MTOI Weekly Torah Study | Bereshith | Genesis 1– 6:8

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[Music] all right shalom everyone [Applause] all right i'm gonna i'm gonna have to maybe recommend at some point that we balance the room out sometimes like 20 of you on this side and three on this side and vice versa that's okay don't move but you know you can get to the chairs faster it doesn't tend to be like a mad rush for them but you know it's maybe it's the seat you want to sit in that might be the figure out which one is going to be the one with all the names in it and you want to avoid that one i got it all right well welcome to torah tuesdays [Applause] all right so this is an unusual week because we're going to do things a little bit out of order we're going to go ahead and start brace sheet we're going to start the first torah portion of the year ahead of sukkot that way because sukkot happens to fall on tuesdays the two holy days which is when we normally do our torah studies and so we would end up being a week behind by the time we get back so this will put us right on schedule because we're not going to have another one of these until about three three more tuesdays so the next two after this there won't be one in the third one the one in october will be the one we do so that will be when we get to noah which is the second torah portion so we'll be right on schedule all right so welcome to torah tuesday so what we're going to do is we'll start off with prayer needs so if anybody has a prayer or praise you can come on up uh mr paul rippy has the microphone for you and then on live stream we've got the team of who's back there grayson and brian okay awesome if you're on the live stream chat please give them and the shamish team that i'm sure has logged on with them your attention and respect as they maintain shalom in the room all right michael go ahead and get us started shalom um the agnes has her mri which is one of two procedures to find out if she's going to be a candidate for the ablation procedure and she has that mri um this friday so hallelujah we were able to get that so i'm praising the father for that and i'm just praying that it'll that she can get in there early enough in the day she's the last appointment but we're praying that she can get in there early enough because there have maybe haven't been complications from you know prior patients in the day so that again we're praying she can get in there early enough so that we can get home in time for shabbat prior to the sun going down okay we can certainly do that we'll pray for her now where is she having that done here in um cleveland or chattanooga she's having that done at uh children's in chattanooga in chattanooga okay all right paul i have a praise and a prayer praise finally got a an appointment with the surgeon last tuesday or monday i mean yesterday and he has to he has to get my blood pressure down to perform the surgery but the surgery will be either next wednesday the 22nd or the 29th so if you give me prayer prayers for that please well it's a good thing your surgeon doesn't do only on tuesdays because those are the holy days he's only doing it on wednesdays that's good all right so we'll certainly keep that in prayer okay matt all right it's kind of a prayer sandwich if you will uh prayers for healing my oldest was a bit foolish and got her hand in an exercise bike and had a minor fracture on one of her fingers on her hand thankfully praises it's a minor fracture so it won't take too long to heal but prayer said she won't do that again okay we can certainly do that the good news bad news is that children the good news is they generally don't do the same dumb thing twice the bad news is they have other new dumb things they'll find to do we pray that those things don't generally cause long-term damage so as far as we're doing it again they're probably very unlikely doing something else they're children what can you know okay hello there hi introduce yourself dwayne saumro hey dwayne we just moved here [Applause] so we just had a praise that were uh we moved into our house and safe and sound from new hampshire all right so you moved down from new hampshire all right also we're here so basically you're canadian no i'm kidding the people in the south are like where's new hampshire it's so far north no people think i'm irish well there you go so welcome so you guys moved here you moved in and you're here so awesome we're excited thank you welcome let us know if there's anything that we can do for you all right who's next that's it here okay grayson from zach cartwright praise hurricane nicholas passed us by without any flooding or damage from surely unspoken prayers from kevin newkirk prayers for my family as we bury my father this sunday from shelley bell prayers for those in the path of another storm and may we all stay in a state of shalom immuno in bizahon as the world goes nuts praise yahweh from shirley praise report my wrist fracture x-rays are fine hallelujah from elaine [Music] unspoken prayers from jose rincon prayer for me please i have a fever at 102 fatigued and dry cough headache from chris prayers that i will be put on chapel probation at lee university when i miss chapel for sukkot for another person too same thing from d rami please pray for my son's car is needing a part that they haven't found yet he needs a job also thank you i really appreciate it from crap photography and short reels and prayers for aussies during this time from vascon prayers for rabbi leadership and all marco polo brothers and sisters praise i get to observe another yom kippur tonight in australia from the future prayers one day i can attend with all of you from tina wolfe please continue to pray for my brother uh in law richard who just got out of icu with covid and placed in a normal room and his wife crystal is still on a ventilator with covin from shelley bell prayers for all the needs of the sisters and brothers and travel mercies for all those traveling to and from sukkot uh from back to our uh um from back to our roots please keep angelic and and angelic ewing in your prayers she's not feeling well and praise that i have a smart husband he can fix my mixer for 30 instead of a new mixer for 350. praise yah from julie dahlberg mty prayer request for my husband's continued employment search and for some work challenges unspoken from ruby v prayers for clarity from abba and then some more unspoken from kerry black prayers as i will be traveling to cleveland tomorrow and praise abba for mishpochah welcome me welcome welcoming me into their home while i'm there from carrie ann worthy praise report praise yahweh i was able to share some of rabbi's teachings with a dear childhood friend who is seeking unsugared truth and she's tuning in tonight hi lisa and thank you so much rabbi from brides of the harvest please pray for our friend gelma who had several brain tumors yesterday she's currently unable to speak or comprehend from a list of rogers uh prayers for carl back in hospital from m wallen prays that my aunt is visiting it's my first time meeting her and from ryan angelo praise slash pray we found a successful midwife for our sixth blessing and pray for wisdom on being responsible to pay for the costs and from gail house unspoken for family and friends we've all gone through covet and now have natural immunity in my declination accepted at my hospital uh and then some more unspoken and i believe that should be it okay thank you and thank you for slowly saying that as i walk my way back to the podium okay all right i want to make sure we also add into this the uh prayers of those who contacted us since the last time we got together on shabbat okay so we certainly want to pray for that um additionally let's all again continue to support encourage and pray for everyone who's going through the days of awe as we head towards yom kippur on thursday okay as we go through the you know uh yamim no or the days of all and so we'll go ahead and get somebody to raise their hand and we'll open up in prayer and pray for the prayer requests okay let's go and bring it to john dingeman look at john to open this up i'm a father we're just so thankful this evening to be able to come together as one to read your word to hear of all these prayers and requests that you've heard we ask that they would not fall upon death ears but that you would meet each and every one of those needs in your own capacity whatever that is we give it to you in yeshua's name i mean [Music] amane all right so the way this is gonna work is we're going to read this week's torah portion then we'll have some announcements and then we'll discuss what we read and we are starting at the beginning embrace sheet all right all right so we have 11 readings today 11 spots on the chairs so let's go ahead and get everybody lined up we have 11 of them so i want to get about seven chairs out there you'll have to fill them up a little bit more than once no that's okay because she wants to be number two or number three since rabbi tom goes first so it's you know so it's an inside joke okay you just got inside joke that you missed that was so inside you missed the joke she's just very comfortable being number two that's kind of the okay that's a high school joke between me and her okay now [Laughter] actually three not two but that's okay all right see steve you shouldn't have given up the seat she should have actually been in the third seat okay so we're gonna call up each reader one at a time we'll say a little blessing over each reader and i may get punched by one of the readers but that's okay and it'll be a third hand punch anyway so a third rate but anyway it i went to the top school in the country she went to the number three school in the country that's the joke okay all right [Laughter] anyway um so we'll do the blessing of retweeter we'll tell you what you're going to read you'll read okay as we're reading through if you're following along you may want to have a way to write down some notes because we are going to discuss the reading afterwards so if you have a comment or question regarding any of the verses that we read today you may want to make note of that so we could talk about it during the midrash at the end okay so we're in the book of resheet the book of genesis okay now since we are at the very beginning we'll remind everyone that the hebrew name of a book is not necessarily what's translated into the english name of a book okay in english they tried to give a name based on the theme of the book in some way in hebrew it starts off with what's in the first verse okay and so the first verse is bereishit meaning in beginning and so this is the name of the torah portion it's also the name of the book because it's the first verse in the first part of the book just like the book of numbers which is because there's a lot of numbers going on has really been bar which means in the desert in the wilderness okay and so we're learning a little bit about the way they name things compared to the way we would have it as we call it genesis all right so we're going to go from genesis 1 1 all the way to six eight all right that's our readings for today one one two six eight and we're going to begin with rabbi tom come on up one through okay you blessed our fathers abraham isaac and jacob may bless rabbi thomas come up to honor yahweh in the torah made a set of part one bless him and his family and send blessing and prosperity and all the works of his hands ah mane okay take us from verse one to verse 15. in the beginning elohim created the heavens and the earth and the earth came to be formless and empty and darkness was on the face of the deep and the spirit of elohim was moving on the face of the waters and elohim said that light come to be and light came to be and elohim saw the light that it was good and elohim separated the light from the darkness and elohim called the light day and the darkness he called night and there came to be evening and there came to be morning one day and elohim said let an expanse come to be in the midst of the waters and let it separate the waters from the waters and elohim made the expanse and separated the waters which were under the expanse from the waters which were above the expanse and it came to be so and elohim called the expanse heavens and there came to be evening and there came to be mourning the second day and elohim said let the waters under the heavens be gathered together into one place and let the dry land appear and it came to be so and elohim called the dry land earth and the collection of the waters he called seas and elohim saw that it was good and elohim said that the earth bring forth grass the plant that yields seed and the fruit tree that yields fruit according to its kind whose seed is in itself on the earth and it came to be so and the earth brought forth grass a plant that yields seed according to its kind and the tree that yields fruit whose seed is in itself according to its kind and elohim saw that it was good and there came to be evening and there came to be morning the third day and elohim said that lights come to be in the expanse of the heavens to separate the day from the night and let them be for signs and appointed times and for days and for years and let them be for lights in the expanse of the heavens to give light on the earth and it came to be so thank you amen all right thank you rabbi tom okay mercy and have mercy on me for picking on you okay now he who blessed our fathers abram isaac and jacob may bless mercy whose come up tonight in the torah made it set apart one bless her and her family and send blessing and prosperity and all the works of her hands amen okay take us now from verse 16 to the end of the chapter thank you i had so many things to say but i'm not going to say it so many and elohim made two great lights the greater light to rule the day and the lesser light to rule the night and the stars and elohim set them in the expanse of the heavens to give light on the earth and to rule over the day and over the night and to separate the light from the darkness and elohim saw that it was good and there came to be evening and there came to be morning the fourth day and elohim said let the waters team with shoals of living beings and let birds fly above the earth on the face of the expanse of the heavens and elohim created great sea creatures in every living being that moves with which the water teams according to their kind and every winged bird according to its kind and elohim saw that it was good and elohim blessed them saying be fruitful and increase and fill the waters in the seas and let the birds increase on the earth and there came to be evening and there came to be morning the fifth day and elohim said let the earth bring forth the living being according to its kind livestock and creeping creatures and beasts of the of the earth according to its kind and it came to be so and elohim made the beast of the earth according to its kind livestock according to its kind and all that creep on the earth according to its kind and elohim saw that it was good and elohim said let us make man in our image according to our likeness and let them rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over the livestock and over all the earth and over all the creeping creatures that creep on the ground and elohim created the man in his image in the image of elohim he created him male and female he created them and elohim blessed them and elohim said to them be fruitful and increase and fill the earth and subdue it and rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over all creeping creatures on the earth and elohim said see i have given you every plant that yields seed which is on the face of all the earth and every tree whose fruit yields seed to you it is for food and to every beast of the earth and to every bird of the heavens and to every creeping creature on the earth in which there is a living being every green plant is for food and it came to be so and elohim saw all that he had made and see it was very good and there came to be evening and there came to be morning the sixth day amen thank you mercy okay next up steve he who blessed our fathers abram isaac and jacob may you bless steve who's come uptown to yahweh and the torah made his set up our one bless him and his family and send blessing and prosperity and all the works of his hands amen okay you can take us now to chapter 2 and read the first 14 verses and thus the heavens and the earth were completed and all their array and in the seventh day elohim completed his work with which he had done and rested on the seventh day from his work which he had made and elohim blessed the seventh day and set it apart because he on it he rested from all his work which elohim created all in excuse me which elohim in creating had made these are the births of the heavens and the earth which were created in the day that elohim made earth in heaven now no shrub of the field was yet on the earth no plant of the field had sprung up for elohim had not sent rain on the earth and there were no man to till it killed the ground but a mist went up from the earth and watered the entire surface on the ground and elohim formed the man out of the dust from the ground and breathed into his nostrils breath of of lives and the man became a living being and elohim planted a garden in eden to the east and he put man whom he had formed out of the ground yahweh elohim made every tree grow that is pleasant to the site and food good food good for food with the trees of life in the midst of the garden and the tree of knowledge of good and evil and the river went out from eden to water the garden and from it divided it divided became four river heads and the name of the first is pits on it's the one surrounding the entire land of hawala where there is gold and the gold of the land is good beldel is that is there and stone and the name of the second river is guy hun and it it's the one surrounding the entire land of cush and the name of the third river is hidden and it's the one where it goes towards the east of asher and the fourth river is euphrates amen thank you steve there are going to be some chapters here with some names that are challenging but we'll get through them okay paul he who blessed our fathers abram isaac and jacob may bless paul has come up to honor yahweh in the torah it is set apart one bless him and his families and blessing and prosperity and all the works of his hands ah mane okay you're gonna take us from verse 15 to the end of the chapter and yahweh elohim took the man and put him in the garden of eden to work it and to guard it and yahweh elohim commanded the man saying eat of every tree of the garden but do not eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil for in the day that you eat of it you shall sure certainly die and yahweh elohim said it is not good for the man to be alone i'm going to make a helper for him as his counterpart and from the ground yahweh elohim formed every beast of the field and every bird of the heavens and brought them to the man to see what he would call them and whatever the man called each living being that was its name so the man gave names to all livestock to all the and to the birds of the heavens and to every beast of the field but for the man there was no not found a helper for him as his counterpart so yahweh elohim caused a deep sleep to fall on the man and he slept and he took one of his ribs and closed up the flesh in its part in its place and the rib which yahweh elohim had taken from the man he made into a woman and he brought her to the man and the man said this is now bone of my bones and pleasure my flesh this one is called woman because she was taken out of man for this cause a man shall leave his father and mother and cleave to his wife and they shall become one flesh and they were both naked and the man and his wife yet they were not ashamed amen okay thank you paul okay matt he who blessed our fathers abraham isaac and jacob may he bless matters come up tonight yahweh in the torah made his set apart one bless him and his family and send blessing and prosperity and all the works of his hands amen okay gonna go to chapter 3 and read the first 12 verses the first 12. all right and then was more crafty than all the lives of the field which yahweh elohim had made and he said to the woman is it true that elohim has has said do not eat of the of every tree of the garden and the woman said to the nachos we are to eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden but of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden elohim has said do not eat of it nor touch it lest you die and then said to the woman you shall certainly not die for elohim knows that in that day you eat of it your eyes shall be opened and you shall be like elohim knowing good and evil and the woman saw that the tree was good for food and it was pleasant to the eyes and a tree desirable to make one wise and she took of its fruit and ate and she also gave to her husband with her and he ate then the eyes of both of them were opened and they