Using Substance Painter to Texture Stylized Models REALLY Fast

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this tutorial is sponsored by the 3d coloring book a project specifically designed to help empower artists who are struggling with texturing a substance painter and to help show you that anyone can create beautiful pieces of art with just a little bit of practice and guidance to instantly gain access to hundreds of pre-made professional level models and hours of high quality tutorials click the link in the description and begin your journey today [Music] hey everyone my name is jim thorne and in this video i'm going to go over process of how i texture this but we're going to do it in a more painty style and we're going to use filters in substance paint now to kind of cheat our way into it so we're not going to do any hand painting we're going to do more sort of technical approach which is a bit quicker because it's pros and cons so have a look at that kind of a goal idea is to texture it a bit like this scene sort of just sort of basic color nice shapes and then we'll apply some filters and we'll try and push your painty look of it and something's got loads of cool stuff for us so it's great to have a look at it and check it out so we'll just minimize this down the system model this pre-bakes there's no normal in it but we use all the other maps for generators and filters and stuff so it's good to have those even though we're not using a normal we're still using the ao which i quite i think is an important map to have so to start with i like to organize my model because i've already done a bit here but uh basically it's just setting up a folder structure so we know which bit we're working on and we kind of do this anyway so i think it's better just to give it a head start so we'll do our brick material here we'll just color pick that so we know roughly what it is and then we'll just mask it out and we're going to use the polygon selects and this coupling to promote it so if a triangle selects it will fill one triangle called quad will fill single quad and this is all mesh based and then this will fill the element of your object so it does a i guess most of our bricks texture in bound just like that i mean i'm going to sort of chip away this mask using the uv island because i don't want this area to be brick i don't want the windows to be bricked up and that's going to be roof tiles there's kind of a boring process with this bit but it's going to save us some time later on and it's going to help us get a better representation of our finished model earlier just so we can iterate and see what works doesn't work a bit quicker you know we could bake out a an id map like a material id map in subs in blender or 3ds max whatever people use but i think it's easier to do in substance because we get to keep all our iteration here and like this i'd have to re-pick him up if i make a model letter or whatever that's also worth noting that this model because it's been it's kind of been chopped up a bit so i'm going to repeat this element after it's been textured along here and here here especially this means we only have to texture it once we don't get like a double bake so this bit is going to bake on that eevee island if it was duplicated here in the scene then i'm going to bake it on the other side as well and i don't want that here so that's why the model might look a bit choppy compared to that i think that looks good processor and then i just sort of named it keep it organized keep it simple and also this way like you can see here i've got a pretty good base of just know what materials are and like what what my model is so that's a great starting point looks good i'm bored with sort of small details so i know this ac unit thing is going to be its own map can't be asked to do that right now so not much point so yeah now let's go into let's try and achieve our painting effect early on so this paint effect they actually use the base lighting information and they apply this slope over bake lighting to get that information which i've added for painting effect but it's all pre-baked lighter and that's not really something i wanted to achieve this project so i still want to give it a painting look but i didn't want to bake him the light in so that's why there's no light information based so i'm going to add a fill layer with our ao that looks that looks like it that's good and then i'll just right click add filter and there's loads different ones here so we'll use the blurs over later but basically it's like chips where your image you can see it here where it like chips away into your texture map um it's quite useful with substitute design as well if you ever use that it's quite a good one for adding cracks and wear and damage it's like breaking up the shape making it look a bit more natural but we're going to use watercolor oil paint there we go it's a pretty beefy smo fill us gonna take a while to compute okay so it's it's chopped our image quite a lot let's give it a sort of brush strokey look and like bear in mind i haven't hand painted any of this and already it's kind of giving that baby look it's it's very messy but it is you know super quick so pros and cons i'm just going to play around with our effects these are like presets just predetermine these points normally when i'm learning a new effect or a new bit of tech for start i'll just play around with it see what each one does that looks a lot better so if we try playing around with this so you can see that drops a lot of the detail out and it kind of mows it down a bit i mean most of these are self-explanatory you know someone's programmed this and they've told you what it is but it's not always crystal clear what it could be to start with so it's just great to experiment and play around with it so i actually quite like to have it looked at the start i've done my experimentation already it's like a re-repeat so i'm gonna stick with how it was cool so that's given quite a nice effect we only want this to affect our color as well so this filter is only going to fit the color but then we also want the layer to only be color because we're going to use some blend modes and just multiply over top already from like a base color pass it's given us quite a lot of painty strokes sort of where the ao is and it's even breached out