Suddenly, Last Summer | Full Movie ft. Elizabeth Taylor & Montgomery Clift | CineClips

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foreign [Music] foreign [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] I want to welcome you medical school men to our new operating theater although as you can see it isn't exactly what you would call new used to be a library when this was a school and maybe before that's some kind of a sugar warehouse but makeshift or not the important thing is that we got it the first to be devoted to psychosurgery in this state and that is a great step forward now you're going to witness an operation never performed before in this state a lobotomy on the brain of a woman suffering from acute schizophrenic withdrawal our new staff member Dr John kukrovitz from Chicago will perform this operation that's why foreign you have just witnessed a delicate operation on the human brain performed under the most primitive surgical conditions I hope any of you will ever encounter excuse us please son I know just for six months I have listened to you promise me this and promise me that but I am I know I know I know you are not the State Board of Health well I am not a witch doctor I need properly trained assistance I need an operating room that doesn't fall apart at least lights that stay lit I know but this is a state hospital and there just isn't enough money for us and I can't promise you that there ever will be enough well I'll go back to Chicago or someplace where there is John before you do that read this who is violet Venable you reveal your ignorance of Our Fair city of which Mrs Venable is the richest lady at one time her husband owned most of it now she's a widow and she owns it and was very interested in the work of your Dr kulkavich she must have read your writer blessed Sunday in The Herald and I wonder if the foundation I am establishing might be of some assistance assistance son with one signature on one check she can solve all the problems we got also there's a matter of some urgency I should like to discuss with him with 4 30 on Tuesday be convenient today what is her urgency do you know no but I know what ours is lack of money her money she is serious 4 30 this afternoon you'll know I can tell you this much I've been trying for years just to see the Venable lawyers you've been invited by her that's a Command Performance that's how serious I think it is and this is serious too more than 1200 mental cases Lions view can't afford to handle good afternoon yes sir take a seat please thank you Mrs Venable I'm Miss Fox Hill Miss venbo secretary and you are Dr Cook yes your appointment was for 4 30. you were 23 seconds early sit down please thank you Sebastian always said mother when you descend it's like the Goddess from the machine she's on her way down Mrs Venable's eyes as I float float into View Sebastian my son Sebastian was very interested in the Byzantine are you interested in the Byzantine doctorates no I don't know very much about the Byzantine well it seems that the Emperor of Byzantium when he received people in audience had a throne which during the conversation would rise mysteriously in the air to the consternation of the visitors but as we are living in a democracy I reverse the procedure I don't rise I come down how do you do that oh I'm sorry your name it's a Polish word meaning sugar uh am I only wearing one earring have I forgotten my lip Rouge excuse me I I I I guess I had been told you were a widow yeah I am I'm in mourning white was my son's favorite color that's Dr sugar you expected an old Widow with a garnet brooch and a cane and a huge air trumpet well I have all that to look forward to life is a thief Sebastian always said life steals everything I want to show you his garden are you sure you should go after Venable quite sure they treat me like an invalid you'll see last spring I had us later a tiny convulsion of a tiny blood vessel oh what did you have to call it formality of living what else after all I dated a husband and a son I'm a widow and uh funny there's no word lose your parents you're an orphan lose your only son and you are nothing uh Fox Hill where are they I put them in the patio they sent them parcel posts this time from Pensacola that's why they were laid another day and we'd have starved to death come on doctor so in your letter you said an urgent matter I must say you're much handsomer than your photograph in the paper without that awful paraphernalia you doctors wear your son's favorite color white such extraordinary eyes so like yours you must I I almost said you must meet my son Sebastian force of habit is he the son who died yes last July in Europe he must have been very young today oh poets whatever age they may seem to others Die Young [Music] it's unexpected like the dawn of creation it was Sebastian's idea part of his lifelong war against the herbaceous border not unlike a well-groomed jungle and frankly a little terrifying so was creation so is creation we listen to them Birds what's in there this way before our poor lady dies of hunger the Latin names to the plants are printed on tags attached to them but the prince fading out those ones there are the oldest plants on Earth survivors from the age of the giant Fern Forest and here's my poor lady they never get away the lady exudes this marvelous perfume which attracts them they plunge into a chalice and they never come out this operation you perform is called lobotomy that certainly is an unusual Fox Hill Fox Hill she loves feeding our Wicked lady Fox sales rather extravagance really from early fall to late spring lady must be kept under glass and while she's under glass we have to provide her with flies flown into great experience you do the honors ladies very hungry today of course I've never seen an insectivorous plant before what is it called the Venus flytrap a devouring organism aptly named for the goddess of love Mrs Venable what was your son's work I mean aside from his garden as many times as I've had to answer that question you know it still shocks me a little to realize that Sebastian Venable the poet was still quite unknown outside of a small cotery of friends including his mother your son was appalled strictly speaking his life was his occupation yes yes Sebastian was a poet that's what I meant when I said his life was his work because the work of a poet is the life of a poet and vice versa the life of a poet is the work of a poet I mean you can't separate them I mean a poet's life is his work and his work is his life in a special sense uh oh are you all right right as rain however right that is this operation of yours does it really work yes yes it does however it is very experimental I was struck by something you said in the paper about the sharp knife in the mind that kills the devil and the Soul I'm afraid I got a bit carried away no what you said was almost poetic itself Mrs Venable the work of a doctor is his life too but we need help particularly in the field as experimental as mine particularly at a state hospital like Lion's View but we have very little money practically none yes I know doctor I have a niece by marriage at a place called Saint Mary's I've heard of it it's a custodial home for the insane she suffers from something called dementia precox from dementia precox which is to say she's mad as a Hatter poor child would you like to see Sebastian's Studio it's at the end of the Jungle in what used to be the gaps on year that's an old New Orleans convenience a place where the young men of the family could go to be private you're not from New Orleans no Chicago actually dementia peacocks is a meaningless Chicago I've always wanted to see two places before I die Hong Kong and Chicago now I shall never say either because I must use every inch and downs of what little strength I have in doing just what I'm doing the foundation you referred to in your letter building a memorial to my son you see Sebastian had no public name as a poet he he didn't want one