Sukkot 2021 | Finance 3 by Elder Billy Jackson | 9-27-2021

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[Music] oh i only had one vitamin this morning so that's only half of what i got for you i'm sorry i don't know [Laughter] guys just let me know if you give me a countdown i'll i'll yell good morning again with a little more intensity density focus intensity and focus [Laughter] all right good morning [Music] [Applause] so excited to be here for our third day two days in a row oh thank you i'm gonna turn on my little thing let me turn it on wait for green there we go there we go thank you all right day three final day you know before we when rabbi asked me if i wanted to do some classes i was thinking about how many classes i needed and what i wanted to cover and we do a financial fitness boot camp if you give me your email your name or in your number or just go to the money fit coaching website that i gave you just put your information in it's a free um group therapy type uh coaching so everybody's in the room similar to this when you get interact and ask questions and the financial fitness boot camp is really to get you through this process but they give you accountability go through the process it's totally free you don't pay pay for that you only pay if you need some in-depth work a lot of people have come up to me over the feast and say well i want to do this what do i need to do how much does it cost well we don't talk about cost until you can get through this okay if you need help getting through this then we'll talk about that uh one-on-one because everybody's problems uh situation is different all right so that's the first thing the second thing is i want to as we close these few classes i want to let you know that i was working on what i was going to talk to you guys about today not really working on it but deciding picking and choosing what would be relevant to close this process off um pretty much giving you um a 10-week course trying to put it in three days and give you as much information as i can give you and i think it's been great i never watch my teachings after i finish even when i'm teaching not finances and to look at it rabbi was like you should go and take a look at it because he knows i don't like looking at him either i don't like hearing myself talk he said you should look at it it was really good so i looked at the first one and i was like oh that guy's pretty good i looked at the second one um and as i was i was working on it uh i believed i believe yahweh gave me something i never saw before and never taught it before but i wrote it up here so i wouldn't forget and it just rang perfectly for me you see i wrote early so i can have my spelling correct it says saving plans work saving plans work what does that mean that means if you save your money you play in your money work your butt off you'll achieve the goal but you can't go through these three processes until you know why you're going through these three processes now i gave you guys a goal of one month living expenses but like i told you and many of you have counseled this applies to every area in your life not just your money if you want to be a business owner this applies we just take the different you know take the different why out instead of having a plan for your money you'll have a plan for your spiritual walk or you have a plan for your marriage we have a plan for your kids we have a plan for your spouse you have a plan for yourself you have a plan for your retirement you have a plan for your health there's a plan for everything in your life and so as i was working on it and yahweh gave me i believe he gave me this thing that he pointed it out to me like wow i've never seen that before and i've been teaching stuff since 2011. i've never saw it before it was like okay because i believe one of the biggest things that i teach is how to save money it's probably one of the biggest and most important i think one of the most important things that i can share with people and show them how to do it because a lot of people are so afraid of everything but the fear of saving money or the fear of having ten thousand dollars for instance sitting in their bank account is scary to a lot of people and i never knew that i was in network marketing since i was introduced when i was 16 years old i've been working since i've been 13. actually working a job since i've been 13. so i've been very responsible at a very early age i've been creating businesses and been an entrepreneur since the age of 16. i've failed a lot i've succeeded a lot too but one thing that i faced in my journey from 16 till now is about age 21 i believe yahweh told me that nothing in your life is going to go right until you do what i want you to do you submit to my will it's like okay so i ran okay i ran for a couple years they used to call me samuel back in the church because i just ran i just ran from god i just ran ran ran but it wasn't until i submitted that his will became my will and i said whatever you want me to do i'll do whatever you want me to go i'll go whatever you want me to say i'll say i belong to you so here today talking about the importance of saving and understand being that you can't be afraid of anything it's a hard concept to grasp i tell it to my 14 year old when we were here two years ago he followed me around he said dad i just want to i just want to watch you i want to watch how you deal with what he calls stress and many of us would call it stress too but he knows my background from being in the military and being all three branches of uh the police department i was in the state police i was in the federal reserve police department i was in baltimore city police department so he knows the stress and he watches me he wants to know how i deal with it and i said well first of all i'm not afraid of anything there's nothing that i can think of that i'm afraid of but him i fear him you know what i mean but the other most important thing i tell him that it changed a little bit when i got about 40 is that i'm not afraid to die so when you get to that level of not having fear and not being afraid of anything you can go through anything i'm not saying anything is fun i'm saying you can go through anything and as long as you're breathing on the other side you can get through it as long as you know him and you have your relationship right you can get through it nobody said you're going to get through it without any scars i got many but you can get through it all right so stop being afraid today we're going to talk about budgeting and i left that for last because that's the hardest hurdle for many people to sorry i'm going to turn my phone up the hardest hurdle for many people to get over is budgeting it's the hardest hurdle it's the easiest task but the hardest hurdle it's hard because we don't want to face reality of what the numbers are okay got people come up to me all the time i got it in my head i know what it is i got it on my calendar did you write it down on paper line by line there's a whole message right here just talking about finances line upon line precept upon precept have you written it down to see what your plan is have you written it down your plans have you written them down and so in the process of of putting this all together we i won't say we missed it but i was walking my wife was supposed to pick me up after breakfast i was still getting ready and i spend time like many of you do i spend time especially in the morning in this beautiful view just spending time with him walking and spending time with him and i believe one of the things that he shared with me this morning is like every other area in our life one of our fears is inviting him in to our finances it's like wow it says his mind right the earth is the lord and fullness thereof and all that dwell there and it all belongs to him we talked about that it's his money he just lets you manage some of it and i think he lets you manage it to see how well you're going to manage it see what kind of decisions you're going to make i hear people tell me they have a lot of money oh god bless me with all this money and i'm gonna do this that in the third none of it has anything to do with him but they think you know they give him credit for blessing with it and he does he gives you the power to obtain wealth so he does but he gives you it to make a decision what are you going to do with it so teaching you that is not yours and teaching you that it's to establish his covenant in this context of the walk how do we get you to stop fearing and start working start doing right it applies we need you to work need you to know your why make a plan save money make a plan then work your butt off to achieve your goal then we need you to rinse and repeat but he said they're not inviting me in i said wow he reminded me about the scripture that uh michael right that michael shared with me he had a beautiful email um that he wrote beautiful text and he shared it with me about god and mammon isn't it strange the two things that he says your war against is you your relationship with him and money so this