knew that they were naked and they sewed fig leaves together and made loin coverings for themselves and they heard the voice of yahweh elohim walking about in the garden in the cool of the day and adam said to his adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of yahweh elohim among the trees of the garden and yahweh elohim called unto adam saying to him where are you and he said i heard of your voice in the garden and i was naked i mean i was afraid because i was naked so i hid myself and he said who made you know that you were naked have you eaten of the tree which i commanded you that you should not eat and the man said the woman whom you gave to be with me she gave me of the tree and i ate and yahweh elohim said to the woman who what is it that you have done gotten on the roll there that's all right usually at least one person does that when they're going through it thank you matt [Laughter] all right what was your first name again duane okay he who blessed our fathers abraham isaac and jacob may bless dwayne who's come up to under yahweh in the torah made his set apart one bless him and his family and send blessing and prosperity and all the works of his hands ah maine okay you're going to take us now from verse 13 to 24. and yahweh elohim said to the woman what is this you have done and the woman said the nahash deceived me and i ate and yahweh elohim said to nahash because you have done this you are cursed more than all livestock and more than every beast of the field on your belly you are to go and eat dust all the days of your life and i put enmity between you and the woman and between your seed and her seed he shall crush your head and you shall crush his heel to the woman he said i greatly increase your sorrow and your conception bring forth children in pain and your desires for your husband he does rule over you and to the man he said because you have listened to the voice of your wife and have eaten of the tree of which i commanded you saying do not eat of it curses the ground because of you and toil you are to eat of it all the days of your life and the ground shall bring forth thorns and thistles for you and you shall eat the plants of the field by the sweat of your face you are to eat bread until you return to the ground for out of it you are taken for dust you are into dust you return and the man called his wife's name hawaii because she became the mother of all living in yahweh el he made coats of skin for the man and his wife and dressed them and yahweh elohim said see the man has become like one of us to do good and evil and now lest he put out his hand and take also of the tree of life and eat and live forever so yahweh elohim sent him out of the garden of eden to till the ground from which he was taken and he drove the man out and he placed care of him up the east of the garden of eden and a flaming sword which turned every way to guard the way to the tree of life amen thank you dwayne okay esther he who blessed our father zebra isaac and jacob may bless esther who's come up to ana yawi in the torah made his set up part one bless her and her family and send blessing and prosperity and all the works of our hands amen okay go into chapter four and read verses 1 through 12. and adam knew hawaii and his wife and she conceived and bore kane and said i have gained a man yahweh and again she gave birth to his brother abel and abel became a keeper of sheep but cain became a tiller of the ground and it came to be in the course of time that cain brought an offering of the fruit of the ground to yahweh and abel also brought the firstborn of his flock and of their fat and yahweh looked at abel and his offering but he did not look to cain and his offering and cain was very roth and his face fell and yahweh said to cain why is he wrath towards you and why is your face fallen is it not if you do good you are to be accepted and if you do not do good towards the door is a sin he is lying and towards you is his desire and you must rule over him and cain told habel his brother and it came to be when they were in the field that cain rose up against abel his brother and killed him and yahweh said to cain where is abel your brother and he said i do not know i mind my brother's guard and he said what have you done the voice of your brother's blood cries out to me from the ground and now you are cursed from the earth which has opened its mouth to receive your brother's blood from your hand if you till the ground it shall no longer yield its strength to you you shall be a fugitive and a wanderer on the earth that's okay thank you esther all right janet you blessed our fathers abram isaac and jacob may he bless janet who's come up down to yahweh in the torah may to set up our wine bless her and her families and blessing and prosperity and all the works of her hands amen okay from verse 13 now to the end of the chapter and cain said to yahweh my punishment is too great to bear see you have driven me from the face of the ground today and i am hidden from your face i shall be a fugitive and a wanderer on the earth and it shall be that anyone who finds me kills me and yahweh said to him well if anyone kills cain vengeance is taken on him sevenfold and yahweh set up a sign for kain lest anyone finding him strikes him so cain went out from the presence of yahweh and dwelt in the land of nod on the east of the of eden and cain knew his wife and she conceived and bore hanok and he built a city and called the name of the city after the name of his son hanok and to hanok was born in iraq and iraq brought forth mehuliael and mehui isle brought forth methuselah and methuselah brought forth lamech and lamech took for himself two wives the name of one was ada and the name of the second was sila anada bore yabal and he was the father of those who dwell in tents with livestock and his brother's name was yuval he was the father of all those who played the liar and flute as for cila she also bought tubal kain a smith of all kinds of stools in bronze and iron and the sister of tubal cayenne was nama said to his wives ada and cilla hear my voice wives of lamech listen to my words for i have killed the man for want for wounding me even a young man for hurting me for kayini's avenge sevenfold on the next 77 fold and adam knew his wife again and she bore a son and call his name chef for elohim has appointed me another seed instead of hebel because cain had killed him a chef to him also a son was born and he called his name enosh then it was begun to call in the name of yahweh maine thank you janet okay michael you blessed our fathers abram isaac and jacob may he bless michael has come up to under yahweh in the torah made a set apart one bless him and his family and send blessing and prosperity and all the works of his hands amen okay chapter 5 verses 1 through 17. is the book of the genealogy of adam and the day that elohim created man he made him in the likeness of elohim male and female he created them and he blessed them and called their name adam and the day they were created and adam lived 130 years and brought forth a son in his own likeness after his image and called his name sheth and after he brought forth sheth the days of adam were 800 years and he brought forth sons and daughters so all the days that adam lived were 930 years and he died and sheth lived 105 years and brought forth enosh and after he brought forth enosh sheth lived 807 years and brought forth sons and daughters so all the days of shether 912 years and he died and enosh lived 90 years and brought forth canaan and after he brought forth canaan enosh lived 815 years and brought forth sons and daughters so all the days of anash were 905 years and he died and kenan lived 70 years and brought forth mahalalel after he brought forth mahalalel canaan lived 840 years and brought forth sons and daughters so all the days of canaan were 910 years and he died and mahalalel lived 65 years and brought forth yetid and after he brought forth yet mahalalel lived 830 years and brought forth sons and daughters so all the days of mahalo l were 895 years and he died keep going that's it okay amen amen all right brian he who blessed our fathers abram isaac and jacob may bless brian who's called on yahweh and the torah made it set apart one bless him and his family and send blessing and prosperity on all the works of his hands amen okay you go from verse 18 to the end of the chapter and eurad lived 162 years and brought forth hanock and after he brought forth hanock jared lived 800 years and brought forth sons and daughters so all the days of ured were 962 years and he died and hannock lived 65 years and brought forth methuselah and after he brought forth methuselah hanok walked with elohim 300 years and brought forth sons and daughters so all the days of hanock were 365 years and hannock walked with elohim then he was no more for elohim took him and methuselah lived 187 years and brought forth lamech and after he brought forth lamech methuselah lived 782 years and brought forth sons and daughters so all the days of methuselah were 969 years and he died and lamech lived 182 years and brought forth a son and his and called his name noah saying this one does comfort us concerning our work in the toil of our hands because of the ground which yahweh has cursed and after he brought forth noah lived 595 years and brought forth sons and daughters so all the days of lamech were 777 years and he died and noah was 500 years old and awk brought forth shem ham and uff amene i mean all right grayson after all those names you get eight verses real easy [Laughter] here blessed are fathers abramizing and jacob may bless grayson who has come up to hana yahweh in the torah made his set apart one bless him and his family and send blessing and prosperity and all the works of his hands amen okay our last reading today chapter six verses one through eight and it came to be when men began to increase on the face of the earth and daughters were born to them that the sons of elohim saw the daughters of men that they were good and they took wives for themselves of all of whom they chose and yahweh said my spirit shall not strive with man forever and is going astray he is flesh and his days shall be 120 years nephilim were on the earth in those days and also afterward when the sons of elohim came into the daughters of men and they bore children to them those were the mighty men of who were men who were of old the men of name and yahweh saw that the wickedness of men was great in the earth and that every inclination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually and yahweh was sorry that he had made man on the earth and he was grieved in his heart and yahweh said i'm going to wipe off man whom i have created from the face of the ground both man and beast creeping creature and birds of the heavens for i am sorry that i have made them but noah found favor in the eyes of yahweh ah may not mean all right thank you all the readers excellent job today [Applause] all right the blessing after the torah reading elohim blessed are you yahweh your elohim king of the universe who has given us a torah of truth and has planted eternal life in our midst blessed are you yahweh giver of the torah amen amen all right so we're going to go through some announcements first and then after the announcements we'll go ahead and discuss the torah portion reading okay first i want to welcome all our guests i know we have guests today so welcome our guests so if you are a guest we have some things in the announcements that that you'll find you know hopefully useful to know the things that we're doing because if you've never found us before we do broadcast twice a week all right so we broadcast every shabbat every saturday okay so you can put that up there okay every saturday and that by the way for all of you local that are listening we will be here saturday i don't know how rumors can get around because of sukkot starting right after stuff but we will be here it might be a little bit different how we do things because we're going to have some equipment that's not of you know being used etc because we're getting ready to pack up and leave on sunday but we will have strabot services here at our normal time okay so we strike we stream our service on youtube here at 1 15 eastern time a quarter after one eastern time we actually start the stream at one o'clock and then we go live at 1 15. so 1 o'clock you'll see some slides of some of the upcoming events maybe a little clip from a teaching or some some singing from the praise team etc but we go live with the sounding of the shofar 115. service runs about four hours you're welcome to attend and we do stream it live and it is interactive it's not like i don't think anybody else does it the way we do so i mean we have a lot of points or at least twice once at least twice during the service where we can interact during our prayer time and during the questions and answers after the teaching time and just like we do tonight we're gonna have you guys interact with us from the live stream okay as we did during the prayer time okay so it's every saturday now some saturdays during the feasts is when it usually happens we stream at slightly different times because of the facilities availability and the way schedules work so it will be a slightly different time during sukkot on the on the saturday and the holy days i think it's closer to 1 30 or something like that i forget what's on the schedule but look at the schedule and you'll see what time we're starting all right we also stream on tuesdays as you have just found us we started at 6 30 so we've been going about 45 minutes and we do this every tuesday again with a few exceptions like during the feast so we will not be doing this the next two tuesdays all right we're not we'll be picking up again three tuesdays from now however on the next two tuesdays there will be holy days and we will be streaming our services in the afternoon and any other activities that we have going on so um we will be definitely doing some things on tuesdays for the next two tuesdays but the torah study will wait for another couple of weeks all right and that runs like about two and a half three hours usually on an average basis we also have a program for the children that goes along with the weekly torah portion cycle it's called parsha pearls okay you can find that at that's the website for the youth program the young messianic tore observant israelites our our main website is and then we add the law in front of it for the the young messianic torbjorn israelites for their site and the partial pro program is free fantastic program and that program is for children anywhere between five and about 19 plus we'll break it up into two groups the five to eight-year-olds we call them the gem seekers and the nine to 19 or 19 plus we call them pearl seekers so if you go to the website it's a pdf that you can download with the weekly torah portion on it we do publish them on sunday in advance for that week okay so in the beginning of the week so you have it all week long to work on so like the torah portion that we would be doing on tuesday would have been published on sunday now this previous sunday they were still going through the cycle we kind of skipped ahead a little bit because they could still publish on sundays where we're going to be doing the live thing on tuesdays is going to be tough to do with the holy days so this week they published vizotta bracha which is the last torah portion for the book of deuteronomy okay all right so if you download this pdf it will have in it about 35 pages or so which include a discussion of the torah portion lesson questions hebrew word studies memory verses word searches crossword puzzles mazes crafts notebook pages coloring pages even a song and a snack all of that in about 30 something pages worth of material and all related to that week's portion okay it's not like we just did a little discussion of the portion and just do a bunch of stuff in there just to entertain the children all of it is connected to the portion okay it's fantastic your children will love it if you're an adult do the uh pearl seekers the the advanced one and you'll still love it too it's a great program okay that again is for free on the website okay um audio scripture readings if you want to hear the word red our own sheriff wendling has put together the audio scripture readings for us so from genesis through revelation the whole book is in there broken up by the various books and chapters but also we have the torah portion separately by torah portion so from genesis to deuteronomy those five books are done by torah portion okay and they're free and they're downloadable at under media under audio scripture readings all right now we get to our calendar of events the next thing coming up on thursday we're almost there is yom kippur [Applause] or yom hakipurim and yom kippur is on thursday then that's a day of fasting now it's a full fast it's not a partial day fast or just a water fast or a juice fast no it's nothing just a nothing fast okay a dry fast and it's from sundown wednesday night to sundown thursday night okay so all so on thursday afternoon at five o'clock we're gonna have a service so that by the time the service is finished we should be able to go right into breaking the fast together if people choose to do that some of you may want to go out and break it in a different way that's fine but for those of you that want to do that here you're welcome to do that here i have heard a little murmurings around that people might want to go out that's fine we're not going to change the plan because maybe you forgot the reason i said that we're not going to do it that way as a group and the reason is nobody will sit all of us okay we won't be able to find a place to sit all of us and if we if you found a place that sits even 20 or 30 of us you will still be very hungry for another hour or two waiting for your food because the service has been since coved very very slow because they're they're understaffed in almost all the places you can go so you are welcome to go in small groups if that's what you want to do but if you want to break the fastest here bring your food here and we'll set up the tables and we'll break the fast together and so and i will be the one who will be announcing officially that it is sundown and that's when we will eat not before okay all right because i don't want you looking at your phone and telling me but it's at sundown already well it's not dark out yet you only need to wait another 10 minutes okay so you'll wait till i tell you it's sundown now um so that's again for yom kippur now if you're medically required to use food as part of what you do like you need to eat with medication or you have some diabetic blood sugar issues that you need to maintain your sugar levels then you need to eat okay that's the guidance and instruction from the leadership is that you need to eat now you don't need to eat like a you know an appetizer a main course and a dessert just eat enough food to take your medicine or maintain your sugar okay just minimize it to what's necessary and that will be your version of fasting no this is not not trusting yahweh this isn't a faith issue this is actually in some ways an obedience issue and so will you follow the leadership guidelines or not that's up to you to see how you handle that but i'm just letting you know that the guidelines um and this has been that way for ever i mean all the jewish community and others have always had an exception for medical related needs to eat all right okay so that's yom kippur then we have our meetings that come up after that on the 17th so that's the next day friday night is zone three that's the third friday of the month okay if you're not familiar with our zone meeting so we recognized years ago well very often we realize that the people that are connected with us like you out there don't always live here within like the pacific to eastern time zones we would call that zone one a lot of people live in the uk or in africa or europe or they live out in australia new zealand the philippines japan so we decided we would want to do something for them when it's shabbat where they are okay because right now it's already wednesday you know in some places you know 11 o'clock in the morning like in let's say new zealand okay or australia it's it's already into wednesday that's what you heard vascon say tonight we start yom kippur tonight well because they're in the future all right so there's already wednesday morning for him and then when the sun goes down it will already be thursday for them so zone three are the people that are around 11 12 to 13 to 16 hours ahead of us australia new zealand japan philippines malaysia singapore indonesia china et cetera these are all places i listed because we have people that come to the meetings from all of those places friday the 17th at 10 p.m eastern time when it's friday here in zone 1 at 10 p.m eastern time it will be shabbat in zone 3. okay now it's a zoom meeting so you'd have to have the zoom you know actually you don't need the app