into most of the model like that's just i personally think that's amazing you know like this it'd be such a good base that then go in and hand paint further details but um this particular style and project i was looking at trying to use these instead of i'm painting details so yeah that's giving us a nice effect it's worth noting that sort of when you're using these blend modes and they'll only work for whatever you've got selected here so you can see our height lap isn't affected by when we change that to multiply so if we change it back to normal because our metallic is still normal but if we go back here change it to multiply it's metallic it's still normal so it's all independent so you can have different effects for different layers which is quite good cool so let's look at our brick material i know there's no brick material here but the style i was going for i thought it'd be nice to have some normal detail added on and uh i could have actually built bricks in my 3d software and then baked it for a higher body but let's say i went to change the size of the bricks let's go back in 3d software pick them up come back in rebake it and it's just a bit of a faff so i'm gonna uh let's what we've got let's see what materials we've got so we're going to have about normal detail in here which is it's nice as a that's another mask so it's like a black or white pattern so it's pretty work better to work as a mask and then we can drive information underneath it through this layer i just would right click add fill and then we'll be using this brick generator as the fill layer which is being mapped onto our mask and then it's being masked again by brick just kind of like cutting out it's quite nice um we'll just try playing our projection just because my uvs don't match up and uh let's basically gonna kind of just flatten like projector onto each side which is super useful if you want to add uniform patterns but you don't quite have perfect uvs or you've got more tightly patched uvs which aren't straight and next to each other so it's useful for that um let's see what things we've got so we're gonna need a lot more bricks oh too much uh basically here you can see our tri-plane eyes is coming across from both sides so it's been projected here and it's kind of like blending in the middle here and it's been projected here it's blended in the middle and so it's all right for our square objects and we've got sharp edges but any sort of curves so i think this is all like 45 degree angles it gets a bit lost in so i just kind of crept out of a tiny tilt it means we get different shapes along here but it's ever so small everybody wouldn't notice and we can also change change hardness yeah so that also works and getting rid of that blur when the two seams meet it's quite good uh i don't want beverly bricks i figured beverly bricks let's invert this yeah it's better see how bricks are maybe more sort of straight corners just cause it's quite a straight architecture uh and then i'm gonna sort of just play around with all the settings basically let's get something that looks nice and uh i just don't think i want the brick pattern on here so having our master up here means we can control where the pattern goes and that's just super useful let's go back in any software and rebake stuff it's just sorted out here so i'm changing my height minimum and maximum values and basically that's setting some to be darker i want to be lighter so then if we set this to a multiply effect but we'll put a fill layer underneath it so we'll just clear that mask so you can see we're getting our our brick pattern is multiplying over that's which dark matter it's darkening over up our existing layer i mean it's giving us our detail i don't want to be more pricky and add some slope so the slope is kind of like the the gradient coming from one side of the brick it's got a vertical one as well basically just want to like vary it up so there's a lot of sort of difference between each brick yeah that's quite a good result a little bit of offset variation maybe it wouldn't be a bit a bit more rectangular that's quite nice cool and this will add a bit of height to this layer as well success i did some high tolerance it's pretty nasty at the moment so we'll just clean this up get rid of this one okay so we're going to clean up the height of this a bit i think basically the height is just way too strong right now and also our roughness is it's acting a bit weird so let's go let's move in um where's some sort of grungy noise and we'll move it off a bit more quite like a photo or some bass personally and we'll try playing with this again let's get it down a bit so it's half of it and then we'll add a filler and we'll just blur this pattern i just let's blur soap it up so yeah so we can see here before the blur side it's a very noisy high frequency roughness scale and we don't really want that fifth star so my blur soap is gonna chip away and blotch up the shape of it i'm just gonna try to get somewhere here again it's just like it's gonna play around the settings to get something that you like and it gives quite a nice effect what does one do oh no mm-hmm i'm not too sure about this maybe it needs a little blur afterwards simple it's and i mean that's it's not correct like by any means i don't really behave like this but it provides some nice interesting sort of sheen and patterns as it goes over so we'll just clamp those values up a bit i wish if it's fit to be roughness because i don't want it to be super shiny i just wanted to have a little bit of dirt so although that looks like kind of whack earlier you can see here now that it just provides a little bit of interest to the model i kind of always provides extra detail but not even done so there you go you'll remember that let's start some of your assets and effects will look rubbish at the start but then as soon as you welcome them you add any other stuff it'll start to build up and look better speaking of which is brick i'm not happy with it i'm not happy with it more rectangular once a bit better maybe a bit too round as well too much purple and then let's just get it up a bit how does that look yeah it looks better let's let's get him there let's pray to too many now let's try and move through the floor that's just kind of our main brick shape and um it's pretty much slope on