morning he said they haven't invited me in that's what i believe he said we can talk about money all day if he's not in charge of you he can't be in charge of your money if he's not sitting on the throne of your heart he can't sit on the throne of your bank account he can't sit on the throne of your business he can't sit on the throne of your retirement he can't sit on a he can't sit there because you're there because you think it's yours so i said knowing that is not yours will get you to get off the throne and guess what off the throne and let him sit there a lot of your insecurities will go away a lot of your fears would go away because you put it in his hands that's your aim you know you know we talk about it we sing about it i was i was going to ask brianna i don't have her her cell phone number i was going to ask her if i could sing a little bit of a song that's what i was singing coming down walking down the hill looking at the mountains beautiful the mist rising up off the mountain and i said even and i do this but i didn't share with you guys that you should do this and then carriage in courage yeah somebody told me encourage you guys to do this is invite him in before you sit down with me at the table or if you come to council with me i'm going to ask you many of you know did you pray about it depending on what it is if it's a halal thing did you pray about it if it's stressing you out and all that we'll deal with that then i'm going to tell you to pray about it work on it get your vertical correct get in line with him but in order for us to do that we have to invite him in so i'm coming down the hill and jan is stopping saying you need a ride he's like no good just spend a little time with him and i started singing beyond the song messed up all the words as usual i don't even know if they're back here but i'm singing i will proclaim your name you're my king is he your king is he king over your finances or is he just king when you come to services when service is over olenek is over and we finish at five guys and you go home is he your king when you're sitting in service worried about how you're gonna pay your bills about that paycheck didn't come with that stimulus you said you're gonna get and it never came that tax return some people are still waiting for is he your king in the midst of your trial think about the baptism of fire and your trials that you go through i guarantee you that probably 90 percent of those involve some kind of finances but yet we won't invite them in we won't say you're the king over my finances because you think you can handle that and the reason you think you can handle it is because you think it's yours it's not yours oh it's mine he gave it to me he gave you the strength and the power to obtain wealth what if you lost your mind what if you lost your money fear will cause you to not write out the vision habakkuk too we talked about in the beginning write the vision make it plain write your vision know your why write the vision make it plain so you can walk walk where walk work on your vision you need to write it down so i know when i'm working and walking towards what am i trying to achieve but i need to invite him in we pray about everything i don't know how many people pray about their finances before there's an issue with them i encourage husbands and wives they come to work with me with their finances that we pray about these things maybe the direction you want to go with this extra money you have to start this business maybe he doesn't want you to start a business maybe he has plans for you that you don't know wait maybe it's a scripture i know the plans i have for you and some of us have relied so heavily on that scripture because he knows that you never wrote a plan because you use that as an excuse like he knows my heart i know the plans i have for you but he wants to see what you're going to do i provided i gave you the ability matthew 14 right i gave you the ability to obtain wealth i'm the master i'm going away i'm giving you this money and i want to see what you're going to do with it are you going to bury it in the ground are you going to take it and double it because it's not yours the master gave it to you are you going to make 10 times the amount no i'm going to buy a bigger house because i'm not satisfied with what i need i want what i want because i'm sitting on that throne i'm going to buy a nicer car i don't need it but because i have a business and my business providing enough income i'm going to lease the vehicle take that payment and put it towards that so i can look nice and feel good about myself because i want to impress the people around me that are just as broke as i am and i realize listening to my class yesterday that i never defined after i said broke people in the room i never defined what broke was because everybody in the room isn't broke but i heard it and i didn't like it so i'm gonna correct it broke means living paycheck to paycheck and everybody in the room is not living paycheck to paycheck but i guarantee you that the people that do come and do sit in the room they have one or two positive things going for them one they have it they're trying to do better or two they don't have it and they want to find out how to get it how to do it right the ones that are not in the room are the ones that i hear somehow they they weren't they're not in the room but they listen to the teaching and then i got a bunch of confessions which is okay you see that that the fear the conviction from him i i just share the information i can't make you think but you think about it and you start analyzing your life analyzing thinking hey am i sitting on the throne of my finances or i'm allowing him in so i want to i want to challenge you to allow him to come in and work on your finances allow him to examine your heart and say is it about me or is it about money am i serving you while am i serving money now you need money to work money is amoral it's not good or it's not bad depends on what you do with it that determines what it is we all know the scripture we messed it up i definitely did when i was young talking about money the love of money is the root of of all evil how do you tie that in do you love money enough to not follow the commandments because you want to work on saturday you see how that plays in but the church and i'm not knocking a church i used to be a christian pastor the church never taught you that because they were too busy trying to get their agendas done and get their plans met and pay off their bills and get their salaries so they want to teach you about it because if they taught you about it and they didn't even understand how awesome yahweh is in a way at least the ones that i've worked for i'm not going to say all of them the ones i work for but it really doesn't matter because they're not knowing what we're doing we're talking about what we're doing right but they didn't teach people how to be free how to be free i want you to be free i always want you to be free why so you can do what he wants you to do because he knows your plans you're trying to figure it out and a lot of us are holding on to our bank accounts very tightly and we're not allowing him in i heard that somebody said oh you talk like you're rich in him i am and i will always be because he sits on the throne rather i'm rich or poor financially i told you i had many jobs i got fired from one coming into this walk i was district manager for payless shoe stores and i thought that you know when i got a letter to come for their bankruptcy i was a little happy in my heart i was thinking yahweh you you bankrupted the organization just because they fired me wrongfully of course not maybe no but they lied on me they lied on me they lied on me i called rabbi i counsel too i called rabbis i looked they didn't lie on me i'm you know i don't know what i'm gonna do i put in my resignation because i knew i couldn't work on shabbat and i didn't have to i had store managers and they had managers and key holders and all that i didn't have to was never a requirement until i made a state and said i'm not going to work on saturday i can't work on sad and my religious observance which i had the right to do within the law went to the vice president of hr i said look i i can't do this she said not a problem just fill out the paperwork and then i'll take care of it okay great so rabbi told me wise counsel right he said if you put in your notice make sure you have another job lined up you're looking for something in my field i didn't have to worry about it i get a job like that so i put in my notice right four months before the end because my position i can't give a two-week i could give a two-week notice but if you know i wanted to do the right thing right four-month notice less than 30 days after i put in the four-month notice my boss came to me into the store when i was checking out one of my stores and she's the regional she was the regional manager she came in and she said let me have your keys because i made a stand push your bot right let me have your keys i was like what's going on she said the store