necessarily unless you're doing this on your phone but if you're gonna just click on the link that we give you it'll take you into the meeting okay we do this on zoom if you need the link just email us zoom it's at 10 pm eastern time it's open to everyone the zone 3 people though will be the ones that since it's an international shabbat q a they're the ones asking the questions they will get the microphone in the floor primarily now if it's if we still have time because normally we run about two hours if there's still time and there's questions are are have dwindled from zone three we'll open it up to other zones if they'd like to ask questions but zone three gets the priority on that night now again we do a zone one the first saturday of the month we do zone two the second saturday of the month and zone three is the third friday of the month so everybody gets a chance for them to have the priority to ask the questions all right then after the zone three meeting with that that sunday we're gonna pack up and go for those of us that are in the in the staff and the leadership to get all this stuff over to the fee site because sukkot starts on monday like like next monday like it's it's here you know and some of us are thinking like like next monday we got all this stuff to do still okay so it's going to be great we're looking forward to it it's a black mountain north carolina at ridge crest conference center and so it starts on monday with dinner that night okay we're going to start with dinner that's our first meal and then on tuesday is the first holy day all right the two holy days are both tuesdays tuesday the 21st and tuesday the 28th is shamini at sarat okay so are you tuesday holy days and of course we have the saturday in between there is a schedule available on the website on the sukkot 2021 page and you can see the schedule of events as we have scheduled they are subject to change if necessary without telling you i don't think we'll change anything on them but when we get there who knows what happens but you know we should keep the schedule the way it is all right so you can plan for those things so sukkot so if you have not registered yet you still still got to go ahead and register we have 382 people already registered all right and a few more that we know of that aren't in the list i got so it's going to probably get close to 400 like i said okay so i expect it we'll get real close to 400. so it's going to be very exciting um we've got a huge beautiful hall to meet in it seats over 2000 so it's a big hall of plenty room to do everything we want to do okay and when you call to register if you still haven't and you really should have already but some people maybe it's the last minute and you were finally able to figure this out or you just found us and you want to come and or something worked out with your job or whatever it is call the 800 number 800-588-7222 you're calling ridgecrest directly to book for the event they will offer you housing options meal plan options there are two meal plans one includes breakfast the other doesn't and the there are housing options now you don't have to stay on their property you don't have to eat their meals you still have to register if you're coming to anything if you plan to attend anything on property there that we're doing you have to register okay just to be clear it's a gated property with a you know a manned gate there's people at the gate to check people in and out of the property so you do need to make sure you're registered okay if you have children we really ended our registration for children but if you have you know a last-minute thing we may be able to squeeze you in you need to contact us so that we can figure that out okay because we already had our little cutting party last sunday and so we should have everything we need for that but i'm sure we cut just a little bit extra so we might be able to squeeze a few more in but you have to take take care of that right away but get in touch with us and let us know and then our registration for that is on the sukkot 2021 page of the mty website and there's a form to fill out there to register your children for the youth program like i said we did have a cut-off for that on friday last week but last minute people if we could squeeze you in well but just bear in mind we may not have enough materials for the children and so we'll let you know just get in touch with us if you need to do that all right the the children's program the katan a the younger children okay which is ages five through eight your songs for those children are on the website or i should say all the katan songs for a and b all right from 5 through 12 are on the ymcoi page under the feast page okay free songs page or on the mty sukkot page there's a link to take you to the songs so if you have children in the catan a or b ages five through eight or nine through twelve you should already have them on the site listening to the songs and starting to learn the lyrics and learning the songs okay there will also be a mikvah during the feast on wednesday and so come prepared for that if you wish to be immersed there will also be a game night so you might want to bring some games cards whatever you want what other games you would like to play you know so we'll have some social fun time okay we're not organizing game night you bring stuff that you want to do okay um bring sukkah decorations that be like you know um plastic fruit or you know flour things that you would hang on a sukkah that we're gonna have there things that children go ahead and hang on there okay let's see um we're going to be doing that on tuesday the first holy day in the morning we'll be decorating the circuit because it actually says to do this on the first day if you read the verses for that there will be a free day where you can plan to see the sights and explore the area all right so you're welcome to enjoy that that'll be on thursday and then water bottles please for all the ymca activities so if your children are going to be in the ymca program please give them a water bottle with their name on it let's make sure they have a water bottle with their name on it there are other things that i don't have on my announcements right this second that i don't know why i don't have it um have proper gym shoes there is a gym there that we can use so they should have proper gym shoes to use the gym where i think we're going to be using it twice during the uh week that we're there picture day we're going to be taking pictures on the same day where the mikvah is before we go over to do the mikvah so you have to think wow after i come out of the water you want to take a picture no we'll do that first okay but we do want you to if you have an mty shirt to wear an mty shirt for that picture so that is preferred if you don't have one it's okay we will have them at the site to purchase if you wish to do that all right there were some other announcements i will mention them again on shabbat i don't have them in front of me but we'll mention them again on shabbat there will not be an era of shabbat for the month of october we're not going to be doing the we normally do it the first friday of the month so we're going to skip that in october having just done trumpets atonement the feast and everything else right basically backing right into the first of the first friday of the month so we're gonna skip that then on october 2nd that's our zone one meeting i already explained the zones that'll be live on youtube and that'll be during our shabbat service in the place of the message for that day then on the sixth october the sixth is rosh koresh for the month of jeshvan okay rosh koresh on wednesday night so that's when we normally have our praise practice so we'll have our praise practice and then at eight o'clock we'll have the live streaming of the rose quarter service so you can all come here and we're going to be broadcasting that and that will be on the 6th then october 9th is our zone 2 meeting second saturday the month and that's at ten o'clock am on saturday so it's before we do our normal service at 1 15. all right 10 a.m on zoom also so zone one is on youtube zone two and three are on zoom okay and then our last i've got our next leadership meeting which will be on october the 10th okay so for the leaders to know about that and i think that should cover it for the announcements all right now let me just look at my list here that should do it all right so we're going to go into our discussion portion of the evening now a little preemptive stuff before we get started so number one okay i would like us to go chronologically with questions so i first want to deal with anything to do with chapter one and two as we work our way over to chapter six also because you know if you ask questions about chapter five that may actually be connected to something in chapter one or two type of thing we miss the flow of things so we wanna kind of make sure we're covering things in somewhat of a current now it's not a strict rule but just as much as we can to be in the chronological order um we are looking for those things that you can learn from and do and apply in your life okay that's that's always been our thought process here is what can we take out of this to bear fruit in our own lives what can we learn that we can you know add to our transforming and conforming into the image of yeshua now the last preemptive i know you're all going to be shocked we are not talking about the nephilim today i always put that out there first because otherwise there's going to be all these questions and then i'm going to be like oh so let me just tell you right up front we are not going to deal with verse 4 of chapter 6 today and you may say well why not because it doesn't help you with anything and we're only guessing anyway but it it really is not useful to you oh you're interested and it's it's such a tantalizing subject but it's completely of no use to you who they are who they were what they did and where they came from does not help you transform into his image there's nothing halaq about it about your walk okay so there may be a time for this today's not that time i want us to focus on the things that are actually bear fruit and this is a good lesson for you metaphorically and literally don't you get all wrapped up in your percentage of your time you spend don't get wrapped up in things that are not useful okay i'm not saying you should never look at the curious and the interesting they're fun if i went into the nephilim we'd never get to anything else that's all you would want to talk about and that can happen when you're home and you start getting into some side subjects that could just steal all of your time whether it's things like the shape of the earth whether things like the calendar whether it's things like the nephilim and the giants i mean you could just get wrapped up and just next thing you know you lose hours and hours and hours of your life looking at information that doesn't help you at all okay which is why i don't get involved in those arguments and discussions just preemptively so you understand okay with that being said if i haven't just scared everybody all right let's go ahead and start in chapter one we'll take questions from the floor here and then we'll go to the live stream we'll kind of bounce back and forth okay paul you got one first yeah i'll start it off uh this may not be halachic but uh the in in verse three the first light that he separates from the darkness and then in 14 i believe it is uh on the fourth day yep he uh creates the sun and the moon and the stars my question is is the first light the sun s-o-n okay have you not i'm just asking have you listened to the teaching yeshua the light of the world yes i have and well then you know the answer okay but it's good that you asked the question anyway it's kind of like a little softball up there so i can answer it all right so the sun the stars the moon and all that stuff is day four what happened before that yeshua's brought in the torah is brought in all of the that we understand the light to be was brought forth into the world and it what did it do it separated light and darkness okay that light was brought in there created separation in the darkness and if you want to understand that go to teaching darkness and light and it's definitely covered in there as well so this is yeshua being brought in the torah being brought in everything that yeshua is the word is being brought in at the beginning before there's any physical things like the lights and the expanse that give us the idea of time okay the sun the moon the stars etc doesn't happen till day four okay and so that is halal because it helps you understand that yeshua is in there from the beginning i also wanted to mention john 1. and john 1 right john verse 1 of john is is you know in the beginning was the word and the word was was with elohim and word was elohim okay excellent all right but for those of you that need to know if you want more details there's a teaching it's one part issue with the light of the world okay and that would be a good teaching for you to listen to regarding genesis chapter one okay janet thank you rabbi in the beginning right it is our beginning because he was existing forever i mean he's always existed right so when he says in the beginning he created that means a mark of time when he decided to put everything correct yeah okay um yeah the light was good i love that the light was good issue is good but um the other thing that i noticed was also that one six i think we were talking about you were talking a little bit about it in one in one of the shabbats i don't remember if it was the previous one or two weeks ago but you were comparing the the water the dew you know coming from the heavens like the torah and the words from him um and so what i was thinking about water before the water was came forth before every other creation is that correct yes okay and the other thing that i uh noted here was that um 126 writer we were created according to their likeness and they created the world so we are supposed to be create creation but with the ability to create as well that's part of who they are as well or who he is and 129 i know you've said that plan based is obviously not it wasn't it wasn't overruled but i mean once about allowed meat for us to eat that we are people we are able to eat everything but my question is since every plant or every fruit from every tree was given for us as food my question is do you think that that was given so that would be our base food like the main thing and the rest was added to that or it really doesn't say i mean i love i know the vegetarians want to go into this realm the adventists like to go into this realm um look there are so many different ways to eat and and various diets work very well for some people and not others there are some people that don't do well at all on a totally vegetarian diet because their body either doesn't process certain things they get certain nutrition out of it or whatever it is well they don't know how to balance it with enough various things that give them the nutrients because they don't eat the right variety of things in the right quantities so there there's a lot to be said for you know the various options that are out there okay now that being said we have to go with what he says and we have to look at it from we'll call it progressive revelation in other words he reveals certain things progressively doesn't mean that he's changing anything he just didn't mention everything at every moment so here he's mentioning those things that grow and have seeds etc now we also know that a lot of vegetarian vegetarian uh um vegetation that's the one i'm looking for will kill you and some of them have seeds and so he's specifically talking about specific ones and that they would know which ones are okay to eat and that kind of thing so it wasn't just saying only everything that grows in that seeds is all good for you because now some of it will kill you all right so it's not just that so he's obviously not even within that telling us everything but he's simply giving some revelation about these things okay very good thank you you're welcome and the last one for rabbi if you allow me 131 when it says that the sixth day after that he he looked at what he did and it was good and i was thinking how again we're created to according to their likeness so at the end of our six day week if we have done a good job following torah and obviously producing and working we should be looking at the week saying it was good right that's always we should do it but if we didn't we slack or we stray away then we can say that all right i understand where you went with that probably not really what's going on here but i understand what you said with that i think what he was saying when he was doing it was everything is functioning as designed and he said things along the way when he finished it he said and it was good and he looked at this and he said it was good and at the end everything was very good so why very good because now all of the things that they've created had all the other elements to function inter-inter-graded to each other to function each thing was okay in itself when he first made it in other words he made it the way he wanted to so it would function the way he wanted it to but it would need other things to then interact and it was all finished at day six so that now all of it was there was very good of course until it started to go not so good but as long as it was going the way he intended it the way he designed it he called it good which goes back to the teaching well done good and trustworthy servant the definition of good is things doing what they're supposed to do as he designed it to be then he says it's good and this is important okay by the way also the very first verse brave sheet 1-1 when it says in the beginning it doesn't actually say in the beginning it says in beginning and so we don't know when remember time didn't exist and we don't know what beginning or how beginning would even be a concept but in beginning all this creating of this universe is what it's talking about okay in beginning this what was there before doesn't say who knows what was there before point is in beginning this that's genesis 1 1. instead of saying in the beginning like the beginning of everything well at the beginning of everything we understand okay but just that idea in the hebrew it's it's again it'd be a vowel difference beret sheep or bahrain sheep and bill would be in okay in beginning ba would be in the beginning so which way is it at least we can understand that it's a beginning it's the beginning of the story of all of that we understand in the physical realm okay and so that's the important thing that we understand because we know that there was a point in the beginning in john 1 and verse 1 that there wasn't any of this stuff but there was the word and the word was with elohim the word was elohim and then the creation started so that was before the beginning or for to be more accurate before beginning this then they began this okay and this began 6 000 years ago and that's what we're really talking about okay so just to understand the nuances of the hebrew okay steve all right in the mid says it i was trying to figure out what the very first part was telling me so it seems like to me when elohim speaks life happens so he created it so we should maybe re in reading that remember that if he can create life that he could probably take care of our daily concerns so you want to add to that at all no i think that says it all right there if he can create all of this and why would we worry about him doing all the other things that we need in our lives i mean whatever's wrong in your life is nothing compared to creating a universe i mean you know it may be a real big deal to you but to him it probably is nothing you know and sometimes you go to him and he looks at us probably like really [Laughter] okay all right steve all right and then on 16 it said elohim made two great lights so does that indicate that the moon has its own light source no again we're talking about these are things that we would see because they're in the sky and they represent one as it says rules over the day and one rules over the night so you see the sun during the day see the moon at night and they are the two biggest by great meaning they are the most prominent biggest things that you would see as opposed to the stars which mostly to our eye look pretty much all the same size little dots right i mean some look a little bit bigger but there's there's clearly a difference between that and when we see the sun and when we see the moon and the size of them in our sky okay um but i know there's those out there of their flat earth and those other things and the dome and all that stuff think that these things give off their own light i don't think so all right but i don't want to get into a debate with that i'm an on earther i don't care what shape it is okay all right i should say i'm a temporarily on earther no although i'll still be