Substance Painter 2017.2: Using Anchor Points | Adobe Substance 3D

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[Music] in this video we're going to check out how the new layer and mask referencing system works in substance painter 2017 point two this system allows you to create anchor points that can be referenced by other layers effects and generators before we get started I'd like to mention this model was created and textured by Jonas Rome guard Jonas is an amazing artist and has created a great set of alphas he sells on Gumroad we licensed several these alphas and converted them to normal Maps which can be found any hard surfaces section of the shelf I highly recommend you check out Jonas's Gumroad page okay so let's get started by taking a look at the basics of how to use the anchor system so what I'm going to do here is just solo this whole section of this ship and so here in this area we have this metal material and I'd like to add some additional surface detail to this and I'm going to use my hard surface maps to do this so here I'm going to come in to just my layer stack I'm going to create a new standard layer this is going to be a paintable layer and here I'll just rename this detail and let's come over here to my brush and I'm just going to enable my normal Channel and let me grab one of these maps here they already have one in place I'm using this handle zero two so here if I just expand my shelf this is the one that I'm going to be using here so I've got this just applied here to my normal channel so here on my brush I'm going to come over and you can see that I've just removed the Alpha so here's what I have so I'm just going to increase the size here this brush and then I'm just going to stamp this detail here and so now you can see that we have this new normal detail now the problem with this is that you know we've added this detail however this metal material has this metal edge where generator producing some of this where effect and since we've placed this normal detail the generator doesn't know about this normal information meaning that it couldn't create a curvature or a bean occlusion data from it during the bake process well because it didn't exist so now you can see that we have this normal information without any of the edgeware being affected by this so what we can do now is use the anchor system to place an anchor on this detail layer and then we can feed that into our mask generator this anchor allows us to establish a link between our standard layer and the mask and it's generator so to create the anchor I can right click and I can choose to add an anchor point I can also with the layer selected come up to the at effect button and choose to add the anchor point from this menu as well in my case I'm just going to right click and choose add Anchor Point so now you see that we have this anchor now here in the properties we have this anchor point name and I can change this to anything I want you can see here by default it's just going to pull the name from the layer which in my case is fine and so right here you can see no references are found meaning that you know well we haven't established a link yet so that's what we're going to do now so what I want to do is come over to this layer where I have this mass generator and I'd like to be able to tell this mass generator about this detail that I've painted here in my layer stack so the math generators have all been updated to include this micro details section so here if I just expand this property view you can see that here I have an option here to enable micro details for normal and micro details for height so in my case I painted normal information so that's what I'm going to use here also if we take a look at our image inputs and I scroll down you can see here that we have this micro normal map and I'm going to need to set an input here to this channel so what I want to do is I want to feed the data that I painted here in this detail layer I want to feed that here into this micro normal and I can do that using this anchor point that I created so if I click this button here you can see that the mini shelf appears and we have our resources tab and then next to it we have this anchor points tab now in this case it's grayed out and the reason why this is grayed out is because this anchor point is attached to a layer that is above the mass generator and this brings me to one of the first fundamental things I need to explain is that we cannot have this anchor above the generator that we want to reference so to fix this I just need to just left-click and drag and drop this layer low the math generator now it could be anywhere in the lair stock as long as it's below so a good workflow would be just to take this layer and just drag it all the way to the bottom of the layer stack so now if I come back to this metal Edgware generator and I come over here to the micro normal again I'll click this button now you can see that my Anchor Point is no longer grayed out and I can select this tab when I select this tab it's going to show any of the anchors that I have set if I mouse over this it's going to start to highlight the layer and the layer group where this anchor exists so again this is details this is what I want to use so I'm just going to left-click to choose this anchor now that we have this anchor set you can see that we have some options here for the referenced channel and we have a drop-down it's set to base color by default now as you recall on my layer we actually painted if I go to my material we painted on the normal channel so we want to reference that normal channel from the anchor so again let's go back to our generator actually it's here above this details layer so let's select this generator and here again I'll just scroll down to where I have my micro normal again my details anchor is set and my reference channel I'm going to switch this year to normal so now I'm referencing into normal information that's been anchored here to this details layer now the last thing that I need to do is just simply tell the generator that I want to use this information so here underneath my micro details normal I'm going to switch this from off to on and so once I do that you can see that I now start to produce some Edgware around this detail that was painted here in my layer stack so what this shows is that I can now paint information in my layer stack and pass this information over to a mass in this case I just happened to link my paint details to a mask generator but I could also link this to a fill effect paint effect and so on I don't have to work specifically with masks either I can link material channels as well now as I go back to this details layer and I start to choose another alpha so here let's just place in this container 11 and here all the scale of my brush will rotate this guy around then I'll just left click to stamp in this detail you can see now the edge where is falling along with this new detail appropriately I also of course still have full control to come into this mass generator and adjust all of the settings now if for some reason you happen to move this layer for example remember I said that the details the anchor needs to be below the layer or effect that's referencing it so let's say I move this above that mass generator so once I do that you can see that I now get this red line here on the layer which is indicating that the link has been broken so here to fix it again just make sure that I drop this below the layer that's referencing this anchor now I'd like to show you a more complex example that was put together by Jeremy oh dear Jeremy is a technical artist and product manager for substance painter here at algorithmic this example will show how we can use a paintable layer to drive the mask across multiple layers in the stack to produce a complex layering effect so here I have this paintable layer with an anchor attached on this layer for the material only the color channel is enabled with a value of white so now as I paint here in the viewport you can see that I'm damaging the hole to reveal kind of the wire and paneling underneath as I start to paint on top of this I can reveal another fire material underneath of this here to increase the overall damage this entire effect is driven by the ability to link and reference layers using our anchor system so here if I select this Anchor Point you can see here that we have a series of references and as I mouse over these references the layers are highlighted here in the layer stack so first let's take a look at this wiring mask so now if I just left click on this it's going to select the effect where this anchor is being referenced here we have a mask fill here for this fill effect on the grayscale channel an anchor was chosen so here's the anchor tab the paintable mask again mousing over this anchor will highlight it in the layer stack so it's paintable mask and the reference channel is set to base color and this mask is now part of this effects stack here for the masking of the wire material next if we come over to the hole you we have a similar setup with a mask fill effect that's part of an overall effect stack here for this whole material finally we'll come over and take a look at the smoke and again you can see we have a similar effect stack with our masks referencing our anchor another feature that's new in 2017 point two is the ability to rename fill and paint effects so for example if I come over here to my wiring material you can see that here for the fill this has actually been renamed to emissive color and here's another fill that's been renamed to fire so here if I just double click you can see that I have a text field and I can enter in a new name for this fill effect this also works if you add a paint effect so that will close out this video as you can see the new layer and mask reference system allows you to link layers masks and effects to produce complex effects not possible in previous versions of substance painter
Channel: Adobe Substance 3D
Views: 234,678
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Keywords: 3D Creation Software, 3D Design, 3D Modeling, 3D Pros, 3D Workflow, 3d art, Adobe CC, Adobe Substance 3D, Allegorithmic, Create 3D Textures, Substance 3D, Substance 3D Assets, Substance 3D Designer, Substance 3D Modeler, Substance 3D Painter, Substance 3D Sampler, Substance 3D Stager, Substance 3D Tutorial, autodesk, blender, how to use Substance 3D, mapping, maya, megascans, ndo, pbr, quixel suite, unity
Id: q9mLZQKxPSo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 55sec (595 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 27 2017
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