manager's here and you can go home we don't need you so because i put in four months notice i'm calling myself helping them right i'm not gonna leave them high and dry i know how long it takes to get a district manager i'm managing multiple stores they didn't think that much of me and you know they let me go so anyway going through the unemployment that was a headache because they they lied said i did something i didn't do i wanted unemployment but i took that moment because i listened to rabbi you know how he says we're not listening i listened and i began to retool myself okay i've always taught finances on the side for free never charged it was a part of what we did in ministry right but i said all this knowledge and wealth and information that yahweh has given me to make worldly men rich because i could sell so i used to eskimo and i enjoy it i don't do it anymore but it's still very fun to see the excitement on people's faces when you help them achieve their goals right so that's where the money fit coaching came in at after that i retooled myself i took all the information i knew from being a manager in retail and from being in police department and loving to sell me and my wife started stop started stop a business called infoshare marketing group and i like the name i think yahweh gave it to me i share info share information again i can share the info i can't make you think so we had that running for a while i got some other side jobs and that was just a side job but that side job became our regular income and that's when i told you guys share the fact that we before we came here and gave it all up that was a business success we were making more money with that business than we ever made working for anybody we made it for ourselves working probably four or five hours a day but if you put me and my wife because we did it together about 10 hours a day we put in all right we're still able to take care of family and do all that and i achieved that success was very happy with that we dropped it now most people think they hear that story because i've mentioned it many times they hear that story and think well why do you have that car if you were making more money you made in your life and i heard you talk talk about another testimony when you're a police officer the most you made was 77 000 so i had to be making more than 77 000 right not dropped at all i said well why you got that car because it's paid for why why'd you you know because they hear that because the the world has sold you on the idea that you have to look like you have money that you have to tell people and brag about how much money you make i don't care how much money you make that doesn't impress me you want to impress me show me what's in your bank account your savings account you want to impress me show me that your mortgage is paid off those things impress me because those things are going to help you be free those things tell me that it's not about you it's about him and he's sitting on the throne of your heart and it's about what he wants to do through you in the world not what you think you can do for your friends and family around you through your bank account that was a like a download while i'm walking looking at the mountain they say you started talking about yeah you're my king you're my king we talk about praising them through the circumstance right we were on a zoom meeting international zoom meeting with the aussies and uh gary flint set it up we were on this zoom meeting me and my wife and uh one night i was tired didn't want to get on the zoom and my wife loves to get on the zoo and she wanted to fellowship it's an awesome thing they still do it you should jump on it like our zone meetings and my wife had been praying i didn't know she was she had been praying but she'd been praying for this job that apparently i came home and complained about that i was working i was a regional manager for this business called tank utility and we used to go out and install propane monitors on propane tanks electronic digital whatever you want to call it propane monitor so they know how much fuel they need without having to come out save companies a lot of money so i ran five states i controlled five states as a regional manager and it was i was never home had all the fancy stuff i like being with my wife just so you guys know i enjoy spending time with her so i don't like being out for days on end on the road working and all that i enjoy being with her sometimes the kids can join it but i no i love my family um but i didn't know she was praying for me to leave that job this is before we started working for ourselves and the point to the money-making thing we only did that for about four or five months before we moved all right because people look at you and they they evaluate you based on what you say they hang on every word but i only did it for four or five months maybe six months before we moved we were doing this incredible amount of business and we loved it but having my kids here being here with you guys being here under the word trained by rabbi walking with him and seeing life and getting to enjoy every moment of every feast it was more than worth it to let it go because he sits on the throne of my heart it's not me money doesn't sit on the throne my wife doesn't sit on the throne i don't sit on the throne rabbi doesn't sit on the throne he always sits on the throne of my heart so i was willing to let it go so don't be impressed by your family and friends and what they have and what they don't have you need to be intentional about setting and reaching your attainable goals so if you got that one month and we put three thousand dollars when we started that one month i don't know about you but if you got a credit card that has three thousand dollars on it it's not yours that you can spend right three thousand but they're not too many emergencies that are going to come up in your life that are 3 000 or more and i know some people disability i got some questions people ask and i'll try to get to those today but some people live on a limited income and do you know these people in a limited income that's not even making a thousand dollars a month or more eager to figure out a way to win and it amazes me because like i said in the beginning the people that need this the most are not here and prayerfully they'll get their job and their bank account and their investments and all this other stuff off the throne of their heart stop letting the god and mammon idea distract them from reaching their goals because all of it is a distraction rabbi talks about temptation if you're not a drunk then you're not going to be tempted by those things if you're not this or not that you won't be tempted by those things but i think all of us in our lives have been affected tempted some way which way or another by our finances we've enabled we've lent expecting to get a return back we've co-signed you know scripture tells you not to cosign how many of you knew that oh good and we still do it we co-signed for stuff i met with a woman who was 67 i think she was 66 or 67. she co-signed her social security for her granddaughter's college student loan college fund whatever you want to call it to pay for college do you know that's one area where they will garnish your social security for it's one of the many areas most people don't know the granddaughter didn't even finish the school dropped out or whatever didn't finish i don't know if she dropped out or whatever but she didn't finish and then garnishing grandma's wages for her student loan debt invite him in say look yahweh all of this is yours get that mindset start from that place all of it is yours not 90 not 10 not 30 not 70 all of it is yours and guess what when i don't know what to do i'm going to step back and get counsel i'm going to wait i've been there done that i'm passionate about saving very passionate i told you guys why i've seen it destroyed homes marriages infidelities sugar daddies side chicks side dudes all of that i've seen it all and it wasn't that they didn't have the money is when they had it they didn't do the right thing with it because they didn't know i was surprised i was actually frustrated and upset i got a disability settlement many years ago and it was 25 grand i tithed and did all that was back in the church and there was only one time i tithed and we went through it less than a week less than a week don't say oh wow i had debt i have very little debt close to none now but i had debt then and i thought i was doing a good thing i'm putting away debt you know i'm cleaning up debt i got this debt that's sitting there on my credit report yeah i had a horrible credit score because i had bad credit cards 20 something years ago and i don't live off credit so i'm paying off this debt which is good in the right order i'm not telling you don't pay off debt you spend it you should pay it all right i'm not one of them ones let me wipe off your credit report i don't do any of that we got consumer law attorneys that we work with they take care of those things they don't wipe it off they make sure it's