on earth later but it'll be a different earth when the new heavens new earth and the whole deal all right but i'm an on earther okay michael so when i look at genesis 1 and all the work that he's done i i think about my own life too and how much stuff that i have to do on a day-to-day basis and i'm always complaining about it i don't see him griping here at all and he's creating a universe and there's nothing i've done that's this difficult but the other thing that really stuck out to me is when i look at uh verse 28 so he gives us our first command there be fruitful and increase and when i see that that tells me that that that seems to me to hearken forward to galatians 5 22 the fruits of the spirit and that uh the increase should be that we need to teach the fruitfulness to our children and that's been the way since since the beginning okay amen oh man i appreciate that you know um what was what what was the first point you made i was going to make a comment on the first point i know about the complaining thank you all right so i want you to make note not so much about the complaining or not complaining but that yahweh kept doing the work until it was finished he only stopped day six because it was done some of us will get a day or two of something or a certain part of a project done and be like that's it i'm done for a while instead of getting up each day and getting it done till it's done and then he rested when it was finished now he had certain things he accomplished on day one and then day two and day three etc and it doesn't say how much time he spent doing these things but he did each task that needed to be done on those days and for all we know those things didn't take very long being who he is and what he is but he did each task and then when he was done he didn't say he rested because he was tired he just stopped doing the work because he had done he was finished okay and so let that be a lesson to us to when we get into our work and things that we're doing let's do them to completion amen all right who's next shira or you're at chapter two okay grayson chapter one from melissa rogers uh chapter one did creation take six thousand years one day equaling a thousand years so the first shabbat lasted one thousand years was this due to time space separation okay i'm not sure the question okay so the the we know that it says a day is like a thousand years to yahweh so we can kind of use that metaphor here and we don't know how time and space work when it says day day one day two day three it says and it was evening it was morning you know how long was that evening and morning at that point compared to maybe where it is now we don't know okay but we just understand that the the metaphor and the the um the verse that talks about a day is like a thousand years is just to give us a sense that hey what we think is a long time to him is not a long time i know a lot of people have taken that very literally and that's where they all think they've come up with their calendar figurations to say well he's coming because the 6 000 years is up and he's going to come for the 7th and all that kind of stuff and every one of them has been wrong i'm pretty sure all the calendars that i heard over the years and i heard them going back a good 30 or more years as far as like naming when the 6000 would be up pretty much are covered by 2021 or 23 and back i mean most of them end up ending the teens okay as far as the way they do their math and everything of course their math is always based on what year they live in okay somehow they want to always make it work out that their math takes them to a time when it will happen while they're still around it's never too far out in the future okay and i think that he's going to confound the wise and whatever anybody's figured out is definitely going to be the answer that doesn't work which is why i was very confident to risk my whole ministry by telling you that those dates that were named doing all the things that other ministries did in the last 10 years were not going to happen and of course they were risking theirs by saying they would but it wasn't it wasn't really a risk because nobody cared they just kept watching these guys anyway so they didn't risk anything anyway people still listen to the same people that were wrong about the blood moons wrong about the jubilees wrong about everything but they listen to them anyway you know who i'm talking about all those guys out there promoting all this stuff in the last you know years and those dates were all i remember them very clearly when it was going to be 2016 or 2017 was going to be well that's four years ago now five years ago now welcome to the post apocalypse doesn't seem all that different than the pre-apocalypse okay except now we wear a mask no all right so i mean there's some other craziness but it didn't play out like they said and their calendars have all proven out to be wrong you know almost every year this is the september 23rd thing oh this is all going to be september 23rd i kept telling everybody nothing's going to happen and it didn't and so you know and that's that's not because i'm so smart it's because i'm very confident that none of you is going to get to go around touting that you were right i don't think he's going to let any of us walk around you know all kind of strutting around hey i got it right now if you want a name every day until you get it right you'll get it right [Laughter] but he's not going to let you win this game he's going to come at a time in an hour that you don't know and nobody knows and these things are going to play out the way he said they will and nothing's going to be left out which is another reason why i knew they were all wrong because the things that it says have to happen first haven't happened and in the time frame there's more thinking of what happened there wasn't enough time for in my opinion anyway for it to happen so you know let's just be aware of that as we play through this whole thing okay chapter one continue grayson uh comment from pamela schuford uh verses 14 and 30 from the beginning yeah expected feast and blood offerings 14 and what 30. okay i don't know where um [Music] i don't know where that has to do with blood offerings but now in chapter two i shouldn't even say that when we get to chapter four with kane we see the offerings being done and there being offerings that were done right and offerings done wrong i'm not seeing what you're asking about whoever the person is asking in chapter one feasts yes verse 14 does mention the moadim that the sun the stars of the moon and the et cetera are there to help us know when the seasons are when the feasts are but i don't see anything that has to do with blood offerings okay comment from pete and brenda from the outset the torah makes distinctions heaven and earth land sea et cetera setting things apart from each other and throughout the torah it's made clear that we are to be set apart i mean and so let's let's use the language of verse four elohim separated that's the idea of setting apart right he separated these things and then when he calls you you're being separated from the below from the world you're not of any more you're in but you're not of the world right okay so there needs to be a separation a distinction and so he has light and darkness which are clearly separated then then he separates space to create the dry land and so do you create space and separate space in you for him are you set apart are you have you been separated out of the world while you're still in it but not of it okay next question from ryan angelo are there historical accounts that proves torah's existence before sinai any literature that you know of okay so that's a question that is not connected to genesis one necessarily okay as we're going through what it says that's a question for why are we believing and what i'm doing any of this okay that's a much bigger question that's not the place for it right now and that's people can say oh that's such a cop-out no i've done a teaching on that the teaching took two hours okay right now we're not going to go two hours just trying to answer the historical deal with the book well actually you know what i'll answer i'll give you a short answer you without any exception will never up to this point where life is going to be able to prove definitively anything in the realm that's not the physical that's where faith comes in oh there's all kinds of evidence and there may be archaeological stuff and everything else but you will never definitively prove that which is invisible except in your own personal conviction and experience based on what he says and what you see happen and so there's tons and believe me i am very aware of all of this i own most of them on my bookshelf from journeys that i have taken in and out of belief that try to undermine and show that this stuff is a bunch of nonsense or has other sources or other things and you can certainly read all that stuff and end up where you'll end up which is where everybody ends up which is with nothing and so you have to understand the way well first you'd have to decide if you really believed as a creator of all things or is this thing that just happens spontaneously from you know chemical interaction and if there's intelligent design and if there's a creator then you have to ask the question does the creator who made me if the answer was yes to the creator does it does the creator care what i do does the creator have a desire that i do anything i mean does it matter and then if the answer to that is yes the creator might actually care about what we do then the ant the next question would be well how would we know what to do he'd have to let us know and so there's a thought process that takes you through all that but when you're looking for a definitive well everybody throughout history has been looking for that and if they had it then everybody would believe one thing we agree if that existed we'd all agree to one thing which by the way when yeshua shows up that will settle the argument i mean and there will be a lot of people who will be disappointed excited surprised angry and every other emotion when it ends up being him because a lot of people won't like that it's him they'll have wanted to be somebody else or they won't like that the hymn is not the way they thought he would be so they'll be well there'll be a lot of people excited because he's exactly what they'd hoped and so just to be clear many have started to question down that journey and i've i've got the shirt i've got the street cred i've got seven years of it that's why he allowed me to go down that journey that rabbit hole what promise you leads to and you can go down the journey i don't know there's nothing you have to walk out your own salvation but if you go on that journey i'm telling you that journey leads to nothing and i have to tell you this is can we talk all right not amongst yourselves i'm going to talk all right i can tell you having lived my life for 30 well let me think about 20 something years for sure with without torah at all i was raised in a jewish house i kept nothing so i had no no vertical connection no tor observance no thought about the creator or anything so it wasn't like i did it just for five minutes it was in my 20s and i saw what life was like and i knew what i was like and i knew what my understanding of what would happen or not happen any kind of hope i might have had it was nothing so i know what that life in that world was like then i came into tor observance and belief in messiah in mid-20s and i know what my life was like with the scripture and believing in its validity and with messiah and with the torah because my only experience with messiah is it was in a torah observant context okay never went through a torahlist belief in messiah that's not to my credit it's just the path he took me through okay so then and this question actually came up today at lunch so it's interesting that you asked this grayson were you asking the same question just like at lunch was it you that typed that in okay never mind um so then when we were leading our ministry back in 2002 2003 there were people asking these questions and they were saying well what about this verse in the new testament and that verse that has this issue in that issue and you know what those issues are real your book has been handled and manhandled by man we no longer have the unadulterated perfect word from above and you know that because there's translations you won't use why won't you use them because they're bad translations why are they bad because they're not accurate to this or that man has twisted and taken things out and added things in and you won't use those translations i don't know which ones you won't use there are lots of them out there that people say well i don't use that one because so what was the difference between that one and the one you like the decision that man made to put certain things in or take certain things out or twist certain things a certain way to make a certain point well that's always happened and there's been an agenda playing out from the beginning the early church fathers they wanted to block any thought of being jewish out of the new testament they wanted to disconnect the torah from the new testament they wanted to have a torah's messiah the jews on the other hand didn't want you to have the messiah that came 2000 years ago so they tried to hide some of those things and so both your old and your new have been tinkered with quite a little bit i'm not trying to shock you scare you or mess you up the truth is there and can be found but you need to know it's a mess not a huge message you couldn't untangle but it's a mess and don't ask me to start pointing about because i can point out verses that will mess you up in both books and you'll be sitting there really i didn't even know that was there and you'll be scratching your head and next thing you know you end up with nothing now abba allowed me when people were asking me these questions and it all started i was in south carolina at a diner after a teaching and there was a whole bunch of people went out to eat afterwards and then these questions came up and i didn't have any answers i said let me go look into it and the deeper i went into the rabbit hole the more the first thing i did was realize the new testament was very very challenging to trust as a source and look you can't have anything if you can't trust the source which is really the question the person's asking all right and then i did what a lot of people don't do i took the old and held it to the same script you know scrutiny the old had the same problems different a little bit but essentially the same types of problems now since i couldn't resolve them at that time i can resolve most of them now i couldn't resolve them at that time i had no choice but to if because i had integrity but initially to stop using the new and eventually not use the old and just stop teaching because after all you can't teach with integrity if you don't believe that you have integrity in the source i think that's something you could all understand so when people and actually you can find this and you look me up online oh you know he rejected messiah back when i never rejected messiah i didn't have a way to defend him without the new testament it's very hard to defend him just like without the old testament it's hard to defend torah we don't have the ten commandment tablets anywhere or any of the other things right the originals we don't have originals of anything so i ended up in that no place for seven years so now i had nothing i know what life was like i had torah in messiah and know what life was like then i had nothing again and i know what that life was like and then seven years almost to the day starting the eighth year to keep a long story short my wife whose mother was passing away had had a stroke and was in a hospice in a coma not to recover you know was very distraught because she said i used to know what was going to happen and i'd see my mother again and all these things and now i don't know what i know which by the way that's what you end up with nothing is you don't know anything you have nothing to hope for you have nothing to look forward to there's just this awful fleshly thing and that's all you've got that's miserable no wonder everybody's depressed and doing drugs and alcohol and everything else because there's nothing to look forward to and if you can't figure out to make this joyful and then if that's it you're just life sucks and you're gonna die i mean that's just it and then on that day she called me and said all that i yelled out to abba i said because i've been looking for those answers for seven years i was like enough already not like i'm telling him enough already i was like can i can we fix this already so i can help my wife and that's when he said let me lead you to a few things give you a few hints at some answers and then he said go get your seat seat on and get back to work okay so now i'm back with torah observance and i'm back with messiah and i can tell you this to the person this is a long way of answering that question i can tell you from my anecdotal experience my experience life without life with life without life with there is no comparison okay [Applause] and so i'm going to say very definitively and this is going to go and be taken by everybody wrong if this whole thing turns out to not be true it still will have been worth it because it works it still will have been worth it because life is miserable without it and you've seen this in your life now i don't believe for a second that it's not true i'm just saying for those people that are the doubters and everything else i'm just giving you at least go this way at least initially because of the reasons i'm giving you you'll see the truth eventually by living it you'll get that revelation but understand you have a miserable place to be or a place with peace and love and joy and hope and a future and all those things that happened that he said what happened when they start happening in your life like when you see people that really can't even read the simplicity of this book because it takes him revealing it to do that that to me proves the book better than any archaeological dig because there's no rational reason when you go up to your friend and show them what it actually says about the torah and they can't you're speaking martian to them even though you said but i know you're intelligent and you you graduated high in your class and you you know you're educated and all this other stuff how could you not see this because he said you can't unless he reveals it what more proof do you need okay that's where we start to get the proof not from some archaeological dig or some other thing okay but you can see that in your life but i can assure you and some of you have this experience at least half of it i had it twice so i give i have a much stronger case to make because i had without with and without and with but a lot of you all of you came from without and then you came into with and you should see a very big difference in your life okay and the width and the difference with is exactly how he said it would be it's not just better in some random way it's exactly what he said and so that is where you start to develop your belief and your trust now you also recognize that yes there's some things that have been mangled and twisted and other things but you know what this is why i give the basic criteria that i gave and once upon a time i did a little teaching on this some people can say where's that teaching well it had some things in it and some people in it that are currently attacking me that i'd rather not promote them okay so i'll have to do a new teaching on it okay but i told everybody at that time for me to feel comfortable with anything that's in the scripture i want number one i want more than one person to say it i'd like to have two to three witnesses please before i make a doctrinal life decision about whatever my walk is going to be if it said one time in one place i'm not going to throw it out let me stick it on a shelf if i don't know what to do with it but for me to feel confident that nobody's messed with the book it's hard for them to mess with it being everywhere because got to remember originally this was in separate individual scrolls you'd have to go and mess with every one of those scrolls it wasn't so much later that you have all of it in one big scroll and even then it was only the first five books was in one scroll everything else was separate scrolls okay and so i want to see multiple authors and don't tell me well it's in corinthians it's in galatians well that's one author in two different books two different letters not the same as what i'm saying give me two different witnesses that will really strengthen any point that you want to have and when everybody's saying it there's a lot of things by the way that everybody the prophets and moshe and the apostles the messiah everybody's saying it those things you can pretty well stand on like their rock okay