he refused to have one he dreaded abhorred the false values that come from being publicly known from Fame from personal exploitation or he'd say to me Violet mother you're going to live longer than me and then when I'm gone it will be yours and your hands to do whatever you please with meaning of course is future recognition you're very like him doctor in what way because you a doctor a surgeon are dedicated to your uh yes to your art it is an art but you do using people the way he did grandly creatively almost like God I'm afraid my art is to help not to use but to be used oh same doesn't it I mean in the end oh I don't know what I mean um there is the attorney Sebastian Studio most people's lives what are they betrayals of debris each day more deadly more debris long long Trails of debris with nothing to clean it all up but finally death I guess quiet desperation with the word for most blood but ours were different Sebastian's and Vine I know it sounds hopelessly vain say but we were a famous couple people didn't speak of Sebastian and his mother Mrs Venable and her son no they said to Sebastian and violet Violet and Sebastian are staying at the Lido they're at the Ritz in Madrid and every appearance every time we appeared attention was centered on us everyone else eclipsed my son Sebastian and I constructed our days each day we would carve each day like a piece of sculpture yes we left behind us a trail of days like a gallery of sculpture [Music] Sunday Last Summer the sun died yes you say that your niece suffers from dementia peacocks there must have been a more exact diagnosis such a pretty name for a disease sounds like a rare flower doesn't it night-blooming dementia precox what um what form does her disturbance take I mean Madness Obsession memory she lacerates herself with memory memory of what Visions hallucinations it all started last summer the first I knew there was a cable from this clinic in Paris saying your niece is out of her mind what do we do well I was almost out of my own mind last summer Sebastian had just died I was Ill but I did everything I could I I said send her straight home with a nurse so they put her on the bed and garia locked in her stateroom like a wild animal she was taken straight to Saint Mary's and now they can't keep her there they can't help her or cope with her fits of violence her babbling her Dreadful obscene babbling what kind of bad fantastic delusions and fantastic babblings of an unspeakable nature mostly taking the form of hideous attacks on the moral character of my son Sebastian and now they tell me at St Mary's the Mother Superior tells me that we must find another place for her and uh then I I read about you about your operation and I thought this may be the answer to all our prayers you must realize the operation I do is it's only for the unapproachable for the Hopeless well if she isn't unapproachable and hopeless I don't know who is the things she what does she say terrible I've seen obscene things such as oh anything such as uh all right you asked this happened recently at St Mary's Catherine accused an elderly Gardener of making love to her they questioned The Gardener an old man it was just the other way around Catherine had made advances to him spoken obscenely to him when confronted with her lie she fought she screamed it took four nuns to control her and now I'm put on notice that they won't keep her there after this week you'll see why I said urgent yes I do I certainly do I think it's important I see her as soon as possible and help her because if you can't I'm at my Wit's End probably I can get her transferred to Lion's view she won't be as comfortable I understand Christian Venable Memorial Foundation to subsidize the work of young people like yourself who are pushing out the frontiers of Art and Science but who have a financial problem Mrs Venable loving your nieces you do you must know there's great risk in this operation whenever you enter the brain with a foreign object even a needle thin knife yes in the hands the most skilled surgeon yes there still is a great deal of risk but it does pacify them I've read that it quiets them down it suddenly makes them peaceful yes that that it does do but but what well it will be years before we know if the immediate benefits of the operation are lasting or maybe just passing or perhaps there's a strong possibility that the patient will always be limited relieved of acute anxiety yes but limited but what a blessing to them doctor to be just peaceful to be just suddenly oh after all that horror after those nightmares just to be able to lift up their eyes to a sky not black with Savage devouring Birds you said a sky filled with Savage devouring Birds did I did I yes we saw those birds one summer in the Pacific you'll see my son Sebastian was looking for looking for what they are hungry Birds that isn't what you started to say is it you're too quick for me no I was going to say my son Sebastian was looking for God but I stopped myself because I thought you'd think what a pretentious young crackpot which Sebastian was not this is something I've never told anyone before or something so strange so terrible forgive me if I sound quite mad but it's true all the same Sebastian saw the face of God I'd like to hear about that yes one one long ago Osama sitting right here in his garden Sebastian said do my mother listen to this and he read me Herman Melville's description of the encantadas the Galapagos Islands he um read me that description and said we had to go there and so we did go there that summer on a chartered boat before mastered Schooner looking as close as possible to the southern boat that Melville would have sailed on we saw the encantadas but on the encantadas we saw something that Melville hadn't written about we saw the great sea turtles crawl up out of the sea for their annual eggnog once a year the female of the sea turtles crawls up under the equatorial Sea Under the Blazing sand beach of a volcanic island to dig a pit in the sand and deposit our eggs there it's a long Dreadful thing the pasting of the eggs in the sand pits and when it's finished the exhausted female Turtle crawls Back to the Sea half dead she never sees an offspring but we did Sebastian knew exactly when the sea turtle eggs would be hatched and we returned in time for it you went back in time to witness the hatching of the sea turtles in a desperate flight to the Sea a narrow Beach the color of caviar was all in motion Skye was in motion too full of flesh-eating Birds and the noise of the birds the horrible Savage cries as they circled over the narrow black Beach of the encantados while the new hatch sea turtles scrambled out of their sand pits and started their Race To The Sea Race To The Sea to escape the flesh-eating birds that made the sky almost as black as the beach and I said Sebastian no no it's not like that but he made me look he made me see that terrible sight what was not like that I said no no that's not true I said violet look they're on the shore and I looked and so are the sand all alive all alive as the new hatch sea turtles made their Dash to the scene when the birds hovered and swooped to attack and hovered and swooped to attack they were diving down on the sea turtles turning them over to expose their soft undersides tearing their undersides open and rending and eating their flesh Sebastian guessed that possibly only a hundredth of one percent of their number would escape to the Sea nature is not created in the image of man's compassion nature is cruel Sebastian knew it all along was born knowing it but not I I said no no those are only Birds turtles not us I didn't know then it was us that we are all of us trapped by this devouring creation I couldn't wouldn't face the horror of the truth even that last day in the encantadas when Sebastian left me and spent the whole blazing equatorial day in the Crow's Nest of the Schooner watching that thing on the beach until it was too dark to see and when he came down