yours and that you should pay it if it's yours and they help you pay it so you don't have to go through these debt consolidation thieves to get it taken care of and then they charge you more than that your debt actually was you can pay off your debt yourself i don't care how much it is but anyway we paid off the debt the debt that we had at the time we burnt off a time share and this is during the time during the two years we're trying to get ourselves together because we wanted to buy a house glad we didn't we paid off this debt after i paid off the debt no more money i get fired from a job just had 25 000 a week ago it's gone i'm happy i paid off debt a couple days later i'm sad frustrated mad because i have no money saved no money's safe i can raise my hand say i got the flag for being responsible i was responsible to pay off my debt because i spent it but i did it in the wrong order i had no money saved i got fired i went outside to get in my car to go find another job and the person that owned the car dealership from the car that i had that i owe payments on was sitting in the car in the driveway but we had a parking lot in the driveway sitting in the car so i got i went i went out to him i said what's up he's like your payment is due for this week it's one of them weekly payment things right i got so caught up in paying off debt i didn't pay off the 3 500 car that i had and guess what he drove away with the car lost 25 000 lost got fired from a job and now my car is driving away i'm not telling you because i've attained something other than understanding and the knowledge to know that he sits on the throne of my heart now and it's not me because i couldn't do very well with it but the point is i had it in my hand didn't have any coaching didn't have any knowledge didn't have anybody to tell me what to do with it i did with everybody i talked to just about everyone i talked to they get that money in hand and they want to go run and pay off debt and the ones that have a lot of money that think they're secure don't have budgets they say well i you know i have a good job in this day and age with everything that's going on in the world is any job secure no we talk to men in the military men and women in the military corporate america jobs governmental jobs from all sizes all shapes politicians you name it doctors your job isn't secure but because we're sitting on the throne our financial throne of our heart and not allowing him to sit on our heart we make decisions without guidance and we think we have a false a false security of a false security blanket thinking that because we got this high-paying job or whatever job you have that's not going to go anywhere that you're secure so i've changed it many people know they took the dave ramsey financial peace university i taught that for years as well and always change the emergency fund the savings i always changed it from getting one month the three to six months of saving your emergency fund because a thousand dollars unfortunately in this damn world may not cover many emergencies to get an insurance because they don't tell you about that all right at least not in setting up your initial budget and then three saving six months to a year living expenses paying off your mortgage just three easy steps if you get off the throne is easy if you do the work it's easy if you're dedicated it's easy if you stop listening to the opinions of other people it's easy you stop listening to your uncle aunt sister cousin it can be easy so unlike robert kiyosaki i have a rich uncle a rich dad poor dad right have a rich uncle and he became rich at the age of 41 in 1991. the last time we met about four years ago in connecticut it was the first time i met him it was also the last time he did it through working two jobs and investing the income from the second job into the stock market and the stock market hit whatever 1991 he left his job and now he pays in taxes every year more than a few people in this room combined together salary is and he's trying to find out a way to lower his taxes because he makes that much money so i said uncle and i'm not going to say his name even though none of you would know him but i said uncle and this was about five six years ago i said how did you do it and he put it on my shoulder he took me aside he said all the years that i've been a millionaire he's a multi-millionaire nobody has ever asked me how i did it he has two school kids and a bunch of family members great aunts and uncles of mine who complained about his house in colorado and his house in florida he has a house somewhere else too traveled the world climbed kilimanjaro 12 times on something crazy lived out in the desert with the moroccans you know on this fancy luxury thing seven times i was like that sounds awesome everybody i talked to if money you know if they had all the money they needed what would they be doing they always the number one answer is travel they want to travel everybody wants to travel they want to get away from whatever their circumstances usually themselves and they can't run fast enough and i looked at the school children and that's he said nobody's ever asked me that he said everybody wants the result but they don't want to go through the process they want the millions and want me to tell them how i did it but they don't want to work two jobs full-time jobs for 20 years and invest the money from the second job into whatever investment vehicles and just don't believe don't get the insecure thought that if you put in in some kind of market you're not going to lose it i talked to many people who put hundreds of thousands and lost it all that's why i said if it's not liquid in the bank in the savings account money market account it's not yours if it's in the market you don't have it the market has it you have ownership of it in the market but the market has it markets crash markets go bye-bye okay banks get bought and sold so i'm not saying don't do it i'm not telling you taking your money out i'm just saying make sure you got cash in the bank okay that's all i'm saying so he took me to the side and he said i'll give you some pointers put your money in don't take it out leave it in there i said well will you invest you know what are you invested in he said i don't even know all the stuff i'm investing in i got investment advisors and i give it to them and they manage it they take their fee out guess what they don't make money if they don't make me money so i trust them that they're going to make me money and he's doing very well but the point that i got from that because i know everybody thinking what investments do you do probably ibm amazon something i don't know apple but the point matter i want you to get is everybody wants the end result they don't want to go through the process to get it i can't tell you how many people sit down with me with their budget and want me to do their budget i look at them like they're crazy that's why i haven't told anybody here how much i charge i said we got to sit down first let's talk about it because a lot of people come to me and they want to hand me their headache and say i want you to do it that's not what i do i take your headache i look at your headache and i says my i see why you have a headache then i help them develop a plan to get rid of their headache but if they don't do the plan that i create it for them they're going to still have a headache probably a bigger headache because the reality of the fact is if it's not written down you don't know your why you can't follow it so they give up they think somebody is going to come in and rescue them out of their responsibility to sit down and write down everything that you spend it's that simple for one month 30 days write down everything that you spend save every receipt i don't care if it's on a debit credit card whatever i just want to know do you know your numbers because there hasn't been one couple that i've sat down with that did that that when i looked it over i said did you forget you have to eat do you own a washer and dryer no i don't you forgot to put down laundry laundry you know doing your laundry you forget to put down those snacks that you get because you don't want to get up and make lunch or that quick five dollar meal at mcdonald's you forget those things if you get the extra coffee that you bought your your co-worker because they didn't have money that day you forget those small things you forgot that pack of mints that you needed because you forgot to brush your teeth you were rushing out of the house you forgot that and so all of that matters okay so i'm looking at two thousand dollars came in show me where two thousand dollars went out you have to show me i'm not there to do it for you i'm there to guide you through the process and if you have a hiccup let me know and we can work through it and then i put couples in in families i put them on an allowance they think it's hilarious how can you put me on allowance with my money i'm putting you on an allowance with his money cause you came to me to help you get to where he wants you to get to because he knows your plans