because they're all saying it and the second thing is it has to have a torah foundation a tanakh foundation it can't just show up new in the new testament without a foundation in the tanakh that's the way this the building is built okay the house is built on a foundation not upside down okay on the roof with the foundation on the top see all of the new testament christians out there are trying to make the old fit into the new no the new has to fit into the old it is the only part that's called scripture oh that's going to get me in all kinds of trouble with you when paul is talking to timothy about scripture nothing but the old testament existed when peter is talking about scripture and how people twist paul's writings as well as the other scriptures he's only referring to paul's writings and the scriptures the scriptures is not paul's writings not the four gospels not anybody else's writings it's from genesis to depends on which book you have malachi or ii chronicles depending on the order all right it's your old testament and so we meet it needs to have a tanakh basis do you know how many times the apostles in yeshua quoted from the tanakh it was relentless most of what they said was quoting out of the tanakh which gives you your second witness that's part of your witnesses yeshua says that you need to love your neighbor as yourself guess what moses said it too we're told about the circumcision of the heart guess what we got in two places the old testament on the newspaper actually got a lot of different people talking about it and so let's just kind of understand so this is a good question because people start sitting there and they're reading stuff and they're going because you have something today i mentioned this to grayson at lunch when the question came up we have something today they didn't have we have access 24 7 to the word we can look at the hebrew we can look at the greek we can look at commentaries they had none of this the literacy in yeshua's day was single digits that's how many people could read not like everybody could read except like a small percent no single digit percent of people that could read so nobody was reading the tanakh they were having it read to them in the synagogues and the and the ones who were in the churches were having that's why the priest would have to say everything you'd have to believe what he said nobody had a copy they could say anything you have this available all the time to you on your phone in hard copy it's available free everywhere there's so many free ways to access it and you can access it all you want and millions of different versions of it etc and so now you get to do something nobody else got to do back then you get to research and you can line things up and you can use concordances to find every place a word shows up and you can see what it says and you can line the things up and see if they match and etc they couldn't do any of that and then you end up being too smart for your own good and you get yourself in a hole because you will actually think your way into trouble i'm not saying don't think in no research just be careful because you you can do that this this is not something that you get to empirically only now if you're going to believe this is your source you want to understand it correctly which is what i try to teach you if this scripture is your source however it in itself doesn't prove itself just because it's there doesn't prove that god gave it now when you read it and things happen and he said it and it happened and the only way that we he could have known it is if he actually wrote in he knew now we have some things that we can point to and some of you might say well he said that so long ago and then he also tells us after it happened that it happened how do we know he said it before yeah well how about all the things that you're experiencing in your life that he said would happen in your life and it's happening like all the people you talk to that can't understand a word you're saying i mean that's the strongest proof of all to me when he says i gave them strong delusion when he says they've inherited lies when he said that they need eyes to see in ears to hear and he has to give them to them and you experience that because some of you are frustrated like crazy talking to your family members or friends and like how come they can't see it because he said so because it doesn't make any sense otherwise there's no reason why they can't see it except they can't and that's really to me the strongest proof of anything that's said in this book and it's a new testament thing that said you don't see that in the old testament yeshua tells us that's going to happen and it did and so that how do you argue with that anyway so that was my way of answering a question i told you i wouldn't answer [Applause] all right and by the way for all of you out there and there's a bunch of you out there and you may not be watching i'm going to shame you and somebody think that's not right you shouldn't shame anybody i'm going to shame you shame on you if you look at the new because a lot of people will do this find some of the problems in it retreat into the tanakh and become jews instead of realizing that tanakh has the same problems i've spoken to a lot of you out there over the years for the last 20 years where a person came to me they always said to me oh but what about this verse i'm aware of that verse well what about this verse i'm aware of that verse i did all the research you can imagine you have no idea what a researcher i am okay i own all the books all the videos all the people and if they if they were reachable i spoke to them in person i know all of the issues that people try to bring up but then i said but have some intellectual integrity if you're going to scrutinize the new in that way you need to scrutinize the old in the same way and i asked the person are you going to do that to the old thing like oh no because the old testament is what no it has the same types of problems people with agendas trying to hide something okay the new testament had early church fathers doing it the old testament had the maseratis doing it and so that's where we have our problems and so just understand that have don't shame on you if you don't have the same integrity to look at the older way you look at the new if you think the news got problems the old's got just as many they're just a little bit different but they're just as bad bad meaning they're just as challenging and if you think the new testimonials are bad enough to give up the new testament then you need to give up everything of course i already told you that you'll end up with nothing and if you end up with nothing then what are you going to do and by the way i don't do this just because it's better than nothing i do this because he gave me some answers to answer those questions and help me understand what was going on and so i have the reason my teachings are so powerful for the ones who think they are is because i speak with full confidence in what i'm saying in full integrity and that's why you appreciate what i say because you know i believe it with everything i've got there are guys out there you see all the time and you know they don't believe what they're saying they're just putting out a show and they're just saying whatever [Music] you know i believe everything i say which is why when i could not defend did i stop teaching it until i could and hopefully you can appreciate that so let me encourage all of you this is absolutely the truth and it is the only thing that will give you what you want there's no other way to get there and you can try i just know that i told you this is the way to get there all right okay grayson uh from anna euden uh genesis 1 verses 2 through 3 difference between the spirit of elohim and elohim was this yeshua creating the father spectating and seeing it was good okay so again i covered this a little bit in the uh understanding the rock teaching okay so in the beginning was the word the word was was with elohim the word was elohim john 1 1 there's then this thing called the ruach not a third being the rock and the rock hovers over the face and it's moving over the face of the waters etc and this is how things actually got done whatever that is again we're trying to understand something that's outside and above human fleshly understanding but it's it's an it's a third element it's not a third being it's something that they use to do what they do you have to listen to the understanding of the rock teacher i can't explain to you in you know a couple of minutes what it took in that teaching but understand that the the father and the son together i believe in chapter one when it says elohim elohim elohim elohim and then the ruach is doing the work okay now when you get to chapter two and verse four that is the first time we read yahweh yahweh is not mentioned once in chapter one it says yahweh elohim now we're introduced to an individual of the elohim whatever elohim is as we're trying to understand in genesis 1 we don't understand what that is yet do you look listen to it do you know the father and the son you'll get the details right so we're introduced to the one that is going to now interact with the creation which i taught in that teaching is the sun okay s-o-n all right the sun okay so hopefully that helped there uh from justin and denise rodriguez chapter 1 verses 27-28 elohim created him male and female and then told him to be fruitful and multiply before hava was created how was he to do this no what happens is in chapter one you're not getting all the details he just said he made them and then we get in chapter two he's explaining what that was like see hebraically we don't think the same as the sort of more western linear thought okay hebraically is much more the idea of i tell you something then we're going to go back and i'm going to give you more detail and tell you the same thing again and then i might go back again and tell you the same thing again and each time i'm going to add something to the depth of the understanding and the details so he doesn't give the details of what happened in verse 27 until you get to chapter two when it talks about exactly what he did okay all right go ahead continue last one from chapter one from johnny rabbi why does it say it came to be it confused me because it implies time passed a new time comes next so when it says and it came to be evening it makes it sound like it was day first uh this is from chapter one verse five okay again he's telling you what he did and then he's telling that it happened evening to morning okay it was evening there was morning it's trying to give you a sense of time and time i know there's a lot of people want to argue out there that the day starts with the light and not the dark things get birthed out of the dark it starts with dark and then comes light okay there was darkness and then he brought light into the darkness at the very beginning that's where we start with and so he's saying that it came to be in other words and and so this is what was done and it was day and it was it was even it was evening it was morning this is day one okay otherwise what you'd have to read is that he did all these things then it was evening and morning and then he did all the when did he do all these things he was already it was already night and day like he talked about a whole day and nothing was happening because he mentioned both periods of time night and day it doesn't say and then in the morning it says and it was evening and it was morning or as eve it was it was it was night and it was day and so he's covering the time and now we have lots and lots of verses we can go to to show this of course the other side says they've got lots of verses too so we could always have an argument if that's what anybody wants to do okay all right go ahead and that was the last one for chapter one chapter two shiro was wanting to come up next having waited very patiently oh it didn't take any patience at all i'm just so thrilled with all that you're sharing your testimony and everything praise abba so what i have to ask is seems kind of picky uni but in verse 3 on the seventh day it says on it he rested from all his work which elohim in creating had made and my question is based on some things that i've read about what the jewish people do they does sabbath observant rest include refraining from creative endeavors correct okay so um anything that you would be making for posterity or for it almost anything i mean a lot of what they that's the way they see it is that we're not going to be involved in the creative process so do you agree with that well i mean i think a lot of the things that you would do on shabbat that would be not appropriate that you might want to do on shabbat would be involving yourself in those areas a lot of them don't okay so it's it's just that look he did his work okay when we talk about lucrative work that we were doing we're not supposed to do our work he did the work this is why some people say well i enjoy you know mowing the lawn so can i mow the lawn it's not work to me but you're doing a task you're doing these tasks that don't need to be done he finished all his tasks okay now his task happened to be creating bringing things into existence and he finished all of the creating and so i understand where they're going to get that from but a lot of their rules really don't come out of here it comes out of the building of the tabernacle and all the things that were necessary to build the tabernacle is where they come up to 39 things you don't do on shabbat or categories of things you don't do on shabbat okay and so that was more from moses than from genesis 1. but yes a lot of their mindset has to do with refraining from inserting yourself in creative processes on shabbat okay um could i get specific then um what is it you'd like to know if you can do um well when it comes to like songwriting i like to on shabbat sit down and just let my fingers flow and just sing scriptures or whatever comes but i don't record them i don't notate them on shabbat i try to do nothing that i would need the next day it's all today okay okay so what first of all that's fine fine meaning yes you could do that second of all what you're doing is essentially praise utilizing your talents for praise which is music okay and i would have no problem if you were inspired with a song of praise to him for you to write it down so you don't lose it or to record it so you don't lose it brianna does that almost every friday night where she's gets inspired and she's sitting at her keyboard and she starts writing something and i always tell her record it so you don't forget [Laughter] not record it like make a recording professionally to then do something with but just make a raw or just write down the chords or whatever so you remember what you did because it was a song of praise that he inspired you to write to praise him yeah that's pretty much all i do right and so i would have no problem with you doing that on okay because again we're not doing this as a business you're not planning to sell these things and everything else so you know but she often because she has time and her focus is vertical that's when she writes most of her songs are friday nights oh yeah the inspiration is great okay okay so the same thing with like journaling if i'm journaling prayers and bible study i'm not but i'm not writing something to sell later or two but if everything you're doing is about him then there's nothing going to be wrong with that from that point i'm making a very general statement don't make excuses like well i'm working out for him no you're not doing that okay let's let's not spin this into some sort of real problem all right but if you're journaling thoughts about him like like david did when he created the psalms okay just sort of writing things his thoughts out about how he feels about the creator and about the things of the creator and what the creator's doing in his life there wouldn't be anything wrong with it that's not creating like you know sitting there and writing out the architectural design of a building or coming up with a pattern for a clothing or then we're creating something like like he was doing making something making music is not the same thing okay now um what we're not going to do is we're not going to necessarily do artwork or sculpture on those kind of creative things it's one thing just that you're singing and you're making the music because it's part of what you do to praise him and you're gonna in your case and my daughter's case you're gonna do it for others to do it with you okay you write songs for the children's program she writes songs for the adults etc and these are songs to help people to praise him so it's part of the praise and worship function now as opposed to you know sculpting something or painting something necessarily would be that kind of a thing okay okay i guess sometimes you know when i'm in the process of like recording the children's songs and i'm doing it or even the scriptures i'm doing it six days a week constantly i i found that i just can't do this on shabbat because i need to separate this absolutely i'm simply saying it would not be wrong to do but certainly if it's something that you're doing and you need to have a rest then the point of the day is to rest from your labors and if doing this is one of your labors then you should rest from it okay thank you okay so certainly but if you are inspired you know on a friday night on shabbat and you're playing some music just to praise him you don't have to record or anything or i'm just saying but you're just wanting to praise and letting your fingers just kind of go to whatever you know courts it goes to et cetera well then you're praising him and you're doing it just for the sake of praising and absolutely that's appropriate okay all right chapter two right yep uh you want to expound on how elohim set apart the seventh day for rest or no because i did have something else too well i mean we have whole teachings on that all right okay what else all right and then on 16 216 it says every tree i know you talked about a little bit but i had a little different angle of the of the garden was for food but this was before the fall so could it be that in the fall it would require a separation or i guess it brought death into place so that's where meat was added to the menu then because you would before then it didn't seem like death could be around because it was elohim or yahweh elohim i don't know and adam and hawa but there was no death so in the fall brought death into play which had to have the father leave so is that or i mean look i know that's part of the same adventist vegetarian argument that they gave us meat so that would kill us [Laughter] um which i don't believe necessarily is true i've watched a lot of meat eaters out outlive a lot of vegetarians okay so i don't know that that's necessarily true okay um and vice versa i mean i'm not saying it's only one way or the other but okay but it depends on which fall you're talking about i mean it was after when with noah he tells us about eating the animals which is later than just when the fall when adam and chava get thrown out and it's just there's different places where this thing plays out look all we know is what he says and he says that you can do it you can do it all right and he doesn't change he never said okay now you don't eat vegetables anymore you only need animals he didn't like change anything he gave you additional information on things that you can do and it came out later the additional information just like you said he made man and woman and didn't tell us anything about what that was like and then later he says that he put adam to sleep and took out one of his ribs and the whole thing so you know he gives us more detail okay janet thank you rabbi um i was asking i wanted to ask you about two seven uh when he says that he was giving the spirit of life right breathe into his nostrils breath the breath of life and then one one is that the same i mean i don't know maybe i'm confusing myself but it's it's not the ruach right on one two no okay so well okay so what makes us different than all the other animals okay there's a word in genesis that we didn't talk about it's the nephesh okay what's nephesh mean it means a living being a living entity something with life in it which by the way you know because people say that it's the nephesh is the soul and so you know people say we have an immortal soul of course i do a little thing in the millennium kingdom called killing the immortal soul because we go to the verses that say and the soul that sins shall die and it's the same word nephesh so so much for being immortal but also we need to realize that when it talks about them the living creatures including the bugs and the animals the word there is nephesh okay well like verse 24 let the earth bring forth the living creature according to its kind livestock creeping things it says living creatures this is the word nephesh okay so this simply means you are a creature with life