the rigging he said well now I've seen him and he meant God do you believe he saw God he saw the whole thing there that day on the beach but I was like you I said no I refuse to believe until Suddenly Last Summer I learned my son was right that what he had shown me in the encantadas was the horrible the inescapable truth [Music] oh Violet honey you gave me a turn coming in like that what are you two doing here we came for cousin Sebastian's clothes like you said remember like you said so we just kind of let ourselves in oh I must have just got hold of this letter when you frightened me so caught on your sleeve probably this is Mrs Holly the mother of the girl at St Mary's and that is her son George apparently in a weak moment I said he could have Sebastian's clothes you haven't gone and forgotten what you said last week at Elaine Tut Wireless said since I was finally going off to college I could have cousin Sebastian's clothes which were just gone away that's right Violet you did say that I heard you say distinctly that sun here could have all right all right I Stand Accused of generosity and now will you please and while it is generous so generous to her family mister I don't believe I caught your name Dr cucurridge doctor are you a doctor yes Violet honey you're not ill again no Grace I'm so relieved I was afraid for a moment you might be having another of those Strokes of yours those hysterical Seasons I have never had hysterical seizure nor a stroke the doctor and I were discussing your daughter Kathy my poor little girl doctor can you help her I'm going to try to if I can mama look at here white silk made in Rome oh boy is this one gonna pick up lipstick I said take the clothes George Don't flop them in my face now why don't you both kind of let yourselves out get the rest of the clothes another time and buy it won't take me two seconds to finish up I must say I find it impossible to believe that Sebastian won't ever walk through that door again with all those bright young people he used to know all laughing and carrying on and seeing those witty sophisticated things that will weigh over my poorhead he was such a tease too you know doctor he told me that the piece of lace on this table was made by these blind nuns in Belgium imagine I thought I'd gone through everything who is that it's the girl well that's my poor Angel that's Catherine I wonder why he put it there or maybe he liked her George take your plunder and get out of here okay okay this must have been taken last spring see Kathy's wearing a Mardi Gras ball gown that gown and you loaned your fur coat I remember everything I guess it was not exactly a happy even what did happen May I know she was she is a lovely girl and I must say of All My Relations my delightful relations she was the one most like me that's why you've got to save her doctor because Madness is the most horrible Doom there is on this Earth George every item in this room has been inventory by the insurance people and I'm sure they would be very very upset if anything were missing all right what do you think I am on that subject George my lips are sealed and now both of you please go it's almost five o'clock that's right Violet always has I mean used to have her five o'clock Daiquiri here with Sebastian now I have it here alone well we must fly now I do pray you can help my poor Kathy goodbye doctor bye now say thank you Joe thanks thanks for everything aren't they awful Sebastian and I used to speculate on how that family of Neanderthals could have produced a girl as rare as Catherine you would have liked Sebastian and he would have been Charmed by you or he wasn't a families now but a man is now but he was a snob all right he was a snob about loveliness and elegance in things about personal charm and physical Grace in people yes we always had a perfect little group of young and beautiful people around us always whenever we traveled uh may I sit here Sebastian's seat oh wow no no no please please it's a court Jester's chair a rare one 500 years old please sit on it say something funny make me stop wanting to cry I'm afraid I'd make a miserable jester you see I get concerned when people stop wanting to cry time for your medicine your Frozen Dai curry in that order Isn't it nice of the drugstore to keep me alive thank you foxtail see The Hollies off the premises that have to remove the silver yes he would sit in his chair iron mine at five o'clock every day and we would have our Daiquiris with Saint Sebastian brooding above us but you stayed here last summer yes yes I did I wasn't well he took Catherine with him and he died of a heart attack was she with him when he died she was there with him when he died and it was that day the day he died that she lost her mind when will you see her doctor as soon as I can uh what can I tell Dr Huck's daughter about your interest in helping that wait until after you've met my niece and decided whether or not you think your operation could help her yes of course of course it can wait but surely there is no connection between aren't we always more interested in something that concerns us personally aren't we doctor I understand good please don't bother I can find my way out millions of years ago dinosaurs fared on the leaves of those trees the dinosaurs are vegetarians that's why they became extinct they were just too gentle for their size and then the carnivorous creatures the ones that eat flesh The Killers inherited the Earth but then they always do don't they [Music] Catherine it's just a Felicity Catherine please get up you're to come with me [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] I'm not being violent system [Music] foreign [Music] smoking a cigarette sister no you know we're not allowed to smoke at Saint Mary's we are not alive oh please let me smoke sister please sister Felicity don't be such a bully Disobedience has to be paid for later all right then I'll pay for it later no here I'm putting up my hand foot all right me [Music] too that cigarette right in my hand oh I'm so sick being busted bully second bait you saw that doctor so I had deliberately burn me you better go and put something on that hand oh no I can't leave her patients who are classified as violence sister I'll wait outside just outside the door you know doctor you're very brave being in the room alone with me why do you plan to burn me too oh much worse worse you see I'm classified as violent physically and then accuse you of rape do you do that sort of thing that's why I'm in isolation I'm molested and ill used by advances I denounced him as a lecture was it true that I was punished did you accused him and justice I accused him unjustly after all I'm insane it's the sort of thing an insane woman would do besides doctor haven't you noticed how oddly I've been looking at you have you how I've been staring at your eyes your beautiful blue frightened eyes why are they so frightened do you need help do you want help from me I'm making you nervous you have every reason to be because now I am going to attack you yes attack but it won't be for your beauty no it's for these cigarettes for heaven's sakes doctor let me help of course help yourself you are good who are you I'm a doctor what's that by my aunt yes because I hadn't responded to treatment so they say and you have been invited to try your hand at what is clearly a hopeless case is it hopeless what do you think where are you from Lion's View status on where they have the drum what you call the drum it's not a torture chamber it's really a recreation hall keep me there forever like an animal cage oh she is merciless isn't she who add Violet why else do you think I'm here and no one can see me hear me you sound as if you think she hates you doesn't she do you hate her what hate oh I don't understand what hate is I don't see how anyone could hate and still be saying and I really do think I am saying despite considerable evidence to the contrary you're uh your aunt Mrs Venable you can no more help herself than