you need to get off the throne because you think you made it yours and you need to allow him to allow me to help you as long as you want to go i'll walk with you you walk away it's on you oh you can clap awesome remember that if you need a foot no kid i love the verse scripture says that we'll never be separated from yahweh's love nothing can separate us right no height no death no things below things above principalities but nothing can separate us from his love but you because you can choose to walk away you can choose to do nothing and you'll end up wherever you end up i don't know where you're gonna know you didn't have a plan stop listening to people that are broke and stressed out start finding people that are successful in areas you want to be successful in you know how rabbi talks about his motivational stuff he's invested a lot of money and time and attention i invested a lot of time and attention in the finances it's not something i wanted to do i enjoy i would rather sell something like insurance i used to sell but his people need to understand and learn about it so we can be free i have a friend of mine and he did some good things with his money he retired from workers comp but he did some good things with his money but one thing that he did is he taught his congregation he wasn't in this walk it's okay to have friends that are not in this walk correct all right okay just want to make sure you guys understand it so he was a friend actually a family member is my brother-in-law's cousin so he's sort of in there somewhere but he had this church and he got on the news a local news in baltimore because the church bought him and his wife matching rolls-royce not the ministry not the ministry the people in the ministry the congregation bought him and his wife matching rolls royce 600 000 together for both cars paid it off it was their cars we want to bless you when i give you this car it made the news why did it make the news they think he's one of these uh these wealth you know naming and claiming pastors he wasn't but what he did is he knew about business so he attracted a bunch of business owners that got together and they got together and bought him and his wife a gift all these business owners made the news what can we do for him if we were free if we were successful if we got off the throne of our heart and said instead of me buying a bigger house i'm going to take this money i'm going to invest it in to the kingdom say how can i yahweh how can i be a blessing to the kingdom y'all know we got a rabbi that'll never ask for anything and i'm not going to ask either but i always thought about i said i told you guys about i think in yesterday's class or the first one if we were free and we could all get together you know a thousand of us 30 000 online another 250 locally and if you come to a feast 5 600 we got together and everybody just pledged we could burn a note off and have the building pay for i'm excited about things like that because if we come together and we're free guess what free people don't worry about stuff that unfree people worry about i'm doing okay all right set boundaries when you're going through this process set boundaries spend your time wisely stop wasting time we talk about wasting food wasting money equate money to your time stop wasting time what do i mean you got a business idea you're thinking about it i had somebody tell me that they go to work eight hours they come home and work another eight hours on their business idea and at points throughout their life they've been successful set boundaries stop wasting time all of your time should be accounted for we talked about budgets today i gave you the form you got to fill it out all of your time should be accounted for some of us as men need time that we need to allocate that i'm going to spend time with my wife i'm going to take an hour i'm going to take two hours every day whatever it is allocate that time i'm going to spend time with my wife because somehow we got confused and thought i don't know who lied to us men lied to us and told us that once we got the prize then we can just sit on the shelf and let it collect us we don't take our prize out and wipe it off we don't dust it off we don't we don't get to polish and polish it off we don't we don't we we don't appreciate it because we got it now on to the next thing i've accomplished this goal i'm on to the next thing plan your time wives do it for your husbands playing if you have one you want one playing this it's not over after you say i do it just start it playing take him out give him a background find out what he wants i do my best to make people happy it may not be what i want to be happy but that's what if you're happy i'm happy especially if we're in the same space all right spend your time wisely you think you need a do you need a schedule or a budget for your money you need one for your time spend your time wisely and no to all of you that listen to tick tocks think there's going to be balance as a business owner there is no balance you have to create balance i've told people to shut their business down because their business grew out of control to a place that was unmanageable was never what they intended never what they wanted it destroyed their marriage to destroy their children just know that for those that want to start businesses it will destroy your life as rabbi says it will eat your lunch being a business owner will eat your lunch if you don't want to work for somebody else eight hours on salary 50 hours a week how much do you think you're gonna work to make that same salary working for yourself it's gonna eat your lunch it's gonna turn around and eat you if you don't manage it appropriately just a note for those that want to get in business i'm not saying all business i'm saying if it's not done right it's not planned out right if you don't set boundaries spend your time wisely and stop wasting it'll eat your lunch pay off your debt fast when you get to this stage save six months to a year living expenses and pay off your mortgage try to pay off your debt fast why the faster you pay it off the more money you save the more money you save to do things that you want to do rather than doing things you have to do one most people don't understand that their job is competing with their life because you know you need this job to provide that that check that income to provide for your lifestyle and that that doesn't matter if you work for yourself or not you need that customer that client you need that sale to maintain your lifestyle what if you change it around and your focus wasn't just on that but your focus was on him and everything you do is unto him it doesn't matter where you work i learned that early in ministry i think i was about 23 years old and i was like yeah wait i just want to work for you i just want to work for you i just want to be in your house i want to be where you are and i just want to work for you and i believe he said to me that everything he's everything i believe yahweh says i can point to it in scripture that's confirmation from me and it's actually exciting because i know what i believe i heard i can go point to it in scripture this is everything you do is unto me so if i'm trying to be like yeshua and i'm trying to be the best me that i can be trying to transform into him it doesn't matter where i work i'm him i'm transforming i should be that light if i might work it doesn't matter where i work i don't have to work in the ministry to work for him everything i do is unto him so if i can't offer what i'm doing unto him i shouldn't be doing it some people are in the wrong job doing the wrong thing that's something you can fix okay but just put it in perspective i know i'm giving you a lot you have to go back and look at it but let's make sure we're spending time and not wasting time on things that are not important we want to pay off our debt fast as fast as we can so we have the freedom and the security to do things and make decisions we want to not decisions we have to a lot of times when i meet with people i'm meeting with them at the point where they have to make a decision i said this started six months ago if you came six months ago we would be sitting here deciding the best decision that you want to make not the decision that you have to make because now we're at the point where we got to do something quick all right so i gave you guys a quick start budget if you're interested in doing it i'm sure you are probably because you're here you want to write down all your expenses right by todd and his first money mastery class if you don't know what you're spending you can't tell me that you're not wasting and having enough money at the end of the month more than you have bills is not a is not a sign it's not proof to me that you're not wasting just means you have so much you can't even see it a lot of us are wasting because we can't see it if we are big figure earners i told you guys yesterday about the story of the people spending 3 500 a month eating because they had a home chef their issue was they were making over 25 000 they had to