that a little bit i think i've gone too much everywhere that's always case like taking it down and take it down too much and you jump it back up and it sums up too much [Music] actually i wonder if add another glass slope here might be better it's very tiny zero three yeah that's better let's just change it to min you can't see what blur soap does it just walks up your shape of it which we want there and this is our one on top and i'm gonna invert it let's see our mask here like i don't i want to add more to this grouting on this pattern so to do that i'm gonna add more slope a bit more variation yeah i've probably got a bit too much this is kind of like playing around and kind of getting something to it looks good i'm doing any height on this layout i'm getting the color picture of here difficult bit too high a bit too noisy too many bricks let's go free maybe it needs uh to be a bit lighter it's just kind of a lot of tweaking a lot of small it's just if processes so let's go so i don't regret to be lighter it's a madman there we go it's got not man very pressure further but just keep things going so we've kind of managed to add our normal detail here um and it's also like it's all interactive so let's suddenly say i don't want it to be bricks i want it to be something else we could change all up in here for him to rebake which is is really nice uh one other thing i will add is a sort of linear gradient from the bottom which add a mist through our fill layer now we're adding it for the base color basically the linear gradient it just takes the position of your model and we can control how much we want it to be and this uses your world space normal map which picks two color points so if you wanted it to start you know more at an angle you can change up like that so it's quite useful let's just set this to multiply just one color it's way too intense just a little bit sort of darkening towards the bottom just so it might be like dirt and age coming up it's industrial setting so that makes sense now we could also actually colored gradient which is quite common as stylized stuff making things pop a bit more uh what sucks let's look at a metal so for this particular asset i kind of wanted to have some nice shiny metals that might pop and look a bit different so that's why i've gone for sort of semi pvr i mean it's not pbr but it's using reference metallic to make stuff pop a bit which is nice that's a bit of shininess too so keep this very simple um i think 0.4 gives quite a nice roughness really maybe it's a bit too light so we've got some chimney of age we can actually add some some gradients to show like darkening effects so we'll have this as a gradient map instead but also it's a try we'll set it to play in our projection and you can see the plane artwork in here just basically projecting it all over our model but we're gonna crop it to the shape so it just works in this volume and flip it upside down boom okay i just want it to exist in this but i said to multiply so this channel is set to multiply but the folder above is set to normal so it's not gonna it's essentially not gonna work but if we set it to normal okay just scratch a bit of recordings that's wrong yeah so it's going to put this in our middle light folder and swing it down a bit basically first so nice darker there's been certain up there it's just getting a bit darker um we'll also do some roughness as well so we'll just change that it's our roughness to subtract right you know that but we want it to be inverted yeah we're just down i'm gonna do it too drastic just a tiny bit i'm not quite as far color we don't want it to affect too much maybe that's quite a good one it will duplicate this down there i'm expecting more of a model than i would like it to here so i'm just going to move it up which i don't need to move out i'm just going to add a mask and use our polygon tool i'm going to do the same for this one down here so i've got the same mask perfect yeah basically i use this like try plain old stuff just to add details which might otherwise be really hard to get in and it's also useful for like decals and stuff so you can stamp project stuff on it's just quite nice since it's got a hole a whole website dedicated to useful resources like that so i definitely suggest going to check it out [Music] anything i'm gonna do to the metal layers because currently there's no roughness variation or anything which is a bit rubbish so i'm gonna have a full layer and we're gonna use the same ao trick here actually just copy it the only way to affect in our metal layers let's see let's just do that [Music] okay make sure i get the right one i'm going to set this to a fair roughness instead and oh it's gone funky oh it's because it takes in from our color map yeah so because we had no color map it wasn't drawing any information from that's how this filter works yeah so input base color and it goes a bit crazy so let's just drop it down nobody change we add up the fine [Music] details see i've got a better uvc machine so i'll probably go figure go back into our little and fix that i'm not worried about it for now cool so kind of shows blended modes around as well which are really useful but you could do a lot it's just a photoshop i'd just strongly advise since you're playing around with it you know if one doesn't do what you want try a different one try a different one so the replace blender mode is quite good if you've got like a height layer that you want to remove all height underneath it and just have that so that's let's say i went to add a little dimple of height here i can actually use a blend mode says this you can't choose the blend mode i'll check on ty here i can change it to replace that will get rid of any height information underneath it so that's quite useful let's just set type so we can see it yeah so i mean you could sort of if you had a really particular area or a much higher res object you could add in more damage or use a different brush so add in some painting stuff by hand it's quite useful now you don't just because you haven't got a high poly doesn't mean you can't add high poly style details you know this height map gets baked into the map on export so it's it's quite useful okay cool so now i'm going to show you how to do some rust but we're going to be painting it on and we're going to have a slight