Substance Painter: Paint Normal/Bump Detail on a low poly model

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okay so I've got three examples of cubes here one of them as auto smooth applied and as you can see there's some groups are smooth and others aren't and but it from the distance looks okay second one is where I've used one smoothing group so you can see they're all in one even group and and then third one and that's free decent as well you getting some kind of weirdness going on here and then the third one is the one that's used in the face wave normals so that it's basically the same as this one but essentially I've used the weighted normal script here to generate them so I can show that arms this one actually so take this generate the script it basically weights a normals based on the the relationship between the two the size of the objects and it gives generally about a result it doesn't wave everything and can cause you a few problems here and there but first things that are fairly straightforward like this it does work reasonably well just go back us what it was like before hand and so this is the one that I'm going to take through into substance painter and we're going to add some details to it so I'll see you there okay so I'm in substance and I'm gonna create a new file and life exported out my waited normal cube and I'm just gonna load it in and there we go and as you can see from distance it still looks all the way it normal stuffs come through and looks fairly decent now and previous things we've looked at we've not really looked at the kind of hiked theme of high information tons of way she gets in you can use video and all sorts of stuff sorry n do all sorts stuff like that I'm going to show you how to do some stuff and paint and once you get your head round it it's actually quite simple but it's kind of there's a process you have to follow and the process really is that you have to you have to do the main normal and blunt detail stuff I would advise you do first before you start adding you know loads of materials and things like that mainly because anything you add in the bump map won't contribute to the won't contribute to the normal map so it won't take into consideration where those edges are and stuff when it does the smart material stuff so it doesn't really look right and doesn't quite give you the detail in a picture after so it kind of makes sense to do this stuff first and they have in more recent builds of try to get round it by creating in filters as this matte effects detail which you can look at for doing edge wear but it feels a bit sort of specific to basically just creating edge wear and I still think this is doing this ways the more solid way of doing kind of a more general approach anyway so there's two things you can if you want to add bump detail there's two ways you can do it the first one is using the height channel so if we and the way we do that or the best way to do it is if you create a fill layer and then within that fill layer you actually want to switch everything off except height and then you just left with this now if you push this under zero you'll basically get height detail that goes in and if you push this above zero you'll get high detail that goes out to an LT so let's start with in any first so we're going to just just push it we can change this as we go along it's completely non-destructive which is what's so awesome about it and so we'll push it in and you as you can see absolutely nothing changes don't worry about that and we're going to add a black mask so we hide the bump detail as we've done with all the things in the past then we're going to add a paint layer you can paint directly into this but I would rather create a paint layer and then I can change things as I go along now that I campaign I can basically make a difference between the surface underneath and the surface above and that will basically allow the bump stuff to actually show through so if I start to paint so if I click and left so hold the shift key down so that I can draw a straight line and then left click again I've essentially created some bump detail not the straightest ever it's it's there I'm just painting directly onto the model now this isn't actually creating boom this isn't actually creating a new geometry or anything else it's just giving the impression that there is some detail there and if I want to remove some of this stuff or change it I can hit the X key and that'll switch me to black so this way I'm set on the color set to white so I'm painting the maximum amount in black and painting it out and again and I can go back through and if I wanted to do some weird sort of abstract shape here till those bits in I could do and you know if I go somewhere between the two so say at like point five painting half way in and half way out you can see it's quite it is quite versatile and so that's that if I go back into the paint layer fill layer and change this can I should push it further in or I can actually push it out so as you can see you've got a lot of control but what if you want both well if you want Enys and Ares well I'm afraid the way to do it is essentially to create a new fill layer and do the same thing again it can just duplicate you if you want to make life easy for yourself select it to height add a black mask and at the paint layer then I can start to paint out is as well as in ease in the same space again same thing goes but it will only work on stuff that's in this layer as you can see this will allow me to have super artis more in ease and you've got tons of control there you go so that's that's more or less how you can go around and basically point paint that kind of detail in only another thing as well as the I'm just using a basic brush but I can just go in here and say on my any one and if I wanted to paint like scratches or something like pie and dude some ward or something like back to this I can't do it on this side so I'm not destroying everything and then I could go to my brush and I could pick a different brush so something that's got kind of more texture to it and I'd go on the paint layer on the right now good I could paint you know detail in that way you can see its look like softer and it gives me the edge we'll do something like that in fact let's just leave that like that um I mean you can lay these things up or you could do things like you could actually have a normal brush like this and then in the Alpha you can pick a new alpha so if I go for say scratches I pick something like these scratches then I can see paint these into this surface yeah so this is quite a nice you know for laying in general scratches and then you go out well that's just a bit over the top well the cool thing is if you hit X what you can do to can actually start to paint them back out again so around the edges using the same thing and when you get it you get something that doesn't feel like it's completely repeating and it has texture and tone to it but it's