lower their expenses because that's i do that probably more than i offer you to go get 12 jobs i tell you let's lower your expenses let's see where you're spending after i see those numbers where you're spending you'll see it before i see it and you'll come in oh my gosh i didn't know i was spending twelve hundred dollars a month on groceries for four people yeah they sound like that too because they'd be crying you know and the mucus gets so the family 3 500 theirs was simple cut 3 500 in half most people don't want to quit their lifestyle but they want to get out of debt you know and i know dave ramsey is the rice and beans beans and rice i'm not that guy i'm that guy that i want to look at what you have and let's figure out a way together because i need you to buy into your plan i won't give you my plan my plan may not work for you somebody asked me yesterday he said how can you feed five people with 500 a month easy discipline in a budget i can't do it well it depends on your personal situation maybe you can afford to spend more money on food maybe you want a better quality of food maybe you want to eat a bunch of expensive meats or you know everything in the house is organic and grass-fed and lives with the unicorns whatever it is that you want i'm teasing because i went on a raw diet for like four days tremendous results but i felt like i was a unicorn i was like this can't be real i don't i don't even know how you get full i i don't i felt great i felt it basically but you can do it it takes focus it takes a plan if i know only have two guess what if you only had 200 in your pocket to spend for groceries that's all you would spend you would find a way to do it but we don't want to discipline ourselves to make sure that i stay within 500 in my case in many months we went over 500 dollars many months because we got error shabbat and we got the old egg and different things that we we got running late we got to eat out and do all those things guess what all i do is reallocate from another area that i didn't spend as much in i saved some money and reallocated towards that that's all i had people in office frustrated i overspent on my house but you saved on your car insurance we just reallocated we're gonna move this number here and we're gonna put it here it takes about 90 days to get a good budget once you write it we sit down takes about 90 days to get get you active at it and it's something you got to do every month so if you're depressed you're going to be depressed every month but we can get you out of your depression depressed you're only depressed because you don't know where your money's going you know the guy on the allstate commercial mayhem we run around looking like him hiding and ducking and all beat up and bruised not knowing where our money is not knowing where it's going we didn't pay ourselves first so we get stuck get yahweh in he'll help you know your why because he already knows the plans he has for you get him in get your one month of living expenses no we're not gonna have a card cutting party maybe for passover it's almost 10 o'clock i got till 10 30. because rabbi said and he said he's not going to come in and say you got five minutes when i got 10 but since i've been here and i've been doing these classes i've heard many many amazing testimonies i told you michael willard sent me an awesome text message that he got that you always share with him about god and money god and ma'am and the relationship between the two and one i heard yesterday by miss norma i told her i was going to ask her to come up she said she was shared so come on up miss norma come on give ms norma hand that mike should be on she has an amazing testimony about tithing and work and finance and so i wanted her to share while we have some time shalom shalom yes um i have so many that i don't even know how to start the tithing one you shared oh yeah you start with that one yes that's the last one so far in i started this path in november 2017 so my third year when i'm supposed to start my third diet is after this sukkot but in february i was thinking well why i have to wait that much i can start now so at that point the agency was going through several changes and big waves of new employees and all the employees where i work were you know applying for new positions leads supervisors in different departments so i just had in mind one one new position that is the one that i wanted since i started working for the agency 20 years ago and that was in the investigations unit so i wanted to get there so practically there were no openings at that time yet but i said well i'm gonna apply for the other positions but i really don't want them so i started applying start getting calls for the interviews i went through the interviews taking notes and kind of getting ready for the interviews but like me i because i i don't like to be in uh leadership i don't want to be a supervisor i don't want to be to be a lead but i want to get the experience of that interview so i did i went through many i didn't get them of course because i didn't have any i didn't show interest but i was taking notes and getting ready for that specific opening so i got into the announcement i saw that there was an opening i was oh investigations so well obviously i applied i was ready and all this happened in february this year so i in the meantime i was preparing myself for my third tithe with my prior income and obviously i was not going to make it i said it's not my problem i just need to be obedient and i don't need to wait until three years and 11 months to start my third diet i can start it now so i made my third diet with my prior income and i put in the mailbox two days later i received the offer for the new position in investigations that's not even the good part good and the best part is that i started working on my dream job and the difference obviously with over time because i always work six days a week was that just the difference covered my first second and third dies [Applause] the prior testimony is that when i started this walk in november 2017 at that time i was working on saturdays until i got into the teaching about shabbat and i was like i knew it i knew it i knew that it was wrong so i talked to my supervisor i said i'm going to stop working on saturdays and in fact on fridays i want the accommodation to start working earlier so i can leave before sunset and she said perfectly fine no problem with me go for it so i did that and the most amazing thing is that i told abba i know that i'm gonna be short i need that extra income but like i always say is your problem i just want to be working in obedience and i know that you will supply in less than in less than a month i think the opening they opened the option to work on sundays ah man ah man huge praise please praise thank you miss noma so uh one more sure talking about blessings one of the things that um i i was always criticized by my family that i always bring people to live in my house and this time i brought family members that came from other country and they were in my house for over a year no charge no rent don't worry about food my father's supply you will see and they and i have a friend that has a ministry she collects food from grocery stores and that lady was also living in my house for a year and she was bringing boxes and boxes of food practically every other week supply meat chicken you name it so practically i was not even spending money on food just basic things so then these other two family members were living in my house for like a year until they they were settled and they got good jobs and they could get their own apartment they move out and uh in the beginning of this month well they moved already for over a year in my nephew he found a job in roofing and he learned the roofing work here he was working for this company that they didn't know what to do with additional with extra materials that they got from a big project and he said i'm gonna bring it to your house because i'm gonna change your roof eventually so i have a pile some piles of shingles and nails and you name it a lot of material i was like getting crazy with all that stuff in the back of my house and so uh i'm not gonna worry about it so then in the beginning of this month i went on vacation for 10 days to see side completely alone with abba and then when i went back home for three four days before to come to this feast my entire roof was new praise yah oh man free of charge i didn't pay for materials i just bought a few a few tools for them and obviously i gave them some money i still need to give them some for the labor but he didn't even want to receive money for that but they saved me over fifteen thousand dollars oh man thank you miss norma and one little more one one more my son is also staying in my house now my other daughter because they are in the process of getting at their own homes and they are helping tremendously with the work in my house changing faucets fixing leaking bathrooms and etc all for free ah man ah man huge praise thank you miss norma and i've heard many so just because i didn't call you