I could help us up how do you mean you see we all love Sebastian women men children animal mineral vegetable Sebastian was a vocation not a man poor advice was hooked from the beginning love Sebastian from the beginning and nobody else she gave up everything for Sebastian even a husband what was Mr Venable like Mr bannable was a good man dull to the point that was Sebastian you just heard talking he would have said that and it wouldn't have sounded cruel when I talk like him when advice talks like him we sound heartless and we're not really though we do terrible things what do you consider terrible and thought let her husband die because of Sebastian killed him some people thought how killed him One Summer Long Ago Sebastian decided to give up the torments of this world and become Buddhist monk that was in tibetan Himalayas he shaved his head was given a wooden Bowl to beg rice with and was happy to land by came why what did she do lived in a hut even took vows of whatever women do in such countries anything to be near him to get to him to make him come home while they were their word King Mr Venable was dying he had to see it and she chose to stay he chose to let her husband die alone but if you'd known Sebastian you'd understand how she had no choice how none of us ever had a choice once Sebastian had decided we were to be to be used you mean he used people yes isn't that what love is using people and maybe that's what hate is not being able to use people go on to go on where anywhere to the first memory you come to my first member memory it was once in a Mardi Gras ball the Mardi Gras ball yes my very first memory was last spring before last spring I remember nothing nothing at all to save my life began and ended that night [Music] tell me about it oh I was taken there by some boy who got too drunk to stand up I want to go home my coat was in the cloak room they couldn't find the check for it in his pocket so I said oh hell Let It Go and started out for a taxi and somebody took my arm and said I'll drive you home as we left the hotel he took off his coat and put it around my shoulders and then I looked at him I don't think I've ever seen him before then really he took me home but he took me another place first near the dueling Oaks at the end of Esplanade Street we stopped I asked what for an answer and looked at him in the car and I knew what for I think I got out of the car before he got out of the car and we walked through the wet grass toward the great Misty Oaks somebody would calling the help there and after that laughs I lost him he took me home then he said an awful thing to me he said we'd better forget it my wife's expecting a child and [Music] I just entered the house and sat there thinking well [Music] then suddenly I called a taxi and rushed right back to the Roosevelt Hotel Ballroom the ball was still going on I thought I'd gone back to pick up my borrowed coat but I hadn't I hadn't gone back to that at all I'd gone back to make a scene on the floor of the ballroom yes I didn't pick up ant Violet's old silver fox in the coat room no I I rushed right into the ballroom spotted him on the floor ran up to him and started beat him in the face in the chest with my Fisto cousin Sebastian took me away miss Catherine miss Catherine [Music] she's here it's Catherine's here Spirit as well as flesh and now you want to play a game look at pictures tell you the first thing that comes into my mind my poor deranged mind all right that shadow of the wall what does it look like to you like a shadow on a wall I thought we were going to play a game all right I see forests trees girl and those trees are the dueling Oaks and that tormented figure is the girl Catherine losing her honor I'm trying to make you feel sorry for it I hope I am I am sorry I believe you really are tell me about your cousin Sebastian he liked me so I loved him how I mean in what way did you love him the only way he'd accept I I tried to save him doctor save him from what completing her sort of image he had of himself as a sort of a sacrifice to a terrible sort of a God yes Sebastian who was gentle kind saw something not gentle not kind in the universe something terrible in himself what was it can you tell me one day Lobo where that's where we were last summer Sebastian died didn't it yes how did he die I say a heart attack but I don't remember I really don't hysterical talked said things I don't even remember that's why I'm here because I say things people don't and that I don't even remember try to remember you and Sebastian Last Summer try to remember [Music] the Beach was very white oh how the sun burned it was like the eye of God watching us burning burning was no air that day that the sun had burned up all the air outside it was like Insider furnace then they came from all parts of the beach awful noise they made noise musical instruments all made of tin Jose [Music] that music that awful music [Music] I hear that music I still hear it Closer Closer [Music] what happened what happened then I know Catherine stop that this minute stop that noise sister get out and don't come back until I call you laughs I can't remember I can't remember it's all right don't worry it's all right but I have to I want to then you will you help me yes I shouldn't have done that why not it was a friendly kiss wasn't it maybe it wasn't maybe now he'll think that all those stories about the gardener are true whatever is true we'll find I want you to know that I can look attractive if I have my hair done and if when I'm at Lions view may I wear a pretty dress if you like just imagine once again to be able to do one thing I'd like laughs come on here son I want you to see something take a good long look tell me what do you see all tires tin cans and a drink knee-high sign that's the best you're looking at because thanks to a certain young man from Chicago there's going to be a new building on that vacant lot devoted to psychosurgery and dedicated to the memory of the late Sebastian bendable I wish I were that optimistic well I've been working the whole morning with the Venable lawyers and accountants and we're getting and listen to this in big round beautiful figures one million dollars just like that no strings attached no strings attached of course she wants you and nobody else to do the operation on her knees but you can't blame her for that there isn't anybody better something horrible happened to that girl last summer some Dreadful traumatic experience of some kind what I don't know I haven't found out yet and she refuses to allow herself to remember she's gonna have to be made to remember come in excuse me Dr Hog's dad this is Holly and her son he had to see the new patient doctor oh I have them wait in my office for you how is Miss Catherine she looks lovely she had her hair done this morning just like you said she could she close I've never seen clothes like that girl's got from Paris and thank you Miss Benson I'll be long but she is a patient you can't let her wear her own clothes I've also put her in the nurse's Wing I don't want her in the ward a nurse's Wing yes I know I'm taking a risk but for a while I don't want you to feel she's a patient I wanted to feel she's free of restrictions and free of being watched this is very unorthodox so it's Insanity that's why we're here strikes me your whole approach has very little to do with neurosurgery perhaps for the time being but that's what this new building is being built for dedicated to Neurosurgery yes I know Mrs Venable she seems to think that you're prepared to go ahead with the operation yes I know Kathy's in there Joy told me now I'm so I tell you I'm so nervous I could jump clear out of my skin well don't mama kitten Miss Benson why don't you go to lunch now thank you doctor my poor baby fine hey you look pretty good Kathy considering so do you George considering oh we wanted so much to see you but violet she said no not while you were at St Mary's the doctors there didn't want anybody to see you