fit on top of it which is going to make it look hand painty but we're not going to properly hand paint i guess i gotta do some painting that's really matter so we're gonna use a realistic rest material but it's gonna get chopped because this is just a bit too realistic for our style i don't want to pimp up the color a bit more yeah that'd be quite good and we'll and our good friend blur slope here pretty drop it's 0.1 0.3 that's quite good so someone's got a little paintbrush and just plopped on those different colors which i think from this angle works quite well cool remember a little black mask here that's our filter and we'll do exactly the same size to min i'll try 100 and then i'm just going to get a really sort of choppy randomy brush i think the ink dirt is quite a good one just so our strokes aren't straight and uniform and then we're just going to paint we actually don't want anything information on our rust yeah that's quite good moving 1.3 so you can see now we can like paint our details but it's actually being affected by its blur slope mask so about it it's um just kind of comes on as a patch then we add it in it gets warped up a bit i think this is kind of like a cheaper way quicker way of doing it and we can push it much further and again just trying to render much trying all the options seeing what what works what doesn't i mean you can see here it's kind of it's going to this bolt a bit i've just been painting over and we don't want that so we're just going to add a folder and then put a mask in that fold and mask out our area just kind of layering up masking tape to get the effect you want and yeah basically that's that's kind of it and i'll just show you the decal solution quick for this text so i'm going to add a i'm going to add a fill there we're going to believe these motor works in this bit but it's quite a specific bit of text here it's quite a good font that's a bit of an angle in it be quite hard to draw one um and i think substance fonts aren't on the best it's just not really yet yeah there's not a lot really similar to it so basically i'm just going to photoshop and i've made an alpha here it is and then we're going to stamp it on here oh so um because we're using a different brush there's loads of random settings and angle gym and stuff on it so my sort of stamping stuff so it's good to go back to the basic card and i will just search for areas so that's kind of pretty good it's a bit blurry because that's 2k but should probably add more ue space for this object and we could also do a different way we could add a fill layer and we could put this as a filler and then change it to planar projection and we'll just crop it to the shape this is exactly what i did for gradients but for more sort of i guess decal orientated which is probably what it's designed for entirely sure and yeah we could do like this instead so if you're kind of like if i was trying to paint it but i loads of stuff in front of it and it's hard to get in there maybe this might be more of a better way of approaching it yeah keeping it masked as well so if i want to change it to bright red oh we can it's kind of like keeping stuff masked it's also really useful just for iteration and playing you know you might be presenting this to someone and maybe that green doesn't come out all great when it's in game engine up here so you're like i want my bit to stick out a bit more i'm gonna make it a bit a bit brighter bolder oh yeah it sticks out a bit more and also then like let's say later on you want to add roughness information i think i don't want to be rocks it's been painted on and we can do that really simply just kind of working working effectively you know keeping photoshop so nice so name in your stuff and then also like if you handed this off to someone else if you're working in the company or there to make edits to it you know they know what's going on be like oh this smells too dark i wanna just change up a bit metal dark excellent i can see what has been affected i can lighten it up a bit you know that's just really useful an efficient way of working this is quite good um i'll just show you the the finished one so this is that finished just painted in rusting areas got dripping here and yeah it's just building up lots of layers getting it working except roof tiles is a bit hacky because let's try playing our dawn in each bit so while this took longer to set up i probably you know if i was confident that's the type of roof tiles i wanted i probably would have baked in that information done in 3d but this way it's great and you know everything's got pros and cons so there's an ao around the windows yeah look at that yeah give it a sort of dusty dusty feel it's quite nice yeah basically that's it yeah afterwards like sport it out i uploaded a sketchbook and rendered it that's not quite good i'll let you like down the ground and robot and i've been in stuff for separate files just because i wasn't quite sure if i was going to go what art direction i was going to go so i thought i'd do the main building first i'm working it from there yeah basically that's it uh it's any questions just i'll give you comments to read and hopefully that's that's it if you like something it's quite basic tutorial but yeah scratch and yeah that's it hopefully you've learned something if you've got any questions or you know further reading you come to my heart station i'll be happy to talk well you know i've got a few minor breakdowns there which have more information to do the modeling and stuff which is useful basically starting out so have fun peace [Music] foreign
Channel: Stylized Station
Views: 104,929
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: substance painter stylized, substance painter 2020, substance painter, substance painter tutorial beginner, substance designer stylized, substance painter timelapse, stylized texture, texturing tutorial, hand painted, substance painter tutorial, substance painter smart material, substance painter blender, substance painter stylized tutorial, substance painter stylized materials, substance painter stylized painting, substance painter stylized character
Id: Oc2gcNVQmDw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 47sec (2327 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 04 2020
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