in you okay now what we have in verse seven is you have the breath of life breathed into you that's not said about anybody else he didn't say about any other creature he said it only about man and this is where he breathes into you you can call this the in the hebrew the neshama okay the breath of life comes into you and this is the connecting point between you and him that's where the still small voice comes from that's where his spirit connects with your spirit because he's already planted a little earnest or peace in you that makes you his from the beginning and so he breathed that into you this is the piece of him in you that records everything that's you so that when you die and he puts you in another light in a incorruptible you know suit instead of this you know corruptable flesh suit you're still going to be you because there's something not flesh that's recording everything that's you so that you can still be you in the incorruptable suit don't ask me the details of all that remember this is like an amoeba trying to understand a human being us trying to understand him okay but that being said this is when he breathed in the part that connects you to him and it's actually in some of the feelings i said the breath of lives why lives instead of life because you get to live more than once because of this the animals and bugs just die you get to live potentially again that's why we have the verses about beware those that can you know don't worry about who can kill you the first death but it's the second death to worry about can't have a second death without a second life okay so just understand so when he says the breath of lives it could be referring to that all right go ahead that was awesome all right um with two nine when he said that he created every tree to grow everything that was pleasant to the sites and good for food and i was thinking about that his creation was good so we always admire the trees and the birds and the animals and everything that he created but we are also his creation and i i was thinking about that how we whenever we interact with one another whether it's here but even outside every single human being is a creation from him and it's an opportunity for us to interact with that creation that is there and sometimes we don't have that admiration from i mean we have for our children but not for other people that's what i thought when i read that okay um and then one of the things that and by the way i wanted to say that i like the idea that he's he didn't just make it good for us he actually was concerned enough to make it something that was pleasant to the site i mean the food that we would see isn't like scary and ugly looking like it's there's something that's pleasant to the site and then if you're going to say we're the creation we also at least to some other person are pleasant to the site maybe not everybody but we're pleasant to somebody's site and that's very just think of the love and the caring that he had to say you know what i'm going to give them things that are pleasant to the site he could have given us stuff that wasn't it still could have tasted as good and it still could have been you know good for us but he gave us something that's pleasant to the site now of course not everything pleasant to the site is good for you and not everything out there is very pleasant to the site but i just want to throw it out because i thought you know of all the things that just those things says i gave him this good food and all this every tree and he said things that are pleasant to the sight and you sit there and think look how beautiful that is all right go ahead 2 16 rabbi when it says you know eat from this every tree except for this tree you shouldn't eat uh it made me think about torah you know there are things that he tells us to do but there are things that we're not supposed to do so is is that that command that i reminded it reminded me that's exactly right and then the last one is 218 when it says that that the woman was supposed to be the helper of um sid 18 yeah helpful for him as his counterpart and i was thinking how you always teach us that we need to make sure that what we're doing is helping because we really are thinking that we're helping but maybe we're not and it's i thought of that connection thank you all right so let me let me explain that because one of the things that's in my notes that i think is important okay look it says here in verse let me just figure out where it was that i want to go verse um i guess it's in verse 18 which says it's not good for man to be alone and it's not it's not good for man to be alone it's not always good for men to not be alone either depends on on who they're with and how that's going because there has to be right roles for it to actually work now the recognition here ladies i know you're going to cheer this on but don't cheer it on till i finish because you may not like where it goes yahweh recognized that he started with man and that man would need help and you're all going to cheer there oh yeah they do yeah but you're not understanding sort of what janet was talking about which is you're supposed to be his helper which means that you're helping him with what he is doing not what you think he should do not what you want him to do but with what he wants to do you're there to help him do what he is called to do of course most of your men out there aren't called to do anything at least they are they're not listening they're just sitting at home doing nothing that's not really giving you much to help so this is not just on the me on the women and then i'm not going to get on the men but just understand that for the ladies you not him were designed to be the help er all of you out there who think your husband's here in the world to help you have it under sort of backwards you were here to make his life easier to help him achieve his goals his things and his purpose not the other way around i've told some women that they've looked at me like they'd never heard that before because they had only seen it the other way man came first and yahweh realized man needed to be paired off in some way to have a teammate to do what he needed to do and so he brought a support mate to him to help him do his thing and also to perpetuate life because with you know by himself he wasn't going to be able to perpetuate life that would have been the end of it and so this is a role that most of the women today do not have the slightest idea about now of course what what janet was saying which she didn't really give the complete point which is it's not she did say it's not always helpful when you go to help somebody the point is it's only helpful if it's what they want i say it's not helpful unless they think it's helpful well i'm just trying to help him then i look at him and i say do you feel that it's helpful no okay well then it's not helpful then maybe you need to stop doing that but but there's no but but you think you're helping and he doesn't end of argument now it doesn't mean you weren't helping if he doesn't think it though there may be a problem on his side but it's it's you're you have to figure out how to help him by asking him what help he needs and wants now of course the men would be more likely to ask for help because some of you think oh my god never ask for help i said yeah because if he gives you a little bit of influence in there you might try to take it all so why is he going to ask you for help and then admit that he's weak in an area or needs help with anything but if he felt safe with you to be vulnerable he might ask for encouragement and help and really what he wants help with is not for you to do it for him or to tell him how to do it but to encourage him that he can do it to tell him i believe in you i'm here to support you it's a support role and so a lot of you think it's the other way around he's here to provide for me yes shelter clothing food all the things keep you safe i mean the husband's kind of like the tories there to bless you and keep you safe the wife is there to be like joshua to hold up his hands to be there to support to encourage to believe in that's what we're talking about here so just understand that that's an important piece here now we're going to jump ahead a little bit because it connects to from chapter 2 and verse 18 we go to the problem with the eating of the fruit and what's the punishment that the woman gets okay it says here where the verse is okay so in verse 16 of chapter three listen to what it says it says to the woman he said i greatly increase your sorrow and your conception bring forth children in pain and your desire is for your husband and he does rule over you it says you're just now think about the information that's here because a lot of you people and i've gotten questions about this why is it a punishment that i should desire my husband that's not what he's talking about you're going to want to rule and he's going to rule over you and you're going to desire to have his role and you're not going to be able to have it and it's only going to be strife that's a little bit different way of seeing it isn't it because it's not a punishment to have you desire your husband that's the way he designed it that he should desire you and you should desire him but look at the context of the verse he says about him ruling over you you're going to be so miserable because you're going to want to be in charge and he's going to rule over you by the way that's not because it's a punishment it's because you bring that on yourself that is the fruit of you trying to usurp is misery because a lot of you are frustrated with your husband so don't tell me your frustration then when it causes you to then usurp that that goes well don't tell me that ever goes well because it never goes well he will never like it and appreciate it and often it'll blow up in your face i've got lots of testimonies of lots of people who say well yeah my husband told me and i didn't listen and then i went did my thing anyway and it went bad and it doesn't mean because you were wrong in what you were trying to do it's the way you went about it was wrong and it always was not going to bless it and so it still went bad now i know this is complex because we also have the man side of it the man the men are not doing their role either which is making it even harder for the women to support them when they're doing nothing so men before you get all into did you hear what rabbi said ladies come on honey listen what are you doing to support i don't mean support like she's paying the bills at support i mean like to encourage and be there to cheer you on if you're not doing anything let's be serious now what are you doing that's there to be supported now if you're not doing it and your wife is going to encourage you to try to do don't get mad at her appreciate that she's trying to cheer you on now cheering you on doesn't mean hey you lazy blah blah get off the couch and go get a job that's not encouraging honey i believe in you i know that you've been depressed lately whatever but you can do this i know you can do this go believe in and love on and appreciate and encourage him even though the other words will want to come out of your mouth and if you really want those words to come out of your mouth call me and we'll sit down together and i'll say those words because i can say it from a different position you need to get off that couch and get a job and be there to take care of your family i've done that many a time okay more than i would like to admit because i shouldn't have to but that's why i have two shoes and either one the left or the right is good for kicking to encourage forward motion [Laughter] okay but guys what i said wasn't for you the first thing i said was for the ladies don't use it against them don't try to throw it in their face because you've got that big plank in your own eye before you start worrying about the twig in their eye okay what i said was for them to hear and them to be convicted of not you to use it against them and ladies don't use what i said about them against them either each one take what you needed for yourself if your wife isn't encouraging you and believing you and i think maybe you're not doing anything that could be maybe you haven't shared a vision with her and if she if he shares the vision with you don't laugh at him and mock him and look at him you know be excited that he wants to try and do something he didn't like it when he wanted to do nothing and now he wants to do something going to make him discouraged from wanting to do it because you laughed at him or you told him he'll never be able to do it he'll never amount to anything that's not the help meet the helper okay and i don't like the word counterpart there i think it makes it sounds like adversarial okay i don't know how that why that's translated out of the hebrew that way i'd have to go look at the hebrew i think it's a terrible translation he's looking for someone that matches up with it's a completion so with the animals they all had male and female and they could come together but with people you know started off with the man there wasn't anybody for him so he made a woman for him and the woman was supposed to be that completing element completing him not the other way around and we have to get this otherwise we're going to struggle and i i tell you 99 of the stuff that we counsel about is marriage problems absolutely no doubt 90-something percent of all counseling is about marriage problems i'm not talking about the simple questions that's not counseling when someone calls up they don't know what to do can i eat this can i do that whatever i'm talking about the problem counseling stuff is almost always marriage problems unless i'm dealing with a single person then it's being single wanting to be married problems [Laughter] okay so hopefully that that helped because i get we just have to understand that this is the first place it's talked about this is the first man and first woman coming together as a unit and right away they get it on you know why does it go bad why does it go bad because both of them dropped the ball the first chance they get he's right there i know other people argue he wasn't i believe he was right there she turns and hands him the the fruit okay he's right there there's nakhash which i like the translation saying nakash is a serpent because nakash remember he wasn't necessarily slithering on the ground when he's when he when the conversation is happening that was the punishment so the knockouts was probably standing on two legs and having a conversation we don't know what the nakhos really looked like and so the nakhos is having a conversation with chava and two things should have happened immediately khabib should have said excuse me i don't talk to strangers you talk to my husband over here and if that didn't happen he should have jumped in and said excuse me you don't need to talk to my wife you can talk to me okay there should have been some sort of interaction like that now of course i'd come across a little harsher it could have been more polite because maybe it was not a bad thing happening we know it went bad but what if it was just somebody who was nice and everything the husband said hi i'm glad you know and get in front of his wife and protect her from any potential harm oh no she goes has the conversation she makes a decision unilaterally without asking her husband oh you ladies do this all the time make all these decisions don't ask for any help or any confirmation that it's a good decision you just go ahead and do it anyway and so she goes ahead and does it anyway and then she talks to him and goes here and then what does he do he does it too so he was spineless and weak and did not do the man thing and she usurped the two worst things that could have happened and this is this is a problem this is a problem right from the beginning so we any wonder we still have this problem men not doing their thing and ladies usurping it's been epidemic since the beginning with the first couple and it's really a problem all right who's next michael i like what you just said and i'm happy that yahweh saw it the way it actually was as he does with all of us and um when i read the the part in chapter two not not after the nahash gets involved but the part in chapter two it just occurs to me that this is at this point the perfect marriage the perfect arrangement of what it's supposed to look like and i know that sometimes men get critical of their wives women get critical of their husbands and we all need to remember on a day-to-day basis maybe more frequently than that for me anyway but uh that those faults that we're criticizing are the strengths that complement our own weaknesses let's i mean i don't know if you have any thoughts to that just no that's i mean that's what i think well look i mean anything that we struggle with you know is always going to come out of an area of weakness but if we struggle and we learn to overcome it becomes an area of strength okay and so that's how you get stronger is you have to challenge the weakness okay and so [Music] it's it's that way with everything i mean it's that way with any skill set is that way with your muscles and your body i mean if you have a weak muscle i wanted like one arm or one leg whatever you have to challenge it more work it harder to turn it into a strength you have to challenge the weakness the more you would ignore it the weaker it will get so you have to do the struggle to gain your strength so out of the struggle comes strength but out of the weakness comes the struggle okay all right anybody else chapter two okay grayson from ruby v verse two talks about shabbat rest which was constituted in the beginning how do we how do we then take this to understand john 5 when yeshua says my father is always at his work okay so john john 5 he says my father works and i do also in other words everybody needs to work he doesn't say that he works let's see john 5 what verse is it okay in verse 17. you should have said my father works until now and i work all right in other words we have our we have our roles at the play now of course he's talking about this when he healed somebody on shabbat so these are things that the father is doing we're not talking about remember he finished the work of creation in six days and rested on the seventh day from the work of creation that doesn't mean the father just takes the day off and does nothing on saturday he's watching available his presence hopefully you know is guiding and leaving things that are being done in services around the world he heals he does all kinds of things that's not the creative work and he gives us very specific instructions what we're supposed to do or not do work wise in the sabbath instructions in leviticus and in exodus places where he talks about how to do the sabbath exodus deuteronomy leviticus other places to talk about the sabbath okay next from d rami elohim commanded adam and the crafty serpent but doubt wait elohim commanded adam and the crafty serpent put doubt on the woman can you please give more info on that thank you all right that's chapter three but um the the uh the doubt and the things that's going on there look i think i covered that actually we didn't cover that yet we'll let we'll get to that i guess right here we'll take care of it look the normal thought process that gets you in trouble is you see achava going through it okay verse six chapter three and the woman saw the tree was good for food she used her eyes she saw it it was pleasant to the eyes a tree that was desirable to make one wise she believed what the serpent said so she believed the the somebody who is not an authority how many of you listen to people that really aren't in authority and you believe them because she'd seen this tree and said man that fruit looks good it looks great i mean i bet you it tastes great and now he's telling me it's going to make me wise and so she took the fruit so this is the whole idea of the lust of the eyes the pride of life these kind of things she got tempted to do something because of an emotion that grabbed the steering wheel she wanted it i want that fruit i want what i want to believe that what that that nacha said would be true that it'll make me wise it'll give me this relationship with good and evil and i think that's the thing that the word knowledge there we can talk about knowledge always being relational so that it doesn't mean that you should have the information about what's right wrong some people say what's so wrong with eating out the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil don't you want to know what's good and what's evil that's not what it's talking about it's you getting to either choose for yourself or for you to have a relationship with both it's not about information he's going to already give her the information he's been giving it to her from the beginning all of the torah giving all through the beginning all the way through to moses and on further is all so that you would know right and wrong good and evil but not have a relationship with