so we didn't oh my that's a pretty dress when did you get that honey in Paris because Sebastian bought it for me yeah I'm wearing one of his suits yes I recognize it wasn't it sweet advice to give George all Sebastian's Wardrobe not that there was anything else she could have done with it of course but it's the thought that's so nice I always say it's the thought behind the deed that matters have you seen advice recently yes we saw her last night at her house she invited us to a little private supper she's had this elevator installed since you were in Europe cutest little thing you ever did see we got business to talk about I know son you know how children are how critical they are what did advice say last night that you were in extremely capable hands and I can tell they are capable Mr broadside he's the new lawyer we got he can such a nice man too a tower of strength in all these awful months since Sebastian's been gone you know it nearly killed Violet I know I was right there you didn't see her the way I did grieving grieving like a mad woman I mean like her heart would break where he was her whole life you see she worshiped the ground beneath his feet well sister when she got this letter from that place with the funny name well from the authorities I suppose telling about what happened to poor Sebastian it what was the name of that place honey where he passed on that's it did you see the letter oh no Heavens no but I guess he told all about how Sebastian had this heart attack and how Catherine here was not quite herself poor baby and myself now mama hi diet doctor of course you are and don't you worry a thing about what people say because nobody in the city knows anything about what you've been through do they George not a thing nobody even knows that you come back from Europe when they question us when they inquire we just say that you stayed abroad to study something can we talk to Catherine alone yes on a little private family matter just some paper's got to be signed some business is that all right with you don't worry doctor since I've been allowed to smoke I've become a perfect lamb my little girl was always a perfect lamb thank you Kathy Sebastian left a will a generous thoughtful will look with us to you and to me fifty thousand dollars each after taxes are paid very kind isn't that the Lord's true but there is a little legal problem well really it's very complicated Kathy but Mr broside he's this new lawyer is doing his very best to get the will through probate well it won't go through probate why not because I'm by I won't let it wait you see it has to do with you with your begin trust me with me with them it's not the money 50 Grand is chicken feet down by then what is it well when you went off your rocket in Europe George shut up mama Kathy's not that far gone are you Kathy when I went off my rocker in Europe and you said something or other you made up some crazy story around the bat Sebastian when I heard it whatever it was even last night at supper not a word would she say except that you babbled that was her word for it you babbled some story about Sebastian and how he lived and died in a place called Cabeza de Lobo you're a real turn then when the doctors all decided you were really crazy why she figured you out to stay at St Mary's or even right here this seems such a nice place too with that nice capable doctor go on our mission was needed to keep you here so that was the point of the private supper Kathy Kathy you've got to understand this 100 Grand is the most important thing to ever happen to us it means George will have all sorts of advantages now things we couldn't give him since 1929 killed your father and our Nest Egg nothing you didn't sign those papers you didn't commit me to Lion's view not yet but Kathy the way and Vibe put it there was no choice at all Mama's got to sign besides honey it's not like it was for what little operation okay there's only one little operation they perform here it's on the brain it's called a lobotomy you may have heard of it or read about it I have it's that nice young doctor specialty in cases of hopeless lunacy he bore his holes into the skull and operates on the brain oh honey please don't talk about it please to say it don't hurt at all I wasn't having your tonsils out or something and then afterwards you're all right again [Music] oh my God [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] what happened well I don't really know we were having this little chat about about your treatment and all of a sudden my poor baby flew out of the room and down the hall I'm sure it's the right thing doctor what you and violet are doing it is the right thing for my poor child I just want you to know that we're so grateful to you having you look after us and everything will you get me back to Advantage please yes thank you I'm sorry they upset you it's Catherine don't ever run away where will you go doctor I'm not at all sure that I would where will you cut my brain doctor in front or or further back and I suppose I'm to have my head shaved it seems such a waste seeing as how I just had my hair fixed this morning then then have it all cut off right after it I tell you it's funny and and you were the one who was going to help me help me help me don't don't talk like that why not now I sound insane don't I are you trying to no and I'm not you've got to believe me doctor I am not insane is such a meaningless word but lobotomy has a precise meaning hasn't it are you going to operate tell me doctor please are you going to poor doctor I bother you don't I yes you do well I'll try not to anymore three CC please yeah must I take off my pretty dress of course not I want to help you trust me I want to trust you seems to me that I need help very much his eyes are so blue who the doctor I wonder why he isn't long they usually are blonde with ours that blue I'm blonde funny we were going to blondes next Lawns were next on the menu you just relax now Let Yourself Go all this summer famished [Music] famished with blondes all the travel brochures he picked up with advertisements of blonde Northern countries he'd already booked us to Stockholm Copenhagen fed up with the dark ones famished for the light ones the way he talked about people people because if they were items on a menu that one's delicious looking that one's appetizing oh that one is not appetizing I think really because he was half starved Vietnam pills and salad you just relax now we'll fly north Little Bird [Music] walking as it was radiant cold Northern Lights I've never seen the Aurora Borealis well he never saw those Northern Lights who said but all of his children fast kindergarten trying to spell God's name with the wrong [Music] [Music] this is Venable I do want to speak with you oh God it's forgetfulness my greatest failing doctor I have a little gift for you this book thank you poem of Summer by my son Sebastian Venable that little volume contains only one poem as do the others which I have at home each with the title poem of Summer and the date of the summer if you like that one I'll bring you copies of the others he wrote One poem a year one for each summer that we travel together the other nine months of the year were really only a preparation nine months the length of a pregnancy is I gather the poem was hired to deliver even with me without me impossible doctor he wrote no poem Last Summer but he died last summer without me he died that was his last Summer's poem Mrs Venable how exactly did your son die I told you a heart attack is that what the letter said how did Catherine know I received a letter Catherine she knows very little she can't remember that's her illness she was there but she can't remember Mrs Holly told me about your life oh so you've seen her too have you I must say you have been observing well there was no letter only a death certificate I'd like to see that why I think it's important I want to know what happened the day your son died you shall have it tomorrow and tomorrow you