up uh you know i heard it and i appreciate it one thing that she said that she had a plan did you hear that she had a plan what did she do after she had the why she knew what she wanted to do she knew her why she began to work on setting up her plan creating her plan she said she worked on it she knew what she wanted to do there was no way for her to do it when she initially wanted to do it yahweh opened up a door for her to do it she had a plan she started working on her plan she got what she wanted she got a whole lot by the way a whole lot i forgot to say something really important um probably eight months ago i think that it wasn't last feast or after i astra buy some general information about how what to pay off first and because i have been working overtime for maybe 15 years i'm working in obedience working six days a week we're pretty like 65 hours a week and um he gave me the advice what to pay off first i have three big bills so i pay off one of them now with this additional six hundred dollars plus more money from my overtime i'm gonna start paying off my mortgage and it's 31 470 something sorry i forgot the pennies that i had to pay off and my goal is to pay it off in one year after that year i will have only one bill that that is uh what i had to ask the bank it was for loan when my mom passed away because i didn't have any savings it was like 25 000 so then that is going to be next and that is going to be paid off probably in maybe six months because i will have the additional 600 plus the mortgage there's one 1000 1100 eleven hundred dollars in and then plus overtime money so probably in six months or less so my goal is one year and a half to be free of that oh man i mean i like that plan i like that plan all right hopefully you guys got this if not look at the video i know they did some close-ups because i'm erasing it because i'm going to go over real quick your budgeting form all right and we talked about putting yahweh on the throne of your heart starts with him he's first and all things and with three ties a lot of people get confused so i want to show you how you should be setting up your budget it doesn't matter if you have enough it's not based on how much money you have if you have any income coming in and it's tithable income your budget should start off looking like this first tithe second tithe if you listen to rabbi's teaching his money mastery one and two third tithe right then you pay yourself then mortgage or rent you like bill you need lights right lights electricity you need water sometimes water is not included and you need food somebody might say well if i got first second third tithe i want to pay myself this is not my third tie of the year you can take some of this money and reload reallocate it to another thing that you need if you don't have enough money so you first sit down with me i'm looking at these categories there's a lot of people that sit down with me and i don't go over it if you don't bring it up i won't go over it unless i have to if you bring it up that you're tithing and you want to tie you want to get your tithing right we'll go over it if it's not i'll mention it when i need to mention it but it's between you and him the tithing part is between you and him this is what i do and i do this every year and it was awesome that rabbi mentioned the third tithe every year to take it out to just get in line with taking it out so you're not surprised when that third year comes the third and sixth year when you're paying your third tithe if you do it all the time believe me when you put it down on paper things will start to line up you can see where your money's going you can make sure your full wall four walls are taken care of the fifth one you should do anyway but make sure your four walls are taken care of right and if we had an emergency budget i would just be looking at these items here these items here we can always reallocate that tithe when it's not your third or your sixth year you can put it towards your emergency fund investments paying off debt like norma you got that 10 but we want to do that every year why are we going to do it this way he's first he's second he's third then it's you and your family right pay yourself first then is your bills some people say well how much do i pay myself that's really based on your income i know when i didn't have a job but i had savings i i you know i was thinking to myself a little internal prayer i was like at the time i think me and my wife were getting 25 a week 25 we could do whatever we want we didn't have to talk to the spouse about whatever we could do whatever we wanted to do with that money that was our paycheck now on the rest excuse me the rest of the money went towards bills you know because your home is like a business if you a business owner you know you got to pay yourself you got to pay your employees you got to pay for your expenses so this is how we set up we gave each other 25 when i lost the job i said yeah should i be paying still paying ourselves 25 he said pay it as long as you can pay it that's what i believe you said to me so we did it do you know that by the time we we well we never stopped we actually increased because i want him getting another job my wife prayed for the job i lost her job she told it everybody to the zoom i was upset that she told everybody i lost the job i got fired she was happy about it that's what was frustrating i was like i wasn't even on that meeting with gary if he's in here he knows i wasn't even what i mean i was so upset that she told everybody in the zoo meeting hey my husband lost his job i'm so excited i've been praying about it like what can you talk to me before you start praying so i can make sure we and we we seeing eye to eye she said yeah but i know you always gonna provide i know he's gonna provide too but at this very moment in the midst of this this situation do you know the next day she got fired too i was like girl give him a high five give me a high five we in this thing together she's like and i don't even care like miss norma said it's on him if you do what you're supposed to do you'll end up where you need to end up you do what you're supposed to do he'll provide it's his job the reason you don't do what you're supposed to do because you're still sitting on the throne of your heart if you can't do this if this is not a part of your budget you probably don't have one or you're still sitting on the throne it's reality right about how i bring reality in the room reality is if you can't do this that's the sign that it's you sitting on the throne you're sitting on your own financial throne oh john janet had a hand raised poor olivier we tease olivier because janet gets no i'm teasing go ahead we do tease olivier go ahead yes no i just have to praise my father because of what you just what you just said i just had to stand up and just give him a praise oh man because you know i was listening to the testimony from norma and maybe other people have some similar testimonies but even even in your case my husband lost his job full-time job awesome salary um that and he was he had lined up a job actually he thought he had a job when we were moving here and he never and they didn't give him the offer and we went through council and we talked about it and all that but this was our third year we had a plan and then we didn't have a plan anymore we had a plan we thought okay he's going to have that job and we're going to start the third time and that was gone but what happened he had a different plan he had he had higher he knows your people he knows he knows the plans he has i was transferring my practice from texas to here my clients was the number of people i was seeing was compared to where i am right now it's this is this has blown my mind away how how much he has blessed us because i we said okay you know what he has a plan i'm not worried about it he's going to provide and he provided in a way that i'm still been blowing my mind away i mean i'm still amazed how much i mean everybody asked me how are you doing four four to five new clients every week i have i get calls for four to five clients every week my schedule is full he has been blessed after the circumcision he hasn't said that but after circumcision he went from very few hours to he cannot handle the number of hours that he has now for employment overflowing overflowing that's him i mean you can do for every single person here absolutely because if we do what he's what he tells us he will provide in a way that oh my goodness it will just you won't believe it you won't believe it but that's how he is he's very generous if you're compassionate if you are faithful with him he's going to be faithful with you oh man that's hallelujah ah man awesome grace awesome praise that's awesome i know when rabbi first you can come up vicky when rabbi first took me over to the farm after we we bought it we were touring the farm and i looked at 135 acres i've never seen 135 acres from the city not in that you know just laid out flat with a couple little small rolling hills i looked at 135 acres and i was so appreciate