both and he said look if you if you eat of that tree then now you'll have a relationship with both because number one you'll have understood what good was because i taught you that number two you now know what evil is because you will have done what i told you not to do which is evil and now you'll have a relationship with both things and so we'll look at how that played out so hopefully that makes some sense okay next question from bonnie blue chapter 2 verse 9 is the tree of good and evil a foreshadowing example of many to follow about not partaking of that which is mixed um i guess to some degree you know i mean look he says this is the one tree is gonna lead to life this is the tree that you shouldn't be eating of i mean it's a matter of simple obedience do this don't do that that's the total essence of torah do this don't do that all right and let's i want to go back to the previous question just for a second the question if i remember correctly had to do with deception was she deceived i don't think she was deceived i think she yielded to her own desires what have i taught you about the nakhash which is the what we see for being hasatan okay what do we say about hasitan about satan that he only can work with what you already have in you she wanted what he was offering she wanted that fruit and what she believed that he said she wanted that he told her it would give her what she wanted she'd already been thinking about that he did not initiate and deceive her just from scratch and she was just just gullible you know no that doesn't match anything else we know about hasatan she wasn't just some dumb barely alive woman that this creature took advantage of he played on something he knew inside was there does that make sense so i'm not so sure she was so deceived okay now let me rephrase that she was completely deceived inside herself she deceived herself she she convinced herself to believe a lie because it's what she wanted because otherwise you're saying that he tricked her he didn't trick her not at all matter of fact he was pretty honest with her said it's a day you eat of it well he said well he said that in that day literally you won't die well then she didn't now a day like a thousand years well guess what adam didn't make it to a thousand okay so from that point of view or you can just simply say that from that day death will be in your future because they weren't probably going to die and that's where we can get into the verses where it talks about in um verse nine of course this is after they had already messed up okay they sowed fig leaves for themselves in verse seven they heard the sound of yahweh walking in the garden they hide themselves and yahweh calls out and says where are you i don't think he did it that way it's more like a parent who knows their kids messed up and like where are you and the kids are hiding knowing they're in trouble because he knew where they were and so he says i heard your voice in the garden i was afraid why were you afraid because i messed up and i knew you were going to find out he says i was afraid because i was naked all right so the next thing yahweh says is very interesting it says well who made you know that you were naked so let's not think of naked the way you would naturally think i mean every picture everywhere shows you know you know eve with her hair covering up stuff or adam with some leaves blocking stuff whatever literally they're physically we're naked right but what if this wasn't naked like we're thinking but the metaphor for being exposed they had nothing to fear i mean it says earlier in chapter 2 and verse 25 that they were naked and they were not ashamed in other words they weren't wearing any clothes they were fine they weren't they in other words there was they were exposed but there was nothing bad to expose but when they sinned they knew that was written now all over them and so then it says that he made skins for them coats of skin could it be they didn't actually have flesh until this time everybody wants to think he slaughtered animals and put their skins on them maybe maybe they were creatures of light and now they were exposed and now he put skin on them because now in the flesh suit they could die because it wasn't about them literally being naked and like somehow naked like they hadn't realized how embarrassing it is they'll be walking around without any clothes on so now all of a sudden that's like they woke up and like oh my gosh we're naked we don't have any clothes on i think it has more to do with the idea of being exposed in other words we're uncovered right because they were covered until they ate of the fruit they stepped off the path so to speak and now they were uncovered and they could feel the being of uncoveredness right that that state of uncoveredness now they were afraid that's why they immediately went to go ahead and make leaves which again a metaphor for trying to cover up whatever he could see that they were uncovered not so much covering up their private parts and stuff but just this idea of trying to cover themselves because they were now exposed because they were naked and unashamed a few verses earlier so that wasn't the problem but now they knew they were exposed in some way because without clothing in the beginning they were exposed and but they didn't have anything to be ashamed of now they were naked and ashamed because they'd done something and so they felt vulnerable they felt exposed they felt ashamed so that's a very important little piece that you see they're connecting between chapter 2 and 25 and chapter 3 and verse 10 and 11. okay so i just think you should have that understanding he said well who made you know that you're naked have you eaten to the tree which i command you not to eat now why did he mention the tree well first of all he knew what they did and second of all that was the only thing at that point that we know about that he told them not to do it's the only thing that could have exposed them so he said did you do what i told you not to do it's like you know your children okay especially let's say you have one child and you see the cookie jar open and crumbs everywhere and you go up to the child did you eat a cookie no well who else would eighty you got one kid it's not like there's three of them you don't know which one did it you know and you don't think it's a different problem you see the cookie jar and the crumbs and the whole thing so he knew so let's just kind of keep that in mind i mean they may have been destined not to die to walk this out at some point and just keep going and had been creatures of light and he put skin on him so they could die put him in a flesh suit because the flesh will die just a thought all right next from ashley condon uh in verse uh well chapter two verse one why is he why is heavens plural okay because we have many things known as the heavens okay the birds fly in the heavens the stars the sun and the moon are in the heavens elohim himself is in the heavens they're all different levels of that that is above or away from the earth okay and so we don't see them as the same okay we talk about the sky the part that the the birds fly in is different than the place where the stars and the sun and the moon are but they're still in in the way he describes it here it's they're all in the shamayim the heavens okay just from justin and denise rodriguez uh verses 21 through 25 is this why our wives are a reflection of our inner self with hashem because she was made from what was taken from inside adam um i i would i guess that works a lot i mean you know we can come up with all kinds of metaphors for you know the fact that woman was made out from the man okay and i guess part of it is the idea that he's missing something from the metaphor of it and then that missing part is formed into something and given back to him to complete him okay next that's all for chapter two all right chapter three and if i already covered yours then then just skip because i already i covered a lot of stuff preemptively for chapter three okay chapter three all right shannon my question is this i was wondering if you can explain what verse 15 means okay and i will put enmity between you and the woman between your seed and her seed and he shall crush your head and you shall crush his heel okay that's not going to have time for that really um we're going to make basically an enemy relationship between the seed of the the woman which means human beings and the seed of the snake or the nakhash so there's going to be an adversarial relationship now as far as the crushing the heel and crushing the head we can get into a bunch of prophetic things and see how they can play out and we're not going to do that as part of this but understand that he says here that because this relationship started off this way this is going to be a relationship now there's going to be an adversary relationship okay janet yes um i was just i just got my attention when um yahweh interacts with them and he's asking them questions right where are you and then uh have you eaten you know and i i think that a lot of times when we hear your i know there's different ways allah talks to us like through scripture but also through you and even in our own prayer and a lot of times i hear some of the questions that you ask is a lot of it is to look at ourselves look at our lives water are you doing this you know it's like almost trying to help us to see our sin for not necessarily showing us but trying to make us to have that introspective that self-analysis of where really we are in our lives so that's what i got from it but then the other thing that i um look at the the curses right the the nahash was the one who was cursed first then the woman and then the man and i think the man was given the i don't know if he was the worst but he was supposed to be tilling the ground all the days of his life and i don't know if that was progressively the curses were progressively bigger or just a thought okay and actually you got the order a little bit wrong he gets the woman first and the nakash he goes to the woman what'd you do she said well the serpent did it he made the hush you know deceived me you know everybody's pointing the finger here nobody wants to take and own anything okay and that's where the problem is and then ultimately after he he's trying to get to the point he starts off with the woman because well what did you do and i said oh no the serpent and then he looks at adam and he's like because you listened to your wife and you ate at the tree in other words you let her usurp you didn't stand up you didn't set the right example you didn't do what you're supposed to do you're gonna have these curses so he first starts with the person who did the initial action ha satan was just doing his job so to speak his job is to pull out of us all the things that are there that need to be exposed show us that we're naked right anyway but he gets punished for that as well at least so we see the metaphor all play out here okay tony um verse 22 and yahweh elohim said see the man has become like one of us to know good and evil my question is what relationship does yahweh have with evil that is like the relationship that man has just had with evil well i mean he has an experience with the evil from a different point of view not that he does evil but that he has the experience to know what it is now this man didn't know what evil was man didn't have an experience with it man hadn't had a relationship with it we already have some things happening if if we're to believe some of the other peripheral books in the heavens and some of the battling that's going on and so there's evil that has been the experience of elohim the man had no experience or anybody to see doing anything this is there now knowing and having experience with now instead of just trusting yahweh about hey this is something you don't need to deal with he chose to do it on his own okay and of course if if adam and java had not done this and say so only one of their children did something then they could have known it experientially through somebody else and not have had the same made the mistake of choosing to do it the way they did but they didn't learn it that way okay they learned it by choosing to do it all right michael i am at 3 15 and i was wondering if you could tell me if this is a possible interpretation of this um that um that 15 might be um in kind of a sideways way a prophecy concerning israel because i see the seed of the excuse me hava's seed is capitalized and so is his heel and it occurs to me that the heel if it gets struck is not usually a fatal wound but but the head is and so this to me looks like almost kind of like the set of part ones rising victoriously over um over the evil one yeah i mean you know there's this look there's a lot the reason i don't touch these verses and these kind of discussions is because i'm not really a big fan of guessing and there are not there really aren't enough verses if any that give us a definitive answer of course people like to believe and they may be right this is the first mention of messiah when it talks about her seed and it could be talking about all kinds of things here but we don't have any verse that comes right out and say and by the way this is what that's talking about all right so we're forced into the spectrum or the realm of guessing i don't like to spend time in that realm okay i want to spend time in the realm of reality i know this i know that i can prove this i can prove that all right okay next grace grayson chapter three from ashley condon uh chapter three verse 12 have a broke submission and it got the whole family and future in trouble also was she red and adam white this right here is why i'm trying to be more submissive to my husband i mean so you notice what the man says okay he says it starts off with the man actually the man who says the man the woman you gave me she gave me the tree and i ate it she gave me the fruit so first the man then the woman then the serpent so it actually starts in the right order and then it goes back to the man's punishment so it starts with the man right he says where are you and then he goes you're naked the whole thing i was hiding ourselves he said so why are you why are you hiding because we made a mistake we ate of the tree he says the woman play you want to blame her first now the conversation could have gone it didn't go this way that we could read about it like the woman she that you gave me they said blaming elohim it's not my fault they gave me this woman she's broken she did it she's defective what do you want me to do she gave me the fruit you gave her to me and i was looking at him like no you're the head you could have told her no you didn't have to take it and eat it you didn't have to listen and submit yourself to her so i think the defect starts at the top don't point the finger at her see look all the stuff i said earlier about the woman being to help me then picked on the men a little bit men ultimately the stronger judgment is on you you have the headship you have the bigger burden of responsibility all right next from anna euden chapter 3 verses 2-3 was the tree placed there on purpose there's an argument going around that yaw is bad because he put the tree there in the first place can you explain the purpose of the tree all right if we are forcing me back into guessing all right if we are going to believe and fi not believe if we're going to you know understand hasitan being this glorious you know carob that was then went bad in the whole thing that this all happened before all of this all right and that in creating these incredible beings these angels these these um the malaks the angels then having them go and decide to choose to usurp authority and try to use their authority in elohim himself then when he made man he needed to have a way and part of that way is hasitan to pull out of all people what's in there and see if it's fixable before he gives him eternal life he already gave eternal life to those like hasathan which is why he locks them up at the end he burns throws him into the lake of fire etc to be never to be heard from again but it's not because he kills him he's not burning and suffering in the fire because it's hurting him he's frustrated because he can't do anything anymore and so as we follow that line of thinking all the way through then we can see how this could play out with the tree the tree was there just like other things in life are there that's why he allows hasitant to be there hasitan in your life is the tree of knowledge of good and evil it's that thing that looks tempting that's going to entice you in the things that you need to to deal with so that you don't get tempted anymore those things that will tempt you okay so he's he is if yeshua is the tree of life people think of him that way hassetan is a tree of the knowledge of good and evil and i talk about those two trees in a lot of detail in what teaching thank you marty developing the character of yeshua okay the rest of you all failed okay all right because that was a key major piece at the beginning of that teaching after i had a lot of fun doing the state of the union all right my own sort of messianic hebrew roots part of the state of the union address because i did it that year right after the president had given the state of the union so that's why it was a joke but the whole point on developing the character issue you had to understand about the two trees okay next from teresa in chapter three verse one it says the nahash was more crafty than all the lives of the field what lies is this talking about well it says any beast okay living creatures that was nephesh okay the nephesh okay so he was more clever than any of the other living creatures all right from justin and denise rodriguez chapter 3 verse 3 did have a lie about what yahweh said about not touching it and convoluting what he originally said all right so let me give you two possibilities here well three all right possibility one yahweh said more than we actually get to read because that's not doing anything to undermine anything he said it just me a little bit more than what he said and so she had the understanding that he said not to touch it because that's the part that was added right he said don't eat of it she said don't eat oven don't touch it so maybe that part didn't get written down that's one possibility probably not likely but one possibility second possibility is that and i think this is most likely i'll take i'll take the third one which is not likely at all before we get the second one which is i think she was lying on purpose and being deceptive i don't think she was doing that i think the second possibility is the most likely which is and i've told all of you this before you've heard this in recent teachings when we have a strong emotional space you want something or you're afraid of something or whatever it is you will tend to not see it interpret it and understand it correctly you tend to fill in extra blanks in your own way okay so even though he said do not eat she may have interpreted also do not touch and don't tell me you don't understand this if you are married you have had many a conversation with your spouse where you said something and they came back and said you said something and it wasn't what you said it was partially what you said but then additional things were either added or stuff was missing nobody everybody okay a lot of people holding their heads down like i'm not saying nothing my wife is next to me my husband's next to me i'm not saying anything all right maybe some ribs being poked but we all know what that's like so i think the likely thing is is that i don't think she was trying to be deceptive here i think she actually that's how she understood it the impression she got was don't even touch it okay and i'm thinking that's the best likely interpretation there now it doesn't say that he said that so i get that he said don't eat and that's it don't eat of the tree so i i don't think she was twisting it on purpose but none of us do when we twist things like that we're not really doing it on purpose we're just adding or taking away because that's how we feel we understand what was being said and people quote things i've said in teachings people quote scripture people quote quote each other almost all the time with errors of addition or subtraction and they're not trying to be deceptive that's just the way they interpreted it and they remembered it i mean i've had conversations maybe you've done this too i've had conversations with my wife and some other people where they're saying things and i'm thinking hold on something's missing and then they they start explaining i said well you may have thought that in your head but it never came out of your mouth you ever have a conversation like that where a person is talking to you and it feels like you missed something like you're coming in in the middle of it because they were thinking it and then they start saying something but they didn't realize the first part never came out of their mouth and so you're sitting