shall also have the permission to operate and now I better go I've got lawyers waiting for me you've been giving you a building was a simple matter but apparently I'm assigned papers until I drop not that I'm not used to it Sebastian would never sign anything not even a letter he must have suspected imaginable your son what about my son what sort of personal life did he have he was chased you mean he was celibate yes you you don't believe me do you do you believe that he never never as strictly as if he'd taken a vow this um this sounds like vanity doctor doctor but really I was actually the only one in his life that satisfied the demands he made of people Time After Time my son would let people go dismiss them because their attitude toward him was not as as pure as my son Sebastian demanded would you want to see Catherine that was it might help me but but the lawyer surely you've kept the lawyer waiting before yes I have such a strong such a persuasive doctor she's been under sedation she's just coming out of it she looks lovely doesn't she oh yeah that's Catherine oh my God Catherine his eyes this one's eyes is so blue such a strange friend oh oh I'm sorry I must have been dreaming hello Catherine thought I seen each other before for this at St Mary's they wouldn't let any of us see you mama was here today was the look very well Catherine mama told me how you got her to agree to commit me here and then let them she seems Disturbed doctor and violet I am disturbed don't you think I have every reason to be voicing my mother into signing a paper don't you think I've never forced anybody to do anything oh yes you have always and and now you're holding a hundred thousand dollars under mother and George's poor greedy noses to force her to sign a paper authorizing this doctor doctor I I see no purpose in my remaining here listening to this I'll wait for you in that sun room foreign doctor I wanted to speak to you alone as Catherine wanted very much to see you again before you left I didn't want to take your place last summer please believe that and bye but Sebastian insisted he said he said you weren't well enough to travel with him and he couldn't travel alone so he insisted that I go along with him in your place last summer and he died last summer and violet would you like me to tell you you fell in love with Sebastian didn't you last summer I tried to give him what you had always given him the the tender understanding and the love my son and I had a rare and wonderful love and trust between us contract a covenant between us between us when he broke away from me and took her not me to travel with him while he created his poem even when I was with him even with me he would sometimes be frightened but I would know when and what of I'd reach across a table to him and touch his hands say not a word just look and touch his hands with my hand then in the morning the summer poem would be continued continued until it was finished I couldn't help naturally not he was mine I knew how to help him I could you didn't you couldn't I would say you will all right I failed him I knew that the day we flew down to Cabeza de Lobo open where he'd given off writing his poem because he had broken yes something something had broken the String of Pearls oh mothers old hold their son let's hold them from Death no life hold them from life do you know he was a stranger The Outsider the Destroyer we were life you fed on life both of you taking taking people were were objects for your pleasure that's what you taught him and he taught you oh you were Superior to me Immortal so we were we needed no one but one another Sebastian only needed you while you were still useful useful I mean Young able to attract she's battling again babbling and lying he left her home because she had lost her because you stole him lost her attraction what would attraction have to do with a son and her mother is there no way to stop these lies yes have my brain cut doctor this was a mistake the mistake was my going with Sebastian when he left her home she had a stroke not a stroke her hysterical stroke Sebastian left her home like a toy he tired off and he took me with him like a a new toy on his last Voyage we both we were decoys decoys for Sebastian he he used us as bait when she was no longer able to lure the betta fish into the net he let it go bait for what what was the betta fish we procured for him she used to do it in a smart fashionable places they went to before last summer Sebastian was shy with people she wasn't neither was I but we both did the same thing for him we both made contacts for him I can't listen to this obscenity stop her doctor cut the truth out of my brain is that what you want to Envy well you can't not even God can change the truth that we were nothing but a pair of doctor it's the truth see how she destroys us with our tongues with a hatchet you've got to cut this hideous story out of her brain how much are you willing to pay for that advice get me away from her I love you out of this nurse it's a spirit of ammonia please yes doctor what happened She fainted no if you didn't just a little dizziness um Dr Huck's data will you help me to my car I don't think that's a good idea right now well whether it is or not I'm going home [Music] tomorrow I want that girl operated on now Mrs Venable that is a decision that more rightly belongs to the doctor in charge who is also the surgeon doctor I don't want to hear from you again until the operation has been performed [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign laughs [Laughter] [Laughter] [Applause] [Applause] [Laughter] [Applause] [Applause] oh please [Music] [Applause] you trying to ruin this Hospital you know better than that can you imagine what would happen to us to all of us if that girl had jumped she was frightened she thought patients are here because they can't think [ __ ] stutter after 24 hours observation 24 hours during which he tried to kill herself incited The Men's Day room to rise she opened that door by mistake while trying to get away there was a riot and she caused it don't invent excuses for her and from that Paris Clinic delusions that the world was devouring her that she was being raped by a man with dueling pistols the dueling Oaks and here's some more of her rather Mania at St Mary's they couldn't keep her and why because of her obscenity and violence when she sexually attacked at a 60 year old Gardener it was the other way around I'm positive yes and after that she tried to burn one of the sisters with a cigarette in the hand yes she was provoked I was there I saw it provoked now who would provoke a disturbed patient just be surprised and to top it she attempts suicide coaching proof of Sanity wouldn't you say [ __ ] stutter I need time when will you want the operating room tomorrow I said I need more time I heard you get me Dr Glenn Kilmer at the Seattle Clinic you know I want that building as much as you do I'll hold on all right give me one more day to see if I can break through that block to the truth this is a medical emergency tell them I want to try something I want to try something tomorrow at Mrs venables why Mrs venables I don't know I feel somehow that in that Garden maybe in that jungle we might find look you don't want Mrs Venable giving her money to the Seattle Clinic do you and you don't want anybody to be able to say that we acted hastily or unethically do you cancel the call to Seattle But be sure you know where I can find Dr Kilmer foreign doctor I have the things you wanted in the dining room oh thank you what's going on here I'm sorry to keep you waiting Dr puke my son always said mother if you what are you two doing here and where is Dr cucrowips well I thought you invited us Dr Cook Roots asked me to ask them to come of course Dr hoxtata I want you to meet my sister-in-law Mrs Hut where is Catherine in the sunroom good uh could Mrs Holly and her son wait for us in the garden of course Fox Hill I don't know why everybody is being so