appreciative to yahweh and to the obedience that rabbi has in his commitment to yahweh that we owned it it's ours and now i'm looking at building a fee site there and all the things that we're going through in preparation for that i i was crying i was so overwhelmed with appreciation and honor and reverence to yahweh to bless and trust that our anointed appointed would do what he said to do with what he had provided it was huge i worked for many ministries many big time ministries as well in christianity well they think that big time well i thought they were too when i was with them but they did i'm sorry but they they weren't doing what they were supposed to do with the money and guess what i work in the ministry and i can tell you that rabbi goes above and beyond what i've seen any person do in his level of authority and what yahweh has given him to do rabbi is a good steward with everything that yahweh has given him he uses it for us he uses it to build to establish the covenant that we're all walking in and trying to guard and follow right and he did that so if he did it for rabbi he did it for the israelites he did it for moses he can do it for you get off the throne if these aren't in your budget you're on the throne if these aren't in your budget and you say you're not on the throne you should be finding out how to get here if you're work if you're making money okay and i say that because i can i guarantee you on live stream because i got some messages yesterday from live stream i couldn't read there were a lot of people in live stream that have fixed incomes on government assistance so on and so forth that are trying to do these three and they believe with all their heart is a tithe even though it's not titheable income it would be an offering because it was not on earned income but they're asking me how do i get a part-time job i want a part-time job because i want to be able to do this we got disabled people on government assistance trying to figure out how to do three ties because in their mind it's tied no matter what i tell them no matter what rob i say they're offering they said it's a tithe because i'm taking ten percent so from that thinking i understand it's an attempt as a todd so they're gonna send and they're trying to figure out how to do this you just heard from janet you heard from me you heard from norman many of you had the same testimony how when you became obedient to what he told you to do he blessed you he took the same job that she wanted the plans that she had because he knew the plans that he had for her that when she got the raise it covered the first second and third time so in essence he blessed her with another position that she wanted that took care of all of her needs he said i'll supply all of your needs according to my riches in glory but you got to do what you got to walk it out you got to have a plan know your why walk it out rinse repeat know your plan cause you might fail you rinse repeat start again all right but if you if this is not in your but i'm gonna say it again if this is not the first three lines on your budget you're sitting on the throne your financial thrown into your heart he's not sitting there he says do this in a normal case i'll give you this i'll give you a raise to cover all these two things i just need you to be obedient you're obedient i can work on i can work on these and guess what if you put these things first everything else will fall in place you need to know your why you need to have a plan you need to work your butt off to get it savings plans work all right got it all right last got a few minutes lastly i want to give you a 30 day challenge 30 day challenge that's awesome to see you guys writing this down that is awesome 30 day challenge well you can always go back and listen to it do you know i don't take many notes when rabbi teaches sometimes i have to go back because i want to i i'm afraid if i stop and write something i'm going to miss it i won't miss that important nugget so i don't write much so don't be judging me elder billy don't never take no notes no i go back and watch it so i can pause it take notes pause it take notes he talks i might miss a nugget it's important stuff 30 day challenge you know your why i gave you the first goal say one month of living expenses second one is a lot of you i know are investigating insurance get with me if you don't know you need term but because of age and things like that i can give you some recommendations for people that do it that we trust that do those kind of things and then the third thing you want to get into is getting three uh at least six months to a year of living expenses all right then pay off your debt all your debt accept your mortgage from smallest to largest look at rabbi's money mastery teachings track your spending for a month so you can help balance your budget make sure you put in yahweh first and all things invite them in when your wife looking at each other cross-sided when y'all sitting down to look at your budget and you say hey i don't want to look at it the husband's usually telling my wife i don't want to look at it you did you take care of it so i bring them into the meetings the husband just sit there quietly and he's just looking at his wife while we go over numbers he's like what when they get to you know the credit card bill or amazon or whatever the case is what you spent well you should know about it that's why you're here right 30-day challenge so for the first 30 days what i want you to do specifically one thing is to save the first month if you got more than that that's fine save that you saw the three things that i had up here the savings your plan work your butt off to reach your plan if something happens like it's happened to me many times and you get fired get another job counsel if need be rinse repeat do it again you want to do it until you got 30 days 30 days saved for most people that's an extra 3 000 5 000 you want to have that that's going to be your emergency fund that's where you want to start and have that just sitting there it's not a lot to have it sitting there while that's sitting there pay the minimums on all of your bill or your credit cards because the interest bearing i care about pay the minimums on your interest bearing and try to knock out the smallest to the largest rabbi goes through that in his teaching you get that win because you knocked off that small credit card bill's 300 bucks you knock it out you got to win right then take that three the money you put towards the 300 go to the next so on and so forth until you get to the end like miss norma and her testimony tell you putting sixteen hundred dollars paying off you know an insane amount of money but she's working like she's working really well because she had a plan she didn't say she's working 12 jobs she just has a plan she's working her plan yahweh has blessed her with her plan to give her increase to accomplish it faster because he's first got it and the awesome part about all of this is you guys can call for counsel and i'm not talking about my business part of that i told you that's more in-depth one-on-one but i'm just talking about being able to call and say and i get those calls all the time that's what i do it's why rabbi hired me hey i want to buy a car or i want to fix a car or should i buy another car should i fix the car i got i get those calls and i ask the questions what kind of car it is blah blah blah and help you get through it we all do it many of you wanted to meet with me about finances and was surprised when i took you in there to the master financial coach which is rabbi steve and i said before you talk to me you have to talk to him he's the senior guy he's the senior life coach finance coach spiritual coach health coach can't tell you how many lotions and potions and vitamins he's suggested to me since i work for him he's awesome he's a big brother big you know he's not old enough unless he was 13 to have me as a son but i honor him as a father i respect him a lot but he's a big brother and he is always looking out he got me to stop drinking five hour energy i need one right now [Laughter] but i love him and i love his heart because he cares he gives and he's always available when he when he mentions how i'm trying to not you know trying to make him not so accessible because i don't want to wear them out because i need them i know i'm a little you know protective of them because we need them because in order for to get to where from where we are to where we need to get to we not only need this part but we need the part that he brings i mean i mean but let's welcome him to the stage rabbi steve boxing [Applause] okay you guys going to transition from this video and then start the new one and then give me a countdown [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Messianic Torah Observant Israel
Views: 832
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: kK8Dt74YHEI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 92min 20sec (5540 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 27 2021
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