there not understanding what's going on you're confused because and then they start explaining you're like yeah but you didn't actually say that you started like in the middle i'm sure you thought it but the words didn't come out and that can happen you know as well and so just keep that all in mind when we're going through this okay next that's all for chapter three all right let's see chapter four uh we got the kane and abel thing and then we can skip all the genealogy stuff and get to maybe just a little bit of chapter six where he decides he's gonna wipe everybody out okay chapter four okay matt all right i know part of that had been of what my question was going to be was answered initially when it had to go over if the if people were arguing about that the torah didn't exist until it was handed down at sinai but you also see that there are laws that had been present because yahweh had uh chastised one of the brothers about you didn't offer me the right thing so one of the other questions i had was when it specifically mentions that a firstborn had been offered as a slaughtering as an offering was that more pointing towards maybe what was prefacing a certain uh high holy day or is it just more prefacing what was going to be temple um function it could be either one i mean it could have been around a holy day time it could have been showing us that these things would eventually lead to a temple offering but clearly we're going to see as we get into chapter six and seven and forward you know there are things that are torah that we know now that we don't ever see him teach them but they knew about it we see this here with the offerings that cain's making and abel are making but we also see it when we start putting animals on the ark and we put on unclean a certain amount and clean a certain amount well when did he ever tell anybody what's clean and what's unclean well he didn't yet in scripture but he did obviously tell them these things and so that's where we have to understand progressive revelation it's not necessarily that it's progressive to them it's progressive and how he's revealing it to us through the word of the scripture as it's written down and by the way remember all this stuff being written down is being written down by moses after it's all happened up to up to deuteronomy after it's all happened it's all stuff that's already happened and so he's writing it to a people that already know all about these things they just were there receiving the law at sinai and 40 years later now they're about to cross the jordan and all the stuff is happening in deuteronomy as he's going back to the beginning he's not going to sit there and explain where they were all sitting in in torah school learning torah under whoever at the beginning right but when you see these things the expectation that yahweh has with cain was if you're if you do it right which means you should know how to do it right want to be well with you also well when did he ever get taught how to do it right we don't know but he obviously was and then the same thing especially comes out in in chapter seven you know when it says of all the clean beasts take you seven pairs another unclean two pairs hmm which bans is the question like why do they always show the animals just going on two by two well there was a lot more of the clean than the unclean but how did he know what unclean animals were and what clean animals were because he was taught torah not just we didn't just wait for sinai for all of that okay good points okay shannon um my question is um on verse 7 on the part where it says and if you do not do good towards the door is a sin he is lying and towards you is his desire and you must rule over him my question is um is he talking about the adversary hasitan where his desire is toward you and you must rule over him like don't give him a chance if you um okay i know what you're saying yeah the answer is no but this is the way christianity taught you this is your desire that's there crouching at the door not hasatan don't blame hassan for everything i'm not defending him don't always think about like a champion of hasatan his role is only to do the job of pulling out of you what's your desire all right and so look what it says there if you do well then it's success there's a is there not acceptance but if you don't do well sin is crouching at the door and its desire is for you in other words there's a temptation just waiting there that you are wanting to do that part that's in you that's that's drawn towards and and that whether it's a lust or a desire or a craving for something you shouldn't do and so hasatan of course is there doing his role which is cheering you on to do it to open the door to to go in and walk in that direction is only the cheerleader let's not make him the one who put the thought in your head that was christianity's way of you having no responsibility for anything you do you do it because you want to okay i've said that a million times okay not because hassetan put it in your head there are so many things that other people do that you don't do and you know why because you don't want to and there are things you do that other people don't do is because they don't want to but you want to some of you have alcoholic friends and you've never had a thought to be a drunk and you think what's the deal well what did haas the time not just want to pick on me wanted to pick on them no they had a weakness in that area you didn't but then you have a weakness in a different area and they don't so maybe you're sitting there all day watching pornography and they're doing none of that stuff because it's something they would never do do you understand what i'm saying we all have our weaknesses hasitans is there to bring it out he's not the one putting the thought in there otherwise why wouldn't everybody be an alcoholic or this or that or whatever it is because not everybody has that area of desire and craving and weakness but everybody has so don't judge like i picked on alcoholism it could be anything could have been drugs could have been this could have been that whatever it is your area of weakness is your area of weakness or multiple areas of weakness and hassetan has a job that elohim allows him to do which is to bring it out now he doesn't know that's what he's doing now so you know he reads it he knows we're talking about but he's just trying to get us killed by getting us to walk in those desires and elohim's like that's not a problem you go start walking those desires then we can convict you of them get you to repent and then get you to release all that now you can get further in your progress because you've now eliminated a blemish an issue a thing that will keep you out of the kingdom so hopefully we're understanding that okay so it's a great question shannon i don't but it it's still those are the christianized mindsets that we still fall back into because we want to believe every time it starts talking about sin we want to go the demons hassatan the devil no it's your desire and they're there to take advantage of your wanting it there's things that you know you see other people do that you would never do that it's things you that others look at you and they would never do that's because it's your desire and it's their desire it's not a good host of time like i said he's just the one sitting there trying to encourage you to do it you come on you want to go ahead and do it why shouldn't you have that why shouldn't you do that why shouldn't you whatever you know you want to do it and he's going to lie like he did to have and say it's going to be good for you it's going to give you what you want it's going to take away all your pain it's going to make you happy it's going to whatever it is but it's only lying to encourage you with something you already want the lying wouldn't help if you didn't want it i've never been someone that was interested in alcohol and so there would be nothing that anybody could say to get me to drink a whole bunch of it not because of some righteousness or anything i just i've tried i've tried it and it has no interest for me so because there is no interest for me why would there's nothing you can do to convince me to do something that i really have no interest in and it's not that i haven't like everybody gets an opportunity to you know to try a drink or to try you know drink a few beers or whatever i don't enjoy it others love it that's great i'm not judging anybody i'm just saying so hassetan has never tempted me to do any of that stuff it was available i tried it it didn't do a thing for me didn't have any interest for it and i said okay i don't need this and so just keep that in mind that when it says here when you don't do well then sin is crouching at the door it's like sitting right there ready for you to go going mercy's over because it wasn't just notice the sin wasn't the fact that he did it wrong the sin was because he wasn't going to fix it because it's not like he did something wrong he just didn't do the right thing right do you understand the difference okay he didn't do something he shouldn't do he just didn't do the thing he should do correctly now what he did next was going to decide if he was going to sin or not and he chose to sin okay janet yes robert thank you i was actually going to comment on that one too but you i went back to four when it said uh that also brought of the first one of his flock and then he says look to havel and his offering but he did not look to cain and his suffering so i was thinking about some of the psalms when he says do not hide your face towards me or his eyes are near the righteous right it's about him looking at us looking at us when we are doing well to bless us and um the part about the sin you know what kenya didn't fix it he actually entertained that envy that he had for heaven from that he murdered him right and it just always keeping that in mind what you'd always teach us that out of the emotion the negative emotion or even a positive emotion he could actually if it's in excess that it could we could bring forth um sin you know which is our actions um going in the wrong direction so i just thought of that okay i i just to well i'm not correct it's just i don't think it was an envy problem okay i think the problem was you made me look bad okay you did it right i did it wrong you he he liked you and was proud of you he didn't like mine so i'm going to blame you and say you made me look bad instead of owning that he made himself look bad that's what people do they get mad at the other one because you made me look bad all right look i i was one of those accelerated students and i got really good grades guess what the people who didn't get such screw grades always got mad at me because i messed with the curve and i made them look bad and all this so i was never popular that way you know they get mad at you anybody does does well and you don't do well you start to get somewhat jealous but really you don't want to own that hey i i just it's a shame that he was feeling and i'm going to blame you because you made me look bad is what i'm going to say that's not what happened did not make cain look bad he made himself look bad but rather than owning it blaming somebody else is the problem we see this throughout history there's always those scapegoats that the world wants to point to and blame everything on like right now they want to do those those who don't want to get the jab are now being blamed for everything okay whichever side the other side wants to blame at this sides everything's the republicans fault everything's the democrats fault everybody's this it's all the jews fault it's all the blacks it's all the white's fault it's all the it doesn't matter they blame everything one group is going to blame everything on the other group nobody's going to own anything and that started at the beginning by the way these things you can see when you read it in your book and you see how they still play out today you can see that this there's a lot of authority in this book a lot of accuracy to see that things really are and have been the same okay all right chapter 4 grayson i'm so glad we started at 6 30 so we could end earlier from justin and denise rodriguez rodriguez question how did cain find a wife when adam and java had not yet populated the earth yet chapter 4 verse 17. excuse me um okay i'm just trying to i'm not trying to think of an answer i'm trying to decide whether i want to give the answer why don't we just skip that one for now no only because it's 9 30 my answer is only going to stir up some things and it's going to take too long to explain so it's a good question though hold that question maybe ask it again during sukkot during one of the midrashes or something and i'll do a better i'll give that question an answer but for 9 30 i think that's not going to really fit into the format here uh from mark s uh verse 17 did our heavenly father created kane's wife or okay yeah that's along the same lines yeah same question sorry uh tom lesarto uh verse 26 when they started to when they started to call on the name of yahweh do we know if it was pronounced the way we say it now okay nobody knows the right way to say it okay we have no idea we do the best we can i know hebrew fairly well and i can tell you that some of the pronunciations that pronunciations out there cannot work with those four letters the way they want them to work but we do the best we can with the with the way that we pronounce it so i'm comfortable saying yahweh the way i do okay do i feel definitively that i absolutely have it the right way no i don't think anybody necessarily does okay for the same verse uh what does it mean to call upon the name of the lord okay in that case they were it's not had nothing to do with how they pronounced it anyway thought go back to the no other name teaching which is it was about calling on his authority they were doing things in his authority from william in verse 1 could cain have been the serpent's seed i know where that's coming from and we're not going to go there from jonathan thompson rabbi when we get to genesis chapter 4 verses 13 through 16 if yah will not put more on us than we can bear does this also apply to punishment as well considering first-time offenders sometimes get reduced sentences i'm not really sure where that's coming from but whatever goes on and you have to either have trust or you don't trust that abba has full control over and that you can handle it okay i mean so that would be the answer there by the way for the question about kane's birth verse one says adam to his wife and she conceived cain that's that's what it says just to be simple adam java kane okay from anna euden in verse 9 is it a commandment to be your brother's guard slash brother's keeper no i mean look it's it's it was just his way of trying to get around answering the questions what am i responsible for my brother what are you asking me for and those kind of things right so he knew what he'd done he was just trying to avoid the questions it's not so much you the bro are you a brother's keeper the question wasn't like why why are you not keeping your brother he's like what am i supposed to be to know where my brother is and what he's doing well that's not my job to know what my brother is i mean it's it was just the phraseology of the time you know where's your brother what are you asking me for i mean he could have said that you know what am i supposed to know is that you see my problem okay and so that was just his lashing out not wanting to answer the question that is all for chapter four okay because if you know what's going on here in chapter four with cain and javel it's it's it's not about being a keeper and anything like that it was just simply like your brother did good you did badly you killed him i'm asking where your brother is and so so if you want to use it as brother's keeper well then at least we can understand the responsibilities not to kill him because that's the only thing that was going on here it wasn't like he was expected to do anything else for him as far as the interaction in this chapter all right i think we can jump through most of the genealogy stuff in chapter five and just see if anybody has anything quick that's non-nephilim-related for chapter six no good we can end all right all right so let's go ahead and get someone to what you got one for six you have we have one for five two for six one for five okay what do you have for five uh rabbi when we get to genesis uh verse oh chapter five verse 29 what can we apply in our daily walk when we read this this one does comfort us concerning our work and toil of our hands because the ground yahweh cursed you know what nobody's ever asked me that one before i'm not really sure what to do with that verse i hadn't really thought of that verse as being all that significant in terms of uh the walk here so what we do see is it's it's a prophetic thing just mentioning that noah is going to be significant in bringing some comfort because remember we're gonna go another couple of verses into chapter six and see that yahweh is basically ready to kill everybody okay but that comfort for all people is gonna eventually come through noah being able to survive through all that all right chapter six yes in verse three from mark s what does it mean and what probably happened my spirit shall not strive with man forever and is going astray his flesh and his days shall be all right so you know with with them um [Music] living as long as they did he recognized and said you know what i can figure them out a lot quicker than 900 years it won't take them 900 years to kind of make it clear what they're all about we can do this in 120. okay so he decided i'm not going to shorten things up a little bit that's all i have for that from ashley condon versus six through seven did he not know that was going to happen and this may be silly but was his sorrow the rain his tears i know we don't know just a thought that popped in my head no i mean look if you um how do i want to explain let's say you have a child and it's especially like one that's getting older in teenage years and going through their teenage years you see them heading in a direction and you pretty much are sure you know where it's going to end up you know they're going to end up at dead or in drugs or some other thing because of their lifestyle habits that they're having and that is upsetting enough to watch but when it actually does fully play out it will grieve you even though you knew it was going to happen and you knew you couldn't stop them but it will grieve you so yes yahweh knew this was going to happen but then when it happened he was grieved to actually see it even though he wasn't surprised by it just like there's going to be family members and friends that you see go through things and it won't surprise you but will make you sad and as far as the tears no i wouldn't use that metaphor okay because the rain is not what flooded everything it was a combination of rain and the ground opening up and the fountain's coming out from below so you have both of those things happening and by the way if you want some proof about things go do a little google earth and see that rift that goes around the whole planet where the ground opened up and the waters came out you can see it right on google earth there's a ridge that goes around through the oceans pretty much around the whole planet where things burst open like cracking open an egg i mean it was like it cracked open and the waters came out okay that would have flooded a few things all right so it wasn't just raining for 40 days okay and it says that in here okay what else is that it that's it okay for the closing prayer steve you can close this bring it over to waffle thank you for the evening and our leader who can direct us in the way which you would have us go can you share his name amen oh man listen it doesn't have to be long anybody out there nervous about praying you don't have to be long about it i pray it was a blessing and that you got something useful out of it and that you can apply it in your walk all right anybody want to come up and wave goodbye to everybody out there come on up all right so we want to make sure as always that we are doing what we can to connect with everybody out there and to let them know that we know you're there and we appreciate you being a part of the congregation at large and so we want to send our regards towards you and our love towards you so we're going to wish everybody out there when i count to three we'll let rick get here first but we're going to tell everybody out there how much we love them by saying three things we're going to say lila tove which is have a good night shavua shavuatov which is have a good week and tell them we love them on three one two three you [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Messianic Torah Observant Israel
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Length: 192min 30sec (11550 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 14 2021
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