mysterious I brought you some of Sebastian's papers odds and ends and this the thing you wanted your son's death certificate Mrs Venable I know how painful this must be for you in case you don't read Spanish I read Spanish oh well I have a translation as you'll see there was no mystery no matter what the girl said at the time or any other time it says the body was somewhat damaged and falling where did he fall on the ground where else do you fall when you die in the hot sun in the street of some God forsaken Village did you see his body when it was it was a Primitive Country the coffin came to us sealed sealed with the rumors of any kind there were no rumors his heart stopped and he fell I wait in the garden now that is where you want me yes if you will Dr hochstada let me show you my son's Garden is very unusual like the dawn of creation Sebastian's Garden I can still cry Am I Dreaming this it doesn't seem real yes would you take off your jacket it's time for another injection what is it this time something different truth serum yes except there is no such thing as truth or the truth serum there is truth all right somewhere sit down and now you want me to start counting backwards from a hundred do you enjoy counting backwards oh 998 97 6 95 oh feeling already how funny close your eyes for a minute Catherine I want you to give me something I married you I want you to give me all your resistance assistance to what to the truth truth is the one thing I have never resisted sometimes people think they don't resist it but they still do Sebastian said truth is at the bottom of a bottomless well why did open your eyes why did you try to kill yourself George would get that money you get your building fine go on you know what I think you're trying to do huh I think you're trying to hypnotize me so straight but doing something strange to me with your eyes your eyes is that what you're trying to do you feel undoing I feel peculiar [Music] it doesn't just have to do with what you gave me Catherine I'm putting out my hands I want you to put your hands in the mind and give me all your resistance pass all the resistance from your hands into mine here are my hands but there's no resistance in them you'll tell the true story nothing not spoken everything told exactly every because I have to can I can I get up yes of course but be careful you'll feel a little dizzy oh I can't tell me to then I think I could stand up [Music] oh and dizzy help me that's all right you're all right [Music] hold me I've been so long [Music] let me let me I suggest you bring her outside of your own mind doctor we'll be right out are you ready hello Catherine now Catherine you're going to tell the true story wherever you think it started today Sebastian was born in this house I don't mind let's start later than that why don't we begin with last summer Last Summer last summer how did it begin it began after the dueling Oaks oh don't tell about that Captain don't interrupt after that happened the next morning I started writing my diary in the third person singular such as she is still living this morning meaning that I was next for her God knows I couldn't go out anywhere that's the truth she wouldn't leave a room just said shut up mama I would write she woke up early this morning she had her coffee dressed went for a brief walk who did she did I did from Esplanade to Canal Street is so being pursued by a pack of Siberian wolves went through all the stop signs couldn't wait for the green signals where did she think she was going back to the dueling Oaks everything chilly and dim but that hot ravenous mouth he was a very ordinary married man and then one morning cousin Sebastian came in and said get up well if you're still alive after dying then your obedient doctor I got up he took me downtown to a place where they take passport photos he said mother can't go abroad with me this summer you're going to go with me this summer instead of mother except that it was her idea not his Mrs Venable and your cousin Sebastian he helped bring me back to life Barcelona Rome all those lovely foreign cities I'd never seen we saw together and those what did he call them those Sunshine days what it's always known and weak has no Shadows but then it turned by Adam Alfie how about the Mediterranean in in a garden I took his arm you took his eye yes it seemed like such a natural thing to do but he pulled away oh he must have loathed being touched by her I only did it to try and show my appreciation for his kindness I didn't want to there was nothing else anyway it was there in a mouthy Suddenly Last Summer that he began to be restless and go on he he couldn't go on he couldn't write his summer poem I have his notebook here see title poem of Summer and the date of the summer 1937 and after that blank pages blank pages nothing but nothing the boy's vocation is something that rests on something as fine and thin as the web of a spider it's all that holds him over out of Destruction few very few are able to do it alone great help is needed I did give it she didn't she's right about that I failed him I wasn't able to keep the web from breaking I saw it breaking but I couldn't save it or repair it there now the truth's coming out now maybe she'll admit what really happened what did happen how she killed him how she murdered him at cabo de Lobo Oscar Catherine what did really happen Suddenly Last Summer he wasn't young anymore we went to Cabeza de Lobo and suddenly he switched from the evenings to the beach from the evenings to the beach I mean from the evenings to the afternoons suddenly cousin Sebastian changed to the afternoons in the beach what kind of beach was it was it a public beach yes public it's little statements like that they give her away this is Venable after all I've told you about his fastidiousness can you accept such a statement the Sebastian would go every day to some dirty free public beach near a harbor whatever she wants to say I want her to say it go on want to go on every afternoon you and your cousin Sebastian would go to this free public beach it wasn't the free one the free one was right next to it there was a fence between the free beach and the beach that we went to that charged admission I see did anything happen there that Disturbed you yes what he bought me a bathing suit I didn't want to wear I laughed I said I can't wear that why it's a scandal to the Jay birds what do you mean was this pseudom artist it's a one-piece bathing suit made of white something the water made it transparent I told him I didn't want to swim in it but he just grabbed my hand and dragged me into the water all the way in and I I came out looking naked why did he do that do you know why he did that yes to attract attention why because he thought you were lonely did he think he could shock you out of your depression you know why I was doing it I told you I was procuring for him Sebastian was lonely doctor that empty blue jay notebook got bigger and bigger so big it was big and empty like that Big Empty blue sea in the sky [Music] and before long when the weather was warm and the beach so crowded he didn't need me anymore for that purpose the ones from the free beach would climb over the fancy swim around it so now he let me wear a decent dark suit and I'd go to a far away into the beach and write postcards and that is and keep up my third person Journal till it was time to meet him outside the bath houses on the street he would come out follow who'd follow him the hungry young people that had climbed over the fence from the free beach he'd pass out tips among them as if they'd all shined his shoes are called taxis for him each day the crowd got bigger noisier greedier last week stopped going out there and after that after you stopped going to the public beach then one day a few days after we'd stopped going out to the beach it was a blazing white day not a blazing hot blue day but a blazing hot white one yes we had a late lunch at a Shabby lonely restaurant by the Sea there Sebastian