessarily it was more just the right thing to do in the moment but maybe Ary cutting off her horn is the right thing to do in the moment isawa then tells Ary that this might permanently damage her Quirk which like how could he possibly know that and AR says that she's wanted to do this to help all might and deu but she couldn't so now she wants to help in any way that she can and listen if technically this does destroy Aries Quirk I am all for it Aries Quirk is one of the largest plot devices in this entire story anytime somebody is grievously injured we can basically just go well so long as they get to Ary eventually they'll be fine oh Murio lost his Quirk don't worry we can rewind him back to when he still had a quirk oh Miro lost her arm and leg don't worry we can rewind her back to when she had all those ohbby looks like Anakin Skywalker with low ground don't worry so long as he accepts the light and Lord of endeavor into his heart we can rewind him back to when he was less crispy ohu lost his arms don't worry so long as he gets to this battle through the power of his legs we can rewind him back to when he had arms basically Ary was the much more broken and much younger version of recovery girl and if her cutting off her horn to give it to deu to heal him for one last time is the last time that we get to use AR's horn as a plot device I would be super down for that because well yes obviously I would love to see Miro back at full power if Miro was ahead in a jar like Ronald Reagan and Futurama I'd still think she'd want to go out and battle against nomu she'll be fine and while all might definitely isn't crushing it right now in the health department he's also not dead and he'll also be able to make a full recovery and also if he can't make a full recovery not the end of the world he's not all might anymore but I sitting here and saying that one chapter after Deku lost his arms I wanted Ary to mutilate herself and send his horn to Deku so he could get his arms back God no but we'll catch that in a second AR then says that her dream one day is to sing like jro you know earphone jack and that she wants deu and everybody else to have fun when the war is over and thus even if it means losing her Quirk she wants deu to come out clean we then cut back to the battlefield where isawa is pring deu in what's left of one of his arms with AR's decapitated at which point ectoplasm says that Ary didn't have much energy and thus while the translation I'm reading says this I believe it might be a mistranslation ooplasm says that it's going to take 2 to 3 minutes for deu to heal I don't think that's what it actually says though I believe what ectoplasm says is that it probably will only be able to heal you 2 to 3 minutes back into the past because that's much more in line with how Aries Quirk works because wouldn't you know it as soon as Deku gets his new dose of 5G his arms start to rematerialize isawa then says that Deku can't die until he hears Aries sing and it's at that point that isawa might as well say on your left because a myriad of Cori portals open up and every hero who's still able to breathe steps out of them would ni is it big hitters like Murio and manoma present Mike the guy with the revolver h no outside of Saro Sato and Ojo who are already here we get a bunch of no names and killer Orca who admittedly is a good bull anny voice duple arms Momo manetta and Deni who's already doing his I used too much electricity face that is five certified DLS oh but Nick Momo can make anything she needs yeah okay let's say hypothetically she makes a net or a gun it's not going to do anything to all for one oh Nick but dup arms and any voice just had a big power up in their battle against spinner yes in their battle against spinner the dude who lost his mind after holding three quirks even manetta's only got one eye but objectively they're not here to defeat all for one yes are they going to play a role yes are they going to make an opening for deu yes ISU going to capitalize on that opening to finally beat all for one and bring shigaraki back to the surface probably because once again that is directly the ending that we are spiraling towards it's is very much supposed to be an Avengers Assemble moment deu is supposed to be Captain America with his new found weapons Muer and I don't remember what the axe was called I don't care about Marvel do Dawn breaker we're going to go with that now everybody when they leave their portal says that they're exhausted but that they're going to do their best which I tend to believe but here's the thing if everybody who left those portals was at maximum power they still wouldn't stand much of a chance against all for one except of course we you acknowledge the fact that all for one's already admitted that shigaraki as a vessel has been destroyed and the fact that there is still an echo of shigaraki in that good old hand so what's going to happen Nick how's the story going to end well ironically pretty similar to how jjk is panning out right now a big team up of people who shouldn't be battling against the main bad guy is going to create an opening for the main good guy to knock down the main bad guy until he's weak enough for the voices inside of his head to finally bounce back because shaki has now realized beyond a shadow of a doubt that he's been used his entire lifetime and every decision he's ever made wasn't his own and thus when all for one is at his weakest shigaraki will bounce back with a fit of rage to try and take back his life and will recede control of his body at which point he'll realize that the villain life he's been living his entire life is because all for one directed him in that way and thatu still sees the good in him and thus shigaraki will swear off the villain lifestyle he's been living because it means living the way that all for one wants him to live and he hates all for one at which point shigaraki will probably go to jail for the rest of his life but at least he'll be on the path of reformation we were heading in such a good direction listen I'm not saying I wanted deu to not have his arms for the rest of his life but for the entire story there has been tons and tons of death Flags specifically for deku's arms every time deu threw a twoo powerful punch he was like well I wonder if he'll be able to use my arm after this and so deu started wearing gloves and support items on his arms to lessen the load that they were bearing he started to adapt one for all to the shoot style away from the way he wanted to use one for all because he wasn't all might and thus deu probably could have had his arms cauterized by somebody with a firesque quirk who just came through one of the portals and could have continued his battle against all for one just using his shoot style and therefore truly cementing that deu was going to win using his own strength and abilities because shoot style is completely separate from anything that all might gave him and yet when push came to shove Hoshi folded harder than Jay Cole apologizing 24 hours after releasing a diss track to Kendrick like I don't care what anybody says this is death baa and while some of us would have to be completely daed to believe that at one point or another Ary wouldn't rewind deku's body to give him arms back one chapter later what was the point of getting rid of them shock value for weak like sure you can say you've created a moment of high tension where deku's at his absolute lowest but you can pull Deku out of that pit of despair by either giving him his arms back or bringing every hero who can still stand onto the battlefield but doing both cheapens the former I'm tired I just want the story to end and it'll be a fine ending like no one's going to complain about shigaraki breaking through and retaking over all for one's body but I just I just thought for a week maybe we were getting something different and we're not but who knows maybe I'm being dramatic maybe deu will lose his legs in chapter 421 and then get him back in 422 what did you guys think of this chapter do you believe that we're on trajectory for the Friendship overcomes everything ending or something else tell me in the comments below and why you guys are down there please for me like this video subscribe to the page and hit that noty Bell consequences I just want [Music] consequences [Music] [Music] SC
Channel: The Weeb Commander
Views: 162,562
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: anime, anime explained, nchammer23, weeb commander, manga explained, manga, mha, my hero academia, boku no hero academia, mha explained, my hero academia explained, boku no hero academia explained, mha manga, my hero academia manga, boku no hero academia manga
Id: 2wgd0p0tACo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 13sec (1453 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 12 2024
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