quite subtle kinda kreisel surface you can do that sort of stuff for the ball stuff really nicely and other things you can do are so we'll look at the normal maps so that's the bump stuff taking care of the other thing to do is you can paint with normal maps and it has a bunch of these in here the cotton do hard surfaces but it's not really that obvious how they work and so if you just go to create a new layer doesn't need to be a fill layer and we're gonna basically paint this normal date detail directly onto the surface and so we go get a brush just a standard default brush is fine and then what we're gonna paint is in with this brush it's gonna paint normal detail so if we switch off color metal roughness and height we basically just have this channel here for normal if we drop a shape in there so let's put one of these door panels in then we have this to paint with now this is getting slightly cut off by the alpha of the brush if you ever have that then you can switch the alpha off and then it'll actually let you paint it in the basically can line up you want it to go and click and there you go and you realize that's got I mean still flat obviously but it just feels like it's got a little bit more detail in it and you can if you hold ctrl down and left-click and up and down you can change the angle these place themselves are and if as you're orbiting around if you hold so you're holding alt and left click if you hold shift it'll actually snap to a front view and and if you want to be in orthographic view it is f6 so currently you need perspective you can switch to orthographic and I'll give you a flat on view which is probably more useful for when you're trying to place this kind of stuff and or you can go into here and you can just place this stuff wherever you want and if you you know if you're you've either a better option so I saw look loaded that coat look at this there is so that's placed there nice and straight so that was quite well to FC f5 to get back into perspective view so the other thing you can do so you can do loads with this and if you want to put like a latch or so far that across a corner you should be able to do that and let's find let's try that so let's just drop that into there and let's turn it that way change the scale of it a bit smaller and then drop it on and you can see that that's could be like a large going around the corner it's fairly convincing works reasonably well and it gives you a few more options so if you aren't interested in doing you know stuff it's a brush this is the way you can do it if I want it to apply a smart material to this and have all this detail you'd hope that you kids are baked do you normal thing baked textures out so let's bake these at 2048 let's bake everything let's use so what we're gonna do is going to use the low poly mesh as the high poly mesh so it'll just take the low poly detail low poly mesh we've gotten baked out as best he can you know all of these maps and so we do all of that and we say bake okay so that's hot baked so you'd think that we are good to go so if we we've got our bump detail and we drop this in here and let it build and no really and it doesn't it just ignores all of it and even if we put it underneath it all we're getting is basically the light beam kind of bent but nothing else and unless I'm s okay but that's not that's not my realistic and you know doesn't take any of this into consideration and it's just a bit so how do we get round it well basically what we need to do is we need to bake out our this detail first and then remake it so it's a bit of a it's a bit of a faff right so let's delete that for now cuz we don't need it so we're gonna do is we're just gonna bake this line out which is easy enough to do just export go to export textures and I don't think me actually have a profile for it I know I've created one for myself because I do this a lot and called normal export but we could probably create a new one so let's create a new configuration so let's hit the plus sign and we'll call this so normal only what we want is we just want to get we want to output an RGB map and we want it to be the digit DirectX normal from our TV channels and so then what so what we're basically doing is the DirectX normal is the one we've been using all along which is the DirectX based normal map and we said we're taking the RGB values channel an RGB map and we're basically pulling this normal DirectX data out from it and that's basically it and so if I go to export and find a place for it to go yes and we're gonna save it out as [Music] 2048 by 2048 we're not gonna make anything bigger than that so I should be okay and we just set pick up new config which is normal only you call it that normal only there we go and we hit export and it says export successfully finished so if we open the folder then we have this which if I click on it looks like this so it's basically there's no over normal information and just you know the stuff that we've laid in but it is all in there which is cool so what we're going to do is we're going to import that resource and resolves this one RGB and we're gonna just stick it in our it's texture and we're going to put it in crunch session and we're going to import it and what we need to do is we just need to switch we don't need any of this stuff now because we've brought all this up we're gonna apply a normal map that has information in it and the way we do that is we basically go to our maps that we've already made and I'm going to replace this one with so it's called RGB there is and there you go so all this stuff is now switched off we just have a normal app instead driving that now we've got that we can bake rebake these textures switch off the normal map that we've already got which is the tangent one and we can bake the rest we don't need the ID map and we can bake the rest and we just go rake and it will build ambient occlusion and thickness and everything else as it did before but it will also take into consideration this normal map ok so we are at the point where we can apply this material back on so I'm gonna use this bounce stylus because this will show it quite well basically if you drop the material on now see what you can what you'll find is you actually start taking this into consideration so you're getting this where it's lights around the top and darker on the insides and you get in the detail in the different areas and you wouldn't have get that if you were if you were doing it if you hadn't gone through this path before I hand see in here so if you're gonna put pump detail in I'd advise you do it first and then you can go in and change all your things you want to do after that
Channel: DaveW
Views: 162,514
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: substance, painter, bump, normal map
Id: KTxiKaIzG_c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 20sec (1220 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 27 2017
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