was why does the weather he had on a white silk suit a white tie a white Panama and he kept touching his face and his throat here and there with a white silk handkerchief and popping little white pills into his mouth all the time I knew he was having a bad time with his heart and that it frightened him and let's go north he kept on saying I think we've done kabetha de Lobo I think we've done it don't you I thought we'd done it then there were those children along the beach which was fenced off with wire from the restaurant a table was less than a yard away from The Wire Fence and those children there was a band of them they they looked like a flock of plucked birds and there came darting up to the wire fence as if they'd been blown there by the Wind by the the hot white wind from the sea and they were all calling out they were calling for bread they made gobbling noises with their mouths stuffing their fists into their mouths and making gobbling noises with frightful grins we were sorry we'd come to the place but it was too late to go why was it too late to go I told you cousin Sebastian wasn't well he his eyes looked dazed but he said don't look at those little monsters Beggars are a social disease in this country if you look at them you get sick of the country it spoils the whole country for you go on go on go on go on I am going on the the band of children began to serenade us begin to what play for us on instruments make music if you could call it music their instruments were instruments of percussion do you know what I mean yes instruments of percussion like drums drummers as far as I could make out in in the white blaze of the sand beachy the instruments with tin cans strung together and and bits of metal other bits of metal that had been flattened out and made into into what symbols you know yes breastplates it together that's right tin cans flattened out and Clash together symbols others had other things all all sorts of things things that they'd made or picked up on the beach to make a a sort of noise a music made out of noise I am going um nothing could stop me now your cousin Sebastian was he entertained by this concert terrified of it terrified why I think he recognized some of the musicians some of the boys between childhood and older what did he do did he complain to the manager about it what manager God you don't you don't stand my cousin how do you mean all as as how things are thought nobody had any right to complain or interfere in any way whatsoever even though he knew what was awful was awful that what was wrong was wrong he thought it unfitting to ever take any action about anything whatsoever except to go on doing is something in him directed but there's something in him direct him to do suddenly pushed himself away from the table and said they've got to stop that make them stop that I'm not a well man I have a heart condition it's making me sick that was the first time that cousin Sebastian had ever attempted to correct the human situation [Music] I think that that was his fatal error he's talked out of the restaurant after throwing a handful of paper money on the table he fled from the place I followed it was all white outside white hot a blazing white-hearted you followed Sebastian out of the restaurant onto that hot white Street running along the beach you ran along the beach no no we didn't we didn't move either way at first we I rarely made any suggestion but this time I did what did you suggest Sebastian scene to be paralyzed near the entrance of the cafe so I said let's go I remember I said down that way is the harbor and and we're more likely to find a taxi near there or why don't we go back in and have them call us a taxi Oh Let's do let's do that that's better and he said are you mad go back in that filthy place never that that gang of kids shouted vile things about me to the waiters oh I said well let's go down towards the harbor let's not try to climb that that hill in this Dreadful Heat cousin Sebastian shouted please shut up let me handle this situation will you I want to handle this thing any started up the Steep Street with a hand stuck in his jacket where I I knew he was having a pain from his palpitations but he he walked faster and faster and in panic the faster he walked the louder and the closer it got closer vodka the music the music again the music the noise of the following band they they were following they were following up the Blazing White Street up straight up that was the only way open so he went that way we tried to escape from the streets tried to escape from those streets but he couldn't find a way out he couldn't find a way out the band of children when he tried to escape from the streets down those little side streets between the buildings they came from everywhere so the only way was up the only way was straight up up those deep white streets and the Sun that was like a great white bone of a giant Beast that had caught on fire in the sky and Sebastian kept running straight up I don't know how he still ran he never ran but he ran and he ran and he ran where it was why you're an emptier what was emptier the light the sky and the light those deep white streets in the Sun and everything blazed white and empty where did those streets lead to nowhere he never reached he never reached the end they stopped nowhere never except except except at the very top of the Hills a ruin broken Stones like like work like that the entrance to ruin Temple some ancient ruined Temple ended and and okay overtook him there and that and you Catherine what did you do then [Music] screen just once and I I then I [Music] oh [Applause] and then then I ran they let me run me they didn't even see me Runway down the waiters police people ran out of buildings back up the way don't wear cousin Sebastian he he was lying naked on the broken Stone and then she won't believe nobody nobody nobody could believe it it looked as if as if they had devoured him [Music] oh with knives or those jacket 10 kids they made music with it's nothing torn bitching him away and stopped them in the whole gambling balls nope wasn't it sound anymore there was nothing Sebastian lying on those cards [Music] Mrs vulnerable yeah there you are I thought you were still on deck and where's your hat oh dear you'll get fever a whole day up there in the digging in the hot sun watching those awful Hungry Birds I don't know what you see in such terrible sights it's too much for both of us my darling that horrible son [Music] all right [Music] of course God is cruel we didn't need to come to the encantadas and look at the turtles to find out how did we no we've always known about him the Savage face he shows to people and the fierce things he shouts so we ever really see or hear of him now nobody seems to know why the difference is we know about him the other stuff that's where we're lucky go rest my darling look out for that fever I'm going up to see the captain now tell him to change our course for home oh Sebastian what a lovely summer It's Been Just the Two of Us Sebastian and violet Violet and Sebastian just the way it's always going to be oh we are lucky my darling to have one another need no one else ever [Music] is there a possibility that the girl's story is true well George tell us she's got to come home with us doctor Catherine's going to be all right why can't she come home don't worry she will take your mind yeah sure come on [Music] Catherine miss Catherine she's here doctor Miss Catherine's here thank you foreign [Music] [Music]
Channel: CineClips
Views: 152,711
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Aunt Niece Relationship, Betrayal, CineClips, Classic Movies, Drama, Elizabeth Taylor, Full Movie, Intrigue, Montgomery Clift, Mystery, Psychological Thriller, Secrets, Surgery, Suspense, Trauma
Id: ObxHJenDGG4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 114min 33sec (6873 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 17 2023
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